0. NOBLE. Bay State Iron Works NOISLIE Founders. Machinists and Bail er Makers, Works Corner Poach and 31 Ste., Erie, Pa Having made extol - 141v° addit tons to ouriart clattery, we are prepared to till all orders promptly for Stationery, Marine and Portable Engines, Of ail 817,CA, either with Hingle or cut-off valvos tEAM PUMPS SAW MILL WORK, BOIL ERS, TANKS, L"TC. ull Muds at Heavy anal 1.14;ht Oestlag• grwtk-ular Neittoo .:1 , , , e12 to Italkllng roul Ma- Mititery Oistlngp. POIRES3T,II.-4itenzu`a OrcuLgr %all Rigs mat .14111 ulitistettre the Zoitn n's Rotary Pampa, Gaa Pipe trud t riteinar, as 00641.9, Babbitt Metal, - etc. 5010,4n4.3 moltetted at mimed prkzt , . Alt 1.13er.' .lE,Vrantod. Our motto la, ~N~L-r ~.~a.w:r.;5 „ ~.1-'r~lUMial4M Naa We are bound to sell as low as the 10we44. Pleage call and examine, tobl3-11. FRANK WINCIIELL & CIL; • AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 824 State Street. nousoli,•ld Furniture and all kinds of Gocxis, Wares and Merehandlse, bought and sold and rooulved on culo.lgnlnent. ' Sales at pi !vale r. -Melte., Attended to. in any part of the eltyt. Sale of Ifou,el,olll Furnlture,C'arpets. queens ware, Horses, Wagons, and all Muds of goods on WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, O'CLOCK, A. I. Ala con•Agnment of gne. - onsware, Glass ware., liol.eya la:1 and China\ asul, now on hand, will he e 10,4-1 out iegardik .t of co,t at titivate Sale. - attended to M any pat tof the county. ap9--tf. Tollworthy & Love, NO. 1390 PEACH ST., Have adol.l.qt a new in of doing bust hem, and would rt speetfully call the attention of their'en , ,tonteri to the fact that they are now selling good., for CASH, OR READY PAY Wo believe that we can do our cu4tomera jus tice by so doing and woad fo.k. thrill to rail and Sec our sploidat of gio,clieq,con,ihting of Ten*, , • 4:oll•eiL_.. Phi gar.i. COMpri , eVel y 1 Inc:mn v,",•11 pt .•:1•(, , ( 13 :401 . e. \V' ;11 , , MI quality If ERIE COUNTY FLOUR ALSO FEED In unlinUtea.quantit/ca. e u eall. TOLLWORTIIY LOVE, 131K11eneli 9t., nppcnite National hotel. C. ENGLEHART ' DI. 11.1.1t:-; IN BOOTS AND SHOES, Noor always on hand all ,ylel of I.AI)IES 4 AND eIIILDItEN%-; Prenella, Kid, “,,,wanil Pebble Go,d Laced, Button. and Congress 13 Co 4t 'IC , tvforja. flirwt. quality, which will be Ivarriulte,l timLalltY, 11fi VAA: C to flt, s4 - (` Vi j 1 01.41 , I;er7:4-' ' We di:43111.0:e , ;! CEq*. miPt:nlrly afermled tr my2l-tf BLANK BOOKS! emighey, McCreary ~k; Moorlicail, 138311M21 IIL,A.NIi 1100ICS, of evcry tleccriptlon, BOOKS, ENVELOPES AND PAPER CHEAPER Than any hou,e in this city. AL,n, SCHOOL BOOKS, At Wholesale, as cheap as any jobbing house L•s Ea= n I U i.ICS The Depogltory of the Bible Society, at CAUGH EY, M'CILEARY 11001.01EAD'S NEW LIVERY , Boarding and Sale Stable, Corner of French and 7th Sts. tfIIIE SUBSCRIBER , . having taken the :data. 1 lately °coup:. d Ithatner & Johnson, would Inform the puldie that they have pur chased an ENTIRELY NEW STOCK of line -f,, Ilarne , , , , and Carrlageg, mat are pre pared to elve perfect satisfaction to all ho may favor them \kith a call. We hare the la.“,t btoe In North we-d. ru Penu4ylvauta• my2l-tf lIItECIIT BROS. Adminimtrators' NOtife. IrTTEILS OF AIiMiNis.TRATION On the estate of Samuel Rai hivm, dec - ,t, of \via erford township, having he to ;.; rante,l th"n. dersigned ; notice is herthy given to MI indel etl to thu same to maize immediatt payment, aid those having claims against said estate will present them, dole authenticated, for :Al,- tieuient. E'LIZA HARBISON, JOHN It. tiltOsis, Administrators. Waterford, Juno =id, I.,iti.-tos: EH - ~ - ir~: s, PTI Manufite NCFI 5 Erie, 'IILADELPIIIA & ERIE RAIL ROAD. MEM T trough and 1312 eet Route between Phil:Mel phia, Baltimore, Harrisburg, Williams- POrt. and the GREAT OIL REGION OF PENNSYLVANIA. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS Oa all Night Tr:m.lQ. ON awl niter - .MONDAY, I‘IAY 11th, has, tho trains on the Philadelphia Si. Erie Railroad will run as follows : WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 11:15 p.m. and arrives at Erie nt 8:50 p. m. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia at MOO in., and arrives at Erie at 10:0k5 a. in. Warren Accommodation leaves Warren at 12.-00 in., Corry at 1:10 p. in., and arrives at Eric at 3.:',30 p. EASTWARD. Mall Traln D'aVt'S Erie at 11:00a. in., and cirri% CS at Philadelphia at 7:10 n. rn. Erin Express loaves Erie at 7:10 p., in., ar rives at Phinvielphta at 5:00 p. tn. Witrnsa AenPirunc•lnAdon letwea ..:110 a. tn., Onrry fat :,.!4•3 u.1,,z1n1 nrytvt, \Vitt:tut 11:9) . ~.Atal 1 asnlX:SprO..-is elan 00t WILL O&1 ert , el: and Al rtgliens ILl:iluYi. 1.11 Lr EL 111110t1k31( - - _ Erhy& Pittsburgh Railroad. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 11, Isroi, tralny Neill ruu on this:road a.s follows: NOBLE ,t HALL ERIE--..01:TII WA I 10:05 A. M., Pittsburgh st,,,v, at all sta lion., and arrives at (i. W. lt. It. 'Prams (Cr at 1:10 p. m., at New Cast lo at 3.1) , ) p. and at Pittsburgh at 6:00p. al. 6:00 I'. M., Accommodation, aril% r‘s. nt Pith, burgh at 10:00 a. in. LEAVZ PITTSTIVIICIII—SOIZTII WARD. 7:15 a. in., Erin Exprewt leaves Pat,burga and arrive:, at Erie 2:15 pp. ttY 4.f15 P. M., Aceommoduthat Pltkburgh and arrives at Erie 1:29 n. m. Pittaburgli ILxprc. 4 sout It e.mrivet... at James ton nt 12:10 r. M., with Es r russ for Franklin and (111 City. Connvviq at Ti.os4fer nt 1:45 p. m., with .1.. S. (.1: \V..lvconim , ..lat 14.11 west for Warren, My: viola ant Cl. v. la Erie Express north connect at A. G. W. Transfer at 11:10 a. m., with Ma.l ca , t for Mea4l - Franklin and till coy, and at Jaw: town with J. & F. Expre , s for Franklin. Trains connect at Rochester V. 