The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 20, 1868, Image 1

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    Vrici , .4lcrtin 01)-.5rrber
ii'l• .. .I 11:
14 1\.191...t It : - .;1 .1 I 6r. A:. Li PAI:1:.
i!rtIII.I 1,1
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~.1.11 to 4.11t‘ .141%114,,
apply iffily to 1tk0,,• ,1110 1,0 Pt
-10,`e:11111 , 11:1'• , .‘111ils
Nip. In 110 •0111 let ;11, )101,.m
0.110 , 4 : LI::: unii L-. 111:•
t P ti,l tlt Itth.l'LL 0,
I i
nteourotl‘t•lli , "::l,l tAlt v: hirh
ot• naln :t••I 1., In
Any I Ion.; II • 11: t:1
lull ,itutro:
it, :v.
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1. 1,1 :•.( •"0
1. - .1 ILL. I I 'to. t'ol.oll
p• 4) ul 8:0'101.1 . j: r lll 1.(N)
.3141' ,F+l 1!1.111)12.111120.1.1 141.10 141.151
'1.2.1)0 ; 11 .01.;:). 1 ?13.. , '"V" 1:0.01
•e• • and Adninti-tlnt,‘r..,'
and 1 ,v :cot 'eq.
Nee, tut 1., ado I S•dirtt 1, 1. and
:1:.1 - 11,2.(-- and Ilestha,
“1 , 1111,114 , 1,v1i f,opai N",,tfe,c,
Ili. o 110 , , ro•Is. prr lito•of Ellzht
„ In , : In, rit ,, n,l2e,.nt. per ;me
• I, .111.1 1,•o rent, for (al, h
\n 11,; 21 et•nl., jro line; Mar-.
r cent.; t f a.ith, 210 iLt , oarh. Adk
nu lON In-art ,41 every other wer'd,t
, h.k11.1111i; 111 ad', ,rt....‘niont,
the period t h•-nt
[boy \r;11 conliOne.l 1111111
!, I oil!, zit the epen , ..e the {%, td ker..
;+11,• , ;(-1 . !1•h;-;! .1;;1;1;j1,2,11: 1 *,,, , n ti„.
~.[.l 4,1 . , cd, dg, Idly kind , ;I
a ;,ri-w.O! • t;1;•r , .
r•-,T 0,:t).1111( 1 . 0
a • ~,,,11,;:v0n.,111,,r,, - . 1 1.ffi1.1
BEN.PN WrIITI IN. rp.inictor.
F r' , r.MI'IIAI , 4I , IN,
r, 1,, , of tlo.,,yorioj, ntrrar Hall 1111:1.111trz
1 r, II'III It.
t Herne , . at Law, r0..0, l streot, :i1 Union
ne, Pa.
orllet" Erif. CO I IIIIV, I.
~: ht•r 1)11 , 1110-• tittell•lt 1 111 %Vitt&
,11.1111,, .11111 al,p,foi.
11:1. \l'l.l'N" I!ALT,,
WlLti .\-h,
I tu:lh. 1. 1",1•1 -111 ,4 ;11n.41,,,
1:. !:.
\ ' 1111
•.• r the Po: 1 0,s.
•.,1.1 11.,m \ L 7 ,117. rc ath.or :j1
17ht•I. f;111.1, rro c hhcr.h.c,/ ch i II
•1111.1 alot i.c t".
F. M. COLE S sits, ,
l',—,:,11111,1crsrtn , 1,111:1111;
National Ilank.
I, 10,1. No. its; Szthte Stroot, nopolat rltt 0W11%.,
Eno. Pa. Ottleo hour.: ft 6m '.l4' S. to
12 %1.,1tt0l trout 1 to 1 P. M. f.
and Retail Ta.a.or‘z in Antldnede,
1:11.1..nn0n... and illaek , mittt rood. UUlc•e r.o. nor
P. u•li And 12th street..., F:rh•, Pa. -
A. I: I NU,
Nl.4.lter. Prom Doalor In Hopq, Bat
VatL, VtW, 1.4w0r, &e. Proprietor of Ale awl
'ol'ov:erten.; and ]f.1.11 \l'onlion,os, Erie,
\v. E.
offl e ,.l n th . ....ontwrig • -+ Blo.etz. north
I It, P.trtz. Erie, P.
.Inr•t ion mut Comini—oon amt Itt, I
f:•tato .I,Lturitq, Ct - 2 St al. %Irbyt. frm•nr•r Sint It,
Frie,, nuutit un ron , itrnint
Country Ventino: :Mon:1AI to in any pert "r
thv omutv.
FR %NA.: WI Nctil.:T.r.. nitotr
- -
WM. fitl: 7 : 4 ,
Tillltir rind Clothe , • unl i m II nel
0t1ii , 6.1 Clothe-. inaile,',•li
iit 11011 CC. Terlll, .1, lea
E0111 • 1 11 1i• .1, 1111 V. 111122.
i 11 E•t. spr,semn.
~l 'ENvElt A SUFI:MAN,
Att.,ln.,. at Law, Plan1;11n, l'a. 111 In
!ANTI v .11. 4 , 1.
Inn. Mink, ITnlni l n strvt.l.
',ill..eti• 11. promptly larsile In •
of the
oU 1,,1111,. .1./12.
NI )p,i,r., Fit N Cli„ • t
denier, in load and ~ • ft
iiej; t it:posed of our ilisok V to
OW alp ,V.• 11 nn'l firm, wi• 11..f . t10,1riirTOrlr, front
tin coal hair, roeoninteiel;iii• our sdee , s. tr. , Is
eminently worthy “f the emitidonee rind patruyi
lige of one old-friends. and the pill ie.
1% Jl' 1... N. A. :WILDER.
.31 muraetarer. and Wholesale Dealers In Tin,
ipla and Presed Ware, Stove Pipe; Store
Tina tmags, fie., Waterford, Ecir , Co., Pa. Or
d,. promptly attended to. Jan 9.
uppo,te l'n ion D(..pot, In,. Camp
hell, proprietor. open at all hour,. The
liar :111.1 laLlr niway , , applied with the eholec,t
thlt the ',la:I:, IN :01,1.1. h•l2Wws-ly.
cirAris S itAuttrrr,
i\o ana No. In Noble
IIIr4•k. (iii nytm tl.tvutpl ni4lit. Dr. Ilarmtt's
Ni. V;(-.4 :Alt St. , 1n514;67-13".
11EY ETT !LOU: 4 F,
Milk, Erie George Tabor,
proprietor. Lewd tircoinishitionA and mode
r.itc charges. 1.11 inyfra-tf.
iEO. C. P.I:: , :ItrETT, M. I).,
Pny,4eian and Sturgeon. Onlee, E.aNt Park tit.,
over Ifaven4 fetes flour store,—boards :tt the MS
idenee of r. W. Re doer south of the M.
chorell, on Sas. , afras street. Mee hours
trout II a, n 1.11111112 p. tn. rnyItYCIAL
T. S. Ir U.T..0:1:, A.ll. 17,1rInto.VP,
Erie, Pit. Meadviliv, Pa.
