:....p r riza flottrcs to the LatlicE.— 1,1 . 1. pc' ,N CI VS Lnrx rEßropicAr, 111i,Ls, run LE,4 ronov . „ • : 'l,lltllly Timi, : tota mieci:sufui bs pro- ,Ni• PI M. It: A I tO,l Irty Fit , inted,,nr ;11,` caUt coned aggli list Using 1 , ,1•,.1, lulu in that eoielii ion, I,s,t they filch admonition the although ~e, ,'lit any mi.-chief to pie ricomuulnded 1. V L I.IEM ED I' r‘t lon of tlio suffering from any 'lnver, a. well n. 51.0 Kerent as ,‘• •,` • I • f.tfii 11 hen Lealth will not permit • • t 1., and bringtti , 2, I,a , k the ..r,•• " to t he cheek of the most iaclL NEM r I , • 7: artl74l•,t 4 1,,_.1 it through. the Po-, , • ,v.• t! g , nt ((sal thlentlally)by of Chu country, free of polstaqe, V. 1. 11.17% Itinc., ll'urron; ; 11 , ,n , 1i0r&1'0., Mead- Norfilfair; ,Towett etz (' , rVi', l'o.prt-t4•7, New Yol Mll==M 1 ill I . o)rt ttscm 11115 , Cu S!•t•Late. tn.crttnn, tuna ':•6 Co. t•1.,,e1: 011 Tilltr,(1:1 morn `.!! nftN't•rtl• ~ 111 Pt. N. 1111,0 enntintwa ac advotti,r,lllll,•••, oidered =II To the Ladies. . in - nu wc•akn, the 10: LI, 111111, V.l( II 1,ear1:1.2;-,101; tt i! th:ll4•itlty that ti v can • See' 11 he r..lieN CEI at I.lleo, uy :V“I It lINCit ..a 11,1 , ," :Ilia ...It .4111:: serer 11 01 u-ed in thig county:, .' t ,r call upon or h...htrv.. v.:11: , I,llllp, E. J. 141..111:11, M. 1 , „ l't P.... MEM !! , ,,el,iarr., , e in lEttniiriii)te.y. r runt . r rrt th.• t .-liced I : .• ("cal:, a bankrupt utPler the 1.1t7. h:,~:nu applied ::It his deld , ., other Act, by of the 7 , • , en to all persons I r uther pursons appe:o .7411 11.1 r of Nov., ~• A %I !, „ I. !II lln“, . • 11 hy it discharge siithild not I Ib, banliropt. And [either, • u -rel.`. gl :ell [lint the nre.nul :old third doors of tee said !Milli' 111-t, re to: ah m d.htiit,eettoutofsaid.\ct, 0,1•:ce the :.,:dtlitegistr :it (tie tinmo ;4. t =MEE NM rge' i2l Baillia`llPteY• ;):, COL'lrr of he Unite•l I -.• • •I• tl, • ),I'‘ -I. :a U, trh•t. I'rnm> l. I,IA. a }.ant, rapt whl,r the • • , •I ch ing < • • • : .1: 1,+1•1 :1]) )11 , ot)/- • • ,1 • 12,- 91,1• r of :-112 . 41 ... .•// !l t ' l. 2112.0111 I ,• I ~ r ,Lt arol °the:pen-4)11S • , `lh v of 1 I,,re S. E. It ..f, E.at his th • t of nn., - ~ to slum. cause, 11 ha .wl.y a ‘ll-..11.11,ie ,11(.111,1 not to the 4..;i11 hank:apt. And further, _ herby - Given that the , eeond and third tiints of creditors of said bankrupt, required :1..• t h and 2stli thins of said act, will be betore the said iteglster, at the same tithe .5.1.1 place. S. C. .\IcCANDLES , t, t.,rk of U.S. Dl,trlet Court for said District. DISCIRIME IN B.INIiIIUPTCY. TN TIIE Disnact CoITIZT of the L'altral for the Western Districtof Pen n'a. F.S. loinkrupts unit, r the Art 11 ), tati cm of )(mill '2, ha bug applied for narge (ruin all their debt , " of her violins .:11t1 Art, by order tit the Court '.4 hereby given to all pelsons who have .1 their debts, and other per.ote. Interest e appear on the sth day of aov., at 9 1,..1)ai , S. 1:. 11:w - rim:H, lip g.l.ter, in the auto'', at Erie, Pa., to show cause anv they have, why a cliseliarge should not b. L„tote , l to the salt' bankrupt, .1 el tardier notice Is hereby given, that the second and 'tUrd tneetlnus of erediturii of the said ulk rapt, required by the '-'7tli—and nth sections of it l act, a ill lie hall before the said It...pi...ter at ‘ante way an.l plar2._ NDLF -S. -; of C. L. ; rict Cottrt lot ..11(1. 1 , 0,1 ric t Dry C.-00c; itc; CarPot'? ITEPE ABE - THE GOODS. S THE TIME. NOW No. 7 Heed Oil I)I4:FENDOPtV, GROSS .S.: I'OSTER t '4l all th. it frketplc to 131... duo notwo. and th•-. 1- I‘. t 11 It v_ IlaN Icl.l - .1 th.tt ~1001: 01 Dry Goods, Carpets, IiOINE Ft 1?NISIIIVF GOODS, DC) - illitiCS, Oil Cloths, •-• Gc =I e • ti - 1: e I, Mil . ,-_•.: , 1 at—; ~ ,:,, p lO., -:, , 1:.. - ..E , ', 31T..t. (" .". _. , , - , .„ ~,,,•„:,„ , . ~,, ii:, No. \ 7 REED HOUSE! :A T :..1 ' , ' II I 'LW, 111 :_:..:1 ~ .1, 1 t ' , 1 .1' I': . , 1:'1 . ...,"," I , ‘ I• 7. 1 4 ~., at No. 1 , 2 ( 1 REED HOUSE! t• I.lll‘ 11 CFlllllb h . , .111 WI)01 M.1.t.1 eN•t. , -, :1110. 14:‘,:„ t-, „ No. 7 REED HOUSE! \i'ink(r. , .. P.11...1, and nor dt kt,ap at No: 7 REED .AOUSE! I , liv Ftxture4, the nen, ,„It, tiaiLsparent ft-kr, It ItuaTaln- L. ar Curnivt,, Loyq.s 4nd No. 7 REED HOUSE! .ttz• vk.n to form-hint , . Hotels, ory or Window Shades & Curtains, "1' ALL FL \ NNEL, (F ALL tr.:241.; TITI.II LINFN Or ALI, KINDS, It.w prli 4,t No. 7 REED HOUSE! .1/paca,, i 1.t,4c at. I in and 1',.1.1111 rru,•h P 1.1.01 It WI and Frei', h V ,, p1.41y, Valottn4 . No. 7 REED HOUSE! mon; 6f rich Black cilkvever 'tcb th , city I. to be faun , ! at No. 7 REED HOUSE • ..? 1- i!!..leorl, , rEit' , loCi;: 1,. It 1121 , 1 pail ment, and lA, aslt an impartial our g0'3,1-• and prter,, retliag ^.—,•-• ti ‘t our tY tends and the plitm.• 1.1 , 1 y aired With ll', In Our it•settion n...t ERIE CITY _Ho Goods and Carpet 11';)F1 3. ()1t1T1E - 1%I. No. 7 REED HOUSE! W:11 Le fiaind the best goods at the LOWEST FIGURES! of ah 2, phco in tho etl3. il - 1-1,N1•0111', I Ei ion pitlyrixr, - of ev, ry kind, in large or p mull citiltutttles., pimp. or colored, done in , style. mad lir, moderate prices, at the WEEKLY OBSERVER ERIE, PEIWA, SEPTEMBER 24,1868 LARGEST CIRCULATION The Observer has the Largest circulation or any paper in N. W. Pcnn'a, either • Daily or Weekly. On this point we challenge contradiction. Its circula. lion extends to allplaces of importance its Erie, Crawford, Warren and Velma. go counties. MILL CREra Tr.—We are requested to say that a meeting of the Democrats of:31ill Creek Tp. will be held at the Town Hall, on Saturday evening nest, to make arrange ments for securing the assessment of all the legal voters of that locality: (lDflI g IDP W~~ P Hon. J. D. Doolittle, the end neatt, WIRCOUSIII Senator, will spealiVin Farrar nail, on Fri day evening., Sept. 25th. Band will be in at tendance. Sold fu Erle by : -, gent, for The undersigned have been appointed a .Committee on the part of the. Democratic party, to assist those who may be entitled to naturalization, or are ready to declare their intentions. Applications made to either of them w ill receive prOmpt attention Ist Dist.—Adam Wild, W. W. Lyle, John Carse,y. Me izner. 21 Dist.—Patrick Burns, John M. Kuhn, P. A, Be:eiter, Eugene Metz. ad P2Liebel, Jacob Bootz, Wm. 3ttirmv, James Canipbell. . • 4th Dist—Barney Donnelly, Michael HO- Iran, James Tuohy, Jacob Driesirzaker. tiouth Erie.—P. W. Kohler, J. J. Werner, Adam Acheson, E. F. Wilson. East Mill Creek.--J. W. Kehler, John*. Welhh, 3tichael Timon. \\ - eat Mill Crcelz.