The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 06, 1868, Image 3

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    Important flotirtn.
Agents for the Obsercer.
11\ I,:tro si lected thC Pdlowilm gentleinen aS
o , ; ', / plats in the places named, to transact any
it,iness in count atoll vtith the office. Persons
tia`lll5ClV(S Indebted to us can hand
I„ on the money, and their receipt' will be
le, iced the MIDI(' as if given by ourselves:
~,tv—Meru Heath.
ti..letim Centre—tiro. W. Wils,m.
11.11.mte—Nel.on t 'lark .
lak tir4ve—Wm..f. Welker. •
acne—P. W: !Inward.
1..1. Whitney,
•,;,,rtfin,..barg—Jelin t,.
1,1..15% Ille—Clark Ewing.
W.,terford-W. E. White.
Union Borough—M. V. B. ilrefirn.
•,,,a Tom tedi I p—Mo, s Sioliwy;
E. Lincoln.
ley. —A nio, sbilte.
c,r,rd--Capt. D. W. ltuteltlic,on. •
I-ak Creek and Lit udv's lAm—win. Sherman.
~.irolgrielOilhert 'Hurd.
• L .„ kiort—J. Caulfman.
w „—Lyman Robinson. •
3,1,1;e5ql Township-IZ. Pinney.
E.linhoro—Mareus Saley.
illrber Creek—Wm. Saltsman„
11.'‘ pleyr ille—Edward Jones.
North Past—B.,.\. Tabor.
jaks.a's—Suntli J. Jackson. tt.
Traveler's Guide.
- -Th. time by which the Lake Shore and
,t Pittsburgh trains are run, Is 12 Mill
, ~.1,1c.0r than F.rie time—that of the Phila.
rric 10 minutes faster.'
1.1111 fnm.rn IA AND
m lIMLIOA D D e .
IN .,. i n .. Mail Train 11:0
p m
~,,,,,, . .Erle Express 740 p.m
' ~ p", Waren .lecommodationa &00
a. m
...10:0.5 O. m.
p. m.
,r 1 I Express
• l CC9-1111110dation
I. IQ ..ErlelACCOMMOdatiOn
p. 111 • Erie Express
I EVI - 1 't NI) A. FRIF: 11.11T120AD.
in .New York Express.
Express .._..
In NiLtht Ex - press... 1:I5 a. m,
, ztoamtloat Express 12:...50 n, m,
_ .Toledo Express 10:10 a. In,
. x 15 a. m
\llil r£ o,t I 111 I: RAILROAD
111 Ni.rht Express
.New York. Express..
(Anvil/Hatt Express.
... Day Express
Sqyaiatroat Expre•s ......
. Ma I I and Ace orninodat ion . 6:00 B. tn.
p 111
',I //
Po.t Office Notice.
N „ v„I 's. and W. 401, 0:20 a. In. Cc Dl p.
New York Central
9 '"l n, nt.'atu.l 6:30 p. m.
Lra• Way 3fall f;:`J) p. m.
Er!, tta) a.
0 :20a. in. and S:00 p. ni.
0:•3l a. in. and S:00 p. in.
3:20 p. Itt.
9:20 a. in.
, „I, Tilt, Erie, Warren Aecom
a,n, offices' born
WarromOil Cre. k, A. Lit. G.
NV It And 3re.t.lville. A;(10 p. m.
11.trrisliarz. Baltimore
v::,l.ington and Philadelphia
0 I IA le e.e.t. of Warren, and War:
Fr .nkliu R. R ital a. m,
„ I farrisburg, Baltimore di Wash
p. m,
awl ..)leKean 8:00 p. in.
o~ire, on Tuesdaz. Thurmlays
itmilay , .......... ....... '2: 1 0 p. m,
i 11 , 1 F Ol• AILItIVA T..
''••,,, .1- , 11: - , 1:0. , ,t0n, 13ulralo and \Vault
-1,:,,,,:i.. ..... ..... . -3:20 a. in. and 2:40 p. in.
,a.'•• t,, , 1 1:‘ , .. , W.. \ V Mail 10:23 a. In.
, and Erie Way ..Thd1..... .... :.. 7:30 p. in.
, .., ~.,, , . .....:':n! a. in. and 3:40 p. m.
c 4.... ,,
.. ..... ..11:1)0 n. in.
.. .. . 10:80 a. M.
Fri. .c i l'ol,lnirt , n . •-•- .... 3:00 p. ni.
it ,7r, ~ ‘1.....1a11ti , r.i.11.1011, 1)11Z l'lCCii,
W. It. It. and Mead Ville, 4:31./ p. rn
I arri , lim g•, Ba I timore rmd
. a. m
P'..! al. t j.h I 1, Harr',liurtt.• Baltimore,
11'1 , 1ittit_tt on, an P. t. E. it. It., east
arren, and Warren t Frank- •
Oa It. It . nt
. .
1i n!l.hurr, TnesdAy., Thu n.,,l;tys and
u••••i; h• •• li•wrw Ir.uu 7.00 A. M. tO X 1. M
• t. I rain 7: la to la
M. ,S . TEItitETT, M.
L3ttr.itntF.;s Otrectorp
_•,, v. iValker. 2. - ", and al N. Pal*
\ :04:n0:02 French %I.
, Ltrevellier, 513 French Bt.
POOPS AN!'l . l lEs
1 n hal:, 14 Park rnnv.
• / , ont 11, I , ll , nato street.
,rt to North Park.
7 1 1. State street:
P. State ,t.
1 Jr., State at. •
Pt 1(1K. STOP, ES.
V S Mel'reary. North Park.
', , renen st.
11 11. HAN erst lel:, Park Itow.
1•;...1..11 Pro., .119 French st.
n.lOl Lill.' at Son, P.VAState
1:114r0P. STIIIIV.S.
stott Miehael, s_l titan. st.
t;. M. smith, ...54 North Park.
31 . 1'‘'.10 STORdi.
1/. 7.iegler„a2oslal.,t.
,I 1•. State st.
Vheeler & Wi Ison, 427 State st.
10Wi• Sewin•:; Macl.lllv, 0)2 French at. •
lager - 4..wlitt7 Machine, French at.
Ira Raker. K 2.) State .t.
1 L. s South Park.
Wht 11. ttlentiv, 12 Patk How.
117Weig, 511 St.tte Mt.
\lmo Je . khor, 2 Park Row.
I' \ tXIIII. 2.9 North Park-.
J.l' W 1 -.01t, 21 North Park.
J ht.ia, .1 , 41, 51:: State street.
Wm Kt - 11,1:111. ',27 1 .: French st.
5ank11..1.2.5 st.
twt 1.11 and 700 State street
1 1 1:1111S .IND MEDIrINE.s.
B linnt, 1117 Pettelt street.
Filint, 42 11 1.-11 ate street.
Ile Warfel, I:0 State
'.O-.1t14 I.{ll, 1.112 Peacli street.
fi r t l , - ,„ Nnrth
. .1; NI. 1: .nn , , 7 , 2 Starr; street.
• A San, 711 Stair street.
1/ItY (71)01)5.
• 'l, , -;.1,11. , ;; , , W.lh he.
1' Cl,' rid.
r Peneh at
11r ,,, , 711 state '.t.
I. It , . 711; , itate "1.
Churchill & 3:Coble Mock.
51 1 .: State st.
'-::,l;nni I; A: 4'0., 5 Reed House Block
(114)1)05 AND CARPETS
ft t ;fr.,. A Fetter.
;IS State
1321 Peaeh .
I , :t 1,1 .. t 1121 .. •
It .1 .6 . e'o., 1'621
,1,.•a ter, 1224
It. el: :ono. 7,01 state st.
.11. , ' l . rt,t lan '2l ,N.ft Park
• 1,, r1, ",1"; Proneh "t.
‘ltnatc, rotater St It and State st.
11 , cker .6 Co., SA French st.
MeGiverlit. :1(1.1 French 0.
,tallory,.T_'; French st.
tudecker. 621 State st.
V t L. '26 East Fifth s.t.
