1 4 4 T 3E NV 'l' V . rib im , NEW PRESSES, AND SUPERIOR WORKMEN. ERIE OBSERVER 308 PRINT/Art; 064 North-West Corner of State Street and the Park. MOST' C42031:P1.V.'1 • 11 MANN UR, Job Printing of Every Description hi a style of unsurpassed neatness, and at prices to compete with any other ()Me li, e in I North West. Our PRE'..IBV3 ars of the MOST IMPROVED KIND, Our Trek all NEW, unalVl the NEATEST STYLE 43, and our Worucunk eqtal to any in the coun try. With the Machinery and Material we now possess, we feel fully warninteal in claiming that NO OFFICE in the western Part of tho State EXCEIII, aurt wily one er two equal us, in facilities for turning, out work in a RAPID AND SATISFACTORY MANNER •. • • ii • 4 Received, and work warranted not to be Inferior to that done In the Ea. turn sit tM Cards, -. Letter and Bill Heads, Circulars, Statewnis, Ana nil ate kinds Of Wolk In um. , by 13Initne‹5 Men ENGRAVING, LITHOGRAPHING, &c. We here made arrangements frith tho largeNt and best Ndablisliment In Buffalo for procuring any sort Of Engravl,ng that may be needea, in as good Style laid at A LESS PRICE THAN IF THE- ORDER WAS SENT TO THEM DIRECT Buildings, Machinery, Seals, . Antographs, MapseTortralts, By e arm M.lng them to us will be assured of a good piece of work In the moat prompt mid sallstaa. tory manner. Engravings, furnished either on Wood, Stone or al. Book IFgAttling, I■ thin deign intent we hart , thellities t Ind arid ansurnassed. Persons having printing to brindle that requites Ruling or Binding In connection, will find It to their interest to entrust It to its. We Will guarantee that it shall he perfornacol in a work tihinlike in:inner, and that the r!•arge will• be tq modentte as ran be atforilcd. The 'liberal patronage extended to this office during the ink two yearn has en. en I n;n4l us to =eke every (*doll possible to deserve the favors of our frienas, and we Imw take r'jc grand- Wien in Informing them and the public that we have smeeeded In titthug up an ....tat,h4ment meal to every requirement of the community. Tr'ears deternuned to compete With the best, and only ask a tria.l. to pallsfy any ;11. tb.d we dater' no more than we are Justly entitled to. . • . • Constantly r,n liand natal supply of Attorney'll,Jost let., of the Peare and i:L .'flanks, Of the moat upproyed terms. Also, BLANK NOTES of every kind and ItECEI .1:1,;i1 , I.lr in books. • - • R. S. MORRISON, Raving removed his stock of goods to the rm lore In eau Reed House roerly occupied by Ileum Mosel], Stephens & Wlldey, takes plea sure in annourkelng to his old customer, and the citizens of Erie generally, that be has oiler - ed out a NEW AZS'D •SELECT STOCK Dry Goods, Dress Goods, &e., For Spring nnil 'Summer Wear I Intend to keep at all times the best goods In the market, and a fullzmortinent of everything my line. Purchasers can always do better by buying , of me than by fining- East. Remember the place. No. 6 Reed House, South Ode of the'Pnrk R. S. MORRISON. apIG-tf. Assignee in Bankruptcy. ILN THE DISTRICT COURT of the Piffled i States, for the:Western District of Penn'a., n the mat ter of Pearson Clark. bankrupt. The undersigned hereby nit ex notice of hl4 111q)M nt merit us assignee of Pearson Clark, of Erie, in the county of Erie and State of Pennsylvania, within said distrtet, oho has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition. by the trict Court of said district, dated at Erie, Pa., ♦ug.lY, A. D. I*..S. lIPNRY M. RIBLET,, Assignee, t• Atty. at Law, No. 1= Peach St Erie Pa aa2o-3t DISCHARGE IN_BANICRUPTCY. TN THE DISTRICT COURT , of the United j. States for the Western District ,ilyennsyl . yank'. James A. Bliss. a. bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1N,7, having t applied for a discharge from all his debts and other claims provable under said Act, by order - • ' of the Court, notice Is hereby given to all per , Aisignec In Bankruptcy - . 1 Petra who have proved their debts, and other IN THE DisTRICT COURT of the United !ons interetited, to appear on the 1.50.1 day of 1 states, for the Western District of Penit'a., Sent., 1868, at 9 o'cloc, -A. M.. before S. K In the matter of Wm. H. Crtalker, bankrupt. t : Woodruff Esq. It..LT,lster,rit his otcin the city ' Ms undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap- i of Erie 1 1 a., to show cause,- If city they have, point/nem as assignee of ‘Vin. U. Craiker, or 1 Why a discharge should not be granted to the Leßmutr, in the county of Eric and State of l -said bankrupt. And further, notice is hereby Penrea, within said district, who lias been nits given that the second and third meetings of judged a bankrupt upon his own pentium by : Creditors of the said bankrupt, rel bin ti by the the District Court of said district, dated at Erie, i 27th and 2.Stil seetions of s id Act, will be had Pa., Aug. 19, A. D. ises . • - before the said Register at the same tittle and HENRY M. HIBLET, Assignee, place. S. C. MCCANDLI.I.SS, AttY. at Mw, No. I= reach St. - , Erie, Pa. , Clerk of 1.