flottra. Agents for the Observer. 11:1117 ,eleete.l the following gentlemen as nts in tlw place , named, to transact any ..,,,, connect ion the Ornee. rem-mg them st , l s indebted to us can hand money, am! their receipts will be the same a , it given by ourselves: !loath. •-)--1:12 Centre—Geo. W. wa so r .. . cbric. ', ; ,. o re.—Wro. J. Weltcr. W. lit:mud. llie—' ' AV Mtn, t • ...rale—elm-lc Ewing. C. Willie, orough3l. V. 13 E. I.lneoin. . rye:cc—Mao, Stone. D. W. llntellin ;an. Creek. ani 1-4-ine s i ll man. t , lvate,ba.lvrnan Itobbp.on. ,rog,.an To wn thip—E: Pinney. Sallsman. yr:lle—Edward Jone.. F.. 01-11. A. Tabor. J. Jackson, U. k card to3Lr Ladles.— PI:. DITONCO'S p N PERIODICAL PILLS, R FEMALES ui o•rloct I ng Irrc•gularit remov- of 'the Monthly Turus, from t nlivays queve.sful cs n pre- PILL' Is A DOSE. r •ule•riv situated, or those suppos -40, nre cautioned against using hilt in that condition, lest they in , ..arz.nge, niter which admonition the as,untes no responsibility, although prevent any mischief -to • ”11, , , ivi , e the rills are recommended ya —T INVALUABLE REMEDY ',dem "1 those suffering, front any hatl•Ver, itS well as to prevent an faially when health will not permit a nag the herces and bringing back the rotor of health tot he cheek of the most ad csptb•l din c:10114 accompany etch ;or box, six boxes 5. suia in Erie by NICK & SONS, druggists, Role regents for cud 'nay. by ntliog thou el through the Post hove the pills sent (conalentially)by port of the country, free of postage. by E. T. Hazeltine, Warren; Hoff- An,ircw , , Corry; Callender 3 Co., Heath C C. Cial tt Noith Fast; Jewett & s. P. HOWE, Sole Proprietor, ly. New York. 1311.561055 Eltrectorr. Wilt ILES.% LE GROCERS. Burst-< Walker, 2.3 and 2 N. Park •• c. :on and 542 French st. Brevclller, 513 French St. 1\ ItoI.ESA LE BOOTS ANT) SHOES. A rinilz,:r2. North Par:;. Et irrN AND S.IIC/11 , . .r ;, II Pall: 1:ov% . .nilth. 503 State street. • 41.11,r: Nortll,P 70.7, States' 1 ek`r. ft r, 'at State Jr., n210,', State -t. BOOK STOREs, McCreary North Palk. rar.l,l•2i French d. AND NEWS .‘( iENTs. t Ile. 1 . .., 70 , State Street. FEED. - II •-• rst!ekfi-Park Row. - Pretleh st. ;..1`11.:11.• a: son, 12,0 Sidle SI, L.IQU'OR STORES. Michael, b2l State st. • lt..init h, '2B North Park. MUSIC STORES. Ziegler. R. 20 State st. Ls Wm. Willing, SAS Slate st. SEWING MACHINE AGENCIES r•ler S 'Wilson. 127 Slate st. , ewing Machine, 012 French st. Sowtrur Machine, 521 French st. • ,r A: Baker. R'Al State at. CROCE:ERN' A: GLASSWARE 7- 11. t 7 tennc, 12 Park Row. It , sent.welg, 511 State st. WATCHES .t JEWELRY. ^.l richer, P.trk Row. Austin, North Park. • H TS AND CAPS. F Wit:on. 21 North Park. ; 6nnr , Alit, 511 state street. I.;,,tan, '127 1 : French st. it ~ enth, 731 French st. ceINFECTIONERY . STORES. Bergr•cs, 411 and 700 State street giTlT' e' .VND MEDICINES. Bunten, 11C Peach street. ,1 11111.4.4.1 . MAO street. Hal S Wartel. , :to smati!..t. Wilkins I I Ds Al, 111:3 Peach street. J It, car, sr A 'n •21 N - -ort h Park. Wet. Nl,kist., , orks. 7 , 2 ;41ate street. - 1 711 St: , ,tr,ict. Woo. '1 U. r 1! r I. 'flt.w.n, Bros, :It P nrt 11.2-711'. 'hut chit] 2tt tt F,, , nzw..tt.rnlo. , 512 't 512 ' It .!.! 00t1i..4. Reed Dot, Block 112 (U ii 011 , 4 AND CARPETS: I:n , -. A I•'..ster. tt,ter (dint 'F.1211 , - , . rt .71 trnTitll, I'l2l Pe•telt .. F. A Itet,l & 1., 1 r. 2.5 " It. It. vfottl 1121 •' .l jr tr.etelt 12Is t• ti.nre k ninth nj s•tate tttr , ttatl. t ttro.titut Crat ;15 l'retten st. \ltstut:, corner nth an,l Mate st . 1 1t..e10 t 541 French st. ;tow; French st. IV :4un )fitflors, 227 French st. t' L.tb.ant, 7111 State st. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Thompson, 221 French st. • ;CI , • Sat, French st. I. W. Hutchinson. tiirrw4l. PII.OTOGRAPHS. ^ err', ovir 11, Rosenzwelg's Dun, 1,07 Peach st MN:ltl=;d • PlIllll. I , VII . C 5, State street. . Farrar Halt Rn ' • 1' , over 1 123 Peacal st. Toll \ND f'141.1 Woloanan. Peach st. Ina St - • \ 1.111, 517 Fret".}: • 'l.•flar, tel State st. II kRDWATIE. • r. , 41.L. co., I rll Peaell IS. here,' MO Slate 0. M , sake, - a , stut n non, 507 Frehelt st. •ebten, 3SI French st. STOVES AND TINWARE. Cats.. I, 1•22 i Peach st. Itros., 7.11 State st. M Cheer Lt 1215 State st, Johnson A. 1111`i and P. 20 State St. N Murphy, 2.: N4th Park. Mr:r.rod .1 , 13«1 S:Lssafras st. tLENERAL UNDF.RTAKERS. : 1 1..P.1410 J. State st, FURNITURE WAREROOMS. It P.. 11, to,, State st. LI:MISER MEIICILA NTS. Slate st., near depot. CI,OTIIING STORES.' Genshettner & Son, 632 State st. • r & M. I tek, t`..;1.1 State st. rzner. t. 211 State st. , 11 Kuhn, 5..22 State st. •Mover, 4 Nola.. Ilthek. •• I Na. la Ndrth Pat k. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. •"stewart,'W North Park, house 117 State , t Homo-Tan) lstt , 6:28 Pariah st. MILLINERY A: STRAM GOODS, }Llo.,ke. South M. Curt Soul h Park. , M 0..; rot h. f•e: ouch st. Peneh BK.V 4 S FOUNDRIEQ. :tr• t,t Metz, 11.1 State ht. IF yoI•NDERs AN {MILER MAKERS • •••=r.ko, Hall J.: Co.,;;hmlPeneh tit.. • PLANING MILLS. P crook t Son, cor. Mt and Peach di.. hll , S Co., corner 11th and French at. . - r ,, rner 111 11 and Holland sty. ,11,,017.. 1211 Peach ft ill) btirctistmtiitO. ti . .ldviv ln ,ketnen te, secure insertion, mui.t, • by I) o'clock, on Thumday morn .= All advertisements will be continued at iipens, , of the advertiser, unless ordered • tle'd time. LOST COW. CHAYED from the piemlses of tho r, m ar Walnut Creek, a mile and a half Poor House. a dark brown cow, about 61d. A liberal re ward will be given for nturn or Information that will lend to her t cxny SCIINEIDEIL ok Agents IT MEET B ING o with rare suceess In selling W. Baker's Explorations and Ad ;"...r.,...m0ng the Nile Trioutaries of Abp.. ..... ,10 .11Inch.ls now added an:account of the - ;: 1 kt and Release of English Subjects, and • 'aner ot the late Emperor Theodore. No revel ed among all elasses.of people '• • earoanded favor, or so fully corn interest with solid ip , ,truction, • male and female, sell it rapidly. 