The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, July 30, 1868, Image 2

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    She to Otortzer.
i'IR;T~FU.IY, .TL'LY .:0, Ise~
lon PRE.-;Ii Em
nonvrio SEVMOUR, of N. Y.
Gets. P. BLUR, of MiKsoori.
CIIAELE4 E. BOYLF'f, of Fayette Co
sunvEyon GENERAL,
tV ELLINGTON 11. ENT, of Columbia Co.
IT IS NOT a mere party, triumph toe seek.
We are trying to tare ot4 country feom the
dangers which orerlaing We wish to lift off
the perplexities and the ehackles which, in the
ohaye of bad hues and of crushing taxation,
now paraly:e the business and labor of our land.
We hope, too, that we can (lire order, prosperity
and happiness to those sections of our country
which suffer so deeply today in their homes,
and in all their industry, from the unhappy
treats of the last eight years.-11(m.vm SET-
We shall publish in onr next issue the
Speech of Hon. Thos. A Hendricks, of Indi
ana, delivered at Indianapolis, on the occa
sion of his welcome home, at the close of the
vssion of Congress. Mr. Hendricks was the
choice of many of our people for' President,
- and his views, will be read by them with
more than common 'interest. We regard it
as the clearest, most logical and convincing
statement of the issues of the campaign yet
presented, and recommend it to our friends
as one of the bc:st documents they can cirou
The motley crowd of unscrupulous politi
cians,,known to law as Congress, and to the
people as the "Rump," instead of adjourn
ing, as is customary, to the first 31ondav in
December, has taken a recess until the 21st
of September—not daring to risk the riek"ety
" Reconstruction" project to stand alone
the Presidential election. Its re-as.
hlin.r in September is made dependent on
the call of a committee, consisting of Senator
Morgan and Representative Sch„tzuk—whieh
will undoubtedly rind smne excu>es fir call
ing it together at the appointed time. When
the subject of adjournment seas disete—ed in
the lions'', Schenck proposed that Congress
should meet again in October, as , igning as a
reason that the Octobe'r elections in Penn
sylvania, Ohio and Indiana might furnish
reasons for Congressional action. He was
shained out of tlds proposal by the sharp
cross-questioning of Democratic members,
who made it difficult for him to tell what
Congress had to do with the October elec
tions in those States. But Schenck had un
warily let the cat out of the hag and disclosed
the real motive for ad autumn session The
Radicals are fully resolved to carry the Pres
idential election by 11)01 meant or fair; and
if the October elections indicate that the
Democratic party is too strong, measures «ill
be taken to prevent the counting of all the
Democratic electoral votcs. C'ongtess will
probahly meet on the 21st Of September with
a thin attendance, and keep the session alive
by adjournments from tinr to time until af
ter ,he October elections. The Republicans
will then be able to form an estimate as, to
how theiltand, and they will stick at no po
politivalsillaihy which may , Cl2lll necessary
It is unneces;:ary, in this connection, to re
fer to the many outrageous- acts of the late
session, as they arc still fresh iu the minds of
the people. For the past week or two, Con
gress has been occupied principally with the
disreputable business of swearing in " carpet
baggers" and calling them Representatil es
'Prom the Southern States. In this way an
unprincipled class of Political adventurers,
representing nobody and caring for nothing,
save a raid on the Sergeant-at-Arms for com
pensation audMileage, have been admitted
from North and South Carolina, Georgia,
Abibama, Florida. Louisiana and Arkansas.
They.axe in, by virtue of the lawlcss and
unconstitutional enactments of Nordic' n
Radicals, and the latter deserve all the dis
grace and contempt that the people must
neces , arily feel for any body of on n who
could Ming 'ltch reproach on the Legislative
department of the government. -
We camnit too strongly commend to the
attention' cR rhuocratic sia•akets, naitcrs
and friends of the cane generally, the fol
lowing extracts from the last address of Hon.
W. A. Wallace, Chairman of the State Cen
tral Committee it teNely and eloquently
phlnts Out the position whir h our party should
occupy in the present struggle. Aggi ssion
must be the watch-word all along the line;
the party which allow , itself to he thrown
on the defensis cis ha . ,it l A l v a the coin _
meneement of the-ha , tle. Ilear what Mr.
Wallace has-to s:4y . •
-"Let yont• warfare be aggre4-sii e. Ib.lend
nothing. The Ibutical , in pun erase respon-
Z - blefoi the itnhappy condition of our coun
try. Charge Won them their extras - a gan ee
and their crime Demand of them an ac
count for your treasure wasted, your Union
not restored,,your race degraded, your busi
ness destroyed and your Giyernment prosti
"Lot your rallying cries be, a lloyertnnent
of white men; equal taxation currency for
THE Tribune dolefully commences an edi
torial tt ith this paragraph
"Too great confidence in the success of
Grant and Colfax we' especially deprecate.
That they will be elected, we do twist hearti
ly believe (doubtful); that they.must be eke
ted, whether the proper effort be made ornot,
we do not believe, and w e would warn every
friend of our cause and its representatives
against the delusion. It we :should generally
conclude that Si e cannot be beaten, and
thereupon confine our excitions to shouting
over, our anticipated t ictory, we hall awake,
when too late, to find ourselves badly beaten:'
We commend the opinion of their leading
organ to them.. Radicals in our vicinity who
pretend to believe that Grant and Colfax 'IN ill
have an easy victory.
VALLANDINGIIIII has v, rittcn letter
explaining the reason:, N% hid! induec,l the
Ohi,. &legation to pros Gov. Seymour's
nomination, and denying the charge of trick
ery upon the part of the latter. He says :
"As to the manner in which the rrnina
tion was partly brought about and partly
happened, It is not proper that anything be
said further, except that positively Governor
Seymour had no knowledge or intiination of
the movement till'twenty minutes previous
to his nomination, and acted in good filth
throughout, and, moreover, will go into the
Presidential office without a single pledge or
promise of any kind made to any One preci
ous to his nomination."
Tus lleorgia Legislatureitas disappointed
the Radicals quite as badly as the neg Toes of
Missis,ippi did at the election last month.
Although that body has been claimed to have
majority in their favor, on Tuesday it went
to work and cooly. elected Joshua Hill and
H. V. 31. Miller, both Democrat; and unde
viating Union men, to , the U. S. Senate.
"'Tie pity, but pity 'tie, true."
THE next regular statement of the,condi
lion of the public debt will show au 'in
crease of five - or six millions of dollars since
the first of the current month. This is a con
soling item fontax-payers, and but a fair sam
ple of what we may expect from month to
month so long as the country is under
cal rule
Tut•, Senate of the United . States was in
session until two o'clock on Sabbath morn
ing last, and re-assembled in the evening of
the same Ray. Such a thing as a Sunday
actinioxiwas unknown before Radicalism ob
tained control of the Federal Legislature.
1" - 't
Two years ago the Union was complete.
Every State in the Union, North and Saudi,
was in harmony with the Constitution. The
rebellion was ctustied-.-slavcry m abol
i,hed The Conirre , ss I rake up the Cajon,
and \\ Caikd . 1i
la - , t , ' ht yvie 111:4-1/tAlt and nut
adapted to I: re ditution: Pi o n that time
to this, there has been vonfusion i trouble and
-distress. congress did IN hat the rebel army
failed to do—it broke up the Union.
' What has been the ro..ult ? The ten 'no
elnein,g and exporting States have been in a
state of cltoas. They have been starving
while they'ought to have been growing rich
and prosperous—while they ought to have
sold cotton enough abroad to pay for surplus
goods that are now weighing down our man
ufacturers and merchants. They ought to
have aided largely in paying the National
debt. Instead of that, Congress, through
Freedmen's Bureaus, has been issuing mil
lions of rations ta , the South, and spending
two hundred millions of dollars in various
ways to "reconstruct - States which its laws
have destroyed. Its object has been to keep
up,armies at the South, and to change the
character of our Government. This work
has cost 41,200,000,000 a year. Place $600,-
000,000, the amount improperly wrung front
tax payers and laborers the past three years
back into the pockets of those ts ho have paid
that money; and it would . greatly relieve
.present distress.
