The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, July 30, 1868, Image 3

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LRIE, PENYA. JULY 30, pli;k:
, Celli. iol:„Thiel.
eld‘.l to accommodate Club -and _ub
ksrs %,,ho wish to receive the paper for
I period, we have i-onelud, d to take
months subseriptir.n-. ft .au now until
,enther election The. prier -alb
.l, a win he.R.OY r,,rh 1,,r the three
and tlw paper 1.1 ill be promptly die
.,,1,;, I as soon as the time expires. At
i ate, it ought to be an easy matter
„„ , h one of our twenty-five hundred sub
to .secure at least one or two addi
,l names, and we hope to be able to
alict of live Ilniusauil before the
ended. jyl64f.
enemies of Mr. Scofield in this county
I -, up a lively grumbling over his nomina
, n hien ,may or may not result in some
g more serious. They have every dispo
mto bolt, and only lack the courage to
-e their wishes effective. Many of them
not rote for him in any event, and the
cations - at present lead to the opinion
1,, will run considerably behind the
t There was some talk at first of plac
,n independent candidate in the field,
li;i•z mostly subsided. The trouble
tr .• to be to find a than vim possesses
arse:-,try amount of talent and avails
r t,, unite the dissatisfied Republicans
the Democracy,, and enable them to
ombined athiek upon the common
111 Mr. King has. been talked of, but
that his business ninths mould
,at him from taking the ticcessary part
m canvass A.siile from him, we know
o other itellthlioan who would stand the
si pro.peet oisuceess, and the hum es
generally current among Democrats
th best thing they can do is to place
and out member of our party on the
,rod give him the .best vote possible.
The Way to Succeed.
want more' readers for the ()I)
r We are piloting our eamp_aigo
,xeeedim. , ,ly low rates, for the por
.2.etting, their into the hands of the
It the people will hut read, we are
triumph.' A Donnerntic pain r is Mr
each week, from this time to
Mill do more good than :t dozen
, ncz• Spend your money iu circulating
, unent , , instead of in music; fire-works
. l i-plAy. The latter are good in their
!, It not one-tenth as effective as sound
r. The people want reamgm for a
ANI;E ; they eau get them out of argu
-1- to t h e• specche• and articles in Demo-
Let every Deinocrat—aye,
'man, awl we have thou
in the Nottliwn,t—inttrest
:11141 , 41311 LK a ••til),(illier, each,
;het \oil rind, Ilia! their money has been
Every Inceting held costs
) fifty dollars, and !lie elreetq are
ai p 4-:, Exp,•tal half the sum
1 f)r this purpo,e itt ...a. lading Demo
ic paper to doubtlid voters, front now
and we will guarantee a largely
uised vote for our ticket in every district.
liue%tiong for the Hivale!!
1,1 or did not 31r. Scofield write a letter_
he canvas , : of IS6fl !leelaring that he had
taken the extra pad• voted to itsniembers
r.'nezrez•:, and — intended to leave the in
-,ion that he would not lA, it
ml nr (ha he not afterwards take the toll
o,unt of extra pay, nntwith•cucliug hi,
,lee to the contras•
L )id nr did not Mr. Scoth Id vote for :Chill
CunrresM to deduct ten per cent. from the
ere.t On h tho-
ow , •teiltit Ot Ilit• til•bt ?
t. not 'hi. make him ~ut-and-oitt "re
tliftwr," vffer tu.illy -p.ll Ili , lip, of his
fiporter, on that -allijeet ?
Did or did not the Bureau of Engineers
maim till the applopriations voted to
r harhor, a idyll Mr. iicotield and his
ad , have indu•triiiu,ly endeavored to
ke the people ITlie%e were wholly secured
IC, influence ? Would not the appropri
..a. lwen loted upon the endon,e
ni 0! the BureAu, I: hoot any etThrt what
,r .11 11. Scofield', parr '
to t•very one Of these ietints, the Dispatch
ft .1 a tli.Thosition to "play fast and
v.lttell may be sa4avion , =, but will not
,1 et+ lit fitr integlity. We now fie
-11.1 tl, tt it shill give explit it answers to
r . inquitit , , or 'forever after holt( its
line remember that rashness at
a a Li iited time as the present is danger
, that the greatest prudence in eating and
inking i, two :sari'. The pouring down
himor , and ice-cold water is ill 'Lang
That men grow thirsty loniar the
the , un, and even in the shadiest
natural—but it is not particularly
hiii.ible to common sense to see one plunge
io hi , heated stomach a quart of ice water,
n he iionld be scrupulously careful to
p a- drink from his horse. It may be
.oer to tt:Lch than to practice wisdom—but
illillest brain ought to comprehend that
iiier -in h temperature as we have endured
1.,t week, the utmost caution is neces
ri Above all, keep the head cool—if ex
-vd to the rays of the sun, use an umbrella,
pqt aIN et handkerchief in the hat. Avoid
tamely cold water, and be careful not to
ve,—ively of anything. In such
Itiftr thirst is increased by drinking, and
hest and safest way is to endure thirst
: a while, since, in most eases one May
liquor it by abstinence, Cold coffee and
aithout ice or with it, in very moder
, ylantitieq, are eveellent substitutes for
Tin;ifillowing is an (Airint front..a h-tter
aten by one og the leadin t.alitoN iu
•unsylvania :
"1 inu , t congratulate you up,M the sue
thathas ;Ittendc,l your :,recr in Erie.
ob , erver is everywhere looked upon nc
is of the beet, if not the very best, local
er , in Pennsylvania. Lt is' high-toned,
,terpri , ing and able, arittwhile allowing
ale to excel it in devotion to Democratic
nuelple., never de- , cends - to those petty per
and vulgar witticisms which are
P . , h , zrm e of so many of our journals of
.411 parti, • The wonder to me is, how
"'cure enough patronage in that spot of
ptim darkness, to enable you to print so
duable a paper—for a credit it is both to
and the party. Keep on in the honor
path von have marked out for yourself
Arreine turn may not like your fairness and
.I , leration, but you will have the respect of
Ivlio,e opinion is worth having, and
we your reward in due time.,,
.onnimilmion of a kind and from
, onro• i, ample recomiiense all
.•. Libor :ma perplexities tvhich We have
.1 to innkrgo in ‘ l, •a:rvinit• it.
