The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 18, 1868, Image 3
finportant ilotireo. ,Meats for the Observer. the following gentle:non at, Hie I , llw. ~ named, to trait-act any yith the ,rflice, Penow, bled to us can hand • mec, qua tli••Ir receipts will be ac- Ow same • r s i nns If k nth. nu C e ntre—City'. NV. \‘' Chit ,„,,_Wrn. J. IVOL - ci. 1t.0n,--P. W. Howard. ving"1110--C1,13E- J. Wlictiz,•‘ . . ~',lrt.oslaira.—John C. Burhwdrod. Ole—Clark Ewing, rford-1V: C. len Town4hM-3 o‘o, ‘i!!ion--4... LineOln. ~,,,jor—Anins Stone. '",..,rd—eap W. II utellint.cti. Ted: 1111,1 I). I.lllldy'h Lar/C—Wirt. Sherman, ..,ringeld--4.; 'lnert Jinni. k;:port—J. (ion Moan. IA man Robin.... • ; cre d.z—WlO. SallS!112111. s : . Yldk_C,ttc aid JOIIIN. Fast-13..1. Tabor. •—srulth J. Jackson. Traveler's Guide. 1l r time by which the Lake Shore and A Pittiburali trnins are run, is 12 min r than Erie time—that of the ,t Car to minute., faster.. IRLAI1:I.1 :lIA .kNI, EMI; RAILROAD. Depart. , .._ ,11,, 11011 Train 11:00 a. tn. -, 1. Express 7:40 p. in. 1 , I_ IN arren Acconunodation- S:9O n. ni. 'stir. AND 11 rTSnt'RGII RAILROAD. Depart t sburgh ExprOSS ...... S. tn. Brio ; ‘ecommodation.... .... 41:00 p. 0, . • kerommoElation • •,. la —.Erie Ftspress I.Ev tNn ETIE TIVILIIO.I.D. Depart al ... New Yor p .; 1, m ...... ..Day' Express.. ; r . m . Express._ a. .. Night Favress ._titertmboat I. .Toledo I:xl)ress ......... ur r TA L".t. Elng ItAILUOAD. ' Depart. 1:05 a. in. .16:50 a. ra. .....'Express... ...... -New York Express ...... _OmMnati Express 7:45 p. in. p. .1)1y Exorehs 145 p. m. , ..... de/ Express . Lxprecs r, m Mail :lad Accommodation. G:011 n. in. , 13115111i55.; ntrertory wnoLE.s.ux (mile Ens. Burg,. & Walker, :Li and 26 N. Park ,•1 A 31tb-1, :".0/2 French 513 French st. WIN , I.ESALE LOOTS AND SIIOF.F-l. & Clark, =North Park. BOOTS AND SID )I.:S. 11 Clnrk, II Park Itow. 5D state street. Eukhart dt Co., 19 North Park. •Zara, 7Ct3 State street. Pf,trer, SI6 State st. \ ,jr., MC, State st. BOOK STf/Rl'..s. A. McCreary, Nrrth I•nr1 52.8 French st. FLOUT!: F 1 h. Traccrillck. Park How, ,meh d Bir,„ WI French qiih Linea son, I,:rJ:-..tatc oft d )11A•hilel, );21 , !.it0 M. •',lnit.ll, 2 nArtii mrsto Ziegler. ea) Win. Willing, S& Stat.• at. SEWING 'MACHINE AGENCIES Wheeler b• Wi150n.,127 State NI. Howe Sewing Machine, 602 Freneli .lar. , Pr Sewing Maehine, 528 Fretirli linil er k Raker, KM State at. FRLIITiCIt PRODUCE. . 1„ White, 8 South Park.. CROVICETtY 'km 11, Glenny, 12 Park Row. is Pok:enzwelg, 511 State at. WATCHES ez JEWELRY. rmn Either, 2 Park Row. tL All,tin,D North Park. HATS AND CAPS. F. Wilson, 21 North Park. Kunz, A g' t, 513 State street. 'tn. Kendall, 52714 French st. 11. Smith, 521 French st. CONFECTIONERY STORKS nc.r S: Burgess, 431 and 700 State street DRUGS AND MEDICININ. B. I imam, 1317 Peach street. & Elliot, .1.1.."9 State street. Bat S Warfel, GIO State st. ct". no 11, 1312 Peach street. J. B. Carver & Co., 21 North Park. Wm. Nick A: Sons, 702 State street. Dr. Dickinson & Son, 711 State street DRY C;00114. Monell. Stephens & lliley. G. B, Merrill, Decker, Rbster h Lehman, Ifl.l l l - Peneh Ft Morrison Bros, 711 ctatn st. P. llenrichc , 71G Ntatd tit. Edson, Churchill , lc :1, ‘rh. BasenzWete & Bra., 112 St,to ,1. ' Clark, Booth fi ('O.. S Bevil House Block Pity GOODR AND CARPFTS :iforlorf, Gross & l'o,ter. l' 'artier Bios., 596 State at. EI.HHOCT.III ES. ton & artmul, ri2l Peach st. P. . Field & Co., 1325 " 1. . Rexford. 6: C0.,1221 A. 6: J. Brabender, 1210 " • Henry Beckman, r;at State ht. Marshall, Christian & Cranr, 21 North Parl A. Gar, 515 French Rt., A. Nlinnig, Corner oth and State st. P A. Becker & Co., .111 French at. Pry:An & McGiverin, 515 French at. William Mallory, 527 French at. F Sehlandecker, G. 21 State st. It V. clan.. 2cl Float Fifth st. P. sd2.laf, 701 State st. PHOTOGRAPH'S. o'lltsiler's, over 19, Ro , ,enzweig's Block. W. A. Lott, MR Peach st. om. C. Dann, over 11 . 20 State street. With Bros., Farrar Hall linildim.l. '.. h. Wager & Co., over 1,351 Peach st. TOBACCO AND CIG Alt,. 1:. 'Welshman, 1:11.i Peach L:t. !Nu! t Asktne, 700 State st. k. ;a: State St. ‘t W. Mold, 517 French st: H V. Sterner, 101 State at. - FrAnDwAitu. Peach st. W. W. Pearce & Co., t.. 0 State at. & Shannon, ril; French , t. s,lden, 521 French st. STOVFS AND TINWARE. Vantassel. 1221 Peach st. Hul.hard Bros., 701 State st. 1 Stayer & Son; 121:1 State st. Purr. Johnson & Co., 1010 and 10) State st \.:MerPhY. 22 North Park. !mar:A & ; 1351 Sassafras st. • GENEMAL ITN - DE/IT-AKERS% & Co., 010 State at. - rvrtNITETRE WA nErtoolts. J. 11 . lUt,tet & Co., 818 State at. r.r - ArBER :ITERCItANTS P7mr!oy Ilall, State st., near depot CLOTHING STORES. Gengleimer c Son, Gl.l. State .t •:liz 12.7:3 State St. V. Waxnur, 1.26 State st. I Ir. Kuhn, S State st. & Mover, 4 Noble Block. IV, 1., 110,, Rio, 10 North Park. ATTORNEYS AT LAW Thompson, 121 French st. iOm , Sill, 51, Fretteh st. W. Ilutellinson, Girard. Pa. & SURGEONS. I I. Stewart, 30 North Park, house 117 State st 11. J. Fraser, (IlomaTathist), Ci Peach st. MILLINERY .5: STRAW GOODS t m. Make. South Park. Sin. M. Curtis. !I South Park. Ih. NlN,es McGrath. 607 French st. W. C. Hawkins. 1810 Peach Ist. ' BRASS FOUNDIt TES hrcekl.l.: Stetz, 1123 State at. 11 1( . 11INISTS; FOUNDERS AND 110ILER MAKERS. La . , lien, Ilan & Co., 341 and Peach as. PLAIsILNO ha. P. Crook & Son. cor. ttli and Peach stg I. White & CO., corner 11th and French, st. ilazh Jones, corner 11th and Holland ht.g. 1, 14,1) Bootz. 1214 Peach st. ERIE DDIE SAVINGS and LOAN . CO. L tPrest HARMER Vliart a, W. (.01.TON, Secretary and Trea DI DECIDDS : ' ) RANGE NoDLE, IV. A. GALPILAITIT, • Pile.scorr 31E.Tcxt.i., iii:Limii Mauvix, .I. , as 11. Buss, 31. GRISWOLD. .1 , ,1N P. ' , ELDEN, (I. F. BILIiVILLIF.I2, ti Ns. tVIIITMAN, L. L. LAMB, 1. ltA, SCIII.I'IIAFF, 31. lIARTLEII, ~ U. IS. 1)1.1, tm.vkr:a., Meadville. :1,61)VP 11151111Hk/1 . 1 Is now rally organized, theor the transaction of banking opera in room under the Keystone Bank, tw.Nl:l:. or STATE and EIQIIT II STREETS It opt ip; With A Capital Stock of $lOO,OOO, it al. tlio Ilrly d oge r f ,Inereaslm.; tobalfa million „Loan% and di, , onAts transneted, and pnr -1‘,..t.t.5.,111:,(1e of :ill kin& natl,faelory Recur!. lip To the elt iz, tis generally this Bank offers cn eleell(lit opportunity for laying by their `I 1,11 xas, rags, ac interest will be allowed on i kosits of One ,Dollar or Upwards. UPSPECIAL- _DEPOSITS...O , Peelal feature - of the Bank will be the re. option, fur safe kSepintkof all kinds of Bonds iza Securities, Jewelry', Plate, Arc., for which a large FIRE AND BURGLAR. PROOF VAULT Personscareully provided. which having any property of this character they wish to deposit in a secure place, /111 !Ind this feature worthy their attention. mr2l-11, Notice in Divorce. •, EZTJAMIN- X.A.NE -In the Court of Common •MAr.r Vti. ' Pleas of Erie County, No. 44 X. KANT, Feb. Tr'm, NOW , IN I)IVORCE. kNr) June Id, 'Nis, the Imbpoebu and L 1.. ali.l,ts subpoena lowing been returned N. II above named respondent is hemby t 'ted to he and appear In Court on the 4th 19liday .kngo‘t next kp, to answer thg t, anplathant In th,ls 4 1(1 A. F. SWAN, Sheriff. B L VNBS' BLANKS' —A emuplele assort teem of every kind of Blanks needed by Justices, Constables tuid:Bnalnesa 24, tu, ler WO at the Obeerver Otnce. IVEEKLY OBSERVER ERIE. PENN' A, JUNE 18, 18G Onnitry subscribers 'will please heal in mind that our rates