The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 13, 1868, Image 3

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aiia wash, 9r..20 a, m.11:10 p. iii
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. ....... JO) a. in. luut 6:'11 p. m.
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w- fawn. .upplying her!'
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\VA:I. A At•t• jail. MI CI eei:,
\ A it. W. It. R. and 111...ailville,s 1 'lli p. iii
l'tul ~, Ifni i ishurisf, Baltimore alai
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ti: c) .~Jbcrtiacmenth
t.imipiec in BaiilLellptoi - .
N TIII: - DISTRICT COURT ~f the Vnitea
f,r the We-tern I , l:zlituf t.f 1,11,.1.
, 11,.1. 111, mativr ‘,l T. L. (;4,141,1, bankrupt.
he tazderttigutA Iterchy givt • not 14.0 or
•,,t,t•ot tt, , lgneeof T, 1.. (~,111(1, of Sprint:,
, •1 I lo• t “truly t,k-Erltt and :-ttatt. Pettn'tt,
-Alit .I] , ntt t, a Ito ha, I t t LI M1.111114;441 II
111 , 0t1 Ll+ Uttn pt I Moll. by the Ilk-
Ir y• •of clf , rtt I, l•itt It at 3.;:ritt, In.,
tt ( 1 It.
lIENIt - Y M. 1:11Ati - r,
s La•x, :.12.; Pt hit., Elle, Pa.
l I N 1111. oi,ruicr ovitT of tiou * United
~, f•,!,•.for the Vre,terti nlltrivt Penn'a, In
if.• rof M. It. Ander , on, baniuttpt: The
%Md. I- '2 )1 , reby nut ice of 111.,
or tli. I:. A ipler ,, ,n, of Water
!lie eounty of Erie, and State or vemva,
vtui du.triet, who has been adjudged a
i-ukrupt upon his own 'petition, 1w the Ns
toot Vourt of said district, dated at Erie,
,•1112. 12, A. I). _
HENRY M. RIBLET, Ahsig,nee,
Atty. at LIII7, No. 1323 Peach SA., Erie, Pa.
.I.iiiiignee in Bankrurptey.
\:Tnr. l lisTiticTl'ol'ltT of Diet tilted States
for the Western Dist net of Pennsylvania,
!natterof W. I'. Evart , . bankrupt.
't: ander•igned hereby ghTs notfee of his ap
;soil went as assignee of W. P. Evans, of
, Erie Co., and State of Pennsylvania, • tel dist riot, li ho has beenwtpulgett
t•• toot upon Its own petition, by the District
s n.I dist! let, dated at Erie, Pa., Aug,.
ISENIZY M. 111 fiI.ET, Assignee,
tiVEtnr, No. LIM Peach ht., Erie, Pa.
I , ..igitee in Ilavikriiptcy. •
ill•AritlcTt l'"f the United States
We•tt rit lust net of Pen nh,i.ilvan la;
ht ter of R. l'erkins, bankrupt. The
i , 1 , 1471•• , 1 hereby gVI , notice of his ap
-14,,,i nett of Rufus t.. Perkins. of
I*s., Erie comity and State of Penn
- 111'11, Wallin distill - t, who has
It„ is ...iuhlat .1 a haul: opt, upon lit. own
i n. I. ei, In the Court of said district,
:tat 12. 1 IstS.
. . . _ .
\ • N.,. Prit, I AI., Erie, Pa
--ig•nee in ll:inkrnpley.
1.• Ir.-411:147 (.'01:10' of the 1 - nited
tor the lie-tern lostritd ot
oil of `l.;. Andrews,
I. The toidersigiwt.l fier,by gt
:o,..liznee of t'. U. An
.111,14,d, Erie ts,untN, and State of
Itt•ttns::‘, i, Nritittn sat 1 rod, 'oho hag
b., a .1•1tti.1.2:‘,1, 1 sinkrupt it, dht to,vn pelt
t/ I 1 , 1 C0.,11 I I .1 di.Trict, dated
1,, , 1% , .‘ tar.. I. It. Is,.
ill SRN' 11 Itllll.lll%.‘‘ , lznee,
I.lw. N.. I :Ist., Erie,
e~•i~tic'c' F itt
N " * rnitiid
la. , t.,t ..•
1:1 2 .' 2 2 2 1 2 1 , 11 2 i.l M. .1. bankillpt. The
un 1. tzivi it his appoint
.t. .i 01 M. A. 4 . 22.21:, In
or's Mate of lkiniss,lvatila,
11 1 .11 , 111 , 1, V 110 12% , 1221 - 11 :J1.111(1 2 42 , 1 1 . 1
12222k:21121 M22 2 :1121, 22 \VII pt 111,21 by 'he pl,triet
..:11.1.1n..1r1 .1. il.itil :it I'm., I'.t.,'Atig.l2,
111:N11.)" M. I11111.1.:T. teat c.,
iit 1 1'12:1 ,
N .tiF lrr 1 . 1.1 - RT I.f tla. United
1 tnr District ..:
' Wm. R., a wider
tl.• .4 ss ntls7, Itor,
...I tor .t ist s all 1111,1
It1.)V:11,1 , 1111 tsattl.let, by tech r
wilt, htttti e t. I,el, 1t!, elven to :Al
• t o I. the pro., d tut tr :tut! other
It • HI:, rt. att th 1. apptitr ett Ilit -7111i:thy of
\l:zed, at It o'clock, A. M., 1 t fore S. 1•:.
,la goter,-ttiu. trttfiet to the city
I'.l, to if any they hare,
t\ rt‘ t 1'.,!1,rg, i., tid not be granted to the
h. , 1 , 1 kola:I - n . 14. And flit titer. notice 1, hereby
in, It fled tin settond and third ht. et tittt,
er d.tte of the .at.l by the
HO:) , itt t•.d Art, v. 111 he lot
'rt the ...Ltd Itt gl.tet at the tame tote_ and
=ll=E=lCE=llff MMZ!
i)i,eitarge in ikiiihrni)tey.
:\ Tiff' I , l , lltill' l t l' ni the United
Ih, NV 0,1, I tt I .e,t. u , t of
N. Canih, v. a I, ,fikeui t ander the
1%47,1*0. 11.,..tpp1fi..1
1 ,,,, h_rtr,, , • from an-, ado! oth, r
r ...Slit t of the
..] t, IlLrehy gn(.ll t., all perons
1 , , I Foe., .1 th: ir ileht , , and other pt.r:4ollS
41, to a {Tray on the '..7th ,I,:y of Aintust,
••• A. M.. L, tore 11. C.
[lt Lw htfice in 1:rle, Pa., to • hoW entty,
~1 v,tiv a dl‘,•l arge ..11‘.nbt not
0., .1 ru 111, vankrupt. /2,1 furthet,
herele, en that the ,evotol ah,l thin!
22, eiinv. or , „dttto l at the sant haul:Hirt, re
by the '2".'th and h sect lons of stud Act,
2..11 h,‘,l h._fole the ~041 11,'akter at the saute
oue awl place. S. t'..N114,-INI)I.ESS,
Discharge in Daniiruptc3-:
IN THE DISTRICT corwr of the 'United
States, for the Wasters Do-trict of Pentettyl
‘.lnps. Jacob Kunz, a bankrupt under the Act
of Pantie , , of Man It 2.1, I , t7,havitig applied for
a I , iNehat go front all hi, dehp., andothcr claims
prod Ahlt Illldt r nut Ati, by orthrbf the Court,
I..dicc in ht raw giv(n to all petsdns who have
1.r..v. - .1 their debts, yyyyyynd ottier pemn, interest
, to appear on 111.....;th day of Aug., IVN, at 10
fill.. It, A. M., befor. S. E. Woodrull, Esq., Reg-
Ater, at his office in Erie, Pa., to ...hi, w ~ , i iii, e, i f
an, they havo, why ri discharge should nut be
,ranted to the said bankrupt. Anti further, no
t.. 0 1, hereby given that the second and third
mot!'" I
~,. (- C creditors of the said bankrupt, re
qua, 41 ,; lii Tah and oath sections of said Act,
Will bt had I.enne the said Register at the saute
MIL and I.lace. S. C. MeCANDLEbS
l !ilk cf C.S. District Court for said District.
