The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, November 05, 1868, Image 3

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    F.. p trial itottreo•
Agents for the Observer.
‘clecjed the following gentlemen as
on• in I:lie places named, to transact any
in connection w ith the office. Persons
indebted to us can hand
mon ey, and their receiptsbo
(lie same as if given by onnselvee:
Anios Heath.
Centre- 4 3m W. Wilson.
W. Howard.
G. J. Whitney.
fbnlasbs —John G. Burlingham.
- 7 'dile—Clark Rwing.
C. White.
uotrc Borough—M. V. B. Brown.
..6;.,,,,Tcvn i p i ; o 3l n oses Smiley.
Ston . e,
D. W. Ilutchinson.
Ha an
Lundvs Lane—Wm. Sherman.
! sc seld—Gllbert
;s,irg cC an u ßob an n
son, i.i: l To L sipF Pinney.
t -..lon , Atarcna - Saley.
s a it,nan:
„; hrrCreek —
ih-Faq-11. A. Tabor.
,tn „with J. Jackson. ti.
Card to the Ladles.—
hi correcting Irregularities, remov
diactlons of ;the Monthly Turns, from
rause, and always successful as a p
rtl,.a peculiarly situated, or those suppos
so, are cautioned against using
pals while In that condition, lest they in
" isntriage after which, admonition the
et sr assumes no responsibility, although
lzu,,,would prevent any mischief to
, oth, rwiNe the Pills are recommended
A lleviation of (hose suffering from any
.. : ._,anise , a hatever, as well MS to prevent an
. of Lanny when health will not permit
the nerves and bringing back the
,r of health " to the cheek of the most
~iandesplielt directions accompany each
re 7 box, six boxes $. Sold In Erie by
-p SILK ,t HUNS, druggists, solo agents for
-and vicinity.
it by senahig them SI through the Post
',ran have the pills sent (confldentially)by
to an}• part of the country, free of postage
by E. T. Mazeltkne, Warren; Hoff
„...,.l..knarews, Corry; Callender &Co., Mead
.C. C. Vi tal ,S; Co., North East; Jewett &
_ _
S. D. lIOWE, Sole Proprietor,
'Coif York
13usintos Elnectorp.
Burge,: 5: Walker, 25 and 9 N. Park
t Mil , ~ 3to and 502 French at.
Itrevelller, 513 French at.
Clark, 32 North Park.
11 (lark,Park Row.
54) State street.
ELliehart ct Co., 19 North Park.
r.:O Zara. 765 State street.
reffer, 1 , 16 State St.
Ec.a, , , Jr., State st.
Mc(*reary, North Park.
:Afford, French st.
J. Sell S Co., 708 State Street.
Haverstlek, Park Row.
• Bro., 519 French st.
Line rt Son, IM9Stato St.
Michael, R2l State st.
Smith, '.3!. North Park.
Meg,ler, EX) State st.
..,Wat. Willing, 809 State at,
& 4Z State st. •
1, Sewing Machine, 602 French st.
-.; , r Sewing Machine, = French at.
Raker. R. 31 State st.-:
;1 , , 11, 01,nny, 1^ Park Row,
nv ROVIIZWeig, 514 State st.
Pieter, 2 Park Row.
51....tattn, 29 North Park.
E. Wilson, 21 North Park.
Kunz, Ag't, 313 State street.
:in. Kendall, 52n French at.
17 Smith, 535 French et.
1, art.& Burgess, 431 and ITO State street
_ _ .
B. Barnum, 1317 Peach street.
tleret & Elliot, 42 1 State street.
Sail &Warfel, (0I State at.
15i11,1312 Peach street.
I, B. Carver if: Co., 21 North Park.
Nl:k it Sons, 702 State street.
Jr .B..Plekin..sog &fion.7ll State street.
ondh Rte herb &
B. Merrill.
Koster & Lehman, 1359 Peach at
!brawn Broq, 7H State at.
719 State et.
F,i‘an, Churchill & Co„ 3 Noble Block.
‘.5.. Bro., 512 State at.
"ark, Booth & Co., 5 Reed House Block
: , Iferylarr, Gross & Poster.
,vamer Bros., 505 State at.
,rton .t Griffith, I:124 Peach et.
Ftel.l & Ca., 1:M
J. Rexford Co.. Int
Brabender, 1218
f'.‘nrc tteek man, s((t State st.
Lr.hall, Christian dt Craig, 24 North Park
Buff, 55 French st.
L Micah:, Corner Bth and State st.
A. Reeler & Cu., 531 French et.
.!ran et Mefilverin; &G French st.'
7:111em Mallory, %,;• French St.
r.ochlaudecker, 621 State at.
V. Claus, IN East Fifth st.•
%tsar. 701 State at.
. Pam Thatnpann, Mt French st.
am+viii, 51.3 French st.
: Hutchinson. Girard. Pa.
oVer'l9, Rosenzwelg's Black.
1 Ltt, at; Peach et.
1. Dunn. overfM State street.
, h
lllms., Farrar Ilan Building.
1 , Wager ,t Co., over I= Peach at.
P.. Wel , 4llrnan, 141 E Peach at.
ct .I‘k ine, 70i State st.
De..k„ 710 State st..
'0 Mehl, 517 French st:
1 sterner, 401 State st.
. 1730 Peach st.,
Plereo Co., =I State at: •
• ~ n key A Shannon, .507 French Ht.
Heiden, t French at.
Vantahsel, 1221 Peach at.
Bros., 701 State st.
Slaver A Son, 1215 State at.
Johnson S Co., 1018 and 1030 State st
gurpitv, 22 North Park.
.:i.rod 1:54 Sahsafras at.
ii BUM. A: Co., HlB State ht..
1 Inlet S Co.„ 818 State at.
- .lr!ey 11,d1, State st., near depot.
GenNhelmer &Soh, GIL' State at.
Melick, 12:n State at.
Wagner, 01.11 State st.
V. Kuhn, 0.?..! State st.
Meyer, 4 Noble Bloek.
1. Rohs, No. 10 North Park.
L.Rtewart, 30 North Park, house 117 State st.
Fraser, (Hotucepathlst), 8N Poach st.
make, South Parc.
M. Curd., 9 South Park,
MixSeg McGrath, 607 French st.
t'. Hawklni, 1310 Peach at.
& Metz, 1 rx State st.
hail S Co., 3d and Peach fib'
o P crook. & Son, cor. 4th and Peach tits
white & Co., corner 11th and French id.
, 41.1011PN. corner 11th and Holland sta.
P.otz. 1214 Peach at.
slit:A.l'loS, by a young man, who has a
:aro' ae.lunintaneo in Northwestern Penn
'an/,.. Can niN e the beat of reference. For
11 , 1 particular*, apply to the editor of this
;tr. , 0et..22-2t
L. F. StOnt
lAVINIi baULht tho Eagle Hotel, in Water-
I ford, Woulinfom the. public tt o haa
yrougilly refitted the r game and no ha
wlt ready
,a,ceounnodute all•in the bast of !style. Hie
h 5 bountifully supplied, and the 'bar la
, tted Rith the choicest of liquors.
