!il l • 1 ~ : -7 - , ... . I ; • . ',' ' -. ' .; ' : 1 ::: , , , . . . - . . -- •• - • ! : :*. .* • ' - '' _; . . . . GREAT' ' , . , , - . , • • . . . . . C' , - C I ' I ITI Ell NIC' 3TII "Sir I Mi i Ell OM . , _ . THE CITY OP ERIE • -i * ° • ' ' -7, te r . .:F.: ' .., • •. ~.,.. I. . . • ''' . • • ' s. : ' !,., . 0 k . 4,,. . • , . .•• ••• I- . „-„, , MAMMOTH .: ' ONE -PRICE DRY • G.OODS Eff - TERRIBLE PANIC IN NEW YORK AND BOSTON AMONG THE WHOLESALE DRY GOODS DEALERS. Hundreds of large tiring in both cities are failing, their immense Stock thrown into the Auction' Rooms, and sold at unheard of LOW PRICES. - Locke & Co.'s buyers are on hand with their pockets full of Money ready to secure the best bargains,.. We -take, eat pleasure in announcing to the people of Eriti and vicinity, that we are now Receiving over WO Cases and Bales of all kinds if Dry Goods,,which were purchased during the Late Dry Goods j il nie m the Eastern markets, at such low prigs that will enable us to offer our customers better bargains than -were ever offered the day of Perry's Victory. • - We STRICTLY .ON THE ONE . PRICE - . PLA We hive secured the services of extra salesmen during this great sate. Persons in town will find it to their' advivAtage to call• early in the forenoon, thereby avoiding the great crowd•.in the ' • middle• of the day. YOU CAN DEPEND ON FINDING EVERY ARTICLE ADVERTISED, .• . P.:e.-1 - ki , :s thousands of others: -Every, article warranted as represented, or the money refunded:: ' This great sale, at these LOW PRICES, will continue but thirty days, as we are confident that i . . . . , will impossible to ie-place the Goods. . . . . . . • e . .. Cases of Prints, only v . • ... '. flood Prints, Sprague's, Lancaster's and all the best Makes of Prints, 800 yards heavy Ginghams, only .. ~.. , Delaines, . \ Cases Cotton Flanneli, only - \ v Cases 7-8 wide Shaker Flannels, only . , Bales Brown Muslin, , , Cases yard wide, Bleeched Muslins, only These Muslins are extraordinary bargains' ~ ' 200 Balmoral Skirts; worth $1.50, for only ' .. • • 200 Balmoral Skirts, - worth $2.00, for 100 Hoods, been selling for sl.2s,marked down to. only . 500 Ladies' and Missess' Hatimarked down to : ..: •, !, 50 Breakfast Shawls marked down from $5.00 to . Children's Leggings, only • . :100 large sized White Bed Spreads, only • DRESS GOODS, DRESS GOODS! powN! Dow N -f bdivN! Plaid Poplins, been selling for 50 cents, marked down to Colored Alpacas, marked down to' 50 pieces Mosaic Poplins; worth' 50 cents; only Cherie Changeable Poplins, worth 62 1-2, for Chene Poplins marked down to - Very laandsomeehangeable Poplins, only • ' - All-Wool Emprees Cloths, worth 90 cents, for Empress Cloth, worth $l.OO, for French Merinoes, marked down from $1.12 1.2, to • French Merinoes, worth $l.OO, for- Plaid Poplins, worth 50 cts. for Black Alpas.a,s,.worth 50 cts. - fOr • 44 , 75 s " " 1.00 for siiA.rkri.is W • • 0 7 • • • • ; :i:• ZI , WI t CENTS'SHIRTS and DRAWERS LADIES' UNDERWEAR VERY CHEAP ! • , ~ . _. 82-1.2, 75, 871-2 cents arun $1;00. These are about half the usual pn l. ee. 8000 pair Suspenders, worth $1.09; - for only 50 eenlfs., WOOLEN THE LiRCEST STOCK . IN ERIE. , . 20 pieces all wool Caishnere, Worth $1.25, for ; t, .75 . . 30 pieces Gray Cloth, worth $1.12 1-2, for .75 . . . 10 pieces all wool heavy Tweeds, worth 72 cents , - . : „ . ~- .50 30 pieces heavy Tweeds, worth 62 1-2 cents,,Aw - • 37 1-2 . 