W Pio , NEW PRESSES, An SUPERIOR WORKMEN. ERIE OBSERVER Or. PRINT ] A4t)' le) -North T iWest Coiner of State Street and the Park. MOST COMPLETE 11ANNT112, Job Printing of Every Description In a style of unsurpassed neatness and at prices to compete with any other oMee in the North West. Our PRESSES tira of the r , iclazioaciewlfiviaooctool •)nr Ty; gall NEW, and of the NEATIFIsT STYLF- 4 4, and our Woaxatal equal to any in the enun try. With the Machlnery and Material we now possess, we feel fully warranted in claiming that NO OEFICE In the weittern Part of the State EXCELS, and . ' only one or two equal us, In facilities for turning out work In a RIPID .AND SATISFACTORY MANNER 1:►1•~ ~i :41s _il rf mss) i ti •~ ' ti Received, and work warranted not to be interior to that done in the Eastern cities Cards, Letter and Bill Heads, Circulars, Statements, And all She lands of work in use by Business Men ENGRAVING, LITHOGRAPHING, &c. We have mule arrangements with the largest and beat establishment In Buffalo for procuring any sort of Engraving that may be needed, In as good style and at A LESS PRICE TITAN IF THE ORDER WAS SENT TO THEM DIRECT Buildings, Machinery, Seals, Autographs, Maps, Portraits, &e., ey entrusting them to us will be assured of a good piece of work in the most prompt and satisfac tory manlier. Engravings furnished either on Wood, Stone or -Metal. Book Binding, Rifling , Ace. In thin department we have facilities that are unsurpassed. Persona having printing to be done that requires Ruling or Binding in connection, will find it-to their interest to entrust it to us. We will guarantee that it shalt be performed in a workmanlike manner, and that the charge will he as moderate as can he afforded. The liberal patronage extended to this Mike during the inst two years has eneouraged us to make every effort possible to deserve the favors of our Minds, and we now take ••rutitl cation in informing them and the public that we have succeeded In fitting up an establishment equal to every requirement of the community, . We are determined to compete with the beat, and only ask a trial to aidisfy any one that we claim no more than we nrejustly entitled to. 141EGV.A.1.4 131_4 21.:INKS. • (!caodntly on hand a full supply of Attorney's, Justices of the Peace and Constable'm Blanks, of the mint appmved forms. Also, BLANK NOTAI'di of every kind and RECEIPTS. , Ingle or lu Looks. R. 8: MORRISON, Saylnt removed his +deck of goods to the store la t the Reed House formerly occupied by News. Monell,,Stephens fi Wildey, takes Plea sure In, announcing to his old customers and the citizens of Erie generally, that ho has open ed out a NEW AND SELECT STOCK Dry Goods,Dress Goods, &e., For Spring and Summer Wear I intend to keep at all times the best goods in the market, and a fitilassortment of everything In my line. Purchasers east always do better by buying ut me than by going East. Remember the phtee, No. 6 Reed House, South side of the Park 11. S.-MORRISON. isplG4t . Asiignce in Bankruptcy. TN TB DISTRICT COritT of the linit,4l Slate., for the Western Itlstrict of I'enn'a., the matter of Pearson Clark, bankrupt. The Undersigned hereby gh notiee of appoint ment. wens:4;olm of Pension Clark; of Erie, in the county of Erie and State of Pennsylvania, within said district, who ham been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the Dig triCt Vourt of waid district, dated at Erie, Pa., Aug. 18, A. D. 189 t IlENRY 3i. itiliLET, Assignee au2o-3t fl Aiii% at Law , No. 13:3 Peach St , Erie, Pa. Assignee in Bankruptcy. TN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United L State., (or the Western District of Penn's., in the matter of Wm. II: Czulker, bankrupt. The undersigned hereby gives notice of the ap. poirittneut as assignee of Win. IL Cralker, of LeEkeutr, in the ,county of Erie and State of Penn'it, within said district who has been ad judged a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said dtstriet, dated at Erie, Pa., Aug. 19, A. D. ItsGS. HENRY M. RIBLET, Assignee atabit , Atty. at Law, No. I=l Peach St., Erie, I l i. Having fitted op our °Mee In the We are preparetl to do ORDERS FOR Special attention given to the printing of Parties wanting Cuts of SIECTITtirrv - Lite Insurance Co., Assets, Dec. 1, 1867, $1,286,390.24 BUFFALO, N. Y. VIOL This certifies that we, the undersigned have • examined into the merits of the SECUIUTY LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, and believe It 1 to be sound„rellable and equal to the beat In America. Sidney Shepard it. Co., Wholesale Hardware Dealers. A. F. Tripp, gnu of Sidney Shepant & Co. islmons Y Crimey, COMIIIiSHIOI/ Merchants. Dudley. k Co., 011 Refiners. F. P. Berke, Farmers' at Mechanics' Nat. Bank. G. A. Williams " " J. 0. Holman cr: Co., (iddsmlths and Jewelers. Simon Ned', Boot and Shoe Dealer. F. F. Curry, Supt. Forest Lawn Cemetery. George F. Lee, Atteruey and Counselor. Cyrus P. Lee, tie Co. Savings Bank. Joseph L. Fairchild, Register In Bankruptcy. All persons desiring insurance will do well to call on M. M. MOORE, Erie, Pa., attl3,l-t4 DISCHARGE IN BANKRUPTCY. TN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United 1 States, for the Western District of Pennsyl vania. James -A. Bliss, a bankrupt. under the - Aet - or - Congreat of arch-2d,M 186'7, havtng applied for a discharge tram all Act, ebts *nil other elalmis provable under said by order of the. Court, notlee -is hereby given to all per sons Who have proved. their debts, and other persons interesteditoappear on the Mit day of Sent,- OW,' at. 9 o'cdoele," A. M., before S. E. woodruff Esq., Rogistanat his office inthe city of Erie, Pa., to show rause, if any they have, why a disclaim) should nut-be granted to the said bankrupt. And farther, notice is hereby given that thestxtord, and third meetings of creditors of the timid bankropt, required by the 27th and 231.1) - sections of q••-Id Act, will ho had 'before the sai d , Register at the saute time and place. S. C. MCCANDLESS, Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District. ag2.