'LLl.dnorAble record of scientific explora ,;. g'"'zraiddr al discovery, and pert z ontil Y. Tribune. in a very attractive form, and is ' •:Prtataing Ili n roinance. - -lioston Jour- Mars on application to CASE rs, Mulford, Conn. ocls ALE BREWERY ! (.1 o. L. 13AILEti, 01)11)out et Baker Rochester, '` tri g taken tho well known Brewery on Fretitil Street, below Fourth, Erie, Pa., :7:Lerly ~ e mpleti by Win. Jacobi, would in hi. old a, , in,,lntances and the public gen ', • tLat 1, now brewing a very superior Salty of Ale, From 111 R long experience and hl stlecess, be Ls fully prepared to give the (4' E atWaetion, Dealers are Invited to call :rely 0E0.14 BASER, W EEKLY OBSERVER ERIE, PENN'A, OCTOBER 13, 1803 LARGEST CIRCUL'ATION The Observer has the Largest circulation of any paper in Penn'a, either Daily or IVeekly. On this point we challenge contradiction. Its Orman.. lion extend* to all places of importance in Erie, Crawford, Warren and Venda. go coantle3. Notice to Invecton. Democratic Inspectors at election ale re quested to preserve a record of the vote on State officers in their respective districts, and compare it with the figures reported by the Return Judges, on Friday. If any dis crepancy is discovered, they will confer a favor by notifying the Chairman of the Coun ty CoMmittee at once. They will, also, Please report what 'number of votes were illegally rejected, with the names of parties and their claims to suffrage. ' - VQTE OF ERIE COUNTY. RADICAL' MAJORITY, :Ll5O Democratic Gain of 03the Largebt Vote ever cast in the t2iftinty. The election on Tuesday pa-sed oil' in a quiet manner, and wi:lt fewer unpleasant in cidents than usual. A drizzling . rain pre vailed during the day, but did not render it sufficiently disagreeable to keep • voters at holthe. The vote of the county is °from five hundred to a thousand more than was ever before cast, and with this increased poll the Democracy have a gain of ninety-three over that of 18Gti. The Radicals have control of nearly - every election, board in the county, and enough legal Democratic votes have been excluded to have reduced the Rad ical majority to three thousand. In some in stances the election boards discriminated with great injustice against naturalized vo ters, and a system of intimidation was adop ted that influenced many to the prejudice of our party interest. The Democraey.of this city have probably fallen from fur to a hun dred votes short of their actual number, ow ing lo these and other causes which we shall allude to in future. 1 - nder all the circumstances, the DemO crats of - Erie county have made a gallant fight, and done exceedingly well: With two daily papers arrayed against us, charged to the brim each day with the most venomous . Radicalism, we make a gain in the city upon a vote increased some hundreds over the tar ,. gcst ever cast. We have had io contend against all the official influence and nearly ail the wealth of the county, and in spite of everything have made a considerable reduc tion of the Radical majority. Considering the array of opposition, this increased strength extraordinary. The Radicals have had every advantAge on their side nec essary for making 'political capital. The Democrats, on the contr.iry have had neither means nor patronage of any sort, and-if the opposition had known haw barren we were of funds they would scarcely have made tke -desperate efforts to which they-were driven. Our gains have beett secured wholly by judi-. cious management and hard, quiet work, and if there are any who still doubt the policy of conducting the campaign which was adopted, we hope a e.miparison of the result in onr county with that -of . oilier equally reliable Radical strongholds . , will F.tday eL cm. The vote on county officers is wally the Kane as that on the State ticket. Mr:Sco field runs but little, if any, behind his party vote, and will probably have about the same majority in the district that he bad in 1866: 1866. 1868. t .74 - 4 - T)i,triets. _ Eric-Ist 't.ll,tr:, t, 136 246 156 273 Erie-2d district, 241 261 313 291 Erie-3d district, 161 315 204 357 Erie-4th district, 216 344 227 375 South Erie, • 148 106 EA•4 Mill Creek, 258 . 152 2 8 5 182 Creel:, 110 225 148 225 North Ea-t Tp., 160 211 54 North E.r'll3•rr..r_lt. :;ti 136 (iret•iltiJl-1. 12 14; 48 175 Vett:lngo, . stt 2115 , 01 "211 19 a 20 4 92 92 105 100 „,. alt , 1011•Lr - l'k . Concm I 7•i 163 - 100 ISO 130 178 Corry-1-t Wald, / 221 41;2 176 209 Corry-2d Ward. t 191 311 Union Tp., 106 • 217 121 220 Union Botougli, 102 1.•"10 119 113 Leßionf, 154 199 - 73 Watprford Tp . -..,.. 2: , 2 . 202 Waterford Boronzli, 35 1:1:1 " 91 Greene, - . 155 12; 152 141 MEMO McKean, 45 ' 2110 35 244 Mid(llobor,), 2 32 3 27 WaAlin.u:ton. 111 :327 . 141 ' 341 Edinboro, - J 51 .100 45 109 Franklin, 1 33 171 51 . 'l9O Elk Creek:, ' 127 173 - 134 175 Conneaut,i 60 219 68 241 Albion; 1 34, '76 33 .75 Spri»g,field, 4 375 42' :393 Girard Tov,n-hip, 7,0 255 92 269 Girard Borough, 04 76 —, 10 Fairview Tp., t 168 216 128 213 Fairview Boru, i 40 67 harbor Creek, 139 230 135 233 Loekport, 96 154 66 3,951 7,237 3,723 6,916 Radical majority, 3,286 3,193 . or 1864 AND 1867. Dem. Bid. iforj. !.1 7.'2 (.911 3 . 189 MB 3,42$ 5,501 '2,076 BM Tim last:meeting of. the cainpaign in our city- was held on Friday evening, and ad dressed by Hon. C. W. Carrigan, of Philadel phia, and 'Lc tar famed "Brick" Pomeroy. The hall was filled to excess with tin enthu siastic audience. Adam Acheson, Esq., was called upon . to. preside, and made a neat, common sense speech on taking the! chair. The addresssof Mr. Carrigan was a splendid oratorical effort, and is prised by all who heard it. Mr. Pomeroy wits greeted with tremendous applause, and spoke in a humor on, and practical vein that told Nt ith good effect. "His gentlemanly appearance and manner surprised the Republicans present, who evidentl}• expected to•sec a strange sort of a being with horns and hoof,. Mr. Pom eroy's visit to our city was unexpected, he having conic from Conneantville at the solic itation of Mr. Carrigan. lie was taken ~ e-verely verely ill after the meeting, and remained at the Reed Ilouse until Sunday morning. TILE refusal of the Eric & Pittsburgh IL It. Co. to issue•exeursion tickets for the Repub lican inceting,at Albion, has been made the occasion of some undeserved censure, by members of, the opposition, m.raiii , t the Presi dent of that Corporation. In a 'card ex plaiuiug circumstances, he sass "the General Superintendent of . this company made it a rule not to is-tic half titre tickets for any purpose except to Erie and New Cas tle, the Northern and Southern. terminis of the road. An application was !Mule to the, Supetintentlent, Mr. Lawrence, hya commit- tee on behalf of the Democratic Convention, held at Conneautville, on the line of our road, last week, for half fare t ‘ ickets, which were refused by him limier tlis rule, and as a matt.: of course, we would Intake no dis crimination in biter of one p arty over the , other." The fact,. lit re wed ire personally known to us, and n e can be 1r witness to the correctness of Mr. Scott's., xplanation. • ABOUT the only thing that •as' worth no ticing in the tramp about tow . in search of election items, was the Dem cratic colors, osier the disused beer hall on 'tate street.