5 pieces t3cotcb Cassintere, worth $2.00, for . , 1.25 15 pieces Fancy Cassitneres, worth 1.50, for ' . . •-• 1.00 12 pieces P. Merr il l's celebrated Doeskins , for only . .. . 1.25 . • :. -, _ 10 pieces Harris Double and Twist, worth $1.75, only• -.- " . „ - 125 50pleces heavy Vermont Tweeds; wcrth' $l.OO, for We have an immense stock of other woolens, to numemtt.s too mention , allat equally low prices. If you want any cloths for the next year, don't fail to look at our stcick ; you till] be surprised to see the low priers. • - .... . ...... ___ ..._ ... ........... , . . . . , . • • , , , Some of the old fogy d r y-goods dealers who have old stocks on hand, bought at war prices, ' which they are trying to palm off on the public as new goodit, and whO say, they and the public• are sick of seeing the columns of advertisements of our low prices. We suppose it - does make thrift 'sick. If they cannot conform to•our Low Prices,• they had . better stop • scolding ..about: us,. shut ,up shop, and seek an honest living in some other business, for, we can , and shall,- continue to supply the public with. all, kinds of FfItST. CLASS GOODS at New York and: Boston' wholesale 'prices. i . . . , - • . , . i ,• .. . .. _ . . . • .. . . c . Remember tile .Place"th e y. one Price- Dry .. oods - ,-Store -„ in - l Erie. one , •• ~._, -!: . , . , Noss 41 and 7 Noble Block. lIIM MEE ASTONISHING BE LOCKS - :* EIMI lIIn Have Marked Down Our Entire Stock THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF THE MANY B 1 ' ; it = : All marked down to prices that cannot be beat. ,1100 P SKIRTS, BEST MAKE, CLOTHS, For Men and Boy's Wear. LOOlt AT A FEW OF TRE PRICES SHAKEN TO ITS FOUNDATION, NOT BY AN EARTHQUAKE, BUT - BY THE 7 CIXEI3 13 13 K.:l 611 - 10111 11):1 0 INV Illk 0 16 KAII PLEASE REMEMBER THAT , OUR BUSINESS IS CANDUCTED Prices alike to all, whether judges or not, believing that the only honoiable way of dealing. EKE FM WOOLEN 'c; Z _=®F--- iIU - -..:010''...-.:.: - ,llill, A:r 1-4 cents 11 " 12 1-2 `• 12 1 " 8, 10, 11, 12 1-2 12 1-2 " E t 2.00 2..50 .311-s • 1.75 4 .2 5 35 .25 J 714 37 1-2 37 1-2 02 1-2 .75 fi7 1-2 .75 25 .37 I-2 - .rAlt .75 CLOTHS! _ _ . . , 081 LOW PRICES CO.'S 100 very heavy White Spreads, a pair heavy White Blankets, worth $.0.00 :30 pair heavy White Blankets, worth 1t7.00 for Cotton and Wool, White Flannel, only All Wool White Flannel, Worth 50 cts. for • 30 pieces Plaid Shirting Flannel, only All Wool Gray Flannels, only 20-Pieces heavy 7-8 wide Shaker Flannels, only' All Linen, colored border,,HandkerchieGs, only 100 dozen all Linen Handkerchiefs, only -500 - Hem-stitched Handkerchiefs, worth 50 cents, for Crash Tolieling, 800 Dinner Napkins, only 8 piecei Linen Damask, worth 75 cents, for _ " $1:00 for 4 • " " " 1.50 for 20 Pieewi Printed Flannels, worth' 50 - .. 1000 Stitched. Shirt Fronts, only' - 15000 Boxes Gents' and Boy's Paper Collars, only 3000 pair Heavy Ribed Rase, only .., 2000 yards White Linen, slightly soiled, yard wide, only 30 pieces Waterproof, much under price. 50 Pieces EleCtro TAPESTRY CARPETING, Oniy In ' Black Alpacas!