mportant jloticto. 141.111% for 01c01) Cr. We lore FelecCol the following geptlllnen as to ,,conts In the phiees named, to tramact nny toicinei•r: in connect:on ttith tho oilier. I's r' vor inir th.samelve, it Mehl e•I to 11, inn hand I,mi the nemiw, an , t their receipts will no 5te ,,,,i0,1;d 'the . rIN --AILW, it. cenit t, plicate—Nelson Clot K. o tn. J. i•I I. syne— D. W. !lowa/ d. ille—(`apt. Whitile. LitirlingLani. 11.11orford—W. C. 'White. Ilitrollali—M• V. 11. Brown. nf•al Toss )I,lllp—Mo , cs Smiley. Anson—C. Lincoln. —.linos Stone. inrani'g'il't. P. W. llutehlTV , oll. • ok Creel: antiuntls Lane—Win.Shecrann. ~rf:fteitlllyrt Run]. ti e ur.ort.--. 1 . C. Catlin - tan. w a tr.lianr -- Lynin n moi.nn Il•lnthern—Morena Sa Horcor t 'reek—Wm. ltsrimlL ‘‘e,..,eyville---EdWard Jones. North 1,‘,1-11. A. Tahoe. • 3,,•—Snittli J. Jackson. . tr. 1' rai e'er's C:ttitle. The wee he which the Lake Slane and 0 'Fr' A ratsl.n7harnins arc ran, I 4 12 rain '', ~ o wer than Erie time—that of the Mina ' t e E r i e 10 minutes faster. DELDIT CA AND ERII: DAILDOA Depart T,1' , 1 11:10 a. m . Ex pre-, ..... p. 1 Val en Necomnantation.. 8:lltt a. in cur ts:n 1 , 177S111•Inal yrs , ...Pit tslmrgli F.vpres3 Depart. 10:4i m. .Aeronnsuldatinn 6:00 p. In. yn 1. • • Frio ,„ r . 1,, • •• nrie rAprk , ,s cr vvrr. kzcr).l: r.nin n kimm kn. krake. Depart. ~ , i , I. la . ..New YAM: Ex pregs ...... ...-- • ~ , ~, ...I'av Fxpreqs 1:15 p m. ..,,,,,.,,, ..1 mein ma I Lime..., 1.:',.., , . la Night F:zpre.q... 'HI n. m. .......--- ;steal - 101,4 , m Ex pre.k. 12.:5) a. m. __.---.. .. . Toll Expre,, l0:10 a. m. kee,ammall - .Dari 5:43 a. m. IWE l' \t.'l ,i I PI: 17.. t 11.1:0AD. Arrive. Deart ".3 1 n. ni ..... ..NV:Ilt Express.. 1:05a m --- Vew York Express. - 10:50 a. m ~ ~ 'III , IIIIIUE I ExpreAs 7:45 p. In r,.../.; p. al ... !lay Express 3:13 p. in p,..1, a.,in .... . Twle.lo t:xprehs ..... :..... 1,,) a. 111.. . '41...11 , 01nrit F.apress ...... ... 511 p. PI -Mall and .V.sanmodatioll.. 0:00 a. in 13urAnt55 Dircrtorp WID LL CI Ittlf•E!lS. v Age, ot Walker, :25 and t,{ N. Park ant .1 0 ',2 French 'l. .11 1 , r0.1,11 AND 2 North k. Ist ti rrs .'Nlt CI irk, Park R , M . . ~:n- , State ,t reet. • 1 . .41 , 1,qt & 5"0., 19 North Pat k. n.7o.lState street. , r. :ill; State St. B:M3,._lBtatest. BOOK. STORE`;. .5. McCreary, North l'ark. v, ,, ,,ltterd, 52:i French St. FLOPII .5 FEED. H. li. Haverstick., Palk Itow. r,9,•11 'Bro., 119 French st, , ath Liao S San, Ett9 State St. LIQ )11. STORES. Miehael. ‘,21 Stale st. M. smith, 2, North Park. MUSIC STORES. • • D. 7.10!?,1PT'. g2 , lStale .Irs. Win. Willintr. ' , tate st. sEWINO MACHINE AGENCIES. Wheeler Wil , on. 4_7 state st. Havre sewhic Machine, we. Ikrench st. ..!neer Sewing Mudd ne, A 5 French tit. Grocer t Baker, s'.?l) state st. FRUITS PRODUCE. B'hlte, 8 South Park. CROCKERY at GI.A ,- ;;V.IRE wni. Ir. (Benny, 12 Park Row, • Ro , enzweig, 511 State st WATCHES & t,il a Fisher, 2 Park Row. T. M. Austin, I North Park. HATS AND CAPS. I. P. Wdson, 21 North Park. • J Kane, Ag't, 513 State street. Vb. Kendall, Fir!: French st. J B. Smith. s:a Primal st. CONFECTIONERY STORES. Den. r Burgess, 431 and 700 State street DRUGS AND MEDICINES. H Btu num, 1317 Peach gtreet. V., r. A Elliot, 423 State street. Hill A, Warfel. Ui) State st. Ns,lenet Dull. 11112 Peach street. I B. carver S l'n., 21 North Park. Wm. S: Sons, 71r2 State street. C Dr. S. Dieklu.son LS: 50n,711 State street. DRY GOODS Ifun,ll. Stephens . t Wildep. Tern 11. Koster St L(llmati, MO reach st .11..m•t•on 711 estate at. P. 11,•nrichs, 716 Str.te ht. Edson, Clittrehill A: 7 Noble Block. fbt ozweig k Um., :112 Sults st. Clam., [tooth & Co., 5 Reed House Block DRY GOODS AND CARPI:TS Grohs FohMr. • Warner Bros., ;Oh ~late ht. " GM - WER Burton S Griffith, 1121 , t. Field .h Co.. 172,1 •• F. J. ltexfor.l h Co„ 1:321 " A. J. Ilral)ender, 121 , 3 Henry Beekman,'.:lll State st. Marshall. Cllristlart k Craiq, 21 North Park A. ciotl; 515 Prenelt st. A. Corner Stir an.l.State .t. P.A. ikelz..r. A: Co., iA Frenchst. llrran 5.15 French al. ' Mallory, 527 Frenell F.,lll.tudeelrer, C2l State sit H N East Fifth at. • P..z.liTtf,l , ll , ,tat, at. \ PHA.' aver 19, Rosenzwelg's Block A. Lot t, , 1;377 Peach st. r. Dunn. over 62'.4 State street. 1 . 01, 1 1 Farrar Hall Building. Li: Co., over 1;23 Peach st. TOBACCO AND CIHAH.3. 7 It Wel..lonan. Penchi st. • .\.I; me, 714 State st. ;al stati , "‘it. It W. Mehl, 117 French st: il Y. le - , DI State st. • ITAHDWA RE. Co„ 11231'1'71,h St. A: Co., S.lO State .4. 11 ,, ,1nk..v 2: Shannon, .;07 French "I. / ••• 1,1 , n , 523 French st. , TOVES AND TINY:M.4. V.c , ta•gel, 1221 Peach it. ;. i;,'v., 701 State st. '.! er S ...ion, 1215 State st. Co., 1019 and I'2) Slate tit North I'arlt. a, i',) , Ir.qlSas,af GENERAL VN111 , ..12T.1.KER.5. t co., sH State rritNlTcrtE w VitEIIOOIS •1.1111.1•4 Co., SD , :-;tat • t.a. 1 I . \ I P.F.P., ..11:11'.11 . NTS„ 0 .• ;, ••.t., U. a r,l'l , a. (Ma ITIIING STORES. „ tolo-Iror & Soh, 1 /32 S lO4, tit. • ••'• s•lt, 1'2,1:1 State st. T. `l. Kulot, ` , 22St:tte st. Meyer, I Noble No. 10 North Palk: ATTORNEYS AT L.W. • 521 French st. Frenel, st. A . 1 ,10,011w:on. (Rraril, Pa. I'HYl. , lll.‘Nti & t•EItfiEONS. art, :* North Park, how :0117 State st. •••• r, r II orneriititl,ll, (P-141'ehrh st, MILLINERY & STRAW GOOD- 4 . M. South Park. Or, '31.1'011 is 9 South Park. :1101rat h. i'•o7 Fri• 1•11 st. 1 1a , , klns, I'llo l'ettel, st. 13RA S`i , 131 EA. • 'aa , .1,11 Metz, 112.3 State ,t, 'I FOUNDERS .\\D 11011,F.1t .7‘1.1 •• r., n, II I nnil'onell I'IANINO MILLS. ("I)nk & Son, eor. Ith nn,l Peach While .5: Co., corner litl ant) French st. ' l,, :.llJonegreorner llth and llntlau,l "ts. Ilootz. 1211 Peach lA. ERIE DIME SAVINGS 'and LOAN CO. Press. M. HA ItTI. •it„'le c Prot t , EI,. W. - COLTON, Secretary mut Treasurer. . _ Dittr.crulfS: 21...1Nt:1 , Noilf.E, W..\. GALBRAITii, 61 r. ,,,,4, 17111.7c.i.i.r, SELDIIIN MAIIt'IN, : , 01IN 11. rd.ic.,, M. Graswoz..u, 0)1IN 1',..411,1,E5t G. F. 13,11EVIT.I.TEU, 5,,,. m n n ,f %N , L. L. L evu, ' ! k ,, ei11.1 - I:ArF, M. MARTI.V.II, G. B. BEI.AMATER, Meadville. (IIkA institution la now fully organized, ,41;...m1y for the transaction otbanking opera the i urn under the Keystone Bank, • - q: Nz. (q . fiTATE and BIGITT YE STEBETS. 1l ith I Cupif►l Stock of $lOO,OOO, pris Liege of incre.v,ing to:rolfa inilltoll. 4.4,:i and discount. trawsaett4,l, nud plir '`,. 1 • )1" all kinds of sati , tit.tory securi ,, • • 4 . 1'4 the r illkne , generally - MIL Bank °frets "xetilent opprotunity for latlng by their h:IN as interest v. ill U• :illowed on. bfPosits of Our Dollar or Upwards. 1 3'SPECIAL DEPOSITS...ap A cf•‘bil feature of the Rank will be the .re." "option, far sate keeping, of all kinds of Bonds 4 Securities, Jewelry. Plate, Ae., for which a 71.1 e I. IIIIIAND BURGLAR PROOF VAULT ' - t - ,b 6 en carefully provided. 11 'nicqui haying any property of this character ..., lch tin -p wish to deposit in a hccure place, Will tad thti feature worthy tbelr attention. • Notice in Divorce. t r.. I 3AHTN ICANII In the Court of Common ys. r Pleas of Erle Vomit y, KANT.. Feb. Tem LIBEL IN DIVOACE. ah:~y sublumna laving been returned 1,;.:L the above named respondent Is hereby :tivd to be an avear ill nova the 4th or August p nez.t, PA-.; b., cc the In this case. l•it A. F. SWAN, Sheriff. BLANKs! III..kNKS!