The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, December 31, 1868, Image 2
Weekly Observer. TIMRSD AY. DECEMBER 81. 1868. TUE STATEMP.FT of the public debt for the month of December will show another increase of between tiro and three million dollars. The Internal Revetuie receipts have been about the average at this . season, but ,the customs receipts have fallen off slightly. The War department expenses, owing to 'the Indian difficulties, have largely -in creased. mEwriso OP TILE LEGIIIIATVEE The Pennsylvania State Legislature will meet at Harrisburg, on the first Trirsday in January, the sth of the month. The Senate will be compited of 18 Republicans and V Democrats; the House of 61 Republicans and 39 Denocrats—giving allepublican ma jority of 25 on joint ballot A. Gaited States ,Senator to succeed Mr. Buckalew is to be elected on Tuesday, the 17th inst., wh r o will of course be a Republican. Although Mr. Scofield is so much talked of in our local Republican press, we do not perceive that he hits much support outside of the diitrict. The contest seems to lie between Thompson and . Kemble of Phila., Scott, of Huntingdon, Grow, of Reno, and Moorjoad, of, Alle gheny, trot one of whom ()assesses qualities which Would make him a fitting representa tiiit of Pennsylvania in the Senate. TUE NEXT STATE CONVENTION. In another column will be found an article from the Chambersburg Valley Spirit, whose '.!: l .‘'tior, J. M. Cooper, Esq., is one of the most thoughtful and sagacious gentlemen in Penn sylvania, expressing some views in regard to the next State Convention which seem to us' "pre-eminently sound and well considered. As .such we commend them to the official expo nents at our party in all sections, and trust they will secure that attention to which they are entitled by the importance of the sug gestions • We have long berth of the opinion that the latest day that can be conveniently set for the nomination of, our candidate for Governor will afford'ui the fairest prospect of success, and:' intend ',publishing' at. .length our reasons for so thinking at the firstlavor able opportunity.. It gives us•pleasure to see that the Harrisburg Patriot; the recognized central organ of th i l party, fuliv endorses the ti Spirit's position. oth papers, however, In'- • cline to an earlier day than seems to us ad: - visable; the 10th of September, if proper or: ganization were effected before hand, would be long enough for all practical ends, and render victory more certain. While on this topic, we cannot. refrain from saying a word on the Thubjeci of the nominee., Strong 'efforts are already being made to commit the different counties to the respective candidates for nomination, and if they snereed wesliall have a repetition of the old hetirtburnings, to be followed, in all probability, by another.defeat. Let the press, from one end of the State to the other, cry' "out against trie policy of-committing the dele gates to any'Candidates. in advance ; and' let us, for once, have a Convention mssembled witnonc we pay, any wrongs to reiene, or any object to fulfil ex6pt the advanamtont or the Demo -erotic cause. Howeverpersonal friendship may dispose us, no man w.ith halt ag,eye can ail to observe that unicsa l lthe Democratic paty of Pennsylvania puti forth representrr tive men in the next campaign, who iire'not identified with the prejudices that have grown out of the war, it may as welt surrender the &hi in advance, Give us n Convention of pure, unpledgeit delegates, free from entang: ling alliances, and resolved upon making the best ch.oiCe of candidates, irrespective of per sonal, clique or sectional interests ; new men for our standard-bearers, who cannot be trUC cessfully assailed; a short, active and aggres sive campaign; and therelill be no doubt of the result, A PROSPECTIVE ROW. The fear among the Republicans of a rup ture between Grant and-the party-leaders is deepening daily, Ile is known to be in favor of repealing the Tenure-of-office Law; of the passage of Jenckes' Civil Service Bill; of the transfer of the Indian Bureau to the War Department; of stopping subsidies to railroads, and of breaking up all the Radical thieving rings throughout the eouritry. Fear ing his power the Radicals appear determined to hold on to the Civil Tenure Act, iu order that'when they get one of their own kind in office they may be able to keep him there. To all of these sorrows of the'lladictils is added another, and, a feather, whibh will probably complete the burden of their endu rance. This is the assertion of Genera) Grant, -..7.4nt1y, that he considered the faithful ad mipistration of public business head and shoulders above the claims of party, and that lie is an enemy henceforth of the princi ple that party services are a claim for pub .llc'office. General Grant declares that he will nut remove officers who have been faithful to their trust early because any political party demands it. The Radicals are also incensed at Grant's reticence on Cabinet matters. They advise him very freely, but they complain that he tides not manifest any disposition to act on It, and that they are ignorant as to his pre ferences of men. Altogether. the tight seems to have fairly begun, and it may be looked forward to by outsiders with rare interest. THE CUBAN REVOLUTION The Cuban insurgents held nut well. It iv now about three montka since with only five_ hundred teen they raked the standard of revolt. Though all the Spanish troops in the island and all the volunteers that could he organiz , :d are sent Itgainst them, they ap pear to be stronger and more determineti than ever. They have now in the field at least ,fifteen thousand men, tolerably armed and provitiM, - who, have had experience of ampaiguing anal of b2ittle„ anti do not heal• tate:fin enpoz with the veterans of Elpaln. N o t only is ow whole efegern portion of the island in their handy, but they are gradually advancing westward, and even - 611 Havana with alarm. .The cause of the Cuban insurrection Is a just cause. They rebel against taxation with out representation. They cannot under stand why tifoyshould pay final ten to twen ty millions of dollars yoftrly to Spain for tlietu ‘ de 4 poticallY, and for monopo lizing every office in the island, so that no Cuban can aspire to any public employment. TEIS PVTVIIS. It is giatifying to seethe earnest determi nation of the Democracy to continue the great kilt until victory crowns their, efforts, The lietnewnitic party, though apparently defeated on the general issue, is Fatitagyr to day than it has been for ntaur years. The immense gains they m.vie,t4., the last electitm clearly *how what they can do in the future. . They have now, Democratic Governors :in New Ylirk, New dersoV,. (. 