Stoves for Everybody tbATTERSOS ;lc AVERY'S, No. r. 27 French Street WI HAVE a large itssottraent of the HEST and CHEAPEST Stoves the market af fords. Our celebrated • INT .11• D 1131EIIICAN EAGLE, Ale taking the lead of all other cooking stoves, nod are adapted to the wants of all classes 01 eomtultratY• They are fitted with and tvlthuul tenter haek,n6o \t 111, and w:trnmt 1.1“1: and reservoirs., • We have also the best fong•rrznot s;Li per petual lmnier for valor and 011ie, use, et of /I red to the Puhne, call , the Ii I A N.: ft huts a perfect base circulation, which elree tuaNy warrilS the lower part of the Morn, and the construction of the top is such as to render explosions of gas impossible —besides being the most beautiful sto e In the market. We oho have any quality of orker styles fin' both wood Awl cold—and - cannot lie ulldersold. Cull and examtne our stoek before - purellus lila elsewhere. CY- Sigilot the B Eagle torched on. a (VA Stove, PATTERSoNS .1 BY, co. 527 Frenell St., F:rle, Pa. )34_1!: vii e %‘ (510,4" 3rANUFACMI CANS OF • I r' AND Corner of Holland and Sixth Streets, PA. HAYES dk KEPLER, REAL ESTATE AGENTS. FOR SALE =Mt2UMI (rout the city, known as the Wiu. Lawrence place, acres. Liood Man z' good barns, S:u•re, wood , , grafted orehaol, Se. The above farm eau be bought for i'2.7OS, one-half down, the balanee In I year, time. It is nfider line state Of cultic ation. Owner is obliged to let it go 'dt necounl of sivicnes, It is t•henp and very - \ YE:4 F:11.1.:1{, No. nee.i f{ toe SALE. 1, 111 . -11:11f aere , , (It cite, on Intio }louse, barn, choice Variety of frnt t „to, j'rtet• et: 'too. KEPLER, No. • , . On Lake road, en .t about :PI mai:N. :12;1 acre. New two-story ae4 i1n1.11, , i1 11110 burn, - WO young apple trees. Mr. 0 linnlon having • 41/11(ki arrainieliwittii that will take Rerniimently propo,es to valuable pri)pvrt r I EA P. f, A KEPLER. I= CX.A.A.T2 •Sr. , Gr4Cl4O IV - 1 - 1 1 4 . • BANKERS Erie, - Joa. D. (garlc, of the Ann of Clark ,F Metcalf, and John S. Goodwin,- of [lie trim of Eliot, c, oo th r loy, jog it..wittl.d t , t for the porpo,e of (1,,1ng 1 uenentl `q , 111:111 Its b1 . 11111 . 11C , , Opt ll< t 1 (41 Nednestloy, April lst t In the room recently occupied by the Second 7.%atlonal Dank, corner State street and Park Row; sueccedlng to the busine4a of Chick :%lotealf, who dksolved partner:Slip on the Ist of April, lstoc. The th'in of Eliot, Goodwin te Co., also dissolving on 1110 dote, we hope fort rotittutiattee of 11 , 1 , patron:lgo heretotote aprtt-tf. - ------- - _ _ _ _ - import lit ' Not li•e. FA 11:Y I KW Sr.ITION, 160 , 17.. Th,• E.:L0A...116T wiml..l ir.prvtrully InfmYn ttn. I'nrrnr•r~ of Fair% ~.w and I,ctnit}, I mat he Inepni; , ,,,i to pa TUE Illtj f.i• land. othaq• ,1-11‘ at k. - i , 11 . % 14-w a Urn,. .1.),o, keep% on annd for Ilt I'I 4 N.II:COrS .ISTIII{.I(TPE it i. .' II Y I1 1 , a. Call 1 W 1.1.111 .\ ha. the •tgelit y I I.+llug Sui,run C.141.5t• suikev L'llltl‘'nt, kte, , 1 / 1 41 .1 -.lll.yr:or Iw m ::u , •11 10111,1.ktid g a , Iv , UFFOLIZ AND OFIESTI R \VIIIT1'..111;!4! MarbleY,Sliop. • , • r 11LE lINDEII,ION 1 , I) lier,•l, naottne., Mat he )1a egal,n,hotl tt l,i(Sll,[..te ifn rbi, Works on North side of 9th St., bet. Slate k Peach, I.lclo, Pa., where ho is prep:ilea to 1111 all "oleo, in the arions , lnunches of that 1 .1.1 , 411e55, with proniptnes.,. nut ditirmtell, such As workv to sfrlthle or ittn&torw, :%I()SI'3IENT: ILEAT'OTONF.S tr I LIII NG DEqIGN TNG, m marble I lulcn, Effie Building Stunt•, tic. LEONHARD, Sculptor. se•l I-one ALE _ BREWERY ! - TICK, L. 111.. K Ea; : Fornierty with Otithiiel l lialter Ruch, 11,1% lug talteil the well 1C111114 . 11 11112,4 er.) . . till Frigid! Street, belt, Fourth, Erie, Pa., Furnwily occupied by Wm. Jaeuld, would In form Ilk old :irquadtitittNes dud the polille gen rally that he Ia now brewing a very huperlot quality of Ale. From his long vxpericn,e and tux tforsu Is lull:: prepared to give the best of stttisraet ion. I*-alers ore 111 Vlted to call. ivt)-13' (IEII. 1,. 133.1,ZER. ' . 013 Oht DOLLAR• -, 4 4: I°4 X L I, II 1. - atte,l Anthorllaal.l i c) - ti I: i I. a; .old Faa 'Bow, Wan', VI . , . 111. M 11 hill. lit , he s, )1d 111 the •ff, I , wt..,lz , ( , 1)r Club. ,xeced I)111, izo4 , 1. 11.• 1V.11 . 1.,1)ted to g 11.• N:iti.taelloa. (Iola; of 1.-n foal upwanlv recalve a; Itch-. vattoll at lon, *, Ito 4.1a0. Nt.w eh calla to/A lull partltNitarzs . ,•at free. N. It 11.orrolAN S co., “.,1011, MESE 1;011, fining [tunny washing in the hi as a.l eltrapem tnatuter. ( 3uutitittc,ttetitml tom)). al the world! 111 all the tit retigt It or nl,l, tit a.oip witlikthe mild and lathering qualities of gimnlng CtiAtile. TIT this splenoid t...,)ap. sold the ,k CHEMICAL WidltE:ts, Is Noah nowt street, Philadelphia. au27-ly I)Lweltitrge in liankrtiptcy. FN THE DISTRUT COVIiT Of the L'ilittst j states, for the ll'eNterrii I)/ trlet of l'enusyl. %%loin. C 11131.1111 ullankrupt under the o f 4...0gre:, of March 2,1, NT:, having ni.,- ,pited fora dist:burl:h. from lie. debts, and ot t cr chinos provable under said act, by ceder of the Court, notice Ls herelTgrYCll t ()all creditors who have proved their dents, anti other pesons Interested, to appear on the 'We day of Jan. Lur:.l l at 11 o'clock, A. M. before S. E. Esq. Register, at ' hlsotlice, In the city of Erie, l'eunit. to show cause, !f any they have, why a diseharge should not be granted to the said L,lnkrupt. And 'further, notice hereby given that the second tout third by the' llreredl tor:. of said bankrupt, required by the:fah anti :Nth sections of said act, will be held before the said Register, al the same time and place. s. t'. Mr(ANDLEss, Clerk of 11. S. District Court for said District. norle-tiv. --- issitruee in B:lnkruptey. ,: I ca ill sn persons desiring insurance will do well to . . 