—Charles Justice, C. Thomas, Stephen Hadley. ses,ion of Court will commence on Mon day. Sept. , 28:11, and also on the first Monday of October. Persona should apply in the cai iv part of the week: as the length of the stssion is uncertain. The .Naturalization Committee for Eric city and county will meet even• day until election at 1 1-42 o'clock, P. the (Coe of E. Camphauscu, Esq., Hosenzwcig's Mock, where all wishing in formatimican apply. 11. L. WmTL, Sc ere tar 3-. S dt:rday, the 31 of October, is last day when asst. ssments can be made in time to vote at the State chn:tion. It is recommend ed that in every district committees be chosen to obtain copies of the Assessment list, and gee (hot no Democrat loses his vote 'on Ac count titilure to be assessed. Prom the relmrts that come to us, we are led to believe that the Radieid Assessors have entercal into an, arrangement through out the county to,asacas no peraon who does not apply in perabn, although the efistom has always been to receive any names handed in by a responsible citizen. The object of this is undoubtedly to keep poor men, who are unable to leave their work and hunt up the Assessors, from voting in October. The better plan, perhaps, would be, to procure , a list of the Democrats entitled to assessmen), fix upon a day for having their names enrolled, and havo them all at tend to the maitter on that occasion. It will be \sal to keep a watch on the Radical Assessors, and see that they are not pursuing ono policy for Democrats and an other for their own party friends. If it can be aseertaindthat any Assessor who refuses to accept the names of Democrats without they appear in person, rs adding the names of Radicals handed him by' others, proper aeti,en should at once he adopted to compel him to set in a just and honorable manner. meeting of the Detnocraticeratral Club was held on Wednesday evening, at which the following officers were chosen: President—Hon. W. L. Scott. Vice Presidents—W. G. Arbuckle, F. P. Liebel, W. W. Dobbins, John M. Kuhn, Alvanus Thayer. Setretary—E. F. Wilson. Finance Committee—Adam Achesop, J. B. Otinnigon, C. M. 13riggs, IL C. Shannon, F. Schlaudccker. Treasttrpr—Tknj.!may The Vice Presidents were appointed an, Fvceutive CoMmittee, and a motion was adopted that the officers selected have gen eral ,opervision of the party affairs in the city, and bold their positions until their suc cessors arc chosen. The club is not intend ed to interfere with any of the district or ganizations, but to act in concert with them, and az..ist in concentrating their efforts. A meeting of the above named officers is to be hell at Mr. Scott's office on Saturday evening next The following gentlemen were ap- peinte l a reception committee to meet Sena tor Doolittle en Friklay:, t:.• th_i: W. A. Galbraith, F. P. Marshall, Benj. Whitman, It. S. Hunter, E. Camphausen, P. A. 13 , Tker, C. Seicsel, J. Rocs Thompson, J. B. Gunni., , un, Sehien Mirrin, W. L. Scott, S. E. Foote, B. P. Sloan, Wm. Henry, E. P. WiLon, Adam Acheson. The First Di. , trict club, on Wednesday erming, elected the following officen4: t A. Bennett. Vice Pre-lJents—Jolin Emling, Frank . It%ler. • 'Stcremry-11. S. Hunter. % E‘rentive Committee—W. W.tyle, Thos. C.,sananqh, Dennis Fogarty, Michael Love, Jienry C. Shannon, John P. Wilkins, John Fin:ince Coznmittee4—W. %V. Dobbins,Jolin , Carle, John McCloskey, 11. V. anis, Peter The _President is to be an advisory member pf each committee. The Secretary was in structed to inform the members of the Cosa mittees of their seleMion, and ask the chair man of each to appoint as early a flay as convenient for their meeting. The club ad journed to meet in Bray's-Hall, on Wednes day evening next, at seven o'clock. A. meeting to orgailize a club in the Third district was held in Liebel's Hall, on Mon day evening, which was well attended. The following officers were chosen :—President, Jacob Bootz; Secretary, F. P. Liebel,—after which, interesting speeches were made by Messrs. Thompson, Bootz and Liebel. The club adjourned to meet on Monday evening next, at the same place. ' The meeting of the Fourth District club, which was to be held on Friday evening, has been postponed to Tuesday evening, at Streek's Hall, when plans are to be perfected for securing a more efficient working or Cue org,anization MoNT3tENT Fmn.—The ladles of the• Sol tilers' and Sailors' Monument Association have secured the following articles, which are to he disposed of at the Fair in this city, on the first Monday in December. They can be seen at the places mentioned: One very fine• Piano, at Mrs. "William Wil lings- One half-cabinet Wheeler & Wilson- Sew ing Machine, at the store of E. IL Chapman, Brown's Hotel. ; One Silver Set, at T. M. Austin's. One French China Dinner Set, at Glenny's Crockery store. Tickets for either of the above articles can be purchased at the stores above mentioned; also at Caughey, McCreary ik Moorhead's, D. P. Ensign & Co.'s, May •Sz Bro.'s, and W. .T. Sell & Co.'s. Tin: N. Y. Tribune has a column review of the campaign in Ptinnsylvania, in which the name of every ILulical candidate for Von gress is mentioned except Glenn' W. Sco field. Why, how is this ? We ate told every week by the Radical press of; the dis trict that Mr. S. is one of the letultrs of the .House, and yet his name seems Utterly un known to the correspondent of the great pally organ. has Greeley withheld it from ital,t.ey that Scofield ray nitre day become his 1 ival, or is the latter, what we suspect, considered a member of such ordinary qualities that he is hardly know outside of the dlitrict ? Naturalization 1 'E. F. WILSON, Cliairrumi Assessments. The City Democracy. -:;- Z't-- 910 w Do Yor LitiE Corry Republican giyes'us the interesting item of information that "in Waterford, Eric county, $320,000 was expended for the bonds that the Democratic party are now so eager to tax." We thank the Republi in for the state . - meat, and hope the figures may In fellable. It furnishes a fresh illustration of the injus tice •of exempting the bonds from taxation, and shows more clearly than a column of ar gument how unfairly the system•which Rad icalism has engrafted upon the nation ope rates against the interests of the farmer and laboring man. Let us see. The amount for which the people of Waterford borough and township arc assessed upon the books at the Commissioner's office, is as follows: Leal Estate. Femme. Ifono. - Tufa Township, $155,053 $10,274 $506 $171,833 Borough, 39,182 2,587 3,540 45,309 194,235 - 18514,046 217,142 The valuation, as'we learn from the ,clerk' to the Commissioners, is only from .4e-sev enth to one-eighth the real value. We will take the most liberal figure, which