.1 NI NIIII:P. of our itialthp (Itizeng have
:.:..mi/rd a I nnp mi .. , With a capital of $150,-
0 0 •tahli.ll Iron e,:tablish
„l !hi, pint. They have taken the
'•l:til Iron
.NVial,s:' and will eon”-
it .peration, under the general law
r,t ti,r :•- , ta'e regulating manufacturing cor
i" r.+l • ;•;01ne $70,000 of the :stock, it k
, n 1 ,dteady pledged, and the balaucc is
a.y to obtain. I ia• company pro
, "'“t, the erection of buildings
the capital stock is subscribed.
v h , :cured a site in the vicinity of
',Our Dock, where the ore and coal
( .11 I. loaded or unloaded direct from vessels,
(, i 4 lii)g one of the heaviest items of
l'Uk, entailed upon establishments in the
rior We look upon this as one of the
übilmlairt projects that has ever been
L s er city, and u ill lend it our
C9l. Nt ti. , have authgrized the Committee
on p u blicgruuu~ls to (On tract 11 , r the build
vt lu caQll of the
Tim Poon HotiE FAlnt.—The sale of the
Poor Hou-e Farm, advertised to take pl ace
on Tuesday, ha, 110'11 postponed until the
of August, a jtid u wuats Injunction
liaN he,n oht.dne tl t Itic Lily, until ,
dtspnttd 'win! Ix r thy ci , unty ba , ti;•lit
to du,po-e of the property, has becualeelded
by the Court. The argument upon the. sub
ject trill be held at the Court House on the
14th of August, .311 , srs. K Babbitt, dolor
11. Walker and .1. C. & P. F. Tularshall
pearing for the plain Beujn. Grant,
Esq., acting as counsel for the Board of Sale.
The application for an injunction is based
upon an early act of the Legislature, in which
the State ceded to the then borough of Eric
what is known as the third section of the
town plot,'to be sold for the purpose of pro
viding means to be used in securing a canal
basin in . the harbor ; rescuing one hundred
acres,to be selected by three persons appoint
ed for that purpose, for the use of the county
of Erie, on which to erect a Poor House and
House of Employment. tinder this provi
sion, the land now held was duly selected,
and buildings erected upon it, by directiou
of the Poor Directors, and at the expense of
the county. The counsel for plaintiff claim
that by the act the tract was originally ceded
to the city ; that the latter was to hold it in
trust for the use to which it was to be ap
plied and that it cannot be sold or appro
priathd to any other object, without the con
sent of our municipal authorities. On the
other hand, the advocates of a sale argue that
the very terms of the act took the property
out of the city's control ; that it was express
ly grunted to the county, for a special use
outside of the city's corporate authority ; and
that .the State, which gave the land, and ;
fixed the use to which it was to be applied,
having given its consent to' a sale, there is
no legal power to restrain the saute. These
conflicting views bid fitir to lead to a pro
tracted controversy, and the ease will Emilia
' bly go to the Supreme Court before it meets
with a final disposal,
Thu speech of Judge Scofield, "delivered
a few days since," in the House of Repre
sentatives, upon matters and things in gener
al, but Radical buncombe in particular, re
minds us of the horse-jockey trading animals
with a greenhorn. The jockey, of course,
had a good looking, but broken down horse;
the greenhorn had a good one. At once the
jockey very plausibly commenced pointing
out defect, in the greenhorn's horse, in order
to. draw attention from the many in his own.
In this in Lance the learned Judge goes on
and makes the most f; - elmbmg misstatements,
heaping, one upon another with such appar
ent candor and cool sang froid, that the un
wary would be likely to believe him, the
crafty M. C. knowing all the while that it
would take column , ati - er column, and page
after page, to :-.ty nothing of the time and
research necessary, to prove the falsity of his
as,ertions—for they are nothing but asser
tions, there being not the shadow of argu
ment accompanied . by proofs in whole
harangue—theretive he feels assured no one
will take the trouble to contradict him.
Thus, like the horse jockey, he desires to
draw all attention to the bogus defects he
endeavors to point out in the good and sound
Democratic horse, while his own broken
down nng escapes scrutiny. .( 1 / 4 , wag, a great
and leirrhai wag is this—Glennl W. Scofield.
TUE NVarren Mail does not seek to delude
its followers, and lull them into inactive con
faience, like the Radical papers of this city.
It foresees the danger of almost certain de
feat to its party, and, with a wisdom which
its cotemporaries here would hasten to imi
tate, if they possessed common shrewdness,
wains its' followers that victory must be
won, it won at all, by unceasing exertion.
The following extract from its last issue
sho - ws the alarm which the - Mail feels over
the political prospect:
"He is n istaken who supposes that the
Repul al
Ica arty will drift on to success next
i r
Fall withou an effort. Gen. Scott was very
popular when nominated for the Prssidency,
but no man suffered a more crushing defeat.
Gcn. Grant and Speaker Colfax are person
ally the most popular men in the nation, and
our cause i.; just ; but it will not do to depend
on these alone for success. We must work
for the rkrht, as the deVil works for the
Wron:;:if we would win. All the indications
are that the Democracy are to make a des
perate effort. They will he especially active
in Pumsvlvania, Ohio and Indiana. If they
can carry these States in October, it will do
much to inure s,uccess in November." 1
Tin: difference of opinion relative to Gen,
Grants habits reminds us that there are sev
eral gentlemen in Erie who may be compe
tent to furnish some testimony on the sub
ject, if they will. We refer to the commit
tee appointed in 181;6 to escort the Presiden
tial party from Buffalo to this city. If mem
ory serves us chrrectly, a number of these
gentlemen were much surprised on that oc
cassion, actual observation having shown
them that while the President refrained from
strong drink entirely, Gen. Grant could
swallow it doWn, as one of them said to a
party of his. fellow Radicals, "by the jug,-
full." Here is a splendid opportunity for the
Dispatch to learn the truth about the Getter
al's habits from the lips of those whose relia
bility it will not question. If the editor will
call at our office, we will furnish him the
names of the committee, so that he may con
sult some of their number anti ()Mtn their
e idence fin?publication, as a refutation of
the base "copperhead lies" started by Phil
lips and Tilton.
