0. NO BLE. L. 11. 11,1 U. '', BO State Iron Works ! NC:OI3I,IE Sr, I-IA-1,1,, Founders, Machinists Boll er Makers, • Works Corner Peach and 3d Sts., Erie, Pa. Having t ado extensive additions to our ma chinery, a— are prepared to 1111 all orders promptly Stationery, Marine and Portable Engines, Of all sizes, either with single or Cut-off valves STEAM PUMPS. SAW ➢TILL WORK, BOIL ERS, STILLS, TANKS, ETC. Also, all kinds of Heavy and Light Casting. Particular attention given to Building and Ma chinery Castings. FOR BALE.---Steani's Circular Mill Rigs and Head Blocks, which are the best in use. John son's Rotary Pumps, Gas Pipe and Fittings, Braes Goods, Babbitt Metal,lete. Jobbing solicited at reduced prices. All work warranted. Oar motto is, We are bound to sell' as low as the lowest.— Please call and examine, febL3-tt. FRANK WINCIIELL C 0.,& AUCTION & COMNISSION MERCHANTS. No. 824 State Street. - Household Furnitur'e and nll kinds oc.GOods, Wares and Merchandise, bought and sold and received on consignment. Sales at private residences attended to in any part of the city.' Sale of Household Furniture Carpets, Queens ware, Horses, Wagons, and all kinds of goods on WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, AT 9;4 O'CLOCX, A. M. A large consignment of Queensware, Glass ware, Bohemian and China N'ases now od hand, will be closed out regardless of cost at private sale. Sir 'endues at t enoled to In any part of the County. • up%-tf. Tonworthy & Love, NO. 1390 PEACH ST., Have adopted a new syst, nt of doing' lavd mii, and would respectfully call the attention of their customers to the tact that they are now welling goods fur C'ASII, OR READY PAY We believe t lint we can do our customers Jus tice by no doing and would :Ink them to call and see our sldendul stock of grrx•erlcti,eousisting of Tea totrees, Sugars, Comprising every thing In a well kept grocery slum. We , alNo have the hest quality of ERIE COUNTY FLOUR Also FEED In unlimited quantities. Give us a can. TOT-I:WORTHY & LOVE, 1390 Peach St., opposite National I tote!. inyl2-tr. C. ENCILEILMT tt CO., DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, weep always on lian(l all cyles or LADIES: MISSES' .I.ND CHILDREN'S Prenella, Kid, Goat and Pebble Coat Laced, Button and Congress 13 0 Orr s, Of the finest quality, which will be warranted for durability, as well as in fit, which we will cell as LOw Os the Lowest. We also make to order. Repairing carefully attended to, my2l-tf BLANK BOOKS! Caughey, McCreary & Moorhead, MEM@ 1.3.1LAN1 113 0 01-K.S, of every description, BOOKS, ENVELOPES AND PAPER, CHEAPER Than 'any house in this city. Also, SCHOOL BOOKS, At Wholesale, as. cheap as any Jobbing house In the country. 13IIILES: The Depository of the Bible Society-, at EAUGIIEY, M'CREARY & MOORHEAD'S tnytl-tf. NEW LIVERY, Boarding and Sale Stable, Corner French and ith Sts. rvitE.: SUILSCIIIIHMS having taken the stable I lately occupied by 11termer S Johnson, Would - inform tho public that they have pur chased an ENTIRELY NEW StOCK • Of Horses, Harness and Carriages, and are pre pared togive perfect satisfaction to all who !nay favor them with n call. We have the best stock in Northwestern Pennsylvania. my2l-11 BRECHT BROS. Administrators' 'Notice. TETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the La estate of Samuel Harbison, deed of war erfonl township, having been granted the un dersigned ; notice is hereby given to all indebt ed to the same to make immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them, dniv authenticated, for set tlement. ELIZA HARBISON, JOHN R. CROSS, Administrators. Waterford, Jane Zkl, 1503.-6 w PHILADELPHIA & ERIE RAIL ROAD. Through and Direct Route between Philadel phia, 13althuore, Harrisburg, Williams- Dort. and the °FMMI 71 OF PENNSYLVANIA. VS.V,GANI" SLEEPING CARS ON and. after MONDAY, MAY 11th, ISGS, the trains on the Philadelphia A: Erie Railroad will run as follows : WESTWARD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia at 11:15 p.m. and arrives at Erie at S:5O Erie Express leaves Philadelphia at112:00 m., and arrives at Erie at 10:05 a. in. Warren Accommodation leaves Warren at 12:00 m. Corry at 1:10 p. m., and arrives at Erie tit 9:30 p. m. EASTWARD. Mail Train Leaves Erie at 11:00 a. m., and arrives at Philadelphia at 7:10 a. m. Erie Express leaves Eric at 7:40 p. m., and ar rives at Philadelphia nt 5:00 p. in. Warren Accommodation leaves Erie at 8:00 a. m., Corry at 9:45 a. m., and arrives at Warren at 11:20 a. m. Mall and Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny Silver Railroad. BAUDAGE CIEIF:CSED Tunormi. ALFRED L. TYLER, Gent Superintendent. Erie & Pittsburgh Railroad. ONA;CD AFTER MONT/AY, MAY 11, trains rill run on thls:road a 4 follows: NOBLE & HALL LEAVE KEI E—Sal' Ti [WA En. 10:45 A. M., Pittsburgh Express, i.topsat all sta tions, rind arrives at A. & G. W. It. It. Trans fer at 1:10 p. in., at New Castle at 3:00 p. m., ' and at Pittsburgh at 0:00 p. 0:00 P. M., Accommodation, arrives at Pitts burgh at 10:00a. m. LEAVE PITTSDURGII—NORTIIIVAED. 7:15 a. in., Erie Express leaves Pittsburgh and arrives at Erie 2:15 p. tn. 4:3.5 P. M., Accommodation leaves Pitt%burgh and arrivet at Erie 1:20 a. In. Pittsburgh Express south connect. at James town at 12:40 p. m., with J. &F. Express for Franklin and CM City. Connects id Transfer at 1:45 p.ln.,witli A. 6: G. W. Accommodation west fur Warren, Ravenna and Cleveland. Erie-Express north connects ht G. W. Transfer at it:10 a. In., with Mail east fir Mead ville, Franklin and Oil City, and at Jamestown with J. & F. Express for Franklin. Trains connect at Itochestmr it ith trains for Wheeling and all points in West Virginia, and at Pittsburgh eonnetitions for Plillmlelphia, Harrisburg, Baltimore and Waqiington, via Pennsylvania Central Itialrmel. Erie Express north connect, at Girard with Cleveland J.: Erie train% We,t %%mid leveland, Chicago and all points In thelVe , t ; :it Ede with Philadelphia & Erie Railroad for Corry, Warren, Irvineton, Tidioute, and with Banal, & Erie Railroad for Buffalo, IMnic irk Namara Falls and New York City. • .1. J. RENCE, decl2l7-tf Superintendent. keystone National Bank, CAPITAL $250,000. Sciden Marvin, John W. Hail, 1::Iihn Marvin, Bester Town, O. Noble, Spices, ate., ORANGE NOBLE, Prost. J NO ? J. 