1 • ~ , . . . - i N l'ilE DlSTftldirr t..T.1311.1' of the Iluiteet . 1 . State:, kw the Western Distriet of Penn ' s,, r ; • • 9 9 pa. s DISCIIAI/GE IN BAN KIZETI)TC,Y. in the nv , aterofWalterS. Payne, bankrupt, The i i 3t 31 31°ORE - Erie i N THE DlNTiticT C..1. - itx of the con...i undorsign,t hereby elves notice of his appoint- :, ' Cleaeral Await for Viireatorn Pa. I._ states, for the Wrst,i it ttlAtriet of perava, neat as a , slgneeof WaiterS.„Pnyne;ofeorla ' „,, u 13 , , ,68, tt. Philander li : Finn, a 1,50 h nip!. under tho Act the county of Erie and State of Pennsylva ry nia, •", of ~' onarl-N, of l'arelt '.!.,1,, PC7„ having ttpplied within -abl district, who gat been fulitutgett fl, (or a itlftuitttrg,• (gum tell in, do: 1s and oth s r bankrupt upon Ills °all' 'petition, by the Hs. DISCIIARGE IN BANKRUPTCY. ellthn , ' Provable ultder +aid Art, by older of the Islet 'Court of •,ald district, dated at Erie , RI TN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United court nrOlee I. herrow given to all persutix.trlin Nov ..i, ,1, D. ',vs.l 1, State:4., for the Western District of Pennsyl have proved their :told, and othr l's 'lnterehted, . lIEN BY M. Itllli,n, Assigne, , vorda. James A. Bliss, a bankrupt under to appear on the 7th day of Jan.; 1010, at li .1 l ly. at Law, No. 1.T.r..: Peach St itrle, N. "the' Aet- of Congress of March 2d, 12437, having o'clock, .1, .X.: before es, I. Woodson, cut., it , '..:- not P.: - ' 3l . , applied for a discharge from ell his debte and, iz,:el, In the Court liouse, F . , I, , pt, to s ,h ow • - - - - -- --- other end/as n otice under said Art, by order' mule if any they have, thy ;1, rib chaige should * 11f1 mber Found. ,of the Court, notice is hereby giveit to all per not he granted to the said bankrupt, . lad tor- ' sons who have proved their debts, and other 1 ther not Ire Is hereby given that the second and I i.k ME •10 THE 141101tE, in Nortit East Tp., , Per , oll9 intereSted, to aPPettf rafrhe 15 th day of I third meet/nett of creations of thy, ',auk. yr Erie t'0.,,,p:,„ eh Fidd,w,y, the .11 - 1 id' Nov., 1 tic/bl., '11.45. at 9 o'clock, A. M., before S. E. row*, rv.pitrttl b,* thatt7ldi and '',;, , t 11 - sections or , and tak3, 7 4. care of by the plider:.igued, a large ' Woodruff; Esq., Register. at hls °Miceli, the city said Act, omit be had before the said ltegister at. , iptalitit- td Pine T.unsher, without any special 1 of Erie, Pao to show cause if any theY have, cue same time and yldee. ', marks. The owner is reuested to crane for- 1 why 11 discharge aborthl not be grantea tothe 0. C. Ni,i - ANDLEsts, : 0 “rd, prove property, ant}take it away; other- , mild bankrupt. Anti further, notice is hereby Clerk on:, S. boarlet. court for haul Ltstriet. ' wise It o 11l Ito disposed et according to law, given that the second - and third meetings of towls-2t ALA. Bred alp , creditors or the said bankrupt, required be WE. crsTAILD, , ; 27th and 2atli, sections or add Act, will be had JAS. 11141.111; EN . 1 before,the 'mild itmieter at the same time and ; SiiititY A. GUII:KIf, ' lace..; ," , s. 0. McCANI)LIAS, D. • COURTNE;y.. . tier% Of U. H. District Court for said District. --J ----------- - - • 1013 Ylt/ICTING 01 every kind, to Large ca r ,f Id 1,014111 quantities, plain or colored, done itl Lire bt2d, style, and at moderate price,, at the Pbserver office, I ; North Batt, Nov. 12-3 t. 1411144`...A._11. ! THE HOST lIIIPORTANT ISSUE I,I 3 :Eft'PItESIE:i*TED fur the comdderatimit of the American people, is now before us. What allaH Nee (113 with it* I t ISA Sti Wert that should eieuwe the att ern ion and elicit, the 'Most profound considertittottof every' Myra, - patriotic mind. And as the' consideration of this issue seems to h e m o noi ,,,,nzed by the lords of creation, they el:timing to have the sole right to partic ipate, dispose of stud enjoy the fruits thereof, We would thereune, fur the benefit of those con rented,pro,cut +mother is , die fraught with interest, and in which, as yet, the Ladies have taken the ienet prominent putt, : The Daily an& ExtensiYe Issue' of Dry Goods ED SO N, And ,he Ir. ioletOn; Stand ren , l3 - , n 11. 1 ,1111 routtnue to (rota their mnramoth ~.tuck of d°' Arable :..f(r.01.4, the eholee.t pAt tern+ at the; mo,t, entiel no; Iglrnanni ever beton: , • to the No Conn the patronage of the publ le, and the coatpetitlun of the trot eV/ I ty, for b TI 0 , er I VA S" I.,•IDIES. YOU WANT ISAIIGAINg IN MESS GIN PALL AT - EDSON, CHURCHILL & CO.'S Aral exantlne their I.lli. of Silks, Irish Poplins, French Ottoman. Empress Cloths,. WATER-PROOF PLAIDS, :MANDARIN PLUM - . ALPACAS IN ALL COLORS, Paisley, Brotian, dra lid Duchess, Winter Queen, Louise, Of. every color and quality. sixty piece' of thifolt Plaid flannels to retail at IS rents I 3 IL, =1 Yr I CP INT 5. Glove , ;, Hosiery, Ribbon, Fringe, !lending, Buttons, Ruffling,' Ulien Cult\ nud Collam Freneli Cohet%, Uwe Handkerel So Carpets.---Just opened, a Fine Assortment: 11`oit• AlLen 'anti 13<>.1 - e.:" Airea,r.