11.1L1,04.1i. S mciimosn,
Attoracyg at Law Anil Solicitors of (exits,
North Park Place. Eric , Pa. Persons tle
striuG to nht.un le•tters Pat eut for I heir In
tam., will W.f.—, ..Lll ”r adalL.4 “- ahore. Fees
,unable. rhory ,0111 for pats Meer. Spc
(l,l 41,11: lon gIN en to collection , L. np 7-Iy.
2'.15'. 1:(,1:1ILEI:
P. \-:‘,4 t, SIX ~ 1 0, • ri
f je.
~l:Ll'li'.c \l.\ltVl::
r Nfaryln, Alton - Irv , : and roun,ellnrs
(Mire 11, r.ozon "Stoll:ow:it' North Wo.t
( r of the I'uldl.l: , ..pime, Erie,
• - U. V. CIAL'S, ,
et In Ind. of Family Grorerteg and
zooos, some Ware, alydcal
r la Ch:orN, N 0,23,,t.Ei H.,
Mtouttertatute l'hysfetnn and Surgeon. ntrieco
awl Hiatidt•nco tr-h 4 Peach tit., uppoNite the l'ark
Itoteke. (Mice hour.s from 10 to 12 a. tn., :tlO-5 p.
and 7 to i p.
Engineer-and : , urvevor. R,..idevee e6r
n4.r Seth Ntreet and E:t.q..l - venue, East. Eric.
la:t1111. '
oppg.slte l'nlon Depot. .1. \V. Van Taksell,
pmprtetor. House open at all hours. Table and
1,,t 0 r Supplied with the best In market. Charges
conker l'yuclt and Buffalo sts,. Johii Boyle,
propriet..r, Best of acconnotHlatlons for people
;rum the country. Goo.l attacholl.
New Store, Walther's Block.
The nulowribor would calttlic atttutlon 01 the
pubic• 141 hie splendid ntcx.k. of
Spring and Summer Dry Goods,
Ju'.t received and • offared at
I have a large aN,ortnivat of
Domestics, Prints, Dress Good:, &e.,
bought low prices and consequently can Nell
N,et)• /OW. Call and exannno lay ,tuck.
(look's thown will' pleasure.
Yri State St
Wiirdenle anti Retail Pali iv in nil kinds Of
IfE.‘l, 7 Y
Anvils, Bellows, Nails, Spikes,
Leather and 'ubber Belthw,
Machine Packing, Cutlery,
Sawa, Files, &c
.11.0, a general assortment or Iron, Steel
and Carriage hardware.
tra"Stere at the old titatut of Mr. J. V. DOVER,
(ast side of State ?street a few doots north of
the Depot. 11U] El{ S: }TESS'
John Lindt, 1340 Peach Street,
Retail Realer in
Raving lately opened au entirely , new stock
'Dr goals, I tun prepared Wolfer super/or induce.
=en% to nil ho may give me n call.
Itemember the pinee, 1149 Pcnn Street, south
VI ttio I)fax.4.l;tie, 1'; apV-Uni.
. t
, .
. ,
.. . .
. . .
. ..r .
- . .... .
, ....- t, .
;3 4 .
i,., •____ _ . . r , ::-...,,,,.._,-
„ ..
, ... .
, rili' .
... „..... A
t . ~
~... 1 ,i , ~..
. ~. . _, ~.. ...,..
F 1 __Ati ..
..._ ___.44 „_ A,
_ - - - _•_..__.. .. . - •• -f: :
Oracttirq, prolittcr, riFtutt, &-c
. '
1 , 110, ..•.iol . L.l ..C. M. S. 111111 , 1 , 07,,r, ...V if ,
11•11:111•4 .1 • I 11 . 11111 , 1 tIal , •111 n.
I; iti WEI:II -4 , Pri.; rNS, \V
1.1.111,11 N, 'IV NV,,,,41( a :1:„1 4, 41111 P NV:tie
null, .‘ nt"
I' (LB A cc() AN D CIGARS,
iGi roi, , ira• - y itstuiltiitar terp4,
~ :Lean 1:11,, I:, State St., I;.rie, i'a
Wholes:110 and lletail tirurw•y
I-. P. A. la:cliEN. A; co.,
p,kll;. a nI I•'ri net: St.,
Grroc.!.?rie:-: ;Ind Provisioll,44,
Winch they aro dt,it ow: to at,
THE VERY IA 4EsT Pus„,„sriti.E Nat !
Sn 4ars. Coffees, Teas.: Syrnrts,
d l 4 lho .1.11,v arei. eparr.l
t•I 1.r0,• to ‘lll , , ~,,;vi. 1 , 0 11 - 1 .1 ~/11.•
T.lq y liand a ~ ,t, i p0)..11 1.4 Of.
t , JI thr• 5: 1 1,1,: , :th., ti ail., to w'll•!I t
att4 nt on th,
Th.-Jr I: • Lit
i!tllt•.;unahni f , q• t io , ,rt,:y." aplf'Gi-I t.
I I A. NT ON - IL I: 0. ,
I Inc(' Olt 11.1110 n a' , ll :It, itt
):•:4, YANKEE N-4
T.; vr
E NEW Fa I T ,
olitnz 11 a c,ul 'a 111 go away
hatisa t ,i • 11,,tt out in We, are 1.)‘ • / than 11, , C'of
any otio I4 , pu,r in the tra.le.
CaNIL • iA the Motto:
0,e11% vs - 04 in any part ot the eit3 (4.
t'arpet & Dry Goods House
A -14rE 1,7. :-.11“1:11 , 2 , , rlllll , ,
1:0_,, 1 1.1111:.`iN, II 1.11 , 1
mr•VI'I'I: ,sn*. I 1os.1.1.: cy.
Call juul - g.'t prl,es before purchasing.
WAItNER 11tit
aper67-Iy. Nn. Tic. Atari,le Front, Stat c,St
New Dry Goods Store!
No. IM2 Peach St.,
Has on hand a Fplendld stock of Dry Goods,
consisting of
Black and Colored Silks, Paisley and Summer
Shawls, Table Lineal. and Spreads.,
Yanlzee Notions, CU..,
comprisinq a complete assortment of every:
thing in the
which he olkrs very 'heap for east,. IA• invites
competition, and requests every one to call and
examino iwfox e purchasing elsewhire.
myl2-tini. biEO. DECKER, 1322 Peach St:
Farms for Sale. t
vrE OFFER for salca number of good Faints
V in'eldfcrent parts of the county at mate
flat re el-action from former prices. Eh de ry
should not fail to see our list before purchas g.
FIRST FARM—Is :2 aeres.s miles west of,. ic y
city, fair buildings, - orchard of grafted fru ll
kinds of fruit, sell all the best of gravettaafti '
blaek walnut soll. We think we are saf*ln I
saying that no better small place can be gaol
in the county. Itti:e era eon learn more part Icn-
lars front J. A. French,s2l French street, a form
er owner , . or Jolin H. Carter, the present owner.