-24 NEW 'Y OR ll'. General Agent for Western Pa. COUNTRY micluarris White Men Mast Bale America. 9 CLUBS FOE I!3OB—CLIThIS FOB 1888. roix.xxisriarv.*. The Best New York Weekly Putt Mewl. Farmers and Others, NEW YORK DAY BOOK ! pun isos. I CONSIGN YOrK IHxf S, nEnswAx, BEAS. nurnat, CIIEWE, EGUN, FIAMII. AND DIFAL, FLAX, COTTON, FURS AND SKINS, DRIED AND GREEN FRUITS, GIL&IN, WOOL, GAME, POUL- TRW, NAVAL STORES, HOPS, OINGSENG, FEATHERS, HEMP, PROVISIoss. OILS, LARD, TALLOW, SORGHUM, :§IOLASSES, ETC., . JOSIAH - CARPENTER, Gen'l Commission Merchant 442, 444 and 446 Washington St. 'SEW YORK CITY, And receive his weekly Price Current of Pro duce and Groceries, the most complete Price Current published In the United States. SEND TR A PRICE CURRENT. Marking Piles and Furnished Free. Liberal Adrauees Made on Consignments. ESTABLISHED MAY 1, IRE First class references given when required. mhl9'67 LATEST & BEST! '/ 11E GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION Button Hole, Oversenming EEO SEWING MACHINE I is warranted to execute inthe best num ner every variety of Sewing, Hemming, Felting Cording,tucking, Braiding, Oath ering, Overseaming, Embroider ing on the edge, anti in addition makes beautiful Button and Eyelet Holes In all rattily++. • IT lIASI NO EQUAL Being absolutely the best Family Machine In the World, and Intrinsically the Cheap est, for it is two Machines combined In one by a simple and beautiful mechanical ar rangement. Circulars with full particulars and sam ples of work done'on this machine, can be had on application at the BALF}-ROOMS OF THE COMPANY, South-West Corher of Elaventh end Chestnut Ms, PHILADELPHIA Instructions given on the Machine gra tuitously to all purchasers. A.4G - Jp....rwrs To Sell this Machine .:1 C. R. Kingsbury, 714 State Street St., Erie, Agent for Erie, Warren and Crawford counties. Jal6'6B-Iy. NEW LOCATION G. P. TP_A_NTIS Itas removed to Whittich's Block, corner of State and Tenth Streets, Erie, Pa., where he has opened a LARGELY INCREASED STOCK . Ot 41rocerier, Fruits,' Vegetables, Provisions and everything rumally kept In a first-class grocery establishment- We are determined not to be surpassed, and Invite all who want any thing in our line to call, feeling assured that we shall Waldo to give satisfaction both as to qual ity of goods and prices. Country Produce Bought and Sold. NVe have opened a COMMISSION DEPARTMENT, fo which we ask the attention of those having Produce ta dispose of. We pledge ourselves to secure the highest market price Or all articles entrusted to our care. DE.I.LERS IN THE ADJOINING TOWNS, And on the Lines of Railroad. Supplied with FRUITS,' VEGETABLES, ETC apr2l3-tf. TSE UNDERSIGNED, Having purehuseil the Interest of the Messrs Vineents in the FLOUR AND FEED BUSINESS Of the late firm, sronld respectfully solicit a contLnuance of favor from the friends and pa trons iable of the house, and the public In general, e pledgin'g h im and re self that he will at all times try to sllgol Flour, Food and Grain ! At the lowest price for cash in hand. Prom my long experience in this branch of tho trade, I trust I know what the public demand, and that I am prepared to meet that want. Returning tny thanks to the public for their liberal patronage to me in the past, I hope by strict attention to my business and their wants, to merit a continuance of their patronage in the future. THE MWNG, FLOUR, 'FEED, AND GRAIN BUSINENS, Will be continued, In all Ha departments, at the ERIE MILLS, PARADE STREET, and the Store, EAPST PARK ILOW, Between Brown's Witel and Reed House. Where the public will and a good stock always for sale, with competent and polite men on band to supply their wants. ap2787-13. - H. B. HAVERSTICK. VatlM 31Ali73Latl WOItIC.S. M. A. DIATNING, No:1016- Peach Street, between 10th and - 1 1 th, Erie, Pa. Monuments, Tombstones, -Marble and Slate Mantles, &c. - I have on band a largo assortment of monu ments and headstones of various styles, In American and Italian marble, and a corps of the best workmen In the State. All orders will be promptly attended to and satisfaction guar anteed. :Ay work is warranted unsurpassed, and I cannot be undersold by any one. Orders and inspection of 'stock and-prices solicited. GERMAN SAYINGS INSTITUTION, Corner Eighth and state f3te., OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. This Institution is now open for the trunsne• tion of business. - OFYICR Hourcs: 9A.M. to P. Si. SATURDAYS: A. M. to 8 P. M. Gin Per Cent. Interest will be Given by this Institatlon to Regular Depositors. IDIRECTORS: J. Elchenlaub, P. A. Becker, F. P. Liebe], F. Schneider, John Oenshelmer. • • OFFICERS: John Gen5hehner....