'III train , , for Wheeling and alt points in W: Virginia, and at Pittsburgh connections Inc PhlladulDida, Ilarri , ..burg, Baltimore and Washington, via nn.ylvania Ccutral Railroad. Erie . Expi ess nut th eel - meet, at lfira r• 1 with Cleveland s Erin ti raw, Nrest v:i tin l leveland, Chicago and alllona, In the We , :t at Erie with Philadelphian Erie ltallroad for ry, IVarren, Irt int lon, Tidiouto, d,e,, and N% ith lanalo d:Erlo Railroad for Buffalo, Dunkirk, Niaizard Falls and Nmy York City. J. J. LAAVRENCE, (lei/1'21;74f int,ndent. Keystone National Bank, CAPITAL $250,000. 5t , 1.1.. , n Marvin. John \V. Ifni I I..lihn Ntarvin i 3 ter Town, U. Noble. tcA .. (MANIA.: NOI:LE, Prc ,t. JNn. 3. TOW:`.:, Crthh. The above bitnl: nr)Ne tuW buN7vf-.4 in Its nr.w htrildirg, CORNER 01' STATE AND EIGHTH STS. .11,yountL.1. Ifoury re celveil on depo•lt. Colh•ellons nuula and pro. reeds tuvountiql for with promptue , s. Drafts, Speen: and Bank Notes bought and sold. A shaic of public patronage Nol watt'. LED 2,500,000 Customers in Four Years. PATRONIZE TUE BEST. -trAvING the, h„,e,t capital, most expen 1 cue, 11u 1,, and C ton , ive- trade of any . I_OlllPlll lu the Dollar Salo lan-Int :re Gltarantee Sat tSrael i(ntt Til iNcly inst:tneo, nti,l avt the bent , Cletiio7l 0 C;001.1% i Vlr oil at No °tin r coneet n ha, any .hale wherever our Agent, ate Our Motto, Pi nnyt and Reliable." Male and female agent, want ,d In city and Country. TILE I~IIIII~S Are pntlrnlnrly roquesttAl to try our popular club pystem of belling all kinds of Dry and Fan cy Goods, Drm, Patterns, Cotton Cloth, Ca. , tors, Silver Flatod Good)+, Watches, tC. (E.tablishod 1:4.1.) _I patent pen fountain and n chcrk de e.crildng artielo to ix) cold for a dollar, 10 rt.s; )) for ;12i 4; for i=l; 0) for i , ;; 403 for El 0; went by mail. 1 ree pr,,,nts to getter up, (worth cent. num- than tho,e want by any other eon cernj according to rdze of club. Send us a trial club, or if not tho not fall to hemd fur it circular. C. E. ..11 IX) N. B.—Our sale should not t o Ciati,Cil with New York dollar jewelry Palen or Logo•; Pin Cumpan ie.," a.; It is »othlnq of the sort. EASTMAN C KENDALL, jol-:;tn•- 1,4 lianover St., Doe,ton, TO THE PUBLIC. ~erp. 14 110 u-e , luting to New I'm g FOR YOUR TEAS: No use going to the refineries to buy REFINED' OIL! No use rjunq to soap factories to buy SOAP: No tice to lely hig, price, for any of your Groceries and Provisions White there 19 a LIVE CASH STORE, on the corner oi Sth and State Streets :Try the CA.SII Store. ADAM 'apl6-tf. Erie City Steam Bakery ! W. J. S.I'.CDS & CO., Proprietors. MAufacturers of all kinds of Crackers, Bread, Cake, Also, the celebrated "EXCELSIOR" CRACKERS, ind , ole olanufacturors of the patent Factory, curOor State arta k 1 Sts., Erie, Pa itt3.2l-tf DLANItb ! 13LA.NBI8I—A complete ris.sort iii merit of every kind of Blanks needed by Attorneys, Justices, Constables and Businesa 5t n, for hale ttt the Observer ()Mee. WINTER TIME TABLE. %,LFILED L. TI - LEit, Uun'l Stiperlutcmlent. 13A.NIK NOTICE ()L' EltlJ InitEefultS;' One 1)ollai• Y:nc•li &e., EMI NOVELTY WWI'S 00111iTRY MERCHANTS, ' DAIRYMEN, Farmers and Others, =1 A ., AIF -4 „BEE,WAX, 131'. Burmit cula>;E, EGus, teI.DUIL AND MEAL, FLAX, COTTON, FURS' AND SKINS DILIED AN fl (AWN, WOOL, GAME, POUL- TRY: NAVAL_ STORM II ol' s , OINUSENO, PEATIIERH, HEMP, itovisrol:B, OILS, LARD TALLOW, SORGHUM, MOLS.SSES, ETC.. JOSIAH CA P NTEI --- R, Geill Commis. ir_MerChitut 442, 444 and 446 'Washington St., NEW YORK CITY. And feeeive his weekly Price Current of Pro duce and Groceries, the most complete Price Current published in the United States. SEND FOR A PRICE CURRENT Marking Plates and Cards Furnished Free Liberal Advances Made on Consignments. F.STABLISIIE,D MAI' 1, 19.0 F4n4 elves reterenee4 given when Tertntred. inhl9ll7, LATEST & BEST! TILE GREAT AMERICAN' COMBINATION Button Hole, Oversenming ESE SEWING MACHINE! Is warranted to ex eente In the best man: ner every variety or Sewing, Hemming, Felling Cording, Tucking, Madding, (lath e-ring, Ovensearalng, Embroider ing on tho odge, and In addition makes beautiful Button and Eyelet /RAW In all fabrkts. IT lIAS' NO -EQUAL Wing absolutely the' best. , Family Mahine In the World, and Intrinsically the C'heftri est, for It Is two Machines combined in ono by a simple and beautiful mechanical ar rangement. Circular; with full particulars and Ram pies of work clone on this machine, can be lout on application at the HALM-ROOMS OF THE COMPANY, Sonth•West Corner of Eleventh aid Chei3tnut Sta., PHILADELPHIA. Instruetionm elven on the Attielane gra tuitously total purellasers. AGGI N rri3 WA. N D To Sell this Machine C. It. Kingsbury, 714 State Street St., Erie, Agent for Erie, Warren and Crawford eountiefi. jal6'63-Iy. NEW LOCATION. • G. P. DAVIS.: has removed to Whittich's Block, corner of State and Tenth Streets, Erie, Pa., where ho has opened a LARGELY INCREASED STOCK Of Groceries, Fruits, Vegetables, Provisions and everything 6• usually kept in n first-class gtocery establishment. We are determined not to be surpassed, and Invite all who want any thing in our line to call, feeling assured that we shall be able to give satisfaction both as to qual ity of goods and prices. Übuntry Produce Bought and Sold. We nave opened a , COMMISSION DEPARTMENT, I.o t. hich we ask the attention of those having Produce to dispose of. We pledge ourselves to secure the highest market price for all articles entrusted to our care. DEALERS IN THE ADJOINING TOWNS And on the Lines of Itailrort,l, Supplied with FRII/TS, VEGETABLES, ETC r'2:6&-tr. TILE UNDERSIGNED, Jinxing purchased thg interest of the Messrs Vincents in the ,FLOUR AND FEED 'BUSINESS Of the late firm, 'would respectfully solicit a continuance of favor from the friends and pa trons of the house, and the public in general, pledging himself that he will at all times tr to sc I 2 ' good and reliable Flour, Feed and Grain At theloweht price for cash in baud. From my long experience In this branch of the tirade, I iv tr,t I