~ with A
rare success In selling
Sir N , W. Baker's Explorations and Ad
,4tures among the Nile Tributaries of Abys
`,s to which Is now added anAceount of the
and Release of English Subjects, and
- , rareer of the late Emperor Theodore. No
is received among all classes of people 11411 unbounded favor, or so fully corn
thrilling interest with-solid instruction.
tante and female, sell It rapidly.
Is admirable record of scientific explore
gmr,rimbleal discovery, and personal ad
t'nutc.' —N. Y. Tribune.
it it liSaltl ln a very attractive form, and Is
' la tertutntug as a romance."—Bostou Jour
-I'olOrtletilani on application to O. D. CASE
L,,, rublishers, Hartford, Conn. Gelb
o `mer/t* With Outhout Baker Rochester,
4v lll taken the well known Brewery on
rreaelk Street, below Fourth, Erie, Pa.,
611 aerir ocedpfecby Wni. -Jacobi, would ha
%rra his old ecqualtit:anocs and the pall* gen
411Y that tie Ls now brewing a very superior
tuna/ of Ale. Front biz long experience and
rtink success, he legally prepared to give the
ur tattsfaction. Dealers are Invited local!.
Pay Up.
Two-thirds of our subscribers have not
paid their accounts for the present year.
The Presidential campaign has obliged us to
neglect our business for two months, and we
find ourself crippled for means. Those who
know themselves indebted to the office, will
confer a favor by sending the amount with
out delay. novS-tC.
Vote of Erie County.
- The election on Tuesday was conducted
with a remarkable degree of order in our
county, and no person coming in from
abroad would have supposed that anything
unusual was transpiring unless he visited the
Immediate 'vicinity of the polls. Both par
ties exhibited considerable interest in the re
sult, though not equal to that shown at the
October election. The Republicans were
sanguine of success, and worked with a pro
portionate amount of energy ; the Democrats
looked upon the verdict in October as deci
ding their fate, and fought against hope with
as much spirit as could be expected under
:rcumstances. Many Democrats felt it
seless to vote and remained away from
. the polls, while a few weak-kneed ones—Ao
their shame be it said—gave way to their
fears and individual interests, and deserted
the principles they once held.
A glance over the table below will show
that the Republicans have increased their
vote, while ours bas fallen off slightly in
many localities. The - causes which led to
this are too familiar to need explanation.
The Democracy made a much more gallant
fight than their opponents anticipated, and,
in consideration of the facts—with defeat
staring them inevitably in the face, with the_
official and monied influence of the country
enlisted against them,with the depression in
cident to a defeat iii October—thestrength
they exhibited is a wonderful testimonial to
the devotion to, principle and unfaltering
courage of our party organization. All hon-•
or to the gallant men who have stood so
bravely by the cause in the midst of such dis
couraging obstacles, :and may they all be
spared to witness the ultimate triumph of
justice and co stitutional rights :
Oct. Nov.
~....; ti, 0
°, ~
I)istrictp. -- : LI cs
r. P. •
Erie-Ist district, 156 273 146 291
Erie,-2d district, - 313 291 319 297
Erie-3d district, 204 357 198 386
Erie-4th district, 227 375 234 383
South Erie, 147 105 ' 155 114
East Mill Creek, 285 182 86
West Mill Creek, .146 - 223 86
North East Tp., • 213 261 46
North East Borough, 42 178 138
Greenfield, 48, 155
Venango, 91" 211 —13 S
Wattsburg, 20 48 ' 28
Amity, , 10.1 100 11
WaYne, 78 -7210 81 221
Coldeoril.., 130 178 120 184
Corry-1.. Ward, i 178 209 11
Corry-2d Ward, C 197 811 177
Untint 'Pp., . 121 220 —' 105
Union Borough, 11P 112 4
LeSteuf, 1:" 229 -- 1 — gl
Waterton! Tp., • I 200 03 227
Waterford Bcirough, 134 48 134
Greene, 15 4 144 160 150
133 83 - 138 89
35 244 38 259
y . 31
Washington, l4l 341 140 3.50
Edinboro, 4 108 48 110
_ _ .
51 189 54 194
Elk Creek, ' 137 '176 136 180
Conneaut, 70 245 73 234
Albion, 38 74 35 80
Springfield, 42 392 31 397
Girard Township, 93 266 186
Girard Borough, . 71 81 76 85
Fairview Tp., 126 210 1:34 222
Fair View Boro, 1• 40 _67 44 74
Harbor Creek, 135 237 - • 125 245
Lockport,. • 109 159 105 161
; 4,531 7,702
Radical•majority, • 3,171
JURY LIST.—The following are the Grand
Jurors drawn for the term of Conrt begin
ning on theJ o urth Monday in November ;
Isaac R. Taylor, Washington, Foreman.
Erie-LWm. Bell, Jr., Jos. A. French, P. Hall.
Benj'n Whitman. Mill Creek—John Elliot.
North East Tp—E. W. Butt. Wm. V. Dew.-
ay. Union Tp.—Chas. Breed, David Kil
burn, B. M. Sherwood. Union Boro—Geo..
Taber. Leßccutr—E. Beardsley. Water
ford Tp.—S. B. Benson. Waterford Bono—
I. 31, - White. Summit—';David W. Nichols,
McKean—Thomas Sterrett. Washington—
H. 31. Curtis, Moses Hawkins. Edinboro—
Cs. A. Allen. Conneant- 7 -Israel Harrington.
Girard Tp.—Wm. Cudney. Girard Boro—
Geo.' W. Arbuckle. Fairview Tp.—John
The following, are the Traverse Jurors for
the same term of Cotirt
Erie—N. N. Bennett, M. Billings, W. Con
stable, E. J. Cowell, J. S. Goodwin, Theo.
Hirt, F. P. - Liebel, R. S. Morrison. Mill
Creek- 1 J: B. Fulton, Jacob Farver, Elisha
Olds, John Kilpatrick. Harbor Creek—G.
H. Wagner. North East Tp—Ed. Custard,
H. Wolf. Venango--J. D. Murray. Watts
burg—W. W. Bishop. Amity—Geo. Sim
mons. Wayne—Albert E. Perkins, Lem.
Bellows. Concord —J. S. •Lyons. Corry—
Hugh Lang, John Turner. Lnion Tp—J. J.
Lyons, D. McAllister. Union Boro—Wm.
Warden. Leßeuff—Robinson Carroll, N.
W. Rana, James A. Shearer. Waterford Tp
—James Benson, Wm. Pratt. Greene—Seth
Church, John Williams. McKean—A. J.
Leland. Washington—Silas, Wm. Leacock.
Edinboro—Henry Twichell, George Reeder:
Franklin—J. W. Allen, John Goodrich.
Conneaut- 7 WM. L. Brown, irenj. Brooks, W.
B. Dcwolf, S. P. Paul, J. Pelton. Albion—
Henry Church. Springfield—p. I. Baldwin.