BE:CON ft FAItH—Is the David Russell place,
amt.formerly a part of tbeThos. McKee proper
ty; -71 acres, about ten acres timber which has
not peen culled; 2 story new frame dwelling
hoes., new barn. Fences good. price, 57,00.•
about ;2,5.1 lii hand. Soil—all of the beet eami 1
and gravel.
Wel/eiteve. the above farms in point of son,
clmrarter of the niquhhorlum chriroh-
Ce, offer- attractions seldom Mond In
Linz; county, and more, they are cheap.
Buildhig Lots, PTice.s,ML
ft " ' " " ,SlOO. ;
3 " " $7.50. In Out Lots g , .1)
and 2.. i 0 , north east corner IMMO) and Ches4nut
streets. This desirable property k about Lie
rods front the ,lop,d, dry gras, el sot I,good water.
A number of tine Dwellings and a large store
have been built on the block this sI amen, rtild
quite a-muni ei* more will be built tie eonting
year. We think thorn to be the best invft
menk, In a small way now otP2ring. Term' O lit lutittl, balance on time.
Modern Style, Complete Finkh, all the Mod
ern-convenieneec, situate on Myrtle, between
Ninth and Tenth streets—the Dr, Whllltlin pan
perty-31, City Lot. - v
At great reduction, a number of Private Rol
hiences, at prices much recire , ed. Now i. thy
time to get bargains.
.' number of 1. , ,ts on Third and Fourth ref+,
botween 11011 and and German. Terin . .„
£lOO in hand, balance ,m .ix voars'
ja3o-ti. NAVES & KEPLER. •
filllE UNDERSIGNED offers for sale his valn
j_ able farm, on the Kuhl road, in Harbor
Creek township, one n it le south of the Colt Sta
tion road, and eight milts front Erie. It Nm -
lain,. fitly-1h e acres and eighty perches all im
proved and in the highest state of cultivation.
The land Is equal tot he very hest in that section
of the county. The building.; comprise a 2 sto-
ry frame house with 1! . , 6 story kitehen and .00d
cellar under the whole; wood home and 1 rk
house; '1 barns, each ;les4s. feet ; a shed 70 -et
long with stable at the end; and all the neeessa
ry outbuildings. A first class well of . s r t water,
which never fails, Is at the kitchen do . ' here
is an orchard with 140 apple trees, al . ffed,
and bearing; awl an abli whim ce of almost 'cry
other kind of fruit grown in this neighqtorbood.
i i.
The only reason why I wish to selli 1.1 lt. h am
going West to embark in another OP( paion,
Terms made known be applying to nn on; the
premises, or to lion. Mail Babbitt, :Wortley
at•Law, Erie, Pa, J. A. SAWTEDL,
decSAL . Post Office Address, Erie, Pa.
Eugene Wright & Co., •
Wholesale llealins In
Principal ugiee , tVrighrts Brick Block, corner
Washington and Center Ms., Curry, Pa.•
°Mee In trio, Pa., with li. li. liaverstick, No.
taut Park Row',
Erie, -
Jos. D. Clark, of the tirm of Clark et: 3fetailf,
and John S ti0..40.1n, of the firm of Eliot,
Goodwill 41.: Cu, having associattsl together for
the purpose of doing a general banking busi
ness in nil its brat/riles, opened on Wednesday,
April ist,in the room recently occupied by the
Sevond Natio , w 1 Bank, corner State street and
Park Row; faNceeding to the business of Clark
et Metcalf who dissolved partnership on the Ist
of April, 13fA. The firm of Eliot, GoodWiJa
Co., also dissolving on the same date, we hope
for a continuance of the patronage heretofore
given us. " apa-tf..
108 PRINTING of every kind, In large or
tf small quantities, plain or colored, done in
the befit style, and at moderate price", Pt the
21,1 1L t.• 1
11', at the
F. 5. 1 11L.11 - I , ECK ER
'l'L~;tea..u~in,cr~ of
TollAicos, FL.H, .CC
ITIIE LlQuoits
(+1; Frenvit •-tt
Dr 01500b5.
Farm for Sale.
• Penn•a
1 10011 , 01r ,-, (a:1 1)11N 'SIFTERS,
11()ofittIld's - German Tokie,
TI fe:ff item.,lit, for :111 I of
hr0mp,, ,, 41 4, 1 tli pair Juice. ..,r, aq 1 Ilry mt
lfs.l.lq.inally t.•roit,t,
.1-:\ troo,) of 1;.J(4 , ,,
11, lb- aII tl Dal 1,q,"1 1 inakinv: a lai para
_lion highly comeen , - 11 - tint. .1 ,Llpl 1 tittly
Ire,. nom ale“holie - tailluxlare , i nn:,
Irooilaiuni German Tonic
I- 3 e,.tahlmiti .11 all tile, nts,,“ 1.,10
ttll tt.c put', •'.l In,:
1:0111, t):..okue, ik.„ 10.11.1114 qn,.• t 1,,• :.•feat
v! , t,int 1. 1 n1 , ..1ie, sr, 1 r 1,
pref. Irrag :1 'Nu 6s, i:o , e
will 1,"
tio()FLAND':: GinorAN lIITTERS
Tht1Z.O\C11011rtV1•110-010tetii111 to HIP V...,i1,11,11.
(Wu 01 th4.1111.1.t.r., a , suit, t, vv 111 11 , , -;
They ;Lre both equttlly ;tool, and ctottalit the.
sante totstlemal thet•lodet. hetwe,qt't LW
t WO heletQn mere hhitter of I:e•te, he.
jug the *test palatable.
The>taneteh:fr , en, Lily gull
av itediLr,..lion, N.pllll, I
VP* . : WI tic ha'. I' 11, 1 - 11111 . •
1101111( eraucrl.'l he 1, 1 lit er, , c Int , tottittang
Its clue!; ct, It dt)e• want the Shttnelt,
then he,, , ,,lttes :011,0 , 1, the result of whiotf to
that the pat lent stunt Its rt,,rn SOVI III! 11i
tilt! 1i,11,,w
C. 1 1 , 4 INln.lenee; Pilo:, Full
-110:%.1, f•irliis or the stmil
a..h, Hun, 1,,,01.1 1,0
\VI i 12.111. 111 i YAW
or Plitt. 11 , 14 t the of the
!-Ltotii of the I'i .il. s, oi
I 1i1111,4 ;.t tll,llllrt,
or F-nriti•i4..l
It 111'4 IlOslnn . , INtohit tof Vi,ion.l.(iits or Weli.
!white the i-n.(1.1, i'din in the (hie!, Den
, o nee of the :"1..411
l'ain In the Slily, lid, 6, (
et..., Sitililen of Ileitt, It11111111`.! of rite
Collk.t:11111/11:111 • 1111112.4 61 F.% (iii•
si.Lion of Spirit,.
