Stoves for Everybody PATTERSON at AVERY'S, 527 . Frenelt Street AVE a large n,stment the an H d CliElPffsT Sto ot res pie marketßEST af fords. Our ceWbrated NEW 103,IPITit3E 113311 AMERICAN EAGLF„ Are taking the held 4,1' oil other e. adi ng and are adapted to the tt ants of 111 ehe,,, ut community. They an• hued With .o,li Ult Ivait wafer back4.viso Ne Ith att•l with:AA has k and reservoirs. We havienlscabe best magazine SttA - e. at ptr petits' burner for parlor and office use, yet of fered to the public,called the A 31 r 13 Y C A N It Rasa totert A i”, ti Wally warms the 1.,n n ti e term, and the, construction m tier knelt as to render explosions of ilitposstble —besides being the Irtod I,,ttot In tilt , market. We also base any rinaltt,N ,$ t 't \it a fur both wood and eo.d—and vannot Call and examin, 1 1114 (4,where. sT tilgn (it 1:. Strwe. \ I ;:1 ,eplo4l N‘il :27 1 i•, . 1 • .123-BE VT 11,4 i wrterumr. or Sb4P ILLAND COtv Corner of Holland and Shah Streets, IMIE, PA_ - HAYES dr KEPLER. REAL ESTATE AOENTS. MERE rin in on Lake Plea.ant road, ',snit 7 oi—es front the city, known as the Win 1.: tel/re Vail,. 55 acres. Good (aria lane,. 1 goad barn,, 13 acres tcoods, gr,3 tml ui elm , d, Ye. The alio% a farnrean be bought for 52,700, u. -Ind( down. the hdlance In 1 yeais lime. it is tinder line state of cultivation, Citrate obliged to let It t;o nn a'e""" t isaheap and tery 11.1y}N KI:PLER, So. 16 , ri }toti,(. yea; s..\ SeVt`llll.llkl 1,.,•••• ..f rats , . 11 Buffalo road. Nina!! liouso, 'ham, variety of fruit, \ ICI.:1'1,1411, No. 1 flia.,l (yIiANI,t)N V.\1:31 FON. SALE. I hl 1,;tko• ea‘t ;ten,. .Nett Iwt,,toi) well itnislwil bunt, ::10)N 2 01111'2: IP CYIT.IIII , a4 luttitw hu,ita•• a2ttziL:,lll-ut, tli tt will tut:, him . p , rlietrzeiolt trn , n late co.. proi,,es to Bell thi 11 \S I .- MENEM C1.,,.4.1t13. & c-.ool)wit7v, BANKERS Erie, - Joy. D. Clark, of tio flt to of elm!: A. IL, I I and John S. 6.,.).1 01 IR, I. 1•111 GOUIIWiII S ('o„ I. ;4,11, I 1 , , The purl of ,heng „ ; IP all biallvlll,, oprul,i .21 11'..11...,.1.1), April 1 , 1. In the room rt•Nmll) - the Stwond Na , lohnl Pnnt:-, corner Still mnl p.,11; 11‘, , A ; 1.11‘ . 4.1.. , t(r.g• , Meten , ,f,,who s•• ',1% 1.1 p.o tnr:dill, an theta of April. I ' The firm of Eliot. Co., ni.o di, , ,olvim.; on CAI, Saint. •lor, for a eontinUttro , of 11... 12111,1 f. Important Not i• o- FAIIIVIEW FAT' oN, r 4.1.1„ The Subscriber would re,re,t fob , ; Farmery of rid rVieW 1111,1 tlc/ .lull hi, P pr,parett to pay THE r for all kinds of Farm Pro Ma.• ,k Fairview Mtatim. .kko, ~„ I , mac! /3/TITMINOT:S AN NTI !It ; ' 0. enilip Le 11,1 wh. k• . I. I 11..• :tgelivy of liargO.d. rou , P4 • 1,1 St4,•l Stllkey Cult it :4., • • 1•.n. 4 0 t 4 vlf-nninithr.: Whcol ,t Itid :I •Ult.rl.ll lot Mllli •h It,il ..,61 pd 11.• SUFFOLIZ, AND (11%-TNit I rr: i li mill - ly N(ni Illarbf e Shop T Work , on North %tile of Ali SL, hot. P.t.. o he!. t.t rat I t • . Hit. \ :if/ of lit. ,-11. ,r dPl..alen. .Sit Mt: f":11I , f •I , , NIONCNIENTS. }IE.% 10,T4 GILDING, IIEMIG\IIh 3IA X'fl.l• 1 . 11 Marble Plate+, Fine linildlug:.•tone, LEOVII sep3-:3in ALE BREWERY ! • ___ L.. BA IC f'.ll, Formerly With Outhout & Itakel Itutele I, lint lug lulu. the well linuovri Brett el!, on. French Street; Fliortli, Erie, Pa., us•eupleul by WIII. Jaelall, V 031.4 In , :. , 1.1,1460 ottl aW , llllliiitzuwes auul the public' gyn. ~ ,tly he uotV 1111,, hug n very superior t: 0,1 N.le. Fri/11l Ins hung caperielleg abut s uniform ueegos • uu us lutb ilrepareil to give the best of sat Istnetton. Dealers are invited mewl. ' ly9-Iyr GEo. L. LI4KEIL FOR ONE .xL DOLLAR (1.,a•11.,•41 by t he rutted State, Authorities.; E.l r DoLLAlttiAl.E.—Dryttnd Full c • s Woolens, Cotton:a. carpet !tars, 1 to,tt. Ifel hoc, , :: , 1.1"..,:1"-1'iati`i s i NV..I re $ Alartil att., '111.1.,T1, , I.: br tailtl ut tn. as prket..‹ :tv-eacn. 'gm tom of clubs t -c t•at It ',lArt..,. a :-;" Wear. (lie I Edson, Churchill & Co., 2 . '" 21.01,1 Tg r F, E fl =i;ti ; FA.CTOI' T. 110 A I :EP INI; NEW ,VNIf 4.A.m.:TisToor. AV S 1i rr Ei 111 : T- rr I, 1-1 alit.. 1.