eghc Obotontex. TIIURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1&111 DEMOCRATIC STATE TICKET AUDITOR GEICEILAL, CHAS. E. BOYLE, of Fayette CO. SURVEYOR GENERA L, W. IL ENT, of Columbia Co TUE GREATEST VICTORY YET I The Carnet -Baggers had Out litgh and Dry in Mississippi.: The indications now all tend to show that, contrary to every expectation, the Southern States will, one by onr, soon array them selves under the Democratic banner. Last week we recorded the success of the Demo cratic ticket in South Carolina, and to-day We have a still more decisive victory to an nounce in Mississippi. The State has gone Democratic by thousands, in spite of the army and freedman's bureau. Many of the negroes, especially in the cities and towns, voted against the Radicals, and energetically assisted the Democratic ticket. This' result confirms the belief we have often expressed that the Democrats of the South can control the negro vote whenever the'S - see' fit to ex ercise their influence in a proper manner. MILITARY GLORY YS. CIVIL WORTH Those of our party adherents' who argue that it is neeesary for the Democracy to dominate military candidates hi order to win the confidence of the people, either are not familiar with the record of the past six years or have forgotten its teachings. We have none of the prejudices against military men, as such, which spine peisons of both parties profess, but the experience of the past fully convinces us, that, however illustrious may have been their achievements in the field, they have no prestige over civilians in secur ing, votes for positions that require states manship or political knowledge. The worst beaten candidate for President that was ever run, previous to the late war, was General Scott, a soldier whose merits were as freely acknowledged by his political foes as ad mired by his party adherents. In 1864, the Democrats ran Gen. McClellan, who :pos sessed the confidence and enthusiastic love of the mass of the party as fully as any man possibly could, yet, with a civilian, and one of very ordinary attainments too, arrayed against him, he met with a defeat which, under other circumstances, would have come nigh being the death-blow to our organiza tion. Gen. Tuttle was nominated for Governor of lowa, in 1803, and no more gallantsoldicr was ever sent out of that State. He was the worst beaten man we ever ran, and from the terrible consequences of that election the De mocracy there have never yet recovered. In 1865, the Democracy of Ohio nominated Gen eral Geo. W. Morgan for Governor, and a better Democrat, and braver soldier, was not to be found within the limits of the Union, yet he was beaten thirty It c hougand votes.. In 1865, the Democracy of ,:ew York nomi nated General Slocum, who had previously been a Republican, to head the State ticket for Secretary of State. He was beaten some thirty or forty thousand votes. In 1866, the Democracy .of Indiana nominated General Manson, also fora State office, and in a Dem ocratic State, were terribly beaten, by major ities running high up into the thousands. In our local contests throughout the Union we have also run many .military candidates —some all covered over with honorable scars and wounds,—and yet they received no more, yea, in some cases failed to receive as large a vote as some of the nominees on ilte same tickets who had never smelt gun-pow der. • The figures will bear us out in the asser tion, that, since the war, all the candidates, ,or nearly all, supported by the Democracy, who have been successful, were civilians. Who carried Ohio in 1862? Mr. Ranney, for Supreme Judge. Who carried New York in 1862, for Governor? Mr. Horatio Seymour. Who was elected Governor in New Jersey, the same autumn? Mr. Parker. Who came near carrying Ohio in 1867, and did substantially give us victory in that State ? Mr. Thurman, since elected • Senator. Who carried Pennsylvania in 1867? i3ir. Shars wood, for Supreme Judge. Who was elected Governor in Connecticut in 1867, in , 4l re elected In 1868, beating a Federal Ggir . ral, the President of the Chicago 'Convention, Hawley, in the first named year? Plain Mr. English. The Democratic triumph in Cali fornia last fall was also under the banner of a civilian, Mr. Haight The only time in the history of Massachusetts, for the last twenty live years; that the Democracy ever came near electing, a candidate for Governor, was in 1867, when they ran Mr. John Quincy Adams. In Oregon, too, our late great vic tory was won without the aid of military prestige, by a man who had never been in sight of a battle-field. These results are decisive, They showus that the people, in selecting civil officers look to civil talent and experience instead of military. In army positions - they choose generals, but for positions in civil life t* prefer men whose education, bting civilian, has qualified them to discharge them. , ANOTIIEB VETO. The impeablimeat bugaboo has not alarm-. ed President Johnson to the extent of impel: ling him to place his signature to bills which he believes to be inconsistent with the Con stitution or the best mtereste of the country. In another place we print his veto of the Arkansas bill, which will be found to be well written and clearly argued, as all the Presi dent's messages are. Of course, it could not be expected that Congress wold sanction the veto,, and our readers - syill tfot, he .surpri sed to learn that both houses have passed the bill over the President's objections, by more than a two-thirds vote in each body. The people will place a veto on the acts o Congress, in 'November, which that body will not dare Ur annul. .1 Tsn New York Sun, Out of the best in formed journals in that city, thinks none of the gentlemen actively supported will receive the nomination of the National Convention, and that its ultimate choice will fall upon Hon. Thomas A. Hendricks, United States Senator from Indiana. We have been aware for some weeks that a movement was on foot tO bring Hr. Hendricks forward as a compro mise candidate, and believe that it would be as judicious a selection as could be made. The Pendleton men endorse him ns their second choice, and he appears to be equally acceptable to the less impulsive, though none the less earnest, Democrats of the Ea,t. Tim arch fiend of malignity, Thaddeus Stevens, is not yet satisfied with his impeach ment experiments, and has prepared new ar ticles, which are soon to be presented to thg House. The first charges the President with instituting provisional governments in the South without the consent of Congress ; the second with usurpation of the pardoning power ; the third with using his patronage to obstruct the laws of Congress in the non• represented States ; and the fourth with a corrupt use of his patronage In the North: i t i s consoling to learn from the Tribune that, " Mr. Stevens has no hopes of, having his ar ticles entertauterthis session." . THE New York Weig which ought to be as well postedon Vle subject as any Demo cratic fournal in the country, its it is the only One or prominence which gave the scheme any encouragement, states in Saturday's is sue that : "What is called the Chase move ment will cause no disturbanOe (in the Na tional Conyention)' for the reason that' Mr. Chase will not receive a single vote from any 4degatioti.." ' • HAUMONIOVEI PARTY. The Radicals need not flatter themselves that the diversities ofolnion which find ex pression in our journals and political conver sations respecting the action proper to be taken by the Democratic National Conven tion; will in any respect impair the unity and vigor of the party. As a means of testing - the strength of particular candidates and the acceptability of proposed declaraticins in the platform; such discussions are salutary so long aCthei are pursued with the under standing that all individual preferences