1 2unecticut, Cali fornia,Delityare, Ituylaud, sad' Kentucky, ttgid they, have legally elected cnou Con gressmen, to 'deprive the - Radicals of their two-third majority in the House of Represen tatives. In every part of the country they are perfecting their organization, and a cheer ful hope for their party's . future animates them id every , locality. , Every where_ they are standing fleet and undisinayed.with their old flag'prondly floating oyez thorn, and not yielding to the foe o.tte i‘tid.sttheir deathless principles. A4'AttPET &loops ncrw. In the Sonth vitiate to his father in the Noph, :Tom down here, :lather, mighty. nano men get office here now, You could'' be elected• I;nited 'States Senator without tgoable" • PitEsiDINSToa arcittarafaol Garr. President Johnson could not have selected more opportune, moment for the issuing of his Proclamation :of Gener al Amnesty than upon the eve of that day which we celebrate tu the anniversary of the birth of Him wlib came to preach " peace and good will to men." It is most appropriately timed for both sections of the countrr—tor the North, because the generous associations of the season have prepared the minds of our pea ! pie to look in a kindlier spirit upon the acts of their erring brethren—fur the South, be cause the period is the proof all others when a great and magnanimous deed could mist, effectually be done, and have the happiest in-" I thence. To thousands of hearts throughout that blood stained part of the land the Proc lamation of Amnesty is a richer gist. thin wealth could puichase,and for years to come the Christmas of 1868 will be remembered as the date of a happier era in the affairs of our country. The fourteenth' constitutional amendment, section three, debars from civil or military office under the United States or any Stale any man who, after having taken an oatk 113 a civil or military officer of the Unitil States, or as a civil officer of any Stale;l6 support the United States Constitution, shall have participated in rebellion against the, same or given aid and comfort to the enema;' " but Congress may, by a vote of two-thirty' of each House, remove such disability." 'the President's full and unconditional pardon,, therefore, only restores the leaders of the re bellion to their rights as private citizens..; for they can only be razeprei to the right to hod an office of any sort, civil or military; Sate or National, by a two-thirds of each House of Congress. Thoie who desire to see the wounds of the late terrible war healed as soon as possible . ' will must heartily approve of the act of gen eral amnesty. Those who diseountepanno inlarnoul_ punishments for political offenses will do the same thing. Those who look to our future National peace nnd repose, and consider it more than the- intemperate preju dice and hatred of the pest, will not,only ap prove orate act, but will honor the•memgry of the President wholeasis.sued it, Presi dent Johnson could, by no possibitity, have connected his name with a more glorious re collection than-to affix it 10 a proclamation which - blots out .the past,, so far as the late civil wad extends, and , hoh,fs oat •t 3 all in the future eqully. promising hoks and an: ticipations. lie has neglected itieissue. too long, but, nevertheless; there is in it kir him alutureimmortality.• „ TETE RADICALS :are. determined to keep Menard, the negro Congresiman, fricun Loafs. lava,-out of his seat in that body, and are re sorting to nil sorb of excuses for 'ttutt, pur pose. The ' following is the latest dodge. by whiehlhey-scels. to palliate their coOnct : • VirAeirtrwroN: Dec. 24.-31 r. = Hunt, tho contest int of Menard (eplored) to a seat from 'Louisiana, makes the following, singular statement of the facts, in Ida, petition to' .the House. " Menard and I were 'candidates for the-vacancy caused by the death.. of Col. Mann. After- Mann's election the Legislature re-districted the State, and it so happens that Menard 'only* received oi - AIWA tlat.: w itikingagliOilt•A l 2 ll 2l entire parish for Informalities, and therefore ?denim) did not receives single vote in the district which Col. Mann . represented last_ July,and whose vacant seat,Menard clainut." As it , sult4 Radical purposes best, just at present, to shut' the door on 4entirt, liunt may consider his chances tar.a'scat perfectly sere. , [4 o Tometlie .lianisbarg Patriot l` TIIE RADICAL BRAGGARTS AND Tula STATE DRBT. e „ • Gov., Geary has. issued a proaamation set ting forth the amount of the State debt 're deemed by the Commissioneniof the Sinking rund from the first Monday in September, 1887, till the 30th of Noveinber, 1868. The Governor informs the Public that during these fifteen months, just $3,414,816.24 of the State debt were redeemed., This proclama tion is made the occasion of much boasting, on the part of the Radical press, concerning the wonderful financial management of Rad ical officials in general and Gov. Geary's ad ministration in particular. Of course the "rural Crakes" who don't stop to look be neath the surface, but imagine 'that every thingis gold that glistens, are in ecatacies over the statement made in this proclama tion. Our readers will sec its hollowness when we give it this slight panclure with our pen. The Sinking Fond was established just ten years ago, by nn act of the then Democratic Legislature (see Prirdrni's Digest, page 914) which provides as follows: _ "For the purpose of paying the present In debtedness and the interest thereon, and such further indebtedness as may hereafter be contracted on the part of the Common wealth, the following revenues and Incomes are hereby specifically appropriated and , set apart, to wit: The net annual ineonie of the public works that are now, 45r may hereafter he owned by the Commonwealth, and the proceeds of the sale of the same heretofore made and vet remaining due or hereafter made, and the Income or proceeds of sale of atock owned by the State, and all revenues derived from the following sources, to telt : From bank charters and dividends. Taxes twaessed on corporations and al the-sources of revenue connected therewith The tax on taverns, eating-bonses, restan rants, distilleries, brewers, retailers, pedlars brokers, theatres, circuses, billiard- and bowl lag- saloons, ten pin alleys and patent rnedi eine licenses. On theatrical, circus and menagerie exhl bit inn... On nnef ion cominiqsioriv and duffel. On writs, wills, deeds, ratirtgagesAmtexao attorney and nil initruments of writing, en tered "of record. on w bieh a tax Is nssessed. On publie ofileent and all others on which a tax is levied. On ftweign insurance en.mpanies. • On enrollment of laws. On pamphlet Insys. On loans or money at interest. All tines, corliatures and penalties. Revenues derived Irian the piddle lands. The excess of militia tux over expend!. tures. Militia tax. Tonnage tax paid by ntilronds Fact:rata. Cpll2tteral inheritance tax Accrued Interests. Itefundi4l rash, and all gifts, gltant - s, or be quests, or the revenue derived therefrom that may be made td the State raid not other wise.direeted." "The receipt?' at the Tieascrry, from rue sources above enumerated, were, for the pear 1867, $5,02.1,232.01. Dii hfg the misent year they have _been at least as, much, -end, doululess, largely in *seem of last year. During the Aileen moatha fAr - which the re port of the Cinundasbmeri of the Sinking Fund is made, the teceipta at the Treasury from the above ussuioned mums, were not less than IPT,200,080:00. . We refer to the eta: tisticaof rho Auditor Generatfa report to bUsr us out in. tlabt. statement. 'Now, let it be borne im what that the law minima that every cent of the moneys received it the State Treasury from tfui above named sources, shall go into the Sinking Fund for the purpose of paying • the State debt. Hence, during the tifteen months ending Nov. 80th, 1868, there were in the Sinking Pend-- App to dip ixtyment of . the State debt, - =6 530,000.00 Amount of tielt, that period; - - ~t4,8t6 .64 Not applied to payment of the debt, .. 