•11 li. %/11.110 ('l't'l ''.iy.ets,•llee. 1, 1567, • $ 1,2811,300.24. MlLMUldl,Xlakgi ItlE_A:1) ! pAriusranaw, Farmers and Others, .1-SlLs, 1112.. , 3M'AX. BE.INS. larrtEß, rnovisioss. ,-) - I=l UUEESE, EGOS. FLOUR AND MEAL, FLAX. COTTON, FPItS AND sKivs, DRIED AND GREEN _FRUITS, GRALIC, WOOL, GAME, FOUL.- TRY, NAVAL STORES, BOPB, GINGSMCG, FEATEIERS, HEMP, OILS, LARD, TALLOW, TuilLlt4.l3, SOI;(4111.7.NI, :%101..V . i. 4 1:A, ET. JOSIAH C 4111.PEV.13:1:. G mei Co1111nl.,44.(11: 31(14_411-411f 442, 444 446 Washington 3t. MEZE=Ii And rilteiv.• hh tet-ealy l'rke Carr, nt of S'ru• dutti. and Groceries. tne m,st complete Yrl e .• Cnrreut published 113 tint united States. SEND FOR A PRICE CURREN' l'iates and ',Cards FurnlbliNl Free .Harkin Liberal Advances 3lade on Conslpinients. ESTABLISHED MAY 1,181 M. First eiss.s refereuries given schen required. tuhltra LATEST & BEST! THE GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION Button Hole, Overseaming Ea SEWING MACHINE! Is warranted to execute In the best man ner every varlet,y of Sewing, Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Braiding, Gath ering, quilting, Overseaming, Embroider ing on the edge, and in addition makes beautiful Button and Eyelet Holes In all fabrics. IT OAS NO EQUAL.: Being al;solutely the best' - Family Machine In the World, and Inirlusterilly the Cheap. , est, 1 rlt is two Muclilue4 combined In ono by a simple and hermitic] mechanical ar- da; " di . ;;li . ;fo - n;;Wriii;f; bad on appinanion at the sALKs-Rooms 6F THE COMPANY, South-West Chestnut Corner of Eleventh and Ste., ,1 PHI T.A DELPHIA. • Instructions given on the Machine igru tottously to ail pureluthers. AG.ONT WANTED To Pell thin Machine C. K. Kingsbury, 714 State Street St.. Erie,' Agent for Erte, Warren mitt Crum:lon! J:11646.4.41% =E NEW LOCA.TION O. I'. 1).4.4..a_V-112.; 11:t• r..tnot ell to NS - LittiCb's tui Itvr 't State and Tenth strLet.:, Erie, Pia., eaten , . ht lath upettul a , 14A INCRE.ISED STOCK ot.tiro , vrtes, Vegetables„Provls , - :ud el. erytlking itstiany kept. in a first- . greet ry establ.shment. We are Lleterml t oo t” he surpassed, and tav'te all who wan - tblog in our Eno to call, feeling assured. L...., Lao shall be. able to give satt: faction both as to qui4- ity of goods and prices. Country Produce Bought and Sold. 11:1.Vt` upentAl COMMISSION DEPAIIT3IENT, wideli we ask the attention of those having Pr , wluee to illspoNe of. We pledge ourhelvesto secure the highest niarliet. price ter all articles entrusted to our eare. DRALERS IN TUE ADJOININ(I TOWNS, And on the Lines of tiollrond, .Supplied with FRUITS, VEGETABLES, ETC ttpr2'&-tt. 'PE-11.1E 'CTINDIEIZSIG-INTED, linvlht; phrelta , ed the Intermit of the Meseta. Vlneents In the FLOUR AND FEED BUSINESS Of the late Mtn, would ts.pectfully solicit a eontinuauce of favor from the friends and pa- , Irons cif the house, and the public lu general, pledging himself Olathe wilPitt all times try to ' • sell.itood and:reliable. II 1 7 1,cour,1eetl shad Glogeliio-;,-j. • • • At the lowest prlee for cash in hand. Froth long osperience to this branch of the trade, trust I know what the Vublic'demand, antylutt I zri prepared g ton t tha e n e ks ti to p t tibitc for - Otelr • libeml tattronagp to me lu. the past, I hope,hy strict attention to my business and their wants, to merit a coutimiiince of their patronag” in the future. a THE MILLING FF7-1.1, ANI) t oltA.l2 , I BJJSINIAS, Will he confirmed, In all Its departmetits, at the ERIE 31 . 11 / I t S, PAIIADF. STREET, • f and the sfore; LTA j 43 'l 4- ' I) A. K ROW , • - • Between Brown , s Hotel and Reed:House, . Where Omppubliciclllfindagoodscotial ways for Pale, with competent awl panto men on hand to supply ,, thelr wants.. aptifid7-IY. , H. 13. HAVERSTICK. • 0 • EFtzE M .4.11.111:E ,M. A. DIINNING, - • • 44,0016. Peach Bireet, between 10th,and: • , 11th, Erie, Pa. . Monuments, Tombstones, Marble and Slate Mantles, &c. I,havu on hand a largo assortment of monu mets and headstones of vanons styles. In American and Italian marble, and' a corps of the best Workmen lu the State. All orders will be:promptly attended to and salimaetion guar anteed. 31y work Is warrath.d utasurpass.d. and (*cannot b. undersold by any ono. Orders and inspection of stock and prkass Irrhl9'67-Iy. .....GERM IN SAVINGSIINSTITUTtON, et.rrter Vigchtli and *sit • orriutirrx p9sr or - Fit•E. • Thimiti,,thutton 1. tiolr upon tot tii. tion • °Friel. lioUlts: 9 A.!