"••••` :tat, 7 , 1 State ht.
19, Itosenzweig'm Block.
1. , ,tt, I ',17 Peach
I ' . I wan, over 624 State street.
l'arrar flail Building.
W.e4cr ro., over 13'23 st.
T , 1.1'1'1) AND c'1(1 Ans. '
Wel•li wan, 131 , Peaelt 'ht.
.I , l(ine, 70i State `l.
L.. k. 7a: State
\ fehl, 717 Pr. Itch 14:
ner tnl ••••.t.1 , 1•
.1'111:111 Co., 1.623 Peach st
A W, Pierce h Co.. Stall t •
conkey az Shannon, :Yr; French st,
I'. sehten,l*..:l French st.
V,lnta,,el, I'l'2l Pea, ti st.
Jiro..., 701 state ,t; -
& son, 121; State'.!.t.
:atr, Johnson 1018 and 111'26 St ate Et.
1 / 4 Murphy, 22 North Park.
, 1:141 s:+tis.Llra, st.
twat t & Co., SIS State st.
& SIS State st.
maim- ,t„. Ilan, State ,t., near depot
, '•rt f;ea•lielmer .t. Son, tit: State st.
'LI & 31ellek. IZ;:l State :.t.
r Waim ,, t Lt; State St. ' •
NI. Kula', S'22. State St. *
'aek..t: Meyer, 4 Noble ISlock.
'... 1.. Hos., No, 10 North Park.
ro , o , Thatups,m, 521 French at.
sal. 51) French st.
- i. (A Irani. Pa.
• , tAwart, no - ) N,,rtli Park, house 417 State st
- ; It orntepatiost). 6% Peach Rt.
tilkko.*alth Park.
M. Curly. 5 •-•,,,uth Park.
11is,eg , Oratlh f/F7 Priglol St.
t. Hawk Inq, MILO Pc•aell
S.: tz, 1123 Stair vt.
&t and Peach sts,
P i rook S son, cor. 4th and Peach sts,
Co., corner 11th and French ht.
le , , corm r 11th and Holland sts.
P.4. - ,tz, 1214 Peach 1,4,
Book Asents Wanted.
\IEN )12 WOMEN, in every township, village
• and city, for a splendid work, brim full of
' - malninent and instruction, and the best
Issdrin tho field—Baker's Exploration
'ljt NileTrlbutarlmof Abyssinia. The Nile
' , dyed ; the country, climate, soil, pro
natural , e;enery; habits and CUNIOILIM
People; exciting adventures in bunting
irpi buffaloes, rhinoceros, hippotit
''• 'te- Book agents
ntrents everywhere will find It
interest to examine this work. Sped
4Tages turn Our canvassers are lure
•ir T reat'at Kacce,s vlies sell it rapidly and
la run wager
: r rakliatrable record of scientific ex plorat lon,
fikeovery, and perymal
-N Y. 'Fromm , .
t , l oi a very at t ra ctive form, and Is
t.,ra romance."—Boaton Jour•
O. B. c.lsE & CO., Publishers,
Hartford, Conn.
tpI.,PItI..\TINII of every kind, In large or
quante, plain or colored; done in
.t r•tyle, itt lilathrfllV prices, at the
ERIE, ?ENN'A, ~;WGUST 6 , 1868.
Observer for the Campaign.
The Observer will be furnished to cam
paign subscribers, from this date, until the
close of the Presidential canvass, at the fol
lowing low rates :
One copy, six months, - • - $l.OO
Five copies, six months, - - 5.00
Ten copies, six months, and art addition
al copy for the one who gets up
elub, 10.00
One copy, three months, . - .50
Five copies, three months, - - 2 . 50
Ten copies, three months, - - - 5.00
Subscriptions may commence at any date
between this and election, and will be
promptly discontinued when the time has ex
pired. febe-tf.
Fifty Cents for Three Months:
In order to accommodate Clubs and sub
scribers who wish to'receive the paper for a
limited period, we have concluded to take
three months' subscriptions from now until
the November election. The price of sub
scription will be fifty rents for the three
months, and the paper will be promptly dis
continued as soon as the time expires. 'At
this low rate, it ought tb be an easy matter
for each one of our twenty-five hundred sub
scriber; to secure at least one or two addi
tional names,' and we hope to be able to
boast of a list of five thousand before the
canvass is ended. jylll-tf.
The editor of the Observer, being in daily
receipt of inyifations to address public meet
ings,desires to say that it will be impossible for
him to make any engagements of that char
acter previous to the 10th of September. His
editorial•and business labors require full ten
hour's hard work every day,in the year,and
having, in , addition, the duties of the Chair
manship of the Co. Committde and member of
the State Central Committee lo perform, he
finds his time occupied quite as much, to
say the least, as is desirable. , After tho date
named, if he can arrange his affairs to suit,
he proposes to devote Friday and Saturday
of each week in discussing National matters
at whatever points in the district his services
may be deemed of value. aug6-21.
3:15 p in
Pal a. m
10:10 a. in
7:4.5 p. m
. 3:1.i p.
CAUSES FOR Tut...L.—The following is the
trial list for the Court commencing on the
fifth Monday in August:
Graham vs Stott etml, Clark et al vs Doug
las, Taber vs Davis, Henry vs Colby, Linsley
vs Comer, Goulding vs Kelley, Bryan vs
Bryan, Seymour vs Corry Dudley Oil Co.,
(Both vs Tracy, Ellscy vs Grandler, Harri
son vs Loomis, Lawrence vs 0. C. R. R. Co.,
Merrill vs E. & N. E. R. It. Co., Kinsey St
Shenk vs Dudley, Whicher Bros. vs Walsh,
Mutt vs Parker, Davenport, Assignee &c., vs
Taylor & King, Taylor vs Avery, Mans vs
Stein, Wheeler vs Lelitiruff Tp., Irwin vs
Oakley, Soaneborn & Co. vs Justice et al,
Church vs Rhodes, Use Perry vs Ensworth,
)le.nsell vs Hall's administrators, Russell vs
Kennedy, Same vs Same, Jarecki it CO. vs
Greenfield Oil Co.,"Dryan vs Spires, Erie
City Iron Works vs Kepler, Wilson vs Smith,
Arnold vs Douglass, Fuller vs Belknap,
vs'Gilbert, Crescent Oil Co. vs Metcalf
et al. *
ON an average, we Should judge, of about
six times a week, we are met by some yearn
ing Democrat '' i writh the query: " Why _don't
you start a daily?" ' Our answer to them.
generally rune shout to tate wise, and we
hop'e it will be sufficiently clear to need no
further repetition: " Because, it will take at
least twenty thousand dollars to establish a
creditable one, and we wouldn't print any
other. We haven't that amount of loose cash
to spare, and if we had would prefer not to
'throw it away in the printing business in
- Erie. We have no faith that a Democratic
daily will pay expenses in Brie for twenty
years to come. But to test the matter, we
agree to invest a thousand dollars, provided
eighteen other Democrats of Erie county
will_ provide five hundred dollars apiece,
either by subscription or out of their own
purses, for the purpose of making up a
fund of ten thousand dollars, with the object
of giving the experiment a fair trial. This
amount will probably run the paper safely
for six months, and by that time It could be
ascertained whether our judgment is right or
not. Now, my dear air, here is a splendid
chance for you to help along the object of
your desire. If you wish to undertake the
experiment of collecting the amount for your
locality, which'will be in the neighborhood
of five hundred collars, (there being over
thirty districts in the county), we will draw
up a subscription paper at once, and you can
see how many signatures you will obtain."
Remarkable as it may seem, none of those
who are so eager for us to spend our money
trying to establish a daily, have yet accepted
these liberal terms. They have all too much
business on hand; there are other persons
in the district who will do better; the
sum 'could not possibly be raised; or other
equally tremendous difficulties stand in the
way; and thus. the daily newspaper project
lies in embryo, itaiting for some individual
with more hope anti enterprise than judg
ment, to hatch it into existence. •
TILE Gazette has hit upon a new and en
tirely original idea—the first with which it
has been afflicted in years—for- which it
should make haste to take out letters patent.