—.—........-.—..—.President. Matthew Schlaudeeker, —Treasurer. F. Schneider, niky767-Iy. L. 13. CII.EVA.I.InTt, DESIGNER & DECORATIVE .ARTIST! -- • - Neatest, Cheapest, And -"lost Sign Painting West of Now York City. Parlors, Frescoed In thermatestgtyle of the att. - General Deilitnfngg, Dint 1t g cillitodeis for the Patent Office, and every. deserititton of Orna. mental Painting executed promptJy. Rooms In Farrar Slit , No. 8, second Coot opirB7-CL The New Vor k I/ay-Book is a straight forward Itadical Democratic paper, with a larger circu lation than any other Democratic journal ever published on this contineni. and It enters on the threshold of MIS more prosperous and mote hopeful of the great. cause MlAllolds than ever before. Standing on the Declaration of Inde pendence, that "all (white) men are equal," and therefore entitled to equal rights, It Is opposed to all forms and degrees of special legis la tion that conflict with this grand central truth of Democracy, and over all and above all, does It combat that monstrous treason to American liberty, which, thrusting the negro element In to our political system must of necessity wreck the whole mighty fabric left us by our fathers. God has created white men superior and De grees luferior, and therefore all the efforts of the past six years to abolish His work and. equalize with negroes—every law violated, eve ry* State Constitution overthrown, every life Sacrificed and every dollar expended, are ne cessarily Just so ninny steps towards national suicide; and the ti n pie and awful pro t. tem now upon us Is just this—shall we recover our rea son and retrace our steps, or march on to Mon grelism, social anarchy, and the total ruin of our country. The Day Book, therefore, demands the resto ration of the "Chien as it was"—a Union of co equal States upon the white basis, as the only hope, and the only means posible under heaven for saving the grand ideas of 1775, and the fund amental priciplea of American liberty, and If the real freemen, and the earnest, believers In that sacred and glorious cause In which the men of the Revolution offered up their lives, will now labor to expose the ignoranee,delusion and treason of the Mongrel party It will sue• meal, and the white Republic of 'Washington be restored again in all -its original influence and grandeur. The Day Book will, however, hereafter be more than ever devoted to all the varted.purpo ses of a news paper. Conscious that It reach es thousands of families who take no other Journal, beyond perhaps their local paper, it will continue and Improve Its "News of the Week" Summary, so tat to present a transcript of the World's events in each Issue. Its "Fam ily Department" will embrace the best original and selected stories. Its "Agricultural Depart ment" will be fully sustained, and being the onlylpaper of its class made up expressly for country circulation, it Is confident it Is worth double the price of a weekly hurriedly reprint ed from a daily. It gives full and complete re ports of the New York and Albany (tittle Mar. 'kets; Grain, Provisions and Cotton Markets, and a Weekly review of Financial matters, to gether with the markets, by telegraph, from New Orleans , Cairo, Charleston, Philadelphia, tte., &c., up to time of going to press. Tanna—Cash is Advance, One copy one year Three copies one year 5 50 Five copies - one year, and one to the getter up of the club • 10 (1) Ten copies ono year, and one to the getter upp bf the club 17 50 Additional copies 1 75 Twenty copies one year, and one to the get ter up of the club 80 00 TOBACCO, SEEDS, Specimen copies sent free. Send for a copy. Address, giving post office, county and State In full, VAN EVRIE, HORTON &CO decl2. No 162 Nassau St.. New Yor'k. Com of Penn and Si. Clair Streets, The Largest, Cheapest end most Successful Practical Business College Fifteen Thousand Students From Thirty* - Three States In Ten Years FOR LARGE QUARTO CIRCULAR, Containing full information, Outline-of Course of St udy, samples of Cowley's Premium Penmanship, View of the College Building, diffarent De partments, City of Pittsburgh, ete.,ete., address the Principals, my 9ag James I'. Crook, hriving taken In his son, Jas. E., as n partnO, on the Ist (Ingot April, ISM, un der the Ilrm umne of James Y. Crook & Son, de sires to have n 'settlement of his old accounts. All persons knowing ..themselves indebted to him ewe requested to call and settle without de lay. Dealers in ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER, And Manufacturers of WINDOW SASH, FRAMES, DOORS at BLINDS. Mouldings and Picket Fence, Scroll Sawing, Matching and Planing done to order. Shop on Peach St., Between Fourth and Fifth fibs., Erie, Pa. We respect CORI , call the attention of the pub lic to our facilities for doing work In the best of style, promptly and on reasonable terms. Hav ing fitted up entirely new shops, with superior machinery, we feel con fi dent of giving satisfac tion. Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. MyiNGI-tf. JAMES P. CROOK & SON. National Claim Agency Office In Farrar Hall Building, Eric, Pa. All claimants for extra bounty allowed by late acts of Congress, can have the same promptly collected by sending their discharges to me, the receipt of which will be promptly acknowledg ed and Instructions returned. INCREASE OF PENSIONS. SLS per month for the total loss of use of either leg or arm, Insteral of SS. $2 per month for each minor child of deceased soldiers or seamen. Also, other increases. ADDITIONAL FOR VOL. OFFICERS of U.S. A. Three months pay proper for all in service March 3d, and discharged after April Loth, IRS. Claims cashed. Claims for arrears of pay, and pensions and bounty, promptly collected. Unequalled (vicin ities for closing and completing claims. Allow ance to prisoners of war collected. Only agency in North-Western Pennsylvania where years of experience In the U. H. Treasury can be found, Thankful for the very liberal patronage be stowed In the past We hope by increased expe rience and unremitting attention to patrons, to secure thelreontiphed favor. office in Farrar Rail Building. Address. au7'6fl-t f. FOR THE FARMERS. SIIEEP • SHEARS.—Wilklnson's best, and Strong's Parent Sheep Shears. WOOL TWINE, In any quantity GIUNI) STONES,—^3) tons Tkreo and tako Iluron SCYTllll9.—Gmss and Grain, of the last ma kers. GRAIN fißADLES.—Grapevine aunt Maley, complete with Scythes. HAY FORM—Two nod three tined HOES, SLOvels, Spades, Manure Forks and May Knives, for sale by , = EAGLE FOUNDRY, Wadi Strmt, above the Buffalo Road, /3/..INRIC, Intr.A.N r r aL CUP., NANUFACTIMERS OF PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, THE CELEBRATED CURTIS PLOW! And all of Iron Castings. Every Stove sold by us is warranted to give satisfaction. Kettles, Sleigh Shoes, Sad Irons, de., on hand and manufactured to order. Plows and Plow Points of superior make and durabili ty always on hand. A. call and a fair trial of our articles is all we ask. HENRY. BEINAIs'T 5,C0. .TAS. A. BLISS, DEALER IN AND SHIPPER OF ; Vegetables and Provisions, rortuvrtg, ace., No. 22 East'Fifth Street, Erie, Pa. I would call the attention of the public to the fact that I taw SeU Goods on Commission. Particular attention paid to that business, and tolorwanling to dealers all kinds of Vege tables, Fruits, &e. Flour, Feed & Produce Store, Eleventh and State Streets, • To which he asks the attention of all who need anything In his line. - lie will deal In every thing In the And warrants his goods to be eqiutl to the best In the market. air The highest. market price In cash paid for all kinds of country produce. np 9- PITTSBURGH, PA IN THE UNITED STATES ism - rrit a: COAVI,M-Y, Pit tsburgh, Pa NEW FIFt,3I. .1.1.31 ES P. , CROOK 4: SON, PEILLE:Y'S SOLDIERS' BOUNTY S. TODD PERLEY Lock Box 101. Erie. Pa 3. C. SELDEI4I, 5Z3 French Street. ERIE, PA C. J. IMITGLEHABT- Has opened a new at the Corner of PRODUCE LINE, I. BICIEENLA.IIB & CO., MANUFACTUREM OF BOOTS 85 SHOES ! No. 02S Stsite Street. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. We have Just finished, and k ‘ reparel (or pub. lie inspection, a mammoth st4)lt k rd hoots, Move, Gaiters,ltubbers, etc. embracing every descrip tion and variety of kinds, and which f or style, quality and finish cannot he surpassed In the market all of which arc offered at late reduced rates. We also pay especial and strfct atten tion to CUSTOM WORK For which the finest collection of Leathers are kept on hand, and every facility is secnred for accommodating customers promptly, and In a style to render perfect satisfaction. Particular attention Is also directed to our WHOLINALE DEPAI&TMENT, No. 8 West Seventh Street, Where we manufacture at Wholesale, Men's Boys', Ladies', Mimes', and Children's Boots, Shoes, Galten, etc., of every variety and kind. Having latelY enlarged oar manufactory by the addition of now builtiltuo and improved mo ehinery, we are prepared to supply the Trade on short notice and nt the lowest market prices. Adjoining this department are connected our 1 WILOLMILE LEATHEII AND FINDINGS ROOMS! Embracing French, German and American Oaf Skins, of best and varied brands,'Slaughtier and Spanish Sole Leather, French and Ameri can Mans of all colors anti prices. With our Increased facilities we can, sell as low as any Eastern manufacturer, and Make to order any kind of work wanting by the Trade. Thdnkful for the past liberal, patronage of the public, we respectfully solicit, a continuance of the same. se2G-tf. J. EICIIENLAUB CHEAP CASH STORE. . 1%1 IMT N Or , (N of Bth and Estate Sta., C 1231113 Groceries and Provisions, Wood, Willow and Stone Ware, And everything that Is usually kept In a First Class Family Grocery. ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH The best brands of Erie County Flour, Alwaya on Hand. Call and examine prle 414- Goods delivered free In any part of the city or South Erie., oe3-tl. J. W. A. 