+l: to 4 I', M. • SATURDAI , : • 9,.1. M. to BP. M. •••• Six Per Caw. interest will be !liven by this pls. % titutiGT Depositors, J. Elellenbuilty P. A. lieCßer; •F.: P. _ • Jelin Uenxbohner. OFFICERS:. • ...... . Dlntthetcrlehlainlecker, ........ F. Schneider, .•_., • • lieenlnry. liy2'B7-Iy. „ 7 !g. ciruirAAJlirs, DESIGNER & DECORATIVE ARTIST] Neateat, Cheapest, and Beat SigetTaintlng West ofAlew York Iltallse-Churches. &c., yrescoed trethe neatest style of the art. (lemma] Desigutu.;; • Drafting of Waits for the latent Office,. and every ,deseription of Orna mental Painting executed promptly'. Hamar la rants' Elsa No S. second Boor. WIM-1(. White Men Must Rate America. CUM FOR 18118*138 FOR 1808. The Nest New York Weetar PubUth;tel• NEW YORK DAY BOOK ! Vali 11§06. The".:ew Turk Day-Book 11s a straig,htforwsird Radical Democratic pa r, With a larger clrcu tationthananyother emberatic Journal ever published on this continent, and it enters, on, the threshold of DZil more prosperous and more hopeful of the great cause It upholds than ever before. Standing on the Declaration of Inde pendence, that "all (white)' are equal," and therefore entitled to equal rights, it fs opposed to all forms and degrees of special legislation that conflict with this grand central truth of Democracy, and over all and above all, does it combat that munstrons tteastin to, American liberty, which, thrusting the negro element in to our political system milst of necessity wreck the whole mighty fabric left us by our .futliers. Chsi has created white men superior and Re.; aloes inferior, and therefore all. the efforts : the twit six ' yelln. to abolish. ills wo rk and coati Use with meow --evi•ry law violatd, eve ry Slate roustitutlots oTertbrown, every Ili.. siwrilleed and every dollar expended, are ne c.c.s:wily Just 80 many snips towards national suicide; and the simple and awful pro trio now upon us Isjust this-611E111 we recover our rea son and retrace on r steps, jor march on to Moo grelbon, social anarchy, and the total ruin of our colltdr , rite Day Rook, 1 liere.ore, dean n,t the re. o ration 01,1 he" I.7inoti as it ae"--111;111 1 / 11 of a equal State , upon the wlqte as the o ly hon.; and toe only mean., p.nlblru na for sa VIM: I lie 1,111.11 d 1.11 :el of 1774, awl the fillAkl• unit-Mal prictille , of Atitt•rloitu lila rty, 41111 if the teal Ire , nlen, and earnest bcdieverti in that sacred and glorifuni cause in whivli 114 r Revolution otTeretl 111/ their • will non, ,l•• .1 ~; lie Mong P.' H Y , „i i 1‘ L•• .11. .if I .1 111 ON •111412;11 , • %FEL , - ,•r„•;. 11,111, , r, nereatter be i• .et °lea till the varied purls,- ~. • . - toliseiou , that it reach . ••• t,w.o $ $ I.» 'ho take tlivothet I their 0(11 paper, it will OM , nue and 'town, e its of the smontar , , wt to )to present a transcript of the Wort. l's events In each l•sue. Its "F"^l -14 t • :Anent - will enibmce the hint original •ed stories. ' Itii"Amivultural Drpart ' will be fully inistained, and being the of It...lass made up expro.sly for enLitlon, It Is confldent It Is worth then hurriedly reprint m It given full and complete re ports of the New York and Albany Cattle 3Thr k.ets; Grata. PTCWISIOLLS and Cotton Markets, and a Weekly review of I Financial matters, to gether with the markets, by teleitrapb, from New Orleans, Cairo, Charleston, Philadelphia, &e., &e., up to time of going to press. ' Terms--Cash is Advance. One copy one year 00 Three copies :one year $ ' b W Five copies one year, and ono to the getter up of the club 10 00 Ten copies ona year, and one to the getter up of the c1ub.„......... 17 &I Additional copies 1 7 Twenty copies one 'tear, and one to the get: ter up of the club I `XI 00 Specimen copies sent free. Send for a copy. Address, giving Insist office, county and State In full, VAN FiVRIE, HORTON & CO., decl2. No ib2 Nassau St., New York.. • • - n/ - 7" Cor. dr Penn and St. (Intl. streetg, ' PITTSBURGH, PA., • - • The Largest, Cheapest and most Stmeesiful • Practical Basiness College IN THE UNITED STATES.' Fifteen Thonsand Studenin From Thirty -Three States • ilt Teh Yenrv. FOR LARGE QU I ARTO , CIRCULAR Containing full inforni • of Study, aum Premium parttrients, City pf Pit the Principals, urt I Inylti to; FrICAL. James P. Croak, ha ; lug taken In MS non Jas. E., as a part ner,.m he Ist day .pf April, UNA un der the firm mime of Jana., P. Crook ct tlop, de sires to have a hetthament of Ms old accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to him are requested to tall and sett le.without lay. . - .JAMES P. tAmog & SON,' • , Ilehlers in ROUGH & PIIANED LUMBER, And 518tufacturere. of WIND. INV . ....11 4 11, Fit4A1.1.. ,4 , DOORS .1311;;Lis. Pit'ket t tat /1A tud Nan t.tie t.. order. .iii Pellet! ! . .. 