The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 18, 1868, Image 2
c imwirto WAYorizer ----7--- , • T . 1 ruAIsDAY, JITZZE is, 1808. 11 1)L'110ellATIC STATE TICE:c.;" 8. BOYLE, of GENZRAL V. 11. 'ENT, or N c ii.,• .SE AS A DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE. aucaster being one of the most intereq- and ably edited of our exchanges, never fails to evince a more than ordi naryshare of good sense, in alluding,to the proposed nomination of Chief Jus tice Chase as the Democratic candidate for President, well says that when the idea was first suggested, it "teemed so wild and absurd, that we regarded it the,sensational talk of crack-brained Washington reporters, who, impeach ment being over, found themselves some what at a loss for topics about which to write. We find, however, in the New York World, a leading editorial, seriously naming Jisige Chase as "of course" the chief opposing candidate to Mr. Pendleton in the 4th of July Con vention. The article was evidently writ ten as a " feeler," in behalf of the Chief Justice. "It seems to us most wonderful that any trustworthy Democratic Journal should delude itself for a moment with the idea that the Democracy in rein vention assembled will seriously enter tain a proposition to make Judge Chase their candidate. He will be a bold man who will even suggest his name to the Convention ; and thi-, because Judge Chase is not a Democrat. The Democ racy have never yet selected as their candidate for the Chief Magistracy, a man whose record as a Democrat was 'not life long, consistent • and unvary ing; and they will not begin to do it now. Having.pursuelihis course, they have alWays e,caped being "Pylerized' —a fate which constantly befalls the op po:-ition. When the Democracy fight a battle, they want 'to be thoroughly that if they win, they will gain :tilbstantial victory for their princi pl,, and not Merely the shade of one. They want to know that the fruits of ti wir victory will not torn to nAte-; on their lips. " We have the highest persontil admi ration and respect for Judge Chase. Ent he is not with us anti cannot be our candidate. One great issue in the pre sent contest is the negro suffrage ques tion. Judge-Chase has made a record strongly in favor of negro suffrage, and the Democratic party is unalterably opposed to it. Judge Chase might re ceive the support of a good many Con servative Republicans, but' his nomi nation would chill the ardor of 'the Democratic hosts, even it' 5t did not produce a division in the ranks of the party." A NUISANCE TO EE PROLONGED The Freedmen's Bureau which Con gress has voted to eondnue another ,year, costs the government of the United States twelve millions of dollars, tieing about the coat of the whole government of the United States under President John Quincy Adams' administration. It con-ists of ail army of malignant South ern haters, negro fanatics, and needy adventurers, backed in their power by the 'army of the United -States. They have done , more to breed an irradicable alienation of the . peorde ofthe Southern States, from the people oflhe Northern States, than the war itself. It is they who have got up the Union Leagues amongst the negroes, and have made them enemies of the white race. It is they who are the instruments of the Ra dical plirty, to Africanizo' the South, and to put the white man under the nd,gro. It is they who have indoctrinated the negro with the idea, that to take the White man's land is their right; and to kill him is a righteous duty. All the public riots, and not a few of the private murders perpetrated by the negroes on the white people, are traceable directly to the ineendia - ry teachings of some of the agents of this Bureau: Everywhere its influence, With but few exceptions, has been adverse to the peace of the country, or to any steady or efficient industry amongst the blacks. It is not at all surprising that the revolutionary disunionist.; at Washington, and the few Southern traitors who support their po licy, should desire it- continuance until after their negro policy in the South is completed. TIM Cleveland " Plaindealer" notices the fact of the election of a Democratic Mayor and Iloard of Aldermen in Ga lena, Illinois, the former home of (;ene ral Grant, and add::: , The victory is more gratifying as it was a strict party contest in view of the ap proaching Presidential campaign, in the place where Grant is better known than in any other spot on earth, and where E. B. Washburne, who has assumed the guardianship of the General, has resided for many years. Mr. Savage, the newly elected MayOr of that city, is one of the moqt thorough-going r outspoken, and re liable Democrats in all that region, and was, at the time of his election, the editor of the Galena "Democrat," a journal that has ever been perfectly free in its utterances, and consistent in its undis guised hostility to Radicalism in all its% forms and_varieties: A few years ago, six different attempts -were made in one day to demolish the office of that paper, by a rabble instigated to the cowardly act by that same E. B. Washburne and his unprincipled foil owers and dupes. But now the City 'of Galena stands re deemed from every -vestige of that intol erant and dastardly spirit, not a single office in the city being held by the friends of Washburne and his reticent protege. - • Tux extravagant managoont of the Federal finances by the Radical party is likely to be :further exposed. The deficiency- in the Paymaster -general's office is $2,3,000,003, and is attracting much attention. Congress •endeavored to secure popularity by voting large - bounties to soldiers, and at the same time avoid the charge of profligacy by nut appropriating the necessary funds. Hence the enormous deficiency in the War Department. The Internal Re venue Department will fall thirty-live million dollars below Mr. Rollin's e'sti mate. This fact induced the Commis sioner's unexpected resignation. "fo all this will soon be added the fearful defi ciency of the Post-office Department ; the accounts of which have not balanced since the 31st of December. Let the facts and figures come before the people, and, the dominant party will not receive' much credit on the score of economv. A PICTORIAL CA3IPAIG2q PAPER.