IF FI SIIIIIIII.4e G., : i . p,-..,:-,, : -rri. , , ,- -'2--- - - - :.... : :: THE CITY OF ERIE SHAKEN TO ITS FOUNDATION, NOT : BY AN. EARTHQUAKE, - _ BUT BY THE . • ,_,6 / - ".* MAMMOTH OH PRICE Re -- TERRIBLE PANIC IN NEW YORK AND BOSTON AMONG THE WHOLESALE DRY GOODS DEALERS. . _ . . . , Ihnviteds of large firm , : ill both citie. a re 'jilting, their 1/11111ellie, Stock thrown into the Auction Rooms, and sold at unheard of LOW PRICES.. Locke & Co.'s buyers are on hand with their pockets full of AL,uev really to ,ceure the Lest bargains, We take great pleasure in announcing to the people of Erie and vicinity, that we arc now Receiving over 500 Clues and Bales of all kinds of Dry Goods; which were purchased liming the Late Dry Goofh; Panic in the FosternirrarketF, at such low prices that - will enable us to offer our customers better bargains than were ever offered sitteC' the day of ferry's Victory. . . -• , . . We Have Marked Down Our Entire Stock STRICTLY ON THE ONE PRICE PLA I•Ve lime .•;fteui•e4,the,i , erviee.-: Of extra salesmen daring this great sale. Persons in town .will find it to their advantage to . call early in the forenoon, thereby avoiding the great crowd in the • , .., ,• : ~• * ldle 011110 daj7. • ' 1 . YOU CAN DEPEND ON FINDING EVERY ARTICLE ADVERTISED thOLl:ialicir: of (itliCr:4 11111 NM S ', . , Cases of Print,, only , . , 'Good Priilis,, Sprague'., Latteaster's and all: the 1“--.1, unit, .4 Print 7 , .. 1.:00 Puts" Itessiy Glnghttms, only Delaines, -. ,'- . , . .. .. , . Cases Cotton Flannels, only i . . I Cases 7.9 wide Slink& Flannels, ottlY, "t, • , - • _, Bales Brown 'Nfttslin,- , Cases yard, witl-e, Bleeelted Ilut.lins, old% ..-r 'These 3luslilts. ure exirsonlinary burg:Coot ;3111.) /Jail:coral Skirts, worth .sl.:x(l,it), for only` • ' 200 13almoral Skirts, worth, f. 43.00, for ', . ' 100 Hoods, been selling for tfl' .21marketl.down it/ or, fy • t.. ', 500 Ladies' - and slissess' flats 'marked (I‘,lrn 10 50 Breakfast Shatris marked down Trone,#l.no t,, , Children's Leetting4, only •. , t.tst large sued Whits' ffrd Spread-- or:h- .. ' . •6 • A• . . pRps,GoOps., : 'DRESS GOODS! DOWN! DOWN! DOWN! Plait' Poplins, bi..eti selling for 50 cent-, inarkill Bona t. (Adored Altraf....4s,'lttrarkett.dowe . 50 pieces Mo-zaic Poplins, worth 50 nents, ~111 y (liege Changeable Poplins, worth rig 1-2, fir Ulte,ne. Poplifts Enarkethlown.jo - Very littutlaotne Chantoalile P/Jp - fins,onlit - All Wool .F.:inpress Cloths, isortlilkl cent'', for Einprrss Cloth, w0r,411 ?",;1.00, for. Frenell,3lerinoe , ., tnark'ed Irmo to Frew::ll Mericoee; worth *1 (J, for 5 Plaid Poplins, worth 50 ct-s. Ow Black Alpacas, worth :id els. for i3` 1.00 for ME S LA: N V MIS S A:Wpe I We have marked our Pntiti• sl44tk 4,1' 111:inkrl $14411,11.4 down 14., ',rico; that will cloture their +peed ssle GENTS' SHIRTS and DRAWERS LADIES' UNDERWEAR VERY CHRkP G 2 1.2, 75, 871-2 .Onts 'and $l.Ol/ 8060.110 r Stivkiler., ti 1.40, for (00y 50 i'vnis. WOOLEN CLOTHS, WOOLEN CLOTHS! THE 'LARGEST STOCK IN ERIE. 20 pieces all wool Castsitnere, worii i $I 9.5, Grp 30 pieces 'Gray - Cloth, worth '41.12 I.T, lor -"- 10_ ph. ( a, :s all Nvool heavy Tweeds, %rum 72 rent , , 1 -,4 )r . • 30 pieces beary Tweeds, worth f 1.2 cents, for . • '' • '37 1.9 .. pieces Scbtch Cassimere, worth 4200,. for : ~ US ~ , ~.. - -- 1! nieces Fancy Cassitneres, worth I.W,:for - • , 100 , 12 pie P. Ifertill's celebrated