- We wish to call your special attention, as we have the Digest Bargains ever seen in this market. go pieces Silver Gray Poplins, for traveling dresses, marked down from 62 1-2-cts. to 5 pieces 6-4 all wool Black Pekins, worth $l.OO, for We haim hosts cif.other goods to numerous too mention, all of which will be sold at less prices than' can be pnr chased at any other store. : 20 pieces Black Brocade Alpacas, worth 62 1-2 cents, for 30 pieces French Cobergs, worth 62 1.2 cents; for 500 Worsted Knit Hats, worth $1:00,- for 1000 all Linen, colored 'writer, Handkerchiefs, only ' CASSIMERES, Don't fall to look at those all Wooleassimeres, l T smit, - 14 - Ncge S Y synnuur.N44s. . They are cheaper than anything yon haye ever seen. Also, that big,lot of Balmoral Skirts, full size, at only 75 cents each. Those handsome changeabli3 ehene and plain Poplins, at only 37 1-2 cents per yaro, are creating a great excitement among the ladies. An immense quantity of other styles of Dry Goods to numerous too mention, all at equally - , . GLOVES, CORSETS, LACES, Linen Collars and Cuffs, Lace Collars, And an Immense Stock of Fancy Good ALL 'AT EXTREME LOW PRICES TO CLOSE. THAT WE ARE LOOP Tort ICES. ]tibbons, Ilasee .-Veils.. LOCK t CO le 1 Fathers of Low Prices. ME CASSIMERES! .T STORE. . i:,'" CenU, ofor $ .37 1.2 t 14 $ .371.2 7 1-2 ' .50 .25 MkRVINI PATENT Alum & Dry Plaster FIRE PROOF sA F E _Aria alaosi .4esirat4 for quality, • it 3 • . ._flniah aad 'price. ~ MARVIN'S SPHERICAL BURGLAR SAFES Cannot be Sledged! ,Cannot be Wedged ! Cannot be Drilled! SANK VAULTS, v6y4 l r DOORS. PRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCKS Please send for a catalogue to ZALARVEN &. CO., (oldest bee atrinufattarep) p rincipal j 26.5 Broadway, New York. Warehouses 721 ch eatnnt St., Phila. (108 Bank St., Cleve! and,o And for sale by our agents in the principal cities throughout the United States. • 1 'ib S Dile•bZil RIM z 4 Having phrehaselhtei of the Messrs. ,e ta int t - FLOUR AND FEED RUSINESS Of the , late firm, would respectfally solicit a continuance of favor front the friends and pa trons of the hou,,e, and the public ha general, pledging himself that he will at all topes try to sell good and reliable Flour, feed anti Grain At the lowest price for etish in hnd. From my long experience In this branch of the trade, I trust I know what the public demand, and that lam prepared to meet that want. • • Iteturtang my thanks to the public - for their liberal patronage to rue in the past, I hope by strict attention to my business and their wants, to merit a Mtitltttinnee of their patronage In the future. THE MILLING. FLOUR, FEED A NI) 41KAl :si /IUS IN EFA, Win be continued, in all its departments, at the ERIE MILLS, PARADE STREET, :ilia the Store; A. E4T.PARIi It Betiteen Brown's Rotel and Reed House, Where the public will snd a good stock always for sale, with competent and polite men on hand to supply' their. wants. ar2l'67-I.y. .1 - 1. B. HAVERSTICK. • NEW LOCATION. ~ G. P. DAVIS Has remayed to Whittleh's Block, corner of State and Tenth Streets, Erie, Pa., where he has opened a LARGELY INCREASED STOCK Of' Groaeiles, Fruits, Vegetables, Provisions and everything usually kept In a first-class grocery establishment. We are determined not to tie surpassed, and Invite all who want any ti In our line to mil feeling assured that we shall be able to give satisfaction both as to qual ity of goods and prices. Country 'Produce Bought and Sold. - We 'have opened a COMMISSION DEPARTMENT, ro which we ask the attention of those having Produce to dispose of. We pledge ourselves to 'secure the highest market price for all articles entrusted to our care. DEALERS 'IN THE ADJOINING TOWNS,' • And on the Lines of Railroad, . Supplied with BETTITS, VEGETABLES, ETC. spr2'6B-tf. 2.."4 4.00 . 