% S. District Court for said District. an2(FRt itg27.2t - ' - Iluving fitted up (nunlike to the ani pr4pared to du OR RS FOR iveei“l attention given to Ih. pi int Ing of Parties wanting Cuts of SIECTUIR It -- Life Insurance Co., Avnety., Dee. 1, ISB7, 151,250,390.24. Bum , Aim, N. V. This eertltlea that we, the tnuh•r'lgned. have • examined into WO merits of the sFt:carry LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, and believe It to be sound, reliable and equal to the bent fn uteriea. Sidney Shepard -& Co., Wholesale Hardware Dealers. A. F. Trlpg., nrm_of Sidney Shepar,l (fa. , fillaans Crissey. Cominl.sion Vouch; fit Dudley & Co. Oil Refiners. E . P. fturke, Farmers' & Nat. Dank. 0, A. Williams, " .1. O. Robson & Co., tiold‘mlths and Jea simon Neff, /loot tandElme Dealer. P. F. Curry, Supt. Forest Lawn Cemetery, George F. Lee, Attorney and Counselor. Cyrus P. Lee, Erie Co. Savings Bank. Josee L. Fairchild, Register in liatil, - ruptey. call All persons desiring insurance will do well to on M. M. MOORE, Erie, . Pa,, Genera/ Agent for Western Pa. atil3:'6B-tf. Op it AV V OL2if. 11111J3 W 3 0113 tla 11A:JOIVFMMN, Farmers and Others, I= t.liff 81.E1,W .%x 11/1.1-NS, MEESE, EGGS, FLoun ASO MEAI FLAX, COTTON, FURS ANIISICINI4 DRIED AND C;REEN FRUITS, GRAIN, WOOL. P 01.71 Tay, •NAVA L sT4 YR Es, UPS, GINGgENci I'FA'TJIEIt lik NIP, PROVISIONS:. , OILS, LARD, TALLOW, 84 )11G Li 310L.1SSES, tire., JOSIAH CARPENTER, Gen'! Commission Merchant 442, 444 and 448 Washington St., NEW YORK CITY, And receive his weekly Price Current of Pro duce and Groceries, the most complete Price Current published in the United States. SEND FOR A PRICE 'CURRENT Marking Plates and (nrds Furnished Free Liberal Advatuees Made on Conviguments. ESTABLISHED MAY ?, ]Y,I9 Ft] st era's references ni% en when required. mh1917 LATEST & BEST ! El= AMERICAN COMBINATION Button Hole, . Overseaming LEM SEWING ALA.CIIINE ! IS warranted to execute in tlie best man ner every variety of Sewing, Hemming, Felling.pwiling, Tucking, Braiding, Gath ering, quilting, Oversearning. Embroider ing on the edge, and In addition makes beautiful Button and Eyelet Holes In all fabrics. rr fiCA.S NO ItIQTJA.L. : Ming absolutely the best Family Machine In the World, and Intrinsically the Cheap est, Mr it l' I,wo :Machines eombliied in one by a simple and•,beautiful meclinnleal ar rangement. Circulars with full particulars and sam ples of work done on this machine, can be bad on application at flee SALES-ROOMS OF THE COMPANY, South-West Corner of Eleventh and, Chestnut Sta., PHILADELPHIA Instruction...given nil the 3hAohine grt tuitously ail pureh:t•ers. JEN .rt. 4 W.A.:1,C1'1.: To Sell this Ninehlne C. R. hingmbury, 714 State Street St., Erie, Agent for Erie, Warren and Crawford counthoh. jal6r6B-13% NE''i'?‘7' LOCATION 461-. Y. 1I A' Ilas reinovcsi to Whittich'sloek, corner of Rate and Tenth htreets, Erie, Po., where he has opened a LARGELY INCREASED STOCK Of Groceries, Frfilts, Vegetables, Provisions and everything usually kept in a that-class groeery establishnient. We are determined not to he surpassed, and invite all who want any thing in our line to cull, feeling assured - that we shalt be able to give sat Manton both as to qual ity of goods and prices. Country Produce Bought and Sold. We have opened a COMMISSION DEPARTMENT, ro w•hirh're ttsk the attention of those having Produce to dispose or. We pledge ourselves to secure the highest market price for all articles entrusted to our care. DEALERS IN TILE A DJOININO TOWNS, - And on the Lines of Railroad, Supplied. with - Faults, VEGETABLES, ETC TIIIa ILIN.DV.IFLSIGNY,'EO, rnrehnsed tho Interest of the Messrs = FLOUR AND FEED Of the late thin, would respectfully solicit continuance of favor front the friends and pa trons of the house and the public in general, pledging himself that he will ut times try to sell good and reliable Flour, Feed and Grain: At the lowest price for cash In hand. From my long experience In this_ branch of the trade, I trust I know what the public demand, and that I am prepared to meet that want. Returning my thanks to the public for their liberal patronage to rue In the paht, I hope by ht Het attention to my business and their wants, to merit a continuance of their patronage lathe future. - • THE, MILLING, FLOUR, FRFT), AND GiLAIN BUSINF-Q,4, 'Will be Continued, In all Its dejitirtinents, at the ERIE MILTS, PARADE STREET, I® and the Store, LAST 1" A. R. , -Between Brown's Hotel:lnd Reed House, Where the public will find n good stock always for sale, with competent and polite men on hand to supply their wants. p2.5'67-Iy. H. B. HAVVLSTICK. i;na Jr: 311.11T11L.T1 NV( )11 1C.1.3. M. A. DUNNING', No. 'lole Peat& Street, between 10th and 11th, Elio, Pa. Monuments, Tombstones, Mnrble and Slate Mantles, &c. I have on hand a large assortment of monu ments and headstones of various* styles, in American and Italian marble, and a corps of the treSt workmen in the state. All orders will be promptly attended to and satisrActlon guar anteed. My work-Is warranted u.isurpassed, and I cannot be undersold by any Vile. Orders and Inspection of stock and prices solicited. GERMAN SAVINGS INSTITUTION, Corner 'Eighth and tOtate Sts.4 OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. This Institution is now open for the transac tion of business. OFFICE: 11067-4: 9 A. M. to 1 P. 31. SATURDAYS: 9 A. M. tots P. M. Six Per Cent interest will be Given by this Institution to Regular Depositors. LDIRECToRS: J. Et e chenlanb, P. A. Becker, F. P. Liebe], F. Schneider, John (lewilieinier. OFFICERS: John Genshelmar,...