The Song Cabinet, A. l'ir,v. `SINGING BOOK FOR THE, I,7SE OF Seminaries, Academies and Singing Classes, Bor O. ALLEN. This Book contains; rntir.—A very carefully prepared series of Prl nutry Song Lessons. •zroxnnx.—A large number of new and beau tiful School Songs. short cantata—The School Festi val—designed expressly for use at Sohool Receptions, Concerts anti Exhibitions. The publisher in presenting this work 'to e'rineipals and teachers, would call special at tention to its superior merits as n School song Book. The author has been very careful in the *election of his MUSIC, which is almost entirely new, and in adapting to It appropriate words With unobjectionable sentiments, which will commend Its adoption in all our , Schools and Seminaries. The SONG CABINET bas been adopted by the Board of Education as the Test Book for the Public Schools in the city of Sew 'Vern. tete. CO Cent.; each. To Schools, &c., Slx Dol lam per I)ozen Sample Copy Bent l,y mall, post kaki, on re ilogpt of 50 cents, Published by WM. HALL. F;ON 0. J. WILLARD, No. 543 I3roadw•ay. Neu York. O. J. wrx,LAttn. L_ • _ • lot Wholesale Agent for the City awl Stn to of New York for the celebrated VOSTI" PIANO FORTES! Are strictly •peaking first class, and have not Idled to become the LENDING PIANO wherev er introduced. Dealers will be supplied at the Lowest Wholesale Rates and gasman teed protec- Sloth Large illustrated price list, giving correct likeness from photographs, sent to any address isis application. Address 0. S. WILLARD. Wholesale Agent 513 Bra;tdway, New York. •. D. A; U. W. SMITII'S r SRI VALLRD AMERICAN' ORGAN'S! 0. J. Willard, Wholesale Agent. The Cases are the LARGEST IN THE MARKET, blew wnd beautl'ulin design and workmanship —are made irom the best r of material. Voiced with great care, having a smooth pipe organ quality of tone, yet deep and mellow. Are do t-shed in highly polished Black 'Walnut and Rosewood Cases, with double bellows, double blow pedals, knee swells, etc. All have the tre molo stop, with which the most beautiful co:Teets san be produced. Send for Illustrated price list, giving full particulars. Address 0. J. NVI,LLARD, jal7-tf.' 343 Broadway, N. Y. MUSIC STORE: .... - 4.5 ‘,t • - - Pianos from Steinway & Sons, Marshal & ver, Emil Ciahler. AN°, Melodeons and Organs Prices nt a large di4count below mannfactur. Ire' prices: Every instrument warranted fot Ave years. Also, the best Sewing Machines constantly en hand. Every Machine warranted for three years. No. 815 t4tate street, Erie, I'a. jan2-tf. Z. SMI'1"11. s. , so----- 4/0 " ,S% -AND,COO Corner of Holland and Sixth Streets, ERIE PA. Greenbacks for. Bonds, EEO EQUAL TAXATION ! it 'neva tenders" are good enough for the sot Oar, merchant, farmer, mechanic, labor er, and all others who pay taxes, they are good enough for rich bondholders who pay no taxes. THE PITTSBURGH POST, The only Democratic daily to Western Penn • sylvanla, and a first-class newspaper. (living the latest intelligence from all parts or the world. full local and, Gm mercial reports, togeth er with a vast amount of miscellaneous matter, la delivered to subserthers in Pittsburgh and Xieighboring cities and towns at the low price 01 illiteen Cents per Week, or by Mail, Eight Dollars a Year. THE WEEK LT" POST, elreulation4arger than any Radical freckly published In Pennsylvania. A large eight e paper. forty-eight columns of matter, eon. ng the leading editorials, as published in the Daily Post, full reports of the doings of the Rump—late telegrams, cable, local and market reports, agricultural, poetry, stories, etc., mailed to any address at TWO DOLLARS A YEAR, Or w h en ordered In clubs of dye and os er ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CENTS. inc. Circulate the Post and Increase the Dem, Grano Vote. All' orders must .be accempaviet With the cash, and no deviation can. be math from the terms given above. Specimen copies Maned to any addreF,s, free of charge. Addres, the publishers, JAS. P. !UDR & Cth, mrs'6B. Pitnhurgh, Piss • Discharge in Bankruptcy. IN THE DISIBICT COURT of the United States for the Western District of Pennsyl