'TOWN, Ca,th The above bank is now doing ha:4l'lms In IN new building, CORNER. OF STATE AND EIGHTH STS. Satisfactory paper discounted. Money re ceived on depo,it. Collections made and pro ceeds accounted for with promptness. Dra(ts, Specie •tpd hank Notes bought and sold. A share of public patronage solicited. 2,500,000 Oustomers in Four Years PATRONIZE THE BEST. ill& largest capital, most experi- II enced Imyer , ;, and extensive trade of any concern in the Dollar Sale bushass, we Guarantee Satisfaction hi es cry - lint:lnce, and olio the hest selection of ,00d•i Cr ollercd at One Dollar Each. No other coheern has any show wherever our Agents are Nollug. our motto, "Prompt. and Reliable." Male and female agents wanted In city and country. Are particularly requested to try our popular clubFystem of selling all kinds of Dry nod Fan cy Goods, Dress Patterns, Cotton Cloth, d Castors, Silver Plated Goo Is, Watches, Pr. (Established 1801.) A patent pen fountain and a check de scribing an article to be sold for a dollar, 10 as; $0 for 02; 10 for :Li; 00 for SO. , 100 for $10; sent by mail. Free presents to getter up, (worth 50 per cent. more than those sent by any other con cern,) according to size cif club. Send us a trial club, or if not do not fall.to send for a circular. Mr sale should not be classed with New York dollar Jewelry sales or bogus "Tea Cotnpanicq," as it is nothing of the sort. EASTMAN (1,; KENDALL, je-1-3m. C. Hanover St.. Boston, Mass. 131Mi12 TO THE PUBLIC. There is no use sending to New York FOR YOUR TEAS!, No use going to the refineries to buy REFINED OIL! No use going to soap factories to buy - S AP': No use to pay big prices for any of your Groceries and Provisions ! While there IS a - LIVE CASII STORE, on the corner of Sth and State Streets. Try the Cask Store. ADAM. apta-tf. Erie City Steam Bakery ! W. J. SANDS & CO., Propiietors. Ilanufacturecs of all kinds of Crackers, Bread, Cake, - Also, the celebrated "EXCELSIOR" CRACKERS, And sole manufacturers of the patent "NOVELTY DROPS." Factory, corner State and 3d Sts., Eric, Pa. zny2l-tf I.IILAXICS! BLANKS!—A. complete assort .l) meat of every kind of Blanks needed by Attorneys,•Justlees, Constables and BUSILICSB Men. for male at the Observer Office. WINTER TIME TABLE. On all Night Trains 13A. Nlf NOTICE. 01•` .U.ALUE.I2.:. I)IIiECTOILS TIII: LADIES titilim ii titlN 1 a lai 1 t a 0 DAIIIYMEIS. Farmers and Others, I=l ISEEBWAX, Bts.lNv, istrrrut:, E( (;$, }WAN: AND ISIEAL FLAX, COTTI)N. Ftlig 1)IUEI) AND 61:1.:E:N FRUITS, G1A1.1 4 1, WOOL; GAME, FOUL- TRY, NAVAL, STORES HOPS, 0 INGSENO, FE AT E IiEMP, PROVISIONS, OILS, LARD, TALLOW, SORGHUM, MOLASSES, ETC., JOSIAH CARPENTER, G en'l Commission Merchant 442,•444 and 440 Washington St., NEW YORK' CITY, And receive his weekly Price Current of Pro duce and Groceries, the most complete Price Current published in the United States. rSEND FOR A. PRICE CURRENT Marking Plates and Cards Fllrlithiled Free Liberal Advances Made on Consignments. ESTAI3LIsHED MAY I, IS6O rirst class references given when retiiilig,tlti. LATEST & BEST ! THE GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION Button Hole, Overseaming EEO SEWING MACHINE Is warranted to execute in [holiest man ner every variety of Sewing, Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Braiding, Gath ering, Quilting, Overseaming, Embroider ing on the edge, and In addition makes beautiful Button and Eyelet Boles fabrics. IT HAS NO EQUAL Being absolutely the best Family Machine In the World, and Intrinsically the Cheap est, fur it is two Machines combined in one by a simple and beautiful mechanical ar rangement. Circular's with full particulars and 'sam ples of work done on this machine, can be had ou application at the SALES-ROOMS OF THE COMPANY, South-West Corner of Eleventh and Chestnut PHILADELPHIA Instrualons given on tho Machine gra tuitously to all purcluthers. A.GlFiNa'f3 lArJMNallo To Sell this Machine. C. It. Kingsbury, 714 State Street St., Erie, Agent for Erie, Warren and Crawford counties. Jal6'6B-Iy. NEW LOCATION (*. P. g)AVIS, Ilas removed to Whittleh's Mock, corner of .State and Tenth Streets, Erie, Pa., where he has opened a • LARGELY INCREASED STOCK of Groceries, Fruits, Vegetable., Provisions and everything usually kept in a first-elass grocery establishment. Ware determined nut to be surpassed, and Invite all tti ho want any thing in our line to call, feeling assured that we Kim] I be able to give satisfaction both as to qual ity of goods and prices. Country Produce Bought and Sold. We have opened a COMMISSION DEPARTMENT, to which we ask the attention or those having Produce to dispose of., We pledge ourselves to secure the highest trittrket price for all articles entrusted to our care. DEALERS •IN ME ADJOINING TOWNS, And on the Lines of Railroad, Supplied with - FRUITS, VEGETABLES, ETC apr2'6B-tf. TINTY..II.SIGNEI), Having ,pnrehased tin Interest of the Messrs. B=ZMI FLOUR AND FEED. LUSINEgS Of tit• late firm, would respectfully solleit a continuance of favor front the friends and pa trons of the house, and the public in general, pledging himself that be will at all times try to sell guod and reliable Flour, Feed and Grain At the lowest price for cash in hand. Froni my long experience In this branch of the trade, I trust I know what the public demand, nud that lam prepared to meet that want. ,- Returning my thanks to the public for their liberal patronage to see in