53,835,1488 What has become* , of the $8,885.188.3614). eeived at the Treasury, parable to the Slak ing Fond, and not applied to the extingeish meat of the State, debt.L. Is the " Sinking Fund robbed ()Cotillions of dollars,attlutalir tqlefrur the expenses of the Gorier:meat; and to i tnake the people believe that their tares have been reduced Before our Radical friends ioiluige in fur ther boasting, will they please explain this little abw.repumr between the amount of the State debt redeemed and the aunt 'provided by the people for its redemption ? " At 4be si*e dultSiev tided Weft the tax payers that under Dentoeralle role the state pard but 4, 41;2 and 6• per cent, inter:- est on Its loans, whilst under the adminis tration of Gov. Geary it Pays 6 percent. on the bulk of its indebtedness. *lien they shall have performed these little tasks, they may go on with their manufacture of cheap thunder for the gubernatorial campaign. Until then the people will respond to their boasting, with the derisive - s'hont, Me to Rionbug! . • The Federal Finitecei. EDITOR OP TIM OBSERVER is pro posed, iu a communication to the Republi can of the 19th inst., to convert the present funded debt and Government currency into fifty series, of Ofty millions of dollars each, of four per cent. honds, payable in gold, ma turing annually, with the provision of being convertible into currency as the holders thereof wish, they allowing the interest to accrue for the benefit of the Government, so long as the bond is lodged with it. The Na tional Ranks to withdraw their circulation, ang, the Government to resume specie pay ment so soon as conversion has been accom plished, though cola is to be demanded and only deemed due on the currency as the bonds on which it is issued 'nature. The article is worthy of consideration and study. The great central idea of its author is evidently to give a fixed and specie basis policy for our Government finances, and, at the same time, adhere to the letter and spirit of its contracts with numerous creditors—to make manifest the disposition, and also to show the ability of an honest and solvent debtor, such as he believes our Government_ i to be. AU debtors, particularly when their wish to continue n business, if unable to meet their liabilities, if convinced of their, solrehcv and posamsed of high toned honor and strict integrity, rather than repudiate or compound their indebtedness, seek extensions thereon, in such stuns anti stanch periods of time of payment as they feel justified in ask ing. The simple tact of coin being recog nized by our Government as the only circu lating medium in -which .payment ,can be made tints 'debt, will give, us the whole world as a market for our securities, but, which we might, not wish, since our own people would take such securities as the con vertibles,lor their character is just adapted for our active commercial spirit, for the in herent, power of conversion at a low rate of interest world create a great" demand, In fact would supplant all other securities, for hy pothecation on loans. The object of the con* , vertiblefeature of the bonds is; and the ef fect, would be, to regulate, measurably the price of money or rates - Of- interest, es the small holders would negotiate through the bankers on the same basis on -which they could convert with, the Government. It would result in specie payment, effectually; for all on which specie was due coin would be on hand, ii fact, and not as by :immediate resumption, merely imaginary. It - would appreciate'thc whole issue of the Govern ment to the gold lisis. It would atraird a smooth road for the vehicle of conversion to sweep away rile inferior- currency, and dis tribute in lieu the sdperior one, without any attrition or jarring of commercial interests. It would result in the entire conversion of the debt sb sure a fixed laws are -preferable tothose of a mutable nature. It would re- Move the cause of revulsion and panics, since the anomaly of two currencies in eimulta- DCOlli use, the genuine and the imitation, the redeemable and the irredeemable, would no longer exist. • • ~ L. Amnesty to All. • WasumerN, Dec. 24, 18e8. -11 7 herras, The President of• the 'Jolted , :Statel'has heretofore set forth severol.procla 'mations offdrine arrineity and pardon• to per sons who had been or were concerned in the late rebellion against the lawfutatithority of caVeliaiMstigliSti all IC& day of December, .1863; on the-26th day of March, 1864 on the 29th day of May, 1865 ; On the 7th clay of September, 1887, and on the fourth day of July, of the present year ; and • IV/terms, The authority of the Federal Government having been re-established in all the States and Territories within the juris diction of the United States, it is believed that such prudential reservations and excep tions as at the dates of the said several proc laudations were deemed necessary and prop er, may now be wisely and justly relinquish ed, and that a universal amnesty and pardon for participation in said rebellion, extended td all, who have horde any part therein, will tend' To secure . permanent peace, order, and prosperity' throughout the land, and to re new and.fully restore,confidenee and hater nal feeling among the whole population, and their respect for and attachment to the 'National Government, designed by its patri otic Thunders for the general good: Now, therefore, be it known that 1,-An 'drew Johnson, President of the United States, by yirtne - of the power and authority in me vested by the Constitution, and in the name of the sovereign people of the United States, do hereby proclaim and declare un conditionally, and without resevvation,to all, and to every person who directly participated in the late 'insurrection or rebellion, a full pardon and amnesty for the offence of trea son against the United States, or of adhering to their enemies during—the late civil war, with restoration of all rights, privileges, and immunities under the Constitution and the laws Which hive' been made In pursuance thereof. In testimony whereof I have signed These presents with my band, and =have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed. Done at the city of Washington the 25th day of December, In the year of our Lord 18 , 5% and of the Independence of the United States of America the ninety-third. By the President. Annum- Jonsson. P. W. Swann, • Acting Secretary of State. The Tlemoiratic State Conveetiosi. Since the November election there* has been aMI in politics. The excitement that preceded it has - entirely subsided and in its place we have an extraordinary indifference to political questions. This may be partly owing to the financial troubles in which the country finds itself. Bat it is also attributa ble, tn some degree, to the fact that the Con servative portion of the people have resolved to be quiet for a while and watch the course of the Radical leaders. They. belleve that "their strength is to sit still." This determi nation is likely to continue for some time to come. Not that the Democratic organization is to be broken up, or not to be kept up. Not •that the Democracy intend to make an in glorious retreat from the face of the fr. On the contrary theremever was a stronger de•' termination on the part of the Conservative hosts to rally for another effort In behalf !d constitutional liberty than there is now. Aa firm believers in the success of Demo cratic principles and measures if affairs are properly managed, we cannot see the pro primly of holding the next Democratic State 'Convention at such an early date as the 4th of March. On the•ottter hand we believe that such an early meeting will ruin our chance of success. There is no necessity for disclosing our po- Shinn on questions that will enter into the canvass so long before the election Is to take plate. , We will have sufficient time, if the Convention Li , held in luly,'or August, or even the fin: week itt September,lo discuss the positions of the two patties sad the gnat itleattona of the respective nominees.l• Let the Convention be 'pOstporbd. We call upon the press of the State to consider this matter and cry aloud few s postponement of thq Conveutiau, Let us ,cuter the next canvass with a thorough knowledge of the situation and we can elect a Democratic Goy ernore— Valk?, Bp(rif. STROtill Thartuostv.—Prom the "Consti tutional Union," Washington, D. C. : -floojtmra fiermatt Miters...L.