The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, January 21, 1869, Image 2

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    Zitt ,sir (01),.nili
A private - letter from a friend at
ington, whow high official position enables
him to know the exact truth an 'the subject,
?.ys that the deelsion of the Safireme Court
on the legal tenderyases mill he in sulalanee
as follows:
lit. That the tender act as to exist
hag contracts, when it passed, is , unconstitu
tionaL '
.That contracts made after its passage
will be regarded as laving been raadepaya
bl6 ip currency, except when they sle.sAy .
gold and silver. "
3d. That contracts payable in gold Will
'.bind the panic_ to , pay in gold.
The gentleman who gives us this intorina:
lion is a United States Senator, and the pub
lic may he perfectly certain of the en:ire re
liability of the statement. This decision will
at once relieve - the Country from the suspense
and uncertainty that now hangs over its bu
siness, a constant impending evil, a swori of
Damocles, liable to fail at any moment, to
the destruction of ail cOthmerce and bligness;
and,will do more, to relieie the existing dou.
'less _than alI the financial leg - Lslath - AI 'con %
gresg, could possibly. enact. It *ill' infoc--e
new life into trade all over the country.
The ',Treat appreben_sion Las been, and will
be, until the decision is made, that debts may
rims of everybody to, embark in enterprises,
have to be paid in coin: hence the unwilling
and the marked disposition everyitere to
curtail and hoard, prodding an unnatural
stat e, of semi-paralVas - in businessthe cOuLtry. • -
• , ft Is a most remarkable .f-Yet that ' , karat-1y
- an instance b.s.l:,occurred of a iireaclier who
•..renders: hirks s elf notorious. for his political
rant, that he iii•l•.nOl' ultimately attain dis
grace and pAlic odithn. The Harrisburg
. , correspondent of die Dispatch; who seems to
baire more of the elernents•of candor than
• most radical vrritedt. gives us the latest case
in point; ••
WY9raing county, for a few years back,
has Certainly reudeved itself blessed through'
its representatives to the Legislature. , Two
years ago the Rev. Jilcob Kennedy, (radicalj
occupied a seat in the House of Representa
dyes, and' being elected Chaplain of the
House, covered' himself with infamy, and d is
gusted all men of sense by his violent parti
zan, prayers. The Rev. JacobwhA always
lognd voting at the nod of. the giant monop
olies , that have controlled so much of the
legislation of the State from thee imrnemori
• 4 The Rev. Jacob quietly pocketed the few
thous- nd 'dollars that were tendered him for
• thus insulting his constituents, and turning a
deaf ear to the jetuanth of thu people. it
the close of the session thereverend gentle
man Wok three hundred dollars extra fpr his
• impious prayers, and returned to the hills of
Wyoming, never to be heard Of more. His
° people, justly incensed at his •ctinduet,
ted One they thought would turn Lis back on
the flesh pots of Sodom, and not, like his
predecessors, bd so easily entrapped by the
snares and wiles of wine, the'flesh and green
backs." •
One of, the remarkable feOures of the day
consists in the number of ex-pemeerats who
are now leading Republicans, and how soon
after their conversion the Republicans give
them bonorablp and larative offices Came
ron, Scott, Geary, Kelley, llrewsvr,
and a large number of others who were, not
long since, leading Democrats in ibis. State
are now prominent Aga 7; 0 UtY Rdpublicans,
FronAlibtolt, Wo Lai/a' in Congress, Lyman'
• Trumbull., m trap Senate, and Norman B.
Judd,..Blliton C. Cook and John A. Logan,
• in. the Ilium, all of whom arelately Demo
crats, arttl% from Massachusetts we have the
irrepressible GeneralDutler, who voted, in
the Charleston Convention,. fitly-rola times
for Jefferson Davis for the Presidency. ° The
Est might be increased beyond the limits of a
newspaper, but the above narnei : are
cient, In this State the . apostates' from - the
-Democratic party seem to have the Repnbli
can party In the keeping. These nien proved
h heavy foad for the 'Democracy to carry:
holarlong the Republican party will be able
to stand up under theM, is a question fur 'the
future to settle s ' ,
Ttandall's startling repdrt, showing
that Ole Postal service, instead of being self
sustaining as it used to be, has run behind
VAS' last year to the, tune of *0,000,000, has
caused some investigation into the reasons of
this great deficit. One great leak has been
.found in the abase of the franking privilege.
The total cost to the country of carrying free
Matter during the last year was One' million
dollars taken from the pockets of the tax
payers to carry Oongresstonal trash and a
vieit amount of trash not Congressional lie ;
sides f Some Congressmen are said to send
tli it Opa hOme to wash under their franks,
and -me - Brooks,. of New York, has been
proved to have used his Congressional frank
`to cover the busines& uommuilicattowoi his
newspaper, the New Ttirk Express. A great
,tiffany Congressmen bade their signatures
• stereotyped. awl printed on blank envelopes
.Tlift Senate Committee on Pensions have
befcife them again, in a new, forui; the pe 7
riodlcal pfoblem of, the -sUbsihtenee of Mrs.
Abraham -Lincoln: Senator Morton has put
in a bill- to pay this lady a pension during
her natural life, reciting that her husband
was-ialled by an enemy of the; United States
while discharging his functions as coin
wander-in-chief of the - army and nap.. Mr.
Sumner suggested that `thc i .sum fie put at
01101,000 a year, and,the figuiefr_were accepted.
by Mr. Morton. Mrs. Lincoln'* income fiCan
~the residue of the . 25,900' voted by Congress
• is $1,738.4r) , a year, an d that sum she has,
sought the south ,of France, where - living Is
cheap, and is keeping in strict and very hum
: ble 'retirerneht. The passage of the hill Is
probable,' tualets some ,senator; morbidly
fearful of making it a preeetlent, , lipposes it,
44 deb4tc, which Ole proposition
.1‘ eannot'ilear,
t' • -
- The Ilarrisburg correspondent-,of the Ms
pateji lets out a senret which has been 'whis
pered aboitt in Political circles-Tor a week or
more, to the effect- that Cameron and Geary
are at the "outs,” and that the latter's re
nonilitation taunt so sure 'as was thought:
. somii time ago. Thegreat Winnebago thinks
the Governor his become " too big for his
_ . .
boots," The writer salo4:
"The political .gossip here now iti that the
renominatiorr of Gov. Geary w the -next'
Republican State Convention is. eitrensely
•doubtful, It is rumored that Simon Cameron
di not fable to his rPfroMninition and Mat
will' tine his influetteelo bring forward a
compatatively new mitO; whn titnt man may
bets no, even as much as conjectured. 'These
are- merply straws floating around in the po
litical. atmosphere, and I ; give there -a,s, such
ithhopt ventuting , to express an.opinion one
'way or, the oilier.'
An attempt will, be 'Made in the Legisia
-Iture, this winter, to pass another Registry
. Late, to deprive working men of the, privi
' lege of voting. The laboring - class being
principally Democrats, and not being able to
spend dike In waiting upon Registry affi
eels, a law requiting them to I.te' registered
prior to the elections, every year, would,
have the effect to keep many bt them away .
from the - Hence , desire on the
part of the Radicals to piss suCh ,n law,
Having a majority in both branches of oar
Legislature; and the (journey, they will,
doubtless, piss a Registry law during the
• present session.
Tile grovith of extravagance in our L ,. .':.5-lawn.,
lawn. , has become a caUse, - of just and wide
spread complain . The number of employ
ees.i Las been ' weed ,With each year of
Radical. ridr. : 1 ." - -,t,etsion these attaches
were as ricnii;ro -as the members of the trio
Houses. 'Some of tfiese, appointees drew full
pay, with the sanction Of the Radical Atrdi
-1 for Genera), witlout iniVing beemeven pre's-
I ent at the Capitol for a singledai.' „pie ex
po.,lng of ills inflinoitS system led to the
passagi of a r lution which tooked like an
int—ktion to reform the abitsL Bat, like all
Radical pretensions of this kind, it turned
out to be a mere sham. --3'hen the Radical
caucuses Islet a proposition to do the pasting
and folding for "i-5,00.), Was presented' by
Messrs. Cochean ifc Rauch of this city. Last'
y ea r th e M ate paid nearly tiNio,ooollto the
.small area' which ryas :Ntaisibly eniiilOy s ed
in doing what one than and hid( a dozen boys
could easily aceomplhh. Messrs. Cceltran
and Rauch are rexp-.7n.faxi pa.etiei, And they
offered to give security in any desired amount•
for the perfect performance of their centract .
