ilit(trit Itotrrtr. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1:i1:3 FOll, PRESIDENT, HORATIO SEYMOUR, of N. Y. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, Gisu. F. P. BLAIR, of Missouri. nr7ITOC:IIATIC ELECTORIL TICKET'. I). lot it %TT STATE COMMITTEE ROOMS, 901 Arch Street, . , I'IMADELPIII.I., Sept. 2'.3, 1668. !tic following is the correct Electoral iickct. Democratic papers please copy. WNi. A. IVAr.r.AcE, Chairman ELECTOR' WILLIAM' V. MCGRATH, GEORGE W. C-ASS C. ERNEST EAMFILT, 31. D. - CHAS. LErsErnaNu, Snrox W. ARNOLD; GEORGE R. BERRELL, HARRY R. Cooosrukra.,. RErnEs STATILER, R. EMMETT MosAou.tx o'DAVID L. WENRICH, BERNARD J. M'Grtaxx WILLIAM SMITE, A. G., JII JOEL*: ELAINDHCG, JESSE C. AMERMAN IV. PowER Wrrurr,T,r, WILLIAM R. GOICOA;, WILLIAE P. SMELL, CTRCS L. PERSITINc• , AmOS C. NOTES, W3L A. GAIBE.A.ITH, JOHN' R. PACKARD, JAMES C. CLARKE, JAMES H. liorh - ixs, EDWARD S. GOLDEN SAAWEL R. Witgoti. THE ELECTIONS. Returns from the elections held on Tues day come in with provoking slowness, and we have nothing up to the hour of going to press which enables us to give a reliable statement of the result. The Radicals claim a majority of over 10,003 in the State, but we see nothing in, the returns which bears them out in the estimate. No table of re ported majorities by counties has reached us, and it is a significant fact that the Chairman of the Radical State Committee has ceased sending out any More of the pompous Mille tins which he inflicted on the public to such a prolitid degree on the night of election. A telegram to us on Wednesday evening. from Mr. Wallace, says the State is close, bat gives no encouragement to believe that our ticket is successful. We think it likely that the Radicals are victorious by a small majority—probably in the neighborhood of 5,000, Philadelphia gives an average Dem ocratic majority of over 2,500, electing our whole city ticket, notwithstanding the exclu sion of many hundred naturalized voters in the Radical districts: We gain two mem bers ót Congress in that city, and although the -Radicals claim the Westmoreland and Franklin districts, our opinion is that Cessna and Covode will both be beaten. The Legis lature is of course Radical, the State being so districted that if the Democracy, had 30,000 majority it would: be difficult to secure as cendancy in that body. . Ohio is claimed Lithe Radicals by a ma jority U. 25,000, Without any figure. to sus tain the claim. They have probably carried the State, but we do not believe by more than 10,000 or 15,000 majority at the utmost. The Democrats hare gained two Congressmen, and re-elected Gen. Morgaa, who was ej,.e tea, at the last session. Among the gratifying features is the defeat of Jim A-hley, the noto rious "in - leacher." Both parties are elaioi hag Indiana by small majorities, with the probabilities strongly in favor of the Demo crats. We make heavy gains in the lower counties, and have an increase of one in our Congressional delegation. Reports say that the Radicals are victorious in Nebraska, by a majority of about 2,000. In every section the vote is enormously large, and it is some encouragement to know that if the Democracy are not as successful as they wish, they are making a steady gain upon their enemies everywhere, which indi cates that before long we shall secure control of all the States here mentioned. GE:V. McCLELL.t% . The Radicals have aimed to create the im pression that Gen. McClellan was disinclined to support the Democratic candidates. The following letter, addressed to the Chairman rffthe great Democratic meeting in New York, show ; - how well founded their statements are: Nr.w YonK, Oct. 3,1848. Douglas 21eylor, ./.,!vy., Chairman, dc., etc. MY DEAR SIR :---I have the' pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your invitation to preside over the Deruberettit; mooting of Monday next. I have L-ng sino determined to abstain from farther participation in polit ical life, and therefore find myself compelled . 'to decline the honor you proffer me. I should however, be glad to attend .the meeting as a private citizen, did not engagements of a do m,estlc nature, rendered imperative by my long abcenoe from the country, detain me from the city on the day in question. I gladly avail myself of this opportunity to express my continued hearty sympathy with the Democratic cause, and my ardent wishes for the success of those constitutional principles Jro which the recent war was undertaAcn by the ~Vorth. Separated as I thus am from the distinguished - soldier who has been chosen as the leader of our opponents, I know that you will agree with rue in the highest respect for the ser vices he has , rendered our country but it is my conviction that the measures of the party :chide has placed him in nomination are but a continuance of strife, and can never restore • peace or constitutional supremacy, and thus complete the work which he and other bran soldiers so ably commenced. The war was only the first epoch in the history of the struggle in which we have been so long engaged. The work of the soldier is, I trust, foro-er ended, and it remains for the people to ful fil the great objects for which they, or their sons and brothers, were called to the field. A restored union of States and hearts; an in , eigorated Constitution, to be firmly and faith fully supported; the maintenance of the nation al credit inviolate; a re-establishment of arttional and State rights in all their integrity, and Oats a true harmony and a lasting peace—these are the objects for which every citizen should now strife; and belieeing these to rest 'in the success of the Dertnocratie ca+sqe, by (lie election of the eminent statesmen select,d to represent the par ty, it is my intoition to su quilt that rause es a private citizen. With - the request that you will convey to the gentlemen of the Committee, and my oth er friends for Alt hom you net, my sincere thanks for-the compliment they have paid! me, I am most truly yours, GEO, P. Meeixt.r.‘N. IT would appear that-the lower branch of the Rump has set up hou , e keeping Among its alipplivis the following : 1 griddle, 4 eullenders,2 graters, 1 dipper, 6 pans, 1 flour-sifter, 8 end saucepans, 1 fish kettle, pans, 4 tin saucepans, 9 iron pans, 1 hod., 1 tea-kettle, 4 poles, 7 try-pans, 3 boil ers, 1 coffee urn, 2 mashers, 1 saw, 1 meat knife, 1 strainer. 4 ladles, 3 immers, 4 pep pers, 2 meat-forks, 2 sifters, 4 spoons, 5 pans, 8 stamped pans, 1 boiler, 2 large cullenclers, 4 iron pans, 12 tin pans, 1 oval nrn.2 boilers. I cleaver, 1 coffee-mill. We don't quite understand how this is; but it is all right, of course, in some way or other. If it had been charged to the War Department, we should not have lien sur prised. Stanton probably needed something (if the kind, when he kept himself barricaded in his den day and night, from fear that old /Merin, would enter into possession. • A VONTHMT.