„ An entire new line of Foreign and Domestic (Intl's. We have f.tehlt IPA for parehn.4ing cloths that renders tig a decided Mtvl.litlll.lo OVer nur 1 , 1111p,t von,. =I All kilo s or DomeNtlr tiouow mit pm h (let, BLEACHED .' ND EttoW 100-I, 9-I, .1-I, :Ina 'I-I, at tla• lowest mantel value. l'enti - a. Look out for Day & Horton's Lined Clasped skirt. \Ve have the exclusive right to sell tips mktit In LW, city. No holy that has ever Used this star will hesitate to pronounce it the Most elegant tkirehle, and in all rt,peetti t 1 the most .4trable skirt evei intretioi•eti into the inerket. No: Noble Block. Next door to the Past Office. MOM GEMMED R. S. MORRISON, ',Melt of gomls to the , • store tidct the ik•ed Home formerly oreupletl by jun ti (3 - liistii•aitee Co • MeY;IN. Mi.en,-Stepheil4 LS: Writley-, infreti plea- in annolincing his old customers and the rilhaals ni Erie gentritlly., t.lint lie lin. , otwn. N F.; W YOi IC. Cal on( a NE 'M ANI) SELECT STOCK Dry Goods, Dress Goods, &c., BUFFALO, N. Y. 1868.- certifle, that - we, the undersigned, have examined into the merits of the SECURITY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, and believe It I intend to Beep nt aU jtnaes the be'd ;Zoo& In ;-to be sound, reliable and equal to the best in the that It e(, and a full assort Illellt of eVerytil lug In my nee Shepani AS: Co., Wholesale Hardware ly . Pun:besets can alwa3 sdo better . w a i ers. • bfo,ing of nit than by going East. A. Y. Tilly, firm orsldney Shepard Co. simony &Crissey, Corninlsslon Merchants. Dudley ,t Co., 011 Refiners. E. P. Iturlte, Fanners' Q 3lechnnic/c•Nat. Bank, G. A. Williams, J. 0. Robson & Co., Goldsmiths and Jewelers, t Stilton Neff, Boot and Shoe Dealer. P. F. Curry, Supt. Forest Lawn Cemetery. George F. Lee, Attorney and Counselor. Cyrus P. Lee, Erie Co. Savings Bunk. Joseph L. Fairchild, Register in Itanhruptes. For spring and Siininier !Wear llocati , mhei the place, To. 6 Reed House, South site of the Park apl6-tf. 111E_A_D FROM THE ESTABLISIINIENT OF CHURCHILL gs CO., Still live, audsell goods at priers that allow publie to He 41:0. \ I,PA(A )PLINS, FRENCH AND E:....:(AL.111 SCoTCH. Corded Alp:ir•is, Cu qylet l(fatidariti Ltdr,, Chew. Mohair's, }tar:at Nfarle,l * "sloh:;ir, , , Eng;!•01 S II A• S ! ELECTORAL, EXCELSIOR, IE4`II4_ALIN - Nik.lll4S A IN Ii 1111 :► Mtge Stock. Very Cheap and Very Good. _X% df.4 2AIA S Of every variety and style: at exec. - N.1111.0y Jove figures. 011110 Itlld get ont. it 4 , -tiseliii,o'i• tho 1-"la,t•e-N Edson, Churchill & Co., U. S. MORRISON. ItIE.A.T) ! E e. Assetti, 1)ee• 1. 141175 $1486,390.24. COl . Y MERCHANTS, D &TIMM TIN, Farmers and Others, ASHES, BEESWAX. BEANS, BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, FLOUR AND MEAL, FLAX, corms, FURS AND SKINS. DRIED AND GREEN FRUITS, GRAIN, WOOL, GAME, POUL- TRY, NAVAL STORES, II 0 PA, GINGISENG, Pk:ATI - IF:RS, PltovisioNfir, DE sORGIIUM, MOLASSES, ETC., JOSIAII - CARPENTER, Gen'l Comniission Merchant 442, 444 and 448 Waalib:4ton St., NEW YORK CITY, And receive his weekly Price Current of Pro duce and Groceries, _the mast complete Price Current published In the United Stets. • SEND FDR A PRICE CURRENT .31nrkine Plates at Curds Ftirnislied Free Liberal Mvances Made on Consignments. FI4TABLISHED MAY 1, Ma First class references given when required. tn 11191,7. LATEST & BEST! AMERICAN COMBINATION Hutton Hole, Overt4eamlng SEWING MACHINE ! Is warranted to execute In thebest man ner every variety of Sewing Hemming, Felling, Nrding, Melting, Braiding, Gath ering, quilting, Oyerseaming, Embroider ing on the edge, and In addition makes beautiful Button and Eyelet Holes in all fabrics. IT HAS NO EQUAL: Being absolutely the best Family Machine In the World, and Intrinsically the Cheap est, for it is two Blachines combined in one by a simple and beautiful mechanical ar rangement. CircuLtra ',VIM inn partteuntra atm no,o pltas or want done on tnta machine, can be had on application at the BALES-ROOMS OF THE COMPANY, South-West Corner of Eleventh and Chestantifts„ Instruction., given ()A the 31aelaine gra talhlusly to an purchasers. ,16: 4 1.4 It; Pi NVll.l 4 7'r ji,`,l)l To Sell this Machine. C. B. Kingsbury, lEEE! Agent for Erie, Warren and Crawford eonnfieu.l6lN-ly. NEW LOCATION. (-3; 1).-A_ATI.S4 flat 10110%14i to Whittleb's Block, corner of State and Tenth Streets, Erie, Pa., where la, has opened a LARGELY iNCREASED STOCK Of Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Provislons and everything usually kept In a first-class grocery establishment. We are determined not to be surpassed, and Invite all who want any thing in our line to call, feeling assured that K e Shall be able to glVe satisfaction both as to qual ity of goods and prices. Country Produce Bought and Sold. COMMISSION DEPARTMENT, fo which We ask the attention of those having Produce to dispose of. We pledge ourselves to ,ccure the highest market price for alt articles entrusted to our care. AF-kLEMS IN TIIE _ADJOINING TOWNS; And on the Lines of Railroad, Supplied with FRUITS, VEGETABLES, ETC aprirei-tt. TILE ITNIMIRSIGIVED, Raving purchased tho Interest' of the Messrs Vlnci•nts In the FLOUR AND FEED B Of the late firm, would respecifally solicit a contlimance of favor from thd frfenda and pa trons of the house, and the publlo in general, pledging himself that he will at nil times try to sell good and reliable Flour, Feed and Grain At the lowest price for cash In hand. From my long experience In thin branch of the trade,l trust I know what the public demand, and that I am prepared to meet that Want. Returning my thanks to the public