The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, February 11, 1869, Image 3

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    PA) Abbertionnento
Church Festitral !
Thig Society will hold their Annual Festhal
Ou Thursday Fsening, Yeley 11, 1869,
It I confldently expected, from the arrange.
then Is made, that this will be one of the Matt.
mdost Gatherings of theßeagon.
tt H. KELSEY, -
Conlin It tee of Arrangements.
W. W. Pierce & Co.
Removed! Removed !
w. W. PIERCE Lt. CO. Imre moved their
lirda are, Stove and Agricultural Implement
St,.re from h3O State street, to the
They have tile Largest Establishment ln their
line in the city of Erie, and are filing It with
en Immense stock of First Class tiooda,
Remor ed ! • Removed ! ! Remo red !! !
za-To Heed House 810ck...t 1 / 4 r
Guardians' Sale.
I) o r vircrt4.: of an order of the Orphans'
Connor Erie-County, there will expo
set to sale, on FRIDAY, MARCH sth, 186 u, nil
e clock, p. M., at Drakes Mill, near the premi-
Ws hereinafter described, certain undivided
interests, by Guardians undersigned Land the
balance by the adialt owners'of) the following
described real estate, lying, being and situate
in the township of Washington, county of
Erie, and bounded on. the North by lands of
t e nsor (now lands of Craned; on the East by
mud or Trow ; on the South by county line ad
)uunn/ part of same piece in Crawford county;
and West by land of Henry Gross; and con
taining 45 acres more or less, being part of 130
acres set apart to the heirs of John Gross 'by
writ of partition lu the Orphans Court of Craw
ford aunty, at No, 26, April Term, iskr 4 Upon
which there are some improvements and valn
ahle timber. tThe balance of said piece, being
ai acre s adjoining, in Crawford county, will be
bold nt the same time.,
Timis -One-third of the purchase mousy in
hand, one-third in one year, and the balance
Su two) ears. Deferred payments to be secured
hg approved security, with interest, payable
annually. PossesWsio n lLLl A given ll Jim C medi LEMENSately,
guardian of Xerxes Gross, who has a one-sixth
undivided interest in said land.
;u4rdian of Hiram Legran, Lemuel Lcitrue,
Thomas Lecortes and Andrew Cehert
Gross, who have ft four-fifteenth undivi
ded interest in said .and.
it. B. Pt( sa:rr, Attorney, Meadville.—(hl-3
Orphans' Court Sale.
ny VIRTUE. of an order of the Orphans'
D Court of Erie County, we will offer at pub
lic ails, on the premises, nt 10 o'clock, a. tn., on
TialisDAY, FRB. 25, 1665, the Farm of the
isic William Luther, dee'd, situated in Fair-
Jew Township, Erie County, Pa.. and bounded
and alcscribcd us follows, to wit: On the North
by road from 'Girard to Sterrettania anti by
land of Curtis Heidler, 2d ; East by land of
ca,par ilarbst ; South by land Of Jacob Etzel
and F. Curtze; West by Girard township line:
-containing EIGHTY ACRES of Ulna, he the
same noire or less, and having thereon a good
Frame House, Bars Outbuildings. Orchard, dec.
• TERUS —One-third at. continuation of sale,
balance in two equal annual installments s with
in rertist annually on the whole firm unpaid—
the whole to be secured by lodgment bond and
mortgage on the premises.
ExTrs will Wm. Luther, deed.
i ll udior's Notice.
In the matter of the Partition of the Real F.-
tate of Ric'hard and James Crowley.
No. 50 May Temp
In the Orphans' Court of Erie Co.
VOW, to wit February Ist, ht&O, on petition of
Ellen 011. :Crowley, widow •of : James
rrowles, deed, the Court appoint Benjamin
Grunt, Esq.. Auditor to examine the will and
matte report as bathe proper distribution of the
real and personal property of said Jas. Crow
ley, deed, in pursuance of the said will, and
what further order of the Conrt should be
made. Pei Cur.
All persons interested will please take.notice
that I will attend to the duties of the above ap
pointment, at my Mike, No. 505 French street,
in the city of Erie, Pa.. on the second Monday
In March. i il, at ‘2, o'clock, p. rn.
feb4-4w lIENJAMLN tiitAlsiT, Auditor.
I MANE sold out my stock of goods to S.
1. SMITH, who will continue the business at
tics old stand, No. 2 French st., who has the
eettlerpent of all nay accounts in his hands.
Thauldul for the patronage I have received
from the public, I would respectfully solicit a
..ontinuanee of the same to my s ireeescor.
JANIE.S 11. smyrir.
Erie, January 25th, 1E69.
All those who know themselves indebted to
James H. Stnyth will please make payment to
we without delay, ns his books and accounts
are In my hands for settlement.
Adthluistratorte Notice.
I, estate of Alexander Moore, (hied, late of
Waterford Tp., Erie County, Pa., having been
granted to the undersigned: notice is hereby
given to all persons Indebted to the same to
tuake Immediate payment: and those having
daittla against the same will present them, dn
ly authenticated, for settlement,
Waterford,-Feb. a. 18W-6w Adm re.
nthia E. Poe, by her next friend, Ira G.
Hatch, vs. Conrad Pbe.
Jr 'the Court of Common Pleas of Erie Coyn ty,
No. 2l February Term, M. -
TESTIMONY In the above case will be t ahen
before the undersigned on the.l7ll of Feb.,
ba,,et 11 o'clock, a, ra„, where nil interestixi
will appear. E. CAMPEAUSEN.
fb7-31, . cornmisslooer.
..r •
TilE BOK . ING 110 USE
114 %r located themselves for the present In
the North part of the moot of Melon, Shan
-101/ Co.'s Itaidware Store, South of the
Union liepot, where they will continue to do a
uerieral Banking, Exchange, and Collection
h tpittless;also pay Interest on I teposits.
vortl-lot d NO. ELIOT & CO., -
Vojuntary Bankruptcy,
Tilig Is TO GIVE NOTICE that on the tith
I day of Jan, A. L., WO, a warrant In bank
ruptcy was' Issued against the e,date of 13. P.
sloamot Erie city, Erie Co., and State of Penn's.
sands, Who luta 'been tulpulged a - bankrupt on
his own. petition: that the payment of any
tag and delivery of any property belonging to
tm, for las use, and the transfer of any proper
by hint are forbidden by law ; that a meeting
the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their apt to chome 'one or more Assignees of
hi. estate, will be held at a court of Bankruptcy,
CO he holden at the office of the Register, In the
edy of, Erie, Pa, before E„ Woodruff, Esq.,
In tu,,rriet, on the :nth day of
~ b.,
A. D.. bke.), at o'clock, A. M.
U.S. Marshal, Messenger.
