The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, July 02, 1868, Image 1

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4rit 'inert Obscrber
,a7c.lßD' WIC. (I'l , ST-k l iL4,‘
w.CoRNXit S - r. AND "'Atilt.
in :Vallee. SS t_itt
ji ) ,r.,v•ry t.l 1,1 tor., Filly Vents
' ltS ai;llt l4) n ai,
to e the ‘anl p.., ..... . I a)
tva cep
ieSsyttt to ollt• „ 1,,
.L 1 1........ . .......
• e 9 1,11,,
rates ripply only to those who ittty In
)2'ringeett.sertption accounts must b, 1.0 tL d
o aper Ilan be sent to a.m• •on
5 4 . 1,
re . N pon p <itilltty Is not known, utile: , the
els paid in advance.
Any rivr isINO RATES. •
( 11 0 , , mg are our advert ng
„II be gtxtly telher,ed ta. In n' k1,f1111,4 t tie ,
,l a ds orthwmPlits, an Inch I. eme-I , lere.i
•I N "^„.e. ,tnytliing les, than an we!' 1-810,1
I sq. 2'o. 4.q. ,e. I,c.
-)3.-e"week-•• 0. 0 0 7.00 1. , nn
1.30 2.501,00 7.00 12,00 2;1:00
t . 1.1_112, 4.ty) 5 , ,00 15 . cm .2 . 5 . 0 0
Four oat"21)1)) I?,,fk) 10.00 N 414 30.00
' ;;;;11 : 5 3: : 11t1 1 ~ 1k) I S^ llll 4) .1 00 "
S tX3ll°() ig• 00 `3 1 :4 1 0
in N 1030613 - 'i1(0)
Cep year- • • AV 3..00 40.00 90.0 n 150.00
Etecraerc and and 11.tratray s t Administor' Notices
,01 tees each:
ty, Auditor.
ixr .s o lirc, set in Leaded Nonpariel, and
, er tcd before Marriages and Deaths. 2.1 per
In addition to regular rates ; Lineal Not fees,
L'^ :,bed hr the part 1e5,15 cts. per line of Want
cortirst lasertj2 cents per line for qee
ter cents for each malisequelit brier
°"'".y,l'Aerial Notices 21 cents per Imo 31,•1r
ton. co rents; Deaths 2: rents each. ,‘er
r-W,;(,lretertea every ottier week, IWO-1)111,1,
rreiti. hatalithr it, advert Nomehtii
f ' l ,„l 'Lae the heriod hey i•li them pub.
1 , ,,- ; , t - e :i . nth, oso they will 100 cm; t tutte,l it
at the expetew of tile
. _
iretare one of the Iwst Johblog 0i 1 1,0,14 ti.
,trrl ore prepared to do any
,n.1r,0 or nt r,,,0nAt1,14.
good ~ tyle :,-, any , •-•tobli•oo,ot
,th, country.
,",.9unnoieatlon.,llo4l4l 1,,
, Editor and Proprietor,
13115int0.5 fltifircs
r. vrn.‘ cs EN.
. 2 „ 1 ", nt tlin pt Re.% Farrar
Worriev at Dm, l'oavti 4troo, „1,„„„ T - nioil
'epos, Yrlo, l'a._ »o:'7.
. _ ..
t;Enltc;r. U. cCTI.E.II,
to Ti Girard, Erie Conn t' - , Pa.
and Ilttendeit to with
, 11 , patch. •
I. 1: \VLF:IV F.F.
Wllll4 ‘o - FeFO, Cherry,
. - tic t 111114,' Lath titi.l
• , ~1 lt. It. Ilepot, El
. -
~ 1 , ~ \V. ilr:S.ikftX -
t.'• : t . I,IW. Mel .Tit,tll.o Of the 1 . 1• W,
, ~ •
~ - ' f l '!„,,Ill %.,n•nt, 1- ' , all f •t - an , ,r :Via
~ i 1'....• 111 111!1 , 1,1:I , , 111' , 1 , 1t•v1;. , ..11•1 , -
~s:ii.•: ~: Faith an I St.,l e ~..; 1 e, n.., 1:,,,, , 1 ,,,.
V. M. COLT , :
~,,:. Sk :'•:,
„;,111:1,l, 1 , an , l Blank Bonk Mann filet nror , ,
rK.,-,now National Bank. jy11:67-t I'.
IP:M.t. No. 5114 State Street. oppost to Brown's
a no, Pa. °filets hours from SY4; A. :NI. to
ml from 1 to 5 P. M. oe10'11:-t f.
Deaiers in, Antlit..tolte,
•U! II and Blacksmith Coal. ()Bice corner
ath and I'2i rrie, Pa.
•R . ,•,t ts'• W.:A; s ILTS3I.IN.
.ller In
!Or, Proprivinr of .111. and
rt, • I ntlt \Cnr+•lmm~•~.
• j If 6 , j- f. •
I ' . .Nr.krifr.l„
010. ICA o.....nZWCig*.• P.:,
~f 1114 Part:, Eh.% Pa.
Ili %NI: W yrirEl,l„e. I t..
I C.nrunike,lon \!er , !rant•-,:ui,ll!*rl
5.12. State street (corner Nintll,l
A , lvanees made nn cnn•Squute-nz , .
Vendue3 attended to In any p,ti I of
NV, v, 1111 OWN.
and Clothes Cleaner, rnlon flock,
Pr. 11 , onnott'4 otter., Cipthe , made, clean
loralre.l on short not Ivo, 'forms a. ro:1-
~„ 11 0, ;1:11. , 111 - IZIIAN.
Franklin, P.l, nWrit, In
11111.. i, City,
Rank. (1 ,,l :o
nr,,ip!iy In :di p,,, , of OW
11a,1. , I, . V,TII
; I [l,l-
I tti 'rotr 1,;10),•tv
en.d tr t tr. r , 11111 , 1t•Itri^
•,orth: .. .tf 11,0 Ip...ttuu
otir 1. :Irv! 111,•
rz. t co
and Pre., d It Sqtive
Trlrnmlugg, Wafrrford, Cu., Pa. Or
aery br mall promptly attended to. jam).
FLIn LE IloTP:r.,
Opposite Union Depot, Erie,
proprietor. Iloti,e open at all,hour , .. TLr
'ar and table alwa\..uppllyd with theeholee , ,t
' at the markets att..ra. Ml7)*6-Iy.
Phr,teistis and Surgeons. Other Noble.
Lb - wk. ioleeoprn day and 311411 f, 1)r, Barrett's
~ctapur,- . .. Vin , 311 \Se,t :itlt tit. litylti'ir:-ty•
Union MIN. Erie Cn., Pa., George Tabor,
imprletor. GOO aceonintodallow4 and mode-
Ito charges. zny9'ir; -t f.
Pin Metan and Surgeon, Oflive, East Part:
let linverid lA's flour Mnre,—hoards at thr res
bore of 0. 1 . V. 2.4 door south of the M.
unres t nn Sa. , :rifras st re, C. ()afro Mao's
' , ln II a. sn.untU:P. tn. myllic,-t t.
I if. .roc I:, . -t. IL itt, lust.Nr.
Frig, Pa. , Mead t !Mc., P.
f1.U..1.0 wK .5. 111('11M6Nli,
ktt.,rn,y, nf rite and 14"11eitor, or P.o.•nts,
. y , ,rth l'ark ['taco. Eric. l'a, VA , r.,,i 1 .. ,10-
1 1
.ng to oloain Lo tir.r, .Pah•iit f, " 111.. ir iriv.•et
3, will 1,1,-.0,- call or addrv,v g ,
%hove.' Fe.
L., t::,),lt , T-rri:,,ry sold for p:t .11t, t.,, 5pe
,,,111.4:1 . ..'.lv , 11 to c0.1. , r1 loh- 1.17- ,- ..