Fairview Boro—Geo. W. Cole.
The following are the Jurors for the Court
to try civil cases, commencing on the fifth
Monday of the month:
Erie—John H. Bliss, G. E Brevillier,
Bayard, Df. Detzql, John - Gensheimer, A.
H. Gray. Harbor Creek—J. E. Barton, T..).
Elliott, James A. Lewis. North East Tp—
John French, Samuel Griffin, S. J. Nash, P.
11. Stewart. North East Boro—G. I). Loop.
Greenfield—A. E. Beeman, W. R. Miller.
Amity—John Allen, Jr. Corry—Newton
Baker, S. B. Gale, It. D. Hubbard,
•Marcy, John Scott. ' Union Tp—W. I).
Wade.. Union Boro—P. K. Webber. Wat-
erford Tp—Thomus Moore, 31. Strong.
Greene—N. C. Barnes-. Summit—M. A.
Hayes, Horace Olds. Elk Creek—W. Crace,
Loren Culver. • Conneaut—Ralph Bowman.
Girard Tp—Wm. Hopkins, •A. S. Bonnefl.
Fairview Tp—N. S. Miller, R. L. Perkins.
AN Ott CREEK IN EUROPE.-By the for
eign accounts we are told of newly discovered
sources of mineral oil in Europe, which are
being worked to a large . extent. The latest
. and most important found are in Galicia.
In the Western part of, this province, it is
Said, petroleum abolinds, principally in the
mountains enclosed by Limanowa, Neusan
dec, Gritow, Cieskowice, porlice, and
Sbyszyce: Tae superficial area,covered by
the basins discovered, probably amounts to
about 50,000 acres. The soil is represented
to be so impregnated with the oil that it
frequently issues in the form of small springs,
and it is only necessary to bore a few feet
below the surface soil to reach an ample de
posit. Sufficient importance has been at
tached,to the discovery to induce the employ
ment of several American geologists and en
gineers for scientific investigation, and, ac
cording to the accounts received from these
parties, the little stream known as the Dun
ajec is in a fair way to become the Oil Creek
of Europe. The authorities who have ex
amined the article produced and visited the
country consider that the petroleum found in
Eastern Galicia is like that obtained in Can
ada, and .that • the article found in Western
Galicia is ahnost identical with that found in
Pennsylvania. It is stated that' in the latter
section there are sources which, for parity
and abundance of yield, are not equalled by
the_ wells of any portion of this country ;
and thatif they are intelligently and enter
prisingly worked they will open the way to
magnificent fortunes.
TUE census of Clevelanitlately taken,gives
that city .a population of 85,P.98.
EXECUTION AT nuicsus.—Thomas Mc-
Carty was bung at Franklin, on Wednesday,
of last week, for the murder of David Barry,
last May, in French Creek township, Venan
go county. It was the first execution ever
held there. The evidence shows the murd'er
to have been deliberately planned and most
revolting in its nature. McCarty went to
Barry's house, and was received as a guest
with much kindness. Ile had staid several
days, when one night as Barry and his wife
lay in bed they were aroused by the snap
ping of a percussion cap. Looking up, they
saw McCarty standing by their side with a
revolver in his hand. Barry, thinking Mc-
Carty to be in Brion, said "op, Tom be
quiet," when the latter replied " I'll kill the
pair o' ye.', The words had no Sooner been
spoken than he fired, and shot Barfly' in the
breast, the pistol being within three feet of
the bed. McCarty fled at once, and Mrs.
Barry hastened to a neighbor's, on her re
turn finding the clothing on fire from the near
ness of the pistol when it exploded. The
wounded man died the next day, and Mc-
Carty was soon after arrested. After con
viction he exhibited the 'most wonderful in
difference up to a short time of the execution,
when he wished for a spiritual adviser. Rev.
J. IL Tagg visited him for a few days, but he
wasnot satisfied, and wanted a priest called
in. Rev. Fathers Coady, Docker and Madi
gan were his attendants after that until his
death, the two latter being with him on the
gallows. The execution took place in the
jail yard, in the presence of a limited num
ber of spectators. McCarty mounted the
gallows with. a steady step, and looked at the
beam and rope . for an instant, but evinced no
emotion.' The black cap was drawn over
his head, the trap sprung, and the body of
McCarty-hung suspended in the air.' Life
was 'extinct in_ seven minutes, though the
body was not cut down for twenty.
Attot:r the funniest occurrence of the sea
son was the frantic efforts of certain Repub
lican leaders to intimidate voters who had
heretofore acted with their party. from cast-.
ing their ballots for the Democrats. At all
elections, as is well known, both parties usu
ally h:ive tickets printed nearly similar , to
their opponents, for the use of such voters as
feel a delicacy in having their position
known to the other side. To head off this
crass of persons, the Republican managers of
this county went to the trouble of having
headings specially engraved for each elec
tion. Their , tickets were carefully printed,
and par ties stationed to watch over the work
men so that none were extracted, the forms
destroyed or put under lock and key as soon
as the press work was finished, only the most
reliable party wheel-horses were entrusted
with their distribution, and all Were cau
tioned to allow none of the sheets to get into
the handS of Democrats before election day.
Strange to tell, the Democracy obtained
possession of as many as they needed, and
all these painful precautions proved of no
avail. The shrewd men who man,rvured
the matter never imagined for a moment
that it was an easy thing to paste their snug
ly engraved headings at the top of the list of
Democratic electors in the one instance, and
to use "stickers" in the other, thus obviating
all difficulty at small expense and trouble.
The DCMOOMPV (MTV Pone Erna omen thanha
for putting them on the track of a plan by
which they will obviate the cost of getting
up extra tickets at every election.
GEN. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, United States
Marshal for the Western District, was in the
city last week, on business connected with
his office. Gen. Rowley is an obliging and
deservedly popular officer, but being a Radi
cal Republican and warm supporter of Gen.
Grant, is not entirely acceptable to the John
son wing of the Democracy at Pittsburgh.
Their attempt, however, to compass his re-
moval, a few months ago, resulted only_ in
a discovery of their real motives and purpos
es and ')in consequent disappointment to
- tlovaselves.—Republican.
What can the above mean? Is it a slap at
oui amiable and distinguished friend, Col.
Brown o wbose , name, it is well known, was
sent into the Senate ; "a few months ago," for
confirmation in the place of Gen. Rowley?
Surely the.Colonl4 was never in sympathy
with "the Johnson wing of the Democracy,"
or if he was, he has done suMcient penance
since to entitle him to full forgiveness! After
the many "loyal" bulletins he has issued as
commander of the Tanners, and the heroism
he has displayed at the head of that patriotic
organization, such covert assaults upon his
party fealty seem the basest ingratitude!
REV.S I .;MIIRL RASISEY, who has been act
ing in this City for some months in the ca
pacity of Chaplain for the Seamen's Friend
Society, having nearly reached the expira•
Lion of his " contract;" " feels" it to be his
"duty to make a summary statement of the
services rendered." This he does in a com
munication published in the Dispatch, ad
dressed to the "citizens of Erie and all con
cerned." The debtor and creditor sides, ac
cording to his balance sheet, stand as fol
lows :
Dr. .Cr.