P. Davis, Dept. IT. S. Marshal,
Ja14,4 4 4W.
. .
Fremh Butter 20 Centx Per Pound: •
VI Butter parade in from - three to nve min
otes, by the use of our Infallible Butter Powder,
at a cost of 2J cents a pound. Simple in opera
tion, harmless In use. Two Pounds of butter
can be made from one quart of milk, sufficient
Powder to make 30 pounds of butter, sent free
on rest•opt of prim-31. Agents wanted in
~, cry Town and County, to introduce this won
th,rful economizer. Address
ti(ISREN BUTTER (X).. VS Nassau St.. N. y.
F. F. MAnsuALL, Esq.—We are happy to
be able to state that our 'well-known citizen,
F. F. Marshall, Esq., has at length sufficiently
recovered trom Vie
_erects of the accident
which happened to him at the time of Gov.
Seymour's visit, to enable him to again
appear upon our streets. He is still com
pelled to move's:hot:4 with cruthes, but is in
strong hopes that his limb will. soon be as
firm ever.
•- - - -
\PAY ST111•I Inos WORK , :—This well
known manufactory, at the corner of -Third
and Peach streets, is doing a large business,
notwithstanding the general depression, and
it is a pleasant sight hi — witness the activity
in every department. Under the manage
ment of Messrs. Noble & Hall, a wide repu
tation for the concern has been built up, and
orders for work come in from every three-
tion. The' establishment devotes special at
tention to the building of engines, boilers,
stills, tanks, steam pump , and oil well and
mill work generally. rer:ons i need of any
thficle, in their line will find well worth
eir while to visit - the Bay St to iron IVorks
before giving their orders.
• REk3llll Csi TAX GATREAINO.--HOM John
Stranahan, one of our representatives at
Harrisburg, has introduced a bill into the
Legislanne which proposes to do away with
the present system of tax collecting in our
Co., and to substitute for it that which has so ,
been successfully practised in Ohio and other
States. It provides for paying the Treasurer
a fixed salary and bat him collect the tax
in person, visiting each portion of the coun
ty at stated periods for that purpose, and
levying an addition to the sum due in each
case when the tax is not paid by the allotted
period. Mr. Stranahan has given much at
tention to the subject, and claims that by
16 plan a yearly saving of from fifteen to
venty thousand dollars will he effected to
l i e tax-payers of the county. It is well known
that the cost of collection under the present
system is a heavy item, and that the money
is obtained in such an uncertain way that no
calculation can be made as to the time when
it will be ready for use. As a contrast, Mr.
Stranahan has shown us some statements .
from several counties in Ohio, by which the
average cost of collection in that State is
found to be only nine-tenths of a cent on the
dollar, with some insignificant expenses over
and above the Treasurer's salary. One im
portant result, also, consists in the fact that
the taxes( are mostly secured by a certain
(late, and the public (Andra, are enabled' to
make their appropriations accordingly. In
answer to the objection, that the delinquent
4 taxes will be eery heavy tinder the new.
plan. Mr. S. exhibits figures to prove that, on
the contrary, they will be less than at pres
ent. In Trumbull county, Ohio, $217,000 of
taxes was levied in IS6B, of which only $7,500
remained uncollected, which is contended to
be greatly below the sum in (mown county.
We are informed that a calculation made on
Saturday satisfactorily convinced several
gentlemen who have hitherto opposed the
bill that the city alone would be a gainer by
$5,000 under its provisions. If it will effect
even a-half of what is claimed for it, we
hope to see the bill adopted, and the people
will say to Mr. Stranahan, "Well done, good
and faithful servant."
While on this subject, we feel it a pleasure
to say that Mr. Stranahan is apparently prov
ing himself a most efficient guardian of the
intcretat4orthemunty. Too many of our As
semblymen have acted av if they were sent
to Harrisburg merely to advance mere Cor
porate and personal interests, bit Mr. Strap
ahan seems ever on the alert to secure re
form, economy and a better administration
of the public affairs of the couutY, In say
ing this,Wi: will of course he understood as
referring only to his action on local Matters,
for some of his votes on party kituei we
mist decidedly condemn: -
"AN Ivo! FOB Tax-raynns."—Senator
Lowry recently read in place an ,act to . au
thorize the Commissioners of Erie county to
open the 'Flaw n t or James Foreman, deed,
who was tax collector of Corry, for the year
1865. The Gazette, in commenting upon I
this, says that Mr. Foreman got so far be
hind in his returns that year_ as to legally
disqualify him fhr• re:appointment the fol
lowing year, and his son, E. P. Foreman,
•was'appointec, hut. the father eontidited col
lecting the taxes and applied the funds, as
rapidly as collected, to the reduction of sthe
deficit on his own duplicate. His death, In
1867,found-him still behind to the amount of
$5,732, but his account was cancelled and
this deficit charged to E. P. Foreman. The
Gazette reasons from this that the account of
James Foreman should remain closed, and '
E. I'. Foreman compelled to pay the out
standing account. The Republican, on the
contrary, alleges that it would he but just
and proper to open the account of the . , for
mer, as there is no law permitting - a tax col•
lector of 1866 to apply the taxes of that year
to the defaulting duplicate of the preceding,
one, and that if this has been done the Corn-_,
missioners - of 1866 lre placed in a ,verY 4%lE
ward position. We shall anxiously' await
further developments in this matter, and as
nearly $6,000 is a considerable - item to the
tax-payers of this county,we,can only hope
the twitter wilt be arranged in a manner
that will be satisfactory to the public.
. Since the above was in type we learn that,
the bill introduced by Mr. Lowry payed the
Senate on Tuesday last.
APPLICATIONS FOR LteEtisiti:—The follow
ing applications for Hotel, Eating House and
Wholesale Liquor Licenses wiJl,be presented
to the Court on Monday, '2'll in4r: ' -
Erie—James Campbell, West Ward,
" Leland st Bigger; ".
" M. Zc. Mehl, East . . "
" E. A. Upson, ".
Corry—J. C. Carney; South Ward;
" 'T. D. Finch, "
" J. K. Loomis, North "
Concord tp.—.T. 1t..1t tymotol,
Edinhom—Alvah Robinson,
'North East Borti—j. D. Fiscus,
- Wattsburg—.l. B. Golf, •
Fairview—Louis Schumaker.
Eating Iluusex.