arc two dollars and a-half per year, except in the case of those who pay in advauce or within six' months after the commencement of their subscriptions. The time for the advimee rates expires in the ease of most of our patrons on the Ist of July, but in order to afford all a fair chance, we will extend if to Saturday, the llth of July, after which "all subscriptions for the whole year 18GS will be chitrged two dollars and a-half. As this notice will run through four issues of the paper, we trust to hear no ex cuses from ;lily 'one that lie did init know the rules of the oflicc. To subscribers served by carriers or through the Post office, the ad vance price i5;2.1.i0 per year; and .13.00 when not paid in tudrance. jelB-4w. Soldier and Sailor Delegates to New In accordance with the suggestion of the State Committee, the following gentlemen have been selected to represent this county in the Soldiers' and Sailors' National Coiner vative Convention to be held in New York 'city on the Fourth of July next. They are requested to assemble at the office of Div. Bennett, in_ Erie, on 'Wednesday afternoon, the Ist of July, at 2 o'clock, to prepare fhr attending the Convention'in a body: Col. IV. A, Colt, Capt. James Marshall, Col. Benj. Grant, Capt. John Dunlap, Mnj. T. C. Fields, Capt. Jno. IL Welsh, 31aj. T. J. lloskinson, Lieut. F. A. Buys, Surg. G. A. Bennett, Serg't IV. T. Ward, Capt. D. Ottinger, Private W. C. Keeler, Capt. G. W. Arbuckle, Privitte Jno. L. Hart. Capt. C. B. Sleeper, ..... 3:LS p in. 3:10 3. m. 150 n. m 10:10 rt. in __s:ls a. al N. B. Forrest, the amiable butcher of Fort Pillow, has been elected a delegate to the .National 'Democratic Convention in ?slew York. Will he or they he disgraced ?—Dir• patch. Joseph E. Brown, the rebel Ex-Governor who had special control of the horrible An dersonville prison, was a delegate to the Rad ical Convention in Chicago, and the first man called upon for a set speech by that immacu late body. W s a; he or they "disgraced ?" Brown was an original secessionist. He was one of the "preeipitatdrs" of that fool-hardy measure, N\ hich Forrest was- not. Forrest opposed secession. Brown favored it, and after he had induced the people to accept it, he abandoned it. Forrest did not, but fought •until the close.. Which is the most honora ble man ? The original fomentor of a strug .4le, who, after it has commenced, in accord= once v,:tlt Lis suggestions, ignominiously halo out,or one who opposes the commence ment of a fight, but, after he is in, adheres to it like a nrm and a hero ? CUAS. E. llcho, Esq., local editor of the Dispatch, and Thos. E. Wilson, Esq., night editor, will ,soon dissolve their connection with that paper—the former to go upon one of the New York dailies, and the latter to as sume the supervision of the Detroit Tri- Weekly Tribune. We regret to see them leave Erie, with them success and content ment, anal hope both may experience a Rad ical change of heart—that is from Radical Republicanism, to good, sound, healthy Rad ical Democracy, the only thing that produces true happiness hi this degenerate age of the the world. Samuel Woods, Esq., will re sume his old position as the Dispatch local, and Mr. Levi Johnson becomes the night editor of our cotemporary. B. F. IL Lynn, Esq.,thas secured an interest in the Detroit Tribune office, one of the largest and most profitable printing establishments in the West, where he will -find an ample field for his energy, enterprise and unexcelled skill as a printer. Mr. Lynn labored as few men could do to build up a successful daily paper in Erie, with better advantage to his reputa tion than to his purse, and we hope he is at length to secure that substantial prosperity which was denied him here. A Nutt - HARM:INV.—Upon invitation of Capt. John If. Welsh, we went on Tuesday afternoon to the farm of Gen. Rillpatrick to see the working of the "Mercier Flexible Harrow," the right of which for Erie county. has been purchased by the Captain. This harrow is - composed of seven light wooden bars with five teeth iu each bar and connect ed by 3-4 inch iron rods joined between each bar by cast-iron thimble joints, and the whole connected by ordinary trace chains running through the ends of the bars, leaving each one independent of the other, find thereby working equally well on tough or smooth ground. The horses can be attached to either end of the harrow, thus making the teeth to last twice as long without sharpen ing as by the old fashioned kind. By taking out the third bar from either side, and sub stituting one without teeth, it becomes an excellent coot cultivator, doing three times the amount of work that can be done by the common cultivator. No ttvo teeth run in the same line, and consequently- the gpund is thoroughly pulverlied. The ground where this trial was made was mere than ordinarily rough and uneven, yet the result was entire ly satisfactory. This. harialff can be taken apart in less than one minute and packed in any buggy, and can be put ;together in about the same time by any boy of ordinary intelli gence without possibility of mistake. While costing , no more than the common harrow, it combines the qualities of lightness and durability, and does more work 'and far bet ter than any implement of the kind now in use. The Captain informs us that he is about to purchase more territory, and will at once proceed to introduce the harrow to the notice of the limners, and we predict for him complete success. Girard Correspondence. Liman, June 17,1868 Dcai• OW/ Ter :—Since writing you last, nothing has transpired worthy of notice, and were it tot that there were some new sub scribers to send yon, there would be no use in writing. Some of the anxious may, be sweaty to know how the Grant 44:Colfax-Lor Scolfax as one of the speakers has it—club gets along. Two weeks ago the prominent orator of this section said he would not make his expected address because—because "it was a bad night and there were not but few out !", Then there were present thirty-five • last Saturday night there were, all told ifte teen, and the evening.gould not have b more favorable., A Tie Democrat venturei his head inside the door, when the number was swelled to sixteen. The constant query among the faithful is, "who is the correspon dent of the Observer" ' One of the main Spirits (who, bye the bye, was an old Demo crat) says—it is "a rebel." He is as nearly "right" in this as in his political opinions generally. The Democrats here are waiting anxious ly for the nominations to be made and the campaign fairly begun. The Grant & Col fax crowd_ propose to prostitute the Nation's holiday—the Fourth °Unlit—and are arrang ing for a political gathering. , Nothing seems too low for their party purposes. The daily Dispatch appears tobe losing all patron. age in this section. Since its descent to the lowest form of Radicalism the number taken here has beautifully decreased. Its unprin cipled course ,on politics for several years has been admitted by all, while some promi nent Republicans claim it has been an injury to the party ; now, they say it is insult added to injury. lts -political articles are simply disgusting everybody save, possibly, the fel low who writes them. Yours, VOLUNTEER. • A muous feature of the present campaign was the meeting recently of the American Equal Rights Association; including the leading advocates of woman suffrage, and the appointment - by them of Miss Susan B. Anthony as delegate at large for the women of the 'United States to the Democratic Na tional Convention "to press upon the dele gates the propriety of embracing woman suffrage within their resolves." Miss An thony declares Ler determination to appear in' the Convention as a delegate. We hope she will be admitted and given a tall seat in the synagogue. Special Notice: York. CAL BREVITIES. Tim best orms of notes and blanks in the city nt the Observer office. lf. Tiii tiebool Directors of Girard township have passed a resolution that tobacco shall not be used either by tetwhers • or scholars, and the former arc hal responsible fir its enfo: cerneut. IN' the “Panilly Iteeoid • ' ilei , titimut 01 the Girard Crid,, we find the following intelk,uly interesting annonneelnent 131Yrrns.