Preaching services; Four places of relig
held, 70; prayer meet-;ious services have
logs , 5 0; pastoral ortbeen established—one
missionary visits, 100 ;'soul coiverted, others
bibles distributed, 15; l e awakened to thought
testaments distributed , ' prayer, two sew
-64.; other religious!ing schools in opera
books, 216; religious, tion, and a local board
newspapers, 4,440-sia-..brgaruzed.
ges of tracts, 2.1,704. I
The " work done," Mr. R 'believes, "if fol
lowed up, will prove at leas r t a foundation or
introduction to more extepsive labors in be
half of seamen and others; all of which he
closes by signing himself " very fraternally
CASES FOR TmAt..-,f-The following is the
trial list for the Coat commencing on the
fifth Monday iu November :
Bulkley vs Evans, issue ; Clark et al vs
Douglass, issue ; Silverthoru vs Paul, issue ;
Reed vs Clark et al, issue ; Living vs Scott
et al, issue; Grant vs Veit et al, issue;
Rouse et al vs Burch, issue; Use Hums
son vs Lithrop Co. ;Al wood vs Rea ; Henry
vs Colby ; Girard Borough vs Hart
Wright; Linsley vs Comer; Cosper vs Erie
City ; Anderson Pet. Co. vs , Pa. R. R. Co. ;
Moore vs Cardat et al; Howell vs Pfleger ;
Moore vs, Cardat et al ; Use Merrill vs E. S
N. R. R. Co,; Kinsey aL Shenk vs Dudley ;
Church vs Rhoades ; Winchester vs Spires ;
Sergeant vs Clark ; Harris vs Webster ; Use
Perry vs Ensworth ; Bryan vs Spires; Gnu
nison'v.s Bennett; Erie City Iron Works vs
Kepler; Arnold vs Douglass et al; Wilcox
vs Enterprise Ih. Co.; Kelsey vs Gilbert ;
Hunter vs Wells et al ; 2d National Bank of
Erie vs Brown ; Kimball vs Aldrich et al ;
Hubbard vs Albert; Smith vs Haynes.
TIJE Ilsrit.—Read what Elder D. T. Tay
lor, of Rouse ' s Point, N. Y., says on the hair.
"The human hair, bleached by age, fright or
disease, can be fully restored to its natural
color without dyeing it. My case illustrates
this statement truthfully. My hair for sev
enteen years has been gradually growing
white and falling out; but, lo! in a short
time I have hack my old auburn locks. My
hair is as firm as when young ; this has been
accomplished by. the use of Hall's 'Vegetable
Sicilian Hair Renewer. It does its work
rapidly, is cooling, healing, and, in my case
effectually, without harm to brain; body, or
general health; this cannot be said of any
other preparation sold. Ido not know the
wonderful ingredients, but I do know ex
perimentally, and by observation in a' score
of cases, that it is a most marvelously trans
forming compound. Heads of sixty-five are
changed by it to the, color of youth." The
proprietors; R. P. Hall it Co., Nashua; N.H.,
will sell to clergymen at wholesale prices.
BLANKETS, both White, Gray, and Silver
Gray; Comforts. constantly on hand, or
made to order; Pillows; made of the best live
Geese Feathers.
oc21), -21 Dicrwmonr, Gnoss & FogrFa.
A LARGE new stock of Gents' _under wear
just received—the best goods In MarkeL .
WOOl YRIALR, all colors, a complete stock,
good and cheap.
DFEFENDORF, GROSS & roma. 0c29.2t
Br EAcmto Muslim, a lune stock of all
the best and most popular makes, very cheap,
Dimanoss. Gases & 0c29-2t • •
THE storm on Friday night did considera
ble damage in the city and Upon the lake.
We have not heard of any:serious =mined's
Tim bachelor editor of the Forest Press is a
wit es well as philosopher. Listen to burn:
"It is better to be laughed at for not being
married, than to be unable to laugh because
you are !"
A FIRE.v.e: on a Lake steamer was caught
by the crank of the engine and squeezed
through a hole six inches wide - in its resist-
less decent. He was found in pieces in the
Mas. E. CADY STANTON reports that, as a
baby, Anna Dickinson "was cross, sleepless,
restless, and crying continually with a loud
voice." Old maidhood has not improved
her disposition:
BRICK POMEROY pronounces Erie "one of
the most beautiful cities in the country,"
and predicts that "the time Is not fur
taut" when it will be "a greater shipping
port than Ceveland." .
THE Evangelical Alliance has set apart
the interval between January ltd and 10th
nest, as a week of prayer throughout the
World. Each" day is to be devoted to some
special subject.
THE city water works arc progressing with
considerabte.rizor, and the parties in charge
anticipate that they will be ready for use by
the - Ist of December. A supply of water is
promised by the opening of the year.
TUE Democracy of McKean county elect
ed their candidate_ for Treasurer, although
there was a majority of two hundred against
them on the State ticket. This shows what
can be accompliihed by selecting popular
candidates. - ;
NOTW trasTANniNa the fan made of it, The
"Grecian bend" cities not take, except with
the extremists in fashion. The bend is to be
seen on rare occasions only: Withstanding
temptation, sensible women say to it, "Get,
thee behind me, Satan."
SOME of our cotemporaries arc boasting of
the big beets with which they have been pre-
sented. The Democratic party has just got
a beet larger by many odds than any we have
seen described. It reaches clear from the
Pacific to the Atlantic, and yet we don't brag
over it.
Tut: Mayor issued a proclamation to close
the places where intoxicating drinks are
sold, on election day, and such of their pro
prietors as saw proper obeyed the order.
The initiated hint that there was no trouble
in gettirig something to "wet their weazels,"
if "the ropes" were understood.
Ti property owners on Peach street
will be compelled to pay $O.BO per loot on
each side of the street for the Nicholson
paving, making Its total cost $18.60 per foot
from gutter to gutter. With the decline in
real estate, it is 'doubtful whether they will
realize upon thb investment for some time.
STERRETT'S building, at the coiner of
the Park, and French street, has been leased
for a term of years by Messrs. McConkey it
Shannon, who are fitting it up in first class
trim, preparatory to •removirig their exten
sive stock of goo& into it. We are eat( to
irss...wr tat% 6 Mtn CU Lerprtsnag nrm have at Last
secured a room suitable to their wants.
WE regret to learn that Mr. Chas. Keehler
was smitten with a parylitic -stroke on Fri
day, which has entirely disabled his left Bide,
and threatens to be serious in its results. He
has little hope of ever being able to resume
active business, anti in to-day's paper -offers
for sale his valuable brewery on the Ridge
road.- For a person desiring to engage in
that business, this is one of the most desira
ble properties in the Country.
THE statement is going , the rounds of the
press that the Presbyterian custom of stand
ing while engaged in prayer had its rise in
the dislike which the early followers of that
sect felt towards "genuflection," or any, cus
tom in use among the "Papists," towards
whom they felt the strongest aversion.. As
the Catholic service requires Its adherents to
stand at frequent intervals, the explanation
seems a little "mixed."
