The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, January 28, 1869, Image 3

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rents, to secure Insert ton, must
be liandea to by 9 o'clock on Thursday morn
ing Alt advertisements will be continued at
tint expense of the advertiser, unless ordered
for a specified time.
IitIVE sold out II:W.8foot( of goods to
I SMYTH', who will continue tho business t,
the old t,tared, No. 52-5-Freni.h Ftrect, „who has
Th e ...ettlengt o all acconoN in toy hands,-
ha fo e he patronage I have received fromi .
t he t politic, multi respectfally itollcit a con
tinuance of the same to my snecessor. •
• JAM Eiji. SMVEM:
Erie. 3811:2501,1SCO.
11 those who know thetuselvel indebted to
lone:. 11, ;lmyth, will please make paynieht fo
lot , \ cilium( ilehly, Its ills 11001 CH neconnt3
!minis (It wit lenient,
loeited theni,elves for the present.. in
De• Nerth part - of the roran of Messrs. Shau
n. A Co.', Hardware Store, South of the
l'h!en Depot, where they will continue to do u
,;rfieral I kinking,- Exelinnge, autt Collect lon
ah,o pay Interest on Deposits.
Discharge imitankruptcy.
s THY. msTruor-couwr or thel77MA
States, for the Western itistrletof Petlnsyl-
N All i 'l. IA MIN PRATT, a bankrupt ,under the
A,•: of CollgreiS of March 21, lu 7 , having ap
ple d for a discharge from all his delds,and oth
er chinas provable nailer said net,/ bv-order of
,licd ti
it, court. sauce Is hereby gl von to If person
who have proved their debt's, and i her persons
riper]'-tell, to appear on: RIO 'Pit day of Feb
ry, is,), at at 11 o'clock. A. I:rotor°. S. E.
'Woodruff, Esq., Register in Ran upley o nt Lis ettie, in the Court Ifolise, in Er t , Pa., to show
C.111 , P, if any:tbeyJiave,yhy'a deharge should
not . tw granted to the saki bankf t. And fur
ther notice is hereby given thatithe second and
third meetings of ere-Mors of void bankrupt,
required; by the 27th and 21th sect lonti of said
art;wlll be kelti before the said Register, at the
,eue time and place. S. C. MeCA NDI.Ess,
Clerk of U.S. Dlllstriet Court for said District.
Can%es for Trial.
1, M“NDAY IN MARCII. 1.4 1 .
il. are 1, , Colby, No, 01,4 No‘..• Term, ILSt,
1:i w illy \ s Barr, No. :107 'Aug.
11..1,,rts ~, 11. , •rlah, et al No. 1 5 reli. " I.
lir!, an v. Spires, No. 219
Tomtelotte vs Kelsey. et al No. '...)10 :slay" o
l'rwk ~. I.; National Bank of Corry, No. .7
lug. 1 eral. 1,4,7
thigh, .l% Am. Ex. Co, Aug, Term, "
ig,,,,,. M,•Gatighrey, et al " 160 •• - "
ltccd.r Nb A nder , on, " 174 "
T.Agielgte v,Kel„sey_,et al " 2-15 " "
l'Uwer‘. VandrPssor, "a 5 Nov.. •' WlMeet al vs Leonard, . ••• }4) "
Ogler v.• Hsieh, " Ila " ' "'
Nl , ad % . Frlile, " ! , 7 " -
h“rl i. nekett, " 119•-
C.lnc,lkcy et al vs Rea et of "1113 " "
it,,a..,.. % s Amity Tp,, .. 2i Fel,. ~I
'rake %. , ..ame, ":3I •• • '
1,,,d,r ,-.. sanu%, " .12 "
McKay %% Taylor, " 97 " "
IV,lcinan vs Cam01e.)...1, "PC
:,alt et al vs 11Iortpn,7 4 . " rl6 ' .. - • .
Acat ..1 al. a Stewart, "117 "
'truth, rs vs Dunham, " Pk; ' "
(lowly ‘. Thomas, " 19 1 1 " "
Faulkner vs Allen, " 217 " "
\l' .t vs kilns, " '2.11
8.,11 A Colt vs Excelsior Brick. Co., No. '238
Feb. Term., • 1 , 44
Eliot Cl al vs same, No, 172 May Tenn, "
Vincent vs Ushf r, 0 171 4. 41 ll
Wallace Vs Laird, " 257 Aug. " "
E. A. RR, ILCo„ vs Griswold, No.F;ONov. "
Allis vs Brown, 79 " " "
C. P. ROGEttq, PruthouolA ry.
Frm Co., will sell without reserve,
at their sales room,
Saturday Morning, Jan. 30,
A :stook of Boots and Slims, vonslstlng of 3
cusis Mens' and Youths' Brogans, 1 case Mims'
Kip Boots, lease Men,* Calf Boots, 2 Cases mo
vers grained Boots, 1 Case Mens' Prairie Nola,
1 Case Mem' BalmoralShoes 3 Cases Mims'
Mining Boots, 5 Cases Youths' Thiel
also, a lot of Women.'
Goat Gaiters, Kid Slippers
AND 11,11AVY F;1101,:i4
The allerith,ll rd 'retail de.tlers hurl ry
Idercliants t. called la till,. s,ilr, ns4 the g00‘.14. are
lwsitively Cn•be sold without re.,erve, and In
In'o• to WINII I ELI, (11.
iz s rr A. rr
Sew P, Story Irons° of 1. (711t.ttpli, on But.
Lao Chositint and Walnut st,.
Good iStoryßotuteg, with lot box it;:ri...teh, on
lith Et; near Lith stn., R. Owners tia..:e left
townluid Will sell cheap. -
F'or Rent.
2 Tenements, Uranus each, mad Ht., he.t %veva
Myrtle and Chestnut, at $llO and .51" o leer an
nam. Possession Itarriecllately.
For Rent.—Dwelling litniseciftapt. Tlu nla
on Snssafrits st...about S rOont.s,„ cellar, water,
good ipuden . „ fruit, &e. &good tenant can
have It at &VD Per annum.•
For Rent, on W. 4th street, bet. liassafctts and
Myrtle, a well finished - dwelling. Price, z.2. - ,0 per
annum. Possession giweri 'CLOW.
Jarl29-'-G9 .
ait{ 11. Just, published, a new edition
of 33r. OtalrerWilare Celebrated Es
say on the radical cure without,
medicine,) of SPEILIIATOLtRim:A, or Seminal
W.:diner's, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Italia
tetwy. Mental and Thyslcallncapaclty,lmpedi
meats to Marriage etc„. - also, Consumption,
Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self-indulgence
or sexual extravagance. o r .
Price, in a sealed envelope, only Gee!' tx.
'lllc celebrated author, In tlll, B,linirahle
clearly dezzionstratax from a thirty y eurs'
•accessful practice, that-the alarming conse
quences of may be radically cured
without the dangerous use of internal rued ie ttie
er the application of the lzulte; pointing out a
mode or cure at once simple, certain and ef
fectual, by means of which every sufferer, zxo
latter what WA , condition may be,.may cure.
himself privately, and radically.
ak- This Lecture should be In the hands of
C cry youth - and every man In the land,
sent, tinder seal in a plain envelope, to any
addre.s, po.5rPAIn, on receipt of six. mit:, or
two past stamps. Also.,Dr. 'ulverwell's "Mar
riage Guldc,"..price tri cents. Address the Fab
l:hem CILIS. J. C. /CLINE
f.f7 Ilowerey, New York, Post Office flux 1,5.'16.