—=In (Irani, June Gth, a' pan to Cal. Man. Rice. THE battle ground of the Presidential con test lies in Connecticut, New York, Pennsyl vania, New Jersey and Ohio. The problem for the DcmOcracy to solve is hew to insure victories ill tlio-4e States. THE Pcun.ylvania (.;rand Commandery of Knights Templars, at its recent assembling in Scranton, adopted a resolution to hold the nest annual conclave in this city, in the month of June. • TIMRE will be , several trotting and run ning snatches uponthe grounds of the Driv ing Park Association, on the "glorious Fourth," which will add another to the in teresting features, of the occasion. "Wno shall lie the Democratic candidate fur President 1." is the hemkgag of a commu nication we have received from an esteemed contributor at Edinboro. It came too late for insertion this W`kek, and will appear in our next issue. Oun *ell known citizen, David Zimmer man, has been appointed Pound Master, and given special instructions to see that all 'horses, mules, cows, hogs or geese running at large are disposed of according to the city ordinance.- • Wr have received an interesting review of time life and public services. of Maj. General Hancock,; from the pen of a gentleman who is one of his most intimate friends, which, much to our regret, we have been compelled to delay until our next issue. THE ceremony of dedicating the giaves of our deceased soldiers and sailors, iu imitation of the beautiful Southern custom, will take place at the Cemetery on Sunday, a week, the 2Sth, under the auspices of the Crawl Army of the Republic. EGEERT D..1 - I.munrrr, Esq., late county Treasurer, died on his farm in McKean town ship, on Saturday last, aged thirty-eight years and fourteen days. Ilis disease Was con sumption, under which he had been pros trated for a number of months. Two new candidates hare turned up for official fhwors at the hands of the Radicals of the county—Jackson MeC , reary, of West w Mill Creek, ho would like to he Commis sioner, and Oscar F. Dunn, of Summit, who thinks he is just suited for a Poor Director. Tim Sheriff advertises to sell at public sale, at the Court House, on t londay, July Gthi the tollowing property : Twd awes in Corry, belonging to Chas. R. Bmwn,•at suit of W. G. Garcebn. ' Tract in Corry. belonging to A,.11,& John Russell, at snit of M. R. Warner. Tm Lake Shore and Athiptie Ss Great Western roads will carry passengers who de sire to attimid the-Pentocratic; ‘ ational Con vention, at half fare rates. he price of tickets to New York and return, via the Lake Shore road, will be in the neighborhood of $l2. A Historical Society has been es tablished and the following committee ap pointed to collect information, relics and curl ,tsities : Jehiel ToWner, Chairman; J. H. ftlisc G. W. F. Sherwin, A. L. Littell. W. W. Dobbins, W. A. Galbraith, 311.5.-; Laura. San ford, Mrs. M. Griswold. Hoc. 31. C. KEIM has been nominated for re-election by the Democrats of the 2d Con gressional District of Indiana.- He is one of the ablest and most efficient members of the present Congress. Mr. Kerr was formerly a resident of Erie. He studied law here, and married a lady of our city. Lir. Gazette of this Week contains a severe communication furiously attacking Congress- Man Scofield's political record, accusing him of being grasping, insincere and unscru pulous, and calling upon the Radical voters of the county to vote down Us aspirations for a fourth term. _ "The combat deepens'; on ye brave Who rush to glory or the grave !" ME present relatiie strength of the rival Pettis and Finney wings of-the Republican party in Crawford county was shown on the vote in Convention for Chairman of the Co. Committee—Mr. IL Henderson, who , has distinguished himself as a friend of Judge Pettis's, receiving 4G votes to 1t for Mr. F. C. Peck, an equally ardent supporter of Con gressman Finney. AN the election in Washington city, every black man voted without hindrance, but the boys in blue were not allowed the same privi lege. Judge Carter, Radical, decided that the Soldiers bad a legal right to vote, but recom mended General Grant to order that no soldier leave the barracks_on election day. General Grant declined interfering and forty soldiers voted the white man's ticket. Tim Radicals of Crawford county have nominated the following ticket: Congress= lion. S. Newton Pettis. Assembly—Wm. Beatty and F. W. Arnes. Associate Judges —Wm. Davis, Jr., E. IT. Chase. District At-. torney—S. M. Davis. Commissioner—Jas. L. Beatty. Auditor—D 7 D. Williams. Judge Pettis received all the votes cast for Congress, his enemies in the party ranks • not having enough confidence in their strength to make even a show of opposition;t Pluck always wins inthe einl. WE invite attention to the communication over the signature of Isaac R. Taylor, Esq., of Edinboro, detailing his observations (lur ing a recent tour in the South. Mr. one of the most intelligent men in 'the county, and hears a reputation for vilior and integ rity width entitles his statements to more than ordinary consideration. Re tells his experi ence in so plain and straightforward a man ner, and with such an evident disposition to allow no party bins to distort his judgment, that few can read it without being interested and convinced. IKE infer from the following paragraph in a ate copy of the Titusville Herald, that matters about that office have become some what "mixed." We hope our estimable friend Bloss has not allowed, himself to be overcome by the seductive influences of Titusville lager: "We iidendcd to say, yesterday, that James Tarr, of Meadville, is announced as an inde- Tpendent candidate for Associate Judge. Mr. Tarr is the veritable "Jim" Tarr, of Tarr Farm, Venango county. But what we actu ally did say is this: 'Mr. James Larr, of Modvill, is announced as an independent candidate for Associate Judge. Mr. Larr is the veritable "prim" Larr of Larr farm, Venango county' If anybody was more as tonished than ourselves at the result of this typographical achievement it was undoubt edly "Lan." himself." - are gratified to learn that the effort to get up a splendid celebration of the Fourth is meeting with such unexpectedly flattering encouragement. It is expected that the pro cession will be the largest and most magnifi cent ever seen in this portion of the State. Nearly all the societies of the city have agreed to will . participate, and delegations of Masons be present from many of the neighboring cities and towns. A fire company from Buffa lo': will parade. in addition to 'our own file department. Dr. termer Is rallying an immense troop of. horsemen, and promises that the cavalcade shall beat all other -at tempts be has made in that direction. We know it is