TyrusviLLE has named her new steam fire
engine the "Cid. Drake," after the gentleman
who first developed the oil wealth of that
section. The Venango Spectator says he is
"now suffering the pangs of sickness and poy
and suggests that "a mere pittance
from a tenth part of the people whom his
discovery has made rich" would probably be
more serviceable to him than having his
name on a fire-engine.
THE celebrated Xorwegian vocalist, Ole
Bull, whose appearance some years ago, cre-
ated a femme only second to that which at
tended Jenny Lind, is on another tour 'over .
the United States.. lie will give a concert
is Farrar Ball, on Saturday evening next,
attended by a troupe of superior artistes.
The'mere mention of his coming will be suf
ficient to set all the music loving portion of
the community impatient to hear him.
Tux Democracy of Erie city and county
owe thanks to the brave men who, in every
district, stood at the polls on Tuesday, and
contested the field With our opponents in de
fence of the cause we all hold so dear. In
too many instances they were without ade
quate assistance, and the determination they
exhibited, in the midst of the most discourag
ing influences, entitles them to the kind re
membrance of our friends everywhere.
TIARTRANFT'S majority in the district is
2,747, Mr. Scofield's is 2,548, or 199 less. Of
this toss, only 27 is In Erie county. Herein
is a moral.—Gazeffe.
The "moral," we presume, rests In the ex
hibit it gives of the Gazette's influence. Be
fore his nomination and since, that paper's
opposition to Scofield has been open and un
disguised, and . yet with all its efforts, Ids vote
falls but 27 below that for the State ticket.
Has the Gazette -fiction really dwindled. to
this petty extent?
TUE total vote of Erie county at the late
election was 12 '
233 ; that of Crawford 12,416.
Crawford still ahead.—Meadrille Journal.
Yes, but at the rate of progress 'since 1866
you will have to bestir yourselves to' keep
ahead much longer. At that election Craw
ford county had 489 votes more than Erie ;
this year the difference is only 183—a gain
for Erie couutrof 306. The same ratio will
leave Crawford in the rear before two yCars
are past. .
THE editor acknowledges a polite epistle
from Sheriff Swan, notifying him that he has
been duly drawn as a Grand Juror at the
coming term of Quarter Sessions. While
feeling profoundly grateful for this rare and
unexpected token of esteem, he regtels that
a modest sense of his merits requires him to
imitate Artemus Ward's example wheii he
was called upon to go as a conscript, and
"decline the honor tendered." Ever since
election, he has firmly believed that the
"post of honor is the private station."
Tam propeller Congress left Buffalo on the
22dAtist, for Chicago; loaded with railroad
Iron and salt,and run on the reef three Miles
west . of Thunder Bay Light on the 27th.
She began leaking immediately and was
abandoned by the crew, who went ashore
fa small boats. About an hoar after she
was abandoned she was discovered to be on
fire, and was very soon totally destroyed.
She was valued at $30,000, and Is reported
to have been insured in Buffalo companies
1 ONE day last week, while Mrs. Ormabyand
a lady companion were walking along the
track of Ell, near 'Union, they
discoverid_a broken rtiff. piasepger train
was nearly due . , and they at once had 4 . 4ag
hoisted to apprise the engineer of danger, by
which timely act a serious accident was
probably averted. The parties on the train
raised a collection of $6.26, which they pre
sented to the ladles as a Wilda:tools' of their.
gratitude for saving the train from
dent !
JAS. - STEWART, A negro preacher in Genre's,
was caught stealing corn a few nights ago,
and was shotlbg a member of bis own con
Lest some misapprehension may occurore
hasten to announce that' this paragraph has
no reference to our own illustrious fellow
citizen, " Commodore " James Stewart. The
latter still retains his princely mansion ea the
bank - of the Lake, and disdain ti the idea thai
he should Sad it necessary to emigrate to
Georgia in order to secure a field for his ac
knewledged skill aad enterprif;e.
Ttrit . Dispatchlells of a veteran sport who
caught a tanscalonge between 'five and six
feet long, with a trolling - lino, on Sunday.
It was unhappy for the fisherman, and spoils
the story somewhat, that just about the time
he got ready to haul the monster into his
boat, atter playing with him for a long time,
" the middle bar of his trolling hook " was
broken, Mr. Iduscaionge restored to liberty,
and the thousands who would have rushed
to see his portly form, disappointed.
Os Monday morning, about two o'clock,
officer Chellis discovered it female Infant in
the passage way of Bavelagh's building, on
Peach street, South of the depot, where It
bad been left by some party unknown. The
child was about ten days old, has pretty tea.•
tures, was well dressed, and a nursing bottle
lay by its side. No clue being found to Its
mother, it has been placed in the family, of
Conductor McDonald, of the C. & E. R. A,
IT Is a topic of common Temark that at no
previous period has our city been freer from
disorderly or criminal behavior than at pres
ent. No knock downs, no drunken brawls,
no robberies, no murders, no criminal offence
of any kind. The Presidential contest has
taken up the minds of our citizens of all class
es to such a degree, that they seem to have
lost all taste for the amztaements which tir
ally pre itin large localities.
Ts a recent canvass of the passengers of a
railroad train, the person who was making it
sportively asked a grim, solemn old lady
which way she should, vote._ She didn't un
derstand his question. "Arre, you for Grant
or Seymour, madam I" repeated he. "Grant
ersemer !" replied the indignant female ;
"don't know of any rich place. lam a go
in' to Con-nee-aut."
Account% to the Republican, a man
named - Shaw, of Dunkirk, undertook, on
Friday last, to walk from Swan Ville to Buffa
lo, one hindred miles, in twenty hours. A ,
wager of $5,000 was put up on the feat,
$2,000 of the same to be, Shaw's; Vile suc
ceeded. As we have beard nothing - more of
the enterprise, it was probably not accom
plished. • -
THE Young Men's Christian Associatiou of
Warren has arranged for a course of lectures
during the coming season. The list embraces
the following names : Miss E. A. Stetson,
B. F. Taylor, Geo. W. Bungay, E. P. Whip
ple, J. G. Saxe, Washington Gladden, Rev.
A. D. Mayo, Dr. R. H. Gilbc:rt, Petroleum V:
Nasby, and Robert Collyer.
THE terrible uproar of the Radical papers
in this city, about "spurious tickets," was, as
we suspected, a mere blind to divert atten
tion from their own Intended tricks. They
had two tickets in circulation one for their
vvra - voter; und anotner nearilr similar tot ne
Democratic one, for the 'deception of the
careless on our side.
TEE majority of men in this country take
to office as naturally as ' pigs and ducks• to
mud, negroes to sunshine and sleep, boys to
mischief, or girls to babies and dress. Throw
an American up in the air five Miles, wheel
Lim around five thousand times, and when
he comes down his arms are stietehed to the
utmost for an office.