vania. T. P. Babcock, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d,1507, having applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other Maims provable under said Act, by order of the Court, Notice is hereby given to all pcl%ons who have proved their debts, and other persons in terested, to appear on the 27th day of Au"., 188, at 2 o'clock, P..M.,_ before S. P.. Woodrnfl, Esq., Register, at his ()Mee in Erie, Pa., to show cause, Ilan f ed they have, why a discharge should not to the said bankrupt. And farther n frt. hereby given that the second and third Meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, re waited by the irith and Nth sections of said Act, 71U be had before the said Register at the same time and place. S. C. McCANDLEss, Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District, REMOV s. HUNTER has rein AL. oved from his old 1E: stand, south of the Depot, to the_new store e doors west of the American Hotel, south. west Dark, where he has a very lino line of HATS, CAPS, &C., &C., Warranted to he equal in style, quality and fin ish to any in the market, and respectfully solic its a call from his old friends and the public gencroilY, assuring them none AVM go away dis sstLsfled. Grata. LAMES! BLANKS !—A —A completearaort tnent of every kind of Blanks needed by PLANK Justleca, Constables and Business Ilan, for aale at the Observer office. 1108 PRINTING of every kind, In largo or arnall quantities, plain or colored, done in • 9 beat stye, awl at moderate paces. Si the IMIIIII - nr egalle. NEW .- PRESSES, AND SUPERIOR WORKMEN. • ERIE OBSERVER 4 ; 1 North-West Corner of State Street and the Park: Job Printing of Every Description ! la ti style of tinsnrpni.sed neatness. and at priee,slo compete with any other only(' ill tin. North West. tilt!. P.R.F....SEM are of the Oar Ttrn all NEV, and of the IiTYLES4, and our WotaignN equal to any i n the coun try. With the Machinery and, Material we now possess, we 'eel tally warranted in claiming that NO OITICE in the western Part of tho State EXCEI.-;, and only one or two equal us, in faellities for turning out work in a RAVID AND SATISFACTORY MANNER • t i w w n oh. I .ritr nt .01• = s • • U Canis, Letter and Bill• Heads, CirO,nlarS, Statements, . • ENGRAVING, LITHOGRAPHING, &c. We have made arrangements with the largest and best establishment in Buffalo for prorating any sort of Engraving that. may be needed, In as good style and at 3 till 31 ` C'N ) 1 II Builditgrs, Maehiuery, Seals, Autographs, Maps, Portraits, &e., By entrusting them t us wilt be aN,ured of it good pier° of work In the mostprompt aud sittl•hic torn manner. Engravings furnished either on Wood, Stone or Mt‘tril. In this department N% e Lay. , acilities that are unsorpa_ssed. Personn having panting to b., done that require, Ruling or Binding In connection, will stud It to their interest to entrust it to us. Mc will guaranty.• that it shall be performed In a workmanlike manner, and that I lie eliarre wilt be as ntoderut.• a. oat! be a Itozricel. The libel al patronage extended td the; dfllce during the nest two years has encouraged us to make every ellort, pu,sible to descry eL the favors of our frioniq, and tt e now take especial gratifi cation in Mot ming theta and the public that we have succeeded In fitting up an establishment villain° every requirement of the community. We are determined to compete with the hest, and only ask a trial In k igry any one that we claim no more t min we are ned ly emit Rd to. - IB IA A- TST XiC S • Constantly on linnet a full supply of Attorney's. Jct.:alms of the Penee and Blanks, of the mo,t am); oved forms. Also, BLANK Zit)Tll.3 of every ltiml nnd, itECF.I single or In books. "~~~ R. S. MORRISON , . 1 R S i LA Irr IC .lE5 . ‘ i Having removed his stock of , goods to thel y !Iv,. I store In the Reed }louse formerly oecupied by I L ., Insurance (to Hewn, Monett, Stephens 4:. Wildey. tales plea- • , sure In announcing, to his old customers anti the citizens of Erie generally, that he has open ed out a I NEW AND SELECT STOCK • , 1 1 I)ry G oods, Drrss Goods, &c., nil FA I N. V., Thie certifuls that we, the undersigned 13M - e eLxlnillVSPlZ?t!tiheenTUrPii'Ali.ennSdil)Celfhl.VeTt- For Spring and Stimmrr 'Wear - - I intend to kee at all times the best good& to be sound, reliable and equal to the best In -A m them arket, and a p full assortmen t everything- , Sidney erica. Shepard• Co., Wholestde Hard Ware an in my line. Purehasers c always do better D e m ers. 