„.... Matthew Schlaudecker, F. Schneider, my2'67-Iy. 1.. ./3. CIIEV.A.I.AMIR. DESIGNER 'ct DECORATIVE ARTIST 1 Neatest, Cheapest, and Best Sign Painting West of New York City. Parlors, Halls, Chorohes, &e., Frescoed in the neatest style of the art. General Designing, DrafUng of Models for the Patent Office and every description of Om -mental Painting executed promptly. Booms In Farrar Hall, No. 3, second floor. ap11414.1. White Mn Huai Rule America, CLUBS FOR MS...CLUBS FOR 1868. The Beet New York 'Weeklv Pubßilked. NEW -YORK DAY BOOK ! The New York Day-Book is a straightforwaid Radical Democratic paper, with a larger elreti lotion than any other Democratic Journal ever published on this continent, and It enters on the threshold of ISB more prosperous and more hopeful of the great cause It upholds than ever before. Standing on the Declaration of Inde pendence, that "all (while) men are equal," and therefore entitled to equal rights, it is opposed to all forms and degrees of special legislation that conflict with this grand central truth of Democracy, and over all and above all, does it combat that monstrous treason to American liberty, which, thrusting the negro element in to our political system must of uecesaity wreck the whole mighty fabric left ns by our faAhers. God has created white men superior and ne groes inferior, and therefore all the efforts of the past six years to abolish lila work and equalize with negroes—every law violated, eve ry State Constitution overthrown, every life sacrificed and every dollar expended, are ne cessarily Just so many steps towards national suicide; and the simple and awful proLlem now upon us is Just. this--shall we recover our rea son and retrace our steps, or march on to Mon grelism, social anarchy and the total ruin of our country, The Bay hook, therefore, demands the resto ration of the "Chion as it was"—e. Union of co equal States upon the white baste, as the only hope, and the only means posible under heaven for saving the grand ideas of 1775, and the fund amental priciplea of American liberty, and if the real freemen, and the earnest believers in that sacred and glorious cause in which the men of the Revolution offered up their lives, will now labor to expose the ignorance,delusion and treason of the Mongrel party, it will sue. Cecil, and the white Republic of Washington be restored again- in all its original influence and grandeur. The Day Book will, however, hereafter be more than ever devoted to all the varied purpo ses of a news paper. Conscious that it reach es thousands of families who take no other Journal, beyond perhaps their local paper, it will continue and improve its "News of the Week" Summary, so as to present a transcript of the World's events in each issue. Its "Fam ily Department" will embrace the best original and selected stories. Its "Agricultural Depart ment" will be folly sustained, and being the only paper of its class made up expressly for country circulation, it is confident It is worth double the price of a weekly hurriedly reprint ed from a daily. It gives full and complete re ports of the New York and Albany Cattle Mar kets; Grain, Provisions and Cotton Markets, and a Weekly review of Financial matters, to gether with the markets, ' by telegraph, from Isiew Orleans, Cairo, Chafteston Philadelphia, &e., &c., op to time of going to press. Terms-Cash is Advance. One copy one year , CO Three copies one year 550 Five copies one year, and one to the getter • up of the club 10 CO Ten copies ono year, and one to the getter up of the club 17 50 Additional copies 1 75 Twenty copies one year, and one to the get ter up of the club 'lO 430 Specimen copies sent free. Send for a copy. Address, giving post office, county and State In full, VAN EVRIE, BORTON & CO., deer:. No 1M Nassau St., New York. TOBAC I.'o, SEEDS, C('Y _.l/112 /// Cor. of Penn and St. Clair Streets, TM. Largest, Cheapest and most SuCeeshint Practical Business College Fifteen Thousand, Students From Thirty - Three States In Ten Years FOR LARGE QUARTO CIRCULAR, Containing full information, Outline of course of Study, samples of Cowley's Premium Penmanship, View of the College Building, different De part men ts, City of Pittsburgh, etc., etc., address the Principals, in) 19'tZ James, P. Crook, having taken In his son, Jas. as a partner, on the Ist day of April, 18133, un der the firm name of James P. Crook &Son, de sires to have a settlement of hls old accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to him are reque,,ted to call and settle without de lay. P - And Manufacturer of WINDOW SASH, FILVIIES, DOORS Jr MINUS. Mouldings and Picket Fenee, Scroll Sawing, Matching and Planing done to order. I.?Miop on Peach St., Between Fourth and Fifth Sts., Erie, N. We respectfully call the attention of the pub lic to our faellit ILI; for doing work In the best of style, promptly and on reasonable terms. Hav ing fitted up entirely nett/ shops, with superior machinery, we feel confident of giving hangar , - Hon. Orders (rota abroad will receive prompt at tent lon. =OE National Claim Agency Office in Farrar Hall Building, Erie, Pa All claimants fer extra bounty allowed by late acts