Eric--:Louis Blass, West Ward,
" W. IL Harlow, • " ,
" C. F. Mayo,
" John Backus, East , " •• •
" T. Jaiecki, " . ,"' • - •
" M. Kneih'ffe Son, East Ward.,
Mill Creek Tp.--;-•Michael McCtirmick, •
John Strahl, - -
Perry Tate,
. Anthony Uhr,
Middleboro—John Weigel,
South Erie Borough—J. P. Decker,
Waterford—R. B. Matchett,
Wattsbog—D. C. Ensworth,
Corry—Thos. Mahoney, South Ward.
liholesale Liqrtor,
Erie—Johnson & Bs:sillier, East Ward,.'
P. A. Becker S Co., " "
Corry—Mahoney S Garmon, South Ward,.
North East Boni—Burdick GS; Lomn.
John W. Vrtnnatta was arteSted at Warsaw.
Indiana, last week, on the charge of po;!on
ing some thirty guests who. were present
at his marriage with a Miss Horne of that
place, in April last. Vannatta is said its have
formerly resided in this city; and it is alleged
that for the attempted murder of one of our
citizens in 18131 he was arrested, admitted to
bail and failed - to appear, About a year ago
be returned, and Is said to haTe manied s
Mies. Bennett. He was again arrested tat
made his escape. He confesses to having
put a quantity of arsenic In the coffee which
was used at the wedding, and from the ef
fects of which . * sister of ids wife died. lie
says that he did this out of revenge upon her
relatives, who were opposed to the match. ,
LAnins' and Gents' Furs verychesp. IfitS,
Caps and Furnishing goods. Baits made in
the best manner hy.iones & Lytle. or2-tE
SEIZEIWA Sums.—The Sherlfrofthe coun
ty .
ty advertises to sell, at the Court Hague, On
Monday, the 23d inst., at 2 o'clock, P. M. the
following property:
Property of Alfred King, consisting of one
acre of land in Mill Creek tp.,,55 acres in
Greene tp., another tract of 55 acres in Greene
tp., Brewery on Parade st., Erie city, with
malt house on Parade st., dwelling house on
corner of 6th and Sassafras sts., Erie city,
out-lot 549 in the first section, one acre in
Mill Creek tp - ., and ont-lot 558 in the first
section of Erie—at the suit of the Keystone
Property of S. Freleigh, consisting of 215
acres of land; in Amity, at salt of rriah B.
Property of Asa Reynolds, consisting of
one quarter acre of land in city of Corry, at
snit ote. P. Eaton, use of F. B. Marden.
Property of B. L. Canfield,- consisting. of
one acre and two peraes of land in Cranes
aid, Elk Creek tp., and six acres in same
locality, at nit of Patrick Grace for use of L.
S. Wright.
Property of Wm. C. Mason, consisting of
one lot at Union Mills, at snit of Joseph C.
Tilton. • •
Property of IL H. & H. A. Reynolds, con
sisting of two separate tracts of lurid of 100
acres each, In Concord tp., at suit of Willard
Property of B. T. Proctor, consisting of 67
acres of land in-Elk Creek, at suit of Lydia
Clark, use of Melissa& Scot t, now for use of
B Baker.
Property of C: A. Iltisb, consisting of one
lot occupied by Keystone Hotel, and also one
otter lot, in city of Cony, at suit of Adam
Leibel, of T. D. Birth, now fur use of
Joltti Pray. '
Property of Sarah and Wm. P. Allen,-con
rating of 22 1.2 acres of land in Elk Creek
tp and 27 Remain same locality at fait of A.
J. Eaton.
Property of Geo. Iletaler, consisting of out
lot No. 587. Erie city, at suit of Wm. 31. Wal
Property of S. Smith, consisting or land in
Coneordip., frame house thereon erected, at
"suit of Abney Liffey.
Property of F..A. Weiblen, consisting of 1
1-2 acres of land In Girard tp.,ai suit of First
Nat. Bank, of Girard..
, Property or Joseph GOreDll , ), co ns i s tin g of
15 acre!~ of land, house and ham thereon, in
Greene tp., at snit of John Ott, u , e of Peter
Property of Matilda 31. 31eVaugh, adm. of
A. S. IlieVaugh, consisting of land in Illy of
Corry, with two story fnune building tlwre-
On, at suit of Johnson A: 13revillier.'
Property of John H. Greenman, consisting
of three acres of land in North East tp., and
15 neres in same, at suit of G. W. Perry.
Property of J. K. Pickett and J. Waldo,
consisting of lot and shingle mill, in city of
Corry, at suit of MartMlS'. Starkwestber.
Property- of J. K. Pickett and 8, K. Dill
- consisting of lot and shingle mill in
city of Curry, at suit of W. H. Walker.
Property of ('oared Brown, consisting of
'lots 'Nos. 35, 36, 37 and 38 in Mill Creek tp.,
at suit bf Wm. MI, Jr., Ma. of John Hearn,'
Philma Brown and Joshua Follansbee, Exr.s.,
of the will of H. L. Brown, dce'd.
Property of P. Dudley Allen, consisting of
one acre of land -in city of Corry, at snit of
E. Damon.
Property of .1.01111 Ferrier, consihting of 1-3
pat t of lot No. et.sB la city of Frio, at suit of
Henry Burley.
Property of John Boehner, 'consisting of
land and house thereon, in city of Erie, at
suit of Jacob Butt.
Property of Chauncey Lewis, consisting of
14 acre of land in Union ➢tills, with dwell
ing thereon, at suit of W. P. Hayes and S. R
Property of Martin Raver, consisting •of
one acre of land in Mill Creek tp., at suit of
:Jacob Berst.
Property of J. C. Carney, consisting of lot
No. 398, in Mill Creek tp., at suit of John
Property of John J. Smith, consisting of
lots 1,470 and 1,471 in Eric city, at suit of
Wm. Bell, Jr.
Property of James Pratt, consisting of 1-4
of an•aere of land in city of Corry, at suit of
Joseph Pratt, use of F. D. Marion.
Property of Martin Ashley,' consisting of
11 , 1 acres of laud in Union tp., at suit of E.
Co . oper.
Property of H. C. D. Reynolds, con
sisting of 108 acres of land in Concord tp.,
and 5 acres and 127- rods in same, at suit of
E. COoper.
Property of Frank Tunberg, consisting of
still-division No. 10 of lot 574, 3[ill Creektp.,
at suit of Jonas Gunnison.
Property of Moses B. Parsons and Kittle
E. Parsons, consisting of land with dwelling
thereon, in Erie city, at suit of Isaac Moor
head et al heirs of Thos. Moorhead.