Doeskins, fin-only „ •. , 125 10 pieces Barris Double and Tni.t, worth SL7S. otav . ' ' I'll 50 pieces heavy . Vermont Tweeds, worth .T. 1.00, tor . - .75 )Ve have an knatneniie 1 4 trosk of other woolens,. til maim on, 1,,,, mention, ail at erinaily'low-rices. Jr yoa Want ztny 001.6 tor the net year, 1001 - '1 fail to Ith Is at our ~ , , t cA...i-ilsw r.Hliittsarprised to fiee,the.low'privel3 t ' . ' ' " ' . - , . , -• . • . ,; r • , . . , . . , . , - , Sonic of the Old figy dry-go s r4s_drali•r s . wh o 4 av e old stocks cat Inuit!, llought at w4tr prices, which tine arc flying to:, palm otr.on the public 38 ; pan , gnats, and wha say,. they and --ihe 'iiublic are of lei 4,. tht* , ,colittnos.of athrii:etnenti aqui ltri'v-prices.r . We suppoLeit :da.. ntake then] Sick. 'lf they trannot (.43nrornt to our Low Pliies,lher had' better stop and 'Boston`- us,- alint:up - int at ,ek an honest,. litlugln some , otlter>l)nsit,for ire (•itn, tun' sitall,-01ttituo,40-snptdy *ITO* -with all ki nls orFIRST - -CLASS GOODS at :Sew York and . p, a r,:l.rtfr 577 4. rx-,_7 1 IC, j -n• 11 - '' i '''' .l : l. '. ' ' 'Spstore-,wholesat•prices • • . , . • , . • , , : Re:member ithe "Place. the.i - 15.11" - : - y...-:,-: ~ e - 7-,, „trod .. .Dry'',t6ods,--Btore. , „ ~„..;-.--,--,,,-„, . -,",-•,, I:JO:0MM 41z. .00- , . „ - ”-_ Fathers sk r: Low' Yrices.. =I s anA 7 No /e Bleak° B 1 ASTONISHING 'LOCKE Every ;Lrtiele warranted asrepresented, py the money_ refunded. 'l'his grgat sale„at these-. LOW PRICES, will continue but thirty days. as we are confident' that i • . - wiWbe impossible to re-place- Goods. - j . THE FOLLOWING ARE A FEW OF THE MANY BARGAINS: An marked down to iii ire; that earrnot be beat HOOP.- StilitTS. - Ht>q MOE, For Men and Boy's Wear. LOOK AT A Fkiir Tifrrracks TO CORRESPOND WITH THE TIMES. PLEASE HEM:3II3ER, THAT OUR IXSINESS IS CONDUCTED I • 1 `I• - it( I I r •1y y o't • .10 Ei Ea Thr:zeltri. aNsul , 11://f she 11416) prir'r Oiti'-,-- Gr O 411 AL.rr 6 1 4 cepts . 11 " 12 1-2 * 12 1-2 " 8,10,11,12 1-2 12 1-2 0400 0 , .50 .25 2.0 37 1-2 1.15 ME .37 1-2 .27 1.2 .37 1-2 1-2 Tri St 1-1 25 .A' 1-2 S ,"4!..! „ ME IN RIME I== MEI EOM LOW --- PRICES ME CO.'S DRY GOODS 100 very heavy White Spreads, 50 pair heavy White - Blankets, worth $O.OO 20 pair heavy White Blankets, - orth $7.00 for Cotton and Wool, White Flannel, only All Wool White Flannel, worth 50 ets. for 30 pieces Plaid Shirting Flannel, only AN Wool Gray Flannels, only - 20 Pieces heavy 7-Btwide Shaker Flannels, only All Linen,colored border, Haridkerchiefs, only - 100 dozen all Linen i Handkerchiefs, only 500 Tient-stitched Handkerchiefs, worth 50 cents, for Craalt•Toireling, OM Dinner Napkins, only • 0 pieces Linen Damask, worth 75 cents, for 7 " " " " $l.OO for 4 ".• " 150 for • 20 Pieces Printed Flannels,- worth 50 Cents, for 1000 Stitched Shirt Fronts, only 5000 Boxes Gents and Boy's Paper Collars, only 3000 pair Heavy Riled lose, only 2.000 yards White Linen, slightly soiled, yard wide, only 30 pieces Waterproof, muelt under price. , 50 Pieces. Electro TAPESTRY CARPETING, Only Black Alpacas! in We with to call your special attention, as we have the Digest Banzains'ever seen in this market 20 pieces Silver 'Gray Poplins, for (raveling dresses, marked down from 62 1-2 ett,to 5 pieces 0-4 all wool Black Ptkins, worth $l.OO, for We have hosts of other goods to numerous too mention, all of which will be sohl at less prices than can 'pur chased at any other store. 