N .
I'. \‘', 10)1:111.1:1:.
t,:,l)utit 1:::c.
r ~ 1:1r, in. A t :;:VI (011111 , • 41M ,
Mlee Paragnn Mick, n'ar North NV , .1
mf , rnf the Public Squnrt•, Eric, Pa,
11. V. (I,:krs,
kind, of nomiy vrocc7l,.. nncl
e, nod deal-
In Or l'l;;ar,., Tobacco, etc., No.
Niri.f.l Fri 1". joftrilf.
t! P1Irs1e1:111 and Surgvoli. ,111;0,
612. s ,11 f l'ark
• fro:11 10 I”
:try!: t.• s p. iti.
JttHti 11.
nion 'Depot. A. \V. Van Tn". l /,.
Kttlor. House P.iwn nt hunts, iirm
•upplled with tIIL. 1).•••1 In ni.trir.q. 1 .hargo.
NATION.I.I. 1101E1.,
•,rner Peach arta R ilr. i st,, Joint it...
'Tuetor, Best of ttee.e.nittokh,ti.,.n, t ',pit
ra the country. ttood
Nmv Store, Walther's Block
F,r.ub•erh "um nti..n
t.,111.4 t•plendi.l .toek (,f
, prize;, and Summer Dry Goods
.111.! received and at
a largc. n, , orartent of
Prints, 'tress Goods, .tit•-.
14m- prieci, and etnu.equi Ittry
vers . and evaintlt, my
sliOlk 11 with planar'.
110 V tin"? A:
rs i,l :111 I:incls of
-11E.1,P AND HE.% V
Mille AN &- FOR FAWN
dtvpg Bellows, Nails, Spikes, ,
Leather and Rubber Belt ink;
Machine Packitun Cutlery, ,
Sawn, Files, &c
/ 1,4 4 a general assortment or Iron. Steel
44 at the obi stand of M r.. 1. V, I:I Pilaf,
'tit Side 111 Snit(' str,sl, a. fo.v do . ors 10 .rt it Ipt
'''PePot. BOYER k Fr ' , SS'
l ohn Lindt, 1310 Penelt.St reef,
Retail Dealer In
oisrEcTiosErt.rEs, ED % .
" 1 1-t lan • ,
fled an entirely new t.toeic
~.,I ;repareil to utter superior Unitive
)f.Zs„ll,leLr 7"''
C 3
DeNt, Eric, e, I . A) Peach street, Routh
'l4 zip!)-3tti,
, .
, .
. 111 • ' '..
1.- II ~,.,
- I '.t•' - li
. . ,
. _
, ..
j 1 :
_ _
Orortrits, I.3robucc, „fruit, &r.
Wholesale and Retail
necn,sor to F. & 3f. Sclnnutlecker, ts now re.
Ca% lug a splendid aßstortnient ut
I.lonors, _Viroodro and Stone Ware
F mite, N'ittg,&e. A Inrrt,.stock nt
0 A C 0 A. N
Call un4 hVC 11S, ILi•
ktn"rlean Slack, State St., Erlo, Pa
i•.;-t r.
IVlioleale and Retail Grocery Store.
Nal - tit-East Corner Palk and Fit twit St.,
Wt NI I..Ve't (l illy call Liza/Mention of the Coin
tounity to their large stock of
Groeeriem and 12.rovisioniss,
Which they are destrotoi to sell at
Their 11:,tortiyieilt of
Suri,ar, Coi'ie,?,s, Teas, Syrups,
surpassed hi the city, as the}lare prepared
to prove to all who t4lve them a mill..
- '
Tlioy al , o keep on hand a sapertor lot of
for ILe whole , :Tdo trade, to Which they direct
the :Men( ttku of the public.
in,,tt, Is, ••Qulvk sales, small profits and
a foil equivalent for the money," apll'63-tf,
II N 400 4 ;41•1 & 13 11 0
have nn handalsplendid agsos t 111,1%1 of
rilo visioNs yANKTy. NOTltrm4,
P. , A.11T11 - iII'iNVAIM.
Those favortne u. NI ith n call will j;..0 away
ul t Wird that urr prll•es are lower than tinc4c of
any ether lom'c in the trade.
Cash I.i the Motio
G0.,1s :iny part the y vet? of
f 1:1111;
Carpet. & Dry Goodsi House
IN N. W. PENNS 11,c.1 NIA
A vomplett , stoel; or Sließtlags,
:sackings, Flannels, Irish and French
Mollairs, Alpacas, Delalues,Ac. ALso,
- xvl rr GO() zro&kiwsr,
Call:and get Flees before purehreitng
aprTir,'-Iy. 71M, Marble Front, State St
New Dry Goods Store
GrEo. D ; CHEII ,
•f" 1:1,7
~,,:np2i-ncs, 'PRINTS, GINGRAMS, FINE
Black and Colored Sllka, Paisley and Summer
Shawls. Table Linens and Spreads,
Yankee Notions, etr.,
comprising a complete ns , :ortment of every.
thug in the
which he offers very cheap for cash. He invites
competition, and requests 'every one to call and
examine before purchasing kNewhere.
myr2-itin. GEO. DECKER. Iti_t2 Peach St.
Farms for Sale.
A 7, 8 OFFER for Hulett nutribel . ; of good Farms
in different parts of the county at mate
ri,!( reducthni front former prices. Buyers
ftitoald not. fall to see our list before purchasing.
FAIZ3S—Js as acres, .5 miles west of the
city, fate banding& orchard of grafted fruit, all
hinds of fruit, all the beht of gravel and
black walnut soil. We think we are safe in
sing that no better small plaee can be found
in the county. foyers eon learn more particu
lar, trout J. A. Fret - 1(.11.521 French street,a forms
e x - owner, or .lolin IL. Carter, the presifut owner.
r•ilt i , N FARM—Is the David Ittuell place,
and fonroerty a part of the 'MOS. McKee proper
; 71 air's, ...bout ten fleri , 4 timber WhlCh has
Iva I wen culled; 2 story 'new frame dwelling
barn. gocht, trice, $7,Ol:Kr,
111) , 'n2, - 40 1 / 1 1 toil—till of the best sand
all , l \
e the:l4o%-e farms In point of moll,
r or th , “ nelgliborbood,sehools, church
(alvr attractions &eldout found In
thl, s minty, and more, they are cheap.
n\ltl ;AIN.; IN lIITILDINCI 1.01 i;
ROlLlintr Lot., Price .S/011.
•• fC7:1 , 0. In Out Lots :SS
and 2uo, Hurl h east eorner liu Milo and Chestnut
Nn,:pH. Yin, le•sirable properly is about IN
r , l, from the Irpot, dry gravel soll,good Water.
A number of tine Dwellings and a large store
hay,• been VIM on the ldoelr. this seahon, and
tk. a number mere will be built the corning
year. We think them to be the best invest
rnen tti In a small way now ofThring. Terms 1.50
I lance
COTTAGE .1 - 101.78 E,
Modern Ktv h., complete hints!, all the Mod
ern enllVelllentei, situate on Myrtle between
Ninth and Tenth , treets—the Dr. Whllidln pro
perty—).i City
A.t. great r. davtlon, a number or Private
nre,, at priou- anult redut c.f. Nov, - is the
lilac to get t,aritains.
A namb•r of on Third zilA Fourth ,treetri
betw•e'n Itolinnd and German. Tprtiis ..1:50 to
in nand, on ...ix cent~' time.
. 11.11 - 1:s Ktr.t.Ert.
