The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, November 05, 1868, Image 4
EMI MM: The Song Cabinet, ESE SINGING 1 , 011 T 111: Seminarie , :, ACZI6.C7.IiIeS all ! Singin2; Cin!, .E Ty C. etp. This Book co1.11.1:11 FIRST.—A very eareralis. of Pri mary Sotm SECO:Sat:v.—A la, ,:4• f of and beau tirut i d ooi you . khoet %at:, tEi—The - , ly for use at School iw ee pt,ous, I ,and Z : xlzSbiiltiOns. Tile pulita.licr 1;1 1 ru-entin" this work to It.. la r-, would' call special Lt teattoo 1. 1 iLs as a School soarr Bock. Tau n very careful tit the Select hen of lub:Ml'•-1(', \ Val .011 is zargost enitivly v.v.', ana 1.; it appropriate uortl-. un d obji-. ad l titiments, trblett V.lll 00111TTIOLV1 11, 1 . c p!..;'l In .111 car ;t3l, ;old Bexaintiries.. The Fos; r I,en adopted by the Beard of 1.1.111 , ,a11,:, tilt Text liGok for the Public tnk city f New York. Price, CO L, th. To Scheele, fze., Six nal - pt r =I Sample ceipt. Q 1 51.) scuts, Pail's - hod by \i 31. RAM. 0. J. -irvaLLARD, No. 543 Iflroilfll3:t3--. O. J. 7.‘" ; • t r :r •-7 Wholsale -kg' ,1t for el., otv ana State of Sew York. for to, eel, bratcd 0 t 4 PIANO V 0 11 DES? Are striPtly ~ pc•nlr in:: r rl , l Imre not failed to becorue tho 1.1. A 1 wi,,,v er introdueed.. Dealor.3 n lii I.L. tlic; Lowest Wbuic , ale Itatc...s a n , l ;!. - nrmt; protee- MOLL La r.• 11.1, t:1". 1'1,7 ( (II lel I /ficene , s Iran phot,zropli,, ,cnt t•• .ILy ad...trws on appt teat d.. 1 1.,,s 0. J. WILLARD, • Whole9ale Agent .7,11 LI oadv. York. fC D. 4.64-, B=l AMERICAN ORGANS! 0. J. lYillara, .*.;Tnt. T. C::.seb arc the IN Tiil•: .MAIIIi.KP New and lwauti 1,1 in .1, and 1 , ,o1 . 1:11`;111,114, —are made .rota the I,c , 1 IJI Malt teal, VOlee.l with grtial, cat tag a ,mouth lope olg tn quallty of tone, et dr, stet ow now. Are nt high ; 1 1:1.kel; \\ :anot turd Rosewood Lo:cs, tulh (10111)1e Wont' icdnls, 1,:o( ean oils, etc. All I/liven. , tre molo N;op, utth,l2le). !11 , am I , le , ;te t.LI-t 1,1 le r WI, 11.11,11 1 lee 11,1, P..1c1C.1111.1., , JaF-t". ;,;.: 1t,,011\ .I,Y, N. - - LT 4C.; f . 4 0 1: 711: : (.-...'7 - .74'ii'irr -. ..'• • ; -'-: ,,- .. ; -..:0 ::,• - •J , : - '::... -- -..--o. . • ,---=.....-..---,--,, • 7 .. -- ,- =,, .........,_,....._,:7-. :-.',.) .ii. , !••"•?:. -- i'''....' -.--- 7= --:-'—' 7 •—.•" -- ' 7 7 --- ; "". -:=i ~ : • - ",r.-_. - _, , -7,- - ;:.7.:;,-;..i'-_ .......; - .;.•..... - .. - 5t.7:::-_,-_,____• ••••,..•_••,, -r- - y,..-:_;:,:,;;-c..„- - 1---r - Nt.:l-, - -. 41.• ..• 1 40 .1 a... , -- . • t - • r:', . Pianos from Steliviroy , Song, Marglial & Tra sr r. Emil Gabler. Also, Meloil..oll.S 11.11 d Organs PI 1i , .. .It.. 1... , .11... k.,4,t1. 1, low n, , a.qty, ,31S . r• Ik I r,. A.very I:l,:ruin, :•.t. liarr...i.ted fin 11, e yea,. . , Ai.,,, 11.. 1 . ! 5- ( -,.. in.; . :'t leilin••• , ^. 1 , •tantly on 11..11 , 1. .1.7 . , el y : kii.C1111)1.! Wtll MIA Rd it y tlll LE ye:!,. No. 5, 158ii.te street, Erie, Po. Jan:.!-tt. Z. SATI'INII. 1 .2. ~k )1%. I _ \' . 6.' - . I*E.FI £e, CIL , , ; ' vE , i ' I' 2. C. FP t e t'IT, - 7 : P. SOA SO: P. C.IOAP.* OEM tS,e) MANFP WTT7111:1 - . OP " 4NO NA '° ' Coiner cf lifilland and Sixth Streets, PA. Greenbacks for Bonds, AD EQUAL TAXATION If "legal ten , h , rs" arc good enouch for the 6nj. • Liter, meryhant, farmer, mechanic, labor in, and all others who pay taxe4, they are good enough for rlch bondhoider)s who pay uo taxt.l2. - TILE PITTSIWILGII POST, The only Democratic. ,;ally in Wc,tern Penn sylva Ma, and a thqt-c1a.,,,. newspaper. Gi+.lll'.: the Ititetit, intolli.renee from all parts of the world. fall le , al and. (mum rota I repot togetle: er with a vast 01110001 or nil , cariancous niattei. ts deli% ert , tl to 1-I,S, ,, cribora iu Pitt^Ann'tilt and neigh °Hog cities a n d towns at the low price 01 Pifte n Cants per Week, or by krail, - Dollars a Year. THE WEEKLY POSY. Oren ntlon larger than nny Radical weekly pa per published in Penn , ylvankt. A large eight page paper, forty-eight columns of matter, eon :fling the li Wing editorials, as published in the Daily Post, toll reports or the doings of the Rump—late teli grants, ealile, local and market Npoftx, nariculttiral. poen y, stories, 4210„ it milled to at TWO DOLLARS A YEAR, Or when ordered In clubs of flee =a oti•er ONE DOLLAR AND ZESTY CENTS. • AV - Circulate the Post. and incre - im the Dem. crane vote. Alt orders rnm.i be accompanied with tht..ltt,h, and no deviation an be made from the ternn, (ZIVi.II above. Specimen copies maned to an fr..e d ch.,rce the pabliMtent, JAS. P. MEd& CO., • Dise - harge in 11anli.ruptcy. TN couiu I,, , ,Lnacti States for the We , l, rn rd Pnnsyl vania. T. P. Rah( rick, a It.thin opt under -the Act of ConerPss orMareh Ingappi led for a discharge from all his debt', and other claims _provable titii , rsaid Act, by order of the et,urt, Notice is hereby r.,l‘ en to AU pprqo7.lE Who have proved their debts, and other persona tt . t. Ito' caged, to at peat en the '..'7th day of - A IA(S, af"2 o'clock. ' balore S. E.Nk Rgister, at his utile, In rile la„.to shim, 11,any . they a, Is I la` niikehargr. should not he granted to t 1... said hanhi apt. Anti fare her nn- Lice N hen. Thy git en that the seeot.ii and ineetinga of art dltors of I he r.itht ha nl:flip% gutted t,y the AO, will be hail Before the sill Penh -ter ot the sLetne time and place. (Swill of L. b. Ct art for Laid Digtrict. ags-inv • "Fit ENildlrA I T I '.NTPit ham rinoved fromold R„ cs.kna, chi. IcT at, to the :lc Flrae three d,..d of t. `,,t1:1•" west Park, ‘ittaa4,,,,, ham •a vet) . 