I jAVEsaI bought the Eagle Ilotvl, in Water
ford, would inform the uunl le that he has
luoloughly refitted the ;,anie,:tml t, now ready
hi aeconunoduto. all In the beat of tit) le, Ills
table i 3 bolllltlnllly,,upplivd, and the bare IS
, drelteil with the eholet‘t of liquors. nov2/3,11.
Onee More In the Field.
II \\Y PED.SONI4' xvlioi ill Year , gone le',
II Were In the liablt of u , o11.; CA It Elt'S
rit)Nt: AND NERVE. LININII..NT, b u t who
11 Lite years liar p found It dttncult
4 , elng to the proprietor laving., ecom.,l to pre
pare it, except in small quantities, an• h,•„•hy'
informed that have re,timed tbelnanufavt tire
Of this most valuable Li ninient..once ./.u . pupa-
Lir throtighout this part of the
intend pLuelne. it hi every store wberti
eines are • load,. In this and the fallowing'
COW:ales. - ~1, 1 etieklearra in ptuthillar and
the public in general may - stow feel Salt of get
ting this article at an tittles in its lull
stremal. and Parity. Prii.t. be Sloele.llottle 40
, . J. S. c 4 icr
_ Carter's lting Alone l otion.
I .l ft szrzto:sl FOR tikVETA - and certainty
to rentrAing Mug 'Mile and Hone Sparitt ?
Lump.; and i , •plintsete., exceeds alt
9ther huown, preparatant.4. ThAne Wilt; have
o'N'ILAon for a tsrgyaratf on of t k Ind are in.
form.d that It is sots, put..u.p Much stronger
tha " It fornserly,tvas,,Eu tlaallts action is more
lath and certain than helot_ J e and will rarely
ri - er disappoint Mr - user: 'Retall Trice 7b ets,
lhn.e. Bottle* for ss+
Itragvsla and Country 31erchauls can pro-
, are these articles with the tumid I)l.4count
from the Proprietor or from J.
r .t Co., at the pid. Maud of
• Notice. • 4
ofShares of - Stock of the Erie County AP-.
ricultural soeiety, are hereby requ , sfed to pre
sent the same to the Society, for the purpose of
hay iiig` numbered and registered, and
au p sons having receipts for mopcy,prikl, and
V•ito • entitled to -aback for the Rattle, are also
resin' to prescnt their receips or other
uf payment to the Society, i n order
that they may be placed on the books of the
soeletY: and Stock Issued. Persons who re.
fuse or neglect to eomp) ,twith _ rery on
or before the 15th day of February, ISe11;will
forfeit all clam that they may have our the
order of the Boast of Managers.
J. C. IltiltGESl4,
Erie, Jan. Is, 1 L 9• jan2l-4w
Fresh Butter 20 Cents keilSPound.
Butter footle la from tbreo to five min
utes, by the oho of or Infallible limiter Powder,
'ut u cost of cents a pound. Simple in opera
non, baeas in use. Two pounds of butter
can be made froM One quart of milk,suftielent
Powderto make 3ff - poands of butter, sent free
on receipt of price—sl. Agents_ manted In
every Town und County, to In trainee this won
derful eeonomizer. Address.
Burr En. co„ 10.1Nnsotou fit„ IC. Y.
- -
Attorney nt Law, Cor., of State and ith . Gta.
(over Nick's Drug fiture, Edo, Pa. jail Prt-t f
AllE indebted to C. M.Tremaine, 'the
pAlisher, 491 Broadway, for_ two' pieces` - of
new musie-"Barbe-Bletie" and "The Rice
that ever Wears a Smile." .
. HoN. M. B. Lownv was ,prostrated by a
paralytic stroke, while taking dinner at
Lis boafding bduee, in Harrisburg, on Hon-
Tiirs is •the second visitation of the:
disease, ana his friend's jiav ktruly fere
ioilings Fonsequenee, 4t,,otir lAN
s s. s.
waslllllol improve(' ma i
lt s not
likely:10 he will be able to rdsufite his seat
lute - Senate. for sonic days..
Tus now in force regulating the sale
of domAticwines, malt and brewed liquors,
requirds the applicathin to be made the same
as fur a hotel license, omitting the bed fea:
'turerallows the court to hear remonstrances
against granting as well as petitions in favor;
reqUires a refusal of the license whenever it
is not necessary for the accommodation of
the public; and allows the court to revoke
the license "upon sufficient cause being
Aerowrtos mot the cominittees to the
House, Mr. -Hes, one of dur ineinbers; was
given the posithin
.of Chairnittia of the Clorn 7 :,
mittee on Aecoutits,lne of the most unirii ! ,
portant in that body. lie naturally felt that
his ,t.rviecs in the House, and the extent of
our county interests, entitled him to a bell&
place, and last week resigned the "honor','
conferred upon him, itt a speech of such keen
sarcasm that it enlisted the sympathy of the
whole body, and' made the speaker squirm
in - rather an unContfortahle manner. ,The
members from the Western-counties general
ly complain that the committees in the House .
'itive•taten made up too Much in the inteeest,
tf Philadelphia and the East.
SEE ADVERTBENIENT of boots and Shoes
for sale at auction by Frank.Wineliql.
& lirml,En, real estate agents, ad
vertise a number of desirable piopyrties for
'sale and rent.
W. W. PIERCF; Co. have reznovetl their
hsrdware store to pie room in the Reed
House block, lately occupied by G. 11. 3[er-•
rilL.t. Co, : •
JOHN ELIOT & Co., bankers, who
were burned out some weeks since, have
opened au office in tile store of Shannonkt ,
Co., On Peach street, south of th a depot.
Public Eutertuiutnents.
,of Chicago, one of the
sweetest poets and best writers in America,
will deliver a lecture. in Farrar Hall, on Fri
day evening of this Vieek. One, Democratic
friends need have no fears of being com
pelled to listen to a Radical discourse, for
Mr. Taylor never meddles with politics in
his lectures.
GEN. KILPATRICK, the celebrated cavalry
leader and Radical politician, will deliver
his lecture " Sherman's March to the , Sea,"
in Farrar Hall, on 3lotidav evening net,
the Ist of February,. under the auspices
of the Grand army of the' Republic. The
proceeds arc to be used for the benefit of
soldiers' widows and orphans.
A VALUABLE. Ex.f.k.:nruENT.--31r. G. P.
Broillier, the well known soap mannfactur
er,nt,tbe corner of SiNth and Rolland streets,
has applied the abandoned Seventh street
oil well to a practical purpose, which prom
ise, to he attended with important results to
the community in general. The well yields
a large amount of gas, and Mr. 8., alter haul .0
it cleaned, extended a pipe to lib nianulitc
6,ry, means of which he secures an abund
ance .of gas to - light,- heat- and run the
establishment. All the large kettles in
the - building are heated by the'gas, and sum•
dent is furnished to keepseveritl in operation
at one
. time..'l3eslde heating the kettles the
gas warms the building, and supplies all the
light needed. A simple apparatus at the
well regulates the supply; 'and whenever
more gas is furnished than the establishment
requires, a self acting valve changes the cur
rent into the escape Pipe. The whole ar
ring,ement is very ingenious, and
,well worth
an examination. The gas exhibits no symp
tom of reduction in quantity or quality, nd
will save Mr. B. many hundreds of dollars
yearly. Ile Is of the opinion that the earth
beneath our city contains sufficient gas, to
afford all the heat and light needed for the
use of the citizens, and believes that the time
will come when its advantages will be gener
ally availed of. Beside the . establishment
mentioned, we believe. the works of H.
ffarecki & Co., have been in part run, f.r
considerable period, with gas from another
abandoned oil well.
