The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 20, 1868, Image 2
ghe ttie %ram THURSDAY, AUGUST 20, 18G8 FOR PR FM I DENT, HORATIO SETMOIIR, of N. V. FOR VICE PRESIDENT, . (feu. F. P. BL4111,:of =I CHARLES E. 1101 LE, of Fayette Co. SVIIVEYGE. GENERAL,: WELL INC:MONif.EXT, otColunablallo. a"Piiiivicatritt aid 0/40 Edeptioo for• are Dietrict and County O' , rs,.roe'thrYt Oehler 3300868. , TI4E (MEAT IiVESTION. The Harrisburg Patriot rightly concludes that the great question which politicians should study just now, is, what shall be done to relieve the taxpayers ? That the country cannot long endure the present rate of taxa tion, and prosper, is no longer a debatable• question. The burden is now so heavy that many think it really dangerous to add /1110- tiler feather to the camel's load. Whence, then, shall relief come? We answer, turn out the bunglers and destructives from the halls of Congress ! The increase of our na tional indebtedness at the rate of from eight to t,en millions oftiollars a month shows that they are either dishonest, or wholly incapa- We of managing our pm - Imin! affairs. POITERCIIPS NEW PAPER. The first number of "Brick" Pomeroy's New York daily was issued on Saturday last, and, as might have been expected from the reputation of the proprietor, it at once. secured a circulation which establishes its success. It is called "The Democrat," and presents au appearance of neatness that is scarcely equalled by nine out of ten papers in the country. - Mr. Pomeroy has gathered a corps of assistants about him who are un excelled in their especial departments, and we need hardly add that, whether for edito rial ability and spirit, or enterprise in collect ing news, the Democrat has no superior and few rivals among the Metropolitan press. We like the frankness and pluck of Brick, though we sometimes- differ from his views, and heartily wish his new enterprise all the success it desen - ci—which is more than can he measured by tsords. HAS THE MONEY GONE 1• 9 MR. WELyi , LETTER AGAIN. We were not wrong in suggesting that the letter of Mr. 6. 1 A. Wells, Commissioner of Internal Revenue, to. which we referred a - couple weeks ag,o,•would be used as one of the leading Radical documents during the campaign. It was prepared with the especial design to cover up the terrible costliness of Radical rule, and as such will be circulated over the country by wholesale. The Dis patch published it the day atter we exposed its deceptive character, but made no attempt to refute our statements. In due course of time it will find its way, either wholly or in part, into all the Radical papers, and be quo . ted by all their orators, so that it behooves our friends to have the material ready to counteract its effect at once. They. will find it in in our columns, alike in the past, present and future editions of the paper. The prominence given to Mr. Wells' letter by the Radical papers, will not incline them to dispute its contents, and ive propose to show by his figtres, distorted even as they are, that the party tibich has had control of the Government for nearly eight years, is non nrthy.the further confidence of the peo ple. Below are the receipts and expendi tures from Mr. Wells' statement, from June 30, 1867, to... Tune 80, 1868, and also the re ceipts and expenditures from June 0, 1860, to June 50,1801, as taken from the official reports of the Treasury Department. A com parison of the two tables will be all that we shall ask from the thinking portion of the community; MIMES 1860 to 1801. 1807 to 1838. $39,582,125 $163,000,000 80'2,200 47,000,000 103,000,000 Customs, - MiKellaneous, Initmat Revenue, Total fromlax., 40,474,325 41,500,000 Land & direct tax, 870,659 ' ,800,000 Loans, 41,861,700 Bat. from former, y'r, 3,629,207 VA,835,900 406.300,000 Sti,M,9oo Exeegs of 'GS over '5l, EXPENDITritVi .111890 to 1801. 1857 to IS6ti, Civil List, $23,187,203 $53,009,847 Navy, ' ' 12,428,577775,503 Army, 22,81;3,991 N 4713,410 Rivera and Harbors, 107,,169 0,132,020 radians, , :,699,923 5,000,000 'Pension - 9, old, 1',000144 1,000,000 PubNo debt paid off, 18,221,709 Interest, 4,000,173 141,63.1,1:, Other expenses, inclu ding Freedmen's reau, Reconstruc tion, Pensions, Bounties, &e., $84,578,834 V 71,530,225 84,578,834 Excess of expenditures of 1807-8 over 1800-1, For the last fiscal year of Democratic it will be seen, the amount raised from the people by taxation was only $40,474,325. Of the $84,578,834 expended, more than a fourth was to pay off Interest _and debt previously incurred. It will be remembered that during this period 3fr. Lincoln had been inaugura ted, the war had commenced, and the expen .see of the army and navy had already become considerably more than usual. During the fiscal year just closed, the Republican party, in a time of peace, have levied taxation; and actually collected off the people $403,.190,000, or ten times us much as they had to pay seven short years ago. During these seven years the actual wealth of the country (compared with the gold basis of valuation of 1$60) has not increased one dollar. The devastation and impoverishment of the South, and the loss of three thousand millions of . dollars of negro property (the negroes were then wit sustaining and surplus earning, while now they are n burden upon society and the pub liC'treasury)together with the addition of twenty-six hundred million dollars to the National debt, and one-fourth that sent in local debt, form in the aggregate more than a set-off to any apparent increase in the pro pertyof the Northern States, estimated as it is in Paper, which is at forty per cent. dis count. From these data; kindly furnished to the public by Republican authority, one can readily cbmpreheud why it is that the busi ness of the country is gradually sinking to wards a;state of final collapse. Again, look at the expenditures for 1867- 08. $148,231,380 for items which in ,1860 cost $62,356,932; we mean the ordinary ex- ' penseo, not including interest on the public debt, and , for extraordinary expenses, includ ing interest on . the public debt, Freedman's Bureau, ReconstruMion and other little ex centricities Of our present .rulers, $223,318, - 815, against $4,000,173, .in 1860 81, which was for interest, the only item of "extraordi nary expenses," as Mr. Wells denominates them, which we indulged in at that time. Will not fats like these open the eyes of the people to the shameful manner in which Radicalism is destroying the best interests of the country s - Mn. SCOFIy.LA, in his speech at Corry, took positive ground in favor of exempting the bonds from taxation, and against paying them off iri greenbacks. The farmers, mechanics and laboring men of the district are thus given dearly to understand that if they re-elect him he will use all his influence. to continue the policy which taxes them to desperation and allows their rich neighbors to go free. PROSPEcTe or VICTORY. In our investigations of the political pros= peels, we are led: to conclur that the one and only essential necessar - to a complete overthrow of the Radical faction is a confi dence among Democrats in the strength of their party that will induce them. to +Ow for the cause with that energy whirl' cliarae terized them in their campaign'. previong to the war. Thetlespoth. - (aud arbitrary meas- Ines of the Lincoln administration, the etn- Littered lone of social feeling, and the, con- tinned defeats m e have bustained since the country went mad over the slavery issue, have had a desponding effect upon Many Democrats, which has kept them from doing their full share towards party organization. We have never doubted that if the Demo crats at large had displayed a proper degree of spirit, courage and energy, Gen. McClellan would have been chosen President in 18114, a majority of the State Governments passed into . our hands as rapidly as opportunity of- ' furred, and the nation