The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 13, 1868, Image 2

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    fTie Miltrktev.
Tkultsiay, AUGUST 13, 1.08
1 , 01: PItr.SIC)ENT,
Gen. F. P. 111,11,11, .of
CHARLES E. noyLE, of Fayette Co
Democratic Platform.
The Democratic party in National Co32Vell
tion assembled, reposing its trust In the intelli
gence, patriotism and discriminatinginstice of
the people, standing upon the Constitution as
the foundation and limitation of the powers of
the Government, and tin• guarantee of the lib
erties of the citizen; and recognizing the quea
t lons of slavery and seee,glon as having been
for all time to conic, by the war or the
voluntary action of the Southern State, in eon
itutional t 'ens enthral as,:embled, and ne\er to
br renewed or re-agitated, do with the rytnt n
el peace IkIt11111,1:
lst.—lmmediate re,torat ion of all the St alt:.
to their rights In the Union under the Constl 7
tution, anti of civil gas ernment to the Ameri
can people.
2.l.—Amnesty for all Past ofibuces,
and the regulation of the elective franchise in
the States by their citizens.
3d.—Payment of the public debt of the United
States as rapidly as practicable; all moneys
drawn from the people by taxation, except so
mueli as Is requisite for the necessities of the
Ooternment, economically administered, being
honeyt ly applied to such payment; and where
the obligations of the Government do not ex
pressly state upon their face, or the law under
which they were issued does nut pi ovide that
they shall be paid in coin, they Might, ift right
and injustice, to be paid in the lawful money
of the I 7 nited States.
9th.—Equal taxation of every species of prop
city according to its rent? value, Including Gov
erment bonds and other public .sccurities.
sth.—One currency for\ the Government rind •
the people, the laborer ant the office-holder, the
pensionerand the soldier, tie , producer and the
bondholder. .
6th.—Economy in the Administration of the
Government ; the reduction of the standing ar
my and navy; the abolition of the Freedmen's
Bureau and all political Instrumentalities de
signed to secure ncgro supremacy; simplifica
tion of the system, and discontinuance of in
qukiturial !nodes ot assessing and eullectingln
ternal Revenue, so that the burden of taxation
may Isi equalize 4 and lessened; the credit of
the Gm, eminent and the currency made good;
the repeal of all (Macho ents for enrolling the
State militia into national forec4i, in time of
peace; and a tart ii fur revenue upon foreign
import,, and such equal taxation under the In
ternal Revenue laws as. will ationi incidental
protection , to dipiestic manufactin es, and as
will, without frupairlng, the revenue, impose
the least burden upon and yet promote and en
courage the great industrial interests of the
7th.—Reform of abnies in the administration,
the expuhlion of corrupt men from °lnce, the
abrogatioo of lISOAsi 011 h ea, the restoration of
rightful authority to, and the independence of,
the executive and judicial - departments of the
Government, the subordination of the inilltary
to the civil power, to the end that the usurpa
tion of Congre , ,s and the despoti , nt of tie sword
may cease.
tith.—Equal rights and protection for natural
ized and native-horn citizen.; at home and
abroad, an assertion of AMeTleall nationality
Which shall command the respect of foreign
powers, and furnish an example and encour
agement to people struggling for national in
tegrity, •constitutional liberty and individual
rights, and the maintenance of the riglitSlof
naturalized citilens against the absolute doc
trine of Imniutable allegiance, and the . claims
of foreign powers to punish there for.olleged
crime commit led beyond theirjurisdict lom
C'Z" l'enoVeania aial Ohio Ereetions fur
Mate, Di.,triet ancl o . lriecis, Trreqlay,
Ir S 'NOT a r,ere party •tri , o wink ire :gel:.
ire ate trying to ean , oar
. e at 'dry pun, the
danger:, eclueh 0red,,,,,y it. 11, lei:dila lift of
the perpl,rdii,, and the ~,harldex which, in the
shape of h a d lair and r t f trushh,g taratinn,
?Role tra7y:e 11n ba,•ines.,, and hint ef our land.
ire hope, too, lime we ran qir' order, pro.Teritil
and happine Qs , tho.,e c•cti,>72,e of ou r ruarntry
Odd/ ;wirer :to deeply 10 -day in their leance,
and in all their indo,dry, fro", the unhappy
e ' renbt of the I,d eight yotr.l.-110RATP) SEY
A conttr. , PoNDENT Of the IVorld write,:
"After a careful estimate of tip: votes, I have
no hesitation in stating that mt in, titt only
to national matter:, but to I.)'. l
the City of ill ; . at ti 3 oext
clectlon a Democratic majority of front fire
to eight thousand. Prominent politicians
from The intcrior or ths, State ar . . confident of
triumph — in their respective :-.2etionA, and I
have 3 shone laith iu p13:',11 . 4 the Ill3l.)Fity or
Petin , ,,yiv:inia itt tt, October elfiction f
Democratic nominees at Irma ten to
The Democratic gai,ll at the ie,cnt -Ken
tucky election in 73 comities, n officially rc
iiorted, 37,011; the Democratic in two
countie is 171 ; the Democratic g . :tin in 10
other couttf,ic,, unntli hl3j reportel, i, 3,401,
making Life net gin in 1 , 5 coantie.; 40,373
The L.:ill:llama Democratic 'gain in the re
maining twenty-seven counties, , will show
Governor Stercnion'4 actual majority to be
little sl u tof 00,000, a gain of net r ; 15,000 in
a single year !
A;n election has just !teen held in the Ter
ritory of Montana. As far as heard from, the
Democratic Majority is 1,700, NN ith several
curdles to come in. Last year the Demo
cratic majority was only 1,100, and the whole
gain will not he far Irom a thousand, in a
poll scarcely as large its - that of Erie County.
Thin in every quarter where clectidns are
held, front the A tlant is to the rt molest West.
the star of Democracy is in vat inlay found in
the ascendent.
Any one who will take the ttuuble to in
vestigate the appropril:tions made at the late
session of Congress wip discover that a large
portion of - the amounts is for deficiencies in
former appropriation•= for the laat fiscal year.
The amialat voted at the first session of the
Fortieth Congress was fabulously- large,-but
there is an enormous deficiency in almost
every department which hid to be provided
for. Take, for iastanee, the *(aithera Mili
tary Districts. The ltadicals appropriated
last vt , ar what they claimed Would he suffi
cient to not their roool,:truetion rirogranuue,
but during this session they have made two
or• three approprimio,, • to co , , cc th.fleiencie:.
First of 10.37,000; t h at they squeezed in an
Item in another hill of nearly Inl 000 for the
Third Military ni , =triet; htter In the session
they appropriated, ender the of Wenn
struelion Deficieniy, s2:n ,09:3 25, and :
the head Advat.eed on neconstrueram,
$2751,000 mart. All this is over and abov e the
amount . z.pproptiateJ to mainblia the army
in the South.,
Notwithqtlindint-, all tiles:. dt tieieneles
they have wade mod( rat: apirropriations for
the en-nine Year, fl,r the purpose of deceiv
ipg tht! public: Is there any fier:on who will
for a moment believe that the expense of the
different departments wUI during the present
kiscal •ear he less than the detitieftelea were
during the last? The real Until i,, they have
left the appropriations purpthcly small for
political effect, and as coon as the election is
over they will come in with enormous defi
ciency bids. They have divided the latter
up into two or three Ails during this session
hopes of escaping, the scrutiny of the pith
lie. Our readers should bear in mind that all
tit* items under the head of deficiency are
for expenses incurred during the last fiscal
year, and arc in addition to the enormous
expenses heretofore given for that year.