-Under this caption, we would call the attention of ow readers to a highly scientific preparation, the merits of which have been attested by hun dreds of our most intelligenteitizeos. It has acquired a reputation overilie whole coun try as the best tonic known,and for Dyspep• and-ail diseases arising fromediaardered stomach; it has no equal. It contains no alcoholie,spirits of any kind, but is purely -vegetable 'nits character; and we can fully vouch for its cUrative properties, having used it ourselves. IR;Owl's German Tonic is• combination of all the ingredients of the Bitters, with pure Santa Cruz„ - Rom, orange, anise, &c. It to used fbr the same diseased as the Bitters, in cases where an alcoholic stimulot is re quired. It is a preparation of rare medical virtue„ and most agreeable to the palate. Principal office, 631 Arch street, Phila., Pa. Sold 'everywhere by disgglsta and others. Bizarronutua Anricie..—We are tired of this Idea of "puffing"—humbug' medicines that are constantly thrown Into drug atones, and are merely an imitlon upon comma., nitt. But, when'in article corner Into:Abe mar. kit that is really worthy of commentflee lue happy .to • make public Acknowledgments troothotthit some . benefit may 'arise there from. Dr. R. V. Pkime, Of Buffalo, It Y. • b, the proprietor of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy and we take pleasure In ailing attention. to It beam*, we know it to be a good article, ands aura cure (onkel loathsome disease, Catarrh. it b sold . by stEDruggists, or may he °bladed for Slaty, I catts through the then bY addrZeth r j the proprietor as above. ,--Cfrostruul der.Bl-2w . • HE PERSONAL AND POLITICAL& Ins speech Governor Geary *made beftle the Teachers' Institute of Chester County, he advocated negro suffrage in Pennsylvania- Bouruzus papers are congratulating them selves upon the prospect of lively, times be tween the Radical and Conservative wings of the Republican party. - He is a poor soldier who deserts his ors on account of a defeat, Ile Is a coward who abandons his political principles on ac count of a political reverse. BEFODX the election : "Let ns have Peace."-11. S. Grant. After the election':—"Troops are still need ed in the Southern States."—AT. S. Grant. ffsnPmeitiWEßlMY is an illustrated mem ber of the La Crosse Democrat family, but ten times more mean and malignant. For sale by most of the Radical booksellers. No Democrat buys it. Ix AN attempt to express the opinion that an "unnamed man" would probably succeed in drawing the prize of the United States Senatorship from Pennsylvania, the types of the New York Herald made it appear an "unmarried man." TUZ United States Senate, after the 4th of March next, will be divided, politically: Re publicans, LS ;• Democrats, 10; three States unrepresented, 0; whole number of Senators 74. Of these sixteen are from the recon structed States, including Tennessee. ONE-itrtao of the entire bonded debt of this country is held by European capitalists, by whom; it was. purchased at an average of V 1.2 cents on the dollar in gold. ' On this amount they draw atumally from the Treas uryF th .ta of $ 42,000,000 in gold as inter est. 4 LEA Ili!:! Virginia conservatives propose to scoop negro suffrage as a fact and to aban don a opposition thereto. They propose to take issue against the iron-clad oath and to resist the disfranchiscments of the new Con stitution, which, by placating the negro vote, they hope to defeat. A cormuronuty very truly says that " were Abraham Lincoln living to-day and entertaining the same views he • again and again expressed during the, war, be Would be denounced ass" copperhead" by those of the Radicals who now prelend, so ratteh rev erence for his memory."' ' TUE New Orleans Times gets off the fol lowing good .but: Sipe "the ballot" is the universal specific to dare all social ills ; to redress the wrongs of woman ; to afford se curity to the negro, suppose they try a On , the plains to seenre peace with' thej h dians. No encewill. deny that the Indian . is more than the equal of. the negro. ' a curious Tact that while the secnri= ties of RIMY ~of...the States, including, evert those of the lately reconstructed Southern' States; have •beereiniproving in price in the market recently,,:gnvernment bonds have shown a decline and a weak tendency. This popplar ImPerichmellt of the Congressional wiseacres who are tinkering with the-nation al credit shoild teach Mein &lesson. Tun Richmond Dispatch, notleing tha kl n t . ” . l u n o • t i mr n. om s an uo Ft ; pistol upon a ruffian who endeavored to MG lest her, and drove him away by a couple of shots, thinks that if this had • happened in charlestotkor Richmond icivonld havuflu-' nished Northern Papers, with "a . fine text upoa the semkivilized society of either place." • Tar: Harrisburg Patriot says Gov. Geary has, recently appointed and commissioned one Peter Smith, an African, es a constable or policeman, for the 'town of Helfenstelm Schuylkill county. In this act the Govenior has deliberately violated and set at naught the Constitution which: 14 -was sworn to support. Let him be remembered next fall when he comes before the peoplefor re-elec tion. -. • THE Cincinnati Gazette, good and strong Republican authority, has at last discovered that the Freedmen's Doreen is not so much a means of protection to the blacks as it has been made a source of enormous plunder for the prat' of individuals. These things, one after another, are coming to light. All that the Democrats have charged against this and similar swindles will be proved to be worse, even than was imagined. Tua Cincinnati Gazette thinks that Con gress ought to pass a bill establishing an ex amining board for all appointees to office, to see if they are capable of fulfilling the duties of the place for which they are designed. If it is passed, would it not be well to summon General Grant first before the board, and as certain by examination how well he is an quair4ted with the functions of the office that he is to fill? • ALPIIND S. Simony, of the Bellefonte Watchman, announces that he has in press and will issue about the first . of January, a volume entitled "Brick Pomeroy Unmask ed," the facts embraced in which "are des tined to create a deep sensation and to set properly before the public a man who has 'obtained confidence and Lamm; tinder false pretences." Mr. Kieroif is a spicy writer, and will, doubtless, produce an interesting book. Tun following are some of the more-im portant, rings that are now manipulating Congress for special - favors and for the en actment of laws for legalizing public plun der:— The Treasury ring. The whiskey ring. The steamship subsidy ring. The telegraph monopoly ring The land grab ring. The protective tariff ring.- The Indian agents' ring. A mArt ands bnaber by the name oi Men ard is at Washington, with duly authentica ted • credentials as a member of Congress elect from Louisiana. He is not admitted. He eats and steeps in a nigger shanty, in a negro quarter of the town. Sumner does not invite him to share the hospitalities of his bed and board. He is not requested by . Cbandlii in ' He is not even in vited, by Logan to a game of draw-poker. Wade does not take him to his arms., Butler does not invite his contldence,or companion ship. It is a shame. A moor, Ithesitation was recently given by a negro, in a speech on negro equality, as 1•• • . • follows: Ittv friends, God a mity made de white man white. Re made man black— nobody-can't make 'em •nuffin else. You know, de turkey he roost on de lance, and de goose be most on de ground. You Will du turkey off a fence and be git up again.. You crop his wings, but some how or nuer, be gwmo to get back on de fence. 