of COI3gTeRA, can have the same promptly collected by sending their distharges to me, the receipt of which will be promptly acknowledg ed and instructions returned. INCREASE OF PENSIONS. $l5 per month for the total lass of use of either leg or arm, Instead of tei. (2 per month fpr each minor child of deceased soldiers or, seamen. Also, other increases. ADDITIONAL FOR VOL. OFFICERR Of U. S. A. Three months pay proper for all In service March 341, and discharged after April Bth, 1866. Claims cashed. Claims for arrears of pay, and pensions, and bounty, promptly collected. Unequalled facill- Hies for closing and completing claims. Allow ance to prisoners of war collected. Only agency In North-Western Pennsylvania where years of experience In the U. S. Treasury can be found,_ Thankful for the very liberal patronage be stowed in the past we hope by Increased expe rience and unremitting attention to patrons, to secure their continued fat or. Office In Farrar Hall Building. Address QS= .FOR TILE FARMERS. SHEARS.—Wilkinson's best, and CI strong's Patent Sheep Shears. 1vo0L; TWINE, In any quantity GRIND STO'NEs.-29 tons Berea. and Lake 11411211 SCYTHES.--Grass alot ( Frain. of the best ma ken,. GRAIN CRADLES.—Gmpm awl Muley, complete with Scythes. HAY FORKS.—Two and thr - ce tined lIOt Y , Shovels, Spadm, Manure Forks and Hay Knives, for sale by 1= EAGLE FOUNDRY, Peach Street, above the Buffalo Road, I IN I A. IN "I' eic CO., I.I.INUFACIVREIL4 OF PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES, TIN ANI) SHEET IRON WARE, TilE CELEBRATED CURTIS PLOW! And all kinds of Iron Cas tings. Every Stove sold by us is warranted to give satisfaction. Kettles, Sleigh Shoes, Sad Irons, ike., on hand and manufactured to order. Plows and Plow Points of superior make and durabili ty always on hand, A call and n. fair trial of oar arth les is all we ask. HENRY. BRYANT & CO. JAS. A. BLISS, DEALER IN AND BIIIPPER - OF Vegetables and Provisions, virturrw, No. 2 East Fifth Street, Erie, Pa. I would call the attention ot the public to the fact that I also Sell Goods on Commission. Particular Annan paid to that business, and to forwarding to dealers all kinds of Vege• tables, Fruits, Se. jet res-tr .PreeklenL .Treasurer. .Secretary. Flour, Feed & Produce Store, at the comer of Eleventh and State Streets, To which he asks the attention of all who need anything in his litre. Ile will deal in every thing In the And warrants his goods to be equal • to the best in the market. /Or The highest market price in cosh paid for all kinds of country produce, ap&3ms Volt. 1808. PITTSI3IIIIGII, PA., IN THE UNITED STATES x: CONVIAn• Pittsburgh, I'n W FIRM. JAMES P. CROOK tt SON, Dealers In i JAMES P. CROOK .1. RON "P . EFILE'N"S SOLDIERS' BOUNTY S. TODD PER.I.XY Lock: Box 101. Erie, Pa .1. C. SEI,IFEN, =I ERIE, PA _C. J. ENGLEHART Aae opened a new PRODUCE 3. EICHENLAIIII & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS & SHOES ! No. 828 State Street. RETAIL DEPARTIWENT. We have just flulsbed. maw/ p ,red fur pub- Ito lttspecUon, &mammoth stock of Doots, Shoes. Gaiters, Rubbers. etc. embracing every deserip tlon and variety of kinds, and which fot style, quality and Mash cannot by surpassed In the market. all of which art offered at late reduced rates. We also pay especial and strict atten tion to NV4r) It lc, For which the finest collection' of Leathers are kept on hand, and every facility Is secured for accommodating customers promptly, and In a style to render perfect satisfaction. Particular attention 14 ago directed Id our WHOLESALE' DEPARTMENT, No. 6 West Seventh Street, Where wo manufacture at Wholesale, Meath Boys', Ladles', Itilithes' and Children's Booth, Shoes, Gaiters, etc., of every variety and kind. Having lately enlarged our manufactory by the addition of new buildings and improved ma chinery, we are prepared to supply the Trade on short notice and at the lowest market prices. Adjoining this department are connected our WHOLI.I9ALE LEATHER AND FINDINGS ROOMS! Embracing French, German nod American Calf Skins, of best and varied brands, Slaughter and Spanish Solo Leather, French and Ameri can Roans of all colorwand prices. With our increased facilities we can sell as low as any Eastern manufacturer, and make to order any kind of work wanting by the Trade. Thankful for the past liberal patronage of the public, we respectfully solicit a continuance of the came. seßi-tf. J. EICIIENLAUB & CO. CHEAP CASH STORE. • ?NI I MT I , 9 ., r•. • of Rth and tßitate Sts.. DF.ALER IN , Groceries and Provisions. Wood, Willow and Slone Ware, And everything that is usually kept In a First Class Family Grocery. .ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP .FOR CASH. The best brands of • Erie County Flour, Always on Hand. fall and examine prices. /fir Goods delivered free in any part of the city or South Erie. oc.S-tf. J. w. AI IL" E Wholehale and Retail. Dealer in Furniture ! Maytag purelia,eall the entire stock Porn!