Tirmannus STEvENs died at his residence
in Washington, on Tuesday night, in the
venty-sixth year of Lis age.
I'tt wonderful increase in the Democratic
Nuts in K entuc k y cosscs more significance
than the Radicals.laie willing to admit, and
may be taken as an index of the revolution
M I political sentiment v,hich is going on iu
every part of- the country. Wherever elec
tions are held this year the same astonishing
gains ate witncs;ol..and ne cannot he inis•
taken in the opinion !kit tlwy are merely the
presage of those that are to follow. The
same causes which have produced these re
sults in New I lamp , itire, Connecticut, Ore
gon and Kentucky, will operate still more
extensively in the States where elections are
yet to be held. t, The State elections for a
Presidential yearalways indicate the result
of the Presidential canvass. They are doing
so this year. The first election was a Radi
cal defeat, and every election since has been
as bad or worse for that party.
Well may the World exclaim "what a fraud
is Radical reconstruction" in the light or the
returns from Eenttieky. "Here is a Stale
free, orderly, independent, prosperous. And
Why? Because She k governed by her iiwn
eitiiens. Across the hoiden , : is a State - us
large, as wealthy, and altnost` as populous
—Tennessee. Rent by war, governed ; by a
degraded, brutal race; who arc led Ly
tate whites, her substance Ls eaten up by her
own Soldiery. Race is : pitted' against race.
Neighbor is armed against neighbor. The
Slate is a hot-bed of violence. Her industry
is .extinguished. Ihzr credit is Worthless.
Her culture and xii'tue are disfranchised.
There are no inducements for white men to
live there. Capital is repelled. A minority
governs, and in the nineteeenth century a
Governor calmly proposes to exterminate the
oppisition by force of arms. In Kentucky
how different! A State army is unknown.
Wealth multiplies. Labor thrives. The
races stand in the relations in which God has
created them.. Each 1311cgally equal. No
unnatural political and social equality Li en
forced. The governmcnOs based on the con
sent of the people, whweheerfully contribute
to its support. Kentucky honors statesmen
such as Stevenson, Bramlette, Guthrie, and
Wickliffe. Tennessee breeds such dirty dogs
as Brownlow, Stokes, Mullens, and the like
—who arc the reproach of their spe(Aes and
of the civilization of the period. Kentucky
is a Coustitutionah State. Tennessee is a
Congressional State. That is just the differ
ence, and the cause of the difference."
The N. Y. Herald Misled us into stating last
week, that the debt bad increased fifty-three
millions during the month of July—the fig
ures are just forty millions too large, and
should have been thirteen millions, three
hundred thousand, which, we do not doubt,
Is abundantly large - satisfy the l most in
quisitive tax-payer. - On the Ist of July the
debt, less cash in the treasury, was $2,510,z
245,886; on the Ist of August it was $2,523,534,-
480, of which $410,302,801 bears no Interest.
The increase was caused by the issue of $32,-'
210,000 of six per cent. bonds to the Pacific
R. R. Cos., without which therewould have
been a considerable reduction. The Radical
financiers alwass have sonic plausible pre
text to furnish the people for their tiansac.
tien-;, and the hearo; increase of the debt is
110‘1" attempted to be softened down by the
plea that the railroinis will redeem the bonds
sonic day, and that, therefore, they will form
no additional burden to the tax-payers of the
nation. No one who knom the history' of
public loans to .private eompanit s, need be
tom that this is all gammon. The corpora
tions will see a way in due time to eel rid of
paying back their loan, and the dear people,
a usual, will lie plucked for the principal
and intere,t.
The highest point of the public debt teas
on the 3lst of August, ISets, when it amoun
ted to $2,757,G;39,:i71 18. In three years of
peace - , with an anneal rt•venue of five hund
red millions 'drawn front the sweat and mus
cle of the people, bilog the impa_ma• sent of
'fifteen hundred millions in all, the reduction
has been only two hundral and thirty -f6ur
millionq, or scarcely enough to cover the re
ceipts Irom the , ale of needle'', re: ,, els:and war
material after. the close of the war. 1.13 , 1 the
expenses hi bromio. down to one hundred
millions per year, y :11,m1,1 have lAA
a hieh is neatly forty million: more than the
yir::r ',lr. adminktration
east, ex , lu , it e of loans Imo, interest, We etml.l
by thit, time have paid od a fourth of It
interest hearing debt, and pl teed oat ,ure •
ties at a par value tr, , Cr the country. lnics f a
something i, done looking toward ureater
m nomy 0.1 sonic plan 1s devit ed i t , ) ,li t e
pup the larle (Hiram.) . (over out— Inm,tred
millions) ari•inr; front the I epeal of dutie r op
domestic mannfactures, there n ill Le it fur
ther consider:A& lucre:He of the debt tiering
the current tiseal yea)). Tlte Radical
clans hare cut the taxes fit - effect, and
will be obliged to ri store them alter the fall
The advicc, n cei‘cd from clery - set thin,
at the Democratic headquarters „in Wa-Ating
ton, are representol to be o'; cry cileering
Character. In Boston the Dettmvtats'am:pect
to carry the two Congressional elit-ariets aml
secure a majority for Seynmor 'arta Blair.
.Toltu D. Thompson, ChMthem of the Ohio
State Demmlatic Cc.utral Comniittee, wrlte, :
" The in . o,peets in DM) are very encoura
ging, and I fjel satiitied we will care• the
State. The nomination of Seymour give,
univertul eiatisfaction, and create-; much en
thmdasini I have but little thatdent Seymour
and Blair NI ill be elected. The Democracy
everywhOrd are ready to buckle on the bar
nee:, arargo in to win:'
From lowa word comes that timing thir
teen- years the Democracy have never been
'known to start upon a campaign with, more
general good feeling and •ang.ttnte- expeeta
tions. In -Michigan the Democrats report
that they are Ilinroeghly orAanized and arc
certain to entry the State. The reports from
Nebraska and Wisconsin are equally encour
aging. New York, Irennqylvania, New Jer
, sey, Conuecticct, Maryland, Delaware, Ken
tucky, California imd Oregon are alt regarded
as suie for the Democratic ticket, While in
I Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Wis
consin, the Radicals have but slight hopes.
We have never known a campaign in which
SO much• of the genuine wild-fire spirit which
secures success has Been exhibited as has
pervaded the Democratic masses nearly cr.
erywhere since the nomination-of Hot-. 4::.
Seymour. Every morning our telegraphic
dispatches contain accounts from all parts Of
the country of tremendous out-pourings of
the people Lug, r to testily to tl w if disappro-,
b.ltion of Didical rule. The universal ver
dict is, that the hearts of the! people -
never deeply stirred as noW. They rush
in rrov. d- to Liar the truth declared, and or
-1 alors seem to be inspired by the pressing is
! cue 4 of the hc;ur to a degree of eloquence
seldom equaled in c4unp,ll,m sp.teclies.
t In this connection, it may be mentioned
that Horace Greeley has issued another
mandate warning his followers of the dan
gers 'befuro them. , After speculating upon
the prospects of the campaign, he says:
" Yet we do mit believe, nor wish others
to belidle, Gen. Grant's election certain. We
would have every one realize that the elec
tion is not vet decided—that the Republicans '
eon win if - they work-, but must loose if they
are heedless or apathetic. We hope to carry
Nnosylvarda, Ohio and Indiana, in October,
but by sinall majoritic*, such as will animate
both parties to more determined efforts BA
November. Our Indiana friends talk - of a
large majority in that State; we shall be con
tent with a small - one. We do hope surely
to carry this State, but kuow well that hard
work is required to do it. Friends of Grant
and Colfax ! do not believe we shall win eas
ily ; for, without strenuous effort, we should
not win at all. But work on in assured con
viction that victory is within your reach,
and scan the above table as proof of it"- '
A NEW drink in Boston is called the "But
ler cocktail." You stir it with a spoon,
squint one eye; gulph it down, and put the
spoon in your pocket.