know what, the public demaml,Mid that I am prepared to meet that want. Returning my thanks to the public for their liberal patronage to rue in the past, I hope by strict attention to my busineGs and their wants, to merit a continuance of their patronage hi the future. TPEr ivirr.T.INIG, FLOUR, FFP-T), AM) UItAIN 1113241,1E1551 be ecattitauxl: In all ha delvtrtateuta, at the ERIE MILLS, PAILADE STREET,• and the Store, T:l~z3T PA. 140 W, Between Brown; Hotel and lteeti Buse, Where the public will and a Pood stock always for sale, with competent and polite men on hand to supply their wants. rip:s%74y. 11. B. HAVERSTICK. ERIE MA11.13100 AVOUICE4. N. A. DUNNING, No. 1016 Poaratr E e r o i t , , ,, b l e,lwoon 10th and Monuments, Tombstones, Marble and Slate Mantles,. &e. I have on hand a large assortment of monu ments and headstones of various styles, in American and Italian marble, and a corps of the best workmen in the State. All orders will be promptly attended to and satisfaction guar anteed. .My work is warranted unsurpassed, and I cannot be undersold by any one. Orders and inspection of stock and prices solicited. • mh191.17-Iy. GERMAN SAVINGS INSTITUTION, 429rner r.ighth and teptatu fTds., OPPOSITE POST OFFICE This Institution is now open for the transac tion of business. Orrier. 'lovas: 9A.31.t04P.31. SATINIDAYt3 0 A. 31. to 8 P. M. Six Per Cent. Interest will be Given by this • Institution to Regular Depositors. [DIRECTORS: J. F.lchenlaub, P. A. Becker, F. P. Liebel, F. Schneider, John Genshelmer. OFFICERS: John Gotta/Miner President. Matthew Behlaudecker,.. ....Treasurer. F. Schneider,...- .Seeretary. tur2l,7-Iy. 1....13. C11V.VA.1.130.11. DESIGNER & DECORATIVE ARTIST! Neatest, Cheapest, and Best Sign Painting West of New York City. 1114.15, Churches, &c., • Frescoed in the neatest style of the art. General Designing, Drafting of Models for the Patent Office and every description of Orna mental Painting executed promptly, Rooms In Farrar Hall, No. 3, second door, apll'67-tf. White Nen Mast Bale America. CLUBS FOR 1868...cLials FOB 1888. The Best New York Weekly Published. NEW YORK DAY BOOK 1 The New York Day-Book Is a straightforwatd Radical Democrat I. paper, n Rh a huger ,Irva latlou than any other Democratic Journal eve' published on tills continent, and. it enters on the threshold of lstrtmore pneiperOUß and more , hopeful of the great cause It Uphold!: titan ever before. Standing on the Declaration of lade tndence, that "all (white) men are equal,!' and therefore entitled to equal rights, it Is opposed to all forms and &ones of special legbilation that conflict with this grand central truth of Democracy, and over all and above all, does it combat that monstrous treason to American liberty, which, thrusting the negro element in to our political system must of necessity - wreck the whole mighty fabric left us by our Gathers. liod has created white men superior and ne troes inferior, and therefore ea the efforts of he past six 'years to abolish 11.1.9 work and equalize with negroes-overy law violated, eve ry State Constitution overthrown, every life sacrificed and every dollar expended, are tie , cessarily just so many steps towards national suicide; and the simple ate] awful protlem tiOw upon ris ha Just this—shall we recover our rea son and retrace our steps, or march on to Mon grelism, social anarchy, and the total ruin of OUT country. The Day Book_therefore, demands the resto nalon of the "Ultion as It was"—a Union of co equal States upon the white basis, .as the only hope, and the only menus posiblo under heaven for saving the grand ideas of me, and the fund , anientalpriciples of American liberty, and if the real freemen, and the earnest believers in that sacred and glorious cause in which the men of the Revolution offered np their lives, will now labor to expos -6 theignorance,deinsion and treason of the Mongrel party, It will suc ceed; and the white Republic of Washington be restored again in all its original influence and grandeur. The Day Book will, however, hereafter be more than ever devoted to all the varied purpo ses of n news paper, Conscious that it reach es thousands of families who take no other TOBACCO, SEEDS, Journal, beyond perhaps ' their local paper, it will continue and improve its "News of the Week" Summary, so 88 to present a transcript of the World's events In each issue. Its "Fam ily Department" will embrace the best original and selected stories. Its "Agricultural Depart ment" will bo fully sustalned,and being the only paper of its clam made trp expressly for country circulation, it Is confident it is worth double the price of a weekly hnrrledly reprint- CA from a daily. It gives full and complete re ports of the New York and Albany Cattle Mar kets; Grain, ProvLsions and Cotton Markets, and a Weekly review of Financial matters, to gether with the markets, by telegraph, from New Orleans, Chiro, Charleston, 'Philadelphia, Sq., &c., up to time of going to press. Terms—Cash in Advance, ctne copy one year, Three copies one year Fire copies one year, and one to the getter up of the club 10 in Ten copies ono year, and one to the getter lip of the club 17 50 Addlgonal copies 1 75 TAVCI43' copies one year, and one to the get ter up of the club 30 00 Specimen copies sent free. Send for n copy. Address, giving post otttre, county and State In full, VAN EVRIE, HORTON d; W. decl2. Norlo2 Nassau St.. New York. Cor. of Penn and St. Clair Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA., The Largest, Cheapest and most Successful Practical Business College IN TUE UNITED STATES. Fifteen Thousand Students From Thirty • Three States in Ten Fears. FOR LARGE QUARTO CIRCULAR; Containing full information, Outline of Course of Study, samples of Cowley's Premium Penmanship; View of the Collet e Building, different De, i4ir=y or rittaburgii, etc., etc., addressn t etc 17, Pittsburgh, Pa. James P. Crook, having taken in his son Jas. E., as a partner, on the Ist day of April, Jti4 un der the lirm name of James P. Crook & Son, de sires to have a settlement of his old accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to him are requested to call and settle without de lay. Dealers in ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER WINDOW SASH, FRAM - 4, DOORS & BLINDS Mouldings and Picket Fence, Scroll Sawing Matching and Planing done to order. Shop on Peach St., , Between Fourth and Fifth Bta., Erie, Pa. We respectfully call the attention of the pub lic to our facilities for doing work in the best of style, promptly and on reasonable terms. Hay hag fitted up entirely new shops, with superior machinery, we feel confident of giving satisfac tion. Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. my2S'6l-tf. JAMES P. CROOK & SON. National Claim Agency Ogle° hi Farrar Hall Building, Erie, I'a All claimants for extra bounty allowed by late acts of Congress, matinee the same promptly collected by sending their discharges to me, the receipt of which will be promptly acknowledg ed and instructions returned. INCREASE. OF PENSIONS. 815 per month for the total loss of use of either leg or arm, instead of £,S. 92 per month for each minor child of deceased soldiers or seamen. Also, other increases. ADDITIONAL FOR VOL. OFFICERS of U. S. A. Three months pay proper for all in service March 3d, and discharged after April Kit, 103. Claims cashed. Claims for arrears of pay, and pensions, and bounty, promptly collected. Unequalled faciii- Dies for closing and completing claims. Allow !Mee to prisoners of war collected. Only agency in North-Western Pennsylvania where years of experience in the U. S. Treasury can be found. Thankful fur the very liberal patronage be stowed In the past, we hope by increased expe rience and unremitting attention to patrons, to secure their continued favor. Office in Farrar Ball Building. Address S. TODD PERLEY', Lock Box Eno, Pa. nn7'66-tf. FOR THE FARMERS. `'BEEP SHEARS.—Wilkluson's best, and Strong's Patent Sheep Shears. WOOL TWINE, In auy quantity (MIND STON.E.9.-20" tons Berea and Lake Huron. SCYTHES.—brass and Grain, of do best ma kers. GRAIN CitADLES.—Grapovine and bluley, complete with Soythc;. HAY FORKS,—Two tmd Ham tine d% /10113, Shovels, Spades, Manure Forks and llay Ka!veg., for sale by 1= EAGLE FOUNDRY, Peach Street, above the Buffalo Road, isityA.Nr & co., MASELTF.ACITYREBS or PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, TUE CELEBRATED CURTIS PLOW! And all kinds of Iron Castings. Every Stove sold by us is warranted to give satisfaction. Kettles, Sleigh Shoes, Sad Irons, &c., on hand and manufactured to order. Plows and Plow Points of superior make and durabili ty always on hand. A call and a fair trial of our articles is all we ask. mr2.113-tf. • HENRY. BRYANT & CO. JAS. A. BLISS, DEALL•R IN AND SIIIPPER OF Vegetables and Provisions, No. 2 East Fifth Street, Erie, Pa. I would call the attention of the public to the fact that I also Sell Goods - on Commission. laPartienlar attention paid to that business, and to forwarding to dealers all kinds of Vege tables, Fruits, &c. jell'6B-tf Flour,Feed &Produce Store, Or at ti corner of Eleventh and State Streets, To which he asks the attentio n of pf all who need anything in his hoe. Ile will deal In every thing in the And warrants his goods to be equal to . the best In the market. The highest tuarket price In cash paid for 11 kluds of country produce. FOIL 12308. NEW PIIII4I. JAMES P. CROOK & SON, And Manufacturers of I'EILLEY'S SOLDIERS' BOUNTY J. C. BELDEN, 529 French Street. ERIE, PA. eke., C. 'J. ENGLEIIART Has opened a new 1 ) 11.01) , UC,V. LINL•`, J. HICIIENLA.UB & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS & SHOES ! No. O•2S State Strei.t. RETAIL DEPARTMENT. We haw:lust finished, and prepared for pub lic Inspection, a mammoth stock of Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, Rubbers, etc. embracing every descrip tion and variety of kinds, and which for style, quality and finish cannot be surpassed in the market, all of which are offered at Into reduced rates. We also pay especial and strietatten tton tO CUSTOM WO IL IC. For which the tineat collection of Leathcra are kept on hand, and every facility 14 secured for accommodating enktomers promptly, and in a stylo to render perfect sat intact ion. Particular attention is alb directed to our WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, No. 0 West Seventh Street, 'here we mahufacture at Wholesale, Men's Boys', Ladles', Misses' and Childrens Boots, Shoes, (Jailers, etc., of every variety and kind. naming lately enlarged our manufactory by the addition of new buildings and improved ma chinery, we are prepared. to (amply the Trade on short notice and at the, loweetjnarket phoes. 'Adjoining thls.department are cquinecttd our witoLt.s.ALE LEATHER 'OD FINDINGS ROOMS! Embracing .Frerilli, German andmerican Slaughter and Skins, of best and varied brands, Slaughter and Spanish Sole Leather, French mid Ameri can Roans of all colort, and prices. . With our increased facilities we ran - sell ac low as any F.a.stern manufacturer, and make to order any kind of work wanting by the Trude. Thankful for the past liberal patronage of the public, we respectfully solicit a coutinuanCo of the same. .1. EICUENLAUI.I et CO. E 2 (10 . ,5 tiO UREA? CASH STORE. ' Thi I WISi T Tr, c 4.,„ • of lith and Write Sts., DEALEII IN • 4 Groceries and Provisions, Wood, Willow and Stone Ware, And everything that Is usually Irkpt; In a First Class Family Grocery. ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. The best brands of Eric County FlOur, Always on Baud. Call and examine races. AIZ. Goods delivered free in any part of the city or South Erie. • oci-tf. J. W. BYRES, whok,tie. Dealer in Furniture ! • Raving purchased the entire stock of Fang bare of Messrs. Moore & Itiblet, I respectfully ask my old customers and the public generally to give ale a call at the old stand, • NO. 715 STATE STREET, Before purchasing elsewhere. I have a large assortment of Parlor, Chamber: and Bed Boom Sets ALSO, BEDSTEADS, CIIAIRS, TABLES, iVARDROISES, DESKS, . And, in fact everything in the line of i ,... urniture. I am prepared to manufacture to order any style that may be called for. Remember, Is o. 713 State street, east side, between Seventh and Eighth streets. ap25' . 07-tf. JOHN W. AIRES. FIRST-CLASS PIANOS! LOUIS BERGE tic CO., Manufacturers of FIRST-CLASS AGRIFFF OYERSTRUM PIANO -FORTES WAREROONS, 07 BLEEKER STREET. These Pianos are recommended by the most eminentJudges,andare,for power,fullness,elas ticity of -touch and durability, unsurpassed by any pianos made in this country. GUARANTEED FOR. FIVE, YEARS Illustrated Catalogue and Price Ll4t, i,ent by mail on application. fe1,131,6-Iy. GREAT ,REDUCTION 1N PItICILItt4 E.'ll COLE & SON` WILL BLND Harpers' and similar Magazines, at 75 cents per volume, . 130.tleY'8, and similar Magazines, nt $1.06 per volume. Harper's and Frank Leslie's papers, at E 225 per year. We are al.o malting and selling 13 1 rit n 131. CO CO lf: ,F 4 • At. • REDITCED PRICES ! • Bindery over Keystone National Bank, ear. ner State and Slit streets. ap:3l-tf. • • NE W BOOK• BINDERY ANT, Blank Book Manufactory! 1 1 ,re would respectfully announce to the public that we have opened a DOGS and aro prepared to do work in any branch of the business. BLANK BOOKS! Of all kinds, on hand and made to order, and ruled to any pattern desired. MAGAZINES AND OLD BOOKS, Bound and repaired hi the best style. BINDERY OVER Keystone N onnti treets,th S al Ban Eriek, Co , P rne a r State and 8. E. 31. COLE 6.: SON. Lancaster Intelligencer THE -LAI - WEST AND CHEAPEST Democratic Journal in Pennsylvania The Lancaster Intelligencer, established In 1799, has always been known as a first-clans Po litical and Family Newspaper. The Weekly Intelligencer is now the largest Democratic pa per published In Pennsylvania. It has lately been greatly Improved in all respects, and is Just such a paper as every Democrat should take. • The publishers of the Intelligencer regard it to be the duty of every Democrat to support his county papers in preference to any other; but as there are many who will bo likely to subscribe for morn than one paper during the pending Presidential campaign, they have concluded to offer the Weekly Inteillgencer at the follow. ing low rates: Single copies one year, 52,00; Five copies $9,00; Ten copies $17,00; Twenty copies ,1:r2,50; Thirty copies f-15,00; Fifty copies, to one address, VAStt; Eighty copies, to one address, ESII,OO. Dally I. telligeneer $5,00 per annum. Air- Persons wishing to sell real estate:re:ln find no better advertising medium then the Weekly Intelligences. Address my 7. . li. Ci. tiaLL'lll CO, Lai/MS/Cr. /' a ERIE RAILWAY. hoop Skirt & Corset Depot ! Great Broad Gauge Double Track Route to NEW 'YORK* , 130STON and the New England Mks. This Railway extenils Insm nniltirk to New York, 400 miles. Buffalo to New York, Mt miles, StlintlntllVll to New York, ii' lath ... Atel it, Iron) 2.1 to IL" MILES TilE sitOBTEsT ROUTE.. All i trains run dlreetla tin "ugh I. New Yosll, 4/.4/ ; MILE., without change of coach , ~. . ; From and after May 11, 15G'1, trains wilt leave, ' in connection with all tho Western i.ill, a' follows Morn IttINICIM: nod SA IA M A Na•A --by New York time—from Union Depots ; 7:30 A. M., Expre‘s Mall, twin Dunkirk daily (except Sundays). Stops at Salamaiwit at . 10:00 A. M., and connecta rit Hornellsville and Corning with the 7.30 A.M.Express Mall frrun Buffalo and arrives in New York at 7.10 A. M. • , 3:7J P. N., Lightning Express, front Salamanca daily (except Sundays). Stops at I tomtits. villa 6:12 P. M. (Slipper), intersecting with the' .35 P. M. train fmn .13ulfalo, and arrives in New York at 7.10 A. M. &:A I'. NI., New York Night Express, from Pan kirk daily (except Sundays). Stops at Sala manca at 7:15 P. Mt Olean 11.20 P. M. ninp„) Turner's 10.113 A. 31. (11kft), and airlycs In New York at 12.70 P. M. Connects at Clrcat Bend with Delaware, Lacknwana and Wes , . tern Railway for Scranton, Trenton and Philadelphia, and at New York with after ' noon "trains and steamers for lie-ton and New England Cities. 9:50 P. M. Cincinnati Express, front Dunkirk, (Sundays excepted). Stops at Salamanca 11:55, P. M., and connects at Ifornellsville with the thin P. M. Train front Buffalo, arri ving iu Now York 7:35,1'. M. From Buffalo—by New York Dine—from Depot corner Exchange and Michigan Sty.: 4 , 5:01I A. M., New York Day Express, doily (excgtpt Sundays). Stops H at orne :09 A. M., (MB); Susquehanna 1.21 P. 31., (Mite); Tur nor's 7.41 P. M. (Sup), and RITIVC3 NoV. York nt 9.2) P. 31. Connect:, at tircat Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna and Western _Railroad, and at Jer , ..oy City with midnight express train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. 7:341 A. 31.,Ex press Mail, via. Avon and Hornells - vine dully (except Sunday). Connects at lmira with Northern 'Central Hallway for 'Harrisburg, Phi hulelphin and theSout I:, and _arrives in New York at 710 A. M. 2:3311'. Lightning ExpreNs, dolly (except Sun ilay). stops at Hornellsville 6.10 I'. 31., (Sup); and arrives In New York 7.10 A. M., connec Xing nt Jersey City with morning expless 'rain of New Jersey Railroad for Baltimore :and AVaQiington. 7:31P. 31., New York Night Express, daily, (Sun , 'days excepted.) Stops :it liurncllsetlle, 11.10 3f., Intersecting with the 5.50 P. 31: train :from Dunkirk, and arrives in New York at t 12.111 P. 31. Hal P. 31., Cincinnati E,xpre.s, daily (exci'pt Sundays). Stops at Susquehanna 7. ti A. MI (11k ft); Turner's 1.37 P. 31., (Dine), and arri., cc in New York at.13:7, - , 1% M. Connects at Edon: nt with Northern Central Railway. for I far risburg, Philadelphia ' lialthnoreWtedang ton, and points South, and at N. York Willi afternoon trains and stialitiTS fog De ton and New England eit Only one train East on Sunday, le IN Ing Buffa lo lit 2:111'. 