4. 1.;• 1t4.1%1011i thul r ifth W.• 1.-.1,...1tti11,. ,131.1 the Attention 01 the nut, ni• liA our I wilities 1,4 doing work. in the hipit of ~.ty I. prompt la anti tin reasath ri onie teus; [hav ing tit N.,' op ,oitirelyinew shop,, with +I erica antehinety, We ti , el(uailident tif givta,.. , se fifeleee time. 01 - .ler , I', ozn al,rowi will teerivel rorapt attention. n:52k ,, r1. U. JAINIES P. ['ROBS; .1 'UN. I . • 1"1.11.11,14:11('!".: Yational Claim Ageii 1 1 , _ .)trov fu Farrar Building, Erie, Pa LoT,III FRS' 130171,.:TV4 4 1 claimants for Mara bounty allowed I.)y late Acts of Congress, ennl have the same pmimptly collected by sending their discharges to Me, the receipt of %% Well will be promptly acktidwiedtf ed and instructions returned. OF 1'EN310.).:4. $l5 per month for the toad loss of Ilse of either leg or arm, instrod i. 3„ f 2 per tnopth breach minor child of deceased soldiers nr s“amen. Also, other increases.. ADDITIO\.\L FOR VOL.. oFricvms 8. A. Three months pa); proper for all Jo service March 3d. and dlselqirged• lifter April titpot66. Claims cashed. claims for arrears of pay, ,and 11619104, - and bounty, promptly collected . Unequalled Mein tlaw for closing and completing claims. Atiow- Mice to prb.oners of !war - collected. Only agency In North-Western Pennsylvania where years of experience In the U. Treasury can be totpul Thankful fur the ivery liberal pritronkge be stowed in the peat _ we hope by Increased expe rience and unremitting attention to patrons, to secure their continued favor. Office. in Farrar Mall Address . 4 S. TODD PURLEY, • Bock Box 101. Erie. Pa. - atl7'6Lt-tt. FOR THE FARNERS. suzE ro r ng rg i gl i k. si . te m: p in4n m solg ru! rs. WOOL TwrilE, tit WO'. FFONEE422O tonn. BE. And IInron: u. , SCYTTiLl'..—Grass!Aiiilsrorn,:o? the • asl.- - ton, ker.. ' GRAIN' CRADLEL.-:-GrapCkloe Suit youiple!o with Acytiies. , '&-Je tlne 1. • • HOES, Shovels, Spades,ManurePorkAr(l H.iy,,Knivqr,' for rote by , ,•. :CI P rench , I,lreet. EAGLF, FOUNDRY, Poach Streo, , at! l ove tho . llno;ato.Road, r - ERIE, P 4.", 2 .1 • , • . ' ."I:_s--;' • , • ME! CO.i MANUIVACTIMETtS OV PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVE 3, TIN AND DifitET utpN .. ,WARE,••• TBE CELEBRA7AI CURTIS PLOW And all kinds at Iron elylt,lngs. Every Stove sold by us is waipinted to give satisfaction. Kettles, Sleigh Shoes, Sad Irons. &c., on hand and manufactured to order.* PlOws. and Plow Points of superior make and durabili ty always on hand. A call and a fair trial of • our articles is all we, ask. . mr/S'irt-tf. HENRY, BRYANT & CO. • J A . A.. 3E3 1, ;f4s, • DEALER 17 'AND OHIPPEIC OF i r egef - ab4S and. Provisions,- PUMPS. eze.. •• • No. 2.l,,Eait Fttlh, Street; rte., ... . . ~ . . t ii,,1,11" 0 - m WU/11001i , /t the tilablie tt) /tie . . . Oct that L:ftbm . , _.• ' • . ' Nell Li Hon CiNunnihosion. - - -, di ..., 1 art/0)1,r 'titration paid to that Ursine". and to forward:fig s,o,4lilers all Ittnds of Vegi, , - talite*, b'rrati, &c. , .' . ~.'• ell'ikt-t.f • • C. 3. raiFGLEttslizt • • liar opened a new t" 1 • . (Ma', Teodit, Pr odu.e•O Store. • • . • • • al. thereorner of • • Eleventh azi State Street's, ,To which he tulre We attention of nil 'Rim 'need ai t Ahtllg a l He Areal in every-, :. 1 3 .110.DWIDES LINE, so And warrants Wm floods to be equal to tbObest lri the market. • • 'AW 11:widens& =rid price in cash pop for kinds of country yrodnon... • aptNme ' J. BICHENLAUB &LCD., lASA.NUFACTITHERS OF' BOOTS & SHOES ! No. 62S State Street. • 1 DEtA IL DEPAIRTNENT. We bitve Just finished, and prepared for itui -16 in gilent lon, a mannnot h stoek of 114 Gaiter., Rubbers. ete. enthrnetng every de,,ertn vartery of , 111111,%11)101 for style qunlit, , v and 11111 , h eann..l Ine tin market ,nll of which ore "O'er. d nt ht , e rate l ß-i We ah.o it* fa) 'aid tion tc. For xldeli the finest collction] or Untied - . 