Property of A. T. Rockwood, consisting of
224 acres in Union tp., also three acres in
same locality and lot No. 2 with improve
ments therein in city of Corry, at suit of J.
F. Wheeler use of W. Wheeler. '
1 Property of John Robinson, consisting of
50 acres of land in Franklin tp., at suit of
James A. Stannnnd use Of E. Eastman.
Property of C. H. Haley, consisting of 62
Fl-2 acres of land in Concord tp., at suit of E.
Cooper, use of J. W. Wetmore.
Property of Jane Goodwin, executrix of the
estate of Smug E. Goodwin, dec'd, consisting
of a lot of grerdad in the city of Erie, having
thereon erected a large brick dwelling house
and barn, at suit of Wm. C. Carry.
Property of Belinda Nash and John Smith,
consisting of two tracts of land of 30 and 50
acres respectively, in Concord tp., at suit of
E. Cooper.
Poor Taxes in IRan and 909.
We give below a certified statement of the
amount of Poor Taxes levied in each dis
trict of the county for the- years 18(18 and
1860, which will be of general interest to our
citizens. Heretofore the amount of tax
levied has been given to the public in such
a shape that it was impossible to ascertain
the amount specially required for Poor ex
penses trom each district. The table below
will enable the people of every locality to
see tile exact sum they are called. upon to
pay in . the support of the Poor, and enable
them to form More intelligent conclusions
upon the various propositions on the subject
()four Poor expenses.' It will be a source of
gratification to the public to know that the
Poor Tax for this year will be ten .thousand
dollars less than it was in 18(18, the enor
mous figures of which year were the first to
awaken attention to the necessity of reform.
Whether this reduction is due to the agita
tion of the topic by the Press, or to an actual
falling di in the demands upon the public
botinty, we leave for others who are better
Informed than we are to decide :
180 S. • 11169.
.... 3,015 2,43 U
1,300 SO6
1,053 1. YE
37X :trg
•••• 461 trtl
110 • -77
5g 4
210 167
o: 417
04) Via
.500 330
924 617
.... 554
, 490
140 93
• 349 313
1,0t2 775
Erie, East Ward...—.
West Wuul
fiouth Erie
Mill , Creek
Hartmt Creek.-- ..........
North East Tp
Venattgo .............
\Vat tsburg
Concord .........
Union ......
Le &Puff.
Waterford Tp
" BorO'
McKean .....
Franklin .
E.k Creek
Til••••••••• ......
" Born'
SilAd ,120 . 900
Eric County, Pa. f
. the undersigned, - C6minissioners of
Erie county, do certify- that the within [above]
is a true statement of the relative proportion
of poor taxes levied upon the several Dis.
tricts of Erie county, for the . year 1868 and
1869 respectively, in accordance with the re•
quisitions of the directors' of the poor for
said years..
In witness whereof we have hereunto set
our hands and affixed the seal of our office,
at Erie, this 6th day of February, 1869.
Attest : A. J. STEERETT,cIerk.
. ,
Loc:tz LzotsLanosr.—On Friday last the
bill incorporating the Corry Gas and Water
Company pa finally in the State Legisla
ture, and has been signed by the Governor.
A bill authorizing the Philadelphia and Erie
Railroad Company to extend and construct
their branch railroad, now located and-being
built in the counties of Cameron, Elk, Clear
field and defferson, - to the line between this
State and Ohio, and to connect the same
with other rallroads,passed the senate on the
same day. The- new route, will run from a
point near Lock Haven, on the P. & E. road,
making the best and most direct road to New
York from the west, which the Penns. It B.
Co. design employing for the transporta
tion of their through freight. ,
turottralit Brta..—An act enlarging the
knisdiction of Justices of-the Peace in this
county' was recently introduced Into tits
How, at lierrildalig,tr.ortgliepreseelative.
Mr. Rea, and has pussidAhat hotly.; Alit
will 'undoubtedly be concurred in by - the
Senate, wo heroiVitli append an abstract of
its provisions:
Hereafter Jtistlees shalt have Piriatlietion
in all causes erisln controct . ell
0041i:died, whets The. dun de isnot
over $3OO, the same as heretofore, when the
sunk did not exceed-1401 e , -"s-when a:
suit or action .shall be commenced in the
Court of Common
• Pleas, and the. plaintiff
shall obtain judgment - ins Sum- less thin
$BOO, be shall not be annwed•to ?Seiner digs
trom the defendaut,imless he shall have pre
viously filed with the preelpe his own or
some other person's rttlidavit that the amount
expected to he recovered exceeded $3OO.
The said Justices shall have jurisdiction
in actions of trover and conversion, ittiff...of
trespass, when the value of propqty clalnfed
or ,damages alleged does not exceed trfle;
the same as in cases when at present the law
limits to $lOO.
• In actions before. Justices, when the- sum
Involved exceeds $.50, either the plaintiff or
defendant may demand a jury trial, and the
Justice will empanel a jury of six, in con
formity . with the net of May, ItAL. The
mode of priieednre shall be. as far lisliPPlPt
ble, the sanie - astrehiil, proceedinmand.ght
successful partfsbaWbe entitled tollaHOstit
—provided, .in. the case, 116.- abalt
file an alllffavit•that he has just and legal
defence to the whole or a stated part of the
plaintiff's claim; and If the plaintiff will not
accept the stated amount defendant is will
ing to pay, and the judgment does not sub
stantiate the amount of his claim, then he
shall not recover costs from the defendant.
Before any party shall be allowed to ap
peal from the verdict of the jury, all legal
costs that have accrued must be paid, and
recognizance, -with ample security, entered
into in a sum to cover all costs which may
thereafter tccrue.
In cases otjury trial Justices, will be ea
titlekto one dollar per day, in addition to,
regular feet
SCDIrIFIC Bracmu l kitmro.--A young man
named Peter Grine was arrested recently by
Thdines' J. Wells, a constable of the West
Ward „on the charge of setting fire to a cooper
shop arSpringfield. Ile was brought before
for a hearing; but as there
was no evidence to implicate him be was
discharged. Subsequently Wells demanded
$17.40, alleged costs on the case, anti Grines,
after a fruitless attempt to raise the amount
in various quarters, .was compelled to get
that sum from-his Wife, who was lying quite
ill at the time. Wells took the money and
enjoined silence, but the story leaked out and
the constable was - compelled to disgorge. a
,of - lt.'"..lfi r ,littekley, a yoUng-nttot
'ney of:this,Pktee,*itUttecred hilsenvi6ea
the matter, and Wells, after a hearing before
Esquire Curiae, was held to bail in the sum
of $3OO to answer. Subsequently a warrant
for his re-arrest was procured from Justice
fiddlier,' on the charge of incurring the civil
penalty of 450 for receiving illegal fees.—
' Wells, in the Meantime, had departed, for
jams unknown, and there the matter rests at
present. Our Republican friends are rather
unfortunate in their young lawyers, Wells .
being the seeond of the ilk,who, within the
last year, has,been compelled to take legball
in order to tivOcd-punishment.