'Now‘you put de goose on de fence and he fall olf--.he don't belong dar. Now dot's white man and nluer; white man roost on de fence nigger ' • otide irrounti." Tan Washington correspondent of the De troit Tribune, a journal 'of 'the .elintnest fladicaasion s writes of the e ulogies de Livered in Congress . upon Thaddenslikevens: "A stranger would havenupposed 14,41sten ing to them that Thad:Stevens wits a saint. All who knew him, laughed at such repro. , sentadans of the old man. In many respects he was grand. People called hint 'the old Rounin,P, deyollon to freedom—to the slave, and, indeed, to peak men of all colors —be was magnificent. In morals he was weak., nit re;a42s with women were not decent; hi ids pecuniary transactions he was loose and -reckless; and in middle life he 'Could not keep away from the gaming table. Ifow•to — aey only sweet things amnia a man liridiculous. It al/ye be would sneer at it as he used to do at. the eulogies -delivered on such occasions In Congress. 'His coillegue, Scotield,,(of district) remarked In pirate conretsation, on the floor of the Hobe, that "Old Thad 1'• had been heard,frota through a' spiritual medium—that he' was told that eulogles were about tp - be passed upon him, -and - he made the characteristic reply : "/ don demi"'t care a ••", as I haven't got b bear • Val Jonas Bimini, of Buffalo, has decided that a neuN We, cannot be ),13 partner in .- • business. . ' . . Ouu Sourturazi exchanges nearly every day contain reports ot a new line of railroad to be established in some portion of that sec tion. TBs~atSosof the Legal-to:Kier- Art; its a letter to Secretary McCulloch, declares his belief that, as a peace measure, It' is uncon stitutional. A YOUNG man about jumping from a train while iu mot oats deterred bpa roomier, who asked for his name, age, business rtiat residence, for an obituary item. I • GIN. MiCLELTAN has declined the Prem. deny of the Univeraity of (Wars*. It.ds said that-he now holdaiineitions IWO give him from $15,000 to $lB,OOO a year. • A cotwna in New York were so anxious to be married that *they could not wait to have cards printed, and at the end of the notice, in ,the Tribune,. ray this : "Cords issued whenready." ' , AT A, recent Milwaukie wedding between a bridegroom of 81 and a bride of 87, the couple danced a reel with great spirit, the bride remarking that she always' wanted a young husband. AR IRDLIMAN, who 11118 bad the experi ence of eight wives, expresses , himself in favor of divorce rather thatia funeral, so far as economy is concerned, as• a means of dis posing of a partner.. Jour;, who lived near Carbon: da1e,1.11., was found dead in a chair in his house with his head split open on Sunday morning: The murder is' supposed to have been committed by negroes. • . A yOuso man in Shelburne Fulls, Mass.,. promised to marry a girl of a neighboring town if Grant elected, but now refuses to do so, insisting that it was all a joke.. The girl, holieyer, proposes to bold him to 14 word. TUE LinEz... suit of the Commonwealth vs. W. P. S J..W. Furey; of the Clinton Demo crat—a Mr. Poorman complainant— tried at Lock Haven last week, resulted in a v,er diet of acquittal. Lawing with 'newspai)er men is an unpmfitablc business. . , 4 Jour; HoAa, aged 21, who war 'hanged in Canada on the 15th inst., mado a speech from the4caffold, in which he gave the fol lowing advice to boys: "Especially shun and. keep away from whiskey, fast young women, and the United States." KAMFITAMEILt V., King of the Sandwich Islands, is jet blqck, and vent fat; lie hates the United States becaUse when he was here many years ego •he was treated with dis respect on account of his color, IF he were to come' now; he would be received more politely. Tun LATTER part of last week, near Dres den;Veakly county, Tenn.; a negro woman dug a bale near her ~'cabin, placed her tn.° children in ii,-then lightpd a fire and actually burned them up.' She was subsequently ar rested, and when asked why she did the hor riblofieed, said her children would not obey her, and so she concluded to kill them. • • - stamina is the oniy and trilling gap now (hinging tne two gm.. railroads which tap the Atlantic and Pacific oceani.' A few months, and the iron rails will span the continent. A few years, and not one but three_or four tracks will belt it. Verily, business is stranger and more a:- citing than romance in.our day sad land.., A iovNo lady in floston recently gave her father, an•old and respected merchant, a let ter to posh containing her aeeeplnnee ! of att offer'for marriage. The forgetful old gentle man carried the letter in his pocket a week, much to the perplexity of the young lady, who did mit receive an answer, and greatly to the anguish of the impatient and despair ing lover. Ix nweERENCE to - the tuunlmr:of ",Spir itualists" who live in this country, there has been some controversy. It has been claimed that they are over 11,000,000. that this was so has been generally discredited. Mr. Davis himself thinks that there are hut 4,230,900 believers in Spiritualism, and tlikt therftre, perhaps, 200,000 "Receivers of the Rarmonial Philosophy. A raw days ago, near Cageville, Haywood county, Tenn., a negro outraged the person of a lady approaching the period of confine ment. She recognized him, and - , he was shortly afterwards arrested. While being taken to jail in the custody of an officer, he was seized by a party at - masked men, and an hour afterwards his body was found hanging to a tree, pierced with bullets. Tux. Lawrence (Kansas) Tribune has the following from a wife, which is a strictly legal document: "To whom it may con cern: I hereby give notice that t . he hale of spirituous liquors to Homer Hays contrary, to my wishes, and that .1. Shall prosecute, ac cording to law, any' person who disregards this notice. Catharine Have" Ity_the laws of Kansas the "tods" of the masculines are completely at the mercy of the "partners of their joys ;" and yet the dear creatures out there are clamorous for more "rights." „ , Fon SEVERAL years past Philadelphian as been growingin a manner that it was thought; would be but temporary, from the Very large increase in the ntnnbet of buildings "or ;vari ous kinds each year as compared with the previous one. The growth, bowever,..con tinuelaibetore, and the permits hunted -oat of the Building Inspector's office since, the first' of January last show .a large excess over the corresponding Months of 1867'. While during the ',entire peat, -last pest the permits numbered 3,745, they reach this year in the past ten months, 4,010. " • Tau CHIMNEY of a house •in boirisiene• caught fire recently,•and the woman occupy= ing the building, upon hearingc'the alarm, rushed to the front window in the second story, and threw her child, a babe of about three months old,ont. Fortunately, a man wholvas *sing *ea 'attracted by the - tield• outcries of the delirious woman, and caught the babe in his arms, thus saving it ?Sem iry atant death: • The younw , mother was com pletely deranged from fright, 'and had no knowledge _of_ef.hat..o4-0. J 3 ,904 '4-14 time. s- . . one of the most singular circumstances we have ever recorded . happened, in Phila delphia. A few weeks ago Capt._ John M. Browning, derst6i2Pilimise IttgPstiO? and Boarding Officer, rescued lir. 41. N. Smith from drowning in the Delaware, liter great personal risk and ezertlon. On Saturday last Capt. Browning himself tell • into the Delaware, and, singular to relate; his Wend, G. N. Smith, intrepidly sprang into therlier, saving Mr. Browning from what seemed to be certain death. • tiNiti these gelideiflea now' tall "quits t" Tan unt and downs of life arc completely and sadly illastnited' in the - liiref' of George D. Prentice and Walter N. Haldeiman. The, latter, when , a boy, entered the, .Leuisv,ille Journal — offic'v as a clerk, when Mr. Prentice, was in the zenith of his power. 'George - DA Prentice, la those days, was a great man. He stood - Second to none among the editors of Whig journals in the land; indeed, he had a undartat, kePtjtall o ll-1 „He ivfz. known, as a man - of 'Went, power ant Influence in the , country. George D. Prentice was among the foremost journalists of the times; , but now, alas, how changed; He Is in the em ploy of Mr. Halderman, his former clerk, now the principal owner of the _Courier and Journal, and 'receive._ a' salary. 