• tore of Messrs, Moore & !tablet, I respectfully nAlc my old customers and the public generally to give me a call at the old stand, NO, 715 STATE STREET, Before purchasing elsewhere. I have a large tM=M t 3 Parlor, Chamber and Bed Room Sets EEO BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLES, WARDROBES, DESKS, And, In fact everything In the line of Furniture. I am prepared to manufacture to order anv style that may be called for. Remember, Re. 715 State street, east side, between Seventh and Eighth streets, up-Vet-LC. GREAT REDUCTION IN i'IiTCMS,?, E. - M. COLE. & 'SON, WILL BIND Harpers' and similar 3lngazines, ut 7,s rents per volume. Godey's,and similar 3fagitzfues, nt il.oo per volume. Harp er's and rrank Leslie's papers, at $2411 per year. We are also making and selling 131 it lEt co c. AT * REDUCED ?RUMS Bindery over Keystone National Rank, eor• ner State and Stll streets. ap23-tf. N W BOOK BINDERY EEO Blank Book Manufactory! We would re,peettnlly aunonnee to the puhlie that we have opened a 13001 i BINDERY, -and ant proposed to do work In any branch of the bualness. BLANK BOOKS!' • Of all kind'', (unhand and made to Zwtter, ruled to any Rattern dadred. MAGAZINES AND OLD BOWS, Bound and repaired in the beet style BINDERY OVER Keystone National Bank, Corner State and Bth Streets, Brie, Pa. • attB-ain QM Lancaster IntelligenCer THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST • Democratic Journal In Pennsylvania ! The Lancaster Intelligences, erste/dished In IMP, has always been known as a fing-ebuis Pa ntie:ll and Family Newspaper. The Weekly intelligences Is now the largest Densoczattc pa per published in Pennsylvania. It has latelp been greatly Improved in all respects, and Ls Just such a paper its every Democrat slionld Jug The publishers of the Intethgencer regard It to be the duty of every Remocrat to support his county papers in preference to any other; but as there are many who will be likely to subscribe for morn than one paper during the pending Presidential campaign they have concluded to offer the Weekly iutelligencer at the follow- Mg low rates: Single copies, one year, 82,00; Five copies 11 9 . 0 0: Ten copies Sl7pp; Twenty copies =PO; Thirty copies Wet P . MY copies, to one address, $60.0o; Eighty copses. to one address, MOO. Daily In telligencer 113,00,per annum. • Air Persons wthbMg to sellreal estate Can find no better advertising medium Menthe Weekly Intelligences. Address E.G. SMITE dr CO.Lancaster, Pa, ERIE (ITY IRON WORKS, hoop Skirt & Corset Depot 1. MANUFACTURER. 4 OS- The Bradley Engine I : 11, Double Cylinder Engine. macEpo IE: A :Wl' NV Icy.. FIFTY TO ONE HUNDRED FEE CENT. More power . than a Sledge C.* tinder Engine wing the tame areonnt of hteeln, STEAM ENGINES AM) BOILERS 1 OIL STILLS AND TANKS! CIRCULAR SAW MILLS HEADMLOCKS. dal2,U, , JOHN B. PERKINS, NIANVYACITTIMII. OP CONVECTIONEICIES AND DEALP.It Foreign & Domestic Fruits, mu Ts, ETC.; NO. 822 STATE ST.,' COONER.NINTII, ERIE, PENN.%. Pine Apples, Oranges, Lemons, Peaches, STRAWBERRIES, ETC., Always on hand In their Ftison: Parties promptly furnished with every de scription of CAKE, PYRAMIDS, ICES, ETC., The nicest store west of New York. np2.l-t f. 2,lsoo,ooo'Custoluers in Four Years PATRONIZE THE BEST. - LrA.VING the largest capital, most expert cored buyers, and extensive trade of any concern in the Dollar Sale business, we Guarantee Satisidnetton ' in every instance, and also the best selection o Goals ever offered at NO other concern has any show wherever our Agents are selling. Our motto, "Prompt and Reliable." Male and female agents wanted in city and country•. TI-IE LADIES Are particularly requested to try our popular club ,ystem of selling all kinds of Dry and Fan cy Goods, Dress Patterns, Cotton Cloth, Chstors, Silver Plated Goods, Watches, Lc. (Established 1864.) A patent pen fountain and n chdcla do scribing an article to be sold for &dollar, 10 est . ! for $2l 40 for 64; GO for tO; WO for 810; sent by man- reo presents to getter up, (worth 50 per cent, more than those cent by any other con cern,) according to size of club. Send us a trial club, or if not do not fail to send for a circular. t N. 11.0ur Fla I c should not be classed with New York dollarwelry sales or bogus "Tea 'Companies,", as It Is nothing of the sort. EASTMAN ,& KENDALL, - je4-3tno CO Hanover St., Boston, Mass. Authorized Capital 8500,000. CAPITAL PAID IN 8110,000. ME SECOND NATIONAL MUM opened for' business on MONDAY, DECEMBER IZ/11, 1864, In the banking ofilbe preciowdy occupied by the 3lerchant's Bank, Brown's Building, north-east corner of Btate street and Public. Park. • WM. L. SCOTT, Prost. WIL C. CURRY, Cash. .10. ELY W. AYRES WM. L. SCOTT, of.firm of J. Hearn & Co., Coal I alers. JOS. DFC,ARTER, of firm of Selden, Bliss & . cCarter, Builders. GEO. J. MORTON, Coal Dealer. W. S. BROWN, Agent Buffalo &. Erie R. It. JOHN C. BUR' GESB,6ffirm of Clemenri,Caugh y & Burgess. Wholesale Grocers. 0. E. CROUCH, of firm of Crone!. st Bro., Flour ferchanta. M. B. BARR, of firm of Barr, Johnson & Sea an, Stove Manufacturers. F. F. FARRAR, of Arm of Gray & Farrar, olesale Grocers.' J. DREVIIIGARER, Grocer. JUST OPENED. Stoves, Tin, Japanned, Brittania and House Furnishing Goods Generally. We also have a large and well arranged shop, with all the modern improvements for manu facturing tin ware of every description, and with a corps of competent workmen, under the supervision of Mr. C. Avery (who has had many years ex perience in city work). Weary fully pile pared to do Job work of pit kinds with neatness and dispatch. Are well posted in setting hot air furnaces, rooting, etc. Call and see us and ex amine our stock. Erie City Steam Bakery ! 