It was impossible for these measures of
despotism to be extended over the South
without also inflietin. injury and distress
upon the North. Had the States of the
South been permitted to go as they were two
years ago, with slavery extingubshett and
secession destroyed ; had nut the foundation ,
of society been broken up and confidence
ruined, by despotic decrees and military poi
sessiiin, to secure negro predominance over
the white race, there would have been pros
perity there antl here to-day, instead of bank
rupey and distress.
It hag cost the North six hundred million,
of dollari, since the war, to crush out the
white race 'of the South, anti hring the ne
groes into power.
eripplel the North. It
va,4lateil the South, and ph vented it from buy
ing of IN or of lalping to pay the
&ht. •
Tic mca•nn'' of Congre. , 4 have reduccil
income:, cut 4a tlic revemw•, o f tlu•
crumult, apd Ib,• Ntilional dcht
now tithe rite of million.4-of doll irs a inonth.
Oyer the calamities of tide country, Congre.s,
men in mockery are scoffing and reveling in
the luxuries purchased by the plunder of the
people's money. They boast that they will
not "step backward" in their nor% of de
struction, but will push onward. The pen-'
plc, only by coining out from party, and
sustaining the Constitution, and preserving
the checks upon unlimited power• which it
impo.e•i, can save the country from ruiv.
'The enemies of the Democracy have been
circulating a rumour• that Gen. Hancock Wag
di,satisfied because he till not ri,ceivu the
nomination for the Piesideney, had re
solved not to support the tir ket. 1 friemi
in 3I issouri, having, heard tins story, addle3so
the General a letter of 'ramify, the response
to which L-f - gi% en below. It is jraa sta h
manly document as his friendg expemed„ and
puts to rest all ciueCtiond a , to his pof,ition.
General Haneocles popularity among the
soldiers will give to this letter :in i ,, tcre,t, and
influence beyon.l nnythin rthat Incialtiteare'l
during the ctmpaign
NEW Pito I R. 1.. Julv:l7.
S. T. Gl.o\ En, St. VI/
am greatly oblbted for your favor rat the 29,1 k
Tho,e «ho sattmme tied I do not ae•
quic,ce in tile work of the National Demo
cratic Convention, or that 1 do not s inc e r e ly
desire the election of it: i101114)(', laity try
little of my character, belie 1, lug as I do,
that the preservation of the Comailutional
Government eminently depends !au the' suc
cess of the Democratic patty ha tie contin:.;
election. Were Ito hesitate In Ills candid
support, I feel I should not onlyi.faht-ify my
own record, but c.munit a crime tezaima my
country. I on-• r aspired to the P.e-hlent y
on accoant of iny., , .lf. T m-ver fsom a ht
doubtful honor yul cc; t.tin 1, an I respon
sibilities the olv for the
Ns as, to promote, it I ec.od f
thea ountry ;Ind to rebuke they
n which had invaded ye, •
einet of liberty. n, therome. von la--
nom:col the sweat: ut, in h.a.,:em iii
on did exa.nly tight. Pri.c nat
men is the motto for the
hich 'a( are now :arm:gran. Ilad I t
nettle the Prcsidential ilotol, e,I -11 i
have considert d it a It ibme 11,1 to time but to
the principles «hint I had I,locl:timed au I
practised: lmt _hall I eerie to revere ihm--•
principh Itecaar.t by mutual political friend.
another has be. tt .tppointod to put tin_m inlet
execution Nicer, tie r:•. T,ltes.:, Sir, are
my bentimenk whateler iate?aed letrties
ma y c iv t o th e , ln.l I de-ite tit it all
may know and under,tan I them. I -hall
ever hold, in graluftl rementhranee the faith- -
fill friends ‘‘lio, bailing front evk ty -allot: of
the fai n t, t.:‘ fel re 1 the by liidr vote, an-1
other expie,,ions et - you:id nrc,h .th in c ur l
out of the C'o:_i ention, and dl do them all
justice to lklieve that tin:, 'Alt , gore reed by
patriotic mptiiCC , that Cie,: i not propos...!
simidy to agent live time 1.-4 I,a d fl.wtunes,
but to :VC aountri thromfa Inc, and
• that flit y :roll not-uffr any:id:az like per
sonal prerereni es or jt.aloush a to Aani be•
taN tin .h c m .nnl their tumid klyt!
the hone e :,) be, dear Sir, very re,pectfully
ourz tat.) S. It y. , ;(. 0 , . h.
Tine protuptnes:s with mill, It the" Demo
' ci.ttie pre-.; has refuted all Ii eAlumnies of
I the Ibuliells, has obliged ti m 1,, drop the
'record of Ger. Seymour in_ emotretion with
the New Ymrk riots, as a weipi n or warfare.
It is a boomerang, wli kit reacts inconvenient
ly. llene:2 the New York Times says of. the
"my friends" ',pee ~11, of which so many lies
and so much unconscionable drivel have
been spoitea . - Its import bas always been
exaggorated, :Lod We .11 , ) , .thl be content to
see the ea , , , „e“: cat :led e n altsiunt any efer
ence to a pltra,e It hick of itself indicated
neither complicity tt id' the rioters nor ap
proval of theirelairse. - This is what every
intelligent and lioneq matt has kp.owtt from
the beginning, tel nuts the (ALUM rent, on
our opponents of hat big attempted to defeat
Gov. Seymour a slander, and of haying
miscrablyfitiled in the attempt.
In this * con nectinn we notice the remark
with regard to Gov. Seymour made by the
Radical lietttenana Governor of New York,
Mr. Woodford, in a speech a few evenings
since in Brooklyn. "I make 00 attack," said
Mr. Wo.idford, "upon Governor Seymour as
a man. Most courteous and gentle in his
manners, cultivated in mind, and persuasive
in eloquence, his character is without spot or
Will the Ilsdieal press now oblige us by
paving a little attention to the real issues of
principle involved in this campaign ? Leav
ing "my friends," and "copperheads," and
'rebel sympathizers"_ aside for the moment,
will they give us their views as to the man
ner in which this country is to be relieved of
the burdens which weigh on its prosperity?
Will they tell us how peace and the suprem
acy of law are to be restored in the South,
and how taxation is to be reduced and equal
ized for the whole country ? Will they ex
plain to us, finally, how, by the perpetuation
of Radical power, the country can expect to
escape from the rule of wrong and unsurpa
'Von andcorruption which has oppressed it for
the past three years?
A tu.k_xur; of 36,000 votes in 1864 would
have elected General McClellan President.
This change was required in the States of
Connecticut, Indiana, Maryland, New York,
Nevada, New Hampshire, Oregon, Pennsyl
vania and Rhode Island, or au average of
four thousand votes in a State. Since that
time the States of Connecticut, Maryland,
Oregon, Pennsylvania and New York have
become Democratic, and Indiana and Neva
da will be at the next election. The Dera6-
crats have therefore the game in their own
hands. They go into the contest to win and
Will win in spite of all opposition.
The New York Express truly remarks
that the only party which present:thelive
b.stit sut tie , day i the Democratic party—
The Jat,)bins appeal to the passions of the
people cm hic ate irreNocable
Tl e .r.• eot mule in tilt: ,
, Pl,ttf,tut hut an he -tib.
tinted hy prominent Radical au thot ity. They
admit that the I lovernmont i; plundered in
t cry dirt ohm by °Mee-holders of flit rub
it- 2 ; Party ; that the reconstrurtion fitruttl, is
11111•4 mslitutional-; that the ordinary
of the Government are double what they
'tight to be ; and that, in state as well as in
National legislation, corruption is the rule
and not the exception.
The Democratic party eharge3 that Radical
corruption has endangered the safety of the
Government, and the newspapers of the rub
itig party admit this charge to be true. Not
long ago, Governor Seymour made a- speech
in the Cooper Institute, in which he made
La terrible arraignment of the party in Toner.
The Springfield (Mass.) Republican said the
t lovernor told the truth ; and that the abuses
and corruptions of Willa! - he complained
must cease, or the party must go down.
The Democratic party is resolved to carry
out retrenchment in the expenditures of the
Government, :mil refOrm in the collection 0f
its revenue , With a proper - redaction of
the army and navy, the abolitiooof the
Freo.iman's Bureau, the dismis.sal of it legion
ut Nupertluous military office-holders, and
other economical measures that the good of
ti•r• country demands, the expenses of admin
istering, the laws can be easily reduced to
100,000,000 a year at the start. To this add
c:1'20,000,000 Mr interest on the public 'debt,
and the total necessary expenditures of the
Government amount to :i',!20,000,000-3 sav
ing of :3:170,000,000 a year from the proceols
of taxation, direct and indirect.
