The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, August 06, 1868, Image 1
Uric atccia,l2 01)grtbrr •1 1:T #-••• 17. (1 P v• N. NV. A si• 1. • • cope:. pat.! 401\ ,ti 11.0.0• 141 1,0 , / ut:ld 2 t ts rl,l I '1•1111 ,11 fti. TA itl I 11, I ti It, lOW i". 7"I copleq. o „ . .2. no i'1111”.• rates apply only to tin...," h ours. ail :teem:llls most an ] tially. No paper 1%111 be tit 10 any iii•r•-on respon.ability I. not it nown, Irud'l3 pant lu advance. A TEVERTISI NG tATF.I-;. Tho following nre our n• r tle., v.lllOll be .arictly nilliered to. In reel:on:11z advertNenionts, an Ineli is con,lilereil ~.itaire. Anything 1.. s than an Inch 1, rated 3 lull ~..11.3re: It i,ortionsc, 1.1,1 1 0) I C. ) 1 ' • . • I.(w+ 1.75 . .L . .155.1k) . 7.4)4 thS.• 4.oti, 7.00,1100 2,00 lu,t; tt.ool &ON 8,5c05,00' Too , 3.75: 4.91 0.10, 111.10 30,(10 :17; i.oi 7,10 1 1t1.00115.00 41.00 r?-,111011l s.i'a 0.00'1 , 1210 2,00 30.0, 00.Uo 12,0 1 1,4 . 00 •L 11.144) j 110) 12.00 2),00 30.10 .15.00 50.00 01.00 1.x1.(10 nit) .\ dintplAratrtri' Notices VI „•,. 1..)t ray Nottees each; and ht nut) D eat h,. pc , 3.1.) It fon to rosin 11 r Tiitp.4! • , •hol p.ii 1 ot por lino of Eight poi' for,.-e -, WI ton nt.• O,r • ion silty-o,llloln- ;„ Not leo, 'Dirty Tor 11nt.,• 1 ce:,,t, \ nt.o.,elted e yet ot her week., two-third) t:•1 re41...114 Itaild • adVeril0,111.•111, t‘tu p. rt. -- 1 Ila 1,1-11 thorn pub ,et pub 'li 1, until or t:,,• r-r. Jill rEINrr::(% of J o bb,"t 4 oin,„,-,1„ nu I :,re pr. pa: 0,1 In .I.) arty' 1:1114 of it , or ,r 1,11•1 4, at ns lln a, goo i,ty to any c.,1.,11.,1i-,l,ment :1 L. ~0,11)11 .Sll•ouuuunicnlL '' 01. - ml,l tin rt-1q11. , .t - L1 t.) ”t- , \.F\ N, Editor nip! Itriipriotitri Uusiness itotirr's CAMPHAVSEN, • • of ILe Pe xte Farrar Ilan Binding If. I. 1111.3 LET, \ ttorn , Lax, Peach street, above bin i in Dip1..,1.21w, Pa. nr.7'47. (;ct )11 , 1 I: 11. (1 - 1.,1:i 1, (11rartl, En.. t 011-• r, tll.l attoll vioh. - - , 4 1.1; Vt ., I - 1 , •01 P..• NVltP,..v - )I):1. ,r, o , 1,•/111, r, Litt rt , d _.••••• _ .;•• •, •;,••:`, r!. Jl. 1,, =MEM "•Ta- " e of the :.•, ‘, r 4 ( "1 , 1 , " 11.111 t • o • W. M. coi,l; t`.. )N . 1;C: 0 .7, :%1:111,If yl i . 7- • !. O. L. ELLIOTT p,.,1 , 1. No. 5.9 Street. oppo , lte Po. 0 live I on, front M. 1, 1;11..old from 1,,V, 3 I'. M. 601t0 0 7-11. SA 1:f N (% , Dr: , .erc; :111 , 1 1:1., I ():11,e r I . 2th , t 1: • :e, r.. T. S =MITE ‘t• , rA`A , lan Br, •,••,‘ r: :o, W.:'. .! . . 1 +0;11 1.. 111110 t, in P.o-;,-.1.:,1,c1;', 11:0' t,f Vv. Erie, Pa, C() t 1.41 and conn•ll , ,l,n .7d( -111.111 Lst :14eLit4, SLltt• 4.lcit (f, - , rnt r 'Sint 11, , Pa. Advances made "n eons t;trtn. C•n:ntry Vendue atttt,ded ln an: part of tit , county. =I UM WM. M.N.IINS Tailor and Clothe.; rnion I!look. el , ve Pr. Ben neWs ofriee. Clothes made, clear ('l and repaired on notice. Tel his Ms re:- v•rthle as ally. =I I= = Attorno.... at I.lw, Prtale. ,, l, Offlr r In Yyrr'e. ..t. l'lt note Cita-, ovor Korn p•... It wk • lioltn ton ht I Cnllovlbrm pimnpt:,N In alt park of tnle oil r0,21,av„. lu.r. it,z.r.vs; - . Wholeiale cleat in lini.l an I ‘oft Writ, Erie. P.l. II tvi9r4 1 ir 40,1 I` , I,: t tht nlnn c 11:0111,1 tit in. we nee. I - lit. ft tnt the rniil Mole, 11.1" eminently wnrllr i c -, +t p dron• 02.0 or (Mr 01'1 ir“-111 , n 01' I'lo Ail,. ‘z'' T. S.. =Si ,UU"\ M umfactiat n!, Itr , ! n T.n, Japan :111.1 . W &Still - 4t(11..... Truninin . I,"2!!Cribiql, Eri n Pa !!r -,ler. //1.14; ty: attended MEER= P p , Trlc;. Ct-r -11. or. Tip r. open • r.ll hours. '1 ).• 1,..1 :111.i I •thil` :11%701 - . with the s t !fru tho Ins,rict t. uz:,.r.'. OUSE l' • .I( • in, • )111‘1•01,11 rttslikilt•! , , \o.::;1 •t BENNETT IIUi':::', VII on Fd:e Co., P 4,. 1:-ur g e. T:l), , fr pn ipra.tor. Good acroziaudd,lon,4 and modt Lex charg,. , (41.:1). C. IIkINICE'r.r, M. L. Inn 011100, 1:.1-1 Park St., r flour (-torr , ,-I,nard-.1,1 tht , r,- W, , nr , , , of ('. W. 1:e1 , ), 2d (1(1 , ,r Noutli I,f I:v. , M., ? (, t . 0111,, ho , -.r, fro , ,i 11 a. 1,1. unti l '2 P. in. myliro(rll. 7. h. II 11.1. , C1:, .1. B. . Mc:Lavine, P. kl :• S'nll: - .ltGr= r.f rot, rk ••, n 1 .." I 1 . 02,4 - '!).1 Pll . I.krlr ho. r :%1i..V... .14•111,,,./41,^ Pc.teli , 17ect, cf._ , !r‘r. r :-Hll.ll ;74Ar,v1::. •••• r.• , - ,„ • Mg@ IP r .11 .‘ll 1::11 t, t t t,:°y::l• , " V:: kr... 'D ro w I .110 4 , .1- E 'lllth •tr 4 t, I:. J. I'IIASI.IZ, M. It.. 1. P. , . 1” nO - '1(1'1'1:1111 , , 11,, , •• , •'1 . oi pr—to. ullt, 01,1;1 *: to 1p 7 to S p. 1011 N IF. 111 ILLA :, '. v 4 EnchrCr r , nrvoN•or. r r , Irct_t 11:1,1 ,%27 oIID oN or-1 - , "rp \V. io - ool.:Dotoor. Hotto.e open at ho, i 1, '•• .0: `uTotolled toolth 1.11,1.0 :o1.1r;:o t. t t r.orillltUle. f0•,}27 NATioN.I.I. PILL mud Buffalo st , .. Doyle, proprietor. Itect or acconitliodatiou, fur pople Pout the eonutry. Good stable nttached, febVO4-Iy. New Store, Walther's Bloch. NO. 808 STATE STREET subicrlber Nvould cttl the attention of the public to his splendid stock of Npring and Slimmer Dry Goads, Just received and olrerod at UNPRECEDEN'PLY LOW PRICES • I hare a large assortment of Domestics, Prints, Dress Goods, &c., knght at Jaw priers and conseqnsntly can stql vt:fy low. Call and t. xuraine my ,torlr.. ,nown with pleasure. J. F. WALTIIER, Stutt - St. HARDWARE BEM 130N - El2 & k-LrES,SI and ItN,LII :n nll kin , 01 SHELL , ' ..IND HEANY tMERICAN & FOREIGN HARDWARE, Anvils, Bellows, Nails,33, Leather and Rubber Dcßing, Machine Packing, Cutlery, Saws, riles, a general assortment of Iron, tilt el and Carriage hardware. no , oltrstnnd of .T r. J. V. T:•ri !.oI S.t.tre street, a few de. r!(.-!!! I alit's,-13- • 30/11.1 Liudi. 1310 Peach tl;:ecet. , Itt tail t , r In GROCERIES. 1),al PROVISIONS =3LICMIM 14 ." 11 .4 wt,ly or/ te , l :all (TO:rely sacw,e-t , ,cl; • I},r ua Fr, I,..rcd to oiler superior induce to all who Inay give rte a Can. e.,%.11.111,cr t i 4 el)/"` Q44/ 1 ). Pesch btreet, south 14 .`•: Ltvigat4 ralv, Va. LI.PS-;fni I ... . . , . . . , a . . . .. . . , . __ _. ~ „ .. f., „ . . .... , ~ A ~' .._ . .. •. , , :.•, .• . .. ~. . . 4 4 „ A q.; 'k ' W , P 0 VE . ..,q . . 1 . 4 :1:.. 