'V' It V. ti; , Wholesale and Retell Dealer, in Furniture Having purchased the entire stock of Furni ture of Messrs. Moore & Riblet, I respectfully ask my old customers and the public generally to give me a call at the old stand NO. 715 STATE STREET, Before purchasing o e r law e i n ic t rr: 4 I have a large Parlor, Chamber and Bed Room Sets All3O, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLES, RDROBE4, DESKS, And, In fact everything In the line of Furniture. I am preparo tomanufacturetoorder anv style that may be galled for. Remember, No. 715 State street, east aide, between Seventh and Eighth streets. ap,75'67-tf. JOHN W. AYRES. FIRST-CLASS PIANOS! LOUIS BERGE & CO., Manufacturers of FIRST-CLASS AGRAFFE OVERSTRUNG PIANO-1 7 1311TES WAREBOODES, 97 ELME= STREET. These Pianos arc recommended by the most, emlnentjudges, and are, for power, fulinesa,elas- Hefty of touch and durability, unsurpassed by any pianos made in this country. OVARAICTEED FOR FIVE TEARS. Illustrated Cidalogue and. Price List sent by mail on application. febl3lZ-ly. GREAT REDUCTION IN I'IIICEIS E. M. COLE & SON WILL BIND liarpera' and similar Magazines, e..!, , 7§ rents per volume. Ckxley's, and similar Magazines, at, 51.00 per 'volume. llarper'a and Frank Leslie's papers, at $2,25 per year. • We are also making and selling 1 st; nlc Sookt ! REDITCED PRICES S Bindery over Keystone ;National Bank. ear. ner State and Bth streets.. nip M-11. NEW BOOK BINDERY AND • Blank Book Manufactory! • WO would respectfully announce to the public that we have opened a • 1300 I: BINDERY, and are prepared to do work In any branch of the business. BLANK BOOKS! Of all kinds, on hand and made to order, mid ruled to any pattern desired. MAGAZIN'ES AND OLD BOOKS, Boundaud repaired ha the best style BINDERY OVER 'Keystone Bth onal Bank, _Corner State and 8t Streets Erie, Pe. =I EIM Lancaster IntelligenCer THE 'LARGEST AND CHRAPiST Democratic Journal In Pennsylvania! • The Lancaster Intelligencer, established in DS%has always been known as a ilrst-class Po litical and Family , Newspaper. The Weekly Intelifeencer Is now the hugest Democratic pa per published in Pennsylvania. It has lately been greatly ; improved in all respects, and Is Just e such a paper as every Democrat should tak. The publishers of the Intelligencer regard it to be the duty of every ]democrat to support Ms county papers in preference to any other ; butes there are many who will be likely to subscribe for more than one paper during the pending Presidential campaign, they have concluded to offer the Weekly Intelligences at the follow ing low rates: tousle copies, one year, VA; Five copies to,ce, Ten copies 817,00; Twenty copies MOO; Thirty copies 545,00; Fifty copies, to one address, WOO: Eighty cople_s, to one address, Otal,oo, j wi iy In; teingeneer $.1,00 per aum. igiir Persons wishin go sell teal estate can And no better advertising medium than the Weekly Intelligencer. Ad&eas • U. O. SMITH & CO. Laneader, Pa. ERIE CITY IRON WORKS, The Bradley Engine Double Cylinder Engine, ur_4llp.il , l twasr.:"A m FIiTY TO ONE HUNDRED FER CENT. More power than a single C.t Under Engine using the same amount of Steam. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS ! OIL STILLS AND TANKS! CIOCULAI2 , SA.wmnr.-Ls EOM Mri. John B. .Perkins 9 MANUFACTURER OF CONIPECTIONERIV.S I AND DEALER IN Foreign & Domestic Fruits, ETC., NO. 829 STATE ST., CORNER : NINTH, ERIE, PENNA. - . Pine Apples, Oranges, Leurns, Peaches, STRAWBERRIES, ETC., - Always on hand In their season. , Parties promptly furnished with every de scription of CRI ME, PYRAMIDS, ICE.S. ETC., ETC. The nicest store west of New York. apM-tf. 2,500,000 Customers in Pour Years PATRONIZE THE BEST. H A l m] g u h , e en larges t, cap 1, most_ • , and exte l n t s a ive trade of concern in the Dollar Sale business, we Guarantee Satisfaction to every Instance, and also the hest selection of •tioods ever offered at . No other concern has any show wherever our Agents are selling. Our motto, "Prompt and Reliable." Male and female agents wanted in city and country•. TIE LADIES Are particularly requested to try our popular club,ystem of selling all kinds of Dry and li'an cy Goods, Dress Patterns, Cotton Cloth, Castors, Silver Plated Goods, Watches, ix. (Established DM.) A. patent pen fountain and a check de scribing an article. tobe sold for a dollar, 10 eta; 2.0 for V; 40 for II4; 03 for SG; 100 for S 10; sent by mail. Free presents to getter up, (worth 50 per cent. more than those sent by any other con cern,) according to size of club. Send us a trial club, or if not do not fall to send for a circular. N. B.—Our sale should not be classed with New York dollar jewelry sales or bogus "Tea Companies," as it Is nothing of the sort. EASTMAN & KENDALL, Jel-3m* Si Hanover St., Boston, Mass. - Authorized Capital 8600,000 TBE SECOND NATIONAL BANE opened for business on. MONDAY, DECEMBER 12TH, 1861, In the banking-office previously occupied by the. Merchant's Bank, Brown's Building, north-east corner of State street and public Park. WM. L. SCOTT, C. CURRY. CLYt.sh. DIRECTORS WM. L. SCOTT, of firm of J. Hearn & Co., Coal lers. JOS. U'CARTER, of firm of Belden, Bliss & eCarter, Builders. GEO. J. MORTON, Coal Dealer. W. S. BROWN, Agent Buffalo & Erie It. R. JOHN C. BlJitfik.'SS, of firm of Clemerur,Cangh .y dr. Burgess, Wholesale Grocers. 