The following paragraph is a sample of some
half dozen others with which its columns
were burdened in last week's issue:
"The Democratic platform says, 'Equal
taxation of eve_ry species of property.' Farms
are property. Do yon want your farm
taxed ?"
Why, bless its innocent soul, don't the Ga
zette know that farms are taxed now, always
have been, and probably always Will be?
They are not-only taxed, but to such an ex
tent—thanks to Radical misrule—that it well
nigh eats up all their proceeds to pay the
assessments upon them. The point which
the Democratic platform makes against the
'Radical policy is, that while real estate pro
perty of every class is taxed to the utmost
limit, the twenty-six hundred millions of
bonds escape entirely, with the exception of
a slight per centage upon the interest. We
demand that the bondholder shall have no
more privileges than tha farmer, the me
chanic and the ',laborer. "Equal taxation
upon every species of property" simply
means that the bonds shall be taxed the
same as farms and town lots, or that the lat
ter shall be plac'ed on the same basis and
not be taxed at all. The farmers of Erie
county are not such dunces as the Gaiette
takes them to be, that they cannot ice r the
injustice of tha'discrimination which Radi
cal legislation makes against them. •
A COILIONDENT requests us to furnish
a list of Demotratic speakers in this county,
" through the columns of the Observer, for
the benefit of clubs." We comply with his
request by giving the following names of
gentlemen who have either been in the habit
of addressing meetings, or posiess the ability
to do so, in case their services are needed.
Most of them, we presume, will promptly
accept . of any invitations to address their fel
low citizens, when no other engagements
stand in .the way: Girard—David.Olin, D.
W. Hutchinson, G. W. Arbuckle; Spring
field—L. W. Savage; Fairview—D. C. Thom
as; Edinboro—lsaac It: Taylor, Dr. J. C.
Wilson, Geo. A. Allen; Waterford —Watts
B. Lloyd; Corry—M. Crosby, 11. A. Biker;
Erie—James . C. Marshall, W. A. Galbraith,
Selden Marvin, Benj. Grant, F. F. Marshall,
J. Ross Thompson, W. L. Scott, G. W. Gun
nison, E. Camphausen, Wilson Laird. 'Com- .
munications 16 either of these gentlemen
should be directed as published above.
THE Democrats of Girard are to have an
old fashioned hickory pole raising on Satur
day of next week, the Mtg . inst., and extend
a cordial invitation to their friends in this
city and the county generally to participate.
We hope to sma large Erio delegation pres
A Card.
GULUtD, PA., August 1, IWB
Ezirrou OnsEtivatt—Lair
have been rumors circulated and statements
made in some of the Erie papers, reflecting
upon the character of a highly respectable
family who came among us but recently.
To the more important and much the greater
part of the citizens of our place, these mali
cious reports are the source of mortification
and just indignation. It is to be wondered
at that there has bean no public expression
of disapprobation made, as, certainly, this
community has been outraged, as well as a
good family and their friends - inhumanly
abused. An anxiety was expressed by many
to give a public reibtation to the many false
hoods put into circulation, but the business
of everybody is no particulai one's affairs,
and the matter was not attended to, No
condemnation is too great for those who
would enter the sanctity of a peaceful family
and destroy all their happiness, and embitter
their lives forever. Time cannot restore to the
victims of this unjust calumny for the ruin
wrought The wife and mother rests in the
grave. The • law does not heal lacerated
hearts, and, even • its recoveries are poor
comfort indeed.
The indecent reference made in the Ga
zette to a sister of the deceased lady Is the
wanton attack of 'tome very bad person, an
nimated as, in fact the whole article is, by a
petty dislike for_those who opened their
house for the accommodation of the dis
tressed and afflicted. As a citizen of Girard,
I wish to enter a solemn protest against the
unholy persecution et people whose de
portment whilst among us, hat been uni
formly, of a high order ; making friends of
all who have been favored with their ac
quaintance: I sincerely hope that justice
may yet be dohe them, and that the guilty
offenders of common humanity may suffer
the chastisement of the law. Yours respect-
GAF t I.T Flux. IN OIL CITY.—One of the
mostldestructlve fires that ever visited the
oil regions occurred at Oil City, on Friday
morning, of last week, destroying both sides
of Main street, from the post office to the Na
tional Hotel, includingJones' Hotel, Charles'
Hotel, the Bergle House, and Dr. Potter
field's residence, in all about one hundred
buildings, and rendering nearly as many
families homeless. The fire broke out ou the
left bank of the creek; near the river shore,
and swept about two-thirds of that half of the
city out pf existence. There is doubt how it
originated, but the story in which most peo
ple agree is that it was caused by the care
lessness of an employee at the engine house
of Parker itir Co., where there is a steam pump
IBM for filling and emptying the great oil
tanks on the banks of the river. This man
undertook to clean out his smoke-stack IT
burning a bucket of oil in it. The result was
a small explosion and the communication of
the flames to °Amin of cars loaded with pe
troleum, which were waiting on a side track
to be discharged. From these the fire spread
right and left, almost:with the rapidity of
lightning. The fire broke out at 7 o'clock in
the morning, and by - nocu there was not a
wall or a beam standing In the entire burned
district The total loss will probably amount
to over $150,000, on which th ere le obout
$50,000 insurance.
Tax journal of heavy "calibre" and won
derful "political morality," established to rep
resent Mr. Lowry's interests, is highly in:
ceased, because we had the temerity to copy
a paragraph from its columns exposing the
scandalous proceedings in the Republican
party of this county tdider the system by
which its liends_were elevated to offices of
profit and honor. It makes this grave of
fence the pretext for o a half column article, in
which the Observer and the Democratic
party are handled according to the most ap
proved style of "great moral ideas." We beg
pardon of our heavy "calibre" cotemporary
for having committed so serious a crime as
to copy an extract from one of its own edito
rials, and can only excuse it on the ground
that they are generally so devoid of originali
ty or truth that when a semblance of either
by accident appears, it is hard to resist the
temptation of preserving them, if for noth
ing else than as a curiosity to future genera
tions. Unless somebody undertakes this un
welcome lask, there is serious reason for
doubting whether the public five years from
now will know that a journal of such heavy
"calibre" and wonderful "political morality"
as the Republican ever existed.
CITY WATHR Wonas.—The large " stand
pipe" of the Water Works is completed. It
is 220 feet higk by 5 feet in diameter, made
of half Inch boiler iron, with a heavy cast
iron base-section, secured to a bed-plitte S
feet square, resting on the solid rock, to
which it is secured by heavy 2-inch bolts, 7
feet in length, drilled and leaded in the rock.
The workmanship is of the eery best, and has
been builtin 12 working days, not an acci
dent or mistake having occurred to retard
the work. This shows the skill and fine me
chanical management -of the enterprising
contractors. Messrs. Belden &Bliss have rea
son to be proud of this job, and our citizens
also; that they have such mechanical skill in
their midst. None of the large cities can
beat this, though it is the first Job of the kind
the firth have undertaken. The brick work
encircling the pipe will be commenced im
mediately, and extended up 190 feet, with
winding stairs inside, including stays and
other supporters to secure the pipe.
Tun Democrats of the county will bear in
mind that the annual primary elections are
to be held on Saturday of next week, the 15th
inst., and the County Convention on the
Monday ensuing. It is needless to urge that
a full representation be selected from every
district in the county—Tor of.that the attend
ance at previous conventions gives us an.
abtindant assurance—and - We have only to
suggest that special care be taken to make
a selection of delegates from among the best
men in the localities they are chosen to rep
resent The primary election is the place to
effect ail' needful party reforms—if they are
well attended, and result in a judicious selec
tion: of delegates, no fears need be appre
hended for the rest. We hope every Demo
crat in the county will make it an especial
point to be present at the primary election
of his district, and cast his vote for the best
men and those only, regardless of persona!
or other Influences.