—A complete assort- Alto ment of every kind of Blanks needed, by „yh, Ju.tlees, Constables a bale at t 1 Office.nd Business EEKLY OBSERVER EltIE, PENN A, JUNE 25, 1868 We Insist. As the Democrats of this city have freely volunteered to participate in, and lend their efforts to render the celebration of the Fourth a :•access, it may be well to state once more the understanding under which they have given their co-operation, and which they In tend shall be fulfilled to, the letter. Let it then be clearly known that— . 2'ir4 and foremost, We insist that no politi cal motto, insignia of. demonstration, either Democratic or Radical, shall be displayed id the procession, or in any Mitre connected therewith. Second, That the orator of the day shall confine himself to topics appropriate to the occasion, and that neither he nor any of those wild may follow him, shall introduce partizan views upon any of the questions which agitate the public mind. Third, That no attempt shall be made to introduce polities ill any feature or the oc casion, and that the committees BCC that a Tiolation of this position. on the part of any person, big or little, meet with a prompt re. Luke. It is - well enough to take time by the fore lock, and let all concerned understand our views in so explicit a manner that there niay be no mistake. We believe the committees desire to carry out the programme fairly, but it ha's become so common a plan for Repub beans to thrust their politics forward upon all occisionf,, that it is doubtful at times whether,they really appreciate the Indecorum of their Conduct. Our object is to avoid un pleas4Ut feeling in future, and this can only be done by keeping the celebration within the strict limits marked out at its origin. DISAhTER OS TIIE sidcwhccl steamer Morning Star, carrying forty passengers, a crew of thirty, and two hundred tons of iron, which left 'Cleveland on Saturday evening, came into collision with the barge Cortland, loaded with iron ore, and having a crew of thirteen, bound for the same city, at about eleven o'clock of that night, and both vessels sunk in less than ten minutes. The night was dark, and a heavy wind was blowing, which made the Lake very rough, and rendered the situation of the passengers and crew unusually critical. Many of them clung to the boats and float ing pieces, but some twenty or thirty.were lost. The steamer R. N. Rice came along between three and four o'clock on Sunday morning, and rescued all that could be found. James Morton, Clerk of the Morning Star, lost his life in attempting to save a lady pas senger. Among those lost are some six or eight ladies, two of whom, the Misses Pat chett, of Troy, N. Y:, had been to Cleveland to attend the wedding of a friend, and were extending their tour to Detroit, on a visit to relatives-in that city. Tnr. Democrats of nearly every city in the Union are preparing for a magnificent ratifi cation of the Democratic nominations on the Saturday following the: meeting of the Na tional Convention. We trust Eric will not consent to be behind any of her sister cities in zealous and patriotic devotion to the' cause. Our city club has been organized some months, and we suggest that it could adopt no more effective plan of opening the campaign than to get up a rousing. meeting on Saturday evening Of next week. The masses stand ready to respond with enthusi asm to any calls that may be made upon them, and only await the initiatory action of our leading spirits to rally around the old banner with an alacrity surpassing the most memorable era of our political history. It has been proposed that a meeting be held on Tuesday evening next, to make the needful arrangements for a glorious demonstration on the strength of the nominations. If this suggestion meets with the favor of the party, we trust to see a movement at once inaugu ra6Nl that will bring the active men together, and sectirc that harmonious co-operation which alone can render the . meeting a sue- 'NE Radicals of our neighboring district are in their usual biennial stew over a nomi nee for Congress. Each county presents a candidate of its OWD, Viz : Crawford, S. New ton Pettis ; Clarion:Geo. W. Lathy ; Mer eel:, W. T. 3lcAdam ; Venango, G. W. Gil fillan ; and each insists that its particular man shall be chosen. To make "contusion warse confounded," Clarion has passed n resolution Instructing its delegates to sup port no candidate from Crawford or Mercer, and the two latter, in retaliation, vow that in no event shall Clarion draw the, prize. Venango sits calmly looking on, a . disinter ested spectator, not caring a fig "whether the man licks the bear or the bear licks the man," and pretty sure that whichever way the struggle terminates, it will enure to her advantage. The strife between the other counties renders the nomination almost sure to fall upon her candidate, though it is not improbable that, as in Culver's case, a new num may be taken up as a compromise. There are a few uncharitable enough to hint that tile longest purse will win in the end. CANntoxr.ks.—The primary elm thins of the Radical party of this county will be held on Saturday, July 11th, and as the rules require candidates to be announced three weeks beforehand, it is now too late for any more to enter the canvass. The following is a list of those who have been ret ularly an nounced in the party organs : COngress—G. W. Scofield, Warren county ; Rev..l. li. Whallon, Erie city; Alfred King, Erie city ; Geo. H. Cutler, Girard ; John H. Walker, Erie city. Assembly—John I): Stranahan, Le Beouf ; l , aae Moorhead, Erie: city; George P. Rea, :irard. • County CommisAoncr—L. S. Wright, Gi rard Dr. Wm. Judson, Waterford ; Thomas Stewart, Eric city; Jackson McCreary, West Mill Creek. Directors of the Poor—Oscar F. Dunn, Summit; Andrew Thompson. Union. County TreasurerC. W. Keller, present incumbent. Of the shove, Capt. , Keller is the only one ho seri•ed In the army during the late war. As before announced, the ceremony of dec orating the graves of our dead soldiers and sailors will take place on Sunday next, at two and one-half o'clock, under the auspices of the Grand Army of Republic. The members of the organization and others who intend participating will assemble at the cemetery at 2 o'clock, and the order of cere monies will be as follows ; Ist, Music ; 2d, prayer; 3d, Musid ; 4th, Address ; sth, Decorating the Graves; 6th, Benediction. In the evening a sermon appropriate to the occasion will be delivered by Rev. Dr. Cam, in Park church, which all are invited to at tend. The ladies are requested to send do nations of flowers on Saturday, June 27th, between the hours of 9 o'clock a. m., and 6 o'clock p. in., to the Odd Fellows'4llall, on State street, opposite Brown's Hotel. In order that no otnision shall he made, the relatives of every soldier buried in the ceme tery should forward the name and lot to the address of the Commander of the Post of the, G. A. R., In this city, E. R. Chapman; Lock Box - 181, Past office. • !rim following are the incomes reported by the citizens of Crawford county named, for the year 1867. The average incomes for the county are much less than those of the pre ceding year, and the total is scarcely half As large is that of our county : • W. R. Bole $82.1, Gaylord Church $3,744, Pearson Churchsl,233, G. R. Delameter $lB,- 719, 31. Park Davis $1,030, Thos. G. Duncan $21,654, John W. Fancily $2B, T. W. Gray son s4:iB, James E. McFarland $6,062, John McClintock $6,202, Wm. -Reynolds $4,511, 11. L. Richmond $2,260, James