11rit1 Of C.W.E-S, &C., &C., warnuattitt tot, e 14.41 ,tyle, quality nod nn. inh to iiny in t' and reNpeotimy sou, Its a call Iron Ms' old frl-tils and the public anllsneduncrally, a.s.inring, thorn /maw xi w ill coftay , • •••••., fih,lt,f, Inuitoi. ,11,T.,,,,N. I:i,,ti—op.ii?ttoiziniciiier,t,i,i,_,fil/4,i,iiinif... Attorner, Jtmtico,. co:._;. , de, and .I.ltfonth,, Ilen. tin ii.fili , fit thel)lo,,f Sr l / 4 o fri r „ . ---- - - - ~. 1 Olt PRINTING- Or every 10 , 1,1, fry large or fp bruull you:aft/es, plain or eohirutl done tn • the bust atyle, and at zuodernte l•rlcea, nt the ObaerVer Wince. \ ••• •.- . E W pll E SSE S, AND SUPERIOR WORICIEN. BOOK . 1 ~~ IJ~ ~ a~Y 41-„, Q'f Job .I?rintiag of Every Demi - o'6i° 1 ,1 11,4, 111 ECEE Oar "L'-f:•1::,!1 of I:IT'S - LE:4, and our woransr.): equal Lit tiny iittlia coun try. :,:ac?.111,..y and t‘i:td e lal e IcLl ittlly war:4llU d to - clanuitl~tL.tO \:) (FFIc:: in ti ::. , tern - Part of tlio Sluts ~, y 0r..• or i in fa ci irng Out sror:: In a Cards ; Letter and Ml' Heads, Circulars, Statements, Wehave arratweelent, with the larg; - st anti egt , :hllsbnient In Buffalo for prrwttring any sort Q. , : Ete:raving that may be neoiled, In ny good ,tyLe and et entrttst Mg them to tr. will he nsmrrd of n Toot] pipes of work In the most prompt and RAtlKPle tory tounner. ~ mgs luraslnsl either on ‘Vt.w.,3, Stone or Metal. In [him deffariment vt•e 11,1, o faellitle% that are unqurra , ...d. having printing to hr •lone that rt.. - inn es Ituhnr: in oonnectiun, xt 11l fir.: it. to th.•:r n tepr , ..t to e•atnt-: it to re, We will that. it hhall he p‘ In a worhin.uilli:, , wan net and that the elnage; will be modpralp n ; <an 1.c.; atiarth.<l. - • pate., t^-• et:ft ed to t Imeer:th• forint: the w.t two :tam • das taroM..4ted uh to make era- c fort p•.l•sditte to efr.-erve td.c. mvors of our l rola,. me; Wt• take evpeetr I rntt eation In Intormum (Item and the putt le that we Marc hatad.,clLicl a tilt la; up lax: wtablisb snenc er;lial to every rota tar moPt of t le•e<mtettinils. ' • We are dr trimmad to el:in 1.10 WI tiLliTh be“t, only ask a trki to r:,tkry' tiny one tlia tt e claim ho more than v are johtly en tiiled "to. Cori:dam:ly crid/a•I 1 a full apply of Attorney', rust IN , - of Ilw P, rz , , , and Co., •,.., 1 ,1,-*A 1:1aol: of Oa.; ai,, fol bI.“I_NIC NOTES, 111 v 121) 1;.::1 I L FIL,It , or In n e .;,,,::- -- ..:z.," , , , ,, , ,- • , . ..,;.- - .-: - :-'- , VI ‘- ' - ': - 7 7—r -t" , -Z ';`, ,- : 7 9, • -- 2 , . • ,_,- :-, ---- ' .• - 7 ,--- ..- ~--••,. •:` -4 ;,%Igs.; • ;:: '-'!--'-. ‘,/,':`.,. t''.4'' . 4.(R"i:•4";..- 1;,,,/..A:.. 1.. .-. I ‘ lc.,if- ; :''',....:: - ,.: . .-- 7 . -;; ',...-".--' - 144'...:`,;...r.:.t . .,.:::_•:. "- rP,II i. \? --- y,> ... 1, ~ 1: ~.i. i A • ':.YN.:. - - -..- -,.—,•. : ,tiz4`.l , 4";':?:*ititii:, , - ,7 _l_ —: 14h4.,1 - :::- T. 0 4 1 i, :.._; ,p4 > 4 Li. ~.• , ~, r. y • ~, , ...., • 4 ' J ,4....tii . ,1 OA is.r.: _ • .7- - --.4a - t.../..if 1.41- - .lli , r, •,-.P.4 . - 1 ...,,,,,, , _, - ;:t.,.., .. • ~- v '•••,' .. ' " ' ',- ' • • , , ,, ;.1. , ..--410,1i t I `,N,..1'.' --, —.s . .tt: . _ - S•r.:i. - 11. i.: Crl.'T - , , . ' h rt-',-,- - , ;'' - ' 4 .,'-.4,••`:= -- i': • . ,i ~...te t t 1 i '' o ' l • ' 1: ' P I: (1 1 1 IT P ' ' - ' 7c. F P iii - c 7 "..-"." --- -4 L.Y" t s, ,i2l-:: 44, , MANUFACTOR" ! • P Id_.,: F .: -- - .3.iL - y" I i k. ~..-_.„ . - , ' 1 . .. - ., , Vi .• • 1 , rV4-..f];'s . 13. 3D—C -A X:IFTICI iS, 1 : Tr , ... ; ..... 4, 4 ' i . •,, ; Vi -- ;, - ,... -: . , - ' 1 • : , 7•Vg . , .1 ,1:.-''-f -t1 LOOKLNG GLASS, • , YORTRAIT ii% --, - --. ii.t..p..--i. ~ izr..ks .- 4-?•.i.:1; , ,-...- - . .''.;-.4 -- )0 - ri,.. - Vrt , ;;; , ;- Picture Franlif, licamfacturer . , 11S-1 7 4' 7 1v/. 7 - -A+7----. .;. .-;-.--:-.:.- - _0 , ~.........,4 , ---k;--;.t - ?:-:. - -, 130:5 N-crr ST.,, , 1,,t,4/..;-• `: „. 4 -I .'l , 1 4 - zc,:r - .:7 - )''- 1. E:l,r. Park. , -..::+7-:, , ---- 1 .;. 11 , 4 1 :% - .:.s! ' r., ~ ...4. ; , --- ;!- • - ~..7„„, i li „it.,.-.1 rhoto g raph Frame , , 0: f. --4-,e stir; . ;l7-- ,- - 1 , I . f - 'i Gilt, Rosewood u --, I. ( %,s t :3 .. ,I,r,z, • •,' - c-,\\---, f ?‘-i . , i.'•„'%', 1, • •••••/..1 i 6:.„, IN • . R. S. MORRISON, sl-rE cuilar - i7 HaVIIIZ Tt TOOVed 11IS StOCk of goods to the 117 store in the Iteed House formerly occupied by 1 e I nsurance 31.1,r5. lint.l!,l- , teplien, A: Wildey. take , : plea sure in ann , aineing, to lijs old cn , toinerh and the citizen, l,' 1:fle generally, [hut he has open- NEW "YOnI.O ed out a ./' _, Dry Gootis,•Dress Goods, &c., I, . . _____. • /Ittrriti.o., N. Y., illaq. .. 