11 :0,:",: . . , . . , . . . VOL. :19 Ororrutrs, lirobtirr,,fritit, kr. i CHEAP GOODS' t GROCERY AND PROVISION • STORE, F. SCH.LATIDECIZER, SIICCC , SOT WI% 41 M. firllirti,lo(qaT, la now re , • am a splemtat assortment of (i 1 O( i:ruE , Ii )VI'IONS,_ Li lii 'iv 11“,, Nve , ,tl:ll ae.l Stone Ware do. largu stock of TOP, A -t' C 0 AND CIG.A.IIS, Gryt): 1 ork, P.l "Erle, Pa. MIME ITltolenle awl Iletail Grocc:ry Store. P. A. BECITErt 5.7 CO., WHO LESA LE AND RETAIL GROCERS, Nm th-En , ,t, Corn.. r I a"1: and French St., (ctu:Ac,Lnr;) Would r‘ , .portfttlly rill o.ier.ttention of the tom- 1,11 , 1%1(3' L, thety large stock of Cii•oc!c•i•ie anti l?i•oyi>;ions, P. l..rh h arc (IC 11'0113 lo sett at TIIF:n riticES! co-_ are prepared a ea!!! •T' - ;:, p rior lot of • Pl:l3.'d LIQUOR'4, .r.)r •,; Int,le. to they direct, t•: • •,. ,• 0;1 1h1.r..111.1V.111,. " (pi( ; .'IOI.II 0111'• find a 111 II e Ili, 1,t0,1cy." _A_ 7<T 0 IN - 13 13. O - II,•:^ n ., p1,111,1!•1 ;rtincl/t of !ES. 1-:1021 , 4, NuTioNs, .11.:.:Lt'121/.1_1NWA11.12. 9 Cli OIC P. NEW Pit I:ITS, &O. f , a call will go away .11:1.1 , Llik• tti,e,, f• lOWer than those of Illy tottt_t It. tt, ht the have. '_motto: t;o att3 - part of the city free of MEE I= O.I.3DRST EST AMASECED Carpet ,& Dry Go(iiis House I= IN N. W. rr-,:;:;s71.1.-.1.:crA. A cotArpicto to,l; Slacc , . longs, Pr Cloths, .tineking , , Flaunelii Irish uu.l French IX:di/104 W II 1.'1"1,1 CA; 0 ()DS, , izaty, GLOVES AND NOTIONS, CaWand g(t prir4 w before pure:lnning arrT67-Iy. N0.34.1t. Marb:o Front, State St New Dry Goods Store !• GrEo. - No.-132.2Peah St., lids c,n a splendid b tocli of Dry Coifs's, “.1-Istilaz of • PRINTS, GINGIIAMS, FINE ALPACAS, ORGANDIES, LAWNS, Black not el Silk., Paisky and Summer •.:1':‘131 - . A Ti-no and Spreads, N0tz. , 11 , , OP" anal:, Ica a , ;oltllleilt of every. 1'.,104 ui MEE DIZ.TNS AND D:IY GOODS LINE,' wn!,l: off vory n for ....a.‘ll. Ile Lnvites eunipoti t , 11. :11.1 /egth ni., ervry our, to Call and e1..11,1 7.0 - DD.:REM 1:;22 l'enell St. ? , r ” .l:nirk 11'11 1 ,1 1 1 1 1 1 1: f ,, r -den num!, er of good Farms , lu tltia.,:t lit p ut, of thecounty at mate -1,1! ,Iti, ;to" totmer privet. Buyers 11.1 1,11 o our betor e purebmsing. 1 , 111-.1 x.11: 1 ••4-1, at s, .; miles west elf tile ttS ltilltinutt-. orchard of grafted fruit, all hint, of f4a..1, st it all tint best of gravel and 1 a 1: wl l l-:t 01. think we aro safe in •• t:, i.atttr small placeean be found ~ t, esto learn more pattlea 1Lae11,5.211,1, nett street,a form , r .1 ,, ',0 11. I ..rter,lll,.. present owner. Nl -1 .1 1 (IN It VA 11' , I—I 11. e I tovtd Russell place, 00 ,1 c„rlnerly a part t,t tim'l hos, 3leKee proper -7; ten' am, timber which has ~ .11 ii palled: 2 <tit y new frame dwelling ; It u. F 01,• ge xl . Price, .1' :.7. 4 )ii , 1r,^7 , 1. tilt) sand 11,:lll of Si oil, i.,luht - .t 11, 191 ma c , llllty,t hloirs.thr , y : In. cheap. 11.\;1 , 1Ar: ,, , IIT'Ir.DINCe I.or ~n.. .;( - I: l, •ornerstnut. , p.cly 1, about 12 , / Tut.: Y.ront Ple , If 1,,,t, d t y gin VI . / , 1.111,Z001t Val cr. nn1 , 1!• , .r in i• rai,l ],g ood n 10.:111 on lb • , (a.,on, an.; rolit,• .1 nurnhor more trill 1;, , built tll ,, e , nning Al', 111,11 k th,•,n. 11, ht .t cntr,t- In ,• ai: in a .. „, rn't tt wny nov.' offering. 'form.> '41 , 50 In hand, halaiive on UrrAGR 114)rsE,, 11l Sty (....utpletc,l.jut-IL, all the Mal ru C7ll, 11,.. lialC ou Myrtl”, I..twevn T. Dr. winimin pro- CiLy R ra private Ros t,: oLe ,, , et j.rit, nuuii teetwe(l. Now le the tooe t i nr7rll*l-. A 111:1:11 , .. r of 1,0: wiTlitrdon.l Voiirth Orects betwt all f,P1..g1 and Gorman. Terms $5O to voam' tI tn • 1:414-1.1. 1 IIAY ES & KEPLER. rII , IIE UN; ED otter , . fbr sale Ifh+ vain -1 al farm, vo the Ruh! road, In Ifarbor crt I•etleln , ,,, tint, , oath of the Colt Sta. t:4 , 11 r"".41, and 1; s hem N, . It COll. 1 di', l'!IV-1;%k :1 , 1. • 4;1'1, erl‘tv porches all I.m. pro% e4I :did in tho highest 0t ate of culLlVittlott. The Intlfl I. yu,d to the vety be , t in that seetion 4,1 th , ~ e n( 'f.i.• h 4 111 4 114,g, comprise a sto iv a :ill 1t'..:1-tory kitchen and good penal It, awo , t , l imm, anti work huse; L.; h f 101 1 - I; aslteil 70 feet 14.147, h the 4 ! „ 1::111 , 1 ::11111 , ‘Ileer , ..a. ry 0t7.0,11111111.4, A be.t., la,' 1 401 of bolt Water, lA , Welt n v ,, r hats. is uL the hitelien door. There Is an on . llaril 5,,111 .140 apple tr' es, all grafted, and hearliez ; ah.1:111 ql , ..nplanceof almonteyery oth, r loot Li. it in I h i. ne.4lll4orliood. The only reason a ht' - I wish to 1,41 Is that, I am going en,b.,rl; in another occupation, Tenn , nt,z,l.• apph IEI2 to HO 011 the pll Luis, or h. Hon. Erie,,l'a. • .1..\. SAWTELI, dec";-tf. Poet Olfee .1.41411 c ,g, I'a. =9 -Et/2:crie WritOtt & Co., WYOMING VALLEY, LEHIGH. PITTSTON, ISEAVEIt CitEEK AND MOUNT CAEMEL A'STIIIIACITE COAL. I. Inv:pal MI , . o, Wriglit'., Block, corner Wn.,'.llnnt on and Cuter Sts., Corry, Pa. nico Er:o. P. 1., Wail 11. D. llaverstick, No. 9 1:8,t 1 h".:-ani JNO. S. GOOPWrS czckymviN, ::rie. - tu of rlark ez Metcalf, (, of the r,rm of Eliot, t t. , tonetlwr for t!,.e purp,q, , dou4t neral banking butd -1.,, in it. I aan, ~e-, up. lied on Wednesday, I,t. In lila nuell racently oceupiell by the eeon,l, N40.1.'11,11 Sank. t ()mg.!. State street and Paz k Itow; cow:, t,it,ag to the business of Clark Met, all. la to tiN• oiv, d p Int nersbip on theist of i,hut, tjoodwin d: tl. ,, olvint; on the sanie date, we hope baacol.l:nuan.t. tlie latronage eretofore JOB PRINTING of every• kind, in largo or elimiirioantiliel, plain or colored, done in the beet 3t. Vlv, 412 d at moderato prices, at the Observer Office m twit WINE-3 ..ND LIQUORS C:::1 sue u 4, at the F. , _7111;.I. U DECKER MEI Tcas. Syrups, "i , Os, Fltill, SC., BIM irs,:cLoN & PRO., No. Lu 1 French St ijr7 C;00115. WARYER 11.1109., ItltstCllalltollFs Farm , : for Sale. =I 111 (Jilt Lot. 2,;'1 MENEM BEM= II arr.l for Sale. I= I,,iczeLle. Denim; lu NE R S - Penn-a. fliclairai: /IOOFIEANIPS fiEßlikN BITTERS, RooMind's German Tonic, The great Item edles for all Diseases of She Liver, Stomach or Digestive °Maw!. HOOFLANDIS GERMAN BITTERS Is composed of tha pnrojuices (or, as they are medicinally termed, Extracts) of Roots, Herbs an d Darks, TT making a prepara tion highly concern- 11 trated and entirely free from alcoholic admixture of any kind. iloollandN German Tonic Is a combination of an , the Ingredients of the tatters with the perest quality of Santa Cruz Rum,Orange, ete., making one of the most Pleasant anti agreeable remedies ever offered to the public. Those preferring a Medicine, frog from Alco holic adalLxture, will use HOOFIAND'S GERMAN BITTERS Thom) who have no objection to the combina tion of the Bitters, as stated, will reie ROOPLAND's GERMAN TONIC They are both equally good, and contain the same medicinal virtue.