Scaitot Stunnci Las willten the fullo‘‘ log
lettor to a citizen of Norfolk, Virginia:
SENATI: UnAmnr.!:, June 22, 1863.
DE tn. 81.1t7 I have your letter of the 18th in
reference fo the eligibility of a colored man to
Congress. I know of no around on which
In , could be exclutleil front his seat, if duly
eluted: and 1 slio,d4 woc.nic the election
of a competent repro: mtative of the colored
r.,«• to either lioo,e of Congress as a final
tll.llMpit of the cause of equal rights.- Until
lid,: step is taken, our success i, incomplete.
Vodrs truly, CILIS. SUMNER.
It will he holed that Mr. Sumner alleges
that he is willing to " welcome the election
of a competent representative of the colored
rare to either House of Congress," a inagnan- .
itnity which is only paralleled by Artemus
Ward's willingness to sacrifice all his wife's
relations in the late war to suppress the re
bellion for the welcome is limited to the
election of a competent colored man, whilC
his credentials, both in respect of color and
competency, as Mr. Sumner well knows,
would stand a very pour chance of accept
ance by a compittee of either House. No
one will believe that Sumner is sincere till
he writes a letier of the same purport to the
next Legislathre of Ma,sachusetts,
that body to elect it negro in the place of
Charles Sumner, whose term as United States
Senator (spire, ll•trch t, 3Sfi9. Tim tires
etn.e in the Sr•a•ttc of a ncg,to front Massa
chusetts would be quite as " powerful" us
that of it , netrro from South Carolina. If
Stunner is really anxious to see a negro Sen
ator, he Ix ill lose no time in urging trite elec
tion of a "Named sulistitute" to his own
Toy. Dermwralle papers are in great straits
m. ;Ind i , ut is,ime may of attacking' - Unita.
They eannot deny he led our armies to
ictory and saved the Union ; they cannot
deny his immense services to the country ;
they :moot deny his executive and practi
cal ;:enias; they cannot deny' his personal or
integrity. And so they have got up
a \ ariety tit expedients—some pitiful, some
villainous. Thus the World has been wri
ting silly nonsense rim - several- months past
about his name, and latterly it has resorted
t, tttn oil lea worthless dodge of unscrupu
lous party le or making eha'rges 01
'rite charge t 1 11 . (It n ratit 1-a c,.nfirincA
CI 1, nLati , ..on the 1,, Tlatlieal author
ity, •tuti Joarnals derive their in
form:oi it on !hi; totestion eitierly from qtteit
govt..Tr:. The N. Y. Independent, a Ttoolie-al
ii_ithet to". -i'mper, not two Ittentitit since,
mit t it t: lately been seen utunitt.taktt-,
lily -art nit; in the ktreetA WttAtitorton:"
'P , t r . . Set wittril, the I:evolution,
; , Legit- chrtrnctrr, have
i•tt• The N. Y. Trilaap• t
t Ago, I, chrta that i:raut i.a.l
hrrn , t•a in the Eva Wive Mal:Sion "so
that entlltl hardy cinnd tna. ltia
ite:q." And It, tltltl'itt iht 1,...-rlimony, \Veil
ilk4l l'lll l ll , o, hat lylt Lir,' in a -m'er'it that
Gratet " etunni st to I up Iteti.tre a hot tit.
tallinz down." Di-phtelt chtinll
tin, object to ith.vinT. floe Dentorratie vrt , i
nee. pt tI • t.•ii nett , . (1r mord'
Nltik h ,%1 ty(ra it 1:“7
org tn , nn , 1 Pavtilher, 1.3 r.
'lot: Radical; are vindly nil-dal:en if they
single vote will be won or ice I by
the rant in which they italuh:y over Got'.
S7 , ..ymout' , prim !Idea record doting the war.
The piing which concern:: the people now
io find a man tt ho ia in favor of the present
war whirlt they are waging againat the reek
le,a and Mame faetion iihielt k doing it;
to t to min the country. Thew k nn
!dionger man for that tutu Our. Sey
mour. One gin atiun is, whether the whitea
sleill role the country alone, or whetlen- they
shalt, take in the negreci to, partner , . Anoth
er whether tho people ~hull Le ta‘ed to
death in order to maintain a privileged class,
or whether they stall he if-lir - wed at an early
date 'or that !beadle' 19c-- , :nre -virmi their
pocket., w Lich . they are mot au,dalning.
The.,e are the matte; a that intettad the peo
ple, and they arc the one:, which the Demo
cratic party will tli , cua.-. • We hope no Dem
ocratic jmultal will :•pcud any time or space
in replying to intrimls shout Gov.
Seymour's or anybody elae's war SVCOIr (1 any
more than k ab.olutely neees , - - ary to keep
the truth befote the public. They have much
more neec , ,,ary and heavy bm:inet,a on hand.
As fur the Radicals, it is the least harmful
thing they can do, and we hope they will
keep up their cry about "war !worth:" front
now until November.
THE . Itadicak are fully aware that they
have no Oulu( e of SUMP , : if the people
understmd the great and vital politield iqsues
of the day. This accounts for the falsehoods
in which tiny are so recklessly indulging.
The most improbable stories are being put
forth by Radical journals from (1:1)- to day,
but they are, atter all, only confessions of
weakness. The Democratic party can laugh
at these weak inventions of the enemy. The
pr&s campaign will be one of intenst ac
tivity. In every election district the real is
sues will be explained from the stunt;),_ and
by the press, and the people arc ready and
anxious to hear and read. The hard com
mon sense of masses will decide the con
test. They will not be influenced by preju
dice or passion, but with the independent
spirit of American freemen, they will exam
ine the claims of parties and candidates. Be
lieving that an intelligent disposition to
vote understandingly prevails among the peo
ple to a greater extent than was ever before
known in the United States, we have nohesi:
tation in expressing our confidence that
Seymour will be triumphantly elected.
Tim St. Louis Times announces the names
of three leading German Radicals who have
forsaken Grant, and will vote for Seymour
and Blair. Their influence is worth thdu
sands of votes. The Quincy (111.) Herald
says in that city there have not been less
than filly changes of this bort in the last three
weeks, and in the county not less than two
tyl DEM/IMFft LAW nr.cLAttEn
licci%inu of the Supreme Court
Wc lay befot c our readtrs the tleei;nt of
the'Supl eine Com t iu the case of M'Cafferty
l i:top ret ,iu which the - under
election boatel, wcteauthotlzed to try,
cunt iet and pund,h by diNfranehisement,
elhuged it ith de,ortion from the milita
ry service of the Veiled States, is ticshired
imemeditutional and void. It will be recol
lected that when this act was adopted we
to(4k the ground that it was in palpable vio
latfon of thd Constitution, and could not be
legally enfoked. The positions then as
sumed by the Observer are all sustained by
• the kipllne Court, and We hate the pleas
ure of adding Zinc more to the many instances
in which our opinion on current questions
has been approved by the highest Courts in
the land. It cannot he complained that this
is a partisan decision, as the opinion was de
livered by Judge Strong, w ho ails—with the
Republicans as often as he doesi with the
Democrats, and was concurred to by every
member of the Court : • • ,
McCafferty i Error of the Court of Com
vs. '• mon Pleas ' of Huntingdon
GLIVei, et al. t County.
Strw,g, J.—The filet section of the third
article or the Constitution determines affir
matively- who shall have the rights of an
elector. It ordains as ffillows: "In elections
by the citizens, every - white freeman of the
age of twenty-one years, having resided in
this State one year, and in the election dis
trict where he offers to vote, ten days imme
diately preceding such election, and within.