The sun', ter Mont tat ~ .•11hteast Pxer•
el., !Intl:neatest l'..aition in tint le ( t tni , of a
remedy -rdr hi,1,111,110 , in: 4 0 1 y
that whit h he is. a,- ( - 1 min d trout his in
ye:Am:tided), :Ind VI 1.1 t t I 110,4
true meld, is Shill- fufi t ottiputtudtal
free front injurious int_trcidteitt ; et.lith
lished for ttself a reputation tor the enrti of
these diseases. In this cant( etiott we Wollid
SIII,IIIIL rt 'wed!,
JLOt)Fi. 1.1.t.74
11.001;"1....A.N D0f.,4 4^
Pmpriml b 3
Plitla , lelphia, Pa
NS t Y-t WO year., Sinee they worn tint Inlro
dt:ry a Into Ha , : ( . 011111iy from I:vrmany, during
wilfrh I one tiler ha\r 1111,10nlitealy 11111 - QllllOl
II ie core., suir,rmv, humanity
tun gl.•aler uNtA•at, than any other remodiv,
known 10', the' Millie.
'These reniedics will effeetually cure Livei . Com-
Dial 01.; Jaundice, Dyspep.sia, Chronic
qr Nervous lloLllily, - Chronic Diairluea,
):titre as, s the Rid- _v ' neys and all disess
es aredng trout a d rd erua Liver,
tomato, or Ink:Antes. ,
Itcsultln from any cance whatever; Progtra
• lion ( f the Sybtem, induced by Severe
I,:uhor, Hardships, Exposure,
Fevers, Etc..
'There Is no 'Medicine extant , equal to these
remedies in eases. A tone and vigor is im
parted to the Whole bybtem, the apps tite iv
strengthened, fool Is enjoyed, the stomach di
gests promptly, the blood is pnrided, the emu
beOnflCS hOUnd and 11Caltily, the yellow
tinge 14 eradicated from the eyes, a I,locan Iv
given to the cheeks, and the weak and nett on,
invalid becomes it sti,,ng and healthy being.
Persons advanced in life, and feeling the hand
Al time weighing heavily 'won at, with all
Its attendant ills, will find In the use vt' Ithls
BITTERS, or the TONIC, an elixir that o
nil in
stil new life into their NOillSi,r,,,tore inn Mem,-
ure the-energy and ardor of more youthful I !ay.,
build up their shriink,n rollnA, and O•e
and happiness to their rennuniug yeao.
( 1.1.
Is a Well e•dahl kited fart that (ally one half
6i - thereat:lle portion Of our point]: Lon
are seldom In the t. , n- i Joyznent of xluod
heron ' • or, to re,e 1 4 their own exprr,-
sion, ! 'never f eel They are lan
guld, devoid of ell energy, extremely nervous,
and have do appet ite.
To this class of persons the BITTERS, or the
TONIC, Is especially recommended.
Weak and delicate children are made :.lane:
Ly the of other of these remedies. They
will care every ease of MARAS:tit:IS, without
fall. Thousands of eertincates have tteeomn la
tefl in the hands of the proprietor, bit spitee
will of bat fete. Those, be ob,elved,
are 11101 of note andlf standing that they
must be believ«l.
'l' _EI t.-; a' I NEON' IA
Lx-Chief .In.tlee of the Supreme Court o
l'enn , ylvant.i, NV rite,:
` ,
`1 Mad Troolland'h German Mt trr.: k a
good Mote, u,eful In A chken,es or the Ili
gth:tive olgruk, nu& .1 - 1, of gruat luqielit in
easesordebillty,atal• want of uorvous ne
thoj In the system, Yours truly, '
(41 , ..0, W. WOODWA111)."
3 tul ge of like Supreme. Court of Penns-ilvanin
Pitrr.ArimmtniA, April ISGO.
• "I consider Hoofinuirmbiernuin linters a vain
able medicine in as or attacks of Indigestion
or Dyspepsia. I ran certify thhi from my expe
rience. Yours with respect.
Pngtor of the Tenth Emit 1 , 4 Church, I'Mla
Du. JaciNoN—Dear Sir have frequently'
been requested to connect 1n mune with rec
ommendations of different kinds of medicines,
but n.garding the praettee a., out of toy appro
priate :There, I have in all ca,,, declined; but
with a clearproof in various Instances,
and particularly In my own :family, of
the übefulness of Dr. lloolland's Gerfunn
Bitters, I depart for one , ' from my utaaal
course to express any conviction that, for
Deneral Debility of thu SYstem, and espocially
!Aver Complaint, It Is a safe and valuable
preparation. In some cases it may fall ; but,
usuallv, I doubt not, It will be very benellcial to
those who sullbr from the above-cause.
YOUral very respectfully.
Eighth, below Coates, St
Assistant Editor Christian Chronicle, Pliiird'a
I have derived decided benefit' from lite nve or
!food:111,N German Bitten, and reel It my priv
nem. to recommend them :VK a most valuable
tonic to all who are gutreri int from General De
bility or from difii•a.viS arl.inn from dernge
ment of the Liver. Yours truly,
iftsutiand's German Itentedicq are counterfeit
ed. See that the Sig- nature of C.-M
JACKSON is on thell wrapper of each bet
tie. All others are 11 counterfeit. Wind
pal office anti mann- factory at the Ger
man Medicine Store, No. GIL Arch street, Plata
dolphin, Pa.
CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor.
Formerly C. M. JACKSON 4t CO.
lloollLuad's Ger Tan Bitters ,. per t tz p: ade ;, 6,t r e )
Ilootlancrs German Ten le, put up In quar , t
tics, el do per bottle, or a halfdozen for 6 - 1
:fir Do not forget to examine well tho article
yon buy. In Order to let - the gallant'.
apV 0-/y,
-The Noble Block Bry (oo4ls, Store!
, . .
' '....' • .„ . .
. .
1.Z.,1'00.(100 NVort it or New anti /34ssirable Pat it-rnm,
Sithimer Russell. Mixtures, Chene ; Pop] ins, I'egii4s,
Mar,:tiliz•. <paillh fi•orn 52.50 and rpwardk.
Wo IN - op:111 Lind •of 1111 a: ea 140,1 for a by- toll,: buy tigy.,b, Store, awl buy oo rtsfutto
ttood.:, hot t it,lt..t‘ or to kt. p I Rot,- 111. a I,‘‘ dill Irtod thnilbh• t
Alpacas—Mach, Brown and 19ra1)---Sl►lendid Goods!
11 Itur , - 4- :.4.4tocbli: of Ilelaineß,
('.•11 , ; , 1 . ufq :\ hr and tAlit , r popular Juntas.;
hat evct ha•, n.r -710 ni;v, •;p1.110,1 Tim j nrc;'ning like the dew
- Abrius - T_ANs
In I ho Iti.•vy 1 - 4111: 1,311,4h.1. 0f &e
20,000 Yards Cheap Miislins,
From Si to 122 1-2 •Ceittg. •
_ We have pr ruerl“ l nom the MAnurielotY, -
,000 Yards Of Brown Muslims !
flint we tiro M111111,e; that our rth.tniner, , hnula earn - trtt not rown for them.