will be cheerfully surrendered after they have had a fair hearing, if they should not be indorsed by the collective sense of the party. The Democratic party, in preparing for the ap •preaching canvass, practises the enlightened tolerance which prevails in a military coun cil in deliberating upon the plan of a cam paign; where every suggestion is welcome which aids in bringing all the possilillities of the situation into view, brit every oiteer is prepared to co-operate with zeal in whatever plan is adopted after full consideration. With regard to the candidates, we believe there is none, not even the strongest, who 'does not stand ready to surrender his hopes it the Convention should judge-that some other is niore likely to bring out a larger vote. And, on the other hand, the most earnest opponents of particular candidates will yield their opposition and give a strenu ous support to the ticket, if the Convention shall decide against them. So long as this spirit prevails, warmth of expression can be safely tolerated, as a mere incident of that comparison.otviews by which harmony will be ultimately attained. A PROSCRIPTIVE TICKET. • The candidates on the Radical ticket, now appealing to all classes, of our citizens for - votes, are both proscrlptionists. Grant is sued an insulting order expelling the Jews "as a class" from the military Department of the Mississippi. Colfax rode into Congress on a Know-Nothing ticket, and in 1844 in termitted his smile long enough to take the solemn oath of that order—that he would never give his Tote or influence for any man, for any office in the' gift of the people unless he be an American-born citizen, nor if he be a Roman Catholic. The following are the oaths which Mr. Colfax - was compelled to take before admission into the Know-Nothing f council: -- "FIRST DEGREE" AS A SNOW-NOTHING. "In the presence of Almighty God and these Witnesses I do solemnly promise and swear that I will not vote, nor give my influ ence, for any man for any office in the gift of the people, unless he be an American born citizen, in favor of 'Americans ruling Ameri ca, nor if he be a Roman Catholic." "SECOND DEGREE." "In the presence of Almighty God• and these witnesses I do solemnly and sincerely -swear, if it may be legally done, I will when 'elected or appointed to any official station conferring on me the power to do so, remove all foreigners, aliens or Roman Catholics from office or place, and that I will in no case appoint such to any office or place in my Mr. Colfax has undertaken .to flatter the foreign element since, but the oaths he took in the Know-Nothing lodge are the best evi dence of his real position. Such are some of the antecedents—and only some—of the Rad ical candidates, Grant and Colfax. CHASE'S PL ATFOR2II. The following is authoritatively given as the platform upon which Judge Chase stands at present, and which he and his sup porters will urge upon the adoption of the National Convention as a means of harmo nizing all the elements of opposition to the thieves and Jacobins of the Ctingressional ring. The fact that until lately Judge Chase has been one of the most influcntial•Repub lican leaders, gives to his views a significance which will not be without its weiglit among the thinking menof that party : 1. Universal suffrage as a recognized Dem ocratic principle, the application of which is to be left under the ConstitUtion of the' United States, to the States themselves. 2. Universal amnesty and complete removal of all disabilities on account of participation in the late rebellion is not only a wise and just measure of public policy; but essentially necessary to the beneficial administration of the Government in the States recently ,in volved in civil war with the - United States, and to a full and satisfactory re-establishment of a practical relation of these States with other States of the American Union. 3. No military government over any State in the Union, in time of peace, is compatible with the principles of civil liberty established by the Conititution ; nor can the trial of pri vate citizens by military commission be tole rated by people jealous of their freedom and desiring to be free. 4. Taxes should be reduced as as practi cable, collected impartially and with strict economy, and so apportioned as to bear on wealth rather than upon labor ; and while all National obligationsshould be honestly and exactly fulfilled, no special privilege should be allowed to any classes of individuals or to corporations. IT is stated by the friends of President Johnson that he intends in the early . part of July to issue an amnesty , proclamation, covering those cues excepted by the last one. It is further stated . that Judge Chase, during his recent professional sojourn at Richmond, Ye., made some reflections upon the existing state of affairs, which give hope That his great influence will soon be on - the side of justice and reconciliation. In -company with a number of the ablest intellects of Virginia, among them Henry A. Wise, he remarked the political anomaly which existed ; that he saw around him men of education and abili ty, men who were disfranchised and incapa ble of holding political office, while those who could hold the offices, in nine cases out of ten, are "utterly unfit" . to perform the duties. Tits Alabama Democratic Convention, at is late session, passed the following resolu tion by a unanimous vote. ,We commend it to the attention of those tender hearted and exceedingly truthful souls who pretend .to believe that if the Democratic party returns to power it will remand the Southern negro into slavery "Resoir - M, That slavery having been pro hibited in the State of Alabama by a Conven tion of the people thereof, held in September, 1805, we hereby again proclaim our faithful adherence to that ordinance, and we assure the people of the United States that there are no laws in force in this State, enacted by our authority, which make any distinction in the protection which they give to the per son and property of both races, and we here by declare our solemn purpose that• these laws shall be faithfully and impartially ad ministered so soon as the military are with draw% and we arc permitted to manage our own affairs." Jon:: Sr - fin/err, whom the Govern ment went to enormous expense to.captufe and bring from Europe in one of our vessels of war, charged with complicity in the mur der of Lincoln, has received a final discharge from the indictment. The jury failed to agree some time ago, and he has been kept imprisoned ever since, in direct violation of law, for no other reason which can be km= _ gined than to gratify the malice of his seen lens. He Is now. at liberty on ball, but it is 'said that a new indictinent for conspiracy is to be made out against him. AT a late-dinner. in North Carolina, there sat down to a table three ox-Governors, an ex-Justice of the Supreme Court, two ex 31embeis of Congress, and some other men of honorable distinction in their State and the only person in the room who could vote or hold office was the negro whO waited on the table. Such is Radical reconstruction, TUE President bss sent in the appoint ment of Wm, M. Everts, Esq., as Attorney General, and that distinguished gentleman has consented to accept the position, if" con firmed by the Senate. He has been a strong Republican, but is understood to have modi fied kis views considerably within the last few months. From the Cincinnati Enquirer.) PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATIONS. Up to 11132. the Presidential candidates of the people were not selected by National Con ventions of the respective parties. On the contrary, they were a caucus of Congressmen at Washington. The first five Presidents were, with their Vice-Presidents, chosen in this manner. _ In 1824 the Congressional caucus system