— Dixpeack. Our cotemporary come 4 as near to twine: correct in this instance :Is it u nally i., in 1 . ,- litical topics. The " D.truoct tie headqunr-, i i ters" Imre not in the " disus .d beer hall on State stfeet," (lately kept b Republicans.) but in the store-room lately Tupied by Mr. Goodrich. The Radical hea carters in the same Ward, on the other hand, trere kept in a yeti? " beer hall." Citir.bantS and granaries - are stored Brimful, froth groaning floor to eaves, And still the fields hold goodly hoard ' Of rustling stacks and golden sheaves ; And tubers, bursting from the hill Cry, "such a crowd we can't lie still ; Come, bring your carts, and dig and fill!" The gnarling orchards bending low, scent their weight of ripening fruit, Foretell, for eves of wintry snow, ' A feast the daintiest taste to suit ; • And luscious peaches, grapes and pears, Sweeten the housewife's cans and care-. The wood 4, which wore their summer crown With such an airy, witching grace, Etc yet they don the russet brown With gold and crimson interlace Their fluttering robes and vestments green, Like some capricious foreign queen. The sumach reddens in the sun And lifts its fiery banners up, And elder clusters, one by one, • Purple With wine from nature's cup ; And vine aflame and "burning bush" From every field and hedge-row flush. The walnut and the chestnut trees With bristling burs and nuts are brown, And lazily, in every bieeze, Thencona.cups come sailing down; Tall pines -their cones have thrown about ; And hemlocks breathe their fragrance out. October—regal queen of all 'The circling sisters of the year— The crowning glory of the Fall, Ere yet the,earth grows brown with sere— Our hearts to thee a coral sing, Voluptuous counterpart of spring ! . - Whipped again," you say, with- 'rueful countenance,- Well, so be it. We have suf fered defeat t before, and know how to take it philosophically. Such is the fate of war, and it can't be helped, much as we may regret it. We tried our best to win, and if we hav'nt been able to get a majority of the people to see as we do, what's the use of crying over the matter? There is some consolation in knowing that if our party feels bad, they are not half as sore as our opponents would have been had the day gone against them. Be sides, it would have cost us a good deal for powder and bon-fire material, and all that is saved for future use. We are gaining Steadi ly upon the enemy, and it won't be long un til our turn comes for rejoicing. "What's best to be done ?" you ask. Why, what should brave men do, who are fighting for the dearest interests of their country ? We believe that we are right, and more than three hundred thousand men in Pennsylva nia, as true and noble a set of fellows as ever breathed, * agree with us: What does justice to them and ourselves require of us? -If the principles we hold are Correct, as our convic tions tell us they are, defeat does not lessen nor victory add to their soundness. The weak-kneed and tender-hearted may fall by the wayside, but, for our part, we intend ad hering to those who have stood by us, and fighting it "out on this line" until we win. If the Republicans can stand a continnance of the 'kind of rule we have had, for four more years, we certainly can. Depend upon it, that, some of them will get thoroughly sick before they arc through, and think better of .us than they do now. 1.7 p then, boys, and show them that you can accept defeat as gracefully as you would have been rejoiced over victory. The old slip of Democracy has weathered many a storm, and tvlil reach harbor safely in good time yet. It will tie our turn to' hurrah and tire cannon bye-and-bye. Form ranks and press on the column. The enemy weakens at every fresh charge. Our army is four mil lions strong in the Union, and each man is as firm in his allegiance as we are. Stand by the guns, and be ready to meet the foe at every point. KEEP WARM A_ND SAVE Yorn Lrpg.—With in thirty days from to-day there will be many deaths which might be prevented by warmer clothing. Many a fatal case is caused by the want of a woolen undershirt, or of an extra blanket at night. The sudden .changes of temperature which occur at this season of the year are very trying to the constitution• People with weak lungs quickly feel the ef fect of them. Frequently the thermometer fulls sunny degrees within a few hours. Not only tliC feeble, but robust and strong per- sons sutler from such great variations of the temperature. When the weather grows cold rapidly, the pores of the skin are suddenly closed, and the result freqUently is a bad cold, which may hold on all winter and ter minate in consumption, or a fatal attack of dysentery, or that dreadful disease, the typhoid fever. If the day .eerns ever so warm and bright, it is much safer to wear plenty of under clothing at this season. In the evenings the dews fall, and it grows chilly very suddenly. At all times, even when it feels the warmest, one s experiences the difference which is so marked, between the autumn atmosphere and that of the summer, There is something more than the mere difference in tempera ture: it may be in the electricity. An occa sional fire In a room dries the walls and puri fies the atmosphere. A little timely atten tion to all these things would prevent a great deal of the disease and suffering which are among the ills.to which humanity is liable. GI 133 Do Tar; Poon P. 1.1 TAXES ?—WC annex a, list of a few articles which the taxes have increased in price from fitly to five hundred per cent. : Boots, shoes &c., - - 100 per cent. Drugs and medicine', - 300 per cent. Naval stores, - - 200 per cent. Paints and oily , - - - 200 per cent. Dry goods, - - 50 per cent. Books and stationery, - - .100 per cent. Clothing, - - - 100 per cent. Furniture, - - 100 per cent. Iron and steel, - - 100 per cent. Lumber, -, - - 50 per cent. Crockery, - - 100 per cent. Liquors, - - : 500 per cent. Cigars, - - - - 300 per cent. Workingmen I these exhorbitant taxes and prices are drawn from your pockets to sup port Radicalism, the Freedmen's Bureau, and a vast standirlg army in time of peace. To submit to a continuance of these things is to submit to be swindled for the benefit of a party whose extravagance is only equaled by its corruption: Tint HALF-DOLLATerEYNtSON.—The nine different editions of the Laureate's poetry, which Ticknor and Fields have hitherto pub lished seem insufficient to meet all the re quirements of the reading public. Their Diamond Edition, published two years ago, was a miracle of cheap, elegant, and compact book-making. It is quite outdone, however, in cheapness and compactness, by the Half- Dollar Edition of Tennyson's Complete Poems, just published by Ticknor, & Fields. This edition is from new types, sot in double columns, is retharkable for beauty, and no danger to the eyes - need be feared from read ing it. It is neatly and durably bound in a handsome green paper cover, with an excel lente vign tte head of Tennyson. No one can now c plain that Tennyson is beyond his reach, hen his entire poems can be had in handsome form for fifty cents. . These books can be procured of any book seller, or directly from Ticknor it Fields, Boston. . 