Tux German Savings Bank will commence
their building, at the corner of State and
Eighth streets, about the Ist of April. The
new building material manufactured here, is
to be used for the walls, and the structure •is
Intended to be one of the handsomest and
most substantial in the city.
A vim wicked editor relates the follow
ing, which may be true or may not be :
"The recent marriage• in Buffalo of -Mr.
Deville and Miss Ditram, has resulted alter a
week's honeymoon, in Deville's' departure
with WO belonging to his bride, who is left
disconsolate, and spends her time in repeat
ing her maiden name."
Tam is pm-eminently the season for con
flagations. People become careless of their
fire arrangements in summer, and have not
yet reached the proper degree of caution.
Let all see to it that their stoves and pipes
are in complete order. A few dollars spent
now may save thousands.
LET us have decency,•at all events, what
ever may be our differences of political opin-.
ions.—Dispateh.* . • a
Suppose you commence by setting the ex
ample. The novelty of the thing would
make it interesting, if no ether result fol
THE astronomers announce the near ap
proach of the annual meteoric shower. They
will look for It on the 13th and 15th mats.,
between the hours of midnight and. sunrise.
Those of our readers who are sufficiently in,
terested May imitate their example.
A WILITER who pretends to knew says
"Lager beer was introduced as , a beveriage
into this country after the revolution of 1848,
by the !European 'patriots' who 'flocked
hither, and came into general use about
EIIREKA Lodge, No. 366, A. Y. M., of
Union Mills, has passed appropriate resolu
tions:of respect in memory of their deceased
brother, George Stetzel, and directed the
Tyler's door and Junior Warden' jewel to be
draped In mourning for thirty days.
Tug street railway is going towards com
pletion with provoking slowness, which is
said to he owing to. the delay in receiving
the iron. The parties directly interested
promise that the cars will he running before.
winter sets In.
Now is the time to guard against .sudden
changes of weather; clothing should be
changed with the change of the temperature
of the atmosphere ; colds and many other
diseases may be prevented and life prolonged
by proper attention to this subject
WI LD Ducks by the tilt:wand -prevail in
the vicinity of the peninsula. The sports
men are popping at them every five minutes'
and keep the poor birdli so badly friehtened
that it is difficult to get within a half mile of
Lt4Et. suits are not a favorite resort with
men of much experience in public life; if
you are slandered by a newspaper it is much
better to live down the slander than to bring
any action for libel.
• Tim hike schooner Scandinavian' sunk off
Port Raven, Canada, on Saturday, and the
crew and the Captain's wife took refuge in
the rigging, whence .they were rescued on
Sundayin an exhausted condition.
TIM. silly people who are digging for gold
on Kelley's Island, Lake Erie, under the di
rection of Planchette, have gone eight or ten
feet into solid limestone without results, but
they. persevere.
bit. W. C. Eviiis, of North East, has loca
ted in the practice of ht, profession at Kan
sas City, Mo. We wish him all the prosperi
ty he may anticipate.
ESTI/LATER° eight residents tb each voter,
the population of Meadville, with a vote of
1827, is 10,810, and that of Tithsville, with a
vote of 1,052, is 8,410.,
Gov. OP44tY designates Tbnnsday, the 28th
u a day of thanksgiving, being the
same day appointed by, the President.
TIM WitheU,Ledger WS the chestnut
crop hat beenirlatilant in that vicinity.
Thou Kid Gloves, with the long wrists
and laced backs, we spoke of a short time
ago, ate selling very-rapidly, and anT of the
ladies who desire to purchase should call
Ditrimoar, Guoss & Foams 0c29-2t
A Female Mae.
PAILKEDIMMO, VA., Oct. 14, teas
En. °WEIMER :—As I WILT formerly a
reader of your paper, I take this opportunity
to inform you of a female-man that came
here some time ago.' ller home is in Elk
Creek, Erie Co. She came here with friends,
calculating to teach school. Every time she
was on the street nearly all noticed her pe
culiar actions, and suspected that she was in
disguise. The police arrested her and took
her before two physicians, who pronounced
her amore fit subject to perform the duties
and • position of a man. She gave a history of
herself since she was twenty-two years old.
That since then;• after a spell of sickness,
which was caused by inflammation in the
stomach,a change took place in her disposi
tion. She says the information will be
strange to her folks, who knew nothing of
tt As she wished to assume male dress
soon, the inhabitants subscribed and got her
a snit of men's clothes, and changed her
name to Marion 'Steward. He (or she) is
Well respected here, and talks of leaYing to
go bac# home. He says he always had more
love for the ladies than the men, and all
that knew him wondered why he did not
have a desire to - marry a man. As be came
from your county, the police and physicians
wished me to send you a report of the mys
tery, and' ave you publish it in your paper.
Strange i mity be, but it is true. •
New Publications.
' TUE issue of the oia Guard forthls month
is most excellent In all its departmenta—
-1 political; literary, scientific &c., but es
pecially in its political matter. We find the
articles under the headings of "IT. S. Grant,
by a general of the United States Army,"
"The }ilea for Standing Armies," "Are We a
Free People," &c., and considerable of the
butane which makes up the Editor's Table,
of especial Interest at this eventful moment
In our national history. Every member of
the Democracy should read these articles.
THE Phrenological Journal for November.
contains Portraits and Biographical Sketches
bf Max Muller, Isaac Taylor, the eminent
writer; Schiller, Chamisso, Gellert, litiland;
Heine, German Lyric Poets ; Isabella the
late Queen of Spam; Mrs. T. 31eGath 107
years old; Gointod the author of "Faust,'-'
besides lively and instructive articles and
sketches on a great variety of topics.
TEIE Nursery is the title of a monthly maga
zine, edited by Fabny P. Seaverns, and pub
lished in Boston, by John L, Shorey. It is
intended for the very youngest class ofJuven
ile readers, and will serve as a convenient
manual for improvement in that useful art,
as well as for an attractive miscellany of
stories and sketches adapted to the taste of
ambitious infancy.
Tits Lrrrl.E ConronAt..—With the Nov
ember number this excellent publication for
young folks, put on an entire new dress; and
appears in neat paper cover. Terms only
$l.OO a year, with a premium. Specimen
copies will be sent to any boy who wants to
get up a club, free of, cost. Address Alfred
L Sewell, publisher, Chicago, 111.
-ATLANTIC ifloNvnt.y.Ticknor &
,publishers, &Mon, Mass. Terms $4.00 per
year. The Atlantic, notwithstanding its po 7
errors, is always attractive, filled as it
ever is with the choicest of American litera
ture. It is pre-eminently the best magazine
lwe know of.
GODEVI3 LADY'S BOOK.—One of the 'very
best Lady's Magazines 'that comes to our ta
ble is Godey's. It has a life and freshness
which, renders it a universal favorite, and we
recommend if to our readers with more than
usual pleasure. Now is the best time to get
tip clubs ; send in your orders.