1' This certifies that 'we, the underiAgned, have For fiprinir, and f.ii.namk , r Wear. ..,:amlned_ Into- the 'rfterM of the SEC:UW.IN' 1 LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, and believe it . to be soaud, reliable and equal to the hest in I nit( d times to keep at all the best goods In Amer Silo Liiirket, and a fullas,-,ortinent of ever:, thing I.Sidne icy 'Wholesale miidwaro In me. - line. Pandrasera can always do Letter • y Sherd S' Co Dealers; - - '.y Laiying .c to than by going East. A. F. Trip.), tirtn Of Sidney Shepard & Ca. • - ssmisas & CrLssey, Coainitt-si On „sterols - ants, • • • Dudley & Co., on Ttefinerx, . , : B. I'. Burke, Farmers' & Mechanics' Nat. Ilank. I G. A. Williams, • , " J. O. Robson & Co., GOIIiStaILILS and Teiroleti, ' Simon - Neff; Boot and Shoe Dealer. I F. F. Curry, Supt. Forest Lawn Cemetery. ' i George k'.l4eo.4tOrneY and. t_katnitelor. : , - ' cYrus P. Lee Erie Co. Savings Bank. • . Joseph L. Fairchild, Iteglster in; , -- --- A. ,- sitTneo . in ~11diikritptCY. i • ' ' • , All persods desiring' insurance WI/I do well tu i ' call co . lc N TILE lili4Titicr CoritT of tbo. - tutted ' -Ir , -.. .. ~,,, _ s States, tor the Western District of Peutea., -, ..J.L., M. 140011 Er-Erie, •P a. 9 ~ the natter of Piersonelark„non Irrupt. The 4 . unders/final herelsyMs es notice ot its appoint- ; - • GeriernlAftent fat'. tirebb...., • ...1 Pa. anent as in signue of Pearson Clark, of u;rie. in 1 ani,:vc,B„ , .tc-, . F , .1.. , the county tit Erie and State ut Pennsylvania. • -----_,.._______ . . ____ ____; within earl ib. tr: •t, sello hoe been adp;;lg;sl a-, „„,_:,... - _ b r-li/ apt di , •;:s bid au r a . il , tlti‘ zi. by the Lis- Jr.t.I 4 LBARGEI.iy:BANEuprey . .- 1 triet t',.t.rt of ...tatti.ilh.trict; tiatecl at Erie, 1'. , .., .T.N 74"11.E:I!IsrECIO7; etititi,T of Mb: -Unita! Avg. 1 , , A., h,. ,--,.. i Sta!,,,,i, for the 10,..esterti.O1Striet,ni•renns.3a. - Ili. NItY 31, P.lTlT,ET,‘Assivico, . i yanks. James A. Illfsif.' a banis.rnkt under Attr.r.l L4N:', No, 1;r2,: Peach Sr, 'Erie, Pa. the Act of Coturretant 'March :Id, ist„ hav e ,. antio-itapplied fora diseharge loin all his d'obts'nna • -_______. oilier charm; provable under said Act, by order ..„....., ... . , '.ofthe court, nonce is bcreby given Wail peK. ACSlitllre in rankritriey. soils mho have trowel 'their dads, and other TN TILL DlSTllltrf corwr of . tile lindrld t persons interested, to tipnf..44 unitise nth day of 1 Statim,..for the Weste,n District of Pew:Va., 1 tieut., 1 , ... , -_ at' 9 o'clock, A. - .N1., before :,.% E. in the mat tcr or win. , 11. Clothed*, • batikrupt..i W , hsiri f il; L•sq,ll4gistqr,nt. I f tunas in the eity • The undersigned hereby gives notice of his up,. a Erie; Pa., to shaw - eanse, If any, titcy hav: 1 .41111 , 1e/it aq a , :ignee of Writ. - IL Cr:ll:tax, ,of ' why a. d 1...amm0 idnitibirtot - be granted to AO Letioealf. In the county of Erie and State of 4 , Mitt bankrupt. ,«kniit - Jtirther, notice DrYtereby. Ptun'a, witiiin 1 , 41(1 district, 'who has to ea ad- i ndeed a bankrupt open his own petition, by ..ciellltcirs of tlic f itl i tbaAltzttlit,reritiired ity, , the tilt ci.triet osui t of saw district, dated at I.`rie; 1 tlith and - itth"getithinit 'ef e• ld Att, will ;bu fiad i'.•.., Aug. 19, A. C. Pd.:, , - , , • - : before 440 dsaid. lieglater at tI.IIN RAMO 'tittle - trait • - - '2IENTCY AL lIIIIICT, Assignee, place. - . S. C. ideCAND.LESK/s5 --• Atty. at Law, No. 3.T'a ?cacti St., I•le, pa. ' ' Clem of lI N S. Maria Gourtaor old: ,PistriCti' th' south sikb, of the Par: ap '.rt 1. MMMEMM IN- rir E - FcCE, 0 8.1 1 .1 RVER Trri 03, Pit .47 14r0 m"~ gy p! • ` . ~sr l'itTi.ll-Wes:t Cornell' a :;tate , greet and the. Having car in thc, MO:-; C 0. - YIP ;ITT . • . e. , Yetirp t-ced . neatnesl. and at pr:e•es to compete 'WWI nny other Mlie.e in t'le North Wcht. Oar l'r.zssr.s aleof tho MOST IMPriOVED KIND, AND SATISFACTORY 2LIN-NiTil , Rea Ned, Rita w,,rk \Far:anted Jlat to it, inferior tnjdint, done to the titles ,LttAltion glvtik to t:Levr:vt.ll; of And all tlie , kln . ils of 'an* In Uf.:o by Business Meu. ENGRAVING, tITHOGRAPHING, &C. LFSS PRICE TITAN IF TILE CEDER WAS ENT TO TilE3I DIRECT. 3inellinery, 4ertlc. _Ant ographs, Naps; Portraits, &e., c pl.: RUSTIC FR.`,..IIES OF NEW .',ND 5ET.17,(7 STOCK No. 0 Rpe'd H.ouse, n.3f. 1 02.1Z150N. =E= rt. 4 ...... ~. EMS = • ;*,,--° ' EMI Vie are prepared to do oi:DEr...s 161. 7. t31.111,4"1'1TC fart!:; wariting Cuts of , Walnut 0% Erie. Pe (1, SerivUouv, cortst PATTERNS. E.ItiGRAVINGS .Usets, Dec.l, 1567, $1,230,390.24, 0 ? P I • . 42 1 1 7 ): ' . BM et. "r< ._.,,w:isJ . 1 ~~'9 COUNTRY !4ERCII[A_NTSI 131.1111V7E1 , 1N";' Farmers and Others, COVSIGN YOUII ISITE-9, £EMVAX,' DEANS, I.IIJ CIIEF.S EGGS,FLOUt MEAL, FLAX, . COTTON, FURS Al4l . aIaNA, - 17X120 ap.FEN 6/1.-llZi f , PQ1,7,144: TIW, 'NAVAL 'STORFS;' II 0I?.§ , UIIGSE Q. -rE.A.T EL g.ItS, TIMM fONS'; OILS, T.X.TVD_, TALLow. atiaL4mu3, ETC., cturEriwr,u; Gdll,Colininissiiinterchant 4 1.44 and 4.4 G Washington St., !CESIP YOIII CITI7„ Arid receive his weekly Price Current of pro duee and (inwerleß, the Most complete Price Current published In the United States. srxn FOR PRICF"CURRENT. M.lrli,iDg Flutes land CrLras Frirra9hea Free Liberal Advances Made on•Consignmenta. ESTAI3LLSIIED 3llly 1, ISCO. Flzst class reti•rouces gh•en when recitilrea, inhl9'67. LATEST & BEST! 