31•Ex•r.kr. anxiety or excessive' thinking tends to deaden the. vitality of the scalp; its effects are to produce a febrile affection of the head, which causes gray hair and bald ness ; and although gray hairs may be hon orable in old age, yet a premature blanching, or loss of hair in the young or middle aged is to be regretted, and as it is natural for us all to desire a youthful appearance, we would recommend to those afflicted in the above manner, the use of Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. This preparation will soon change gray and brushy hair to its original color, and make it of silken texture and Will create a new growth when it is fallen off, as it furnishes the nutritive principle which nourishes the glands of the hair, fin ing them with new life and coloring matter, and giving a healthy condition to the whole fibrous mass,—Dramat f c Chronicle. WOMAN is composed of 243 bones, 109 muscles and 397 pins. Fearfully and won derfully made, and to be handled with care tols7o/4 HrtitCho2, October. What Now? „L - o . 9AL:Pli . iii.,l*. if* , TUB Court naturalized about four hundred and fifty persons in this county previous to election. 'Fru: Republicans ofour city fired n n tional salute on Wednesday evening over, their heavy lodes in Pennsylvania and Erie county. The Presidential election will be held on Tuesday, the fid of :s.Tovember. Let even , Democrat determine to cast his vote on that occasion. WE hear nothing from any of the neigh boring counties except through Radical sour ces. It is claimed that Warren has given 1,200 and Crawford 2,000 Radical majority. Tna farmers of Harbor Creek township have organized a vigilance committee, to protect themselves against the thieves; who have committed a number of depredations of 'late in that vicinity. Tam Freedman's Bureau has established a brunch in South Erie. The contractors on the street railway yesterday brought in a car load of negroes and set them to work on thatrimprorpment. - - TUE Lake Shore Enterprise is the name of a new paper started at Westfield by S. 0. Hayward, Esq., late of North East. It is Republican in politics, and makes a neat op peartince. Tim Democratic Mass Meetings at Edin boro, Spartansburg, Meadville and Union, last week, were among the largest demon strations of the campaign, and all passed off in the most agreeable manner. A COTEMPORAUY reports a wedding in Plummer, Venango county, at which the bridegroom was nineteen years of age and the blushing bride eleven. The juvenile couple settled doWn and are now enjoying all the fullness of connubial bliss. WE commend the following neat little feat in magic to about a thousand of our subscri bers: "Take a sheet of note paper, fold it carefully, and inclose greenbacks sufficient to pay a year in advance. Hand the Aame to the printer, and if you detect a smile, the trick is a success. Try it." SEVERAL preachers of the Radical persua sion have quit preaching Christ and him crucified; and substituted the negro and him glorified.—Cincinnati Enquire•. Can it be that the editor of the Enquirer has been attending the Radical meetings in Erie county? Tim Erie Co. Medical Society, after its ses sion on Wednesday evening, joined in a col lation at Perkins' saloon, at which all enjoy ed themselves heartily. The occasion was one, of the pleasahtest we have ever attend ed, and brother Perkins' style of doing things was the theme of general commendation. TIIE bridge on the • Buffalo road, over Four Mile Creek, near Wesleyville. broke down on Saturday night while Joseph Neff was driving over it with a load of wood, pre clititating horses, wagon and driver sixteen feet into the bed, of the stream. This is the seccnd time has given away within several years. TIIE _Mayor issued a proclamation to close the - liquor selling places on election day, but most of them were kept open 'in defiance of his,conunand. Although the "ardent" was freely obtained, there were few cases of druuttennefis, and the'day was marked by a degree of orderly conduct that speaks well for the character of our city. OCR time was so much occupied with elec tion matters the last two weeks; that we were compelled to neglect our editorial du ties to a certain extent. In the confusion incident thereto, several valued communica: tions were misplaced, and we were unable to print them in consequence.' We shall be happy to hear from the writers again, and trust they will excuse us for the oversight. Tim staunch steamer Democracy started, on her homeward trip down Salt River, but was unfortunate:enough to strike a snag on Tuesday, which obliged her to lay up for re pairs. The passengers report that they find the country and climate of thatsection much pleasanter than is reported, and their long residence has accustomed them to it to a de gree that enables them to bear their disap pointment with enviable composure. Tax Erie Sand Stone Building Company are successfully engaged in manufacturing a building material out of lake sand, caustic cement rind oxide of iron. By a proper ad mixture, a stone is obtained Much harder and more durable than brick, in any shape desired, which is claimedt last longer and to be as cheap as any oche material 'in use. Col. t3chlaudecker is President of the Compa ny, and the manufactory is on the bay, near the outlet lock. Tne Cincinnati Commercial understands thatafter four weeks spent in negotiations, the Express Companies known as the Mer chants' Union and American have been con solidated. Tho new company is to draw the same per centago from the igeneral revenue that both now do. The object of the consol idation is to reduce competition and econo mize in management. The result 1,, of course, the extinction of the opposition, in the name of which the Merchants' Vtdon wags organized and supported. Prnmei the Republican , p.tr.ele on Mon day evening, some one threw a bottle into the procession, which struck one of the par ticipants. As everybody in the city knows, we discountenance all such acts, no matter which side is guilty of them, and in this ease, as in ail others of the kind, we hope the of fender will have justice meted out to him. It is a matter upon which our citizens are enti tled to congratulation that the campaign in this city; hotly as it has been