The Radical leaders may wake up ere long
to the conviction that the stale epithets with
which they seek to droWn Democratic argu
ments do not keep the people from noticing
the startling firt that in three years of pCace
the Radical party has wrung fifteen hundred
millions of money in taxes from the pockets
of the people, and has borrowed eight hundred
millions inore. That party may he "loll" till
it is sick frorri.excess of "lenity ;" but' Thai
no return for tbe money. "What have you
done with our money ?" That is theTteople's
question. Why are the expenses of filo Army
and the Navy for the year.lB67, W 3,522,585,
or mitre money than was required to carry on
the Mexican war? Why does it cosh in ex
act figures, $44.413,151 more to support the
army and navy ; in the year of peace 1867 than
it did in the year of peace 1866? Such lanes-,
thins cannot be answered by c Ming Denis
erats or their candidates "copperheads" or
"traitors ;" they are questions of figuiles, not
filth. Throwing the dust of dead issues into
the eyes of the people fails to blind them to
tho ha that eleven millions more were ad
ded to the public debt in the month of June.
" What has Radicalism done with the pen
' plc's money? Ring this question in Radi
cal ears front now till November. It'
means something. The campaign* is a
question of dollars, mot "vipers ;" of hard
money, not hard words:
_The attack on Fort
Sumter has passed into the history of the
year 1861; the people want to know about
a n ti. Radical attacks on the public treasury
and the people's pockets to-day. "What has
Radicalism done with the people's money ?"
That is the question ;. that is the issue; and
next Ntivember the people will decide
whether they can afford four years more of
Radical corruption and extravagance.
One of our exchanges gives a report of a
conversation between Gov. Curtin and a per
sonal and political friend of his, which recent
ly.occurred in the Union League club llouse
in Philadelphia. The inquiry was made;
"Well, 'Goverrlor, what is your 'Opinion of
the Democratic Convention ?:' "I think,'
said the Governor, "that a stronger ticket
might have been selected, such as Hendricks
and Hancock, for example." "But," cautio
ned the questioner, "what is your opinion -of
Governor Seymour ?" Mr. Curtin replied:
"Well sir, if I were asked to mention a' man
who, in my estimation, possessed the attrib
utes of a perfect gentleman, a cultivated
scholar, a thorough statesman and a sincere
Christian, I could, without hesitation, name
Horatio Seymour, of New York." "How
about Seymour's loyalty ?" ; "Alter the dis
patches that I sent Seymour at the time of
the rebel raid into Pennsylvania," replied the
Governor, "it would hardly become me to
impugn his loyalty; the filet' is,l have never
doubted it. I understand that Belmont is
having all the dispatches sent by Stanton and
myself printed, and I have no doubt they will
be in the hands of every Democratic stump
speakei through the campaign. We had bet
ter give up attacking Seymour's loyalty, for
the opposition hold the trump card in that
The fact is no less noticeable than augges
live, that but one member of Lincoln's origi
nal Cabinet is now acting with the Republi
can party, and that one is the notorious cor-.
ruptionist, Simon Cameron, of Pa. William
11. Seward, Secretary of State, has long been
pronounced unsound by the Republicans; Mr.
Chief Justice Chase, Secretary of the Treas
ury, has been read out of the Radical party,
Ind is now with the Democracy; 31ontgom.
t.ry Blair, Post Master General, has ceased to
be a RePublican, and now supports the Dem
ocratic ticket; Edward Bates, Sttomey Gene
ral, is now a ConServative ; and Secretary
Welles, of the Navy, has followed the for
tune, of Mr. Johnson, who is'now more (AC
crated by the Radicals than any other man,
in the United States. The best men—tfle
very braizN—of the Radical party have left
ax.d it is now being run entirely by such
men as John A. Logan, Ben. Butler, WaSh
burnc & Co. That they have so managed it
as to disgust hundreds of theasands of Radi
cal, i, a Let that e; ca )body knows.
MR:Republican Governorpf A/absow has
vetoed the bill to take , the election of Pre*i
diloid electors-out of the hands of the rico
ph•, I:sd, his n.rtion ii• iustUined by the hou
oroble portion of has party in the. Legislature.
'l l.
ill' :eta: created a great llu o
ttei smog the
l'adh .1., but finding that they couid not
la,:, the hill over the , (lowropes objections,
al re,:dution WIN in troduMl and passed for
the Legislatnro to take n recess until the Ist
oC November. In discussing the bill the
Governor says:
"It cannot be hut regarded as remarkable
that the first Republican Legislature con
vened in Alabama shall, iu the face of the
principles of its organization, which every
Republe.,an professes to hold dear, deny not
only to the colored, but the white man, the
tight, by his vote, to indicate his choice for.
Pre.ident and Vice-President of the United
States, and take the matter in. its own bands,
What exem,t , can there he ror it? it mere
party expediency? If so, then it is an aban
donment of principles, or an ackdowledg
mem that the material out of Achieb - the Re
publican party iscomposed cannot be trusted.
In other words tt is to say that the colored
men will not tki to be trusted."
The people are rapidly awakening io the
knowledge that upwards of two blithe:and
millions of dollars of property in LT. S. Bonds
are tmtaxed, the interest upon which is paid
in gold out of taxes upon other property and
the industry of the people. At least five hun
dred millions of this property is held by British
and other foreign capitalists. The Demo
cratic platform proposes to tax, these bonds
/LS other property is taxed: Is not this right ?
Is it not - fair? Nay, is it not necessary in or
der to assist in the payment of the public
debt? .The Radical party exempt the. British
bondholder, and make the farmer, the mer
chant, the meelmnic and the laborer pay,
taxes out of whirl the is Paid his
interest in gal. ' Let every man, Detumirat
and RiTublfteau, vow that he will vote for no
candidaV: - 4vtio will not pledge himielf in
favor of i taxing the bonds and paying off the
the public debt as speedily as practicable, in
the-inwfur currency of the country.
, Sufficient publicity has not been given to
the bill passed by the House of Represents.
lives, near - the close of the Congressional ses
sion, punishing with fine and impris snment
any person Nrlio offers to vote or set as au
Election officer at the coming Presidential
election in Mississippi, Virginia. or Texas.
These, three States are thought to have a
Democratic majority, and the object of the
bill is to prevent theta from Laving a voice
in the selection of the next Chief Mag
istrateof the Union, though that right con
ceded to all the States where the negro vote
preponderates. It was passed by a strict
party vote of 112 to 23—among the yeas be
ing our immaculate Scofield. Can a baser
Piece of partizan trickery and malice be
imagined? Bad as it is, the impression
prevails' that it will pass the Senate at the
September session.