gives us as the total amount of real and personal pro perty for taxable IntrPOs4s in Waterford bor ough and township, the sum of $1,704,499. This property pays all the State, county, road, school and .every other kind of tax, while theenfo invested in bondsdoesnol pay a penny. The bonds exempted are nearly a fifth the whole property, and it is easy hisee that the taxes fall heavier upon these` who hold no bonds, in the same proportiOn. The farmer with hisland, and the mechaniewith hislteuse, pays one-filth more Afturptan is fairly his .share, solely because tits Wealthier neighbor, who happened to have some spare faeans—diiring, the war, saw proper to , invest it in bonds, in preference'to - buildind up im provements in the place of his residence, which wouldhave prenioted the prosperity of the neighborhood at the Rama time that it benefited himself. This fact is too plain for any man, however ignorant he may be, to misunderstand,' If these bonds were taxed,. like other property, as by right they ought to be, the effect would be a reduction of one fifth indhe direct taxation of each property holder in Waterford borough and Tp. The indirect taxation they pay upon all articles which they eat, drink and wear, for the pur pose of pioviding the interest for these same bondholders, is as large, if not larger, than that levied by the State, county, township and borough authorities. The same state of affairs which exists in Waterford prevails to a more or less extait - In every township, borough and 'ward in the county. The •people •in &try 'section are paving heavy burdens to keep up ti privileged class who do nothing to promote the welare of their localities, l and aro daily sapping the earnings of their industrious and less fortu• nate neighbors. We ask all to look at the facts, and jutLre fir themselves whether such injustice shall be saddled permanently upon the country. Ir any Democrat is in the habit of believ ing every statement he finds In a Democrat ic paper, say the Observer, for instance, no difficulty will be found in accounting for the fact that ho remains a Democrat. On our side we think more discrimination prevails, so that should one of our papers once get the reputation of falsifying or misrepresenting, suchpaper would an aink sms Jon, that no regard would be paid to its statements.— Dispatch. Then by this time they must be very "low" indeed, for we do not know a single Radical paper whose whole stock in trade, ever since we have had a connection with journalism, has not consisted. of. "falsify ing" and "misrepresenting." The Dis patch is a fair sample of all, and we need only cite its recent course on matters of local polities, familiar to many of our citizens, to enable the public to IFiew how much reli ance can be placed upon its teachings. The halting insinuation that the Observer pub lishes statements which cannot be believed, is untrue, and.we challenge the proof. We may at times have been led into making erroneous assertions, which we have ever made it a rule to correct whenever they were called to our attention; but we defy a paper to be found anywhere 'which is more generally careful in its statements than the Observer. The Dispatch on this point fur nishes us a fresh illustration of the old "Stop Thief" story. It seizes anything that it can find, which may help to prejudice the Dem ocratic cause, with eagerness ; and when its blunders or falsehoods are exposed, as we have given half a dozen examples in as many months, it refuses either to retract or correct them, and, in the majority of cases, goes on with their repetition as coolly as if they had never been disputed. People *vim live in glass houses ought to he cautious how they cast stones in their neighbor's win dows. - Jum.F. 3IcC.ti;DLE-s has sentenced three citizens of Pittsburgh to pay fines and tin: dergo imprisonment for illicit distilling in the third'story of it warehouse of that city. The charges against them were: Ist. Distilling without payment of special taxes. 2d. Dis tilling withofit bonds. al. Distilling in a forbidden place. In his remarks upon the ease the Jude said: I have had many cases before me here, at Eric and at.Williarnsport, from the mountain regions of this Judicial District, Where .poor farmers; and the descendants of a past_age, wholly unacquainted with modern legislation upon this subject, have set up their stills, and, after tbe custom of their fathers, made what they ctnsidefed necessary fur the harvest field atut home consumption:, With all such I have been as lenient as tile law would ad mit, Mad, although the maxim is, that ieno rance the law excuseth no man, these peo ple rarely see the published acts of Congress, and if they did, in sonic instances they could not understand them. With greater intent geuce, and occupying respectable positions in this ccmmunity,you have violated the law for gain, and if the Court supposed it would be better vindicated by a longer imprison ment, It would be is solemn duty to impose IL' WE notice in the list of speakers at Radi cal meetings in the neighboring towns the name of IV. 11. Burleigh, of Massachusetts, who seems to be regarded as one of the "big guns" of the party. The fact may not have escaped the memory of our readers that this man was one of the leaders of the old Aboli tion crowd, who advocated a dissehation of , the 'Union, and proclaimed the Constitution "a' league with hell and a coventuatowith death." He was once denounced by name by Henry Clay AS "a vile and traitorous agita tor," in a letter - that ought to be read by every man, woman and child in the nation. The then who sustain the teachings of Clay are now declared to be untrue to the Union by these same Abolitionists, while Burleigh ' himself travels over the country mouthing his "loyalty," and assailing men who never 'wavered in their devotion to the Constitution as enemies of the country! The altered con dition of public opinion could receive no bet ter illustration than this man's record' affords. WE have carefully read the glo - xing re ports of the Radical mass meeting at Corry, on-Tuesday, as given by our Radical dotem poraries, and are compelled to own up that it nmst have been a monster assemblage - , The attendance, we are led to believei could not have numbered less than a =lion people. The procession was huge, and eclipsed any thing before seen. Its length was so great that at latest' advices the tail en& had not reached Corry yet, though the immt ;me affair had been marching , over, two dt tys. The speakers were the most famous man of the country, and in thrilling Oratory P. Henry and 11. Clay could not hold a