Of course it was' kiiiml , under the table,
without ceremony. The House had passed
a resolution at the kit session, limiting. the
whole nhmber of officers and employees to'
thirtf-four. That wassegarded by economi
cally disio:.-,posed members as quite trio large a
number, but it was the lowest figure that
could be reached, • Yet:no sooner do the'
11;dical members . of tftC new Howe get to
gether, than they pass a resolution increasing
the nuaite•r of employees to sixty-one., just
enough -to 'allow eath;l4 - rdiezit in that body
the`c`ppot•tunity' of 'drawing pa;y, equal 0
that of. 4 member, ,for some • 'favorite,
Whether the. members intend to pocket i the
whole sum, or divide with their parasites ia
More _than we :know.. In the Senate Mr.
Billiugfelt offered.the proposition of Messrs:
Ranch Cochran in good faith, arid, „had he
been properly seconded, the Denicterafg, kith
Sceator Wallace at.their head, stood ready to
sanction The proposal. ?fever, in the history
of all the corrupt Legislatures with which
Radicalism has
. t ursed Pennsylvaida,-was
There a more „brazen exhibition of a disposi
tion to steal without blushing, than has been
already displayed by that nosy in session.—
Ibi4P 9 Ater Inolligeneer. ' -
Is, and. out of Congreas the question has
been started whether the general arrintsty
prochimation of. President Johnson was in
accordance with law, inasmuch as' there ,has
been no conviition, there Could ban o pardon.
Thti President claims the poirer undtn. the
COnstitution, and, the Si- preme Court has
made the following decision :
"The Constitution 'provides' that the Presi
dent shall have power to grant pardons for
offenses against the United States,"eicept in
cases of impeachmenk, The poorer thus con
ferred is unlimited, with the - exception stated.
It extends to every offence known to the
law, and maybe exercised at any time after
its commission, either before legal proceed
ings are 'taken, or 'during their pendency, or
after conviction and judgment. Tile
. power
of the President is not ,subject to legislative
controL Congress can neither limit the ef
fect of this pardon nor exclude from its e'
ercise any class of offendera The bertjgu
prerogative•of mercy, reposed in him, can
not be fettered by any- Legislative restrie
tion#." '
Tire desire :for senatorial office LS:alarm
ingly prevalent at this time. .In New York,
Maine, Indiana, Missouri, Michigan, Minnc
'sot.,t, and other States, the number of gentle
men who are willing to resign the pleasures
of domestic life for the purpose of .servinz
their country in a legislative capacity, almost
defies calculation.
It; the House last week Mr. Boutwell, of
Massachusetts, introduced a bill providing
for universal for colored, suffrage in all the
States for President and Vice President,
members of Congress and members of , the
State Legislatures.. The bill will come up for
clnisiderathin.'`at a future day. Thus is the
radical ballivolling
N ex-member of the Pennsylvania Lees
latnre, Zcha 1,,0tt, was a successful candidate
for ktider. and pater in the House, the other
day, against a 'one-legged soldier arid a re
publican at that. — Mr. Brown, of (.Marion,
endeavored to have the ez-u►ember'a name.
stricken from the,slate and the poor soldier's
name substituted therefor, but the republicans
of the !must voted his amendment down.
An ex-member who prowls. around Harris
burg seeking the positional folder and pastor
ought to be defeated in ids aspirations.
AT a recent examination in a girls' !Awl,
the question was put tea class 411 little ones:
"Who makes the laws of our government ?"
"Congress," was the ready reply. "flow is
Congress' divided ?" was the next question.
But the little girl to whom it was put Called
to Another litila girl in the class
raised .her hand, indicating that she could
answer it.' "Well," said the examiner, "Miss
Sallie, what do yon say the divisionis?" In
'smelly, with an air of confidence as well as
triumph, the answer came: " Civilized, half
• RECENTLY it. lferald correspondent had a
cOnveisation With Gen. Frank 13Iair in 'Wash
ington. The General still holds to his eV--
preased opinion -that Gen. pram fain makes
dictator or an emperor of 'himself' before hi
leaves tit, White house. His modest de
portment is simply deep _dissimulation, and
one oT the measures always used by limb(
_lions men since Julitts..C.csar thrice refused
the crown, The country is already ruled by
minority, who demand the aid of bayonets,
and he easy for Grant, with his milita
ry power, to• make hitnself supreme.
THE Washington, wrrespondenta thrilled
the - "loll" heart last week with the dreadful
announcement that the . President elect actu
ally dined on Saturday with a rebel General.
Ills name is Wickham, and he Came north to
lobby for Sherman's hill 'to control, by the
r gorenmrt . at, the railroads radiating
z A ds
from' Washington. this we shall hear
nothing more oilier Johnson's treason
able act in shaking han with Laird, the
English rebel ship-builder.. Andrew John
son pardons rebeli, but Grant goes one step'
further. 'lle invites ther,ato cline with him.
• tiia following Is sugmteit as a gootl loyal
eablnet for Gen. Grunt :
Secretary of State—s B. Waslibunu; of
Sderetitry oC War—D. D. Wasbburne. u
Secretary ef the Navy—W. B. Washburrte
Of Massachusetts.
Secretary of Treasury—C. C. Washigtrnu
of Wtimnsin.
tieeretary at Interior—C. A.Washburne, of
Attorney-General—lsrael Wa.sliburne, of
Maine. •
Foreign Ministers and Consuls—Swim:nom
REvenue officers—The rest pf the-Mash:
burnes. •
'all the other ollieen—The relatives of the
wiveS of the Washbarnes:
IN lags year's message, 'Gov. Gearyrecom
' rnentled!t cluinge of the law relative to State
Trees - der, but the radical "ring" got too
heavy ,a piofit out of that institution, and
coitse(juently It Esleft in nspresent condition:
The bond given by the State Treasurer is only
$ BO . OO O. while he frequently has three or
four millions of dollars in. his possession.—
Although no trouble has occurred oa this ac
nouns, yet es:4lE6mm shows, in other pistol,
It la Ma uncommon thing for tretismers and
cashiers todatseend with funds not their own. •
Human naliuse is the same everywhere, and'
it should be guarded against: The State
treasurer only receives $1,700 a year, but
haying two or three i millions of public funds
an 'hand, he makes a nice thing by putting
it out at Interest with the hanks. The Trea
surer should be paid a fair salary, and ,the
State receive the; benefit of the Interest on
the surplus
'Mime. is: no mad great enough_ i s this
broad aa:ntsnonweathwhowoald dare a ssume.
the dictatorship Mille democratic party, that
Simon Cameron does in the republicakparty: .
This tzuth,in view, of recent events', has fatten
with such force upon m any'in that organiza
. that already th'e mutterings of discontent
are herd, and threatened vengeance made'
audible. If they submit chef are slaves,
tirid we pr,Olet' they will submit.' Cainerott.
gave. thesis Geary, about the twit natereous
dose the party ever swallowed. I . 'Simon will
. _
-Insert his spoon between their teeth and Make
°them swallow him again. ' There, wa be
plenty of wry. faces and any amount of
squirming, but it won't avail: When the
democratic party stoops to this hpmiliating
position; it will be time enough :to receive
1• , ..50ns on manhood and dignity. from the
opposition.—Art . slpry PAL ,
Tim' Democratic Joint psneus Of New
Jersey have, unanimously nominated the
lion. Stockton for crated States Sea:
It will remembered that 31r. Stock
_ .
foA was elected for th'esenate, when he was
elected before, to secure a two-thirds vote hi
order toafeat . the President's vetoes.
. .
_.f.,.....„,...._-- .46r .
6g, :lei ir HaTen, recently,:n-foor family
were distovered tasting a dinner on boiled
dog. '•-• - . ' • . .
A xismo from the north; '3lr. Gambree,
has been elected' rezdint clerk of the Florida
State senate
TUE Emprm Eugenie has paid one other
dressmakers a buralred thomand• fran6 for
a single year's services.
A Cannrrsts' s goose, sent by a kind friend
to two prisoners in a Canada jail; was stuffed
with files anti steel saws.
Hecestis at Magdeburg, a wii.ow of self
enty•three marriedhiiseventh husband. - He
was Jess than thirty Tears old.'
Tuz-I.7nited States rejoice In 100,000 thou
•-s.ntl school marms. May the tins!: soon
speed when they will be doubla.