IWO years paid a State or county tax, which
shall have been assessed at least ten slays be
fore the election, shall enjoy the rights of an
elector." The section also ordains that a
citizen of the United States who had pre
viously been a qualified voter of the State,
and removed therefrom, and returned, and
who shall have resided in the election dis
trict, and paid taxes as aforesaid, shall be en- ,
titled to vote, afterresidingin the State six
months ; and also that white freemen, citi
zens of the United States, between the, agec
of twenty-one and twenty-two
. years, and
Mixing resided in the Stale One year, and in
the el«dion district ten days as aforesaid,
shall be entitled to vote, although they shall
not have paid taxes
. Ily this charter the; plaintiff in the case
stated had the rights of au elector when he
offered his vote. He - hatt every qualification
required by the Constitution. It is true, he
tool been draftedinto the military service of
the Unitcd Stites, had failed to report after
notice of the draft, :Ind he was registered as
a de-erter, but not hiving been tried and
convicted of desertion; he had not lost his
I citizenship, under the act or Congress of
1 March 1, 18111 This was decided in Huber
vs: 'Riley, 3P. P. Smith 112. lk, was then
entitled to tote, unless disqualiffed by the
act of Assembly of June 4,1806. : The first
section of this act enact , that in all elections
it shall be unlawful for the judge or inspec
t6rs of the election to reeelve any ballot or
ballots from any person or persons em
braced in the provisions, and subject to the
dkabdities imposed by ie act of Congress of
March 3, 1803, and that it shall be unlawful
for any such person or persons to offer to
vote. "The second and third sections impose
penalties upon election officers for receiving
such votes, and upon those disqualified, as
affiresaid, for voting or offering to vote. The
filth and sixth sections prescribe what shall
he the evidence of desertion and consequent
disqualification, declaring it to be not the
record of conviction and sentence, but certi
fied copies of rolls and records, containing
official evidence of the fact of the desertion
of all per.ons who wefe citizens of the Com
monwealth, and who were deprived of citi
zenship and disqualified by the said act of
Congress. The act thus denies the rights of
an elector to all who, tinder the act of Con
•gress, have been registered as deserters from
the military service of the United States, even
though they have not been tried, convicted
and ,enteneed for the offence. It attempts
to disfranchise those who arc enfranchised
by the fundamental raw of 11Th Common
wealth, audit enacts what shall be the evi
dence of disfranchisement. It is not, it does
not profess to be, a regulation of the mode of
exercise of the right to an elective franchise..
It is a deprivation of the right itself. Ow
then, the Legislature tithe away from an
elector his right to vote, while he possesses
all the qualifications required by the Qmsti-
Union ? This is the question now before us.
When a citizen goes to the polls on an elecs
tipn day, with the Constitution in his hand,
and presentsdt as giving him a right to vote,
On he be told : "True, you have- every
qualification that instrument requires. It
declares yffit entitled to the right of an
elector, but nu net of Assembly forbids your
vote, and thereffire it cannot be, received 1"
If, so, the legislative power is superior to the
1 organic law of the State, and the Legislature,
1,..1„4,1,,1 of being tonne-Ilea by it, may moeld
the Consffiumin at their pleasure. Such is
1 not the law. A riff.lit conferred by the Con
stitution is beyond the reach of ierZiThitlye
interference. It it were not ,o, there would
i I,i. th.thing -taffie; there null he no seen
,lll V jr rosy tight. It is in the nature of a
s.s l .i,stiottional ili ant or power or or pris.ffieges
that it e.snnot l,e talon away lov any A uth,,r.
i 6. loPm Si to ilLe"tvivernatt nt. lt inv , olle' , . a -
ITiliil,iti!ai ot inturf,mioT v, ith it: Thus it
Las been held that the be-towal of judicial
lwever upon courts implies that the Legisla
tve Jiall het e \ercise it. So the gift of a
riOlt. to grant pardons t estcd in the Execu
tit l', i , a lil'ai.ll it ' the plp- , 11/ility of granting,
p ,r,lons by any whet branch 01 the govern-
MI 111. It ilai ahrnly, beta understood that
the 1 -gislature bas n 5) rower to confer the
e . liq live ll:tncitie mson other classes than
Pio-- ill Wili/in it I, :ZiVl'll by the Cton,tilli
t ion, for the descriotion of those entitled is
re lard' da: c , Olefin- all ~ 1 11, N All thece
are old: implied But the third
agriefs .
it the Com•titution i , po,pi v , an d a ft
fl i 111.11 it c. It , to l ire; that the per,ons &-
Ai: •.1 ~ , ,- '1 have tle.: tight: of an elector.
.I—embly that enacts that they
, 4all not, i the refore direetiv in conflict with
It i. plain then that the Clint article of
the Cm , titutlon i, not, as has been argued,
merely a t... - cneF,tl movi , ion (Mining the in
divuni:;lllo requisite , : to the rights of an elec
tor, leaving to the Legislature to determine
Nvlin may be cgchtdcd. On the contrary, it
is,' a 0,1-41iption i'tf (hosr who shall not he
d. Undoubtedly polver might have
ht-en t “nr, , rtva upon the Le4islature to re
•-t Het fife Held of ~u lfr,tge. Such power has
been given by the Constitutions of some other
State , :, nut the debates in the Convention
that lot toed that under which we now live,
Shaw that it .wac Contemplated by some of
the member:l to introduce such a provision
into our , . Pad it was not done, And there-,
fire the 1: , 4 - 'itt of star:v.4 . e is with us
In argument in suppot t of the power of
the Leghlrtfure to disfraneltd:e one to whom
the Con,titution h.t, git,'en the tight. of all
eleetor, d—otenved to lie dtawn from the
practice under the torau r Conmitetion, as
w e n ;t , mukr the, pre,ent. 1 m amination,
how{ ter, it N%ill be • found to have little
weight. The Constitution of 177 d ordained
that every freeman of the full age of twen
tv-one years, having retdded in this State for
lime spare of one whole next berore the
day of eleetioh tbr Itepre,entatives, and paid
piiblie taxi.; duriut that time, should enjoy
the right of an elector.' It also declared
that an elector who slit told rest ive any gift or
reward for his vote, in meat, drink, ninnies
or otherwise, should forfeit his right to elect
for that time, and suffer such other penalty
ai future laws should direct. • On the first of
11 an act was passed requiring elec
tors to take the oath of allegiance. But the
history of the time shows us that this act was
strenuously resisted as unwarranted by the
Constitution, mal.within a very brief period
it nas swept-awae from the statute book-
The Constitution of 1790 followed. It left
mit the provision of that of 1776 respecting
15ribery. But in 1799 an act of Assembly
was passed enacting the omitted provision
iii the words used in 1776. Disfranchise
ment under it was never enforced, so far as I
know; and it.conl4 hardly have been, for
the offence was not complete until the vote
vos given. Since the Constitution of 1838
was adopted, the general election law, passed
in 1839, enacted that the votes of persons
Who wagered on the result of any election
Shall be rejected, . None of these acts of As
sembly-have ever been sanctioned by judicial
decision, and they are of little value in deter
4ninin,g what the Constitution means. Uni
forni legislative practice might aid us in n
case of doubt, but there has been no such
practice ; anti the provisions of the l`cmslitu
lion any too plain to be disregardeJ. ,We
_hold, therefore, that the act of Assembly of
Time 3, 1866, could not disfranchise thd
plaintiff, and that it did not justify the de
fendants in refusing his vote.. According to
the agreement of the parties hrthe case sta
ted, judgment should have been given for
the plaintiff.
Judgment reversed, and judgment entered
on the case stated, for the plaintiff, for one
THE London journals used to predict the
success of the rebellion. Now they prophesy
the election of Grant. The wish is father-to
the thought. Nothing would please the Lon
don Times so well as continued disunion,un
der 'Radical auspices. The proposed tax on
British bondholders igauaother thorn in the
tide of the Times.
PRESI.DE.NT SET3lfillt is 57. Tice-Presi
,•n1 Blair ,;-1.;. •
ANNA DICKINi-o's is not going to take the
stump for Grant. She says his nomination
by illy Radical party stumps her.
Toe Indianapolis Zukunft, the organ of
the German Turners in the - West, refuses
to support Giant. It iq a Radical journal.
-Mus, LT.eortiis fulfilling tier thrcnt of
felting the country if tlrant Ix-ILA put up for
President. She can come hack safely after
Tae New York Radicals who raised pOO,-
000 to compensate Grant for bidng President
will have to double the pile to' compensate
him for not being President.
In• Grant gets as many votes as he sacri
ficed Federal lives in his military career, be
will not run wren' iltr behind his Demo
cratic competitor. 1
Pat. returns of he late elections in Or,
egen ., have been received. The vote is the
largest ever cast in the State, being 2,130
over that of 1866. With this increased vote,
the Democratic majority is 1,209, showing
that Oregon is sure for our ticket in Nov
1 ,
Tin Republican party is now Playing its
farewell engagement. This is positively its
last appearance before the AnieriCan people.