,Wanyem.---One of the most pros
perous, as it is one of the best conducted, es
tablishments in Erie, is the extensive drug
store and "glass house of Hall & Wartel, on
State street, between Seventh and the Park.
It occupies the whole of a lour story building,
with basement,having a large three story addi-
tion in the rear, with front on Seventh street.
The first floor of the main huilding k occu
pied by the retail department ; the ith street
entrance is used. for wholesale l ila shipping
purposes generally': - The stock embraces
every variety of articles kept in a store of
the kind; - the firm taking an especial pride In
having a full stock of eyery thieg that is likely
to be called for, either . in the' wholesale or
retail trade, awl the wonderful success that
has attended than_ tunplitattests the appre_: ,
elation of their enterprise by the public. It
is a common saving, whenever inquiries arc
made for articles of rare use : "Go to
Warfas ; they keep anything you
catt,call fpr." -
The firm make-a speciality of-French
which they import direct from the Illinufae
turer3 la immense quantities. The fact is
not flattering -to our national pride, but Is
none the less true, that the French glass is
infinitely superior to that of American:man
dfacture. It is Weer from blemishes, clearer
and whiter, and contains so .many points of
superiority that any one examining the sam-'
ples is convinced at a glance. The cost is a
trifle higher, but the -difference in quality
much more thin makes up. 3lessrs. llall
& Warfel keep every size and thickness, and
aro prepared to supply.stores, public buildings
and private houses to-any oxtent needed.
Their stock of Ainerican glass is. also large,
so that purchasers have the opportunity of
taking their choice.
We advise all persons in need of goods in
their line to reatlMes.srs; Ilan &Warfel's ad
vertisement, and give thenia p . „11 before lay
ing in tlieir"sfock. • '
.1. S. CARTI!; II
ANOThER WAtt.-- 7 ..A. very amusing con
troversy has sprung up out. of the disputes
among the members of one of ourdeceased
Fenip circles. Mr. P. T. Barry,-late Head
cenhe,:iintling that the .debts of Ake:, organ
ization were not being paid, felt it incum
bent upon Himself to ntsh into print for the
-purpti§eof explanation: Ife tells an extra
ordinary-story of how that having become
an object of - dislike to the society becatufe of
his Radical sytnpies,.t . lie.i"souglit
him whi t ' the responsibility of meeting all
their..oblikations, which, not being a man of
very long purse, be didn't feel inclined - to do.
The most blame, according to the indignant
l3ar,ry;attaches to a , man named Barrett;
whom' ke proceeds to excoriate in a vein
of sarpism astonishing to read. Barrett; be
ing a shrewd man, wisely refrains from cots=
mittirtg Isintselt,to print, but ildop!s`.a twit
effective redress by appealing-to the law, in
consequence of, which Barry is, held_ to bail
in the . Burn, of five hundred dollars for al
leged libetlions attacks upon the aforesaid
BusinesM Notices.
Btqiitt's good name and natation.. Fot
lowingthls skean) a communication from •T.
IST2C. O'Sullivan, who also "feels it inenall
bent,!' "as a most iinperatiVo duty to request
in the cause of truth-ind justice" the oppdr
amity of, his of this intensely ex
citing affiir. 0' •an p ounces Barry's
statements this tissue of a- "fertile inutina
tion," declares that he had never the 'courage
or manliness" to make an avowal of hii Rad+.
teal sympathies before election, asseris that ,
to-Barry and another mysterious individual
ii`_.dne the fault oft non i -paymeat,' and pro.
eeds to haul him over the coalk gen
erally in it way more. pleasant" to hail
than endure. Item, the, nage reltilfor the
prenni, but in tlib inoantlOhe
are gathering their forces and preparing 'for a
"most desperate onset, and if it doesn't end in
numerous invitations to "pistols- and coffee,"
there is nothing in frothy epistles.Or Moody
Jury List..
The foilowingisaa list of the Grand Iltrori
drawn for the court for the trial of 'criminal
"offences, conuitenelng the fourth Monday in
FelFuary : -
James 'Skinner,
_Erie,' Foreman.. Erie,
Dr. G. C. Bennett, John Carse, M. E. Dun.
lap, Dr. Those H. Stuart North East.BoTO
-Ames Gould.• North East Township--.
-Russel A. White.. Venaime—Jobn
nett, H. Brightman-. Athity—A. L. Haskell.
Wayne—John Chappell, W. - P. Bassett.
-ertneord—Frank Stranahan: Union Born --•
E. Cooper ' A. Black. 'LeßoeuffL-Ge.o.
4911150 n - Wtarlhrd Township—Chas Skin -
.rreK liriterfard Lioro-4ohn V. Anderson,
WeshrnOnn-.C.-Wi. rwitehell, ;Franklin—
Wm. L. Putnam. Albion-4: Wells. 'Spring
field-'—,llancaPerguson, Devore. Girard
Bore—John Hay,. Jr. -
The following are the Traverse Jurors for
the same term of court
• Erie—T. J. Elliott, D. Shirk, S. E. Bacon;
IL W. Spooner, Adani' Llebej, C. E. Foster,
Jacob Hanson, Wm. Brewster, B. Hershey,
S. 11. Kelsey; F. rtreVillier, t Thos. Dillon.
-South Erie-Adam Acheson. .Mill Creel—
John 'Burton, Jacob Rhode, Isaac- Wolf, .las.
C. Graham, Amos Hinkle, James Ferguson.
Harbor Creek—W. A. Lch John Allen.
Greenfield—F. B. Brown.: Wayne-0. Gil
more, Jr. Concord Hampton Lovell:
Corry—J. 13. Potter. Union Boro—Baxter
Wilmarth. leßoueir—lra Manross, William
Robinson, H. M. Mange. Waterford Bora—
David Boyd. Greene—Mike MeGinnis,l3en
jamin Alguire, John Schnell, Jr. McKean—
D. Staticlitf, Joseph' 13. - Grant: WaSTl
ington--Hemy Ckurch; R. Butler.. Franklin
—Charles Wright,. John Gilbert. Elk Creek
—A. Ct. Joslin, L. B. Joslin, S. Flemming.
Conneaut—Marsena Keep.' Springfield— -
Elias Randall. Girard Township—J. G. Pat
tison, J. C. Caufman, J. S. Miller. Girar4
Boro—Wm. Fenner:
'TUE crry election will be held in March,
and'eandidates are already being proposed
for the various oflicqs.
0. H. Intsu, formerly of this city, is one of
the Republican candidates for 11. S. Senator
in Nebraska. He would make a. model
TUE DISPITCII tells of a' woman in - th.e,
vicinity of the depot who is less then thirty:'
two years of age, has had, four
and is now awidow.
SOMEIiODY suggests that the almanac
makers deserve a severe talking to, for de
ceiving- the people - with the expectation of
cold weather,in January, when; most of the
time, it has been as pleasant as April.
TWO wheeled velocipide, one of the
latest, and most approved style, has been irri
traduced here by. Mr. J. C. Selden, and
object of- general attraction. Before :tlie
year ead.s,.they will 'probably bra familiar
sight to our citizens.
4 DICtiliKEiC fellow In the vicinity of the
depot, on Saturday, boasted that he had a
thousand dollars in gold in his pocket, and
frequently pulled out handfuls
s of the pre :
' eious metal to verify his assertion. As a conse-
quenee, ho was the centre of Id admiring
Tux Phila. & Erie R. Co. have organ
ized a surgical staff, to furnish medical as
sistance in case of accidents, with Dr. H. A.