0 20 pieces Black Brocade Alpacas, worth 02 1-2 cents,4or 30 pieces French . Cobergs, worth 02 1-2 cents, for r 500 Worsted Knit Hats, worth $l.OO, for 1000 alt Linen, colored border, Ilandkereliiefs, only CASSIMERES, Don't fall to look at thoM all Wool Cassimeres, sdairAinv•Gt. FO r S I X - - • *.hes* are 'cheaper than anything you have ever seen. Also, that big lot of l3alntoral Skirts, full size, aronly .75 dents each. Those handsome changeable cladne and plain Poplins, at only :17 cents per yard, are creating a vent excitement among the ladies: An immense quantity of other styles of Dry Clog& to •numerons ti - xi mention, 4111 at equally - , . GLOVL I I3, , Linen Collars and CuffeLaCe Collyrs, And azz Imniense Sfp . ok Of Fancy Ggod.s, ALL AT IXTREME LOW PRICES TO CLOSE. ■ THAT WE ARE Ug Si; HOSIERY, CORSETS, 'LACES,' 11,bonm, i.ortee Wo STORE. CASSIIVIERES UM OM 111 1.50 4.00 4.50 .20 17 12 .25 12 1.2 .25 12 1-2 .Q 0 30 $ .15 .10 .20 .50 .50 $ .371.2 62 3-2 $ .371-2 37t1-2 .50 ~25 El in Erie. MARVIN'S PATENT Alum & Dry Plaster FIRE PROOF SAFES SAFES Cannot, be'Siodged! Cannot be Wedged ! • Cannot be Drilled! _BANK VAULTS, VAULT DOORS, • EXPRESS BOXES, FAMILY PLATE SAFES, COMBINATION LOCKS Please send for a cardrig . tic to BILARVin & CO., (4.4 d,.. cafe manahstorem) ; ; 26 Broadway, New York. Warehouses 721 Chestnut St., Phila. 108 Bank St., Claveland,o An for sale by our agents in the principal cities, throughout the United States. THE UND E RSIGNED, Having. purchased the. Interest of the Messrs 1 4"Incente In the , FLOUR FEED BUSINESS Of the late firm would rnhpectfull}• solicit 'a contlnuance of favor from. the friends and pa- trope of the house, and the public in general, pledging himself that he will at all'titaes try to sell good and Tellable - Flour, Feed and Grain ! At the lowest price for cash in hand. 'From my long experiersos In tills branch of the trade, i trust I know what the publie demand, and that I am prepared to meet that want, Returning ray thanks to the public for their liberal patronage to me In the past, I hope by strict attentinn to my business an d their wants, to merit a continuance of their patronage In the future. THE MIT •T ,TNG, FLOUR, FEED AND cinArN wiiple continued, inttlts department.:•:,.st the ERIE MILLS, P, RUDE STREET, and the Store, EAST PAIZIE fIQW, Between Brown's Hotel and Reed House, Where the public wildfind a good stock always for sale, with competent and polite men on hand to supply their wants. up2X+Ti-ly. R. B. lIAVERSTICIL NEW LOCATION 13..A.Nria . flas removed to Whittleit's Mock, corner of, State and Tenth Streets; Erie, Pa . ., :where he ham opetiiei) a „ a . LA.TELY INCREASED STOCK Of Groceries . , Fruits, Vegetables, Provisions and everything usually kept. In a first-class groceryestablishment. We are determined not to beau paNxed, and Invite all who want any thing I Our line to call, feeling assured that we ri ; shall be able to gi ve satisfaction both as to qual ity of gixxl.s and prim , . ' , CouUtry Produce Bought and Sold. We liaye opened a CO3I3IISBION DEPARTMENT, fo willat we ask the itttentton of those having ProdueWto dispose of, We pledge ourselves to secure the highest market price for irli articles entrusted to our care. DEALERS TttE ADJOININI Tt_kw:;!.s, And on the-Lines of Railroad, Supplied with F.11,17175i , ITEGETAZiES, apr2V-tf. J. w. 17. V. :CS , Whulehale and Itetaal • , Dealer in Furniture 1 Raving Purrha.scd the entire atock,,o,f li`ttrui . - Lure of Stemrs. Iklooro it Itiblet, I feizpectfiAny aak ray old customer,' and thd puldic,genempy to give me a call at the old atatitl, NO. 715 STATE STREET, -", Before pureltaalng elZa j ..