Ls.vc_tsrEit county boastS a cheat:int tree
twenty-seven feet in circumference, with a
cherry tree growing from one of its branch-
Tm latest Bible-class in the world is
that , conducted by Mrs. Harnett, at Mr. Spur
geon's ebardi, .in London, which numbers
700. •
, 47: old lady named Regis Saavedra, died
lately in New Mexico, aged 130 years,having
been, perhaps, before her death, the oldest
person in Ainerica.
' (inzat trouble, says a Florida correspon
dent, is had in trying cases before mixed
.ries, black and white, in that State, because
" the jurynten will go to sleep."
Is Dayton, Ohio, a double wedding party
recently arrived, consisting of a father and
son and their brides, two slaters, of whOm
the father married-the younger.
CANADA is suffering from a plethora. of
ver coin. Banks will not take it on dePosit,,
and the tills of,stores and poqkets of well-to.
do people, are overloaded with it.
IN thelkase of Jefferson Davis:a nolle pro-
Begat has been entered by the United States
District Attorney at Richmond: This step
has been taken in pursuance of the recent
Presidential proclamation of amnesty.
Tur. town Of Wells, Vt., has a citizen who
married at seventeen. His first child was a
'daughter, who married at thirteen, and eigh
teen months afterward ,made her father a
grandfather, at the early age of tbirty-oloand
a.half years. •
3ftmorl3i has grown' in population fifty
per cent. in four years; in property 4200,000,-
000 in eight years. It Las paid in three years
over 423,000,000 of its debt and overdue inte
rest. That is a pretty good State to emigrate
to. '
Tun population of Memphis, Tenn., was
estimated at 00,000 three years ago. A late
census returns but 29,000. The decrease is
attributed to the terrible i condition of Ten
nessee under Gov. Bmwiitlow and the negro
A Juin.. were kept o.t thirty-six flows
without food or fire at i larrison, Ind., het
week on account of iffe obstinacy of one of
the jurymen; who- wool. not concur with
his colleagues tillhe was starved and froken
Into it.
Irr England, recently, a velocipedist travel
ed one hundred and thirty-five miles on his
tread-wheel, starting at four P.M., and arriv
ing at his destination at ten o'clock the next
morning, having remained over night at a
way station.
Os last Sunday, at Raddotra Mills, Ky., a_
negro attempted to violate a little girl alive
years, a daughter of his former. msster. The
child's mother was attracted to the rescue by
her screams. The negro is now. in Jan and
confesses his guilt.
. Tint Chicago Tribune has an article call
ing upon Gen. Grant to "say but the word,"
assuring him that in reply liandreds of hou
sands of his old warriors would "rally.
around the flag," sad carry it to the invasion
and conquest of the new Dominion of Cana
Tim= .negro soldier! at Hays City, Kan
sas, murdered a white man recently, and
were taken from jail by a vigilance commit
tee and hanged. The negro troops at Fort
Lamed hive been removed on acccount of
persistent troubles between them and the
A iAnGF fire occurred in Philadelphia last
week by which a block et marble buildings
on Chestnut strettilwas destroyed. The loss
is estimated at $BOO,OOO. Seven clerks sleep
ing in the buildings, narrowly escaped with
their lives, and it is probable that two others
have perished.
Tex years ago a young lady; resident of
Maury county, Tenn., married against her
wishes. Two years afterward' she was di !
voreed and 'then married her first lover.--
Less than a year ago this husband was killed
and she has again united her destinies - with
the one from whom she was divorcietl. .
• Ali old gentleman, who resides in• Sout
hwestern Kentucky, passed timonch Terre
Mote, a few.days ago, on his way borne from
Illinois, with his filth bride, a blooming ma
tron of Matto. &ll 'c of his former wives
was a nagva' f Kentucky, and' none of them
lived more than two years after marriage.
ALL 'negro messengers in the various de.
partments of the Treasury, were recently dis
charged by order n of Secretary Megallogh.
His intention tosnpply'their places with
ex.soldiersf The heeds of bureaus, however,
waited upon bins in a.hodyand obJectod so
strongly that he was conipaled to rescind
the order.,
IN Springfield; Maas, on the 12th fkust.,
Nelsontipellman won arrested for an atte rept
ed rape on Mrs. Elizabeth I Gibbon, an, esti
mable taffy, fifty-five years Of age, as she was
goingto,church on Sunday. Mm Pibbous•
was ththwu down in the snow and seriously
injured, ten her screams frightened the vil
lain astray. • . , . •
Tat PeOpleuf D etroit were vary Much as
• testified on Mew Year's ilitY to see the waters
of theDetthiftriver Bowing up stream. The
oldest. Inbabitint hail never witnessed the like
before. The "phenomena lasted six hours;
and is supposeillo . have been caused by the
banking np of the waters of Lake Erie at the
mouth oldie riVerhy a strong wind.
Az order •Laa been issued by Archbishop
Spidding, of ifoitlino re, to his diocese, for
biildh4 tlu3 badiscrimi. sate attendance of ptr
sone in the chanties tor witness marriage ca ;
remonies. Lliereafter no one will attend
cepdog by card of invite thou from the parties
ifigcreeted. This, aed necessary on se.
count of the levity and h oproper 'conduct of
curiosity-seekers of recent - . occisions.
. ,
E . %.
Tii Mel4l4e/ere ire hotlng a lively dis
aislogeff the propriety Of estsifflshing a pre
fessoishilt, of homompathy in their State
University. I The"' legisisnue, in IBM, passed'
a law directing the Regents-to create sucks
profesimsbip, and to appoint a profeor i but
they refused to 'comply, and d 4er eibsusting
every other remedy, the hommopxthistS hair
brought the matter bcgari the purrs One writ
03 : \
of mandamus t 6 compel obedience to th )57r.
in opposition to them it is contended t the
actor the Legislature isimconstittitional and
that the Regents love supreme authority
over thd expenditare'ofthe money's intrusted,
to them. Roirevei this may be; it is certain
tiuszlhe number of adherents of the 'tornado--
P* l lde astern of practice - is large enOngh to
'entitle them to the name consideration as the
men of other schools; and if the' State under
takes to teach medicine at all, it ii bound to
give them an equal chance. , ~ . •
Is 'Princess Anne cennty; Va., a serious
conflict has occurred between an armed band
ofnegroes and a detachment offecleral troops,
and further trouble. was' apprehended. A
sergeardA.yi.been mortally wounded ' and
three negroes killed.• The difficulty arose
from resistance by the negroes to the sheriff
- of the county in the execution of a writ. At
the same time reports from New Mexico re
present trouble between the white and color
ed troops out there, in which several were
killed. In tact, we have almost daily similar
accounts from one part of the country or
other of conflicts 'between the races. It is no
longer an:irrepressible conflict between slit
very and freedom, but between, the white
and black man, and has been brought about
by !Alike:ll demagogues endeavoring to sub
vert the laws of nature.
ALL the fools are not dead yet. The Bel
fast Journal says on Monday night last, two
men from Islesboro, Me., who were stopping
at the American Bowe, were nearly suffoca
ted by gas. On going to bed, one of them
blew' out the gas, instead of turnineit off
The strong smell in the adjoining passage
ways led to investigation, and the condition
of things was discovered. One of the men
was crazy from the effects of the gas Inhaled,
and the other very ill. They soon recovered,
but a little longer breathing in the room
would have been fataL
Tar: Albany, Ga., News, congratnlates it
self upon the decided falling off in the nink
ber of vagrant freedmen in the streets, most
or them having contracted and gone home
to commence the year's work. This can . be
-aacribeft to one particular cause above all
others: theri is rm material political agitation
in the interior of -the State at this time, and
the negroes, being freed frem the craft and
tricks of rascally politicians, naturally yearn
for the comforts of the " snug little cabin on
the old plantatiim." . •
Isirruccrtows have been issued by Attor
ney-General Everts to all the district attop
net's in the - United States ordering them to
discontinue proceedings against all persons
accused of treasonable offences for acts com
mitted during the late rebellion.. This effect
tually settles the whole question as to the
operation of President Johnson's amnesty
Is Toledo, Ohio, the othe r day , a young
man rushed through the stre ets, followed by
a very excited German. The latter was shout
ing as he ran: " Bolees, bolees, shtop7der
man ; he ish going mit der reever, and der
ice under, for to suicide commits." Several
citizens joined in the chaie, and the fogitiVe
was captured just in time to prevent him
from leaping into the halftrtuten river.
Berl ARE already being made about the
length of General Grapes inaugniamessage.