received its death blow. In that year there were- four candidates before the people for President, namely: Andrew Jackson, J. Q. -Adams, W H. Crawford and Henry Clay. Adams', Jackson's and Clay's friends in Con gress declined to haYe any thing. to do with the caucus. The result was that sixty-one members attended out of two hundred and sixty. They nominated Mr. Crawford in accordance with old usages and precedents. But the nomination, of course, carried no Weight with it, and Mr. Crawford was the third in the race. The election went to the House, where John Q. Adams was chosen.. Atthe next election Jack Son was taken up, in different State Conventions, and was eke ted over Mr. Adams, who had the same in dorsement. In 1832, at the end of Andrew Jackson's first term, the first National Con ventions were called. The Democratic met at Baltimore, renominated Andrew Jackson by acclamation, and Martin Van Buren for Vice-president, Governor Robert Lucas, of Ohio, was the President of this Convention. The so-called National Republicans held a Convention, and selected Henry Clay for President, and John Sargent for Vice-presi dent. They met, we believe, in Philadelphia. Jackson and Van Buren were elected. In. 1835 the,Democmts held their second Na tional Convention at Baltimore, and by ac clamation nominated Martin Van Buren for President, and, after a sharp contest, selected Colonel R. M. Johnson, of Kitatucky, for Vice-president, :over WM., C. Rives, of Vir ginia. The latter'a friends were very indig nant, and Virginia, In the election, voted for Van Buren, but rejected Shilnson,"giving her electoral ;. vote to Governor Smith. This caused a tie. Johnson had just half of the elec toral votes. "There being noilhoice, Johnson was eleeild by the Senate—the only instance in our liistory of a Vice-president being so,' chosen. The Whig Convention met in New York, and selected General W. H. Harrison for President, and Francis Granger, - of New York, for Vice-president The Massachusetts Whigs did not attend the Convention, and gave their votes for Daniel Webster in the election, instead of General Harrison.. The Georgia and Tennessee Whigs also stood aloof, and voted for Sohn Bell. Van Buren was elected. In December, 1839, the Whig Convention met at Harrisburg, Penn: For the first time in any Convention, there was a struggle for the Presidential nomination between the friends of Henry Clay, General Harrison and General Scott. Harrison was chosen on the thairl ballot, and John Tyler, of Virginia, was nontinated for Vice-president. The Demo cratic National Convention met at Baltimore, and renominated Mr. Van Buren for Presi dent. No Vice-president was nominated, and the States were left to vote for who& they pleased for Vice-president. The friends of Van Buren, however, generally voted for Colonel Johnson. Harrison n,nd Tyler were elected. 'ln 1844, both parties held their National Conventions at Baltimore. The Whigs nomi nated Clay and Frclinghuysen, and the Demociats„ atter a long struggle, selected James K. Polk, of Tennessee, and Silas Wright, of New York. The latter declined, and George M. Dallas, of Pennsylvania, was selected in his stead. Polk and Dallas were elected. In 1848, the Democratic National Conven tion met at Baltimore, and nominated Gene rals Cass "and Butler for President and Vicej president. The Whigs held their Convention at Philadelphia, and selected General Taylor for President, and Millard Fillmore, of New York, for Vice-president. They were elected. In 18 i 2, the Whigs met at Baltimore; and nominated General Scott for President, and W. A. Graham, of North Carolina, for Vice president. At the same place the Democrats nominated Franklin Pierce for President, and W. B. King for Vice-president The latter were elected. In IMO 'the Democratic Convention' el Cincinnati nominated James Buchanan and John C. Breckinridge. The Republicans held their Convention in Philadelphia, and nomi nated Fremont and Dayton. Another section of the opposition held their National Conven tion and nominated Fillmore and Donelson. Buchanan and Breckinridge were elected. In 1860 the-Republicans convened at Chicap, and nominated Lincoln and Hamlin. The 'Democrats met at Charleston, South Caro lina, where a split occurred, and the Conven tions adjourned to Baltimore. Douglas and Fitzpatrick, of Alabama, were nominated by one branch, and Breckinridge and General Lane by ihe other: Fitzpatrick declined to run, and IT. V. Johnson, of Georgia, was se lected. Bell and Everett were run by the National Union men. Lincoln and Hamlin were elected. In 1884 the Democrats met at Chicago, and the Republicans at Baltimore. The latter nominated Lincoln and Johnson, and the Democrats McClellan and Pendleton. The former were elected. We have thus brought the - history down to the present time, show ing the change from the Congressional Caucus to the National Convention, and the circum stances-that led to its occurrence. [COXI. ICATED.) WHO SHALL B OUR CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT I First, I say, he must be a Democrat ;• a tried Democrat; a Democrat that the rank and file have confidence in ; a Demekrat that has never betrayed his trust, nor the confi dence of his party. Ho must be a man that would scorn the offer of a nomination from any other party. He meat be amen that has stood firmly by the _Constitution of our fath ers during the past seven years of the reign of terror, though he were called Copper head, traitor, secesh, sympatbizei with the rebellion; or any other indignity • that may have been_ heaped upon him. We have scores of such men in our ranks ; we have no hwit of men, that have pot boived the knee to the Baal of Abolitionism. We have Pendleton ; as we have Hendricks, ,Woodward, Horatio Seymour, Thomas H. Seymour, Reverdy JoltaSon, and hosta' of others. that the Democracy of the nation would delight to honor, the blast of whose trumpets has' never giten' ,an uncertain sound. . , . . What of Chase'? He has none of thi , quali fications named above ; • be is a - renegade . from the: Democratic party ; he has aposta tized from the Dentoeratic faith, and it is im-' possible to renew him again without proba tion., He deserted the "Democracy In, the flay of its trials; when she needed, every true man to stand at the belai. If timeserv ing office seekers like Chase had not deserted us, the Republican party - would zeirer have obtainecypower, aid if the Republican party had not obtained power there would tiara been no war, no nubile debt rumaberine hun dreds nd thousands of million, no 'l:donn ing for five hundred thousand' men 'slain in battle or died in the . camp far away from home and friends. Had there beat no Re publican party the harmony of the States' would not bane been broISU, devastation and misery-worth' not , hare _coined the entire South, the morals of our- Janke:mould not havesunk aolow ; - and for alizthis untold Suf fering :and' misery such men as Chase are in a great degree insponiffialo. The most, radi cal of the Republicans advocated his claims for nomination by their party for the Presi dency. And he would gladly have accepted the nomination and stood upon a platform. Radical enough to have satisfied Wendell Phillips. Who, then, in view of these facts, • will Malt the Democracy of the nation by asking - theth t(; vote for 6alnto'n P. Chase? Give us a candidate, Who, like Clay, Web ster, Calhoun or Cass, Would not do a wrong act, nor sactifice his honor for the sake of being President of the United States. Give us such a candidate and we will elect him. Rather let ns be defeated, than' to support any man who is not of ns, and who, if elected,- might not. carry out the principles .of .the great Natimial Democratic party'. Thither, I say, let the Democratic party die a naltunl death, than 'suffer striniulation frdin the hands of enemies