• I a large assort - • • Parlor, Chamber and d Room Seta! ..LSO, .1 BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLE; WARDROBE'S, DESKS, And,.lll Met everything/on the line rd Furniture; I am prepa`red...toreanufacture teenier ans•style that may be called for. Remember, No. 7 / 5 State street, east side, between Seventh and Eighth streets. apZ,'67-It. JOHN N. AYRES. GREAT REDUCTION 1"11,1CC. ••• E:11. CO,LE• Sy SON' • - mutt, BIND -,c ' ' rs' and ::32allar •4.clmi at 75 - &Ada .., per vothroe . : - Gudey's, and sun I tar :,„*.rtgitzleivii; at .31.00 , per volume. - . -. • II•14.p .s and raftk aslle s papers, at 12.25 11 • tiC luc king and selling PL .1 3Et le 13 o o lk* • (5 • s • AT ‘• • 01/EDtCED PRICES! IllitLry • over ICeyatone ,National Bank c • iier Stale and 801 streets. L. 13. crx-EvAmtvat, DESIGNER ''.&••DECORATIVE ARTIST Neatest, Cheapest, and Best Sign }eliding West of New York City. Parlors; Balls, Churches, sky, •;, Frescoed in the neatest style of the art. Oencral. Designing, Drafting of Models for the Patent (Mike aced every description of Orna mental }hinting executed promptly. .Farrar Hall. No. 3, second hoot. apl}B7-te QUEEN OF ENCCAND SOA p: rIVF.F7,I or ENGLAND SOAP. OuEEN OF ENGLAND SOAP • • _ Tv, R. doing family washing in the beat and .theapeat manner. Guaranteed equal to any In the world! Insult the atrength.of old rosin soap with the inild and lathering qualities of genuine Castile. Try this splendid /soap. Sold yy , the ALDEN CHP..3IICAL,IYOIiKti, 18 Niwth rront Street;Pidladelpitia. au27.ly. NEW p‘le - pFa , PRESSES;: AND SUPERIOR WORKMEN. ERIE' O ' B . SERV• . ER t -Slll North-West Collier of . Stott Street and the . Park. MOST c IPLETF. MANN-ER, Job Printing of Every Description th ft ft style of tulsorpft,ued ne.:tuec.. est, aft.l priei•s to eor ftre f. aPete r 111. nuy titttor. .n •• W (Jur MOST IMPROVED KIND, Our TYPE nil NEW, and of the KTYLE 4 .4, and our Wotti>:itr..:% rutin' t anylii try., With the Sinetilnere and Material ira now We feel full' srarrante‘i elaituing that NO -OFFICE in the - western Part of tho Slat° EXCEL: 4 OIW only one or two I'4l3:Li n l l, In furliltlty for turning out work In a RAPID AI‘I'D SATISFACTORY AI,ANNET VFAUV - O,'F Pl 2 IN'TIN" Iteeetved, and Work wartuntod trot to Iw lutt;rtur to that done In the Fatiktern Cards, Letter and Dill - Heads, Circulars, Stateuttibi. And *ll the kinds of work In use by Ihts!neklat.en ENGRAVING, LATHOGRAPHIgG, c We harp Inntlolllllllvernrtilghth thelargPst and I,,rst Po.tablfshinent In Botta° for pr q nny ,ort of gagravlng that nifty be peeled, In as good style and.at' LESS PRICE TITAN IF TIIE.ORDE WAS'SENT TO TITEII DIRECT Buildings, Marlsinpry, SPal,, Anlographs, Maps, Portraits, ke., tap eol rust lug them to us will be assured of n good piece of work In.the most prompt and vain tory manner. Engravings furnished either on Wood,Stoue or3fetal, lEtacrk 13hiding-, Are. In this department we have facilities that are unsurpassed. 