Tarr $24,180, IL Lyle White $3,655. . , ED. OnstMEll:—l ace it noticed that on Sabbath next, the 28th, the ceremony of dec orating the graves of the fallen soldiers and sailors will occur at the cemetery. It is to be hived This solemn, yet beautifhl and appro priate ceremony, will be conducted in a be nevolent and Christian spirit—eschewing all pompous parade and political bias. These fallen heroes, having given up their lives on the altar of _the country, could their spirits but visit ns on this Occasion, would undoubt ly exclaim: "Peace on earth and good will towards men"—"Porbearing one another, forgiving. one another, if any have a quarrel against-any, even as Christ forgave you, so also do ye,"—"rind' above all things put or: charity, which is the bond of perfectness.' How beantifhl and charitable is the follow ing stanza, copied froth the "Atlantic Month ly :" The thee and the Grey. UT M. E. rnqca [The ladies of Columbus, Miss., placed flow ers on the graves of the Confederate and Union dead alike.] By the flow of the inland river, Whence the fleets of iron have fled, Where the blades of the grave-grasses quiver, Asleep are the ranks of the dead. Under the sod and the dew,' Waiting the judgment day ; Under the one, the Bine ; Under the other the Grey. These in the robings of glory, Those in the gloom of defeat; All with the battle-blood gory, In the dusk of eternity meet. - Under the sod and the dew, Waiting the judgment day; Under the laurel, the Blue; Under the willow, the Grey. From the silence of sorrowful hours The desolate mourners go, Loving laden with flowers, Alike for the friend and the foe. Under the sod and the dew, Waiting the judgment day ; Under the roses, the Blue ; Under the lilies, the Grey. SO, with an equal splendor, The morning sun-rays fall, With a touch impartially tender, On the blossoms blooming for all. Under the sod and the dew, Waiting the judgment day; Broldered with gold, the Blue, Mellowed with gold, the Grey. So, when the Bummer calleth On forest and field of grain, With an equal manner falleth The cooling, drip of the rain. Under the sod and the dew, Waiting the judgment day,_ Wet with the rain, the Blue ; Wet with the rain, the Grey. Sadly, but not with upbraiding, The generous deed was done ; In the storms of the years that have faded No braver battle was won. Under the sod and the dew, Waiting the judgment day ; Under the blossoms, the Blue ; Under the garland, the Grey. No more shall the war-cry sever, Or the winding rivers be red ; They banish our anger forever When they laurel the graves of our dead ! Under the sod and the dew, Waiting the judgment day ; Love and tears for the Blue ; Teats and love for the Grey. LOCAL BREVITIES. TIM communication of onr Oak Grove corsporiclentt will appear next week. A YRESUCCh cow and calf for sale by. A. W. NoUte. je2s-2t. Two things every young couple should re solve upon : Never to answer back when either, happens to say an unkind word ; al ways to explain to one another, frankly and fully, anything that might lead to misunder standings. T r. Radical Convention of Warren coun ty will be- held on the 30th of July. The propriety of adopting the Crawford. county system of making nominations will be con sidered. The Mail does not favor its adop tion. Tau match game of base ball between the celebrated Athletic club, of Philadelphia, and the Erie City club, will take place on the grounds of the latter on Friday after noon next. Great interest is felt in it, and an enormous attendance is expected. WE are indebted to James A. Bliss, the enterprising Fifth street fruit dealer; for a lot of strawberries—the largest and finest we have seen - this season s Mr. B. has arrange ments for receiving supplies of limit at the earliest period of their appearance in market. THE price of Excursion tickets, via the Erie road, to the New York Convention will be AS follows : From Buffalo and return $l2; from Dunkirk and return $l3 ; from Sala manca and return $l2. Tickets will be good from the second to the eleventh of July, each day inclusive. THE Democrats of Venango : county' have put in nomination the folloiving strong ticket: Congress, S. C. T. Dodd; Assembly, A. W. Jenks ; Sheriff, Jacob Shirk ; Dis trict Attorney, J. II McAllister; Commis sioner, Davidson McWilliams : Auditor, W. Foster ; Coroner, James Anderson, Jr. Mr. Dodd,the nominee for Congress, is one of the shrewdest and ablest members of the Frank lin bar, and possesses a wide popularity in the district. . THE soldiers of the Crawford Congress ional district- have appointed Maj. John B. Clark (formerly of Erie) and General A. B. McCalmont as delegates the Fourth of July Convention, with Capt. J. A. Humes and tieut. J. B. McAllist(r as alternates. The meeting unanimously, resolved to ex clude from membership in the Soldiers' and Sailors' Association, all Army Sutlers and Provost Marshals, as neither class belonged to the "fighting" men of the army. THE Meadville Republican suggests Thai. W. Grayson, Esq., editor of the Crawford Democillp as the candidate of our party for Congress in that district. We do not, know what the programnie is in owl neighboring county, but we are very sure that the Demo cratic party could not make a better choice than to take up our friend Grayson as its nominee. ills personal character is heyond reproach, his Democracy of the staunchest sort, and his ability equal at least to that of any candidate who is likely to be pitted against him. A Congress composed of such men as Thos. W. Grayson would soon bring back our Government to the puk, economi cal and patriotic principles on Which It Was established. JuDoE f3cOVERLD's Committee on Elections has added'another to the petty tricks which have given it such an unenviable reputation over the country. At the election for Con gressmen in 'Kentucky, John D. Young, Democrat ;was successful by 1,200 votes over Samuel McKee, his Radical opponent. Re gardless of this heavy majority, the Commit tee have reported in favor of 'McKee's ad mission, and the House, as a matter ofcourse, has sustained the report. The only ground for keeping Young out of the seat to which he was justly entitled . , was that he is not "trooly loll" Scofield's course in this and the Morgan case should unite the De mocracy of the district as one man in a firm determination to use every honorable effort for his defeat. Tax Democratic Convention of Venango county unanimously endorsed Mr. Pendleton as their first choice for President, and adopt ed the following resolutions: "Resolved, That the Bonds and Notes is sued by the Government. not erpressly made payable in gold and silver, should be re deemed maturity in any currency which at the time of each redemption is made a lawful tender in all commercial transactions. The Bondholder can claim no jorecedesee over the soldier or pensioner. 