been saved from the reckless expenditure, the business disr.x;ter and individual unhappiness which have en sued as a result of that conflict. Another great national election is before us, and the views here express,eil receive fresh, applica tion and afford ground for advantageous re flection. Every day convinces us the more that the Democratic party ton trin,f if they try :—in other words, if they divest them ! Selves of the silly fear that "tlier6 is no "chance," as so many weak-minded persons are in the habit of exprc's'sing, it, and go to work with that reliance, upon themselves, the justice of their cause, and its approval by the people, which is ofliself one of the best assurances of victory. We are delighted to know that this conviction is eonstantly grow ing, and to-day a majority of Democrats are as certain of Seymour's election xis of their own existence, aml willing to perform their part towards securing it. The reasons upon which they build their faith may he seen in the following facts which' we gather at ran dom from the election returns of the past few years: At the Presidential election of 1864, Mr. Lincoln, by suppressing the soldiers' vote cast for General McClellan and by, throwing into the Western States several thousand New England soldiers who voted for him (most of them voting five or six times,) man aged to obtain a majority on the popular vote 0f411,281. At the last general elections in the States the Republican majority was only 49,910, including Illinois and Indiana, which have not held a general• election since the fall 011866, and crediting Ohio with a Re publican majority of 2,983, which was oh:- tahaed by the Republican candidate fur Gov ernor, though at the same election the Dem : ocrats defeated negro suffrage by over 60,000 majority and elected a majority of the mem bers of the Legislature. In 1864 the change of 205,641 votes would have elected General McClellan over Mr. Lincoln ; in 1868 it re quires the change of but 23,456 votes to give Horatio Seymour the electoral votes of the States which were carried by 31r, Lincoln. That we arc not in error in our statement will be shown at a glance by the following table showing the steadily &Creasing power of the Radical party in this country: . ; 186. • 11460.1.5. ,\TATAN. 41 EZP. DE3t. nue , . California, 42,811 62,1111 49,0115 41052 Connecticut 42,1.1 11,691 60,711 40,772 De1aware,:..........0,767 8,055 0,019 04,06 Illinois, "1.14,370 139,1911 171,050 2111,015 Indiana, ..._....__130,033 150,422 155,102 160,01 8 49" , 5L1,075 ai r s:SO 110,789 Kansas, 11,691 10 ,441 19,421 10,1'1 Kentucky, 01,391 17,794, :1°,25 33,9:5) Maine, 40,092 62,111 45,611 57,462 •10,ryland ..... 32,7..12 41454 63,739 22,110 3fassachusetts,. 40,715 12.,7112 71,31 D .110.1/6 Michigan 71,e41 - 91,521 .'0065 50,51 D Minnesota, 17,375 25,061 29,51'7 31,,,07 .Mtssouri, ....... 31,178 7'2,754 19,95'1 - 62,107 Nevada, 6,591 2,0211 1,0 , 1 2al New Hampshire, 112,071 114;,1,10 21,7:0 Now Jersey,....:-. 1 10, 11 21 00;7211 07.14 51,11.1, New Tor' - 711,101 330,7.1 572,029 323, 1 621 Ohio, *0!5, - , , 14 201,131 210,1:22 2 61,6 , 11 Oregon ' 5;47 11,149 11,709 111,;q3 Pounsylvania,...l7 o ,3l.o '2P4,31/ •..10 - 7,7.1f 266,021 Rhoda Islaud, .. 0,710 11,010 :090 9,7. - Verm0nt,......,...11, 1 121. 42,112 11,310 31;2;1 West Virginia,- 11,1.44 •Ava 12,493 14;1171 Wisconsin, , 01,475"1 63,603 72,170 1,011,751 11,22L1,01.; 1,905;41 2,012;291 Taking the above table as a standard, ant remembering that in every State the Dein° eratic vote has steadily increased since 1F:11 the following States may safely be set dov.: as certain for our ticket : Connecticut, liew_York, New Jersey, Delan are, Maryland, !MEM! Missouri, California, Oregon, Nevada, Pennsylvania, - Ohio, Indinna, Illinois, t:310,464,100 OE The total electoral vote, Including that of the Southern States, is 1117, which requircs . /50 to elect. Supposing the above table to be correct, it gives us a majority of six, et en with the carpet-loggers voting in the South. In ease Congress deprives firm 7 6f par ticipation in the Presidential electi,on, it will reduce the electoral vote some eighty,' and render our victory all the more certain.' We carried Connecticut in April •by 1,700 majority on Governor, on the I:l7st.eote ever polled in the State. The opposition ticket had Grant's name on it for President, so that his, popularity was as fairly tested as if he had been himself a candidate. New York went Democratic • Last full by. 50,000 majority, and we shall, with Mr. Seymour a leader, Increase it this year. New Jersey is always Demeeralle. It teas so last fall by a Majority equal to 80,00:9 in Ohio. Dela ware voted against Lincoln even during the war, and she will now go twice , as strong against Grant. In Maryland and Kentucky the 'Radicals will not poll-for Grant one vote ti) every three the Democrats poll for Sey mour. In California, at the last election, We had 8,000 Democratic majority, and in Ore gon we had 2,000 in June; 1868. Them is not an earthly prospect that the Thidieals can •overcome these majorities. Pennsylt•ania is naturally Democratic. We carried it last year when the opposition did their best, and we will repeat the result with interest this fall. We also carried Nevada at the last election. These State , , where it hardly seems possible we can he beaten, have 115 electoral votes. 81,G3,204 qP - -)56 r 1,30 - Indiana and Illinois arc old Democratic States which the war caused,to swerve flom •their moorings: They had no State officers to elect in 18117, but If they had the Demo crats would have carried them triumphantly. This was evinced by the local 'county elec tions, where the Detnocrats made Vast gains in almost every instance throughout the States. The pressure of:taxation, is severely felt in them, and the desire fora change in 'the admitiletration pervades all classes, with out diStinction of party. _ln Ohio we polled last year 210,000 votes for Judge Thurman, our candidate Mr Governor. He was beaten by lesi than 4,900 (in the largest vote' ever given in the:State. The Democrats were de ficient in their organization and ]malted confi dence in the result. litul they had better organization, and as much confidence as they have now, Ohio would have been Democrati c by'2o,ooo majority.' Missouri, with her eleven electoral votes, is one of the strongest Democratic States in the Union, if her people all voted, would give Seymour and Blair 50,000. majority at least. We have been beaten there for several years, because the Democrats have allowed themselves to be disfranchised by illegal test oaths, administered at the polls. These oath's have been deektred to li4 Unconstitutional, and this year the Democrats will vote, and the support Grant will receive In Missouri will be sniiiirlideed. Grant Is not certain of all the South. He cannot, even backed up by the negroes and the military, carry half of it. He will lose. Virginia, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Arkansas certain, and they have fitly electoral votes. If the people in Western Virginia turn out and vote,as we nnderatand they. will, Grant will be beaten'in that State' 1)F - ti great majority. The Radicals have been carrying it het-atm not one-third of the pur ple hare voted. It has fire electoral rota. Nebraska is about balanded politically, • is as likely to go for Seymour as Grant: Wis consin and Minnesota are in the same cate gory. A vigorous effort by the Democracy will give both States tu Seymour. The Rad, ical6 only carried them last 3 ear by the be rest majmitit Men New Hampshire is not absolutely certain lbr Grant. Upon therefore, of the genei al field, the friends iiiflsieyntour and Blair have everything. to t r opeonrage Ilion, and IN ith proper w_nil:noon can hardly NI to sue cei,4 TUB REASON WHY. We find in the New York Sun—a paperpro- Sussing and, to some extent, practicing, inde pendence, though