450 .20 .371.2 .25 .25 .as .25 12 1-2 .25 12 1-2 1 .15 .50 .75 1.00 J. W. •A-YAM F. , • Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Furniture ! • Baying purchased the entire stock of Furni ture of Messrs. Moore it Mist, I respectfully ask my old customers and the public generally to give me a call at pie old stand, • NO. 715 STATE STREET, Before purchasing elsewhere. I - have a large assortment of Parlor; Chamber and Bed Room Sets I ALSO, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLES, WAF.DROBFI4, DESKS, And, in fact everything in the line of Furniture. I em strepared to manufacture to order any style that may be called for. Remember, No. 'll5 State street, east aide, between Seventh and Eighth streets. apZ,'B7-tf. JOBI.I W. AYRES. 30 (El .60 GREAT REDUCTION IN riiICES E. M. COLE & SON WILL BIND • lE rs' and similar Magazines. at 7 . 5 (vats perV e nine. Hodey's, and aimllar Magazines. at WS per volume. Harper's and - Frank Lizille's papal., at sl2_§, per year. We are also making and Bening Blank' Books! AT REDUCED PRICES 2 Bindery over Keystone National Bank, ear. ner State and Bth streets. ° np 14. 13. 40713]E:VA.1.1.P.11., DE/HONER DECORATIVE 'ARTIST Neatest, Cheapest, and test itign Painting West • of New York City. Pal.losw. 1314.111. Churtihos. &c.. . Frescoed in the neatest style of tlipart. • General Designing, Malting of Models for the Patent Office, and every description of Orna mental Painting executed prorcArlY itcorne I Farm Hall. No. S, second door. :apilltr-tL • To the Working Class. T Mr now prepared to furnish oonstant ern .l Very - mein Walt . classes at their homes, for theirswe montents. -Business new, light and prep le. Fifty cents to 06 Per evening is ea sily earned, and the boys and girls earn nearly as tutteh as men. Great Inducements are of. freed: ' All who see this notice please send me their address, end tett the business for them selves, U. not well satisfied, I will pay St for the trouble or, writing to me. Fall ,partieulars sent free, Sample sent by mail for 10 cents,' Address (l. ALLEN, Augusta, Me. Jemw NEW TYPE., ', NEW PRESSES, AND SUPERIOR WORKMEN. ERIE OBSERVER PRINTIAr o: 1/' 41' o 4 North-West Corner or State , Street and the park, MOST CO j N Job Printing of Every Description: n n style of unsurpassed neatiiesq W . att td a Our r t.pricen an to compete with any other (Ace In 3,, es. tirs are nf the • MOST IMPROVED KIND, , . Our TYPE all NEW, and - of the NEATEST STYLES, and our WORKMEN equal to any in n,,, J try,-- With the Machinery and Material WO now meta, we feel fully warratae c i ~ ..'"t claiming that NO OPFICE in the weNtern Part of the State EXCELS, and i only one to two equal tut, in faellitlea- for turning out work In ti RAPID AND SATISFACTORY MANNER. V.IEIRIC SICVL.V. OF PRINTING Received, stud work warrtrnted not to be Inferior to that don - e In the Eastern cltlw Cards, Letter and Bill Heads, Circulars, StatemetaL And all the kinds of work in use by Bna!nen Men. ENGRAVING, LITHOGRAPHING, &e, We'have male arrangements with the largest s and beat establlstuttent to Buffalo for pray . any Fort of Engraving,that tunny be needed, in es good style and at A LESS PRICE THAN IF THE ORDER WAS SENT TO Traibt DIRECT ihrildingg, Machinery, fiealx, Antographg, Maps, Portrait.