V ar
counivi, are,1.10Mi1l with Good:, I) , ni2,111., pri•vioth, to the
Nnw Iv the time to buy, hefore they go highLr
CALL AT ^rum
Edson, Churchill & Co„
Next door South of the Post Office.
~~ .
North-West Corner of State Street and the Park.
NEclsr CCI3I - PLIEMIT. 11.A_NNF,113.
Job Printing of Every Descripiion
n qyle of untanpa,al 11 , and at prices to coining° with any other °Mee tlini2 , :crrth
West. tnir l'irism:s art• of the
Onr Ty ‘ en all NEW, and l ?t• the ]flL STYLES, and our Wont:mks rqual to any in the •Cortn
ry. With the .51aeldnery and Material now 110/YRPSF, we feel fully wartunted in
eta et that iNu OPFICE in I lii western Part of 11w State EXCELS, and
only onej-or two equal u,, in faellit tit 'llr/1111'2: Ma work in it
V • Ile - Nvn H 1101. 0 7 , e ce
Cards, Letter- aiul _Bill Heads, Circulars, StatenLents,L
Wr haw. ma.ic nrrinrnt. With 111 p 1ar70,1 and 1 t ( , tattllaPinont In Itnlrtln i3r procuring 1,
nny •,,rt of Engraving that inny Lr nucAril,ll3 as good, b.tylc and at
• , :c: f (1" 0 .1' 'c•' () f I 1 I.
SealQ. Auto:l%loß, Maps, Portrait ..&r.,
fly entro,thm theta to ns will ho nf...anrcd of ri good pleeg of :work In Iliontotd. prarrpt. +And Rot istrte
tory manner. Elozraving:. furni,lied either on \V t,stoueor Si eta
113oo7: 13inding, Ttit
lb •
In this dextrin - mat tre have faelliticsilinL are unsrpassed. 'Persons Slaving printing to be Anne
Rua requires Ruling or Binding in eunneetionorill nod tt to their interod to entrust it tt... az. liVe
gnarantee that It be pc!rfortned In a Workmanlike munin r, and that the charge will Le
ns numerate as eau be allbrded. V
The liberal patronage extended to this othoe during, the' teat two yetro4 h eneoutuot t tut to
make every eirort iu,sible to deserve the favor, of our friends, and we now- take especial g
ration In Informing them and the 'albite that we hove tonteeeded fn titting up an establish merit
equal to every requirement, of the cOmmunity.
liru are determined to maipete,wlth the la-d, and oat' ask : a - trial to i.;upity any one tha twe
elahn no here than we are justly entitlal to. •
. • • ii.AP.A4a.A..I.A - ]BIi_AA:Z I CIIIDS.
, . . .
Constantly on hand altal Supply of Attorney's Justices of tin Puce an Constable's Blanks;
of tho Moat fffroved forms, Also, BLANK NoThs of every kind Ma BA rota,ldDite or la
61:EAT Al't . l) (.IZANI) OPENING OF
For an 1 /; , 41 , , ,, ,1111:4 1;1 p.Ol ”f
NA .\c4
II -, •T 1:1 , A EIVED, A f. \l`,“
Very I Inn , kono. !I ior to any In Town
111:: ST 4,('N.
1 1 1 J: ,
r .
'2IFIV„ tri.
_ . •!.-..
_,: - .7 v.- ,4 4 .,,,
~--- ; :- . k,..,,, . 0 4 ,
• .
Ilaclnfi fittol office in the
Wo :In , prepared to do
ORDERS FOR! :1(10n t lon given to the printing of
And all the slud. of wnik In use by 1111sIne+e4 Mei)
Prtrlks watitinq, f:nt%
Pro. .11. Noble
; , li: ill
• np23'6B.
New Stnr Spant;lett Itannt:r
--av, can yr , ll SPV, Attie the war's deadly
I har time-hunmed lla without sadly re
TMi fate ut a peOple who sold their birth
Ana behold now the sun of their liberty
And the tax we now pay, (over a million
per day,)
(lives prom that fanatics and tyrants bear
While the Star-Spangled Banner in mockery
waves '
O'er bond-holding tyarnts and tax-ridden,
The brave fldieis who fought amid trial 4 so
they thought, for the old Constitution
• and Union,'
And hoped they would see when their perils
were o'er
The States all united in friendly (
But now they behold front our Univn of old
3lany States stricken out and by "nigger,"
While the Star-Spangled Banner deridingly
O'er- a country destroyed by lanai h:s rind
0, what would our sires N% ho for liberty bled
Think to see their homes sunk in such vile
The South ruled with bayonets, powder and
And the North under bonds of most. gall
ing taxation?
Could they rest in their graves while their
children are slaves
To Chow shoulder-strapped tyrants and dem
agozue knaves,
While the Star-Spangled Banner dolt taunt
- ingly wave
O'er those war-blighted realm. of liberty's
The blAck Mongrelq , ay they µ•ill force the
Slates all
To accept "manhood suffrage" and "mil ? -
". cceenation,"
For without it they know the it party must
And.down go. all hope.; of our Mongrel
"New Nation."
And they kllcA\*.if can't get old Useless
To be' their Dictator, their Fchuue•" must
And time Star-Spangled Banner In I lruth.may
yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the
brave. ^r.
Bondholder and 'Mechanic.
Conversation lo:tween Mr. It., aimechanit
and Mr. S., a U.. S. bondholder : .•
Afeehargir.. Will you purchase my house Y
Being somewhat in debt, I canton atlhrd to
live in a house that cost me $4,000.
Ilondleader. What will you, take for it,
payable_ in -United Stales per cent. bonds,
interest payable in gold every six months Y
. 3feelutuie. I will sell it (lar four thousand
dollars. In estimating the cost, I have not
included my own labor and superintend
ence. high figure. I buy
your house, I shall have . a
yearly tax to. pay
of $lO, while I note hold $42,000 of U. S.
bonds,i the interest payable in gold, the pre
mium on the gold at the present price makes
the interest nearly 9 per cent. per year, giv
ing me an ,income of $3,780 yearly, and not
a colt of tax to pay: It I invested toy money
in houses, stores, a stock of goods, mechani
cal shops or mortgages, or any article pro
duced by mechanical labor, I should be
Mechaar, Do you think it right to exempt
the wealtbv.class front taxation' They and
the national banks are .the principal bond
holders. Take your own case. You have
two children being 'educated at the public
schools, and not a farthintr do you pay to
wards educating them. Tho very school
books they study are partly faid for by the
hard working mechanic and laborer, partly
by the business man and real estate holder,
and partly by widows and orphans.
Bondholder. You know many of ns loaned
our money at the commencement of the war,
- when the Government required it.