COASTING : ON TUE ICE.—In the mountain
ous portions of thii ' S tate the boys consider
it rare amusement to coast down the hills in
winter, - when a sufficiency of snow col - ers- the
earth to enable them to pursue this health
giving exercise. !fere, in Erie, our children
6f a larger, ticrovrtb.Caiiienfo - Y
less laborioua pleasurei,+ycoasting over the
ice which . .coYers" the brik; by means of the
"ice boat." These boats are constructed in
such a manner as to enable persons who de
sire the agreeable sensations of rapid, yet
safe motion, to skim over the ice at the rate
of thirty Sqorty miles^per hour, hy . simply
elevating a .4 "Sail and using the wind as the pro
pelling pov;•er. These boats are under com
plete control of the person ,operating. them,
and their course csin be changed, or, even
when moving, at the most rapid rate of speed,
they can he stopped with the utmost facility,
The ice in the bay isuow of a sufficient thick
ness to render it perfectly safe, and a stretch
of about six miles in length by nearly two in
width can be navigated over with this species
of craft. One of these boats ISTIOW in almost
constant use, and amply repay a visit
to the bay to - see tly rapidity with which it
glides over the ice.
A SUGGESTION. —There are three appli
cants for the position of postmaster at Mead
under the incoming administration,
and, as there is only one office, two of these
are doomed to disappointme4t. A,nurnber
of prominent Radical citizens'PrOposed to
the applicants that they Should Submit their
names to a general vote of the citizens of that
party, the two receiving a minority of the
votes to withdraw all claims to the position
in favor of, the one whom a majority of the
citizens would vote for.: Two of the candi
dates refused to accede to this proposition
and the third was willing to abidp . by the
result. As there are several Radial appli
cants for the post-office in this city would it
not be a good idea to submit their clitims to
a vote of the Radical citizens Y* -
Lae= oirßoNris.-:-The'Water Woriciin; -
mistinderer-taki a petificirt-before Connoihirat
their meeting on Monday night'-lust, asking
afurther issue of bonds to defray the expense
of laying pipes from the mains to the side
walks. They argued that the cost of digg
ing up the street prevents many from taking
the water, buthbat if this expense could be
defrayed by the city The introduction of the
water would become rno:e general, and the
additonal water rents would soon repay the
Cost. The committee to whom this was re
ferred reported favorably, and by a unani
mous vote Councils authorized the issue of
$50,000' more of Water Works bonds, to de
fray the cost which will be incurred.
A. SLICAIT MIBTASg.-.-The Glielte is in
error in stating that we advised "our friends"
to. attend the lecture of R. F. Taylor. It was
that paper that announced him its "the'elo
fluent and popular 13. F. Taylor, of Chicago,"
and that, "of the few lectures yet to he deliv
ered none would be better than his." This.
coming from* midi It source, was enough to
give rise to suspicion among "our friends,"
and hence they thought it advisable to keep
away. So many Radical fanatics are travel
ing around under the guise of lecturers that
we do not feel it incumbent upon ourselves
to advise our friends to attend their so-ea -
the inst.:, occurs the anniversary of the
birth 9(.9entge Washington . 11y r ecent en
actment this day is now set apart as a legal
holiday, and business of a public nature must
be suspended. We, understand that a gene
ral parade of the Fire Department and the
Irish Ainerican Society will take place here
on this.occasion,,to be follo . weil by it_supper
nt Brown's Hotel .' Fie hnsa no;.na_ yet heard
of * any further arrangements being made to
celebrate the day in a worthy and becoming
FATAL Acemzsv.—Mr. Samuel C. Stan
ford, a well known citizen of WaterfOrdovaa
killed . instantly at Qom, on Monday-last, by
being run over by an engine. He was stand
ing on the track and looking in an opposite
direction when the engine was backed up,
and the engineer did not. discover him in
time to prevent the accident. Hr. Stanford
leafes three orphaned children to mourn his
untimelideath. •
A C 6 tiros Fo4 4. NEWSPAPER, Idere—The
city of Lafayette, Indiana, offers extraordina
ry inducements for an enterprising printer
or business man to start a Democratic iefur
ntd. The city contains a poldatkrti,of 29,-
000, and is reliably Democratic by about 800
majority. Tiro JtepltbliCan daily paper* are.
Zrow _Puirliihed ilierei and the . -DemneradY
are compelled to patronize them for lack of
OUP of their nwn. •;•
Tun Denims op Anlflrastsmn.--One of
the wealthiest members of the natio or He
presentative', al
,Washingtoti, test gimileman
d'em Brooklyst,-.1% T., who started le the pa
tent nialelni littilness on a smiarscale, but
by judicioils and extensive advertising is
now "vastly - rfelr."- - it is singular that" theta
are many merchants,, . even in this locality,
Wbi-dolitelippear fc:appreciatd ti4etiefit
ornAirtirtialpg, whenLinstances , Cejmnt who
lisis accinnulatea alOrinia by the liberal
use of printesslit* areio jwimmn It_yoU
want to sell yourgood s don't be afraid to tell
,The peopicf-wherp yotitl49re is trad:what you:
"have fot sitie. - 1 -- - ' ' - " -: 4 ' . -
JunoNtExr NotEs.—The Commissoner of
nternal Revenue has recently decided that a
Judgment note should be stamped at the
timid late ,tt prOmissory notes, lielnig five
cents fokevery4loo,uttraclional part,'"- theFe•
Of, viitte-ftie emits actdittonal, on aceofint of
The clause "without defalcation!' This de
cision is made under the clause of the Inter
nal Revenue law, which provides
. that no
stamp duty should be charged upon any war
rant of attorney accompanying a bond or
note duly stamped.
Fcin,-Toincoo.--Trask, the ail
cco phtlaatao pist, says that gentisi
`1;54;1, coarsely ground, chewed well, and the
saliva swallowed, will cure the appetite for
tobacco if its use is persisted In for a few
weeks. Take as m h o • after each meal,
or oftener, as aruou. tato a common quid of
fine-cut or cavendis .
iiiiiontEit B'74lAl:rm.—Th eV enango Rpee
tator states that a Rurvivpr of -Perrfs com
mand; named Samuel - McKinney, la living hi
Cranberry tp., that county, and that he is
now, about eighty years of age..
served' ott beard the fleet tiering - the -iattle,
and has a itieltit t • -
As candidategfor MayOrnext month; ;Iles
srs. P. A: Becker and Geo. W. Colton are
prominently spoken pt.