2714 wages of stoney are 40 more sacred than the wages • of blood. ".Resolved, That the refusal of the Bond holders to pay taxes to sustain their own property is unjust; and that, until the Gov ernment Bonds are redeemed, we are in favor of taxing them equally with other personal property for State, county and municipal PurPoßea." THE sale Of the Ptior Mollie' farm to Mr. Schluraff has been annulled by the jointcon-, salt of the parties. The act of Assembly re quires the nolioo of sale to be advertised in all the county :JAM* but by sonic over sight it was omitted in one of the German papers, which was held to be an informality that nullified the whole transaction. Pre ferring to avoid a Court trial, Mr. Sehlitraff, on learning the fact, promptly agreed to throw up his bargain, and the County au thorities again give notice that the farm will be offered at public auction, to the highest and best bidder, on the Court House - steps, Tuesday, the 28th of dilly, at 2 o'clock p. when all parties desiring to get hold of this valuable prop..rty will undoubtedly attend. The Commissioners are evidently determined to leave no gap open for a technical dispute on this occasion, and make their. advertise ment so elaborate and explicit that the pro foundest admirer of Blackstone has no ground for complaint. THE Dunkirk Journal prophesies that the completion of the railroad between that place and Warren will enable Dunkirk to distance Erie in the coal trade, the argu ment being that the Elk county bituminous coal fields will be nearer, and the freight cheaper than to this point. The Journal forgets that while the railroad distance will be somewhat shorter, that by Lake to the West will be a hundred miles greater, going and returning, which will more than make up for the disadvantage against Erie by rail. The Mercer county coal, also, is much supe rior to that of Elk county, a fact which none will dispute, and there are few persons who would be willing to take an inferior article for the sake of a few pennies difference, even supposing that such will be the case. If there were no other danger to the interests of Erie than the competition of Dunkirk in the coal trade, our people would have trifling reasons for alarm. Tun great English contractor, James Mc- Henry, whose connection with the Atlantic it Great Western vied, a few years ago, made his name as . familiar. to the people of this section as if he were one of our Own citizens, has failed for an enormous sum. Proceedings in bankruptcy have been com menced against him in England, and of the millions which he was supposA to possess, he will be left without a penny that he dare call his own. His liabilities on open ac counts are stated to amount to £2,800,000, and creditors for 22,400,000 have consented to accept a composition of Os. Bd. in the pound, payable in two years. The rest, how ever, representing £400,000, refuse to agree to this proposal, and one of them, it is stated, has already taken out -a flat in bankruptcy. Mr. McHenry's assets consist almost entirely of the securities of the A. it G. W. railway, which are at a low rate of discount. WE are gratified to observe that Judge Scofield has sufficiently _overcome his Mod esty to allow his name to be regularly an nounced in this county as a candidate for re election to Congress. His card states: that he will be "subject to the action of the Re publican nominating Convention," from which we are led to infer that in case be is defeated in Erie county he wilt not cons-War the verdict as final, but carry his claims to the district conference. The opposition to him is apparently on thelncreaie, and if the other•counties insist in forcing him upon the party as a candidate,. against -the express wishes of Erie, we look forward to a split as inevitable. • r IT is not generally known that an actives passed by the last Legislature extending Abe Mechanics' lein law so as to cover repairs, and providing for tlie speedier trial of cases wherein Hens have been filed than was al lowed by the old act. The new bill will be of great importance to mechanics, who have in many instances, heretofore, been com pelled to wait an unreasonable time for their just dues, simply because stays . and delays were permitted by the acts under which their suits were instituted. • The new act' will go into effect on the Ist of August.. Tan City Councils have authorized the sue of fifty thousand dollars' worth of addi tional water bonds, and proVided that they are not to be sold for less than eighty-five cents on the dollar. This makes three hun dred thousand dollars of bonds issued in all for this purpose, netting about two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, which the Water Commissioners . promise, will complete the works according to the plans they have de cided upon. Couttrnv-readers will be interested in a resolution of Councils requiring a change of locationfor the hay and wood wagons which have heretofore been , stationed upon the Parks. The new place is on °Seventh, street —wood wagons taking the east side &State, and hay wagons the west side. On the same day a resolution was passed that the market next week be held on Friday, the Bd, instead of Saturday, the 4th of July. In 1850, the support of the poor of our county, required an expenditure of $1,500. In 1864, the sum had Increased' to $8,500 ; in 1865, to $11,000; in 1866, to $18,500; in 1867, to 27,000, and in 1868, the large amount of $35,000 is asked for to feed and clothe the poor, in addition tos7s,oooforthecommenfc snent of a new building. Is it any wonder that facts like these should set the people to thinking,•and make them impatient for re form ? CAPT. D. W. Ilr TCHINSON, of Girard, D. D. G.M. of the Masonic Linked:if this county, will have charge of the laying of the Corner Stone of the Marine Hospital, under a dis pensation granted by the Grand Master• of the State. The Captain is probably better -rules than any oilier per son in the county, and his selection for - this important duty will be generally acceptable. Tug Corry Republican learns "that several dogs supposed to be rabid, have been killed between Union and Waterford." It adds, with as much truth as humor : "The country swarms with canines ,that would be more valuable dead than alive, and a mad dog •scare would be a decided benefit to the com munity." Excunsms tickets will be issued from all stations on the Philadelphia & Erie It ! R on the Fourth of July. The company will also furnish excursion tickets to persons desiring to attend the New York Convention. The latter tickets will not expire until the 16th of July. ' Hoar. W. A. WALLACE, is a candidate for re-election to the State &rude from the Clear field district. Dr. C. R. Early, of Elk, is also a candidate for the position, and with any other competitor than Mr. Wallace would stand - a fair prospect of being nominated. Prartimmatls now found eery' abundant ly in Italy, and, as obtained- there, differs from the Pennsylvania oil in almost the en tire absence of gasoline, and in many- cases of naphtha, as also being free from any of fonslye odor. THE Democrats of Mercer county will present Hon. M. C. Trout as their duke for Congress. , Mr. T. served` one - term in that lady, and is a gentleman Whose experience, energy and ability wonia render him an efficient representative. - Tau people of Fairview have held a meet ing, and decided to send fiom alundredand fifty to two hundred of their number: 141 y armed and equipped, to join the "grand eav alcade upon.thi Fourth, , a • Tun snthor of the forioieing kaii. an . utlag instlim equal to Dickens : - "It is finny to see a young lady. with her bands in soft dough and a mosquito on the end of her nose." HOME raised strawberries were selling in market on Wednesday morning at ten and twelve cents a quart. E welcome the appearance of tile Times, a new Democratic weekly papei*tablished at Sharon, letereer county, of which Mr. JIM. editor. It is an smusually hang some paper, well ARM widi sprightly edito rials and locals, and talks Democracy