TEE Gazette makes an astonishing attempt
to be hilarious over the imaginary want of
enthusiasm among Democrats for the Presi
dential ticket, endeavoring to ridicule
them, only succeeds in making itself ridicu
lous. We speak what every Democrat in
Erie knows to be the fact when we say that
at no time have our friends in this city been
more united, better suited with the nomina
tions, or more confident of
. victory'than. at
Present. The few who were-disappointed st
Ann have reconciled themselves to the .dtti
ation, and there is not a steadfast Democrat
in the county who will .not lend his best en
ergies to the support of the ticket. We ad
vise tho Gazette to devote a little of itE su
perabundant vitality to the difficult talk of
exciting some show of life in its own tvlb epy
family. The Indications thus far give no
very especial ground for jubilation npoit
that side of the botise.
Tan smoky weather for a couple of weeks
is.attributed by some to tires in the Canada
woods. We think it more like'y to have
been occasioned by some peculiar condition
of the atmosphere, induced by the exten
ded dry spell. It is hardly likely that any
tire has occurred in Canada exteusive enough
to thicken the air with its smoke throughout
the whole Lake region, ni A south as far as
the Virgitti4
THE Democratic Congressional conlelenee
for the Nineteenth district will mitt at ItiLl4-
way, on the 20th of August. ,
please remember
that no communications arc acceptetl unless
the writer's real name accompanies them.
Tim Titusville lierahl (Republic•an) ad
vises Its readers not to bet' on the election.
The Herald sees which way the current is
setting. •
Eta: county has instructed its conferees to
support Hon. W. P. Jenks as the Democratic
candidate for Congress, making with Jeffer
son, two counties in his favor.
TRH Corry military company last week
numbered about seventy-five members, and
the lull quota required by law, it was be
lieved, would soon be attained.
TuE Gazette arrives at the conclusion that
Judge Brown, of Warren, will be the Demo
cratic candidate for Congress, and admits
that he Is "a very worthy gentleman."
B. S. ItlcAmastEn, of Titusville, and F.
W. Robinson, of Conneautville, are an
nounced as candidates for the Demcicratic
Assembly nomination in Crawford county.
3ln. A. P. PAssErr, a young legal gentle-,
man who recently squired some celebrity
In our city, has turned up as editor and pro
prietor of the Standard, a new neutral paper
just established at Ifubbard, Trumbull coun
ty, Ohio.
Carr. J. F. Cuoss,.of this city, is in West
moreland county, acting as agent for Osborn.
S Co.'s Fodder and Straw Cutter. He offers
to sell the right for any county,* the States
of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania,
at one thousand dollars, payable when Sey
mour is elected.
THE Primary elections on Saturday of
next week will afford an excellent opportu
nity for those, districts where Democratic
clubs have not yet been established, to per
fect their party organization. The Chair
men of Vigilance Committees in each town-
Ship should give this matter their especial
TUE congregation over which Dr. Mullen,
the new Bishop of this diocese, has officiated,
in Allegheny city, on Thursday evening of
last week presented him with a gold cross,
chain, ring and watch, costing in all WO, as
a token of their affection.' A large audience
was present, including many Protestants.•
TUE Warien Ledger says "the recommen
dation of Hon. R. Brown for Congress, makes
the Republicans treuible, for they believe if
nominated, he will give them the closest race
they have ever had. Indeed Mr. Scofield him
self fears no man as an opponent, so much as
Hon. R. Brown."
Carr. Wm. W. GRAY, of Titusville, for a
lung time one of the most efficient Republi
can workers in that place, has deserted the
foul party; and taken 'his place n the ranks
of the Democracy. He made if speech be
fore the Titusville club, not long since, which
is represented to have been one of the most
telling of the campaign.
Tun Warren Co. Agricultural Society will
hold their annual exhibition at Youngsville,
on the 23d, 24th and 23t1i days of September.
How <lnc,e ic oomo that Eric county, with
nearly double the population, and five times
the agricultural wealth of Warren, has not
had a successful Fair in five years, while the
latter can have one annually ?
Orn harmonious Radical brethren in the
Crawford District have succeeded in getting a
candidate for Congress at last. After over
two hundred ballots, a compromise was
effected, and Henry C. Johnson, of Meadville,
turned up as the luck, (or unlucky) man.
His nomination is ti substantial victory for
the Pettis men.
Tun law firm of Spencer, Sherman & Bee
be, doing business at Pleasantville and Frank
lin, is one of the ablest and strongest in the
oil region, and we especially commend them
to the patronage of those having business to
transact in that section. Roger Sherman,
Esq., formerly of this city, and one of the
most talented young men in the North-West,
is the junior member of the firm.
THE Radical organs of our county franti
cally call upon their followers to organize
campaign clubs in every district. Why,how
is this ? We were told in all their issues that
Seymour & Blair is an easy ticket to beat,
If it is, what is the necessity of such strenu
ous appeals to "organize," to "spread the
truthl" to "circulate the documents," etcet
TRY. Radicals of the Thirteenth Congress
ional District, of Ohio, have refused to nom
inate Columbus Delano (Scofield's particular
friend) for Congress., They know that he
now holds his place only by the meanness
and dishonesty of Radical Congressmen.
His Radical constituents are satisfied that if
he should be nominated the people would
dispose of his pretensions by giving General
Morgan 3,000 majority.
• Tnc Observer persists in repeating sev
eral questions to which we had made such
answers as we thought proper: We do not
feel under any obligation to say more in re
lation to them. If the Observer thinks other
wise, it is at liberty to do so.—D44pateli.
Why not be manly, and say you do not
answer the ci.uestions•because an acknowl
edgment of t,hc truth will place your candi
date in a disreputable position before the
public? This prcv,aricating mode of doing
business looks worse than if you frankly
owned up to the facts.
Tun "great" - Grant Sr, Colfax "rally" at
Waterford, on Saturday, turned out, like all
the, Radical meetings this year, to be a
"great" fizzle. It was ifilvellised in nearly
every Radical paper in the county, with the
most fervent appeal for the faithful to -turn
out, but they perversely failed to obey the
summons. With the assistance of a brass
band, a crowd ot' not over a hundred was all
that could be rallied, and few of those re
mained till the close of the meeting. The
poor old toppling cause of Radicalism is sink
ing lower in popular opinion every day.
Tim town of Pleasantville, six miles, east
of Titusville, is the latest Mecca of the 'lvor
shippers at the shrine of Petrolia. The rush
of fortune seekers to that point is represented
As equal to the wildest days of Pitbole specu
-lation, and the quiet little town of :► few
months ago is rapidly rising into the pro
portions of a city. The advance in eil has
given a corresponding increase to the value
of territory, and in every part of that region
there is more prosperity and a better feeling
than has been experienced since the decline
of 186.5.
WE hope our Democratic friends both in
the city and county will at once go to work
and establish Seymour & Blair Clubs, Com
plete your organization as snort as' possible
in each county and school district. The
Presidential election will be determined, so
far as Pennsylvania is coucerned,in October.
The Republican party understand this and
will concentrate every dollar and multiply
their efforts on the issue on the second Tues
day of October. If proper efforts be now
taken we ought to carry the State by fifteen
or twenty thousand majority, which will
settle the question in November,
Tin Dispatch again complains of "the per
tinacity which some Democratic journals,
and the Observer among them; show in
charging upon Gen. Grant's habits of iamb
peranee." The Dispatch would exhibit a
fairer disposition if it would acknowledge,
what we called its attention' to last week,
that the real authors of these charges are
Wendell Phillips, Theodore Tilton and the
Tribune's 'Washington correspondent, from
whom the Democratic papers obtained most
of their 'information . on the subject. No
Democratic paper has published more se
vere attacks upon the General's moral char
acter than these prominen4 Radicals did
prCyloUs to the nomituition.
Tau intimations of the Observer about dis
sali,fartion among Republicans in this coun
ty with the Coneresional nominatine - are
nmch more easily at, - ,nnosi than sub,tan.
gated. not , itch indicattoni been heard or
seen we should have been as likely. to know
the No that paper. Met tie krone noth
ing of the Isind.--inlyatek.