Farut for Sale.
r 10111; V2411.111 , ,1 It; offers for sale his vain
' old' farm, on the Kuhl road, in Harbor
1 1,4; too reship, one mile south of the Colt Sta
tion road, and eight miles from Erie. It con
tains Mt:v-11% - e acres and eighty perches all tin.
pros ed and in the highest state of cultivation.
file land is equal to the very best in that section
of the county, The buildings comprise a 2 stn.
r,y frame house with story kitchen and good
cellar under the whole; wood house and work
house; 2 barns, cacti 3a.r.4,5 feet; a shed 70 feet
long with stable :it the ; and all the necessa
ry outbuildings: first class well of soft water,
which never tails. is at the kitchen door. There
is an orchard with 110 apple trees, all grafted,
and bearing • and an abundance of almost every
ottker kind of fruit grown.ll/ this neighborhood.
TIN only reason why I wish to sell is that I not
gone.: West to embark In another occupation.
Terms made known he applying to me on the
premises, or to lion. gllJiih Babbitt Attorney.
rd-Law, Erie, Pa. SA WTELL,
decl-tf. Post °Mee Address. trio, Pa
C v .011 our entire stock of Furniture
I to J. Ayres, we hereby thank the com
munity for their liberal patronage to us, hoping
they will extend the same to him We will de
vote our time hereafter to the
the consent of .1. W. Ayres a ; ti still hold
ourodlre in the same old plaao, 7L5 State street,
where Will be found at all times ready to attend
to the wants of the comtnuntty in our line o.
rteattiy Maul© Coffins
Trimmed to order. 'Metallic and ikon
CaAct, of all styles /aid sties, on hand; also,
Shroud and Coffin Trimmings. Undertakers
will find it to their advantage to buy them of
tic, to. we Calltlot be u tutersold west of New York.
aprin'trt--ly. • - MOOR 1•: 4k IIIBLET.
CIL 41.111 It. Si. - Ci 0 O.DWIN,
Erie. Penn's►.
of the flrta of (lark & liejc z at
and John I.oodw in, of the firm of Eliot,
Gotclu 4'43,, lilts I lig ILK:iodated together for
the porno., of doing , a general banking busi
ness in all its branches. opened on WednesdaY.
April 1.4,111 the 1 , 0141 recently occupied by the
:•:econd National lkink, corner State street and
Park, bueeeedlng to the business of Clark
t Metcalf, who dis.solved partnendtip on theist
of April, istri. The lino of Eliot, Goodwin &
t'o., also dissolving on the sane date, we hope
fora continuance of the patronage heittotore
given us. aprZ-tf.
708 PRINTING of every kind, In large or
tf email quantities, plain Or colored. done in
the bed style, and at Moderate VICO, et the
Observer Mee
II NLON tt: 13R0.,
No. bo:1 French St
l'ult HALF
350. t GOODWIN
PEI etrical.
11001.7,15 D'S GEBSIN BrITEIK
Hoofland's German Tonic,
The grent Remedies for all Diseases of the fAver,
mtoooteli prlgetalve Organs.
Is composed of the pure juices (or, as they are
medicinally tertfted. Extract:o of Roots,
llerba an d Harlot, Ty malting a prepara
tion highly &mem- .1 1 trated and entirely
tree kern allooholle admixture of any
noollalid% German Tonle
h a combination of aU the Ingredients of the
Bitters, with the purest quality of Banta Crux
*Bum, Orange, etc., making ono of the most
pleasap ublic.nt and agreeable remedies ever offered to
Those preferring a, Medicine, free from Alco
holic admixture, will use
Ti bave no objection to t I . ollltijna
1 ion Of the linters+, as stated. will nye
They are both equally good, and contain the
mune Inedltintil virtnen, the choice between the
two being a mere matter of taste, the Tonic be.
Inc the most palatable.
The stomach, from a variety of causes, such
as Indigestion, Dya. pepsla, Nervous De.
bllity, etc.; is very r% apt to have its bane ,
tions deranged. The Liver,sympathiring
as closely as it; does with , the - Stomach,
then becomes - affected, the reslt of which Is
that the patient stiffen; from several or more of
the following diseases:
Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles, Full
nests of Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stom
ach, Nausea, Heartburn, Dlegust for Food;Full
nen or Weight in the Stomach. Sour Eructa
tions, Slaking or Fluttering at the Pit of the
Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried or
Difficult Breathing, Flutterin at the Heart,
Choking or Sutibeating Sensati ons
ons when in a
lying posture, Dimness of Vision,Dota or Webs
before the Sight, Dull Pain in the Head, Defi
ciency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin
and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limbs,
etc., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning of the
Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Evil and Great
Depression of Spirits.
The sufferer from these diseases should oxen
else the greatest caution La the selection of a
remedy for his case, purchasing only
that which he is as- j'A 'gored from his .in.
vestigations and In- lir. 4u i rlex possesses
true merit * is skill- fullycomponncledls
free from injurious ingredients and has estab.
lislaed for itself a reputation for the enroot
these diseases. In this connection we would
slam) it these well-known remedleh—
1100VI.A'N - W*
Prepared by
DR: C. M. .T.A.citsvoN,
Philadelphia, Pa
Twentytwo years since they were first intro
(laced into this country from Germany, dtuing
which time they have undoubtedly perforuied
more cure% and benelitted suffering humanity
to a greater extent, than any other remedies
known to the public.
These remedies will effectually mire Liver Com
plaint, Jaundice, T_YRPerda. Chronic
or Nervous Debility, p uuron idarrues,
Disci:teen of the Kid- 1.7 negs and ail diseas
es arising from a dts• ordered T. -
Stomach, or Intestines,
tionit the system, wver by Severe
, rrostrs.
Labor, fianishlPe
Fevers, Eta .
There is na medicine extant impel to these
remedies in such cases. A tone and vigor is ira
parted to the whole system, the appetite is
strengthened, food Is enjoyed, the stomach di
gests prompUy, the blood and healthy, is ;vered; the cora—
plexion becomes sound the yellow
tinge is eradicated from the eyed, abloom Is
given to the cheeks, and the Weak and nervous
Invalid becomes a strong and healthy being.
Persons advanced In life, and feeling the hand
of time weighllig heavily upon them, with all
its attendant ills, will find In the use of this
BITTERS, or the,TONIC, an elixir that will in
stil new life Into their veins, restore In a meas
ure the energy and ardorof more youthful days,
build np their shrunken forms and give health
and happiness to their remaining Years.
It is a well established fact that frilly one-half
of the female portion of our popudallon
are seldom in the eri- T jopment of good
health; or, to use Li their -own expres
sion, "never feel well." They are lan
guid, devoid of all energy, erxtremelv nervous,
and have no appetite. •
To thii elms of *persons the BITTERS, or the
TONIC, is especinily recommended. ,
Weak and delicate children are made strong
by the use of tither of these remedies. They
will cure every' cave of 1 , 1101,18111.79, without
fall. Thousands of certificates have acciarattla
teal in the hands of the proprietor, bat space
slit allow of but few. Those, It wilt be observed,
are men of •note antler such standing that they
nity.l be believed,
I,x-C7ilef Justlee of the Supreme Court, of
Pennvivimla, writes:
PTGLADELriffa, March 16, ISGT.
"I find noottand'a German Bitters IN a
good tonic, useful in A diseases of the di
gestlve organs, and of great benefit la
rase' of 40 - MA3 , AI:A 'want of nervous ac
tion In the system. Yours trait",
3 uage of nip Supreme Conrt of PenroylvanUL
4, ir , 73. ,
"I conslder ll'ootland'aGerninn Men a vain-
Able medicine in case of attacks of Indigestion
or Dynpepsiin: ./ CAM certify this from my rape
deuce. your': with respect.
Pastor of the Tenth llaptist Church, Phila.