10. kept'ol hand, and (11(11.1t:l Is ...cured to acconmeeiiiting eveLeiner , •• •tyle to ',Wier iii•rr,ty " , 9tientl.,ll 1, . Wlifi+l.F.%, !Nil' 1"5 1% . 1t , tt't 111:1441)1.1.• • •... • • . I .f. • •, \c• ..tgl. Wt•:: 1>C121)LIT; II to -up) .n , Ilort not I •.t.l ,tt •:I.• 1. • tv• .\>Ul.lnn>, Thin d LEATHER AND FINDISIir. Embracing' French, German an 5... • e, Calf Skins, of 1 , t,u15‘1 varied el., • and snarthli sole Leann Freneh a..• MU I[o , lns of all colon, prises. With oar inereabel f..clLtics ue tow in: any P.wdern manufacturer, and wake t,. order tiny %Ind of work ,- atitine by the Trutt, - . Thankful for the paNt . patrOmre of tie public, Nl*, impv , 2t.fulLy holiest a continuance of the mune, se2ls-tf. A. . - .NI -I lei IGi . Crrocerics and Proviaionb.:, And everything that Is usually kept In a Firm Clasa Family Grocery: ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH /fir Goods delivered free In any, part of lii ettyor South Erie.- _ _ oe3-tf. Dealer in' Furniture Raving purcha , cd the entire block of Furn tore of Stessts. Moore S.: RAMO, I re,peetrell salt my old customers and the public genendl Idgive me a call at the old ntand, ' Outline of Course pies of Cowley'e in enmansl4ip, • . Defore purcluthing. elgewhere. 011111 e 1. 01 Parlor, Chamber uitd Bed Houitt Sets lIMES3=II Pitt. , burgh.7l": BEDSTEADS. TABLES, 'WARDROBES; fq•-••• , x...1, • • And. In fact everything In the tine .it r I ant priliared to mataltautllit.lotmlot any ,t 3.1 that may be callmt u,r. Keirliqiihfr. Ni.. 7 State street, east side, , 4 , venth ail Eighth litteetk. ap2Sta-tr. _ ..1011N ;6 REAT Zi] .0 UCTI Wi J. (. SELDEN, CUt-4PO 711 h No. 6 West ScrEntn btsebt =9 J. VICRYNTAIIR 6: CO CHEAP CASIE STORE. • ck,, n - of Bth and State Sts = Wood, Willow and Stone Ware, The best bmnds of Erie County Flour, Always on liand. Eall and eltuntne prlc4. w . v 451, Wliole , ,ale nail Retail NO. 715 STATE STREE'I ME! FIRST-CLASS PIOUS! TA)r, IS ItElti;E Manlifacturers of FIRST-CLASS AG R AFFE 0 VER. -'l' \ • - WAREROONS, 97 BLET! 1 . 1:P 917,...E1a Thesu Pianos L...e recommended by the ma• entincntiudgcs,and..ce, for power, fulln tlcity of touch and aurahtllty, ar ...1 - 1Na51.4.41 ht any plmuog :mete In this cunutry; FOR FIVE 171;:s1:2.5 -trat Catil , ,q,to and Price 1.1.; he wail on upnlierktfc,a. febt:rtaly. 7 IN PIZICILIS4 E. M. COLE & SON 093:EMEI Ilarpors' and'sitallar 31agw:IneN, at 75 cents per volume. Goiley'e, and similar Magazineq, at $1. 4 10 per ruluine. " Ilarpeeg and Frani: Leslie's papers, at 62.25 per year. Wenre also making and ',felling lank Book s! REDUCED PRICES! Ittnrleri• ovef•Keystcine National Paull:, cor tler State and hilt qtyeets. • ap2a-tt. w , • • BOOK BINDERY, .• Blank-. Book 3lannfae.tory . ! • We would respeetfolry annoxttice to th",a/pohji‘ tbat.we.lutye opened a . . 130011 , and aro prepared-to do work ; In any, lorptieh . ot the biviness. • • • . . BLANIi• ROOK'S! •. of all kinds,. on hhnd and nnuh• to ,ruled to any pattern desired. • MAGAZINES ANT) OM) GOOK toundand•rep.i.tred Is•et, 1)k •.• ._ RtNivEttl• mrEit Keystone Ni t f k otal Bank tir p e o . corner State 'dui anon. ' • E. 'NI. 011,1,:•,4 . • • • l o pestrintellit , s.6itcer THE: ' . DCMlX;ratic Journal in Pella • • The, Lancaster e.-.1,,b1 &he has alrays liven known 11.3 a lirt•;-; IA • • lltteal and Family Newspapiit, tVeeho Intelligeneer is now 1.03 hygest Dmmeni:i pa pa pnnllxhetl In Peniniylyania. It hitx tatetyt been greatlyiinpknrect In all temeet,, and is Jukit Sstielt paiSer as every De-,ucrst .- . . elie publisher& of the Intelligeueer regard it i to be the duty of every:Dettrocrat to Rapport. hb. I county paper.' in DM:Mance to F itly °Ow: note. j there areturuty who will be Dimly to sub , ,erttat , for more • than one pl.per during the'pendina 1 Presidential campaign, _they have coneluded to Direr the Weekly' InteUlgencer at the Unlow.. into' rates: • - i ' , • Single copiesone year,. ,52,06; Five copies $9,00; Ten +topics 817 i t124 erventy copies SAW; Thirty copies 4.15,04 to address, one addrea4 $(10 (t); . Flighty eoples, to One VOA. 