'flili GItEAT AMERICAN .0031BOATION Buttoil Hole, Overseaming • SEIVING lILICILIN'E ! Is warranted to execute in the best man ner every. variety of Busying Ilenuning, Fel Ihrz, Cording. Tucking, Braiding, Gatti- Ovetneaming, Embroider ing en the edge, and in addition makes beautiful Button anti Eyelet Boles in all fabric*. IT HAS NO :pQIJA.I. P.Llng :Absolutely Elio best Family Machine In the World, and Intrinsically the Clxcap- C.t. It Is Ict o!slaellint , combined In ono tly a simple Ana beautiful laeohanlcal Ar rangennatt. orcrlmrximn-nnti voretctirm, ple-I ul W(tk done on Lids la:whine, can be had on applicat n ton at the sAins-Rooms OF TILE COMPANY, Corner of .Eieventb, and , Chestnut Sts., Tn,tructlon..eivPn nn the 'Machine gra titc,u,li L., ad yurch...tscis. _ WA N'r fl'll3l To Sell this C. it. I-Efupbury. 7 it State Street' St., Erie, '.S^.mt Ir!', Warren Rua Crawford I 'lrair I= NE v.r LOCATION: . 'Cr. nALVIS /Tan removed to WhitUcit's Binch; corner of Plate anti Tenth Streets, .Brie, pa., where he has opeutd LARGELY INCREASED STOCK Of Groceries Fruits, Vegetables, Provisions and everything usually kept in a first-class grocery caftubliditnient. We are detcruainednot to be surpassed, and invite all who want any--thingin our line to feeling fisqured that we beanie to give satisfaetioy both as tAutrfai ity of goods and prices. • Country • Produce . Bought and Sold. We have opened n • • - comaisslQN .DEPARTMENT, - So which we tok the attentioh of. thoeo hawing Produce to dispose of. We pledge ourselves to bmire the higheilt market pried for all articles lentrusied to our care. DEICERS IFI TIM ADJOLNING TO\S NI And on the Lines or Railroad, Supplied with VEGETABLES, ETC. aprn3-tf.' LIE liuving pnre i hntelt the interest of the itres.-re • • Vluctuts In the - - - FLOUR AND FEED ELTSINES Of the late firm, would revectflilly solicit a continuums of, favor from the friends and pa trons of, the lions°, and the pubne ,In general, Plekiniz lihnself that he will at an times try to sal good and reliable - Flour, Feed and Grain: A' the lowest price for cash in hand. From my Wag experience an this branch of the trade,. .1 trust I know what the public demand, and that I am pre.Ared Inman. that. *taut. Etettiruift my thanks to the public for their liberal patronage to mei in 'the past,l hope by stria, attention to any business and theirwantit, to merit a continuance of their patronage in the future. simmrq, FLOI7R, VEED, AND cram Busrsr-ss, Will be continued, la all Its,departinents, at the ERIE :TILLS., PARADE STREET, and tha store, MI A_ S:L I' A. It I. It 0 W, Between Brown's Hotel rubl.Reed House, Where the public will Enda oc“ 1 stock always for sale, with competent and polite men on 13:001 to supply their Willits. up:Y.767-IY. IL B. nAVEBSTICK. .TirA.XL/S_LV. wortns. .51. A. DITI ING, No. 1010 'Peach Street,, Pa. between 10th and /10, Erie Monuments, Tombstones, Marble and - Slate Mantles, &c. I liar° on hand :stave assortment - of monu ments and _beadstones of 'various styies, in American and Italian marble, and a corps of the best workmen in tate titate.4 - :all orders will lie promptly attended to and satisfaction guar anteed. .My work is Warranted unsurpassed, and I cannot be undersold by any one. Orders and Inspection of stock and prices solicited. trilslo,7-/y. • • CEMILIN SAVINtS tvsTrreriot Cerner*lgiith anti State St e ., byrosar.:i , osT or Fick Tbk, Institution In now open for the transac ell of /nista • . • „. • OPFICZ nOLD.r.4: . 9 A. 3!,.ta4 R 3L. L'ED.VICS pA. N. to 81'.11. ' ' to , . Per'Ceslt. Interest 'will Miran.* tills tzt Ectraar Dozositors. - • IDIF.I.X.7TOILS: 3. Ftelleulanb, F. A.,._ F. P..1.4 e be1, riehneliler; Stn.nallfanitteiract. • •r • adlin 7tEtithew Szilratidecizer .......... Tren.surer , schnelder, j rr ~ ' - = •• • DESIGITEre A - DEcinitirtyt .4107 t Neatest, Cheapest, and Best Sign Plaint'PixViest , Zicataln& , f, 13 ; 1 4 1 . 3 . , ; het". ec.0.,. ' Fm,ets'ed the zwateaspri,y,le nfthe,art.,- Gionerat Driftligkihroaiti fivr the • PMZ get A 3 og try-devattin - 4 .- przw . men ng Farrar anuoirizarisetbud mwmundl4lll7-tv *Lite Mne. Mltest - linlo America. CLUI,S. FOl4 186c:TLITIIS roll isds. t Nom Yor4 'Weoily Palls/it The 33e .6. NEW YORK' DAY BOOK - - 7 . 'The 'Sew York Day-Book Is a straightforward Radical TleMor.MUe paper, with a larger circu lation than any Othur.lientoemilc journal over published on this continent, and It Miters on thothresholilof 1... , tS times prosperous and mom , hopeful of "the great cane It upholds than ever . liefore. Standing on the Deelorathm of Inde pendence, that 'all (white) men nreentml," and therefore entitled to equal rights, IL i 3 opposed to nil forms and degTeeS of sperlal legislation that conflict with this getind central truth- 9f Democracy_, and over all and above all, does it combat that monstrous treason to American liberty, wilich, thrusting the negro element. In to our polities! eyht en) must of nett: sit v wreck the whole mighty fabric left us by our fathers. , God hag created white men superior find nc ' proee inferior, and