enTulle to them. So overwhelming was' this detnon stration, that the poor Copperheads,Srightenc d out_ of their wits, capitulated in despair by - the thou sand, and it is a safe calculation to make, that not less than fire hundred converts to the Radical cause were made by this one znecting alone. A few more such •' uprisings of the patriotic masses" will give Pennsylvania to Grant hr an UnniTrions vote.. liltaitni3B. ALL wool blankets at Frank Willi:hell A: Co.'s, 824 State street, only $4.130 a pair. AEI! iteablariketa at Frtakic n.'s; '3ll - State street, 0n1y . ," I.N) a pak,,i Come commences Monday next, the 28th inst. All wanting naturalization papers should apply in the early part of the week. lIAs the Gazette "heard from Maine ':" A Radical rnajorityof 18,805, by the official ac count. Only a loss of 0,000 for that party since 1806. Drevezinonv , , °floss S Fosvin have re ceived their new stock of fall goods. Read their advertisement in the first column of this page. COL. J. Ross Thompson will address the meeting of the Irish National Democratic Club, in Austin's Hall, on Saturday evening, September 26th. MANI- Democratic ladieS laving eipressed a wish to hear Senator Doolittle, on Friday evening, the committ ce request us to say that the front "scats will be reserved for their ac commodation. They also ask us to invite Democrats to bring theli ladies with them. political editors of the Republican, having totally demolished the Observer, imd cleaned it out root, branch and tde nail, have, during the past week, directed their attention to the World, with a fair prospect of s t eron compelling it to succumb to the weight of their heavy artillery. .; F. F. M.A.nsaw.., Esq., addressed meetings in the 'Mirth. Ward on Friday evening, and at *Harbor Creek on Saturday evening, giving good satisfaction to his audiences. Mr. M. is one of the staunchest Democrats in the county, and we expect to see his services called into frequent requisition during the balance - of the campaign. Tnt. abundance of money which the Radi cals have to spend in this county may be ac: conated for on the supposition that Mr. Sco field has contributed his portion of the extra pay for Radical campaign purposes. This liould Ice a snug way of raising a fund for . party use without any direct burden upon the leaders. Who.can tell? SEscr. writing our paragraph, in another place, we learn that the Republican Com mittee of Crawford county, by a vote nearly unanimous, on Monday, presented ion. S. Newton Pettis as a candidate for Congress, to All the vacancy caused by Mr. Finney's death. Mr: P. is endorsed by the Greenville Argus, and will probably receive the sup port of Mercer county. THE "irrepressible conflict" between the . two facttons of Radicalism iu our county has broke out afresh over the selection of Hon. John H. WalkerforPreslylent of the meeting to-day. • The Lowry men arc anything but mealy-mouthed over what they call the in delicacy of the Chairman Of the Countiy Com mittee in choosing his own Mier to preside over the big meeting of the campaign. AT every ,fire that occurs there is a certain class of.. people who are very free in their criticisMs of the management of the fire de partment. Now, the wonder is that these gentlemen, who know exactly what ought to. he done, don't become firemen theniselves, and remedy the faults of which they com plain. It strikes us that a class of men who do as much hard work for' nothing as the firemen, ought to receive some other recom pense than incessant fault finding. JUDGE SCOFIELD, the Radical papers tell us, having been called to, Washington, is compelled to throw up all his appointments in this county. His absence From the cam paign.may prevent thepeople from receiving an answer to the question which they are everywhere asking: "Did our Congressman take the 4xtra pay, after giving Lis promise that ho wouldn't?" Perhaps his immediate organ, the Republican, may be able to tell them something about it: The, Middletown Journal, edited by J. W. Stofer, Esq., came to us last week, in a com plete new dress, and presenting as neat an appearance as any paper on our exciringe list. The Journal office was the scene of our first ambitious experience as a publisher, and for that reason as well as for the kind relations that have long existed between ns and-Mr:S., we have always taken more than ordinary interest in its welfare. We are,very glad to see that it is in so prosper ous a condition. Tin proprietors of . the Titusville Herald, In writing to the Phila. Press, asking the correction of one of the dozen falsehoods 'that paper publishes daily, fall into7a blun der themselves, whiclkis none the less ex cusable, in claiming to have the "largest cir culation in North-Western Pennsylvania." Our friends of the Herald print a good paper, and itiedeserving of,•as it undoubtedly se cures, a wide circulation, but that of the Ob server still exceeds it, as we mean that it always shall, that of any other paper in this section. We cannot do better than repeat its request of the Press, that: "the retraction will be prompt, complete, mil conspicuous,. and as generously, its blunder )val mortify-. lug and presumably damaging." Tun Warren Mail denies, on the 'authority of Judge Scofield, *e'presume, that he "was officious in ousting Young, of Kentucky and admitting McKee to a seat in Congress. In the Committee on Elections," it says, "Judge Scofield with Judge Poland, of Vermont, in variably voted for admitting the Kentucky members. When the case came up in the House lid neither engineered it nor votql for McKee I ; 'Mr. Cook, of Illinois, had the case In charge as the records -101 show." We hope the Mail's statement ma} be correct, and are pleased to know that nudge Scofield is so ashamed of the:- course of dii - s fellow Radicals in Congress that he is anxious to wash- his hands of the transaction. The ejection of Mr. McKee was one of the most dikreditable acts ever perpetrated in the Halls of Congress. WE understand that on the evening of the Republican proct!ssion there was a Demo cratic meeting at S—s, in Jerusalem. Fine speakers were - present, to address an audi ence of four tvt4t7.