THE immortal Commodore Stewatt re
quests us to' give notice that on Saturday
evening next he will deliver a h * .lcture iii Far
rar Hall, upon the ever popular topic of
"Woman's - Rights." The Commodore' has
been kind enough to give us some choice
speciMens of his skill as an orator, and we
can n. , snre Mose who patronize him of a
literary treat surpas , ing in novelty and vari
ety anything they have heard in a long time.
He takes the ground that woman is thcnatu
ral superbir of man, but, through some inex
plicable, disarrangement of the machinery of
nature--sile'lne: become subservient to his will,
and that the time has conic for her to as,ert
her god-given right , . We suspect that the
gallant Commodore has adopted this theory
to advance his popularity among the ,ex, but.
however l that may he, he is in for the carn
paigul and will make the most, of it.
Tut: new Catholic Bishop of this dioee e,
theitight Reverent! Dz. Mullin, of Pittsburgh,
will be con , eerated in the church in that
city over n hid' he has had pastoral charge,
on Sunday nevrohe • - ld of august, and as
!.unie the antler, .(,f• his (Alice in this city on
the following Sabbath. A delegation from
the Erie church will visit Pittsburgh to wit
ness the interesting cote,ecration ceremonies.
It way propo , ed to give the Bishop a public
reception on his arrival here, but the fact
comin..; to hi, em -.4, he at Once, with the char
:tete] i tir miole,ty of the Catholic clergy, de
clined so it ttering a testithonial. Due an
nounremvirt will be given of his first sermon
in out city; and the church will undoubtedly
b.. fill( .1 to ‘,•
Demoef •ttie ( mien of Warren
County net on Tuesday of Led week, and,
after declaring its preference for Judge Brown
for Congress, nominated the following strong
ticlut Asstmbly, E. S. Sunderlin, of 'War
ren borough; Commissioner, John Hunter,
of Tidioute ; Treasurer, Geo. N. Parmlee, of
Warren borough ; Surveyor, Z. H. Eddy, of
Warren borough ; Auditor; Warren Leonard,
of Kinzua. -Orris Hall, Esq., was chosen
chairman of the County Committee, and the
following gentlemen as Congressional con
ferees: Maj. D. W. C. James, .1. A. Neill,
Albert Eldred. The Ledger says the attend
ance Pl' ci was t•:;lier than it has
been iu .some yeaN," notwith9tandiug the
busy seam among We farm=
ktth ,uutliy\Vatir
-10,,1,,,,1 tit o die Walnut Urcel,
It o\'•.l by lire on 'Monday about noon,
ruain portion of its e*ontent:
taint ,c 11 .~ tttsat ' us Abut and I•atally
wounded Franklin Pierce in Columbus, Ga.,
la-I tack, for stealing his corn. Great men
biter their little prople.
• Tim fall term (~ f the.Waterford Aarridt tny
opens On the 1i lL of August. A corp 4 of
excellent teachers has been engaged, and the
prospect. of the school look very encourat.-t
-ing. '
Tut: doubts our st.itement that
Knapp, the notorious "Wayne township thief,
is a Radical. • It can easily satisfy itself by
applying to some of its party friends in the
vicinity of his late residence.
THE Dispatch professes to "di , eredit ,the
whole story" in regard to Mr. Seofield's
"double ,dealing" on the extra pay question.
We gave the facts—now let our coterupoiary
controvert them if it can. •
THE Democrats of Concord have formed
a campaign club, with the following staunch
and active.gcntibmen as officers: President,
James Moffat; Vice President, Ileum
Heatki Corresponding Secretary, A. W.
Covell ; Treasurer, J. L. Moffat. •
Is reply to the Girard Spectator, the Crisis,
of the same placC, reiterates its statement that .
a resolution of thanks to Col. Dan Rice was
passed by the National Soldiers' Convention,
and refers to : the proceedings us reported in
the N. Y. Times of the ith inst. for confirma
tion of what it sacs.
Tnt: Brookville Herald say., the C(.ngi
Confei•ence of fixed upon Tufts
day, the !lOth of...lugu , t, at Ridgway, as the
tints and place fix the next meeting of that
body. This is the sante as , uggest,2ll by tin.
Dpnncratic Committee of our- county,. and
appears to he generally acceptable.
A lEOlcar.cotemporuryreminds its
that "during the heated-term there is noth
ing so invigorating as iced tea. .1 slice of
lemon no thicker than a wafer placed in each
tumbler, adds to the relish. This sort of
beverage iLetting to be fa'3hionahle, ami of
course everybody must know about it. Pour
tea into a goblet full of ice, sweeten to your
taste, and drink it as you would hat
JAME:, DECKER died at the n ilcnee of
his son, in. Cusse.W;l : 4o Crawti)rd
county, on _Monday of 1.1-4 ::;,rd over
one hundred and five yearg. lle alnays en
joyed remarkably zood Imaith, and only a
year or so since walked six miles in an after
noon. Last sea,on he was able to vi , it the
hay field frequently, insisting on 11 , 11 , im; to
Tiff Forest Pres:3 of weel, give, t;u•
names of four prominent Lrentlemen in lio
nesta borough who have heretofore been Ile
but will this year support Sey
mour Blair. In thin county the acct
to the Democratic rank , may br• numbered
by the half dozen in overe her diarist.
'Unless We ate greatly ini,tak , !n. the 1; idled'
majority in Erie county will he reduced live
hundred in October.•
WE are pleased to'infia na falr relders that
the Commissioners of Lille county have
promptly accepted the derision of the Su:
prime Coutt, declaring the Ilegistly act un
constitutional, and or,lcrcil the di.zconlinu
ance of firoceedingti under its prot, isions.
The elections this fall will be hell tinder the
old law, and the qualifications of voters re
main the same as heret.4i , re. The rz.npreme
Court having pronounced the De.scrter
void, all persons disfranchised by that law
will be entitled to vote withont hindrance.