therefore all the efforts of the past six years to abolish ills work and equalise with negroes—every law violated, eve ry . State Constitution overthrown, every life sacrificed, and every dollar expended, are ne cessarily lust so many steps towards national stilt:We; and the simple and awful pro. letnnuw upon us is Just this shall we recover our rea son and retrace our steps, or march on to Mon grellsni, social anarchy, - and the total ntin of our country.. _ . The buy linOtt., then, fore, demands the resto ration of the "Upton as It was"—a Unlemof co equal Stutesdipon the white basis, as the only hope, and the only means pod tie under heaven fOr saving the grand Ideas of _MU, and the fund amental prielpieti of American liberty, anti If the real freemen, and the earnest believers In that, sacred and vlorious cause In millet} the I men of the Revolution orfeted op 'their lives, will now labor to iii. - pose the Ignorance,ticlusiou , and treason of the. :Morzrel p.trty,'lL will sue etch, and the white Ilepuidie of Nl'tedilite:ton . be restored u7.lin In all Its 01:Ltinal influence and grandeur. The D,ty lt,ol: will, howevet, hereafter be more than ever devoted to all Ow varied purprr ses of a aces paper. Goaseions that , it reach- CI tliorr<and 4 oh' fa m Hit s nho take no other journa4.boyond- perhaps their local paper, ft will coutln au and improve Its "News'of the 'Week" sunitruary, en 111 tO"pre , :f.llt 11 transcript of the Ni'orltils event , : in e.1(44 iFSII( 4 . its "RUIZ.. ily DePartmeht" will milt,' ace the be:tt nrigial and selected stories. its i'Auriculturaf Rept 1.- inent" trill be fully susitthied, anti led nit le; only paper of its classmade tip expressly or country circulation, it is i.ontl,lent It Ls worth double the price of a w,Lehly hurriedly renrlnt ed from a d.dly. IL get it, toll and comple'le re ports of the New:Vert: - unit Allruly Cattle Mar ket,: Grain, PI ovis! , ,n, an , l Cotton Markets, anti a Wt .kly review or Fluanclztl matt,rs. to :t11(r with " r ral telegraph,l? fr" ex.t)lt . salr, iVre , tMel.%a‘tm, &c., &c., up to time of goln4 to press. • TOSACCO . , TermE—CaziA in. Advance One copy one year • Three copie , one 3 ear Eire copies ono year, and une to the gutter up of 11w club 10 CO Tcn copies one year, and one to the getter up ot the club 17 90 Additlonatropir. 1 '75 Twenty cu ph, one rear, and une to the get ter up td - the club ^0 00 Specimen copiessent free. Send for a copy , Addrc: , : , po , t etbet', county and State In full, N'AN EVillE, HORTON & (X)., t1e912. No 1621 u,uu St.. New York. ,Lle Largest, (1 - Ic,rgebt ant most Sneeesuftil Practical Business College From Thirty -,Three States M Ten Years FOR LARGE QLTARTO.CIRCULAR, Containing full Information, Outline of Course . of F'tncly, mtnples of Cowley's • Premium Penmanship • I -11"''."""* te: :ri !re" - ‘ : : nr et r portmentN, City ofnttsborgh, 7 t the Yrincipal3. • znyl itq PILILATtE,LI'III,!i.. limes P. Crook, having tnkon In Ids son, Jas. E., as a partner, on the ISt day . orAprtl, nn der the arm name of James P. Crook d. son, de oires to have n settlement of his old rierounta. - All persons knowing tIICTIVI(AVCS Indebted to him are requested to call and settle without de lay; ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER, • And ..31anufacturers of WINDOW SASH . , FRAMES; DOORS& BLINDS. Mottldin,ga 'and Fli;ltet Felice, Scroll Sawing,' Matching and Platittal; dont to order. i=attlit, .3 , 71 VektlLsil Dein cen Fourth and Fifth Erle, Fa,. Nre te's'pectfulty e:tli the attentton of the put,- lle tO our factliths for doing work In the tx..t of style promptly nut on reasonalde Lnus. Hay np•eutirely new 1,h0p , ,, with superior ;machinery, we feel eonlident of glving t t ion. Orders front ann,ad will epuN, prompt attention. io3 - 21.r0t-tf. JAMES P. CROW; 4 - SON. • • . • PI:ZiLEY.'S National Claim t,Ycnc:i.. All claimants for extra taautty allowed by late act of Congrost, can ha% e the sanm promptly eollectetl by sernitu t ischargvs to toe. the Tecelpt of which pill be prototly attlxmox 'edg ed and Instructions rcturnol, INCREASE OF PI{NSIONS, a. 615 per Month 1. tag I o;a1 oks r4uxeof either log or arm, lusteaLl'ot S. t2.,per Month for L.;eli minor child of dereftsra Irs,hllrrci - o. sezulvn. AN), elber ADDITIONAL FOIL ), - ()T i . OI•TICERS of U. S. A. Three niontlri pay for all In verci,e Mardi Cd, and alsehartisl after April 9th, 1666. Minks sashed. Claims for arrears of pay, anti pensions and bounty, promptly colleett ,1.,• I:m•qualltai for (dosing and eiiinpletlpg elanoi. anc(F . to, prisoner( of war coligeteml. Only agency in Sort h.,Western Penner it here years of experience hi pie U. S. Treagiry can be found. 1 pankfill for the very, liberal patronage, he sloe ed in the past. tre hope by Increased expe rience and unreinit Ling attention t patrons, to. curt( lb el r conl lune& favor. 011icit In Farrar .11a11.111.41tug. S. TODD FEELEY Lock Box MI. Erie. 'Pa. auVea-t!. FOR TIM :FARMERS. c I TIEEP SITE. I .IIS:-:-Willrluson's best, and 0 Strong'a Patent Sheep Shears. wont, TWINE, in any qttanlity Gris - t) STONES.