The closing act, like that of other menager
ies, there will be a grand ring performance
of a monkey on a pony, with a, tumbler of
whiskey in one hand, and a star:apangleil
banner in the other.
Tin. following State eldetions arc yet to
occur this year:
August 3,Ken May ; August 13, Tennessee ;
September 1, Vermont ; Sept. 8, California •
September 14, Maine; October 13, Nebraska,
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, lowa ; Novem
ber 3, West Virginia, New York, New Jer
sey, Delaware, Maryland, Illinois, Michigan,
Wisconsin, Minnesota, Missouri, Kansas, Ne
•vada, 31ast-achusetts.
Ttm St. Louis Democrat, in noticing the
arrival of General Grant in that city, says,
"it is his wish to escape altogether for a time
from the weariness and care of public affairs,
and to enjoy a season of relaxation with his
family." it is not the intention of the peo
ple to increase the amount of public affairs
entrusted to the care of General Grant and
Id ,- season of "relaxation" will be -materi
ally lengthened aft6r the November election.
TUE New York Round Table, a literary
journal with Republican tendencies, makes
the following admission: •
"If we closely compare and weigh the two
present candidates, Grant and Seymour, and
are able to consider their merits apart front
political bias, it is impossible - to deny that
the latter, by natural intellectual powers, by
education, by social culture, hy'experience of
public affairs; is infinitely the titter man of
the two to be President of the United States.
THAD. STEVE Ng predicted that if Impeach
ment failed, the Radical candidate for Presi
dent would ho Nuominiouslylicaten nt the
election ; and John. W. 'orney, in
one of his '!Occasional" letters to the
declared that unless Andrew Johnson was
rembved, the Radicals would not carry six
States.. We believe the predictions of Ste
vens and I•'orney will conic true, not solely
because impeachment has failed, but be
cause the people are sick and tired of Radi
cal rule.
Ton Radical newspapers generally appear
to think their readers have no sense, and
that it is only necessary to abuse the Demo
cratic candidates... Thurlow Weed, the
shrewdest Republican politician in the coun
try, entertains a very different opinion. Ile
says. in the New York Commercial:
"Govtmor'Seymour is not to be beaten by
being called a copperhead, or Frank Blair to
be distanced In the race because he is called
a revolutionist. Ridicule Seymour as some
Republican journals may, he is the most pop
ular man in the Democratic party."
Tut.: New York Sun, a leading independent
. paper of New York, speaking of the shame
less lies now being circulated by Radical
journals in regard to Horatio Seymour, is
forced to caution them that their falsehoods
will be all exploded to the great ultimate
damage of their party. It says :
"We trust that in .common fairness they
will not attempt to conceal the fact that dur
ing the same period-,Governor Seymour
promptly furnished all the troops 'balled for
from the State of New York, and even re
ceived the special thanks of President Lin
coln for this timely aid, and for the cordial
feeling manifested in his communications to
_the National Government.'.'
No wonder the N. Y. Tribune is in such a
rage. Its party have forced upon it a candi
date who in the opinion of its editof-ih-chief,
is bound to be beaten. Greeley-, in the Tri
bune of November 7,1667, thus discoursed
concerning the proposed nomination of
"The war 'being over, we can no longer
carry elections by reading - bulletins of Union
victories and exhorting the people to 'rally
round the Plug.' And those pushing Gen.
Grant for President will land where the
Whigs di.l with Scott in 185'2, if they are al
lowed to have their own way. They utterly
inktahe the time of day."
Tim Pitt'.burgh Post i•ays : "We have it
from undoubted authority that the hands hi
one of our I.trgest iron mannliteturingystab
lishments, numbering between four and five
hundred nwm have determined to vote
against Grant and the bondltiilders this fall.
Heretofore, there have been but few Demo
cratic t 'voters among them, and whenever
Pittsburgh had a Republican demonstration,
the men and teams of said establishment
took an active and prominent part. The
workingmen art , getting their eyes open.
They can't sec the justice of toiling from
year to year, receive their pay in greenbacks
and pay all the taNes, in order that Wild
hoick-Ts who are not taxed, may be paid in
. .
AN exchange says : A gentleman from
Illinois infitrined us the (Alter day that after
the Chicago Vonvention hi inquired of one
of the principal dealers in Grant medals in
Chicago how those tokas were selling.
"ell, sir" replied the dealer, himself a
Radical, ',`either General ;rant has no friend , :
or they are all the—Cl(lest set of friends
p 4
I ever saw. These meda don't sell at all.
Nobody wants them. Yo can't give them
away. I thought I should tpe r
m unable to sup
ply the demand, v
, but as yOu'e, I have near
ly the whole of lily stock on hand, and the
probabilities are that I shall continue to have
them': Such is Grant's popularity. Iles
anybody seen a Grunt medal, or heard a
spontaneous cheer given for hint? We.ll:llNe
for a reply.
Tan New York correspondent of the
Louisville Democrat has had an interview
with Judge Chase, who is thus leported :
"As to the resultin November next, he
fully expresses his conviction that the
chances are decidedly in favor or the Delm
er:lir nominees—provided there is noeheat
inLr round the bo.u•d. The Edmunds Bill
regulating the Southern electoral votes, lie
looks upon as a foreshadowing of tinitplay,
and the Democrats are advised to keep their
eyei on it accordingly. Blair's letter he says,
is simply up to the exigencies of the times.
Ile sees nothing revolutionary in it. On the
contrary, he is.inclined 'to think that it aims
to stop the revolution, which the admission
of carpet-bag Senators is undoubtedly work
ing in our form of government."
Timm is what the Milwaukee Wisconsin,
a strong Radical paper, says of Governor
Seymour :
"The nomination of Seymour, under the
circumstances, is the strongest one that could
have been made. He is a gentleman in his
address, most popular and winning in his
ways, and has secured thousands - of warm
friends by his personal attractions. In truth
be Is a winsome man, and may be considered
as respectable a representative of the modern
Democratic party as could be obtained in the
present exigency.- Personally we have
known Mr. Seymour for many yours. In our
early life we saw him almost daily, and we
have nurtured a strong esteem fo r his . genial
and gentlemanly qualities, and fi ir the credi
table Manner in which he appears in all pub
lic positions."
Tan following paragraph front the Macon
[Ga.] Telegraph shows that the Democrats
of the South have resolved to "mal . .e a virtue
of necessity," and get the best they can out
of it.- Negro suffrage being fastened upon
them in a manner-which they, cannot resist,
they are going actively to work to turn it in
the right direction :
"Hundreds of colored voters were • the
Seymour and Blair procession, in Macoklast
Wednesday night, and thousands 'nwre
cheered it on with tight good will. The
talk about "a conflict of races" is all stutf.
The Democrats in this canvass arc going to
illustrate not a conflict, but a co-operation of
races. We mean that somewhere between
four-fifths and nine-tenths (1 the Georgia ne
groes shall vote with us, and by our side, in
this election;
,and we mean in this to do not
the slightest violence to time negro's inclina
tion. He shall vote'as he,• chooses, and he
shall vote for his own best interests and hap
piness. We notify all carpet-baggers and ad
venturers at home and abroad that we intend
to try conclusions with them on this point,
and help themselves if thily can. The vote
of Georgia this fall shall be nigher a unit
than it ever was before. *The Radicals shall
get enough of "manhood suffrage" in Geor
gia to satisfy them for four yearg at Nut"
MAY; easily 'Radicalism can he beaten at
the West, where its real strength is, if any
where, is shown by the thoroughly fright
ened Cleveland, Ohio, Lcader, which says:
"The State of Ohio was carried lot the Re
publican party, last fall, by less than three
thousand Majority. A change of one vote to
the Democracy from the Republicans in each
ward and township of the State would wipe
out that majority and give the State to the
Democracy. Let Ohio Republicans ponder
this. Let them consider that they are as yet
by no means out of the wilderness."
TitE Morning Post, olio of Philadelphia's
most enterprising Radical sheets, gives up the
.fight in the following strain:
"The national prestige of Grant :ind Col
fax, the'soundncss and equity of Republican
principles, the political speeches of eminent
statesmen, and public processions; and
weekly meetings, will not alone be sufficient
to carry Pennsylvania, New York and Ohio."