If our neighbor keeps on at this ram, it
will win a reputation for brazen-faced as
surace and pertinacity in dodging the truth
equal to old Bennett himself Everybody in
lbw county who knows anything at all is .
aware that the disaffection to which we
alluded exists, and has even gone to the ex
tent M some quartCrs of making prOffe:is for
it coalition with the Democrats for, ths pur
pose of bringing out an independent canal
dt‘te. The assertion of the Dispatch that it
"knows nothing of the kind" may be be
lieved by people outside the district, but is
too cool a piece of bravado to be swallowed
by its home readers. ,
AI , ItIEND writing to us from Concord re
quests a statement of the amount paid for
salaries to United States assessors aria col
lectors in this county end State. We have
no means at hand for furnishing the desired
information; and will be obliged if some
friend will place the facts in our possession.
In giving his reasons for wishing the knowl
edge, air correspondent states' the views of
the Democrats of that section, which posses:,
the advantage of novelty at any rate, and
are Worth public consideration. lie says :
"We hold that the proper way would be
for the United States to call on each State
for the amount needed in proportion to its
representation - or valuation.
"That this method would be infinitely less
expensive, besides taking a dangerous pat
ronage from the Administration, and allow
ing the people to govern their domestic af
fairs through the ballot box in every election
WE hope the Democratic voters of the city
will meet at an early day and apply themselves
towards effecting a more complete organiza
tion, which Will be madeto tell at the October
election. There should be a City Central
Club, and a subordinate club in every ward.
ft is a shame, with all the Democrats we have
in Eric, that there is not a better organiza
tion. There is more spirit and pluck exhib
ited in Corry and Girard. We hope some of
our active friends will at once begin the
work. We have the men and means and
should not be behind hand in their use.
' WHAT does it mean that the two Forney's
—John and Wien—have simultaneotisly
taken to lauding "our Congressman ?" Is
there some "nice little arrangement"on hand,
by which Scofield is to help along the 'in
terests of the Forney family? None of the
parties were ever known to do tiny one a
favor through disinterested motives, and cir
cumstances look as if there is n bargain
and sale of some kind fired tip. Scofield
and the tap Forney'--a pretty trio, verily!
FORNNY'S Pre,,s pronounce; Judge Sco
field's late speech in Congress upon the Rad
ical policy, " the clearest presentation of the
subject ever made.." Forney is so complete
a toady that everybody who knows him will
understand just about what such a puff is
worth, and be able to calculate nearly its ex
act cost. What do the people of this district
think of their representativ when he has be
low In 1110 • mural, scale that be Is
puffed by Forney ?
As we write, the members of the Catholic
churches are making great preparations for
the reception of their new Bishop, who is
expected from Pittsburgh on the three o'clock
-train. The hour at which we go to press
prevents us from giving a report of the in
teresting proceedings. The Bishop is ex
pected to preach in the Fourth Street church
on Sunday, and an immense audience will
undoubtedly atti•nd.
@un energetic friend W. C. Oakley, of
Corry, has given us a renewed token of his
interest in the cause, in the shape of a club
of fifty new subscribers to the Observer, all
of whom have paid in advance. With a few
such men as Mr: Oakley in every election
district, it would not be long until Eric
county would be as -reliably Democratic ag
she is now deplorably Radical.
TIIE llarugari Society held a pie-nic on
Tuesday, in Cochran's wood?, which was one
of the largest and Most successful of the
year. The society marched in procession to
the woods, having two bands in the line, and
made a fine ajmearanee. Five thousand per
sons are estimated to have been in attend
ance at the pie-nic during the day. -
Mu_ SELL, late of the firm of May
has opened a news stand in the jewelry store
of Mr. Guy Loomis, on State, between 7111
and Bth streets. Ile is an enterprising young
man, and deserves a liberal patronage.
Tnz troubles in the coal region have ter
minated and the miners are again at work.
Coal is coming in quite lively, and the docks'
have resumed their usual activity.
IVuEN gold is quoted at $1.40, a paper dol
lar is worth 71 cents and :17 hundreths of a
The Benniughotr Robbers Arrested
[From the Titusville Hernhl.l
On Saturday, the 95th inst., three men-im
plicated in the Beiminghoff robbery, named
Louis . Wedly, George 3liMain and Jake
Shoppord, were arrested, and on Monday
they were conveyed to Franklin and lodged
in jail. Weldly and Shoppord were secured
by the officers at Akron, Ohio, and Miller at
Swgertown, Crawford county. Four are yet
at large of the five principal actors in the
affair, and two or three parties who are sus
pected of having aided them. The following
particulars of what Itappened from the time
of the robbery' to the arrest, of the above
named parties arc from perSbns acquainted
with the working up of the case : ,
During a few days previous to the robbery,
Jim Steger, of Stegertown, Crawford county,
was heard bragging at Meadville and Steger
town, of the speculation he was going into
that promised to yield the greenbacks large
ly. Besides Steger, there were two or three
other parties at or near Stegertown, among
whom , was Weldly, who promised their
friends that they would be flush in a day or
two, and saying at the, same time with a
very mysterious air that they had a big spec
ulation on hand. Of course after the partic
ulars of the robbery became known, and
these parties were noticed to be unusually
well supplied with funds, suspicion . was at
once aroused that they were connected in
some manner either with the taking or dis
tribution of Beuninghoff's money, and a
watch was set on their movements. Steger,
Weldly, Miller and Shoppord were inSmger
town during the next two or three days alter
the robbery, spending money quite freely,
and having a good time generally. On the
third day Steger disappeared with Shoppord,
but after being away some days they separa
ted, the latter going to St. Louis, and the
former to parts unknown. Shoppord :Treed
it around St. Louis for about a week, spend
ing all but $BOO of his portion of the Ben
ninghoffifund. The $BOO was in his trunk,
and one night the hotel at Shiclahe stopped
was destroyed by fre, with the trunk and
the $BOO. .tiler this Ides he returned to his
old haunts.
Weldly staid at Satgertown for a week or
two, offering to loan anybody or everybildy
sums of money. He then went to Akron,
Ohio, where he purchased a distillery, a farm
and a hotel site, meanwhile disbursing money
quite lavishly, and living in very comforta
ble style. He stayed at Akron most of the
time, and was, it is said, having a good time
in his distillery with some boon companions,
when the officer appeared with the warrant
for his arrest. Miller, it appears; was, unlike
the others, content to get rid of his money
nearer home; and stayed fur the greater part
of the time in and. around Meadville and
After being arrested, Weldly and ShoppOrd
partially agreed, k Is reported, to turn State's
evidence, and the following details of the
plan of the robbery have been
,partially ob
tained from them by detectives and other
persons interested: From all that can' be
learned it Would seem that Jim Steger was
the originator and principal in the affair, and
that Weldley was the first assistant. These
two were observed a number of times during
last fall, talking at Sa-g.ertown with one of
John Bcnninghoff's hired men.' It is sur
mised that they obtained from the hired
man such information regarding the situation
of the Benning,hOlf residence, the am munt of
money that was kept in it, &c., that it in
duced them to form a gang and attempt the
robbery. However this may be, certain it is
that ha Dioyernbor or Pecemb . et last they
lireached the subject to Miller and Sheppard,
who agreed to take part in the enterprise
with theta. A date was fixed at which the
attempt was to he made, but about that time
the No 1.1.,t mentioned backed nut and
irew lip the job. Sieger and Weldly were,
suvuaA,detennined to have the handling of
the Denningliorhonds and greenbacks, not
withstanding the withdrawal of their confed
erates. After some consultation among
Ilwitiselves they thought it expedient to se
cure the assistance bt a professional hand or
two, and to this end they started for Phila
delphia. Arriving at that place they ingra
tiated themselves among the roughs and
were not long in finding flair skilled house
breakers who agreed to engage in the Ben
ninghoff speculation.
A new programme was arranged, and Se
ger, Weldly and three of the professionals
started for the scene of operations, leaving
the fourth in Philadelphia on account of
some disagreement having taken place among
them. how successfully the robbery was
perpetrated, how the Benninghoff family
were secured, and how John Benninghoff
was brutally beaten, the two • hired men
thoroughly trightened, and the $230,000 or
$260,000 .in bonds, greenbacks and specie car
ried off, arc matters that our readers arc well
acquidnted with.