—Dispatch. The occasion -- was a club meeting for the Fourth district, and, though, .no handbills had been circulated, there were seventy-five persons present by actual count—more, we will venture to assert, than has convened at any Radical assemblage in the - city wider-the same circumstances. The Dispatch's injus tice towards Democrats is becoming too marked to be submitted to in patience any longer. In order to retain its party standing, the manners of that paper seem to regard it as necessary to make their columns ten times meaner than the meanest paper anywhere in the country. ABOUT a hundred and fifty Sons of Erin met in Austin's Hall, on Saturday evening, in accordance with the call for the organiza tion of a Democratic club. They were all imbued with the' true Irish fervor for the cause, and the scenes of enthusiasm which prevailed during the •eszel .... aing exceeded any political meeting of the campaign. As a preliminary step towards organization, Hon. Wm. L. Scott was called to the chair, and Speeches were delivered In response to calls, by that gentleman, Jeremiah Noonan, Capt. Dobbins, Mr. Whitman, M. A. Quinn and others, each . speaker bringing down the house with round after round of applause. Mr. ,Quinn was ,elected permanent Presi dent, P. McGinnis pqmanent Secretary, and the name of Irish National Democratic club was adopted. Over a hundred names were signed to the ConstitutiOn, and it is confi dent& believed the club will number three hundred working members before the cam paign closes. ..tnother meeting will be held in the same place on Saturday evening . next, whefi Col. Thompson will be - present, and we promise all who attend one of the best 41 speeches they hays heard in a long tim.W...l .- . . 'Di Democrats had scores of office holders, and.expeetants to furnish filo money, they might indulge in such luxuries us proces sions, torch-light parades, &c., in a style sim: liar to the 'Radicals. As they -have none now, have not had for tight years, and do hot anticipate getting any through local sources, their means are necessarily limi ted, and they are compelled to use what little, they have in the most economical way. We, therefore, advise our friends to give 'up any idea of competing with the opposition in' the costly show 'and "fuss and feathers" which the latter rely upon as their most effective campaign material. ' The district and town ship organizations which we have established reach the people mord directly, are less expensive and could be made to per form infinitely better service, if every man who professes to wish for Democratic success would connect himself with them, and lead an active part in'the work entrusted to them. If we fail this year, it will be be cause so many men who claim to be ardent Democrats neglect performing their fair share of the duty which every one who de sires the triumph of our, principles ought to :be willing and proud to fulfil. A pnicE on Sunday night burned down the large brick building at the corner of French and Fifth streets, owned by Hon. M. B. Low ry, and occupied by Morrison, & Dinsmore, dealers in 'pork and beef, on' the first and part of the second floors, and on the third floor as a Jewish synagogue„ Mr.•F. W. Biddle had a sleeping room on the second floor, from which he escaped by means of a ladder furnished by Mr. G. A. Bennett, bare ly in time to prevent being smothered. Mr. Lowry had an insurance of $8,500 on the building ; Messrs. Morrison Dinsmore had 6,000 insurance, which will cover their loss; and the furniture of the synagogue was insured for $3OO. The circumstances attend ing the breaking out of the fire, lead to the conclusion that it was caused by. incendi aries. For a time the new Wayne Hall was. in great danger,and the office of Benj. Grant, Esq.!, who had just moved into the building, was completely gutted, by the efforts' of his fridds to avoid the los.s of his • boobs and furniture. The "fire fiend'? seems to have a special spite against Mr. Grant, this • being the fifth Occasiofi, we believe, in which alias driven him from his quarters. WE ask in all seriousness if any of Mr. Sco fiehrs friends can inform us whether he ever drew that extra, pay, which was voted hit three years ago whack was Weep? In the last campaign he said he had never drawn it out of the Treasury, and nercr intended to do so! But we are nearly certain he has done so since, leastwise he has been charged with it, and so far as we know, has offered no denial, either orally verbally.—Etk Advocate. Outicotemporaryadnformed that neither Mr. Scofield nor his friends will either an swer yes or no to the question. We have put it to them fur four weeks, and they are as mum as an oyster. The public, can con strue their conduct in but one sense, and there are few persons in this county who doubt that Mr. Scofield did take the extra pay, notwithstanding , his promises ter the contrary. OF the ten" "dlztinguislicd speaker.;' an nounced to he "poAtively present" at the Radical mass"mcetlnglo:day, eight are retie gade Democrats, vii: Sickles, Wilson, Cam eron, Putnam, Ihrtranft,,lirewster, Scofield and . Schluembacli; and the remaining two, Curtin and Lawrence, were both bright and shining lights of Know-Nothingism. It must be grateful to the fullest degree for old Whigs, like Messrs. Walker, Reed, Babbitt and Sterrett, and the numerous foreign born members of the party in our city, to receive their political inspiration from such sources. Tun death or Mr. Fiuney nece.isitates the election of a Congressman to fill his vacancy, and both parties in the Crawford district are preparing to select nominees. Judge Pettis is being urged by his friends, but the Mead ville Republican suggests the choice of some , ,new man, who has not been identified with their lodal strifes. -It would save trouble for each side to select the candidate it. alreahv has in the field.: Trtgionowing paragraph appears in the Harrisburg Patriot of Friday last : "The. State Guard still urges us to publish Scofield's speech. When the Patriot be comes so destitute of news as to be compelled to choose between publishin.g- such a tissue of barefaced, unmitrzated falsehoods as Glen- ni W. Seofteld's speech is made up of, and, a blank sheet, It will choose the latter. The Guard may suit its own taste in such matters, and so shall we." TTLE bark Claugh went ashore twelve miles this side ofCleveland during the, gale on Tuesday night of last week. She was owned by J. S. Reed, of Illack River. MI on board were lost except the second mate, Rush Reed, who clung to a Spar, and after remain ing in the water thirty-six hours, was picked up by the schooner Ramon and taken to Cleveland. Seven persons were drowned. TUE absence of Mr. Scofield will deprive a large number of his supporters from hear lag that celebrated cat story,which promises to attain a reputation equalling " Sinbad The Sailor" in its best days. great many ar dent Radicals in the interior, who have not yet been treatcd to this wonderful piece of witticism, and were waiting for it with pain ful anxiety, have gone almost crazed over the