0. E, cRouCH, of firm of Crouch & Bro., Flour erchants. M. It. BARR, of firm of Barr, Johnson &. Sea .. n Stove Manufacturers. F. k 'FARRAR, of firm of Gray Jr Farrar, • holesale Grocers. • J. DREISIGAKER, Grocer, JUST OPENED A now and well selected stock of Stoves,' Tin, Japanned, Brittania and House Pnrnisking Goods Generally We also have a large and well arranged shop, with all the modern improvements for manu facturing tin ware of every description, and with a corps of competent workmen, under the supervision of Mr. C. Avery (who has had many years experience in city work). Wear° kitty pre pared le do Job work of all kinds with neatness and dl ate Are well posted in setting hot air furnaces, rooting, etc. Call and see us and ex amine our stock. - tub/913-15. Erie City Steam Bakery ! Manufacturers of all kinds of, Crackers, Bread, Cake, Also, the celebrated " EXCELSIOR" CRACKERS, And sole manufacturen; of the patent "NOVELTY DROPS." Factory, corner State and 3d Sts., Eric, Pa ray2l-tf 1 NEW PERFUME FOR TUE ILLIDRERCUIEF I•halon , s . “Ilight TBlooming Cverus.99 Phalan•. •• Aistat Clloamiug Cereas., Pholoohi - •• Night Blooming Contemn, Phalaiaor ••ligst Bloonfing Corms.” Malden , * " :Vigils Uloorei?gg Cerens.9, A mod exquisite. delicate, and Fragrant Perfume, distilled from the awe and beautiful dower frau , which It takes Its tiaras. bubufacturvi only by - PRIALLON & SON, Now York. ASR FOR PHALON'S-TAlit NO OTIIER. Country Produce, Groceries, Proyisious, E. M: COLE & SON Tobacco, Crockery Ware, Fruits, Nub:, .tc West aide, between Bth and 9th Streets, Erie, ,Pa. Cash paid for cot/airy produc, F. W.LBEIL my 2441. W. PIRLIART LETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the estate of Fmnk /fanner, deceased, having been been granted to the undersigned ; notice is _hereby given to all Indebted to said estate to matte Immediate payment, and those having claims- against the same will present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. C..1)3A.1t 111751ILLE JACOB LIEnEr.,, Exerutors. 13 4 4 w (OR PRINTING of every kind, In large or J ernall quantalwt, phalli or colored, done In the best style, and nt moderate prices, at the Observer Orden. BLANKA! BLANIPM—A. complete sunort went of every kiwi of Blanks needed by Attorneys, instlees, _Constables and Business Men, for into at the observes Mee. Entm. MANUFACTURERS OF ANow Compound or Which And Is Warranted to give OF ALL 81YLES of all I)eserlptlons And HEAD BLOCKS. Ono 'Dollar Each. CAPITAL PAW IN $200,000 PORCELAIN. WARE CISTERN AND WELL PUMPS, CM PATTERSON & AVERY, 447 French St., Erie, Pa W. J. SANDS & CO., Proprietors. , &o. SL - c., BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS F. A. WEI3E.II dt. CO.. C3n2MEM WINES; LIQUORS, SUGARS, No.l3l.4f,Staite.Street, Executors' ?Notice. Hoop Skirt & Corset Depot! AT TIM New York Hoop Skirt Manufactory, 70()r4 MTA'Ji7 mrr. Neal, Light, Fashionabl Cheap. SPRING STYLES ! NATHAN COUF.N respectfully informs the ladies of Erie and surrounding country that lie has on hand a large assortment of l loop Skirts, of all sizes and styles, of his own make, and manufactured of the best flexible steel and material, which he will guarantee equal to any in the market. Having had considerable expe rience in the business, lie is confident or his ability to give entire satisfaction to all those Who may favor him with a call. If any of him make will break within ono year, limy will be repaired, and no charges made. Old Skirts repaired, altered and shaped as new. New Shirts made to order at the shortest notice. A splendid and large stock of all kinds of Corsets and Corset Steels constantly kept on hand. Country merchants supplied at the very lowest rates. 'NATHAN COHEN, Ja2-tl. No. ItiM State street, Erie, Pa. 1L~(1 . " THE WORLD." At the opening of the year ISGS, "The World" challenges, more confidently than ever, the sympathy and support of ail patriotic citizens. A'glorlous work has been gloriously begun.— Beep already answers deep. The long fidelity of this Journal to the cause of liberty protected by law stands nobly vindicated In a splendor of victory shining front Maine to California. Con necticut, Ohlo, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, New York, have thundered forth their verdict upon the misrule and mfalness of the past. But touch more remains to be done. Never was the peril of the country greater. The Radicalparty still decrees the death of representative self-govern ment in ten sovereign States. Armed with mil itary despotism and wholesale Negro Suffrage, desperately grasps at a permanent lease of power, In defiance of public opinion, at the cost of enormous taxes and of crippled Industries, at the cost of 'Union and Pizee. To the great battle still to be fought '''The World'. will give all its paints, all its energies. It asks of its irlends in their turn as much ; it asks of therntriore readers and a wider influ ence. It asks this with confidence in its claims as a newspaper' and as , un organ of opinion. The chief use of a Newspaper is to give Its readers ALL THE NEWS. For this the facilities of "The World" are un surpassed by any Journal In .the United States. It seeks to excel by an accuracy and candor, a spirit and freshness In its news columns winch shall commend it to readers of whate% er party, sex, creed or place. As an organ of opinion "The World - is the un flinching champion of A Liberal, Progressive Democracy, whereof the corner stone is Freedom restrained by Justice; Freedom pure an& simple, in the largeSt collective measure•, the taco of Justice being to protect Freedom from encroachments ; Freedom of the individual eitizat in his rights of, though, speech, religion and locomotion; in his Right to make any money bargains ho thinks proper in spite or foolish usury laws; in hier Right to buy and sell in all markets, domestic and foreign, in spite of unjust protcdive thrill's; in his Right to choose his own (odd and drink, la spite of meddlesome temperance laws ; In his Right to represen tatlon in the klti slat ice btxlies which tax 111114 