Spencer as chief of the department. They
could not have selected a more competent
person or one .who will he Are generally
CAPT. I TOSEPLI METCALF, Whet of Prescott,
Charles and Saniuel Metcalf, of this city, and
widely known as the- oldest member of the
Masonic order in•the United States, died on
TueAday, at the residence of the first named
of his sons, in the 05th year of his age. He
was a man of much intelligence and gener
ally esteemed. ;
TILE' Venango - Spectator contains the 1131::
lowing complimentary notice,of one of mir re
cent citizens: • ' •
"bur young friend, Geo. A - .
Allen, Esq.,
forinerly•of Waterloo, this county, hangs out
his shingle as a Practising Attorney, corner
of State and Seventh sts., Erie, Pa. He has•
the stuff in kiln to reach the hi 'hest. rank* in
the profession." *
IT 19 understood that the Co. Commission
ers, in accordinee With the report of the last,
Grand Jury and the order of the Court, have
decided to commence the ereefion of ,a new
jail as soon as the weather will 'permit in the
spring. The old jail is to be torn down, atil
the new one built upOn its site, though of ar
larger capacity, and—it s ls to he' hoped—rbet
ter adaptation to the object In view. The
plan of Mr. It. C,Ctiaprnan, of this city, has
been adopted, and is saki to combine all
. ihe
desirable points. We trust the work-honse
feature, by Which the inmates can be Wade
to pay for their own Support, will be 'kept
constantly in the foreground.
-A NOYET:Ty in religioui*lrshipis about
to be Inaugurated by Rev. 'G. P. Cain, of
Park chalet; which promises to be attended
with popular-favor. It col:Oasts in-8 series of
Sabbath evening lectures, by prominent lay
members' or ditfereut Protestant denomina
tions, upon topics connected with the inter
ests of religion. The first will it given by
Judge Johnson,nn Sunday next, to be fol
lowed by Ju lge Vincent, Cul. C. 13. Curtis,
Prof. H. S. Jones, A. 11. Caughey, S. S.
Spencer, and others.. Public expectation is
on the tip-toe to see the result,!aud thw ad
vent of our legal friends especially is looked
forward to with it curiosity that, to use an en
tirely new and original expression, "can bet
ter ,be imagined than described 4'
A. Mit.l l 4 . ,ViLi-toti, correspondent o f the
Dispatch nails attention to the al - vantages of
the route thrbugh that place for obtaining
a connection between 'the Atlantic & Great
- Western R. R. aed onr harbor; over that
proposed from Jamestown, N. Y. The for
mer route, he says, is .only twenty miles in
length, through 'a comparatively level coun
try, with little bridging and easy grades.
The Jamestown route is sixty miles long, the
country rough, and numerous streams to •be
crossed. If these statements can be .relied
upon, there should be no hesitation which
line to adopt, and if our citizens are wise
they will waste no time in putting ,the pro
posed road under headway. 'A connentin. '
with the Erie road would enable us tosecure
new markets for our wholesale trade, that
would iecompense in part for those we
have lost by the superior enterprise of But
and Pittsburgh.
PnounEss.—Columbus sailed to the Amer
ican coast in afonr hundred ton ship, and
first landed upon the Island of St. Domingo.
Last week a vessel from St. Domingo un
'waled in New York over four hundred tons
of St. Croix Rum for P. 11. Drake & Co., of
that city. This is but a few weeks' supply
of this article, which these gentlemen use in
the manufacture of the celebrated Plantation
Bitters. We are intormed - by, an exchange
that Messrs. Drake& Co.have notadvertised ,
a dollar for a year, but that the 'Wm of this
article continue at the _former • enormous fig
ure*: In 1863, the receipts of the Plantation
Bitters were equal to those of the New York
& New Haven Railroad.
ilLtoxour *ATE.a.—Superior to the bca
imported German Cologne, and sold at •
the price. jata•tf.
ERIES . IWETY - hri:C.ll!W_.ll:,ree , , papsr
wittalethii;7l*ts+oo,/asr 4404
started by , :lirthateZrOliardidoii, -11401 - ,X4
Nair farm, - alsiut
Tat: Girard Spectator, contains mcoMmu
nication- with . the'sign‘ficant - intFdhig !• - "Are
you a Christian r Up to latestladylees no
titiswor hadliOrilece - Wed in:t
; -
Gimrit'Cosmopolite:sais,!tyte meaty
musical name in the county" is ,l „ 7 ,John Tomp
kins.' However thatmay be, it is ttial,
Totnpkin - 13and is the favorite one for:Acme
patteitrt till Feetioa, ' ; c 6'
• • .
' THE inhabitant, Qt. Erie rowdy, Tenn.,
are experiencing an agteeAle ?,en'salion. A
pack of svplvcs, which, has ihOs,fkr ailed MI
attempts at Capture, is paying nightly Visits=
to their sheePfolds.—X. F But. •
The Sun 'is niisislien in the tai,tlPT:.: - "••Erk,
county, 2 olll6;is,where the coMPltiinteolintt
- •
commenei this week a record of the
real estate tritnsters' in the eounty t 'as 'taken
from the bookif,Capt. liarvey, Co. Recor
der. They-will he continued from .week to
week, and, %%Titre much mistaken if,t4e,ticz
~i)artment 40(slatft- 0n'e, , 01,.* 4104
populatiikie s llttielf:.--**l4„nt
heingdeftnifitg** .
about the . effies traniferrea, ,in fttttt
I). W., VOncE, Esq., a' well known and
highly resPected citizen of 3leliean township,
met with an acident on Tuesday last which
resulted in his death. • He • was 'driving a
loaded team to the city, and in coming up
the.bill where his body was' found it is suP
posed he got otT to block the wheel of the
wagon, to give his•horses a rest, but falling
while in. the act the wagon was backed over
hisliody.lhen fonntrlife was entirtlrpie
•-• ; ,
tingt. •
2 1 . 2er harbor creek,ltg
tertile* church - at Wesleyville, on Simdtiy . ,
evening last, leaving . his, horse and -buggy
hitched to a Teime -near by.- On-going Co the
place, after service, he found them gone, , lnd
it - pa ... 4 4 pace started Ia 60-4 of tholdpf,
wl amt—snccess.-: On g- - triex t
however, the horse was driv,enl.)y Mr, v.'s
residence, the thief evidently being unac
quainted with the locality. Ile was soon
Enright to a halt, and is now meditating in
• .wer the prospects of a tenpin the peni-
A. FESTIVk young butcher, Gottfield Ziele
by name, has been indicted for breaking his
iiiond,„ . 44fo4 damsel with fiactic
pp lot p~4 ~3f~ndcdl, liver fu 'Ve:ltt
4 qlc
ter6rigtril). n tic i pa liiirebf Ittrtri•edni • -
ming their, son-in-law 7 =-so the story goes,—
the old folks had aided him in Inisioess to the
amount of. $3OO, which he relusits to repay,
and suit i 3 -to be %rought to recover' the
money. It seems - to usthatthe - f ought
to congratulate themselves upon getting rid
of the hopeful Ziele hefore he had an oppor
tunity of going into, their purse and affec
tions More deeply. •
. -7 -?l4ElGuntilauo.ol) NEWtk.!f L •
22 ' DA thStfc:C4;„bwil Clevelaml-Intsraere
Cr, has been refused a new trial. Tie designs
writing a pamphlet of his' life, tribe sold' for
the benefit of his wife.