the past, I hope by strictattention to my business and their WalltS, to merit a continuance of their patronage in the future. THE MILLING, FLOUR, FEED, AND GRAIN BUSINE.'SS, Will be enntinned, In all Its departments, nt the ERIE MILLS, PARADE STREET, and the Store, EAST F' A. 11. lE. ROW, Between . Brown's Hotel and Reed House, Where the public will Buda good stock always for sale, with competent and polite men on hand to supply their wants. ap2s'ff7-lys H. B. ILAVERSTICK. - VAZIJET: Mti nI•E wvitics. M. A. DUNNING, No. 1010 Peach Street, between 10th and 11th, Erie, Pa. Monuments, Tombstones, Marble and Slate Mantles, &e. I have on hand a largo assortment Of monu ments and headstones of various styles, in American and Italian marble, and a corps of the best workmen in the State. All orders will be promptly attended to and 'satisfaction guar anteed. My work is warranted unsurpassed, and I cannot be undersold by any one. Orders and inspection of stock and prices solicited. • mhl9'67-Iy. CE MAN SAYINGS INSTITUTION, Corner Mighth and filtate Sta., OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. This Institution Is now open for the transac tion of business. Orrice nouns: oik.M.to4P.llf. SATURDAYS: 9A.JI.toBP.M. Six Per Cent. Interest will be Given by this Institution to Regular Depositors. 'DIRECTORS: J. Eicheninub, P. A. Becker, F. P. Liebe], F. Schneider, John Genshelmer. OFFICERS: John Genshelmer, ..... Matthew Sehlaudeeker; F. Schneider, my2'67-Iy. L. 13. CIIP.VA.LII3. DESIGNER & DECORATIVE ARTIST Neatest, Cheap: f it k % , dß r sl c , S l Zrainting West Parlors, Malls, Churches, 4t.c., Frescoed in the neatest style of the art. General Designing, Drafting of Models for the Patent Office and every description of Onaa. mental Painting executed promptly. Rooms In Farrar Ball, No. 8, second lloor. apll'67-tt. White •ffiea Most hula Amirlem. CLUBS FOR 1868••• CLUBS FOR POS. The Best New 'Pork Weekly Published. NEW YORK DAY ROOK ! The New York Day-I took 11 a straightforanii Radical Demo( rat is pa r, with a larger elicit- : lat ion than any other Ismoeratie journal UN VI I pUldlfillt`d on lids continent, and it enter: on the threshold of 15435 more pinspetous e of the great cauce It uphold than es el beiere. Slam ling On the Declaration of hide pendenee, thid "an tu'lntei men art equal," and therefore entitled to equal rights, it Is oppo'ail to all forms:lml &glees 01 speelat legislation that conflict with this grand central truth of Democracy, and over all and above all, does It combat that monstrous treason to; American liberty, which, thrusting the negro filement in to our political system must of necel.sity wreck the whole mighty fabric left us by our fathers. God has created white men. superior and ne- gmen inferior, and therefore all the efforts of the past nix years to abolish Hip work and equalize with negroe.s--every law \totaled, eve ry State Constitution overthrown, every life Sacrificed, mid every dollar , expended, are ne cessarnyJust so ninny steps towards national suicide; nod theshmileantialwfulproolemnow upon us Is just thishall we reco‘er our rea son and retmee our steps, or unwell on to Mon grellsm, social anarchy, and- the total ruin of our country. . - The flay lidok, therefore, demands the resto ration or the "Union :is It was - -a 1://1013 01 co equal States upon the white basis, as the only hope, and the only means posibleunder hem en forsaving the grand Ideas of 1776, and the fund amental Priciples of American liberty, and if the real freemen, and the earnest believers in that sacred _anti glorious cause in which the D1(.11 of the Revolution offered up their lives, will now labor to expose the igllol'lllleo,delllSloll and treason of the Mongrel party, it a ill sue cad, and the white I:4_1)111.11e Wasiomttthi be restored again in all its original influence and grandeur. The Day Kook will, however, hereafter he more titan ever devoted to all tiro varkd purpo se, of a news paper. Conscious that It r, ach es thousands of families who take no other Journal, icy and pit haps their • kcal paper, it will continue. and ImproN e its "News of the Week" Summary, so as to present a transcript of the World's events in tacit issue. Its "Fam ily Department" will embrace the best original and selected stories. Its "Agricultural Depart ment" will he folly sustained, and being the only paper of its class Made up eXpressly for country circulation, it I.: confident it is Nl, orth doable the price of a weekly hurriedly reprint ed from a daily. It gives lull and cm/inlet... , re ports of the New York and'Albany Cattle Mar kets; (train Provisions and Coll cut Markets, and a 'Weekly review of Finanelal matters, to gether with the 'markets,, by telegraph, front New Orleans, Cairo, Charleston, Philadelphia, ttc., up to time of going to press. TOBACCO, SEEDS, Terme—Cash in Advance. One ropy one year iv) Three copies one year 3 .30 Five - copies ono year, and oily- to the getter up of the riolr 11) CO Ten copies 0n,.) year, and one to the getter op of the club 17 51) Additional eopleq 1 73 n en y copies one year, and one to the get ter up of the club • ' 'ill O.) SpC(111.101 enplev Wont free. bend for a copy. Add rcsq, ghlnn pn,t ,tiler, county and St.de In lull, VAN EVRI I HORTON deck:. No Nav,au Mt., Nuw Yolk. -/ • Cor. ofTerm and St. Clair Streets, The Lnrgest, (lbeapebt and most Successful Practical Business College Fifteen Thousand Students From Thirty Thred Stales in Ten Years FOR LARGE QUARTO Containing full information, Outline of Couk.ig of Study, samples of Cowley's Premium Penmanship; Vier• of the ,(Nalee:e TEulltliteß. it I fri.rt-n t De partments, ('lty of Pittsburgh, ete.,ete., address the PrineipitLi, my 19 L., lames P. Crook, lowing taken in his son, Jas. E., as a partner, on the ist day of April, !Slid, un der the firm name of James P. Crook S.: Son, de sires to have a settlement of his old accounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to him are requested to call and settle without de lay. ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER, And Mauutatdurers of WINDOW SASH, FRAMES, DOORS& BLINDS. Montdingq and Plelcet Fence, Scroll Sawing, 3latching and Planing done to order. Shop on Peach St., Between Fourth and Fifth Ste., Erie, Pa. - We respectfully call the attention of the pub lic to out faclliths for doing work In the beat of htyle, promptly and on rcallonable terms. hav ing fitted up entirely new hhopg, with superior machinery, we feel confident of giving moist:l(.- I.l°n. Orders from abroad will rective prompt attention. my2 , r6l-Ir. JANIEF-i I'. ('BOOB i so.s. 1.1211 1,141 - 17" National Claim Ac;eitcy Ullirr to I•'an.lr Ifall Ilto',lota, Elie, ra All claimants for extra homily allowed by into acti. of Comiresq, 'all have the same priimptly collected by iieuditig, their discharge, to me, the receipt or which will he promptly acknowledg ed and instructions returned, INCREASE (it" PENSIONS. . . tin per month Mr the tool loss of me of either leg or arm, instead of es. ;52 per month for each minor chi It of di Team soldiers or seamen Also, (Abler increase. s. Al anTioNA 1. 1 OR VOL, OFFICER:SOf U. S. A. Three months pay primer fir 1111 in service March 81, and discharged after .Ipril Claims cashed. - Claims for arrears of pay, and par inns, and bounty, prompti:t. Hies for closing and et mph tint; clattus. Allow ance to prisoners id war collected. ncy in North-Western l'ettnsy!vania where %%tn., of experience In the U: h. Tteasttry can lie Thankful tor the very, 111.4 rat patronage bc w - stoed in tine w ~p e past, ehe inerezmed expe rience and um emitting attention to palLons, to secure their continued favor. Otlice in 1 arrar Hall Addre-p. - MC 01 tf. FOR THE FAR3IERS. UIIEEP SlFEARS.—Willdnhon's )e't, and 1.7) Strong'm Patent Sheep Sheam. WOOL TWINE, In any:quatalt3 GRIND ,STONES.-2) tons Bereft and Like DMIZE • SCYTTIE-‘l.—Urass and Grain, of ❑io best ma; lers. GRAIN CRADLES.—Grapevine mid Motu, complete with Scytheg. HAY FORI:.S.—Two and three tined IMES, Shovels,Spades, Martare Forks and Hay Knives, for sale by EAGLE FOUNDRY, Peach Street, above the' Buffalo Road, 11.11:YA.N'T & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF PARLOR, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES, TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, THE CELEBRATED CURTIS PLOW ! And all kinds of Iron Castings. Every Stove sold by us is warranted to eve satisfaction. Kettles, Sleigh Shoes, Sad Irons, ctc., on hand and manufactured to order. Plows and Pow Points of superior make and durabili ty always on hand. A call and a fair trial of our artielmLs all we ask. mr%l3-tf. HENRY, BRYANT & CO. JAS. A. BLISS, DEALER IN AND SIIIPP - EV.Or Vegetables and Provisions, prcurrs, No.:: East Fifth Street, Erie, Pa. I would call the attention of the public to the fact that I also Sell Goods on Commission. ll:Particular attention paid to that business, and to forwarding to dealers all kinds of Vege tables, Fruits, Se. • ie.11.65-tf Has opened n new Flour, Feed &Produce Store, -.President. ...Treasurer. -.Secretary. _ , Eleventh and State Streets, To which he asks the attention of all who need anything in has line. He it ill deal In every thing in the And warrants his goods to be equal to the best in the market. . air The highest market price in cash paid for all kinds of country produce. apt-Judo V()lt, ISMS. PITTSBUIIOII, PA., IN THE UNITED STATES [3311T11 PI t hburgh, l'a N3BAV PII .31. JAMES -I?: CROOK & SON, DealerB In )17\'1'Y S. TODD . Luck 101. Erie, Pa s. c. sr.r.DEN, ,53 French Street } TIE, PA C. J. ENGLEILtUT at the corner of 1 . 11.0T/UCr. LINT , J. EICHENLIUB & CO., MANTIFACTURERS OF BOOTS & SHOES! No. 62S Slate Slreet. IiETA I I. DEPA RTMENT. We have just finished, and prepared for pub lic inspection, a mammoth stock of Itoots,Shoes, Gaiters,nulthers, tunbrac log every doicrip- Lion and variety of kinds, and which for style, quality and thchh eannot he Nurpa-slied In the market, all of which are offered at late reduced' rates. We also pay especlil nod stdet atten tion to • CIMST4L.IOIII For which the finest collection, of In:others are kept on hand, and every facility is secured for accommodating rind moors promptly, and in a style to render perfect satisfaction. I'arUcular attention is also directed to our WHOLESALE DEPAT{THENT, No. 8 West Seventh Street, Where we manufacture at Who Men's Itoys', Ladies', Ml ,, es' and Children's Boots, Shoeg, ete., of every variety •and Having lately 4.1 mu manufactory by the addition Of new builditmg :Ltd improved ma chinery, WO arc prepart ,upply the 'Trade on idiort not leo and at the lowc , d market rlet s. Adjoining this department :trc connected our wijoLE•i.k LE LEITIIED AND FINDINGS ROOMS! Embracing eneh, ilcrman American Calf skin., of best and Vltt lost 1 / I 'llll,N, slaughter and : 4 1tantslt Sole Leathi , r, French _and Amerl. can Roan, of all color.; and pricey. With our increased radiate,: we can sell as low as any Eastern manufacturer, and make to order any Ii .1 of work wattling by the Trade. Thankful fo?the past liberal patronage of the public, we respect fully silicon a continuance of the ...tune. bellkt-if. .1. EICIIII.NLAUIS CHEAP CASH STORE A. 1 4 41". X - IN TV C.ll- , . ,; • of Stit awl Nlate Ht =1 Groceries and. Provisions, Wood, Willow and Stone Ware, And everything that is usually kept in a First • Class• Fiwilly.Cirocery. ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. The best brands of Erie County Flour, Always on Hand. Call and examine prices. °nod% del 'Very(' free In any part of the city or South Erie. oe3-tf.