Dn. JAcksort—Dear havq frequently
been requested to connect my name with rte.
ornmendatiorus of different kinds of medicines,
hut regarding the practice as out of my apps
print° sphere, I have in ell cases declined; but
with a clear proof In MlllOllll im toners,
and particularly In )L - r my own family, of
the osefulnessof Dr. it iloofland's German
hitters, I depart for once from my usual.
course to expnws my foil ecuivleilon that, for
General Debility of the System, and especially
for Livotr Complaint, It Is a safe and valuable
preparation. In home cases it may fall; but,
usuallv, I doubt not, IL will be very benefit to
Meet. who suffer from the above cause.
yfults very respectfully.
Eighth. below Cfmtes,
AsRIM tint Editor Chthittan Chronicle, Philltd'st.
I have derived decided benefit from the use of
Booliand's German Bitters, and feel ltiny *priv
ilege to reeornmerel Them as a Mont valuable
tome to all *ho are sullhring from General De
b 1 it y or from (licenses arising from derange
ment or the Liver. Yours truly,
Itoorlandt'a German itemer,tteanre ernmterrett
ed. See that the Sig. nature of G.M.
JACKSON ho on the 1 - 1. wrapper of eseblbot-
Ile. .All - others are 1.." enmater. telt.. Princi
pal &Bee and Man- flustory at the Gier
roan Ittedteine Mere, Xo. Gat Arch street, Phita
CHAS. Ef. EVANS, Proprietor.
Formerly C. JACKSON it CO.
Iloolliand'e Garvin BDlure, Its Urtil ( ce Et Ce
lloolland'a German Tonle, put up In =boa.
Um El DO per bottJe. or a Milt dozen
46rDotioiLOltat to examine vet the article
you tom in unit! tO get the genuine.
eSPettAI ilattm.
A card to the Ladles.—
• Inksliable In correcting irregularities. retnov-
Ma Obstructions of the Monthly Turns, from
whatever cause, and always successful as a pre
Females peculiarly situated, or Ulnae suppos
ing themselves so, are eatitioned against using
these Pius 141111* in that condition, lest they in.
vile miscarriage, after which admonition the
-Proprietor assumes no remxnuaduny, although
their mildness would prevent any mischief to
health; otherwise the Pills are recommended
as a
for tho alleviation of those suffering frota suny
irregularities whatever, M well as tat prevent an
increase of faintly when health will not permii
it; quieting the nerves and bringing tack the
"rosy color of health " to the cheek of the most
Full and explicit directions aceouipanr each
Price a per box, six boxes M. Nog in ale by
WM. NICK a SONS, dragglati e sole agents kr,
Eric and vicinity.
Ladies by senrhol; them $1 Wm*" the Fold
°Mee, can have the pills sent (ecingdentielly)by
mall to any part of the country, free of postage.
Sold also by E. T. 'Hazeltine, Warren; Roe
mer' & Andrews, Carry; Callender * Co., Alesd•
eWe; C. C. Vital & Co., North East; Jewett et
Wright, Westfield..
R. D. ROWE, Sole Proprietor,
New York.
my 2 1 .613-17.
R.iYil~~ i7Ld,~iaYQ'iirol:~:llai}i:.-rpai±~'
IPbatene• ":fight lllassoing Cimunas."
Plot Night Hlassobag Virsess.“
•Sigbe Blew.lag Verona.'"
Phutlmes "Night alswatiag Cerius.,P
Phaissais .. Nigbt illostuilbs Oereatt.,7
A most •zguWt., delicate, mad Prevent Perhamo,
dial led from the MO ea 4 hematite! dower eve
which It teem tte name.
Manufactured only by
PUALON As 110 IL New Tea*.
Errors of Youth.—A gentleffinn Who mint , .
ad for years from Nervous Debility, Premature
Decay and all the effects of youthful Ludlsdre-
Don, will, for the sake.of suffering timnartitY,
spud free to all who need lt, the recipe and di.
tectione for making theaimple remedy by which
he was cured. Sufferers Wishing toprafit by the
advertiser's experience,can dose to , efiartsfing,
in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OLDEN,
mylff27-Iy. 42 Cedar St., New York.
To constunpuhres.—The Rev. Edward A.
'Wilson will send (free of charge) to all who de.'
aim it, the prescription vial the directions for
snaking and ...tag toe simple remelts , by which
he war red of a lung affection and that dread
disease Consumption. Has only object Is toben
efit the afflicted, and he hopes every =Mires
Will try this prescription, as it will cost them
nothing, and may prove a blessing. Please ad
No. 165 South Second Street,
mylB'd?•ly. Williaraidnogh. N.Y.
Ingermatten.—lnformation guaranteed to
produce a luxuriant growth of hair ripens bald
head or btairdiesa tare, also a recipe for that re-
Moral of Pimples, Bloteliesailraptioes, etc., on
the akin, leering the same loft. eleaLeM
Will, cantle. wiy•
p , 1.L4
1348 Penchi Street.
We removed Qui stock on Apttl Ist from LIZ
Peach ►treet to our
_present conitrindlates and
pleasant location and now prepared to offer our
cuatomers a
Groceries, .Provisions.
We are 'also dealing largely Irt
Lettuce and liiweet Potatoes
Now on band. :unpin from conntry dealers& -
ncited.. ap9oan.
Veystone National Bank,
of 7ERIE.
CAPITAL $250,000.
Belden Marvin, John. Rs% Minn Marvin,
Beater Town. 0. Noble.
The - above bank is now doing bulginess in its
new building,
Satisfactory paper diseounted. Money re.
celved on depult. Collections made and pro
coeds accounted for with promptness. Drafts.
Specie and Bank Notes bought and sold. A.
,flare of public patronage solicited.
2,500,000 Customeri in Pons Yews.
HAlMitk i argeitarse:erb;es L i l getukoisdePg
concern y
in the Dollar Sole business, "
Guarantee Sattstketton
la every instance, and also the beat selection of
cools ever offered at
One Dollar Each.
No other concern has any show wherever our
Agents are selling. Our motto, " mudd
Reliable." Mlle and female agenn
city and country.
Are mrticularly requested to try our Pe
clubicstern of selling all kinds of 10rs and=
cc Goods. Dress Patterns, Cotton ClOtb, Castors,
Silver Plated GOCKIN watches, *e. (Established
188 t.) A patent pen fountain and $ check de
scribing an article to be sold tot a do llar, /0 CU;
fOT t2_,. 40 for C4l 00 for Nit 100 for d 10; sent ni
mail. Free preserzts to getter up, (snarth 60 Per
cent. more than those sent by any other con
cern,) according to sire of clnb. herd us a trial
club, or if not do not fan to send for a circular.
N.H.--Our sale std not be classed with
New York doliar jewelry sales or bogus Tea
Companies," as It EASTMAN KENDA is nothing of the sort.
CS Hanover EL. Boston, Mass.
!tew Confeetionery and Variety Store !
No. 20 Bosenswer Block, North Park
• leafs,
flan lust returned from Nov York with an en
ttre nee stock of
Confectioneries, Rae Grocerleg, PlOles.
I Intend to keep at ail times a complete tor
lortmeht of the finer groceries for totollY use. I
will also have
I world (=Rothe peopleof Erie to give num
emit as I Intendto keel) evavirtainS In nifUne!
that may be called tor. Remember the plate,
of Cla Rme rk a KetealL essveft's eek,
formerly .l sinking
Warrant In
ovals Ifi ro GYVE NASTICE that on the "t
Z day of May. ISA a Warrant tir
Was issued States out of the District Court t a rt i Nat.
tad , for the Western District of Penti%
against the estate of Joseph Jostle*, of
In the C ounty. Erie, in said district, Atd
judged a bankrupt on b
and n ipetltion; thatthe
payment of any debts elivery of any p
atsDey. belonginghankrti a tt: him of for
nee. and - the Aranshir taigiertl br
bhp; are forbidden by _tair; asul &meeting
of the creditor* Of NAM bankrupt. to prove their,
debts, and to choose one or more assignee' of
his estate. will be held at a Conn of &taken*
ey. to be holden at the office of the Ittitister.
the city of E before S. E. , ilf a s tr ar etic iff :c
stern I auk
form= on the
tith, day of July.