It is said that it *ill be the shortest - ever de
ta.aswa has a base ball eglib. Procopl
Kickak is first base, and Mr. Komoipeebusat
trigoo is pitcher.
PMCSYLVLNIAt owes $33,286,946; Massa
chusetts, $27,733,870; Illinois, $5,938,453 ;
Delaware, $1,556,000; Michigan, $3,614,078
(bonded,) . $2,031,440 (trust fund) ; - Missouri,
$18,654,000. '
Tits ' CLEROY costs the United States
$12;000,000 annually ; the criminals, $40,-
000,000; the lawyers, $70,000,000; rum,
Tag nicawr executions in New Iroik and
New Jersey have been extensively cora
:heated on by the press, and it is very signifi
cant that nine papers In ten take ground
against capital punishment. Where the
press is the people are sure to follow, if they
are not already in advance. The sighs of
the times are that capital punishment is los
ing favor with all classes.
Tan Chicago Times well says: "Let a
vote, be taken in every Board of Trade which
'may be found In the country from Pittsburgh
west-to the Pacific, to-morrow, on the ques
tion whether we have enough of currency
in, the country to meet the honest demands
of trade, and there is no doubt that in every
instance the question will be decided in the
A BITTER contest Is in progress in Indiana
respecting the size of ladies' feet. A. Terre
Haute paper alleges that the Lafayette belles
have feet so large that only four or five can
skate on a rink 'at .a time. The Lafayette
paper retorts by declaring that the shitema
kers in Terre Haute, when they make shoes
for the belles in that place, have to erect a
sort of marine railway in their back yard in
order to launch them.
Ors. Gmtnx Is 47, and Mr. Colfax only 46;
Andrew Johnson is 01; Mr. Seward 68 ; Gen.
Schofield but te: ; Mr. Welles, 67; Mr. Mc-
Culloch, 58; Mr. Randall and Mr. Browning,
ing, 59. We do not know the exackage of
Mr. Evarts, but ho cannot be more than 50.
Mr. Wade,the President of the Senate, is 69;
Senator Scorner is 58, and Senator Trum
bull 56. The members of the House of Rep
resentatives are nearly all young men. Mr.
James Brooks and M. E. B. Washburn are
among the oldest, and are respectively 59
ond•ss years of age:
"A vsvuen of three children"—it is quite
fortunate that there are no more of them—
communicates to the editor of the Bun the
interesting intelligence that he lately admin
istered to his son, sixteen years of age, " a
good sound thrashing with a cat-o'-nine
tails, and'aince that time," naively adds the
father, " helms not given me the least bit of
trouble." We should think not Strong
men have known to take the same dose and
thereafter to trouble nobody but the coroner;
coffin-maker, and
' the sexton.
AMONG the wealthy foreign residents is
Paris are only fifty negro and mullatto fami
lies, who hold intercourse with a great many
aristocratic - French families on terms of per.,
feet equality. Pontehery, a wealthy ne
gro from Port-au-Prince, lives with his
family in one - of the finest honies on the
Charente d'Antin, keeps half a dozen - white
*enfants; and was Wilted Litt winter to all
of 24. Bomber's parties. He is a millionaire,
and has a very fine gallery of paintings and
statuary. Another negro resident of Paris is
Candor's, Whose4atlier owned a largeplan,
Litton on the Island of lin' riethie. The son
sold the plantation, married en Englishwo
tun at Cape Town, and went with her to
Paris, - where. he lives now In brilliant style,
is One of the boldest operators at the Bourse,
nd is eenlidered very rich. His children
are almuilt white, and his oldest 'daughter,
belle of eighteen, is courted by a great many
young-officers And other; who seem not to
-care a 11g for her eeiOred decent. liellebrie, a
very black negro, owns two or three liras'
business houses in Paris, where he settled
thirty or forty years ago, and made money in
the oyster trade. He le also mauled to a
white womatt His thumb, tete nte . o4 Mar
ried to Frenchmen.
Wne vim public debt of the United
States 'caused by the rebellion, was at its
'highest - point it amounted to nearly one dol.:-
lar a minute • for the time that has elapsed
shins the creation of the monk. According
to generally accepted chronology it Wes 4,004
years from the creation to the birth of Christ
that makes this the year of the w0r1d'5,872
There are , 3,525,600 minutes in a year of 305
days, the whole number of :.minntes, then
shicw the beginning is 3,0010,200 —in
round numbers three thousand Onions,
Which is about the number of dollars of our
debt at its highest figure. Quite' flattering
to our national vanity of course. , •
ifortecr. Mummy, through a practical
printer, rarely visits the composing-room.
The -.last time . was at three o'clock in 40 4
- Morning following President Lincoln's elec
tion, when he ran his eye over the. type of
the New Tork,eleetion table on the editorial
and suddenly cried out t Here, Sam,
bring me a bodkin ; some d—d fool has
spelled Allegany with an 'h.' " And though
pressmen were impatiently clanging the bells
for the forms, Horace deliberately drew . a
jack-knife from his pocket and dug the " h"
out of Allegheny before he Would allow the
forms to go down.
SOSIE Of the newspapers are recommend
ing the abolition of the twcieommissions,Of
Brigadier General whieh are 'low vacant in
the army list. The first of these vacancies .
was caused by the retirement .4 General
Rooker from active service ; the second by
the death of Gen. Rousseau. If these places
should beleft omitted, we ahould still have
eight Brigadier Generals. That is yerV re
spectable number, and we dire say the coun
try could get along very well without any
more.. The saving to the. Mazur , would be
some $12,000 a year.
IscLunzo Alaska, the territory of the
United States extends over 4,000,000 square
miles. Our public lands, excluding ice fields,
are 1,46..5,4E8,800 acres in extent, the Alagbito
purchase, including ice fields, add 269,529,-
1 GOO. Our population is nearly.. ,(40,000.
If it increases in the sanie, - ratio as it has in
preceeding periods it will be 42,000,000 in
1870, and 70,000,000 in 1000. There are now
thirty-eight States, with the material for the
manufacture of several others in the Radical
Tux vou.ow - o appears among the regu
lar marriage notices in the Omaha 'Republi
can : Co.r-- 7 /Tarringten--On the, east half of
the northwest quarter of section twenty-two
(22.) township twenty-one (:1) north; of ranee
eleven (11) east, in an open sleigh, and under
an open and unclouded canopy, by the Rev.
J. R. -Mason, James 8., only -son of John
Cox, of Colorado, and Ellen C., eldest danz
ter of Major O._ Harrington, of Burt county
A courts were to have been married . at-
Indianapolis the other evening, and- the bride
was ready for the ceremony at,the appointed
time, hut s the. bridegroom was not son hand.
A messenger was sent for him, but instead of
fidfaling his duty, he sent back word that he
never intended to marry the, lady, and only
"wanted see how she could take a joke."
IN 31Aasacituarrrs they turn old maids
out of church where they have more than
one baby before getting .married. At a
church trial the other day, where a weak sis
ter was defendant, she plead in justification
that she was following that injunction which
says: "Suffer little ehildren to come unto
TIEEILE are printed in the United States
five thousand and sixty-twit), regular publica
tions—daily, tri-weekly, Semi-weekly, week
ly, semi-monthly; monthly and quarteily—
with a combined ? circulation °rover seventy
five millions a week..
THE Nenutw of Thaddeus Stevens, who
was to have $lOO,OOO of the greartlommon
.er's wealth if he abstained ten years from
liquor and tobacco, or would be obliged to
surrender it to the orphans of the soldiers
If he indulged, says he will not Tob the poor
A wmowtin writes that his, daughter of
fifteen grew co arse and insolent, and laughed
in his face when he only chided her ; hatone
day he fastet t her to the bed,. removed her
underclothing, nd gave her a severe castiga
tion with a rattan cane, since which time she
has been very tractable. Hence, he favors
corporal punishment.
TIM YEAR just begun will probably wit-
nets, before its close, the most tremendous
contest for monopolies tharthe country and
the World has ever -seen. The pacific Rail
road, now fast drawing to completion, is the
darling prize for which the railroad kings are
marshaling their forces to compete. '
Oss or the San - Francisco papers hai
added a new feature to its " Birth, Marriage,
and Death" clumn —" Divorces." This
department is as well supported and as much
a public convenience as its companions.
ALL 'rum' a man has t. in place where
he is a stranger, le to hri• ,*- tongue and
. his temper, cultivate good dings awl kind
affection, and meet every advance of his
his neighbor with courtesy, cordiality and
cheerfulness. - •
Fr to estimated that not one-eighth of the
people of the United States attend' public
worship on Sunday.