% the choice between the two tieing a mere matter of taste, the Tonic be ing the most palatable. The btomach, from a variety of causes, such as Indigestion, Dys-pera, 3:ervoris De bility, etc., it very ("A up to have its func tions deranged. The 1, j - Liver, sympathizing RA closely as it does with the otomach, then Ix comes affected, the result of which Is that the patient su tiers from several or more of the following diseases: '• . . • . Omstipat ion , Flatulence, Inward Piles, Full ness of Blood 144 the Head, Acidity of the Stom ach, Naucea, heartburn, Disgu,t for Food, Full nes, or Weight in the Stomach. Sour Eructa tions, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head, hurried or Difficult Breathing, Flattering at the heart, Choking or Suffocating SenSai 1011 when In a hilts pwattre, I/Lioness of Vision. Pots or Web; liefoie the Sight, Pull Pain in the Bead, Ped cienrc of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and es, h Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs, etc., Sudden Flushes of eat, Burning of the Constant Imaginings of Evil and Great DepresNlou of Spirits. The sufferer from these di:wages should exer cke the greate , t caution in the selection of a remedy for hi , ' case, purchasing on 1 y thnt which he it as- •CI sured front his in vestigations and in- k quirt es possesses true merit, is skill- • fully compounded Is free from Injurious inetrethents and has estab- IMied for ft,elf a reputation for the cure of these di,cases. In this connection we would submit these well-known remedies— e. 1-1001`1_,A.N13'is GERMAN BITTERS, MEI 1 - 100VIAA-NIO GERMAN' TONIC, Prepared by Dn. C. IS. .T.A.ciisoN, PlAladelphla, Twenty-two yewssince they were first Intro duced Into thiscountry front bermanY, during which time they have undoubtedly performed more cures, nud benefitted sufferinghurnanity to a greater extent, than any other remedies known to the public. These remedies will effectually care Liver Com pl a int , Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or Nervous Debility, TI Chronic Diarrhoea, Diseases of the neys andel' diseas es arising from a ills- orde rod Liver, Btomaeli, or lutestines,, tVM33IC Resulting from any cause whatever ; Prostrn• Lion of the Svstern, induced hy Severe Labor, hardships. EZmiure, Fevers, Etc. ' There is no medicine extant equal tc; these reinedich in such cases. A tone and vigor Is im parted to the whole system, the nppetite Is strengthened, food is enjoyed, the stomach dl geSts promptly, the blood is purified, the com plexion becomes sotuid and healthy, the yellow tinge is eraclintted from the eves , a bloom is given to the cheeks, find the week and nervous invalid becomes a strong and healthy being. l'ersons advanced in life, and feeling the hand of time weighing heavily upon them, with all its attendant ills, will find in the use of lids BITTEPa, or the TONIC, an elixir that will In stil now life Into thoinveins, restore in n meas ure the energy and ardor of snore youthful 1.1N.x, build up their shrunken forms anti give health and happiness to their remaining years. rit_YriciL;.. It Ls a well established fact that, fully 4analialf of the female portion of our population are seldom in the en.. T joyment oof g o 0 d health ; or, to use 1J their own expres sion, "never feel - well." They are lan guid, devoid of all energy, extremely nervous, and havo no appetite. To this elms 6f persons the lIITI'ERS, or the TONIC, L 3 L.ipecially ,recouunentltd. Weal: and delicate children are made E,tronq by the use of either of the.° remedies. They xvill cure every ease of MARASNIUS, withwut fail. Thousands of eon Lfirates have accumula ted in the hands of the proprietor, but space will all 0* of but ft w, Those, It will be observed, are 11101 of note mactof such standing that I lwy tut.,t be belies, I. Tv...a.-113 , 14110114 - 1A.11.45 z HON. GEORGE W. WOODWARD, Lx-('blot Justine of the Supremo Court. 0 1 Pentis!, lv:utia, writes: PIIIT.ADELPITIA, March 16, 'Nil'. flmiltoonsnd's German Bitters is Food tonie, m.elnl In 4 diseases of the di ge,t.Lve organs, aria I of great benefit in eAses(.4 debt' want of n,•rvons at lion in lay s.yst, al, Yours truly, CEO. W. Ati()ODNV.A.D.O." lION. JAMES TrIOMPSON, Judge of the Supreme Court: of reungyivatha Pri ILADELPII fA, .April Z', "I consider Hoofiand's Germ a.n Bitters n yala• nble medicine in caso of attacks of Indigestion or Dyspepsia.. I can certify this froni my expo rienec. ours with respect. JAMES THOMPSON," 111031 REV. JOS. 11. R.E4.N7.. ARD, D. D., Pastor bf the Tenth Baptist Church, Phila. DR. JAcirSoß—Dear Sir:—l have freqnentlY, been requested to connect my name with rec omtuendations of different kinds of medicines, but regarding the practice as out of my appro.: priale sphere, I have In alt cases declined; but with a clear proof in various instances, and particularly in lky my own family; of the usefulness of Dr. 11 Hoofland's German- Bitters, I depart for once from myosual: course to express my full conviction that, for ileueral Debility of the System, and especially for Liver Complaint, it Is a sale and valuable preparation. In some enies it may full; but, usually, /doubt not, it will be very beneficial to those who suffer front the above cause. - Yours very respectfully,J. IT. REN NARD, Eighth, below Coates, SI. FROM REV. E. D. FENDALL, lissLitant Editor Chridinu Chronicle, Phihurn I have derived decided bent flt from the use of Hoofland's Gerronn Bitters, and feel it my priv ilege to vcommend them as a most valuable tonic to all who are suffering from General De bility or from diseasev arising- from derange., meld of the Liver. Yours truly, E. D. FENDALL. CAUTION. Moorland's German Remedies arc munterfclt ed. See that the Sig- nature of C. M. JACKSON is on the wrapper of each bot tle. All others are _ll./ counterfeit. Princi pal office and mann- factory at the Ger man Jtedictne Store, No. 631 Arch street, Phila delphia, Pa. CHAS. M. EV ANS, Proprietor. Foe znerly C. 31...7ACKE0N 4: CO. I'IIIC.V.S. Hoolypd's German Bitters, Per bottle, $1 (j hW tlg cl g i gi i :e s r%lt il le l , n o; r gh= l :2l ll jr r s). 