contested, passed off with so few rowdyish exhibitions. TuE following is an authentic statetueur of the arguments addressed to the Republican meeting in Albion last week. ,It must be admitted that they were veryconvincing ; Six thousand pounds of meat, consisting of two oxen, forty-five sheep and one large calf; teri thousand biscuit; three thousand pies ; four thousand loaves of bread ; three hundred and-fifty chickens and turkeys ; six hundred sweet cakes; twenty-five hams; six barrels of crackers, and cookies innumera ble. Remarkable to tell, these arguments were without the desired effect, the Radicals hav ing their majority reduced five in Albion. "ONE of the female attaches of Yankee Robinson's circus," says the Quincy Herald, "who now appears in 'Undine; on the gilded throne, is the daughter of a Philadelphia banker, and a graduate of a first-class fash ionaltlo boarding-school. She lately visited Decainr, to see some relatives, and made the acquaintance of a roving, rakish young man, with whom she eloped to Clinton, lowa. She now wears as short dresses, as neat tights, and displays her ankles and accom panying charms as liberally as her more ex perienced sisters. •A company of ladies tried to reform her, but she said she had an invin cible hankering for sawdust and spangles." ' SINGULAR FREAK OF NATURE .—The fi )1- lowing freak of nature was reported by 1)r. D. S. Haymaker, of Elizabethtown, Lane: is ter county, for the Gazette, published in dint, borougll : On the 13th inst., Mrs._Samuel Brinser, of Coony townsbip, gave birth to . two children, in some respects - similar to the Siamese Twins. Nearly the entire abdo mens of the children are grown together. The formation of the one is perfect, with some few exceptions, while the abdomen, hips and lower extremities of the other are well formed, it having two complete rants, but neither cheit nor head. Life in both children is maintained by one set of interred organs, such as intestines v l liver and kidncjs. Both children are males, and in size are tutu sually large. BEArrtEs often dic old maids. They set such a value on themselves that they don't 41t1 a purchaser before the market 1.9 C 1050.. r'itiVsOr Ihuutteat ,Yegnio - has 353 marriageable daughters. ; • `Finn the Parisians, tiaturelay is the favor ite day for marrying. "rnz inventive genius of Our people knows no ebbing in its tide. Nearly 300 patents were sent out last week. Tn employees in a Canadian printing of• Ike recently struck because their wages were paid in American silver. STIISCIMTE and. oysters were tiled as an antidote for jealousy in Chicago, the other day, with perfect success. The Woman died within two hours. GEN. Sireitar.kri's opinion of Alaska is con cise and pronounced: "Give 'em seven mil lions more to- -take It back, and be thankful to get off so cheap." Timm: distinct shocks of an earthquake were felt at Silver Mountain, Cal., Oct. 6th. The atmosphere almost immediately after ward was filled with smoke. OxE manufacturer of false teeth in Phila delphia turns out about two million false teeth every year. More than one-half the whole amount of this necessary article used in this country is made in Philadelphia. AT Alexandria, Va., a young lady was burnt to death by the explosion of a kerosene lamp. She was engaged to be married this week. The lover heard of it, and blew ont his brains with a pistol. Mits. ELIZABETII DAVIS died a fen• days since, at Miller's Place, L. 1., at the age of 88 years, leaving a husband who is 04 years old, with whom she had lived in wedlock seven ty years lacking - one mantis. 'Dim Rev. Mr. Rankin, of Charlestown, Mass., writing in favor of two sermons, shows from the statistics of two hundred years that the lives of New England ministers who preached two sermons on the Sabbath aver aged sixty years. THE title. "Know-Nothing" originated 'about 1853, in Connecticut, in the repti l es made by members of the secret Native Amer ican lodges. When asked what was done in these conclaves, they replied, " I know noth ing." A YOUNG rhinoceros has just been landed in this country, the first for twenty years. He will not get his growth for some twenty years, but weighs 3,000 pounds', and eats daily two bushels of corn, one bushel of po- tatoes and three hundred pounds of hay, drinking fifteen or twenty buckets of water. TILE case of Edoelt Arden has been equal led in Holyoke, Mass. William E.Marsh,of that town, had been Missing and unheard of since 1862. He suddenly appeared without warning last wed:, to' find that his brother Albert, having been divorced from his for mer wife, had Married William's supposed widow a year or more ago. Is the city of 3larseilles a man rived 'on bad terms with, his wife. One day, while waiting fur his dinner, he remarked that the flies fell dead on touching his bowl of soup. Without saying; a word -he changed the bowls, giving his wife the one she had place for him. Before long the acute bafTerin(-4 of his better half convinced him that he had narrowly e..capctl being pf,i4onea. OEN - . SuEnsucg has written to the atOrori ties for more troops to aid in subduing the Indian warriors. He is said to complain bit terly of the tedious delays in sending rein forcements, and to state that unless ho is promptly ! furnished with troops he desires, nothing can prevent a wide spread an() dis nitrous series of conflicts with the discontent ed - Tim custom of allowing the bride to enjoy a monopoly of the wedding, presents was not adheredro at a recent fashionable wedding in St. Louis. The groom was substantially remembered in a special doueui, the ,donor of which was the bride's mother. Ina silver urn or pitcher was a plain looking bit of pa per, which was found to be, by those who hail the curiosity to examine it, a check in his favor for $25,000. What a model mam ma-in-law ! Tm maidens . of Chicago have learned a trick or two from the Married women as to thezower of the Courts. One of then). kept her betrothed on hiN acid behavior by threats of a suit for breach of promise. If he was absent from her for two days there came a note : "Darling—lll do not see you within two hours I shall commence the suit. Thy adoring Marion." Naturally he went. If, she wished to go to a concerti and he didnot profess a willingness to escort her, • there came a note I "My 0 tvnThornley—The pa pers are in the hands of a lawyer. Faith fully yours." . The youth endured all this until she insisted on his taking a class in an infant Sunday-schciol and asked him to cut off his imperial. Then he had her arrested for disorderly conduct. ON Friday night, at a late hour, a burly negro arrived in a train from the West, ac companied by a wh ite woman, whom he elainied to be his wife. They Proceeded to a first class hotel and the negro demanded lodgings. He was told there wa, no room for him. This threw him into a rage. lie declared that he cared nothing about him self, but his wife had been insulted by this refusal of a room, and he resented it on her part. The hotel clerk was not intimidated by-the threats of the sable gentleman, and when he bad been Permitted to make as much disturbance as would have been al lowed to a white man he was ejected from the hotel by the porter, and with his white lady went in search of apartments where prejudice against the color did not exist. Had this occurred in one of the ten States • under military despotism a guard of soldiers would have been sant to take charge of the hotel and the proprietor would have been imprisoned.