Iv ma! he's comfort for some to know that
men are growing larger In stature; and living
longer in years, on the
_average, than they
did a while ago.
TEIERE is no stone to mark the lasVresi
ing-place of that'grand old man, Sam. Hous
ton, and the Texans are feeling very much
ashamed about it. The Legislature is called
upoh to put up a monument.
Fasnionamm people no longer call one an
other liars ; they merely " Stigmatize the'
statement as an unqualified figment ofit fer
tile imagination."
Tan NUMBER of children who attend
school in' the United States, amounts to 5 4 -
000,000. They use W,000,000 books, which
Cost $18,750,000.
WAMLIKOTON is known as the "city of
magnificent distances• and mein 'boarding
DT YOU wish to make a noise in religious
eitrlep, walk into church late - next Sunday
morning with a pair of meaking 4 boots on.
. .
Tun NW style of bonnet is to be a bead
and two inches of ribbon, fastened with a
hair pin.
Tirana. are over 25,000 printing paessea l in
the United States.
• PREPARE ion "A RAINY Dev."—Every
rasa who : is obliged to work for a 'living
should make it a point to lay up a little
money for that "rainy day" , which
, tre are
all,hable to encounter,*
rran acco t
when least expect.
The best way to do this is to ope
with a goings hatik. Accumulated money
is always safe, It is always readyfar use when
needed. Scrape together five' dollars, make'
your deposit, get you': bank book, and then
resolve to - deposit a girl sum, small though
it be, once a month, once a fortnight, or once
a week,• according to circumstances. No:
budputoura, without trying it, how easy ,a
thing it is to save money whett:nu account,
with the
,hank has been Opened. Without a
bank account a man kelt up r'estruint upon
his purchases. Re buys ,this thing, believ
ing that he needs it; and no buys smother
thing, making himself believe that he needs
that. The Loci is, ha might aswell 'do with:.
out both of these things, and would dd wlttk
out themilhe had that incentive to save his
moseiwhlth results from laving an account
with 4.1!e bank. With inch an account a
assn Slays feels 4 deslT to ealargollis de
posit, It gives lam lationa in , frugality bad
economy, weans him ken habits of extras
pate; and is the Vaal sushi in „the', wary.
aigainat Intemperance, dleafpatian . and vice.
Lvnicr*vrs von scos.—The follow
ing is ialiat'of the Indictments for treason on,
Me in tie office of the Clerk of the United
States arena Court for the District of Vir
Jefferson Davis, John C. Breckinridie,
Judge Henry W. Thomas,ex-Gov. W Smith,
Gen. Wade ilamptortGen. Benjamin Huger,
ex-Goy. Henry A . Wise. Gen. Samuel , Coop.:
er, Gen. G. W. C. Lee, Gen. R. E. Lee, Gen.
W. 11. F. Lee, Secretary S. IL Mallory, Gen-.
Wet Mahone, Gen: Jsaites Longstreet, Gen
Illzhnelt Lee, Wm. E. Taylor, Oscar E.
Baxter, George W. Alexander, Gen. Epps,
Huston, B. H. Booker, 31. D. Corse, John TL
De Brec, Gen. Roger A. Prvor, Major D. B.
Bridgford, Gen. Jubal A. Rub'. Gen.Bich
ard Ewell, Thomas P. Turner, Wm. S. \rut
der, the Hon. James A. Seddon, George
Booker, Wm. H. Payne, Cornelius Bayles,
Richard &Andrews, Wm. IL' Richards, the
Hon. Chan. J. Faulkner, R H. Dulaney, W.
N. McVeigh, end EL ,B. Tyler. Yak prose-
Inds have been entered in the cases of Hon.
Thomas S. Bocock, Judge Robert Ould and
Jefferson Davis. - .
. •
TUE LF...WING paper of the Northwest,
the "Wisconsin," 3illwaukie, gets off some
very good hits; among the latest- of which
'we extract the. following :
As Excarizsr Ittepremz.—One of the
most popular medicines of the day is -Iloof
land's Ger Man Bitters, which is designed to
keep the stomach and liver in a healthy Con
dition. The Bitters is prepared without the
rise of intoxicating liquors, and if a person
dAires to drink liquor under the fashionable
name of Bitters, he had best apply for some
thija,gelse. than Efooliand's. Druggists tall
us that the sale of this article is large, and is
constantly, on the increase,—that all who use
it are pleased with their excellent qualities,
and that they could ,not- think of keeping
store without it. In cases of debility or
prostration, of the system, Hoofiland's 'Ger
man Bitters will be found an excellent arti
cle, as well as for Dyspepsia..' •
16:wetland's German Tonic is acombination
of all the ingredients of the Bitters, with pure
"Santa Cruz Runt, orange; anise, &e. It is
used for the same diseases as the Bitters, in
cases where an alcoholic stimulaqt is re
quired. It is a preparation of rare medical
value, and most agreeable to the palate.'
Principal Of ice, 631 Arch St., Phild'a, Pa.
Sold - everywhere by druggists and others:
Goon Aoncz.—An exchanee very appro
priately remarks - that every poor laboring
man.should buy himself a town lot- 2 —get that
paid for and then work to add the necessary
improvements—a little here and a little there
will, in due time produce Ton a home of your
own, and place you outside of the landlord's
gap. Remember that .1.-50 a year saved in
rent will in - a very few years. pay for .your
own home and the mend it - costs you to
'move and shift about, will, without-any loss
l of fumittire and of time, pay the interest of
a five hundred 4bllar judgment against your
-property until you can.gradually reduce it to
nothing. Top can all buy in -that way—
why do yorrnotriqc it If you fail you are,
no worse off—if you succeed, as any careful
man is Sure to do, yon have made a honie
and established a "credit equal to another
which will start you in business.
Ir rs strahge to see with what carelessness
some invalids attend to their health. They
will procure a box of Plantation Bitters,
'which ought to be used up in a month or six
Reeks, and upon inquiry it is found that
they .have Used only two or 'three bottles.
Some days they have used it according to
the directions, and others have not touched
it. The - whole trial has been irregular, and
of Course a 'less favorable result has come
fn* their use. If .it be true that "what is
worth doing at all is worth doing well," how
emphatically is it true in matters relating to
the health. A few bottles of Plantation
Bitters have often wrought wonders, while
in other instaneft; disease has only been sub
dued after weeks of resistence.
31.s.a:qot.ta! WATErt.—Superior to the best
imported German Cologne, and sold at half
the price. • jani-tf.
Jam TEM T.tmva.-,-Persens suffering from
that implicable disease, - Catarrh, should by
all means give Sage's Catarrh Remedy_ a
thorough and impartial trial. It has been.
before the public but a. few years, yet al
ready ranks as the standard remedy for dis
eases of the nasal and tipper airpassages, and
we hear it very highly spoken of - by those
who have used it. Theproprietor, 11. V.
Pierce, 31. D., of Buffalo, N. Y., as will be
seen by his advertisement, offers a standing
reward of 1500 for a case of Catarrh that he
cannot cure. For. sale by most Druggists
everywhere. Sent by mail for sixty cents.—
j=batiac Judah:dun. jahl4-2 w.
LEGAL BLINES.—We remind those in need
of blanks that our assortment is the most
complete in'the city, comprising every sort
generally in use by Justices, Attorneys, Con
stables, Property Owners and Business men.
They are all prepared by experienced men,
got up in style, and sold at the most
reasonable prices. if. liberal deduction will
be made to dealers or others purchasing in
large 'quantities, i /1-25-tf:
EVERYBODY knows that they can buy their
School Books, Pass Books, Paper, Envel
opes, Ink, Pens, &c., cheaper at Wm. J. Sell
ee Co.'s Bookstore than at any other store in,
the city.
OCR COMTRYggdS Should not fail to
call at Wm. J. Se o.'s Bookstore, when
visiting the city. ,
Orb) ablurtisemtnta.
iirAdvertisements, to secure insertion, must
be handed in by 9 o'clock on Thursday morn
ing: advertisements will be continued at
the expense of the advertiser, unless ordered
for a speelfled time.
of Shares of Stock of the Erie County Ag
ricultural Society. are.tiereby requested to pre
sent the same to the Society, for the purpose of
having them numbered and registered,_ and
all persons having receipts for money paid, and',
who are entitled to stock for the same, are-also
requested to present their receipts or other
evidence of payment to the Society in order
that they may be placed on the books of the
Society, and Stock issued. Persons who re
fuse or neglect to comply with this request on
or before the 15th day of February. 1569, will
forfeit all claim that they may have on the
Society. By order of the Board of Managers.