common on such occasions to promise much more than can reasonably be expected, but unless we are: deceived, the next Fourth will be a day long to be remem bered in Erie. Tile "Republican", thinks the Observer is "greatly exercised" over 'its recent editorial .slur" upon some of the gentlemen elected to oftlee it Ibis etattnt3 Not sure you, Mr. "Republican." Isn't it you who arc the "exercised" party, over having :put your toot in It" in such a foolish and reprelicniiblc manner. "We had no refer em.c," sass our sagacious cotemporary, "to, ot our patty, but to gentlemen of the Doinocratic faith, uho folroiv 'the 'teach-; in,p of the 011ierver, and whO in !talcs past stepped into office in Erie county, as a result of the dissatisfaction and consequent dissen- , . sions in our party ranks, produced, we be-, lieve, by the old system of making nomina-i Lions." Now, that is good, Mr. "Republican.', 1 '6 a capital joke indeed—worthy of Davy : Crockett or the "late lamented" martyr.", But,doesn't it look mightily like wriggling to get out of a tight place ? When d _ "honest ol Abe" found himself uncomfort ably pressed he was always "reminded of a story." Oaf equally "honest" cotemporary bids fair, ere, long, to become "an adapt in polities) petti- fogging TITE Corry Telegraph says arrangements have been made for a fine celebration of the Fourth in that city, and adds : "We know we speak the feelings of the Itepublielos when, we say, that on their part they are only de= sirous that the celebration shall be kept tircly free from any political cast." We sin cerely trust their practice may accord with their professions. The Democrats of Cony have been swindled on several preceding occasions of a similar nature, and it is quite, natural that they should hesitate somcrhnt before lending their co-operation to the presr cut movement. • Let them secure adequate pledies that no polities of any kind shall be permitted to interfere with the harmony of the proceeding,s, and then take off theircOati and help to make the celebration a success. THE Democrats of Edinboro have organ ized a Campaign Club, with the following "live men" for officers : President, I. C. Wil son ; Vice President, Charles Shermani Secretary, S. E. Phipps ; - Treasurer, a a 3lcLaughrey ; Finance Committee, G. A. Al len, C. F. Sweet, John T. Reeder. Over thirty members united themselves with the organization at the first meeting, and it prom ises to become .a valuable auxiliary in the• cause. Let the example of the Edinboro Democracy be imitated in every portion of the county. TILE Crawfortl County Radical Convention adopted the following resolution, which we hope to see - imitated by all the political as semblages held in Western Pennsylvania during the present year: "Whereas, This county is largely interested in the enlargement of the Erie Canal ; there fore be it "Resulted, That our Senators - and Represen tatives be instructed to use every honorable means, by their votes and action in_the elec tion of Speaker, and in forming the com mittees, to obtain from the State the assis tance needed for the prosecution and com pletion of the work." ONCE more, we urge upon the Democrats of our city and county to commence :making their preparations for themomentona_esra palgn before us, We cannot begin too soon. Delays are no less dangerous in politics than in the ordinary affairs of life. The rank and file aro ready for work,.if the leading men will initiate the necessary measures. What active Democrat in each of the districts will put himcPlf at the head of the column, and commence the necessary steps for athorough ~ rgattization throughout the county? Geo. A. :taxes, Esq., of Edinboro, was drained to the practice of law in Meadville, Ist week; after passing a highly, creditable examination. Mr. Allen is one of the most active, intelligent and high toned Democrats in the county, and ave predict that he will make his mark as an attorney. We trust that he may conclude to locate in Erie, as he thinks some of doing. We need a few men of his energetic stamp to help infuse tnore life into our city Democracy. Tue. State Medical Society resolved to hold its next session hi Erie on the second Wednesday in June, 1880. The following members of the profession in our county were elected officers of the Society: Ist Vice President, Dr. W. M. Wallace ; -Recording Secretary, Dr. J. L. Stewart ; Committee on Arrangements and Credentials, Drs. Geo. C. Bennett, 1). D. Loop and D. H. Strickland. Ox Saturday, May . 80, Mrs. Wm. Thomp son, of Cheater township, made her husband completely happy by presenting him with three fine boys, reighing together twenty four pounds. Dr. C. J. Warner, of Congress, was in attendance, and the mother and children are doing finely. Who can beat that ?— Wooster Republiean. Who in the deuce, do you suppose, would want to "beat" it? ' JCIXIING by the following paragraph from the Lock Haven Democrat that lively little town is bound to keep up its reputation for enterprise : "Besides the triplets last week, born in this place, another singular birth occurred. It was that of twins, one of whoni had a double face, namely, four ever, two noses, and two mouths. This singular creature was still born, but the other is a fine healthy child." Tim Corry Republican prints the ibllow ing as a verbatim copy of an epitaph on a tombstone in Spring, Crawford county: "Death comes to all Both great and small As in this case loth seem ; This little lad Came to his end By the swallowing of a bean." THE match game of baseball between the Erie City and Athletic Clubs, (the latter ;the champion organization of America,) will take place upon the grounds of the former, on - F:gst,Sixth strcet,•on FrideY,Jhe- ;Oth inst. Great interest is felt in the gaioe, and an immense audience will undoubtedly at tend. A Comma , will be given - this (Tlutisday), evening, by the St. ettecilbs and Liedertskl Societies,. la Walthep's Hall, for the bend: of the new St. Mary's school. A pleaSant and profitable entertainment is anticipated: Tim city' councils have apjulrptiated-tl thousand dollars towards defraying the ex penses of celebrating the Fourth, and fifteen hundred dollars more ire ezriecied t 4 be raised among the citizens. • • ' • .."' THE new city ordinance provides for a tax of $3 upon gentlemen and 1.4 upon dogs: This gross inequality should receive the immediate attention of the Female Equal Rights League. Tut first lager beer of the season,an event of annual interest to a large portion of our community, wits opened on • Monday at Jacobi's brewery., The lovers of that article rejoiced muddy. _ • •.. How to - take the census of the children of a neighborhood—employ an organ grinder five minutes. Kstowrs Truman.—At a regular con clave of Mt. Olivet Commandery, No. 80, held at their Asylum June 17t11, the follow ing Sir Knights were elected officers for the currentsyear Sir Geo. V. Maus, Eminent Commander. " Jack E. Payne, Generalissimo. " Geo. C. Bennett, IL D., Capt. Gen. " dna J. Wadsworth, Prelate. " E. 11.-.Chapnmn Senior Wander/. J " Wm. ramrod, r., Junior Warden., " John E. Houston, Recorder. " E. J. Fraser, M. D., Treasurer. Teachers , Examfearless. The Annual Examination of the Teachers of the Public schools of Erie, and of appli cants for situations in the same, will take place Friday and Saturday, Jane 26 and 27, 1868, at the nigh . School Room, Building No. 2, commending precisely at 8:45 A. 11., and closing at 1:30 P. cacti day. Each teacher will come supplied with a knife, a rubber and a good lead pencil. Teachers should be in the room by half past eight. 