63t- Do not forget to moraine well the orlido artier bn to get the genulzie. ERIE, PA.,. THURSDAY 'AFTERNOO,N, AUGUST 6. IS6B The. Not Block Dry Goads Store ! SPRING AND 'SUMNER DRESS GOODS ! $190,0Q0 Worth err New .; anti Desirable Patterns, Summer Silks, Itussett Mixtures, Ohene Poplins, Pequas, ORANDIES, LAWNS, MARBAILLES, Winn AND PLAIN BUFF WHITE GOODS, AND,GREA. I I` VARIETY! --1 1fargallteg - Quilts from lia.tsco and .llpwards. We keep all klrolq of goodq usually a lle 1 for In a Dry Goods Store, Awl bine- no refuse roods, but ezoleavor to keep those that will please all who want good and durable articles.. Alpacas=--Blacl►, Brown , and Drab---Splendid Goods ! A_ Tinge Stol*: of Delairierg, THE' lARCIEST- STOCK OF PRINTS IN TOWN, C'onslstlng of Idorrlnme, Sprtnplefi, Americana., Cochecoes, and all other popular makes. O . A. I 1 That eveiy body has been calling for and can now be supplied with. They tingeing like the dew 0 • In the Zltirket. New York Watasutte, Lonsdales, Fruits of the Loom, &a., a" 20,000. Yards, Cheap .Musliii.s, We have Just received from the /Manufactory 50,000 Yards of Brown ! that WO are willing that our emnomers shonia carry away, as we have not room far tbbn/. OUT ' • counters ere 'loaded down with Domestic, Goods, bought previous to the LATE ADVANCE-IN . THE' EASTERN MARKET I :Tow is tlw time to buy, before they go hlgber. CALM AT TUE LIVE STORE OF _ , Edson .Churchill & Cc) 41, Next - door South of the Post Mite. • , NEW PRESSES, AND SUPERIOR WORKMEN. ERIE OBSERVER i), SOB PRINTIN G , 04) 4 fO:4, North-West Corner of State Street and the Park. Job Printing of Every Description • Ina style of unsrurpastnd ncatnr.q. mut nt prices to compete with any other office - in the North West. our PILV.SFS are of the Our T./Tr.:ell NEW, and of the YRATEST STYLES, and our War/SHEN equal to any in the - coaa ir). With thu „Machinery and Material we now possess, we feel fully warranted in ciafioliut that' Flcr, in, the western Part oftlie State EXCELS, anti only one or two equal toi, In facilities for turning out work In a RAPID AND SATISFACTORY MANNER'. Z . 7- N N iced, and r.•oriz v.rarrantfd not to he Inferior to that done in the Eastern citlea. Cards,. Letter r and Bill Heads, Circulars, Statements, ENGRAVING, LITHOGRAPHING, &e. blvre made itrroritt.trionts with the Intorst and bolt rstahllshnlent In Buffalo .for proetirrog any sort of Cop:tying that may ho needed, in es good style and at A LESS. ,PRICE THAN IF THE ORDER WAS SENT TO THEM DIRECT tut Naeltinery,• Scais, Autographs., Maps, Portraits, &e., By ont.ttist lug them to nA will ho nsgnreil n goo,' Woo of *mit in the most prompt and satisfac tory itinmner. Eugpigs furnished either,on Wood,iitonn nook Tiindinfr„ lim.ling, &e. • I; i thin department we have facilities that, are unsure yeti Persons having printing to bedew, thr ,t requires Ruling or Binding in connection, will find itto their interest to entrust it to as. We WI it guarantee that it shall be performed in' workmanlike manner, raid that the charge will be as moderate as can be alibrded. Tile. liberal patronage_ex/cultd to this office during , the lest two years has eilteerned 115 to Make every effoit possible to deserve the favors of our friends, and w!g e nom take especial ratifi cation In Informing them nod the public that we have succeeded in fitting up an - establishment equal to every requirement of therommuldi Y. We are determined to compete with the beat, and only, ask a trial to satisfy any ono that we etaini no more thau, we art Justly entitled to. .ILJEGrA_.I_. .11314.ALINTICS. • Clitnstantly on hand si full supply of Attnrney'e,..instlees of the yearn and Ounstablo's Slants, of , tho /11QA approved forests. &hos JUNIN DisJTbd of every Waif. and =al= elLego in in bstl4o. • ME OF.A.T AND GRAND' prmrta: For IniliuS nut 311.sses, cOnsibilug In part of ziAncsocmg, sAcoNETTs, SWJQ9F9,•F.TV. EDSON, CHURCHILL & CO., R' 4T lIECETVED, A LARGE STOCK OF FIEFTII77III Very Handsome rattern4, Superior to any In Town. TUE LALLGEW STOCK OF trout S to 121-2 Cents. TYPE ; ILL: ing Ilitcd bp our cifllee In the MOST COMPLETE MANNER, nro preparciftr!do MOST IMPROVED KIND, ORDERS FOR t3l rct:A nit< ration given to'the prfnUng of And. zt:l the hinds of work In use by Business Men. Parties , wanting Cuts of No. 3 Noble Block. ap23 , ca What Paddy' Thinks. OW Mather Radical ParthY, it's a very fine sthory • • That ye tell of the iojer boys brave ; How they died on She field frill - of murther _,, and glory, The ethers and the athripes for to save ; How the childer at home were a sighin' and cryin' Por their father, that had but a ditch for a grave. But don't yon think that ye're lying some what when ye spake it, An' tluyin' to buy up their votes Irld ye'r • trash, Else why do ye pay. off their pensions in pa per, While the bondholders handle the bard yellow cash ? Ah I •ye know that you spake what is false as ould Sathan ; But you'll fool us no more wid your blar ney abd trash. Just look, if ye plaze, at•the boys that were sojers, Broken down walla) wars, crippled vete . cans an' poor, Payin! their own an' the bondholders' taxes, While the bondholder handles his "shin ers" galore. , Ye would pay off the rich men in gook!, ar rah, would ye ? An' the poor man in shinplasters' cause he. is poor ? • An' ye think that the boys are in ,love wid yer Gheneral, But there's where ye're fooled very badly, ,ye'll see ; • He kept us poor boys penned up for the nay- An' , WC swore we'd be even if we ever_ got • free An' we tell Misther Grant he can stay from the White Rouge, An' he'll mind what we tell him, shure as can be. He once used to tell us to move into battle Over hundreds and heaps of the wounded and slain, • And smoke his cigar ns though it was fuu nin' ; IBut he'll never command us in that way again ; Begorra, we'll make him resign in Novem ber, Till he thinks he is tanned or n tanner again ! SPEECH OF SENATOR HENDRICKS. Hon. Thos. A.