!lit:charge in Bankruptcy.
1 ;-.l.lteg, for the ]t_', stern DP•trict of Pennsyl
tiuy I.ootniq, a banhrupt under the
t oft ongro , s of March 21, Ist., having ap..
!U.l for a kll , elittrge from all dr los, and oth
. r claim, provable under F:thl net, be order of
the rourt, noner is hereby given to alt creditors
~ ha.... moved their dAt4. anti ntlur per.orl
inter, , eo. to appear. on the I:7th clay 0
Augo,t at le 4,'cloClz, A. M., before S. L.
Regkter, at his office, in
the city of Lrle, Pt ann., to show eatow, If
aly they why a wseharge should not
..7,r,tnted to the bankrupt. And further,
notice is hereby gi ten that the second and third
jingm eroAltors of saelbahkrupt, required
by the Irth and 2th t‘rptions of said Set, will itt?
h. Id before the>ald Register, to the , acne time
mid platy. S. C. 3102.1NItLEss,
the of I.*. Di,trzci Court for said District.
1 2 1
=-:‘ ENE WER
Di. eases of the Seadp
The ut , e
Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Renewer
Iti , t , re. It to Its natural color and promote
Our Trk ft:l:w on the Hair fd.nt flee dy
Id P. HALT, df. CO., Nashua, N. IL, Proprietors.
rilrCl.ll2 by. oil drUggiqN. aglld3w.
1 -
I ,, TfIPRINTINt, t ry hind, In large or
or Leant Rte pl ffn I r colored, done In
,t and at moderdte at the
0 r% cr ottice.
a I..atNRtS f
B v L e AN l i S! d A f
complete ed ns d s or b t-
Attorney s, o u e tl ry , k C n ns o ab ß e a nk nd Bas e ilic y
Alen, for at 11w (..Ti . erver oince.
ERIE, PENN' 21,, AUGUST 13, 1868
The Observer has the Largestrelretalation
of any paper lu E. W. Penn's, either
Daily or Weekly.'' On this point sire
challenge contradiction. It• circula
tion extends to all points of importance
in Erie, Crawford, Warren and Venatt..
go counties. • -'
01)%erver for the Campaign.
The Observer will be furnished to cam
paign subse s ribers, from this date, until the
close of the Presidential canvass, at the fol
lowing-low rates:
One copy, six months, - -
Five copies, six months, - -
Ten copies,six months, and an addition
al copy Mr the one who gets up the
' club, - - - - - - 10.00
One copy, three months, •
Five copies, three months,
Ten copies, three months, ,-
Drpli t
1.15 a. in
lIY in a. na
7:1, p. in
3:15 p. 111
Subscriptions may commence at any date
between this nail election, and will -
promptly discontinued when the thin• has u.~<
Aired. fcbti-ti
The Democrats of Erie city will meet at
the places designated below, on Saturday
evening, August 15th, for the election of del
egates to the county convention.. The meet
ings will be organized at eight o'clock, and
the polls will be continued open until nine :
First District—Common Council room.
Second District—Flengel's Hall.
Third District—Office of Jacob Boots,
Peach street. •
Fourth District—Select Council room.
President Central Dent. Club
Fifty Cents for Three Months
la order to accommodate Clubs and sub
scribers who N% MI to receive tIM paper for a
,period, we hare concluded to take
throe months subscriptions from now until
the November election. The juice of sub
setiptbm will lie fifty ,reds for the three
month-:, and the paper will be promptly dis
continite l us soon a., the time expires. At
this low rate, it ought to be an easy matter
fore:telt one of our twenty-five hundred sub
scribe r; to secure at least one or two addi
tional names, and we hope to be able to
beast of a list of live thousand before the
canvass is ended. jll6-tf.
Amosu the celebrities in the city last week
we noticed Hon. G. W. Scofield, of Warren
county, a gentleman who has beconie some
what well known to the public through a
letter written in 1566, wherein •he promised,
with a degree of patriotism rarely witnessed
in these degenerate days, not to take the ex
tra pay which (' , macs, had voted to itself,
regardlcs , of the burdens previously borne
by the tax-payeit• of the country. S‘une ma
liciouq person.: have intimated that Mr. Sco
field did afterwards take the extra pay, nut
withAandinL,P the letter alluded to, but we
presume that the slander has escaped his no
th-c. :v. lie t.),1; no steps to contradict it du
vis,it. We regret, tor the distill-
Lmished gentleman's sake, that his friends
have not culled the matter to his attention,
that he might have accepted the opportunity
to place the facts before the community.
no portion of the county do the Democrats
exhibit more life and tact th.n to thc,x, three
localities. They have organized a club which
promises to be of great service, and have
sensibly commenced by providing papers for
.the doubtful voters, and choosing commit
tees to hunt up those entitled to naturaliza
tion. By a faithful attention to these two
features more votes will be gained than with
half a dozen ordinary meetings. The follow
ing are the committees to whom have been
entrusted this portion of the campaign work :
tt.qiu rg—W . W. Bishop. Eli Duncombe.
Amity—Samuel Ester, Timothy Gross,
M. W:. Clark, H. E. Ladd, J. G. Hubbell,
Richard_Robinson, Huntingdon Persons, W
Duncan, D. B. Hitchcock, Ira Chaffee, John
P. McCullough, Chas. E. Duncombe, John
jr., James Davids, Elijah Johnson,
James 1). Phillips.
Yr:tango—F. B. Duncombe, James Moore,
Frank Stewart, Israel Hibbard, .James Emo
ry, Samuel Phelps; jr., Samuel Henderson,
Giles Johnson, Alex. Henderson, Wni. Flinn,
Abel Green, William Orton.
TIM NLW Bisnor OF ,ERlE.—flic recep
lion accorded to Bishop Niul 'it'll, on Thursday
of last week, by the members of his church
in this' city was Of so spontaneous and cor
dial a nature as must have given him the
pleasantest impression of the pedple among
tit bum lie had been sent. At this - late day It
will not be expected of us' to minutely relate
the incidents of, the day, and 'we twill only
5.4)- qrti, v.lKt her considered in the light of
a inert' display; or as an evidence of the af
feetio,Lof the Catholic portion of our corn
munifY ler their church and its,creed, or its
a aeognition of the Bishop's past services,
or a token of hospitglity,it was an occasion
of rare inte: tat and creditable to the fullest
degree. The whole Catholic denomination
seemed to have united in tendering, the Bish
op cordial welejtne, and the day was one
loot; to he rementhered in the annals of the
Erie diocese. Beginning his career as the
head of the church in this part of the State
under such agreeable and encouraging eir
cum-lances, the new Bishop has a most aus
picious pros! r t heron? him, and his admit
ted piety and acti.,ity are the amplest assu
rances that the contidenve reposed in him
m ill not It misplaced.
The Bishop conducted services in St. Pat
rick's and St. Mary's churches on Sunday.
At. both places the es.ercises were strikingly
impressive, and their. elfeet Was much in
creased by the elegant decorations with
the churches had been prepared for
the occasion. The Bishop delivered a dis
course to the congregation of St. Patrick's
in the 111,41 - ling, Maul' was marked by rare
earnestness and learning, amply sustaining
the reputation he biought among us. With
out any sectarian bias, we may he permitted
to add our welcome to that of his immedi-
ate people, and to hope that his career in
Erie may be of vast advantage alike to the
cause of Christianity and of civilization and
g•nod morals ginerally.
We hope - that our friends throughout the
county will take immediate measures to have
everybody who is entitled to be naturalized
in lime for the October and November clee
tioml, attended to at the earliest day pos
sible. •
The persons entitled to natur.dization un
der the laws 4,f . the United States, are as
Ist. Any free Avhite, alien over twenty-one
years of 'age, who Las resided in ,the United
States for tire years, and in this State for one
year, and-who shall have, at leas l t two years
precedifig his application for second papers,
made the necessary tfeclaration of intentions,
and taken out his first papers, is entitled,
upon proof of ucii le , idence and declara
tion of intention, to hi- final naturalization
Any free white alien who arrived in
thi , «mmtry under twenty-one years, and who
has resided init for five years, (three of which
shall next' precede his arrival at the age of
twenty-one years), is entitled to his final na
turaliLation papers.