If those influences will not• carry thoie
States for the Radical ticket, what in the
name of all that is reasonable will !
THE ;New York Times tliep.) is getting
out of patience with Congress. It appreciates
the fact that "the time is past when gong
beating, and much shouting, and fierce gesti
culation will enable the party to achieve
great victories." It tells Mr. Butler and
others that "such tactics served well some
time ago," but that the "Republican party
must make up its mind to an entirely differ
ent mode ,of carrying on the present
Hor. SAMUEL J. RANDALI„ in accepting
the Democratic nomination for Congress in
the Pennsylvania First District, said that he
had as perfect and entire- confidence in the
election of a Conservative President as he
had in anything that is to occur in the
"Ills the representative from your county
arrived yet ?" inquired a federal officer of a
gentleman breakfasting at an Atlanta, Geor
gia Hotel, a few mornings since. "Wait,"
replied the gentleman, "until I get through
my breakfast and I will go to the kitchen and
THE Democratic party is now thoroughly
united, and is daily, nay hourly, receiving
accessions from the moderate men of the "Re
publican" party. The day of our salvation is
at hand. Only let' Democrats work with a
will and success is certain. • .
GRANT when be was nominated at Chica
go, didn't! answer much, and the people arc
likely to conclude, long before November,
that he won't answer at all. -
GEN. GRANT will be as thoroughly tanned
in November as he would ever have been if
he had fallen into one of his own vats.
Wiunie Wide-Awake" hauled over
the Coals by one of her own sex.
0 " Winnie Wide-Awake " \Think;
Wide-Awake!" what a fool you made of
yourself. You tried to be smart and sue•
ceeded in letting it he known how stupid
you are: This might have been known be
fore, but you have added to the testimony.
House cleaning, oh ! You Would rather rev
el in-dirt!—no doubt of it—and then shame
on you to publish to the world that youe
wife is, or leis been partner with you in this
feeling. "Bedsteads redolent with defunct
vermin ; " " old chests and drawers draped
in membry of departed spiders." ,Out upon
such vile slander—or if your own indolent'
slothfulness has prevented - her for a time
from being as tidy as her natural disposition
would have induced her to be, give her credit
fir arising in her might and shaking off the
incubus. And then, your own confession,
" cellars vomit their odds and ends of apples,
potatoes and other edibles, reeking with rot
tenness!" Who was to blame for this but
your lazy self? Why do yon hot keep your
cellars clean, as you ought? The health
committee should be after you .with a long
stick. And then, to cover up you! own neg
lect, you slander your own loving ll•ife by
publishing- to the world that she has "tt
tongue like a porcupine quill." Yes, indeed,
your own confession shows you had ought to
be compelled to "shrink into corners with
the cats."
Then you give the lie to your charge of
her "frowzy hair," when you declare her and
daughters' industry•, and trying to clear Up
after your nasty self—very likely slimy tobab
co juice and filthy dust of your pipe—by
holding " high carnival over the tub of wa
ter." •
Now, you self-accuser, forever tiller this
hold your tongue or rather your pen : try
not to pervert Scripture to lie in your behalf,
hut rather acknowledge that you have a wife
that " The heart of her husband doth safely
trust in her ;" "She looketh well to the ways
of her household, and eaten' not the bread
of idleness." Yours, trustfully,
LivEs.—ln the campaign from the - Rapidan
to the James, Grant had three soldiers to
Lee's one and 12,000 over, 222,000 to 70,000.
Grant used up six times as many men as
Lee and 3,000 over, 117,000 to 19,000.
Grant used up as many men as all Lee had
and 12,000 more than half as many azain,
117;000 to 70,000.
Grant] used up 53 per cent. of his entire
(Ines% tee used up but 27 per cent. of his
This wasteful butchery being thiMied,
Grant was still far from conquerin
tagonist. They had yet to - meet in front of
Petersburg and Richmond, where the deadly
game of swopping otf six Northern soldiers
for ono Southern soldier proceeded till Lee's
inferior force•was used up. Would that be
generalship in checkers?
OEOROLI. newspaper speaks of a gentle
man in Bibb county, in that State, whose
wife has borne him twenty-two children,
anf . whom are living with the parents still,
in perfect health. Another gentleman in the
same county has been twice married, and has
had twenty-one children; while another, who
has been married only fifteen years, has
twelve. i'These figures make one think of
the good old times in this part of the country,
when families of trout fifteen to twenty chil
dren were the rule, and not the exception.
Luxury, and time requirements of an elabor
ate civilization, seem to he at war with the
multiplication of -the race, and to be more
ellVctual in thinning it out than famine, war,
or pestilence, to all which scourges Georgia
has been exposed during the past few
pen of Sir S. W. Baker, 31. A., F. B. G. S.,
and published by 0. D. Case Co., publish
'ers, Hartford, Conn. This book is one of
thrilling and authentic interest, is full of wild,
yet real aqtventUre, and goes far towards an
explanatiofi . of all tl-a ,mystery hidden and
coritained44l the wilds of Africa and Abys
sir+, and along the memorable Nile and its
tributaries. c The book contains 608 pages,
21 steel plait engravings and a munber of
maps. It is of rare value and should find a
place in every library and parhir. Agents
are wanted for the book.
A nEsoramoN has been introduced into
the Methcatist General Cenference condemn
ing the usqof tobacco and shutting out from
the ministry all persons addicted to the weed
in any form. The liberal and enlightened
spirit of this proposal cannot be too warmly
commended. As soon as it passes, we tnist
that Rev. Mr. Bingham, who offered it, will
draw up an Eleventh Commandment to the
effect that "Thou shalt not smoke," and will
take immediate measures to close the King
dom of Heaven against all sinners who take
snuff, drink tea or coffee, play whist, check
ers, crnguet, or base ball, read Scott's novel's
or smile on Sunday.
AnvEnTtsmo has entered into a new, de
partment of commerce. At,Cheyenne, The
railroad terminus at the base of Rocky Moun
tains, a hand-hill was extensively circulated
on Monday with these words: "Ten tar
some women just arriv-ed from New York,
can be seen at the Grotto this evening.," the
"Grotto" being a notorious gamlding and
drinking place.
THE belle of Portland does the cooking
fur her father and mother, and in the after
noon drives nut with the finest span of hor,es
in town, thinking it an honor to be ,able to
Prepari a meal of victuals. This her sister
belles declare "shocking."
A JURYMAN' was asked whether he hail
been charged by the pre , bling, intlge. "Well
Squire," said he, "the link fellow that sits
up in the pulpit and kinder bosses the crowd
gin us a talk, but I don't know whether he
charged anything or not."
IT is stated that an entirely new Fenian
organization is to he perfected m this country
on the same basis its the political secret soci
eties in Italy, which will absorb those now
in the existing circles whose honesty is un
WHATEVER may be the end of man, there
can be no doubt wlien we see those long
trains gracefully sweeping the floors and
roads, that the end of woman is—Dust.
A GIRL recently entered a prominent pic
ture-gallery and accosted the operator with;
"I say, how long does it take to get a photo
graph atter you leave your measure ?"
3IosrANA is overrun with titled colonists-
A gentleman, writing from there, says he was
introduced to fifty'eplonels in a single day.
TRH Emperor and Empress of France are
'announced to be converts, to a certain extent,
to the honueopathic system.
amid flottrro
lualluble In cul rtcting rcgulat it 4, I. !not -
lug Obstructions 61 tho Monthly 'Turn, nom
whatc.ver caiikr, mot Away.
titili PILL IS A .DusE.
Females peculiarly situated, or tliose s pp.,-
ing themselves so, aro cautioned. against us] int
these Oils while In that condition, lest they in
vite miscarriage, after which admonition the
Propriet3r assumes no responsibility, although
their mildness-would prevent auy nib-chief to
health; otherwise the Pills are recommended
as a
for the alleviation of those suffering from any
irregularities whatever, as well as to prevent an
increase of family when health will not permit,
It; quieting the nerves and bringing la 4 k tie
"rosy color of health" to the chrek nl the host
Full and explMil di recinals accompany each
Priced per box, six boxes tr,. Sold In Erie by
WM. NICK d: SONS, druggists, solo agents for
Eric and
Ladles by sending them .51 thrwigii the Post
Office, can have the pills sent (confident tally) by
to any part of the country, free of po,tagr.