in spite of unconstitutional ex clusions; Freedom of collective citizens to as semble for discussion of glevances; Freedom of -all local coinmunitics to manage thCir local af fairs without central interference; FreLviom in every section of the country, Lunt the arrogant and uneonstit utional domination of other sec tions. This large ,and comprehensive idea of Freedom sums up the polities of The World," which will never be found want lug to this cap ital interest of the country - and of the human race. A paper published In the metropolis is natu rally looked to (or eareint Market reports am authentic information, awl Sutelhgeut discus bIOIIS relating to Trade, Commerce and Finance. In thece fenturett "The 'World" invites run parbton with any (Altar lournal. ' The WEEKLY WORLD, a large quarto sheet, same size as Daily, is now printed wholly lu large type, and (since its union with the New York Argus) has the largest circulation of any weekly Journal published, save one. It is an unrivalled journal for the Farmer, Live Stock or Produce Dealer, Country Merchant, Etc. Pub lished WCtille.hlV. The,SEMI-WERKLY WORLD is a large quar to sheet, same size as Daily, which, by omit ting the great mass of city advertisements from the Daily, contains everything else that appears in the daily and weekly edition , . Published Tuesday and Friday. • The DAILY WORLD affords a complete com pendium and discussion of the news of every day. dc7'o34. , r1,11131t. WEEKLY WORLD. 1 Copy 1 year -, 2 01 4 copies 1 year, separately addressed 7 Uu 10 copies 1 year, separateh - addressed - 11 uu 20cosies 1 year, to one addre,s_ 25 Ou MoVtes I year, separately addressed 2 7 ou 50 copies 1 year, to one address , 30 1.10 50 'copies 1 year, separately addressed ~.., 11 00 SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD. 1 copy I year ' ~ 4 00 4 copies 1 year, repartcls• address y 1 10 00 10 copies 1 year, to one address '..!0 00 10 copies 1 year, separately addrese•l 2'2 00 DAILY WORLD. ropy one year / CLUB PRIZES. For e1n1) of 10 to one address, 1 Weekly 1 yeAr 39 " " 1 Semi• Weekly " Rol " " 1 Daily 'DIRECTIONS. Additions to clubs may be made any time i he year at the above club rates. Changes In club lists made only on request o persons receiving club packages, stating edt (ion, post °nice and State in which it has pre viotisly been sent, and enclosing twenty-11v cents to pay for trouble of the change to sepa rate address. Terms, cash in advance. Send, if pocsible, Post (Mice Money Order or Batik Pratt,. Bills sent by mail will be at the risk of sender, We have no traveling agents. Specimen cop ies, posters, etc., sent free of charge wherever unit whenever dealt ed. Address all orders and letters to TILL•' WORLD, V.. 5 Park Itow, New York. 1 -3 . it PECTUS. TILE 3LORNDIG PATRIOT.' The office of the late Patriot nod Union hav ing pa.,sed Into the hands of the nrlerstgned, they propose to supply a vacuum that has long existed In the newspaper press of interior Penn sylvania. From some cease or'other the reading masses of the Democratic party of the meat interior counties of the state have been compelled, ei ther to do without the latest nen., ur patronize JournaLs whose political sentiments were dis tasteful to theta. The Morning Patriot is int.•ndcl to supply this want. Its proprietors are determined that no effort shall bespared, on their part, to make it fully oqual, as a newspaper, to any of Its competitors. Whatever the electic wires are able to eoniniu ntente, up to the hour of going to press will be furnished in its columns every morning; and Its large size will enable It to give mi item; much reading matter as any of its conteluporaries. As an advocateofs.mtal political sent intents, favoring no faction, clique or se; lion, but devo ting its entire energies to the good of the whole party • as a vehicle of the latest news, and a chronicler of pressing events, we are determined it shall-not be excelled; aud_we confidently ap peal to a discriminating public for that appre ciation and encouragement which are indispen sable to success. For the Dully, one year in advance, Stx months, " Single Copley, Three Cents, THE WEEKLY PATRIOT. It is the determination of the proprietors of the Patriot to make their weekly journal fully srmal to what the Patriot and 'Union was In Its palmiest days. It will be one of the largest weekly papers in the State, and special pains will be taken to MI its columns with such rend ing matter as will be alike interesting and use ful to the Farmer, the Mechanic and the Man of Business, and to make It an agreeable and welcome visitor In every family. Every nerson should subscribe to the paper prinks). in his own county, and we do not mean to enter into competition with the Meal papers of the State. lint, many people take their home paper and a city paper to addition.' To such we send greeting. TERMS: Single copy, one year. " six months. Teu copies, ono year....._.. Twenty copies, one year.. ~,,,,,,,,,,, Flay copies (to one whims) one year, One hundred copies " All orders should be addressed to 1.1. F. HEYEIIS Harrisburg, l'a EIEB Well Digging. LLTT ItiJSTIMMIOLTZ, of Sterrettanta, is pre -1.1. 