in the friends. VETO OF THE ATULANBAS SILL• To the House of Reposeptalirss • I return, without my signature, &bill en titled an act to admit the State of Arkansas to representation in Congress. The appro val of this bill would bean admission, on the part of the Executive, that the act for the more efficient government of the rebel States, •passed March 2, 18(17, and the acts supple mentary thereto, were proper and constitu tional. -My opinion, however, in reference to these measures, has undergone no change. On the contrary, it has been strengthened by the results which have attended their e'xecu non. Even were thiSnot the case I could not consent to a bill which is based upon the a:s'sumption either that by an net Of rebellion of a portion of its pciople the Suite of Arkan sas seceded from the Union, or that Congress may at its pleasure e.wel or exclude. a State from the Union, or interrupt its relations with the Government by arbitrarily depri vingit of representation . the Senate and Iloast of Itepresentatives. If Arkansas is a State not in the Union, this bill does not admit it as a State in the Union. If, on the other hand, Arkansas is a State in the Union, no legislation is necessary to declare it entitled to representation in Con gress as one of the States of the Union. The Constitution already declares that each State shall have at least one representative; that the Senate shall be composed of two senators from each State, and that no State, without its consent, shall be deprived of its equal suff rage in the Senate. That instrument also makes each House the judge of the election returns and qualifications of Its 'own mem bers, and therefore all that is now necessary to restore Arlainsas in all its constitutional relations to the government is a decision by each House upon the eligibility of those who, presenting their credentials, claim seats in the respective houses of Congrep. This is the plain and bitupie plan of the Constitution, and ,believing that had it been pursued when Congress assembled in the month of December, 1885, the restoration of the States would long since have been com pleted, I once again earnestly recommend that it be adopted,by each House in prefer ence to legislation which, I respectfully sub mit, is not only of at least doubtful consti tutionality, and therefore unwise and dange rous as a precedent, but is unnecessary and not so effective in its operation as the Mode prescribed by the Constitution, involves addi tional delay,-and from its terms may be taken rather as applicable to a territory about to be admitted as one of the United States, than to a State which has occupied a place in the Union for upwards of a quarter of a century. The bill declares the State of Arkansas is en- , titled to representation in Congress as one of the States of the Union upon the following fundamental conditions: - - That the Constitution of Arkansas shall neter be so amended or changed as to deprive any citizen or class of citizens of the United States of the right to vote, who are entitled to vote by the Constitution herein recognized, except as a punishment for such crimes as are now felonies at common law, whereof they shall have been duly convicted under laws equally applicable to all the inhabitants of said State ; provided that any alteration of said Constitution, prospective in its effect, may be made in regard to the time and place of residence of voters. I have been unable to find in the Consti tution of the United States anywarrant for the exercise of that authority thus claimed by Congress, in assuming power to impose a fun damental constitution upon a State duly ad !Med into the Union, on an equal footing with the original States, in all respects, what ever Congress asserts as to its right ,to enter ,a State, as it may a territory, and to regulate the highest prerogative of a free people, the elective franchise. This question is reserved -by the Constitution to the States themselves, and to concede to Congress the power to re gulate this subject would be to reverse the fundamental principle of the Republic, and to place in the hands of the Federal Govern ment, which is the creature'of the States, the sovereignty which justly belongs to the States or the people, the true source of all political power, by whom our federal system wag crea ted, and to whose will it is subordinate. The bill fails to provide in What manner the State of Arkansas IA to signify its accep tance of the fundamental condition which Congress endeavors to make nnalterable'and irrevocable, nor does it prescribe'the penalty to be imposed should the people of the State amend or change the particular portions of the Constitution which it was one of the pnrr poses of the bill to perpetuate, but as to the consequences of such' action, it leaves them in uncertainty and doubt, when the circum stances under which this constitutionhas been brought to the attention of Congress is contd.: dered. It is not unreasonable to suppose the effort will be made to modify its provi sions, especially those in respect to which the measures prohibit any alteration. It is odiously questioned whether the constitution hasiven ratified by a majority of persons, who, under the act of March 2. 1807, and the acts supplementary thereto, were entitled to registration and to vote upon that issue. Section ten of the schedule provides that no person disqualified from voting or registering under the Constitution, shall vote for candi i dates for any office,nor shall be permitted to vote for ratification or rejection of theCon stibation at the polls herein authorized, or assumed to be in force before its adoption. In disregard to the law of Congress, the Constitution undertakes to impose on- the elector other and further conditions, The fifth section of the: eighth article provides that all persons before registering or voting must take and Subscribe to an oath, which among others, contains the following clause : " That I accept the civil and political equality of all men, and agree not to attempt to deprive any person or persons on account of race, color or previous condition, of any political or civil right, privilege or immunity, enjoyed by an: other class of men." , It is well known that a very large portion of the electors in all the States, Knot a large majority, do no believe in or accept practical equality of Indians, Mongolians or noeroes, with the race to which they belong. If the voters in many of the States in the South and West were required to take such an oath as as test of their qualifications, there is reason to believe that a majority of them would remain from the polls rather than comply with the de grading conditions. How far and to what extent this test oath prevented the'reglstratlou of those who were qualified under laws of Congress it is impossible to know. Should the people of Arkansas, therefore, desiring to regulate' the elective franchise So as - to make it conform to the constitution of a large pro portion of the States of the North •and West, modify the provisions referred to in the fun damental condition, what is the consequence ? Is it intended that a denial of representation shall follow, and, if so, may ure`not dread at some future day. a recurrence 7 of the troubles which have so long agitated the country? Would it not be the part of wisdom to take for our guide the Federal Coustitation,irather than to resort to measures which, looking only to the present, may in. a few years renew,' in an aggravated form, - the strife and bitterness caused by legislation which has proved to be so ill-thsed,and unfortunate. Signed, ' Axran4w .lounsmy. Washington, D. C., June 20th';118t'S. .Escarn FROM Tam Guare.