—Kentucky, like Tennessee, was, daring and at the close of the war, filled with heterogeneous elements. Those States were to remain discordant and thriftless, or to become harmonious and prosperous, ac cordingly as bad 6r good counsels should prevail in their management. Uniou men, secessionists and negroes, abounded in both. In the former, the Democratic policy of con ciliation and good will prevailed, and a seat of war is turned into a garden of peace and prosperity ! In the latter the will of Stevens and Brownlow and Congress prevailed ; and the oldest of the "reconstructed" States is but little better than pandemonium. TEE ALLEGED DRA.rnA As PAIL A. The Radletil organs have been Making much noise over an investigation in the Su preme Court in the city of Philadelphia, regarding a lot of blank naturalization papers, with the impressionof the seal of that Court made thereon, and which papers were al leged to have been taken from a man named. Devine, on Saturday, the 3d inst. How this clamor was raised. apbcars from the facts proved before Judge Shatsv. - ..ici, during thQ examination of the 'A man named John Devine was arrested i l tly the police, of Philadelphia, who are -all 'Radicals, on the charge of aiming a pistol at a man and his wife, passing along the street.' lie was in toxicated, but he was in addition knocked senseless in arresting him. While he was lying, totally insebsible, iu the police station, twelve forged blank naturalization papers were, the Radical papers allege, found in the pocket of Devine. Aft:gr his commitment, however, he was releas&l, and every oppor tunity given him to fly from the grave charge made against him—of assault with a deadly weapon. Ile did not fly, however. The Su preme Court at Nisi Prins, which Judge Sharswood was holding, on application to investigate the matter Promptly, took:cogni zance of it. Devine, who had not fled, as it was no doubt hoped he would by those who discharged him from custody, was befire the Court, and testified that he lied ',tree .‘ze,i or Laid of the blank papers alleged to have been taken from his pocket. The papers be ing produced, the name of James it Snow den, the Prothonotary of the Supreme Court, was found to be a forgery. This was shown by the testimony of many witnesses, and by the affidavit of Colonel Snowden, awell known cal= of unblemished repution. A further examination of the pretended seals by-scientific persons satisfied the Court that they were not genuine impressions from the official die. They seemed to be imitations, by the process of electrotyping. The twelve false papers were so marked by _the Judge, and retained in the custody of the Court. It is upon these twelve false documents put in to the pocket of a drunken man, in a police station, that all the clamor has been raised which has resulted in disfranchising thous ands of voters throughout the State as legal ly'entitle I tc, the ballot as any person who exercised that privilege within its limit.. The following is part of Devine's 031C ment : "The last thing that I recollect was being in a lager beer saloon drinking ; I recollect then having a pocket hook, a watch and some money ; (The papers in question were shown the witness.) I never saw these papers or any like them before; I never saw any that had this signature; never saw any that had this seal ; I , am positive of this ; I have seen no one to instruct me as to how I should conduct myself when I should come here." _From this there can be but one conclusion arrived at, and that is, that these papers, whilst Devine was in a state of stupefaction from the effects of liquor, were stuffed into, his pockets by some tool of the Radicals, who then procured his arrest by the police. Upon the strength of this alleged expost tiondbe Radicals set up a tremendous cry from one end of the country to the other that the Democrats were pa paring to carry the elec tion by fraud. A superammatel radical juke of the C mrt, Ju-tip Rea 1, wit lint respect or a Angle nmmber of the bar, was induced to giro an opinion. n4-nin , t the 4.‘ t'em of granting naturalizu,ions in the Court, in Mel: the other It t lip d Judges \vete c.l.lxe. Ito concur. Thvil a..tion was ykeh Ivithoul eonsultaft in wit!: the other two Dentocnitin Judges, an 1, , han:ctal :0. it belies`', we cannot th, c ,n ( ion that it was wholly destined partizan purposes. It appears that within the I ist month or two, some tive or tit:mita.] p ip•-•rs were regularly issued by the sancti.m of the Court. Judge Read's futile pretence is thaf the oaths were a•lministered by the tipstaves, while he knows, and every man who has ev'- er been in a court-room, in that enunty,kmows that every juror and witne:ss is sworn in the same way. Every penain naturahzii:l' in Philadelphia, many years, in any co trt of the city, his been sworn in the same way. The opinion of Judge Read has called girth the' 'following merited rebuke from Chief .Tustica Thostnon,which covers the whole case so well that no further explanation is needed, ex. cept to say that Judge Read made use of the expression that all naturalizations to tile in the Supreme Court in September areillegal." PHILIDELPATA, net. 7, ISGS. • JOIIN M. READ—De'lf Sir: Your ter dated this day has been received by me, but thebusiness of the Court (.Nisi Priuso has prevented my considering its contents as ful ly as I may hereafter do, if I find it to be a part of my official duty to do so. There are some things, however, which it discloses very distinctly, and which sin Qrises me much. - The first of these is, that without consulta tion with me, the official organ of the Court, you should of your own motion have convoked for consultation Mr. Justice Agnew and Judge Williams, in regard to the business of the Supreme Court, and that there should have been a consultation held in relation to its business, without any notice to either Justice Sharswood or myself, or any opportunity given for either to be present. I think is might have struck you that, if the meeting of judges composing the Supreme Court was to be of any consequence, or have any significance whatever, we should have had the opportunity, at least,.of being pres ent. If any change of the practice in grant ing naturalization papers from what lies been ttettctittned by your own predict', as fully as that of any other judges, was contemplated, we should have had the benefit of your view on the point, and an opportunity to express ours, if we desired to do so. It scents to me this would have been both reasble and' proper. I am more surprised, however, at the ex pression of an extra-judicial opinion by yourself, and which, you say, was also an ex• pression by Justice Agnew and Judge Wil liams, not yet a Judge of the Supreme Court, in regard to what might perhaps become the subject of judicial action in the Court here after. I think you will hardly differ with me 'Et the opinion, that any pre-judg,ment ex pressed must disqualify a judge exprissing, it from sitting at the hearing of nny case in which the subject of it may come in contro versy. It will he no excuse for judges ex pressing opinions that they n - crc not fill/y ap prised of the ease of which they unilertake to speak. This, let me suggest, would b a good reason for refraining front expressin ,, an e,xtra-judicial opinion; but, if, expresAcil, it would not avail to qualify the judge to act, if 'a ease should happen to come before hini in due and legal form, involving the sonic question. This remark is general, lint you cannot doubt its applicability, I think, to what is said by you about the practice ob served in naturalizations at Nisi Prins. - - ••• You request me to read your letter in open court. I cannot do this. It is in no way connected with anything before rue, either as matter of testimony or matter ot, law. Be sides, I must decline publishing any extra judicial opinions