% &e., • fly entrusting them to us will be assured of a good piece of work In the most prompt and Raj tory manner. kingrovlngs furnished either on Wood,Stone orNetal. - Book Binding, Ruling, .14r6:. In this departrathat we have facilities that arc unsurpassed. Persons having printing to It that requires Riding or Binding in connection, will Bad it to their interest to entrust it to t. 1.1. will guarantee that it shall be performed in a workmanlike manner, and that the charge as moderate as can be alTonicd. The liberal tintronage extended to this office during the last two years iins eneoursp make every effort ,possible, to deserve LRie favors offour friends, and wo now take esper;ia. cation in informing them and the public that we nave succeeded in fitting up an eatatila:= equal to every requiremept (,f the community. • We are determined to compete with the best, and only ask a trial to satisfy any one toil, claim no more than we are sty entitled to. LEGAL 13I4A_N - 13 S. • Constantly on hand a full annply of Attorney'm, Justices of the Peace and Constable's ::.::aof the most approved forms. Mho, BLANK NOT.M of every kind and RECEIPTS, l• •1 books. SECURITY Life Insurance Co., c• s NEW 'YORK. 48sets, Dec. 1, 1867, $1,286,390.24. BUFFALO, N.Y.-, C 1868. . 1 ..., This certifies that we, the undersigned, have 'a examined Into the merits of the SECURITY .1?, LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, and believe it =. to be sound, reliable and equal to the best is Li America. s. Sidney Shepard & Co., Wholesale Hardware ' Ft Dealers. j = A. P. Tripp. firm of Sidney Shepard dr Co. .------ J .,. Simons & Crtssey, Commission Merchants. , 7 Dudley de Co., 011 Refiners. 1., E. P. Burke, Farmers' de Mechanics' Nat; Bank. R l4 G. A. Williams, I ~., J. 0. Robson & Co., Goldsmiths and Jewelers. Simon Neff, Boot and Shoe Dealer. 1 * I •••• F. F. Curry, Supt. Forest Lawn Cemetery. George F. I,ee, Attorney and Counselor. l 1. Cyrus P. Lee, die Co . oo. Savings Bank. . C Joseph L. Fairchild, Register in Bankruptcy. a call All persons desiring insurance will do well to on X. X. MOORE, Erie, Pa., General Agent for Western Pa. au13;68-tf. NEW FIRM. James P. Crook, having-taken In his son, Jas. as a partner, on the Ist:day of April, 1810, un der the firm name of James P. Crook do Son, de sires to have a settlement of his old accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to him are requested to call and settle without de lay. JAMES P. CROOK & SON, . Dealers hi ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER, And Manufacture-rn of WINDOW SASH, iII.A.3IES, DOORS et, BLINDS. Mouldings and Picket Pence, Scroll Sawing, .Zietching and Planing done to order. shop on Poach St.. Between Fourth and Fifth Btu., Erie, Pa. We respectfully call the attention of the pub lic to our facilities for doing work in the best of style, promptly and on reasonable terms. Has hag fitted up entirely new shops, with superior machinery we feel confident of giving satisfac tion. Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. rtn o 2Bll4-tf. JAMES P. CROOK. a. SON. ALE BitEWERY! - GEO. L. BARER, Fors;"ern/ with Onthout & Baker Rochester, having taken the well known Brewery on French Street, below Fourth, Erie, Formerly occupied by Wm'. Jacobi, would in form his old acquaintances and the public gen rally that he is now brewing a very superior quality of Ale. From his long experience and uniform success, he is fully prepared to give the beat of satisfaction. Dealers aro Invited to call. 111-1.7 GEO. L. LUXES.. GET MAN WINGS EiSTITUTION, Corner Elifhth and state Ste.. • • OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. This Institution ts now open for the transac tion of business. Thrlnca Hones: sA. M. - to 4P.M. • SATURDAYS': 9 A. M. to 8 P. 81rt Per Cast. ,Interest will be Given by this Institation to Reenlar Depositors. , - 'DIRECTORS : J. Eictienianb, P. A. Becker, F. P. Li e be, .F. Schneider, John Oensheimer. OFFICERS: John Genshelmer, .President. • Matthew Behlaudeeker Treasurer. F. my2437-1 y Schneider,- Secretary. • ERIE MAItIqI,JE WORT . M. A. DUNNING, No. 1016 Peach 11th Street, Erie; P between 10th and , a. Monuments, Tombstones, Marble and Slate Mantles, &c. I have on hand a large assortment of monu ments and headstones of various styleS, in American and Italian marble, and a corps of the beat workmen in the State. All orders will be promptly attended to and satisfaction guar anOed. My work ,is warranted unsurpassed. and I cannot be andersold,by any one, Onions andmh inapeekton of stock and prices solicited. ili'V-iY• • - 101..0.NK/in BLANKS I—A complete assort- JP. ' ment of every kind of Blanks needed by Attorneys, Jruithies,Constables and' litudness men. for sale at the Observer office. OB PRINTING of every kind, in large or amaAquandtlemplaln or colored, done in Observer iebadatyle. and al moderate Walk at the. ogee , ?:) • - • 9*.!-L'-'"" Having fitted np our office In the We are prepared to do ORDERS FOR Special attention given to the printing or Parttel; wanting Cute of New lurk Hoop Skirt Mannfartor Ladies can race their Hoop Skirts _ order, so that they will At, and have nu tr:. whatever. The 1 4 .ewXork Hoop Skirt FL': have experienced hands in both our man..., taring and repairing departments. %, All oar Skirts are made of the neat of bie Steel and materiaL Our Skirts are so constructed that the qr.: fold inwardly, and readily yield to the silStl pressure, thus allowing them to calla P.Se the skirt occupies the smallest possible while sitting, riding or in passing a crowd yet the the moment the pressure is rernew , d skirt resumes its original and beautiful e.. 0 We do tu.t sell these famous Skirt. at price, but well them as cheap, if not claw - than any other place in Erie. Ladies Rho not afford to buy Skirts every little wfu:ri. have their old ones repaired for a mere tr.f. , /Fir. Be sure to visit the New York lits,rt . Manufactory before purchasing elsewhere . . Country merchants will do well to gr,e: call. - NATHAN COHEN, Successor to A. F. Cohen No. 10123 Brads street, Erlt.'. dec24 ¶BS-tt. Soo*AND uto, A Corner of Holland and Sixth SinNl _ m y Cor. of Penn and St. Clair Street+ , PITTSBURGH, PA., .; • The Largest, Cheapest and most Succeset Practical Badness Collo IN THE UNITED STATES. Fifteen Thousand Student' From Thirty - Three States in Ten 1 . 14 FOR LARGE QUARTO CIRCULA R, Containing gtd i l a irorm sam p al es ioti o , f oJt o t w il i n e e y , s o f F . l•pmiurn Penraanshil . View of the College Building, differen t ; the Principals, City of Pittsburgh, etc., etc., s 44 `r szarrii cowido. =lwo. Pittsbunito' THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST EX= 1008 State Street, Erie, Pa. Constantly on band =ME le f r • x~, ,~: 1