—TheCleveland "Plaindealer" tells the -following,remarkable story of a case which it says happened In that city: "Some six weeks ago a young. lady re siding on Lorain street, Ellen It White, was taken ill by *bat was regardt'd by her physicians as typhoid , fever. For, four Weeks her condition alternated from better to worse, when about two weeks since she had a severe relapse, sinking gradually • Until was thought she had died,: and she was pronoun ced dead by her physicians, her mother alone refusing to believe her-dead. Preparations were - made for her funeral, the mother all the time Insisting that-her daughter'Wei 'alive. 8140 was ,to have beenburied on Sunday last, and her narrow-escape from, the grave is, thus related : 9n Saturday, whilesone of the neigh= born and mothet-:ivere standing by' the side of the supposedtorpse, the door, which had been le ft open, blew shut with a loud noise, which hadthfictlkt of se actinktipda the girl as to•bring- her to, and.set her life-bloom' in -motion. She„sprang mo thronrleg, bet arils areund her mother's neck-weptjeare joy, oter eeespe frOni'llie'lleirrid`dettfhtf being bitted alive. -Thoiatlng lady deicribett her Gratings - doting - bet trance,frtntrwhith it appears she fully realised all that was going% On, bat bet will wesperwerless: Efer situation appears to have been ono of perfkt happft. nes, except when theihought of being.but led.alive possessed her,", , • New Spring Silk and Fancy Hits, beintk:, fid'Coatings and Cassirderes; also, agentsfor reports of fashion. JortEs dti PArria' Juhlt)-tf. . POLITICAL PABAMAPRX. "GIVE hs peace," says Grain. "Give ua plunder,"#ys his party. A WAsunwrox correspondent of the Louisville Courier says: "Mr. Chase an nounces his purpose of acting .with the Dem. ' 4 :4lcY ilreet nat.." • - Stscii-Stantmea.retirement trout the War office, he realizes exactly - the instance of the old pig in the rhyme : "While Imlived; he lived in clover;. When he died he died all over." BRIMSTONE 11110.WWLOW is recoyeringi Glad to bear It We should like for such be ings as be, Thad. Stevens, and Ben. Butler to live ,a hundred years, so that they could see how posterity will condemn. and despise them. • . Eilitinono. HON. Wu. SPtiAour., Senator front Rhode Island, w•as last Week re-elected for six years by the Legislature of that potato patch. Rad this littlehrair taken place before the vote on impeachment, Sprague would line voted for the Piesident's aegkittal. Tire. Indiana Journal has discovered a Southern Democratic paper that compliments some negroes whci voted the Democratic ticket. A negro who votes the Democratic ticket eertainly-has more sense than a South ern white man who . votes the Radical ticket. Mn. ALEX. 11'4H. STUART, of Virginia, sayi : "The Southern people will cheerfully support Pendleton, Hancock , Doolittle, Hend ricks, Seymour, or any othersound Conser vative man, provided he has what John Ran dolph called the 'turning-out faCulty!' Tut Democratic party has lost the trick sters and corruptionists like Butler, Logan, Forney and Sickles, who formerly brought disgrace and defeat upon it, but it bas more than made up its losseSby drawing from the 'Republican party all ;the honesty and brains that Were ever possessed by that organiza tion. -. Taw. STEVENS says that the greenback doctrine is correct ; that our currency is our lawful money; and that gold is a commodity in market. He gives this as his private opinion, but thinks it would be impolitic for his party to announce it as part of their plat form. , GENEIIAL 31'cCrstr-ust has written a letter from Europe to General Hancock, stating that he will arrive in this country in August next, and that he will not let his' name be used in connection with the Presidency. He cordially endorses General: Hancock, or any ,other good man who may be selected at the July Convention In opposition to the Radi cal nomination, and will take the stump in their behalf. WE learn . that hundreds of copies of , the New York Tribune, Philadelphia Pleas, Pittsburgh Comniercial, and tither abolition papers, are being sent broad-cast throughout the country to Any one who will lift them andpay the postage. The money to pay for these vile sheets is raised by comtnitWes.ap pointed for the purpose, The Democrats might team a I.son by watching their ene mies and acting accordingly. Tim St. Louis Voiks Zeitung, liadieal, has this notice of thu nomination of Grans publleans ns NVe are, we cannot but ilepre cote that the convention felt ander theneces !shy of nominating a man who never was a Repnbltean, - who never: professed Republican principles, wlio has not the least capacity for the exalted position, and wini always vas a mere• tool in the himds of miserable klemar gognes." Drum; the month °Pliny the national debt was increased nine inilliOns, seven hun dred And seventeen thousand, and lifty nine hundred- dollars ! Is not this alarming? Just think of the rate of nearly ten millions of dollars per month. This is Radical rule, mismanagement and stealing. Why, if these orittmat:s are kept in power much longer 'they steal the Capitol, Goddess of Lifer- iy and all. Are not the, people convinced that it is hieh time to burl these scoundreila from power? • ,Iry Washington, we are told, the Radicals are conteitingthe elections in several wards on the ground that soldiers have been: elect ing the Demoeina candidate. In one ward .a hundred soldiers' votes have been thrown out, and the defeated Radical put in. thereby, in place of the eleeted Democrat. "Ail the soldiers will go tor Grant—sure," said the Chletteo Convention.- It seems, they don't go for Grant, moth although he portrait 6f Hie "epatilletecl AphyMx" was printed int the Radical tickets and his name invoked to the UtECIOSt. GRaErtm, GnAyr says that he wants peace and all his organs have suddenly become "Peace organs," and all his supporters 'Peace mett." • If this sudden conversion is sincere, Grant and his congressional allies can give the country "Peace" without wait ing for the result of the Presidential election. They have Congress by more than iwo•thirds in . either branch. The President is not in their was-, for they can and do override all his vetoes. The Supreme Court is not in their way, for they can and do abridge its jurisdiction. The army is nct in their way, for they have created Grant military dictator in the Southern desert which they have made in ten States and call peace. They can hale it any moment they choose to deviate. SPITE, not honesty, ma* at last drive the Radicals to consent to a resumption of spoeie payments. Of' course they find it diJile-tlt to look an lwnest man in the face,—to 'Which their love of money now compels them. The Norristown Republican -says : "A petition, signed by a -ntunber "of oar loyal citizens; has been forwarded to llon. .101orli. Broomall, asking Conrss to recall the et - wiener having upon it the fades of S. P. Chase and W. P. Pessenden." Forney's Press is alike disgusted. Neither rotundity nor leanness suits it : "Judge Chase adorns with satisfied rottuul• ity our one-dollar national currency' bills, while Mr.. Fessenden's lean and sinister phfslognonly shrivels, end twists on the twenty-five cent fractional notes. Must we See these men every time we open our pocket books. THE. Xew. York 'World is ventilating the Freedinen f s litireau establishment, It gives an acenrate the agents and clerks" em ployed to carry ori".thfi' Alcantic swindle. showing.that there are iO,l of themmaxi' ring 'salaries tunounting in :be aggregato tto 4809,840 a yearf . ' A large amber orthose - agents manage; also, to swiitdie• their living In gOverament rations and perqiitiities.