pure and nnadulterated. We wish-it all the pros: perity that its tasty and enterprising proprre-' tar can hope for. The rapidity with which new Democratic p.iVeri; are spritiginz pp in' all sections, and the general spirit of imProve xttent„which is manifest hi the old established organs, are among the most eneouraghig signs of the prosperity of the Democratic cause. • • A Lamm number, of citizens of Westfield have had suits brought against them, under the following circumstances, as related by the Mayville Sentinel , "As we understand the matter, a• Pennsyl vania charter was purchased of M. B. Low ry, of Eric, and 210,000 paid for the same,— the money to make the payment being ad vanced by Mr. Crosby, who now calls upon his associates to contribute their respective shares of the amount, and is attempting to enforce payments whereparties refuse. Tho parties all have our most sincere sympathies In their afflictions and troubles," WE make haste to chronicle an important omission iri our notice of the Dispatch edi tors, last' week, viz : the appointment of Father Quinn as "fighting editor" of the pa per—a position for which he is pre-eminent ly qualified by weight, nativity, education, practical attainmenV and genius. We warn all Interlopers who may venture into the office of our cotemporary, "on mischief in tent," to beivare of the redoubtable "fighting editor." Oen readeri should not 'forget the enter tainment this (Thursday) evening, at Farrar tbr the benefit of the Soldiers' and Sai lors' Monument fund. In addition to a very laughable farce by the Dramatic Association, there will be a fine variety of vocal and in strumental music. The price of tickets to all portions of the hall (there being no •re served seats) is fifty cents. For the sake of the cause, let all attend who can. _ WE notice that the Democratic young men and ladies are starting singing clubs in dif ferent sections of the country, to attend meet ings during the campaign: Why not imi tate their hxanty*e In Eric city and county? We have enough singing talent in the patty to start two or three clubs ,in the city, and one at least in each borough and township. We propose Father Quinn as a committee of one to set the ball in motion. . TIIE Radicabi of Western Crawford gm highly indignant at their party friends on Oil Creek, because, they say, the latter violated their ;Igreement in : regard to the seleCtion of a party ticket. "If ever I vote for a•candidate from Titusville," said a Re publiean the other , day, "then call ,me a fool." TILE buildings and real estate of M. B. W. W. Parsons, seized by the Government for alleged violations of the fax laws hi re gard to oil refining, will be disposed of at public sale on Wednesday, July by vie tue.of a warrant of distraint issued by J. W. Douglass, Esq., Collector of Internal reveune. Tun North East Herald says most of the Citizens of that lodality*ho desire to recre riteon the Fourth, will visit this city. A committee has been appointed to get out the horsemen, who will join in Dr. Germer's grand cavalcade. ' Buffalo Coneapoudeuee. Buffrazo, J_lmo 224, 1868 Ifs hot, or as Henry Ward 'Beecher re marked on ascending his pulpit one sultry July morning, "It's damned hot.". Well, perhaps we'ed better stand it without much fuss. Though we've no particular fancy for being roasted alive, we prefer a little fore taste of what's in 'store for us hereafter, to the cheerless kind of weather of last month. After lingering an unaccountable length of time in the vicinity of zero, the thermometer has recently jumped straight from freezing point to summer heat. The only reasonable objection to this is, that we did not have a little warning; time enough, for instance, to remove our winter 'clothing with moderate haste, without tearing, our—shirt. But such is life. •Since the impeachment frasi.;: there has been little stir here; either ./ in political, reli gious or business circles., .Even Butler's smelling committee elicits little applause from the loud-mouthed impeachers, who, during the trial, were busy writing letters to Chief Justice Chase and numerous Senators,' urg ing the President's conviction. We know two or three of this class who have been very ill and confined to their rooms since the announcement of the vote. The shock was too much . for such delicate constitutions. The recreant seven should have let them down a little easier. The double•and-twisted, green-back and gold-front, non-committal Chicago platform was received here in silence. Not an amen was heard save in the Wee, small voice of the Commercial Advertiser. Whether the ab sence of nn imPeachment plank, which might have been cut from the immense saw -log ed itorials of the New York Tribune, had any thing to do with this would not be bard to guess. We opine that the ultras feel sold, yet why should they ? Do they not know that these moderate men, whose words savor a little of honey but more of "soft soap," are Radicals is well as themselves? "By their works shall ye know them" After eleCtion is over, will they not all join hands in voting to Africanize the South and govern the country by military satraps.? Probably no campaign has ever been opened with aomuch apathy on the part of the people, and no Presidential ticket as sup posedly popular as the one nominated by the Radical party has ever been received with lesi entlfusiasth. 'the unpromising business prospect, together with the equally unfavor able prospect of reduction Of the expenses of the Government and the consequent .heavy burden of taxation, combine to pro duce this depression. The people- have lost ,all sympathy with the party in power, and Until after-the New York Convention little -interest will be manifested 1 4 the coming election. Grant's nomination, which was expected to set the count.7 .. wild with excitement, failed to raise a bieezti here. Not a trace oT natural joy was visible anywhere. Not a leaf or mouse stirred. EL few boys assembled in the Park to amuse themselves by firing p 8 a small gini, bUt the rain soon dampened even their ardor; aid the passes by seemed to shake their heads as much •as to say, "a ildse alarm." No.effort has been spared to get up.enthu siasm for Grant and Cold-facts, and induce somebody to say something in favor of the ticket, but they all '.•talk horse" or speculate its to the Probable nominee of the New York Convention, who, it is taken for granted, is certain -to be elected. A `monstrous Grant ratification, meeting was Projected for last week. By dint of iminstrimm advertising, of which theCiturier - perfpimed its share grata itionslY; With the tad of a Band, several bonfires and the inevitable small gun, St. Jawed' Hall_ was .