3lanufactarers of all kinds of Crackers Bread, Cake , Sinn, the celebrated "EXCELSIOR", CRACKERS, . . c „ Factory, corner State and 3d StR., Erie, Pa. my2l.llf . A I'.lT MUM FOR THE HASOKERCHIEF. rimless's ~;l•Ynleu'w Phu t. Night Blooming Cerrito.'" I=l .• Night Blooming cored..•. Phalan' A mart exquicite, delicate, nod Fragrant PeriNtrae. dlel led' from the rare and beautiful dower trod wbkh it MANI Its name. lUmatibutured only by • . - PIFIALON dc NON, New Work E. M. COLV: .4 1,30 S Country Produce, Groceries, Provisions, Tobacco, Crockery Ware, •Frnfts, Novi. &c., West side, between Sth and 9th Streets, Erie, Pe. Cams intld for country produce KA. WEBER. my'24-tf. W. ERFL&RT T E'ITERS TESTAMENTARY on the estate) o Frank liartnerolecensed, having-been been granted to the unti,rsigned ; notice is hereby given to all indebted to saki estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. CESAR BUMILLER, JACOB LIEBER, Executors. =I iOl3 PRINTING of every kind, in large am small qaanUties, plain or *adored, done in e beet style, and at moderate prices, at the Observer carte. 13LAN103! BLANK'S" —A complete assort ment of every kind of Blanks needed by Attorneys, Justices, Constables and Business Men. for sale at the Observer oat," 1P.111.E. PA., A New Coulpotuld or Which, And 1i 'Warranted to give OF ALL SiTYLEFI Of all Descriptions. And Ono Dollar Each. A new and well selected stock of PORCELAIN WARE, CISTERN AND WELL PUMPS, MEI PATTERSON & AVERY, 5'27 French St., Erie, MI W. J. SANDS & CO., Proprietors. MI CM And sole manufacturers of the patent "NOVELTY DROPS." "Night Blootuimig Creetas." Nigh(lootnic4 Cirrus." .• Night BloOnaiug Ceircus.” _ _ BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. ASK FOR priALoN%--TARE KO OTHER. V. A. WEI3IPIR, at. co.. I= WINES, LIQUOR, SEOARS, No. SUL:Stu to ,S tree ti Executorm• Notice. AT TII E New York Hoop Skirt Manufactory, 10()S EtrA.trlil Neat, Light, Fes' Cheap. NATHAN COHEI: re,peet fully informs the ladies of Erie and surrounding country that he 11113 on hand n large assottment of Hoop Skirts, of all sizes and styles, of his own 1/mke, and manufactured of the best flexible steel and material, which he will guarantee equal to any In the maiket. Having had considera b le expe rience in the business, he le confident of his ability to give entire satisfaction to all those who may favor him with a call. If any of his make will break within one year, they will be repaired, and no charges made. Old Skirts repaired, altered and shaped as new. New Skirts made to order at tl:e shortest notice. A splendid and large stock of all kinds of Corsets awl Corset Steels constantly kept on hand. Country merchants supplied at the very lowest rates. NATHAN WHEN lag-tf. i I , lo' Mg State street, Erie, , 11 , 443*. " THE WORLD." At the opening of the year 186. Q. "The World" challenges, more confidently than aver, the sympathy and support of a.i patriotic citizens. A glorious work has been gloriously begun.— Deep already answers deep. The lung fidelity of this Journal to the cause of liberty protected by law stands nobly vindicated In a splendor of victory shining from Maine to California. Con necticut, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, have thundered forth their verdict upon the misrule and madness of the past. But much more remains to be done. Never was the peril of the country greate.. The Radical party still decrees the death of representative self-govern ment ,n ten sovereign States. _limed with mil itary despotism and wholesale Negro Suffrage, it desperately gm-ps at a prmanent lease of power, In dell:ince or public men lon, :it the cost of enurnmus taxes and of crippled Industries, at the cost of Union and Peace. To the great battle still to be fought "The World" will givepll Its efforts, ell its energies. It asks of Its friends in their turn as much •; it asks of them more readers and wider ence. It asks this with confidence in its claims as a newspaper and as an organ of opinion. The skier use of n Newspaper is to give Its reader, ILL THE NEWS. Fur this the facilities of "The World - are On surpo,sed by any Journal In tile .12littc - d States. It seqn, to excel by an accuracy and candor, a spirit and fresime , s in lt, new, columns which MIMI commend it to reader, of lshateNtr party, sex, creed or place. As an organ of opinion "The World" I the un flinching champion of A Liberal, Progresehe Democracy, whereof the corner stone is Freedom restrained by Justice; Freedom pure and simple, in the largest collective measure; the (Mice of Justice being to protect Freedom from encroachments; Freedom of the Individual citizen in his rights - of though, speech, religion and loco Motion; in his Right to make any money bargains he thinks proper- in spite of foolish usury laws; in bits Right to buy and sell in all markets, domestic and foreign, in spite of unjust protective tariffs; In his Right to choose his own food and drink, In spite of meddlesome I, mperance laws; in las Right to reps - c,,en tation In the 1eg1,1,: lye bodies which tax him, in spite of unconstitutional ex clusions; Fre,lom 01 colleen. e