31.,And reaehing New 'Via B it 7:1 1 1 A. M. Roston an I —ew Engl 11 . 41'1 , , with their baggage, are transferred, free of charge, in New York. The' be=t Ventilated and mo Luxurious Sleeping Cars in the World accompany all night trains on this Railway. raggflge checked through and fare always a.; low itsi:v any other route. ASK iFOlt TICKETS VIA. EIIIE RAILWA.Y. which tmn be obtained nt all principal tieket of flees 11V the West and Soul h-We , ,t. H. fa I:DLE, WM. ti. BAHR, Surt. (Rail Pass. Ag*t. myll,4tf ERIE CITY IRON WORKS, The Bradley - Engine EBB EUII9, I'A., !LIN UP.IC7LTILELtei A New Compound or Double Cylinder Engine, • Whicli u s s 3 Tr. E 1 sTL 1i twirl: And Is Warranted tuive FIFTY TO ONE HUNDRED FER CENT More power titan a Single CAlutler Famine using the same amount of steam. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS I OF ALL STYLES OIL STILLS AND, TANKS : Uf all lkscriptlung CIIIADULAII SAWMILLS WM HEAD BLOCKS. dcl2-t f. Mrs. John B. Perkins, 1.1.1:1'..1CTI:1:ER OF COINIV.UCTIONM:Th'S : AND DEALEI: IN Foreign & Domestic Fruits N U 'l7 t!-_l4 NO. 5'.22 STATE ST., CORNER NINT Emu.. 1,17..55..‘ Pine Apples, Oraiige . s, LemolN, Peae LTC' Always un land In theft sca,un ratites 'plot:1110v Ith , eriptton (.1 PYItAMII ,4 , 10E , ., ETC ETC. - The niec,t sGnc weq. of New 1 - ,n I:. Authorized Capital S:7loo,onn CAPITAL PAID 'l` THE ;1! . :CONI) NATIONAL RANK opened for busin. • ,on MONDA 1", DECEMBER In the banking °Mee pree,,,u.iy.weurn a by the Merchanrg Bunk, BrolCll . B Building, not th-eat corner of State street and public Park. ChM. L. SCOTT, Trust. WM. C. CURRY, Cash. mitt:cams: W:d. L. SCOTT, 01 Brut of J. Eau ra kt: Co., Coal Dealers. JOS. M'CA.B.TER., of lino of Schlep, Mks 6:: McCarter, Builders. GEO. J. MORTON, Coal Dealer. W. S. BROWN, Agent Buffalo It. It. JOHN C. BURGESS, of Ilan of Cletnens,Caugh ey Jr Burgms, Wholesale Grocers. O. F. CROUCH, of firm of Crouch& Bro., Flour Merchants. M. R. BARR, of firm of Da n% Joku.amia t bye men, Stove Manufacturer-1. F. F. FARRAR, of Ilrui of Gray , & Farrar, Wholesale Grocers. J. DREISIGARER, Grocer, JUST OPENED A new and well Leletted stock of Stores, Tin, Japanned, Brittania a► PORCELAIN WARE, CISTERN* AND WELL PUMPS, IMO House Furnishing Goods Generally PATTERBON & AVERY, a.l French Sti;lLTlci Va Wo also haven large and well arranged shop, with all tlurmodern Improvements fur maim factoring tin ware of every description. and with a corps of competent workmen, under the supervision of Mr. C. Avery (who has had many years experience in city work). Weave fully pre pared to do Job work of all kinds with neatness and dispatch. Are well posted hi setting hot air furnace, roofing, etc. Call and gee us and ex amine our stock. ,WllllFlit 61: (24.1.:. I= Country Produce, Groceries, Provisions, NVIIcES, LIQUO1?-S, SEGARs, Tobacco, Crockery Ware, Fruit 4, Nut', 0.. No. 811: tat c Street, West side, helween th ftml9l.lk Stiects, Erie, l'a Cash paid for cputry prodne( my2,l-tf. W. ER HART F. A. WEBER Executors' Notice. L}TITERS TESTAMF.NT.\ ItY on the e , tato J of Frank If:11111er, di eero.il, having been been 'granted to the itnilerAgned notice is hereby given to all indebted to t•:, it eNtato, to make immediate payment, and th.Nl` having claims against the haine AS ill pre‘lent them, duly authent heated, for settlemuit. C.ESAIt JACOB 1.11:1:EL, jy9.ow Exeent ors. JOB PRINTING of every kind, in large or small quantities, plain or colored, done in the best style, and at moderato prices, at the Observer office. MEM New York loop Shirt Manufactory, lOON.t.!4'l`.A.'l' WM ... ,r ~,r A.' „ . ~: -I4 -,'..-:::A T. ,:-.•••:,..;7:.-•:•••ii,•,-.31,i,A+..??",4'4.-7.:; 114-,11,;;;41:::_i_Vt; ..7.F.-41,,F,ZA re VAlv. c. 71,1,1, trr ..?..,,,,i ;::14:1,',..fti--- trzi:-!E .4.4:2•4w ;-,•-_, . ••••,,,,,i,F7-4,=.54,--44 r.f.------: ----"-.4.: • -1,,,,„ ~,n _...„."-, . •,--;•• tz--.0.0., •-.' .k.-:, - - ---11,'",- " -q- 7,..-- m.::l+7:-.. ' k•-e.p c ;-. ' ti..4.-p,'_-*-z?'.'.,•*-47:47"it.-FEe-''-i,....i.:' ;',S.' - 1-41&47j7qP--.74:Pik1k..3 5 7i . - 'II ~i ';..-----1-----' E. f-::?-"" .":-.-.--"' V ,_r ,P ;;-• .71 ~ Neat, l'Aight, ('!reap. SinaiNt3- S'I9(I,EIS ! NATHAN ;, p , hiforni•-• the hll,: of Elle and •1111,41111014 country that lie has on hand a,-, , rtikit of hoop 414 and ~ tylyq, of his on it autlce, awl ioPoluf.ictury.l ft.. 110 , -1 1t..N.11,1.:14. el and taal , ilal, whie,i la, will vil,,iant, qua! to :Loy in the loark , t. 11.ivii2, expt rlency 11l thy hte,lnc..,s, his abliny to gPve t., A:!ltt lilnnylm".,r 111111 it Ith a call. If tiny of his tnako will basal: ?„Lar, they will he rt paired,. anl no ihar4e-, mad,. old 1-.1:Irt8 repaired, iLlteiril and t,111:tdo to order at thin shorty , t noi!e. , „ tel large :.d.o(-Ic .4 all lands of Cor,e is :111E1 I 'orset ;-zteeis constantly lcypt on hand. Country in, rchanti ,uppliol IheNl ry NATII.IN Jp2:-tf. le, ilea [State street, Eric, Pa. ILt(Sr!i. " TILE_WORLD." • At titc Op 1.1.1111.„: 0/ 1110 :if ~ 1 . 1.4'-, "Thr• 1•11:l11 , 11;_ti,, MOW 04)111011110y (NIT. the sylair.tlay ana huilKot ,d all pall iouc eitizenv. A glotiou, Wiilk 11:1, Ile,/ ;;.!, liuti ly 1112:1111.- 1),1) nlrcadyinn,lvcr; dt v. 