of any of my brothers, es specially so as Mr. Justice Agnewls absent, although your letter gives me to understand that be is of the same opinion with-yourself, and that he will repeat that opinion at any time hereafter. Nor can I think of cony miffing Judge Williams to the, pledge you make, that he n ill repeat the optnion'you ex press as soon as, or whenever he shall be sworn as a .Tudge of the Supreme Court, namely : That the proceedings of the Court, at Nisi Prins in naturaiizing aliens are voidi: although you do not pretend that the Court was not legally constituted and legally act ing. Excuse Inc for entertaining the belief that there is some mistake about this ad vance opinion of Judge Williams—as well as that of - Judge Agnew—on so grave a subject as that to which you refer: but if I should be mistaken, they must themselves give them to the public : they cannot come through me. If there were indeed any grounds of comphiint that applicants for nat- ! uralization and their vouchers have Not been sufficiently examined as to what they were to attest, and have attested without sufficient information, what might not be said even of Judges deciding on what has been done with out either seeing for themselves, or being aided by legal proof of what has occurred? I have not had the pleasure of seeing eith er my brother Justice Agnew or Judge Wil liams at the court rooms, nor even yourself since I have been on the bench, either last month, when I presided at several times, nor this mon th,and what power you had to exam ine witnesses. not being competent to form or hold a court,as you say,l do not know. Ifthere be error, which is not admitted in the partic ular you complain Of, to wit : want of prop er exanaination of witnesses. I think it must. , strike vn as quite . as grave an error in judges assuming to express opinions Of what Wit opinions judicial questions , without the requisite information judicially obtained. I abstain from the expression of any opinion about what is established by the records. What they contain must remain until set aside by a enert competent to review, reverse and set it aside; and this well known rule applies as well to naturalization of citizens as to any other definite art a court can per- form. It' any questions shall ever arise as to -to the rezuLarity and definitiveness of the action of the court in rcgard to naturalization or any other thing it may have done, I Rill exprels au opinion only tiller proofs made and hearing of the parties, or their counsel, on the law and facts involved. Vet y reveetfully, - .lixtEs Tnosu.sos. TUE TULTILOTT AT LAST. 'The public have been furnished with a full, accurate, antlautkoritative statement of the Federal receipts and expenditures by Mr. Alexander Delmar, Director of the Bureau of Statistics of the Treasury Department at Wa , liington, in answer to a letter addressed to him by Messrs. Henry Grinnell, Royal Phelps, and Wilson G. Hunt, of New York city. Mr. Delmar gives a statement of re ceipts anti expenditures, for three years, since the close of the war ; the summing up of which is as follows : TnT V. RECEIPTS.. 1861;-7' 1565.6 Register's Receipts. tz.108,q12,C20 06 $190,6,3 I ,010 Treasurer's Receipt,. i• — .5,727,1iT3 11 1-15,715;16.1 01 . 511,574,i10 51 Total. $5.te;,N0,172 23 TOTAL EX PENDITURRS. • RA.gis ter's Ex Vs, $52u,750,910 -13,72 J, I.n 33 11170 XIX:, 82 Treasure r'm Ex iNii,726,M.3 14 $45,715,161 01 $11,574,530 37 Total tri76,th,103 G•_ 9.r.2,44.1,V1 44 5414,913,60 i 19 The above statement shows that there has been coliceted out of the poop*, by taxation within three years, the enormobli sum of one thousand six hundred millions of dollars. A sum amounting to about •two-thirds of the whole public debt, and yet that debt has been reduced only one hundred and twenty four millions in all that time. A sum, too, equal to all the expenditures of the Govern ment, for seventy odd years of its existence, prior to 1861. It shows further that there have been col lected upward of two hundred and sixteen millions More than have been paid out, which excess is not in the Treasury, and must have been stolen by Jacobin thieves. It shows another thing—that the Jacobins expended in 1807-8 about twenty-two mil lions and a half more than they did in 1806-7. This indicates which way the current is run ning. That twenty-two millions and a half which they have added to the expenditures in a single year ought to meet all the necessi ties of the Government, under a good,sonnd, wholesome, economical, Jeffersonian admin istration, aside from the payments on the public debt. Instead of that, the Jacobins have made it upward of three hundred mil lions over and above payments on the public debt. More and worse than all this. According to Mr. Delmar's statement, the expenditures for the current fiscal year, I 868-0, will amount to four hundretrand eightyone millions fuur hundred and eight}•-scvcu thousand dollars, including the Post Mice deficiency of six millions. This increases the expenditures in thi:: of Jacobin economy ot•er those or last year, sixfy-six willioua and a half of dol krs—inore than the whole expenditures of the (4.wel amen( in 18G0. . It Ittrthel :1111WarS that the estimated ro e, ipti fur the current fiscal year, to meet cApeaditares are only three himdred and tv enty millions six hundred and-twenty thousand. "Thus," :ay Mr. Delmar, "if the Treas -,ury endeavors to meet its current expendi tures this year tto say nothing of matured claims deferred, or the Post Office deficien= cvd it will show a deficit of $134,339,202 25 at the end of the year, to be obtained from increased taxes or lbans." One hundred and fifty-four millions to be added to the public debt in a single year, and when the Jacohins,have been trying to make r. show of economy, to deceive the people in the Presideiatial canvass. And should they be successfill in retaining power there will be - no limit to the increase hereafter. The rich want more bonds ; to be bought with greenbacks, and paid to them in gold, and exempt from taxation ! The tariffites want higher duties, to in crease their bounties The Jacobins want more expenditures, for the heavier they - are, the greater the steal- EMI Hut the poor people! What do they want 11, ,, t them answer in November THE REBEL PARTY Which party has most prominent rebels in high places? Here are some choice Radical specimens. Joseph E. Brown, of Georgia, so much a secessionist that the confederacy was not States' rights enough for him, and he wanted Georgia to leave the Davis Gov eminent and setup for itself,"outside of both confederations." He was a Radical delegate to Chicago. Horace Greeley, of New York, advocated seeeksion in 1861, and said the South were contending "for principles that laid at the foundation of the Declaration of Indepindenee." His advocacy carried at least three wavering States out of the Union. In 1863 he clasped palms with Sanders, Tucker and Co., and prayed for peace "on the best attainable terms." John A. Logan, of Illinois, recruited n rebel company in 1861, and because the company was accepted and Logan rejected, owing to' a vigilance that shifted out chaff down South, entered the Federal annrc and is now a Radical member of Congress, and the reported original of Doesticks'"Damphool." Butler and Stokes, now Tennessee Radical Congressmen, were ardent rebels at the start and are Radical rebels still. Hunnicutt, of Virginia, the hot te:,t blood-and-whiskey secessionist in the State at the beginning of the war, now car ties the Radical party of that State in his breeches' pocket. Bennett, of the Herald, an original rebel, was compelled to hoist a Fed eral flag by a mob, went right over into the Radical party, and named Grant as their nominee in advance. 