4 $4O per week. ' Virakisux—Agenus to take orders for the Nexceir Flexible Harrow (tithe anthem and - western parts dill, county. Agents now. 'sacking sloo per month. Apply to • • _CAPT. Warm, Erie Ps. ekeBl'4l44r konsnniiiiion Con be Off's& An Eastern ;medical periodical givetitn_ teresting )sc:count of the complete pure of Mrs, Amos" Stauffer, of Manor4aneaster tounty,...Pa., of hereditary Cohlrunptiom Her parents and several brothers and sisters died of this terrible diseme. Mrs. Stauffer was herself reduced to a mere - skeleton the Pulse at 140; her breathing painfully diffi cult; CAPcCtorations yezu,geutiaab... worse than chronic, and her condition so hopeless that at a Confereiice of the old and skillful physicians she pronounced incurable. At this stage of the disease, pc.,s. I 3 aut . - man, of Milleraviffie, Lancaster county, Pa., a physician of fourteen years standing, pre scribed 31ISHIER'S HERB BITTERS. Tkie patielit sonnospeTtebeed iipleastug, inr vigmating sensation- throughout her system, and, encouraged by her friends to continue under Dr.ifirtman's treatment, she did so, , gradually improving under increased doses according to 141 r siirengtit, until she entirely recovered. ~Mrs.stauf fe r is still living, in the full enjoym ent Orfect - health. C. 13. Herr; Esq , , President of t a e Lancaster County National Bank, .syntantiates the par ticulars of thiSmUsrworrful case. Letter from , Coauem4 Ty"! • , Corincsvr, Dec., sigh t .iffie,. En. OBSKIIVER :—WC were dlighted to witness the exhibition 'of a Christmas tree, on Thursday evening last, at the itlethodist Episcopal church, at Pair Haven;. by the Sabbath school of that place. Thity had one of the most finely' decorated bows I ever saw. It showed an uncommon (*roe of good taste and skill in the ladies witol i sd it in charge. The whole room and the lain dows were trimmed with heavy 'wreatt e , which were isiterspersed with artificial nub, natural flowers. Appropiate mottoes Were also a noticeable feature. Their tree' ages well supplied with gills for-nearly every one present.' They varied much In character and value, from tin whistles to ladies' wardrobes. Addresses were delivered by the Revs. J. W. Wm: Richens, and Mr. Santa Claus,— the old gentleman himself,—who admonished the little boys to be good and cheerful, and they would live to is ripe old age, and always be happy and liberal like himself. His wife canto with him, as it was an extra occasion, to assist him in distributing the presents he brought, which made a large satchel full. The singing for the occasion - was very fine, although the most of the singers were young. The whole affair was conducted in a manner that gave general satisfaction and speaks well for the enterprise of the community. SAME. . MANY YEARS ago the writer of this notice and aninvalid physician, while visiting the Wand of St. Croix for there health, experi enced and witnessed many surprising and beneficial efforts of the Rum there produced upon many of the invalidsorlio were, like ourselves, seeking health, and upon inquiry and investigation, obtained a full history of its medicinal virtues. He was delighted and surprised,. and determined to make it the basis of a Tonic and Restorative Medicine. The result, of his labors.was a glorious suc cess for himself and suffering humanity. The celebrated P...--"STATION BITTERS was thus made known to the world. Being en article ofreal merit, founded on new,principles, and relying wholly upon the vegetable kingdom for its medicinal efforts, it 'worked a rapid revolution in the treatntent of physical MAGNOLIA WATEja.—Superior to the best Imported German Coltigne, and'sold at hal the price. jant-tr. , . Fon Tnn flotn,ll - 8!—I: B." Perkins, cor ner Ninth and State. Hearts are trumps. .and I , llfl;eini Int of sweet hearts are at : the ,stare-of Far. , kins. Largest and best .assortment of Sugar Toys, who'esale and retail-In the market Country (loafers will. find our stock and terms quite satisfactory. Ctutdiesof allsorts, warranted pure. roreign nuts, fruits, pyra mids and frosted work. Crime and see the Christmas " fish's" at J. B. PERKINS. decl.7-3w:• A Non= Inerrrwrien.—The Iron City College is an institution nit of theories, but of the most rigid, correct and comprehen sive practice. It is an entire business world in itself. Every possible contingency of business life the student encounters and works out independently 'in the Course of his own experience.i ;When a man gradu ates from this college, he has, in preparing to do business, actually done business for some time, and graduating is little less than the change from one oMeia to another.—Pll4- Isurgh, flannel's, blankets, •sheetings prints—a large stock at 512 State street. dee3-2rn. ' L. iIMENZWEICI DEEM Goons—less Wan importers' prices, at 512 State street. declo-2m L. RosEkwEio tt Co TUREAD and guissure laces at 512 State street. L. RORINZWEIII at (Jo. deelo-2m PAISLEY SHAWLS! Paisley Shawls! At 512 State street. L. ROSENZWEIG it CO. declo-2m 'WM POPLINB, dress silks, all colors, just received at 519 State street. dee3-3m. L. Roasszysto Co. Nell) abbertioem cuts. IORESII ORANGES AND LEMONS T _C CRAIG & MARSNALLI4, 24 West Park. GORE HOLIDAYS ARE NEAR AT HARM; and you can procure ell kinds of gle4Uloll3l. - hie goods at CRAIG & MARSHALL'S, 24 West Park. decl7-44r. Causes for. Trial. _t_jO N I+ M T OF CA 3Y E3FH FOR TRIAL ON.TIIF. 4TH DAY IN JANUARY, I&V. Sill in trust, &e., vs. Gillet & Post Issue, No. 114 Nov. Term 1867, Brock & Weiner, vs Basensweig las, No. 291 Feb. Term, 1868. Ewing vs. Scott et al is. No. ZS Aug. Term, Briggs vs. Ostairn, No. 139 " 1360. Rouse et al vs. Burch No. 91 Feb. " 1661. Quirk vs. Osborar No. 86 May. 1881. Taber vs. Pa. R. R. C0.,'N0.111 May " 1885. 'Howell vs. Paver, No. /33 Aug. 1266. Erie Ctry vs. Barr. No. *l7 Erie City vs. Barr, No. SOS " ' Winchester vs. Spires, No. 86 Feb. Bryan vs. Spires, _No. 219 • " Use Spencer vs. Hoppock, Glenn & Co., No 47 May Term, - Arnold vs. Douglass et al No. :Allay Term, " Crozier vs. Seott, Rankin dr Co. No. 05 May Term, 1667. /kW LooV O Smi t h No 729 73 d 'y Tom ' . • Gilbert vs. Kelsey, No. 151 " Pinney : vs. OverttroNO; 150 " "; " Kelsey vs: , osier comm. &c.,NO. /al MY" Tern; 1881. Seem& National Bank of Erie is, Brown, No. 219 May Term, • net. Kimball •v". Aldrich, NO.. =.l May Term Johnson vs. Smith o. 221 `• Gray vs. Kincaid, N0..224 - " '" - Hubbard vs. Albert,. " '• " Smith vs. Haynes, No. 273 " • " • Mansell Vs. -AleCltrre's Adm.. No. SO May - Term, 1967. Fleming.vs.Tsylor ar.Wells,l4a.lAtnl.TeEol. ‘. Benson va. Phelps, N 0.21 Benson vs. Way No. 25 Jaws°. 240.42 s.. , n , 4 • , Clark V& Thompson, 1Q11 ),. Rashes Ss. Ara. Ex. Co., 1.03 ,•': " . • Mc Lallen v". Pavia, No. / ' • " Cooper's Arlin. ys. fen No. HS" a , „ Q, r. ROO ERS.:Pic4bpitotarY. „ . . , • :=•o;7o3lthgeS foi TitaL•'2, • hit OF 11A.LtsE13 :FOR TRIAL ON THE in VE.BRUARY, 1884. • . • Bomberger vs.Pre.R.R.Co. No. 130A2g. Term, 1867. Shaffer vs. 1 4 1.: R. Boro„No. 144 Reeder vs. Ai:Miriam, N 0.178 ” " Sturgeon vs. Sturgeon, Na 182, " • " " Kramer vs. Porter, No. 2214 " • " " Loosch.lB2.el, No. 242 " - Vaud rower vs. No: aft Gingrich vs. Loesch, No. 9 Nov. " Devore vs. Brockway, No. 13 Devoe vs. Brockway, No. 14 1 p ayer vs. Pinney, N o . 83 Ektabley vs. Cooper. NO. 52 - Whittaker vs. Parsons No. 8.2 •" Cotter et al vs. Batch, 210.96: -" " Morris, Tanker& Co., vs. Thompson,No. 112 .Nov. Term. , 1887. Cosper vs. Caugbey. Nes 119 Ntly. , _ Terra, Graham vs. Brown. No. 18:1 • " " McCreary vs. Sloan, No. 188 - Commonwealth vs. Erie & Wattsbarg P. R. ' Co., No. 2Cli Nov. Term, - • 1887. Kane vs. Lear_y, No. Nov. Term, " Reynolds vs. Lmry, Na XXI "- Drelslgaker vs. Jackson, No. ..U1 " " U Setter miichnelder,No. ozg . Weidemann et al vs. Stott et al, No. 5 Feb. . Term, 1858. Wildman vs. Greenfield TD.No.l6FeliTertn, " Jones vs. same, Na 17 Sweltzer vs. same, No. 18 Davis vs. same, 20 • Reed vs. Amity No. 21 Inman vs. same, 0. 