TUE G ornhill Monthly, published by
Messrs. D. Lathrop d Co., at 38 and 40 Corn
hilly Boston, holds steadily on its way. The
numbers for September and October, which
*le are unm iun 01 resoling at
once pleasant, varied and wholesome;
Smrrn—GurFFEY.--On the 29th ult., at the
residence of the bride's father, by Rev. S.
K. Paden, of Pulaski, Pa., Byron A.
Smith to Miss Salona A. Griffey, both of
Conneaut township.
GRAY—BRA:MON.—III Harbor Creek, on the
29th uIL, at the house of John Gray, by
Rev. G. W. Cleveland, Mr. James M. Gray,
of Mill Creek, and Miss Laetitia Brandon,
of Harbor Creek.
NASR—BOTIIELL.—In North East, Oct. 28,
by Rev. Thomas Guy, Justin Nash, Esq.,
of Sturgis. Mich., - and Mrs. Sally BOthell,
of North East.
CAciremAN—McCostmcr.r.—ln Girard, Nov.
4th, by Henry Ball, Esq., Mr. J. C. Cauff-
man, to Miss Maggie McConnell, both of
BARNES—HANNAH—In Springfield, Sept. 10,
by J. Newton Miller, Esq., Mr. - .llimm
Barnes, to Miss Louisa Hannah, both of
Conneaut Township, Pa.
Lone—PEnimicn—ln Waterford, Nov. Ist,
by Esq. Hyner, Mr. James F. Lord, to Miss
Mary S. Pernbach, both of Erie.
litso—Gnsn—ln Waterford, Oct. 6th, by
Rev. W. Hollister, Mr. J. A. King. of
Waterford, to Miss Sophronia Ober, of Le.
Risx—Wurrrt.usY—ln Waterford, Oct. 6th,
by Rev. W. Hollister, Mr. Hiram Rise, to
Miss Henrietta Whittlesy, both of Water
Ronuisox.—ln Fairview, Oct. 24th, Cassius
31.,.voungest son of Robert Robinson, aged
22 yaars.
TYLER.—Billed by the Hudson River Rail
road accident, at Greenbush, Oct. 24th,
Mrs. M. L., wife of N. C. Tyler; of North
East, aged $2 years.
SOWTIEWZOX—In North East, Pa., of con
sumption, at his father's residence, Octo
ber Marquis L. Southwick, late of Buf
falo, N. Y., aged 24 years, 6 months and 11
itertaiwitt—On the. 3d inst., Mary, wife of
Thomas Mehaffey, in the B.sth year of her
PREMATIME Decry.—Thousands go annu
ally into premature graves because they ne
glect to preserve that inestimable blessing,
good health. Sufferers from Liver Com
plaint, Dyspepsia, Constipation and, similar
ailments, your disease will take its inevitable
course and end your days on earth, perhaps
suddenly, unless you take the means to pre
vent it. But beware of false methods and
use only a sure protection against the cause
of these diseases, as well as the only absolute
remedy for t h em. Fortify ' yourselves at once
by a course of Mishler's Herb Bitters, and
thus render_ your constitution and physique
invulnerable to the attacks of epidemic dis
orders and the ordinary complaints which
prevail in every . locality. The most distin•
guished physicians of the present day use it
in their practice and positively declare that
the whole science of medicine possesses no
remedy that is half as efficacious for diseases
arising from a disordered. Stomach, Liver,
Kidneys, Intestines, ST., as Mishler's Eletb
Bitters. Sold by all druggists and dealers.
Dr. S.• B. Hartman & Co., ProprietorS, Lan
caster, Pa. novs-2 t
A PRACTICAL business education is what
is needed by every man, in the community.
immaterial what his literary attainments may
or may not be.. Every man should be pre
pared to transact business accurately and un
ilerstandingly ; and from what we have been
able to learn, the Iron City College offers the
best advantages to be found in this country.
Its course of study Is complete, thorough
and practical, and its terms so reasonable as
to be within the reach of all. For particu
lars, address the Principals, Smith & Cowley,
Pittsburgh, Pa. -
EUGENIA HAM REsronEn.—The cheapest
and best. Mammoth bottles only 75 cents.
The Eugenia Hair Restorer eclipses all
known discoveries for the rapidity , with
which it restores gray and faded hair to Its
original color, promotes its rapid and, healthy
growth, prevents and stops it when falling
off, and is a most luxuriant hair dressing, for
the human hair and head, rendering it soil,
silky and lustrous. Sold by 8: Dickinson &
Bon, sole agents in Erie. decl2-Iy.
IN the Darpet Department, we defy com
petition in respect to extent and variety, as
well as to price and quality. • Our stock con
sists of Crossley's Tapestry Brussels ; Lowell
Extra, and Hartford Superfine Ingrains; Ve
netisp_and Dutch Wool; Felt Druggets ; Co
coa Mats and Mattings, in fact as large and
complete a stook of goods as was ever offered
in this city, at very low prices
DLEFENDOIII., Gum & FoErrzn. 0c29-21
Mammas= made of Sea Grass or Hair
Spring Mattresses, the best in market. N.
B.—We make those celebrated Wire Frame
Spring Mattresses, they are txcelled by none
in the country. Lounges made to order—and
all kinds of upholstering dose in a_ perfectly
satisfactory manner. •
Dnurrawour, Gams & Fosnat. oa9-t
Fextmans or Rats Comm.—Chas. Craw
ley is agent for,the sate of the Mercier,Flexi
ble Marrow. All •oiliers taken by him will
be promptly attended to.
_ 4 . CAPT. J. H. Waxen,
Prop rfitiggiiiiirr Mercier Flexible Harrow
oclS-tf . Erie, Pa.
121. MI. Vince ea's Double Ql'oiumn.
Itkat you should also ,recollect that the
is - nsrr AND • CiarjEA:jp - iEsri , !
The above cut represents a nevrand improved' four-knlfe, Cutting 13ox, greatly superior to
any tour-knife Feed Cutter in use. Its strength, durability, compactneas, sel (-ft:Wing, adjustable
throat and knives, case of cutting all kinds of feed equally well, different length of cut, operated
by band or horse power, all combined, give the "Empire Feed Cutter" the decided preference
over every other four-knife Cutter. Took the First Frain iutn at the New York State Fair Lc, WU
We offer them to the public with full conndence that they will give entire satisfaction.
We have the Largest and Rest Assortment of Stove:4lln the City of Erie. All the approved
varieties. Several entirely new Patents.
The Cosmopolitan,
fig new Cooking Stove leads the market. It is for coat or wood • has galvanized Iron Res . -
ervolr ; Is the highest priced Reservoir Stoves, and costs 13) leas. A superb Cooker and
Baker, In all respects. Also,
And a dozen other varieties of the moat approved stoves, for all pnrposes. This season, our
Stovo•stock is larger, better and cheaper than ever before.
The Renowned Stewart Stove.
We have the solo agency for Erie of the renowned Stewart Stove, for kitchen or parlor. Nev
er, purchase a stove betore-you seen Stewart. The biggest thing la parlor or office stoves flaby
season is
- JECa,se-JES turner.