--:Rochester Union, January 20. WHAT RADIC ALB GRANT Ti/tun—'Vrant is a drunkard." 1. . , Pltillips—"G rant is as brainless as qui. sad IMS Sununu'—"Says Grant is not an irreversi ble guarantee, and "made a white washing report to fortify-Andrew Johnson." Phan—Grant isa man of situ habits and of no idels." Anna Dicker,ton —"l am going to Europe to get out of advocating tint bungler." Ira. Strtaton—"Grant says nothing, and knows less than nothing." ' 1171.thit-1. will never, so help me God, sup port any but temperance men for office." thteticy—"The Presidency requires a man ' ttfideao and a . statesnian." . 1 Olfrz—"l declare in adrance no doubtful man shall have my vote fdr President." , j . Kelley—twill die iu n y tracks before 1 will subscribe to the whit washing report of this man (Grant,) who ba joined hit testi mony and will join Ids I'. to to that Of the . riublic enemy." (.Andrei.Tolinsott ) Curtin—"Only a than, in favor of negro suffrage can command my vote." , Grant de clares "negro suffrage means a IN ar of races." ON Thad—" Never atit the to ''snpArt a twaddler and trimmer ihr office." Geary—" Drunkards, like pirates - , are pub. lie enemies." • Frdinyltuyi, n---`,`The nation owes ;it lo its self-respect to tolerate imbecility in politics no longer." ' Wade—" Grant knows nothing of politics. Ile can talk noththg but horse." ntes—l own I have been a drunkard ; I will be one no longer, nor will I longer cast my lot with such men." I r is reported that the great earthquake in South America swallowed up "three hundred millions of property.". Oar Radical party swallows up live hundred millions . every s -year. The party is. a worse gormandizer than the earthquake. It takes bigger swal lows, and rerallows oftener, iLtALtdr—WALtrnu-4:on Oct. 7th, at the Colt House in Meadville, by-Rev - N. Nor ton, Mr. Newton E. Stevens to Miss Annie Walker, both of Erie. Ewnkra—Sstrm—ln Omit, Sept. 23 d,by Rev. J. - Leslie % T. C. Ewing, late of Ind., and Miss Lizette Smith, of Corry. GrarFrrn—Surrn—ln Union, Sept. 9th, by Rey. J. Whitteley, Mr. Shipman W. Grif fith, of Sherinan, to Miss Hattie S. Smith, of Union Mills. FonnEs—Efanvso:7—At Floyd's Hotel, SA gerstown, on the 13th ult., by Rev. D. B. Ernst, Mr. Farley J. Forbes, of Conneaut Tp.. and Miss Hattie N. Ilertsoo, of Elk Creek Tp. DzGnoonv--11can—In East Springfield, Sept. Otir, by Rev. Lull, Mr. Oscar De- Groodt, and Miss Laura Ifunl, both of East Springfield. Macagv—SnorrAno—On the 7th inst., by Rev. N. Norton, Mr. Jay Mackey, of Wa - terford; to Miss Otelie A. Shoppard, of Hayfield, Crawford Co. TEEL—STOAX.--At the residence of the bride's father, on Twelfth street, on the 12th of October, by Rev. J. L. Smith, Mr. Alexander Teel, to Miss Mary A, Stoax, both of Eric,'Pe. IIuivr—DArGIVEETY.—On the 13th inst., by the Rev. Jos. 11. Pressley, Mr. James 11. Hunt to Miss Bell Daugherty, both of this city., Lrit.E * —Ci.Anic.--At the residence of the bride's parents, in this city, on 'the 14th inst., by the Rev. Geo. A. Lyon, D. D., Mr. C. W. Lytle to Miss Amanda E. Clark. No cards. U:nons In this city, on the Bth last., at his re idence on Bth street, M. D. Osborne, aged years. ' BRABENDER—In this city, on Thursday, the Bth inst., Melissa, wife of John Brabender, tiered 23 years, 6 months and 7 days. .Ikon-3100NEY—In West Mill Creek, by Rev. Wm. Todd, on the Bth inst., Mr. ~ Thomas Rudd and Miss Charlotte Mooney. Max—Doi—On the .13th inst., in Water ford, by Bev. T. T. Bradford, Mr. Henry W. Hull, of Summit, to Miss Mary E. Doe, of the former place. STRENGTH V. WEAKNESS.—"Debilitated men and women—made so by a process based upon the impurities of your blood— whyfek the danger of a further prostration white absolute and permanent relief is with in your reach. hos a fatal mistake with thousands that only the prescribed medicines of physicians can ewe' them, and theydo not consider the nature, purpose or operation of these drugs in their compounded condition, but swallow them simply, on faith, and rare ly, if ever, derive any positive benefit, Now, we say that it is sound judgment to use a remedy which it can be shown has effected actual and enduring cures, and such is Mish ler's Herb Bitters. 'lt will cure the feeble of their ailments, fortify them against the dam., gers of malaria, changes in the climate, flue tuition); in the temperature, &c., while at the Same time, it braces the entire system and energizes the whole man. We do honestly urge sufferers to "throw physic to the dogs," and hereafter use Mishler's Herb Bitters. Sold by all druggists and dealers. Dr- - S. B. Hartman & Co., Proprietors, Lancaster, Ps. sepl4-2t Tim BnEvrry OF Lim— " 'Tis not for man to triV, life is brie!: Our age is but the falling of a leaf. • - We have no time to sport away the limn , All must be earnest in a world like ours, Not many lives; but one have we, How sacred then that one honld 'And still how many fritter away their livez, unable to fill any useful purpose, be cause some lingering disease unfits them for it, and they neglect or refuse to use,the rem edies within their reach. God, in his wonder ful ar-.lngetnent of nature, has provided an mitt jute for till the ills that human flesh is 11: .1- to, and, by the aid of science, the medi virtues of certain roots, herbs and barks have beCn combined, and the result is now known all over the civilized world_as Mishler's li rb Bitters. It thoroughly puri fies the blood, invigorates the nervous fibres, elevates the standard of all the vital forces, .and sustains a most healthful tone of the en tire human organization. Sold by all drug gists and dealers. Dr. S. B. Hartman & Co:, Proprietors, Lancaster, Pa. sep24-2t EUGENIA HAIR RESTORE/I.