culz, its to as semble for ch-mission of gh3vances; 'recdom of nil Mad communities to manage their local af fairs s ithout central Interference; Freedom in every notion of the country, front the arrogant and unconstitutional domination of otlitr sec- - . . Lions. This hirce and comprehen , M , idea of _Freedom sums up the ',With:. of "Th.! World," which will never be found wanting to this cap ital interest of the country anti et the human race. A paper published in the metropolis 14 natu rally looked to tor emeriti Market reports and authentic infornudion. and Intelligent discus stow, relating to Trade, -Commerce and Finance. In these features "The World•' erns parison with any other journal. The WEEKLY WORLD, a large quarto shet:t, same size as Daily, Is now printed wholly in large type, and (since its union with the Sew York Argus) has the largest circulation of any weeklyjournal published, cave one. It an unril. ailed Journal for the Fannr, Live St e , -k or Produce Dealer, Country Merchant, etc. Pub lished Wednesday. The SEMI-WERKLY WORLD Is a large quar to sheet, same size as Daily, which, by omit ting the great mass of cityadvertisemenisFfrozn the Daily, contains everything else that appear. In the daily and weekly editions. I'uble.ll, Tuesday and ' The DAILY WORLD affords a complete coin rmlium and d ' , mission. of the news of every Q3E3 rr T:. WEEKLY WOICLIL 1 Copy I year .. - ' . 4 :2 00 4 coples 1 year, separately addresaed 7 00 10 col les 1 year, separately addrusbed 13 00 31copies,1-year, to onenadresa.... .... .. ...: 2.. CIO :V col lex.' year, separately addressed C 7 00 03 eoldes I year, to one 4iddre, 50 00 50 copies 1 year, separately-addressed .... .. 55 00 SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD . .. _. . 1 copy 1 year ..... ._....... 1 I 00 4 cuples 1 year, separately addressed.....:... 10 00 10 copies' 1 year, to ono addres4 - .... . ........ :NA 10 eoplem I year, separately a11dre55e1.,...... 22 00. DA ILI" WORLD 1 cony one year PRIZE. ====l=P3 . . .50 " " 1 Semi-Weekly " o .. 101 " " 1 Pally " DIRECTIONS. Addition, to clubs may he made any time in the year at the above club rates. - Change, in club lists lnade only on request of persons revering elute paelnntes, stat tog l di, lion,post °Mee and State in which it has pre viously been sent, and enclosing twenty-five cents to pay for trouble of the elumge to sepa rate address. . Terms, cash In advance. Send, if posit de, PUSt. Office Money Order or Bank D4ll. llilln Kent by mall will In , at the risk of sender. We have no traveling agents. 14peci men cop ies, posters, etc., sent free 01 charge wherever and whenever desired. Addres‘i all orders and letters to THE WORLD, JaN-Gw. 1.1 Park Row. New York. PIiOSPECTUCi. THE MORNDiG PATRIOT The office of the late Patriot and I:Mon hav ing passed into the hands of the undersigned, they propose to supply a vacuum that has long ex istcsi in the newspaper pre, of interior Penn sylvania. From some cause or other the reading masses of the Democratic party of the great interior comities of the ',tate have been compelled, ei ther to do without the latest news or panellize Journals whose political sentiments were dis tasteful to them. The Morning Patriot . Is intended to supply this want. Its proprietors are determined that no effort shall be spared, on their part, to make it fully equal, as a newspaper, to any of its competitors. Whatever the electie wires sue able to CO 'mutt nicate, up to the hour of going to press will be furnished - In its columns every morning; and its large size will enable it to aiVC quite:l.s touch reading matter as any of its contemporaries. As an advocate of sound political sentiments, favoring no fiction, clique or section, but devo ting its entire energies to the good of the whole party • as a vehicle of the latest news, and a chronicler of passing events, we are determinl d It shall not. be excelled; and we confidently ap peal to a discriminating public for that appre ciation and t ncouragentent witicji are intilspen- Sable to success. For the Daily, one year in mivanre, Six months, " Single Copies, Three Cents. THE WEEKLY PATRIOT. It Is the determination of the proprietors of the Patriot to make their weekly Journal fully equal to what the Patriot and Union was in its runniest days. It will be one of the largest weekly papers in the State, and special pains will be taken to till its columns with such read ing matter as will be alike interesting and use ful to the Farmer, the Mechanic and the Man of Business, and to Make it an agreeable and welcome visitor in every family. Every nerson should subscribe to the paper printed in his own county, and we do not mean to enter into competition with" the Meal papers of the State, lint, many people take their home paper and a eity paper litaddition. To such we send greet ing. TERMS: 13ingle copy, one year. 81:c months. Ten Lmples, ono year Twenty copies, one year Fifty cople§ (to one address) one year One hundred copies All'orders should be addressed to B. F. METERS t CO, Harrishure, Fa, BEM Well Digging. RUSTERLIOLTZ, of Sterrettanin, Is pre -1.1. pared to dig wells In any part of Erie county. - Hn uses a horse and Pulley, which en ables him to do the work faster mot cheaper than by the old method. Refers to Chas. Roth ler or Conrad Max, Erie city ; Israel Mosier or John Shenk, West Mill Creek; Andrew Stur geon or David FWler, Fairview. 