disaPpOintment. • TirE Democracy will have a great Mass 'Meeting on the occasion of Senator Doolit tle's visit to Warren; on Saturday, commen cing at two o'clock, p. m. Excursion trains will run on the Phila. d Erie R. R. Hon. W. P. looks is engaged to spend the whole of next week upon the stump in Warrbn county, and, after that, will visit any portion of Eric county to which he may be invited. Tim District Court of the United States, at Pittsburgh, has granted an injunction against the "dentists who have been using vul canite rubber in the manufacture of artificial .teeth, on the ground that it is au infringe ment upon the Goodyear patent.' Four Erie dentists arc numbered among the Unfortu nates. ' clause of the bankrept act witich provided that no person should tie:discharzed whose estate would not pay fifty per cent. on thckdollar, and which took effect on the first of June last, has been further extended to the first of January next. This gives more time for the appliCation of those who have no assets. WE are authilrized by. John 'Curse to say that those who run the Irish Republican Club, after trying in vain to get Irishmen for the purpose,' offered the Portuguese at the Pittsburgh' dock (who are not voters) one dollar each to carry a torch. Although poor and needy they'refused to be bought. Tar. Titusville Evening Journal (Demo cratic) after a brief suspension, has again taken on the garments of vitality, with Messrs. Jackson Dodd as publishers. We hope they may have better luck than we an ticipate. Our faitils in Democratic dailies hereabouts is of a stay limited nature. , NEVER, perhaps, says the Forest Press, ,was there a candidate bef;re the people so universally well spoken of by all parties, where personally, known, as our candidate for Congress, Hon. Rasselas Brown of War ren. • Tire Councils on Monday 'concluded con trczta for paving Peach street with the Nich olson pavement, building an iron bridge over, the canal at Sixth street, Ord erecting, a honsei t or,the steam engine at the corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets. &tomla has removaft his mock left titter the &e to 507 State' stnet: poly lislies a new song, entitleil "Jessie Vane.'' gri ri a heavy ,ft : ost fell tit litre:et: t !iv all tics of the couaty, on several nigitig of the last week. • ALL wool blankets at Frank Winchell 82-1 state street, only $l.OO a pair. Two months ag,o we mimed to the edi tors of the Meadville Republican that, if they would publish through their paper the speech of Geo. H. Pendleton, delivered in West Virginia, on the Bond question, we would publish through the; Democrat an equal amount of matter, on the same subject, to be selected by . themselves. To this pro position our neighbors have no response. Arc they afraid to let their readersknow Mr. Pendleton's views, whom they stigmatiie as a repadiator . I —Cra,rford Democrat. • We trust the Democrat is not so innetent as ever to haVe expected that its offer would be accepted. We predicted. at the time that it would not, and our prophecy has been fully verified. Whenever Radical editors permit their readers to see both side's of the issues, their party will fall to pieces. They know this too well ever to risk the • experi ment. TUE small frame building, on Eighth, near Chestnut street, occupied by John Moore as a grocery, was destroyed by fire about twelve o'clock on Thursday night of last week. A frame house adjoining, occupied as a resi dence by Mr. Glover, was also partially burned, nothing but the shell being left. The stock and furniture of both parties was nearly all saved, by the exertion of the fire men and citizens. -- I 'DIE Republican has a stranger story to the effect that a certain newspaper establish ment in this strong'. Radical county has ap plied to the State Committee of that party for a donation of $l,OOO. Which one can it be? It scarcely appears credible that with three thousand majority in the county, any of the Radical organs should be in such re duced circumstances as to require help from abroad. TITE Gazette prints an extract from a pre tended speech of Gen. Blair's, two years ago, and wants the Observer to "disprove its au thority, if it can." The Observer is relieved from all necessity of doing so, by Gen. Blair himself. In If card wrilten by him, a Month ago, which has strangely escaped the Ga zette's notice, he pronounced the extract "a forgery from beginning to end, and its au thor a willful and maliciona liar." DIE Gazette compares dttr two dailies to a rat-terrier and a turtle, "and whether the terrier crunches the turtle's head or the tur tle bites off the terrier's tail—the result will be equally amusing, and faithfully noted by the Gazette." What a sorry joke it Would be If the Gazette should - happen to come into the real of the contending parties, and lose both head and tail in consequence ! AFTER much trial and tribulation, the long talked-of Street Railway is at length . under contract, and we are promised its completion by the middle of November. It will exteud through State and Peach streets, from Sec ond to Federal Hill, and have 'a branch to the Cemetery. DUNLAVV, the keeper of a small gro cery west of the city, WaS aCcitlentally drowned in the, canal near his home on Wednesday of last \reek. Ile leaves a wife and two childr,en. Titan funniest thing ue have sten since the campaign opened is the old Know-Nothing Gazette patting Irishmen on the head and instructing them how to vote. Ton Fair of the Crawford Co. Agricul tural Society will commence at Conneaut rin,2, on the 30111 of September, lasting until Octolvz ARE you ci•rtafn tluit your nano is on the Assessment list ? If not, attend to it at once. Friday of next week is the last day. JACOB SUITEIERS, ESQ., of Cony, will ad dress the club of that city on Friday evening, the 2 - sth inst. Am. wool blankets at Frank 85 State street, only $4.50 a pair. THE new Jewiili itabbi, Rev. Mr. Fuld, Las entered upon his duties. Gi:RMAN DOCUMENTS.