A IHIEACH of promise, case is ,announced
foi trial next Month, in Cleveland, n which
the fair plaintiff is GO years old and the' de
fendant 70. The affection lostby plaintiff is
9d I>g erftkV,9C,A7-3"
, 1314 w r; of,Worrafi, propoited as
t)r • the
Supreme Court. The choice of the Conven
tion could not fall upOn as nble . r, purer or
more popular man.
THE LECTURE Course in Warren has been
a Lilac,. awl _has . had._ to_,ln....abandune
Tidioute still persists in trying tea keep one
up, but the effort is up-hill work. The lec
ture system is going cut of dr . Ci/1144
every part of the country, mad the universal
verdict will be—Died of WO much fanati
cism. " lits pity; but pity 'tis, 'tis
SUBSCRIPTIONS to the stockrof u new rail
road route frbm Buffalo, to tap the Phila. &
Erie at a point near the southerly line pl,
Elk county, are being taken in McKean
county and other places along the proposed
road. If Buffalo succeeds - in building the
various lines she
. has in cOntemplation,. to
connect her interests with those of the
Phila. & Erie road, we fear it will not be
many years until more of the through trade
will go there than will reach this city.
THE Warren and . Venango county papers
are decided in their Opposition to the divis
ion' Of = thosert oaides 'foi = the i tairPose,
erecting a new one, with Titusville as the
county seat, as contemplated by• the bill
which Mr. Lowry has introduced , into the
Legislature. • ThVlVarren Ledger says "there
me but few people in either of these counties
who desire the creation of a new county." It
is thought the bill may pass the Senate, but
'Mr. 'Clark, of Warrenj,s; on. the _Ointrtiktee
.on' nciv ,eouutteas
undoubtedly give the measure its death-
blow when it comes before that body.
THE Meadville Republican to thet-,Ra
zettt 4144E 4 14 ppoii4gyeTE citylts4te
eitl7olll4taff a 14.►gelifiEri, Itt l e i gilketa,t
the' - Verte'litsi — fall tt+F
many respects Meadville is - tlead, and that
during the past year it fia:s made'thore Pre.
gross than Erie. "We have one church," trl
umphantly, exclaims the Republican, "that
surpasses anything of the kind ever attempted
in Erie—we .have school buildings equal to
he best in the State—wes , are building the
tandsontest Court House in 'the State- 2 '
,teetera, etcetera. After all this, the Repub
lican will be prepared, at.its next attempt, to
prove 'Meadville a rival' of New 'York, and
Erie merely a little out-of-the-waiyillage:
FROM the ,Conneaut (0.) Reporter of yes
-te,rdity,, we zgatber:,the details ,offs horrible ,
murder, thick Wags 404petrattOetit
last. An ofd man named
Robert M. Pray, who has resided in - that
phe for upward.s 0f4,1 yeart3,,inakialtar:44
nn i3Olatcd, penurioui, but harmless life, was
the victim. His skull bad been crushed
in by an axe and his throat cut s from ear to
ears ; Traf i ly f!otn . thtt house !would seeps to
indicate that two persons were engaged in
this bloody work, and were frightened oft
before securing their expected booty. Mx.
Pray was a shoemaker by trade and also
farmed a small piece 'Of land. The neigh
bors searched the' premises and found $416
n gold and 'sls in greenbacks , sacitt d In
the garret. Ile had relatives living in -New
York, to whom the news of his death was
telegrapped.. No clue to - s tile-murderers-Fon
New Publications.
TIDE Phrenological Journal; for February
contains many portraits"'oT 4 dcatiriguishEd
characters, with a careful analysis of each.
The number is a good one.
Tao `tWorldidmanac" for 1869 is onivef
-thu beotkgmthink the:yeil Jitst) tig 4,100
oT tithal.4l- 2 •lts-atatNtict-nre. l llllreiteetti.
rate, and the information contained in it is
invaluable. It is, in short, a Convenient
book of reference Rm . everybody_ , -
Tue TribUne4liiianac. Art 1869 contains
complete county returns of the vote fin'
PreB l 4 l2 t, and the detailed nolo for angle
.Crtivernori and tittintiliers orCofiglise Seen
in 1868. It has the votes 'di' Nit , / 'Wilt,
New Jersey, and Connecticut by towns.
The work reflects the highest credit upon
its compiler.
Tug Ow GVAIID wears well, not onit
sustaining the , reputation which its oily ear's
publication 'has ' won, but it 'improves, like
good wine, the older it grows. - The Febru
ary issue is replete with political, literary
4'4 mislcellaueeps matitlt-
:1 a...L.
PERSONAL—The famous Physician and
Surgeon, Dr. Liston, from. the Albany Eye
and Ear Lnfirmau: v4ll 'be nW, he Deed
House, on nexoTuesdpy and . lnca4atrif
the 24 tuald - daPr-tr Februaly,- stopptegt
for those two days only, for the purpose of
treatintilll diseases at the' ye, F,ir, Throet 4
'Cataah and 'ill -1•6 of Chronic idbeielea
that may he presented to him.
~,,__Tazjiat„prews foltrjalittbiso* . t.toin-
Inent4g.4thiiiiiit 'Monday' 3/10:: will
be Rita column.
WEniiOn..+T ;the file, day 'of Lent,
falls this year on the, 10th of February.
Efister•Binday -- oc*irs ,t4!ith day of
A ra r9h , .• '1
Hsnry 1 1.'itErvi* has :paid for a Tears,
spiblieritition tothe Obierver, but Itlsaddress
has been lost., Will hcs.'haye the kindness to
furnish - it - to that tht - amolint 'may be
credited ill - ion puy "bdoks •
IT MY , riiilxigegentlly 40d
.nviller Of p ublic Interest, that letters and doe;
meats addraied to members of Congress, re,
guile no postage •stowthe 1141;1 ittmiatiok
'them to go'free. • ;
• ' Oz. Jis. X.:4,.nat; formerly yoquigo
co*,, :41t present a reMtlent4flitti
tinrgll/44 gentleman well litOWn to flit North-
West,. is
_suggested 'as a Dem9cratie candi
date for Govtenor. .He possesses rare : talents
and would make, a strong. nominee. . .
Tan N.Y.' , WOrld pertinently remarks that
'34)lTe 14ggana i rsrtholideturesque sort that.
,iovail in . Epit*:sie *e_
_rare in thiSCofl*,
V, the gentiplbettattirb#2,in9rrnsie*llol.
,y irilhouilli.' illiibtealintentionpt ever
Ireturning leis unfortunately DM too common
and rapacious.- -
THE TERM bankrupt, which is now in
everybody's mouth, is-derived frotn.the Ital
ian word Banco Betio, signifying broken
;Watt, iu allitsiglci''Oe ithliiikenstom *of
tresitlng thosbenchesarld e'ountql on Which
: the hiokers * and money di:finger; Transacted
filar husiness at AC Bourse; when they
. - •
Trpr, Erie Railway Company ha s second
'control Of 41te• toss-Cut road ; linCrittabr
has it.itht they, propose 'to diyert. thei oil
trade from' that- route over their main line,
'lt is stated that they are endeavoring to ob
tain control of the Oil. Creek and
river roads, and if their litcky star' attends
thee; as well as# has in the pest, wo•shonid .
not bo:itritltilt . ntsiscl to see the • ii hole
from Brocton Franklin in their hands he,.
forelong: ' '
Mn. STRANMIAN'hat3 introduced ,a, bill into
the Legislature Witich be denominates "An
act to sectirethe "falniers. and Unsuspecting
of all classes in Eric Co. against fraud„ in the.
sale of patent rights." It provides for keep
ing a record of the name, age, residence and
occupation of parties" disnsing - eNghts, sift'
yeittirepall notes obittlru{ti fbri4he same to be;
itikvitcakindiked wlth-lite words;
"This note was given for a patent,"- under
,of Ape and : impr,isofireeni. i 41, the
.lA ol o4, l 4oA'oPli* l l.l4Voignt , of
the - note can be refused, and must be sus
' • by-the codrts. Thu- patent -business
• bas.grown-hito one of the'greatcst swindles
of the day, add if
. 11F t Stranahtufa.bill will
be . effectual in preventing imposition upon
the public he will' deserve - its heartiest
!,•••••„ • •,•
13K44 - 14-4.164rEn.-4At the •resiitge
bride's - father, ou the 31st inst., by Rev. J.