_A - . D. leg:. &Nal A.
4. lo
fi. Xeminger.
By d. F MIL Dept. tt. F.I. Alltrel34l.
a baehelor't bachelor,
Bow happy he mnit be ;
A welcome guest at every feast,
•What ' a lucky dog 'Calle!
Whate'er he earns, to spend be learns,
For home helms no care;
The younicind mercy-bachelor,
Ms home Is everywhere.
eitn/ws--Oh, s bachelor; a bachelor,
How happy he mitt be ;
A welcoine guest at every feast,
What a lucky dog ls he!
Oh, a bachelor, a bachelor,
•A. butterfly be roves ;
Elees'all the sights; stays mast nights,
And hisses' whom he loves.
To ball and rout invited out,
A beau to every belle,
The pleasure ore bachelor
No tongue coin ever tell.
ehorus--Oh, a bachelor,
(Spolan—But stay; there is another side to
the picture. One story is always good, they
s 4; until another Is told.] • :
Oh an old bachelor, an old.bischelor,
' When age with wrinkled face ;
Comm creeping o'er him by degrees,
'With slow yet steadypace ; •
_Where are the set that onee be met
An evening hoar to pass ? •
Why, some are fled, and some are wed,
And somerare gone to grass.
Chorus—Then an old barhehir, an old
bachelor, ,
What a luckless dog is he ;
When all alone, he learns to
For one - to meke.his tea.
Oh, an old bachelor, an old bachelor,
comes allbis shame ; .
No cosy wife to bless his life,
No child to bear his name ;
No welcome knows where'er he goes,
An bas no place of rest ;
(Spoken—lt serves him right, the old brute ;
why didn't ho get married 11
In coffin hurled, he leaves the world
Ttnblesslng and unbiest. •
('horns—Then an old bachelor, an old
How wretched be must be;
No wife' to cheer, no children
What &luckless old dog is he !
si The Horrors of Andersonville.” The
• Truth at Last.
[From the Rochester tlattisi.l
We hare for a lbw days past been Making
faithibl inquiry into the question, 54 to who
originated and enforced the policy of leaving
Federal soldiers, taken by the enemy, to starve
and rot in rebel prison pens; end_ have at lait
struck upon evidence that appears to remove
all doubt. This evidence, we are glad to say,
is of a character and comes from a source that
at once carries conviction and relieves us of
any liability to suspicion of unfairness that
might otherwise be entertained by our Repub
lican friends. We find it in the documentary .
record .of Mit immaculate authority, the
"Committee on the Conduct of the War"—
in a report made to that body by the chief of
the Impeachment Managers, 314 Gee. B. F.
Butler. which at this time, in the eyes of the
.Radical party of the cot/Nifty especially, adds
- great werg.nt to tilt testimony and serves to
give addildon.allimportance and interest to the
subject under consideration.
In his report Gen. Butler recites the facts
concerning the disagreement about the ex
change of prisoners existing when he was
entrusted with the duties of Commissioner by
the Secretary of War, in December, 1863. Ile
succeeded daring the following three months,
after much trouble, in arranging the basis of
an exchange, man for man and officer for
officer, with the rebel Commissioner, Mr.
Quid, with whom he held conference at Fort
ress Monroe. Ile then says:
wita r airlifsp t ilafsaints possible could be
adjusted, and would then.confer with him
farther, either meeting hits at City Point or .
'elsewhere for that ptrrp In the meantime
'the moduotaes of Bich and wounded and ape=
cial,exchanges should go on.
"Lieut. Gen. Grant visited FortreiS Monroe
on the Ist of April, being the first time I had
ever met him.
"To him the state of the negotiations as to
exchange was verbally communicated, and
Most emphatic verbal directions were ,re
ceived from the Lieutenant Genet:id:lotto take
any step by which another able bodied man
should be exchanged until ftutheiorderti from
On the 14th of April,' General Butler re
celsed a telegnun from General Grant at
Washington, atating that the whole subject
of exchange of prisoners had been referred to
him as follows:
Wasursurott, 11. p. m, April 14,18(14.
Maj. Gen. Butler: Your report respecting
negotiations with Comixtisaiouer Oold lot the
exchange of prisoners of war, has been refer
red to me for my orders.
Until examined by me, and my orders
thereon arereceive,d by you, decline all furth
er demonstrations. •
U. S. Gnanx, Lieut. Gen.
Six days later,- after General Grant bad
" examined,"
ho sent a long telegnirn to Gen
eral Butler, stating that he had-been empow
ered to, "give such instructions as I may
deem proper," and he gave instructions of
which General Butler says:
"Of course these instructions, in the then
state of negotiaticins, rendered any further
exchange impossible, and retaliation useless."
General Miller says he then made an effort
to have the sick and wounded excepted, so
that they might be exchanged, and he re
ceived the following telegram in reply
Wasursarox, 9.30 p. in., April 30,1861.
Hat Gen. B. F. Butler: Receive all the
sick and wounded the Confederate authorities
will send you, but send no more in exchange.
U. S. Gamer, Lieut. Gen.
Uwin this extraordin "instruction" Gen
eral Butler remarks as Bows:
"To obtain delivery of even sick and wound
ed prisoners without any return wouldbe a
somewhat difficult operation, save that the,
enemy, by giving us our wounded and sick'
in their band, we retaining all the rebel sick
and wounded in ours, burdened us with the
care and cost of all the sick and - Wounded of
both aides—an operation of which it is diffi
cult to see the strategatic value,and only tote
defended because of its humanity in rescuing
our wounded from the destitution of seerings
permitted to them by Confederates."
In August the question of exchanging pris
oners was again up, the rebel Commissioners
having renewedthe ofity to give man for man
and officer for officer. But Gen. Grant inter
posed, and in a telegram to Gen. Btler, da-
ted City Point, August 18, 1864, said:
• On the subject of exchange, I differ with
Gen Iliteluasck ; it Is hard on our men held in-
Southern prisons not to exchange them, but
is humanity to those lett in the ranks to fight
our battles. Every man released on parole I
or otheedise becomes an active soldier against i
us at once either directly or indirectly. If we
commence a system of exchange which libe
rate, all prisoners taken, we will have to tight
on until the whole South is exterminated. If
we hold those men caught, they amount to
no more than dead men. At this particular
time, to release all rebel prisoners North
would insure Sherman's defeat, and would
compromise our safety here. -
H. 8. Greaser, Lieut. Gen.
Here we have a dill and free avowal that
the leaving of tens of thousands of poor Fede
ral soldiers, whose patriotism and bravery
carried them to the &oat of battle, to starve,
and rot, and die in rebel prison . pens was a
matter of studied policy—a part of the tactics
by which General Grant made war upon the
rebellion. And the people will remember
that while this inhuman policy was being
mercilessly carried out they were told-by the
government and by the organs of the admini
stration that the whole difficulty about the
exchange was on the part of the rebels—that
our government was wflhlpg and anxious to
t i e t r e ble
poor fellows out or the jaws of the
terrible death that awaited them in the rebel
prisons, but could uot The duplicity-wee In
keeping• with he worse than barbarity see
copy . • • i
(ten. Butler concludes his report in these 1
words: - • ,
" I have kit it my duty. to give an eccteuil
with thispartlenlar carefidnessofin y
potion in the hotness of - exchange. of priso
acre, the Orders under which I acted, and the
nevUstkins attempted, *bleb 'comprises a
etithibl narration of an that i'vasdoneoss that 1
all may become smatter of history.