-Hendricks, United States Senator from Indiana, upon his return home from Congress, received a most enthusiastic reception at the hands of the people of Indi anapolis. A speech of welcome was made by Hon. Jos. E. McDonald, and in response to the loud calls-of the many thousands pre sent, Senator Hendricks spoke as follows : )111. urzinmess! sPELCII It gives me great pleaQure,'after the ex hausting labors of a protracted session of Congress, once more to stand aluonF yon, my neighbors and friends, and receive the cordial welcome :with which you honored me, and for which I thank you. The politi cal atmosphere of Wa.shington is marky, heated, and oppressive, but here the light is bright and cheering, and the bremes are pure and refreshing. Far removed from the great political center,.you are not under its influ ences, nor do you feel its power';' but inter ested in the labor and business offthe country, and through your children connected with the great future, you have no scheme to de vise, and no sinister ends to accomplish ; you allow but one purpose and cherish but one hope, the greatness of our country and the prosperity and happiness of the people.' Standing in the Capital of Indiana, I fuel the throbbings of the plbpnlar heart, and bowbe fore the unselfish courage of brave and true men. Midway in the march of time we have 'sprung up and grown to be one of the most powerful nations in the world ; and in the providence of God, we are blessed with a form of government and system of institu tions calculatekin a wonderful degree, to promote prosperity and develop our great ness. Upon us is devolved the duty and re cumsiblitiv of maintaining our greatness and preserving our institutions. Dees any man shirk this duty or avoid this responsibility ? Like the soldier who refuses to guard thq camp, or falters in the fight, let him cover his face in shame and flee from the presence of man. It is your. duty, as it is mine,, with calm sad honest minds- to Consider every question that effects the public welfare, to see that bad men are driven from power, and that tiw public good suffers no harm. Of the past and the present we must judge cor rectly, that errors and evils may be avoided in the future. Traveling onward we have reached the end of another political journey. Here paus ing, let us review its scenes and incidents, and decide whether-we shall pursue the same or seek another road. For eight years one political party has been in power, and one class of men have controlled all our public affairs. They now seek at your hands a con tinuance of that power and a renewal of that contra. If they have won your confidence, ' then cows:rine that confidence. If you ap prove their conduct then endorse • it at the election, and make it your own. In his letter socepting his nomination Gcn. Grant said, "Let lib have peace.", Do you not all ask for peace . ? Labor and capital unite in praying for peace, that both may prosper. The oid and the yvmg, the rich . and the poor pray peace, her " * * * Olive wand extend, And bid wild war his ravage end ; Man with brother man to meet, And as a brother kindly greet." It is now more than three years since any man with arms in his hands disputed the authority of the United States. It is now more than three years since any man upon the land or upon the sea refosed to bow in the preSence of the flag of our country. Dur ing all these years we were entitled to peace, with its attendant blessings. It had been achieved in hurtle—it had been conceded in surrender. Who have refused it, and why has it been denied? Sweet and gentle peace has been driven from our land, and cruel discord and strife tave been invoked. By whom, and for what end P The Southern armiescufrendered in April, 1565. The war was then„cver. -But, in the language of Mr. Lincoln, the practical rela 'tions of the Southern States 'to the Federal r.. Mon was yet disturbed. ' When Mr. John sen came in as President he took steps to restore these practical relations, and tims to restore harmony in all the framework of the Goveatunez.t. That was in the spring and bummer of 1665. The people .of . the South a tcepted his policy. They amended their imstitutions and modified their laws so as to ifeclare slavery abolished, secession a fal l= v. and that the Confederate debt should nor,la , paid. They acquie.2(.!ed in the results of th e war, and complied with :r demand then made by the North. Quiet Od order every where prevailed. The North was ,u O -'" generous, and the South yielding and pa tient. harmony prevailed between the races. Hope revived, and reConciliatidn was almost triumphant. As late as September, 11165, Governor Morton, speaking of the pro gress of restoration, said : "I desire, in the first place, to remark that to me the general condition of this country is most promising and favorable. I know there arc those who take gloomy views of what is called the work of reconstruction, but to me the prospects are most 'encourag ing. The war terminated suddenly, and the submission on the part of the people of the Southern States has been more complete and Sadden than I had'cxpected." Three months later, in a report made to the President, General Grant said : "Both in travelling and while stopping I saw much and conversed freely with the citizens of those States, as well as with of ficers of the army who have been among them. - The following are the conclusions come to by me : "'I am satisfied that the mass of thinking men of the South accept the present situation of affairs in good faith. The questions which have heretofore divided the sentiments of the people of the twosections—slavery and States rights, or the right of a State to secede from the Union—they regard as having been settled forever by The highest tribunal—arms —that men can resort to. I was pleased to learn from the leading men whom I met that they not only accepted the decision arrived at as final, but that now The smoke of battle has-cleared away and time has been given for reflection, that this decision has been a fortunate one for the whole country, they re ceived the like benefit from itwith those who exposed them in the field and in the cause. •a' • a * "My observations led me to the conclusion that the citizens of the Southern States are I anxious to return to self-government within the Union as soon as possible. • "It is to ba regretted that there can not be a greater commingling at tl4lii iit: i w t sv(aii the citizens of the two sections, and particu larly of those, intruz.:ted 'with the law -making power." In his testimony before the Impeacluneut Committee General Grant said : "I knoW that immediately aux the close of the rebellion there was a very fine feeling manifested in the South, and I thought we ought to take advantage of it ns