for their liberalpatrunage to me in the past, I hope by strict attention to my business and their wants, to merit a continuance of their patronage In the future. THE' MILLING, FLOUR, FEED, A.NI3 GRAIN 1113SINE.SS, Will be continued, in nIl its departments, tit the ERIE MILLS, PARADE STREET, - anti the Store, "E S ri" PARK ROW, Between Brown's Hotel and need House, Where the public will find a good stock always for sale, with competent and polite men on hand to supply their wants. ap2.3 4 67-I,y. 11. B. ILAVERSTICE. ERIE MA.11,111..E. M. A. DIIIINING, No. 1016 Peach Street, between 10th and 11th, Erie, .Pa. Monnnients, Tombstones, Marble and Slate Mantles, &e. I lutve on hand a large assortment of maxim. inents and headstones of various styles, In American and Italian marble, and a corps of the best:work:men in the State. All orders will be promptly attended to and satisfaction guar anteed. Sty work is Warranted untumused, and I cannot be undersold by any one. Orders and Inspection of stock and prices solicited. mhlte67-Iy. - GERMAN SA.VINGSD'STITUTION, Corner Eighth and Sitnite,Stits, OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. This Institution Is now open for the transac. Lion of business. OFFICE HOZELS: Q A. 31. to 4 P. M. SATURDAYS • lA. JI. to BP. El. Si: Per Cent. Interest will be Given by this Institution to Bombs Depositors. {DIRECTORS: J. Etehenlaub, P. A. Becker, F. P. Whet, F. Schneider, John Gensheinter. OFFICF4RS: Sohn Genahohner, ..... ..... -.President. Matthew Sehlandeeker,.. ..Treasurer. F. Schneider, rnytrer-ly. L. U. CEMVAI.I.E.II. DESIGNER & DECORATIVE 'ARTIST t Neatest, Chesipeat, and &at B r ian Painting West of New York MY. Parlors, HUMS, Ch4reheSit ate** Frescoed In the neatest style of the art. General Designing, Drafting of Models for the Patent Office and every description of Orna. mentnl Painting executed promptly. Bomnsin `Farrar Elsll. No. 4, second door. , agrou CONSIGN TOUR HEMP, LARD TALLOW, TOBACCO, BEERS. THE GREAT OM PHILADELPHIA 714 State Street St., Erle, We have opened a White lien Mast Rule Ame t r*a. CLUBS OR isoi:aurs rou The Biest•Nat York Weekly Ppli,"4l. NEW 'YORK DAY BOOR ! voi - t .i.sos. .--- - , The New York Day-Book it/ a straightforward Btu:Beal Dernocrat lc pa_per, with 'tt'larger circu lation than any other Democratic J'ourna& ever published on this cOntinent, and St eaters on the threshold of /508 more prosperous Mid more hopeful of the great cause lt upholds than-ever before. Standing on ;the De-Was-Atkin of Inde pendencee, thatde alto l (white) men are equal,r,' iina therefor en equal rights, It [supposed to all forms and degrees of special leoislation that conflict with this grand central truth of Detneeracy, and over 1111 and - al/rive all, does It combat that monstrous treason -, tO Anniffiesua liberty, which, thrusting the negro elehnli& in to our political systetp must of nesessitywreek the whole mighty fabric left us by 'our fathers,' Clod has created white men superior - and no. groes inferior, and therefore „ail the efforts of the past six years to abolish Ills w•ark and equalize with negroes—every law viola/01 eve ry State Constitution overtlwown, every life sacrificed, and every I dollar "expended, are ne cessarily just so many steps towards ntional suicide; and the simple and awful problemm new upon us is inst this—shall we recover our rea son and retrace our steps, or march on to Mon grellam, social anarchy, and the -total ruin of our country., • The Day Book, therefore, demands theiresta• nation of the "Uhlon'as it was"-a Union of co equal States Upon the white baste, as the only hope, and the only means post ble Undenheaven for saving the gMtid ideas of 179 f, and the fund amental prielpies briAmerican liberty, Mill-lf the real freemen, and the earnest believers in that sacred and glorious cause in Whilill the men of the Revolution offered up their litres, will now labor to exprmetheloortmee eirtsien and treason of the Mongrcl party, it.III sue. ~. ceed, and the white Republic of NV: hlogton be restored again in I all Its original 'lnfluence and grandeur. ' The D7).7 Book will, however, he after 'be 1 43, more than ever devoted to all the vari urPo- Res of a neWs"paper. ;Conscious that t reach es thousands of farathes who take no other Journal, beyond perhaps their locali, paper, it will ClUltil/U0 and Improve itsouNetvs pf the Week" Summary, so as to present &transcript of the World's events In each Lssue. Its 'Warn ily Department" will embrace the best original and selected stories.l its "Agrieulteral Depart ment" will b 6 fully eutstained,and heleat Atte only paper of its class made up expjealgy for ry circulation, It is confident it la worth count double the price of a weekly hurriedi reinont ed front a dolly. ' It gives full and complete re ports of the New York and Albany cattle Mar kets; Grain, Provisions , and Cotton 'Maikets, and a 'Weekly review , of Financial nu/Hem, to other with the markets, •by telegrripb, flour New Orleans, Cairo, (Charleston, Philailidpida, ite., 41.. e., up to time of going to press. Tirms—Cash in Advance. One copy one year Three copies one year Five copies brie year; and one to the getter. up of the club • 10 00 Ten copies one year, land one to the getter up of the club • 'l7 :a Additional copies I 195 Twenty copies one year, and one to the get- • ..