- This "costfpf this swindle is estimated id $11,400e • 000 per annum. The whole concern is' a mere -political" machine, and is an' injury rather than a benefit te_the poor negroes, Whe riegleet , lidiar.and!occtipyAliele time in attending tveliticat meetings,. or marching to the polls, with muskets in their hands; to vote as they are erected by their new tarts ; t9cf;•the 2 - 04 allenYO' 4tei4nteart."l 40 Pie white working classes of the North have to foot the enoirnottihllls. THE Canibridge (114.) Democrat thus al htdeie to the infant:era wltritHcsealbi flie Gov ernment upon whose tesieneny an Innocent womarOfrs.Siuratt, was murdered upon the kalloies; by ibe:nnler of •an Mega)" packed -military tribunal. It says : . • ' "Conover, the particular friend and associ -stio:of Aible, :trirlesidlst in; the•-Penij tentiary ; Cleaver has been once convicted of an iimout Itinie7tudlill Wng a new Baker htan.ahseouding-critalnal„nnd fugitive'frotitj*Wiuidifichiinf my has ; been arrests kand is to be tried for embezzlement antr sarhidlinet • ; , , 1;i 4 W,ft54. 11 0 1111 8-0 , 10.1k aols4PrevOl ted 3fisa AZIEV &matt fkom - lating an inter view with - President Jolson an Lig Tier inOther eieiiitek: iontinltOU la tiTear trionthaliftel l by thrtiiiiii 3 O him self into, - the ;Oaten of thiiiiiihifett..:l7llOre , Are, others. in the bloody-driuptt -tvho • will "have forbaneil equally akeatly spoken of; Wnt% Grant undertook to get tip that.let, ter of acceptance, which is reported by some Radical Jackanapes to have been (lathed off without thought in ten minutes.* evide.l4-_ ly took as a model the following stanza of Hosea Bigelow, written in reference to him weeks before the Chicago Convention : "Ez to my principles, i glory In Lavin' nothin' o' the sort. aint a rad, I 'taint Vl'ary; • - • I'm jest a candidate f inshort ; There; fair an' square an' perpendieler, But, of the Public cares a fig To hey ma anything in. particler, Viry,l'm'a kind o' • Tire Democratic papers are busily engaged in trying to prove that Grant is a drunkard. ---0hi0#( 4187 9 14 r./4,( 1 4') The only papers thitthave tiled' to proVe that General Grant is a drunkard are Radi cal papers. The New York Independent (Bad.) published the statement about Grant being drunk on the streets in Washington on Sunday, staggering home iu the - presence of the congregation of a dismissed church ; and it was Wendell Phillips who publicly declared that such were Grant's habits; that he could not face a glass of whiskey without falling down betbre it. . Gnonon C. 'Const-tx, who has succeeded John W. Feeney as , Secretary,of..the V. S. Senate, was the Radice"candidate for Gov : , ernor of California, last fall, whose notori ously bad character was given by the Radi cal papers as an excuse for his defeat. Re , was charged with gambling, gross corruption, &c., yet now he is placed inn position where he will have the dispthat of lime sums of public money—a position where strict integri ty and the highest personal qualities are ab solutely neces.sary. . ' , Tun fact has leaked out that a resolution, to pay ,the bonds in gold ices voted down in the Committee on Resolutions-of the Chicago Convention. They did not think it politic to _take ground for either , gold.or 'greenback?, but preferred - toitdoptthe nnmeiningresolu- . _thou reported in the platforn?.. Thus nobody knows where they stand;and neither the' owner of bonds who thinks be is entitled to gold payment, nor those Who hold the op posite opinion, can tell who is to be sold after the election. • GRANT has already kicked the economy plank of the.Chieago platform overboard, by writing a letter to the House Committee on Military Affairs recommending a-renewal of the increase of thirty-three and one-thinl per cent. in the pay of army'officers. The law allowing this Increase expires dune 301 h. A one-third increase of expenses Is a pretty good commencement in the way of "retrench ment" And "economy"—mss understood and practised by,the Radicals. THE bill giving a twenty per cent:lam:lse of pay to Government employees at Wash ington has passed the House. This is a very handsome bonus in fuldithin to the present high, salaries paid to Government officials, and will cost not less dollars. There are in W.taliitigton hnn dreds of clerks enjoying good salaries, who have nothing to do, and hence they were en abled to besiegethe Capitol in great numbers, and push through their bill. Tan, recent , rejectiop of aineralM4glellan as Minister to England, by the Radical Seri ate, shows what a peculiar friend of the that _party is...No soldier, hoa - ever, distin guished 'di. however 'lneVinrious;catr receive anything at their hands, unless he is pledged to carry out their partisan views. While they - thus ignore' all military, claims, they 'have the audacity to appeal to others to vote for Grant on account of his military services! THE Radical ticket in Virginia is "located" as follows : Their candidate_ for Governor belongs in Michigan, Lieutenant Governor. in Washington, for Congress, severally, in Maine, .Massachusetts,_ New York three, Connecticut two. Only one Virginian is on the ticket. Tun recent elections determine one thing very plainly, that the Democracy are going into the Presidential canpaign to win. There was never exhibited a sterner resolve to conquer than will mark the present effort. Iris said the delegation from 3fassachusetts to the Chicago Convention could get no spoons at their meals until the waiters were assured that Ben. Butler was not in the crowd. MAIMUETI. Botrrwtors—RulLET-70n the 18th inst., by - Rev. J. R. Pressley, nt the residence of the bride's father, J. R. Riblet, Esq., Mr. Charles Frederick Bostwick to Miss Etta S. Ribiet, all of this city. MeKEE—Ct - nts EY—ln Springfield, June 11 tb, at the residence of the bride's parents, by the 'Rev. Mr. Chamberlain, A.. 1. McKee to Miss M. J. Caney, daughter of Wm. Cud nett all of Springfield. =I DRAPER—In Girard, May With; Adolphus Draper, in the 79th year of hisThge. EVERETT—In Girard, May 31st, Martin Everett, aged about 60 years. EDICK—Of typhoid fever. June 31, 1868, Sarah Ann, wife of Abel Ediek, in the 34th year of her age. 3p.nstr—At his residence in 31 . (4 . e - an, on Friday, the inst., Wilson Marsh, aged . over 80 years RICE—In this city, on the 19th inst., MrP. Wesley Rice', aged 31 years. IlAis—On the -18th inst., at his residence in • Greene townzlip, Lester Hap?, :teed 3:3 Years, S months and 13 days : . • 3l.kv—On the 17th inst., of heart disease, Charlie I3igler, son of Win. a and 'Eliza beth aged 12 ycari, i t months tuid. aft E . CCENLA. ifAm ElusionEn.—The cheapest and bno Nl.monoth bottles only 'l3 cents. The 2 .gealt 1,1 air llestnrer eclipses all known disooveries for the rapidity with which it restoresgray cool faded hair to its original color, promotes its rapid and healthy growth, prevents and stops it when railing off, and is a most luxuriant hair dressing for the human hair and head, rendering it soft, silky anti lustrous: Sold by S. Dickinson & Son, sole agents in Erie. d Iy. Attu abberqsmento. / • TO PURCHASE; any of the legitimateimocr that is due or becoming due r from the firm of Brecht S Co., livery nom. P. FAULKNER. , fitray L liare - fIAME TO THE PREMISES OF THE - SUB -1,_,/ scriber, one toile east ,of Belle Valley, on - the Dave Clark then ,- about - the lst of aline, BLACK MARE, with a white star on her fore- - head; . her tiro hind feet- are-white; and, the is botweeitsix and eigh t years - old, Theorrner is -tequented-to come forward. prove property, pay etianres and take hornway; .othertrise she - tail be dbtposed orszeortling to Low, - • -, joiS4w* - JOHN ADTHUrt. . - - Warrant hi Bantiraptey ! , s . thal on:the Stil l Aay 4, of Tune,A.D.,lBAa.Warrant frißankru ey wpstsaued Rotas ttha estate brunt e.ti: Griswold, of the city of Eric,' the cf „Mc,' and 'unite of Pennsylvtuga, who has Wen.' dindged o, bankrupt onAtt Ora petition; that the pay ment of auy debit and delivery of any property belonging -4 hint, for his hse, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the mild bank,, rupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Aegister, is the City , ot-lirte,,before 5.13, \Woodruff, I:sq., Register In said district, on the. lath day of August, A. D. istid, at 11 o'clock, A. M. • .2110BLAR ItOWL.EY, - U. S. Marshal, Messenger. By G Marsh al. P. Day's, Dept. U.S. Maal. - it A RDWASE . 