• J. w. A"VIt F. S , 'Wholesale and Retail : Dealer in Furniture ! Havina purchased the entire stock of Furni ture of Messrs. Moore &Iblet, I respectfully ask my old customer; and the' public generally to giVe me a call at the old stand, NO. 715 STATE STREET, Before prtrellatang elsewlivre., have a large a,sortment Parlor, Chamber and Bed Room Sets ! ALSO, , BEDSTEADS, TABLES, WA ltD1101:ES, DESKS, And, in fact everything In the line of Furniture. I am prepared to manufacture to order anv style that may be called for. Remember, N 0. . -711 State street, cant side, between, Seventh and Eighth streets. ap231..7-If. • JOHN W. AYR.F.S. FIRST-CLASS PIANOS! • t - ‘• t, 4 . • A tit ,„ • 4 - - 'wine -• 'LOUIS BERGE A: (0.,4 Manufacturer, of -FIRST-CLASS AmurFE OVLIZSTRUNG 177A.E.EROOXS, 97 BLEEEER STREET. - Tluse rial,- are recommended by the /110,t elllillt.111,11, , L:4,,.11e1 are, for power, tullne,q,elas titqty of touch and durability, unsurpassed by any piano, 111:1dC 11l this yountry. GVARANTEED ro'n r•iVE ynAns Illtiqratetl Cot:lb - iglu, rind Price Li.t sent by mail on upplieinion. feb13.05-ly. GREAT, REDUCTION IN E. M. COLE & SON WI LL BIND IrArpers.' ,Imilar 31ngazim..:, at Ti et 2111.8 ner volume. Alnley's, and similar Magazines, at :31.00 per voluine. II itpt.r%, and rntak Leslie's papers, at $2.25 per 3 ear. _ We are also making and selling 1 13 c) co k. ! REDUCED PRIt'ES Ilindery over Kr , ystone National Bank 'or tier State anaStli stretts. ap'2:3-tf. • DT 1M BOOK BINDERY AND Blank Book Manufactory! \V we respectfully announce to the public that we have opened a 1300 K 13INDE11:17, anditro prepared to do work In any branch of the business. BLANK• BOOK_S,I Of all kinds, on hand and made to old( tr, and ruled to any pattern desired. • MAGAZINES AND OLD.BOOKti, Bound and repaired in the best style. lirthEßY OVER o,oystono National. Paul:, coiner St: we te 'd Bth Streets, Ede, .Pa. auS-31n, a M.. COLE SQN. EgE Lancaster Litellige: racer THE LARGEST AND CIIZA_PE:iT Democratic Journal in Pennsylvania The Lanemder IntelligenciT, established in 17D9, has aluays been known as a first-class Po litical and Family Newspaper. The Weekly Intelligencer now MO largest DellloCratle pa per published in Pennsylvania. It has lately been greatly improved in all respects, and Is just well a paper us every Democrat, aliohld take. The publishers of the Intelligencer regard it to be the duty of every Democrat to support his county papers in preference to any other; but as there are many who will be likely to subscribe for more than one paper during the pending Presidential campaign, they have concluded to offer the Weekly Intelligencer at the follow ing low rates: _ single copies, one year, $:2,00: Five copies MOO; Ten gOkiles $11,00 ; • Twenty copies $.l - 2,0e; Thirty copies; 45,00; Fifty copies, to one address Eighty copies, to one address, ...50,0e. Daily In telligencer ;?..1,00 per annum. Ala- Persons wishing to sell real estate conflict no better advertising medium than the Weekly Intelligencer. Address '• . ran. H. 0. tibilTll 41 CO, Lancaster, Fa. ERIE RAILWAY. Great Broad Gauge Double Track Route to ,NErtV BOSTON, and the New England Cities. This Railway extends from -Dunkirk to 14elY Yorlc, la) miles. Buil - ado to New York, Mollies. Salamanca to New York, 411 miles. And is (rob 2to 27 MILES Til 11 ROUTE. All Gains run directly through to New Yurk, Pi) MILES, without eloinge or COZO). From and after May 11. 18bs, trains will lento. lu coitoection with all the NVest••rn as follows: Front DUNKIRK and SALAMANCA —by New Yolk time—from Union Depots: - 7:10 A. N. Express Mall, from Dunkirk daily (except Sundays). :stops at Salanutucti at 1(800 A. M.. and- connects at Hornellsvlllo and Corning wit Itthe 7,33 A.M. Express Mall from Buffalo and arrives in Network at 7.49 A. N. • 7:2.i P. Al., Lightning Express, from )Oaltunanea daily (except Sundays). Stops at Ifoniells vine 6:12 I'. M., (Supper), Intersecting with the 2,45 I'. M. train from Buffalo, and arrives In New York at 7 .40A. M. 5;50 I'. M. New YOrk Night Express' front Dun kirk daily (exoept Sundays). Stops ut Sala manca at 7:15 Orn 8.20 P. M., 05up.,) Turner's 10.13 A.M., ( kft), and arrives In New York at 12'.30 .1. Connects at Great Item! with Delaware, Lackawana and Wes tern Railway . for Scranton, Trenton and Philadelphia, anti at New York with after noon Gains and steamers :for Boston and • Now England Cities. 1.150 P. M. Cincinnati Express, from Dunkirk, (Sundays exceptedy. Stops at Salamanca 11155, 1. 114, and connects at Ilornellsyllie wait the 11r..11P. M. Train from Buffalo, arid violin New York 3:55,1'. M. From Buffalo—by New York time—from Depot corner Exchange and Michigan Sts.: 5:00 A. 3.1., New York. Day Express, daily (except Sundays). Stops at Hornet!Hyatt: SAO A. 31., (111 c ft i; Susquehanna Lin P. 1., (Dine); Tur ner's 7.05 I'. M., (Sup), and arrives in New Yin lc at 9:115 I'. 31. Connects at tireat Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Railroad, and at Jersey. City with midnight express; train of New Jersey Railroad for Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. I:3g A. M., Express Mall,via. Avon and Hornells vine daily (except Sunday). Connects at Elmira with Northern Central Railway for • Harrisburg, Philadelplila and the South, and arrives In 3, ew York at 7:40 A. 3f. 2:35 P. 31., Lightning Express, daily (except Su nday), stops at Horneiisvillo O.IOP. 31, (Sup); and arrives In New York 7.10 A. 31., connec ting at Jersey City with 'morning express train of New Jersey Railroad - for Baltimore and Washhigton. 