Sold ab,o try* E. Ifazeitine, Warren; Hoff
man & Amin C"rry; Callend , r S Co., Mead
ville; C. C. Vital & Co., North Eatt ; Jewett &
Wrl4lit, Westfield. •
xnr2l'6 , rl y
.1r11) ;3blicrtionlunts.
fiz-Atlverthietnenlq, to ,eetire InNorl lon, nn ,t
be handed In by 9 o clock ,H 1 Tlntr,lay worn
trig. All advert Lsements will be Contlnn.l ;vt
Vie expen , e of the advertker, unto, ord. red
for a specllled time.
• •
Teachers' Sennuary.
A. S. ABBEY. Prlnelpal.
Miss B. A. SlllTll,Preevikt .n I T. aL 1.... a
Tertolier of Fr..ach.
Fall Term (I , en s Aug, 17, Clowi Nov.
20-11 reek~. Tuition Irma :I to . ;:••r. Freneli
nod German extra, enell I:cr fuithor in.
Watt ,rforti, !„) , I y ;0-.1
1 -3 15131..1C
or THE
Poor House Property !
BY N . AND IN' , fi."1111.:
1101% cis cool. m .1 by lire At t of the woe
ral Assembly of Ihe Common ealth of Penn•
sylvania ent-t.'ied "An art SU:ill:IV/I - I.:4. I 11, Court
of Erie Coun;A - to appoint a th,tri fri 1 , 011 to
art In counetlion with the Commis -loners of
Erie county am! tia. lat a tor, of Poor of
said county to sell the real estate 01 the Poor
/MUM' and u , o the proecs .1, in puielee-ing laud
and erecting buildings lOr the Ill••• iii the own'
of said county," at3pistvcii the Lit It day of March,
Plet4, by the 'Board ot commissioners tor t he coun
ty of Erie, renusyl% auto, the,Lioardof Directors
of the Poor and of the llouse of Elophr„.inent of
the county of Erie, and tsatnuel tI, lirotherton.
specially appointed by said I out 1, t,7 tuts e OI
still Act constituted a Board to sell the land.
selected, reserved and °erupt( I la - t be Iv, of the
Poor fur the county of Erie, which land Isiora
ted on the Ridge Road about four
miles more or Into, southwesterly from the City
of Erie,odescribed as follow 4, to wit: COM
mei:lcing at the qoutlitst ,t cornet of the lands
known and called the third sect ion of the town
of Erie at a post, thence north '27 degrts.s. v.t•st
L)111- hundred and thirty-one and one-Lail pc r
elies to IL prat; thence north G; degrvo,, east one
hundred and twenty-one and se‘t a-V:lth per
ches to a post; thence south '27 degrees, east one
hundred and thirty-one and one-half perches to
n post; thence 'westwardly onell unfired and
twenty-one and seven-tenth perches to the
place of beginning, containing, tine hundred
acres of land. The said land is bounded on the
south by the Ridge Road, west by Pools 01 .1.
Evans and north anti cast by 1311 d, of M. War
;The buildings and haprovementson tho said
land are as follows, Yv wit : OID• large two story
brick building, now, and heretofore, used as a
Poor House; otto wooden building erected for a
Hospital ; a wa , .11 house, bakery, a:c., and t
barns, a nice thrifty °rebind, grapes, chetrie4,
At fameetimf of the sald Board hold at the of
'flee of the Commissioner; of 'Erie Coul4N-, on
June 17th, 1,9 . 41, all the metnb , •rs being pnest
It was resolved by a majority of the members of
said Board to sell the said heretrib.•fore-des
erlbed Poor House Farm at public auction, on
the Court House steps, In the city of Rt ie, to the
highest and best bidder, on Tuesday, July
P.M, at 2 o'clock P. M., will eh •aid sale will then
and there take place, of winch notice is hereby
- Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase mon
ey in Imml, and the balance in two (dna! annu.
'al installments, with interest to he paid annu
ally, to he -reared I,y JutigThent 11 , 1.111 , 1 titort
gag, cot the pr,
' W'l. it. WEED.
Director of Door
Erie JIM , ' I*, I.N.
The above gale ig postponed to Toe , day, .ku.r
TAIL Is4`, at 2 o'eleek, P. M.
By order of the Br.a:
Any porson having a fum tot
tor 1. 3 ”0r Ilouec Farm. i, Itorehylnytt,lmu,e
nutter timmof at the cmunn, , mner,
tore the-25th day of Au:l - ust. A. D.-
number of acre..., Inky,'
L. r.. LA3III, Pre-t. 3r. II ARTLEB, Vie.
JEO. \V. ('OLTI )N, Sven. tau
ORANGE Nonr.u, W. A. tiAJ.II2:Ar rit.
l'itFzicorr 31E - rcALF, hEL 1 N 3LA.liviN,
Jon?: If, 31. cilti;woLn,
1.71tA5: 4 (.11L1 - ItAFF,
G. IL DEI. kn.% LE::,
The a 150,,, institution is nom,' fully orirailliteil
itild ready for tin• tran~.u•t ion .1 b.inkiwzorcra
Lions, the room with r the stone Batik,
COII.7.;Ell of ST.\ El (I IFF II 54TT: F: PITS
A Capital Stock of i 3100,000,
with the pri‘ swe;etcif II:are:1st:14 tohalfa
Loan, auQ (1140ounts imr
elmses made or All II ind 4, of
TTo lire ett izeng zenerally this Bank
an exei tient opportunity' 'for 1:1)"i nit h !hell
stnall .aving , , a, interest will he allowed on
DPpo , :its or !One Dollar or L'i»vardN.
A special fLa,ture of the Dank will he the re
ception, safe keeping; of all kind., of Bond,
and Securities, Jewelry. Plate, rr which a
large FIRE AIN vAL - LT
ha., been carefully provided.
l'ersens having any property of thk character
with they AVI•li to depo-dt iu a a ore place,
will lint thigSeature worthy their attention.
The Singer Manufacturhur Co.'s
Noiseless Family Sewing
31 C I N S.
The undersigned beg leave to announce that
they have recently opened rooms In the city - of
Erie, where they wilLheep on hand an ns,olt
tnent of the above
FAMILY & 3t.c:cur.v.-runrca
Superior Machine Oil.. Needles.
delivered, ;Ind '
three years. 111 , , tructions „IN - 011 free.
Salo rqi,nis rear of ti.len,hin chin 's Clot hilt,:
Store, IZI2 State street. .1. F.. k
, Agent:, for Erie County.
Static Street Property for Sale
A 'I" A U C 'l' I 0 N.
TILE TWO very• t•h ~~f~•e
1 , . 1, , itnntt•d
on the lt•r.t shie of State ,trta.t. (north of
Tent•it It.), e 111 be ~hl publie au. th e
Court House in Erie, un .
Wednesday, lug. 5114 at 10 o'& I.i a.
These lot.; :ire each twenty f, et U two in
ches in front, by one hundred and forty-,even
feet hi depth, to a palate al!..y vts,:h4,oo f o .t
Wile. whlgh exk nits throthzh iron, .Nintli to
Tenth greets.
One-third ,•aah; remainder payabl, in two
annual inStalliletlLS, \ interest to be seenred
by mortgage,
j)ItOPPSALS will be received up lo August
160, for the construction of all Iron liridge
ott 6th Strbet, over the Canal, al , o for abut
ment; for the same.
Plans and specifications to be at the of
flee of the City Engineer.
tOM. Ep .fr.;
J. 0. BAKER,
Street Committee.
G. NY; F. *nEIoYLN, City Lu - gincer, -
S. I). HOWIE, Solo Propi irtor,
tit.µ• York
It open:. Nvith
WM. A. GALIMA rrit,
Agent for the Io
,) /let° ,A*11;"
13~rhn~ 1 {i'- ('fg7lap
II.11t1) 11311:s: 11.11:111ritiv
pricestale Come
1824 P4'nell SI ri•el, .nwr
For part Irnlar; It.i.
crone in Mitt SOP our
Reduced Prices ou rear:
fel4-t C.
(in Strc , t,
St reet ,, ,:i t!ontl , tore ,
le.. Lot 71:': %VA leo, to 1" LE , •• , • ,
of Thy.: fruit trees ~ 11 !ot. ;* ••
I. T. l'rif•t• 1.Y.1. , Tenn, rn.
Tlll . d ue two story, twitter!,
brick klwelltinz on liiUl stri
Bllrtoll A. I Store. P,,,,'•
the rear of Lot.