And all aliens of the age of twenty-one
3 ears and upwards:who have resided within
the United States for one year, and R ho shall
have enlisted in and been honorably dis
charged from the armies of the United States,
are entitled to final papers of naturalization.
The naturalization of a father naturalizes
also his minor children, if they tore actual resi
dents of this country. •
.Wr: ARE reqUestid to say that 11. meeting
of the Democrats of East and West Mill
Creek will be held at the Town Hall on Sat
urday afternoon, at tivo o'clock, to elect six
delegates to the Co. Convention, and organ
ize a cuLopl:!gu club.
- $l.OO
- 5.00
City Meetings.
The Promise and the Fulfillment.
Those of our citizens who have regretted
the intemperate`partiz.anship of the Dispatcl
were much encouraged by an article which
appeared in its columns last week. It pre
tended to deplore the unfairness and 1, indic
tiveness which mark our political contests,
and pointed out the injurious effects of such
a policy in a style no less trenchant than
true. The article was undoubtedly designed
as a pointed rebuke to some of our cotempo
rary's followers, who have long been in the
habit of permitting their, zeal to .run away
with their judgment, and might have been of
incalculable value if that paper would only
have continued to pursue a ccause in accord
ance with the excellence of its teachings.
We are sorry, however, to be compelled to
announce that our neighbor's sudden conver
sion has been of brief duration. In the very
nkxt issue from that in will& this' ed
itorial appeared, it resumed its old habits and
has continued them since, without any appv
rent remorse. In order to show how much
easier a thing it is for some persons to preach
than to practice, we quote below the article
referred to, with some appropriate extracts
from the same paper illustrating the Dis
patch's mode of obeying its own maxims.
The paragraphs set solid comprise the model
editorial, and the leaded ones following are
sample extracts; clipped at random from the
same columns:
If there is anything against which every
honest man, of whatever party, should set
his face as a flint, it is purposed misrepresen
" The Democrats intend to renew the con
flict in such a warns to re-open the civil
war, and rob the North of all the dear-bought
results of the war just closed."
There is much that is accidental, or promp
ted by a lack of 'intelligence, which can bp
overlooked; but this kind amounts to hit
little in comparison with that:which is de
liberately, set afloat by partizans, too often on
both sides, for the very purpose of mislead
ing the credulous and unsuspecting.
?When Woodward was running for the
Gtivernorship of our State, the Democracy' .
4.)genly asserted that should he and Seymour
be 3 elected, no Union troops would be per
mitted to pass to the front through New
York or Pennsylvania—that the Government
would be throttled by Seymour 'and Wood
ward, and the war ended. Seymour is their
first choice to-day."
In the ordinary affairs of life this practice
would not be tolerated, and he who should
attempt it would soon be debarred from the
society of all honorable men. But it is not
so in politico., Perhaps it has never ban so
—certainly not in our day, nor in any other
day ti which our knowledge extends. But
this is 13b excuse for the fact.
"We' should like to single out some reason
able propAtion as an example of fair state
ment and something like legitimate argu
mentation, (in Gov. Seymour's letter of ac
ceptance). But we can find nothing of the
sort iu the whole compass of the paper.
There is hardly a proposition in it that can
be accepted as an approximation to the
truth;' and one would .only make fihuself
ridiculous by attempting a corn etion of such
a series or bold fabodiood. nv gleam through
every paragraph."
It is rather a reason why auother condition
of things should be made to take its place,
and_common honesty made to take a scat
from which it has so long been dislodged.
The soldiers of Stark county, Ohio, were
in the Fifteenth Corps, under Frank Blair.
They say that when they saw Frank skedad
ling to the rear they knew an action was im
If fair-minded men would take the trouble
to look into this matter, and do all in their
power to discourage such a shameless prac
tice, it might be done in various ways.
Toast for a Democratic celebration: " Ilo
ratio Seymour, the candidate . who demanded
peace in the midit of war, and war in the
mid ,t of pence."
We should hope to see a change that would
do away with much that disgraces. our polit
ical discussion, and tend to elevate the char
acter of our periodical contests, both on the
stump and in,the press.
I 1
"What-a pity it is the Democracy cannot
resurrect Booth and Mrs. Surratt. They
would by great cards for Seymour, and of
immense weight as midnight agents in Frank
Blair's new rebellion."
The man who can disregard the claims of
truth and thirness in a political contest will
soon find the virus running through his so
cial and professional relations, and the result
will ultimately be an unimpaired reputation
and a ruined business.
The difference between the Seymour party
and the Grant party is this—when, in 1861,
the Litter said, " carry on the war," the for
mer said " Stop it !" Now, in 1868, when
the lajtcr says " Let us have peace," the
Seymour-Blair party calls out, " let us have
war." , The people who were Mr war in 1861
are for peace in IS6B, and rice renw. •
SuEnny's SlLES.—Sheriff Swan advertiieg
e following properties at public sale, on
e Court House steps, Monday, August 24th;
at o'clock. The terms require that the Pur
chase money shall be forthcoming immedi.
ately . afler the property d§ struck off, or it
will be put up again and the original pur-,
chaser held responsible for any logs:
E(irty-three acres in Elk Creek, property
of L. A. and Lydia Clark, at suit of Melissa
Aim •se( tt, use of Titus Robinson.
Three acres and over, in Curry, property
of .Tames Fralick, at suit of G. B. Webber.
Twenty acres in Concord, property ()I
Varnum Brown, at suit of Geo. S. Pond and
Warren Chaffee.
Tract in Corry, property of H. N. Penfield
and A. N. Beecher, at suit of J. L. Wads
Tract in Mill Creek, property of Andrew
Weschler, at suit of Ferdinand Hintz and
John Defiling.
Twenty-six acres in Le Bumf, property of
J. B. Russell, at suit of W. W. Dobbins.
House and lot in Mill Creek, property of
James C. Bailey, at suit of Deming & Davis.
Tract in Erie, property of William and
Bridget Mackey, suit of Michtel
Tract in Corry, property of Loren Hassan,
suit of Cook, Davis, Leach & Co.
-Lot in Erie, property M . ' John and Pauline
Langerer, suit of J. L. Stewart. '
Interest of the executors, guardians and
heirs of the late Henry Cadwell's property,
corner of State and 10th Sts., suit of Emily
Twenty-five acres in Greene, property o
Patrick Curtin - and John Hass, suit of Mich:e
Lot in -, property of Andrew:Reit:b
ards, suit of John Adam Scheer.
House and Lot in Corry, property of Ber
nard Lippohi, cut of Same! Belien, use Jno
l'art of lot on State St., Erie, property of
Hortense L. Hamot, suit of city.
Part of lot on State St., Eric, property of
G. W. Starr, suit of city.
Part of lot on State St., Eric, property of
L. Strong, suit of city. .
Fifty titres in Greenfield, Troperty of Da
vid Wilson, suit of J. G. Bauer, use of Wm
L. Palmer.
House and In Union born., property of
Chauncey Lewis, suit of Hayes & Kepler.
House and M hi Erie, property of Thos.
Bryan, suit of Morrisdn S Dinsmore.
lion-es• and lots in Corry, property of
Rachel A. Northrup, suit of H. 0. 3lackus.
House and lot in Corry, property of W. W.
& A. J. Follett, suit of W. B. Sterling, use of
F. P. Brown.
Forty-nine acres in Union Tp.; property of
Amelia S. Bacon, suit of E. Mackey, use Al
len S. James.
Eagle Hotel, Waterford, property of Robt.
Leslie, suit of Tarr & Northrup, use of S. C.
Two tracts in Ilarborcrcek, property of
Richard Mozley, suit of Frank Wagner.
Five tracts in Union boro., property of W.