. A couTLE young men who visited the
Peninsula list Week, saw or claim that thelr
saw two actual mermaids. The latter dis
appeared as soon as the presence of the young
men was known, dashing into the bushes
with wonderful speed and apparently greatly
alarmed. On going to the spot they bad
left, a pair of waterfalls, two hoop skirts,
sundry gaiters, etcetera, were discovered,from
which it is inferred that mermaids do not
differ widely in their habiliment,- from
of the sex who inhabit t tya
tow many of our .friends umkrtake
to secure an additional subscliber between
this and the Ist of September? There is
hardly one who has not a neighbor
quaintanee who might not be it to take
the itth , erver fur three months at lt.ut.
What better way of aiding the eam-e e.mld
be adopted than for eaelk one of our p:e.ent
patrons to invest fifty carts in a campaign
copy of the Oloerver for some Iwnighted Re
publican in whdm he is interested? Who
will be the first to display his zeal for Demo
cratic succe , s by adopting theLe suggestions'?
Tilt: Conference of the Metho,li,t church . ,
at ,Warren, Ohio, made the following ap
pointments for Erie county :
ERIE DrsTnrcr.—E. J. L. BARER, P. E.—
Erie Ist Church, A. S. Dobbs ; Simpson
Church, F. H. Beck ; Weslcvville, J. K. Hal
leek ; Greene, Hush D. Waltz ; North .East,
Thomas Guy; Waterford, Washington Hol
lister; Millville, W. H. Hover; .pelican, P.
W. Sherwood; Edinboro, J. th Townsend ;
Fairview, Milton Smith; Girard, Frank
Brown ; Union, J. Whit(.l; Wattsburg, .T.
W. Wilson; Greenfield and Mina, .J. K.
Mendenhall; Springfield, C. L. Barnhart;
Albion, T. D. Blinn : Lockport, W. Hill ;
Corry, .1. C. Scofield, M. C.dent.m,
Tor. I)6patch says 'Thad. Ste% en- ha , re_
traeted the views expressed in ltis speech of
which we ghve an extract last week. • The
editor of the Dispatch should procure a new
pair of spectacles to enaljle him to read more
correctly. What Mr. Stevens did do in his
subsequent speech was to defend the e 0 n:.1.,
teney aids present views wit'a those in his
previous specelleg, which member} of his
olkm party had quoted tv_:::lust him. Ile
heres to 111, plan of payin g off the bonds in
greenbacks„elaitts that he never advocated
the oppOsite doctrine, and ray.; radical mem
bers of Congress at the time ii the p assa! , e
of the loan bills bad no other idea than that
they Were pdyable in legal currency. We
regret to be obliged to correct our daily co
-1 temporary so often, but the truth hum he
hold, "though the Heavens fall."
Now, that Scofield has obtained a renomi
nation for Congress, all the Radical papers of
this Oty, even to the oil Gazette, tie with
one another in beslahhering hint with ful
some eulogy. To read their puffs, a per.son
unacquainted with the facts would suppose
he was one of the most extraordinary men
in Congress, instead of being as he really is,
mere third-rate member of that body. His
name seldom appears in the proceedings, he
holds no prominent position, anti, outside of
the district, he is not oft - en thought of and
scarcely known. There - are a half dozen
men of both parties in the district who have
wider reputations fbr ability, and are abun
dantly more competent to represent us in
Congress, than this oily-gammon As ho car
ries the Radical party of North-Western
Pennsylvania in his breet he: pocket.
CLEARFIELD county bas coincided with
the suggestion to hold the Congre , sionat
conference fit Ridgway, on Thursday, the
3Oth of August, and instructed its conferees
to support Dr. T. Jefferson Buyer us Sco
field's antagonist.
, The latter gentleman has
served several sessions in the Legislature,
and gained considerable reputation by his
timely exposition of buy
his way :nto the U. S. Senate:. lie is a man
of talent and energy - , and a unfaltering in his
devotion to Democratic principles. The fol
lowing are the gentlemen now named upon
the Democratic side as candidates in opposi
tion to the foxy Scofield Hon. Ilftsselm
Brown, of 'Warren comity; Hon. - W. p.
Jenks, ofJefferson county, and Dr. 13over, of
Clearfield. Unless an Erie candidate pre
sents hiniself, which does not appear prolt
ble at present, the support of this county
nom likely to be giyea to Juagc
WE repeat our, suggestion of a couple
weeks ago, that wherever the Democrats
have two or three good Musicians, they or
ganize singing club, for the catupaign.
interest which- such (.r uan i za ti ontt lend to
necd not he de=scribed, nor the in
creased inducements they furnish for people
to turn cut. There is .scarcely a district
where a good singing club might not be
rormcd, and tt e hope to see movements in
that dirrrii ut instituted at once in all por
tions of the count - .' We shall render all the
assistance we can, by furnishing them good
campaign zongs through the columns of the •
Tim miners still hold 0ur.,..0h their strike
in the MerCer county coal region, and busi
ness at our docks and on the Canal is - nearly
Suspended. sonic satisfactory adjust
ment b, st eared, the price of bituminous coal
must soon advancr, and people will act
shrewdly by laying in their winter's supply
at once, if it canbe olattiined. None of the
dealers bete hare much on hand, and the
supply for shipping is -nearly exhausted.
The suspension of the trade will create con
siderable hardship among laboring men who
depend on it * for.the support of their families,
besides- the inconVeniencc that will be suff
ered by dealers and consumers.
Gun friend 0. W:Gunnison, Esq., must in
sonfe way have stepped on the toes of broth
er Pain, of the Corry Telegraph. The at
tempt- of that pap a, to depreciate Mr. G.'s
qualities as, a epeater, and talents as a Man,
reads nu - teli as if actnateil by personal mo
tives, and will be v - Aimattl at its exact worth
those Arlo, know the parties. Mr. Gunni
son is one of the clearest headeirmen in the
county, a ready debater and an interesting
carnyaign orator, ;al , l stands in high esteem
fur all thea: qualities wherever he has spo
ken. When tho Telegraph chooses to vent
it- per,onal .pleen, it , hould select some pi r
son not rt wt.!! knot; n to the rople of the
comae as Mr. Gunnison.