'file long liltelity of ihn jonnral to the plot , tut liv laxv n 01, 1 .,. t indwat. d I'4l ;1 , 01'11(10r of vietoly nhutl6G Ilona Mt iii to clutforni:a. Con necticut, Olito, aii,• I N, w Jers. y, N. w have I.l,ailylerof tia vi rdirt upon the 3athrtil. , :Jill . I , lotrasit Mtlell 1111nt , It lit 1111,1 l.t• CrNperil 01 the eotnit:y yr, .kler. P...otleal pat ly (.11. /tplt, , t../llall'tit itll-'4l/Venl -11,1( 111 It 11%0Vi n ign l•-•tat , q„ .1:11a d with tall- It ny de-p,tl-an an, l N( gro l-alltage, It d, , pei.tt , .ly 01 a*, at a larinailt at lease oi pt,y,t , r, 111 1,11 . /I.llli publy: opinion. at theeo,t, of enonacill, taxes and of ei at no.: ( 0-a of union and To the great battle , till to he fought "The World" will give all it, ellorts, :ill IL, ener4le , ;. It 8,1:s of it, tricrid , 4 in their turn te, much • It ar-lcs of them more readery aria :t Is tiler iufln cure. It 1.1..`AS thb; with contliknce in its claim% us a newspaper and a, an organ of I p1111(/* The chief use of a New,pdper is to give its readers ALL THE N-LWS. For of'"Tlv , - , uri , :u.se,l by any J , ,urua I ni Unit. It tot xcel by ztu necur.y full candor, spirit and fret,linf,s In IL, new; col um=3 shall connu,nd it W re , ..ider, of NrLatev , L , :r sex, c: ,:c.l or plao.‘. Ali au unzan of opinlon \Verld" uu flinching enamplun L.: Liberal, kro;res,lve Democracy, whereof the corn, - T 'done i, Fro •d' cc strained by Justice ; Fr„-lout pine and simple, in the largest collective measure ,• the oilkdi of Justice bung to protect Freedom from ncroachinei its ; Fr 'inure of the bill ividual citizen In his right:, of thringli, Fp...4.c1', religion and P,•ottiotion ; in hi , . ,tight to maize auy mow y bargain, lie tl dirks Iproper in , pitri ,111-01 11 , 111 - y 1.1.V•i; in his tight to buy and ~ell in all dontesttg and foreign, in spdoei unf iud. I ot,,z tariiN; in hie Rigid to (1101)':, lit, 0 , .V11 food and di ink, in *lnto of meddlesora•• t,Lap,rancel.lWS; In his toepre, II tat 1 , 'l.l t i , :at I which tax him, 111 Nilta: of uneole-tittitiotul ex elttAuns; I."l,.edoni of 1'd1..111 tutiz , ns to a:, tnble for di , en—uon ; Freed , un of all 105111 conunimittes to manage. their local af fairs vatitout e. 30141 11111 ! L n u. e; Frl,l/{/in hr every so,tir, r,l the 6 , 61111(1'y, front the arrogant dud uncon-,titution.ll 4onantatt ,, ll of 11th, r nous. Thi; 1.11 - 40 :ma comp,. 111 a of rret , tora , lllll4 up the politics , t 22 J. which will zit 5.• r o ing to this cap ital Intert. , d of the cotinti y and of the human rave, . . A itttpc , r pu',11 ,, 1101 In Ole nictropolk k natu rally looked to for careful 3larkt t tuport, anc autti,:nlit• information, out inklligvlit lions rclattnt; to Trade, Commerce and Finance. the , e I.!fiture, "'rhe \V IT; 111VIceS Paii,on with ittly "otiwr jouraal. EDITIONS The WEEKIIY WORLD, a I.lr: , equai t• - )!..1a, t, -:uno -Azo as Fatly, is now prtuted N., holly In l.ugc po, vald: k since Its unlou m h the Now Yu: lc A: 11'3, the eir,.ulattuu of ,thy Wol t/ 11111 , 11 , 11 yd, hacv one. It Is sin 1.1111 iljoutual for Faims r, Live r,tc,...1: (,r jr.,hzeo Dealet, l'uw.try Mer,l,,mt, ote„ rub- Wvath The )lILD k a large (ittar ,atrin Niv• a, Daily, wait. Ling ttio gicat ma. , cur adA th. , et - mt.tin, cc,a ythlng4 , lse that ap1...t1 m the d..ily and wo..1;:ly ru...,day and Fri.la DAILY \VOIi.LD ail . ..rd , a enrol. 10.2 rem pcndltun and 1.11,e1.1,,,1.011 ot the nor, ei evvr day. 1 I:Iu I& WEEKLY WORLD 1 l'opy 1 ycar ='.'. fw) / coith., 1 war, , t paratt•lv ad/Irkr.. ,, d 7 00 I.leopit ,1 y/mr; separate/3 - aaldres,td lin° 20 c01a,.., 1 .1 cai, 1.,, ono ad. 1 1 ./... . ....... 2510 20 et - wk.-, 1 yunr, ,panit.ell. - ad/10, , ,d '27 In wl eople:, 1 pear, to 031 S: addre.„, topic, 1 year, separately at1,111.,,ed SE3II-WEEK.LY WORLD 1 copy 1 yuar 1 0, 13 ar, sopar.tl,ll* 1 , 1 emir, I year, to ~u 0 ad,lrey, . ••vparalely DAILY WORLD / cOpy'ono yLar CLUB PIZIZI:S. Cliib o vf 10 to wt, addr,-, I \Vet klv I yva " " •01 " • I ISM DIRECI'I()NS A11411(10113 14) Chill', !lily be in:ttle any tour In tho :1L 11)L , abut - e club I%l[l 1._1000;.2, in club Io,t, made only on ieque , ,t por ree,lvo.; club stator, L ai tip 0. pr,-t offle, null Stalk, in it has pry 1,".0 o,ltl unc.l4y-ing twenty-fly e.•nt • to tt•_,nl,:e of tile change to , •epa rate adthc,z. rilt•-, c.l , h to a.tvatiet.. ' ittl, if post.il,lo Pint t Alotlttv Order or Eatik. Driit. scut by ititul tt tuf be .r - th, r. \V hay,- no Spottinicit cop it. 1 , 0,t te.. Sent tit, of charge At here Ariltlre ,, nil orders arDI let It r- to THE WORLD, 'Jr, Park Ibnr. ils:cw York. 1 3 .1. - zosl -3 1 7 - . cm - u - s. THE MORNING PATRIOT The oUlc of the late d'Ati let met Union hoe ing po, ed into tho leuels of (hp undersigned, they propeqe to supply a vdentau that lees long existed to the newspaper pre, of interior PVllll sylvania. From some cause or other the reading massy, of the Deinoerntic party of the great Interior counties of the State hare been compelled, ei ther to do without the latest new.; or pationize journals wltr , , , polltleal sentiments were dis tasteful to them. MGM The Morning Putt - lot Intended to supply this \rant. It. proprietors are determined that no effort shall be stiamd, on their part. to make it fully equal, as a newspaper, to any of its competitors. W hatc•.er the eleetie wire') are able to commu nicate, up to the hour 01 going to press, will bo furnished in it- columns es el V morning ; cud its large size will enable it to ..tive‘luite :V, much reading matter as any of its contemporaries. As an advocate 01 sound political set alltlellt4, favoring no faction, clique or section, hut devo ting its entire cm_rgt. s a. tho gotql of tile whole party; as a vehicle of the lat. .t noses, and a chronicler of pas , ing es Lilts, we:ired.terntine.l it shall not he excelled; and we confidently ap peal to a discriminating public tor that appre ciation and encouragement winch me indispen sable to sucee,t. =EN=I " Six molauhs Slugle Cope., Three Lout, TIM WEEItLY PATRIOT. It is the determination of I:10 proprietor , : of tin Patriot to make tilt ir NV j,,urnal fully • inal to what the Patriot and Union was in its palmiest day s. It will be one 'of the largest Meekly paper, in the State, and special pains will be taken to fill its eolumn, with such read ing matter as will be alike interc,ting awl use ful to the Farmer, the 'Mecham , and the Man :it Business, and to make It an agrceal).o and welcome visitor in ei,, , ry family. Every nerNun should I , ub,crl'he to the paper printed in Ins ONVII and WO (10 not mean to enter into e•onpetttion %vitt). their - A.O papers of Bee State. Ent,niany people take tid.o home paper and a city paper to addition. To such we scud Bret bug. TEIIAIS ropy, ono y;.