'Persons having printing g,, that requires Ruling or Binding in connection, will find it to their interest to entrust:lß° at, will guarantee that it shall be performed in a workmanlike manner, and that the charge wi.l nioderate as can be afforded. The liberal patronage exteeded to this °Mee during the last two yearbliaa encouraged woke every eilbrtiaxisible to deserve Le favors °four friends, and we now take especial ra• cation in informing them and the, pu bite that we have sue •kvied In titling up an establisha. equal to every requirement of the community. We are determined to esigapete with the best, and cozily as,.sko. trial to satisfy any One 1n.,: claim no more than we are JlLst'y entitled to. ° LEGr'...4 , l,__lE_A 131_,ACINTIK S. - - . - • .t . . Coustantly on hand a full supply of Attorney's, Justices of kthe.PeaCe and ConstAhles Blu.o. of the most approved forms. Also, BLANK Nun.l3 of every )tind and RECEIPTs,, single re books. SECUTIrTV Life Instirailee • NEW XOXS. IMO isse6, - neo i 1g67., ti $4256;39,044. .. - . , ' 1 / 4 8VF.P.A.T..0, .N. X. /Mi. This certifies' that V. eh, the undersigned, have "", examined Into Vie merits of thud:SECURITY- ~t LIFE INSIMANC'E COMPANY, and believe it _,'" to •,the sound,rellable and ezifial_to the test In f . AMterica. . , -• • ' u Sidney Shipattl t.....C0., WhOlesal; .Ilard wan' •-• Dealers. ', 4-- i: .... A. F.Vripi,,llrrn of oldwey Shepard & Co. ' Bimonart Crttisey, comtaission_Merchants.. Dmiley "F s C0.,4,11 Renner& • . . _ Fl. P. Blirke, Warrants' ,S: lilech-mics' Nat. Bank. .r. G.A.Williams, " • • ' Li kl .3.,0. Ramon a Co., Goldsmiths and Jewelers ? Simon Neff; Boot and Shoe Dealer. , e F'. F. Curry, Supt. Forest Lawn Cemetery. - George F.', Lee 'Attorney and Counselor, Cyfus P: Lee, L'zle Co. Savings Bank. " Joseph L:F7c.irchtld, Register in Bankrliptcy. ...... E. AA - persons desiring insurance will do well to • . s. call on , • ''' °' • '• ' . Ag, 11; . 145. - 31.00 RE,, -Erie, Pa., desteraf.A.gent for3Kestera Pa. NEW F`XJalq:: James P. Crook, having taken in his son Jas. P.., as a partner, on thelst day of April, OA-un der the lirm name of James P. Crook & Son, de sires to have a settlement of his old aeconpts. An persons knowing thereselves indebted to himy. are requested call and settle Without de la * JAMES T. CROOK 5; SON, Dealers Jr' .. ' . • RAGEt & PLANE.DIATNEBta • 1 And Manufacturers,' ot, WINDOW BASK , FaAmts,Ettisiß.94. r.I.IND:i. Mouldings and Picket. Fence, Scroll SlnWing, 31a teliing and Vluniug done to order. 4lliop on Peach tgt.,: t Between Fourth nod Fifth Sts., Erie, Pa. We respectfully call the attention of the pub lic to our facilities for doing worliVn the best of style, promptly and on reasonable terms. Hay inglitted up entirely nor shoret t tritn superior machinery we feel confident of giving satisfac tion. Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. mv2114-tf. JAMD3 P. C:4.001K & SON ALE BREWERY ! GrvAa. Formerly with OuthOut & Baker: ficoeboder, having taken the well knout Brewery on • Fretteli Street, below,Fourth, Erie, Pa., Formerly ocettpled by Win. Jacobi, would 114- Corm hts.old acquaintantes :Ink the public gen , rallyjhat he is now brewing a very buperldr quality of Ale. -From his long experience and uniform suecegs, he Is fully prepared toglve the hest or-sattsfaetlOn. Dealers are invited tocall ri. kViAdY -2 ;- " 11.12 11AKEit LS I NAVCTFAcrintsr. or 041 " „ ." r. Ccs ANfl Vi ,Chtl Corner iof Holland, and Sixth Streets -GERMAN SAI,reiGSISgtiTUTLON, Corpor_Elichilla:nd lsltato titre.. OPPOSITE,' OFFICE. • . This Institution la t.ow of 4, , ( o r the trau.ae tion et business, • . - • • ' • , OFFICE Hoch: OA.IL to P. NI.. SATURDAYS: : D. t t A. M'. t'et43. M. Six Pe, Coarktwatt .