TILE city of' Otirry has been divided into
two Wards. The track-of the-A. dr-O. W:
Railroad is the dividing line. '
Tim, Senate, last'week, refused to concur
in the atnendtnents.made by the House to a
bill authorizing the Governor to appoint ad
ditional notaries publiC for Erie and other
REV. ,W. ,h'. BAINBRIDGE, of lllO . -*Ficlll , 4t.
Baptist Cli*li 4i
el this city, Las accepttk
call of .thci:Clentral B lf
aptist Chuieof ro -
(kne e,2oo. IL I. It k stated that his sala will
Pus rumored' that , ;-.
CL. Knapp, the no
torious thief, has been seen in this neighbor
hood; within - s few days past. — lt is said that
a large reward is offered for his capture, and
it would be a relief to the community ir he
were safely.caged.
A MAN MURIA DalliliropelllielMer was ar
rested on-Tueiday, charged with offering for
sale":a quaotity of mutton which did not
eliteillip UV:the etandardrequired by the city
ordinance. 'lle was taken before Esquire
Curtze, and fined $lO and costs.
A GIRARD lady accomplished quite a feat
last week, according to the Spectator. She
prepared breakfast and dinner, did a two
week's ironing, and made a bouncing con
tribution to the census—all in the
_same day,
and lfeCoro buzz o clock, P. M. '
Tnl3ltE Is onekeges',Of business getting
very lively in Erie just at the present time—
the ditn4ing business. Every body wants
money very badly and nobody appears to
haveit. No use talking of the resumption
of specie payments when the most persistent
.dunning cannot , produce -currency 'pay
ON 3lotalay of hist week trio enterprising
Ufa timin..Altion skated =Abe canal from
that place to Conneautville, Crawford Co., a
distance of over ten niiles, in one hour and
twenty minutes. This include d the time
consumed in walking around.fife locks, and
may be considered pretty good traveling.
The younger of .the bays was only; seven
years of age. :
A GERMAIi newspaper at Pittsburgh, the
Volksblatt, thinks "that the Germans 'of this
couptS , arc entitled to an Assemblyman, and
suggests that they ought to insist on the
nominatiou• of one by the next ,'Republican
convention. The Democrats invariably re
member the Germans in making up their
county tickets ; the dominant party seldom
'do, except in the distribution of some petty
office." , - •
AN attempt_ was made at an early hour on
Monday morning last, to set tire to the ma
chine shop of Mesirs. Noble, Hall 4.L.C0., bat
the design of...the incendiary was frustrated
by the timely arrival of the person who is
employed to watch the establishment The
villain who made the attempt to fire the build
ing eSe4pc*but the officers have theirattspi-
Mons ail to wtHi be is. and It will he advisa
ble for him to act cautiously in the future..
Two young ladies residing in North East
made a narrow :escape flour drowning last
week. They hall gone to a -pond to skate,
and the ice,bi3ing_ treitfherctiti they Gnoke
through. A iritffig,:mati 'who
in the vicinity fortunately noticed 'them and
after a great deal of exertion succeeded in
rescuing them from a watery grave. This
sliould serve as a lesson to venturesome per
sans who feel like indulging inNlie amuse
ment of skating on ; lee of insufficient thick
ness to render it safe.
WE Attu glad to know that Judge Sterrett
has yielded to the request of his friends, and
consented• to become a candidate for rte
appointment as Postmaster. lie, has made
one of the most obliging and efficient officers
the city has ever possessed, and, since a Re
publican must have the place, we know of
no one who would be tnore - gener * ally accept
able. The candidates now are Judge Ster
rett, Capt. J. C. Hilton, M. W. Caughey and
Rev. J. H. Whallon. The latter is under
stood to , have the endorsement of Congress
man Scofield and Senator Lowry.
THE latest invention (yet still, like a great
many of the new inventions, one of the
earliest known) is the property of a Mile Man
gentleman who resides in this city. Ile
cols it the Wheelocipede. It has only one
wheel and Is not only a useful but also a
perfectly safe vehicle. The operator rests
his feet upon the ground, the weight of Lis
whole body on his feet, and guides the ar.
rangement by means of a pair of bars.. It
can be used for the conveyance of earth,
mind and such materials, anti iptitoa number
are in practical operation in different por
tions of the city.
New Publications.
HEARTH AND 'loam—No. 8 of this excel
lent weekly journal is one of the best yet is
lined. This publication is indispensable to
the °reside, and commends itself peculiarly
to the agrietitturtst. A fine engraving ac
companies this number. Published by Pet
tengill, Bates Sr Co., New York. 'Subscrip
tion pry:E. $4,00 per year..
The American Year-Book and National Re
gi4ter.—Front the publishers, 0. 1). Case A;
Co., Hartford, Conn.. we have received an
advance copy of the above work. -It will be
exceedingly valuable as a book of reference ;
its contents embrabing information on the as
tronodlical, historical, political, financial and
commercial condition of this and other coun
tries, during the past year. To be sold by
traveling agents. Any person desiring an
agency for the' sale of this book can secure it
by addressing the publishers.
Visi:J. - Es.LL'it . Co, are idling paper Col- -
lars and enfr.s . chtsper thane they were ever
sold in Erie. Call and see them at 708 State
&r. VAIRSTISE'S day is Min! at ;hand and
-Win. J. Sell & Co:; have tOfeived their stock
of Sentimental, Comic and Juvenile billet
donx fur that occasion.
Tamil POPLINS, dress silks, all colors; just
received at 512 State street. •
(lec3-2m. L. RosENrent.ift & Co.
0.110 abbectiOnttnto.
& : KEPW:
lIOUHOti Cur +Sale.
New 114 Atory House of I. Cbtistoph, on But.
Palo St., bet. Chestnut and Walnut sts.
• Gatkl 1 Stem ewes, w I let e 1416.5 eseban
Maria. near F2tll U. R. R. Ownere have left
townkel. ebesp.
Iror neat:
2 Tenements, rooms each. on 3d st.:. between
Myrtle anct chestnut, at 8110 and-fl5O per an*
nom. Possession Imrnecltately:
For Rent.—Dwelling Roma of Capt. Dunlap's
abaut 8 rooms, cellar, crater,
Vgarden .) trait, &e. A good tenant can
. it at $l7O per annum.