P. Evarts t 1 M. A. Cook, suit of E. Cooper.
House and lot in South Erie, property of
B. B. Gifford, suit of S. A. Derby.
Tritct in Concord, property of Nilo Ames
and Geo.'ll. Bedient, at suit of Ransom 11.
One hundred and fifty act es in Franklin
property of G. Monroe, suit of Lester 1.1. ,
Two and a-lialf acres in Mill Creek, prop
erty of Andrew Barttel, snit of George 'Wit
Tract in Union born., property of A. M.
Edwards, snit of Philander Root.
Two lots in Corry, property of L. C. Root,
suit of Selden & Green.
Lot in Erie, propCrty of Frank Link, suit
of Sebastian Rindcrle.
House and lot in Erie, property of Thos.
Magill, suit of E. Coughlin.
Tract in Mill Creek, property of M. Zinle,
suit of M. Detzel & Co.
House and lot in Corry, property of L. P.
Huff, suit of P. Annul , * &Co use of Porter
Two houses and lots in Corry, prciperty of
S. 11. Hills, suit of J. L. Cook and S. C. Stan
ford, use of latter. •
Tract in Union born., property of Ellen
Kilroy, suit of S. E. Dewey, use of H. L.
The Happy Family.
Olin harmonious Radical brethren of the
district composed of Crawford, Mercer, Ve
nango. and Clarion counties, have got Into
their usual biennial squabble over a candi
date for Congress. As we mentioned last
week, the conferees of the four counties, af
_ter balloting nearly three hundred times,
at last dropped all the candidates previously
voted for, and nominated a new man, Henry
C. Johnson, of Meadville. The Mercer con
ft rees claimed that this was a fraud upon The
party, that they were bound to select one of
the candidates whom the people had present
ed, that the nomination of Mr. Johnson was
a premeditated trick, and, suiting the action
to the will, they Illithdrew from the Confer
ence. Their course has been sustained at
home by a unanimous vote of the Co. Com
mittee, and a call has been issued demand
ing the withdrawal of Mr. Johnson, and the
assembling of a new conference. The Re
publican papers of the county give the
movement their energetic support, and it
evidently meets the approval of the party
generally in that locality. In Crawford Co.
Mr. Pettis' friends are equally dissatisfied,
charging that the same influences which
caused his defeat before were instrumental
in the nomination of Johnson; and,his im
mediate organ, the Meadville Journal, is
boldly in opposition to the latices election.
A couple year's ago Johnson was one of
Pettis' right hand Men, but differences seem
to have sprung up between them of late,
growing out of a Suspicion that the-former
has, allied himself with the Finney in
terest. To make matters still worse for
Johustin, the Soldiers and Sailors' League
has passed a series of resolutions declaring
thaf they " repudiate" the nctionof the Con
femme "absolutely and utterly," and endors
'the movement for a' new Conference.
The Meadville Republican takes up the cud
jel for Johnson in a decidedly belligerent
style, and, between the rival factions, there
is a proMise of a most excited and amusing
campaign. Mr. Johnson's friends . say that
he will not withdraw, while the other side as
earnestly declare that if he does not they
will run another candidate Many and every
risk. A glorious opportunity presents itself
for the Democrats to sweep the field, and, if
they act with ordinary foresight, all tneindi
cations point to tho dection or a man who
will represent tho district.with snore useful
ness to the people and fidelity to the Consti
tution than it has had in many years.
Since the above was in type, the Repub
lican Committee of Crawford county has
held a stormy session of eight.hours, and by
a vote of 33 to 12, repudiated Johnson's
nomination, and demanded a new-Confer
ence- -
1- icommszcATE:n4
3rONtMENT PAUL—The Ladles of the Sol
Biers' and Sailors' Monument Association for
Erie county, propose, holding a Fair in this
city in December next, something similar to
the " Sanitary Faits " at Washington, Balti
more, Philadelphia and New York, in 1864,
by which they hope to add several thousand
dollars to their fund.
Extensive preparations are in progress—
the officers of the association design, during
this and next week, to visit all the towns in
the county, and endeavor to induce their cit
izens to take hold of the enterprise, and or
ganize auxiliary associations to co-operate
with them.
They will also shortly visit personally the
citizens of Erie, at their houses and places of
business, and solicit contributions of fancy
and useful articles, or of money, to be handed
in at any time previous to the Fair. Dime
Societies are also being organized for the
purpose of raising money to buy a portion of
the articles. They, will probably hold meet
ings once a fortnight. Notice of the time
and place of holding the first meeting will be
found in another column.
. all the counties in the nation, not one
surpassed Erie in the earnestness and vigor
of the support stie gave to the cause of the
preservation of the constitution and govern
ment of the Union; none cherishes more
tenderly the memory of her heroic dead ; and
none will erect a more suitable and hand
some memorial of the esteem in which the
sacrifice of their lives is held.
The association having the matter in hand
enjoys the entire confidence of the commu
nity, and the simple announcement of its
plaits is all that will be necessary to secure
universal co-operation.
WE TAKE occasion at this early day to re
mind the Assessors of the different wards
and townships that the Democrats intend in
sisting this year upon a faithful compliance
with the law requiring the assessment lists
to be conspicuously posted up previous. to
the day i of election. Of late years this essen
tial clu4l has been wholly neglected in some
localitieS, and we have good reason for be
lieving that in our city the Radical Assessors
have at itimes taken the names of persons
who would support their ticket up to the
Yery•tl4 , of election. We call upoh the
Denniciatic organizations in each district to
make it the special object of some one or
More of their members to see that the assess
ment lists arc properly posted up within the
time specified by law, and no names added
inside the ten days just previous to election.
omi:exchanges remind us of the import
ance and necessity of organization in the
Republican ranks. In almost every county
in our State movements in this direction are
seen. Their importance is appreciated, and
the interest felt in the success of our cause
is prompting our friends to commence a
work which cannot be too soon undertaken
nor too earnestly prosecuted.—Dispatek.
. -Is it possible that this is the same Dispatch
which has been so confidently telling its
readers that the defeat of Seymour is a sure
thing—that Grunt cannot fail to be elected.
What a change in the tune now ? A few
days since nothing could overthrow Radical
ism—to-day frightened appeals for help!
help ! .help! "Organization," the Dispatch
says, cannot be too soon undertaken nor too
earnestly prosecuted." We :beg leave to
suggest that even that potent medicine can
not save them. The people have issued their
edict, and the days of intolerant, tyrannical
and unholy Radicalism are numbered.
ItlostmENT Matt Socivrv.—The Ladies
of the Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument As
sociation will hold a Dime Society at Mr. J.
F. Downing's, 125 west Ninth street, on Fri
day evening, 14th inst.,. at 8 o'clock. A cor
dial invitation is extended to all the friends of
the cause, and particularly to those ladies
and gentlemen Who labored so heartily and
were so efficient in their co-operation with
the Ladles' Aid Society during the war.
ligtans Rm., See'y
Tnt Democrats of Edinboro and vicinity
will raise a hickory pole on Saturday, Aug
ust 22d, at 2 o'clock. Good speakers will be
present, and a general invitation is extended
to the people of the surrounding townships.
A. U. CAVALE7, Esq., has been elected
Principal of the Erie Academy.,
SCOTCH Citetrot new Casinteres and Coat
61.t.R, for fall Wear, at JoNEs &
ttgl3 tf
THE Central Agricultural Fair of Craw
ford county wild commence at Meadville on
the first of Octoler, and last four-days.
TUB Ridgway Advocate pledges a major
ity of seven liandred for Seymour mid Blair
in Elk county. In 18136 it only gave five
hundred and seventy-seven.
A. LUCKY editor is F._ W. Green, of the
Cleveland Plaindealer. Ile has just fallen
heir to a fortune -0f,1230,000. Such " fat
takes" don't °Nu fall to the lot of members
of the fraternity.
TITE Radical papers hereabout 3 all proles's'
to be greatly Pleased over the '01111)1:L6in of
Seymour and Blain A man who ‘t itoly
hung in North Carolina thanked tla• t;io 611
for adjusting the noose so nicely.