4w JOl3 PRINTING of every kind, In large or small quantities, plata or colored, done la the best style, and at, moderate prices, at the Observer office. The Song Cabinet, SINGING BOOZ Seminarie, Aea ((mules 10 1 Singing C 1 asstN, hionable and 1P401.4. EDITIONS .ilO 00 TERMS 1700 3.50 $2 50 35 00 75 00 ..ILS A ENV ' , lt Tit!. r. "..„ C. G. Lra,;:v 'rill Caralit 1 , , unary Song Lexsons. Si:CON DLY.—A large natal,. tit :•Scingol Sump,. 4 ,c.; inir,Y.—A short Catatilt:.•-Thi•-S,}j, val—cleslgned t spri•sqy r,, r F . Receptions, Concerts a1,,1 The publisher In preen'' ne thh • Principals and tention to Its superior m askt: Book. The author has 10, 0 selection of his 311.751 e, nev• - , and In adaptink to it appt, ta ;r1 with unobjectionable heat a.leht.: commend IP; adoption Jo s ,'"`" Hem Inarles. , • The SONG CABINET 11 , ,,1,‘ n t , and Ot Education as tha I,. x t Puldle Schools In the city ~f • • Price, f 0 tints each. Ti s , Jars ror Sample Copy synt by 01,11 tint lea. f celpt of 50 cents. Pub 11411,41 by WM.! lf.‘ O. J. WILLARD, No. 543 Broadlisty. New Tor O. J. WILLARD, 4.-4..v.' :__ / . ~ .....,....,....?..., .'. ~.,- -...,--: , ... r,.. 1 [kr -,...,t, -, -.. . Whol.•sule agent ffoorr 6• V 49 S " PIANO FORTES! Are st rictly Rpealzing failed to become the Lfid.l /ING er introrlnced. Dealers nail Le 1,t4.1;,.„, - ; Lowest Wholesale Rates and guaratil,.4.' [ion. Large illustrated price list, RI; Ilkenei.; from photograplei, sent to 2,4! on application. Arkin (1. J. WILL kr Wholeßale. AgPnt 511 Brorolu S. D. SMITH'S =1 AMERICAN ORGA 0. J. Willard, Wholesale .I.7rnt T 1 , ,• C t,, LAIt4;F:....T IN Tilt M.II:KF.I New and beautl n 1 in - wcr , „;:., —are made Irma it, I wst With great rare, havm4. L quality =Or tone, y et deee hhcd 1u higlby poled. d bLkk R dr . tn Rosewood Cases, with d blow pedals, krve .wc 11., mob stop, with wlO,ll (h• av , :bnuniut can be pro.ineed. tin.l fo giving lull partiet2lars. n. J. \l - ii kr.p,• MED MUSIC STORE Pianos from Steinway t I.lr , al'A'. - ver, Emil thtlar. Ako, .Nlel,sl. on, an , . oc Prices at a iarie Lli.cotint below ers' prices. E‘cly instrument live years. AfNa, the Ite.t Swing; Maelanet on hand. Evely Ilielone a arrant,' yea N. N. Sli State , t rent, Erie. Pa. an 2-1 Z. S3l ITU V- ' ' •,/ C/" . REFINED : T'. V - 1 MOLD ~„;,..: - . ‹ .! . .CANDLES... O4.- '-, _7(2 CHEMICAL' N5ll. C. ti..:E1. , ...: C 4 ;;; , , - OLIVE S9AR - ' SOAP :;:-.. .-- , : -- 0ER1 04 ,1., liiVii‘t i FAMILY t:CH.ERASIVE'c. Ne,l 4 LpoAF , ..i SOAPJ SOAP. - - _i_t_ - :.... =------ SOSANUFICirIiFF OF 4 " . 'IC: iIND C A N O E ' Corner of Holland and Sixth StreE' MRIE, PA. Greenback - s for Bond,. - 2,0 EQUAL TAXATIO. If "legal tendon," are good “nough f lter, merchant, farmer, mechanic. er, and all others who pay to they are go. - KfAmough for rich bondholders who pay no taxes. THE PITTSBURGH PO The only Dentoeratie, daily In Wt,:err.: selvania, and a fird-elass new.p the latest intellfgenee front ail world. full local and cominerei.d er with a vast amount of nii,eellarnou , is delivered to subscribers neighboring cities and toe. Ils at the Fifteen Dente per Week: or by itfad. Dollars a Year. THE WEEKLY POST. Circulation larger than ani Bathcal per publl•Med in Pc amyl vania. A Itrz• page paper. forty-eight isohmins of ~ taing the leading editorial , . as pu ,, 110 Daily Post, full rtports 0: the Rump—late telegrams, ealde. local an 1' reports,' agricultural, poet.y, nialled to any address at TWO DOLLARS A YEAR, Or when ordered in clubs of ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY. CENT:- SI- Circulate the Post an l merest male vote. All orders must be with the cash, and no de% lation C.,: it from the terms given aim.% 4 mailed to any,auldre,s, free of oban:% the publishers, JA:-. I'. mr5V. Dißcharge in Bankrup l 9: N THE DIsTRII.7 corrr I States for the Western I .I'4 yank'. T. P. Babcock, a I .inkrupt , Act of Congress of March 2d. 1.4;7, for a discharge froth all claims provable under said _V: hi order . • Court, Notice is hereby ONCourt, en b. alt • have proved their debts, and teresteil, to appear on the irth d.ih of •,?; at. 2 o'clock, P. M., before S. E. N 1 °ear: - '- Register, at his °lnce in Erie, l's..tios' Reny they have, why ado., granted to the said bankrupt. And nee Is hereby given that the see , iii ,l meetings of creditors of the said (mired by the 27111 and :Nth s ection ,,,, "'; will be had before the said time and place. S. C. Mi - C NP I • Clerk of U.S. District Court for I a,g6-2w REMOVAL. RS. HUNTER has removed frera . stand, south or the Depot, to the three doors west of the Amerwn olt - I ; west Park, where ne has a N Vry a fille D HATS. CAPS, &C.. warranted to he equal lit style, quatity.l, ish to any In the market, and 0 speel , ',, , Its a call from hls old ',ma+ mid E generally, fissuring them none tit g" " Salt iStied. ,q 4 DLANKS! BL.iNKS ! A colop:eY n tnent of every kind of 13hink , Attorneys, Justices, Constahlu+ and F . Men, for sale at the Observer oftice. - J _ PRINTING of every Jan a . ty small quantitlem, plain or CO the beat style, and at modende Pri e ` Observer office. Ilie