J. C. BURGESS, Secr'y.
Erie, Jan. IS, 11169. Jan2l-4w
• "Burned. Out." -
1. CO. have located themselves for the pre
sent In the North part of the room' of Messrs.
Shannon tr. Co.'s Hardware Store, South of the
Union Depot, where they will continue to do a
General Banking, Exchange, and Collection
Business, also pay interest. on De po sits.
Jtm.2l-Ira ELIOT & CO.,
Once More in the Field. •
LITANY PERSONS who, in years 'gone by,
were in the • habit of using CARTER'S
of late years have found it difficult to obtain,
owing to-the proprietor having ceased to pre
iare it, except in small quantities, are hereby
nformed that I have resumed the nutnufacture
of this most valuable Liniment*atice so popu
lar throughout this part of .the country—and
Intend placing It in every store where medi
cines are sold, in this and the adjoining
counties. My old customers in particular and
the public In general may now feel sure of get
ting. this article, at all times -in its full
strength and Purity. Price by Single Bottle 40
Cents, • 4. B. CARTER.
Carter's Ring Bone Lotion.
1 in removing fling Bone and Dane Spavin,
Callous Lumps and tiplints,_ ete.,.exceeds all
other known preparations . 'Those who have
occasion fora preparation of thitrklad are in
formed that it is 'now pot up much stronger
than it formerly was, so that its action is more
quick and certain than before, and will rarely
!fever disappoint the tiger. Retail Price 75 cts.
Three Bottles for 52.00..
Druggists end Country Merchants can pro
curel3 articles with the usual Discount
from the Proprietor or from Messrs. J. B. Car
ver & Co.; at the old stand of
.jan2l-tf J. B. CARTER.
Arentii . Wanted.
•ornical, lliatoticat , Political -.Commercial, Agri
cultural, Educational, Hallgiotts. This work
contains a vast fund of late and valuable hifor
mation • respecting the United States and
Foreign Countsteikincluding °Very. department
of the General and State Governments, which
all classes of businoss and profssalntutl men
wtU Ind Invaluable for: daily reference. Ad
dress 0. D. CASE & CO. Publishers,
Jan2.l-4m Hartford, Conn.
Fresh Butter 20 Cents Per Pound.
GREA.TEBT 1 1 VEN1101 , .7 OF - THE- AGE.
Batter made in from three to five udri
okiti: bE the woof our Infallible Batter Powder,
at a cost of 20 cents a pound . Simple in -opera
ti°ol towodello in uses Two founds of batter
can no inside.frota ono quart of milk, suMelent
Powder . to make 30 pound of butter, wait free
on 'receipt• of. priee-41. Agents wantwir, In
every Town and Cotady, to introduce this Nr9o•-
dello), economizer. Address • _ ••
0013112 N Burma C0.,1C4 Nassau Bt. N.Y.
- • jan2l-1m
AtSgizz at lair, .for. of State awl 7th fits.,
(o. s Grog Starr, Erie; Pa. . lant'694t
: Notice.
Entz, PA.;.Trua. 19,
Regr e ttr . t
r Witless t 9
.1 . 3 . 84WLEY & BALL
Nttn abbtrtistmtnto.
frms IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 11th
I . .bay of tan., A. D. ItZa, a warrant in Blink
ruptzy was issued against the estate of Edward
Sherman, of Erie city, in the county of Erie,
State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged
a Bankrupt on his cons petition; That the pay
ment of any debts and delivery of any pr
belonging to such bankrupt, to !aim wat=
use, and the transWr of any property by lam
are forbidden •by law; that a meeting of the
creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their
debts and to choose one or more Assignees of
his estate, will be held at the Court of Bankrupt.
i ce
cy, to be holden at the o ce of the Register. in
the city of Erie, In the ty ofErle and State
of Penn's., before S. E. ruff, P.egister, on
the sth day of April, A. 1989, at It o'clock,
A. If. THOMAS . .Ik.; BOWLET, .
IT. S. Marshal, Messenger.
By G. P. Davis. Dept. V. 8. Marshal.
Voluritary Bankruptcy.
mum IS TO GIVE. ICOTICE that on the 6th
day of Jan, A. D., ISS' 9, a, Warrant in
Bankruptcy was Issued onto! th District Court
of the United States, for the Western Districtof
Pa., against the estate of Patrick Grace, of Con
neautTp, in the county of Erie, and State of
Pennsylvania, in said District, adjudged a
bankrupt upon his own petition; that the
Payment of any debts and, delivery of any
PreyeAY . heieng to such bankrupt to him
or, his use, end the transfer of any prop
erty- by him- are forbidden by law. A. meet
ing of the creditors of the said bankrupt,
to prove their debteand to choose one or more
Assignees of theirestate, will be held at a Court
of Bankruptcy. to be holden at the office of the
Registe., in the city, of Erie, before S. E. Wood
ruff, Esq.. Regbder in Bankruptcy for said dis
trict, on the:sth day of February, A. D., 142, at
II o'clock, A. - 31.
- U. S. Marshal, Messenger.
By G. P. Davis, Dept. C. S. Sfarshal.
".lan2l-4 w.
Voluntary Bankruptcy.
fralS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 11th
day of Jan., A. D.. 1.4.4). a warrant in Bank
ruptcy was issued n.. 1.1514 the estate of Alfred
icing,of - Erie city, Erie comity,. and State of
Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bank
rupt on hte own petition ; that the, payment of
any debts and delivery of any property belong
ing to such bankrupt, to him and for his use,
and the transfer of any property by him are
forbiden by law; theta meeting of the creditors
of said bankrupt, to prove their debts and no
choose one or more Assignees of his estate. will
be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden
at the office of the Register. in the city of Erie,
Pa., before S. E. Woodruff, Esq., Register In
said District, on the, 9th day of April, A. D.,
ISZ, at 9 o'clock. A. AL
U. S. Marshal, Messenger. ,
By G. P. DavLs, Dept. C. S. Marshal.
" Voluntary Bankruptcy . .
rpriis IS TO GIVE - 'NOTICE' that on the 1 lth-
I day ofJan., A. D., 1.P.19, a warrant in Bank
ruptek war issued' against the estate- of Able
A. Atlanta, of Erie city; Erie county. had State
of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a
banAtrupt on his own petition; that the,pay
meht of any debts and delivery of any proper
ty byldra, for his use, and the transfer of any
property by him are forbidden by law ; that a
meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to
prove their debts and to choose one or more
Assign b ees of his estate, will be held at a Court
of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the
Register. in the city of Erie, Pa.. before S. E.
Woodruff:Esq.. Register in said District, on the
9th day orAprO. A. D., 1 , 9- , 9. at 9 o'clock, A. M.
U. S. Marshal, Messenger,
By 0. P: Davis, Dept. U.S. Marshal.
Voluntary Bankruptcy.
Irma IS TO GIVE. 'SOTICE that on the 11th
day ()flan., A, D., 1E99, a warrant in Bank
ruptcy was Issued against the estate of H. H.
& C. D. Reynolds, of Concord Station, Erie
(Inn ty, State of P.qinsylvania, who have been
adjudged bankrupts on their own petition; that
the payment of any debts and delivery of any
property belonging to them for their use,and the
transfer of any property by them are forbidden
by law ; that d meeting' of the creditors of said
bankrhpts,to prove their debts and to choose
one or more Assignees of their estate, will be
held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at
the office of the" Register, in the city of Erie,
Pa.. before S. E. Wdodrufr, Esq., Register In
said 'District, on the 6th day of April, A.D., 1869,,
at 9 o'clock, A. M. , •
E. S. Marshal, Meaenger, ^
By G. P. Davis, Dept, T. B. Marshal
• *jan2.l--iw
. Voluntary, Bankruptcy.
liiS 18 f 0 GIVE NOTICE that on the 11th
day of Jan., A. D., ISBI O , a warrant In Bank
ruptcy was issued against the estate of Seth
Todd Perley, of Erie city, Erie county, and
State of Pennsylvania, 'who has been adjudged
a bankrupt on his own petition; that the pay
mentrolany debts and delivery of any property
belonging to him, for his use, and the transfer
of any property by him are forbidden bl . ;
that a meeting of the creditors of said
rupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or
more Aadignees of his estate, will be held at 111'
Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office
of the Register, In the c e l i tz of Erie, Pa., before
S. K Woodruff. Esq., It ter In said District,
on the Sth. day of April, Lt., 1953, at 10 o'clock,
U. Marshal, Messenger.
'G. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. Marshal. .