IL Presley, Air: George A. Brown, of, Mill .
• Creek, to ,Mss Mary Cooper, of Harbor
Creek. [Printer kindly remembered.) '
° l3 . crctlEtt—Ftxtc--On the 18th Init., in this
city, by the Rev. Dr. Lyon, Wm. Butcher,
of Brnoklvn, N. Y., to Lois E., slaughter
of P.O. Fain. .
1rk864-.4 7 ll:clol..lll:llutresideffeAl .
fa)ittbr, by 'inv. SlfirwneiL,
ington tp., to Miss Elva Francis, of Mc-
Lane. - • • •
ComemoNz-AVE.wrivotern....--Jan. 19th, at the
house of Johnson Compton,Esq., in Wash
ington tp., by'Bev. Wm. Grasste,-Mr. J. G.
Compton, of St, Charles,-Minn. to Miss
Wentworth r ofon.
TunnEm. 7 —Ztmunnt.v—On Tuesday even
in the 26th 10411;44 Lyon.
2) BATu thx.pgla . B. l ,
, tlrof tit
Tuesday evening,
Jan. 26thR'.by Rev. 'George. A. Lyon, Mr..
• George LAMoody, of Boston, Maas., to.
Miss Mar' ES Zinunerly, of this city. . •
ErdeK—Bit.keE—On the 6th inst., by Rev.
'"li. 31endenhall, Mr, Abel Etlick, to Miss
Vina L.Vmee; both of Gevede, Erie Co.;
TAN-Lon—Ll-Nen—On the9Oth inst., by Rev.
M. Navis;of Oa City, at• the residence of
the bride, on Fifth street, Mr- Byron Tay
lor, of Buffalo, to Miss Rate Lynch, of, this
MoopiEsu.—ln 3foorheadville, Jan.. 9th,
llennie, infant .son. of Jamca,, A: and Julia
Moorhead, aged four months and twenty
' 4 4y s.
oji. al4ll • 19th,
Annie, daughter of Jacob *rid Margaret
Piefenthalet, aged 2 year and 3 monthEi.
SEAnt..—ln Marhim Creek,'Jan. 16th;•at the
residence of P. D. Bryant, Mr. Luther
Semi, aged 9 yetua and 7. months. - '
CosvEnsx.—On Wednesday 'horning Tan .
20th', Cebelia'Converse, wife or Josiah
It. Converse, of this city. ' •
131..scaNioon-L-On the 17th inst., Gertrude,
tlinghteftifJtintes find. Fdlemßlick.tirood,-
; 7 aged - rttibtttWatfd 3; weeks.. - • ,
Ana STRONG—In this eitvoin the 20th inst.,
of consumption, Mary, wife of John Arm
strong; age 4 43 years.,
&mow; vitt Atitietabub w liniala 26ta inst.,
Mrs. WillispqM ibrtitetErie.
MAY—ktrAK) Iteg;_of_,,con
situtption, Mrs, illtam H. May. • • -
AwK.—ln this city, on Baturdayla4l, Ereis-
tus Ilawk,'in‘the 73d year of his age. :
lloonn.—Near Waterford, Dec. 4,1t168,
Alexander Moore, Esq., aged ga years__
The deceased was born in County Derry,
Ireland, June 4,1803.' In .1817 his _father
emigrated to this, country with hisTamily
(Alexander being 1:2 years, old) and settled .
about ten , miles below Pittsburgh, Pa. In
1819 he removed to Waserford, where be re;
.sided till the of his death: . Ms :Tangly
consisted ;cot Six. sons and six daughters. ,
Two of the latter have. been deceased• for a
number of years, Alexander was the second
son of the family, and is the 'first to.fall by
the hand of death.,, to
lii Oive.hrothers, all
,good citizens tinAlie - adf ratiili*Sulive
,him. • • . 4
In 1831, MexandtFcennecTaldmielfwt
: the Associate • Reformed (now United Pres
byterian) congregation of Waterford—Rai.
- ibibett Reid-being then the Paster. '
In 1842, he was chosen a ruling elder,
which office he held hill .removed by death. •
In 1833, he was united in marriage to Miss
Susan Lytle. Hu was;itherefore, arehltlent of
[ Eile-County 50 years--ryas a membeo of tiro,
church 38 years—was a ruling elder in • the
church 27 years—Rtd was married 38 years.
In all these relations, he.'was upright, dis
creet and, kind. ',He leaves a wife„one son.
and' tbree'daugbters to mourn their loss..
He-had been troubled with rheumatism in
one of his limbs, for two or three weeks
ptiqr--4, his tleatp, 'hot - none thought him
dangerously 111, but on the morning of the
29th ult., about 5 o'clock, he was suddenly
seized with something like heart disease, and
before his,aon azat. 4.aughtercould be called .
and reach hi, Sad•titie,4ltt spirit had .4
apparanity'WMuiuta ittugga,lsr motion oTa
muscle. They came to look only on the
liteless• body of a kind and loving father,
weapEin theapitia.,ol.thaittleapkhielt knows
no waking. Mr. Moore was a man loved and,
respected bye!), and in his death the comma - -
111 v and congregation have both lost a valu
abWiz-anber,dis testimon,4
nsaaf.ola-11,0A0 aIT* -
ofta lienpac pr
ity and welfare of Zion—a disposition amia
ble and kind—an eqnanimlty of temper that '
wireeliqqs ( PlP. IdetogrEpl 1 3 1 0$
that alwaystriae him an agreeable compan
ion, and an humble, unassuming deportment
that polio ltie genuinel ot his religion. I*
•Mtil Iniimory of to Ifipsedl,
veryliirge &nem], n followed the re
mains on the last day of the year 1868, to
the cemetery near town, where they shall lie
in their' narrow..• house,llll the • trump of
God calls' to judgmer4. . P. , •
, ,
" to; - tatta crders for the :
Flexible Harrow In the southern and
western parts _of, the county. Agents now
nukidgrir Agglyv
41."'W•Jv J I;:firie Ps.
dec3l'69-tf • ,-
Tau sturr, fortoi of. Lefties, Deeds, Notes,
1 and alanki-nt allltinds)dwain on hand at
l'ttle•Observer-office.----• janT-tf
t Litantra' and - Gents' Furs very cheap. Hata,
!Cape and Furnishing goods. Sub/ made in
the best manner by Jones & Lytle. oc3•tf.
Satto abb-crOsnnentis,
Cx ds fo,r, . thelB.sol.
, A full stock of Assorted '
_ _ _
.• _
Gk- S
Lpw-trlces- for Cub,
- V1416 - & 1 t3HALL,
21 WescPaik.
•d ~,~
1 e '
reah and: -.l+lo*.- GoOdti
in out 11,nbore oar
Asp low as thittlaule tan tai lad west of Liutralo.