For Rent, on W. Mt street, bet. Sassafras and
Myrtle, a well finished avrelllng. Price, $250 per
annum. Poasesslon given at once.
. E. ASHBY & CO.,
Wholesale and Retail
*Blank Book Manufae . toren%
Musts Books,. de., bound in any
style desired, and tbe neatest, arid '
bait manner. ,
An kinds' of BSA Road, Commercial;
131stnk lEttiocolzs4.
. ,
And Paper of all adzes on hand or made
to order.
Done with neatness And dispatch
!iiu!!lL bralnehm; done to order
\Van neat nem; and dimpatch
.1. E. ASIIBY S: CO.,
$t wet. Wrlgh6'n Work, Erie. Pa
II lEt - U . 4G-GISTS!
And Photographic Glass!
630 State Street, Erie, Pa.
We hare lately received another Large 'ln
voice cif FIiENCH.,I,iLASS, 'Meet from ale
Manufacturers In EffPope, Making our, present
supply the largest in any house west of New
York. Our stock In store
Embraces Nearly Every Size, both of
• • , Double and Single Strength.
Dealers and otherS to want of Glass will FA
VOR THEIR INTERESTS by examining our
stock and prices before buying elsewhere.—
Large sizes of Single and Double Strength
Glass Imported expressly for HOUSE AND
STORE RANTS. The Superior quality of
French Glass overall other kinds in CLEAR
STRENGTH is fully admitted, and the Trifling
Excess In price over American is of NO AC
COUNT, considering Its better gnat ales in ev
ery respect.
A liberal discount made on lobbing lotalo
the trade. .
We have alsoa large stoek of Allierlean Glass
of Single and Double strength, wliteh we are
Gelling at Low Hates, both in Jobbing lots to
dealers and In retail parcels to suit buyers,
Paints, Oils, Tarnishes, &c.
In this degiartment we keep
P well supplied
with every article used In the ainting Line,
from a harrow to the rinest house included.
The quaint or these articles is not exeellei,
and we are selling at lowest market rates.
Dye Woods and Dye Stutru.
In thls eIL of goods our stock Is extensive
and complete, Including the -A.Mline dyes, and
we Are offertn strong Inducements both to
WholcsulegbdT,etati buyers.
Drugs, Nedlchies4hemlcals, &c., &e.
Our stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Me.ll
- Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, and Miscel
laneous Goods Is extensive, having front long
excellence been bought with much . care, and
the public can depend upon finding the largest
stook of the kind In NN esters Penn'a., which
we arc selling at close lignres, either In whole
or broken packages. janll-Bro.
. .
g EKE bl,-•`
do not wish to inform you, reader, that
Dr. Wonderful, or any other man, has dis
covered a remedy that cures Consumption,
when the lungs are half eonsumed, In short,
will cure all diseases whether of mind, body or
estate, make men live forever, and leave death
to play for want of work,auil is designed lo
make our sublunary sphere a blissful ►e,
to which Heaven itself shall be brit aside shorw.
You have heard enough of that kind of htim
biwry, and wo do not wonder that you have
by this time become disgusted with :It. Hut
when we tell you that Dr. Sage's Catarrh Reme
CATARRH, we only assert that which thousands
can testify to. Try it and you will be convinced.
We will pay OW Reward for a case of Catarrh
that we cannot cure.
For Sale by most Druggists Everywhere.
Peace ONLY 4".1) CENTS. Sent by Mall postpaid.
for Sixty Cents; Four Packages for 82.00; or 1
Dozen for &SO Send a twoment stamp for fir.
Sage's pamphlet on ientarrn. Address the Pro.
prietor. R. V; PlfinfiFi; M. D.
declo.3m. RP FFAI.O.
/X I ,INIII WILL PRESENT to any person send-
Greato tut tA, Elul) onr
Dry & Fancy Goods
PATTERN, &c., ic..
Our inducements during the last few years
have beeaJAARGE.
We now Double our listen of
. Premiums.
We have made many important additions to
our Winter Stocks, and have largely extended
our Esctwice Lists, and we now feel confident
oLinuesee,ting - the donunrs our extensive pot
ene 'L4 .
Siraiend for New circular. ti
Catalogue of Goods and Samples sent to any
address Free. Send money by Registered Let
ter. Address alt orders to -
J.& HAWES di
15 'Federal Street, Boston, Mum.
Post OFlee Box C.
Wids/We Dealers In Dry and Fancy Goode.
Cutlery, Plated Ware, Albums, Leatherttoodsote. , Janlit-12w
Attorney at Law, Cor. of State and 7th Ste
(over Illek'a Drug Atm*, Erie; Pg. janl4o-1 f
Fearful Brkakdown in the Prices of Dry
Wish to notify the public that they have houslit an Immense quantity of FlRts'T CLAK4 Dry
Goods VERY CHEAP since the recent ittißAh DOWN In the Eahrern Market, and am noworTer
lug them at mach lower prices than any other store. Our business is done Strictly on the
Prices alike tO a 1 Whether Judges Or uOt,•
We advertfiDOWO goods or price•., but what We At able to Fallow when yoU our store.
Every rietteterittirarrnnted tts represented, or money refunded,
Read the following price% carefully anti Judge for kourselvem
Bales Brown Munlins
" Yard Wide and fine
" " " and heavy
" 4) inches line and heavy.
Caeca Bleached
Yard wide._
Si 1,1 anti fine*
" Prints,
White Flannels of every width and finality, VERY ('Fri AY. Heavy all-wool shirting nun•
nets, at ib cents. .
, •
Three hundred teem all-Wool Casshneres at 54, 75, 80, W cents and !IRMO. These enibl
meres are VERY
Heavy Heavers for Over Coat., MUCH END= PRICE.
Five linndred Wlitte Tied Spread.; from 91.75 to Q3.r,0 eudt. These gnodt; are half price
MACK A LPA4 VAP, 37 1 „: etih, 40 etN., 4.1 t0.4,50,ctx., (t 2, cis., and 7.1C4q
POPLIN A I.L . A(A 'AS, 55 eI.N, cts, 75 eta; anal 87 1 ct. 4
Oue hundred reed! Ciilnnere worth itfeenfi, ;'Ziecn Ls
Seventy-five pieces Engllnn Rene Drew Good*, :I; cents
Two hiindred pieces 'ail .-wool Preach 3fert flat, 75 etP, el.+, and
The above Dress Goods were purchased at the late New York auctlonk, at about ONE-H.I.LP the
usual.prlce. fltry are all warranted perfeet and nrst-etal.s goods.