—The cheapest and best. ,Mammoth bottles only 75 cells. The Eugenia Hair Reitorer eclipses all known discoveries for the rapidity with which it restores gray and faded hair to its original color, promotes its rapid and healthy growth, prevents and stops it when falling off, and is a most luxuriant hair dressing for the hpman hair and head, rendering it soft, silky and lustrous., Sold by S. Dickinson & Son, sole agents in Erie. decl2-Iy. LEGAL MAN - tn.—We remind those in need of blanks that our assortment is the most complete in the city, comprising every sort generally in use by Justices, Attorneys ! Con stables, BroPerty Owners and Business men. They arc all prepared by experienced men. got up in the best style, and sold at the most reasonable prices. A liberal deduction will be made to dealers or others purchasing in large.quantitio. ' iy2r)-tf. FARMER/3 OF ERIE COUNIT.—Chas. Craw ley is agent for the sale of the Merrier Flexi ble Harrow: All orders taken by hitn will be proniptly attended to. CArr.,J. H. WELSH, PrOp'r 31anurr Mercier Flexible Harrow, oels-tf Erie, Pa. New Marble Shop. TT UNDER.SIGNED hereby nimounces that he hrt. e.tahlisbed a complete Marble orks on North side of 9th St., bet. State .S; Peach, Erie, Pa., where he Is prepared to till all orders in the various branches of that business, with promptness and dispatch, such 1104 all works in Marble or Sandstone, viz:. MONUMENT?, HEADsTONEs (l (LUNG, DESIGNING, MANTLE PIECES, Marble Mates, Fine Building Stone, 0:e. E. LEONHARD, sep3-3m , Sculptor. HAYES de. KEPLER, REAL ESTATE AGENTS: • FOR SALE. Farm on Lake Pleasant road. about 7 Ulna from the city, known as the Win. Lawrence place. 55 acres. Good farm house, 2 good barns, a acres woods, grafted orchard, .tc. The above farm can be bought for :2.700, one-half down, the balance in 4 years time. It is under fine state of cultivation. Owper Is obliged to let it go on account of sickness. It is cheap and very desirable. aNYF-s FILET[, • No.l Reed Ilou,e. tIIOUT 1333 FOR SALE. Seven and one-half litres, u miles of city, on Buffalo road. Good small house, Darn, choice variety of fruit, fie. Price, V 1,300. IIAYES it KEPLER, 1 , 10. 1 Reed Rouse. JA MES OHANLON FARM FOR SALE. On Lake road, east about .5% miles. acres. New two-story well finished house, tine barn, 300 young apple trees. Mr. O'Hanion having made business arrangements that will take him permanently - from Erie Co., proposes to sell this valuable property CHEAP. ILIYES a: KEPLER. FOR THE PAVING OF PEACH STREET, BETWEEN BUFFALO STREET AND SOUTH AVENUE. CI E. I.—lle it ordained and enacted by the Her o gess and Council of the Borough of South Erie, and it is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same, that Peach Street, between Buffalo Street and South Avenue, shall be immediately paved In the following manner, viz: Twenty - lire feet along the centre of said street to be of .NicholsOn pavement, 'and the balance of the street between the Nicholson payement and the sidewalk , to be of cobble stone. SEC.. ^,—The owners of the property bounded I by andabutting,on said street are to pay three fourths of the cost and expense of said pave ment In front of their lots to the track of the street railroad; the said Borough to pay one fourth of the said costs and expense in front of said lots. The said Borough also paying the costs and expense of paving the cross streets. See. 3.—The said owners of property on said streets are required to pay the respective amountt due by them for said pavement in front of their respective lots Within sixty days from the time of notice given to them of the atnot.ot to lie paid by them; and in default of payment, said amounts with ten per cent. darn ages will be collected according to the provision of the Act of Assembly, entitled a further sup plement to the Act Incorporating the Borough of South Erie, approved March 6tb, 1687. SEC. 4.--Vhe said street is to be paved in strict compliance with the plan and specification adopted by the.Burgeas and Council of said Bor ough, and under the Superintendence of the Ca ving Committee and Borough Engineer. SEC. s.—The contractors shall be paid from time to time upon the estimate of the Borough Engineer, for the amount due them for work and labor done and materials furnished, and at the completion of the work the said Engineer shall make a final estimate, whichshall be con elusive upon the turtles. ' BEC. 6.—The said contractors are fob° paid ac cording to the stipulations of the contract be tween them and the Borough authorities, Ordained and'enacted the twenty-ninth day of September, A. D. 1566. Attest: W. F. Lvtur., • WM. HENRY, Clerk. BUrgess octe•lt emu.• _ DIED. Reba abbtrtts'emtnts. LETTERiNG, Ordinance - num Vitae k: 670 daalreiiittiii. IT' WILL PAY YOU TO READ THIS STATEMENT OF FACTS:IN REGARD TO BUCKEYE CIDER MILL AND,PRESS THIS HILL IS SUPERIOR. TO ALL OTHERS IN THE FOLLOWING POINTS: Ist.—The Adjustable Throat, adapting the grinding apparatus to all kinds and sizes of Fruit. 2d.—The Adjustable Grinding Rollers for same purpose. kl.—The Metallic Box, holding all parts of the grinding apparatus firmly In place without I ability of disarrangement from swelling and shrinking of wooden sides and ends. 4th.—The Solid and Compact Frame for Mill and Press. sth.—The strong Iron Beam and Screw, warranted to stand the severest proisure of the Lever. 6th.—The most perfect Grinding Apparatus; having the serrated ribs on ono roller yrorking against the straight ribs on the other, thus giving a shearing cut, and requiring a smaller con sumption of power than with any other Mill. th.—The Strainer Board under the tub allowing the Cider to pass freely off from the cheese and without which great loss in pressing 4s caused. Made of the best material; finished in the highest style; and most popular Mill made. This Is the Still that the undersigned sold so extensively last year, and which has given such great satisfaction. It is undoubtedly the best one in the market. Call and see It—the sooner the better, aro-2m DON'T FORGET THE ELECTION__RETURNS, But you should also recollect that the EMPIRE FEED CUTTER lECIESrr A.. Xll C 1110 A- jP ]OS rf ! ri The above cut represents a new and improved funr-knife Cutting; Box, great!, superior to any four-knife Feed Cutter in use. its strength - , durability, compactness. self-feeding, adjustable throat and knives. ease of cutting all kinds of feed equally well, different length of cut, operated by hand or horse power, all combined, give the "Empire Feed Cutter" the decided _preference over every other four-knife Cutter. Took the First Premium at the New York State Fair In 1862. We offer then' to the public , with full contldence.that they wilt give entire satisfaction. COMIE OUR - NEXT CANDIDATE! STOVES ! We lvi'e the Lirgest and Best Assortment of Stoves liftheSity of Erie. I the :IppLov cadet les. Several entirely new Patents. The Cosmopolitan, [New.] This new Cooking Stove leads the market. It is for coal or wood •, has galvanized Inn Itc,- ervoir ; is equal to the highest priced Reservoir Stoves, end costs f.t•M less: A superb Cooker and Baker, in all respects. Also, THE MORNING GLORYI THE MORNLNG GLORY ! And a dozen other varieties of the most approved stoves, for all purposes. This season, one Stove stock is larger, better and cheaper than ever before. The Renowned Stewart Stove. We have the sole agency for Erie of the renowned Stewart Stove, for kitchen or parlor. 