decidedly Radical—an ar ticle on the discomforts of the laboring popu lation of that city ; which says: "They are profoundly dissatisfied with their present con dition. And why Because, though receiv ing high rages, they find themselves daily growing poorer. They cannot purehase_for themselves and families ns many comforts to-day for five dollars as they . could for two dollars six years'ngo." The New York- Herald, in on article show ing that the American people to-day are taxed heavier than any other nation in the world, gives the true reason why the. laboring classes cannot purchase for them selves and Dimities as many comforts now for Vi as they could for $2 six years ago. • The I editor say:,: . "We have estimated that taxation by the Federal Govi.rinent alone, - independent of State, county and municipal taxes, amounts to fully fourteen dollars a head—man, woman and child—Millie whole population. Take the ease of a laboring man, with a family of five or six children, and it will be seen that he pays about one hundred dollars a year, which, on an average, would be about a seventh or eighth of his earnings. Yes, the whole working population pay, in one way or other, this enormous and proportionate amount of their hard-earned money. 'Nearly ono day's labor out of the week the year round goes to the support of the Federal Governrunt The local taxes imposed by the States, coun ties and municipalities amount probably to nearly as much, for in the end, directly or indirectly, all taxation comes out of labor." Directly or indirectly, all taxation comes 'out of labor. TIM extravagance of Govern ment,the profligate expenditures of Congress, the schooling, housing, feeding and support ing negroes through.the agency of the Freed men's Bureau, the keeping up of a standing army in the South to make the negroes the masters of thaiiaportion of the country—all I such and their like, which require hundreds of willious of dollars annually, and which necessitate crushing taxation, fall directly or indirectly oulabor to sustain them And yet we find laboring people so blind to their own interests as to support meta and measures whose success will continuo and increase these very buftheus so opprS.ssive to them. As you make your bed, so must you lie in it. “GREAT ItICORAL rnoGnxss OF IDEAS." 11 o find in Saturday's .issue of the New York Sun, the following catidoaue of crimes brought to light in that city within a single dny. The record k a Fair sample of the state of affairs throughout the country, and shows more clearly the horrible condition of public Morals which 11:19 followed in the train of Radical predominance than volnmes Of argu ment: "A. carman dusaped the remains of four human beings iii one of our intblic street.s, and unconcernedly drove mi. Nobody seems to have found out where they conic INN. The hest account stated that they were elicit-- tons ; the second that they were dead bodies, and had been taken to the Morgue. A little rail boat in the North River was run down, by one of the ferry boats crossing from Hobolicn. The ferry boat stopped fora moment, and a buy who was in the boat which was run down climbed up into the wheel'of the furry boat. The heartless Eliot,. without waiting for him to save himself; started the engine mid crushed him to death. "Ore the, corner of West Thirty-seventh street and Sixth avenue a man, name Ed ' ward Seaman, was found by the police at 1 o'clock in the morning in an insensible con dition. with severe cuts and bruises about his head anti face. It turned out that be had been 1,0(14.14 tittacke,l by robbers. "Ne.trly all the mita and women ore com plaining of haying hid their pockets picked. "Iltnry Ilawkius,, advertises, offering a tundra for the apprehension and conviction of the person who made a murderous assult On him and neatly killed him. This pleasant _little event occurred to Mr. Hawkins last Tues. d.ty night, between Forty-second and Forty: third streets, and near Ninth avenue. I "Mr. Eliot, a merchant, with the well known firm of A. M. ifininger it Ca, was finind floating in the water. -It was evident that he bad Veen dead several days. When last Seen alive, 110 . WaS on his way to receive a p ayment of four thousand dollars in monOy. ANlten found, his pockets were turned inside out, end his watch was gone. It isstippased that he was murdered and thrown Into the river." The Sun, whose editor, Charles .1. Dana, is n leading and distinobthed Radical, adds with, unaccustomed frankness: "None of thew events attract more than a very tymsi cnt attention front thu public. Since the war people have become so accustomed to blood shed and horrors, that they seem almost as much a matter of course as our daily meals." GOV. stly mote. TO TIIE. soLnupus. The Soldiers' and Sailors' Union of Oneida couuty, Y., heti a meeting. at Utica on Thursday last, which is represented to have bee» "large and enthusiastic." Finding that Gov. Seymour was in the city, they paid him the hon9r of a serenade at his hotel, to which he reiponded in the following eloquent re marks : "SiciWien of Oneida County—l thank you for - this mark of your good will. 1 know bet ter than most men the character of the servi ces rendered by our soldiers in the late 'War. I grtVe them more than fifteen thousand Corn missions. It was my official ditty to mark their upward progress in rank as they gained honors in the , field. . It was also my sad ditty to record the loss of life of many of those with whom I had had pleasant intercourse in the exeeutive chamber. I saw your regi ments as they went forth to war with ranks tilled with men in the vigor and prime or manhood. It was my official privilege to thank them, in the name - of the State, when they returned With thinned ranks and torn banners, Which were made glorious by the proofs that they had been borne by brave men in the thickest of the tight. 'Lisa pleas• ant thing amidst all the harshness of a politi cal canvass to receive these tokens of good will and of confidence from those who have shown their patriotism - upon the battle-field ; and in return I pledge myself in 'whatever station I may be placed in public or in nrivate life to struggle for the restoration of that Union for which you have perilled your lives in the contest of arms; and in our struggle for constitutional rights we are strengthened in our convictions of duty by the hiet that n majority of our soldiers uphold us in this poli tical contest. In the course of my life I hare received many testimonials front political friends as well as from political opponents, as front their sense of the services which I have been able to render to our State and to our cohn try ; but none touch ray heart so much as those proofs of , respect which come from My neighbors, and particularly those which are given by men who have served our coun try in the ranks of its armies." •-t_quesrics which we have never yet seen answered: "If bonds are to be paid in green backs, in what are the greenbacks to be paid?" Keen/Lyle. ..12.;—Nothing plainer. lint ther6 are none so blind as those who won't see, except those whose eyes are blinded by the gfftter of gold.