7:35 P. M., New York Night Express, daily, (Sun: days excepted.) Stops at Ifornellsville, 11.00 31. intersecting with. the 5.50 P. 31. train from ' Dunkirk, and arrives In New York at 12.10 P. 3t. 11:20 P. 31., Cincinnati Express, daily (except Sundays). Stops at Susquehanna 7.44 A. 31, (1)'14 ft g - Turner's IX P. 11., (Dine), and arrives• - in New York at P. AL Connects at Elmi ra with Northern Central Railway, for Har risburg, Philadelphia, BaltimoreoWa.shings ton, and points South, and at N. York'with afternoon trains and steamers for Boston and New England cities. Only One train East on Sunday, leaving Buffa lo at '2:35 P. 31., and reaching New York at 7:10 A. M. Boston and New England passengers, with their baggage, are transiVreed, free of charge, in New York. The best Ventilated and most Ln'xurions Sleeping Carsln the World accompany all night trains on this Railway. Baggage checked through and litre always as low as by any other route. ASK F`Olt TICKETS'.VIA. ERIE RAILWAY, which can be obtained at all principal ticket of ficv in the 'West and South-West. 11. RIDDLE, WM. IL 13ARR, • . Gen'l Supt. Gen'l Pass. Ag' L my2B-tf ERIE CITY IRON WORKS, 1, , "1.1I13, MANUFACTURERS OF The Bradley Engine! A New Cornlionnd or Double Cylinder Engine, ERIE 1.1.12:.1 S'I'M:A.II.ITAVICIO kilt' Is-Warranted to give FIFTY TO ONE HUNDRED l'Elt CENT More power than. a Single C Under Eimine using the S, ne amount ,if strum STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS OF ALL STYLES OIL STILLS AND TANKS! Of all Descriptions CIRCULAR SAWMILLS And - , HEAD BLOCHS. dcl2-tf. MrS. John B. Perkins, :.t.tiwrAcTutir.n. or AND DEALER IN Foreign & Domestic Fruits, 822 STATE ST., CORNER NINTH, ERIE, PENN A. Pine Apples, Oranzes, Lemons, Peaches, STILAWBEIZRIFS, : At ways on litintl in their sen , on. Parties I,,ttriatk,E -ETC. The nicest store west Or NOW, York. • np2.3-tf. Authorized Capital 5500,000 p CAPITAL. PAID IN 52W,C(X:). THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK opened for' business on MONDAY, DECEMBER IZ'H, 1'44 In the banking office previously occupied by tile Merchant's Bank, Brown's Building, north-cast corner of State street and public Park. WM. L. SCOTT, Prest. WM. C. CURRY, Cash. DIRECTOLIS S. WM. L. SCOTT, of firm of J. Ilearn & Co., Coal Dealers. _ . JOS. M'CARTER, of firm or Sehien, Bliss McCarter, Iluihiers. GEO. J. m(a - crox, Coal Dealer. W. s. BROWN, Agent Buffalo et Erte• JOHN C. BURGE:iS, of Linn of Clernehs,Caugh ey t liame,s, Wholesale Grocers. O. E. CROUCH., of firm of Crouch& Bro., Floor M••relialits. • M: It. 13-11tR, of firm or I3arr, Jokusonik. Sea man, Stove Manufacturers. • F. F. FARRAR, of. firm of Gray ,t Farrar, Wholesale Grocers. J. DREISIGSRER, Grocer. JUST OPENED. new and well seleetCd stock. of Stoics, Tin, Japanned, Brittania and PORCELAIN WARE, CISTERN AND WELL PUMPS, Hone Furnishing Good; Generally. PATTERSON '& AVERY, SZ; Frenchfit.j:rle, Pa, We also have a large and well arranged shop, with all the modern improvements for manu facturing tin ware of every description, and with a corps of competent workmen, under the supervision of Air. C. Avery (who has hind many years experience Utility wurk). Wearefullypre parcd to do job wort of all kinds with neatness and dispatch. Are yell posted in setting hid air furnaces, rooting, etc. Call and see us and ex amine our stock. F. A. WlniF;ll, Sa OM= Country Produce, Groceries, Provisions, WINES, LIQUORS, suqiuts, Tobacco, Cruel:cry War', Fruits, Nuts &c., No. 81-1:!-.41 n•lte West side, betwet:n bth and 9th Streets, Erie, Pa. Cash paid for couLtry prod.nc, lay2l-tf. W. El ART F. A. WE gER. ENeentors' Notice. TETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the estate 1.4 of Fran:3: Hartner, deceased, haying been been granted to the undersigmil • not lee in hereby given to all indebted to said estate to make Immediate payment, and thivie having claims ngrdir:t the manic wilt' present them, duly authentblated, fur sett lenient. C.V.SA.It IIt'MILLI:IL, JACOB LIEBEL, Executers. jyt ) -Ow JOB PRINTING of every kind, in large or small mom ;Hies, plain or colored, dono In the best style, r. zd at moderate prices, at the Observer office. Hoop Skirt & Corset Depot! AT THE New York Hoop Skirt Manufactory, tows ;-4T21-r1,:: , „„.... , t.3, 5 ,,.. ~.•••,.. ,-....,--- 4,4%4 , ~...- -- -.• `^ -1 :44 , i* v .1 . 71:'A 4 ....., , • , 40 , ... 1 .4.- I. 7, ,k ..,... pyr, rir; i • -."4 - 10 . . 11 7 ~'. `. F.:. 0 ~ .-e., • ,i , rt b---, --4T,„-tw 7, V ;;1;.. .. -7 - S . r.',.....M . 1 •- , .. Neat, Light, Fashionable and Cheap. SIPI2INC-1 , S7l - 9(LEIF-; NATHAN cII HI N lespertfully inform, the ladies of Eric and sin rounding C. .t:111 ry I lrat he has on haml aNI •r,.,rthn nt of Mon Skirts, of all hiZeS and styles, of his own make, and manufactuzed of the last +l, ti and material, which he will guarani, e equal to any in the nuirket. Having bad con.hl,i...blelAre rience in the busln,,, "Mid , i.t of his ability to give entire kit ihraCt ion to all those ho may lacer him a iti, a call. It .my of i,ts matte will break within one year, they will he repaired, and no charges int.de. (11.1 Skirts rep:died, alter d :11,41 L.h.11,..1 as new. w Skirt', made to onler at the short, st mon e. A ,plentildmid , toek ot all kind:, of Cor.ett and o,r-et Ste, is eomdant ly kept 611 hand, Country' merchants hunt - died at the very lowe-1. rates. NATITA.N >HEN, Ja.2-tf. No. PM State greet, Erie, Pa. IL~cE3 tom. " THE WORLD." At the opening of the year 151,3, "The World" challenges, more confidently than ver, the sympathy and support of ail patriot lc citizens. A glorious work Ino, 6, tit gloriously begun.— Deep alteady 111115 \SO', dc , p. The long fidelity of •this Journal to the C 110.• o f 111/0113" proteeted by law stands nobly vindP . a t. •1 In a splendor of victory shining front Maine 1 , , California. 'on necticut, Oldo, - PennsylV.llllll, Ni w Jers..y, New Yolk, have thund , led lit th 1 o ir s elates. 