Perfection as near as a Stove can be. The Stewart Base Burner Is handsome, economical, ef•
flclent, reliable, easy to manage, and, in short. Is the best
.imasible combination of the Luvalua
ble Stewart patent with the best base burning models.
The Morning Glory--formerly Littlefield--Base Burning
HOT Ainut
Greatly improved sincedast season. Tills, the best of all Hot Air Furnaces, is now manufac- .
turd in Erie, by Barr, Johnson d Co., and we have the sole Retail Agency for this section. A•
base burning Furnace is the only proper kind. The base btirning improvement is even more
essential to a Furnace than °stove. Among our many home endorsements-la the following:
The Littlefield (now Morning Glory Base Burning) Furnace, has been used by us in our resi
dences during the past year, and we heartily endorse it in every respect equal to the euarantees,,
of W. W. Pierce & Co., (rota whom we obtained it. Cu_ pt. J. S. Richards W. S. Brown, Isaac
Moorhead, H. W. Spooner, S. A. Davenport, B. Grant, W. J. F. Liddell, Robert Evans, Conrad
Brown, B. Minium and ) others,
GIRARD TESTMONY.—The undersigned, citizens of Girard, cheerfully endorse the above. B.
S. Battles, James Webster, W. C. Culbertson, Henry McConnell.
We have a very large and well selected stock of Hardware, House Furnishing Goods, Tools,
and Agricultural Implements. Our stock Is complete. It is nearly double In extent and variety
to that of former years. Prices the most reasonable. Goods the most reliable. Come' and see
Stoves for Everybody
No. 5' . ..7 French Street
'SITE HAVE a large assottrnent of the BEST
and CHEAPINT Stoves the market af
fords. Our celebrated
ire taking the lead of all other cooking stoves,
and are adapted to the wants of all classes of
community. They are fitted with and withbut
water backs also with and without back closets
and reservo irs.
'We have also the best magazine Stove or per
petual burner (or parlor and office use, yet of
fered to the public, called the
It has a perfect base circulation, which effec
tually warms the lower part of the room,
and the construction of the top is such
as to render explosions of gas Impossible
—besides being the most beautiful stove in the
We also have any quality.of other styles for
both wood and coal—and cannot be undersold.
Call and examine our stock before purchas
ing elsewhere.
SEir Sign of the Big Eagle perched on a Cook
seplo-tf tio. 5X French St . , Erie, Pa.
Family, Embroidery and Manufacturing
Sewing Machines.
Office rent' of Gennheimer's Clothing Store
Gm State St., Erie, 1%1. .15"23-IY.
Live Stock Insurance Co
Organizen by electing the following officers:
SAL KELSEY, Vice President.
M. HARTLEB, Treasurer.
o.l'. OTHIRCHILL, Secretary.
J.:I3LENNER, General Agent..
'll. Jareckl,
C. Busick,
F. Schneider,
G. T. Churchill,
Joseph McCarter.
Henry C. Shannon
D. S. ciaiir,
Joseph Meaner,
M. Hornet),
IL M. Johnson.
J. Hearn,
S. ll:Kelsey:.
This Company is organized with
A Capital Stock, of. rifts : Thoosan4
The office of this Company will be kept for
the present in the "Dien° Savings Bank,"
Keystone Bank Building, and they are pre
pared to Woe policies on liberal terms to all
who have stock to insure. • au.334m
New Marble Shop.
rr i rhat U n N e r llM l UMEed h n e e r gxrplC l te n ra n r l7l :
orks on
North side of 9th St., bet. State a Peaeh,
rale, Pa., where he Is prepared to AU all orders
In the various branches of that basins" with
promptness and.dlspatch, such as all works In
Marble or Sandstone, viz:
Marble Plates, Fine Bending stone, &c.
Clothing and Gent's Fornisidng Goods
ERIE. l'A.•
I c/ THE
.1 2 'rEU.C.E d CO.,
No. 834) State Street, Eirlo,
Wholesale and Retail
.501 State Street, Erie, Pa,
Rindernecht's Old Stand
IHAVE. ON HAND t nplenakt stock of 'Gio 24
cerlem, consisting of ...
Wooden Willow Ware,
Making the most complete assortment of goods
- kept by any tiroccr In the place.
I am also agent for
'Headquarters for
Clover and Timothy . Seed.
Farta on Lake Pleasant road, about 7 mllea
from the city, known an the Win. Lawrencei
place. ;55 acres. good farm house, good barns,
6 acres woods, grafted orchard, em. The above
farm can be bought for $2,700, orn-half down,
the balance In i yeals• time. It Is under line
state of cultivation. Owner Is obliged• to let it
go on account of sickness. It Is cheap andvery
Seven and one-balf acres, 5 miles of city, on
'ilitia- road. G ood small house, barn, choice
variety of fruit, Sc. Erie°, 1. 1 3W0.
No. 1 Reed House.
On Lake road, east about 5,4 miles. 921,4 acres.
New two-bleu well finished house, fine barn,
SOO !.oung apple trees. Mr. Olianlon having
made business arrangements that will take
him permanently from Erie Co., proposes to
hell this valuable property CHEAP.
seplUdf. , - ILAYEti, & KEPLER.
ri I. IESTIFY to-its merits tar estoring Gray Hair
to its original color and promoting its
growth. It Imams the hair son and glossy.
The old in 'appearance are made young again..
It is the best
ILA. I IT. 11917 i. 144,!, :41G
ever used. It removes Dandruir and all Scurvy
Eruptions. It doe not stain the skin.
Our Treatise on the Hair sent five by mail.
Bowan- of the numerous preparatieum which ,
are sold upon our reputation.
It. P. HALJ, a CO., Nashua, N. 11.; ProprtetOrs.
. •
For sale by all druggists. • . turvs.ltii.
Important Nottce.u,
FAIRVIEW STATION, Sept. 18, 1607. • -
The Subscriber would Yespect hilly inform Uni
Farmers of Fairdew and vicinity, that lis . fis • •
prepared to pay
Tor all kinds' of Farm Produce delivered 'fit
Fairview Station. Also, keeps on hand - tar
. •
as cheap ns can be had elsewhere. Aleor
the agency of Hapgood, Young & co.'s s . d -
Cast Steel Plows, Sulkey Cultivators, WA' -
Jones' Belf-Dnroping" Wheel Hay Salto, 'Am. —.
And has a superior lot or Mares full Iflo and. •
grade, ....•
aepl9ll7-ly. A. STONE.
• To the Ladteo".
TAMES who suffer from weakness across the
i back and of the limbs, with bearing4trwie
pains, so it is wi th difficulty that. they can
stand walk erect, can be relieved .at once
and radically cored - by wearing the PRENCIi
SUPPOILTEE, a new auct elegant device, neves
before known or used In this country. For ran
information, call upon or address with stamp,
leD. • •
' tr,
JOB PRINTING of every kind, in large or
, small quantities, plain or colored, done in
the beat style, and at moderate prllee s at the
Observer Wpm
GE -
tA t o ,
h . ...h Fe
Of all kinds,
No. 1 Reed House.