Our °Wearies having been
Carefully Relected,
.r/Fullies can relfiiiong what they
parelatupa,:— .! •
Virdegver goodApiill ivutsgtAite City free
!":,:xtelel7 Vitt.
J. E. AHBY & CO.,
'' ,z " STATIONER'S; T
Blank 110,1C3taunfacitirers.
,2. lr ogaAnos a ,' ..11Lude.Bnaka,_&c., bound
style desired, and In the neateat and
best 'manner.
.1.11 kinds of Bali =Bad Comlnitehir
BAR itk - 13cookr.s.
And Paper of.all fdies on hand or made
to order. 11,
- , 14144#61. OF-ANYpvilcular PAMBIC
s. •
13is/e 1111,11amota*a and . diankdk"._.
E VA I-4 13 0 S
- -
Or itai, ,
n branches, done to order
. ,
With neatness and dispatch
• J. E. 4isitlixi
4.1 f iiGite St n*l... crsigbt'splaek, Erie. Pa;
'0609.1y •
• - - • =
:1:01Et - ILT&-E4,IS riir
Anil Photographic Glass I.
• 4.t0 StiiteAtreet; itrie; 444
We have lately reeelVed another Large In-
Voice of , FRENCH. SILAS.% dtteet from the
, Manufacturerain Europeonaking nur.preient
supply , the 'smelt- in any house west of New
York. Oar stock In store
Embrhees SearlswEiery Size; both of
Double and Single Stlength.
Dealers rind others in want of Glad's Will FA
VOR THEIR INTERESTS by examining our
stack and prices before, buying elsewhere.—
Large sizes, of Single and Double, Strength
Glass Imported expressly for HOUSE AND
STORE. FIRONTS. T he Superior quality of
French - Maas Over nil other kinds in CLEAR
'STRENGTH Is admitted, and the Trifling
Excess In price over American Is of - NO AC
COUNT, considering Its better qualities in ev
ery respect.
• A liberal discount inade •on lobbing lots to
the trade,
. .
We Lave also a lan . gfitOck of Amerletin °lass
of Sin awl Dotible , strefilethy.whichsve ars
sell! , t Low Rates, both in Jobbing lots to
deale audit' retail parcels to suit buyers.
Pain r , Oils, Tarnishes, &e.
.In Ibis • artment we keep well supplied
with every article used In the Painting Line,
from a harrow to the flnest house included.
The quality of these articles is not excelled,
and we are selling at loweet market rates.
pre *pods and Dye SW
/ft thlircisnat goods on stok Is extensive
and Veinitileterlheindlng the fitilline dyes, and
we are otreting strong Indueenasnts both to
Whglesaleantl Retail buyers,.
ifedfelnes,"Chemleals. • &e. &e.
Our Snick of-Drugs, - unk : ale , n •
' cines„.Perfumerfes,sollet ArtlAsikaild DUBOW
latioons Goodris extensive, having from long
experience been bought with much care, and
the public can depend upon finding the largest
stock of the kind in Western Penn's., which
we Me selling at close trgures'either in whole
or hlrokee packages.' janlVern.
rVHE 'PUBLIC are lingeetfully notified
I have . purchtemett 'the Seemlier.'" Yit i 3 t ;
Manufacturing Establishment and oslll.
neon of Bromley £Ball,. Erie,Ba. •
iltivita the attention of parchment to my
atrial ctosseti and Undressed
rtillintSnlXGLES, LATH, &e.,
Which will be increased' from time to time to
meet the wants of ttstitnarket,
, and
of. Superior Quality,- ore/ -and kept
constantly on hand.
Orders from the trade solicited.
My office is 1,212 State street, Erie. Pa., where
I. will - be teprehented by W. H. • Whltehentl,
lla, Who illittaet as my agent. O. J. HALL.
I,ll4',Tannary 1889.---Janlitt •
Warrant in Bankruptcy.
MGM TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 28th
• day of Dec., A. D., 1869, a warrant In bank
ruptcy was issued against the estate of George
W. Browning, of Union Mills, Erie county,
raptof Penn'a, wbottesPeenedludgetraftmk- -
rupt on kis own petittOn clautAthe Patmept of
. any debts and deliVerYlirtilly-proVertYlOong
ing to him, for his use, and the transfer of any
property by him are forbidden by law; that a
meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to
prove their debts and to choose one or more
.Assignees of his i state, will be held at a Court
of Bentruptcy to be holden at' the °Bice of the
:111: 1 0 44 1 .1#1111 of Erie, Pa.:, before B. E.
I . liar, In sal4 District, on the
18th day of 'eb.„ A. D., 11040 tfeloOki.j.„
hi . THOMAS ;Sat
rUcliti Merit Messeuger. 4
837 0. P. Davis, Dept. U. B. Men , thol.
pins IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 37th
day or Dew, A. D. 1868, a wan ant In Bank.
*einst the estate of Jas. T.
of &Won MDR, In the county of Erie,
Sta - garennsylvants, Who has been adjudged
a bankrupt on Ida Own petition; That the pay
ment of any debts and delivery of any property
belonging to such bankrupt, to him and for his
use, and the trans:oof any property by him
are forbidden bylaw; that a meeting of the
creditors of the mild - bankrupt, to prove their
debts and to chdase .one or more Assignees of
his estate, will be held at a Court of ilankruptey
fo be hi:Mega* the office of the Register, in the
pity of Mit', lii the county of Erie and State , of
Penn's, before 8. E. Woodruff, Register. on the
18th day of February, A. D. 188)_,_at 9 o'clock, A.
•U, S, MarahalOticallenifer.
Dy o:P;Da'vli, Dept. U. EL:Marshal.
Wholesale and Retail
Fearful Breakdowii in the Prices of Dry
a _
Goods the past Ten. Days.
Nos" ', 7 7. 1 k70‘ 1)10 131coelc, Erie,
With to notify the public that they have bought an immense quan IT CLASS Dry
Goods VEBY CHEAP since the recent BREAKDOWN in the &merit Market, and are nowoffer-
Ing them at much lower prices than nny other doe, Our business is done strictly on the ,
0E E P RICE T. a.
... . - .
• .
Priceiiallbiloal,f, whether Judges or tsfr.,,
tr vie
We tut4ii*tito garxLs :or pr eri,b4 ( Wltat *ltlrtit Able to attotit irtitrit yeet 1b1) tcni;.store.l
Evers? iti425,1; wgrrian a 9 reitrt6Wdd;4l - ticouty refuniled
Rend the following prlet s i carefully arid Judge for year4el vex
Bales Brown Musßus
" Yard wide and fine
" and heavy
" 41Inehea fine and heavy
Cases Itleached Muslin .... .
" :Yard vado„—.
", ""and"Ane
• -
White Flannels of every width and quality, VERY CHEAP. Heavy all-wool Rhirting flan
nels, at4s cents. " •
Mee bundled places all-Wool Cassftnises at .51,11211, 7l SO, Sa cents snit.. $l.OO. These Lti
tneres are VERY CHEAP.
Heavy Beavers for Over c MUCH UNDER PRICE.'
IN f3HAW ,
Five hands d White Bed Spreads from al.7•i to $3.50 each. Thole goods are half ,
iti.AeK A LP.Ai vAt4,..37,t4 etv., 40,&., 45 cts., 50 cts.; 61!.:,-cts. and 75 cts
POPLIN AILL'ACX'.I:I3,SS eta, 02. V eta 73 cta and 871,i' eta.