-ar " srx inontle, Ton copicq, one year Twelity eopieq, one year. I'lll y copies to one addres,) 011 e year One hundred copies .` All orders bliould be addresqed to B. F. MEYERB CO, iarrisburg, MEI Well Digging. HUSTEIMOINZ. of Sterr,ttanta, Is pre -11; Tlared to ilk; well , : 111 any pat t county. lie n , ts a horse and Pulp y, whit h en ables hint to do the work th,tet and cheaper than by the old method. Itella-; to vitas. K‘oh ler or Conrad Max, Erie eity ; Israel Mosier or John Shout:, West Mill Creek; Andrea• St a r.• ;von or David Fidler, Fairview. • jybi• 1W OB PRINTING of every kind, in large•nr r, small onantitloA,,plamor colored, done In the best style, pad ut: moderate paces, et the Observer office. THE LATEST PLIILNk IIiZEI Fashionable and I.kti.,. I 1.1 lo (01 _vw —2 1,1 I soul 1 Dully riutM.~ . NkINV My C A.!.111 ke/,11, Ir, • O. J. WILLARD, mrsio No. 513 Strom Nay, u u 144 MI I (*onl•ln't flow ; , • !.ong by loplcins • . , .41,N% Ober Jordan"; 1,11,Th e • • "NI i\lea Of 111,1, :11441„ r of „ "Wailing Still 1)r • • ' I,,ll'i•' "5-• tar, ol Pr' l' . '; hnba d t,, ; ;•,_ "Th. re's a Kn0ck10gati.1....b,,,,-;,• e.ong Ily .. 1 that in 51•r1.,•. ; • "A Sy- cet ln ler Rose •- 1 - fobler "Angel of Il.:anty"; by If.- "Cottrn!,,‘ Fong • • "hoe. inig.Song"; by • , "In thls Beau til ul by "Moe t 11.irling, on 're-.,' h • ' "Writ, )1‘..;:l. Song of I -.1 i Conk! I nt liillv , ring it , Vrv - Attls We Los,' el I „ • In trio ; 'Come to My Mart Y, 1 , - - Keder . . 'Sw(Pt Good N eht - ; p 'My D.:MI.IIUI ' p p ith•W"; FOll4 fin , l •lionio of My Youth ; I think , 'Fatlier,W€ Watchol at Fotht and chum, '3.thtilorte , , of the 'lt scem", but the otlai IP :is. Agt,"L by J, 't 'lam Kane' ; soiw 'JCLAIS,:va‘ lour of My S.?u , tcnor aud alto 1. wet .z Sherwin , Lnce Noah's Weary I hfo . contralto and chore., .softly Now the 1.1:4111. 8010.1 for soprano tcs..r, 'lie Joyful In ti,e Lord' 'Cast loy Burden on pram, and tenor, by 'Savior, Source of 'Te Thum'; I: flat, 13 a Good Twin; to soprano and Lass... . 'Praise the Lord, U no and tenor ,1 new Seitool Hook, Morning"; by Henry Tt0.1....: 4 Uiders U. J. W -co.- • 0. J. AVIL.LAIII). d'R, `-r. j "....;X: , .. , .... - - - -, ":71-u• ,-' 's,', •• , ....z!" - r - - . 7 4 1•• • -- .i - ......, R'o l.- • ... .', '.. ..t.. , .., ' : i . L ow , - Whole -Ale nt fur the t Yu:lr fur the "VO L " PIANO. I,OllTt Are strictly - spealclng failed to become t Lc LLA I . 1.Nt.r1.1.!, er Introduced. Dea u:11 LOW t Wholesale 1tat..,a.n.1cuar.4.1617.1• that. Large Illu,trat,a l ar c IL., t, Illieneso, Item on appileatiou. (.. Whole , n.le Ag, !it ;111;1,J. WILL! S. D. .t U. W. SMITH'S =ZEN AMERICAN MD% 0. J. Willard, Who!vs.& Ann* lIIIIIIIITI MAhla ui in design and the with ii.tvinai li.: ••,'tit di and did, I ui Mack V ; t,llll v, lach the inost,biaid can Li 1. gn lug lull partit Adilrr,s J. NV ILI-AP.F. 31; ESE 3ITISIC STORE' . . r--.-=',70:1.-;•',Ef-1_1Y,,,Eiq.x.....:_v_F,,!-V,i.-- 5,., .....---......tee.-..... 144...47 tz.-----r - t ....„,,, k'''''';‘" A , l 'N)- „....,, vr, t _ ..4 J Y0m. ..._,. ..„...-, _„...1 .... - ---,,.. Pianos rr,lin Steinway . 4 . S' or, Ml 7, ' _.• VC -r, 1:11111 (;411)1er, - - Al-. 4. 'Nit! ,I, ..4.,- t• 1 : 1'1icc.4.4 at a lan.4. 4 4:4-di4 4, 444.1t.: 1.4 7 44 w :4 4 . 4 - en"' prief ~ lively inhtt loth lit ‘.,.n ... 4 live 4 .4. en 1,.., the be-t Sew n : M - on hand. ry : - No. :.-15 :State. sticet, Er', PI. Pur2.-tf. Z. - ---- REFINED MOLD •liak!` CANDLES_ odfl.l rEIiaIICAL 4 NRI. C. OLIVE CHIRASIVE SQAP SOAP. , ‘ IvERto 4 II NR.2..G. : ct l,l , tvali t . FAMILY rCH.ERASIVE,'. N°.l 4 SOAP. =_- S 31-O=_A P•i SOAP. -_4''.LE - -- -r i--- - _ _ NT•r.tr. r: r. or ( //1 • AND CO:' • Corner of Holland and Sixth Str:,, =l.-Zl=, PA Greenbacks for Bod,, lIIM EQUAL TAXATIO' f "legal tenders" aro gool oryczei (tier, merchant, farm,. r, Inca:also, Lit Cr, and all others V.llO pay taxo, they aro good enough tur rich boudholduri r, he pay no uxes. THE PITTSBURGH PO The only Democratic daily In Wesur : and alirst-class ncacy. pa r. the latest Intelligence from all world, full local and commercial er with a vast amount of un,yellat:. , - - ', is delivered to subscribers in Dito_s. - :" neighboring cities and towns at the 1L: • Fifteen Cents per Week, or by Is" Dollars - a Year. TIM WEEKLY POST. Circulation larger than any Ilails:•a: Per published in Pennsylvania. a p:nie paper, forty-elght eolutun— ,, rt ming the leading editorials, .0 , 1 r ,I :• N , Daily Post, full reports of Hump—late telegrams, cabl.,, • reports, agricultural, 1)001; - lu:tiled to any ath.lava at . TWO DOLLARS A 17 - 13, Or when ordered in clubs of th , ••'. 1,1 'j 5 ....„ - - ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY Cz" CZ • Ch ciliate the Post and In. cratle vote orders nit I ' o w 1 th the cash,tNM m * and no raa from the terms given above. pudic-d to any address, free 1 e , , the publi,hei 3A:3.n mrsl.:s. • REMOVAL. S. 'HUNTER has renhr.. ,l hots I{• tstalltt, StIllt , 1111( the Dept, to I t three doors west oT the Amerwana • west where he has avert' HATS, CAPS, &C., 6 :'• Avarrauted to equal lu NI to ally In the market, and its a call moll 10., old ft leads and • Generally, asset tng them none • DLANK.S! BLANKs ! k , ) I , ` : wont of every kind of Ath.iria‘ys, Justices, Cou,tabhs itaa Men, for sale at the Observer oillp'• J 011 I'itINTING of every hind,na, :anal! quantities, plain or clored , '; the beat style, and at motlerate Observer office. EME