„ ter up of the club I • "ie 00 Specimen copies( sent. free. Send for a copy. Address, glvMg post office, county and State In full, VAN kW RIF, lIORTON & CO., decl2. No IF2 Nassau St., New York, f • Cor. of Penn nott St. Clair Streets, •• PITTSBUItGII, 'PA., The Largest, Cheapest and most Symms&ll Practical Business College IN THE UNITED tiTATM Fifteen Thousand Students Erika Thirty - Three States In Ten Years • FOR LARGE (WART() 'CIRCULAR, Containing full informatlon, Outline of Coupe of Study, sacaplk of (Valey'ff Premium Penmanship, view '4-li"ltn4krert De. partmeds, City 21rtshrg1,e.:L the Principals, I ; , • t93i/T I ar. CONV.T...atI-W r N'f7.1 1 4, -_ James P. Crook, bating taken fn son, Jas. E., as a partner, on 11 e Ist day oft April, hitri, un der the firm mane of Cremes. P. Crook 6: Son, de sires to have a settlement of hist old accounts. All persons knowing' themselvcs indebted to him are requested to call and settle without de lay. S. mylniS JAMES P. CROOK ihalern ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER And Manufacturers of WINIXAV SAS.I4, PRA mEs, DOORS& BLINDS. - . !intdding. and PlChet Fence, Scroll Sawing, Matching and Planing Clone to order. shop alai Pettullit Between Fourth Mid Fifth Sta., Erie, Pa. 1 We respeettally call the attention of the pub lic to our facilities rot; doing work in the hest of style, promptly and on reasonable terms. ;, Hat ing fitted up entirely 'new shops, with .superlor machinery, we feel oduthient of giving satisfac tion. Onlers from abroad will receive prompt attention. JAMES P. CROOK .4. SON. 1'11.:111.,1 4 1`k"'S NatiOnal Claim Agency Office In Farrar Hall 1312 tiding, Erie, Pa, soLniNits' BousTY: • An claimants for ertrzt ()bunt y showed hylate nets of Congress, can hare the same PrMIIPtIY collected by sending their discharges tO ine, the reeelpt of whiell will be promptly acknokeledg ed. sad Instructions returned. INCREASE 'OF PENSIONS. month for the total loss of use or either leg or arm, instead of fs. per month for each minor eltild of deeetonsl soldiers or seamen. Ala°, other Increases.. ADDITIONAL FOR VOL. OFFICERS of R. S; Three months pay proper for all In ionlce 'arch &l, d dlachamed after April 1)th; 18.0 d. Claims coaled, _ . . Claims f6r arrears of pay, and pensions, 'and bounty, pnomptly rollectM. Unequalled Mein- Ries for closing and completing claims. Allow ance to prisoners Of War collected. Only agency In North-Western Pennsylvania where years of. experience in. the U.'. Treasury can lie round. Thankful for the very liberal patronage be stowed In the past we hope by Increased expe rience and unremitting attention to patrons, to secure their continued favor. Office in Farrar Hail Building. Address, .. H. TODD PERLET Lock Box 10 Brie. Pa. aurG6-tr. FOR THE FARMERS . ' `SHEEP SHEARS.—Wilkinson's best„ , . and 1,3 Strong's Patent Sheep Shears. WOOL TWINE, In any quantity GRIND. STONES.—W tones Berea and lake Huron. SCYTHES.—Gress and Grain, of the best tea kers, . . GRAIN CRADLES.—Gmpevtne and Mule) complete with litcyttwa. HAY FORKS.—Two and three tined 110 ES, Shovels, Spades, 3fanure Forks and nay Knives, for sale by J. C. SELDEN, ME EAGLE FOUNDRY, Peach Street, aboia the Buffalo Road, ERIE, PA. un-Alvir nAznipAcroßrils or ! 1 PARLOR, COOK AND, OFFICE STOVES, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, THE CELEBRATED LTIR'IIB' PLOW ! And all kinds of Iron Castings. Every Stove sold by .us is warranted to give satisfaction. Kettles, Sleigh Shoes, Sad Irons, &e., on band and manufactured to Order. Plows and Plow Points of superior make And durabill tYur aartic llways es i on s all w d. e ask. A call and a fair trial of o me21 . 8:14f. HENRY, BRY.AN'T tt CO: 'ESI4SS, DCALEIVIN AND SIIIPPEIt (6/T Vegetables and Provisions, It U 1 1 70. 22 East Fifth 'Stied, File, Pa. I would call the attention or the public to the fact that I also Bell Giosids-on Comm4asion. Particular attention paid to that business, and to forwarding to dcsdens all kinds of Vega tables, Fruits, &c. Jell'6B4l C. J. ENGLEHART Has opened a new Flotr,Peed &Produce Store, • at the earner of Eleventh and State Streets,' To which ho asks the attention of all who need anything 14 his line, He will deal in every thg in the 1•11t:•.13i1C,M X.A/%7.E. And warrante his goads to be equal to the beet In the market. , The highest market price to eashr at lfor all kinds of country trainee. ; ap • J. EICIIENUUB & MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS 8; SHOES ! RETAIL DEPA BTML VT. We have past dashed, and prepared for pub lic Inspection, a mammoth stockof &hit - 4, h (Miters. Rubbers, ete.,embmcing every descrip tion and variety of kinds, and which for style, quality and finish cannot be surpassed in the market, all of which are offered at late reduced rates. We also pay especial and ~ strict atten tion to For which ttuifinest collection of Leathers are kept on hand, and every facility IS.secured for accommodating customers promptly, and in a style to render perfect satisfaction. Particular attention is also directed to of r WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, Where we manufacture at Wholesale, !fen's Boys' Ladles', Misses' and Children's Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, etc., of every variety and kind. }Wing lately enlatged our manufactory by the addition of new buildings and Unproved ma chinery, we are prepared ,to supply the Trade mi short notice and at the, lowest market prices. AtJpining this department are connected our WHOLKSALE LATUER. AND FLNDINGS ROOMS! Ernbracine• French, German and American Calf Skins, of best and Varkld brands, Slaughter tad Spanish Sole Leather, krenchand Amer-- eim Roans of ail colors andi,prlces._ ;With our increased faellitieN we can sell ns low as any Eastern manufacturer, and make to ordtl; any kind of work wanting by the Trade. Thankttil;for the past liberal patronage of the public, we.respect fully solicit a continuance of the same, se2fl-tf. ' .1. EICLIENLAUII dr. CO. 4 1 2 00 . 