Mechank. Yes, that is true ; but the Gov:
emment let you have the bonds at a large
discount, and you have been receiving your
interest in gold for seven years, winch has
averaged boot :eleven per cent. yearly in
currency, and nut n 'dollar's tax have you
paid during those coven years, while you
have realized nearly it 'aterest sufficient to pay
the first oost of your bonds. 'Ximliave saved
by notpaybr, taxes for seven years on your
bonds, $6,500; and could sell the.m, at apre
mium of $6,200, being the first ;isms": •Ilere
is a profit of $12,700, in addition to aigearly
interest of eleven per cent. in greenbacksau:
seven years, and from whom doer, this enor
I, m ousinterest and immense profit to Ton
I come? The industrious and hard working
. people of the country. Those who labor ten
hours per day are bearing the Inirthen, who
arc tc.xed for everything they wear, consume
,or CAM. Their clothing, their provisions,
.1 their RIO and their house rent cost them
nearly.doizble what it shoiild in consequence
of this system of taxation.
liontlholtle.r. From your remarks, 'I pre
mime you areotot a Republican, for they are
• oppeeled to taxk.g - !.7. S. bonds, and we are in
favor of payinglthe i peincipal of nll-honds
in gold.
-Mackie. I have ale Ays vol'ell With the
• Republi= party,butshall,v.ot'sdrppilft them
any longer. I cannot as andio4est man vote
' their ticket, when I believe it tc64;o'lmjust to
exempt themealthy bondholder' franc'
It Son , he paying nothing towards,.4lsng
• his children, nothing towards the support of
a 'police department to protect bus ownflife
!! and !bands, nothing towards , a fire Opal-L
-i ;.ment, nothing toward the repair bf Atzete‘k . ,
, which he daily rides over in hiss es:lmage;
• I nothing toward the support of thgpoOr, and
nothingtowasis the State government which
is oro.,,anized•to.seente his life and property.
The Ilemoeraticyarty are in favor of taxing
U.S. lviwlS, they.a.ze for equal taxation and
protection to all ; tiv.y are for one currency
for theliondhColder, the farmer, the pension
er, the mechanic and id,.!orer, the business
man. the office-holders and AU others, 4 :A'
Bondholder. Then you testend• to ' vote
against year own party.
Mechanic. Do you think I would support
a party to create a monied aristocracy, mid a
party that is not only opposed to taxing
S.ixinde,:but in favor of paving the principm
.of thedionds in gold, when cm the face of the
bonds 'it does not agree to pay them
'in gold,
which would be giving. the bond
holder equal to fourteen t hundred and fifty
dollars in greenbacks for every bond of one
thousand dollars, and you would receive
seventy.thousand dine hundred dollars for
what costleudess than forty-two thousand
dollars, ns.ycu bought them at a discount,
and for the•farmer. the mechanic, the busi
ness man and the laborer to receive paper
money fortheir dues, and for them to also
pay your proportion of taxes—you with the
gold received from-the Government for your
interest can purchaseelothingoral provisions
at half the price that others .con purchase
them for with paper currency.
Bondholder. 1 admit triat ills very shard
on those who have -no money to buy bonds
Mechanic. Why, sir,l nm acquaintetiowitii,
a man who lives in a country-town - in Oda
State and has 'sixty-five thousand dollars in
United States bonds, pays no tax, nothing
for educating his sou as. the public , school,
rides over the road in a fors-wheeled vehicle
which cost Sb,ooo, and tote others labor-to
keep the roads in order at their expense,
while a hard working man ding within a
quarter of a mile of where he isuards, culti
vates with his own hands eleven acres of
land, supports a wife and three children by
toiling twelve hours a day, and pays - four
times the tax of his 'rich neighbor who ,pays
only a poll tax. Do you think I would sup-.
port any party that would pursue such a pol
icy ?
Bondholder. The Republicans have made
some mistakes. I am apprehensive their,
course will injure the party.
Xreclianie. Agavernment of the people is
not intended to Tavorthe rich at the expense
of men of limited means, taxing the latter
class of their various occupations, and fur
nishing gold to the one and paper. currency
to the eximr, exempting the bondholder and
his chUdres fee 80 or de years liom taxation
creating a privileged class, as in Ireland,
where the people labor for the benefit of the
Igl== crad3l.
. 'You ought not to find fault
frith the bondholder, if the government
duxes; to favor us. Why not fault with
th‘s negroes atithe &nth whom the Vatted
States Government supporta the year round,
' yen are taxed to take mum of them, and
are they sot :Mowed ite ,voter The ,
widtweastreseetot , TotOpif he receives. Trout
dui Ulan or city taw tied of wood fia the
p tt peassa. Tay .1101 eapplain : of the
/ •
injmt and i \Tim
ice of the negro( ~,
ding the It'llite man from the same prig i
leges ?
Mcchaiii . r. What you Mate is :Infiniti. n t
of injuske on the part of the Republican
party. While I was 111 favor of freeing the
I was not in fiwor of the Republi
cans ' ving them any privileges that they (lid
not giie white men. I on aware that the'
whitallaborim , ' classes are ~ .upporting the ne
groes ol Abe South. The official reports from
Washington state that over one million of
dollars have been expended for fuel for them,
and over three milli ms of dollars [or medi
cine, :uid the amount for provisions, which
was Very great, I do not remember. You
bondholders dpi not pay any part of this. The
wasteful extravagance and system of taxa
tiontadopted by the Republican party is very
~ evore on ineh of limited mean=, and laboring
ela. es particularly. There is nothing, that
the, • consume or use but which costs them
ref ly double. This farmer has his share of
this licpublican taxation ;old waste, b , bear
iii Lis high taxes on his farm, the exhorbitant
prii:cs for his implements of lotqbandry,
ilokighs, shovels, hoes, &e„ :mil his cloth
ug ;and arti( lc. of uoli , iiiiiption for his fain
• t
r. If bonds were taxed, I should
buy your home, for then it would not ope
rate against my interest to hold real estam,
but so long as they a:re hot taxed, it. is.
Media nie. Tax bonds, and you would - see
dwelling houses erected with great rapidity,
giving mechaniN plenty of employment, and
rents at rea.sonable . rates, limners relieved
from a heavy but then, and the country pros
he Itiottory of the Radical
I Would-be Vice President Colfax in a re
cent speech, asserts that the "history of the
Republican party is written in the ?Tightest
pages of our country's annals." The follow
ing are the more prominent results of the
success of the Radical party, which now•seeks
by, usurpations and-military force to perpetu
ate its power, as stated by the New York
Ist. The history of the Radical party began
in isno, in a war which extremists north and
south labored to precipitate:
In two millions of men, north and
south, in arms, facing each other with the
most destructive weapons of warfare of mod
ern invention.
$(1. In the loss, north and eonth, of over
500,000 lives.