- -wiltbe Givettbeth4 Instltopin to liegolas Deposiptirs.': . I • tDIRECTO.II.9 = J, Elchentitub, P. A. Becker, F. P. I t tebel, - F. Schneider, John Uvilshernier., • OFFICERS : ' • John Gensholmer, , t Meer Scblaudecker,.. F. Schneider, my2'67-13-. . - T h a heapeat and Inost, ERIE AtAxtulr, lyouatt.. '• Pr Reties* BusluOss College ix nip lIFTLD STATM: M. A. DIINMNG, Na /Ole i'esch ilitmet, between lOth and — _ - Iltb, Erie, Fa. Fifteen Tininsand *anent' , Monument's, Tombstones, -Marble and Slate 3 . lantles, F rum 1.1111.4. Thrt43 14i4 1 e;3 ' In 'i l . 1.'41* I have on luuttl a large, assortment of ;limn:- . • • Meets and headstones -of various styles, In ' YObiAUGE QUARTO Cllletl , Alt Americanand Italian marble, and a corps of the beat workmen in the State. All orders will' • t"" be promptly attended to and .satisfaction guar- Contahttnu full-4.1f0rm...d10n, Outlnfe -c? f f • 0 anteed. My work Is warranted unsurpamed, ' . of Study, wrinkles of CorcleY's and 1 cannot be undersold by any one. orders • , and inspectlon of stock and prices solicited. • _ 1nh19 . 67-Iy. • .. . Premium TenraansialP , . . ----, B. LAllliSt BLANKS I—A complete assort - Mont of every „kind of Muth* needed by View of the C 01.1" 4e Buthlhatoliffere a t aat ,,n Attorneys, Justus , Constables and' Business partments, Cltpuf•Pittsburgh, etc., etc. . Nam Waste at the Observer canoe. the PriliClPatas , TOR PRINTING of every kind. .In lwrge ot, mall quautttlea, plain or colored,. done In tho battfityle, and at moderato afteel. It the turnrO4, ObOerTor °Moe • , • 308. PRINT/ .I V Gr . = . 0c , • 7, ".. 1111 , 1) ::. ''. P° -•.;•' _,---- _ _-_--i- -• ..„_ _ ..---. - 1 _ . If avl g ISitcd np our office Itf 'Lisp We :ire prepared to tio oRI4ItB TOR SprAchel attelit lou glyeri to t priut;ni; of Partlec wanting Cup;:or T I RE ISIESt ;IS 111 E,: • _ „ a , • - sr o s AT THIC. • e • Ne • Seiv Turk Hoop *llrti : Hanulitetori"., ' • E '• , ,Lndles', and Children\ HoOp Skirts of all Stylb Ladies can have their Hoop fiklits nuek C order, so that they win ilt.'culd have no treat: , whatever. The :New York Hoop Skirt Factor have experienced hands in both our mecca, taring and repairing departments: All our Skirts are made Or the best of Filet ' ble Steel and IffateriaL , Our Skirts are ISO corititrueted that the spri4k fold inwardly, and readily yield to the slights: pressure, t bus allowing them, to collapse so the the skirt occupies the. small.t.possible spare while sitting, riding or in passltig a crqw(l,,e , yet the moment the:Pressure is removed, skirt resumes its original and heautiful shop. We do not sell the.,e„ famous Skirts at hl price, but sell them as-cheap, if not ehetV than any other place L dies who not afford to-buy Skirts every little while m , haVe their old ones repaired for a mere trill, Sir Be sure to visit the .NeNl7 York Hoop Sir 3fanufaetory before purchasing elsewhere. ConntrY merchants will do well to gle s call, ' NATHAN L'OHEN, Successor toA..F. Cohen a Bro., No, 1005 State, street, Erie, I'S 'ts-tL ; :jlf7Vto/ • -.Nre•Bldent, ..'Tressuret. . „Secretary. 110% State St4.et. kifie,Tat Constant's on hand BI.E Vij (It.• pf Peru) and St. Clair Streets, PITTSBURGH', PA., lUrrti dr. G`CPN:V.L.VV.' Pttt.ebnrgh. Ps' 11 I'