'ty 'buying of me thaujyy goinu East. A. F. Tripp.t firm of Sidney Sheri rd le Co. Simons eh. Crlssey, Commission Merchant-. Dudley .t Co., Oil Refiners. E. P. Burke, Farmers' et 3lechanies' Nat. Baal:. 0. A. Williams, I' " ' ; 1. 0. Robson d: Co., Goldsmiths and Jeweters, Ramon Neff, Boot and Shoe Dealer. F. F. Curry, Supt. Forest Lawn Cemetcly. George F. Lee Attorney and Counselor. Cyrus P. Lee, Erie Co. Savings Bank. Joseph L. Fairchild, Register in Bankruptcy. Rometttber the Wee, No. 6 Reed House, , South Mde of the Part: IZZ All persons desiring Insurance will do well to Assignee in Bankruptcy. • call on IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United -gf . R - Li 4 1, States, for the Western District of Penn's., .111.. 31; MOO 3 Erie, Pa., In the matter of Pearson Clark, bankrupt. The undersigned herebygives notice of his appoint- General Agent for Western Pa. went as assignee of - Pearson Clark, of Mle, In out -3;634f. the county of Erie and State of Pennsylvania, within said district, who has been adjudged a . bankrupt upon big own petition, by the Die- . DISCHARGE EY BANKRUPTCY. trict Court of said district, dated at Erie, Pa., IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United Aug. IS, A.. 1.11. ha-a. l., States, for the Western District of Pennsvi. HENRY M. RIBLI7f, Assignee, vania. James A. MAKS, a' bankrupt under Atty. at Low , No. 1',21 Peach St , Erie, Pa. the Act of Congress of „Starch 2d, Ibiri, having nul'O-Id, , applied fora discharge! from all his debts and other claims provable under said Act, by order - ... I of the Court, notice is •hereby given to all per- Assignee in Bantam!) try. t sons who have proved I their debts, and other TN TJIE DISTRICT OMIT' of the United ! persons interested, to appear on the lab day of 1 States, for the Western District of Penn's., Sept., ISM, at- 0 o'clock, A. N.. before S. E. in the matter of Wm. H. emitter, bankrupt, I Woodruff Esq., Register, at his cote() in the city The undersigned hereby gives notice of his sp. i Of Erie, Pa., to show cause, if any they have, pointraent os assignee of Wm. 11. Craiker, of why a discharge should not be granted to the 1403mnd, In the county of Erie and State of ! sofa bankrupt. And further, notice Is hereby Penn's, within salddistriet who has been ed. ' given that the second and third meetings of judged a bankrupt upon his own petition, to , i creditors of the said bankrupt, required by the the District Court of said nistriot,dated at Erie, 1 TALI and 11th sections of s 1.1 Act, will be had Pa., Aug. 19, A. IX L 938. ! before the .said Register at the same time and HENRY Sit RI/MET, Assignee. 1 rief'. _lx S. C..SfoCANDLESS, Atty. tit law, No. /fa Peach St., Erie. Pa, ' Clerk of U. si. District Court for said District. TYPE,NI W 308 PRINT/No ....,•--- ''' , .0.V 11 ::•: .'.. ..1 . "' 4, - ;171 60. 1 . ',.-u, , , •,--, VW - 7 tl ‘.4 v ...7.x.'.. , 1:, •-- ...S , tFs :4;.,*---:-'- Has tug tit tot up bur oftlee 1u Via MOST C' 031.1 ,2 1:ErrF; '11., 1 1N IN - 1N . \t'.• alt: prPprircA to do MOST IMPROVED KIND, ORDERS FOR EVERN t TILE OF PRINTINGS. Mpreial attention given tullie printing of And nll the.klnds of Ivor]; In n.O Paitlrs m - anting Clitc 13()()1,7 Act.. U. 31OUBISON. IRE FAV "Y-0-13 Aqqets, 11( 1. 1867, ),4)1.'20,390.2i4. IIIIRV4 4Ok 131tHig kW!! Farmers and. Others, AsnEs,, ElE.l.ltig, BUTTrAI, CIrEESE, Ee0!;, Ftcrtz AND MEAL. FLAX, COTTON, . FURS AND SKINS 9 1 ,4 4ey• ritovzstoxs, JOSIAH CARPENTER. Gen'l Commission Merchant And receive ilia weekly Price Current ur Pro duce end Groceries, the most complete Price Currout published in t he linked States. SEND FOR A PRICE CURREN"! -..kratrkling C'artl4 Free Liberal Adyances Made on Colhignment+. First etas , . references given when,reaitli, LATEST & BEST ! Batton Hole. Oremeanting Is warianted to execute In the best incli ner every varlets - of Sewing Hemming, Felling. Cording, 'fucking, Braiding, Gath ering. Quilting, Oversentning, Embroider in,g on the edge, and In addition makes beautiful Button and Eyelet hole, in all fabrics. IT I-lAS No It:QUAL Family Machine In the World, anti Intrinsically the Cheap e‘t, for It combined In nno lia Fimplo and beautiful mechanical ar rangement. Cl rVii/nr, NV Mt Inn partleullut, plc.