The new revolutionary Radical plan to
Dave the Carpet-Bag Southern Legislatures
cast the Electoral vote for President it 'as met
with a serious obstnretion, not only in the
Fourteenth Amendment, which provkl es that
where a State 'prohibits any class of itt citi
zens from voting for FeJeral or State c flees,
its representation in Congress shall be I United
in proportion, but'in the reconstruction i Con
stitutions themselves. Forinstance, the South
Carolina document, cared a Coast' tution,
says in Section 9, of Article Eight :
"Presidential electors shall be elect, 11 by
the people."
Other Constitutions in the 'South c the
=DC provision.
Now that Congress has "admitted" the
States of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Geor
cia; Louisiana, North Carolina and South
Carolina, we have a few questions to ask :
1. 14 the Army to be withdrawn? g
2. Is the Freedmen's Bureatl to be discon
3. Is it , safe Cnr Nortbrri . trove
4. Will investment pay
To rill of which we can only answer,
The f umy 4.011 ricit h hcr withdraw,, beeatise
these rotten governments: begotten of the
bayonet, would fade into nothingness were
the bayonet but once taken away. -The Bu
reau will not be discontinued, because .the
negroes, into whose hands these States have
been committed, need that institution in or
dtittl44 fef intilict. their, CM /1 4kfor
them, and teach nein" thtir Ls not
safe for Northern men to move there, because
the great majority of Northern yoti.n3 are
disfranehiqsl there, and, even if they were
not, there is tlev;ver'present danger of ft A , *
of rae.i l s. Investment will not pay because
earpet-bag government bankrupts - States.
We have spent hundreds of millions to "re
construct" these Biates,qad whet:the
finished, find it absolutely worthless.
IN March, 1866, gold was selling at 124. Af
ter more than two years of peace it is now
Selling at 147, or about twenty-three per cent.
Itigher. Thus Radical ruleits, in two years,
-reduced the valite of the greenbacks, the cur
rency which the soldier is paid his pension
iu and the laboring man receives fol. his pay,
from eighty cents on the dollar qntil it is
now only worth sixty-eight cents on the
Republican ConsistenY.
EDITOR OnSERVEIL—As a person who has
been quietly watching the course of the Re
publican party in Erie county for some time,
I beg to be allowed to allude to a few facts
which have been so prominent in the affairs
of that party as to lead one to conclude that
there is no sincerity or honesty in it. I refer
particularly to its conduct towards Scofield
and LoWry. The latter gentleman has been
repeatedly taboixl by almost• every leading
Republican in the county for u series ofyears
in regular succession, at all times except
when the final struggle came. Then their
names were at hia service, and his beck and
call their law.
It will be remembered that previous to the
last canvass, in which that gentleman proved
the victor, and in which Crawford county
was concerned, um Republicans of Erie de
clared emphatically, "We will no longer be
represented by this man, who is a disgrace to
the State, the party, the county and the Leg
islature." It might have been supposed that
if this feeling was genuine, some effort would
have been made to defeat him. But not a
man in The party, except the then editor of
the Dispatch, consulted with the Republi
cans of Crawford county or Visited Ahern for
-the purpoife of organizing a defeat the field
was open,, and Crawford awaited Erie for the
guiding move. But none was made. Con
claves of from five to twenty Republicans
were held, at which it wag declared Lowry
should not be the choice of Erie county, and
that Crawford being willing "-tostbide the de
cision of Erie, would do nothing less than
repudiate him, particularly that the Republi
cans or that-county ware :v?illirtg, arid anxious
to do so.
Bet what was the result? While Lowry
was in Crawford county, shedding tears over
the grave of John Brown's wife, planning
new county fe'r the Titusville people, and
displaying the wonders of a gunboat canal,
the Itelinblicans of Erie, who bad pledged
themselves 'to defeat him, who had _declared
their shame and humiliation from being rep
resented by him, stayed at home, and let him
plow the field, and sow the crop and reap it
I will leave it to any earnest, zealous man,
if this &cies not look as though - the
cans of Erie were "weak-kneed, bow-backed,
and sunken-eyed"—if It . does 'not look as
though they had no strenzth but Lowry's,
no force of character beyond that furnishFd
by whippers-hi employed by-him to manipu
late the party.
The canvass this fall is but a repetition of
that just alluded to. While it was intimated
a few months ago that he should not have a
voice in the management, or a share in the
spoils, it will be observed that he is lord of
the field., The Dispatch, Gazette and Repub
lican-dare not oppress or oppose him, for by
so doing they would oppo.c the party—i. e.,
spoil the programme which has been fixed
upon to carry out the campaign. In abort,
These Tapers, n 5 well as certain leaders of the
party; seem waiting for an opportunity to
toady' to him.
Certain astute Republicans, who arc not
willing to acknowledge themselves Mr. Lo
w slaves, will say that he has nothing to do
with this campaign—thy it is iu the limits
of Mr. Scofield's friends—that Scofield and
Lowry are personally itt_ enmity, and that
therefore what is intended for flue benefit of
one cannot benefit the other. Do not, dear
Republican, allow any such shallow notion
to take root in your head. How much can .
or dare Mr. Lowry or Mr. Scofield do, one
against the other, v, hick will not create trou
ble in the ranks and injure the author of the
trouble. Both are too wise for this. Both
nntlershind theniselyes
. better. Both must
work together. So that, however much the
canvass may 'look like a -Scofield arrange
ment, it does not destroy Mr. Lowry's hold
upon the party or his influence with the Re
publicans of Erie county.
Sustaining Mr. Scofield as the Republicans
have done, is about on a par with their con
sistency with themselves in their treatment
of Mr. Lowry. "„Scofield must not be re
elected, shall not be re-elected, can not be
re-eleoted," was the cry a few months ago.
"Let us . do justice to ourselves and our coun
ty by sending an Erie county man; no other
am have our support!" continued the valiant
men of honor and consistency who fear noth
ing but political gods: Whereupon, out they
come, one, two, three, four of them for the
position they don't want Scofield to hare. The
Deacon says the field is his—he is fairly en
titled to it from long possession, and he will
not be driven or scared from the track. But
by the time the split is- extensive enough to
ashait Scofield with,a.rair show of ruccessr
the ex-prcachbr leaves' the track. Walker
withdraws, as he has a habit of doing, and
Cutler don't seem to be supplied with the
back bone to fight it out. Insfead of stand
ing by King, and vindicating their honor and,
promises, it is all Scofield's, as any ninny
knew ft would be as soon as the carididateS
became so thick as to defeat themselves.
Was there no Republican paper to advo :
1 cate the right of Erie county, or are they all
muzzled by this detestable power, vested in
a few who run party and people, and in five
i , - cases out of six do everything dishonest mi
l< der pretext of defeating dishonesty ?
Thtse are some of my reasons for agreeing
4 - Me the eminent senator, that too many
member's of the Republican party in Erie
county arc "weak-kneed, bow-backed and
sunken-eyed." ANON.
Letter from cony.