25 i : Lamport vs. same No. 25 Chaffee vs. same et a 80 IJse Sterrett Vs. Thornton, No, 50 Liddell vs. Crook. No. 94 Demeling vs. Smith, NO. M' C. P. Roormit, Any 80,016 itAta;mr, or No matter where orb?. Wham llablba l ed, may be ordered at , Pabliapres from „. J. W. KING hin - Ja3:-ri &WM.. deta-tf. raESN RA O, T - camer a DEAR. 811ALL'8, 24 Wes% Pak. . doeiNw: BINEIMIRIS :- ileta:lllo*SistOcnto, 271110 SUCCEINS or Cnir One %liar Bale haf Caused such a . CiiinplettY RevolutiOn IN TRADE, That in order to supply the demand occasidned by our constantly increasing patronago, We have recently made importations for the Fall , • dlrarfrom rttropetallanufacturers, AIIOIIINTISO .TO NEARLY S3OONOO, So `we that are prepared Lo sell every defter/1). Don of Dry and Fancy (locals, Sliver Plated Ware, Cutlery, Watches, Albums, Jewelry, &e. , of bettetqualltythan anY other Ooncerti in the country for the tml toren price of One Dollarforlacli Article, Withpevllege of exchange porn a large variety or use artiaS. not one-ot whicb could be band" for tw them - lama to any other way. The best of Boston acd New York references given as :to the reliability .of our tome, and that one business Is conducted In the fairest and most legitimate manner passible, and that we give greater value for the Money th an can be obtained in any other way. te-U (litaxls damaged or broken in-transpor=' Cation replaced withott charge. Cheeks describing artcles•sold sont to agents In clubs nt intfs meptlosed below. We gustron tcsorptery ntttole twee"; leas Mtn If bought at aby 13oSton of New YOrt Wllolettale Homo:. Our Cannniuslott to Agents Exceed those of every other establishment of the kind—proof of this caa. to found in com paring premiums with Mosso! others for Clubs of the same site, in addition to which we claim to give better goods of the Lunt character., We will send to Agents ,ices of charge, _ . - Pm' a Club of 30 and Three - Dollars—One of the following articles; I des. µpod linen Shirt Fronts. I set Solid Gold Studs. All Wool Cass!• mere for Pant,S. Fine white Counterpane, large size. I elegant Balmoral Skirt. Wyards brown or bleached Shyettag, good quality. yard wide, 1 elegant 100 Picture Morocco bound Photo. AllnUn.. 1 double lens and StestiOscoplc and 12 Foreign Farrel. 1 Silver plated engraved Ti bot tle Emetzai .1 "eilflgant Silk- Nan, with ivory or Bandlowood Frame, featii•rd edge and spangled. I steel Carving Knife and Fork,very best quali ty, ivory balangeil handle: 1 handsome headed and lasted Parasol. 11:1 yards good Print. 1 very tine Dantask Table Cover. I pr. belt finality Ladies' Serge Congress Boots. I doz. tine linen Towels. 1.4 doz. , 11,oger's best Silver Dessert Forks. I Uidlcs' large real Morocco Traveling Bag. 1 fancy dress pattern, e. , doz. elegant silver plated engraved 4 Napkin ' 1 dozen 51 ezullea . flue Merino or Cot ton Sloe . Gentle' heavy chased solid Gold lung. I r Liiilivie Vti cut Balmoral Boots . 1 elegant Del/tine Mess Pattern. I Violin and Bow, in box coni- Pile. 1 set Jewelry, pin, ear drops, and sleeve barons. FO.e Club of 50 and Five Dollars—l black o c,lr co eyed Alpacca Dress, Pattern. 1 set Lice r ta i ii.,. 1 pr all Wool Blankets. Engras ed silver Pilled ti Lott/el/evolving Castor. I beauti ful writinp desk. 1 solid Gold Scarf Pin, 314 phi. very die Cassimere, for pants and vest. 1 set Ivory I .a.enced handle Knives with sliver plated Forks. 1 elegant Satin Parasol, heavily beaded and linxi with silk. 1 pr. Gents' cats pants. ay yds. Licod Print. i% 31.15. good brown or bleached siieetiag. yard wide, or 40 yds. %Yd. wide, good quality. I Ladles' elegant Morocco Traveling Bag. 1 squyre Wool - i t hawl. 1 plain • Norwich Poplin Dress Pattern. ..,1,1 yds. double width cloth for ladies' coal/. Eleient engraved silver plated Tea Pot. 2 yds. th u ble w idth wilier-proof cloth for (dashing. For a Club of 100 and Ten Dollies-1 rich Merino or Tbdbet Dress Pattern. 1 lair .0 ne Damask Table Cloths and Napkins to ma to,. 1 pr. Rents' French Calf hoots 1 hell' , " silver plated engraved Ice Pitcher. Very line altwo, t i Cloth for Ladies' Cloak. 1 web'very best (tad it, brown or bleached Sheeting. 7 1 43 , t15. tine (I„, s r,, mere for snit. / elegant Poplin Dress Pettey, I elegant Eng. Barege Dress Pattern. 1 beauty (ul English Barege Shawl. 1 set Ivory balances handle Knives and Forks. I ladles' or gents' Silver Hunting-case Watch. 1 Bartlett Hand Portable Sewing Machine. Splendid Family Bible, steel engravings, with record and photo. graph pages, M yds. good Hemp Carpeting, good colors. 1 pair good Marseilles quilts. 1 geode barrel 'Revolver. 1 elegant Fur Muir and Cape. 1 singlebarrel linotGua. 1 silver plated engraved 6 bottle Revolving Castor, cut glass bottles. 1 very fine Violin and Bow, in ease. 1 , set ivory handle Knives And Forks. ' Presents for larger Clubs increase In the same ratio. , Send Money by Registered Letter. SEICD FOR OCR NSW CIRCULAR. PA.RIiER R C O, declG-4w AUSTIN'S • .TEWELRY 7 STORE, 29 North Park Place, Erie, Pa., Is very attractive to the way of iiICH Ait ,c r, IE: S Gold and Silye"' Goods, is those who ore Mind ftil of the Holidays. A VERY LARGE STOCK is now opening, including ALL the NE%V Thole whet° eight 13 Impaired, eau try a pair Lancashim Spectacles, And sec It about the cost. and quality THESE SPECTACLES ABE Warranted for One Year. Sir Broken Specs replaced with new ones, without charge. . ,---- TRY AIT SIC IN. ' declo-4t. Sign of the Leopardl FURS! FURS! the toot-pand and recidve daily V V LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FURS Ever brought to thteeltx. Our goods are made Up In the best manner, expressly for our retail trade. And In thosti• EXTRA FINE ItINK SETS , we etery all competition. Also, Fitch, Astra chan, Siberian Squirrel, Ricer Mink, French Coney, &c,, all of a superior quality and work manship. e , lig FANCY ROBES. We Haire the bnqt in the eits , , consisting et diudnon Ray Wolf; Mountain and Prairie Wolf, Fog and Coon Robes, oho, Buffalo Mlles, which We sell at a bargain. ' SII4I BATSI Made to order on the 4 . Conformateur," and Warranted to fit every . head, Also, all the latest 'styles of son Fiats. Cana for Men, Boys and Children, in'great variety. ;I A •fPLENp; . p ASHOIVFMENT OF GOODS. Obasisting of all the latest styles of Neck Ties, ID Mrta, Bbspenders, Ginnie Underwear, Fur, Caa- Umbrellas,. . ikkgskin and Buckskin (Roves, de. 9iye us a oak at the sign of the leopard. J. KUNZ, Agent, itov2B-lm • 518 State et., Brown's Block. Wanted--Agents. ,s 7r, TO tt33O . PER MONTH Everywhere male •-• of female, to introduce the GENUINE IMPROVED COMMON SENSE FAMILY SEW ING MACHINE. -Tills Machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quilt, cord, bibd, braid and em broil&amost. superior mailer. Price, ouly lilt. Ilve ears. We will ray O rr ai l iMachine t at will sew a stronger, more beautiful, or more elaatie seism than ours. It makes the °Elastic Lock Stitch." Every wand stitch can be cut, and still the cloth cannot be pulled apart without tearing it. We pay Agents from *75 to Irre per month and expenses, or a commission from which twice that,imomt tmAdest 01101.` , AddreOi;SECOMD 00 ...PrITSMUNO, PA., or BOSTON, MASS. CAUTION—Do not be Imposed upon by other parties palming .O.T wortWeas valbiron ma chines, tinder the ' same name or otherwise. 