'These are only a few, but they will 'serve." THE ROOT AND THE FRE/T. It is just as well to bear in mind on what basis the reconstructed State governmee of the South stand. These governments are based on the bogus constitutions, the bogus constitutions were framed by carpet-bageon venttons, and the carpet-bag conventions were thus called—all the States wherein the official figures have been made Entblie being IBM 1.;4r , • WMIa. Nigroo. Regixtratio». Alabama 18;43 71,730 ' • 167i,813 Florida 1420 13,080 28,003 Georgia '32,000 70,283 • 11)1,501 N. Carolina 21,294 61,722 179,653 S. Carolina 2%350 66,415 127,432 Total 85,407 283,233 002,402 It will have been seen, using round num bers, that in calling these pretended conven tions the negro vote in Georgia and North Carolina was 2 to 1 ; in Alabama, 4 to 1; in Florida, 12 to 1; and in South Carolina, 30 to 1! If this kind of 'thing is not in effect a Liberia it would be hard to say what would be. These 283,233 negroes are, in the fruit of this plant, seen in 104 surreptitious Sena tors, 23 carpet-bag Congressmen, and 33 votes in the Electoral College. Well is it written; From Africa the negro came, Arise, 0 Congress ! bless his name. For, without him what would the Radicals who make up that body do to perpetuate their power. Shall this thing stand? FIGHT Arabs have been sentenced to im prisonment for life in Algeria for the trivial offense of eating frleaseed baby. WORM IMO,/ "AN EX4LLREL. Albert Piles is frequently cited by the rad ical press is iirepreseittative of the most ul tra violent class at the south. In a sptech the other day at St. Louis, this gentleman spoke as follows: " The man Who says that we who arc now designated as rebels do not intend in good faith to support the constitution and lablar for the preservation of the Union, tells yon a' falsehood: Ile lies in his teeth, and I have no hesitation in saying so. [Great cheers.] It is not the honorable federal soldier who makes the charge, but the sneak who never saw the tentrAtield, and who never flamed to enter personally into the fight. [Cheers.] I desire to testify my appreciation of the kind ness and magnanimity of the federal soldiers, who, were it left to them to decide, would settle our difficulties aronce justly and gen erously toward all. [Cheers. I say it with pride that never since the c ose of the war have ; been treated discourteously, never an unkind look nor an unkind word from the operq manly federal soldier. They fought nobly,] 1 they fought successfully, they know how t!trleat a brave and manly foe. And if you giv.Qgonfidence to the honest and cour ageous people of the south ; if you take the bayonet from their lips; if you enfranchise them and trust them, I. pledge you the word of a man, nye I pledge you the honor of my race, that we will in good faith discharge all the obligations ,imposed upon us by the con stitution, all our duties under the Union." MEM THE TOTE OF 1868. A marked peculiarity of the State elections this year is the immense vote that has been polled, in every case larger than that cast at the Presidential election of 1861. The States which voted previous to . October, with their votes this year and in November, 1864, are given below 1tki,635,1:11 t450,212,1'43 84 Dem. Rep. Dem. Rep. - Connecticut 50,541 48,777 42,285 44,691 Kentucky 114,412 25,734 64,301 27,786 Maine 55,455 75,027 0,999 68,114 N. Hampshire 37,162 39,654 32,871 36,400 Vermont 15,274 42,527 13,321 42,419 Total As a matter of interest we append in tabu lar form the increase in the vote of each party and in the total Vote of the States named, to wit : Dent. Rep. Gain in Gain. Gain. Total Vote. Connecticut 8,256 4,086 12,342 Kentucky 50,111 . *2,052 48,059 Maine 8,463 7,513 15,976 New Hampshire 4,291 3,254 7,545 Vermont 1,953 108 2,061 Total 73,074 12,009 - 83,083 *Republican loss. ' A sharp contest is going on in the Fifth Massachusetts district over the election of a Congressman. The district is heavily Radi— cal, and a split has occurred, Ben Butler be ing the regular nominee, and Mr. Dana the candidate of the bolters. Among the ene mies of Butler is Mr. Atkinson, the gentle man whose recent financial speech has at tracted so much Radical admiration. Ile gives the following advice to the people of the district: "General Butler asks your support; he promises you a great gain ; he has discovered a gold mine in which • all shall share except the bondholder. Not long since a green looking Vermonter walked into the office of Mr. C. T. Jackson, the chemist, and having looked behind the sofa, and satisfied himself that no one else NY MI in the room, ho pined a large bundle, done up in a yellow bandana, on the table and opened it. 'What do, you call that, Doctor ? 'I call it iron pyrites.' 'What !' said the man, 'isn't that stuff gold ?' 'No,' said the Doctor, 'it's good for nothing ; it's pyrites; and putting some over the fire in a shoyel, it evaporated up the ,chimney. 'Wa'al,' said the poor fellow, with a 'woe-be gotten look, 'there's a widder woman in ours town has a whole hill lull of that, and I've been and married her.' Gentlemen of the Fifth district of Massachusetts, don't marry the Widder Butler." , "I'LL SWALLOW IT IF IT BUSTS DIE At a speech at Boston, A. - 0. Brewster, Esq., of that city, related the following 'story to illustrate the way in which thousands of Republicans continue to vote for their party, though convinced that it is wrong : "I once had occasion to journerwith my father into Vermont, and at noon he stopped at a cowl-, try inn and took dinner. - Ass we were eat inn, a huge Vermonter, about ix feet seven in his boots, with immense jaws, came in and began to devour everything before him. At last some hot apple-dumplings were placed on the table. Ile put one into his mouth and began to chew it. It was very hot, and he commenced to make contortions of the face, ang exhibited signs of distress. I Said, 'You'd better drop it' But he continued to chew, and as it opened under his teeth it grew still hotter, and he scowled still worse. I said,' You'd better drop'it,' and as he still exhibited the most fearful agony, I repeated the remark. ' Boy he replied angrily, hav ing got a part of it down so that he could talk, it's easy enough for you to say drop it ; but, (I—n the thing, I'll mailer it, if it busts me.'" Hon. Howell Cobb, of Georgia, died at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, in New York city, on Friday, of apoplexy, the attack being so sud den that he was unable to speak prior to his demise. Mr. 