After the robbery a division of the spoils
was made, Swger getting the lion'S share.
Mrt idly was forced to be content with some
thing like $25,000 or $30,000. To Miller and
Shoppord it Is thought Sieger gave $l,BOO
each as hush money.
As soon as the division: was made two of
the professionals started for Canada, and the
third made for New York. Within a week
or two after the robbery, the man who had
been consulted in Philadelphia and who had
been left there laid what he knew about the
matter before the police. A clue of the pro
fessionals who had started :for Canada was
obtained by this man, and he in company
with a detective started after them. After
some little search they were found in Mon
treal, where, while attempting to arrest them,
one of theta fired at and wounded a police
man. They were both arrested, however,
and locked-up, but subsequently one of them
was released through some technicality of
the law and escaped, while the other was
held on the charge of attempting to kill the
policeman, whom he, had wounded. A re
quisition was obtained a few days since for
the surrender of the hatter to - the. United
States authorities, but it has not transpired
whether he is still held in Montreal or not.
The whereabouts of Steger and the three
professionals is known only to the detectives
and the parties most interested.
The persons who have taken the princi
pal part in the working up of the case are
detectives llague, of Pittsburgh, and Wager
forth, of Meadville. The clue of the robbers
was obtained within a few days after it oc
curred, and the Benninghoff family and the
detectives have perseveringly exerted them
selves to bring the robbers and their accom
plices to justice. The heavy reward offered
by Mr. Benningholr for thc'arrest of the rob
bers—thirty thousand dollars, which, rumor
says, was afterwards increased to fifty thou
sand—makes this capture' a good thing for
Hague and others concerned In the arrests„
PACKARD'S MONTHLY for August contains
the conclusion of -Mr. Dyer's description of
"The Wickedest Man,- in New York." Mr.
Dyer has certainly - reason to be proud of his
skill as a journalist, as this description is be
ing published by many newspapers through
out. the country, a certain indication of its
excellence and interest. Mr. Parton has an
article on "Wasting Capital," in which much
good advice is given. - Horace Greeley
writes on "Success or Failure in Life." The
Monthly contains seseral other interest
ing articles. It is the cheapest magazine
published. Terms PAM a year; extra in
ducements for clubs. , Address S. S. Pack
ard, publisher, DV Broadway, New York.,
LAST DAY - or Dn. Lirros.—Sufferers from
disease of the eye, ear,-throat, catarrh, &c.,
who desire to consult Dr. Listen, the cele
brated Surgeon and Physician from the Al-
bany Eye and Ear Infirmary, now at the
Reed House, must do so today as this is the
last day of his - visit. If he cannot cure those
who apply - to hini he .will tell them so at
once. He will be here again on the 14th and'
kith days of October.
ling old Hemocratic visitor comes out in the
most inviting make up for the coming month.
It is particularly rich in variety of very in
teresting and original character. A. steel
plate portrait of Horatio Seymour is present
ed in this number. Single copies 25 cents;
$3.00 per year. Address Van Eyrie, Horton
& Co., publishers, No. 102 Nassau street,New
1)Y VIRTUE of an order of the District Court
11 of the United States for the Western Dis
trict of Pennsylvania, there will be exposed to
sale, at Public Vendue at the Bennett House,
in the Borough of Union Mills, Erie County,
Pa., on Wednesday the 28th day ofiAugust,
at 2 o'clock, P. M. of Said day, all the right, ti
tle, interest and claim of Lyman Thomas, of, in
and to the following real estate, to-wit:
No. I.—All that plece_or tract of bind situate
in the borough bf Union Mills, in the County of
Erie, State of Pennsylvania, bounded on the
north by lot of P. G. Porter, on the south by lot
of— Pratt, on the east by lots which front on
Main street, on the west by Orchard street, on
which is erected a one-and-a-half-story f mine
dwelling house.
No. 2.—A1l that piece or tract of land situate
in the borough of Union Mills aforesaid, begin
ning nt a point in the south side of Crooked
street, said point being twenty feet west of the
north-west corner of Riley's lot, thence west
along Crooked St. 40 feet to a corner in the bank
of the reservoir, thence in a curved line along
the bank of reservoir to a post in aline parallel
with Riley's west line, thence north parallel
with Riley's west line to the place of beginning,
on which 14 erected a two-story frame house,
also workshop and barn, being land sold by
James McFarlane and Charles Fleck to Esther
Thomas, April 6th, 130.3, recorded In Deed Book
No.:: - ,, page IsJ and iOO. Terms of sale, cash.
ago -2w-Assignee of Lyman Thomas.
Discharge in Bankruptcy.
1. States for the Western District of Pennsyl
vania. T. P. Babcock, a bankrupt uncleri the
Act of Congress of March 2d, 1567, having applied
for a discharge from all Ids debts, and other
claims provable under said Act, by order of the
Court, :Notice is hereby given to all persons who
have proved their debts, and other persons in
terestod, to appear on the 27th day of Aug., 1564,at 2 o'clock, P. M, before E. E. Woodruff; Esq.,
Register, at his olilco in Erie, Pa., to show cause,
if ally they have, why a discharge should not be
granted to the said bankrupt. And further no
tice is hereby given that the second and third
meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, re
quired by the 27th and 2ittt sections of said Act,
will be had before the said Register at the same
time and place. S. C. McCANDLESS,
Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District.
Assignee in Bankruptcy.
YN THE DISTRICT COURT of the' , United
States for the Western District of Pennh,
in thounatter of Robert W. Russell, bankrupt.
The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap
pointment as assignee of Robert W. Russell, of
Erie, Erie county, and State of Pennsylvania,
within said district, who has been adjudged a
bankrupt upon his own petition by the District
Court of said district, dated at Erie, Pa., July SO,
A. D, 16G8. M. E. DUNLAP, Assignee.
Notary Public, MG French St., Erie, Pa.
Assignee in Bankruptcy.
States for the Western District of Pa., in the
matter of Joseph Sheltie, Bankrupt. The
undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint
ment as assignee of Jos. Sheftel, of Cony,
in the county of _Erie and State of Penn'a,
within said district, who has been adjudged a
bankrupt upon hts own petition by the District
Court of said district, tinted at Erie, Pa., July 30,
Isoi. M. E. DUNLAP. Assignee, -
Notary Public, No. an French St., Erie, Pa.
Assignee in Bankruptcy.
THE DISTRICTCOURT of the United States
for the Western District of Penn's, in the
matter of Samuel N. Caughey, bankrupt.
Thu undersigned hereby gives notice of his
apointment It Assignee of S. N. Caughey, of
'Erie city, Erie county and State of peirm'a,
within said district, who has been adjudged a
bankrupt:lt his own - petition, by the District
Court of Id di/inlet, dated at Erie, Pa.,
Aug. I, 1. •
HENRY if. ItHILET,. Assignee,
Atty. at Law, No. I=3 Peach St., Pu.
Assignee in Bankruptcy.
TN TILE DISTRICT COVRT of the UnitedStateis
for the Western District of Penn'a. In the
matter of Jacob Kunz, bankrupt. The un
dersigned hefebygives notice of kis appointnient
as assignee of Jacob Kunz, of Erie city, county
of Erie and Btate of Penn's, within said dis
trict, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon
his own petition, by the District Court of '
district, dated at Erie, Pa., Aug. 1, A. D., INK
HENRI' RIBLET, Assignee,
Atty. at Law, No. ia. .D Peach St., Erie, Pa.
age 3w. •
Aamignee in Bankruptcy.
TNTUE DIRTRICT COURT of the United States *
1 for the Western District of Pennsylvania,
In the matter ,of Guy Loomis, bankrupt.
The undersigned hereby gives notice of. his ap
pointment; as assignee of Guy Loomis, of
Erie city, Erie county and State of Penn'a,
within the said district, who has been adjudged
a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the Dis
trict Court of said district, dated at Itrle,,Pa.,
Aug. 4, A. D. 15$.HENRY M. RIBLET, Assignee,
Atty. at taw, No. ISM Peach St., Erie, Pa.