"The great* of the question the
fearful responsib for the many thousands
of lives, Which, by the Wind to ere - binge,
were sunificed by the most cruel theme of
death, from cold, starvation and pestilence,
of the prison-peas of Raleigh and Anderson
vine, tieing more than all the British soldiers
killed in the wars of Napoleon; the anxiety
of fathers, brothers, sisters,' motherß wives,
to know the exigency -which caused this ter:
rible and perhaps, AS it may have seemed to
them. usseleq and nnueeessant destruction of
those dear to them, by horrible deaths, each
sad all have compelled me to this exposition
so that it nosy be seen. that these lives were
spent as a part of the system of attack upon
the rebellion, devised by the wisdom of the
General-In.chlet of the armies to destroy it
by depletion, depending upon our superior
numbers to win victory at last"
The loyal mourners will doubtless derive
solace from this feet ; and appreciate nll the
more highly the genius which conceived the
plan and the success won at so great a cost.
It is Gen. Butler, chief Man „aoer of Im
peachment and leader of the Radical party
flow supporting Gen. Grant for the Presiden
cy, who states ese facts ambushes this criti
cism upon the 'originator and executor of the
policy of sacrificing, uselessly and unnecessa
rily, more lives than the British lost in all
their wars with Napoleon. We have nothing
to add.
Cony O'Lanns on th 4 Nominee.
"Corry (Manus," the witty correspondent,
has been on a visit to Washington, and thus
relates his experience there, with the re
I called on Grant and congratulated him
en his nomination, and assured him of the
Weeksville Grant Club, which I intended to
join as soon as I gut home.
In that channingly terse and non-commit
tal way he responded: "Marshall Brown's
pups have got their eyes open !"
Alter this explicit response there can he
no doubt that the devotion of the W. G. C.
will be recognized when Grantis President.
then called on Colfax and assured him
that he had been the choice of Weeltsville
from the start, that the resolutions endorsing
Fenton were merely complimentary, out of
gratitude for the pardon of a relative of the
Secretary of the club, who, having no funds
of his own at the bank, had used the name
of a gentleman who bad, op a 'check for a
thousand dollars, for which the • prejudiced
criminal authorities had sent him to Sing
I also reminded Schuyler that we were
brother typos. Re was a printer in his early
life, and you no doubt remember with grati
tude how I came to your assistance at that
time of the printer's strike, and set up a por
tion of my epistle.
I meant to have followed it up and be
come a regular printer, but when Mrs. O'Lan
us heard that you were employing young
ladies to set type she objected.
She said it wasn't proper for a married
man to be setting up with the girls.
As Grant has so eloquently expressed it,
I said, "Let us have peace," and dropped the
case for the pen, which is mightier than the
Colfax and I were old friends after this In
troduction. I told him that his rulings in
the chair had always elicited my warmest
admiration, and as lien Wade had been found
wanting, no fitter man for promotion could
have been selected, and that I had the fullest
conviction that he would go up .In Novem
ber next with the entire ticket. '
Colas was very affable, but lie didn't ask
me to take' anything. He is doing the tem
perance so that the Chicago ticket, like the
platform, is half and halt.
become disgusted with the ingrati-
tude of Democracy and despairing of the
Post office under the present administration,
!And consolation In the Chicago platform,
which comprehends everything la general
and nothing in particular, and taken in con
nection with Grant's_ letter of acceptance
holds out a political prospect on which the
imagination can exercise in perfect freedom,
without being cramped by defined dogmas
about the national credit, negro suffrage or
anything 'whatever.
The Weeksville Grant and Colfax Club,
which lacked woof a sufficiency of members
to fill the necessary offices of President, Sec
retary, Treasurer and Sergeant -at-Arms, re
ceived me with rejoicing, srujjal„ray„pgr
ifilliehls - TUTlays
President—Corry 0' Lanus.
Secretary—Licinius O'Tard.
Treasurer—Titus' O'Blique.
Sergeant-at-Arms—Cai n e Marcus Mulligan.
Resolutions, endorsing Grant and Colfax,
and pledging our undivided support to the
Chicago platform, which O'Blique had cut
out of a newspaper, were unanimously
Mr. O'Tard moved that a committee be ap
pointed to draft a constitution and by-laws.
Mr. Mulligan, who is an original Radical,
opposed the motion. The Constitution, he
said, was a Copperhead contrivance, and was
played out.
Mr. O'Tard said the gentleman was labor
ing under a misapprehension. The motion
had no reference to the Constitution of the
United States. •
Mr. Mulligan objected that the word Con
stitution was not to be found in the Chicago
platform, or any other truly loyal document.
Mr. O'Bliquo raised a point of order, and
as a question of privilege called for the pre
vious question and demanded the ayes and
Mr. O'Tard asked- the gentleman if he
would give way for an explanation ?
3frAtfulligan wanted to know if an expla
nation was admissible under Congressional
practice ?
'rite Chair ruled that when a privileged
question became &point of order, and a mem
ber had tie floor on a previous question, the
amendment not having been seconded could
not take precedence of a motion for a divi
sion unless five members rose and demanded
it, and as there were only four members now
present, it was obviously out of order, and
the Chair so ruled.
Mr. Mulligan appealed from a decision of
the Char, and if nobody would second the
motion he would second it himself and was
not going to be put down. .
The Chair ruled the gentleman to order.
Mr. Mulllgan—"What kind of order dovou
propose to do business in r
The Chair—"We propose to be governed
by the rules of Jefferson's Manual:*
Mulligan— to know if Jeffer
son or any other Democrat is going to lay
down mles for a Republican Club. ''fiesin't
going , to have any Copperhead authorities
The Chair, (severely)—"Mr. Mulligan, if
you repeat. those language I shall commit
you for contempt of court. Thomas Jeffer
son was one"of the Fathers of the Republic."
Mr. O'Blique—"The Chair is out of order.
Jefferson's family relations have nothing to
do with the subject before the house, , '
Mr. O'Tard Wished to know if •the motion
before the house was debatable, because if
it wasn't, he insisted upon being heard be
fore it was decided.
Mr. Mulligan wanted to know if the gen
tleman was going to talk all night.
Mr. O'Tard said it was none of Mr. Mulli
gan's business; if he felt dry he could go out
and get a drink.
Mr. Mulligan wished the gentleman to un
derstand that he paid for his liquor.
Mr. O'Tard said poSsibly be did, when he
couldn't get any one else to pay for it.
The Chair—" Gentlemen, as our eloquent
leader observes, 'Let us have peace,' and
proceed to vote on the main question, which
the Secretary will now please to read."
The Secretary read the question, put in
Congressional shape :
Rewired, That the Weeksville Grant and
Colfax 'Club do now adjourn to take a drink.
Carried unanimously.
The Club intends to conduct the campaign
with eaeriq.
The nominations of Grant and Colfax have
been received with the utmost enthusi
asm throughout the country, front Weeks
ville to Oregon, but owing to the batlisrard
ness of the season the enthusiasm has not
blossomed out as yet.
Yours for Grant; Glory and the Post Of
No Poucr.—General Giant's declaration
that he will have nopolicy but the will of the
peopletogaidebint,rerainds one of a similar
delaration of the great Mr. Pickwick of his po
licy at the great electiou-at Eatans will, bet
ween the Bun and the Braes, in which the
Ron.: Samuel Blumkey was the candidate of
the Blues, and the pica. Horatio Fizkin 'of the
Bunk. "Slmakey forever I" roared the hon
est. and independent. -" Slumkey forever !"
echoed Mt. Pickwick, taking off his hat.
"No Fiildnr" roared the crowd. "Certainly
not!" shouted Mr. Pickwick. "Who is Slum
key?" whbpered M. Topman. " I don't
know," replied Mr. Pickwick. "Bush! don't
ask any question ; its always best to do what
the mob do on these occasions." "But sup
pme there are two mobs," suggested Mr.