WE Ater•. requested to return thank., on
the part of the Catholic portion of our c•ont.
munity, to Mr. Samuel . Kanada, depot mas
ter, for his many acts of courtesy in connec
tion with the Bishop's reception.
A 3LEETLNG of property owners along the
Phila. Rs B. will be held at Belle Valley, on
Tuesday nest, the 18th inst., to effect a con
cert of action in requiring the company to
build fences, according to law.
REV. M. Wuterma., pastor of the Anschai
Chesud Jewish congregation of this city, is
about to leave here for Easton, Pa. He has
made hosts of friends in Erie, whose good
wishes will attend him to.his new home.
Two freight, trains Came into collision up
on the Philadelphia road, on Tuesday, by
which Mr. Hunt, assistant yard master, vas
so severely hurt that he died in a short time.
He was on the . " stand-bar" of the engine,
and the shock threw him between the
WE UAW. received no less than half-a-dozen
contributions during the week upon the
" House Cleaning " question, all of which
have been drawn out by. "Winnie Wide-
Awake's" sprightly essay. If our lady read
ers will only'postpone the debate until we
elect Seymour. in November, we shall agree
to appropriate half the paper to their
Very week for a month, or until they get
the momentous issue decided to their ciwn
satisfitetion. -
OVER one hundred New York Tribunes
are sent free . to One township in this coujily,
to be distributed. This is the way Republi
cans areeworking. The same is being done
all over the country. Why don't Democrats
do the same thing? Take your party papers
in quantities, and send them tit your Depth-,
lican friends. They will do more good than
stump speeches, and prove more profitable
than brass bands.
Tun Democrats of Girar,tl will rage a
,hickory .pole on Saturday nest, the 15th
inst. Addritsses will be deliverea by J. itoss
Thompson, Eq., and others. The la:lies will
also present a beautiful flag to the Donmerm
tic club. Miss Kate 1. Rice will make the
prrecutatlon speech. awl Mr. G. W. Ai - buckle
will reply on the part of the club. An invi
tation is extended tq the Democrats of the'
surrounding districts.
THE Radicals were to have held a meeting
in North• East last Saturday evening, Litt it
had to be postponed for the very goal ration
that there was scarcely anybody present
The highest attendance at one time was tun,
at which point the managers adjourned the
meeting, cursing the sleepiness of their fol
lowers, and their own foolharliness in at
tempting to breathe new life into a dying
party. The "peace" for which Grant prays
seems to have been already attained by Lis
t party in this county.
Tim County Convention on Monday will
be called on to select three persons as dele
`gates to the Congressional Conference 'at
Minty, which meets Thursday, the 20th,
and candidates for the following offices:—
TM) members of Assembly, Treasurer, Com
missioner, Poor Director, Auditor; Surveyor.
It will be noticed by the call, that the con
vention is to meet at 11 o'clock, instead'of 2,
as heretofore, the trains being so rim now
that delegates can reach the city from every
direction by the harm named.
chit edition run short last- week, and we
were compelled to supply is portion of-our
subscribers with half sheets The circulation
of the paper is increasing with such rapidity
that- we confidently expect a list of three
thousand before the campaign closes. As a
fair sample of our circulation,•wc niay men
lion that one hundred and ninety-thMe cop
ies are now sent to the Corry Post office
alone. The Democrats of-the county set an
example of energy which their brethren of
the city would do well to imitate.
Minor Mullen has giien orders to have
the new Catholic cemetery prepared for bu
rial purposes, and it is now being handsomely
laid'out under the skillful direction of Capt.
Miller. The location is the old Laird idaec,
about three miles West of the city, on the,-
South side of the Lake road. The Cemetci y
is to be used in common by the Irish and
German churches, and no further buriah - it ill
hike plkce M the old graveyards in South
Erie, the bodies in which, we presume, "will
soon be removed to the new grounds.
THE 'Methodists ,are building a church in
Girard which will certainly be One of the
handsomest in the whole Lake Shore. region.
It is to be of brick, with a slate roof, is esti
mated t? cost $20,000, and will seat five
hundred persons comfortably. The building
fronts on street sixty-four feet, on a
cross street sixty-three feet, has a height of
sixty feet, and the spire will be one hundred
and thirty-two feet. A-town Clock is to be
placed in the tower, at a cost of SG)O, which
is to be contributed by the citizens getter
any. •
A PARTY of about three hundred from
Port Ryerse, Canada, paid our city a visit on
Tuesday - afternoon, and, by their courteous
Conduct, made a gooJ impression upon our
people. Some of their number went to
North East in the evening, returning by the
midnight train, and being highly pleased
with their visit.- The excursionists started
on their return trip early on Wednesday
morning. Just before leaving, one of the
Party, a young man of twenty-six, who had
become intoxicated, fell overboard 'and was
GE's. W. IL liirrx, a gentleman f.tuilliarly
known to many of our citizens, l,aa Liken the
stump for Seymour and Blair, hi the lower
counties of the State. lie supported Lincoln
in 1E44, but having been connected with
Gen. Hancock's administration in New Or-
leans, lie had an opportunity of 14 arning the
practical workings of Radical reconstraction,
and is now one of its most actertilitied 4tne
tales. Gen. Irvin, We believe,, is a son of the
famous old statesman who was once 'the
Whig candidate for Governor. We hop° to
; hear from him in this city before the caw
paign closes.
TliE Republican, with an amtitent ,- ; jicc
Early its own, seeks to ilestroy the effect of
Postmaster Ilills' reply to the, laving circu
lar of the Tirolical Netiotml Committee, by
suggesting that the latter "is probably a
This is a fair sample of the "politi
cal morality" of which the Republican 1 1 4 the
especial and illustrious org - an; Every one Of
the numerous editors, publb-hers and propri
etors of the Republican is aware - that tip:cir
cular received by 31r. Hill, has been addres
sed to every office holder in the country, and
yet they coolly undertake to deceive their
readers with the assmnption that it is a bogus
document. This may be high-tuned "politi
cal morality" according to the advanced
standard of the Republican, but what would
it be regarded in a court of justice?
T r ip : l e tt ers we print this week from vari
ous hu.alith.....and those hcretofme published
dating the year, show that in cv ery town of
the county we have young Democrats capa
ble of furni , hing a corretls
be of interest not only at home, but to our
re:viers grn, rill}•. We hope that each and
all i,r our present contrilanots NN ill continue
to w ite each week rrgularly, and that it will
not lie long until we have a corn , pondent in
every district.
Scctnimu Ihts made a campaign specch, in
which recounted the nchievcments of the
ItepitlAiran party, and the credit of them ap
propriated to the lt,clical.4. He altogether
fail; to menthm s!r"he of states
manship by which a tnetal.crekct was put
out of his scat in Congiws , , awl his defeated
opponent th tint into the vacant plaec. This
is peculiar glory, and lie should
have meniione,l 1;1!,;,,t.
Tnt , . communieati , 4l lu•n:1e,l "lean
Con,i , leney," i , from the pen a a l . , :entiman
who 1,«Ii one or the no> , :t
member:: of II Oppoition,.:lll,l \Vho as
111111 h to 1.1111 , 11 J lip to It, plemAlt stletitith
any other per;on ; In• the county. We pre
sume l:e SeCk4 th'e use Or our columns be
cause he kun.,vs the Observer IN ill give to his
views a wile:circulation than any t No other
journals in the city.
lltt Scorn.t.n made a Cony last
week, ib which he k represented by the Re
puldiean, of that city, to have given his
views upon a number of entertaining topics.