soon as pos sible." . Such was the condition of the South in the fall of 18G5. We then had peace ; confidence was being restored, and hope stimulated. Trade was reviving, and Northern capital sought Southern investment, and Southern labor welcomed capital as its helpmate. The; authority of law was absolute, and obedience to it was general and cheerful.' Once more the sections were reconciled, the people in harmony and the States restored. You had demanded of the people of the • South acqui escence in the results of the war, and it was yielded. In the most solemn forms that any people can adopt, slavery was forever pro hibited, the right of secession and the Con federate debt were repudiated, and the Con stitutional authority of the United States 're cognized. What further demands did you make as conditions of restoration? None shatever. Did you then demand that the nee-roes be clothed with political privileges, and the white men stripped thereof in bufli dent numbers to throw the political 'power into the hands of the negroes? Whatever yon may now demand under the authority and dictation of party- leaders, you know that yon made nosuchtlemand then. It was in that hour of hope and bright promise, when the work of restoration was nearly completed, that the party leaders proclaimed that it should not be ; that peace should not remain ; that they had temis and conditions to prescribe ; and that there should be no pence, nor restoration, nor Union, except upon their tcrms•and conditions. Then was established that engine of evil and corruption, the Freedmen's Bureau, which at the cost of many millions to the people, served as a political machine to array the black again: t the white race, and through loyal leagues and secret oath-bound organizations to eon- solidate the negioes into a political party, and arrayed them iu hostility to the w,hite race, so that hatred and distrust prevailed where harmony and confidence had been. which has brought discord Ind strife between the colored laborer toad his employer, so that production has fallen off, and enterprise lan guishes. The bureau tied the hands and feet of the white men, and demoralized tlfe negreea, and brought no good to either race, • and all at the cost of many millions to the people. The army of its officers were clothed ith ahnost military power; they stood he tweet' the laws and the people, and dictated w hat should be the state of society.' This was the first step front a state and condition of peace and harmony to a state of hostility and strife. Then came the series of measures known as the reconstruction acts, which, putting away all dLeguise and making the military supreme, established a state of hos tility bordering on war. The governments of ten States were stripped of their ancient prerogatives ; their legislative, executive, and judicial authority were trampled into the dust; where the Judge sat a military officer sits, and for a jury, selected front the plain and honest people of the country, there is substituted a board of officers, organized to convict. Their proceedings and judgments are not controlled by law, but only by their pleasure. In one case the terrible practice of the dark ages, the use of the 'torture, to compel witnesses to testify, was resorted to, and in another case, for the offense of aSsault and battery with the intent to incite a riot, the parties were banished—a mode of pun ishment long since disused among civilized nations. When the ancient and honored writs and proceedings of the courts, which have pro tected the liberties of our race for so many centuries, are suspended ; when the laws arc silenced, and ten millions of people are gov erned by the sword, it is not peace—it is a state of hostility. Do you approve all this ? Have you been made more prosperous and happy by it ? If not, then place men in power who will bring the fruits - rmd blessings of peace. You can not look to General Grant for it, because he has approved and adopted all this policy by becoming the can didate of the men,who established it. With in a few days past the same men have passed through the Senate a most dangerous act, calculated, if not intended, to bring strife and bloodshed. The section is as follows : "SEc. 9. And be it further enacted, The' the Secretary of War be, and he is herebl authorized. and required to deliver to tin Governor of each - State represented in the Congress of the United States, at the seat of government of such Slate, as many ser viceable Springfield rifle muskets of caliber 58, with aEcoutrements and equipments com plete, as the Governor of such State shall re quire for the use of the militia therein, not exceeding the number hereinafter specified for each State, namely: Maine 7,000, New Hampshire 5,000, Vermont 5,000, Massachu setts 12,000, Rhode Island 4,000, Connecticut 6,000, New York 33,000, New Jersey 7,000, Pennsylvania 26,000, Delaware 3,000, Mary land 7,000, West Virginia 5,000, Ohio 21000, Indiana'l3,ooo, Illinois 17,000, Michigan's,- 000, Wisconsin 8,000, lowa 8,000, Minnesota 4,000, Missouri 11,000, Kansas 3,000, Nebras ka 3,000, Nevada 3,000, California 5,000, Ore gon 3,000, Kentucky. 11,000, Tennessee 10,- 000, North Carolina 0,000, South Carolina 6,000, Georgia 10,000, Florida 3,000, Alaba ma 8,000, Arkansas 3,000, and Louisiana 7 ; I 000 ; and tte'sarae shall be delivered only upon the certificate of the G sveruor of such State, showing to the :satisfaction of the Sec retary of War thatthe regiments and coin panics for - which the same are required are duly organized of loyal citizens of such State, under the laws thereof; and said muskets, i aceuutretneuts, and equipments shell remain the peoperty attic toiled States, subject to the control of Congress. It has long been the Policy of the United States to distribute arms among the States, not by special, but under general and perma nent bws; but you Will observe that this proposition is to distribute ir. extraordinary numbers. The number of " tilled muskets of caliber fifty-eight, with accoutrements and equipments and complete," to be distrib• uted under this bill, is two hundred and forty -41.X thousand, and, at aeon dollars each, cost the United States three million six hundred and ninety thousand dollare. if nothing ex traordinary and dangerous be intended be this measure, why is the distribution of arms in