CORRY, Aug.1001:1869
EDITOR 0138ERYKR :—Dcar Sir your
paper now has ala rger circulation in this
city than that of all other newspapers com
bined, I presume an occasional jotting of our
local news will not be objectionable to your
numerous readers. Cony still continues to'
grow, and is bound to do-so. Her merchants,
artizans, manufacturing men, and people
generally are noted for industry and enter
prise, and all thrive except the lazy man
who finds this th o wrong pew for him, and
leaves us after a taw days Uhl Oni mann
fitetnring ea tabliamente are all doing a thriv
ing business, I%ihile the merchant finds
steady and promising; increase of trade.'
some future time I will, make an extended,
notice of our principal mercantile and manu
facturing establishments.
w , , •
During the week past e had" a visit and
speech at the Academy of Music from the
Hon. Gleuhi AV. Scofield, mentioned some-.
times as the modem Demosthenes. There
was fair turn ont of the Inio"ple, say about
cld/hlrati , Fut. a
man who has occupied the position of Rep
resentative and,cjijoyed,,, the chances for ar
gin6nntlii9,aulptre ocyd.fyears' experience in
the National house of Representatives, the
Hon. Scofield, jutigingsfrOm Ins speech on
this occasion, is a most lamentable failure as
a statesman; and we must confess our sur
'prise that n party numbering many thou Sand
intelligent workers, in the 10th district, could
PoksibiV. thtnli of prcisenitial 1V man for
I Congress: when they have - se) much better
utlier. Mr. Scotch' entirely failed to en
lighten his hearers upon any of the great is
sues which now agitate the whole country.
The tenor of hid !Teeth was that of a con
vict, purely on the thlensiye, in order the
better to cover, np the .errorz of his party in
Congress for the past year, with an occa
-404 atte)iptat wit, • Here i 1 prig Jar them : •
A little boy, the other day; said to his pater
nal sire, " wlig, Pa, I ace a tannery way off
yonder." "Well, my son, what of it?"
" , Why, I think it is full of Grant men!"
This brilliant effort was entirely too much
for Esq. Wilson and the balance pf the Union
League, inclading some of n?enagers of
Post No. 70 of the b. A. R., who, as if by
spontaneous combu f stion, gave thepeaker
three hearty cheers, it being considerel as a
squelcher on the Cops, and ,will doubtless
annihilate the whole Deinoratie party.
Viva la Scofield! As his spa - eh here made
five Democratic voters, I would suggest to
the Democratic. Execittive . Committee the
propriety .of immediately - engaging this
promising bpd of eloquence, satire anti wit,
to makd a speech in every school district in'
the county, as it would make a clean Demo
cratic gain of 1,000. In the meantime, Mr.
Scofield has a little unsettled account to set
tle with the Soldiers of this county, of which
I will speak more fully on sonic future occa
sion. '
Logal news at this point is
,quite dull for
'the . week past, with the exception of an occa
sional row in a first class whiskey mill not
far from the passenger depot ; but these are
so frequent that it would 'not be considered
an itenkof sows. ' The result of the last one,
we learn, was that '25 men, headed by the
Mars of the establishment, whipped one man.
It is rumored that upon the return of Mr.
Downer from Europe, the Downer Oil Works
will resume business on a more extensive
scale than ever before. The Corry Machine
Company are so pressed with orders for
Mowing Machines that they are 'compelled
to refuse all custom work. There is a splen
did opportunity offered here to any man who
is familiar with the Foundry and Machine
business, and has from $1,500 to $2,509 to
invest in the same. For further particulars,
parties Wishing to invest can address your
correspondent.. - - OCCASIONAL.
Letter from North'East.
NOUTU EAST, PA., August 12,156$
Thlitor CAserrer follower-.t. and ssl
tuirera of the man without "a poliey," , and
who said he 4 'would deem it a great misfor:
tune not only to. himself but to the country
should he be nominated and elected 'Presi ,
dent," assembled a few weeks since in Union
Hall, in this place, and formed what they
call 'a "Grant Club." The novelty of the
thing hrpught together quite a number of the
admirers of Hiram U. Grant at the first meet
but there being no enthusiasm manifes
ted at the birth of the "Club," its succeeding
meetings,have been lamentable failures.
- Two weeks ago, last Saturday, the second
meeting of thenforesaid"Club" was called,
and, notnithstanding the fact that 31 B.
Lowry, of your city, was announced with
fkoning pOsters as the orator of the evening,
very few could be brought togethdr. For
some unaccountable reason, Mr. Lowry failed
to make his appearance—perhaps he thought
it would be "love's labor lost" to come this.
far for so little. The President of the Club
deemed it necessary to make a few remarks,
and endeavored to impress upon the small
number present the, fact that there was work
"to be did," if they expected to succeed, and
invited all present to come forward and pay
into the - treasury the sum of fifty cents initia
tion fee, to defray incidental expenses. It this
unexpected announcement by the President,
quite a stampede was made for the hall stairs,
After order was restored, the remaining few
listened to some rambling and desultory re
marks from a young "limb of the law," who
expatiatei upon the superior virtues and in
telligence of the my, , c,! race, and their exceed
ing great fitne.s to make laws forthe govern
' meat of white men. Suffice it to say, that
his extreme laudation of the ni'gro disgusted
the small proportion of Hiram's supporters
who remained in the hall. -
On Saturday. cycuing .last, Aug. t;, their
regular semi-monthly meeting was held again.
The North Ea , :t Band was called into reipti
sition to 1n leg "the faithful" together, and af
ter considerable druthming throe fTh the prin
cipal streets, they were succes, , ful in congre
gating jive men and t+-0 small boys! The hall
was brilliantly lighted early in the evenipg
for the reception of the ra:q multitude they
expected to pill together, bait was like
"Calling spiritg from the vasty deep."
They would not come. Like the preceding
tine, the meeting proved, as a German friend
termed it , . "one Gran—t fizzle !" and very
soon after the hour for assembling, HAI af
ter light went out, leaving but one dusky'
lamp burning, the dim light of which seemed
emblematic of the last. flickering rays of Rad
icalism in our beloved country: Whether
they will attempt to Iq>lo' another meeting of
the "Club," remains to be seen. Some of the
knowing ones among them' assert that it is
useless to hold any more meetings - unless they
can prpcure the services of some "big gun"
in the Radical party to address them, whose
presence will inspire confidence and infuse a
little life into their "lost cause." To this end
there is some talk of sending for Andy—not
Johnson—G. Curtin. When 'he comes, may
we be there to see. More anon. Yours,
Another Letter from P.M. Hilts.
NonTu Misr, PA., Aug. Bth, 1868
Editor Ob.qerrer.--The sagacious editor of
the Eric Republican, who uses very chaste
and elegant language to', express his ideas,
does not seem to be-pleased with my reply
to the "Republican National Committee" at
Washington, in nastier to their application,
to me "for aiiimmediate contributiortof $:25,"
to help save the sinking fortunes of Hi
ram U. Grant and the Radical party. 'lle
endeavors to make his too credulous readers
believe that the circular I received from the
Washington Committee is a "hair," and as he
is further pleased to term it, "a scheme of
some lazy individual at Washington who
thinks it easier to fleece country postmasters
out of their money than to earn ap honest
living by working for it." In thus oudeavor
ing to be smart at myexpense, he overshoots
his mark, and dgals his Washington friend, the
Secretary of the Republican National Com
mittee, a terrible blow betw6en his "peepers,"
for I am inclined to think the "lazy individ
ual" (Mr. Thomas L. Tullock, Secretary afore 7
said), is quite busy abotit these times receiv
ing and reading letters, riot only from Demo
cratic but Conservative postmasters all-over
the country, politely refußing -to grant his
modest request.
The "stupendous" portion of my letter
"the fellow at Washington," (as the editorof
the Republican is also pleased to term his
friend, the'Seeretary of the National Republi
can Committee,) t was simply a quotation from
Chief Justice Chase, which does not set well
on the stomach of the aforesaid editor and
g itho bottle who %ha with him; and fux•
RAT, he and they are Welcome to all the con
solation their perturbed spirits can &five
from' the foolish idea that the circular i.; "a'
hoax" or the "scheme of some lazy individual
at Wtisbington." It is a ¢a na fide document
from the rooms of the Republican National
Committee, and is sent under the /Fwd.; of J.