• •
• •.
, •,,
bit U.ite ‘-`,,
of 10th. Lot 6.5x170, effir o l4 ,
choice he.arlthit lingie Vile
re It ell house, IYitc ..,„
the 11011`... . -•
oN PRIVATE 111'31-
W. , liuntl,r
oiler cu , lntrier,-.
our No.': Reed
my'll-t it_ YL , S Krj,
Nervier F I exi hi e Harm
it li.lloWil eitiLtAlS p.
rt... 1: Ft , LIAMV/NG 1 t)11 - \
LETTER Flt.O'3( GF.S. s. .
hereby et rtify that I havt• u , . 1 the. ti • .
Flexible Harrow;' the right of ti • •
County is owned by Capt. John fi \V. „,..
Ilmt that I. ean rtecomplidi iinetbir I nr
this lunch:lie than with any wt.: 1•
onalntt d with. It combine, 11„. •
lightness, chearm.-,
100.1. p. rfect lion ow 1 !hive i ler
caul be easily vilantt....l Int o a ,
and tiny boy hirg.• 11011 , ..01
and I.the it
gethi r again. 1 mmt idteei fully • .
tor (11011.1 S :11111 nip/
chine • as I t o t ,: , ice it aito_ti tl.. rlt
tun.. ri •I: i. meurred te.
buy,: t. iii lt,vt• amp', op,, t •
' !wt.: Hr. itl4 tot 11. 1 11:.`
;did it hirm
JnilS It:If.I.PATIV,
1,1•:1 Dn.
11.0 11,4 AVI:11,• ,•
r ;NV at the trial oil the hula
On the 1•411 11:1\ • 1. , , 1%, .
that I believe It to 1,,•
tnent of it, 0.1, 0 and qui • v0r,,,,
t inn of all wle,
lt, tlextlallty—u h,. h
ly to the ..urface
ever rouAlt or Un,•tl u it may 1,.
much impoi tanee, :OA on ,
this hoar II:; tor..
other r. vulrr In I:- . v.l
will he th..l,
tiler, and u ad,
hill:; it into 11 , •ral Irn 1 , i.: •
ut tht-,1 Mil I CY,V- 1,1 11..
41 :In I
‘vin., 14, .13!
i• 20.1•1 , 11 WI 1. , 11
W. I , i. 11.,11 4..1.11e Not
fit_•-: •
!;.; P I 2's" '
Pat. Self-tle;iring Coolie
A Neu - =A Creel:A:lmplement,
To Prevent elogain; . when Nowlin: NI
hie or Clover Laud, or Plow ht.:
in CoarNe Manure.
PATENTED WI IC THE 1 , 111, 1.. ,
P0.q1 , 1 th.. :,•,,,
t...,1 , .:1.‘ •
i . This D. . ~ r
t -.--- ,
1 ,ii..t ry '.':,rs 415:
. , ' opernti , _ , ll ~: •a, :
1 _ . g .....g.....,
A' -• Pat , nt 1',..-
- ,,_-.41... --•,,, ()minx u. y, ,
unit. r a I.
n ,
,„ :, . it • ‘ .
It . ••Ir i• '
:Ind I cf,D. , ,,!. - : ~
t , l- l ill . : -. i' __ ft. et fin! , -...• '
tlnunily rd •r, ••
. - in.11, , u , ...ti-r .. tt: 1.,'
1:. I:. This :
.tihuiitt ".I y.tir Nclf 4
bought 1.1 , t f.tll, 11l vt•ry r•
11/111 , r 11. - ac)
t lint in baraly 1401 , 4,1, ::.I I
p4•rfN t tinn , z, hit i etiuld ,
rtea,,d ..I..pithlLT to um L z t: r :
:1. , I , II zuilibl% 11:4• 1v114 , 1t ,w:; •w••
rota! , I% I Certainly NVOIII , I no' in ,uthoc•
rot my lartu for tlir,,Tll,l
- truly, DE 1N l: i 6
. •
The , 1111 , e11Ler :
nt. ,0:1,111 and Nvlll 0p11..11 I.trltit It. V... ,
t zuzents to tth (40., •
(idd *tory.
DZ." - '1 own and Omni v f : •.i'
priee that will pay the pareli., t• It !,,
th.• Ins ri,tinent. ,
Thls Coulter has I , e en !Ai."
I,lo:ll:llvhereser rshll7lll. 1,111
4,f it, op, -rat ion, pt,r• 4.1 - Comn"
4‘r .11:rlenIturi. fin 1 . .. i . 1 , '
torm...t 1.1-.l'iNt:
House :tnd Lo! for Sale
, 1 , 11 E •
e"nveniently arrtonte t b, • . :;••
in the beautiful -
.t%at<•r, tun Ira
:tilt' all alril^d .111. g.I Ole
cr I II I'l
The property 1,
inuolt as t Ito Lake 1,11,,r• , nonarv,
lion of learninz, which n hi tint 1.0 ova I.
toy in th,l c,untry, .1 near tho p
rot particular:, Itoia...t: ot -
to the ptenti,os.
)I**.> , -.:111 ^ It.
Font:ells- ith haviug
Ine)wli Brewery on
Flyneh Street, below Foortli.Eric.
Formr..rly ooeupled by Win„'
form lib, old acquaintances and. 0.0
rally that, he is nov. - brewml. ` , l
quality of Ale. From his lonz
uniform Iv , is fully 1. , e.
he , t. of , calq friction. Doak -,
IY 9-1 Y Et), S. •,;
rpm.; sunscratlEit 011,•rs fi a• saL 1 • •
situat,4l in North East township. .
w,st of North East station to at ono I
Moorhead'v station. This faun n:•••
about one hundred and tuenty Imre. n
Ni Inch are under a high state Of entt
the balance of gooa Umbel. It is
the north by the B. 6: E. It. rL, t
in u bilk and runs south tli; rod<_
barns, outhouses and are all al •
pair. There is a large apple oreh.irl
place V. will produce In ordlnar) l•
barrels of best winter fruit, a 1..: ai '
the best quality. Time I, :in alitnefol ,
best of waterodso a good stone quarn,:
one in the neighborhood. I wall sell IL
or divide Into Iwo or three parts, ~•
ehasers. Only a small payment in
red, and ten years time given on tic ,
pawing annual interest.
It_ Icaaal HALL'S
- c - - s - '' • VEGETABLE SICILAN
~..,:.„ N
~„ .
, ..__.: 14 AIR
„ •
- • i<ENE WE?
it Is t be be.t artlel, known to pi .-...,
It will po,ltively ii , tore Gray Il.m :•, • •• ' '
nal color .tml in mimic its gIONN ill,
It is an entirely new kel,ntitl.. ,' - ' •
eoliiht atm: nthz* of the most p.As. u .;:. , • ..•
.tor.LI the ,ts in the vegetable 1.::-.: . '.
It limb, s the hair smooth : n .1 ...: '-` '
il,es.n a , 1 :111 I ht• ,1.111.
It I, I, , minnm,l.lalnl n,e,l Ly Er,: I'' ,.. •_
lilt :111111.1:11%'.
R. P. IIAr.T. J. l'') ,Nashua, N. It;, l't ,
F,ti• ~ .ttt, l , 3 -1111 druggists. - - t oi --
- - - - - - - -
CITY - W 0 I?. I i. - .
1)1:01'05 4 .A.1..5t it 11114. roet.tve , l tint. MON'', t ". % .
1 EVENIN(:-, AUG. --kl, Ilvls, for il, •
struet Inn Of Z.:leoh.oti l'.o,lnent on F.. ,, , s
from Eighth .treat to Fifteenth stn., t.
I'latis and spe - eitie.xtions to ho ..,,, n a
Mil , e of the t 'it
.?.. Engineer.
M. I Ltizil,Eil,
it. M. sNi ITN,-
.10s. Eicii FINI..111:,.1 : •
' Sta.. t 0,111,1.'7 :
l:. W. 1-'.SIIIMWIN. City Engineer. .'` ''
Clatili L, 11: 1;r2. 1: 10. Illt t
O li F el! ;, t2 vVi... l: s 4i_ T rai n
s ih .r in 6
itEi. g
1. : 06
• ratiz•,r.t.