Our usually enterprising eotemporary fails to
inform us whether he enlightened his hear
ers upon that most interesting, subjet of all
—the taking of the extra• pay titter he had
pledged himself to do nothing of the kind.
lloN. W. P. - .lr.:sti:•, o,f .TelTerson county,
who has received the endorsement of that,
Elk and Forest counties.:r.' the :Democratic
nominee for Congre' ,, % Iva , . in ibis , city over
Sunday. Ile says he will not , accept the
nomination under any circumstinees., and is
laboring with his frit rids to prevent the nwil
lion of hit BUM. in. the Com_tresrdonal con
ference. ,
3f. 31. 3100nr., I;‘etnetir One of the
Proprietor. of the ()L•( rvcr, has taken the
general agency fur North Western Pennsyl
vania of the'See:trity Life Insurance Co. of
Nev. Yolk city. This is one of the strongest
comp: nivf, in the country, an•l it has bech
man of 'Mr. 3lopre's
iiern• influeuci• as it•
s l'Attlitts At, Lshing ~tioyd ' , Ail upon the
Lalse NN ill fin,l the rte an: vSr ht,3linnic,Llar
ris, Capt. James li - lanh;r, one of the pleas
anti•st Nail in our Intrhor. (': , pt I hinter he
it nto , it capal.le Nvi,
spates no pains to sN•iir. , the et niryrt rrf his
.31.1:5.n5. McConkey k Shnnnon 111 V( a:
rangefl -to ....upply ir cu,t , n.rS w t.. iron
and nails front the 'ol , l 0 ,nn , 1 of Or.ty
GAGE—McELitoY—Tu nif , n, July 31st, by
Rev. Dr. Jamo , 'l, `Jr. 0. M. Gave,
of Cambridge, Cri-vl,,r,T no., Pa., to Miss
S11:51.111 McElroy, ul
WitiGtur—DuAKl:—At the residence of the
bride's father, in Corry, August sth,by the
tev..l. 9. Lytle, )Ir. H. - Wright, of Court, N. Y., to 311. s Etum,t J. Drake.
SHORT-A t North Eist, July tllst, Lucinda,
wito of S. Short, E-q , aged about :it) years.
EvANs—At the residence 'of his father, in Gi
rard, on . TuL,l,iy evening, Aug. 4th, John
D. Evans, eldest son of JO , hun Evans,
aged 26 year s s and d months. r
PLATY—At his les - Menet!, hi Girard, Aug . . Od,
Mr. Win. Platt, f;.rinerly of Westport,
Conn., aged . 66 . years.
NovEs—ln Syracuse, N. V., July :10, Frank,
only son of C. W. and Antoinette E. Noyes,
of Girard, aged 6 mouths and 21 days.
-AnmsoN—At Buffalo Grove, Buchanan Co.,
lowa, June 13th, Mr. Henry Allison, aged
62 years.
Mr. Allison was born at North East, Sept.
23d, 1806, and when quite young removed to
Fairview, where he resided. until 1655, when
he removed to lowa.
/1c133 2bbcrttscmcnts.
4 - eAdverti , ements, to secure insertion, nitt , t
be banded in by 9 o'clock on Thursday morn
ing. 'All advertisements will be continued at
the expense of the advertiser, unless ordered
fora speeblled time. ,
Farm for Sale
TN HARBOR CREEK Tp., l ', mile from &pot,
L on the road to the Lake, containing
acres. Hag a house and barn, is well watered,
h:1 a good young orchard, and is in line older.
Apply on the prentlsto
Railroad Fences.
THERE 1t•ill be a meeting Lela by nerSO7lS
owning land on the line of the Philadel
nbia Erie 11. IL on TUESDAY NEXT, the
'Mil Inst., at the Scito 1 ifon , e, at Belle Valley,
at one o'clock, I'. M. The object of the meeting
1011 he to take concert of action relative to en
forcing the said It. It. l'o. to build and repair
the fenees'along the line of said road. A full
attendance is earnestly reque•ted.
-1u ORDER OF Till? 013IMITTEE.-
mil WV'
Monument 4air.
ry 'Ilk: LADIES of the Soldiers' and• f , ailors
Monument Attsoelatfon for Erie Comity
propose holding a. County Fair in the t•ity of
Erie, during the eat ly part of ltoceniber, forth'
purpose of adding to the Fund. They solicit
aid from all the citizens of the County, and ask
the ladies of the d'itterent towns anti It
to form auxiliary associations and to-operate
in gathering contrihnt ions of useful and fancy
art (cies, and money toward the Fair.
lIALL, See'y.
Tv (--) rr x c IEI !
Monday, August 10th, tS6S,
We will supply the Trwle with
From No. North Pork Ilow, old , tand of Gray'
and Farrar, Farrar liall , bullding.
. )
Eric Aeactemy.
rinin Pall and. Winter Term of this In,titu
1, non Will commence on the
First Monday of September next,
under the following' corps of tear
A. 11. rAUGHEV, A. M., Principal.
Miss EMMA DlTft.% First Assistant in the La
dies' Department.
Miss' LIZZIE HANCOCK, Second Ashistant.
Mad. ANNA SiHOEI.EIt, Tenclicr of Frrnoh
turd Uerninu. •
For common English Innuclu-s, per quar- '
For Latin and Greek and the higher Eng
lish branches, Including the Natural
Sciences, Algebra, Geonteti y, Lc., per
quarter, . . 1 50
French and German s.kels, per quarter, ex
An assistant male teacher will Inc c inph,yed
as soon as the number of pupils in the school
.hall require Ilk services,
Ail bills for tuition must be pabi wit Ida the
tir,t three AVO.ka or the term, um: no ue.l If( tilt,
f o r for to, than letl tr 111 be
ITl:l4o.ll.lfies , In ,en' 0.4 of slettu , s.
Pe older of thy li n er! of Trust,
.10.4. !I. Prex
Life 'lnsurance Co.,
NF \V "V'On,Ti.
Assets, Bee. 1, 1867, , 51,246,390.24.
lit - rrAt.o, N. Y.,
This certifies that we, the undersiuned, have
examined into the' merits of the SECURITY
to be sound, reliable and equal to the best in
Sidney Shepard & 'Co., Wholesale qrarilware
A. F. Trlpp firm of Sidney Shepard C 0.,&
14inons Crissey, Commission .11erehariti..
Dudley J S: Co, Oil Refiners.
E. P. Burke, .Fariners' fi Mechanics' . ..Nat. flank.
G. A. Williams,
J. o.ltolison t Co., Goldsmiths and Jewelers.
Simon Neff, Boot and Shoe Dealer.
F. F. Curry, Supt. Forest lawn Cemetery.
George F. Lee, Attorney and Counselor.
Cyrus P. Erie Co. Savings Bank.
Joseph L. Fairchild, Register in Bankruptcy
All person§ deldring insurance will do well to
call on
M. M. MOORS, Erie, Pa.
General Agent for 'Western Pa.
tictu abberttricinentg
From the Ilippotheotron flu hi rem I Ith stre,t,
opposite the Academy of Mush., .New York.
L. B. i.ENI
, ,
I _.,
z -
• ~,,;:,: _.
Will i,Nl,lloil
.11 1.... 1 r4ll
FRIDAY, .31TOU;'1'
• _
permanently e staleMaa I during - CM urfulerpor
lion of the year In a ...0.211tel Iron F : tlller Lt
the City of YO2 I, well known
throughout the emantry rt,".
Fr The I,padin- Circus of Aniericr.,..„.a.
And which, the pre , ent sc.i,on, with its
never before presented in America, will be en
abled to offir entertainments of- marked origi
nality and exciting interest, far surpassing any
thing hitherto witnessed on this side of the At •
lantic, The public appreciation of the perform
ances given by the 'New York Circus not only
in the city of New York, but also during Its for
mer Summer Excursions, has stimulated the
management to renewed exertions, and It is
confidently asserted as beyond the power of
contradiction, not only that the performances
of the Tioupe during its present tour will be
found superior to any ins er given in this coun
try, but t hat the eonlismy Is in all re_spects
The BEST in lite WORLD!
Theie Leing no Equesti lan c,tablishment In all
Europe comprishm so many artists,
or so many entirely novel und strikingly effec
tive specialities as this, Vlrst season In Amer
ica of
The Phenomenal who surpasses
the most. daring feats accomplished by other
lady riders on a pad, upon a horse '
This extraordinary artiste NVZIS engaged in Eng
land •at enormous expense by an agent sent
thither for the purpose of securing the best lady
rider in Europe, and only arriN ed all this coun
try in April. Ifer astounding, performance,
01,011 a BARE-BACK STEED, throw alto the
shade all pro, tom. do-plays of female equestri
dnlsin seen in the United States and cannot be
paralleled lu any exhibition iu Europe or
A mei tea. haquded in the brilliant array of
lit:whet! to the New Yot)i." Circus will be found
the liaps of
Otdez •
A — .„74,-?4,6412
The Great Enre-B aok
The Coiirad Brothers
Chumplon Gyinuastei of tlio World.