43 , 11 " is the only genuine and really practical ch a r s Machine manufactured. ideal-4w ES Carpets—Don't Par.,t4e Mgt Prices I THE New En land Carpet Co., of Boston, Masa. estabttshed nearly a quarter of a cen tury- ago in their present location, in Stalls over 71,T3 1:4 31 , i,17, 79, 81, 83, 85 and 87 Hanover pt., hare pro ply furnished more houses with -Carpets than any other hottal in the country. In order to affbret those at a distance the advan tages of their low initsta„-^ prOpote to send, on the receipt of the price, gl yards or upwards of their beantiful Cotfta AtrPetant4 at AO Cents ,per Patd?irith samples often setts; varying in price from 35 cents to 83 per yard, suitable for furnishing every part Of any house. , decls-4w a I a lit 1111 On OM* " Money Easily Made, Ccnamire, slue & A.wo xsr QM= Otrrirrr. Small capital required. free. STAFFORp MA DWG_ 00., 88 Fulton Street. NeltYonc. - • ileelo-4vr siooorer'rearr—wed'anduesd7"l . pioymen We want a reliable a_g_ent in ferny county to tell our 'Patent White Wire Clothes Linea (Everlasting.) Address Winn' Wists Co., 75 Wullt . am st., Twor IS Dearboni • • :Vom. 11S 100 E.,;tunmer At., Boston CALL AND SEE: Of the THE MST IN INE, nom Abbertmements, White Men Mina Rule A rn epit New is the time to subscribe tor th e New York Weekly Publutin NEW YORK DAY 1100 k von IM,{,. Devoted to Waite Suvrerna-y, and Federal Union. A l'olittral Newspaper—A I ); ' l '. laper, and an Agrletdiarni in the time to for ' A The New York Day It, In spoken and independent pap , txmality.frater tiny and pn.t,, crane masses, and th e !..1„ American systeni of i White basis, est:lLA:she t ti; the fathers of Alnerican 'this glorious America:. Mg finales add h0ni0ge0..05,,.,, • In seventy years of pea I.r , • t • shed one drop of Anuria•an a single citizen , • the people one dollar for its •1,.! tx3 safely extetdiell over thi• nl Continent," Was " earth, Ural mast he s it • Washington, or the wholo lapse into chaos, anarehi, ' Trie Day Itook,,thi Tor. ar, rat ou of the WM14:141.04,, be and WM, aecomplish, their leahoo, or Lli.. awl people. It earnestlyr. by boldly grappling with rr , ' .and crimes of Mongrelisin, to save the country front the awful :p ' of the latter. c ' The Day •Book will, hot; more than ever devoted to ; i ll th , Sei that a news paper. C0ne1,,,,, esr matills of famlihn ho tl ' o t 'tin journal, beyond perhaps tteA r Will Wolfram and frnprov,. ..„44 : , Week" Summary, so 5.5 to present a t.- " ' of the World's events in eat.), fly Department" will embraee and selected stories. Its " A grkt.ltur. A . ff . meet" he fully 50slainoiM:11.,..1.'' only paper of its law times , country circulation, ❑ it is eolith. ia double the priee of a weekly iiints•e„',' (al from a daily. It glvesna ports of the New Yolk and AP,aay k u ts; Oran', the Provisions and C,,thai Either r w Wee ithkly rev mark.i.s,iew of Flu by atu it 14 , New Orleans, Cliteago,Cliarle,ten,llt. ~ Afro, &c., up to time of going to prr. y Terms—Cash in Advance. One copy MIN year ............... ..... Three copies one „ Fi v e copies one year, and one t o th e up of the c1ub................. Additional Copies ..... Ten ellples one year, and one to U., up of the club..., . ..... Additional copies • . . - Twenty copiea one year, anti or,. to tlxr. ter up of the club Additional copies, Semi for Specimen cepa use wherever they can is. :IA ta11114,,17 tributed, anti give u% the (Mai, wp 1 pf.l.„. addresseg of all who would tr•ribe or gi Ati 11911'14.N 1f,.? EMI GOods for the Seasor,.. A fall ,to:k of G,TZ, C It IES Low Pricei for Cad! AT THE FAMILY GROCERY ANi) lON STOItE OF VRAIG & MARSHALL 21 West Park. HAV.6O A 11 LL Fresh and New (o Ix otu line, We offer FOR SALE AT CASII, As low as the mune can he inel 8,f .. Our Groverh.-4 having tw , u Carefully Selected, Fatuities can rely upon gening wi l rit they purclvw. We. deliver goods to rill part, of th(O 11T • deer 'Mgr. t%.:ATARR E do not wish to inform you: reader, I I Dr Wonderful, or any other mall, ha covered a remedy that cures Comunat, when the Macs are half consumed, la st , wilt cure all diseases whether of nittl,li,3F estate, make men In e forever, and ]Care to play for want of work, and designel make uur sublunary - sphere a blissful mrah to which Heaven Itself shall be hula siderl You have beard enough of that kind ( , 1 buggery, and we do not wonder that you t,, by this time become,ted with it. a when we tell you that Dr. Sage's Catarrh &a.. dy WILL IIuSITIVELy TIIE WOICIT el D CATAERR, we onlymssert that which thou,'" can test try to. Try it and you will be conelt , We will pay isitS/ Reward for a case of Cot that we cannot Cure. For Sale by most Druggists Ererywhet , PRICE oNLY Es) CENT:, Sent by M4ll poStr4.. for Sixty Cents; Four Packages for s2.ou; Dozen for $5.00 Send a too cent stamp for .t Sage's pamphlet on Eatarrh. Address the I. prietor. R. V. PIERCE:, M. V. dec BUFFALO. N.l HOLIDAY TRADE CAUGHEY, McCREARY 1 , MOORHEAD, EIMEI All the Poe Es, Native and Foreign, elegantly tllotratn), by Dore, Lilrket Foster, Darley, Da'Mehl,. IMMEM New and Standard" Book, Steel Engravings, Chronms, Oil Paintulp, Statuary, Stereos,upes and %lew, in great variety. CIMISTALAS BOXES, For Mores nn 1 tiatbik,,relikt., Card Receivers, Portenionles, Goods Leather Good 4 from Vienna, Bracelets, Gold Pens 'and Pon*, l'on• Diaries, Albums, Games, Puzzles,Ac. All the JUVENILE BOOKS. AJTtTIONERY Paper stamped to order, in an st)r , l'" tures Framed and Mounted to order. M•4 l ' stun—all of them, home and foreign. DEPOSITORY OP TEES BIBLE SOCIEIT. Prayer Books with tultiltlonst Hymn decl7-3w •TARECIiI 1111.9711LE1Pi. State Street, opposite Brown's Itotel,ha" the largest assortment of Eye Glasses and Spectacles Ever brought to this market. • We ivould .eall specially the attention 0: - public to our ELRCTRO-TEM PERM , CRYSTAL SPECTACLES. which we warrant not to break, and will itll" new pair for every broken one Macao!. Also, on hand a Largb asset tnu ut of sostu? Pebbles, Eye Glasses In Rubber, Steel, sl•b• and Gold Fratnes. . We Can Suit Every i lii%ht And warrant to give perfect sittlsfacM. ,n every way. t10:1,-cf. Saw Mill for Sale. PRE undersigned offer at private gait' their valuable Base Mill property ou tts:aut Crock,..upon the Dick - can road, about six miles Qom Lrie. The / 1 / 1 1 runs hy water Poo er. double geared, was buttt new three `ear" arg ° . and is In good order throughout. The 3llllhar a large patronage and is In one of the b 3nd et he cations in the county. .Fourteezt acres 0 are attached, wltit the water privilege. aro two good. Frame Dwelling If oust, slit :1 Baru on the premises. The place O' ettuatlon for II Grist Mill born on all sivoly traveled road, and In rich Iterieu" L 'r, section. For further particulars ruldress t he undersigned at Erie, orsee theta per.on" on the premises , ,DsBUTJ .e uk l dech)-2na.s ' DR; BURTON'S TOBACCO AS114)011, ArtlegeFile7ll.lf,Tr°vF .-1.1-13etre foe harmless. Iv Citin& and enriotiosgthe No.l. Invigorates the SALM, poosegges great "i felling ands trengtheigin g power, Is an events Appetizer ,e nableslho +stomach so Digest I.e * heartiestlood, in& gleep refreshing and ev tablisb ea robust s.limoisers Mid Ch ew l for Sixty Yeafillfeis . Prise, Fitlyeents. loo .. free. A treatlsood jejggions e ftessof TO. CO. Wall list of references, tektlmoisigli , Se, in: free. Agents Wanted. 'Address- DR. T. 1 1 ._,.,". .1301 T, Jersey e11y,,N. , ,,f, Sold by al Pfillii - ,• ' dodo-12w - . • - - • ' ASS Wei In -Bankruptcy.' IN THE DifirltitT COVBT of the-Vena l L States , for the Wodern District of Penas- In the matter of James Pratt, banitruP i • t h undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoin Merit lir assignee of James Pratt, of CO the coanty_of Eels and State of PenosYlv sn i i. within-Ba= district, who has been sAludge . bankrupt upon his own petition,l4l.l by the Dis trict Court of nald &aria, ditto! at E T " Peo. A. ll.,lfigt. HENRY RIBLET, A.l.4goee. Atty. l3. at Law, No.l= Peach St.,, deci. =EI