11. S. Jeans, City Superintendent. jelB-It. Mil = ‘ti'itvziror'uleamnvT.l A - Tont Thtoogialte, South. 4 1 . 1 4. 1 Wt0, Sir:e:=Tirl‘h great:4l p aaaili asK Yertalidulgene*to grant vi e et space in your columns for the purpose ofgiv 'lotto the public an account of a tour I made Iu the,l3oothern 'States in Jana!, and Feb ruary last.. Inasmuch as there are many con fiding accounts as to the, situation and con dition of the Southern people, with. regard to their political, finitude', Monti and reli gious character, I 'greatly desired to know the truth by actual end personal observation. AccordWly, I spent some thirty' th days in e States oNViiginiti, North Carolina, South Carolina, Clearers, Tennailice and Kentuticy, visiting in my Mute, Fredericksburg, Ric' mond, Petersham' Opldsbori - y Wilmington, Raleigh, Cliarlestoni ,Anignette, Aden to, Mit tailooga, Neshvnle, Loulavffic;_rmil' Coving ton. - toted° it emphatically a tour ofobser vition. I mingled in ill society and *and no pains tlo obtain. the truth, I conversed Seely with all menof every-political shade . teem Gov. Pletpaint end Hawkinirst, down 40 . the most Impede citizen. I attended reli gious meetings of: various denominetkns, both black and, white.; I, visited some of the colored schools, the army quarters, and saw the. congregatid masses of her sable sons and darightera, assembled at the menagerie and circus. I visited the scenes and heard the debates in far of the. mongrel conven tions,wheretheYirere fhiining constitutions, in Richmond, Raleigh, Charleston and Atlan ta. I took time to mature ray observations and opinions, as far as it was possible, upon all the variant. topics _ relative to Southern therater and reconstMetion policy: What latudlitay in this conimaicaticm will mostly relate 'to - thk r- political issues of the day, oc casionally Mailing upon other topics as they incidentally present 'themselves. The great' object, however, shall be- to set the Northern mind right with regard to the tkiuth in a political point of view. - Tho Seuth presents one vast Add of deso lation.- The ravages of war, together with the lack, for years, of reliable manual labor, makes every place look most gloomy indeed. Almost the entire people are bankrupt, but few being able to pay their debts. They planted a large breadth of cotton last year, but it produced not more than half a crop. Prima ruled low, most of the planters having to self their qotion at from nine to - eleven cents per pound. It took at least one-fifth of this to pay the tax, leaving en insufficient amount for the planter to ply his - hands. Members of the several conventions, seeing this financial embarrassment, shrewdly in corporated into.-their several constitutions 'stay kiwi whicheonstituted the great lever by which they carried these constitutions at the polls. The conventions are mainly coin; posed of neiroes and Northern political ad- ^ venturers, known as "Carpet Baggers," who have no interests in , common with the whites of the South. They pander to, the credulity of the negro for' the sake of obtaining, his vote. In some instances they impose upon the credulity of the blacks in a shameful manner—for instance, they sell their tickets theniby which they are elected, for *in- ; ty-five cents each. I was informed by the best autheritY in Charleston that their con vention was composed of more than one-halt negroes x and the balance, except three, were Northern Men, among them a great number of Abolition preachers. Only three white native South Carolinians in ale,gislative body of some one hundred and thirty or forty members, to make laws for the people of South Carolina, 'is simply preposterous !, This rule wilt not hold good in all the con ventions I visited, but I think the negroes and Nortitelvi whites control them by a large majority- The condition of the negro in the entire South is, anything but pleasant and desirable. He has the name eliberty, to be sure, but lo be a slivetrom condition and circumstances, atom necessity and poverty, is the most ab ject of all slavery. Such is his condition. He has nothing he can call his own—unused to core for himself, improvident in the ex treme, unwilling to confine hiniself to steady labor, imposed upon by professed friends who have made him promises he can never realize,- all tend to make him the veriest slave upon the face of the earth. Their character for industry and honesty can be summed up in a few words. One-half of them will about half work, the other halewill obtain a miser able pittance inrany way, regardless of honer or honesty There are scarcely two opinions in the South in regard' to their industry.. One east in point—while "in Richmond, I roomed_ with a member of the convention, a firmer, formerly from the State' of New York, and. an original Abolitionist: He said, "the negro, if you work with him, will work well, but is almost worthless alone," and adds, "after trying negroes, I have hired Germans to do my work." Them are hundreds and thous- ands of negroes unemployed, Yet the univer sal cry is for white labor.: !The depletion Of the negro race by death far exceeds the in dense by natural generation. They are a doomed ran. The fiat of the' Almighty seems tq have stamped upon his brow de crease, And he is destined to fade way like the Indian hefore the superior prowess .and intelligence of the white man, until his race in tiditountrY becomes extinct or so exceed.; ingly small as to not be taken account of among the torilkine - tif the Caucasian race; or, in 'othermortb; this is &white man's coun try and .Government, which must and will be ruled ad governed by white men. "I do not hesitate to say-that :ray 'opinion is - that. the best friend the negro.has Is his former master 'and the 'l3cuthein. -- White men. While in Cluirlesten t i-wags present where three 'gen tiemen,,who had large plantatioias on Edisto Island, and witted to hire several- hundred negnms, were -draviing...contracts to be en tered into bitwat ittOuttelves and their hire,. Bugs. Two ofthem hadbeen officers in the Fedeml, any, and ' other was o South parolinbm. I bad -meager( to. notice the, difference intheir terms. They all kayo the Same wages, viz; Seventy-five dollars '• per' yecir and two finis of -clothes; In addition to this, the South Carolinian gave each man the use of two titres 'of land and , n garden; The two Northern men would only give a garden spot td three men. The Southern white man ijimpatkiies - with 'the negro—t irides him well—has been born and reared with him but he looks upon him as his in ferior, nor will he ever be willing to be con trolled and governed by him. They said to Inc ; "You men of the North are not will ing to give the negro the right of sunless, nor make hint your equal. Why then at tempt to force that upon Os r If slavery could be re-established in the South - by ob taining a majority of the votes of the slave holders in - its favor, - I think it extremely doubtfhl if such a majority could be obtained. A man in Charleston who - lost a million of, dollars by, the 'war, said to me; "If my former slaves were restored - to me I would not receive them(.". , Then what is. the ditilculty,and why is there not' sympathy 'between the two sec tions of oar common country T It is simply this, TiE The extraordinary and tmconstito- Woe' terms demanded, by our Congression al, reconstruction „ The Southern people fought for whit they Corilltierd ! their Jest and Constitutiemal tights, eccorditig to the school of whleh they had been educated.' • Large' numbins told me they were opposed to secession, but felt it to be their duty to go with the State as a para mount obligation to that of the PederalGov ernment. They staked their all en the re imit. z They ieferred the whelematter to the arbitrament of the wee&lgttesilfbught— they fought Idle brave m•ey fought worthy of a better cause. They lost.. They, yielded to the power of the Federal army' they gave up the cause, they yielded without mental . reservation, and submitted to the governmeni of the United Staten I never heard an intimation from an • that a . peered =I Zc•*:rw~:,~a~.ear.s+ , s..