- comfortably filled. As a salmi omen:tepee of thee:adds* adver tising, probably tun half the assemblage was Democrats, who simply went to hear what could be &spin Tayor,r making "the Gener al or our itianlea", !lilnddeitt. - - *ever did we attend a political meeting aohtterly devoid of enthusiasm.' :the only nimes,thementfon of which elicited salepplatatuxere those Of the. lamented Lineoln anallen. •TerfUk4;_aiMm from the Democratfe por tion'af the audience. President,Jehnsoft, of coarse, came in for his share of the inflective. One speaker pronounced him, several times, "the cause of all our ills," which is decidedly good. A leading feature on this occasion, was what the Express facetiously terms the procession (!), comprised wholly of six men, with leather aprons, bearing 'a lanner, and two small boys, one of whom was remorse lessly beating a kettle drum.,' This Party at tracted some attention as they ascended the platform, and the query at once suggested itself; "what mean these • aprons ?" They might represent the sturdy, strong-armed blacksmith, or more likely, 'vo many buck sheep aproncd and ready to he torned tore with the Week. However, the qtlystion tea: soon settled, .as upon their banner was printed the words, "Grant's pioneer talmeN ot Buffalo." The Chase movement 14(1 some advocates here, and, altogether, it has been treated as a subject worthy of consideration, yet, I doubt,,if any considerable number of the Democratic party seriously regard his nomi nation either desirable as a stroke of policy, or possible on the score of principle and con sistency. ' Whatever may be the opinion as to treating certain question& as irrevocably settled, - there are points upon which _the Chief Justice and the . Democratic party widely differ. That the latter ethihot go over is certain ; -and that the former will not come over is, judging fro& his past life, probable; moreover, if lie should, would it be safe or expedient to select him as our standard bearer? , Business is dull y remarkably dull, with slight or no prospect of a change until after election. Just now, our people are deey interested in base ball. The recent victory of the Ni agara's over the lemons Atlantic's of Brook lyn, has created more interest in the game than has ever been manifested here. Like the, impeachment trial,. the 'result of this game has been ascribed to "corruption," or corrupt influence,- but if we are any judge, and we think we are, the game was fitirly won ; though we would not undertake to say that the Niagara's would find pleasant exercise in trying to repeat the thing often. This little success has made plenty of "busi ness" for the club. Challenges' pour in from every direction. One is now under consider ation from the Union's, of Lansingburg, and one has been accepted from the renowned Athletic's, of Philadelphia, for Saturday next. Hartz was here last week and drew mod erate houses during his stay. Prestidigita tion is at a heavy discount now. Since the advent of Grant, the occupation of Heller, Hartz and the rest is gone. The political spltynx has disgusted the people with every .thing in that line. • .31sitn. fitip Rbbertigenunto az-Advert !semen ts, to secure insertion, must. *he handed In by 9 o'clock on Thursday morn ing. All advertisetnents will be continued at the 'expense of the advertiser. unless ordered for a specified time. CITY WORK. 'IIROPOSALS will be recelvedm to MONDAY j. EVENING, JUNE 2ith, 1803, for the com. pletion of the Seventh street arch culvert over Mill Creek. 'Plans and specifications to he seen at the ogle, of the City Engineer. I:OWN' to nceornpannproposats. M. HAMLETS, 0. M. SMITH, . JOS, EICHEN LAUB, .7n., J. O. BAKER, _ Street Comm it t ee. 0. W. F. SHERWIN, City Engineer. je:ta-it AdminigtratotV Notice. LHt MRS OF ADMINISTRATION on the estate of Samuel Harbison, dee'd, of Wat erfowl township, having been granted the un dersigned; notice Is hereby given to all Indebt ed to the same to make -Immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate will present them, duly authenticated, for set tlement.- ELIZA HARBISON, JOHN R. CROSS, Administrators. Waterford, June Ma, ISIS.-Sw WABILAN'T IN BANKRUPTCY. rIIRIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 8111 day of June, A.D., 1868,a warrant in bank ruptcy was issued against the estate of C. G. Andrews, of Albion, in the county of Erie, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been ad judged a bankrupt on his own petition ; that the payment of any debts or delivery of any proveperty belonging to such bankrupt, to him, his use, and the transfer of any property by him aro forbidden by law that a meeting of the Creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more as signees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Register. in the ci' Erie, Pa., before S. E. Woodruff, Esq. Register, on the 12th day of August, A. D. 1: a 11 oclock. A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, Messenger. By G. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. Marshal. 1e25-Iw. JAS. A. BLISS, DEAL= Iti A'SD &arm: OF Vegetables and Provisions, Finurris, eke.. No. 22 East Fifth Street, Erie, Pa. I would call the attention of the public to the fact that I also Sell Goods on Commlssion. Particular attention - paid to that business, and to forwarding to dealers all kinds of Vege tables, Frans, dec. jell'OS-tf M7 n ra ' lnlM or TIIE Poor House Property! BY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF THE JUI powers confe Co mmo nwea l th th the Gene ral Assembly of t of Penn• sylvania entitled "An act to authorize the Court of Erie County to appoint a discreet person to act in connection with the Commissioners of Erie county and the Directors of the Poor of said county to sell the real estate of the Poor House and use the_proceeds in purchasing land and erecting buildings teethe use of the poor of saki county,” approved:the:lability of March, MI, by the Board of Comihissidners for the coon• ty of Erie, Pennsylvania, the Boarder Directors of the Poor and of the House of Employment of the county of Erie, and Samuel G. - Brotherion, specially appointed by said Court, by farce of said Act constituted a Board to sell the land, selected, reserved and occupied for the use of the Poor for the county of Erie, which land is loca ted on the Ridge Road and Canal, about four miles more or less sbuthwesterly from the City of Erie, described as follows, to wit: Com mencing at the southwest corner of the lands known and called the third section of the town of Erie at a post, thence north 27 degrees, west one hundred thirty - one and one-half per ches to a post; thence north tZ degrees, east one hundred and twenty-one and seven-tenth per ches to a post; thence south 27 degrees, east ono hundred and thirty-one and one-balfperches to a post; thence westwardly one hundred and twenty-one and seven-tenth 'perches to the place of beginning, containing one hundred acres of land.. The said land Is bounded on the south by the Ridge Road, west by lands of J. Evans and north and east by lands or M. War fel. The buildings and improvements on the said land are as follows, to wit : One large two story brick building, now, and heretofore used as a Poor House; one wooden building erected for a Hospital; a wash house, bakery, ke., and two barns, Q. nice thrifty orchard, grapes, cherries, At a meeting of the said Board held at the of fice of the Commissioners of Erie County, on June 17th, 1868, all the members being present, It was resolved by a majority of the members of said Board to sell the said tiereinhefore des cribed Poor House Farm at public auction, on the Court House steps, in the city of Erie, to the highest and best bidder, on Tuesday, July :Nth, ItZB, at 2 o'clock P. 3f., which said sale will then and there take place, of which notice Is hereby given. Terms of sale: One-third of the purShase mon ey In hand, and the balance In two equal annu al installments, with interest to be paid annu ally, to be secured by Judgment bond and mort gage on the premises. L. 31. CHILDS, S. J, GODFREY, 1 S. Co. Com's. WM. 13: WEED, I - ANDREW TrioNiPsoN. Director of Poor Beard of Sale, Erie June It, 1863. je2i4t. RALLY_! , RALLY!! Farmers of Erie Co., Mount your horses on the FOURTH OF JULY, 1868. Come and loin thogrand cavalcade, which will form in Erie to take part in the greed ceremony ,of laying the corner stone of the Marine Hos . • - • Tturnoutie tutlitY in forcerff, ti without regard d to ell party or An . Oelzo in trunes Elx •yotte Waders 1' uet battens and thtit-beererli Decorate your honest Start early! Stir up ,the neighbors! Take along all who can sit on a' horse Keep rank and file, and don't eke. daddle before the ceremony hover. It will not last long. And on that morning, don't get chicken:hearted if It should look cloudy or rainy. The cavalry will rally at 10, 04 m., on Builhlo West of Pmeh. air Forage for the horses will bo furnished. E. W. GERIfEIk Jed-2t Committee for Cavalcade. 