'WV tu. telligencer 'PM per annum. $1 - Persons wishing to sellreal estateca n find no better advertising medium than the Weekly • Int,lUppcer. - Address . , :11; ei. SMITS& co. Lineaster; Ps: EitiE •,CayililiON WORKS, hoop Skirt - it Corset Depot ERIE. I'd.. Di ANUFAcTUREIto or The Bradley Engine! A !:rye Double 4'l iiii4l4.l - V.twitei 1.•;%4 'EI I P.'11'1;.% %% %WI -• •••I..iiii ior 404 ; rtsl NI • • ,t.• pntcr•t Mari .1. '4lllO, 1111.11 T Ch." Witt u,IE +lt'•tlil_ N4,11'; - ti \ • ,•;-; Oil 4 ., NI/ 1% % • ANt. 'orcigu'A Domestic Fruits, NO. STATE ST., CORNER NINTH Pine Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Peaches, ,TEZ..I.NVIIERRIE.S, ETC., Always on hand In their season Parties promptly furnished with every de sertption of CAKE, PYRAMIDS, ICES, 17rc. ETC. The nicest store west of New Torts. up2:l-1.1. 2,500,000 clustomers hnt Four Years. PATRONIZE TILE BEST. 111.VING the largt,t capital, most experi enced buyern, and rxtewave truth, of any concern In the DoiLer Rate bu.iness, we . Guarantee 'Satisfaction in every instance, and also the best ni.teetaiii ..cxxls ever otlerp , l ut One Dollar lEttelt. _ No other concern has any Hilow wherever um Agents are selling. Our motto, "Prompt and Reliable.'! Mate and female agents wanted in city and country. 'l' I-I 10 LA ) FIS p a rtleularly requested to try our I>l/pllll,l club, ystem of selling all kinds of Dr an cc Goods, Dress Patterns, l'otton loti,, ra•tor- SHY er Plated G .1(14, W tt r E,ta b I 1,1, 1.41.1 A. patent pen fountaht and a elas It oft.• .rdhUa; an art tele to be sold for a .1 lint, 10 eb.: ii rr. nfp 2 i• If' for ?tit .100 o.,Slo; nt by ,v 611.11. (VIA loony tllo , c rent by Any "tiler eon eerno ueeordlng to size of club. Send us a trial elub, or If 134 A, di, not lull to send for a etreulto N. 11. —Our should not be elassed With I hare a tam New York dollar JrWelry ..utte". or 11,r,tur. "T , It IS nothing of the ~rt. EAsTMANS ti FNDALL, Si tlau , •ver St.. Boston, .M,Ns. it-i-im• • ti t hprizect • a pit at S:11.111. CAPITAL PAID IN 'THE sECONit NATIIINAL It tNli MONVAY. 12TH. in the , bunking office prtqlousiN Iwetipi,(l b.? tic Nft.refititier. flrnwn'os Minding, tinclll-0, t ocrner of Stale Ntreet and public lurk. WM. L. SI W.M. s'. 4 I . ltil.V, rit.cmitt. tV:d. L. sot try, ,0 firm of J. ti.,u u a • t I Is airy. Ur -If firm of -4•hb Si if•-1 %mei, limbic', 1 ;Li p, .1, MtAtTi oWN. A,4,11-1 A 1:n, R. R. ill'itfil->.`",•11 thin ~ f, Hug, 4 ,17),f01. • , I' 11. ,IIA• A f, . f \: ~tl ~ ~. =MEM --------- JUST OPEN'‘ED. .% ;in % ) %yell to.trott-1 t.f Slmes, Tin. Japanned, Brit iania and PORCELAIN WARE, CISTERN AND WELL PUMPS, flotise Furnishing Goods Getterally. PATTERSON & AVE.RY, We al3o have a large and well arranged shop, with all Memoriam improvements for manu facturing tin ware of every description, and with a corps of competent workmen, under the supervision of Mr. C. Avery (who has had many years experience in city work). Ware fully pre pared to dojob work of all kinds with neatness and dispatch. Arc well posted Insetting. hotair furnaces, roofing, etc.. Call and see ns and ex..' amine our stock. tub 19'64-Iy. Erie City Steam Bakery ! , W. J. SAKI S CO., Proprietors. Ninnufacturerg of all kind% or Crackers, Bread, Cake, Sze. Ntso, the cetehrsttett f'EXCEI.SIOR " CR.% CIE Eltti., • And hole Inanufneturprs of Oil; patent •' NOVELTY WROPs, • ' A s Partnty. corner Stale And Eric: Pol. my 21-tt • ‘r r RELME nnt1111:11/11NAERC111}.1 1,111.t•te• %. • •• L!..osaiu4 I=l2=l=l Vfa •• . r t zSlonnifivig (er.o• Trzfl 4 ts •• .4.41 `-• verflp II lIIIIEINIMii : . 1“; [•11.\1, 1 1\ 'OW ~"1111-.42 • o r. A I,:jg C: <'t?.. l'r4t411141:: Peo% 1.141'.)12. 4 , = Execetitor" Notice:. • v.,rrtac, Ti.s3A Alf Nth El feu the estate 'j ot P . /.1/3h Hut tiler, tt rerase.l, %atrium, been rn-er, uranted to the and resigned • 'notice is m,reh,) given to ,411 intitdued to n•dtt '•-staLtt• to Ltake IMMedlute pnynteut, and tho-n lotvlng clanna agritn.t the s.tme•lrtt - present them, duly authettd kilted, fur bettletuetn. C.E4AIi t3I7:IIILLES{, ACIIH 14LEBEL, Executors. =3 - JOE', rr,,rmNa of every kind, In large co arall'quantitita, plain or colored, done in the, and , at niodenit, prices, ut the observer oaten . . IbLANIO3I BWKB —A complete casort. ment of every kind of Manka needed by Attorneys;_ Justices, iJonstables and 81211110811 lieu, for sage tit Me Observer Mee. OM OEM • 4=4 . 