Assignee in Bankruptcy. •
States for the Western District of Penn'a, In
the mutter of Jas. I. Williams bankrupt. The
undersigned hereby gives notice of his appoint
ment as asstgnceofJ.l. Williams, of Erie, in the
county of Erie and State of Peun'a, within
said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt
upon his own petition, by the District Court of
said district, dated at Erie, Pa., July Si, A.
D., 1668. HENRY 31. RIBLET, Assignee.
Atty. at Law 1:14) ITO reach St., &IF, Pa.
Oda 2bbertionnento.
Assignee's Sale.
into libkrtirAturittg
Assignee in Bankruptcy.
ITHE DISTItICT COUII3' of the Unlte4
t3tates fur the Western in.triet. of Pennsyl
t:, in the matter of W. W. Thorns, n pt.
Ths tindentiguell hereby gl‘ es noble of ap..
ponattuent tW 1 1 1, h1glICII of W. W. Tltemne, of .
•le City, In the et 'tint y of. Et le Red State td
Penult, within Raid district, t let has ts. 4 , 11
judgeda bankrupt upon his own pet Itittn by the
13bitrietCourtuf said district, dated at I•ine, ht.,
July 30, A. D. 18t a.
II ENItY M. Rif:Lin% Apr.n..nee.
Atty. at Law, No. hrzt Prael t st., Ert. , P.t.
1180-3 W.
Blmeharke In Bankruptcy.
tates__, for the Western District of Pennsyl.
vanla. Sherer, a bankrupt under the
Act of Congress of March 2d, 160, having ap
plied fora discharge Irons all his debts, and oth
er claims provable under said act, by outer of
the Court, notice is hereby given to all et editors
who have proved their debts, and other persons
interested to appear' on the 121 h day of
August, 11168 ki at 10 o'clock, A. M., before S. E.
Woodruf4 ni„, Register, ut his office, in
the city of Erie, Penna. to show cause, If
any they have, why a discharge should not
be granted to the said bankrupt. And further.,
notice is hereby given that the second and third
meetings of creditors of said bankrupt, required
by the 27th and 2Stli sections of said aet, r.lll be
held before the said Itekister, ut the bailie time
g d l t • l c k A 2 'l frerof S. DistrieCo for gild rict.
Assignee In Bankruptcy.
1. States for the Western District of Pennsyl
vania, ip the matter of H. li, Mann dr. L. Fisher,
bankrupts. The undersigned hereby gives no
tice of his niqx•intinent, as assignee of Mann di
Fisher, of Erie city ' Erie county, and State of
Pennsylvania, within said district, tt ho have
been adjudged bankrupts upon their on n peti
tion, by the District Court of said district, dated
at Erie, Pa., July 15, A. D. Isa , r,
Atty, at Law, N 0.4515 French St, Eric, Pd.
mmoved Ills stock of goods to the
store In the Reed House formerly occupied by
Messrs, Monett, Stephens d. Willey, Lakes plea
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the market, and a fulla.,sortment of every thing
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- . TANCE.
The following is Horatio Seymour's letter of
acceptance of the Democratic nomination for
the Presidency
Utica, Aug, i, IFAS.
GENTLEMEN :—Wliou in the city of Now
York on the 11th ult , in the prcsenco of a vast
multitude, on behalf of the National Demo
cratic Convention, you tendered to me its
unanimous nomination as their candidate for
the office of President of the 'United States, I
stated I had no words adequate to ex press my
gratitude for the good will and kind ttess which
that body had shown to me. - Its nomination
was unsought and unexpected. It was . my
ami)ittan to take an active part, from which I
ate now excluded, in the great struggle going
ou for the restoration of a good government, of
peace and prosperity to our country. But I
have been caught up by the overwhelming
tide which is bearing us on to a great political
change, and I find myself unable to resist its
pressure. You have also given me a copy of
the resolutions put forth by the Convention,
showing its position upon all the ereac clues.
1101:18 which now agitate the country. As the
presiding officer of that Convention, I am fa
miliar with their scope and import. As one of
its members I am a party to their terms. They
are in accord with my views, and I stand upon
them in the contest which we are now enter
ing, and I shall strive to carry thorn out in fu
ture, wherever I may be placed in political or
private life.
I then stated that I would send you these
words of acceptance In a lettet as is the cues
toms*, form. I see no reason, upon reflection,
to change or qualify the terms of my approval
of the resolutions of the Convention. I have
delayed the mere formal act of communicating
to you in writing what I thus publicly said,
for the purpose of seeing what light the action
of Congress would throw upon the interests of
the country. Its acts, since the adjournment
of the Convention, show an alarm lest
change of the political power will
Rive to the people what they ought
t ) have—a clear statement of what
has been done with the money drawn
from them during the past eight years.
1 houghtful men reel that there have been
erongs;in the financial management which
have been kept from the public it uosviedge.
Toe Congressional party has not only allied It
self with military power which is to be brought
to bear directly upon the elections in . insny
States, but it also holds itself in perpetual ses
sion with the avowed purpose of making such
laws as it shall see At, in view of the elections
v. dill Will talto pla, e , within a v. i ',le 4 I ,
d i IVA th i qt. , r o74l .l.llollrll, lAA 1.901i 6 a rh,. , -..: t ,
I ott again it 1t..4 ii till iim Ititerestii .hall ri ,,
inland Ic , , rviv.. - 0 itibr.tit r 10.1., ~, it,
lii.d.ory "r OM; enlll,lly h..% 11'.,,, , ,,,..... ;31,1: .:
1nC111119r.4 :eltlllior, tow ird., ;1 4 0,, It,. i 0 ..
Rs llilltit!iit ~. .., i ~i i.l Oi.• , tt IL, ~ 1 .01,, 0 ,
U. 11;4 , 10 , lUl' 1,1 , . If ;ILZ r4lll, p t
.s.„ , 1, , , r . ~, .
~r ilm , 7_oll I, ,',l t' 1011 pr....H.1,14 ~.,.....,. ~
ant i 111, 1,/, - -i'. p. itor cativo to .Iciarriy the.
rI)1i, 1 ~1 , I/IL ....,_,..
It la Lot hlr.ti.w., 110'1'1.101"o, 1111,1
tro Fee to P114111111•tl./11 t Arco; f o
r i
with threro who sh me the the l( pun
!lean p irty inotiVC:4 stronger and deeper t iro
the mere wish to hold political power. There
is a dryad of corns exposure which ilr.VeY then
on to acts so desparete. and so inipolithe Marry
of the ablest heelers and journals of the nt.:-
pill-the:111 party h .a e openly del/10111i the
lence of congrestam; it action and itsdendere
to tete!. up .h spoil ifl our (nullity. The t r
11,10.0-ot4 of our i Iti m 11011131111 peace,
and a retwai to 1n0..0 industrial pees:
without which we eannot inaletain the i,. ,
or honor of our government. The tenets of
bitaineee Iran are perplexed by uncertainte,
The hours of toil of our laborers are 1(.14;11e:el
ect by the costs of living made by me dir , et.
and indirect extension of the goversime ni. Oar
people arc harrassed by the heavy and frequent
demands of the tax gatherer, without di a tie e .
thin of party. There is a strong feeling in fa
vor of that tine of action which shall restia.,
order and c in tidenee, and shall lilt off burdene
Which now hinder and vex the industry of the
country. Yet at tide moment those iu power
have thrown into the Senate chamber and Con
gressional hall new elements of iiiideird and
violence. Men have been admitted et, re hi e-
sentatives of sonic of the Southern State., al.!.
the declaration upon their lips that ther cannot
live in the States they claim to represent with
out military protection. These inert are to
make laws for the North as well as th , South.