-20 tons and Lake Hnreri ' SCYTIII7:S,—Gra,4 awl Grain, of the, be,t ma ken, crtAT:s7 CRAlDLE , ..—Cirapenlno and Malec, complete with Scythes. _ , f HAY FORKR.—Two and throe tine,! 11T)F54,'Filiovelq, Spadeq, Manure Forks and nay Knives, for sale by ME ••- EAGLE, FOUNDRY, Peach Street, above the Buffalo' Road, ITENTLI', & CO.. 311-I.tiVFACTVILLIIS OF PAIILOIt, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES, TIN AND SKEET iltON WADE, THE CELEBRATED CLTRTIS PLOW ! And all kinds of Iron Castings. - Every Stave Rohl by tis is warranted to givo aatisfaetlon. Kettles, Sleigh Shoes, Sad Irons, dm on hand and manufactured to order. Plows and Plow Points of superior niece and (1-arabili ty alwa}s ou baud. A call and a fair trial of our articles Is all we ask. , lIEN KY. Era - Alit r.: co. or...ttEn' IY AXD 5711PrE7t OF Vegetables and Provisions, 7oull call. the attention of tite)public to tho ' fact that I also . . SOl'Coads 011 counm.tsr.ion. 7:Particular, .attonuon,intd to that buslnez-P, and to forwarding to dealers all,htuds of Vege tables. Fruits, &a.- n JelYC'^tr Flour, Feed & Produce Store', •, , . ategroer ofEleventh • NA State Streets, • which ho asks the attoOtloh of all who heed anything in his lute. Jle will deal in ever,y-. t.blnsirtilrer: 11) : 1". . • .! . vaiorvecre'xj4.,'NE. - - h AnctirartaniEi lab; ipoPis to be erluzl to tail bcst to the mark ": , •." • - 44. 41 price in ,cosh Pahl far 1411 ItlAcisqlutunifrpratlate, - oarMtnie FOIL 180. ' ://1 qi,"%,"; v L'or. of Peon awl St. (Lift Stlretr. PITTFPXII.CII, PA., IN THE UNITED STITES Fifteen Thousand Students E33.117`1.1 dt. COW .L.lO-X7 Pittsburgh, Pa NEW FITI3I. JAMES P. CROOK & SON, • Dealers in 0111t . e In Farrar Ilan Feat!ding, 1;r1e, SOLDEElici' ISOTINTY J. C. SELDEN, Frcnrii StreA ERIE, PA JAS. A. 1.3 14 I'S S 9 VIZT_TITS, ace., No. :.):; East Firth Street, Erie, Pa. C. 3. ENGLEIIA.RT itas 011Clieg n ricw J. EICIIENLAUB & CO., .1A1N71.71 7 .1cri:a •, y.m. ,,, or BOOT,S & SHOES ! 1i0.,G29 State Street. DFPAItT3MNIT. We harejust finishoA, and prepared for pub ltc inspection. a mammoth stock qf Gaiters, Rubbers., etc. embracing every descrip tion and variety of kinds, and which for style,' quality and finish cannot be surpassed in the Market. all of which ate offed:it late retltired rates. We Also pay especial and strict atten tion to (IL - Ts - x . om For uhic•h Um finest collection of Leathers are kept on lani, and every facility is secured for accommodating cugtorners promptly, awl In n style to render perfect satisfaction. Particular attention is oleo directed to our,• TMOLESALE DkPA&CTMENT, No. G Wcut Seveuth Street, Where Ira niannfact ore at Wholcqale, Ladies', 311s , ,es* Mid Children's Toots, Shoeic (}alter., etc., of every variety andlnd, Having lately enlarged our manufactory by the addltlon of new luldim.> mud Improved ma chinery, we are prepared to supply the Trade on Fllnrt notice and at the lowest marliet Adjoining thly dep.:rune/it uro connected our I=s LEATHER AND FINDINGS ROOM'S! Mut:racing Preneh, Gelman and erirsn Unit Skim, of bust and yarird brands, - Slaught,r and Spatush Sole Leather, French and A:11( s can Rouse of all coloot and peep.. With our, inemr..s,al fariltties wss can sell as low as any Eastern manufacturer, and malie eider any kind of work wanting . hyl the Tr: de. Thunkful for the past liberal patronage of. tb' public, we respe‘qtally solicit a couthinant the baIIIC. ne2G-if. J. rICTIENLAUD .3: CO, ZS CA ill STONE. . .7kll aX :IN C. of, sth and rtat. St I= Grocerier4 and 131,0ViS1021:i. Wood, Willow and Stone Ware, Apt' eccrythlng Clint Is nstmlly kept lu a First Class Family Grocery. ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. The best brands of Erie County Flour, tlisays on Hand. Call and examine prices. Gothic aelivered free in any part of the city or South Erie. _ J. w. A. 'V It,Es, \l'hulesale and Retail Dealer in Furniture ! llavinz purchased the'tntlre Mock of Furni ture of Me‘srs. Moore . Itiblet, I rez.pectfully ask 'my old customers and the public generally to give tue a call at the old stand, NO. 715 STATE STREET, Before purchasing elsewhere. I have a large nalcort maul of Parlor, Chamber and Red Room Sets ! BEDSTEADS, C 'CiAl "RS, TABLES, WARDROBES, DESItn And, in fact everything In the line of Furniture, I am prepared to Man uf,tcture le order any style that may be called for. Remember, No. 715 State strerif, east vide, between Seventh and Eighth strdels„ ap'2sl7-11: FIRST-CLASS PIANOS! LOUIS BERGE et - mantinleturers of FIRST-CLASS AGRAFFE OYER:STRUNG WAREROOMS, 97 BLEEFOSR STREET These Pianos' are recommended by the trust em i ne titj u dgtas, and are. for power, fu liness,elas laity of touch and durability - , unsurpassed by pianos made In this country. OLT.IItANTEED FOR FIVE YEARS', Illustruwd Catologue and Price Lis t.' son t icy ninil on application. GRAT •REDUCTION IN "P,IRICUst E. M. COLE & SON WILL RIND liiu•perd' and sit:ill:lr :if:Aga:et:es, at 7.i cents per volume. - °Way's, aud Idagazine.s, at $l.OO per 'Volume. harpers and frank Lemile's papers, at 1i2.Z3 per y.ear. We are aLso wking and selliF 13 la, in 1 - 14 13. c, /11 - AT , REDUCED pnICES Bindery over Key:Vona