Detr&crat , of Girard borough and
toix mthip met pa Saturday evening, and or
ga:117• a a camp tign club, I‘ith Clark Barlow,
11 , 41 „on( tho mo,t anl substan
tial men of th ,, loealitv, as President. The
club' kill hold meeting.; in Albee . .s llall
every Mho . ,saturday evening, commencing
with lip t Saturday. the of Angnst, when
is to deliver an address
upon the issues of the day. Our Girard
fully awake to the datie." of the
campaign, and will give a good report of
thein,lves in October. ,
A et: , ENT vi-it to Girard confirmed its in
the opinion long ago formeil , that it is the
mo , t de..irable place fitr a residence of any
of the smaller town-4 of this section. The
screening c.,untry is among the lt2M, if
not the very bet, in the Like shore region;
an unuHrtlalaso,ll Of tiste dittplayed in
hitting up their home, by the citiims ; and the
tone of society is as cultivated and pleasant
as prevails in any portion of the Union. The
Inarked .dways lice
hands I,f our Girard friend renders our vis.
its thew agretahle to the fullest degree.
Tuceohau:Li (,f la:t week's Gazette con
-I.l;ned a string of doggerel, el, idently from
the pen of a. "tr.oly toil" with not
only "Copperhead on the brain" but in the
t , toonfrli ; he, apparently having swallowed a
good sized reptile, which Ras gnawing furl
ou,ly at his vitals. From the filth he emits
front brain and stomaelr, we should judge he
is still midi troubled with the quantity of
"dirt" he swallowed at the time of Lee's in
la,lon. "Dirty bread, dirty pork, dirty eof
feo, dirty cups, in fact anything and every
thing was dirt, dirt, dirt." XYZ.
TUE people of South: Erie have resolved
to build a market hOuse, two stories high,
and seventy-five feet long by thirty-six wide,
with a projecting roof eleven feet in width,
and invite proposals for the construction of
the same. The location is to be on,the new
street connecting State with Peach, being
central and convenient of access. The South
Erians display af great deal of foresight by
undertaldng this_ enterprise ut the present
buiWhigs of the Matins llospital, now
in course of erection, comprise one main ed
ifice, eighty-two by fifty-eight feet and a
wing,.sixty by forty-nine feet, each three sto
ries high. They will ue of brick, with stone
foundation wall.T, - flfree feet thick at the base
and two feet at the top. Additions to the
buildings N 1 ill he made :ts the necessities of
the institution require. The contracta_ . • is
Mr. Williams, of llairdo, and Mr. Joht - F3I.
of this city, huts , üb-contraet for
the 'flagon tt'orl,..
Ose of the be,C indications of the capabili
ty of Erie manufacturers to compete with
thu-c of the East is seen in the fact that J.
Eichenlaub & Co. have taken a contract to
make ten thousand pairs of !lien's boots for
the wholesale firm of Arbuckle Clark.
The ability of the Messrs. Eichenlaub to un
dertake so large a contract shows the extent
of their establishment and the enterprise of
its proprietor , .
At.t, the Postmasters in this county have
reeeivol circular, front the Radical Commit
tee at Washington, asking for contributions
of from rove to fifty dollars to be applied to
the campakm purpo , es of that party. The
Democratic l'osum,ters, of whoin there are
five or ...ix. flare all refused to respond. The
Radicals we presume, have all "forked over"
at the word of command.
aR•c are gratified -to learn that the Key
h;-alone Pail and Tub Manufactory is meeting
Frith an enconraging patrtmage, and promi
seq to become one of the most pro - Terous
e_t:tltlishments in tl:e eity. The proprietors,
Prmnett, Law J.: Spencer, are gentle
mc,a Who titi•ill have the bet wi , lie3 of every
person in the community.
`.A. Mll.l I . 11;1" CO:llp.lny 'A :1 , organized 111
thi.; -,veeks n o, coinpo , ml
of German residents. It has been named the
(iei man Company, awl .1. .1. Rcerner
Ita , :been chosen temporary Captain. The
organization airelay numbers eiglity-three
menibyri., am! it i , propo , ed lo ir,erea,e it to
GE.I. A. %Iv - W.1:1.1.1; i 1.141111: Ll l U'i the
of l Farmei':, f0t , 21, thoroughly rol ed
and refill-M-41ot' it, i. il'.‘4 realy ttl acema
modute all who may give him a call. We
I) ,, pea:;. for (Aeorge a goo,l tra,le, as he knows
how to I“.ep a hotel. Let all who want a
goo,!, Boma like stopping place, at low prices,
give him a
THE Harrisburg State Guard regards Judge
Scofield's late speech " as the ablest definfee
of Republican achievements in war, polities
and finance yet made in Congres:." Small
as our opinion of the Rdmp is, WC bad no
idea that it mas s 9, destitute of talent as this
e,timede would lead the imblie to belie Ye.
Tug Warren.,Mail admits that the Demo
cratic ticket of that county is composed of
"men of character and standing," but thinks
"unfortunately they are tin the wrong side."
The Mail is slightly in yrror—it is on the
"wrong side" itself.
COMMISSiOnON 01: Warren county
have directed that " no further steps need be
taken in the matter of registration, as under
the decision of the Supreme Court the Reg
istry law is void. and the old election, laws
still in force." Sen-ible commissioners!
BRYAN'S Caravan andieircus, to exhibit
here on Monday, is said to be one of the best
exhibitions of its class which has ever been
fitted out in America. All the curiosity
loving portion of the community are im
patient, for its appearance.
11-itiIDILAINSOIS is lecturing, in ,the West
upon "Children and 'Marriage," which indu
ces an impertinent journalist to inquire if the
cart bacn't been put before the horse.
THE new tax bill of Congress remove s all
taxation from oil, except the one on 90.10.9
and tiva vinal wanufacturen' tn.