4th. In an expenditure of over four billions,
of dollar , ; for the North alone.
sth. In an existing tielit'or over two bil
ins and a•Lalf.- •
61.11.• In the heaviest taxation ever imposed
upon , any people in any country, tinder
which our labor is so groaning that it can,
raityliery come into competition even with
taxed Germany, England or France. ~
7th. lii enormous high prices upon every
th ill L'' ‘
flth Id i au irredeemable currency of mere
paper mey, $300,000,000 in national banks,
which is paying the owners of them from 10
to 30 perleent, lief annum, and in $400,000,-
000 \of rbenbacks, not good enough even to
pay,dut s to the custom house, or interest
due iondholders on their $2,500,000,000
of aqbt. t i
9th. lb tm anny of 60,000 men on paper,
56,000 Dien in fact, costing millions and mil
lionslor-1611ars—nearly $2,000,000 , - for every
10th. 1i the hordes of Freedmen's Bureau
olllce,hohjers, paid for by the North to gov
ern the n l eAroes of the South, costing millions
per 11111111
llth. In .leven negro governed States, ad
mitting the ost brutish darkey to vote, but
excl4ding 'Ol r 300,000 of the mo,st lutelligent
white voters.' -
12th. In a riff which drives off from the
outer] ocean ( serving for Americans only
the cqastwise rade) almost every American
ship, and whit nearly stops all foreign ship
buildit, in the‘rtnited States.
13th. ‘ln a tariff monopoly which every
where Nakes the rich richer, and the poor
poorer. 5
How We are Swindled.
A biltia al banker buys one hundred thou
sand doll of bonds and receives ninety
thousand i '..senbacks. His real outlay is
therefore, only )1, , .thousand dollars. On this
hezets from the i• evernment, on the 'bonds,
six thousand in go. , equal to eight thousand
in greenbacks, and • .-ides makes ten per
cent. at least on the grenbacks issued to him
for the bonds, =kin 'the comfortable sum
of $17,000, and yet thilpeople, under this ab
surd system, expect sgtn,e day to pay about
three thousand milliens—the public debt.
The bankers may be able to discharge this
debt by this system of hugmenting it, but the
people, never. The only, real outlay to which,
a national banker is i; i l. l )jected is the differ
ence between the iuno i t of United States
bonds he deposits and le amount of green
backs issued to him. !iiippose he continue
this process, and willg he has $90,000 of
4 reeg.,lgkeks, he again, buys bonds and again
CiaNS greenbacks, $BO,OOO from the treasury.
Again he repeats the process, and draws
$70,009, and then $60,000, and then $50,000.
Bitsis greats but approximating these in
gu-Mlianlis l yiculd be furnished until be
would recelye,naterea on quite half a million
dollars from the .ogverument, and his only
real outlay would be the original ten thou
sand dollars. If the Union were richer_than
Crwsus and Rothschilds and all the kings and
emperors of the world, this process would
speedily bankrupt it. Thepeople,under this
wonderful banking system, disguise it as we
malt, pay one hundred per cent. for the use ,
of private bankers' capital.
The Reason Why.
We heard a Republican giving his reasons
recently why he should not vote the Radical
ticket this fall, and as they are cogent and
natural, we give them a place in our col
umns :
Ist. The Radical party has too much Dow
<F, and it is disposed to abuse it to the detri
mwlt of the nation.
d.. Congress has been legislating more for
party,end..kthan for the good of the people.
fsil. +24 , 4llc...election of Seymour and Blair
and a 111111.JOrej, of Democrats in the lower
House of Cmig,re;.4l, or even enough to break
up the Radical two-thirds, a check will be
placed upon such reckless and extravagant
legislation as is now bringing ruin on the
• 4th. When -
Ruler and She . raiifr deelarearAf
ment bonds can be legally paid in green
backs, I do not think I run any risk by . vesting
for that principle; nor do I think it is repu
..When a party becomes• too strong it be
comcp corrupt, and should not be given un-
limited tamer. •
6th. -6 t rot.t., now holds a position at the
head .01'114.3 ply, and If he is the great sol
dier he elsams,to be, he had better remain
there. His ,parls gTply sufficient, "and his
honor amply great. •
7 th• The queetima suffrage has
been forced too soon, and ..tqZ before the
people are ready for it. dt is ti:c sacred a
right to be thrown away upon ape4i. , who
have not yet beta educated tir',itc ,frapplt.
- “Facts are Stubborn Things.”
The national debt can never be paid under
radical rale:
Because it costs too much to keep up a
.standing army of 56,000 men.
;Because it costs too much to support mil
lions of negroes in idleness that they may
vote the radical ticket.
Because IS costs too much to support the
horde of Pilices the radicals have created.
ilegs . uSe , Pr sal expensive navy which now
thatrlat4i(4l4Tt has destroyed our commerce,
we have no'need,of.
Because millionszpon millions arc appro
priated yearly to forsioo.public enterprises,
.which prove only to be spindles.
Because millions uponntillions are actually
stolen yearly from the Rational treasury with
as much deliberation as any burglar or thief
ever exercised his vocation.
Because the present tariff is grinding the
face of the poor and decreasing their agility
to pay taxes.
.Boaanse the haternialrevmtue system is cat.,
ing opt the substa i ece pf the whole land.
Tar% 'Democratic 'Watchman, • published
at Bellefonte, says:
"Within a circle of five miles from this
place, we have the names of forty-three men
who have all their lives voted with the oppo
sition, and who are earnestly working for the
Success of Seymour and Blair."
Similar changes are going on all over the
country, and the dOwnfall of Radicalism is
MONTOOYEBY BLAIII, the father of General
Frank P. Blair, has written a letter,in which
he says that in 1804 the General was offered
the nomination for Vice President upon the
Republican ticket. Re very wisely declined
it. So it seems that the Republican party
didn't always think badly of Frank. a
%Vim r, :h• his pony nuu l 110. 1 to
. 1 . 11411W11 li, my tili..l th , l
11.-.1-1.. , ! with 1111- 'l.
41 ,j
'WIPP kit Ow troo, nt dt
And Imnglira I, 11 111/11 flit titt, 4 4,
And sold hi; wool and wok hi, bout
NO. 1:5.
Who drove the Itebrews Iron CAW p
Into the alliinttor swamp,:
Where everything was dark and d•lii.p
Who, wrothy at those faithh .1e.%
Who kept Pa's shalt of "cotton" due:
411 further permits did refu4e?
Who licensed chap: that would div:,l,
With flatter Arglitt-pvtl;
Witt) claimed the hair and eke Ow hide •
= tYlio was it played , rf? interim,
For Johnson, and bandloozlml Mtn
By ra-instating Stanton grim
WI» taltes his pay in solid gold,
And :As that all who bonds do hold
Be paid in Eterling-o,in and gold ?