Snodgrass. "Shout with the largest," replied
Mr. Pickwick. Volumes mild not have said
A itntorre little gal, eight or nine years
old, who had heard much talk upon the sub-
Jed of women's rights and women's wrongs,
came home one day and asked in It some
what indignant tone, "Mamma, what makes
the ministeralways say amen v Why don't
he ever say a woman
No baby in the house, I know--
' Tis far too nice and clean ;
No toys by careless fingers strewn
Upon the floors are seen.
No finger marks are on the panc4,
No scratches on the chairs,
No wooden men set up in rows,
Or marshaled off in pairs ;
No little stockings to be darned,
All ragged at the toes,
No pile of mending to be done„- •
Made up of baby clothes ;
No little troubles to be soothed,.
No little bands to fold,
No grimy fingers to be washed, •
No stories to be told ;
No teeder kisses to be given,
No nicknames, " Clove" and "Mouse;'
No merry frolics after tea—
No baby in the house.
The Rebel Cavalry General's Viewe
nesPeettag the Democratic National
The Memphis correspondent of the Louis
ville " journal" says: "I didn't want to go,
to that National Democratic Convention,"
said Forrest. "In fact, it did not - cross my
mind until it was urged on me, by some of the
most prominent citizens and politicians in
Tennessee. I thought at the start that it
would be imprudent to send me ; but they
argued differently, and when I at last gave
my consent, I did not feel at liberty to retire
and leave my friends to hold the bag. Two
or three times, in the State Convention, while
they were debating the question, I had half
a mind to draw out, and failed to do so be
cause I consider when a man has put him
self in the hands of others he has no right to
be run off by false delicacy."
" You mean to go, of course?"
"To be sure 1 do. It won't be more cu
rious, I reckon, to see me in a Democratic
convention than it was to see Joe Brown in
a Radical convention."
"Rut he's recanted all his sins, and you
havn't; in other words, he goes with the ru
ling power, and you don't."
" There is a good deal of mistake about
that," he answered. " The Radicals like Joe
Brown because lie is a Radical. I suppose
the same rule would apply to me with the
Democrats. Why, sir, the warmest reception
I've had since the war was from General
Sherman.. I'm not afraid of the Democratic
soldiers or the Republican soldiers. I like
General Hancock, and I don't believe there
is a brave or reasonable Union soldier who
dislikes or doubts me as a man. I went into
the war because my vote had been unable to
preserve the peace. I took a through ticket,
of course, and L fought and lost as much as
any one else; certainly as much as I could.
Now the war's over, and I'm under oath to
keep my parole. Suppose I consider-myself
an outlaw. anti refuse to take part in what's
going on, does that help me to keep my oath?
Won't folks that are disposed to be ill-natured
say rm sullen and dangeroul, and only wait
ing to break out in a fresh place? That's
what they have said. Now I give the coun
try a sort of hostage, in addition to my parole,
when I join an active, organized body of
talon men in the North, and I proclaim when
I go to New York that I am at least as well
reconstructed as Joe Brown, who was a se
"Are you committed to any candidate ?"
"None whatever, except as the Nashiille
Convention committed me. I guess the dele
gation will have no trouble deciding who it
will go for. We don't want to dictate to the
party. What we do want is the best man.
It anat because we hate Grant that we are
anxious to beat his ticket. It's because the
Radicals won't give us a chance if they keep
in power. Look at Tennessee. That's Radi
calism, and that's why I'rn a Derocinrat'irc
`You are certainly prudent"
"And so I ought to be." •
There is a good deal of misconception
about Forrest's life before the war. I have
seen it stated in one place that he was a negro
trader, and in another that he was a gambler.
Neither is .true. Before the war he stood as
well as any man in West Tennessee or North
Mississippi.. His father was a Middle Tenn
essee blacksmith of irreproachable character,
and, though the advantages of Bedford were
extremely limited, he always held his head
up, and had made by successful speculation
when the war broke out at least half a million
of dollars. All this he lost. As for his moral
character, ,it never was suspected. Ile has
been through life a sober, hard-working, keen
trading man, devoted to hishome imtl respec
ted by every one. He- is not now a rich but
a poor man. Ile lost all he had by the war.
But his energy is matchless, and there is little
doubt that he will rebuild his ruined fortunes.
In his own household he is a very devoted
husband and father. I don't think he has any
ambition to figure as a politican. His present
attitude as leader of the Tennessee delegation
—which he will undoubtedly be at New
York—b an accident. The people desired
him to go as an illustration, perhaps as a test,
of the question of exclusion or'non-exclusion
of representative Confederates from affairs.
I venture to predict .that his appearance in
the Democratic Convention will be hailed as
a good omen, and that he will make a speech
before that body which will serve as an ex
cellent campaign document. lam rather in
clined to think that his preference is for llan-
I cock; but I have no right to say, for he is not
, communicative on the subject. If he is for
I Hancock, it is on the idea that one good sol
dier should ha the friend of another good sol
dier, though they fought on opposing sides.
Colfax's Opinion of Grant Le%s than a
Year Ago. •
Schuyler Colfax, lesan than a year ago, was
a candidate fof President, and opposed to
Grant. The following circular from the In
diana Head Quarters was circulated by his
friends and at the time it excited much com
ment. It was known among politicians as
the "Colfax Circular." We give it below :
Sixteen reasons why our Republican party
should not rim Gen. Grant for President
in 1868:
I—lle has all he dexerres at the hands of
the American people.
2—He could not deliver an Inaugural Ad
3—Because no Dotnocrat has succeeded
for the past quarter of a century as President
of the 'United States.
4—Because at this peculiar period in the
history of our great country we need an able
and esperieneed Atatesman at the "White
s—Because one hundred thousand graces
andlonamillions of freedmen demand a Re
publican President and Vice President
6—Re is now and always has been a Dem
ocrat, and has never endorsed the Republi
7—Because he has pr ed a:failure in every
capacity outside of the military.
8-114 - claims to have no knowledge of
politics or national affairs.
9—Because all the Democratic and rebel
papers endorse him.
10—He has followed our drunken Demo
cratic Johnson in all his rebellious rows
against Congress and our party.
11—Because he has insulted the Republi
can party by endorsing the removal of the
•Secretary of War, and accepting the posi
tion hitnselt
12—We have one hundred better men for
13—Because all parties claim -him as be
longing to their party.
14-We have the power to elect a states-
Man if we wish to.
15—Because the Detneeratq and rebels have
no other available candidate.
16—Because Illinois gave u.s the immorta
Lincoln, and Indiana offers our most avail
able candidate.
Boquirs,—The following may be of in
to the ladies, particularly . to the ones
who are blessed With " fellers" in the flower
"age of love: When yon receive a bonnet
sprinkle it lightly with fresh water ; then put I
it in a vessel containing soap suds; this will
nutrify the stein and keep the flowers as
bright as new. Take the boquet out of the
suds every morning and lay it sideways (the
stock entering first) into clean water. Keep
it there a minute or two, then take it out and
sprinkle the flowers lightly by the hand with
water; replace it in the soap suds, and it will
bloom as fresh as when first gathered. The
soap sada need 'changing every three or four
days. By observing these rules a boquet
may be kept bright and beantilid for at least
a month, and will last still longer in a very
passable state, bat attention to the fair crea
tures, as directed above, Must be observed, or
all will perish.
A.CLEIKMUN said ho addressed his coagre
gation of ladies and gentlemen as brethren
Wang& the "brethren" embraced the ladies
Thad SteriflO Illasphemv.
Thaddeus gte'vena said in the course of Ws
speech on the impeachment trial, that John
son's treason to the Republican Party wa
" baser 1 1 •in the betrayal by Judas Iseario-,
whoosh oetrayed a single individual." That
blaspi.eokoui expression, made in presence
of the 'United States, and in the bearing if
the whole American people, was no more
than might have been expected from the
hardened old infidel who used it. During all
his life Thaddeus Stevens has openly f-cot Ted•
at the Christian religion. A. few years since,
while trying a east' at a town in another pail
of•this State, - he mad some' other lawyers
were conversing one evenine., when one of
the party adduced the Bible as authority for
some statement he had made. "Oh," said
Stevens, "the Bible_ is no authority. It is
nothing hut the obsolete history of a barbar
ous people."