'GORDON'S HORSE ROE, AS IMPROVED FOR islis. HAVING made very important improvements on the Horse nnultifantned rot ie, dodo, the past four years, we are enabled to present to our patrons the most complete !mph ment tor cultivating corn, rsdatocs, cotton, and all hill crops, ever introduced to I funning VOlsl munity. As now made, the back teeth are reversible, and not removed for hitting a, upon the old style Horse Hoe, thereby making it a complete cultivator and hiller ut the same time; bet when billing is not required, the wings are removed from the the teeth. By this arrangement, wider rows may be !lined than with the wings plaeed upon the elms - els. It is made of the best quality of steel and highly polished, and , :uporlor to any et lux culti vator on account of Its lightness, (weighing about ::.. I pound‘,lilutabillt!,, rho apnc,. and adapta tion to all kinds of work. ALLIANCE SHOVEL . PLOW. We would call your attention to our DOUBLE sIIOVEL PLOW, which we think, without doubt, excels anything now in market, for the purpose designM. Its primllyil points of exec!. lence are, that It is WROUGHT IRON FRAME, very light and stron,;—=t•,..dshov.d.;---eacily ml hated to run shallow or deep, and Is neatly owl tamefully made. my•Z-tf FRANK WINCIIELL & CO., AUCTION & COMMISSION .MER'CHANTS, No. 824 State Street. Household Furniture and all kinds of Goods, Wares and Merchandise, bought and sold and received on consignment. Sales at private residences attended to in any part of the city. Sale of Household Furniture, Carpets, Queens ware, Horses, Wagons, and all kinds of goods on WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, AT 9 O'C 'ZACK, A. M A large consignment of Queengware, Glass ware, /.:4thcinfan and China Vases now On hand, will be closed out regardless of cost at private sale. ndnes attended to 141 any ,part of the county. ap9-tf. Tollworthy & Love, NO. 1390 PEACII ST., Have adopted• a new spit( in of doing, busi ness, and would ret-peet fully call the attention of their customers to the fact that they are now selling goods for CASH, OH HEADY PAY • We believe that we can do our ctudoiners jus tice by so doing and %mad u.k tlnqn to rail End see our splendid stock of ge,cerle , ,eon•Ustitnlf of Team, Coffees, Sugars, • Spices, ate., Comprising everything in a well kept grocery More. We also have the bt,t ~laalil~ of ERIE COiliTY FLOUR. Alpo FEED In unlimited quantities. Give us a call. TOLLWORTHY ,t 7. LOVE, 1390 Peach St., opposite National hotel. myl2-tf. BLANK BOOKS! Caughey, McCreary & Moorhead, WILL SELL 13LA.N11. 13 OOKS, • of every description, BOOKS, ENVELOPES AND PAPER; Than any house In this city. Alto, SCHOOL BOOKS, At Wholesale, as cheap as any - 1013ln 11 cf, .hou.o Sii tlu: country. 13 I 11 1. 1. S: The Depository of the Bible Society-, nt- CAUGHEY, ITCREARY 31001WEAD'S FOR • THE FARMERS. S H EPl HA h s h I .V's° B be 't 3 ' 4 ron g LcC, Shears. WOOL TWINE, in any quantity. GRIND STONES.-20 touti Dort n 1.11:e Miron: SCYTHES.--Grass and Grain, of the be,t ma kers. - GRAIN -CRADLES.—Crnpeclnc :Ina Mnhy, complete with Scythes. HAy Foims.—Two and three tined., HOI, Shovels, Spades; Manure Forks and Ilay Knives, for sale by T. C. SELDEN, Fren'ell Street ll= B 001: AGENTS WAIsZTF.D—To solicit orders for Da. Wit. Smut's DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE. THE ONLY EDITION PUBLISHED IN AMERICA, CONDENSED BY -DR. Smyrit'S OWE HAND. In one large Octavo vblume, illustrated with over 125 steel and wood en,...travints'. Agents and subscribers. see that you get Ow genuine edition by Dr. Smith. The Springfield Depublican says, this edi tion p_tiblished by Messrs. Burr & Co., is the genuine Wing. The Congregationalist says, whoever wishes ski get, In the cho.spest torm, the best Diction ary of the Bible should buy this. WE ALSO WANT AGENTS for ELLIOT'S new work, REMARKABLE CHARACTERS AND MEMORABLE PLACES of THE HOLY LAND. By RENT WARD BEECHER, T. B. WOOLSEY, LI,. D. Pres. of Yale Col„ Jost. pu (Anon:cos, D. D. LL. D., Pres. of Wesleyan Univ., RT. 111;v:Isos, M. CLARY, Bishop of R. 1., They are new and original works by these au thors, and their subjects are approved by cies-- omen of all denominations.. Agents are meiits . lug with unparalleled success. We employ no General Agents for either book, and offer est:ra Indneernents to Canvassers. .Agents will see theadvantage of dealing directly with the PUB LISHERS. For deseriptive - circulars with full particulars and terms, address the Publishers, naYgi-Gt J. IL BEIM& CO., Hartford, Conn. Warrant in Bankruptcy - . rItHIB IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the Zith 1 day of May, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the Uni ted/Mates, for the Western District of Pentea, against the estate of Joseph Justice, of Erie, In the County of Erie, In said district, ad judged a bankrupt on his own pet i t ion ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any pro perty, belonging to such bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property Ity him, are forbidden by law; and that a !nee:ilia of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove t heir debts, and to choose one or inure assign. es of his estate, will be held at a Court of hank rupt ey, to be holden at the °Rice of the Register, In the city of Erie, before S. E. Woodruff. Eso., Register in bankruptcy for said district, on the tith day of July. A. D., 150,4,•at It o'clock, A. M. THOMAS A. ROW LEY, U. S. Monial, Mes,enger. By G. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. 31a rshal. royIN-/ • Warrant In Bankruptcy. 'VMS is TO GIVE NOTICE that on the Bth day of June A. D., Me, a Warrant in Bank ruptcy wax Issued out of the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, against the estate of Pearson Clark, of Erie City, in the county of Erie and Eitateof Pennsylvania, who have been adjudged bankrupts upon their own _petition ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any pro perty bebanging torn' bankrupts, to them or for their use, and the transfer of any property by them are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of =ld bankrupts to prove their debts Mello choose one or more assignees of their estate), will be held at a Court of Bank to=be holden at the office of S. E. Wood the Court House, in the city of Erie. he- Rae E.WoodruA gli ster , on the lath cloy of Augasill. THUD MOS, o'clock, A. M.' i 7. A. IiOWLEY, ' S. Marshal, Messenger. By 0. P. Davis,,Dept. U. H. Marshal. jelS-lw. pife):lZ , Le)ailz):s3iMeniMtlziond Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods J CORNER OF SEVENTH STREET. .701.1.1 M. I'A. w. PI1!:111,Cri Sz - , • No. s:11 0. NOBLE. Bay State Iron Works ! 