'Cobb was born in Jefferson County, Georgia, on the 7th. of September, 1815. When a child, his father removed to Athens, Georgia, where he has since resided. He graduated at Franklin College M 1834 ; he studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1836. In '1837 he received the appoint ment of-Solicitor-General of the Western Cir cuit, whelp he held four years, and lie was elected a representative to Congress in 1842, having been re-elected in '44, '46 and '4B, and during his latter term he was elected speak er. On his retirement from Congress he was chosen Governor of Georgia. In 183-i he was again elected to Congress, and on the accession-of Mr. Buchanan lo the Presidency, Gov. Cobb went into his' Cabinet as Secreta ry of the Treasury. He took •a prominent part in the rebellion of 1861, and was a mem ber of the Confederate Congress and a briga dier goleral of the Confederate army. MeCLULLAN AT 1103 IE The ovation given to Gen. McClellan in his native city of Philadelphia, on Tuesday of la week, was the grandest affair of . the kind that ever took place in the country. The oldest inhabitant freely acknoWledges that Philadelphia never before experienced such a rushing, crushing ground-swell, such a perfect upheaval of humanity, as she did on that occasion. Chestnut street From Fourth to BrJad, and -Broad from. Chestnut to Spring Garden, was one dense mass of people, with t every door, window,- and most of the house-tops filled. The procession was 'from nine to ten miles In length, requiring two hours and alialf to pass a given point. It was not strictly partisan. Nevertheless very few but Democrats took part in it; while the feeling and enthusiasm of thC tens of thousands of spectators indicated that their sympathies were almost unanimously with the Democrats. It was a proud day for the Democracy of Philadelphia. rem ONE TAKEN AND TIIE OTFIED LEFT.-A telegraphic despatch from Norfolk to the N. Y. Herald announced that Governor Wells, of Virginia, has commuted the sentence of Benjamin Jefferson, a negro,to imprisonment for life. The negro had been sentenced to be,hanged on the Bth of October for an out rage upon • Miss Sarah Ford. Perkins, a white man, who had been condemned to the same penalty for his participation in this out rage, was 'lanced. • Thus the white man was taken and the negro was left. A political pretext for the difference in the fate of the two men has been assigned—"the congress ional district in which the outrage took place gives seven thousand negro majority." In view of this e4pordinary case who shall say that the negro has no rights which white tnen'are bound to respect ? 1864 1868. 272,844 2,319 199,770 219,410 BEN. BUTLER HOWELL COBB. -VOTE OP THE STATE. - ” Gov 184 G. ' And. Gen. 'aB. - i o 0 • EV ... . ..7.- S' :-. ,-, - • .7.- . COWICTIVA F t ' - , , 4 , -. trs• :-' ?° Adams, 3,126 2;910 Allegh`ny, 12,795 20,511 Armstr'ng, 3,078 3,733 Beaver, 2,385 3,310 Bedford, 3,835 2,101 - 13,1283 7,12.1 Blair, - 2,765 3,520 Bradford, 3,091 7,131. Bucks, 7,390 0,80, Butler, 3,001 3,541 Cambria, 3,293 2,613 Cameron, 303 374 Carbon, 2,339 1,006 Centre, 3,5115 3,094 Chester, • 0,221 8,500 Clarion, 2,813 1,776 . Clearfield, 2,786 1,550 Clinton, 2,337 1,754 Columbia, 3,583 1,903 • Crawford, 4,969 0,711 Cnmberl'd '4,567 4,030 Dauphin, 4,301 3,691 Delaware, 2,262 3,617 Elk, - 910 376 Erie, 3,951 7,237 Fayette, 4,359 3,569 Franklin, 4,106 4,299 Fulton, 1,033 •775 Forest, , 70 100 Greene, 3,230 1,699 Hunting'n 2,239 3,248 Indiana, 2,109 4,438 • Jefferson, 1,912 2,015 Juniata, 1,814 1,51 G Lancaster, 8,592 14,592 Lawrence, 1,410 3,360 Lebanon, 2,69 E c 1,194 Lehigh , 5 1. 7 31 4,159 Luzerne, 12,387 8,733 Lycoming, 4,448 3,871 McKean, 714 877 . Mercer, • 3,757 4,416 • 31ifflin, 1,833 1,723 Monroe, 2,699 703 Montgom'y ; 8,342 7,286 Montour, - 1,523 1,131. Nortbam'n 6,870- 8,859 Northum'd, 3,829 3,361 Perry, 2,495 2,581 Philad'a, 48,817 - 54,205 Pike, 1,08-1 360 Potter, r 620 1,340 Schuylkill, 10,514 8,793 ' Snyder, 1,326 • 1,972 Somerset, 1,759 3,062 Sullivan, 761 43G Susquelin'a 2,981 4,429 Tioga, • 1,628 4,791 ' Union, 1,287 1,991 ', Venting*, 3,492 4,409 Warred, 1,572; 2,687 , Washi gt'n 4,712 4,977 Wayne, \ 2,883 2,357 • ' Westmor' , 6,113 5046 • Wyoming;,499 1,408 - York,• • 8;760 5,896 . Total, , 200,026 307,274 Majority, 17,178 GOV. SEYMOUR. [From the Missouri Republican.] A few years ago Governor Seymour, being in delicate health, spent the summer months in Wisconsin with a friend, with whom be made frequent excursions on and around Green Bay. On one of these pleasure trips, while sailing on the bay, they were verta ken by a severe thunder stordovitich was as sudden as it was 'violent, and which caused them to row rapidly to shore m search of a temporary,shelter. Upon landing, they es pied a lotV log cabin, into, which they en tered, and found it tenanted by an old sailor and his wife. With the "yarning" propensi ty of the tar and the garrulousness natural to an 010 man, tie quickly mode his visitors ac quainted with his past 'life:recounting the many hardships he had undergone- and the heavy losses he had su.itained at various try ing periods of hislire. Everything around thotigh scrupulously neat and clean, be, tokened needy want, almost to destitution, the 'furniture being of the poorest and scan tiest. By this time the storm had abated and the weather was again fine. The friend of the Governor took his leave, thanking the old sailor for the shelter he had afforded him. Waiting for Governor Seymour to join him, he took up aposition near the window of the cabin where he could command a view of the whole interior without being observed. Ile saw the hands of the poor man and his rich visitor joined, bidding eaelrother adieu. He also noticed when th9.;e same hands part ed that a glittering twenty dollar gold piece lay in the horny palm of the sailor, who was invoking the blesings of Almighty Col upon the beneficent donor. lie saw, too, that tears were standing in his friend's eyes, and heard him charge the old man to apply to him for relief should he again find himself In seed of assistance. The noble act was per formed, as Seymour thought, with no one to witness it except his humble hostess and the all-seeing Creator of the universe. IT has been ascertained that the statement that Judge Chase was for Grant and Colfax was concocted in Washington, land tele; graphed over the country for effect on the October elections: Chief-Justice Chase expressed his indignation to a friend en Sat urday at the unauthorized use _of liks name. In the course of the conversation 14emphat jenny contradicted the statement, and it may be properly added, that, so far from support ing the Radical tickk, he said , ho .wits op posed to the excesses of that party, which had driven thousands from their ranks. He remarked that he considered Mr. Seythour honest and pure, and believed he would ad minister the Government upon strictly Cdn stitutinnal principles. WANTED—AII.IOT.—Wanted, a first-class riot or outrage, or massacre, at the Sigh, for Ichich the highest price will be paid. p ply at once at the headquarters of the Re publican National Commi(tee. •ep2:ldtf The above advertisement appears in all the leading Republican papers, not exactly in the same language nor yet in the adver tising columns. But still the advertisement is Olin to see, sticking otit of their editorials, their squibs and their bogus dimpatches: From the days of Weeding Kansas down to the present, the radical party has thrived up on bloodshed and riots, which they have themselves for the most part incited, and if they cannot keep up their stock in trade, they will have to 440 under and make an as sigmpent. • Ditt.twAtty. Et.tx:yros.