30 r CHEAP CASH STORE. ,- .N (..4r , or,sto and {ante KR.. • Groceries and Provisions, - Wood, Willow and Stone Ware, 41lezelything that is usually kept in a First Class Family Grocery. ALT. GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. Erie County Flour, Always on Hand. Cull and examine prices Goodt4 delivered free in any part of the city or South Erie. Dealer in. Furniture Having, purchased the entire stock of Furni ture of Messrs. Moore Riblet, I reilpectfully ask my old customers and the piddle generally to give me a call at the old stand, Before . purelmslng.elaewhere. I have a large assortment of Parlor, Chamber and Bed 'ROOM nets BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS,, TABLES, Ana. in fact everything in the lint Furniture. ram prepaTe4l to) .. n;!ny ntetitre to orger any style ;LOUIS lIERGE .ek CO., Manufacturers of FMST-CLASS AGRAFFE OVERSTRUNO 1 3 1 - .ANCI-VColl2'ES • wituErtoora9, 97 13=M:1 MR. STREET. . These Pinnog aro recommended by the nios eurinentjudges; and are, for power, (Mines:l,oas tisity of touch and durability, ausurpaased by any' pianos made in this country. GUARANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS., Illustrated Catalogue and Price LlBt sent by mall on application. feblZMirly. GREAT REDUCTION E. M. COLE & SON Harpers' and - similar Magazines, at 75 mute per volume. Godey's, and similar Magrizines, at 31.00 per volume. Harper's and Frani:" Leslie's papers; at r-2.5 per year. We Aro MAD making and selling 13 I a n Books! Bindery- over Keystone National Bank, cor ner State and Bth streets. opM-tr. w icr BOOK BINDERY AND Blank' Book illinufactory We would revecttully announce to the - public that we have opened a 13 0 OIL 511%113E - RV", t 523 French Stint and are prepared to do WOik In any branch of the buslnees. BLANK BOOKS! Of all kinds, on hand ind)rnade to order, and ruled to any pattern desired. - IiIi(AZINES AND OLD BOOKS, Bound and repaired In the beet style Lancaster Intelligencer THE LAIt6EST AND CHEAPEST Democratic Journal in Pennsylvania ! The Lancaster Intelngencer, established In me, has always been known as a tinstmclass Po litical and Family Newspaper: The Weekly lutelligeucer is now tho largest Democratic pa• per published in Pennsylvania. It has lately been greatly improved In all respects, and la Just such a paper as every Democrat should take. The publishers of the lutelllgencer regard it to be the duty of every Democrut, to support his eounty.pispers ih preference to anyother: bates there are many who will be likely to subscribe for more tha n e one paper during tbo pending Presidential campaign, they have concluded to offer the Weekly intelligencer at the follow ing low rates: Single copies, one year, IM,CO; Five copies CIA Ten copies $17,00 Twenty copies CCM; Thirty copies 145,00; Fifty copies, to one address, Eighty copiesjo one address, WO. Daltr°ln telllgencer moo per annntn. W Persons svbhing to sell real estate can find no better advertising medleitn than the Weekly Intelligence?. Address - :H. (3.131d1T11 it CO. Lancaster. Pa. No. 62S State Street. ctiwrispikr wc.)rrx No. 6 West , Seventh StmPet, D4LEE IN The best brands of .1. w. AYIiES, Wholesale and Retail NO. 715 STATE STREET, MEI WARDROBES, DESKS IN I. II 1ir."..f...4 : WILL BIND REDireEii PRICES t RINTIERV OVER 'no National Bank Corner Stale and Bth Streets, S t r ia, Pa. E. M. COLE & BON ERIE CITY IRON WORKS, MIII3E• PA*, MANI:TAM:TIMM OV The Bradley Engine! A New Compound or Double Cylinder Engine. um Uol4l;,:iii ci;, And is Warranted to Rive FILTY TO ONE HUNDRED FER enT. More power than a dingle Under Engin , . using the rame amount or ',team, STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS OF ALL STY Id OIL STILLS AND TANKS: Of LOf t lescrt pt I ow,. Clll C 1: 14 A W 1 I -1., tft; EI2M /IVA I) • IMO JOHN B. PERKINS, =lll CON IP v.cyr N I I , AND DI,ALEIC Foreign & Domestic Fruits, 1!:13'1's, NO. 822 STATE ST., 'CORNER NINTH ERIE, l'EtilsTA Pine Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Peaches, STRAWBERRIFA, Always on timid in their tietuson Parties promptly furnished wit every de Ispetion of CAKE', intitAurbs, h ICES. 'ere The nicest store west of New York. 2,500,000 Castogueni In Four Years. PATRONIZE THE BEST. HAVINU the largest capital, mast experi enced buyers, and extensive trade of any concern in the Dollar Sale business, We Guarantee Satisfaction In every instance, and also the hest selection of Goods ever offered at Ono Dollar Each. No other concern has any show wherever our Agents are selling. Our motto, "Prompt and 'Reliable." Male and feMale agents wanted in city and country. • Are particularly requested to try our popular club ystcm of selling alLkinda of lir> and, Fall el Goods, Dress Patterns, Cotton Cloth, Castors, Silver Plated Goods, Watches, (Established 14644 A patent pen fountain and a cheek de scribing On article to be sold for a dollar, 10 cis; 1.1) for Er2 i 40 for t , 4: 00 for SO; 100 for 010; sent by mail. I.ree presents to getter up, (worth 0i per cent. more titan those sent by any other con cern,) according to size of club. Send us a trial ub Cl, or If not do not fall to send a circular. N. B.