M. Broomall, M. 0. The gentlemen whose
names are attached to it are no myths o us the
plitag Would fain have Ids roam, believe.
but are those who act by authority in the
Radical camp. Below, is the circular entire,
which speaks for itself. Yours Respectfully,
WASHINGTON, D. C., July 17th, I'B6B.
Post Master, ..Vin•th East, Pa : The
Republican National Committei‘, and the
Union Republican Congressional Committee,
being protoundly impressed with the import
ance of vigorously prosecuting the ensuing
political campaign, apply to you for on im
mediate contribution of $25.
Alt in sympathy with the purp‘HcA of the
Republican party will readily understand
that expenses must be incurred thr organiza
tion, documents and speakers, in successfully
conducting a Presidential Campaign. The
funds contributed will be judiciously ex
Communications should be addressed to
Thomas L. Tullock, Secretary, Washington,
D• C., and will be promptly acknowledged.
Wit.maw E. CHANDLER, Scc'y,
Republican National Committee.
EDWIN D. MORGAN, Chairman,
Union ltep. Congressional Com.
Tuowas L. TCLLOCK, Secretary, ',
Union Rep. Congressional Ex. Corn.
Meeting' at Waterford..
WATEllronn, Aug. 10, ..1.66q
A meeting of the Democratic s oters' of
Waterford Borough and township was held
at the -house of It. Leslie, cn Saturday eve
ning, Aug. Bth, for the purpo.e of organizing
a Seymour and Blair Club. The following
arc the officers elected :
President—l. M. White, Esq.
Vice Presidents—lsaac Y. Lunger, Hosea
Lillihridge, W. IL McGill, Wm. Davis, Wil
son Moore, Watts B. Lloyd.
Secretaries—Col. W. 0. Colt, Timothy
- Committees were appointed to procure a
hickory pole, streamer and flag, and prepa
rations are making for a jolly time and pole
raising on Saturday, 22d inst. After the
usual business of the evening, addresses were
delivered by Esq. Caslin, of Ohio, and Rev.
W. B. Lloyd, of this place. One gentleman,
before the closed, asked perniission to make
a few remarks, which request was granted.
Said he, "I have always been a Republican,
was brought up a Whig, and have never vo
ted otherwise in my life; but now; seeing
how affairs are moving, I am at this time a
true Democrat, and from the bottom of my
heart am in sympathy will; their principles."
En. OlisEUvEn:—The Democrats of War
ren are pleased to see the kindly feeling with
which Erie county has received the sugges
tion of Judge Brown as a _candidate for Con
gress. We believe that he is one of the ablest
men of the district, and his amiable personal
traits, combined with his conservative dispo
sitibn, redder him, in .our opinion, the most
available. here he will receive Many Re
publican votes, and the Democrats entlnisi
astieally summit him. He ,is well known
over the district, and will command a larger
vote than any other loan who can be named.
Warren county has not had a candidate for
Congress since the district was formed
Twice we have voluntarily conceded the
nOrnination to Eric, and once to Clearfield.
We now feel that our turn has come, and ask
that Erie shall rally to the support of our
candidate iu the same generous spirit V. Lich
wehave shown towards her in the past The
Deb - leer:icy of Erie and Warren have always
wcirkedb together harmoniously, and the same
good feeling cap prevail in future if etcli
continues' to act towards the other in a spirit
of magnanimity and patriotism.
At a meeting of the Democracy at Uni, , o
3111 L., on Monday, Angmt. 3d, ISGS, G. B.
ltmam was appointed Chairman, and JOS.
Sill, Secretary. A Deluocratic pole IIS feet
above the ground was raked, and the nomi
nations of
: Seymour and Blair were ratified.
A very interesting speca was delivered by
Capt. Gray; of Titusville, formerly of Roches
ter, and two years since'a very ardent Republi
can. The townball could not accommodate
-one-half of the people pre , ent. The report
of the Dispatch of August I nth is anything
but reliable. Mr. George Tabor, of the lien
nett Hou,e, informed us that the receipts of
his bar on August :Id did not exceed one dol
lar, although the pole was raised in front of
his house. -The Democracy ut' Union 3lill,
arc wide awake, and will make a good show
for our ticket this fall. Union Milk borough
is good for thirty majority for Sayinour and
Blair. A. x.
CONQUERED AT unhealthy sy--
tem is generally produced by an unhealthy
stomach, and the latter is a. sure indication
of poor digestion. When iii_e-ti.on is bad.
every pat tof the.entire system must
sarily suffer, and the mind itselt shows the
evil iffeets of it in the low spit its of the pa
tient. Indigestion is the parent of a thousand
indescribable miseries— all symptoms of
worse disorders yet to come. The premoni
tory indications of that terror of our race—
dyspepsia—every one knows. Now, VI by
sutler the penalties Of delay, when by the tree
of :dishier s herb Bitters, not only innaediate
relief, but positive and pernm"c-t cure can
be obtained. This celebrated .Ilom-chold
Remedy is an infallible remedy for all disea
ses arising from a disordered Stomach, and
will eradicate them. Be reasonable with
yourself—consult your own interests—three•
^••my your pharmacocpia prescriptions, and
take a course of Mishier's herb Bitters. sou
by all druggists and dealers. Dr. S. B. ilart
man & Co.. Proprietors, Lancaster, Pa. •
famous medical men of the present, day :tgrt. , e
that in the whole science of .medicine, there
is no remedy for the cure of Dyspepsia, Chills
and Fever and Kidney Affections, that pos
sesses such marvellous curative powers as
:Insider's Herb Bitters. They speak from
experience,: nd are beginning to use the great
Household Remedy to the i exclusion of all
others. Thus far it 11.13 nelver failed in any
case. This is the great and standard medi
cine of the present age: Its herbal constitu
ents are skillfully compounded, it is plehsant
in taste,- and, always efficacious, and its
mighty reputation now extended all over the
civilized world rests securely on its unques
tioned merit. It Should be taken now. De
lays are always dangerous. Sold by all
druggists and 'dealers. Dr. S. B. Hartman
S.,' Co., Proprietors, Lancaster, Penna.
WITENE . ER I take my walks abroad, how
many poor, miserable Dyspeptic people I see,
who would be healthy, and rosy, and happy,
if they took Plantation Bitters, that paragon
of preparations forgiving tone , to the stomach,
energy to the torpid liver, a joy to the nen -
ous : system, and strength to the nui , ch•s. It
is an admirable regenerator of nature's
waked or neglected =functional powers in
'either man or woman. It gently excites and
pleasantly soothes. • With a _bottle thereof,
every num may be his own physician.
MAGNOLIA WATER.—A. delightful toilet ar
ticle—superior to Cologne and at half the
price. augl3-2t.
EuoEst.( Irma RESTOREIL—The cheapest
and be:t. Mammoth bottles only 75 cepts:
The Eugenia Hair Restorer eelipws all
known discoveries for the rapidity with
which it restores griiy and tlaled hair to its
original color, promotes its rapid and healthy
growth, prevents and stops it n% hen falling
off, and is a most luxuriant hair dressing for
the human hair and head, rendering it soft,
silky and lustrous. Sold by S. Dickinson &
Son, sole agents in Eric. decl2-Iy.
Having concluded to retire from business by
the first of October, we will sell our stock of
dry goods at much less than value. We
must close the stock out, regardless of cost.
This is a favorable opportunity to purchase
fall and winter dry goods cheap. G. 13.