National Bank. cor ner Slate and atli N 3E IV BOOK BINDERY Blank Bciok Mann-factory! We would respectfully announce io the publle that we have opened a, 1300 - P. I 10713 1"?. , and am preparod to do work In any branch. of the bustue,s. BLANK BOOKS! Of n!t klnils, an hand and-made to order, mull ruled to any pattern desired. NAGAZINFS,.AND OLD BOOKS, Bound and repalryd in the best style I3INDERY OVER Keystone National gang, Corner State and Bth Streets, Erie, Pa. MEM Lancaster Intelligencer THE L.A.RatsT AND CHEi'LPE:4I; Democratic Journal in Pennsylvania : The Lancaster Intellig.eneer, estabrsheff In_ Ve, has always been known as rs firtat-vitm Po /Meal and Family 'Sew&paper. The Weekly inteillgencer is now the /arge.t lletuocxatie Pee per pnbrimlied in Pennsylvania, It has lately been greatly improved in all respects and` is .racka paper as every Duruocsaishoukl. take- • • The publishers of the' Intelligencer regard It- to he the duty of every Democrat to support his county papers in preference to any other i.btlt es there are many who will be likely to seletcribe fOr more than ono paver tfurlng the pending President/al campaign, they pave concluded to offer the Weekly hatelllgeneer at titefollow tag lbw. rates: Single cord* bne year, $2,00; tr3Tb!taiplesso,oo; Tea copies $17,00; Twenty copies 6.7.l,W;Atiltly copies WO; Flay. eoplea, to ono adsiress %Oak Elghtreoples, - ta one address, . 4 sOgto. Daily Ili geneer per - annul:lt- - air Persona wishing to be areal estitiotao find no better advent:dug inet4ut,n Intelllgebeer: Address • -- • -• • G. SALL= &, Pa; ERIE CITY,IRON. WORictit The Bradley Engine ! '.l! zit c.v., 11FTITO ONE 1117NMIED FER CENT. Dloie l,owr•r limn a Single. C, Under Engine using the prme amount of riewm. cua t7r,,t.r.: SAVVIVTL,T,S JOHN B. PERKINS, 'D Fol'eip!! 4 I)ontestic Fruits, NO. d 1 5T.1.T12 ST., CORNET? 2,300,000 Customers !a Four Years. • r. PATRONIZr," TILE BEST'. AVING the lartu , st capital, most exporl enced buyers, MO est, n,lye trade 1.)/ auy coucarn in the Doilla Salo I/W.IIIIMS, We MEI JOHN W. AYBOS EEC! F.. M. COLE a- sox EMI I]lttJn. VA .1 MA NUFM,TURF;I3,9 ua A I;cis CiaupouraLl: or poubic Wbli L Aztll.4 W.:r:Anted to glyo I= STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS OF ALT. STYLM. OIL STILES AND TA NUS or rot 7)..wrlptio:Ji If E t 11 TILOCIES. MEM 117=1 coN x o . UTt+, :i rc., I:RII°, I'ES_tA Piue Oran s, Lemons, Peaches, STRAWT;I:I'.EII7.‘ 4 , 171. 'C., on Inti,l In I),clr 5,..0t0n T'artles pro:.ll.tly fornlsti.eil with every scrletl,..n of LID— • n.ct-st ,tore Nre:t. of 1" . ."••••.V Y,; I:. - • ar.a-t f. • Guarantee Sitiritlactlon 3n every instanro,ana also the best .selectlon of tsooec, er uttered at Oae Dollar P-aeli. • No othr , r eoneernhus nny chow wherever our Agents :tre mdlang. tmr motto, Prompt. and Itellub!m," 31:do and female agents wanted In city and cznmtry. A. 320 S Are particularly requested to try our popular club piton of •elling all kinds of IVY and Fan cy Good,, Dress Patterns, Uotfon Cloth, Ca,tors, :'liver Plated (;00d , 4, Cc. ,A 11.1.1 patent pen fq ambito and a cheek de scribing an article in I,c sold for a dollar, 1U Oa; 20 for 5..: .1(1 for $1; CO for :36; lut for ii.U; sent by mail. Free prt sen's to getter tip, (north 30 per cent. Inure than thus sent by any other con corn,) according to.size of club. Sen 4 us a trial club, or if apt do not. fail to send tor a circular. N. 11.—Our sale should not be ela , -ed with New York dollar Jewelry sale, nr segos "Tea Compartiet•,' as It k nothing of the sort. EA , T,m A N K ENDALL, 11511w:dyer St.. L'oiton, Mass Je4 lrn Authorized 4Caplip.l saoo,ooo. CAPITAL I) IN 8250),n.Y TILE SECOND .NATIONAL BANK opened for tnislncss on . MONDAY, DECEMBER =TIT, Hill, In the banking office previously occupied by the Merchant's Bank, Brown's Buli lkug, north-cast corner of HMV' street and public Park. WM. L. SCOTT. Fresh W.V. C. CURRY, Cash. DI ier:crOits Wlif. L. SCOTT, of item of J. !learn Cool Dealers. Ji s. I'f'.IRTER., of firm of ..Seiden, Bliss J! McCarter, Bin Mem. G CO. J. MOETON, Coal Daaler. W. 5. BROWN, Agent Botrato 3r Eric R. R. 3011 N C.l3l.7ltGE.`szi, of tirin of Clemeus,tatigli ey...t Durgesg. Wholl,nle Grocers. 0. E. CROUCH, of !Inn of Crouch & Bro., Flour Merchants. M. R., of firm of Barr, Johnson th Sea- Stove Manufacturers. F. E. FATIIt3It, oil tlria of Gray & Yarrar, Wholesale Grocers. .0* J. DR.ELSIGAKER. Grocer. JUST OPENED. A. new nod well selected stuck of Stove, Tin, Japanwd, Brittania and PORCELAIN WARR CISTEM: AND WELL PUMPS, Ennio hirait.l);ng Goods Generally. PATT: - .t,iISON & AVERY 57r FFeurit st.,Erle, Pn We &sr) have a large and well arranged shop, with all the modern Improvcruente for marm factrring tiu wore of every description, and with a (sin; of competent workmen, under the stwervislop of Mr. C. Avery (Who has bed ninny seamaxperience in elt y work). Wears fully pre• pared to do Job work of all kinds with neatee , s and dispatch. Are %Veil po,ted in t•itting led air furnaces, rooting, etc. Gall and Erm Int end t.7:- aniline our !noel:. - Erie City Steam Bakery ! W. J. SANDS &- Prtipriotors. Slanufacturers of all lUmisof Crackers, Bread, Cake, .6.c., Also, the celebrated "EXCEL SIOR" CRACKERS, I.oti sole mnoulhetnre.'s of tlio patent • "1 , 7,61,:1.,TY 1111,31 - 9." rnctory, corner State and 3.lSts., Etle, Pn iny2l-tt I r,,10 z• 11 1,- : • oth. 7 I of Iguzy ul Coup -.Lao ha:, v. • tiU to tt With ;U . ,. - jollfriak A :Still" PE1111.311 7 . FOR TilEll.lNßEEPallirl; thorn._ . itioo . using CcretzP." :ti:ght Illoonaizag Cerra.." =I .74.7.41 it Blooming Cercum.', P113T012 . 