Discharge in, Bankraptc_y,
1 States, for the Westent-District s of Pennsyl
vania. Chas, F Beers.a bankrupt under the Act
of Congress of March 2d, 1867, having applied for
a Discharge from all his debts, and other claims
provable under said Act, by order of the Court,
notice is hereby given to all persons who have
proved their debts, and other persons interest
ed, to appear on the 16th day of Feb. 1669, at 11-
o'clock, A. M., before S. E. VitoodrulT, Esq., Reg
ister, at his office in Erie, Pa., to show cause, if
any they have, why a discharge should not be
granted to the said bankrupt; And further, no=
tice is hereby given that the second and third ,
meetings c f creditors of-the said bankrupt, re
quired by the 2;"th and nth sections of 'said Act,
will be had before the said Register at the same
time and place... S. C. McCANDLESS
Clerk of L. S. District Court for said District.
jawll-2w •
States, for the Western District,of Penn'a.
S. B. Mann & Lemuel Fisher, bankrUpts under
the Act of Congress of March 2d, MO, having
applied for a discharge from all their debts and
other claims provable under said Act, by order
of the Court, notice is hereby given to all per
sons who have proved their dqbts, and other
person. interested, to appear on the 18th Bay of
Feb., 1869, at 11 o'clock, A. M, before S. E.
Woodruff, Esq., Register, at his oface in the city
•of Erie , 1 1 a. to show cause, if any they'have;
why a discharge should not be grantedlo the•
said bankrupt. And farther, notice is hereby
given that the second and third meetings of
• itors of the said bankrupt, required by the
th and 23th sections of avid Act, will be had
before the said Register at the same time and
place. •S. C. McCANDLESS, •
Clerk of U. B. District Court for said District. .
Voluntary - Bankruptcy.
riiIIIS Is TO GIVE - :NOTICE that on the 11th
1 day of Jan., A. D. 18/.0, a warrant in Bank
ruptcy was issued against the estate of Ira G.
Retch, of Erie city, Erie colinty, and the State of
Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bank
rupt on his own petition; that the payment of
any debts and delivery of any property belong
ing to such bankrupt, to him and for his use,
and the transfer of any property by him are
forbidden by law; that a meeting of the cred
itors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts and
-to choose <map; more. Assignees of his estate,
will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be
holden at the office of the Register On the city
of Erie, Pa., before S. E. Woodrud, Esq. Regis
-ter, on the Bth day of April, A. D., 180904 9
o'clock' A, M.
• LT. B. Marshal, Messenger.
By G. P. Davis, Dept. A. S. Marshal.
Voluntary Bankruptcy
Wan, IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on t h e 11th
day of Jan., A. D. 18G9, a warrant in Bank
ruptcy was issued against the estate of Borman
Stearns, of Erie 'city Erie county, and State of
Pennsylvania, who heal:leen adjudged a bank
rupt on his own , petition; that the payment of
any debts and delivery otany property belong
ing to him, kir his use, and the transfer of any
property by him are forbidden by law ; that a
meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to
prove their debts and to choose one or more
Assignees of his 'estate, will be held at a Court
of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the
Register, in the city of Erie, Pa., before S. E.
Woodruff' ' Esq., Register in said District, on
the 9th day of April A. D. 18139 at 9 O'clock, A.
U. S. Marshal, Messenger.
By G. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. Marshal,
- sjan2l-4w
Voluntary Bankruptcy.
Films IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the Bth'
day of Jan., A. I).,1818, a warrant in Bank
ruptcy was issued against the estate" of L. L.
Lathrop, of North Last Tp . , Erie county, and
State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged
a bankrupt on his own petition ; that the pay
ment of ahy debts and-delivery of any property
belonging 'to ,such bankrupt, to him and for
his use, and the transfer of any property by
him are forbidden/by law; that a meeting of
the _creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove
their debts and to choose ode or more As
signees of his estate, will be held at a Court of
'Bankruptcy to be holden at the office of the
Register,in M, city of Erie, Pa., before S. E.
Woodruff, Esq.; Regliter, on the Zth day of
February, A. D. 1819 at 9 o'clock, A. M.
10f. S. Marshal, Messenger,
By G. P. Davis; Dept. "t' S. Marshal.
Jan2l w
, • INW7----)
JA,RECTEr 13111.0711MU5,
Bistel6eSi,optossite Brown's Hotel, have
• the hugeet - assortment of
Eye,„ Glasses:and Spectacles
Ever brought , to. tilts market.,
, ,
We Would call specially the attention of the
- r 'public to our ILIACTIKtTEILPER.ED
which we warrant not:to break. and ♦ea
• new pair for eserybrpken one return ,
Also ` h and a large nsiertwient of Scottlsh
Pebbles, • e Glows In - Rubber, Steel, Shell
and Gobi - rarnee..
We Can Snit Etery Sight,
And warrant to ge perfect satisfacUon In
emir wlti, 4•-• • • decl7-tt
"Stray Cow.
FRAYED from the premises of the eabscri.
of on Ninth meet, near tbe maul, in the
.yearsDEEP RED - COW fops 11 e i c •ld o . l)e litri b a,`
suid s httiOnis, and le large for her age, AM
eng reward wgi be given fonber recovery.
janl4.2ws LAWRENCE WARD,
__Admintstrator's Notice. -
LEITERS of Administration on the estate of
James G. JackiOn, dee'd, late of Erie City,
V. haring been granted to the undersigned,
notice LS hereby given to all indebted to the
same to. make immediate payment, and those
lakve, claims against said estate will present
'!the ,1411 y stithanticated forsettlement, •
• eig , '''• ' JOHN W. HAYS,
Erie, Jan. 7. '69.07 _ Administrator.
iSmsintos OtiftiOrp:
ghoy, Barkeas Walke_, 25 Z
] J ohns It Breve Wen WS r
Preach and N. Park as.
P. A- Becker * 63 / Presseb
Artypekle & Clark. 32 Ndrth Park.
Boom Aso EDIOB3.
L. A. Clark, 11Park Row.
R. Z. Saab, Uri State street.
C Englehar 7 & Co.. IV North Park.
George Zuni, ktate street.
F. PfelSkr.
Gackeriblebl & Sablaudecker.irdt Peast, at
M. Doll & Son, l l State sr.
Henri Grose, SW French at.
Jacob Idabel, 1117' Parade st.
Caughey & McCreary, North Park.
Wm. J. Sell & Co., ITS State Street.
Lockhart & Pena. UM Peach at.
May &Brother 712 uR & State St.
H •
13.Marerattek,. Park Row.
Crouch & 5.1 , French at.
Ara. Win. Willin g., 80S Suite st.
_Wheeler .1 Wilson, 5 Seed liquae.
Rowe Sendai' Machlne, 817 State at.
Win. Glennr, 12 Park Bow.
T. }t. Atudina4 North Park.
Jareckl Bros., 508 State at. opp. Browny tti
Ferdinand Evernars, 9 East Seventh st.
J: IL Smith. 5 French st.
F. F. Adams, No 23 North,Paric Bow.
lisu A Warfel. MO State st. •
3.13. Carver ACo., 21 North Park.
Win. Nick Ara% =State street..
Dr. S. Dickinson. Son. 711 State sheet.
- - DRY GOODB. •
Edson, Churchill & Co.. 3 Noble Block.
J. F. Walther. 034 State st.
Warner Bros, .506 State st. •
Burton & Orilllth, 1.V.1 Peach st:
F. J. Rexford & Co.„ 1321 . '
Henry Beckman. 5)4 State it.
A. Minn*, Corner Bth and State st. •
F .Schlandecker, al State st.
H V. Claus, M East Finn it.
P. Schaaf. ;NSW.. it.
Hanlon et Bro.. 603 French st. - ... .
Colton & Send*, 712 State st.
Messmer a Setter; cor. Parade &Bu 10 sts.
Frederick Cooper, 124) State at ' •
'French & McKnight, 521 French at.
J. Dreisizaker, corner of 4th & Myrtle st.
M. Enetb & Son. 12V Parade at.
A. Kart's, lILS Parade at.
V. Schultz, Schultz's New Block, Federal Bill
Evans & Brown, 1= Peach st.
Henry Neubauer, French st near the Park.
N. Preusa, t . 26 State at
Win. J. Sancta 6• corner State and 3d stn..