1111011 the misralealltllo.l,llll,ol the past. Rut nowt] more remains to be done. Nw.er Sons the pelt! of the count r - greater. The Radical party st 111 decrees the death of representative self-gm. ern ment 111. tee so I. ereignStatem. Arm , d with mil itary 414' , 1/13111,111 aria 41,110112. , 1110 Negro Suffrage, It desperately grasps at it permanent lease of power, in defiance of public 01,1111011, fa the co , t of enormous taxes and of crippled industries, at the cost of Union and Peace. To the great battle still to be fought "TIP! World' will give all its ellorts, all its energies. It asks of its friends hi their tarts as much • IL asks of them snore readers and a wader lull a ence. It asks this with confidence in its claims as n.'newspisper and as an organ of opinimi. The chief use of a Newspaper 1,10 hive 11S readers ALL THE NEIVS;-: For this the facilit leg of "The World - are un surpa,,,ed by any journal in the Unit , .d Etatce. It seeks to excel by an accuracy and candor, :t 'spirit and freshne,s in its news columns which shall commend it to readei , , of Ithatevir party, sex : creed or place. As an organ of opinion ''The World - is the un flinching champion of A Liberal, Progressive Democracy, whereof the corner stone is Freedom restrained by Justice; Freed - uni pure ;lint-simple, in the largest collective measure; the once of J ustice being to protect Freedom trout encroachments; Freedom the Indlv 'dual citizen in his rights of though, speech, religion anti locomotion; in his Right to make any mom y bargains he thinks proper in spite of foolish usury laws; in his Right to buy and sell in all markets, domestic and foreign, In spite of Ullju , ,t protective thrill's; In his Right to choose his own food and drink, in spite or meddlesome temperance laws •; in his Right to representation in the legislativebodles which tax him, in spite of unconstitutional ex clusions; Freedom of colleen% e citizens to as semble for discussion of gievrinces; Fieedom of ail local communities to manage their local af fairs without central interference; Fre«lein In every section of the country, Iron; the arrogant and unomstatutional domination of other sec tions. This large and comprehensive idea of Freedom sums up the polities of - The World," which will never be found wanting to this cap ital Interest of the country and 4.1 the human race. A paper publi,hed in the I netrop.,lli Ia mart rally 1,,,•ke4 to for earetul Market rt•port. an, authent to Information, anti Intellhreut Sltills relating to Trade, Commerce and Finance. In these features' "The NV , irl4l - lm 0.4 - 9 coin parmon with any otherjournal. EMEARECi The \WEEKLY WuRID, a largi , quarto sheet, same size as Daily, is now printtti wholly in lakge type, and n-iner its union with the New York Argus) has the largest cneulation of any weeklyjournal puble-ind; , ave one. It • k an unrivalled joUrnal for the tartar, Live Stork or Pr"oduce Dealer, Country Merchant, etc. Pub lished Wednesday. • The SEMI-MI.:LI:ix wom.b k a larg , quar to sheet, salmi. size. ris Daily, which, by omit ting the great mass of city as rt c.,enientslioni the Daily contain, ,carythrig else that aP kar , in the daily and we. kly editaniq. Tue 4 day and Friday, The IJAILY 'WOULD afford , a compla eoho penthum and th,eto,,tuh of the Jlt.h, of evc y day. 11 31 WET:KIN NVOII.LD: 1 C ,, py 1 year in, eopl,, I yuir,:. , paral..tv addre,...tl ..... (NJ 1111 copies 1 3 ear, st parattly a l tressed 15 (NI 1.11 ropleS I year, to 0110"11,1,1re,s, . 1.0 411 copies 1 year, separately addressed 117 'NI 54/ Copies 1 ,year, to tale adilre,; 511 I/0 COrteS I year, separately addressed ii 4.) SEMI-WEEKLY WORLD. copy I year ............ ........ ................ 1 Oti copies 1 ycar, separately :addressed- 10 00 1 cpples I Saar, to use addre., '2O tiO O owl( n 1 year, separately addressed__ uti DAILY WORLD 1 copy ono year 1711IMUM For Club of 10 to out. a , lflre , ,, I Weekly 1 year IA 14 100 .. DIRECTIONs . Additions to OM, may he made any time In he year at tin above club Change, In club lists made only on request ot persons it cm i‘lng club package , , stating cdt tern, post office and State Ina Inch It has pre vtously Le, n •tml enclosing twenty-tiv cents to pay for tn.uble of the change to sepa rate Willie,. Terms, ea.li in aavance. Sena. if p0,11.1e Otlire Mon. v Order ur Bank I)ralt. s. nt I,c mail «11l he at the ri..k ut sender. . We flave.no traveling agents, Spc,•nnen cop es, posters, etc., Neut free of charge where% and whenever desirLd. Addre , %; all order, an, ethers to THE WORLD. d Park How. New Yorkt PROSPECTUS. TILE MORNING PATRIOT The office of the late Patriot and Union hay Int; pained Into the hands of the unaer , lgned they propose to supply a V 8,1.111111 th.tt has tall. exhtttl In the newspaper press of interior Penn Sylvania. From some cause or other the reading masses of the Democratie party of the great interior counties of the state has e been compelled, ei ther to do without the latest news or patronize journals whose political sentiments were dls ta,tefiillo them. The Morning Patriot*is intendeit to supply his want. Its proprietors am determined that no efibrt , ball be spared, on their part, to make It fully equal, its a newspaper, to any of its competitors. Whatever the cleetic wires are able to commu nicate, up to the hour co going to press will be furnished in its columns every morning; and its largo size w ill enable It to give 1111 Ito as much rending minter as any of its contemporaries. As an advocate of sound political sentiments, favoring no faction, clique Or section, but devo ting its entire energies to the good of the whole prrty• as a vehiele of the latest news, and a chronicler of passing events, we are determined it shall not be excelled; and we con thiently ap peal to a discriminating public for that appre ciation and encouragement which are indispen sable to success. DEMI For the Daily, one year in advance, :7.