'Nev er purchase n stove before yon see a Stewart. The biggest thing in parlor or office stove' this season Is The New Stewitrt, kiase-13urner. Perfectiottas hear as a Stave can be. The Stewart Base Burner i 9 handsome, economical, el flelent,•rellable, easy to manage, and, in short, is the best possible combination of the invalua ble Stewart patent with the best base burning models. The lilorning Glory--formerly Littlefield--Base Burniiig HOT UIaINT • Greatly Improved since last season. This, the best of all Hot Air Furnaces, is now manufac tured in Erie, by Barr, Johnson d : Co., and we have the sole Retail Agency for this section. • A base burning Furnace is the only proper kind. The base burning improvement is even more essential to a Furnace than a stove. Among our many home endorsements Ls the following: The Littlefield (now Morning Glory Base Burning) Furnace, hasbeen used by ns in our resi dences during the past year, and we heartily endorse It in every respect equal to the guarantees of W. W. Pierce & Co., from whom we obtained it. Capt. J. S. Richards, W. S. Brown, Isaac Moorhead, H. W. Spooner, S. A. Davenport, B. Grant, W. J. Hobert Evans, Conrad Brown, B. Minium and 'Mothers. G BARD TESTI MONY.—The undersigned, citizens of Girard, cheerfully endorse the above. R. S. Battles, James Webster, W. C. Culbertson, Henry McConnell. We have a very large and well selected stock of Hardware, House Furnishing Goods, Tool., and Agricultural Implements. Our stock Is complete. It is nearly double In extent and rail,- y to that of former years. Prices the most reasonable. Goods the most reliable. Como and •ee MEM TI-1E ERIE . co. Live Stock Insurance Co. Organized by electing the following otlleeiTj ; Mercier flexible Harrow. JOSEPH MeCARTER, President, S. H. KELSEY, Vice President. M. }LAWLER Treasurer. O. T. CHURCHILL, Secretary J. BLENNER, General Agent fr HE FOLLOWING COALMUNICATIONS frobA well known citizens explain its merits: LETTEn PV.031 GEIS. KILLPATILICK. I hereby ei rtify that I have used the."Merel, Flexiblc Harrow," the right of which for this County is owned by Capt. John H. Welsh, and find that 4 can accomplish one more with this machine titan with any - either I tint ac quainted with. It combines the qualities of lightness, cheapni•ss and durability,,and is tile mist perfect harrow that I have ever seen. It can be easily changed into a cultivator for Cant and any boy large enough to drive a team tan A Capital Stock of Fifty Thou , and rezeilly and easily take it apart and put it to- Dollars. ' gether again. I most cheerfully recommend my friends and acquaintances to .buy this mn- The office of this Company will he kept for chine, as I consider It altogether the best in the present in the "Lime Savings Bank," I use. No risk is incurred by the purchase, as the Keystone Bank Building, and they are pre- buyer will have ample opportunities of trying pared to Issue policies on liberal terms to all ! before paying for it. I pare purchased a Hat.- who have stock to Insure. am70..3m t row and a farm right. JOHN KILIPATRICH. _ East Mill Creek. mitEmus: 11. Jareeki, C. Buick, F. Schneider, G. T. Churchill, Joseph McCarter. Henry C. Slanntion D. S. Clark, Joseph Blenner, 31. Hornet), R. H. Johnson, X. Hearn, S. 11. Kelsey, This Company is organize! with LEITER FROM DR. JOHN S. cARTRIL. • hat lug Witnessed the operation of this Har row at the trial on the land of Gen. Killpatrick Stoves for Everybody on the huh of June, I have no hesitation In say , ing that 1 1 , 010'0 It to be a very superior Imply. men r of its elass, and quite worthy the atten tion of all Who have occasion to use such an ar ticle. Its flexibility—which causes it to adapt ttself clom4y to the surface of the ground, how ever rough or uneven It may be, Is a feature of much importance, and one that distitguishes this from all other Harrows. There are also other peculiarities in its construction which , will be readily perceived by.the intelligent far- WE HAVE a Mile assottmeut of the BEST tiler, and which will doubtless tend, ere long, to and CHEAPViT Stoves the Market af- , bring it into general use. I have purchased One of these Rarrows for use on my land, fords. Our celebrated • JOICC 8. CARTER. ! Manufnetured and gold by'the undersigned. 4 who guarantees the Harrows to give entire sat ' !graviton. JOHN It. WELSH, • AND , Welsh House, near Phila. tk Erie Shops, J ylresi-t f _ Erie, Pa. PATTERSON* ATERVS. NQ. ra French St Net AMERICAN EAGLE, To the - Ladles. Are taking the toad of all other cooking stoves, i I AWES who suffer (ruin weakness across the and are adapted to illo wants of all clauses-of 1 -LI hack and of the limbs. with benrlng , down ! stand or a alk erect, can be r. neve,' nt once community. They are fitted with and without pains, Ni' it Is with difficulty that they can writer backs also with and without back closets ' and reservoirs. and radically cured by we.,, me Its. FRENCHWe have also the best magazine StoNc or per- SUPPORTEII, a new and elewent tit i ice, never petual burner for parlor and office use, yet of- , before known or used In 'lib, e,,milly. For full iered to the public, called the 1 illforinutiOh, call upon or liiiiires, 'irith stamp, F:..1. 1 , 11.% sEit, NI. D., - Al NE E n I C A. N : i _t_ll7:;-tr It has a perfect lane clrenitition, which effev twiny warms the lower part of the room, and the construction of the top is such as to render explosions of gas impm , rble - Clot !ling aiel Cent's Furnishing Goods —besides being the most beautiful stove In rim market. col :NEI; d oEVENTII STREET, We also have any quality of other styles for both wood and coal—and cannot be, undersold. - VAC. 11E. PA. Call and examine our stock befote purehas- r_ inst elsewhere. - D.l.,:tSliti! IILA".:KS ! A complete assort W Sign of the Big Eagle perched on a Cook El meat of every kind of illaulth needed by Stove. PATTEII...goNS & AVERY, Attorneys, justices, ei nis t a bl es and Business Sepl l .4f No. 527 French St.,`Erie, Fa. Men, for Bale at the Observer °Dice. AND WINE N THE 441 STOVES ! STOVES ! W. W. 17'11V.C.E at; CO., No. SW state Street, Erie, Pa FARMERS READ ! JOHN GENSIIEIMER & SON, •W 1 9 I=