These 111511, at ho a few days since weir. -eci: lu
as supplicant; that Congress would g . the in
power within their respective States, a., to day
the toasters and controllers of the ...hens of
those bodies. Entering them with minds tilled
with V1515110111+, their-fair demands have been that
C,ongres, =hall look upon the State,
from which they conic as in eendition,
of civil war ; that the majority
of their population embracing their inteillgonee
shall be treated as public enemies; thet mill-
Lary forces shall he kept up at the cat of the
North, and that there shall be no ranee and
order at the South, save that which is made by .
an arbitrary power. Every intelligent man
knows that they not only owe their present
positions to disorder, but that every motive
springing from the love of power, of gain, and '
of a dc-ire for vengeance, prompt= them to
keep the South in anarchy. While VI ,t exist.;
they are in dependence 01 the wills or elebas
their fellow citizeus. While coulee ea r,••
they are the dispen-er , of the prod:, and tie.
honors wheal grow out 0, g ,vera mart of
were fore;.. 'ili-.e ni n ere now h• aieil
positions where they can mit wily ere() toyer
vita; a 01 pnioc, but salaire the em enforce
them. When ethers shall be admittid in this
manner from the tem:dello.; S .utaere States,
although thee will have in 'truth no c aeditu
ents, they will have more power in the Seuate
than a inelerity of the people of this Cniou
living in nine of the great States. In vain
' member , . of the Republican party
against the policy that lel to tli. , teem a
NN bile the chief" of the late rebellion li „t e
trotted to the result, of the war, and ate now
quietly engaged in useful pursuits for he seri
part of themselves atel their families, end are
trying by the force of their exempie to lead
hack the Imelda of the health to the order am?
industry now only estutUial t i (Liar well
being, but to the greatness and prosperity of
our common country, wo see that thee° whb
are without ability or influence, have been.
thrown by the agitation of civil convnisiona e
into pcsitione of honor end profit, are strivng
to keep alive the passion i to which they owe
their elevation, and they clamorously insist
that they are the ally fr onds of our Union, a
Union that can only levee a Lure foundation in
fraternal regard and a common desire to ',re
mote the peace, the hider, and the baw l:le ,, o f
ail sections of our land.
Congress since the adjournment
of Conventionarave vastly mere:lse I the import
enc.° of a polltieal victory by those who are
seeking to bring beak economy, eitnplielty and
justice in the adomoostration of our national.
affairs. Meer llepublicans- have heretofore
clung to their patty, who have regretted the
extremes of-violence to which it le run. Taey
have cherielied a faith that while the 'action of
their political friends have boon notstaken,their
motives have been geed. They must now ace
that the Republican party is in that condition
that it cannot carry oit a wise and peaceful
policy, whatever its motives may be. It i 5 a
misfortune not only to a country but to a gov
erning patty itself, when its actions are un
checked by any feria of rippoenion. It has
been the mii fortune of the Republiaian
party that the events of the past
few years have given it so much power that it
has been able to shackle the Executive, to
trammel the Judiciary, and to carry (Art tlio
views of the meat unwise anti violent Of its
members. When this state of things oxiats in
any party, it has' ever been found that the
judgments of its ablest leaders do not control.
There is hardly an able man who has helped to
build up the Republican organization, who has
not within the past three years warned it
against its excesses, who has not been borne
down and forced 'to give up his convictions of
what the interests of the country demand, or, if
too patriotic to do this, who has not been driven
from its racks. If this has been the case
Were, what will be its action with this now in
fusion of men who, without a decent respect fur
the views of those who had just given them
their positiona, begin their legislative career,
and demand that their Sates shall be regarded
as in a centlition of civil war, and with a declar
ation that they are ready and anxious to diere=
Bard the President of the United States, when
ever they can persuade or force Congress to
bring forward new article, of impeachment"
The Republican party, as well as we,
are interested in putting seine check un
this violence. It must ba clear tr.
every thinking man that a division
of every political party tends tq
check the violence of party aatim, and to
secure the peace and good order of the coon='
try. The election of a Democratic Executive,.
and a majority of Democratic members to the
House of Representatives, would not give to
that party organization the power to make
sudden or violent changes, Ina it would servo
to chock those extreme measure, have
been deplored by the men of belt. pelt
heal orgaeizations. The resit:: in ••t
certainly lea-I to that peottofol re , u aline of
the Union and the re-e-talde-hilient of frater
nal relationship tee e ;entry Leeds. I
am sure that the best ineu of the Re publiaan
p deplete) as deeply as 1 do the spirit of
violence shown by tho-c recently admitted to
stars in congress from the South. The cou
dition of civil war which they contemplate
must be abhorrent to every right thinking
man. I have no personal it ibex Wllll-h mis
hied my judgment in regard to the pending
elections. No man who has weighed and
measured the duties of the (Alice of President
of the United States can till to be impressed
with the cares and toils of loin who is to meet
its demands, It is not merely 1.. float
with popular currents without a policy
or a purpose. Oa tee contrary, - while
cur con ititutien gives just weight to the
public will, its distingtivdeing atetere 1•A that it
seeks to protect the rights of minorities. The
greatest glory Is -that it pot, restraints upon
power, It gives force and form to those max
ims and principles of civil liberty for which
the martyrs of freedom have struggled through
ages. It declares the right of the people to be,
secure in their perams, houses, and papers,
aealn,t unreasonable searches and sisienree ;
that Congress shall melte no law respecting an
establishment of rehglon or the free exerciee
thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or
of the presis e air of the right of the people to
petition for redress of grievances. It secures
the right of a speedy and public trial by an
in , partial jury. No nein can rightfully cutter
en the duties of the Presidential oftlee unless
his is not only willing to carry out the wishes
of the people expressed in a constitutional way,
but is ItISO prepared to s:and up for the rights
of 11' inu , t he t
the freeemerelse of religion. llemit-t denennee
Measures which welt al wrong per , ona! or holm ,
rights, or the religious com,•lmett of the hum
bles, eitia oo; of the lama, Cc need ni•din :In,
without distinction of crk ell or nationality, all
tho pri% cf American cit;./^rship. Thn
experience of evert , t uhit•t man who n
faithful to hi+ trust teaches him
do the duties of the (Alio° of Pre,iduat
ho is ready not only to undergo the fids•i:
"and aim.° of the bad, but suffer from the e.di
sllre 0! the go. , d, who aro misled by pre ;m1;,0
and misrepresentationm. There are no aitrac
thins 'in such a position which decelve tap
judgment, when I say that a great etym.:o is
going on in the pu bha frond. ho mass d tho
Republican party are more thought , tem
perate, and just matt they wero during tie ex
citement w tmdi ate-tried the prugre,s and
closeotthacivil soar. As the energy of th, Dem
ocratic party sprung front their tleYotion to their
eAu.e'end not to their candidates, I may, with
propriety, speak of the fact that never in tho
political history of our country has tho action
of any like hotly boon bailed with such univer
sal and a idu.spread enthusiasm its that which
his [wen shown in relation to the pos:Mkii ~ t
the National Demeerahn Convention. The
energy cl the con‘ervative managers tliring
front a desire to make a change of a is
policy and from the Collthlence that they rut
carry out.their purpose. f u this faith they are
strengthened by the co-operation nt the great
body of those who served in the Union Fanny
and navy during the' war. Having given
nearly sixteen thousand . , commissions to thr
racers of that army, I tinow their views and
wishes. They demand the Union for which they
fought. Thu large meeting of these soldiers
who wasembled in Now York endorsed the so-
Iron of the National Convention. In words
diatinct - with meaning they calks! upon rho
government to stop in its policy or ham, dis
cord, and disunion, and in tonna of fervid elo
quence they demanded the restoration of the
rights and liberties of the American people.
when there to such Accord between those who
pored themselves brave and self-sacrificing in
war and those who are thoughtful rust politic
coun , ll. I cannot doubt, we shall gain a
poi local triumph wnteh will restorroor
Long mirk peace and prosperity to our land,
ant ill Ore 11 . 4 once more the h'es4orzs or u
t, use, re morels...ll, and honest govern turn , .
1 am, gentlemen. truly . ur+, Oze.,
lionATio sitymou
To Gen. G. W. Morgan and others, Commit.
tee, Ale., ttc.