&1 " Six months, " 3.70 Single Copies, Three Cents. THE WEEKLY PATRIOT. It is the determination of the proprietors of the Patriot to make their weekly Joutnal fully • pull to what the Patriot lind'Union was in its 'mintiest days. It will be one of the largest weekly papers in the State, and special pains Nv 111 be taken to till Its columns with such rend ing matter as NN 11l be alike Interesting and use ful to the Farmer, theMechanie and the Man of Business, and to make it an agreeable and welcome visitor in every family. Evers person thoutd suh.erfbe to the paper printed In his mt n county, and we do not mean to enter into competition With- the local papers of the State. But,many peopie take their home paper and a city paper in addition. To such we send greeting. TERMS Single copy, one year, 2ix Month, Teti copies, ono year ......... Twenty eople,, one year: Filly copies (to one oddly:o,lone year. One hundred copi, All orders should to. addr. , , , d to It. F. MEI' • jy:2-tr llarrisburg, pa Well Digging. H. RUSTEI11101:1'Z, of Sterrett:mkt, w pre- pared to di. , : welh in any part of Fri county. He u•es a horse and Pulley, which en ables him to do the work faster and cheaper than by the old method. Refers to Chas. Kash ler or Conrad Max, Erie city; larael M0..4t ror John Stank, We. , tt Mill ('reek; Andrew Stur geon or David Fidler, Fairview. Jyl6 dw TUB PRINTINU of every kind, in large or • mall gnantities, plain- or colored, done In tho best style, and at moderato prices, at the Observer office • 'N'IMW l'ittlNlc. TII E LATEST PUILNIth ilt t•I 10'11 O. J. WILLARJ No. 513 Broadway. :vu "If I Couldn't How liouhl I a,.. , song by Hopkins , ":roes Ober Jordan by Du. "Kim Me as of Old, , "Thinking of (Jul Fr • win "Waiting Still fur Thou ; "Shim o 1 Prorrilhh"; hitbad "PleaNatt Metnorle.,''; by .1. It. "Theni's nig comic hong by Wuthon "Loaves (but Vail in Sp: w, • , "A Swett tinier hose Is My M b flohier "Angc 1 of li,inty"; by 11 P. L,• "Collage lio,c"; song by r„ "SnecrAug s,oog ; Ho, rd "In this liontitiful Lind by Jinlder.. "Write Me Sonil Si! My lot ry "I Ottll I Not limp - Gut , t Ilinuntrirn; at tlin 11 I T "Fru imls W , .,l.(Arett 11 ; 1 "In tile :NI( bhll .r! "tom.. to My llehri, tiood Nigro ; I!. I' I "My ; • p. "li•Lty Drew' •, ,oira•piol "lloutu of Sly ea "Intlier,‘Ve bun;; and ehotus "Menlorki of th, I'ast "It bet.ILIS but the Other I 1t..14t54. . . 'Yea! t Ao'•., - by J. It. 'Clara Kane ;tot. t b 11,0,, Saviour of My ; tenor ;tud alto volt,t, 'Lilt' , Noah's \' lln contralto and eltorth, 'rtoftly N 1.41 the Light ! , , solo' tor soprano, tenor. •,lu. 'lle Joyful 'ln tne Lord , I •• 11 Th:.• Burden on the 1. • prano nod tenor, by: lbedot (11 m “.; To llrnm . ; I; 1110, by 'ule- - ." 'lt I. a Goo,lThlng to (in, . s“prall. and Hoo, 'Pral , ..• the Lord, U My Soul , me. • no and tenor . 1. lira Sch'.ol 'took, " Ninef 310111111 g •; 11, lily 11111114 r Addle-, vide!, a ' O. J. 14 ILLA ; \ • l .11;i nor h.. 1.:1.y atm Yu:11 bp. • ; PIANOF*OII TES! Are strictly , pcaking „ failed to become the LEAId N 4 or introduced. will 1., Lowest Whole,a lc Itat, [Lou. Large Illustrated inuce 11 , 4, el 111,:enc‘s Ivan ph tograbi,-,-, on application. Atitircs... 15 ;1.1.1 Wholesale tit 51; Ili,. 1:.S1,11".11Z1.1) AMERICAN -011(1.OS 0. J. Willard, Wholc.aip A L , la, 7.CeW alltl lwatit; 'II in (I:.:_n a::,I —are made )1 ;Fr' ~, c l. ' with great c.ift., 1t.0,m...; a 1 „ 1 ., • qualltyj of te on, et 1•, • ihhetl Yu - IssaMy pa1.,11(.4 Rosewood with doubt,, blow pedal ,, , .‘ll hay,' , '.. mob stop, wills willetrtlr,tho-t I , ,asstm.: Call be produced. 5..11.1 for Iliu , trat,-.11:. giving full partivular, _ V. J. WILIAM), Jal7-tf. al3 .., ,q-••r„,r t ' t l t - Pia n- u - ver, G.thl. r. :V. , 1 , Price, at. a 1,1r:0 .11,-4.1.nt Vitt live year S. .~i 11,e '—• on Baud. 1: \ , •11F-Inte jan2-if. 0-- . ~. ,_ r ,,., , pIEFINED ,ir,p'.3.;-1 MOLD ':-::',`,,, '..- '' l 77 F __-_ - __-., _ = - --- •••;,..:.., t ,c.riEmicAL:"F. , l,2 : •_, , --F; OLIVE 6 ' ' ' - ',L, - - ",!' .... 1 --""' SOAP' SOP' ' ' -. ~--4 1': , , 4 %1V E81 04, : iN22.G. C. `'.:gai - FAM.HY CH.C'EAST:E 'J . ; 1 - 1 LSOAP'' SOAP. SOP,P. ,1 ' . _ 4 „,:,.......: _.,,_,,...,_.,.:,....,......._..... ..: _ - S- P ) 1 ( i 4 /) i , , , r , ' Y•st '' ' . '. • • ME " I want-Weekly " 1 Daily Corwr of Hrtrftr[! 'Tht'l EQUAL TAXATION 11 "legal l'endors - al 0 gqo,l „,_ titer, merchant, farmv, • •-• er, and all other; WI t • they are good et, rich bondhold,r. Pay 110 THE PITTSBUII6II POs Tho only Democratic dads. M " • sylvaula, and a first-el:1;s new , p.m' the latest, intelligence from all world. full local and commercial r. 1 , • er with a vast amount of robwell is delivered to subscribers in neighboring cities and town', at Fifteen Cents per Week, or by Dollars a Year. TIIE WEEKLY POST. Circulation larger than any 11.:‘,11: 11, ' per published in Pennsylvania. page paper, forty-eight, column , ~1 t Ming the leading editorials, as r;!.. - ‘ pally Post, full reports of th , , Rump—late telegrams, cable. I, , ea! • reports, agricultural, poctiy, Ina lied to any address TWO DOLLARS A YES• Or when ordered In clubs of llN't ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY CEY,' eratle vote. All order , inn.; with the en , ,h, and no ta.,•N Lite el • front the terms giVen al mailed to tiny :Lath ,•,• of ri. the publi,her,, .1.1-, I'. 1.11. 1, .`' inl3 BEI 0.1 ..7., 1.25 ( 1 REMOVAL. s. ITUNTER ha.; ,otichot tile Deptlt,: , titRY the Autos it t t II asst Whom Ito 11:u :t vii: HATS, CAPS. &C.. &L W.trrank3l h , .... , 0131' • ' 1,11 to 111 0 1230 1 ,1, 1, It. 3 rail 11,33 1.1. (i.i 1::.2d, A:, gem rally, tu. ,, ,ut u2y 11,311 MAW 11 :I/ 14 LANK'S! MA:CRS ..—"x• meat of every kina of 111.22!0 710:, Attorneys, ita,ciee•i, cqn,tabl ,, • ad lien, for sale at thelAst rver °Mee._ _ , _ Jllf 1.,101. ; mann quantities, plain or eplor , l l . the best style, and at ututteratu Observer office. an H 1; 1;i'.‘1.1.1 0. J. WIL.L.1111), :Prz:4 • L.±aor " VOiSE- S. D. d 11. IV. SMITH'S -ui L.IIIGE ,, T IN THE M.11U;1.7 MUSIC.STORE! ~' _:.. _ El Greenbacks for Bond, gir Circulate tile rc,..t :mai; II 11 1 -71 II =I ME