'tarot to dix wells In any part of Erto county. , He tows a horse and Pulley, willelt en ables him to do the work faster and cheaper than by the old method. Refers to Chas. I:wil ier or Conrad Max, Erie city • Israel Muster or John Shenk West Mill Creek; Andrew Stur geon or David Fidler, Fairview. ,tyht aw JOll PRINTING of every kind, in largo or small quantities, plain or colored, done In the beet style. and at moderate prices, at the Observer orrice, 9^lMll] lt4oB. EDITIONS MEI TERMS Iffil . I 31 (U .:35 00 ..Zi 00 123 00 The Song Cabinet A NEW SINGING BOOZ I Olt THE LiE of Seminaries, Aeadeades aro Singing Classes, ray C. c. ALLEN. Tilly Book costal nN; very c • arefully p,. p. 0,1 taary riontc Leshoir , . SECONfif. Y.—A largo nutal,, • of la, taut School bons. Tlf tatit.r.—A short Cal/Wt.-Th. 8,1.4,1 E vat --deslgni d exprema !or usr, at neeeption,, Com erts ai, 1 Exlilt,ltlf44:"' The publisher lepers,eoll tilts Principals and tc= tv ,1 11 , 1 call ", tendon to its Ntl Derlfa mer 'look. The author hus irt*ll very earq m ,.. 9 , selection of his MUSIC, whleh i4llllllrAtitt new, and In adapting to with unobieetlon.thle M1111M4.1,t, p g t wt ,„, , j4 commend Its wloralon lrt 011 r,ur 4 I:1 sentlnartes. The SONG CABINET h. 1,, • ti Ilard of Education as the 1, .0 . 1,; 0 ` , ', 4 74 , Public i•iit tools in the city w k '''t Price, 60 Cents evil. To Seh , s;ii;-4,, , s! rt.; lard per Dv: ea. Sample Copy nent by mull, priq celpt of .50 Publlsbed by WM, HALL d I.,C)N 0. J. WILLARD, No. 543 14roadaay, New Yott O. J. WILLA.III3, 11 11 1 1111 A WIto:( 4 ,:ole Agent for the Ulf v atm York for the celebrated ‘‘ VOS " PIANO FORTES! Arc strictly speaking 11Nt rlas.ll and failed to become the LKADING PIANO a!,;,;', er introduced. Dealers will I,e hupptel.i., Ifinest Wholesale Itatts and guarantetill.:-.4. ta. Large illustrate4prle,h,t, gh Inz likeness from photographs, scat to ..1.3 On application, Addles , ' _ I). .1. WILLAI::, Wholesale Agent 413 Broad% ay, New , S. D. &H. W. SMITH'S T.NRIVALLED AMT - RICAN 0 It GAYS! O. J. Willatd, Wholesale Agent The Cases I.ue the LARGEST IN TIIT: MARKET, New anti heu4l.ul iu de.rDi ant! wo, —are ulnae troin the best o: m a t e ri a . with grent ezire, having a capAth quality of tone, yet deed and bdied Ia hig.iny 1.014-hed Rosewood Cases, wail dr,i: ale b. daub, 1,19 w pethds, k s ell,, to: Allis tl.etrp 'nolo s Lop, with which the a ioct , e.mttful Mt.! enn be produced. Send for ill giving full particulars. A.: Ins; 0. J. NVILLARD, :;I;Br.atiwnl,N END DItTSIC STORE'. Prwesnt a large diieount oelow n3anufar. et's' prices. Every instrutaent warranted:l live ,).:u;. Also, the thst Sewing M whines Madan; on band. Every 31achita 4arrantmlfurtL-d No. 815 State street, Erie, Pa. )an:-tf. Z. • w:;,E] Vittdi soap MANUFACTURES'. OF cc , : t O AND C Corner of Holland and Sixth Street! ERIE, PA. Greenbacks for Bonds, MEI EQUAL TAXATION It "legal tender," are good enough fur 0,0 . dit, merchant, farmer, mechanic, and all others who pay tale', they are good enough for rich bondholder, who pay no Luc.. THE PITTSBURGII POST , The only Democratic daily in tre , tercFß , 3 , v1 , ..m la, and a it rat-elaaN ncwsp:tix r. the late-4 intelligence front all parts r• world. fall local and commercial rei,orts.:Q er with a vast amount, of miscellancou , : , ' , is delivered to subberibera in iltt‘burzh '- neigixboring cities and town. at the low pr x. Fifteen Cents per Week, or by NW, 2401 _ Dollars a Year. THE WEEKLY POST. Circulation larger than any ltathml per published in Penttsy la. A lair r.rd , page paper, forty - -eight columns of matte, rt• taing the leading editortals..tA Daily Post, full reports of the. &in: , itump—late telegrams, cable, local and t;..! 3 ' reports, agricultural, poetry; atom., malted to any address at • TWO DOT:f•Alitcl A YEAH. Or when ordered hi clubs of th c and ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY alas O (Imitate the Post and , nereakthr l-61- ' cmtic vote. All orders mrc , i. with the cash, and no devia; ion cila from the terms given above. Spet'inii', `. mailed to any address, free chanle• '— the publishers, JAS.... BABB 3!.'.; mrYttii. Pa titut , "'. Discharge fu liankrues, N THE Dismw tr coral . of,L , I States for the Western I ”striet rinr:, vanlit. T. P. Babcock, a li.,nkrurt Act of Cont;ress ot March "d sir, for a discharge from all lo claims provable under said Aet, hr Court, Notice is hereby given to alipers..,. have proved their debts, and other fa': te t est ed, to appear On the irt'i das.' at I. o'clock, P..L, before S. Wocitt, Register, at his mike in Erie Pa., 14' any they have, why a disci Ir„,.ic granted to the said bantam , ' Bee is hereby given that the s econd meetings the - editors of. the d mitred byirth and 2Sth s. et lonsol wLB be had before the sold it ^i ter attht time and place. S. C. M. i'ANDLB" , Clerk of U. S. District Court :or REItIOVA L. T 3 S. 1117NTER has ream. , edo tr,h fLn It. stand, Noah of t lie Depot, te three doors west of the Anwriean west Park, where lie has a %. t) One Ilse , . HATS, CAPS. &C., Warranted to be in sty:e.qu„, t3-1- ;411 lalt to any in the lent kit, and ropect..,-;30 Its a tall Croat his ,old friends and Re r e ly genenilly, assuring them none a - 1110 311 x satisfied. - - I)LANKS I BLANK'S !--• A comPlel e d e i merit of every kind of Attorneys, Justices Constables ami Men. for sale at the Observer ofie TOB PRINTING of every Irtrui. ID f e ll a- -; to small quantities, plain or colons/. ma the best style, and at moderate priced • Observer omee.