usual numbers, mid tinder the old law, not allowed? You will :dee observe that thre , States are omitted—Virginia, - Xi - s-issippi and Texas. Why that omission. They have not reconstructed under the Congressional plan, and according to a late law, passed over the President's veto, are not permitted ' to take any part in electing the President this Fall. Therefore it is not necessary to arm the - partizans of Congress in those States. You will also observe that the bill has the furtherextraordinaly provisiou that the arms and accoutrements are to be delivered only to such companies as the Governor of thy: State shall certity be " oreanieed of loyal citizens." In Ille pc : late:l! language of the times, the word loyal, as 11iO4 by Congress, '-es a well-hewn meaMnies It includes all negroe It excludes all whites who do not ... Co„' the South it whites ts not re support ~, . to the who op stricted in mean posed secession mid 1 7belnoe but includes some who abandoned -.o -111. „ Congress to ho urged go out with their States, and mar., Wers, secession upon their States, and b, -set speeches, and inflammatory appeals, lade. the young men to rally under the Southern flag—many who helped to fill the Richmond and Andersonville prisons, manY who sought and held office under-the Southern Confed eracy, and. some who were blockade runners. These, professing devotion to the Radical cause and hatred of their late associates, are pardoned by hini . s3reds, and again clothed with all political rights by. special acts of Congress. These and Northern adventurers, and the negroes, are the• loyal element of Southern society in the Congressional sense, and to them the rifled guns are to be given. The proposition to postpone the operation of the act until-after the Presidential election was voted down with derision in the Senate. Thus it stands that, at the cost of all the peo ple, immediately before a Presidential elec tion, and with a view to it, one class are to be arrayed against another class, so that they may have the mastery and controL What do you men say? Was it not enough that by acts of Congress the political supremacy was given to the negro, so that they not only govern ten States, hut control the vote of take States for President, and may thus each fourth' year decide the Presidential election? Must they also be brought into military or ganizations and armed with the most formi dable weapons of death, to drive or destroy the race they are taught to bate ? With what sentiments of horror will you be seized should you, in the dark future,-come to know that ydu indorsed, by your votes, a policy that crushes the white race under a slavish fear, or involves the two races in a bloody and brutal war for the supremacy ?'"Let us have peace," and to that end.l implore your sup- oort of the men and policy that promote it. fhe bill to whigh I refer is yet in the ifole-e, u h 4 con:idercd at the September session. In the pre,enee of the men of the North -110,1 not stol, to prove that it is to their Iv vial damage and loss that reconciiht thin and rebtoralion have been defeated. As the water runs from the North to the South, so our trade lint the tame natural tendency. Do not the Ohio lunl Aiksissippl invite onr ciAty and trilby commodities Mr a :lola Oil market? We want immediate peaec and harmony, that the South may again be pros perous and able to buy &Om us the produc tions of our machine shops, and of our rich lands. Every machinist and manufacturer and farmer in Indiana has a direct interest NO. 13 . . in this question. There ought to be no strife between the productions of the different sec tions Of our country. The East is, and must remain mainly in terested in manufacturers and° commerce. Nature has designed the South for the pro duction of cotton, - rice, sugar and tobacco, whilst in the North-west we may produce all that will feed both the East and the South. The growth and greatness of each section is the wealth and power of the whole country. We are blinded by passion when we hesitate, by all proper means, to encourage the pro ductions of every section and State. The party leaders have assumed a terrible respon7. sibility who have postponed reconciliation— they have turned the shadow backward upon the dial. The importance of Southern productions in our National commerce will appear from the -following statement: Our purchases from abroad for the year ending June 30,1806, amounted to $4:30,710,- 011; for the next year to $391,119,306, and for the eleven months ending May 31, 1868, to $319,1.0,403. This statement excludes im ported goods that were re-exported, and gives the foreign values in gold. Reduced to -our currency value, gold at 140, our pur chases were, for the year ending July 1,1866, $603,088,037: for the year ending July 1, 1867, $547,567,434, and for the eleven months ending May 31, 1868, $146,803,364. The ex ports for the same period were, for the year ending June 30, 1806, $550,684,268: for the year ending June 30,1807, $438,577,312. and for the eleven months ending May 81, 1888, $421,823,006: The aggregate of imports, at currency value, for these two years and eleven months is $1,597,4-19,033, and the ag gregate of our exports $1,411,089,195. The balance against us for this period is $186,- 300,500. I suppose this large balance of $199 000,- 000 has been met mainly by sales of our pub lic securities abroad. During the same period, our exports of raw cotton have been, fur the year ending June 30, 1865, $281,385,- 21.3. for the ending June :30, ltiti7, $201,- 470;123:and Jur the eleven months ending May 31, 11564, $149614,964, making an aggregate of .