Who has no tongue, no wonls, ho speech
AVho knows no principles to teach,
Yet hopes the heizht of power to reach
Mr. A B. Lait the•Governineot in l -6; GI,
5100,000 z. At that tint , 01 , l
\las rei cent. premitun, so that the (,ov
ernment' leeched, in taut, but ;$4010 , ? , )
gnhL Upon - this $lO,OO in cold it paid
:16000 annual gild intere- , t, or filo en pet
cent. In addition, it '1 mptcd the I,ond--
from State and local taxation, amonn , inz t.;
two or three per cent. more each VQ:J. T:,
in four years, the bondholder who nt
000 in gold, has received back t 1,21,000 in ia
terest, and hai had his taxes exempted tit
$.1,000 or $ll,OOO more, making ti,40,000 in all
The principal of his debt was pay able in ;e*l
tender currency. To, so 'pay it now in
greenbacks would give him seventy-live or
eighty cents on the dollar, whereas h , only
lent lorty cents in gold. But -this do ,
satisfy him. In despite of the agr( em ,
demands 't.160,000' in gold from tiv (;ov, , •1
rent in addition to the 2:01110
he has received in intere4 an ta-, -
the ti:10,000 whit•ll Lct
1)itl anybotly tro r ..r tt't •th
btu dtlitawl
? W:1; 11 , nr -
pri : cedr , ntr,l r01.11, , ry ,tj,•,.t
treasury? that :s• noi Liu L
Molloy; i, a bon,illol,lkr'
Only think !It itt ,(IL . fht to ply tt
of 7Ftlyfitit with
tenet! Will the ti. li t
Ilan ,Richard W. Threnp.on was . platf - ,0n..
maker both for the Indiana Republican Con
vention and the Republican Nation..l
veniion. John W. F , rncvpruf c highir
"intellectual meehani .in," ail 2 1 .1 r once we
agree with him, Duch were the diverse achievv
mentb of that mechanism at ludimmpolL and
Re•eolittion , repartol 1• ; / ' Ti ~ ,,p • a, , 1
adapted at l'adia,, , y ,, ?; 4, F', l 4 %foe ! ! .
4th. The public debt, made neecs-hry Ly
the rebellion, should be honOrabh` paid, au , l
all the bonds issued therefor Should p,Lid
in. legal tenders, commonly
backs, except when by their exprozs
they provide otherwise; and paid in —l,
quantities as will maize, the cireulun,n ~ m -mensumte
mensumte with the commercial Muit,
country, and bo .L, to avoid the great infla
tion of the currency:and an incrmse in the
price of gold. •
I?otalatiaa re t ,, , sted 3fr. T107)11)$,Ii , lid
adapted at Chica!,,a,
3d. We denounc e . all forms of repudiation
ac ;• national crime, and the national honor
requires the payment of the public indebted
ness in the utmost good faith to Mt croittot,-,
at home and abroad, not only according to
the letter, but the spirit of the laws under
which it was contracted.
"You pays your money anti you takes your
choice, my little dears." .
We have been taxed half a million of Sul
lars, within the last year, to build , eltool
houses for the negroes in the South.
We have been taxed two millions one
hundred and fifty-seven thousand dollars to
orgarftze the negroes of the South into Loyal
Leagues and get them to the polls to vote for
revolutionary conventions.
We have been taxed eight. hundred thou
sand dollars to pay the expenses of negroes
to ride.almt the South on the different rail
We have been taxed to pay one million
five hundred thousand dollars for food for
negroes and Bureau azents in the South.
re have been-tried twenty-five thousana
doßars,to pay school teachers for teaching
ne.esio children in the South.
'these are a few among the many thing
we are taxed for under the Radical recok
struction policy in the- South. When thrty•
two millions more are added as the military
expenses attendant upon that policy, the
people may begin to understand why they
are crowded for money, and why taxes are
Solomon Stump and Dan Stri grin
Sturrepi—l tell you what it is l Dan, saltpe
ter won't save the loyal people from t;ittin'
beat this hitch. Everybody's agin us The
Copperheads has the bulge on us. When
they say things we havn't nothin' to say
back. They say Grant gits drunk, and we
can't deny it. They say Itephblicans keep
the Union dissolved, and wo can't deny it.
They gay taxes are destroyin'the people, and
we can't deny it. They ray UcpubiicaLs is
for pilin' on taxes by payin' the debt in gold,
and we can't deny it. They say Democrats
is for payin' off the debt in greenbacks, and
we can't deny it. The fact is, Dan, I think
we're about gone up, and unless you town
fellers put your heads together and get out
secret circulars, tellin! us somethin' sharp
and cuttin' to say to the Cops., I'll be cult it
I don't get out of politics altogether." •
Dare--I tell you what it is, Solomon, we've
been puttin' our heads together, and I'll by
d--41 if I can think of the first thing to say.
Just try to think up something yourself, and
if you find anything good, for (7.01's sake let
us town fellers know."
.NOTNNITIISTS,NDING the war Laded in M,'"),
,sex of the war and navy dcp trt
o years after the w tr
closed—were j3,5t 1,000 more titan during
the &st year of the war. Where doc' ill this
money go? The expenses of these two
partments in 1867 were over it4l No OW
more than in 1886, and from all accounts the
increase of 18613 will Le double that gun
Again we ask, where •does all this moue} - en':
Alt (Torts luCotigress to reduce the expe nse
have proven futile. The Itadicsls cnattun(
to squander the money and add to the cost
of living of every man, woman and child n,
the country, in order that they map revel iu
luxury. The leaders of that party are noxs
trying to elect Grant President, that they may
still revel in large expenditure oug
the national treasury.
RialiTall POTSTED.—A Rad., a kw dm. s
by way of apology for Grant', ,sttipid
ity as a.svisker and writer, said :
"Oh, he ia a of deeds, not of words."
"Yes." responded the Democrat,"he
fifteen thousand Federal soldiers at Cold
Harbor, and didn't gain an inch toward
"But," said the "loll" partisan of Hiram,
"he did that only to feel the strength of , the
"And lie did feel it," responded the Dem
ocrat, who was a returned - veteran; "in such
feelers Grant wasted the lives of more sol
diers between the Rappahannock and Pam
uakey than McClellan ever had, and after all
had to change his base, and take the route
Little Mac recommended."
This last shot disabled the Rad.'s guns.
IN ALL of their abuse of Governor Sey
mour, the Radicals omit" the damaging inci
dent of his life. In 155:3, Stanton telegraphed
to Mr. Seymour that he should be happy to
be considered his friend, sud there is no rec.
orsl showing that Gov. Seymour slapped his
face with the toe of his boot.
nrso the seventy-three years previous
to dte•war the total expenses of the Govern
ment were $1,400,000,000. During the three
since the war, under Radical rule the expen
ses (and the stealing) have been 111,300,000,-
SAM General Grunt—"l have no policy of
my own."
Said General Jackson—" That man de
serves to be a slave who would vote for a
mum candidate when his liberties are at
Wnit are the expenses for the army and
navy for the year 180, V 03,522,585, or more
Motley than was required to carry on the
great 31exieni war?
111.4 Ne%
L iYFY +.
1 -Ca-ft iu.Poitut.
Vt hit , 'iA
Two Platform.
What We : are Taxed tw.
_ , I