The Intrepid Somerset Rider, ..vttli his infant
sun, Arthur.
The Runnells Family,'
Who haw. nn rgnnls in any country In,the
Clasdc Selwol of liyinuo,;tteS
The Wonder, wlin althorn:ill a mere child
Surpa , ses filcudln in difficult Nat:, upon
the Tight Rope.
Herbeit B.'Williams,
The greatost of Eugllsh Clown 4, engaged In
London expreshly for the prebEnt tray
, cling season, together with
The Greatest Force of• Daring Bareback Ri
ders, Accomplished Acrobats, Classic Gym
nasts, Comical Clowns, Slack Rope Vault
ers, Posture Masters, Equilibrists, Volti
geurs, Tumblers and Pantomimists,
verl.roucht together in this country, involving
Greater Expenditure for Salaries
Tban Ineurrea by nuy four traveling Lumpa
nit..;, and embracing.
More First Class Artists
I:.n eAn Lc counl In any circus in the Worl
i'finf Stll , oll In Amorica of l'onrad
Troupe of Performing,Dog,s
From London and Park
Uf tictuffiful I , lgaly trained
I.nd tins nioNt brilliant wardrobe, trappings
and appoint amts to be found In Europe
or America.
TI-IL PROD-11 , %. 3131 V.
or performaneeq arrun r le.l for the present nen
son Will be dtstlagni ,, hed. by novelty, varlet,
and steritin; merit e, Including,
Never before given in this country, with others
that are original with and peculiar to the New
York Cirrus, and can he witne. , zed in no other
All the Vast Resources
Of tbk tnny.nificrntly nppoint , d c. , tabh,liment
will be ealleif Into roini , ition at eN try enter
tainment to fural,h t diNplay of
Dashint Horsemanship
f, u:,l
Toar*Alt!:l , 7; t!:e kind hitherto w1tn. , ,,,1 lu
Entire - Mammoth Troupe,
From the Yew York Circa', In F"nrteentli St
New York, will appear at every pet formanee.
Prof'. Charles Boswold•s Opera. Baud,
From New York', accompanies the Troupe
Cn'This Compahy travels entirely by rail
road, on special trains chartered for the pur
pose, and consequently the performers and
horses come Into the arena fresh and active,
instead of being jaded and worn down by wea
risome night trio. el over rough roads.
No Catchpenny Side Shows
fro allowed with this Establishment
Admission 30 Cts. Children under 10 years,p
Cents. No Stand Room. Seats for all. 'Doom
open at 2 and 7. Grand Entree at 2,4 and 7 j P.
M. Tickets for bale at Ensign a (20..9 /look
atll3-2t C. W. FILLER, Agt.
POD ablnriifscmcnts
Poor House Property !
vlItTl7l.: AND IN' PURSCANcE tn , 'tJ(h
powers conferred by the Act of the Cwt.:-
rat Assembly of the Commonwealth of Penn.
sylvanla entitled "An net to authorize the real t
of Efle County to appoint, a .INT/et person In
net in connection with the Commissloners of
Erie county and the Directors of the Poor of
weld county to sell the real estate of the Poor
House and use the proceeds in purchasing laud
and erecting buildings for the use of the poor
of said county," approvedthe 2lth day of March,
IhAN, by the Board of Commissioners for the coun
ty of Erie, Pennsylvania, the Board of Directors
of the Poor and o f the Rouse of Employment of
the county of Erie, and Samuel G. Ltrotherton,
specially appointed by said Court, by force of
said Act constituted is Beard to sell the land,
selcted. rec.& es. d and occupied for the us'' of the
Poor fur the county of Erie, whleh land is loca-
Dot on the Ridge 'toad and Canal, :about four
miles more or less southwesterly from the I guy
of Eric, di scraped as' follows, to "wit: com
mencing at the southwest corner of the lands
known and called the third section of the town
of Era• at a po , t, thence north ta deem, s, we-t
one hundred and thirty-one and one-halt per
(dies too post; thence north 63 degrees, easl
hundred and twenty-one and sewn-tenth.
to a post; thence south-. degrees, east 1,11.,
hundred and thirty-one and one-half perches to
a post ; thence westwardly oriel. Until - LA and
twenty-one and seven-tenth perchers to the
ithwe of beginning, containing one handr"i
acres of land. The sold land is bounded on the
south by the Ridge Road, west by lands of J.
Evans and north and east by lands of M. War
The buildings and ifnprovemenLs on the said
land are as follows, to wit : One large two story
brick building, now, and heretofore used as a
Poor House; one wooden building erected for a
Hospital ; a wa , ll house, bakery, 4:c., and two
barns, a nice thrifty orchard, grapes,-cherries,
At a meeting, of the said Board held at the of
fice or the C.Tornis. , loners of Erie County, on
Juno rth, Iscti, all the members being present,
it W(114 ri solved by a majority of the members Oi
said Board to sell the said hereinbefore des
cribed Poor House Farm at public auction, on
the Court House steps, in the city of Erie, to the
highest and bidder, on Tuesday. July `..* , th,
at 2 o'clock I'. M., which said sale will then
and there take place, of whiett notice is hereby
Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase mon
ey' In hand, and the balance In two equal annu
al Installments, with Interest to be paid :ul.llll
- to he secured by Judgment bond and tw i rl.
gage on the premises.
L. M. CHILDS, - 1
F. J, poId , REV, Co. Cum'
Director of Poor Board of
Erie June
The above sale Is post pone,l to Tut -day, Aug.
Pti.i", at 2 o'clock, 1".
By order of the Board of Sal...
Arc per:on 11:1V/11 , 4 fl farts for salr, •.tutahl,•
for a 'Poor Hotly! Vann, Is Ilerohy Invited (of:I%
notice tiVIVOC at the Commisslonor,' Inlit,• he-
fore the 25th 1a of Air_tu , t, A. D. , t
number or :ten -,
DY I:1E1TV Eof tut order ot the flkt let court
JD of. the United : , t.t1..•4 t the \Vt,iteriti .lioi
trlet of Itioin , yl , .aniti, thine will be expee,t to
sale, at Publle Vuthiiie, at th•• Betio. tt
In the Borotvili of I ohm 31111 , , Erie County,
tlatutdayll/c. 1201 day Sfpt,littler,
at tll.. 11211 i, t,.
Cc, inter, -t :1:1.1 claim pit Lyin•tn
and to the following rid 4 , t ate, to-wit:
No. that pow r ur tram .01 land
lit the borough 01 -Litton Mill4,ln the Counts 0!
Eri,, shit, of Ittiinit,, tin th,
north by lot 011. l'ortYr, 4•:1 the idnith It'lt' Lit
of —Pratt., 01111io o.zod by lots 0I I II front
Main •Artitit, on inyllard •00
%%bleb is ereetidl frdio••
No. 2.—.111 that picce or traYt ur lanol.4lll.lii`
lin the borough of Cabal Mills b ern-
Ulla; at a point in the south hide of rn,og,
street, sald point being twenty fe: t west :,1 t he
north-west corner of litley's lot, theme west.
along Crooked St. 10 feet to a cornet in the bank
of the reservoir, thence in a caned lin: along
the bank of rest rvom to a post In :t line parallel
with ltW•y's west hue,' thence north pdrallel
with Itiley's it est line tin the plop• of beginninz,
on which is ert_et:sl o-s: cry triune bous:•,
also workshop and barn, being land sold by
Santee McFarlane and Ii:ale:, I•'leck to Est h, r
Thomas, April 6th, recorded In Deed
. p.,,; 0 1 z
No, I:5, pages I'3 and Terms of sale, easii,
11. L. 'II,
,u,•cof 1.,i man Thomas.