—BrAtartn's <lineriaaL, Yes, they are to be paid in taxes, but with this difference: The bonds draw $156,000,- 000 a year interest; greenbacks draw no in terest. is the easiest paid? In twelve or fifteen years we could take up the bonds. if they were in the shape of greenbacks, witli the interest money we would otherwise . pay on'theix) - ndi. To use Mr. Lincoln's favorite remark, "a large debt is easier staid than a larger one?" DM the questioner in the Jour nal ever think of this? . Tice best forms of notes and blaulre In the city at the Observer office. tf. TILE mala , ms? SW GE INDLE OF TEE • il. We have often said, and still adhere to the belief, that tunong the most 'outrageous impo sitions thrust upon the conntry by the Radi cals in Congress is the notorious Freedman's Bureau, which is an electioneering machine on the one hand, and a swindling contrivance on the other, fin enriching fitvored partisans -This fraud has become so notorious and of fensive -all over the country that it Is found necuttsary to misrepresent its cost. The New York fribuue seeks to evade that respenßi ,bility itl tats lihshion "No department of the Government has been so much abused by Governor Seymour and Democratic orators generally as the Freedincu'a,Bureau. They have never failed to magnify thrce-thhi the cost of that institu thin: Mr: Wells shows that since its organi zation in 1800, down to June 20,1888, its ex penses were only $5,817,000." This 31r. Wells and. his glaring deceptions we had occasion to refer to a few weeks ago, and it scents that his party friends are bound to make him an important figure in the cam paign. The people whose money is wasted and plundered, can investigate for them- Selves, without the aid of convenient inter-' ' medimies to make up one-sided accounts. The expenses of this Bureau ar urposely tioncealed in a mass of appro iat ns, and !mixed-up with those of the W r and other ''departments, so that it is almost impossible to get at the exact outlay. No fair or precise ac'eount has ever been - rendered. While Mr. Wells states the "expenses from 1800 to 1808" to be $.5,617,000, Congress made two direct appropriations within that period for $lO,- 70,7.10, or more than five millions above the sum stated. The Bureau was organized by the act of March 2, 1865, though it had been practically in existence long before, under the name of the Department of Negro Affairs, which transferred large property and funds to the Bureau. No part of the two appropriations for nearly eleven millions, already referred to, was drawn from the Treasury until Au gust, 1807, being more than two years after the expenditures of the Bureau began. The explanation is, that abandoned lands in the Southern States, and others to which the Government had acquired title by confisca tion or sale, were seized and appropriated for the use of this concern, together with an im mense amount of fines, taxes, retained boun ties, &c., of which no returns have been made, Making an enormous aggregate. Be sides these vast re4ources, the Secretary of War had to issue unlimited supplies - of pro visiobs, clothing and fuel, subject to regula tions prescribed by himself: The scale on which it was done may be estimated by the fact that ten millionioj rations were issued in twelve months. No account of the clothing and fuel has been furnished. It is 2 all pur posely covered up. So, too, in regard to transportation, medical supplies, and the, like. But although the actual cost of this vast organization cannot be precisely stated, for the reasOns which have been exposed, still there arehipproximate figures which furnish a practical idea of the millions which it con sumes. General Howard, the Commissioner of the Bureau, who is directly interested in depreciating the outlay, and who has done his best to prevent any such thorough inves tigation as would develop the whole truth, made -an official estimate for the fiscal year from January 1, 1800, to January 1,1807, which gives the only data from that source of the expenditures. Here is what - he says "It is estimated that the amount required for the expenditures of the Bureau for the fiscal pwr commencing January, 1800, will be $11,745,050. This sum, is reepri,qte for the following Purposes Salaries of Assistaiit and sub-Assis tant Commissioners, • • - $147,500 Salaries of Clerks, - - - 82 ,800 Stationery and Printing, - 63,000 Quarters and Fuel, - • - 15,000 Clothing for Distribution, - 1,750,000 Commissary Stores, - 4,100,250 Medical Department, - - - 500,000 Transportation, - - - 1,930,000 Sallpol Superintendents, 21,000 Sites for School Homes& Asylutita, 3,000,000 Telegraphing, - - - • 18,300 Total,- $11,740,050 • This estimate is below the mark in many respects. For example, the salaries are stated at $290,1100, while the actual amount paid for a single year was $315,721.94, exclusive of the pay for school teachers, hospital attend ants and army officers. Thus we have Gen. !inward estimating the cost of the Bureau for one - year at $11,715,050, while Mr. Wells has p ie assurance to say that the expense?) since its organization were only $5,617,000. As these Radical doctors disagrai, the respon sibility of false statement rests between them, but unfOrtunately the people have to pa y for the shortcomings of both. Wny should Itithard Roe, who works by the day for a living., and who bas a house 11101 lot Worth say $l,OOO dollars, pay more taxes than John Doe, who is worth sixteen times as much and has his money, in goyerm ment bonds? That is the question for labor inz diem LOCAL FIREVITIEs.! The Democratic conference witty meet at Ridgway to-day (Thursday) for thud nomina tion of a candidate for Congregif A FIRE on Wednesday night burned down the dilapidated frame building at the corner of Peach audttiecond streets. TUE Democrats of 31111 ert;ek organized a corapany: club on Sattirday, with the follow- , lug officers :' President, John Burton ; Vice Pre:thlents, David Wolf and liras Sehluraff ; Secretary and Treasurer, J. W. Koehler. "BmcK" PoxEnov has been engaged to speak at Dunkirk, on Tuesday, the 22d or September. Some of our Democrats talk of endeavoring to induce him to visit Erie. lie will make the fur fly from Radicalism if he COW'S. CAM, SCHURZ, the German speaker, failed to make his appearance, as announced, on Monday. ' his list of appointments in Penn sylvania leaves Eric out in the cold.' The ponderoui Carl evidently think Erie too small gantc for his powdei. WE make especial request of the Secreta ries of Democratic clubs to send us a list of their officers,business and time of bolding ineetiuga. Gentlemen who have engage ments to speak will confer a titvor by notify ing us of thdir appointments. JUDGE SooslELp has entered upon a reg ular canvass of this county, and will speak in nearly all the important towns. We' trust he will not forget to tell the people whether he took the extra pay or not: They don't want a Congressman whose pledge can't be relied on. TIM Gazette editor is the latest instance of a father ashamed of his own offspring. lie tried his hand at rhyme this week, and suc ceeded in producing such a wretched speci men of doggerel that he is ashamed of it, and like any other coward, tries to place the re sponsibility upon an innocent party. The day will come when he will be as anxious to deny the paternity of his prose as he now is of his "poetry."' TIMM is said to be quite a little under current of dissatisfaction in New Jersey over the Democratic nomination for Governor,— Ere/ow. .&nd there's a mighty big current of dissat isfaction all over the country with the Dem ocratic - nomination for President and Vice President—Gaccate. Those who wish to ascertain the precise location of these mysterious "currents," Will please consult the editor's imagination. Tan Dispatch of this morning-publishes a letter from Auditor General liartmnft, de signed to deceive the people into the belief that under Radical management out State financial system her been greatly improved, We shall show by indisputable facts and fig ures in our next issue that Gen: Hartranß's statement 10143 , 10 b 6 relied upon, and that, instead of our State expense growing lighter, every year of Radical Govanuauut coite us tore than the cue PreCeding. Trzs quarterly epidemic in our city on the daily newspaper, question has: broke out I afresh within the last week. Radical daily projects, Democratic daily projects, Relig ious daily projects; and daily projects of ev , ery conceivable.shade, prevail by the score. Half the community are bursting {sill' the belief that they can print a better daily than ever before appeared, mud make fortunes faster than Astor 'or Llirard accumulated theirs.: The enormous wealth in what h the old nublishets ate lituking is a lull guarantee that money will pour In more rapidly than it can be counted. . Men who dcsire to be millionaires are advised that now is their opportunity if they will only embark in the printing business //I .1':11P. Tiu agricultural reporter of the Associa ted fress, - who has been collecting statistics of the crops for the present year, sends the following statement of the indications in Erie county : IVheat.