Merrill 45.1 Go., No. 8 Heed House, Eric.
Congre , s.
Democracy at Union.
11t4G 2t
au G-'-..'t
Democratic Co. Convention
Tlw Dem( ratio and t 'on;tivatico ‘9tej o ,
of Erie County are rcq (tstcd to meet at their
aecmtotne , l places of holding l'iiniary Inc et
in,;.s, nn Smart-lay, Auga-t 15f it, 1 , 114, and
choose the number of per-on. to Nvhich each
ward, district and town-hip ; entitled, to
serve at; delegates to a .Convention to be
held at the Court House, in the city. of Erie,
on MONDAY, AUGUST 17TH, at 11
defock, in the forenoon, for 11w selection of a
county ticket to b supported at the O c toh(.
election. -
• .The following is the representation to
which each district is entitled : Erie-Ist
District 2,2 d District 2,3 d District 2 4th
District 2, South Erie 2, East Mill CrePk
West Mill Creek 3, harbor Creek 4, North
East Tp. 3, North East boro' 2, - Greeafield 2,
Vemmgo 3, Wattsburg 1, Amity . 3, Wayne 3,
Concord 3, Corry-North • Ward 2, South
Ward 2, Cniou Tp. 3 - Union Mills 2, Le
neon!' 3, Waterford T
p. 2, Waterford bort) 2,
Greene 3, Summit 3, McKean 3, Middleboro 1,
Washington 3, Edinboro 2, Franklin 2, Elk
Creek 3, Conneaut 3, Albion 2Springfield
1, Girard 'l'p 3, Cir Ird bon , 2, 'Lockport
Fairview :;.
Ity order (b the Co. Committee.
Eric, July 16, 1866-tr
New Book.
"The War between the States, its Causes,
Character, Conduct and Results,". by Hon.
Alexander 11. Stephens, is the title of a valu
able work just issued by the The National
Publishing Co., Philadelphia, Pa.
It prei7ents a careful political, analysis of
the past, separating real froni apparent causes
of the late unhappy conflict, and gives those
interior lights and shadoWsof the (treat War,
only known to those high officers, who
watched the flood-tide of Revolution from its
fountain-springs, and \ Vhieh were so aece,si
ble to Mr. Stephens from his po , iti , tn sec
ond officer of the Confederacy.
To a public that has been surfeited with
apparently similar productions, it presents a
change of fare, both agreeable and salutary,
and an intellectual treat of-th , 4 birhest order.
The Great American War has at last found
a historian worthy of its importance, and at
whose hands it receives that modeate, Can
did and impartial treatment which truth and
justice so urgently demand.
This most valuable work is sold by sub
scription, and the publishers want an agent
in every County. augl3-2t
PITT.IE EGLI FEMALE cou.rx.E.—ive call
the attention of, our readers to the claims of
this really sterling institution. It-, recent
catalogue shows an attendance during the
past year of three hundred and forty-seven
young ladies gathered from twelve State , .
It has gained a national reputation, and Pitts
burgh justly boasts of an institution which
has no peer in the State and but few equals
in the land. Its admirable location, on one
of the most beautiful and quiet , beets of the
city, and yet within ten minute, walk of
nearly every important point; it :aptrb
building , ; its unusually large, able and ac
complished Faculty of twenty-two teachers ;
its unsurpassable facilities in all the solid
and ornamental branches; • it, thorough
training; its wholesome discipline, and with
al, moderate prices, conumml it to all whb
have daughters to educate. The charges are
scarcely one-half those of many schools hav
ing fewer teachers and less facilities. The
Fall term commences September '2.1. A copy
of the catalogue, or any information desired,
can be obtained by writing to P.ev. I. C.
Per-ping, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Wm: would call the attention of our readers
to an article of merit, which is advertised in
our -columns as being used extensively and
with. the best results, for restoring gray hair
to its original color, and in case of- 11.11111C,i
remm ing the growth, fair., V ' e: , ctable
Sicilian' hair Renewer. It is a medicinal
preparation ; its action is medical, and by its
uqe the glands which support the hair are
nourished and strengthened. Heat, in itation
and excessive perspiratida of the scalp, which
produce baldness, arc soon Lure , l by :t few
applications of this scientific compound, and
it imparts to the hair a rich and glossy ap
pearance. We have tried it, and speak front
actual u,c.—Puih,...y 7 r
=prcial jictucri
A Card to the Ladieu.—
Dn. nrroNt:tys
Inntllablo in corr.—tin:;':ll:f,, •
01,truct!r,114 ~f Taus,fn pm
svbr.tever ear , e, nn , l ~f a prr -
ONE rir.r. T , .\ 111-1,41
Females peculiarly sit natc,l, the , ,-
Mg themselves so, are cautioned against using .
these Pills while in that ion, lest they In
vite miscarriage, atter which admonition the
nom letor aKsuine no alth,bugh
their mithlne., wonh,l prevent soy 1 ehk I' to
health; 00:encl.:Li th, Pills are recormncruled
for the alleviation of tho,e sufferin from any
irregularities \whatever, as well a., io . prevent an
inereace of family when health wlll not permit
; quiet lug the nen es oiol hrnagnig the
"rosy color 02 health' the rhco% r f tl.o r.lrNt
a:1,1 clt•t11, •itlrt:ty t at ti
n :Ce "1 per bf Si f X Sol lin 1:1 - 1,, I.y.
wm. NICK SONS, for
Erio.and vk•lnllc•
Lt.,lk.; :vending them SI th r1.111:11
Olney, can have the pllla svut '
Ina:1 to nay part of the country, free of p,
Sold r. T. th,zoltipo, IVarr, , n ; I
man & Andrews, Corry ; nd,r & Co.,
vino; c.•c.
r:!.. D. 110W17.,
my 2
• ."-4T-Yar-z.'-
.41cb.) ablirrttsrment.s
Important, 'Notice.
I , 2IIItVIEW :yr.k-Aos, Sept. II:, 1,(7
Tho subqrrit.,r Nronl,l recpoet fully in (oriel th,
I'.ur.u•r, of Fair; h i
re , 1 to pay
for 1:110, of 'Farm 11 , Alver,1 at
Fair% w Iteci, on _hand n,
as cheap ns c an be had el mownere.
the 41:4011eV of Il :11 , f:rind, Viii, S• Nlllll,l lox.
Cast Meet' flows, Smithey sit , it is, Wallace 4:
Jones' Self-Dumping
And has a superior lot of Much full blood amid
grade .
"ApIST.' ly 31auitfacturinr, Co.'s
Noisek . ss 'Fa]Oily
The underNigned beg lea% e to ainnaince that
they have recently opened rooms in the city of
Erie, where they will .lieep on hand an te,,,,rt
ment of the :Mote
Superlor HaeMile Oil, Needles.
All imieltinei delivered, 'and warrant e 4 for.
e yearn. In,truetlun, given free.
Sal rooms rear of kien.ilienni•r's Clothing
Story, 612 State street. • .7. E. PEEPER
Jy23-ly Agents fur Eric County.
State Street Property for Sale
A. T AU CP1() N-
rum] . Two very choice business lots, situated
on the west side of State street i north of
Tenth St.), will be ,old at public auction at the
Court House In line, on
wedneAay, Aug. sth, at lOu'rluck, a. in.
These lots are each twenty feet and two in
ches in. front, by ono hundred and forty-.even
feet in depth, to a public alley eighti.:4l feet
wide, which extends through from Ninth to
Tenth streets, •
One-third cloth; remainder payabb. , in two
annual inqalments, wall interest to be +veined
by mortgage.