—We have received a large supply of,.documents printed in the German language, which will he furnished, free of charge, to any. who want them for distribution. Will. some of out German friends see to having them properly distribu ted ? [ - 0031.31rNICATED.] INTERESTING PRESENTATION. ^ Tuesday evening ttb2d inst.), an interesting presenta tion took place at the residence of Eugene Dietz, Esq.,Motive Power Clerk, Western Di vision Phila. & Erie R. R., who is recently of this city. Mr. Metz's fellow employees and friends purchased at the_well known estab lishment of Joseph Serf, Esq., Ene, Pa.,one of his most excellent sets of Parlor nti ture, complete; they, being aware that he was spending the evening with a neighbor friend, in his absence took possession of his house, arranged the furniture, and organized • the meeting properly. On his return, his sur prise can be more easily imagined than ex pressed. In reply to a most eloquent and effective presentation speech by R. Kane, Esq., Mr. M. acknowledged the surprise and honor in a corresponding and appropriate manner, after which, by the kindness of neighbor friends, refreshments were served, applauded toast s made by Mr. W.F. Andrew, Capt, J. If. Welsh, and others; followed by several select sours, and.all retired highly appreciating the affair. • " Er.r.entic Orb."—This far-famed remedy, made by Dr. Smith, of Philadelphia, is ma king many cures of Deafness, SIR ITheton, fetter, &re Throat, Croup, Piles, Felons, Gathered Bread, Rluntmatim, Sr. It cures the worst tied Headache in TWENTY minutes, as all knort who have tested it. Many Doc tors have tried it personally. Dr. Smith wrote the best Cholera articles that have yet appeared. He also invented , the first " Sugar-coated Pills" ever made, and supplied Druggists in Erie and every other town 25 years ago. The Doctor may be con,- suited, free, at the Reed House. seo'24•lt. [CO3I3LVNICAIEDJ Sons. 25 to 50 laboitng men, employed by a coal firm at the Dock, were called together on Saturday last, to listen to a political speech by one of the firm, who expected to convert all within his hearing. But "nary convert." After an able address a vote was taken, which resulted as follows: For Grant and Colfax, 1, the speaker. For Seymour and Blair, the entire party. The speaker had "business up-town." "Adjourned to meet no more." IGNOBLE. ERIE Co3rsrEncmt. COLLEGE.—This insti tution promises to be one of the most pros perous and practical schOols in the Cnited States. Special private instruction is given to students Ivhose acquirements do not per mit them to enter directly upon the actual business course. For further 'information, call at College rooms, 628 State St., or ad dress J. C. Dolan, Principal, Erie, Va. sp24.lt* &overt Cheivot necyCassinteres and Coat ogsjor fall wear, at JONES Lvvies. agl3-tf ARMED. BRNNETT-ARNES-At the Empire House, Corry, Sept. 13 - , by Rev. J. C. Scofield; Mr. George F. Bennett to Miss Rose M. Ames, • all of Union, Pa. BNuor—BELLtsonit—tAt the same time and place by the same, Mr. William H. Bishop to Miss Jennie Bellinger, both of Union, Pa. 31t:LICIE—STEwAirr—In Corry, on the 17th inst., by Rev. J. C. Scofield, Mr. Frank E. _ Mulkic and Miss Dorlisca M. Stewart, all of that city. CLAIRK-31ATTni.ts=--In Curry, on the 16th inst., by 11ev. J. C. Scofield, assisted by Rev. J. Leslie, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John C. - Clark to Miss - Elizabeth 31. Matthias, both or that city. Cnoss—FnAztr.n—ln Girard, on .the 2d frisk.; by Henry Ball, Esq, Mr. E. A. Cross and Miss Desdemona, Pmzier, both .of Con neaut, Ohio. Noon--G.nIFEY—Io Cennennt, Erie Co., Pa., on the 10th inst., by• Rev. 0. T. Wy man, Mr._L. Wood, of Amboy, 0., to Miss Gr 3l. iffer, • DIED. Rsilm—A% Black's Mils, N. J., on Saturday, Sept. 12th, Dan Rice Reed, son of -Charles 'and Elizabeth Reed, of Girard,Ta., aged 3 years. PATTEnsoN—In NOrthEast, on the 18th inst., at the residence of Mr. Archibald Dancan ther uncle); Velona A., beloved wilt. , of Robert 1)., Pattei,on, of St. LoulL4, 310., aged 35 year..., 1 month and 21 days. knr—On September 16th, in West 3EII Creek, Mrs. Anna Di. Bart, aged 22 years and 1 month. therce k (1113 1 0 Motible column. IT WILL PAY YOU_ TO READ THIS STATEMENT OF FACTS IN REGARD TO THE BUCKEYE A W 0 g MILL AND PRESS THIS MILL IS SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Lir THE FOLLOWING POINTS: Ist.—The Adjustable Throat, adapting the grinding apparatus to all kinds and sizes of Fruit.' 2d.—The Adjustable Grinding Rollers for same purpose. ' M.—The Metallic Box, holding all parte and shrinking grinding apparatus' firmly In place 'without 1. ability of disarrangement from swelling and shrinking of wooden sides and ends. 4th.—The Solid and Compact Frame for 51111 and Press. iith.—The strong Iron Be-BM and Screw, warranted to stand the severest pressure of the Lev.•i 6th.—The most perfect Grinding Apparattut; having the serrated ribs our one roller workiii. against thest might ribs on the other, thus giving a shearing cut, and requiring a smaller eel, sumpt ion of power than with any other Mill. 7tl2.—The Strainer Board under the tub allowing the Cider to pass freely off from the clap and without which great loss in pressing is caused. Made of the best material; finished in the highest style; and most popular Mill made. This is the Mill that thcrunderslgned Sold so extensively last year, and which has given sae: great batLsfaction. It is undoubtedly the best one lu the market. Call and see It—the socr., the better. auX-2.1.t DON'T FORGET THE ELECTION RETURNS, But you shoUld also recollect that the EXPIRE FEED CUTTER - 13 - srJr .A.mr - ro CHEAPESrr N The above eut represents a new and improved four-knife Cutting Box, greatly stiperh.r t‘, any four-knife Feed Cutter in use. Its strength, dumblilty,compactness,self-feeding, adjust abi,• throat and knives, ease of cutting all kinds of feed equally well, different length of cut, operated by hand or horse power, all combined, give the "Empire Feed Cutter" the decided yreferen, over every other four-knife Cutter. Took the First Premium nt the New York State I.lur in is+,2,. We offer them to the public with full confidence that they will give entire satisfaction. COME AND SEE OUR -NEXT CANDID:ATM! STOVES ! We have the Largest and Best Assortment of Stoves in the: City of Erie. All the filTruN varieties. Several entirely new Patents. The ,Cosmopolitan, [New.] This new Cooking Stove leads the market. It is for coal or wood., has galvanized Iron - ervoir ; is equal to the highest priced Reservoir Stoves, and costs ,S,D) less: A superb Cooker Baker, in all respects. Also, THE M.ORNOG GLORY ! THE HORNING GLORY ! And a dozen other vartetiel or the most approved stems, for all purposes. Thit season, Stove stock Is larger, better and cheaper than ever before. The Renowned Stewart Stove. We have the sole agency for Erie of tile renowned Stewart Stove, for kitchen or pn N. er purchase a stove before you see a Stewart, The biggest thing in parlor or office " season la The 'New Stewart rtase-lEturner. Perfection as near as a Stove can be. The Stewart Base Burner is handsome, economic,' !latent, reliable, easy to manage, and, to short, is the be.st possible combination of the luval ble Stewart patent with the best base burning models. • The Morning Glory--formerly Littlefield—Base Bnrnint RIOT Air?. FURTTACE ! • Greatly improved since last season. This, the best of - all Hot Air Furnaces, Ls now marine,- Lured In Erle, by Barr, Johnson & Co., and we have the solo Retail Agency for this sect ten. A base burning Furnace is the only proper kind. The base burning Improvement Is even Illo] •• essential to a Furnace than a stove. Among our many home endorsements L 9 the follow inn , : The Littlefield (now Morning Glory Base Burning) Furnace, has been used by us in our r, - deuces during the pant year, and we heartily endorse it in every respect (gnat to the gUaral , of W. W. Pierce ,t Co., from whom we ( - Mtained it. Capt. J. S. Richards, W. S. Brown, 1 , 0 'Moorhead, H. W. Spooner, S. A. Davenport, B. Grant, NN • J. F. Liddell, Robert Evans, Brown, B. Minlum and 20 others. GIRARD TESTPXONY.