Tim Dispatch doggedly refuses to 'say Democratic Co. Cohvention.
whether Gov. Geary's speech was correctly re- The Democratic and Conservative voters
ported or not. The conclusion naturally fol- of Erie County arc requested taumet at their
lows that the factsare aswe first surmised, and accustomed places of holding Primary meet
our cot emporary is left in the disagreeable ing.,, on Saturday, August rith, I .`3;‘3, and
position of having deliberat e ly distorted die chow : the number of persons to ii Ldch each
remarks of our chief executive for the grad- word, district and township is entitiol, to
fication of some vindictive feeling. The fair-
serve as detested to a Convention to he
ness of our dis Position has induced us to pro-
held ;it the. Court House, in the city of Erie.
test against this dicryslitable misrepresents_ On MON MY, AUGUST I7TII, tsf;s. ~I I 1
tion of the Governor's attainments, even
it'eheZ - 1 thin, 11r, lie sol lion ~ f :/
though he is a political ant agon i s t, and bay- county ticket to be upported at air Octobti
, e.. ce
lug done our full duty in the matter, we now _
leave 4t in the hands of his immediate'friends.
esen...t.on . ,
The following i, the to ' i I
I't the case of 114 s. Itiggli whose sudden ii,: y l i i s i t e r li ct e:lFlViai t e r t ic i t s
o en i AtlV i : ,ll
i l: . : t rie ., — .l l l . , i !
death at Girard on Monday morning created District 2 .- , South Eric 2, East Mill Urea :i,
wide gossip, and sonic ill-judged comment West Mill Creek 3, Harbor Creek 4, North
n the Dispatch and Gazette, the District East Tp 7 . ) :! 3 , , Nn . y. 1 7 , t . horn' 2, G 3 ritiebl2 i,
Attorney- and four of the Girard physicians, ?" , 2 c a o n; , : d ' 3 3 1?',' 0 1 . 4 4_..h. I
.A . orth W Y ard 2 dyne Aouth.
having made a careful investigation, at the Ward 2, Union 'Tp. 3, Union Milli 2, Le
request of her friends, report that they "Mid Bcouf 3, Water Gird Tp. 3, Waterthrd Iwo 2,
no evidence of fimVplay, and believe the re- t s !?: 1 : 1 1 1 1 - , 1. 3 , i ( s' i nr, 1 1 1 . ,r d l i • i ille r l , ":- . 4"I F : '4 1 11, 1 1 1 .1 "!."ri: 1 1:
ports that she came to her death , by criminal "L .
Creek ''m 3, Conneaut 3, Albion 2 Sprit - igtield
means are without foundation." The case
affords another warning aglinst the per- Fair% iew 3.
4, Girard 'l'p. 3, Girard boro' 2, 'Lockport 3.
nic ions tendency to gossip which prevails in .By order of the Co. Committee. • 3
every community—Erie not the least among
the list Chai
OUP. city fathers have, at last, taken action
in re;rard to sanitary matters. We Think it
high time that such should be the case; fir
if something is not done soon, the utimerous
deposits of 111th, the putrid pools, and other
disease-breeding spots throughout the city,
will cause a. pestilence these hot days.
Much is said and donci in regard to fountains
in the parks. Would it not look better- o and
,c better to elcan itp a little around that lo
cality, before proceeding to increase its or
Rev. R. G. Toi.E.s, Superintendent of the
Baldwin Place home for Little Wanderers,
Thistom Mass., will address the friends of
homeless and neglected children at the Park
Presbyterian church this (Thursdapevening,
at 71-2 o'clock. A number of Interesting
and touching incidents, illustrating the work
of the -Home" will be related. A company
of 40 interesting children, who arc seeking'
homes, will be present and,,sing sonic choice
pieces of music. All are invited.
Two men have been held for trialin New
York for "defacing natural scenery," by
po.ting advertising placards on the curb
stones. Is there no late to brine the individ
uals to time who indulge in the same pm.-
lice hereabouts? What can he a: gr , oter
nukauce than the liberties advertising agenLs,
take in defacing private, property with their
bills and stencil plates? If there is no law
to prevent it, we hope the next legislature
will not fail to enact one.
Preideht has nominated ex-sheritl
Brown as lilar:dtal fir the Western District
Of Pennsylvania. in place of Gen. T. 31:Row
ley, removed. The nomination creates no
little sensation, as none of the politicians of
either party appear to have been aware th tt
it was under consideration. Gun. Brown
was formerly . ;t Denmeiat, and with
the Il.q.ublieftm: for ~M ne-years,bnt i; under
stood to is hi, !zentinwnts.
Tin: Craw Anti 1) •ino make.; the fair
pronoAtion that IC any ...tem
poraries kill the. pcei h of 11,11. C.
li. l'etulleton in th. , ir I,,linuk, it will in-ert
an equal :tin:mitt of any iltatt;.r that 111:1 he
.elected oa their , b le or thc 11(111,1 , 111, , 11 , ,n.
The offer will not lie taken up. Th, re k
Itothing editors co inuelt a, to
h ave th u r ea 014 .; , :f_4e a calm awl lair' Demo-
eratic arglimunt
Witm. wonder. never Ituv. Mr.
Day, of the Methodist church in..lamo,:town,
N. Y., reported to ita,vt , recently preaolikl
a sermon in favor of re .etting d Luring . from
its evil associations, throwing around it prop
er influences, anti allowing its int rodgetion,
.qociott aatmlement anwig religi,mq people!
WE wish that people who complain of the
want of interest in, newspapers could have
an opportunity to try their hand at improv
ing them. -With the hot weather and de
pressed titne:i, 'a few days' experience would
effectually cure them of all tendency to
grtimble iu future.
Is IT not about time that our Democratic
friends in this' city began the work of or.,rau
ization in earnest for the fall campaign?
Sc:ymour Clubs ought to be formed'at once
in all the wards. That ward will be entitled
to the post of honor tirit () , T in thin
good work.
131..,Acu bass arc more than 01 :Enmity plen
ty' in the Bay, and the fishermen are catch
ing them in large numla:rs. Most ofthelia , s
are of a good size, weighing front three to
five pounds, and a- plump att,l ftt a= a. corn
fed porker:
THE next ses , ion of Court cOIIIIIICIIO Fri
day, August:l.4th, and will last only one or
two days- Parties intenditig, to apply for
naturalization.should keep the date hi mind.
Tnn Co. Commissioners advertise for per
.tmis baying' a farm for sale, suitable for Poor
House purposes, to leave notice at their office
before August 2511.
A Tnrt Reply.
Editor Obserrer :—The Postmaster at this
place . luis received a circular from the "Re
publican National Conunittee,"Washington,
I). C. requesting him to forward $25.0) to
aid in the vain attempt to elect Hiram C.
Grant to thePre , hlency. The following - an
swer was sent back to the Washington g , n .