Agent for the Owner,
Clothing and Gent's Fundshing Goods
BLANKS! BLANKS !—A complete assort
men of every kind of Blanks needed by
Attorifeys, Justices, Constables and, J3usluess
Mea,ter sale at the Observer once.
grtu abbrttuntnents
Burton & Uri Corikr.
Prices have Come 1) 44 ,
• •
1324 Peach
. tit reel, Corner
For parlt,olN.r; i!il
Colll4' 11l alld UOolllll'
I'r T
fg•loa l'3.!
HAYES ct 19:PI.L11,
• pit:
Uu 12th Street. 1,.
St.reets,a good 2 &tory •
&C.. lArI 79',:X/W lest to 1,
her of bearing fruit on I 1;
ter. Price. 61,3X1. Tenn ,
Ft) 1 i'
The nue two ntury,mutlcrh
brick ilwellitin on Pith ,
Burton &lit-11111.14's"
the rear of Tx,t. . If
• 1101'SE, GRAPERY, ,
Situate on Wallace St., ,
of 10th. Lot 1,5x179, '
choice bearing Graio- „,;, -4 •1
ry well built house,
the house. Price (Ih,
ILL; 1- ,
We have a number 01 A orr .
ces to offer cu4tornerm. IF
our or. No. I Reed Holt., •
11.\ Ei-•
Mercier Flexible Lab
7111 r. roLLOWING COMM rNli ' VT; ‘,
well known citl2A.rts Ap;,, ! „
I hert;;by ek.rt Hy that I h.,
Ible Harrow," the nail of •vh1;; •
_County Is owned by ( 'Apt t
find that I eon aeroxnpl,t,
this machine titan with n.. rqfp.:
(painted with. It contl..a,
lightness, cheapness and
pprteet liarrt,,," that I II
can be caLdly charm, d e • .
and any boy larC, ,n-txtzgh ,
readily and camly take it tr,.;...rt .1%1 ;
gethcr again. L most eh( ,
my friends and acquaint -al,. .
chine a.', I consider it •
use. :cork]: Is tricorn 11 1/: . . I' •; _
1.103 Cr Will have amide
b,•fuie paynig f.,r it. I ~,,,_ •
raw and a farm right. ._
LETTEII Fnon nn. i.ti '-
flaying witnes , etl the op. ran , Jl: ,•;• ...-
raw at the trial on the Ltia
on the 'silt of June, I hat, no
ing that I believe it I.
ment of its ela,u, and omt,. mnrtiPt
lion of all who hare oe. :1,1 , ,n ".
tirle. Its liexiblltty—trbi,ti ar t
Itself eloNely to the -
'ever or tilt nlt lirty be, ;•
mothtuiportane, , , and rm.- that
•tlik front all othtr 1., , 1 ,
otivq - 11 , „
wi ll 1,,• 1%.
rner,:ov't h
bling . •, I 1...
of tin-, liarr.yx , for r.-e
-. 'll
WhO • :1/ , MIN.', • t
' lt
1V. 0,1 1 . 11.11..,.. 11. ~.- r•
Pat. eli_Cleariu; Coulk
A New nn I Vscrul
To Proi ont (laztrinx lion Pion in: ,
• ble or ( loi( r Land, or
in Coar‘o Islannre. '
P. 171: I .•
.i,•• •
• '4le.
:.`1! 11 land, of riot%
It. F.. SIIN.: Thl-.1, D,r. :•.;.
sulnuitte:l your self-elt.trill.;
bought ,it" 111 . 1 I.:NI fall, t:: ik r, .• '
urnler a heavy ~•
that was very ba.lls 1:::Itte:!,:• 1 t 1: ' •
perfe~ t tbiue, for
plea.t•tl :without .toptinitt to un
invitridl•ly the c.e, :.z
t.mlt.•r, 1 e.•rtautle •
for -.nen tt• •on lay :arm her ii.r • : -
Your , truly,
The , 11::-..erther lntnt:• , l :It
tat c.0 . .' I r: •
by :1_1,104 1,) supply 1114_111 . :gilt
. •
tif-Town and County 11.zi
price that will pay the parch.ts,r
the Investment.
This Coulter has been r, no-I. I
plotna wherever exhit , lt , I. 1-*.rtu
of its operation, it pal
er of .Igrieulture for 20 . 1 " -•--
fuminat ion achlres.,
L. L. LAMB. Pr. t. M. IURTt En. \ :
CEO. w. COLTON, S,er. fa
F:ale zqr,
Nvw Yorl
I)IEE(1 O 1 :
()RANGE \iIIILE, W. A, t;A.t.r.r.t
l'ur.scorr METC %LP; f•tnt.itrs M xi, •
_ .
Jo ill N If. fli.iss, ...If. (11:6 1, ‘ ,1 ' ,
.11,1 IN C. SEL la:S, ' 6. F'. 111 a . ,. 1-
11En.r. AN'tri rit %;:, 1.. r,. r.AlIn.
L'lc.ts ,_ , C117.1 - It %I r', M. H tit.71.1'7.
6. B. D.r.i..trAmmic, I.tenlNl...
The above Institution IS now ftilir
and ready for the transaction of bank:-
t ions, In the room under the Key tor:
CORNER of STATE and EltiIIT11‘;:.
It opens with
A Canit al St ocli of 100,1'
wiLa th.• pro. i;.` ~ i• u:
hams nol dkroonts
c•t:ase: niaJo of all kixali or
4:5-To the citizens gimer
an execlient, opportutth ;or I.* ti:_:
small savings, as iuter;•>i 11 1 'x'
Deposits of One Dollar or Vpv
A special feature or the Ilan', xv.
eepti.m, for , 41to keeping, ..1
and z•iveuritte , , Jeuelry,
large FIRE. ND 11121t.(41.
tuts been carefully provided.
Perbuns hat Lug any propei:%
which they wish to deposit in I -4'
will find ivature wurth2.
House and Lot . Ibr
rialtE SUBSCRIBER offer, s-al ,
eauvenlently arrang.
in the beautiful-
Goal well of water, tl o
'and an abutt.ta:e,e:
PRICE LOW.---TER3lti Et.t•ON
The property I' e.pec:l:: , e '
much as t 11.• Lake shore Sewin Ir ,
tlon of I...aro:eh NI
ally 111 the country, is ktt .1:1V
SC'S, For partieular , , luluirr of
on the premise:4.
Fornwrly with A. Kin; ILV,III
known Brovoi3
French Street, below Fourth. fr
Formerly oven pled by Wt.].
form Ids old acquaint:times and th.' r •
rally that ho iv now brewing J `.•
quality of Ale. From his
uniform he is full) p11"1 '•
byst of •Mi...f...eiton. '
1Y9.4Y GEO. q.
DuAIrOSALS \t ill be rea`oi% 01
I EVENING, AUG. :id, tor
.4m...that of Nteol.ort Paveno it ea
front Eighth street to Ficteentl , tr .
Plans and speeitleations to b,' Lace of the City Enginee T r.
M. if Alt. En.
U. M. :Oil
Jos. EicHENIAL P , '" -
J; U. BA KE R,
Street Cattlr.',.
•TG. W. F, SUTX,Prin City'%l•"-
or••r“! . ,on
• I'd: , ;•
3322 , 3 1c0nt2.3.•
:312 , 3 I ,3,-
I:P.T V_ \I3.II:TY
' '~l,R