=.~.+Lsi~.~,~`.na:.-ias._~.~ ~'~~~ like a desire to renew tkeppn c li, Jct. They ne knowledge th="einselveslhoionghly whipped. ?Ply do;not acknowledge the 7 ., were in, the wieng,. - arid they never will. GOY: Brown, of Georgizi, in the Chicago Convention, while . giYinglOs ,expeOenceinn4 pandering to the Republican party for place and power, never . acknowledged lie was in Vie Wrong. A man ' in South Carolina, a native Of Vermont, who has tanght scho,a in Charleston for (Way "II lime , we 11.4 olir ft7Ted enough ?" All they ask, I think, is io he treated fair nut honorably, according to our Cuin , ttitoti,}n, and have no ()blip:allow imposed upon them that are not hope by the other States. The idea there periadei the masses. that they, like our forefallie - , were fighting for their honor, their homes, their liberties and their all. Feeling and be lieving thus, they will never stultify them selves by acknowledging they were in die wrong; and we would despise them for it Ir they did. Their main desire now appears to be to resume their former standing in the sisterhood of States, not with slavery, but with all their . political rights, forgettinp, the past and pressing forward to a glorious fu ture. In every locality I. visited,but more especi ally in Vircinia,they were extremely anxious that Northern people should. settle aincing theta. One man, a Major in the Confederate army, said :' "Any man - that has a White face." They have no prejudices against Northern men becnnse they are Northern men—any man going there to parsuen r iegitimate busi ness, no difference what his politics are, will be received with open arms and warm hearts. But political adventurers, who go there for place and power by pandering to the pre judices of the negro, and wishing to upturn their whole religious and social fabric, arc despised ni they. shOuld 'be, as the accursed of God, and the offscouring of the earth. In all my intereourse with the Southern people, I heard no harsh or threatening expression toward the Government, or agitnat any of the citizens: They are uni forirdy, more mild In their Itinipsii;go than we are of the North hi talking orour political opponents. Then, I say all this stuff going the rounds of the Radical papers. about the danger of Northern men going 'South, I be lieve to be a base fabrication. There' remains, then; but 'otte• More point to discuss, viz: The necessity of the army and -the Freedman's Mire= in the Southern States. My former opinions were only con firmed by my intercourse with the 'Southern people, that the army and Freedman's Bureau constitute a most 'iniquitous system of legislation, designed to perpetuate 'the reign of the party in power. 'consider there is - no more use of an army there than there 'is-in the city of Brotherly Love. The Freed- Man's Bureau has, undoubtedly, done, some gpod E has mitigated some suffering. Again, it hies done much evil. ,The poor black,has depended WO , much for'. aid receiCed there from, and thus indirectly it hag encourdged Idleness. Upon the whble ills a bad system and should never have been established, and the sooner abolished thobetter. In vainyou will search the record of history for a more corrupt, venal and Iniquitous system of leg islation than boa' been imposed upon that people; and not only upon them, but upon the -whole country , ; burdening the people with hundreds of millions of debt, malting it neemsary for the .Imposing . of taxes too onerous to be borne, for the purpose of sus taining army in order to keen the' Republi can party In power. There are no hopes of returning prosperity in the South with the present party'in power. There must be a change in the administni tion polity of our Government. The Demo cratic party must assume the reins of power. By the Democratic party I mean that part of the old Democracy that remained after the Freesoil and Abolition (notions had sloughed off, and such time-honored Whigs as indig nantly refused to be sold out to the Abolition party, or to enter the baptismal fount to be christened by tho new name' of Republican. I mean to he understood that these men, old Whigs and Democrtits, that stand np for the Constitution of our Eithers; - ,must resume power, or the day of prosperity to the South ern States is far away. The dawn of pros perity will usher in upon us from the (lay the groat Conservative party controls tho af fairs of the 'Nation, and brings back every branch of our Government tq the old land ' marks of our fathers. • I will add, in conclusion, thlit one of the greatest mistakes ever made, is to disfranchise the brains'and the intellect of the people and deliver over the Government into' the hands of the ignorant and the rabble; and .. then look for a prosperous state of affairs. An other mistake, perhaps equally great, is that when the Confederate army laid down their arms and submitted to the Federal authority the seceding States were not permitted to re sume•their position as States in the Union their Representatives and Senators allowed to take their seats in Congress, requiring no change in their Constitutions only such as had been made necessary in order to con firm the proclamation made by the Presi fent before the submission to -Federal au thority. All those whose crimes were tbo great to receive pardon should have been brought to a speedy and impartial trial before the civil courts. If this had been done the whole machinery of government would have long since been running smoothly. This would have saved hundreds of millions of dollars, and an untold amount of misery, and suffering.' For not doing this, the party in power is, and will be held responsible for Consequences. Historians will so record it, and unborn , generatiOqA will read it with sor row and, amazement,.,. . . lu fL so ,Tarton. abbertigements. 2000,000 Customers in Ponsoyears. PATRONIZE THE _BEsT. - i, FFA VING the largest capital, mart eXPerr'' 1 enclxl buyers, and extermtve trade or any, rontenrin the Dollar Sale business, we • • 'Guarantee' SattSfaetioll In every Instance, and also the best selection ck* Goods ever orairvi at - One • Noother careen hasnny allow Wherever, orir Agents are selling. Our motto, "Prompt and Reliable." Male and female agents wanted in city and country.. • THE X DIES Aro particularly requested to try our popular 'clubrystcnt of selling nil kinds of Dry and 'an cy Goods, Dress Patterns, Cotton Cloth, Castors, Silver Plated Goods, Watches, &c. (Established I86L) A patent pen fountain and a check Ale scribing an article to be sold for a dollar, 10 cts ; 20 for Itt; *for $4; OD for SC: 100 for $10; sent by mail. Free presents to getter up, (worth 50 per cent. more than those sent by any other con cern,) according to size of cloth. Send us a trial. club, or if not do not fail to Ond for a-circular.; N.B.