To Mr. Wm. Clat Chtiirman, and other
member , of the llopublican National Com-
(iemtle.inea--"your circular, dated July 17,
in which you state that your Commit
tee "being profoundly impressed with the
importance of vigorously prosecuting the en
suing political campaign, apply to you (me)
-for an immediate contribution 0f.525.00; has
been duly received, but I on "profoundly
impressed" with the belief that I can find
better use for ":1y25.110" in quite a different
direction. I have ',lto ",ympathv the
purposes of the Republic= party," a; you
presume by 'sending me your circular; hut
.on the contrary, with Chief .Justice
believe that "the time has arrived 'when
every lover of his country should band to
gether 1.1 put doWn the Jacobins now in
power.", I shall, at the November election,
(in company with leading mon all over the
country who'oppo , ocl the Democratic- party
four year 4 ago,) vote filr Seymour & Blair t
and mg: toy money and my feeble enereicsto
election. Very respectfully,
RonEter EILT.S, P. M.
Pr.llsos.u, —The Iflebrated Oculist and
Aurist, Ih Li•-ton, Surgeon to the Albany
Eye and Ear Infirmary, will make his next
regular vi-it to Eric on .Wednesday
Thursday. the sth and WI days of August,
stopping for those two days only at the Reed
House. \\e advise all who desire the sta.-
vices of a skillful, experienced and !.cieantic
Surgeon or Physician, ands one who has more
experience yearly in trealing all diseases of
the Eye, Ear, Throat, Catarrh. and Chronic
diseases of all kinds, than any ten physicians
in the country, th call and avail themselves
of the services of Dr. Liston. this skill is be
yond question.
exhibition, which will be in our city on
Thursday, the 30th inst., e.ud in Waterford
on the 01st, is pronounced by all the papers
where it has been, equal to any that have
travelled in the Union. The pert noel- are
all to be first class, the hor--weal
trained and of a superior mmlity, and the en
tcrtainmtibt conducted ‘N ith un , lrpast-ed
tere,t. A glance at the advertisement will•
satisfy any one that the ,110 W comprises much
that is attractive. A crowded house will
undoubtedly greet it in every part of the
Having concluded to retire from business by
the first of October, we will sell our stock of
dry goods at much less than 'value. We
must close the stock out, regardless of cost.
This is a fitvorable opportunity to purchase
fall and winter dry goods .cheap. G. B.
Merrill & Co., No. 8 Reed House, Erie.
You should hear the Burdett Celeste Or
gans. They are a perfect imitation of the
human voice. At S. M. Weigel's Piano
Rom, 10% State St., Witticla Block. it*
Eric., July 16, Iti63-1f
, l'orewnructl— Forearm ell
Wlth the "heated term" cotairt the•dam - er
tr that frit:lain pestileliet2.—chulera. \Vhat
untold and iudiscribable mizery it hay
brought into thousands of hou , eholds in our
anti every year for' generations past.
.spevilic and nut tain' prev , nt.ttive, as v:01
speedy and akolate curt for thi,
erLF..e is the (treat liougehi,hl. Remetie.
knon n all over the worbl a -t lt
3iit , •rs. It will l) , 1.-lovely fortify thv s.r,tum
a;43in,t the 1::; .N,ialk Choh nt , (11,,1
1 :o1(
sulituar r.omplaint, pnin
ter's chnlie, &c. 1).11. 11i5 , ,.41, M. D., Physi
cian-hi-chic!' of tic- IS. S. 11,.,pital Ship "P.lrd
con," highly rccranmcnik it for cholera, anti
u-,(1 it Ni WI Inarv^lion,
It acts Ulu! an anffel of in , ..rev in every
im,tribee. Nnld by all unkl dudes
Dr, S. B. Ilartman & C.)., Than
enter, Pa
Observer Car the Ounpaic-,a
The Olm•rser ~sill 1m ftirni , ,,hetl to cant
paign snl.Neriher , t, front this date; until tin
clone of the Pre,itlentill cauras3, at tip•
lowing low rates:
One copy, Aix month-% - • -
Five copies, six months, - -5.0 C
Ten copteß.six monthq, and an addition
al copy for the one who gets up tho
club, 1- - - - - - 11).‘0
One copy, three months, - -
Five cupid:, thrr ,unit . - - 2.50
Telt copied, thrco - - 5.( , 0
Stthrriptions may onnlnn•nrr ai arly dnle
bell% eon this and tlk ~ ..t i()il, and gill Lc
promlitl i y tvle.., the time let= t
"Wirt! four met,.l:i • -ttion, a man
may he pretty sure I,fcartitiy hu,e.42ss.
are Gold n his poe4et, 6ilver in his tinive,
Brans in - -111; face, and Iron in hi, heart. -
But for a tunic appetizer, and. a goalie
stimulant, there is reliable virtue in Planta
tion Mtn r, ,No Article ha; ever been
pow,' u• or dons nple) L , 21 all
who Iva- not already tried thi , great •101,1-
mlr:e ttu,dit3 r
stand that the Druggists anti Groi - i r:; of this
R , e6011 :no va,t quantiti, mid that
•;e.lrcely a family is witlt.ilit
31.toNot.txWATER.-1 delight .Itl toilet
for to Cologne awl it hair the
alla best. 3lannuot.h bottles ouly 75 cots.
The Eugenia Hair Restorer eclipses sll
kaulvu discoveries thy the rapiditY with
which it restores gray and faded hair to its
original color, promotes its rapid and healthy
growth, prevents and stops it when fill ng
off, and is a most luxuriant hair dre-sing fur
the human hair and head, rendering it soft,
silky and lustrous. Sold by S. Dickinson
Son, sole agents in Erie. . decl2-Iy.
Nnw Spring Silk and Fancy 'Hats, beauti
ful Coatings and Cassimeres ; also, agents for
reports of fashion. JoNrs
Abbcrtir ? rnuntz.
Discharge in Bankruptcy.
TN THE DISTRICT COURT of the ttnitol.
I States, for the Western District of Pennsyl
vania. WilliarnSiterer, a bankrupt under the
Act of Congress of March 21. laA, havirurap
plied for a discharge from all his debts, and oth
-011.1M4 provable under t,a1.1 net, by order ~I
the Court, notice is hereby given to nit creglit..r.