—rln election was held, on Tuesday of last Week, in Delaware, the result of whichlas not been telegraphed by the' Radical operators. In the city of Wilmington the Radical majority was_ only ; in September (last mouth) it was • 314, showing a Democratic gain of 402 votes in less than a mouth. The noise made by the Radical papers, in September, over the elec tion of a Radical Mayor in Wilmington by 314 majority, which -they claimed' was a large gain, has hardly yet .dieir away. New Castle county gives a Democratic majority of RJ, and the State gives a majority of over three thou Sand. ANOTHER RADICAL LIE NAILED.-A few days ago John Covode, Radical candidate for Congress in the Westmoreland district, made oath against E. J. Keenan, Esq., Depu ty Chairman of the Democratic State Com mittee at Pittsburgh, charging hint with col onizing voters into Westmoreland county, and had him arrested. At the hearing, on the 7th, the charges were withdraifn, and Mr. Ken= discharged—the prosecution paying the costs. Of course John was, in this instance, only trying to cover up his own tracks—another practice of the "stop thief " cry. . CoslEcrlctrr.—A dispatch from Hartford, dated the Bth, sass:—"The election news improves; as it becomes more,„ complete. There is no longer any doubt that our slit cess has been great beyond our hopes or ex pectations. We have gainAeverywhere, and lost nowhere. The .diciated Press dispatches have been partial and untruthful, evidently got up to order in the interests of the Radicals. Oar total , gain throughout the State will not be Can 11,000 to 7,000, and in November w increase it to 10,- OQQ for Seymour and ." Demoiratic Platform. The Democratic party in National ConVen tion assembled, reposing Its trust 1n the intelli gence, patriotism and discrizninathigjustice of the people, standing upon the Constitution as the foundation and limitation of the powers of the Government, and the guarantee of the 111)7_ erttes of the citizen; and recognizing the ques tions of slavery ami secession as having been , 'settled for all time to come, by the war or the viillurithry action of the Mut hern States in Con stitutionniConvention ns%embled, and never to to renewed Or re-agitr.t:: , l. do with the retprn of peace demand: !qt.—lmmediate 'rt.toratlon of all the StaLys to their rights its the Union tinder the Consti• tut Inn, and of elvil government In the Ameri can people. ' 2d.—Amnesty for all past political offenee:t, and the regulation of the eleeth e franchise in the States by their citizens. ild.—Payment of the public debt-of the United States as rapidly as practicable; all moneys drawn from the' people by taxation, except so much, its is requisite ) for the necessities of the Government; economically administered, being honestly applied to such payment; and 'ttliere the obligations of the Government do not pressly state upon their face, or the law under which they were issued does not provide that they swat be paid In coin, they ought, in right and tit Justice, to be paid in the lawful money of the United States. .9th.—Equal taxation of every species of prop erty according to its real value, including Gov erment bonds and other public securities. .ith.--One currency - for the Government and the people, the laborer !mu the oMce-hoider, the pensioner and the collier, the producer and the bondholder. Mi.—Economy in the administration of the Government ; the reduction of the standing ar my and navy; the abolition of the Freedmen's Bureau and all political instrumentalities de signed to secure negro supremacy; simplifica tion of the system, • and discontinuance of In qtasitoriai modes of assessing and collecting In ternal Revenue, so that the burden of taxation may be equalized dud lessened; the credit of clic , Government and the currency made good; the repeal of all enactments. for enrolling the State militia into national forces in time of peace;.and a tariff for revenue upbn foreign imports, and such equal taxation under the In ternal Revende laws as will afford incidental protection to domestic mai.mfactutes; and as will, without Impairing the revenue, impose the , least bnrden upon mid yet promote and en courage the great industrial interests of the country. 7th.—Beform of abuses In the administration, the expulsion of corrupt men from of ice, the abrogation of useless oalces, the restoration of rightful authority to, and the independence of, the executive mitt Judicial dephrtments of the Government, the subordinni ton of the military to the civil power, to the end that the usurpa tion of Congress and the despotism of the sword may 'cease. Stb.—Equal rights and protection for natural ized and native-born citizens at home and abroad, an assertion of American nationality which shall command the respect of foreign powers, and furnish an example and encour agement to people struggling kir national in tegrity, constitutional liberty and individual rights, and the maintenance of the rights of naturalized citizens against the obsolete doe trine of immutable allegiance, and the claims of foreign powers to punish them for alleged crime conanntted beyond,theirjur/sdiction. ADDRESS TO THE NERVOUS AND DEDILITATED, whose sufferings, hove been protracted from hidden causes, awl v• hose eases require prompt treatment to render existence desirable; If you are Suffering, or have suflered, from invol untary discharges, • tt hat e ff ect does It produce upon your general health? Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired? Does a little extra exertion produce palpitation of the. heart': Does your liver, or urinary organs, or your kid neys frequently get out of order? Is your urine sometimes thick. milky or pocky, or Is It ropy on settling? 'Or does a thick scum rise to the top.? Or is a sediment at the bottom alter It has stood awhile? Do you have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia? Are your bowels con stipated. you have spells of fainting, or rushes of.blood to the head? Is your memory impaired" 1) your mind comtantly'dwollitig upon tins subject? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life? Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from every body 7 • Does any lit tie thing make you start or jump? Is your sleep broken or restless? Is the 'Mitre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek ns bright? Do you enjoy your self in society as well? IJo you pursue your business with the same energy? Do you feel as , much confidence in yourself ?" Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of melan choly? If so, do not lay it to your liver or dys pepsia. Have you restless nights? Your back weak, your knees weak, and have but little ap petite, and you attribute.this to dyspepsia or ILver complaint. Now, reader, Self-abuse, venereal diseases i badly cured; and sexual excesses, are all caps blo of producing a weakness of the generative organs. The organs of generation, When in perfect health, make the man. Dld you ever think that those hold, defiant, energetic, perse , vering, successful huffiness men are always , those whose generative organs are In perfect hittaith? You never hear such men complain tf being melancholy, of •ttervousness, or palpi tion of the heart. They are never afraid they cannot succeed in business; they don't become sad and discouraged; they are always polite and pleasant in the company of ladies, and look you and them right in the face—none of your downcast looks or any other meanness about them. Ido not mean those who keep the or gans inflated by running to excess. These will ndt only ruin their constitutions,but also those they do business with or for. Flow many men, from badly cured diseases, from the effects of self-abuse and excesses, hav e brought about that state of weakness in those organs. that lms reduced the general system so much as to induce almost every other disease— idiotcy, lunacy, paralysis, spinal affections, suicide and almost every other form of disease that flesh is heir to, and the real cause of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doc tored for all but the right one. Diseases of thrsp organs require the use of a Diuretie. !MAYS FLUID EXTRACT BIICI ID Is the great Diuret se, and is a eert am cur i e for diseases of tile Madder, Kidney - -, (Cray el, 'Dropsy - , Organic Weakness, Female Com plaints, General Debility, and ell diseases m the, Drill try Organs, whother existing In 31ale or Female, from whatever muse originating, rind no matter of how long standing. - If no treatment is sulnititted to, Consump tion or Insanity may' ensue. One flesh and blood are supported from these sources, and the health and happiness, and that of posterity, depends upon prompt Use 01 a reliable remedy. Ifelmbold's Extract Duchn, established up ward of 18 years, prepared by BOLD, Druggist:sM - Broad way, ST. Y., & 101 Sun( It lath St., Philadelphia, I'a. Priee—il.2:i per bot tle, or f bottles fordel 1 vered to any ad dress. Sold by all D s rugglsts everywhere. None are genuine unless done up In steel-en graved wrapper, wit 11 fae-slmile of my Chemi cal Warehouse, and signed au3) l lut 11. T. HEEMBOLD. fleln ;abbrrtistmento Stray Heifer. I.IME to the premises of the subserilter, on the Sulinpike, In Mill Creek Tp., between 3 and t miles from Erie, In the Wolf settlement, .tboot six or eight weeks since, a stray Heifer, nearly two years oil, of light rol color with a iittie white about the teats. The owner Is re mt,st ed to e ,me forward, prove property, pay charge , and take her away, otherwise ghe will be disposed of according to law. oetrlsit • DA.NTELISIEBEL Otrifinance CHANGING . TIfE PLACE OF nor.Drx“ ELEimoss IN THE FOURTH ELF.CTION DISTRICT OF THE CITY OF ERIE. DE IT ORDAINF.D and enacted be the Select and Common Councils of the City of Erie, that hereafter all elect lons In thesatd Fourth Election Dl•trict shall be held at the south-West corner of the Public Square, In the building heretothre enPled the Park. Hou.c, situate on the east stile of Peach Stieet, at the corner of said .iquare. and Peach , t rect. octS-It O. NOBLE, Mayor. Side Walks. vOTICE Is hereby given to all owner, of real .1.71 estate fronting on streets along which the construction of side walks ha- been ordered, that In pursuance of peremptory instructions front the City Councils, suits will, NI - 1111in one weelt,,be instituted against all, without excep tion, who have not eompleteil their side walks, or shall not within that time be vigorously en gaged In 'their construction. These snits, if compelled to MI brought, will be attended with heavy penalties and large bills of costs. The City. Engineer will, (ill appileatiOn t;) promptly give the grad, of the respective side walks to those ile•Trons of putting them down. E. BABBITT octS-It City !solicitor. DISCIIARCE IN BANKRUPTCY. IN THE DISTRICT, COURT of the United, States, for the We:itern District of Penn'a. William H. Craiker, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of MaTell 2, kW, haying appliAlt for a discharge froraWil his debts and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court I notice is hereby given to all persons who have provedlheir debts, and other persons interest ed, to appear on the 9th day of Nov., 'at 11 o'clock, A. M., before S. E. Woodruff, Register, in the Court House, at Erie, Pa., to show clause if any they have, why a diseharge should not be granted to the said bankrupt. And further notice is hereby given, that the second and third meetings of creditors of the said bank rapt, required by the 21'th and '2„sth sections of ''said act, will be had before the said Register at the same time and place. S. C. MeCANDLE.SS, Clerk or-U. S. District f'ohrt for said District. oeLS-2t. - DISCHARGE'IN BANKRUPTCY. N THE DISTRICT COURT of the United 1 States, for the We dern District. Of Pewit'. Stephen N. 'Whither, n bankrupt under the Act of .Congre , s of Mareh li•rf, having ap plied for a Iron all debt. and oth er claims provable under ',Ali Art, by onler of the Court notie. , b. her,by given to all persons who have proved their deot,, and other persons Interested, to appear on the 7101 day or Novo Pitti, at 10 o'cloek, An F. . M., bene S. . Woodrow, Esq., Register, in the Court lion,e, at Erie, Pa., to show Aline, if any they have, why a. dis charge shouht not he granted to the said bank rupt. And further, notice is hereby given that the second and third meetings of .creditors of the said bankrupt, required by the =tit mind .23th sections ofSaid Act, wlithe had before the said Register at the 6111110 dine and place. ii. C. McCAN MESS, Clerk Of U.S. District Court for sold District. octS-2t BBLAMES! BI.,ANKS!—A complete assort. meat of every kind of Blanks needed by Attorneys, Justices, Constables 'and liminess Men. for sale at the Observer Attlee. JOB PRINTING of every kind, In large or own:allies, plain or colored, done In the best style, and at moderate prices, at the Observer otacel 11,JNA:11 ! THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE EVER PRESENTED for the c•ouslderat 1.. m of the Anierlean people,lll DOW before shall we do with it? .It Ls a subject bhonid ertaa/40 ta).s attention and ellclt K' profound consideration of every loyal, tairtotic mind. And as the consideration or sccms to be monopolized by the lotds of cretion, they claiming to havo the sole right i7i — L , t':o Irate, dispose of aud enloy tho fruits thereof. We would therefore, for the benefit or th ,rant,_ cerned, present :mot partftsll fraught with In teresLatel in which, n s yet, the ladles h the most prominent, 1, tire, The Daily and Extensive Issue of Dry 14 ‘,00(14 FROM THE ESTABLISHMENT OF EDSON, ‘ll,l the proprietors xtaud ready, and still continue to is hue from Iheir mammoth„ , Si ruble g,oodq, the choicest patterns tit t he,most enticing bargains ever before (-AN."'” ol to the public. We court tih• patronage ol tilt( ptiblle, rind the competition of the fraternity, for " 117 E OJJ TY lE 4 ' CO GI-, Z 10, s Still lire, and sell goods at prices that allow the public to live also. •YOt' WANT BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS; CALL AT EDSON, CHURCHILL. & Co • 14 • And examine thilr line of Silks, Irish Poplins, French Otto Man, Empress Cloth , ALPACA POPLINS, FILENCif AND ENGLISH MERINOS, SCOTCH PLAIDS, WATERPROOF PLAIDS, MANDARIN PLAIDS, ALPACAS IN ALL COD* Conte(' Alpaca., CamletCloths, ,Mandarin Lustre, Cliene . N.Sohnim, Berathea. S -L S ! Paisley, Brotian, Grand Duchess, Winter queen, Louise, ELECT O R A 4, 1 1 ' ILA AL Of et (Ty color and quality. Six,ty pioees of Union Plaid Planneli to retail at 25 cen IN 13 TA t Huge Stock, Very Cheap and Very Good. `7 A_ - INT K_ I:I` (-) rr I CO INT S Oloveq, Ilo,lerp, Itibbon, Fringe, Heading, Buttons, Ruffling, Linen CURT and Collars, French Corsets, Lace ItandkerclueL, I Carpets.---Just opened, a Fine Assortment, 11321:1:.:NIC0IZALAS • Of every variety niagtyle, at ex, evilltigly low Niue% Come and get on. ..14.