—Our sale should not bo classed with, New York dollar jewelry sales or bogus "Tea Companies," as it is nothing of the sort. EASTMAN fi KEINDAti, jel.3m• Cl Hanover St.. Boston, Masa O. NOBLE. L. 11. lIALL. Bay State Iron Works ! Mcn 1 . 1 5 ... ; :Y‘ln9 1 ;) ; 1 1 er Makers Works 'Corner Peach and Bd. Sts., Eris, Pa., Having made extensive additions to our ma..‘ eldnery, we are prepared to till all orders promptly for , • Stationery, Marine and Portable Engines; Of all sizes, either with single or cutoff valves . • STEAM EB PTIMPB,__WMILKS,ETC.T• WORE.BOLL- B, aTmis, TAN Ate.all kinds of R&M and MOIL Casting. Particular attention given to Building end Ma- Ch F[R ElALE. " % g iearies Cirvular lint Rigs and Read Blocks, which are the beat In use. John soßrans'ss Goods, Rotary Babbit Pumps, Gas P Metal, etc. ipe and Fittings, t Sobbing solicited at reduced prices. All work warranted. Our motto Is, BUSTONCOEB XL= DE BLITZED. We are bound to sell as low as the lovrtlt.— Please call an d examine. feblS4l. , NOBLE & HALL. •st GORDON'S HORSE; HOPI AS ' iIIiPitOVER FOIZ HAVING made very important improvements ou the floc lioe, man untetnred for us dur!ne, the past tour years, we are enabled to present to our patrons the nioq complete 'ropier/len !arca/Ural/Mt corn, potatoes, cotton, and all bill crops, ever introduced to the farming Cql it monlty. As now simile, the back teeth are reversible, and not removed for billing as upon la. old style Horse Hoe, thereby making it a complete cultivator and hiller at the saute time; 'l,l:t when billing is not required, the wings are removed from the the teeth. By this arrangeruent, wider rows may be hilted than with the wings plae,l,llpou the stew els. it in made of the bent quality of Meet and highly polished, and supertor t , soy other culti vator on account of itn lightness, (weighing About 50 pound.,) durability, elleapne-s and adapta tion to all kinds of work. ALLIANCE SHOVEL PLOW. We would call ,vour attention to our DOUBLE SHOVEL PLOW. which w' think, rvi t ben t doubt, excels anythlngnow In market, for the purpose tydgned. Its prluelpat poluts oh excel lence arc, that It Is.WHOITURT 11101 , 1 FRAM F.:, very light and strong—.:,te,l %Itovels—eaSily IV I DIM tCa to run studio?, or deep, and k.neatiy um] tastt.fully made. myZS-tt FRANK IYINCRELL & Co., 1 AUCTION & COttIISSION MERCHANTS, No. 824 State Street. Household Furniture unit all kinds of Goods; Wares and Merchandise, bought and sold and received on consigninent. Sales at private ref:Wilms attended to In any part of the city. - Sale of Household Furniture, ttrpets, Queens- Ware, Horses, Wagons, and all kinds of goods on WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS, AT .9% (!'cLocx, A. 31 A large consignment of Queensware, Glass ware, Bohemian and China rases now on. liand, will be closed out regardlks of cot 4 at - private sale. 461- Vendues attended to lii any part of the county. :11,04 f. Tollworthy & Love, NO. 1390 PEACH ST., Have adopted a,uew system of doing busi ness, and would respectfully call tile attention of their customers to the fact that they are now selling goods for _ CASE, OR READY PAY. We helleve that we cau do our customers jus tice by so doing and would ask them to cull and see our splendid Mock' or groceries,consbnlnc . of Teas, Coirees, Sugars, -.0-1 - Spires, ate., Comprising everything in 8 well kept grocery store. We also have the best quality or ERIE COUNTY FLOUR. Also FEED in unlimited quantities. Give us scull. _ TOLLWORTIIY & LOVE, 1390 reach St. opposite National Hotel. rnyl2-tf. BLANK BOOKS! Caaghey, 'McCreary d; Moorhead, WILL SELL sr aivr~ ISOC>ItS, of every deserippon, BOOKS, ENVELOPES AND PAPER, Than any house in this city. Also, SCHOOL BOOKS, At Wholesale, as cheap as anyjobblng house In the country. 131 13 1... lS S : The Depository of the Bible Society, at CAtYOHEY, 31"CREARY S 3MOOIIII3AD'S Myll-tf. FOR ME FARMERS. nEEpEgar EZ il t innt be,t, and s Stro nws Sheep WOOL TWINE, in any quantity. GRIND STONEB.-31 tons Boma and ',to . SCYTHES.—Gnias and Grain, of the licvt. ma kens. GRAM CRADLES.--arapcvlue and 3inlcy, complete with Scythes. 11/01 FORKS. Tiro anti threellized. - - farceirelo, Spades, Manure Forks and flay Knives, for sale by { French Street REM pirAGENTS WANTED—TO solicit orders for DR. Wit. Sstren's DICTIONARY OF BIBLE., Tug ONLY ERrnos rtintmagn IN ANXRIRA, RONDIED By DR. SIIMI'S owD ,'*ANN, /none large Octavo volume Illustrated aslthiteter 126 steel and wood engravings. ~,:kealsi and sUbscribeis,,L , see that you get the It Wee edition ft I:M_EMtlt. , ,• --- - - Spetnaiteld,RMeblicatt says, thlii edition by Marrs. Barr &Co., is the mains. - - lie littlearedetbst says,arhoever Wistics sr, in thecheapestiorni,_tho best Diction of the Bible *Mould buy this. 11 .- ALIO' WAN? AGENTS for ELLIOT'S new, IMRERARICAI3LE CHARACTERS AND BASLE PLACES of THE HOLY LAND. 8y . 41222 WARD BERMS% T. D. WoomsY, LL. la b Pris wur, i. of Yale Col„ Joarmi Cm/loses, D. D. 11.; Peas. of WeBIeSIIII Unlit.. nr. REV. THOS. - Bishop of R. 1., de., dc. "Therittenew and originalworka by these au thor% end their subjects are approved by cler %Wet all denominations. Agents are meet- M Unparalleled success-. We employ no General Agents for either book, Agents offer extra inducements to Canvassers. will see theadvantage of dealing directly with tlic. FEB USHERS. For descriptive circulars with full partiaidais and terms, address the Publishers, IlirZat 3 . E. BURR di CO:, Hartford, Conn. Warrant in Thankruprey. /a TO GIVE NOTICE that on the Zith T l day Of May, ISA a Warrant in Bankruptcy WU limed out of the District Court of the Uni ted States, for the Western District of Penn'a, eitalnat the estate of Joseph Justice, of Erie, In the County of Erie, in said district, ad jadgei • bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery` of any pro perty, belonging to such bankrupt, to him nr for his nee, and the transfer of any property by ofn, are forbidden by law; and that a meeting the credito of said bankrupt, to prove their debts, end to choose one or more assignees of his anat.% will be held at a Court of Bankrupt tabe holden at the °ince of the Register, In the city of Erie, before S. 11. Woodruff, Esq., Register in bankruptcy for said district, on the Bth day of July, A. D., 1808. at 11 o'clock, A. Jf THOMAS A. ROWLEY, IL 8. Marshal, Messenger. By G. P. Davie. Dept. IL S. Marshal. -Iw. Warrant in Bankruptcy. TarlllTO GIVENOTICE that on tbe Ist day f.Tane, A. D.. 188, a Warrant!, in Bank ruptey was issued against the estateof AIM W. Them" Peen Erie city, w hoe county of Erie, State of naylvania, has been adjudged *bankrupt on his own petition ; That the pay ment of any debts and delivery of any propey belonging to such bankrupt, to him and for his use, and the transfer of any property by him 4 1=Tdden by law; that a meeting oflhe of the said bankrupt, topnive their debts and to choose one or more Asaignees of his estate, *Bll be held ate Court of Bankrupt- cy, to be holden at the office of the Register, in the city of Erie, ha the coun oi ag i ' Erie and Mate of Pewee, before 8. E. W Register, on the 110th day of July A. D.,lMji JO o'clock, A; bL , T/10 A. ItOnq,EY, - 11. B.2larshal, Messenger. By O. P. Davis, Dept; U. B. Marshal. Administrator's Notice. LjETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the es tate of Mary Feltelta Heintz, deed., late of le city, baying been granted to the under signed. notice is hereby given to all Indebted to the game to make IMMediate payment, and three haying claims against the said estate will presetit Ahem duly authenticated for settle ment. ROSS TIIOMPSON, t - Administrator, w. Co., •;.1) State Street, Erie, Ea New Dry Goods Store ! No. 11:2Penelt St., Has on hand a splendid stock of .Good consisting of DOMESTICS, PRINTS, GINGIIAMS, PINI ALPACAS, ORGANDIES, LAWNS, Black and Colored SI/1t , 4, Pa icley and SI/1111ilt r Sltawlft, Table IA nen , : and Spreads, Yankee Notlonq, (le., comprLsinq a complete te, , ,ortinent of evcrl. thing in the DRESS AM) DRY GOODS LINE, which he Went very-Chen p for cash. He invite:. conmetition and rtnnests every one to call and examine Ixdore purchasing elsewhere. myld-Can. HI:o. DECKER. 