Live proved their debts, and .oh. r per on
interested, to appear on . (tie 12th day of
August, 80, at 1 , 1 o'clock, A. M., before S. E.
'Woodruff, Esq., Register, at his office, in
the - city c , f . Erie, Penna. to i•h,,w cause, if
tiny they have, why a- climdtarge rdiould 11.0
be granted to the b.inkrupt. And further,
notice is hereby given that the seeond and third
meetings of ere.litors of snid bankrupt, tequir , ‘1
by the 27th and*2-411 Inns of said act • will he
held before the said Register, at the sawn. !no,
and place. S. C. McCANDI,ESS,
Clerk of U. S. District Court for said Distri.
Assignee in Bankruptcy,
States for the Western District of Penn'a,
In the matter of Mortez .Newman, bankrupl.
The undersumed hereby gives not ice_of line ap
pointment as assignee of Mortez NeW111:1IL 4,f
Corry, Erie enmity, and State of Penn , Iv: nta.
within said district, win, has been adjudged a
bankrupt upon his own petition by the Distnet
Court of said de,triet, dated at Erie, Pa., July
1), 116\ M. E. DU LAP, As,,lgnee.
.lo:signec in Bankruptcy.
I State , fur the Wtstern District of Penn,yl
- in the matter of S. it, Mann Si L. Fiber,
bankrupts. The under,igued hereby gives no
tice of his appolntutent itsignce of .Thuin
Fisher, of Erie city, Elie county, and State of
Pennsylvania, within said district, who have
been adjudged bankrupts upon their tacit p, ti-
Om, by the Di,triet Court of said district, dat,d
at Erie, Pa., July 15, A. D. 1v.‘", ,, '.
at Law, No. 515 French St., Eue. Pat.
Assignee in 13atikrupt:'3 - .
TUE insTßwr COURT of the UnittA
slates for the Western In:di - let of Petim., i
ll min the mutter of James E.Wilson,banizrupt.
The unden.igned givs 01 ap
pointment as 11,,,gnee of James E. Wilson. of
Erie City, In_ the county of Erie and State of
Penn'ii, within said district, who has been ad-
Judged is hlirliclupt upon tits oc.n pet ithm by
IHdric t Court of slid tell is tohiu d t le,
July VI, A.D. 1,13%
1-lElsidtV As , h..m. P.
Atty. at 1.. w, \o. 1:2; P, itch :e, l'a.
in I3.tcik . ruplc•y.
P. D.IsTIIII2T CIATRT of the thli t cdtqat,-;
.1 for ill,. t•f Penn tt. it. IL •
matter .0 i'llitatttlt rt 4•., apt. The an
tleisi.ot•••l laaeltvgtv,,nota•k• of snti.tent
as aN•••l4a.ce of U. Minn, of Eric , t•lty. I I y
of Ent, and ,t.tto of I•••titt'.t., v:11 ton -.11.1
n - ho has been adjeelz. ,1 n IrinlCT apt itpon
lith own petition. by 1 tat 11',11 i
district, dated nt I :ro., a:N. I. A.
HENRY M. Rimy, r,
At tY• ot4 w; No. 13..11
Alisigner in Bankruptcy .
IV THE DISTRICT ('!)PITT of. the * United
States for the We.tern District of Pen - cn, in
the matter of William Shearer, bankrupt. The
landemittnell her,.hy titres notice of his appoint
ment as.4,simme or \V. , hearer, of Fr.e, to the
connt•p of I:rh , aryl State of Poim'a, a (thin
Said MO riot, who hm. !won tt , hr,lueti at hankrtmt,
upon l,y t h • I,,triet mart of
said th-trwt, dated at Fre% Pa., .1111 y 11, A.
D., I. ID•INItr Rtio.Er. As- , ovnee.
Atty. at Law No 1 I.E l'each S' t., Erie. P.m.
IsAgner in Bankruptcy.
for the Wr...tern District' of rennsylcuni,i.
in the matter of Henry H. Myers, bankrupt,
The undersigned hereby gives not lee of his up
',ointment as ussignee 01 1 11 Myers, td
Union Boro, Env) county and htnto of ,Ptiin'.l,
within the said dist Het, who has been rulludzsl
a bankrupt upon Ms own petition, by the I ',s
tria Court of ',lnd dht riot, dated itt
July l•u•'.
HENRY M. TtifiLli^,
Atty. at Law, No I tLIPL...I 1`•1e, Po
TN Trin iw....Tizi(7. - ,)l,irit,t the
for the \', •-tetti ..f in the
matter of Thomas \V. k , ,,tvr,
The undersigned hereby g o. ot
appointment as ,1,.1123-tee ocountyf t,
L'n ton boro,Et le ndmate of
within said ugh district, who lae a ; heen adjudged a
bankrupt upon his own petition, by the instriet
Court of slid dibtrict, dated tit Elk., Pa. ;
July .11.,
HENRY M. RIBLET, Assignee.
Atty. nt Law, No. tr 23 Peach Sit, Eric, nt.
J )
AsNiguee ita Bankruptcy.
- r..N TILE DISTRICT COURT of the United
I Slat es , for the Wehtern District of Pa., in 11w
matter of Timothy I'. Babcock', Banizrupt.- The
underAgned hereby gives notice of his appoint
ment as assignee 01 T. I'. Babcock, of Waterford,
in the county of Erie and State of Pollll'll,
within Faid dhdrict, who has been adjudged a
bankrupt upon his own petition by tia, District
Court of said district, dated atErie,l'it., My 11,
le6S. HENRY M. RIBLET, Assignee,
Atty. at LAW, - NO. /tt....1 Peach St., Erie, Pa.
NV-A.Trr 1 ii`47)l?,
Peach am! Sziafras Streets, bel wee!' 10th & 11th.
"'s • 4..
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Leading People.
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Extensive the Caravan,
Gigantic the Circus,
Mammoth the Menagerie
Cm t :~~ _ •1'v A'. • IOIINET \ XII, drawn by
Two Elephants in Crimson Housings.
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Every luta utaie fur 11.2 Intl .11 Ca zu ..f . GRAND
Afternoon. tow Nl2ltt, at a , .1 aP. ttt Door, at I and GI.:
P er>.ta to see all the
MarN7 - 11VGr , "V7cCIII•TZDE.7 I ..S.•
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