John Genshelmer & Son, fra State at.
F. Wagner, t State at.
Jones & Lytle. 10 North Park. ,
John 51. jhatlee, 511 State at
Raker, Oattielmer & Co..= State at.
Isaac Rosenzweig, Mt State at.
R. Welsturusn. MN Peach it.
Hoag & Askine, 7041 State at.
C. Deck, 7u3 State sr.
34. W. Mehl, 517 French at
IL Y. Sterner. 401 State st.
Boyer &. Fuess, State st. between'l2th & Depot
Judson .t Wilder, Waterford.
Hubbant - Bros., 'PM State st.
Barr. Johnson C 0..& C0.,1018 and MD State st.
Peter Rastatter, 1012 Parade st. -
Pattersons & Avery, "e 7 French at.
Tibbals, Shirk & Whitehead; 12th & Sassafras.
J. H. Itiblet & Co.. 114 State at.
Stark & Frants_2l2l State it.
J. W. AS - 'ers,7l.s State et.
Brawley & Ball. State et., near depot. '
A. M. Blake. South Park.
A. P. Gillmore, 706 State st.
Jareeki & Metz, 1123 State at,
H. Jareekt I Co., *East 9th street.
MA gv.fttit.. .
Erie City Iron Works, cot, 12th and State su
PLANING 3115112.11.
Jaw. P. Crook & Son. eor. 4th sod Peach Ina
Jaeob Boot*. 1214 Peach at.
J. W. Brlgden. 1211 Peach at.
John Enema, 611 French at.
John Gorr, 1212 State at.
P. J. Roth, 1W"»' State et. .
Saltsznan k Co., cor. 12Lts& Peach sta.
Burton Bros. rt. Co. (Wholesale) IS Park Row.
E..W. Reed It Co., cor. 6th it Myrtle sts.
Geo. L. Hubbard, (Licensed) oor. Eitsie a sth at
E. U. Cole at Bon, Keystone Bank Mea.
E. R. Felton &Scin,firstdoor beibutom Rouse
E. Leonhard, Ninth et. bet. State & Peach its.
Geo. Sicerahf elder, 1256 Turnpike at.
frank WincheU & Co., BSI State at.
G. W. Ellsey, American Block Park Row.
iltto abbertioratifits;
Voluntary Thinkrutitey. •
Tuts is TO GIVE IfCrTICE that on the itt
1 day Of Jan., , A. D. 1810,a - warrant in Bank
ruptcy was issued against the estate of• Geo. W.
Baverstick, of Erie city, Erie county and stat e
of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a
bankrupt on his own petition ; that the pay
, meat of any debts and delivery of any property
belonging to such bankrupt, to him std for
his use, and the transfer of any property by him
aalree forbidden by taw; that a meeting 'of-the
'ciltors of the said bankrupt, to prove their
debts and. to choose one or more Assignees of
his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankrupt
cy to holden at the office of the Register, in the
etty,of Erie, in the county of Erie and Mate of
Pennsylvania, herein S. E. Woodruff. Register,
on tile Zth day of Feb A. D. 1969 at 9 o'clock, A.
M. • • THOM/S A. IS,O I 49LEY. . • •
U. 8. Marshal Messenger, •
BY:O. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. - Marshal.
Volentary, Baillaruptey.
'mins IS , TO OWE NOTICE that on the 6th
day of Jan., A. IX 1869, a warrant in Bank.
nudes- was issued Nest the estate of Sylvanus
H. Hill, of Oon-1, le coun a %and State of
Pennsylvania; who has beenadj udged *tank
rupt on his own petition ; that e payment of
any debts and delivery of any propertrbelong
ing to hint, for his use, and the transfer of any
propertrby him are forbidden by , law; that
meeting bi the creditors of said, bankrupt, to
prove their debts and to choose? one 'or more
Assiwaees of Ithrestate, will be heki at a Court
of bankruptcy, to be hidden at the office of the
Register. the city of Erie, Pa., before S. E.
'Woodruff; ~ Register in said District, on the
2501 day of Fe .-,__A. - D:;1809, at 9 o ' clock ( (. M.
U. S. Marshal, Messenger,
By G. P. Davis, Dept E: S. =Mimi.
Voluntary Bankruptcy.
'lnns IS TO GIVE - NOTICE - that on the fib
day of Jam, A. D.,1869, a warrant In bank
ruptcy was issued against the *estate of B. F.
Sioan,of city, Erie Co., and State of Penn's.
yenta, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on
his own petition; that the payment of say
debts and delivery of any property belonging to
him, for his use,and the transfer of any proper.
ty by hint are Dirt/hide:lA by laW ; that &meeting
of thocrltors of said ftnitrupt, to prove their
debts%nd to choose one or more Anslguees of
'his estate will be heldat a Court of Bankruptcy,
to be holden at the oftlep of the Register, in the
city of Erie, Pa., before S. E.AiroodrutT, Esq.,
Register in ID,id Maisie% on the 25th day of
Fe 1.,1A. D., IM9 at 9 o'clock, A. M.
D. S. Marshal, Messenger.
By G. P. Davis, Dept. 11. S. Marshal.
Assignee in Bankriptey:
States, los the Westera.
_District of Penn't....
in the' matter of W., Mike; bankrupt , yhdy
understand hereby giv e notice at his appoint
ment as assignee o W. D Millef,-of Corry, to
the county of Erie and State of Pennsylvania,
within said district, who hat, been adjudged a
bankrupt upon his o*n petition, by the Dis-
Wet Court of said district , dated at Ede, Pa,
Jan. 8, A. D'HENR , 1569.
Y 3t. RIBLET, Ass ignee
Atty. Atty. at Law, No. Ll= Peach St„ Erie, Pa.
VOluiMut7 Ba.
prim, is TO GIVE NOT nkifyiptcy lCE - situ th
On e 4th
j. day of Jan., A. DA tk & warrant in Batt
ruPtcY was issued against
countytate of &abet
Wass, of Elklaud, In the of MX " 4
state of Pennsylvania, who ban been 'Weed
a bankrtipt upon hie own jpetition ; that the
payment of any debts and delivery of any pre'
party belonging to such bankrupt to him or fer
his use, and the tanager of any property. Iy.
him are forbidden by law ; that a meeting 01
the creditors of said bankrupt; to prod their
debts and choose one of more Oft of his
estate; will De held at a Court ofßankruptcy
to bo p at the o=gee of F E E, Smith, in the
boro o Tls Peartesiviubelbre F;•
Smith, Isteryon the nth day of r
miry, ;„ at to o'clitiele,
Peri). came
S. Mron. De arshal, west .
ern Districtl ofartl4,4w peons.
. , To the • Working noise
T AM now prepared to furnish constant em•
ployment to all classes at their booms, for
theft spare moments. BitaiLltess - new, light stria
profitable. Fifty cents to U ter atoning is es.
ally earned, and the boys and girls earn nearly
as much as men. Greed inducements are of.
fered. All who see this notice plesieusend no
their address, and test ,Lthe business for them.
selves. If not well 'aligned; I will ray Si for
the trouble of writing-us me. Full particulars
sent tree.. Atimple sent by trail for 10 cents.
Address . E. U. 161.7.5 N; Augusta, Me. ya.7.lw
Agentst - Wanted.
Fro BELL. ANEW sem pertaialni_to Agri'
eulture and the ideehanie Arts, Edited by
*e . E. Waring, Elsa. thadhtlagulshed Amber
and Enginee It f the Plow York Central Park.
Nothinglike ver published. an Engravings.
Sens pt e 2 h{ Ferment Mechanics and Worit•
lumen or au elaarga.,Aoty: aim and women
are cole i ni o nria st rad r=
TIM. •
0 gra In Music. Popular Musie at popular
Priem ollitebeoekisHalf•Dirrie garter of Weir
for the /Milton: Ira Law ready—Music and
words - of the OatateMOVg."CAPT. IMMO Or rag
Hon SIL MAIII=8." Others fp follow rapidly.
Prtbe; 5 eentis 66Wfi x x
at ir newsdealer has her
wl get It for you, led on receipt of pricey
4dctrOOV BENS. W. CLICK, Publisher, MI
gyring iiit,;New York. jan7-4w
-roux cLastaxa. - A. H. GRAY.
Manufacturers and waulesale Dee,lent in C*
clued, Land and Rock Plaster; also of 800
Dust and Guano. Agents for the mato( Aaron
Cement N . °Moe eornerof .Eleventrt end French
streets, ee, pa.