15:0 +.5 14' FTC., PENNA i .1) =EI MEI EMI 527 Fi each St., Erie, Pa "v;.:011 111,omiug ..... •JO a s Ire. cu.." ('.orrn. t,f v. foitt V, *rem, 'it I= 1!IMIIIIII:MME =MEIM =Meal IE!1=MI AT THE New York Hoop Skirt Manufactory tools wi'A'ri.:Nyr. MEI Neat, Light, Fashionable and Cheap. S'FICLE•4; 1 11111.-N ; .1 P IP 1•• P; sr! , qll,l •42 ...tit , ' a 11,,ritrat tult• , l , il n. 11.11, Si M , Tol gliar.;ll. • • ct 11:o. Ur, lit the 113,-1114 „tc, ZIVO ~ 111.1 t . 10 1, e 1 )1 A,.• will 1,1 J. w Ili11:1 Sill •• . tikirt• rt•l, tll.l ; New haul tePle: :41 , .1.4e11111 1 1 n 31.1 . 0r...1..,/et , • 111:111 ~ I , Nu. 11_h -.tat. :Si., , , i , _•4_ • • TAT] WORLD." At the opening of the .Vear .1,,,, —rhe Won.l ell:04,11;es, more conlbleaW num et tr, I.e sylllpdtily and support 01 a.. Pall:a/UV vaJz. 11. 1 glorious. trot k has been gloriotedt 1,gi,,,_ Deep 'dreads answer. deep. The long tvi ti , c , of Luis Journal to the nurse of IlLelly pr,,t,..,,,,, by law &Lands nobly vindicated lit a i.i , 1 , 1.1(,:, i : vietory;'..3hining Irina >Lune to Cable nig. Cor,. neeticut, Gino, Pennsylvania, New Jt net, N ew York, have thundered fprth their '..tits iii..:, tile misrule and inaduel....s of the„past. 13et an, mole remains to be done. Neter It ab the r. , :r.: of the.couht ry greate.. ilie Radical party „ v.! decrees the dead] of representathes,ll.g, 4 ,,. Meta AI tell sovereign :states. ..trni.,l tt an lin:- nary , le,putisin and wholesale Nigro SON, it despendely irritsps itt a permanent h.,,, 0 power, in defiance of public opinion. at them.; of enormous taxes and of crippled,... at the cost of Union and Peace. To the great battle. still to be fought •'Tig World" will give all its efforts, all it, merit, } , IL asslts of its friends in their turn as into-h: a asks of theta Inure marten and a a pier i mv u . enee. IL asks this with confident, u. it, ,:ite., WY a newspaper Ilia' US an urg,:ti of rq 11.1 , r.. 'rite elaiet use of a NeWNpaper i• il/ ,:,il POl readers ALL TILE N EWS. Fur till, the faellitieh or "The World ' art• wr qurpa , -rdj,y an 3 Journal In thy- Er 'reina t4a excel by an acvtimey and Cahill/T. 11 Spirit and ft e,linc , s in tt, to•w• columns sal ,dl, shall commend It to le ~ i erqfd psny, sex, creed or place. As an organ oropinloo "The World" to- the an tillichltig champion ,d A Liberal, Democracy, sttwiLrui U ico'rriaer quilt. lo I . ta uy Ju,stice• I'rLedoui pule and ..:In.ple in tL taig,e.t ettlfLct/Ve m• :, 01 the .)thl of Jmt..r oelpg to protect F10c.1441a 11010 0110r 4 ,..411a14 n••, rreedoin 01 the einal eitizen Ott tutat, ..peteh, iv/Igloo and 11,1 4 1111 /1.11,1 j ; ingot to lati/.1, ally 11.1424 Itarg.lll. , lic tI4.ILS.t ;Tat; 44 1,411011 11,01 , 144.4,4, 11: algal., to buy and '44,11 Ili all Waif, 1 , , 414. a. ...t/, .1114.114.4re1t.t1., ill •pite 01 unJubt xn 1110 114.01 t to rliyo c 110 000 10 , .1 I vile of inctl4lle,onw tempt ;4.1, 1.. •, alglit to 111)10,e0taLloil In too 1/: ~re 4 tax him, in 'lifto of une......*.1.1:41,1 Fr,,,,tom of Collective elta, i., w,...- {otul'deU,:th,...ll-•10n 4,1 ale\ I.ra .1 .ill local .0000 wiltu , to uninage tn..: at af fair...W:l.ll.M central In tertci ci.. c , ova. f the count*, :ruin 11. c .151 gut atal an, o0;44 it Litton,' rtia11i.4!144,4 44: 4 :tat .1 - r. 11111,, a l,io large and el,. 11 , 1, :41, I.: Pane 0111 011010 up tlit 14011t1, of "'lt, ‘,llll tieVer lie baud Want tlig to t141:•,1- ttal intere,t 01 the country and 01 the .k pupe publi,heci in thy tnetrupuP, ially tuukud to fur enryini 3.1.0ket re! rt' .Y 4.1 autha•uuc intormotiuu,:dyl r relating to Vrade, Cc:H.lll(.lw and Finance. in the,. lvatunn. \\".nl.l" in% It. , purl, m WWI any 1-'ll Cho At'l:EKftl' ‘VOIII.L., larp , , itt t, -ann• ntLe as Dal*, L. !Wu* print, .1 ,‘1,....!‘ Jt L a t . ge pv, and ,stlim 1 4, 1 Is ArgU,) tile largi .. ,t err:lo.ol.qt .a .011 of rnal pni I I t-ati• "tr. li IN au Julllll.ti lur tia• I . W lit, 14..der. 0,11111: , 31, re 001,1. U.,. . W. 1111.1 1 largo• lush, -.amt. sa,• ..Ira t he peat .at uh. Iron. the thutgelsc that app ,, a , lu the wc-0:1) ino , ll-:, , Ni rth-,ht:. aunt Friday. The DAILY WI IRLDattords a trt nAlitinl and ili...av,hat ut th.. n, I, 14 v.. cry lESIM ri:UM-. WEEKLY Wi.)lt 1 Copy 1 year ............ . s'2 0 , cor,. I year, separately RdlDY , ned .... to 10 eoples Iyt ar, m-parately aildressetl ..... IS .11 Copies 1 year, to ono nAldreqs. ..... 211 collie. I 3 ear, separately . '27 0 . , CA) etbpit. 1 yea), to one addreo. . s ' "! :,1) el pit, I year. ...eparattly SEAT-WEEKLY WORLD. ropy 1 3 ear 4. 4 03 4 cop' 1 year, ,eparately add! e.oool , t , la 12oine. I:, ear, to one add' ...... . lu copo 1 3 ear, ,eparately addre ,, e4 '21.! to DAILY WORLD. 1 copy one year. CLUB PRIZES. For club of 1. 1 to on.? :1.1,1re.. 1 ., 1 Wcoids 1 100 D DIREUTit A:1,11(10aq to clubs may ni d. t o,y time In the tar at the above club I all, Changes in club list , : made only tai r 01 persons' teeetving club package., stallng Linn, pelt office and State In which It has inusly been sent, and eneltrslin; MetilY - the cents to pny for trtaible 01 the change to sepo rate address. Terms, cash in advanee. Send, if po—Able, Post Claire Money Order or Bank bran. hail sent by mall will be at the ri•-1: of sender. Weanive no traveling, agent , . Specimen rep. post.vrs, etc., sent tree 01 charge wherever henever desired. Address all orders and' letters to E WOEtAe, Jails-4;w. :35 Park How. New York. `PRo&iPI CTti&3. THE-MORNING PATRIOT. l'he oilier of the late l'at 1 lot and truion hay. Mg passed into the hands of , the undersign , t, they prpte.e to supply a vacuum that lap, Ion?, eX'Sied in the mwspaper press of interior sylvan From some cause or other the reaMil„: of the Democratic party of the _teat Ina. !tor eouuttes of the -.tare' have bets titer to do without the latest. news er atrnize Journals whose political sentint, O gle , di, hostel al to them. Vb. 'Morning - Patti, I is int, taleit to supply this want. Its propt actors are dril rminc,l Iron shall le spared, on their p, tt. to in.the it .1.!ly equal, as a newspaper, to any of its VI, hat ever the elect he wires arc able to iimuau• ideate, up to the hour ut going to pr L s.., turmshed In Its eultuuns evei \ 1111,r1ling; .ml Its lame siZe will enable It to give quitciLs anal; reading Matter as any of its contetupotara , an advocateof sound political s entiment ,, tav,iring tto faction, yinine or section, but dote .ling Its vat ire energies to the good of the Ckh. l ' parts as it Vehiele or the latest heir., rind 3 chronicler of pAssing events ' ire are dcteriala it It shall not ho excelled; rind we confidently al. peal to a discrithinating public for that appo , elation and encouragement which are Indl 4 pen , mode to success,. ' TERMS: For the [laity, one year in navance Six nvaitits, , tn.zle Cordes. Three Cents. TIIE WEEKLY PATRIOT. It is the determination of the proprietor, of the Patriot to Make their weekly Journal fully e piarto what the Patriot and Union %ca.'. In pintie..t d acs. It will be one of the I vg. -, t week ly paters in the State, and speolal pan, will he taken to till its columns with such r , q• ing ma ter as will be alike interest:MA and t 'n vr fel to the Farmer, the Mechanic and Me Jiao of llu•-int-ttt, anti to make it an agreeable nut weleome ve.ltor in every family. Every person vitould subserfhe to Ole Filwr printoi In his own county, and we do not ilO to enter lino competition with the log a 1 part. of the Slate. Ilut, many people take their !vane piper WO Cty p3per ruldlt ion. ,To such rfc send ettet log "Ingle copy, one year " sIX months Ten copies, one year Twenty copies, ono year VIJAY copies (to on' adclivs.) one year, .... . One hundred copleg " All orders should be addressed to B. F. MEYERS S t Harrisburg, Vs BEN Well bigging. II ItCSTEIZIIOLTZ, or Sterrettanta, I pared to (111; wells In any part of Lne tsainty. tic nays a horse and Pulley, Whleh eu• nblet • Will to do the work faster and cheaper than by the old method. Harem to Chas. Koh• ler oar Conrad Max, Erie city •, Israel Mosier or John Sheol :, West MIII Crev.-1: ; Andrew Sar. won or David Fairview. jyl6 tw _ - - J OB PRINTING of every kind, In large or • muall quantities, plain or colored, done to the hest style, and at moderate prices. si Observer aim I P.. 415. TEMIS