TUE oth r. for sale Lis farm,
situated In North East ttod nshlp, inn , ,
tt t.St 14 North East slat-lon tool unit tulle e.ot of
Moot head's station. MIS 1.11111 ( - on,i , t • of
a/ ;Wit one innoirt.t and tn. Ole ISCri s , .tr
Ineh are ina‘h t a high state of cult ivatihn
the tmLoop or 2to 1 tunts r. It I-, jocund. d o n
the not tit k , y the 11. dE. t. ty-six is
lx w nlth and runs south 217 rods. The boast.,
barns, outhouse- and fent s are all in gotsl i
pair. Tho is a large apple orehatd on the
place whit h produce dlndry years FA
barrels of best Nvlnter fruit, also other truit of
the best quality. There Is an nhunithinoe ta tho
best of water, also a good , tone quarry, the only
one in the neighborhood. I will sell the whole
or divide int, two or three parts; to suit pur
chasers. Only a small payment In hand requi
red, and ten years time given on the balance Icy
paying annual interest.
lye'-tf. THOM.I.S MELLO2.
I,i, stook of gond, to tliO
, tore In Ihe 1te,4l I. o met ty oveopte,l .hy
MeY4 , . Monet!, s , ,iephens tat.,
sun: in anti , auhang to hi, nt4 etl , tottit
the eltta.n , u 1 Et le goll,raity, that 11$.: 11115 up, .1-
ed out a
Dry Goods,Dress Goods, &c.,
Fut Spring an•l Sununc I Wear.
I Intend to koup at all tittles the list good: in
the Market, and a toll a ,, orttnent of evur.. t lung
in my Big% Pun•ltamirs can at.vayl. du la 17$ t
by buylng Of me than by ituhig Eaqt.
liementlar the iJaco,
No. 6 Reed House,
South ski, of due Park.
Assignee in Bankruptcy. •
-1 State , for the We , ..h..r11 Duariet of I'unn,yl
- in the triata,r of W. W. Thomas. bankrupt.
The underiagnial horoby qt% u, not tr.. of ap
pointment a., assigned of W. Thotna , , of
birie City, In the county - of Eue and Stata ssl
Penn'a, within , aisl ilua Het, I; hi, has be, II tut-
Judged a bankrupt upon LA 1121 . 11 pl . /1111.n 1r the
t Court of $1 i,trii•t, dated at E t i„
July la, A. It.,
HENRY M. 111 111.1:7.A. ,-, i_na 0.
Atty. at 1.11. No. 1 IJa 11.011 fit.. Eric, l'a.
Diselmrge iei Bantirtipt c 3 -.
IN 'rill:T COURT of the .l - carted
States for the We•til - 11 Di.lrbit of Pt tins I
vania. 'l'. P. IlalielWk. :t I.ankt Opt with it Ow
Act. td Cottgrei .I.trt. It .1•1, having:quit led
for a (11,char_ie Item ajel Ids d• lit.. and other
1.1.11111 , - plots airli. 1111 d, r .Itit, 1 y oliter of the
Court, Notice git, en to :tll person, wilt)
hay, preyed their Lik•ht , , cat her 111:1 , .,11, can
tereALd, to 01/pear on 1iik .. :•71// day of I''.,,at 2 o'clock, I'. M.. before 14, li. Woottrutl,E•ii.,
Register, at It 1. oilire in Eriti.Pa.,tositiinic.tu.e,
if any they have, alas - a dkeitarge sit. mid not he
granted to the sand li:oil:rapt. Anti lot Th,l
tlee 1, hereby given that the secitthl and thtnl
nuitiCittg , 01 creditor. of the liankt it'd, re
quired by the :rah and -.-tit , vet low) of t.:11,1 %et,
will be had before the ‘.aid Reglider at the ..runt
that , and Idnee.• S. C. Mcf l .lNl/I.lls- 1 ,
Clerk. ol 1. S. Dl•trwt Court tor bald District.
a gll-2U'
AsNigtiee 112 111:11liirlal)tey.
TIIE 'l' corwr of the rutted
I silo,' for ?ht.. Wc,tern District of Penn'a,
to the: matter of Itohot t W. Itu,e.ll, Lanka upt„
The tuhlerNigthal heroin . 14[V12, notree or Ina up.
poluthnin a. , ,:guee :bert NV. nus-vil,
Erie, Elle ei utility, tithl Stitt , of Pentl•ylv.uikt,
:..ata dhtriet, %rho been adju,l4e:l :t
bankrupt upon his 01 VII y. titph by the Dr-t t
Court of dhli let. lath :tt le, PA., July Jo,
A. 1.), )1. 1:. 111 - N LAP, A , ,lunee.
Notary Publie,-3E, French St., Erie, Fa.
Assignee in Bankruptcy.
THE DIATRICT corirr of the' Unit, d
I F.tate, for the WL. , tern Dt•trn tot l'a tho
matt, r or. Jo+vpit Sheftel, Itanicrnpt. The
anaer.igned 11, , rchy clee, no: we of 111,:tppoint
nwnt L, to,•igtle,• of J.,. tsheftel, of Cot ry,
in th. l , eonnty Erh• onfl B , ,lftte ot Pentra,
within —4lla do.rrlet, lOW ha, been utlnt,hz,t
bankrala upon hiK own pet , , ton by the I n , triet,
Coart ot district, , late.l nt line,Pa., July to,
• 1 , -I:nice,
Notary Pohno, No. 51", I't en , It
' Assignee in Bankruptcy'.
IN TILE DISTIIR7Ctit•ItT of the rill h,1,-.Entos
for the Wi , tern Itbdriot of Penn'a, in the
matter of Samuel N. Caughey. bankrupt.
The unilerishyne,l heri_by nt.two of 1.1t4
appointment nx A,signve of S. N. Caught y.of
Erie city. Erie county and state id P 11
.•11 . 11,
within said di,trtet. who tut. tern adjUdgfll
bankrupt upon i t. OWN p. I it un, by 1 11 .. 1 , 1•4 rict
Court of suld dt,triet, Elli‘ed at Erie, Pu.,
I IFNItY Assiznee,
Atty. at Law, No. 11"2.; Peach st., Erie, Pa.
_ _ et
\ .
.issignee in Banlirniney.
IN E DISTRIII - COUIIT of the 'ratted slate
for the Westt rn Instriet of Penn'a. In tht
matter of .heath Kunz., bankrupt. The un
dersitmed herebygivesnottce ot hisappointmen
as assignee of Jacob Run/. ot Erie city, count
of Erie, and State of Penn'a, within said di,
trict, whir bas been admdtasi a bankrupt ulna
his own petition. by the District Court of
distnet, dated at Erie, P.t., A Mr. 1, A. I'., Psts,
HENRY M. ItIBLET, Assignee. -
Atty. ut Low, Nu. 11:3 Peach St., Erie, Pa.
Assignee in Bankruptcy.
INTHE DISTRICiTEOURT of the United state
for the Western District or Denzis3 vania
in the matter of , Guy Lea an is, bankrupt
The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap
Eomtment Rd tuisignee of Guy beanie.
rie oily, Erie euunty and State 01 Demi%
within the mitt district, who has been sidjuilia
a bankrupt upon his own petition, by Doi DI
triet Court of said district, dateel at Erie, Da
Aug. 4, A. I'.. I.
Atty. at Law, No. 11'13 Pviieh St., Erie, I'a.
y: 1-:he.
Assignee in Thinkrupiey.
States for the Western District of Pent.'a,
the matter of ...lag. I. Williams, bankrupt. T
under-shined hOrcliv gIVI'M notice of his uppoh
men} 11 , 11 ,, iglICe 43.1. Erie, 1 n t
county of Erie and State of remCii. Ni ith
said tip-trim 0 lei has I Wen adjudged a ban %nu
upon his mom a pent ion, by the I/bit:nit ourt
said district, dated at Erni, PA., July 31,
b&. HENRY 31. RIBLEr,
Atty, At LAW /323 Peach SA., Elle, YI.I
tssignee's Sale.