—The crop is from one.ei..Tlith to one-fourth larger than last year; quality good. Corn.—The yield is the same as last year's. Oats.—The yield is the same as last year. Ilay.—The crop is one-fourth-less. Apples—The crop is the same as last year; quality poorer. Potatoes.—The ' yield is one third less; quality poor. Barley.—The yield is one-third less ; quality. poor., A CORRI:SPONDENT writing from Brook ville, in this Congressional district, says a dozen former Republicans in that town are openly for Seymour, and "not a single Dem ocrat is known to falter." This intelligence is a sample of what we receive from every part of- the district. We could name ,enc town in Eric county, where the Democratic vote has not exceeded U1415-five for years, that will give full fifty'this fall. Should the tide continue to flow towards the Democratic side, it would not bd surprising'if we elected our candidate for Congress. Tni Corry Telegraph, edited by Joseph A. Pain, Esq., a gentleman ofshrewd judgment in political matters, acknowledges that it "is going to be, tight nipping for the Republicans to carry Corry this fall." That certainly looks' bad for the cause of "loy-yal-tee" in a city that has heretofore been reliably counted upon for two hundred Radical majority. The Telegraph attributes the loss of the Radical strength in . Cprry to "local and pc+sonal jeal- ousies," but if the truth were knota we sus pect that deeper influences haye been at work THE Erie Ditne Savings Bank i 3 an insti tution that cannot be too often nor strongly recommended to the favor of the public. Its officers are men of well known stability, whose names are a sufficient guarantee of the safety of the concern. To those having small sums they wish to deposit in a safe place, and have it earning them a fair Interest at the same time, this institution offers inducements not surpassed. . Tne War'ren Mail wontlers why it is that the churches in that place which pay large salaries to their preachers arc closed a con siderable portion of the time,' when they could have services regularly years ago, when the preachers were poorly paid and made humble pretensions. The Mail should know that as churches increase in wealth the piety of both preachers and congtegatien diminishes in proportion, THE Huntingdon (Penna.) Globe, always a Democratic paper, cannot swallow the Democratic platform and mndidates.--Di,,- pat& We are as'well acquainted with the Globe and its editor as we are with the Dispatch and its editors, and. know that it has been a Radical paper'crer since We outbreak of the war. TIIEIM arc rumors upon the streets that G. W. DeCamp, Esq., the best Radical stump speaker in the county, since his residence in. New York, has become a convert to the Democratic' faith, and taken the stump for oar candidates. I'Vc will not . vouch for its truth, but give the rumor just as it comes to us. ONE of the best publications- fiur farmers we have ever seen is a small pamphlet enti tled "Farm Talk," published by ee & Shep hard, Boston. It contains a large amount of useful reading, written in a plain and inter esting style, and should' he in the hands of every farmer in, the country. The price is only 30 cents. , Oyu public spirited. friend, John AmtlMllV, has been putting 'the St. Chair Hotel property through a regular course of improvement, and made it one of the most convenient in the city: We recommend those who want to stop-at a•good, moderate priedd house to give John a call. Tut: tbilowing is the number of emigrants who bare passed over the Phila. & Erie R.R. during " the past, six months of the present Year: January, 373 1-2; February, 254; March, 582 1-2; April, 1,377; May, 2,172; June, 2,217 1-2; July, 2,212. Total, 9,552 1-2. Tin: publication of the daily Dispatch was suspended for two days of the present week, owing to difficulties betwcen the proprietors and their compositors in regard to the pay of the latter : The matter was arranged on Tnesday, and on 'Wednesday the paver up 4icazed as usual. OS Friday afternoon's collision occurrml on the Oil! Creek and Allegheny River rail road near Boonville, between a freight-and construction train, resulting in the death of five men, and severely injuring twelve or fif teen others. Til Democrats of tlic city will please re: port to this office the names of all persons entitled to their naturalization Papers before the election. We arc led to believe that noi lee thana hundred permons in hip city are calif/ea to Haturatizatioll. Tun following is one of the latest spcci nuns of the Dispatch's "elevateil polities:" "The Lotds‘;ille says,that where two or three Democrats are gathered tozeth er, there Will the spirit of Democracy be also. Yes, no matter it' the tax is .;;•:! pr 50 cents a gallon !" Oun staunch patron, James Culler, of Concord, came into the office on Monday, and paid up his subscription a year ahead in good Democratic half dollars, that ring with a clearness which recalls 'the happy days of Democratic rule. Wz notice that nt a Radical meeting in Cumberland 'County Gov. Geary and I. B. Gara, Esq., of this city, were the "principal speakers." We can imagine the degree of edification which the audience must have carried to their homes. WC want regular - correspondents at Cajon, Waterford, Edinboro, Wattsburg and Fair view, and occasional ones in each of the other districts. Who will undertake to fill the po sition? THE Dispatch wants us to say whether Judge Scofield, in hi 4 bite speech, tines .not , "place the:facts before the country?" Wei regret to say that he doesn't. The "facts", which he "places" are but the very reverse of the facts. A, yon taken on the railroad between Franklin and Jamestown, last week, gave 20 'for Seymour and 14 for Grant. This is about the proportion of electiwal votes which the emilidates will have in November. WELos, Schoppert, Miller and Geiger, ar rested for complicity in the Benninghoff rob bery, have been held to bail at Franklin re spectively in the sums of $20,000, $lO,OOO, $5,000 and $l,OOO. Tim citizens of Corry have organized a - Pair Gnnmd Association, with Amos Heath as President ; B. Barney as Vice President; P. H. W. Gregg as Secretary; and C. G. Bar men as Treasurer. Tirmtlawford County Agricultural Soci ety will hold its sixteenth annual fair at Con zieantrrne, commencing Sept. 80, and lasting three days. Wirr.WErt I take my water , fibr° ll4l,l "-' 7;- many poor, niFerable fly:44lh; people I sec, who would be healthy, and rosy, and happy, if they took Plantation Bitters, that paragon of preparations for giving tone to the stomach, energy to the torpid liver, a jorto the nerv ous system, and strength to the musele. 4 . It is an admirable regenerator of Joi e's wasted or neglected tnnetional powers in either Mali or woman. It gently excites and pleasantly soothes. • With a bottle thereof, every titan may he own physician. - • IVATun.—A dein:WWl .If tide—superior to Cologne awl at halt the pricy- augl3-2t. Wv would call the attention of our waders to an article of merit, which is advertised in our columns as being used extensively and with the best results, Ibr restoring gray hair to its original color, and In case of baldness renewing the growth, called Ilan Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer. It is a medicinal preparation ; its action is radical, and by its use the glands width support the hair arc nourished and strengthened. neat, irritation and excessive perspiration of the scalp, which produce baldness, are soon cured by a few applications of this scientific compound, and it imparts to the hair a rich and glossy ap pearance. We have tried it, and speak from actual use.