Five Hundred pair White Blankets, Good Quality, $4.00 and $5.00 per Pair.
Fifty pieces Electro Tapestry Carpeting, 50 & 62I.Cts.
.1"lie above arectrulv a few of the many bamatns we have. Our stock Is full and eemplete la
every department. Filiould any one after reading this advertisement have doubts iu regard to
the cheapness of our goods, let them call with this advertisement and judge for themselves.
A great many of these goods are than they have teen fur tie past ten years.
Remember the place; the only ONE PRICE DRY GOODS STORE in Erie, where all goods at
all times are acid at
A. Saving_ of One-Half to One-Third
The Great Tea Company of - Boston,
Which in the Largeon in the World,
Ironla respectfully infortu the citizens of Erlo and snrrornLing country, that they
have leased the Store,
And Wive tilted it up in Oriental style and are now prepared to furnish every one with prime
Teas and Coffees, at Cargo Prices. Our store in Erie will be known as the ,
It is generallk understood that Tea Is retailed for a larger advance on Its original co.t than
any other article in the lone list of household stores, which may be pArtially accounted for by' 6
late on it between the cultivation in China and Japan, and the consumers here, Including the
American Commission House there; the I inpt,rter, the 'tanker who turnishee 'the exchange;
the middle men or speculators: the wholesale grocer, and the retailer. Each of these make
*urge and many of them enormous profits, from winch it is evident that the consumer Is eon.
Ileti to pay many times the original cost fora pure article, or forced to use an adulterated or
Inferior one. • •
It with is view to remedy this evil that our gigantic enterprise was formed over a year ago
which has been a perfect success, and We have ventured to open a Store In Erie, so that we way
better accommodate our customers west of New YoraNtale.
And in the following lists which we has e selected with great ,•are, will be found TEAS which
..veryiscsd'y"si Taste tints .T.... N -cry hod y•ei
EXPerience shows that the best are far the cheapest on aceottut of their great strength and
flavor. The duty OD a pound of good wt hi no more than .on no inferior one. In ordering our
customers Will please note the annexed - ~
. .
. .
Fair •
Grocw to Choice Quality $l.OO
Finest Flavor, very highly recornuretled— .1,10 ,
at:. ......
;awn, Uncolored. Good
' choice quality.....
. 1.10 Fluent I. invor, full ntrengtli, N ery highly
Ge.npOWder, (Green.)
Choice quality.. .......
Fine-it ttrll
811'041h, very highly
• English Breakfast, (Black.)
Choice Quality
Finest Flavor, full strength. very highly
Young Hyson, (Green.)
Fair. ..
G00d.... .. ...........
(Aimee Quality...
Coffee Department.
This is an immense Institution of Itself, and is undoubtedly the largest fn the century, It to
a fact generally underatisod-that a large propos t ton of tke Collet , Imported Is pickcd green an t i =
the pods opened by artificial beat. This Is nes cr ho good na that w iteh ripens naturally, Th e
etdree buyers of this Tea tkunpany thoroughly understand this, and eXlanlini nearly every cargo
Of Coffee impeded to the 'hated States and select only the full grown, field-ripened, for them.
All the aparee sold by this Company is'ItoAsTED A bill GROUND DAILY, by themselves,
ring Its absolute purity and freshness, which they guarantee. The Company are rousting all
their coffee on a new prinniple, which renders them particularly puic, all acidity being removes'
by their process of cooking , enabling persons now to Luke ilotree ho have been oWiged to Ats„..
continue Its use,
The Company are dolutt,an Mumetise business in their liiitfee Department„ and selling more
COFEES than any other house In the country. Ts assist, customers M making up their
orders, the following Descriptive List is offered by the csanitetuy with no little ride, 1411 mbra
cing the largest - and most carefully Selected assortment of Coffees ever opened lii this country.
Breakfast Coffee
Counted and Ground..
Ground Pure
'toasted . ...... -
Ground Pure..
This is the true *ale Berry ..
_.. . .
, .
\Varranted the richest flavored, strangest and hest i.'olTee in the world, of which we have the
only lot In the United State*
locke & Co.'s Mottblt Col\rn,
Goods the past Ten Days.
Ncoltile 1310ek-,
An endless variety at, eery Low Prices.
( 74.-3 th
1-441.14p' & CC)., I -3 4-o p 'es,
Q)ricntal rta 4routpanv'o Double 'olumn,
No. 5
Oolong, ,Black.)
Dinner Coffee
Plantation Coffee
S P V.' C I A I.
As *matter of convenience to ourdistance eustomera we are arranging with suitable persons
Wall parta of the.countra-west ofl York State, to act am our agents and distribute our goods
in their It:reality at our warehouse price, thereby saving the freight frotrylloston. We would like
to correspond w i th any gentleman or lady who would like to net ns our agents in getting up
clubs. A fair commission allowed agents. Direct all orders and communicational°
.. 8 cents. The very best Prints made for only 12% Cts
..10 " Cases heavyMngharns, only 12 1 ' •'.
..12% " Heavy Colton Flannels _ .20 .2
. > ..i'4l " Five ease.' Cotton and Wool Flannels,
_l5 " half rier
.'.lO " Heavy ,„; -„ wide Shaker Flannel 3,a
..12,i Plaid shirting, Flannels :45'. ”
..11 " All-Wool Grey Flannels • .2.-, .1
- w1
COLORED ALPACCAS, cis, 15 eta, 50 eta, and 6214 eta.
Three Hundred pieces Lagllsh Merinefs, etgilt yards fat only 133.0 u
Piny' plectli Oval mere Pinlilg rot 3i7 cent.,
'thirty pieces hetti'y Mohair Pldids, 30 cent.t.
Fitly Emprelin tlatem, 75 Ms', 147 . 1 i cta, And !LOU.
Noe. 0 and 7 NOBLE BLOCK, EFIXE.
Fiite.4 Flavor, fall strength, very highly
ayson, Itlreen.)
• 135
Good, ......
,81.00 I Finest Flavor, full strength, very highly
.. recommended
Mixed, (Green or Japan and Black.)
. 1.3.1
-$1.06 ttolee quality $l.OO
.. 1.10 FineAt Flavor,. full stiength eP"..17 highly
I.lri reeommended .
Roasted ......
Orounil Pure
tx p.
a i k, Raw
3 ve Roamed
Ground Pare
le Haw
Ale Roasted
' Ground l'ure
IF-1' it la Y .
.45e I 'toasted
Ground Pure
N 0 T I C E.
Oriental Java.
Old Government Java
Best Old Mocha.
ft. I 0
1.. )