`0r aaid. - 130yt54' IV t ar. An entire new line t t yo r r e e n tr e i ni nn u a Dc d im ee nt e l c i i i a Cl i e: . t a li n s iag N e V o e ve h r as o •e ur frgi ni ll i t , l c e t s ito fi m r purchasing ei All kinds of Domestic Goods will be issned for Cash from this Establishrunt, BLEACHED ANII Bnows MUSLIN'S, 10-1, 9-1, :”1, awl at the l we t trr.trket 111,, Look out for Day & Horton's Lined Clasped Skirt: We have the exclusive right to sell this skirt in this city. Nu lady that has ever cud will hesitate le pronnuneelt the moil elegant in shape, the most durable, and hi all rrspeA., the mostl:lesirable skirt ever introduced- into the market. Tient:ember the YIRt•C. No. 3 Noble Block, Net door to the Post Office. Quarterly Report etl.` THE CONDITION of the First National ‘_.7 Bank of Union Mills, Pa.. on the morning of the _first Monday in October, IStiti nksouncES. Loans and Dix0unt5............. ....... „......i 50,177 1$ Over Drafts stl - 5.3 U. S. Bonds to secure circulation__ . .50,000 to U. S. Bonds and Securities on hand, .. 5,501 0) Other Stocks, Bonds and Mortgages___lo,ixO 00 Due from approved Redeeming and Reserve Agents Central National Bank N. Y. City....... ',115 99 First Nat. Bank, Washington D. c. - 301 oo N Duo from other ational Hanks.., ' ' 0 .7 as Furniture and Fixture, . 1,211 12 Current Expenses. . Ipil 34 Taxes Pahl - 625 ..') Premiumsid 2'o • Cash Items, including Stamps ' lel -lii Bills of other National Banks... ..... .. 175 to Fractional Currency • .iIJ 00 ' Specie ' tr, (Si Leghl Tender Nodes ............ .•..,.,.-- . 6,336 (xi Total. R37,21i-N4 El= Capital 4to'k paid in ... C 50,1100 01l Su rplu. Vund . _.. 2,.31 99 Exchange 1,875 13 Interest • ...... - ... 3,090 191 l'rollt and Loss. til 001 Cirenlat Ing notes received from Comp troller 1'1,4'100 in Individual Deposit... . ....... 34,64)3 71 Total .4177,21 s I, Joseph Sill, Cashier of the First National 'lank of Unfon 211111 s, Eric Co., Pa., do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, to the best ofmy knowledge and belief. • JOSEPH SILL Cashier. State of Pennsylvania County of Erie, Sc. Sworn to arid subscribed before me, this C,th day of 0et.,186 , ,t. W.M. C. JACKSON, oetB-Iw Justice of the Peace. Qitarterly Report (IF THE CONDITION of the First National 13 Bank of Erie on the morning of tho first Monday of October, 1868: = —••- . Loans awl Discounts i• 5.4412 71 Overdrafts 1,707 - 1 S Furniture and Fixtures - I,lal t.i Current Expenses _ 2,001 20 Premiums— 7iS2 St Cafih. Items and Revenue Stamps ...... .' I 1,13.5 53 Due from National Banks Z . ,& , 4) Di U.S. Bonds Deposited with U. S. Tresr . . surer 229,000 00 1.7. S. Bonds'and Securities on hand 01,550 00 Other Stocks and Bonds 2,9::0 00 • Cash on hand: National Bank Notes 1,810 00 Fractional Currency 118 15 - Legal Tender Notes 10,500 00 '12,231 15 Total 4 -03,197 60 I= Capital Stuck pald in Surplus Fund Circulation Individual Depos;ts. Dr United States beposltx Si Deposits 01 U. S. DlNburnlng Officers.... 111,74.5 47 Due to other Dunks and Banker, ... 1,231 12 Digeount, Exchange, Interest, Prolft 1. and m.:3 3......,,15,1'31 330 Total .............. ..... GO I, J. ('. Spencer, Prey '[. of , Fir.t National Bank of Erie, do solenuily sirs ar that t he alioy e statement la true to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. C. SPENCER, Preml. State of Pentea, County of Erie'.7 Sworn to and subscribed before me this :ith day of Oct., 1 , 45.. CritTZE, octal-It' • Jostle - O. of the Peace. DISCHARGE IN DANKREPTCY. TN THE DISTRICT COURT of the united I States, for the Western District of Penria. Chas. Banbinbah a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2, 1867, having' applied for a discharge from nil debts and other claims prov able under said act, by orderof the Court notice is hereby given to alt persons who have proved their debts and otherpersons interested, to ap pear on the 9th day of N0v.,1668, at llo'clock,A. M., before S. E. Woodrutt, EsqT, Register, at the Colin House, at Erie, Pa., to bhow cause, If any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said Bankrupt. And further no tice Is hereby given, that the second and third meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, re quired by the 27th and l'th sections of said act, will he had before the said Register, at the same time and place. • _ _ S. C. 'MeCANDI.E.S'S, Clerk at'. Dliarlet Court for salU lllmtrlet oetS-2t H ALL'S - VEGETABLE S.IOIUAN • HAIR 2?..KVEWIER HAspAr,taorn.lonn far the tilatibreeeiorsota,r,reerSei:ot the public to. Restore Gray Hair to its Original Color. and create a new growth where It has fallen on' (rum disease or natural decay. It will prevent the' hair tro th. falliuy out. All who use It nre unanimous In awarding it the praise of being the best hair Dressing ex tant. Our Treatise on the Hair sent free by mail =I R. P. iI.tLL S CO.. Nashua. N. IT., Proprietors For sale by nil druggists. sepia-int. TOl3 141,17 , .:T1NG of every kind, in large or IPP small mustitltles, plain or colored, done in the best style, and at moderate prices, at the Observer office TOR PRINTING of every kind; In large or J small quantities, plain or colored, done in °ta t per ntnee.he beet etyle, and at moderate wimp, at the m Tll AI) CHURCHILL & 00., Marled 31ohn Irs, EngllN:ii Serges, fie EXCELSIOR, ET( N INT E 1-4 S I K ' E rr s Edson, Churchill 'Bz Co., Dry Goods & Carpets! HERE ARE THE GOODS. NOW IS THE TIME. No. i Reed Row, the Place. DIEFENDORF, GROSS & FOSTER Iles leave to state, and wiNb all their frmads understand, take due notice, and gcs, ern themselves accordingly, that they have received their fall stock of Dry Goods, Carpets. - HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Domestics, Oil Cloths, MATTINGS. LINEN GOODS, etc Ind that for extent and variety their The larE•,est and most complete stock of Carpet, of all grades to he found in the city, Is at No. 7 REED HOUSE! Floor, Stair and Table Oil Cloths In great can• rty, and at rxceedingly low prices, at No. 7 REED HOUSE! data, Mattiqgs, Linen - Crumb Cloths, all W. Druggets, Lounges. Mattresses, Feath ers, IVhlte nnd grey. Blankets, se,, at. No. 7 REED HOUSE! Wall, Decorative and Window Papers and derv, very cheap at No. 7 REED HOUSE! 10,7.11 70 .......... 109 66,utA) 40 Those justly celebrated Spring Fixtureq, th best thing out, those beautiful lrahsppar , •nt Hollands, Nottingham Scotch and Tani , hour Lriee Curtains, CornaVN, 1,001 • • and Tassel , , at No. 7 REED DOUSE! Special attention given to furnishing Huh °tilers and Private Dwelling' , woh every kind of Window Shades & Onion's, DOMESTICS OF ALL KINDS, At tzxceetlingly low prices, ate No.- 7 REED HOUSE! Alpaca., black and' In all colors and Poplin Alpacas, French Plaid Poplins, lrldi and French Poplins, Valourse, &co 0: No. 7 REED HOUSE. The finest, assortment of rich Black , offered In the city Is to be found at No. 7 REED HOUSE _' • t In conclusion, our stock is full and retnploe In every department, and we ask an impart examination of our goods and prices feeling assured that .our friends and the public gone* ally will fully agree with us in our a-kat' that at the Dry Goods and Carpet Ei%II~~)R•IiT1L , No. 7. REED HOUSE! LOWEST FIGURES! DIEFEWXORF, GROSS:k !FOSTER atval-it , . 11,1EA . t o : i'nr+iii•paSS(•d FLANNELS OF ALL KIND-_, TABLE LINENS OF ALL KINIt., ERIE CITY Will be fi,tingt the Lent good.; at the tit' ai y i lace in the city. Seplil N