---Pennviranian, Great Demi. attgl3-2t EUGENIA HAIR RESTORER.—The cheapest and best. Mammoth bottles only ;5 emits. The Eugenia Hair Restorer eclipses all known discoveries for the rapidity with which it restores'gray and faded hair to its original color, promotes its rapid and healthy growth, preveals and stops it when falling off, and is a most luxuriant hair dressing for the human hair and head, rendering it .soft, silky and lustrous. Sold by S. Dickinson & Son, sole agents id Eric. decl2.-Iv. To THE PEOPLE ox Ems: AND VICINITY.— Having concluded to retire from business by the first of October, we will sell our stuck of dry goods at much les,4 than value. We must dose the stock out, regarllless of cost. This is a favorable opportunity to 'purchase fall and winter dry goods cheap. C. IL Merrill S.: (Jo., No. 8 Reed House, Erie. • jyfG-If. SCOTCH Cheivot new• Cassimeres and Coa igs, for fall wear, at. JOISTS it LiTt.tet. agl3•tf pscial flottcro. A Card to the Ladles.— DR. DUPONCO'S GOLDEN PERIODICAL PILLS FOR FEMALES Infaliable in correcting Irregulinittes, rernav Ing Obstructions of the 3fontlily Turns, Ire.. whatever cause, and always successful :is a pre • ventive. ONE PILL. IS A DOSE. b'etnales peculiarly Minuted, or those. i•tipl ng themselves so, are cautioned agalimt us here Pills while In that condition, lest they vile miscarriage, after which admonition the Proprietor assumes no responsibility, although their mildness wonld prevent any mischief to health; herwlse the PI lis are recommended as a MOST INVALUABLE REMEDY for the alleviation of those suffering from any Irregularities whatever, &s well as to prevent an increase of family when health will not permit it; quieting the nerves and bringing hack. the " rosy color of health'' to the cheek of the most delicate.. Full and explicit direction, accompany eac box. Price ?t per box, nix boxu ;5. Sold in Erie by W3l, SICK ,1:. SONS, drugglstx, sole agents for Erleand vicinity. Ladies by Nendlog them St through the Post <Mee, can have the pills rent (confidentially) by mail to any part of the country, free of postage. Sold also by E. T. Hazeltine, Warren; pofT man ‘S: Andrews; Corry; Callender & Co., Mead ville; C. C. Vlall & Co., North East; Jewett & Wright, Westfield. R. D. HOWE, Sole Proprietor, New York. my'2l'Cly Address to the Nervous and. Debilitated, 'whets* sufferings have been protracted from hidden causes, and whose cases require prompt treatment to render existence desirable: If you are suffering, or have suffered, from invol untary discharges, what effect does it produce upon your general health? Do you feel weak, debilitated, easily tired? Does a little extra exertion produce palpitation. of the heart! Does your liver, , or urinary organs, or your kid neys frequently get oat of order? Is your urine sometimes thick, milky or ilotiky, or Is it' ropy on settling? Or does a thick scum rise to the top? Or is a Sediment at the bottom atter it has stood decline? Do you hare spells of short breeithing or dyspepsia? Aro your bowels con stipitted 1. Do you have spells of fainting, or ruslrs of blood to the head? Is your memory impaired? Is your mind constantly dwelling upon this subject? Do you feel dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life? Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from every body ? Mei any little thing make you start or Jump? Is your sleep broken or restless? Is theflustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on f our cheek as bright? Do you enjoy you r self in society as. well? Do you pursue your business with the same energy? Do you feel as much confidence in yourself? 'Are your spirits dull and flagging, given to fits of melan choly? If so, do not lay It to your liver or dys pepsia, Have you re..tless nights? Your back weak, your knees Weak, and have but little ap petite, and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver complaint. Now, reader, self-abuse, venereal diseases badly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capa ble of producing a weakness of the g,eneratkee organs. The organs of generation, when In perfect health, make the man. 1)1,1 ou ever think that those bold, defiant, energetic, perse vering,. successful business men are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health? You never hear such men complain of being melancholy, of nervousness, or palpl tatlen of the heart. They aro never afraid they cannot succeed in business; they dbn't become sad awl discouraged; they are slira3 s polite and pleasant in the company of ladies, and look you and them right in the Luc—noun of your downcast looks dr any other meanness about them. Ido not mean those who keep the or gans Inflated by running to excess. Thee will not only ruin their eonstitutious, but also those they do business with or for. Row many men, from badly cured ilisea,cA, front theeffects of self-abuse and excesses, have brought about that state of weakness in those organs that bus reduced the general system so much as to induce almost every other dis.ase— 'Morey, lunacy, paralysis,. spinal atrection., suicide and almost, every other fora , of disease that flesh is heir to, and the real eause'of the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have doc tored for all but the right one. Diseases of these organs require tire me of a Diuretic. 1111431BOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT IsUclIU is the great Diuretic, and is a certain cure for diseases of the Diadller, Ridneys, Grav el, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female Com plaints, General Debility, and all di‘eleti s of the Urinary Organs, w henna. existing in Mate or Female, from whate% er causd originating, and no matter of how long standing. If no treatment is submitted to, l'onsmilp 7 Lion or Insanity may ensue. Our flesh and blood are supported from: these sees ices, and the health and happiness, and that of posterity, depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy. Ilelmbolint Extract Buchti. established up ward of IS years, prepared by 11. T, BOLD, Dm ggist,:gli Broadway, N. Y., lel Sou tlt loth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Priec-41.25 per bot tle, or t; bottles for, dellvere,l to arty ad dress. Sold by all Druggists, everyu here. None are genuine unless done tip lu steel-en graved wrap Per, with the-simile of ray Chem!. cal Warehouse, and signed auto-mgtlL T. DEVIMOLD. Yell) Mibtrti.gemtuts Lcgigmcc In Bankruptcy. • TN TUE DISTRICT couirr or the Eulted - State‘, for the WesOrn Di,triet of Penn's., In the matter cf J, It. J. Morrison, bank rupts. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as of J. B. t R.. J. Morrison. of Erie, In the county of Erie and Stateol Pennsylvania, who have been adjudged bankrupts:on their own petition, by the Dis trict Court of said district, dated. at Erie, pa., Aug. 13, A. D. lfziX ISFNRY M. Assignee, Atty. nt .1.4 w, No. Peach zit., Erie, Pa. • Asi!nee In Bankruptcy. Z\T THE DISTItIcT iCIOURT of the United States, for the Western District of Penult., in the, matter of D. D. Whitney, bankrupt. The undcraigned hereby gives notice of his appoint ment as ar,shrneo of C. D. Whitney, of Union 31111 s In the countyof Erie and State of Penult, within said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon:His own petition, by the Dis trict Court of raid district, dated at Erie, PO-, _Aug. 12,-A. D.lSGy._ _ S. C. STT'RGEON, Asslgnee, Atty. at over Am. Ex., West lark ICAO an'2o-nt AsLciignec in Bankruptcy. TN THE DISTRICT COURT of tlte 'United, 1 States, for the Western District of Pennsyl vania, In the matter of T. Ts Gould, lamb - rapt. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment aa assignee of T, L. Gould, of Spring debt, In the county. of Erie and State of Pentl'a, within watt district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt, upon his own petition, by the Ms triet Court of said district, dated at Erie, Pa., Aug. 12, A I). Itlag. lIENRY M. EMlET,As ,, ignee, Atty. at Law, No. 1:123 Peach Erie, pa, aumlw Awagnee in %Bankruptcy. ITHE DISTRICT VoI7RT of the United. States for the We,tern District of Penn'n, in the matter of M. 11. Anderson, bankrupt. The Undersigned herehY Ores not lee of Ida appoint. meat as assignee of M. D. Anderson, of \ Voter ford, in the county of Erie, and State of Penn'a, within said district, who has been adjatiged bankrupt upon his own petttion, , by the Dbi- Met Court of saki' district., dated at' Erie, Pit., Aug. 13, A. 13. . . HENItY 31. RIRLET, Assignee, Atty. at Law, No. IST Peach St., Erie, . • nul34lw AititiltMOO in Bankru ptcy. _ TN TIIE DISTItIGTCOURTof the ti n[tea Mtn tes I. for the Western District of Pennsylvania, In the matter of P. L. Perkins, bankrupt. The undersigned Atereby gives notice of Ills ap pointment as assignee of Eutu.s L. Perkins, of Fairview, Erie county and State of Penn sylvard within said district, Who has been a dj udged a bankrupt, upon his own petition, br Ufa 'District °mart of said district, dated at „e. Pa. Aug L2,_ 1:12„. 1808. HENRY M. P.I.BLKP, Assignee Atty. at ,tiftW, NO.= YeaCh St., Erie, l a.F RUM Orb) abbertiFscntento. Farm for fia!e IkIIARBOIt CREEK Tp., '; in He front depot, on the toad to Ow Liati., contatnitig acres, //as it Lion4r• o rid kn.'', w.. 11 waterv.l, hae n good NO1111:: 0rc1141 , 1, awl IS iu line nrtler. Apply nn the ncenke,e.. to an!. -*A+ )7,IJU t Fa r I,NI/11'.:; l!n• :4q,1 , 1n 311(1 M..llllllltllt E, ennui ) prono , r• hnitllnl. a County Fah. tho C.,it of Lib% din i In" 1) pall •.1 puni3O , e altling to the Fund., l'hoy hill, It all In nn all the eiti7.etta of tlio County, awl Ihe ladii:l4 of t dirn•retit towns ana. ItnrnOup , to form auxiliary aNkuclations awl co-op In gathering contributions tat usetaLaud fan eratecy artleirq, and nionry toward the Fair. BALL rlL` E 1 ON AND AFTER, Monday, August 10th, I SOS, We will supply the Trade I.;ith IRON AND NAILS, From tio.'-'7 North Park Ito w, "Id atalat of Cira. Farrar,and Farrar Ball McCONKEY ti SILANXON 111.: iv. Erie ,%.ettclelrty. FOIE Fa and Winter Term of Gil, InhAlthi -1 DAM ti: ill Olt tile First Monday of September next, under the following chirps hif tea, her,: A. If. CAT'GHEY, A, 3f., Principal. :MN( EMMA. DITTO, Dirt A.,,,tant in the I.a -(llcl;Departmeitt. 3liss LIZZIE fIANCOI'I,:, Seehinhi 3ltul. ANNA St:Doi:LUC, Tenther l'rem h !Ina German. TEMII4 OF TUITION: For common English branelle.., per guar ter, ....... ..... For Latin 11.1111 Greek. awl the higher Eng branehes, including the Natural =i==l quarter, ........... .. French and Wu/11311 Cad], per quarter, tra, An assistant male teacher will he employed as howl as the number of pupils In the heitool shall require his services. • All bills for tuition must he paid within the first three NVCOCH of the term, and no deduction for absence for lo,s than half a term Will be made, untehs in eases of sickneNs. By order of the Board of Trustees. aut3-31. JO S.. H. PRE.. LEY, Ps The Singer Manufacturing ('u.'s MEI Noieless Family Sewing M C N S The under,igned leg Irgr:e to annonnr e I bat they have recently opened rooms in the (NIT of Erie ' where they will keep on hand an a ~,orti nent of the above FAMILY k M BM COID)N AN!) LINEN TIMEAD SILKS, TWIST, Superior Machine 011. Needles All ninelane, delivered, and warranted fur three ycArs. Intitruction , given free; romps rear of fiensiteinter', rtelltiut; Stort.„l,J`l State street., J. E. I'EPFEK LS: CO., J5 - 21-ly .tgent, fur Erie County. SUCUITZ IrT"V Life Insurance Co., NFINY 1170 , 1 in. Assets, Dee. 1, ISO 7, „...!..(;,390.2 N, This cerittie, that we, the t uu ler'q;ned, have examined into the menu of the sEcriti FY LIFE INSURANCE CoMPANY, and believe It to bo bound, reliable and equal to tb. , be t in America. Sidney Shepard Waole,,tle Hardware Dealers, A. F. Tripp, firm of Sidney Co. Simons it Cris , e,-, Commis,mn Dudley it Co., Oil itellner.. F. P. Farmers' & 0. A, " J. U. 13.01,-on it: co., Gold,m it Ler mid J•eveleri. Simon Nell; Doqt and Kline Dealer. F. Curry, Supt. threat Lawn Ci metery. George Lee. Attorney and Coun,elor. CYTI24 P. L 11.3, El le Co. bavinirm =IMM=MMMIttt= All per.mis fleglrilagt insurance will do Well to call on M. M. 310011 E, Erie, Pa General Agent for WE stern PR. DISCHARGE IN BANKRUPTCY. I N THE P141'11I(7 roriff •If the I - 110,4 I States, for the W.. titer a D....trict of un..vl , . %mita. Months, a bankrupt under the Act ( - 4 Congres , , I:+7, jug applied fora discharge Irf.tu all his debt and other elauns provaLle tinder said Act, by order of the Court, notice is herthy 4!. - Nell to ail per sons Viilo have pi oved their debt., cud, other persona Inters qeu . to app.. t,I• on the day Of August, l ie., :it la o'clock', A. M., briore s. E. Woodruff, Ie ii., ltegi•ter, at he , office in the city of Erie, Pa., to show muse, it any they Lire, why. a dh,charge ,ltnuld not he granted to the sahl bankrupt. And further, lee hereby given that the second and third meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, required by the 2.7 th and 25th ,ect lona of s , lit Act, will be had before the Ittl•ter at the stmle time and place. RI: f Clerk of C. u. I tklt It Court for ' , aid "Markt. Diseintrge in Bankruptcy. THE DISTE.ICT COVIIT or the Cnited I • Stale., for Ilan ' , Xistein Ith.triel of P. nn-yl vania. N. t...tughey,,ist upt orate,. the lot of Congre,sof 15i.,7,1nt% for a Discharge in In 1,11 him dads, ;aid other Wu% able- undtr m the .('curt, nutlet" 1s hercby glVt. II to all p. Awl,, ) have m 0% ed thc,r and othir p‘rsme, 111t,re,tcd, to appear ou the L'alt clay 1 - .1 August, at lit o'elook, A. )1., before E. Woo,irmf, Register, at his oilier in Erie. P. 1., .how If any they have, why a diselhuge should not be granted to the ,aid bankrapt. And limber, notice hereby en th,tt. the second and third meetings of emlitors of tia said bankrupt, .mired hy the 117th a al !Nit section , of said Act, will he l'ef no the ...aid 1, , g-i s k•r ak t the that. .und place. S. C. 31, _ t,f t f•,r sat.i IN,II agl 3-2 w • 3.3iseb.ark,',e ilankrapicy f THE It/STRICT COURT of the rnited, 1 States, fa_' the Weitern IThti let of l'eutp,v .1711 a. Jaen, K 11.14, a hanktupt under the / of CI ,Ir.rre of March 2,1, PX7,having applied for .t In-charge froth all la, thht,, andother elultna provable underlaid Ace, by order of the Court, notice Is hereby given to all per,ons nho have prol,ed then' debt:4, and. 0na.re11..010;1nt,.r..,i -ed, to appear on the L'Ali day o f Aug., at ri ,iclo< It, A. M., before Woodrun, Esq, Re r, :// h ,, 'Met.. 222 /:21e, Pa„ to qto tewtuce of any they have, why a. dh,Charge , honld not . be granted to the said bankrupt, And further, no wee Is heruby given that tin, ..econdrind third ineeting , < er,,litors flip bankrupt, re. wilred by the 27th and 2,111 Keenees at cold Aet, will be liad before the said Regkter at the same tune and place. K. C. McCA.NIII.E:i. Clerk of . Dinhl , l. Court for Naid Pl•trlet. rigl3-2w Discharge In Banhruptcy. ITILE DlsTitlrT COURT of the United, States, for - the Western District of Pennsyl vania. Guy Loom a bankt opt under the Act of Congress of March 2.1. 