+ of work done on this Mariti To., can be had on application nt the South-West Corner of Eleventh and Chestnut Sts., Instructions given on the :itachine gra tititously:lo purchasers. - C. R. Kingsbury, Agent. for Erie, Warmu aod Crawford counties, MR removed Ito Whlttleh'n Block, corner of State and 'ftlntAi Struts, Erie, Pn., where he 'has opened a LARGELY INCREASED STOCK Of Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Provisions and everything usually kept In a first-class grocery e.tabllshment We are determined not to be Scirpam ed, and Invite all who want any thing In our hue to call, feellng,assured that WV (ball be able to give satLsfaetion both as to qual ity of goals'and prices. Country Produce Bought and Sold. We have opened a • COMMISSION DEPARTMENT, fo which we ask the attention of those having Produce to dispose of. We pledge Ourselves to secure the highest market price for all articles entrusted to our cure. DEALERS IN THE ADJOININCi TiAVNA And on the Lines of Railroad, ' " Supplied with PEVITS, VEGETABLES, ETC TUE. UNDERSIGN E D, Haying purchneil uc l e t n to t ln i t n eT e t of the Me,,cts Of the late firm, would respectfully solicit a continuance of favor from the friends and pa trons of the home, and the public in general, pledging himself that he will at all times try to ecll good and reliable Flour, Feed and G-rain At the !Gwent price for cash in hand. From my long experience in this branch of the trade. I trust I know what the public demand, and that I am prepared to meet that want. Returning my thanks to the public for their liberal patronage to me in the past, I hope by strict attention to my business and their wants, to merit a continuance of their patronnge In tho future. TEE MILLING, FLOUR, FEED, .V.. - 111 continued, in all its departments, N. the ERIE MILLS, PARADE STREET, EAST PAIZIK ROW, Between Brown's Hotel anti Reed House, Where the public will tlnd a good st ock always for sale, with competent and polite men on liana to supply their wants. apZ.747-Iy. H. B. ILIVERSTICK. FRII MA.II,IILM WOli4Eg.4. No. 1010 Peach Streete,, P between 10th and llth, Eria. Monuments, Tombstones, Marble and Slate Mantles, &c. ' I have on hand a large assortment of monu ments and headstones of various styles, in American and Italian marble, and a corps of the hest workmen in the State. All orders will be promptly attended to and satisfaction gear• anteed. My work is warranted unsurpansed, and I cannot be undersold by any one. Orders and taspection of stock and prices solicited. rahl9V-Iy. GERMAN SIVINOS INSTITUTION, • Corner Eighth and ftltate This Institution is how open for the transac tion of business. OFFICE iIOCItS: 9.1. 11. to 4 P.St- SATVILDAT'S: 9 A. 11. to sr. M. six P l a tt e u n t t o i t t o e .r ß e e t g ul w ar Depositors. b • EDIDEGTORS: J. Elellenlaub, P. A. Becker, F. P. Liebe], F. aehni•lder, John Gensileimer. OFFICERS: John Gensheiines,...—.. Matthew Sehlaudecker, F. Schneider, my 42'67-Iy-. DESIGNER 4: DECORATIVE ARTIST Neatest, Cheapest,aud Best Bien Painting West of New York City. Parlors, nulls, Critirohes, Frescoed In the neatest style of the art. General Designing, Drafting of Models for the Patent Office and °Very description of Orna mental-Painting emendedpromptly. Roorasln Fangs Hall, No. 8, second Boon aplrift-ti, r DA,I_IIV - 31CIE1N. 6ileslil7t Torn' DRIED AND (3R FRUITS, GR,31.-V, WOOL, GAME, POUL- TRY, NAVAL STORES, IFr OPI3 , OTh-GfSEIVO FEATHERS, HEMP, OTLM. LARD, TALLOW, TOR. t 0) MOLA%isr-S, r:n 442, 444 and 448 Washington St., 1 4 (ENV YOB!: (Try, ESTAFILIAHED MAY 1, li;,111 111 E Ci RE:IT IMERICAN COMBINATION EMI SE WING MACHINE ! Beltigni , ,ulutely OH. beo: SALEF-ROOMS OF TIE F. compANY, PIIILADELPIHA _vci w A:N rr v. ) To Sell thlh Machine 714 State Street St., Erie, NEW LOCATION