11 ...41!;ht g//00iiiiil;r, CeriUgi" 4tli:ll6u•A •• N;,;:st Itllodnikna Ccreun." MEMO A ;1t...t r•ctltt-ite, rrtt-It . rlott rttribm", fru.: 311.1 beat/taut 11 , :trer fruit Nvh.c...: zume. lel=stle.clut el reelly by & MON. Ntar York IMINVAICE or I:OUNTGIirkISTS: ASK: rut: PIIALON'S—TAI:E NO OT111:11. F. A. SY-12113121R =I Country Produce, Groccrtes, Provisions, WTh7E3, LIQUORS, SEGAP.S, Tobacco, Crockery Wan.; Fruits, Nuta, No. 8147 , unt0 S-trect, Wert side, between Eth ancl9th Streets, Erie, Pa. Gash paid_for country prmbacfs W.F.IIER. m,y24-t t. W. ERU.&I3T Executors' 'Notice. "ETITitS TFISTAMENTAILY tfie 'estate ! of Fronk Hamner, deeemed, ;}acing been been granted to the und.-rsigned; notice Li hereby giVen to all indebted , to said estate to itrunediate payment, and these having .claims - against . the same will pteSent them, duly authenticated. for settlement. , C. AI lIII.MILLETt, JACOB.LIMIEL, - • „Excentnrs. J7O-6w 40/3' PRL'iTINd of overt'. liinti,, t tn.largo 01 small quantities. plain or colored; done in the Waist:So. and at. MOderato• price; fol the -tiosoryer °Moe.. . - BLANICS!—A. complete as complete went Of every kind of Menke Weeded' by .Attarneys, Justices, Constables and:BOW-IMA Marc for sale at the Observer cake. Hoop lctrt & CoP-413t, New .iork :iLlrt:9l“',tut _r)os -.S - , - , , ~ g -, E. 0 ~..- x -::::z , .. , -,,:tri.:l , - .- , ..., , .:_. ,, :i v, , , - .. , .. „ :4,c%;:./4. , , , ,,-,• -._ ~ -„,t r`.'-.-s b,,,,-.A=f.7-_,t;-..--ii,i,--,..t.-,,,/;,•:.,:. •,, , ; • 7 , "CI E-r--i.r'N(?:f.,l r; ' .. , : ', . -- , 6 .."2-- - - • -, 0 ' . , 1 1 ' =l.. - •; , .- 41... -7., -....- .r. . • - r, - .lz-•;74., _ 1 ;- - 4 .- - u"-',_ = ,-.-...--- , .. , r , -, 4 5 --'''.• ' • -.":. x 4 C 7. -, , , -.9 .--,': 1 .0 y....Vq34. .t.-.,%::::?, , t ., • * --- it._,.........--.....--.- W.I F 4 -• t !-• N.ITIIA 11's: T s":`1• 1.vii••••, In Ei ;tin „ 1111 `IP 4:: 1 IL . 4.1 • ' : • Inats•r„s.l, , .s 11 .is , In Ilse Issai , s. 11 .r • • its iss.o t s:s Iss , Isl.-•:, •s • n 7 slllly t 4 gtve ..10..5.„ • s who ..II 11.1-/IC , tt 111 I.' ,, nr , l • ! 11.. till ` s• iss , . .„ ,'• Isotss..s. A ssis:s a. n.,„ of l'orret. s s nissl l:ss: • ••, s hunt''. 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A ap,r .n tl, f.,r zattlo-ntte Informat,nn, :at I , ,lotts relating Track, Comnicrry ht tlit'-r..Thr r tkoty, .1- n ;HA Yorl: it : Dal tor Pi o,liict• r I 11,1t,1 1N Th, 1 -V. 1.r.1: IN 17 . IL'. to tll l 4 :f.liat rr.tae of t fl tll 1.).tr....1. In the • : 1 I . A• I Th. 1 , .\ . . "' • de B{. 1 Cop.) 1 y — ',l . . . . . 1 I I , ,tilktlltt• 4.,..11 10 coin( s I LI 0,011, 41, VI tillt. :14 . 11 , 1,:t • p•In . t1•1•.• • - •0 I . .Pj• • I toi•tr•••••• :rJ cui 1 . • ~••i••t •to ya • • :••1 - .7 , 1;-%"• 1•. • I copy 1 is 4 ropit 1 . I'J 'SI „ S i ) c.>l.:' L A• 1 ,1•:: , ,, : 4 , clt ..,1: . . z; tto• \ 1 t . • , ) , 1 • 1t • • ...1.1•;•*: • • •, • z LI rats 'ft.r•T• 1•.:11 l• V. • •• 1 p••, Rill I,• 11L 1,1.; •r. 1.1 OE Tilt: 1.1011:NnG 'rho 111411 t . MEWIM ii.• !, wvalt. ult..pneters ett,t Or ten& ithall Ile t!, nu 1 livir equal, t...• , to Vt'll•ttt,...l•lll.• etecile • ..t tip to '. • letu: .•:,. Ittrill.Ated in in, ct•!ntott , tt IIS Ittrzt• t•litt :II -. L'i rt_Vl:llll4 111 . 1' tt.Lr us any oi it, I. A' an ad v,pt utttof ttountl pot ro t , totui;.; no I.OttiOn, V:,111, Nies. entu t e ttnen;:, to t , ot rat tyti a ‘../.lwic ut the 1: r itto,,tint;.‘ , . ntt..,Ntt it. shalt lint 1 , 1. CKt . 4l:e• I; ,ulf I a penttotn dtFerfinlyintincr punt ctat ion a:at w. Fal,/e to ,11,t TVA For the Daily, one 3 en: in ;“1 - . ..Six niont!,-, Single Copies, Three Cc TILE WEE.EiILY It is the determination of ti the l'atuot to mak,• e inal to what the Patriot ntol .raltniest days. It will he at weekly papers In the Sti , te, will belakrn to till its coition; lug matti r as sell! be alike Int ftil to the Fanner, the Meelel of and to mcloorne vi,,ltor in every I.ICII EVery tenon should snL-el printed In his own county, an• to enter into coot petit ton wit 1. of the:irate. but. ta.iny I.e pi paper and n„city raper in add: hCudgioetbag.. Single eon - , one " six Ten caplesi,.oue year. .. - Twenty copies. ono 11 corle, (Co one utiti..zis, 1 , One hundred wpa.s "' . All order, Ltiotthl hr atlllte 13: jyl.4f, •' • Well Diggis ••• Rts - riuttiOLTz. T co l mi, ugic.lirti4ritii and 1 Zlrcli..toAltk 061%1:It Lt_ than by the old tuft hod. lic;,•; for or ontrad ilas, 1:r1p Joint Slien6.-Ww4t-11 1 “ , •• geon or TOW PRINTES'iI - of evert s ti fi1,).4.111 quantal ;Atm or ,t &ea istylo, and at , Licaera owilver 01 lEEE Ell IMIIIIIE '.i.l. 11; E. • I t L.... J prn\~ MEI BEE EMI BEE 1.1 /V.", =EI . • , 0.11 at, ,Int. tie 'lre I MEI MEE i '_OPEC ME