1 , 57, having ap plied for a db,eharge from all his debt., and oth er claims provable under said net, by order of the Court, notice Is hereby gfren to ail creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons interested, to appear on the 27111 day of , August, IhttS, at le o'clock, A. M., before S. E. Woodrutr, E. q., Register, at Ids ()dice, in the city of Erie, Penna., to show cause, If any they have, why a dischari., , o should not be granted to the sail bankrupt. - Ana further, notice is hereby given that the second and third meetings of ereditOra of said bankrupt, required by the 27th and 23th sections of stud act, will be held before the said Register, at the same time and place. S. C., Clerk of LT, 8, District Court for said District. agl3-21v. • HALL'S . VEGETABLE SiciUAN HAIR ZFNEWER: Diseases of the Scalp Pr,ODUCE GraY HAIR ANT) 13ALDNI>..s The Use of . • . D o egetable Sicilian Hair Renewer 4 % ,, 1 . :1 4 "/Citto Its natural color and promote tta k e Cur TrtatlB3 on the Bair sent tree by mall. R. P. MU& it CO., Naslme, N. U., Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. ag13.41w. Amignee in Bankruptcy. TN TILE DISTRICT COURT of -the United States for the Western District of Pennsyl vania, in the matter of C. 01' Andrews, bankrupt. The undersigned hereby gives no tice of ills apointment as assignee of U. O. An drews, of Albion,-talc county, and. state of Penusyjkrania, within said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt Upon his own peti tion, by the District Court of said district, dated at Erie, Am-. IL A. P. Ina s. ICENUX 'l\l, 11111LRT. A vignee. (y, at Law, No. I.l_ll reach St Erie, I's. aul3-3w. Assignee in liankrnpte)•. X THE DISTRICT COURT of the - United States for the 'Western District of I'enn'a, n the matter of M. A. Cook, bankrupt. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint- Went as assignee of M. A. Cook, of Union, in the county of Erie anoil State of Pcnnhylvania, Within said district, who has been adjudged n bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said district, doted at Erie, Pa.,'.tug. 12, 11363. HENRY M. una.rr, Assignee, Atty. at Law, No. I.= Peach St., Erie, Pa. anti-3w. thePRINTING of every Mud, In large or "nail quantities. plain or colored, done In the beat style, and at moderate prices, at the °Wryer once, Burton Griffith's Corner, J.lMEin ffitA HARD 'HMEtit JJARD TIMES! Prices MONO Collie Down! BURTON & lw 1:1111T1r, 1324 Peach Street, Corticr 'For parttrufarl FroSzn;lll Prifq. CO/LIC l u 11,L1d :,/ze uur - Reduced Prices On Tea,,! febr,t, r. HAYES d: KEPLER, REAL ESTATE AGENTs. lOU SALE. Qu (I,t. 12tla Street, beta e r n r Streets, ri good 2 Rory Sc.. Lit 79 , 4 x DA feet to In trot ber otbraring [mit trees tor. Prieo '31,200, Terms POP,. SAM'. The tine two t,tnry , mod,rn , rfek riNrelllnv. on Intl] strret,, I't mrtwi. tic nAr I.ot. if.trEbi 4 1..,:f.„pr Fl 1 1:., IDE (411111.1 , 111 N, er Ft hltUaLe OreW3Urlee nt 211th. I.ot Ezxi79, eilOtee bearing Grape Vila I, •.y 4 ry well built liottso, V;x3l 1 , 3 ,i, n1 the house. Price $2,500. & l bpLE No. 1 EOM ON PRIVATE 'We have a number of very r C4ls to offer ettstoiner. A•or particular, Our ollire, No. .1 lieccl Houmt. rny2l-tf. HAVES ‘l. FARMERS READ! Mercier Flexible° Leto., rr RE FOLLOWING COM N ii - NICATION , •• , I well known citizens ex i :au, it, Int I'll , LEITER, FROM GEN. h . .. 1 .1.71:11 Li. I hereby cc rt ify thal. I ha , . • u , •, , ,i , 1.e ' Y..• Flexible Harrow," tile rhtot of whirl; f r • C,,unty is owned by Capt. John II W.,, , . rind that I con al-cot/4,11,4i I,ne-',11%;.1 1.1,11,...; thin machine than with ahy char I , qUalnled. with. It cotaba... , thF , y,..• •, cheapness and du raly.lity. an , nnv.t perfect harrow that I 11J,ve ,t,.., „„, can be ea.sily changed into a 4 13 , ,•it t!, , ,..f, ~ and any boy large enough 1,, .i n .„ , re:1 , 111y and ea.,ily take it :,part and •,:' • gether again. I most ehe. dully r , ... - o: • my friend, and Reg naintance. 1., ,m, n ' (thine, as I ronsltler it a1t0tt..112. , r ;I, , , ti , e, No ri ,, k" is ineurrt-,1 L , li, pe,,,1,„„ buycr will have marl, rtpr a ~ Ittt.•, , , t . before paylnq for it. I Lave I ur , l,Ast.l:. ',,, now and n farm debt, 1.1:11 En FIZO!.[ 5:.7tr has mg witnessed the r,p. rat' at the trial on the I.lnd on the path of June, 1 have I,a ILF•Irm.,:, , lug that I believe it to tic went of its class, and ,f,ot, (lon of all who e t‘t tiele. Its Ilexthinty—ulikli _ . ftselfciosclyLOtLu , ul(a,r ever rough or ura-r,ll It nt.i ,- 1,, „ much nap/run:rt., 11/pi (.1:g ti illia from all r . other peculiarities In It, 00n,r.. will be readily per et iv“l ti.. MET. +•n.l.etcnai bring. H into general use. of the , v Barrows vkr ust, • ,;1 PUSp. l 41.7 IT.l.'l[lillt`tilrt t•:t1 , tt't tyt' tt 11'11 , \rho lit ,N't• , istact lon. • i WI 1. , 13 W. 1 , 6 I 11, 1 Is, Pat. Self-Clearing Conlici A New and Useful Implement, To PreTent Clogging when Plowing st ble or Clovpr Land, or Plowing in Coarhe !lannre. PATENTI II JUL'. 1111" / int, 1 RC .1,1 tho , _ ~... ~...." , w--,,,, - tt StiniLlil..; 1 • '•.. •: , ' Thi, t., t.,,,r1.:... /. a , , m , ; y2l _ I,,,,ii r , :i p in .A n L ? , : .......,. : , 1. 1 ;:t..;nt. 1 .-.. - ........ 4 .., Coulter In p .•.. 1 . - ;:-... ,.. ., 1,, ,.. _ 1,11 ... r ''', --,--. i l I. ( l ,:at r i:tr s ,',t ri ", ,,. .:4-':::1 4 rid I consi , kr 11 I: , - 411- 77 '- 7-.. --- _ — _, lea hilell“..V• t ilnUanY Clean '.':. 4 1i:b .... :Uhl I , un•bler :: 4, , 41 , 11 kinds of plowing. IIOBEET Ft" 0: M. It. E. SVINII: ThtSl, W subuittted your self-de.uiii; Lou':er, Lout ht of you last fill. to ' , IN( rY plowing uiijc a heitvy likee t that wa. very badly lodge.% .n,l Pt.:rfeet think, for I could Plow a , • pleay2 , l wfthont .topping. In uneby; • mt wartattly the ea , e %% hen ti:uh: I yet thinly a nui,l : t - tr .itch 11 , 0 on my fllrtil A.rt lin • Yours truly. The culisPri her I. ',teat eft at Ent , i.a . ; elit 5011t•on and v.lll Pu by agents to supply theta with 0 , 11t,t• Vert Shut. G-v-Tt;Wri and County price that will,pay the pur,l,,,r the investment. 'fht. Coulter has been c0:7.7:41,1 a p7l • • Word 6 wherever erntogtoi. q of tr t operation, :: ctat ure 64, bee s iskit eezv i v e t 2 o o t . .,e i l . p o l r ly . o. formation address \ K. 14 1 j itIE DLME SAVINGS and LOIN 1 1..13113, Pleat. M. H.‘llll.F.ll l \ UEO. W. COLTON, Secreln* awl irta,ur, DIRELTO22.S: ORANGE nInT.F:, W. A. GAl.lln.l - 11 rri,ALF, S FL DEN .11A RV. , Jour H..l3r.Ns. M. GittkWoLD, .IgtiN C. SELDEN. li. F. BREVILL:S - v.r. IVIIIVEAN, L. L. LAMB, 1:v. % , ;_scli LI - RAFE', M. HARTLFI I . G. B. DEL.tItATP.V., 31eadVillt.. The above inßtltut ton is now fully er: , and ready for the transaction of ban.a. ' In the room under the Keystone )T ER of STATE .sr.l.ll%i:EE.^ It, open; With A Capital Stock of Sloo.itig flu, prlvilegeof lucre:v.lm; t•o• ' • Loam a'a,l illFerrants chases math , of all I: Intl , : or ,rti.,,,4r AZ -To the ell:lions hi. I: nn excellent opportunity Milan SaVingq, ns 'Merest. v-,1 Depociti . or One Dollar 'or CJ SI'ECI.IL DLl'()ctl'' A special feature of the Pan': V. ,' eept lon, for cafe lcurpluff. of all k • •' and SecarltleAt. Je‘itelry, Plate, , large Hitt.: AND BURGLAR, " 11:1:4 been carefully provided. Per.tuns having, any property of tt Which tiler wit.ll VI deposit. In a so : c' ilnd feature t`a t my2l-tf. TviiE suusmumm. olTvr. tor =41.1 , .!a, con tly in the beautiful Good well of water, two t'l+trr:r• and an abund.un•r of 11., BEST VAlttErr OF ; 'CI' PRICE LOW.-TER3I . ! 4 REISOOLE The property Is especially Much as the Lake shore to Man tion °Clem - tang, Which will not , any in the country, t‘; ses. For particulars, it .lucre of 11. on the promi,s,.. ALE 13REWERV GEO. E. 11.5.1iV1 : Formerly with A. Ring, havinz. -known. Brewery ,e‘ French Street, below Fourth. Er" Renner)) , oecupSet) form hL old acquaint:Yu:A s and the ‘• rally that he I, 115 Tr brOW , lni: quality of Ale, From his lone MIA - OSM he is fully vrt•lsli / best of satisfaction, Pea:el :ne iY 9-1 3" - \l` JOHN GENSHEMER &SO.' Dth.F.B.9 IN Clothing and Gent's Furnishit4 Go4l CORNEu. OF SEVENTH siart .111 E. BLANKS! 13LANKS S— A eignyl de went of every land o f inwks Attorneys, gloos, Constablr4 anti Bo." 3 1en. for sale at the vlAerver orrice. iteb) abtettiscments3. lIAY e. N , ). I RI 4-1!,, 3i)llN House and Lot for SaIC• VILLAGE OF NORTE MEI Eli