$;(132,474,610. _For the same period the export of tobacco was about $77,000,000, and of sugar nearly 22,000,000. Above $700,000,- 000 of our exports since the first ofJuly,:lB6s, have been of cotton, sugar and tobacco— about one-half our entire exports, including coin'and bullion. This statement shows the vast importance of Southern productions to the commerce of the entire country. With out them the balance of trade must run con- stantly and heavily against ns. A statesman ship worthy this country, and adequate to the necessities of our condition, will seek every opportunity to foster and increase the production of the great staples of trade, the growth of the Southern soil. They are es sential to the prosperity of our internal trade, and' of our foreign commerce. The grave and startling consequences which mnst re sult from a failure to produce the staples of a foreign trade in sufficient .quantities to meet our purchases, appears in the fact that dur ing the year ending June 30, 1866,we expor ted coin and bullion $82,643,374 ; during the year ending -June 30, 1867, $54,975,196, and during the eleven months ending May 31, 1868, $71,934,:369, making an aggregate of $209,553,939 of gold and silver withdrawn from the country during a period of two years and eleven months. During the same period we imported of gold and silver, deducting the re exports, $16,476,212, which leaves the loss of gold and silver to the country during two years and eleven months $163,077,891. We cannot meet one dollar of foreign inbebtedness with our papbr currency, and therefore, when the balance of trade is against us, it is a con stant drain upon our geld and silver. How long ,can we endure this without financial ruin? And when 'can we return to a specie basis, if the specie be constantly withdrawn? Our reliable remedy is in an increase of pro duction, especially of those great staples that command the foreign market Then the specie will flow to our-shores in payment for our productions ; then we will sell more than we buy; and then, our financial difficulties will rapidly disappear, and we will soon stand upon a specie basis. To this-end we want peace, reconciliation and harmony Let mild laws, justly administered, take the place of the false political philosophy which, by strained and unnatural measures, seeks ends that are not practicable. Let us have stability of laws and policy; so that capital can be securely invested and enterprises safe ly undertaken and prosecuted. We can now adopt the sentiment so familiar to you all : "That whoever can make two ears of corn or two blades of grass to grow upon a spot of ground where only one grew before, would . deserve better of mankind, and do more es sential service to his country than the whole race of politicians put together." Nowthat the party in majority calls upon you to continue its power, do you not wish to know what it has hone with the immense sums of money it has collected from you? Prom: the 30th of June, 188-5, to the 30th of June, 1868, the receipts in gold from the customs* amount to $518,751,387,50, and in currency from internal revenue $768,259,- /15 94- 6 making in the whole $1,287,012,333,- 45. The interest on the public debt during then. three years has averaged about $123,- 000,000 Der year—making $375,000,000. That being decrscted from the sum collected leaves about s9oo,too,ooo—beiug more than $300,- 000,000 per year. In a time of profound peace, except to far as the Congressional policy has created a state of hostilities, this great suns of money has been expended in legislative, judicial, executive and military expenses. How has it been expended? Mr. Buchanan was sharply censured for expend ing so much as $80,000,000 per year, for ev ery purpose of the Government, although a costly military expedition was maintained to ttalt. Why does it now cost $220,000,000 mor. , , in of the interest on the public debt'? The Freedmen's Bureau has required many millions in its support—the expendi tures of Congress, for committees of investi gation and other party machinery and favor itism toward partisan newspapers have gone beyond anything ever known in our history, yet they are inconsiderable in comparison with the entire sum. The greatest burthen upon the shoulders of our people is our mil itary establishment. The army as now or ganized numbers, in ()dicers and men, not exceeding filly-six thousand. :Yet the re port of the Secretary of the Treasury, p. shows ths expenditures of the War Depatt meta, for mc year June, 1867, exclu ding bounties to have been iiinety-five mil lion dollars—more than the entire cost of the- Government for army, naval and civil service, any year of Mr. Buchanan's administration'. The same report, page 43, showathe expendi tut es of that department, for the quarter end ing September 30, 1867, to have been $30,- 5 1 '6,066,85, and the estimate of the remaining three quarters. c Ifogntiee,*73,soo , 000, making for the yes.r =ding June 36, 1868, the sum of $106,036,056 es. busing a part or that time, General Grant was not only General of the Army, but also Secretary of War. These expenditures are at the rate of neeriy $2,000 to each man in the army— nearly two e.-.121c. , : to each regiment. the expenses of the :limy ought not to exceed $l,OOO to each officer end misn,'Or $1,000,000 to each regiment, and with our precut force, the expenses should be. reduced $40,000,000 per If the men who now govern this country, and control its destiny, would allow' us to have peace, reconciliation, any Aultmony, the army might be withdrawn frmin service, of controlling the people -4t.r,—,its'numbers'inight be reduced 4 t:.l;;..tairted, at proper points 4, 7 cost of $35,000,000, *75,000;- -y rSt AA no; " st • • *tit ~A of the to •23 ,000 , au, to_prbtect the coma and thus reduce our e.,, 000, per year. What ,51 y you . better have a change: ) Are you n, to try it ? - Will you not elect a l'rest, and members of Congress who earnestly de sire retrenchment' and economy in the pub lic expenditures? However great our re sources, and however, earnestly the people may strive to meet every, demand made by the Treasury, yet we. can not long hold up under the constant drain of the' gold and silver froin the cotintry, and such enormous public expenditures.. We must have a change. .- HOW may the public debt be paid? Must the payment be in coin, or may it be in greenbacks? This is a question of grave im portance, both to the holders of the bonds and to the people. I know of but one rule by which this question may be settled—the contract as shown by the law under which the bonds were issued must stand. Early' in the last session of Congress, I felt it my duty to introduce the following resolution in the Senate: •• WirunEAs, The public debt of the Uni ted States, except where otherwise provided by law, was contracted and incurred upon the faith and credit of the United States, that the same would be paid or redeemed in the lawful money of the United States, which was declared by Congress to be a legal ten der for all debts, public and private, except