—The undersigned, citizens of (ilrard, cheerfully endorse the above. , S. Battles, James Webster, W. C. Culbertson, Henry 3lcConnell. We have a very large and well selected stock of Hardware, House Furnishing Goods, and Agricultural Implements; Our stock ls complete. It is nearly double in extent and varlet v to that of former years. Prices the most reasonable. Go(xis the most reliable. Come and -ee us. au27-3132 mum murr. Co. Live Stock Insurance Co. Organized by electing the following officers: JOSEPU2McCARTEII, President. S. H. F.Y, Vice President. M. ILABTLEB, Treasurer. G. T, CHURCHILL, Secretary. J. BLEY.NER, Geneml Agent. DIRECTORS: D. S. Clark, H. Jareckl, Joseph Blenner, • C. Bustelt, M. Hartle"), F. Schneider, R.M. Johnson, G. T. Churchill, J. Hearn, Joseph McCarter. S. H. Kelsey, Henry C. Shannon This Company la organized with A Capital Stock of Fifty Thousand Dollarm. The office or this Company will be kept for the present in the "Dime Savings Bank," Keystone Bank Building, and they are pre pared to issue policies on liberal terms to all who have stock to insure. au2O-3111 DISCHARGE IN BANKRUPTCY. 1 N THE:DISTRICT COURT-of the Milted States for the Western District of Penn'a. J Ransom J. Morrison, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, IStrr; having ap plied for a discharge from all is debt' and oth er claims provable under said Act, by older,of the Court notice is hereby given to ail pctsous who have proved their debts, and other persons interested, to appear on the sth ,day of Nov., MS, at 10 o'clock, A. M., before S, E. Esq. Register, in the Court liouse, at Erie, Pa., to show came, if any they have, why n dis charge slmuld not bo granted to the saki bank rupt. Ai d. further notice is hereby eft en that the second and third meetings of Traitors of the said bankrupt, required by the '.rith and %tit sections of said Act, will be hadcCAls'l3LE before the said Register at the same S. timo M and place. C. KS, Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District. sepl7-fit DISCHARGE Pi RiIib3II7PTCY. N THE DISTRICT COURT of the United I States, for the Western District of Penn's. Jerome B. Morrison, a bankrupt under the Act. of Congress of March 2.f1, 1867, having applied for a discharge from all his debts and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court notice is hereby given to all persons who have proved their debts and others interested, to appear on the sth day of Nov:, 1855, at 10 o'clock, A. M. before S. E. Woodruff, Esq., Reg ister, in the Court House, Erie, Pa., to show cause if any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said bankrupt. And fur ther notice is hereby given that the second and third meetings of creditors of the said bank nipt, required by the 27th anti 25th heet ions of said Act, will be had before the said lto_dster at the sante nine and place. it. C. Mc-CANI , I ,I :s.s, Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District. fiepl7-2t BLANKS! BLANKS !—A complete assort BLANKS! BLANKS!—A completo 11,0 meat of every kind of Blanks needed by 13 meat of every kind of Shuts need*. a Attorneys, Justices, Constables and Business Attorneys, Justices, Constables and' Ruin Men, for sale at the Observer office. Men, for sale at the Observer office. CIDER- AND WINE 8 IS TIIE STOVES ! NV. AV. PIERCE CO.. No. 6 State Street, Erie, Pa FAIKERS READ ! Mercier• Flexible Harrow. IstrE FOLLOWING COMMUNICATIONS ft c): Well known citizens explana Us merits : LETTER FROM gErt. EILLYATRICK. I hereby certify that I have used the "Mere', r Flexible narrow ". the right of which for tlm, County is owned CaPt. John It Welsh, ati.l find that I Can accomplish one-third more with this machine 'than with any other I am a..- qua-tilted 'With. It combines the qualitits of lightness, cheapness and durabliity, and is th., most perfect barrow that I hay to ever seen. It can be easily changed into a cultivator-for Cm a and any boy lame enough to drive a team tali readily and easily take a 6 anarLand put it to gether again. I most cheerfedly recommend my friends gad acquaintances to buy this ]0:1- chine, as .consider It altogether therst tit use. lib risk Is incurred by Use purchase, at, buyer will have ample opportunities of tr:. before paying for lt. I have purchased - a !far row and a farm right. JOAN East Mill Cret I. • LED11:11 FROM DR. JOISD S. CARTER. /laving witnessed the operation of this Ilan- row nt t he trial on the laud of Gen. Killpatrie . :, on the 13tH of June, I have no hesitation in sa - lug that I belleve - It to ben very superior lin pi— ment of its class, and quite worthy the at:Le:l -lion of all who have occasion to use such an 0. - tide. Its tfoxibtilty—wlitch causes it to mho) . itself closely to the surface of the ground, le,‘, ever rough or uneven it may be, Is a reale, much importance, and one that diStinguls , this from all other Harrows. There are al,, other peculiarities in Its construction whe . l will be readily perceived by the nitviligent for mer, and which will doubtless tend, vie long, ti bring it into general use. I have purchased ont of these Harrows for use on trry land. JON S, cutTriz. Manufactured and sold 1)5 , the taiderNkrn. I who guarantees the Harrows to give entire: Is:action. JOHN 11. WELSH, Welsh House, near Phila. & Erie shop , . Jy2116,-tf Erie, ALE BREWERY GEO. L. liAirEit , Formerly with Onthout .t Baker Itoetu,:, having taken the well known Brewery ou French Street, below Fourth, Erie, I'4- Fonnerly f ocenpled by Wm. Jacobi, wont' i• form his old nennalntances and the pub' io rally that he is unw brewing avery , up •11 , quality of From his long expert& u u•;: Uliform he Is fully prepitrol best of Dealert are Inv Itea t,, 119-ly OEO. 1.. I; IKI ti r 1 STOVES