1NT013.11,U.& - , FonndeiN. 31arli in ists and Boil , ,[ er Makers. works Corner Peach and 3:1. Sts., Erie, Pa. Faving ma-le ex l.snk,l ye addition , to Mir !Un chlttery, iye arc prepared To fill all ro,i— promptly for tsq3 Statiqlery, Marine and Portable', - • Of all vizcv, either with single or ent-ota STEAM PI - MPS. SAW M ILL WORK, E ERS, STILLS, TANKS, ETC. kind; of and Light Partiiiiihir attention given to Building tina chinOry CaSiti FOIL SAl.E.— , :tearn's circular Mlll Mr.; and Head Blocks, Whiell arc the best in use. .1 , 01111,1 SOWS Rotary Patois, (iaS Pipe and Fittim a, Brass Goods., Babbitt Metal, etc. Jobbing holleited at reduced pr.lres, All N.Arith warranted. Our motto is, said: CUSTO=ES MUST BE SUITE been _ ire reli ve are bound to sell as low as the 1 brother Please call MIA examine. need febl:l 7 tr. NOBLE & HAL. WARRANT IN BANKRUPTCY. . 'vats IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the day 1. of June, A. D. 156 , , J. warrant in bankrupt cy was issued against the estate of Samuel N. C . :umber, of the city of Erie, in. the county of Erie and State of PenusylvanlN'who tuts been adjudged a bankrupt on his owunetttlon; that the payment of city debts and dblivery of any property belonging to hint. for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of cretribozsoLlite said _bankrupt, to prore their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankrnpicy, tobe holden rt the office of the Register, in the city ctrErte. be fore S. E. Woodrutr, DN., Register in said dis trict, on the :.; , 1111 day et July, A. D. 19;S, at hi o'clock, A. M. TIAO3IAS A. ROWLEY, B. S. Marshal, Messenger ; By G. P. Davis, Dept, U. S. Marshal. WARRANT IN BANKRUPTCY. 'Elms IS TO GIVE NOTICE that oh the Ist day of June, A. IT. iSli . a warrant in bankrupt cy was issued against the estate of Guy Loomis, of the city of Erie, in the county of Erie and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the pay ment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to him, for his use, and the transfer of any property by hilt are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bank rupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his (state, will be held at the Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Register, In the city of Erie, before S. E. Woodrull, Esq., Register in bald district, on the 10th day of July, A. D. 1%3, at 10 o'clock, A. M, THOMAS A. ROWLEY, LT. S. Marshal, Messenger. 13y O. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. Marshal, WAILUAYF LN BANIUMPTCY. • milts IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 1-1 j, day of June, A. D., ISGS, a warrant in bank ruptcy was issued against the estate of Robert \V. liussell, of the city of Eric, in the county of Erie, and State of Pennsylvania, who has bee n adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; • that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to him, for his use, and the transfer of anyyroperty by him 'are forbidd, ti by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt,, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Mike of the Register, in the city of Erie. before S. E. Woodruff, Esq., Register, in the said district, on the 31111 day of July, A. D. ISss, at If R o'clock, A. M. THOMAS OWLEY, I'. S. Marshal, Messenger, By G. P. Davis, Dept, I.T. S. Marshal. WARRANT IN BANKRUPTCY. THP4 Ist TO GIVE NOM 'C that on the 7 , 1 day of.lune, A. D., irmht 1,1'zrupt cy was issued against the :•,t,..‘ i , l .Cass I. IA ll lianks, of the city of Erie, In the eoluity of Erie, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been ad- Judged a bankrupt on hi own petition; that the paymient of any debts very of any prop. erty belonging to him, for his use,and the trans fer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said hanki — upt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of lily e , ,titte, wilt be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden :intim oilier of the Register. in the city of Erie, before S. E. Woodruff:Esq., Register in said distrlet,on the 7)11, day of Jniv. A. P., 1,, at to o'clock, A, M. TMOMAS LEY. S. Marshal, 111,.sete.,er, By G. P. Surly, Dept. C. S. Marshal. Warrant In Bankruptcy. IS TO OWE NOTICE that on the ist 1. day of June, A. D. Mg, a warrant ht ,an ruptey was issued against the estate of Se cal, Kunz, of Erie city, county of Erie, and eitate ut Pennsylvania, who has been adJudired banh.- rapt on his own prtltton ; that tho payment of any debts and the delivery of any property he. longing to .uelt bankrupt, to hint, and fur hb, use, and the transfer of any properly by hint, are forbidden by law., that a Meeting of the creditors of thu said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Asitlgnees ~1 his estate, will be held at a Court otnaokropt.- ey, to ho hoiden at the omen of the - 11 J mister, in the city of Erie, Pa., before S. E. Woodrtnl,E‘o„ RegLster in said District, on tho3ith day of J Illy A. D., at 10 o'clock, A. M. - _ _ 'IIIOM Ati 11.01V_ M L _ety, sengc.r By G. P. Davi , , Dept. U. S. .uaranal. - • - Je-t • • A d Iran rat ors' Noti ce. lETTEIis OF A Is:Nt I NIBTILATION' (yirt 1,1:6 - e.:- .J Sm4el'liszennier,deed.,latear Greene 1., en granted to tho under not lee 1, hereby Oxon to all indebtot to the same to make Immediate - payment, and those having chit Ma aglitElfit Said estate will present them tinly nuthentleatixt , , for settle ment. lIENAIETTn sIbz A.St I[I.OEII, I I . ",- Greene, myi2l.(lw. " House :and Lott for Sale. SL•BSCItt r,En'offeh for salon SFAV an.l I. conveniently - arrun;,..ce hpu , k, well si t in the beautiful VILLAGE OF NORTH EAST u•, 11 4,f water, 't wo Cir,terwa., grOd tarty and an ILl,undancte of the - 1 n .. ." 4 1. VAf;II•.TI (IF FRUIT I'ltl('F,l.o W.-- -TEE :AS ItEASONABLE. Tho p,operty 4 ,1`..01:111Y desirable; Inas much as the Lake Shore Seminary, no institu tion of I. arnhr„ mat be. %yelled by any in the 1 . 1111111.1 y. 1, located near the prenti ses. For partleular4, 11l of the subscriber. on the premises. 11. FOOTII. Warrant In Itankrtiptcy. Fritts IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the Si'r, 'day .of June A. I)., ibas, a .Warrant it Baokruptey was homed against the •c.tate e r g Charles B. Clark, - of the city of Brie. In Mile county of Erie, and State of Pemarylvania, why - has been adjudged a bankrupt on MI own I't7le Minn; That the payment of any debt; and livery of any property belonging to smelt ban] mitt. to him, and for his use, and - the transfer . any property by , him, are forbidden by law; tha a meeting of the creditors of gad bankrupt, Uto prove their debts and to choose one or more , Assignexa aids estate, will be bold -st a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Register, In the city -of., rale, 'before S. Ntroodentf Register, ou the 1.1111. day; s f .kuti,, A. D.,-1.*14,at. o r 'e u loc o lc rA , A. A.nowila r. , KAratsbal.Jdon4mger„ By d P. Darts, Dept. E. S. Marshal—. .Jets-lw.• - Administrator's Notice. E'ETERS of ADNIINISTRATIaN on the ea 'J tate of Mary Felleita Heintz, d.,late of Erie city; having been granted to the under signed, notice Is hereby given to all Indebted to the same to make itutneditdo payment. and those having claims ag:t Inst.the saht , will present them duly authenticated for settle ment. 1. 11(18...; 'III4MP: 4 ON. Vriv, my2.l-6t Administrator, IME EMI ME 111111 CUM ASlh - , Admintstratom