130•17M1 & FLYLESS, Wholacale sittridt - rip Irrs In all k Inds of SIIELFd ND HEAVY • • :ANFIRICANf, ', - AECARDWARR • r A11160;401* *: " S4 I 4 4I DUK,St Leather and Rubber ' Belting, •BSnchlne Packing, CutlerY;, , 1 6144 e, Files, dm Alsoii'generittagstirtment of Irott, Stfiel aa4 CarrjEkge 4iir4lwAre. • ='@Sioie • ot the'dta steelier tre..l. V. BOYali east side or Rath street .a laardoorst north to the Depot. - hoTErt•& SUESS' • • ry. P.cb) abbertiotmenti. _.-.,- _ Warrant in Bankruptcy. 'PUB is TO on the tth day of-May, MS,tr Warrant In Bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the Uni ted States, for the Western District of Penn'a, againsttheestate of Henry IL Myers, of Union tp.; county of Erie, in said district, adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition: That the pay ment of any debts and the delivery Of any pro perty belonging to such bankrupt., to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law; and that a meet ing of the creditors of &aid bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose °floor more Assignees of his estate, will bo held at a Court of Bank ruptcy', to be holden at the office of Dal Register, in Elle. Pa., before IL E. Woodruff, Esq., Rm. Is ter In itankrtiptcyfor said district, on the nth day of July, THOMAS at i 0 o'clock. A. M. A. ROWLEY, U.S. Marshal, Messenger. 13y, '. Davis, Dept, IL S. Marshal. . jett-iw.• Warrant in Bankruptcy. quilt.; IS To WYK NOTICE that on the 10.11 day of June, A. it, IStS, a warrant in bank ruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the Unlted ;Antes for the Western District of Penn'm against the estate of W. C. Hawkins, of Erie City,- in the county of Erie and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that-the pay ment of tray debts and delivery of any proper ty belonging tomuch bankrupt, to him and for his use, and the transfer of any property by . Millard forbidden by,,, law; that-a. meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to (dowse one or more assignees will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Mike of the Register, in Erie, before S. E. 'Woodruff, Esq., Regtster, on the 13th day of Aug.. A. D., MA at II it!cloek, A. M. :THOMAS "As - ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, Messenger. By G. P. Davis, Dept. 1.% S. Marston, Warrant in Bankruptcy. Tins IS Ti) (WYE NOTDIE that on the Bth dny.of June, A. D.,. lid, a Warrant In Bankruptcy was issued out of the I)isi rict Court of the United States!, for the Wasiern District of Pa., against the estate of J.ll. &It. J. Morrison, of Erie city, in the county of Erie, and State of -Penns y Ivan fa; hi" said District, adjudged a bankrupt upon their own petition; that the payment of - 'any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupts to them or for their use; and the transfer of any prop erty by them are forbidden by law. A meet ing of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or inure , Asslgneat"of theirer,tate will be held at a Courtof Banknaptey , to be hoiden at the office of the Register, In the city of Erie, before S. E. Wood raff, E.sq., Register in Bankruptcy for said dis trict, on the 13th day of August, A. D., 1104, at 11 o'clock, A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, Messenger, By 0. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. Marshal. jei I-4w. Warrant In Bankruptcy. THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the Bth day of June, A. D.,181:8, a warrant In bank ruptcy was issued against the estate of Jag. A. lilies, of the city of Erie, county of Erie and State of Pen n'a,ir, hoh.a.s been adjudged a bank rupt on his otvn eti ; that the payment of any debts and de !Very of any property belong ing to him, for his use, and the 'runnier of any Property by hint are forbidden •by law ; that a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Register, In the city of Erie, Pa., before S. E. Wotxtrtatr, Esq., Register in said Digtrlet, on the 13th day of August, A. D., 15414. at 11 o'clock, A. : - THOMAS A. ROWLEY, - U. S. Marshal, Messenger. By. G. P Davis Dept, U. S. Marshal. . , , • jell-lw. WAERANT IN BANKRUPTCY. fpHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the silt I. day of June, A. D. ISI 4, a warrant In Bank ruptcy was brsued against the estate of M. B. Anderson, of Waterford, in the county of Erie, State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition; That the pay ment orally debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him and for his use, and the transfer of any property by bins are forbiddHn by law; that a no eine... or the creditors of the said bankrupt, to pr uc e their debts and t choose one or more Assignecr. of ltiat cstataovill be bell at the Court uf Iktultrupt cy, to be holden at the office of the Piegi‘ter, In the city of Erie, In the county of Erie and Stale of Perea., before S. E. Woodruff, Itegi,ter, un the P2th day of August, A.l). 154 , ;, at II rielork, TfIOMAn ituwLEy, - li. f.4.-Marshal, Messenger. , By'aiP. Davis, Dept U. S. Marshal. Discharge in Bankruptcy.' Iti THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the Western District of Pennsyl vania. sane! S. Griccvold, a bankrupt under the Act or Congress of March 9,1,1537, having applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court, Notice Is hereby given to all persons who have proved their debts, and tither persons in terested. to appear en the Bth - dar of July, IsGs. at 10 o'clock, A. M., before S. E. Woodrutf; Esq., Register, lat . once to Exle,Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a discharge should not be Granted to the said bankrupt. And further no tice is hereby given that the woad and third meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, re quired by the 7.rth and 241.11 section of sahlAet, will be had before the said Register at, the same time and place. S. C. McCANDLESS, Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District. jell-2w • Discharge In Bankruptcy., THE D/sTRICT COURT of the united 1 States, for the Western District of Penn. sylvania. • V. It Gillett, a 'bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March '2d, 1867, having applied for a discharge from all debts, and other Claims provable under said art, by order of the Court, notice Is hereby given to all creditors who have proved their'llebts, and other persons Interested, to appear on, the 3th day of July,_ 19P, at 10 o'clock, A. M., before S. E. Woodruff, Esq., Register, at his oglce, at Erie, Penna., to show cause, if any they have, whya discharge should not be grunted to said bankrupt. And further notice Is hereby given that the second and third meetings of cteditors of the said bankrupt, required by the tnth and 15th Sections of said act, will be had before the said Register, at the same time and place. 8. 3fcICANDLESS, Clerk of 1.1. S. District Court for said District. Auditor's Notice. In the matter of the a Joseph Waldron, pha nc-I . , Erie County Or count rtb' Court. No. 4 adm'r of Chas. Colt, den d. Feb'y Term, ISIS 4 LL'PERSONS INTERESTED in the dlstrl button of the monies in the hands; of Jos. Waldron, as administrator of the estate of Chas. Colt, deceased, are hereby notified to make proof thereof. before me, at my °Mee, No, 704 State Street, Erie, Pa., ou the 24th clay of June, lust., at 100 clock, A. :Si. EDWARD CLARK., Auditor. 1= PHILADELPHIA. & ERIE RAIL ROAD. WINTER TIME TABLE Through and Direct Route between Philadel phia, Iktltitnore, Harrisburg, Willlani- Peri, and the GREAT OIL REGION OF PE,NINSYLVANLL ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS On' all Night Tilting. N and after MONDAY, MAY 11th, lylrt, the O [mins on the Philadelphia. Erie Railroad win run ns follows : WESTWAIID. MatiTrain leaves Philadelphia at II:L5 p.m.and arrives at Erie at S:5O p. In. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia at l:_'o3 in., and arrives at Erie at 10:05 a. In. Warren Accommodation leaves Warren at moo In., C• 0117 at kW p. in., and arrives at-Erie at 3:30 p. m. EASTWARD. MO,ll Train Leaves Erie at 11:00 a.m., and arrives ,- at Philadelphia at 7:10 a. tn. Erie Express leaves Erie at 7:lCr p. and ar rives at Philadelphia at 5:00 p. Warren Accommodation leaves Erie at 8:00 a. Carry at 0:15 a. in., and arrives at Warren at II:21a. tn. . !ARM and Exinegg ronneet with Oil Creek and Allegheny River Railroad. nAnttAng cnecrsn rnitova 11. ALFRED L, TYLER, Gtm.'lScwerlntendet/L Erie & Pittsburgh Railroad. (INAND A I.7ER MONDAY, MAY 11, 'NIS, ki trains: WIII run on thbCroad :Ls follows: ' LEAVE: 10:tei A. M., pittsbur g h Exprt...q, At all Ida t lona, and arrive:4 fa A. & G. W. It. R. Mr at 1:40 p, In., at New f*.tsfle at 3:4) p. m., and at Pittsburgh nt 11:00p. tn. 0:00 P. 31., Accommodation, arrives at Pitts burgh at 1000 n. PITTSIMISOIT—NotiTIIWARD. . • . 7:15 U. In., Erie Express leaves Pittsburgh and nrrtves nt Erie 2:15 p. m. 4:i5 P. lit., Aeenminoilation leaves Pittsburgh and arrives ut Erie I:2 n. in. . Pittsburgh Express south conneets at James town at 12:40 p. in., with J. & F. Express for Franklin and 011 City. Connects at Tnotsfer at m.,with A. & G. W: Accommodation west for Warren; Ravenna and Cleveland, Erie Express north conneets at A. & G. W. Transfer at 11:10 a. m., with Mall east for Mead- Ville, Franklin and OU City, and at Jamestown with .7. & F. 'Express for Franklin. Trains connect at Rochester with trains for Wheeling and all faints in West Virginia, and at Pittsburgh connections for Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Baltimore arid- Washington, via Pennsylvania Central Railroad. Erie .Express north connects at Girard with Cleveland & Erie trains westwartifor Cleveland, Chicago and all points iii thoWeat; at .& - ie with Plrilmielphia & Frio Ratio:mi. for Corry, Warren, noton, Thilonte, &a, and with Banal° &Erie Railroad. for Buffalo, /Dunkirk Niagara Falls and New-York City. . J.. 1. YAWREIicE, Superintendent. GREAT- REDUCTION • •- : rzr inticEs • . • . . _ E. M. COLE & SON WILL BIND i ‘t t , 4 Magazines, at : 75 emits GodeVa. antif irqUar . 3iagardnes, at MOO per volume. - Qz 4taipelr's add Prank Loslio's Papers, att= l per year. . o narking and selling 13.' 1' 13 c• o ! • • AT . IttilliCtD PRICES 2 _ Bltulery over Keystone National Unuir, eon, ner State and Bth streets. apZ-tf. . . TOiI•PRINTING of every kind. in large or t 1 small ocruititles, plain or colored, done in the best style, and at moderate prices, at the Observer office : Alto itbbtrtlontints. Burton & GaiMtles Cornet ,t HAIM TIMES! WARD TIMES! Prices iiave Come bov BURTON & GRIFFItix 1324 Peach S.treet,Coniet: iGlh For partrehlarg gee Small MIR b rityt come in and see our "4, Reduced Prices on T ear. feb6-tf. HAYES 4 KEPLER, REAL ESTATE AGENIt FOR SALE. On east 12tli Street, betwen Ash ant Eg,. Streets,a goal '2 story lionseN, rottati dre.. Lot 79 %x1) feet to 10 foot alt i:"A her . of bearing fruitfr trees on lot and N 1 ,4 1.14 ter. Price ,2Tr efisr. vb LA:11.18 KElatro J,ll-tu FOR RALE. The fine two story, modern style, well, brick dwelling on Seth street, lst , t - ,, f Burtotwk OrlMth's Store. Frame the rear of Lot. STAY FS & EFLFP • No. 1 Ite.lll, s_ HOUSE, GRAPERY, &C., YOH SAly . Situate on Wallace east of lOth. Lot Gaxl79, completely choice bearing Grape Vines, good bar:, t v ,:;:f. ry well built house, Mx.l4 stone edu rni ,, kr : 1.1/e house. Price $: 1 ,5110 Cheap . Cheap. • HAY Es 6: EFTS? , ON PRIVATE TERMS. We have a number of very desirable ces to offer customers. For partfculan our office, No. 1 liked Horse. HAYES Lt. REpLo NEW. LIVERY, Boarding and Sale Stahl& Corner of French and 7th sta. r r Trlt S el lnl y SC occ ß u l p U ted EßS by ba lil i e n i g in la er k' c l i Tuhtig would inform the public that they hav,, chased an ENTIRELY NEW 'STOCK of Boma, 'Harness and Carriages, and are pared to give perfect satisfaction foal! favor them With a call. We have the to in Northwestern Pennsyl‘ Rola. my2l-tf 131tECIIT LH% Erie City Steam Bakery! w. J. SANDS & CO., ProprirtoN. • Manufacturers of all Ittuas Crackers, :Bread, Cab, Also, the celebrated "EXCELSIOR" And sole 11l anufaet uret s of the rata: "NOVELTY 'AWN.' Factory, corntr State and Kl St.. Est, Ps my2l-tf TO THE PUBLIC,. There Ls no use sending to New York e FOII YOUR TEAS! No use going to tirazitinerles to buy REFIXED OIL! No use going to soap factories to buy • SOAP; No use to pay big prices for any of your Groceries and Provisions! White there Ls a LIVE CASH STORE, on the corner of Sth and ,State Stireets. Try the Cash Store. • ADAM ttNNI. aplertf. ' C. ENGLEITART tt Cll, - DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, ' Keep alwip4 on hand all Its of LADIES' 11IssES' AND CHILIeEP Psenena, Kid, Goal and Pebble-t; •Loced, Button and CourN 13. O Co T S Of the finest quality, wluell will be warrsr:4l for durability, as well a. to lit, whiclove s*ll as Low as the Lowest. We also make to order. Itepalringrarefv 2 attended to. iny2l-t( & R. S. MORRISON, Ilut•ing removed hi. , tocir of good. store in the Reed House formerly °et uve Messrs: 31one11, Stephens & tako sure in announcing to hl' old eu•toin4r , - the Citizens of Erie generally, that he Li,. ed out 'a NEW AND SELECT STOCK Dry Goods,Dress Goods,ir. For Spring and Sommer Wean I Intend to keep at all lilacs the t lie market, and It full a.Nortinent in toy line. Pnrehasers can atm - 57 . - 13 ' - 1)y buying of me than by going Ea,t. Remember the place, No. 6 Reed Hotise, South side of the Purl: apt G-tr. C. J. ENGIJ:11111T lias opened a u, ‘ Flour,Feed&Produce Eleventh and State Street.: To which he asks the attention of nil vrlo' r .: anythingtuhisline. lle elll detti thing 111 the PICOIYUC_FI Ana warrants his goods to be equal to tp the market. Er The highest market price to eieb P 11 ::!r all kinds of country prodnov. WARRANT IN RANKRUMI: 11 1 11 IS IS TO GIVE: NO FICE. that on 1. day of June, A. I). lON, a %Variant /5 ruptcy was issued against the estate f Whitney of Union In the courdT,"..j . , - ( State of Pennsylvania, whc. Ira.s bees a bankrupt on his own pet It s'a; Th 3t „"4l ment of any debts and del 0, cry anal . belonging to such bankrupt, to Mtn use, and tne transfer of any propertY are , forbidden by law; that a alerting., t !...; creditors of the said bankrupt, -to prn , ', o debts and to choose one or inure Asitin„.4 his estate, will be held at a Court of lilt to be holden at the °Mee of the Register, t„,,,, city of Erie, in the counts' Erle nuat,%.`v Pemra, before S. 1.1. Woodruff, itettlWn.,l3 12th day of August, A. D. ISWt at II 31. TIIO3IAS 31ardial, 110WID? , B3' G. P. latvis, Dept, U. S. 3far".lilL let" WARRANT IN BANKILITTert e o wins Is TO GIVE' No'nil.: that on tiny of June, A. 1.. I,es, a warrant in ruPtoY was issued against the estate of /4 Perkins, of Fairview township, ia the C te . ..l of Erie, State of l'ennsyls anla, adjudged a bankrupt on hie own petlffg o fcl the payment of any debts-and deliverf yy Property belonging to such bankrupt, to and for his use, and the transfer of artYPNP;;;; by hint arc forbidden bY law; that a rneett the credit Ors of the said . bankrupt,t o P ro _f l ; , J debts and to choose one or more .1.4;nr.v.,i-t.l Wlllbe held ut a COurt of 1 13 ..r aul t'itt be holden at the:of - nee of the Register,. city of Erie, In the counts' of Erie and Permed, before S. E. Wooarott, 12th day of August, A. D. Is 4 at 11 TIIOMAS A. ROWLEIL,, 3fartial. By (1. P. Ditth, Dept. IJ. S. Margin'. JetAt MB R. S. 3IOIIItISoN. EMI nt the corner of