Qne hundred plgces Cashmere Plaids, worth (This, fur 2", cents,
Beivezikv4ire pieees4biglLsh Serge Dress Goods, 45 eerrts
Two hundred pleges all-wool Fren ch Sierince, 75 cts, Set mill sl.€o.
Fifty pieces Emprese Clothe, 75 chi, 87-3,i eta, and
The atx)ve Dress Gobde were purchased at the late 'New York auettons. at abolit ONE-H, : t LF the
usual price. They are all warranted perfect and first-elan goods.
Fire Hundred pair White . Blankets, Good Quality, $4.06 and $5.00 per Pair. ,
An endless %-arlety at very Low Prlees.
Fifty, pieces Electro Tapestry Carpeting, 50 & 621 Cts.
1-- • The abiive are only ft feW le Many we have. Oar stock is full and complete in
'every department. ShMild anyone after Nadiag this advertisement have doubts In regard to
the cheapneas °tour sonde, - let them call with this advertisement mad Judge-for themselves.
- A great - many of these got:lds - are cheaper - than they have been for ths past ten years:
Remember the place, the only ONE PRICE DRY GOODS STORE in Erie, where all goods at
all times are sold at
A Saving of One-Half to
The GreSt Tea Company of Boston,
whit! hi tbe. Largest in the Worlds
Would respectfully inform the citizens of. Erie and snyrounging country, that theY
have Teasel the Store, . • ,
No. ;5
And have fitted it up Jn Oriental. style anti are now prepared to furnish every one with prirue
• Teas and Coffees, at cargo Prices. Our store in Erie will be known as the
It le generally understood that Ten is retitled for a larger advance on its original cost than
any other article in the lon list of household stares, which may be ,partially accounted for by
late on it between the cultivation in China anti Japan, and the consumers here, including the
American Commission, House there; the importer, the Hanker who furnishes the exchante;
the middle men or speculators: the wholesale grocer, and the retailer. Each of these male
profits, from which it is evident that the consumer is corn.
I =ll l ,3 ld pay .Na ' n o y f t ilm e ts e th o e nu or?ginal cost for a'pure article, or forced to use an adulterated or
inferior one.
• ..111.4 with a view to remedy this evil that our giganticenterprise was farmed avers year ago
.which'has been a perfect Success, and we bawl ventured to open as Storo to Erie, ao that we may
better accommodate our customers west of NEl:cv York State.
And In the following listEwliich we have selected with great care, wilt be found TEAS which
`will suit
Everybody's Pulite and V.verybc)dy"ro 'Purge..
Experience shows that the hest are far the cheapest on account of their 'great 'strength and
flavor. The duty' on a pound of good tea hi no more than on an Inferior one. In ordering our
eibitqlfiers' will please note tluratsexed--
SC, 4 i3LP, •Or PRICES.
Oolong, (Black.) , Finest Flavor, full strength, Very highly
Fair.. 4..... enc..
Goon to Choice Quality ;) • Sl,OO
Finest Flavor, very highly recommended... 1:10 1 Fair
Japan, tincolOred.. ; Good. ... ... •.c..
81.00.1 Choice . 4tutlit:i
...” i
MO . Finest k 'mut, full strength, very highly
... /.25 recomtnended. LSO
Gunpowder, ((Green.)
ChloeQuallEl —..;;;.......—.............;....,
Flnest avo, full strength, - Very highly
recommended..., 1.15 i Fair ' '
. •Eiglish Breakfast , tlanok.) I (local, • 'T.
Fall' -90 c. ! Choice Quality .
Good ~ $l.OO ' Finest Flavor, full strength, very Wittily
Choiceuality 1.10 . recommended ... IA
FlnestFavor, full strength, very highly Nixed, (arson or PIP= 044,1a01r-)
recommended..—..., ' . 1.31) I mg, Ilk,
Young Hylton, (amen.) Good 90c.
......$l.OO 1 Choice Quality $l.OO
1.10 , Finest Flavor, full strength, very highly -
...... 1.2.5 • recommended. - 1.10
Choice Quality.
(Cone 130epartinewt.. •
This Ismn immense institution Of It and is
undoubtedly the larges
t. in the countiy. It is
a fact generally understand that &large proportion of the COffee imported is picked green and
the pods opened by artificial heat. This is never so good as that which ripens naturally. The
coffee buyers of this Teo Company thoroughly understand this, awl examine nearly every cargo
of coffee imported to the United t3tates, and select only the full grown, field-ripened, for them.
All the Coffee sold bylhis Company Is ROASTED AND °ROM's I) DULY, by ti ant iemse roga lves tin le s u i i
emelt. aWmititoppritgranittrestineae, which they_ guarantee. Thu Compani ,
theireOffee Mad near inCipVe, which renders them giattictilarly purt. ac i d qr being removed
by klaelr taxa* offoolginirenabling peranntrios: to.takikeoffee who have bort 01:01,ged to die.
ccultintie - • -
The Company are doing an immense business In their Coffee Department, and selling-more
PURE COFI•Mi than any other house in the country. To assist customers in making up their
orders, the following Descriptive List is offered by the Company with no little pride, as embra
cing the largest and most-carefully selected assortment of Coffees ever opened in this country,
Breakfast Coffee. - Sava
'totalled and Oround 31ixed..... gic
' ni:ke
Dinner Coffee
Oraund Pare
plantation Coe
Raw......... .....
Ttoeeted ........
Ground Pure....
Thiele the true 3.1e1e Hem
c • •
.4..rmr . kt at sucsise!t fad best, Cotree s voieli_sre lava the
0 a
S P• E C I -A.
As matter of convenience to our distance customers we are arranging with suitable persons
In all parts of the country west of New York State, to act as our agents and distribute our goods
inthetr locality t at our warehouse price, thereby saving the freight from Boston. We woulOtke
whoirould Ukti to net me our agents In writing up
with any gerttlernett or MO
liplgc‘MirreeonitlttostAilo*Plettli• latragt ollffirdereasuiconuannicasimato. ,: 4 ,
• dee_ves-ty • • • 117101TWI: 08/4INTA I. =A OOKPANY, EA" Ps.
lecke & Co.'s Daublt Column.
. .
' 19 heavy 8 cents. The very best Prints made
tor 0n1y...._ 1 2 1 ' Cts
" I 'ases Cllnghanis, oly • • 12
1214 .. 4
: Heavy Cotton Flannels 2. ,
12'3i, " Five Cotton and Wool Flannels,
.... 11 "fp half price
.29 "
19 " ; Heavy % wide Shaker Flannel lli
12 . 1 i " Plaid Sliktlng Flannels Z "
.„„,, 13 " All-Wool Grey Flannels Z 0
8 "
COLORED A LPA (VIA 3736 ctR, 4O cta, .ree 111, and 82 cte
Three Ifundreal piece's English 'Merinos, eight ytirtls for only-$3.00
CO.,T~C~CKE 8z lPrcip'rs,
Oriental 'ca ttompann's Dantle eolumn
Mac ' 'law
...35c Ground Pure
.45a itonated
iiround Pure
Fifty pieces Ch.stunere Plaids for 30 cents.
Thirty pieces heavy Mohair Plaids, 30 cents
Nos. 6 and 7 NOBLE BLOCH, EWE.
One-Third !
Hyson, (Green.)
• R0a5ted...... ....
Ground Pure
Old Government Jaya.
2tle • -
.30 c • Raw
,t o Roasted.
Best Old Koalas.
. 1.25
. 1.40