—Our sale should not be f c or lassed with New York dollar Jewelry sales or bogus "Tea Companies," as it la nothing of the sort. EASTMAN d: KENDALL, jei.:flue ri Hanover St..,Hoston. Maas. Authorized iestpltul *6500,000 CAPITAL PAID' IN MAO. THE SECOND NATIONAL JUNK opened for business on - MONDAY, DECE.MBF.W 12TH, 164, In the banking office previously occupied by the Merchant's Bank, Brown's Building, north-east corner of State street and public Park. WM. L. SCOTT, Prest. WM. C. CURRY, Cash. 1)111VA:70RM WM. L. SCOTT, of firm of J. Hearn Coal Dealers'. .105. M'CARTEIt, of !inn of Seliletl. Bliss McCarter, Builders. GEth J. MORTON, Coal Dealer, W. S. BROWN Agent. Buffalo si Erie It, 1L JOHN C. 1818GE. , ,5, of firm of Cienien,,Cattifil ey lifirgemi, Wholesale Grocer'.. O. E. CROUCH, of firm of Cr well t Oro., Fimi: Merchants. M. R. BARR, of Oral of Barr, .4 sea luau, Stove Manufacturers. F. F'. FARRAR, of firm of (tray J. Farrar, Wholesale Grocers. J. DILEISIOAKNR, Grocer. dc7 6-L JUST OPENED A ilea and well selected stock of Stores, Tin, Japanned, Brittania and PORCELAIN WARE:, CISTERN 'AND WELL PUMPS, EEO House Furnishing Goods Generally. PATTERSON & AVERY, 5.77 French St., Erie, Pe. We also have a large and well arranged shop, with all the modern Improvements for manu facturing tin ware of every description, and with a corps of competent workmen, under the supervision of Mr. C. Avery (wino has had many years experience ln clty work). We are fully pre pared to do Job work of all kinds with neatness and dispatch. Are well posted in setting hot air furnaces, roothag, ete. Call and see us and ex amine our stook. Erie City Steam Bakery.! W. I. SANDS & CO, Pioprietors. Manufacturers of all kinds of Crackers, Bread, Cake, Sze., Sze. • • Also, the celebrated " EXCELSIOR" . CRACKERS, And sole manufacturers of the patent "NOVELTY DROPS," Factory, corner State and 3 Sts„ Erie, Pa: my2l-tf NEW PERFERE FOR THE HISDRERCHIEF. rhaloat's ..Niglat Blooming Ceresis.” l'hulonV ' •• Night Illootnistg Pitel•uh. "Night Bloomins Cerrias.” E.bnlon's Etlooming Coretiii.f, Phalon's .. MI ight Blooming Ceretes.rt A most exquipite, dellento rind Frnrant Perfume, dirt led from the rare and beautiful flower frou which It takes its acme. lfzunructurrd only by PIiALOIN do MON,,New "'ark. BEWARE OF COUNTF.RFEITs ASK FOR YRALON'S—TARE iO OTfIER. F. 4.. VVV.I3V.II, it CO.. Country Produce, Groceries, Provisions, WINES, LIQUORS, SEDANS, -Tot3scoo, Crockery Wtre, Fraita, Nuta, No. 614:k4tate *itreet. West aide, between Bth and Bth Streets, Erie, earn paid for country produce. F. A. WEBER. m341-tf. W. ERHART Executors' Notice. LETTER% TESTAMENTARY on the estate of Frank Rattner, deceased, having been n granted to the undersigned ; notice Is hereby 'Oven to all Indebted to said estate to make Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same;wil. present them. duly authenticated. CM sARmUMILLER; JACOB LIEBEE. - .1904 W Executors. J OB PRINTING of every kind, in largo w email qaanUties, plain or colored, done In Oa bettatyle, and at moderate prime, at the Observer BLANICEI t BLANKS!—A complete assort meat of every kind of Blanks needed by Attorneys, Justice, Constables end Business Men. for sale at the Observer Ofilect. Hoop Skirt & Conet Dep(it New York Hoop Skirt Manufactory loom STAZ•-E tsrr. of t'or,o, mild i'or,4l:,tet Is 0,1,..., ,t : , ..... , hnnd. CountrytorrOolu, , uppil..j.," .1' r - ' : lowt•st. rattn, N.VI HAN ~. rib''' Iti 11/2-tt. No. lIMO Staff. st r,, 1. I r,.. i'., I.t3ES4. " THE WORLD" At the opening, of the ,ear PA,, challenges, more eontlilently tnizi sympathy and support e,l a, palms'., A glut loos work has liven leo, Peel, 'Already - answers deep. he of this Journal to the eatp.e of 111,rty by law stands nobly vindicated Victory shining from Maine to C.ilifiiru necticut, Ohio, Ptinnsyl%ania, Neu Ji York, have thundered forth their tenlii t the misrule and madness of thepint. L uta ,. Inure remains to beidone. tut 1.• of the country greater. lie hai.Pcal I , dt) decrees the de.ttli of represeutath Client in ten sovereign Zn Wes. Ari tu il„ itary despotism and Neur, It desperately grasps at a permaaeut power, In detiat.e of public th.., A Of enormous taxes and of crippled indus•.r, at the cost of Union and Peace. To the grcltt battle still to be fungl.t-h. World" will give all its etlorts, all as tn,s 4 , It asks of Its friends lirtheir turu rN rucc. asks of them more reorders and a older ener. It asks this with co:dbl. '1.,. in .t , as a newspaper and as an organ of The eider m,e Of a readers apZi-tt ALL THE NEWS Fur this the facilltie , , of "The World is., „ L surpa,sed by any Juurnel in the It seeks to excel by an accuracy and mud • , spirit •and freslinci, In Its nce - e calumny shall commend It to reader' of u bate, i ll' , sex, creed or place, As an organ of opinion "The World" II flinching champion of A Liberal, Progresihe Deutftraq, whereof the corner stone Is Freedom reErt..:... by Justice; Freedom pure and simple, lA t:t• largest colleeth e ineasure; the °Mee of lt.S.t being to protect Freedom from encrouclinan:. Freedom of the individual citizen In though, speech, religion and luCORMI,,;;;; (7. ,tight to make any money foolish 1, ILL/4 Kratti to rl in spits y" and sell of a and foreign, In spite of 4tijust pruteLl:l e tarah, in his Right to choose his uuu foal n 1 drink, In spite of meddlesome toolle:: : ‘Le e laws; 11 - 111 Right to representation in