1322 Peach St. Sew Store, Walther's Block. The Stamterlber would call the at ton of tin( public to Ins spleudid stock of Spring and Summer Dry Goods;. UP,RECEDENTLY LOW PRICES I have a large a , ,,ort ment of Domestics, Prints, Dress Goods, &.c., • bonght at low prier; and consequently Can s. 14 them very toe:. Call and eXIII.IIIIIO Illy !Audi. , Circxxl9 Rhotva With pleasure. T. F. WALTITEIL, 808 State St. iny7-t f. IVARRANT IN= BANKRUPTCY. riltlN IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the nil 1. day of May, A. I)., ISGS, warrant in bank ruptcy 'mak issued against the estate of T. .1. llosklnson, of the city of Erie, i n the counbv of Erie, and State of Ponta, who has been ail judged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts or delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law •, that a meeting of the Creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose ono or more as signee.' of his estate, wilt be held at a Court of •Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Wilcr of the Register, in the city of Erie, Pa., before F. E. Woodruff, Esq., Register, on the 6th day of July, A. 1)., 15b1,_at 11 o'clock„). M. TILOMAS A. ICOWLEY,• U. S. Marshal, Messenger. By G. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. Mai - shal. my2—tsv. WARRANT IN BANKRUPTCY. girris IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the let day J_ of June, A. D. I&i3, a warrant in bankrupt cy was Issued against the estate of Samuel N. Caughey, of the city of Erie, in the county. of Erie and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of ally property belonging to him, for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assin.ees of las estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Register, in the city of Erie, be fore S. E. Woodruff, E.sq., Register in said dis trict, on the 30tit day of July, A. D. VAS, at LI o'clock, A. M. TROMAs A. ROWLEY, U. 5. Marshal, Messenger. By G. P. Da.vis, Dept. C. S. Marshal. ;el-lw WARRANT IN BINKRUPTCY. • mats IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the Ist day of June, A. D. 1963, a warrant in bankrupt cy was Issued against the estate of Guy Loomis, of the city of Erie, in the county of Erie and State of rennsyWania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the pay ment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to him, for his use, and the transfer of any property - by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bank rupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at the Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the o;lie of the Register, in the city of Erie, before S. E. Woodruff, Esq., Register in aid district, oh the Pills day of July, A. D. Isits, at 10 o'clock, A. \i _THOMAS A. ROWLEY, S. Marshal, Messenger. By (1. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. Marshal. IYARBANT IN BANKRUPTCY. MIES IN TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 14 j, day of June, A. D., LSGS, a warrant in bank ruptcy was issued against the estate of Robert W. Ittissell, of the city of Erie, in the connty•of Erie, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own pet Blom that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to him, for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting, of the creditors of the said" bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate,u iii be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to bo bob tea at the office of the Register; in the city of Erie. before S. E. Woodruff, Esq., Register, In McFall'district, district, on (be Rlb day of July, A. D. 1s Iv, at 10 o'clock, A. H TOM R AS OWLEY, Marshal By G. P. Davis, Devi. Mar S. Marshal, " J. C. SELDEN, WARRANT 1 BANKRUPTCY. FITS TS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the Ist silty T of June, A. D. a:warrant in bankrupt ey Ni'as issued against the piste of Jas. I. Vs ii llama, of the city of Erie:, in thg ,trainty of Erie, and State of Peunsylvanta. wltto 'luta , been ad judged a bankrupt on Ida own petition; that the =ent of rirtydebta and delivery of any prop longing to him, for Ms use r and the trans., fer of any property by hint are forbidden hyt,. law; that a mooting of thonrctittnrs of the sa bl Itankrupt, to prove their debts and .to choose one or more Assituices of hlStessialte,jvill be Itchd tit a Court of Banitruptcylltaybehettilen at the offlee of the Register, in the city of Erie, berm e S. E. Wood ruff, F:sq., Register sii;trivt,t)ll the 30th day of July. &doe Is, A. 11. : THanmi As:ROWLEY, IT. S. 3lnutina., 3f.e.a.eneee. Ry G. P. Davis, Dept. P. S. Mar4sal.' Warrant in Bankruptcy. rpms IS TO GIVE NOTICE. that on the day of June, A. D. ISG,,a warrant in bank. rupees. was Issued against tho estate. of Jacob Kunz, of Erie city, county of Erie, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bank rupt mulds own petition; that the payment ••1 any &tiffs and the delivery of - any be longingtosuchbanitrupt,bankrupt, to Um, tut 4 i use, and the transfer of any property 41-__h_tm, are forbidden by law- that a meeting of tho creditors of the said banlampt, to prove their debts, and to chodce one or more A!...,lgnees of his estate, will be held at a Court of liaukrule. cy, to be holden at the nuke of the Ile,tister, ut the city of Er1e,1 , 11., before S. E. t%oodruih E,(1„ Register In said Dhdrict, on the Wilt day .I.le y :It Ut n'el,pelz, A. 3[. TIUDIAss A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, Messily-or. By G. I'. Davis, Dept. U. S. Marshal. " Administrators' - Notice. Tr -EWRS EOP ADMINISTRATION on the - Li Mks of Joseph Schloer;dee'd, late ot township, having been granted to the under signed, notice Is hereby given total indebted to the Name to maim immediate payment, and those having claims against said estate wilt present, them duly authenticated for settle rueut.e 'HENRIETTA SCHWEIZ, L. PINNEY, AdMinistrat orq: Greene. iiiy2l,lss House and Lot for Sale. --- frITE SUBSCItIIi.LER offers for kile a NEW and j eonvenientlylitrangetl home, wet I situated, hi the beautiful ' VILLAGE 01',NOE,TH EAST Good Ircli ; of water, two Cistern;, and an abourlanoa of tha ,BEST VARIETY 02• rrtrrr. PRICE LOW.•••TEPOIS - The property la 'espeetally- deatrarle, :r:o.- rancltas the Lake Shore Seminary, ail II,: tion or learning, which Win not be eNt C:! , a 1., any in the country. La lora tol near the 1.1. Tit - ses. For particulars, inquire of the ' • on the Treatises. ilyatalro JOHN GEIRTSHL I2tER & OIk.TY Clothing and licniN Furnishing Goo& (4 4 4.-; HO. SOS 4 STATE STREET Stistv;ceived .intl ofrexcd jtt EIMMENEI COItNEIi STTEET, JE.:II.IE, PA. MEE ISE ES 71. L Y7i