We had the above from the lips of one of
the best lawyers in the State, in whose im
mediate presence it was uttered.. Indeed
such jeers at religioh have been habitual with
Thaddeus Stevens all his life. That is ;I
well known fact, and those who have been
Most intimate .with him know that such has
been the ea/sc.—Lanager Intelligencer.
NO. 7.
A JILTED LoVzit Asx.s 'Asivicz.—Queer
questions are sometimes propounded to edi
tors. "A Lo - ver," 'who says be risked all he
had on petroleum and lost it,. finds that Md•
course of true love• does not run so smooth
now as it did before the oil gave out. When
he was supposedbe toe rich, his sweetheart
was sweet indeed, and so were all - the other
girls of'his acquaintance; but now thathe is
poor, and in debt, and with no. prospect 01
ever being well off, his betrothed and all his
emale friends treat him coolly, and make
sport of his nob, which be says he must own
is of unusual size. Ile therefore writes to the
editor for advice as lei what course he shall
pursue. "I have heard," he says, "that ni
lady-love is actually going to get married in ss
few weeks to a rich young man In a neigh
boring village, and, what I would like to
know is, if there is not some 'legal way by.
which I can prevent her doing so. Please
let me know right off, as delays arc danger
ous." To which we answer, don't make a
fool of yourself, but let her marry whoever
she pleases. You should thank your stars
that you have got rid of her, for the girl who
would desert a man in the way you say she
has, isn't worth having, and will be a Morn
in'the side of her husband. "There arc as
good fish in the seams ever were caught," and
. t you are desperately anxious to be married,
depend upon it you can find plenty of true
hearted girls still in the country, who will
not discotirage your attentions if you are a
man ol the right mettle.
TII4 ZANESVILLV. (Ohio) "Courier' is ra
ponsilfie for the following Rev. mel
Clawsbn, a Methodist preacher of eccentric manners, sometimes called the `wild man,'
was very popular in Western Virginia some
twenty years ago. lie was cross-eyed and
wiry made, and very dark skinned for a white
man. At times he was surprisingly' eloquent,
always excitable, and once in a while extra
vagant. He once accompanied a brother mi
nister, Rev. Mr. R—, a prominent city
pastor, en a visit to a colored church. Mr.
It— gave the colored preacher the hint, and
of course Clawson was invited to preach. lie
did so, and during the sermon set the impul
sive Africans to shouting all over the house.
This in turn set Clawson to extravagant words
and actions, and he leaped out of the pulpit
like a deer, and began to shake the hands of
the colored brethren and mix in quite happily.
Then pressing through the crowd he found
brother R—, and sitting down beside him,
he threw his arms around his neck, and with
the tears streaming down his face, he said
" Brother R—, I almost wish I had been
born a nigger. These folks have more reli
gion than we have." Well, well,' said brother
It—, you came so near to it that yen need
not cry about it'
SOUIVD ADVICE.—We heartily endorse the
theory of. an exchange that "there is not
enough of the old fashioned gardening prac-
deed among the people. The time was when
housekeepers, on a very small piece of ground
behind the kitchen, were able to raise the
greater portion of the 'greens' needed in the
culinary econctgay. _ Lim complain
that they are forced to pay too much for corn,
salad, beans, peas, while at the same time
they have the ground at home to raise what
they want ill this line at a trifling cost. An
hour's work every evening in a garden,would
put money into every man's pocket, and at
the saute time increase his wealth. After be
ing confined in a doge office or workshop
all day, a brief exercise -in the fresh, pure air,
digging the earth, trailing vines, trimming
bushes and propping trees, is what every
tun needs to hold his body and soul togeth
er. The man who cultivates even a fence
corner is contributing his share toward the
welfare of community.
Trim New York Tribune of Thursday last,
with more candor than discretion; makes the,
confession that the whole "reconstruction"
policy of Congress—which the Radicals have_
been proclaiming as the only hope for a com
plete restoration of the Union—was con
ceived simply for the purpose of keeping that
party in power, despite of its utter condem
nation by the people. Here is the coon.s
sion in the language of the Tribune itself -
"The Republicans, therefore, were abso
lutely compelled to enfranchise the Southeril
blacks or submit to be expelled from power
by the Southern whites. Had they attempt
ed to bid against the Democrats for the favor
and support of the late rebels, they would
inevitably have been outdone. 'Blood: is
thicker than water,' and the Democrats and
rebels united would have outnumbered and
ousted the Republicans as surely as that five
are more than four."
A IttIIDEM, with as much of the element
of dramatic horror in it as if it formed the
subject of fiction, was recently committed in
Munich; Bavaria, by the Canoness Julia de
Evergenyi, alias the Baroness Marta Vey.
The Canoness had an intrigue with the Count
Gustavus Chorinsity, en Austrian officer, 7 10
was married, and had separated from kis
wife, who lived in retirement in Munich.
The canoness found the existence of the •
Countess Chorinsky an obstacle to her
schemes, and resolved to kill the unhappy
lady. She accordingly left Vierrep for Mu
nich, found means to introduce herself to the
Countess under the name of the Baroness
Vay, poisoned her in her apartments and
went back' to Vienna. She was tracked,
brought to trial, and found guilty of the mur
der, and sentenced to twenty years strict
confinement—one week of which is annually
to be passseil in solitary confinement—to
loss of nobility, and to the repayment of the'
cost of the trial.
ALICE PURDY, sixteen years old, commit
ted suicide a few days ago, uy drowning her
self in the Ohio river, near North Bend. She
left home, in company with a little girl in the
usual flow of spirits, without giving out a
word as to her purpose.,Arrivtng near the
river she handed the littl girl a note, address
ed to a young man to whom she was engaged
to be married, and requested her to deliver. it.
She besought the young man not to think
hard of her, made it known thatshe was on
ly carrying out a purpose she had for some
time entertained, and bidding him a "long
farewell," closed.
AN "ould counthrrman," Torn Donovan;
was severely hurt His friend, Tint Murphy,
heard the doctors talking of the injuries. He
had, they said, a compound comminuted con
tused fracture of the tibin, a staged fracture•
of the cranium, and an abrasion .of the, Oh
frontis. Thu listened, awe striken. Phil
Donohue came quickly to know how Tom
was. "Bad enough I" said Tim, " Bad enough !
The doethors_ (heaven be praised for larnia)
have tould me all about it. He's a dead man'
AU his Latin parts are wounded, and Ile
won't live foive minits !"
now TO LIVE Lose.--t venerable -
ister, who had preached some sixty-seven
years in the same place, being asked the ,1
cret of long life, replied: "Hiss early, !rye
temperately, work hard, and keep cheerful"
Another person, who lived to the great ::: , e
of one hundred years, said, in reply to tier
same inquiry: " I have always been kind and
obliging; have never quarreled with any one ;
have eaten and drank only to satisfy hnnger
and thirst, and have never been idle."
Ate Irishman a short time in this country,
was eating boiled green corn. Atter eating
off all the corn, he passed the cob back to the
lady who sat at the head of the table, saying
"Would you please be so kind na to put ~)me
more beans on the sthick."
"My son," said an affectionate mother to
her son, who resided a short di,tance and ex
pected to be married very soon, "you are
getting very thin." "Ves, mother,' he rr•
plied, !when I come the next time you will
be able to see my rib."
A fancasrtc writer says: "Shutting one's
self up in a convent, marrying and throwing
one's self over a precipice, are three thinza
which must be done without thinking, much
about them."
WrrY is a loafer like a shade tree
cause We are glad when hr leave::