the aluslanv.A.,,,h,, which tax him, In spite of unounmttfat, , Aal elusions: Freedom of colleen% e citizens to ;„‘. scinble for diseu.sion of pc% anee4; all local cummumtres to manage lair to u _ fairs without central interfereme; ih every sectlon the country, frozu Ilie • and unconstitutional domination of (Atm This large and compels Freedom sum, up the noltlie. of "The qv.! which will never he found a Auttrig Ital interest of the country and of thc race. A paper publiidied In the metropolis ni ran ntlly looked to for careful Market ni-vira at autitentic information, and intelligent die, tdons relating to Trade, Commerce and Finance 111 the .e feature:. - The Wurld" mut,. parb , on with any other four-Iml. The WEEKLY WORLD, a uat mane elze vet Daily, is DowFrmt,sl v.1101 . * large type, and ,since lts union ult.:, the York Argus) has the tarp ct circulation of 4.. weekly iournat publklied, nave one. It Is 111111‘tilie4 journal for the Farmer, Pt wince Daler, l'ennW 3l‘ reheat, te. PL lished Wedne , ,lay. . TheSENII-t1'I'l.I:IN WORLD Is a lari,ie k;iur. ,rie Datly, a Melt, b, tan. tuts; the great ma , . of City:Oh ert6ernonts Ili, 11.0 ly, coatain}_everyttii au vise that app., to the daily area a - cel,.!,} - Fuldedi Tue,day and Friday. The DAILY W.'111.1) a fiords a complete co: Vent/OLIO and III , CUNI•1011 Of the new of t Say. WEEKLY WORLD. 4 copse.. 1 ear, separately addressed 7 a 10 CIVIC', I year, sieparatelv addressed . 2ncoptes 1 year, to one address....., . a . ..10 copies 1 year, separately atldresstst 'l7 a. 50 espies 1 year,*to one address copies 1 year, separately addressed.... g SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD. 1 copy 1 year 4 4 4 copies 1 year, separately addressed. . It. g , 10,copics 1 year, to one _ A lU C 01,1,1 1 year, separately addyessed It' 4 DAILY WORLD. I copy one CLUB 1 - 11111.1:2S. For Club of 10 to one ak`.lrr,,, 1 \1 -.wkly 1), ••:II 1 St. ' a) " . 1 /212-110 . kiy .. .. 102) .. ..1 I koiy DIRECTIONS. -kridltions to clops may be made any ttint• the year ut the above club rate, Changes In club lids made only on nvitir+t persons receiving club packages, stating fdl non, post office and State in which it Me , P" vionsly been sent, and enclosing twenty-toe cents to pay for trouble of the change to .I' , rate address. Terms, cash in advance. Bead, If 14)4.1 bit , Post Office Money Order or Bank Dratt. lieu sent by mall will be at the,risk of sender. We have no traveling agents. Specimen NI . lea, posters, etc., sent free of charge where's' and whenever desired. Address all order , an'. letters to THE-WORM fa,IN-49r. 35 I.,irk Row, New 'York. PROSP'EC'riad.. THE MORNING PATRIO The office of the late Patriot and Union ing passed into the hands of the uniterslgnet , they propose to supply a vacuum that lin , lot, existed in the newspaper press of Interl , r Pent lvaula. From some cause or other the nailing mass of the Democratic party of the visit morn , counties of the state have been iompentii, ther to do without the latest news or plifonlzt Journals whose political sentiment. were t 1 1"" tasteful to them. The Morning Patriot is intended to suW) this want. its proprietors are determined 'Mat no shall be spared, on their part, to matte it c:: , equal, as a newspaper, to any - of its co mpetitor._ hatever the electie fires are able to comic , nicate, up to the hour of going to press, furnished in its column.: every morning: .f ,l its large size will enable It to e veq ,ow reading Mutter as tiny of Its con temporma As an advocate of sound political sentimezt , favoring no faction, clique ur section, but do" Ling its entire energies to the good of the Ctc.t. party ; us n vehicle of the latest news, sad A chronicler of passing events, we are del ernan.d It shall not be excelled; and we conthicati) ni peal to a discriminating public for that app" - elation and encouragement which arc indiqx.D• sable to success. TERMS: For the Dttlly, one i. ltt o r t l ,s n i adetnee,, Single Copies, Three Cents: , THE WEEKLY PATRIOT. It Is the determination of the proprietors the Patriot to Make their weekly Journal Mitt i equal to what the Patriot and Colon Wa I" weekly days. It will he - ll e- one of the snot weekly papers In the State, and spec's,' Panif will be taken to MI its columns with such ,rea''' lag mat ter as will be alike interesting ans fill to the Farmer, the Steatitele and the )Ina of Business, and to make it an agrerabk and welcome visitor In every family. Every person should subscribe to the pave printed In his own county, and we do not . 11WAn to enter into competition with the local papers Of the State. But, many people take their hotel patter soda city paper In athil t lon, To such we send greeting. ,- TEltists: .s.ingle ropy, one year_ . six months l ie Ten copies, one year . Twenty copieii, We year Fifty copies (to one address) one year .... Le One hundred copies " All orders should be addressed to B. F, 311:YE/IS Harrtstane. BM Well Digging. Hirj EITSTETtIIOLTZ, of Sterrettants. fr" - . pared to dig, wells In any part or :He county. A° uses a horse and Pulley, Which eu, abler blm to do the work faster and cheaper titan by the old method. Refers to gcrle let or Conrad Max, Erie eil.V; Israel T'ic *4 .l7‘: ` John Shenk, West Mill Creek; And tv geon or David Fidler, Fairview. 1) 6 108 PRINTIX . of every kind, in larg ( " 1 0 arnall quantities, plain or colored, done Ir, the best atyle, and at moderate prices:at " observer office. AT 'ray MEI INNIIIs EDITIoN r