— MessrB. Bratton & Kennedy, of the Car lisle Volunteer, will resume the publica tion of the Caucasian, an illustrated De mocratic campaign paper, on July 10, 1868, to continue until after the Presiden tial election. Each number will be embel lished with portraits of distinguished Democratic statesmen or humorous cuts illustrative of the political history of the times. This feature made the Cauca sian a decided success in 1860. Terms: (cash In advance) Single Copies, 80 cents; Ten Copies, $4. 50; Twenty Copies, $B. 00 ; Thirty Copies, $lO. ; Fifty Copies, $15.00; One Hundred Copies, $25. 00. All clubs must be sent to one address. Orders should be sent in at once. oc monthly reports of the secretary of .ue Treasury disclose to the people at conve nient intervals the financial exploits of the Government, and the policy it has pursued in the effort to relieve itself of monetary em barrassments. The report for May is par 'fieularly interesting. We made some allu .sion to it last week, but in order to.afford our readers a better conception of the facts, wo give a summary of its contents, with such 'comments as are necessary to show its beau ties to en admiring world: Gold debt increased, - - 07,449,650 Seven-thirties reduced, - ris,oos,oso Compound-interest notes reduced, 19,701,710 Coin in the Treasury increased 19,631,098 Currency decreased, 11,104,983 The total result, therefore, of our financial operations for May is to add about three and a half millions of gold interest to our annual 1 indebtedness. Our currency-bearing interest debt we have qduced in about the same pro portion. The object of the Secretary. and . of the Radical Congress is to take up as fast as possible all the debt that bears no interest,, and all the debt that bears currency interest, and convert into to gold bearing interest debt, which interest is about forty per cent. above what the interest would be in 'Currency. There is financial talent for you. Bat this is not all. The Treasury has nearly $17,000,000 more of gold this month than it had last month. :Many people would have supposed that it would have been lietfer to have taken this seventeen millions that is now lying idle in the Treasury, drawing no interest; and employed it in taking up five twenty bonds, upon which we are paying six per cent. gold interest. There would- have been in this little transaction a saving of a million of dollars in gold. a year, In the shape of interest on the bonds. But Such. an item is not thought to amount to anything by the Radical financiers in Congress, who control the Secretary of the Treasury. While we have got sixteen millions of dollars in gold in the Treasury more than we had last month, we have called in and burned up over eleven millions of dollars in currency, that was costing the Government no interest whatever. But money was thought to be too plenty nosy by the wiseacre.; in Washington, and hence they have adopted this policy of making it scarcer, and producing a stringency in the times. The points of our National financial policy may be briefly recapitulated as follows: 1. Increase of the gold debt, and gold inter est upon it. 2.• Extinguish all indebtedness that draws Ino interest; or is payable in currency. 3. Accumulate an enormous amount of gold in the Treasury, to he kept idle, and for which the Government receives no interest. t'avette Columbia Co 4. Call in anti destroy the greenbacks, in -order to make money tight, with its corres ponding correlatives of depressed business and hard times. This, we repeat, is the policy at Washing , ton'. It is the policy of the Secretary of the Treasury. It is the policy of the Radical Congress, which, by law, has authorized the Secretary to adopt it. It is the nolicY of the Cideago Convention which nominated Grant. It is a policy to impoverish the country. It is a policy that is opposed to reason and com mon, sense. It is a policy which, if it was pursued by a private individual, in the man _agement of an estate, as guardian or admin istrator, would justify the wards or heirs in resorting to legal proceedings to stop such squandering of their patrimony. An indi vidual who would manage his own estate in this manner would be considered a fit sub ject for the lunatic asylum. Our National affairs are now being man aze.l for the interests of a privileged few. 1 hey are managed in the intere.fs of gold "rings" and stock jobbing thieves. There is no use mincing matter, or of refr.tining eillinq them by their right n•sme2. It is 'imply nn elaborate scheme of villainy and public plunder. The bill for readmitting the six States of No l rth Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, and Plot ida, has pa.-sed both Houses, and, at the end of the ten days allowed the President for its spusideration, it will be, iu form and semblance, a law of the United States. Arkansas has already been admitted by a separate bill, and there re main only the three States of Virginia, 3lis sissippi and Texas to be acted upon. The act recites,that these States have adopted Constitutions republican in form, and shall be entitled to representation as soon as their Legislatures have ratified the amendment to the Constitution known as Article _l4, pro.. posed by the XXXIX Congress. It provides : "Sr.erimi 1. That the, Constitution of said States shall never he so amended or changed as to deprive any citizen or cl a ss of citizens of the United States of the right to vote by the Constitution here in recognized, except as punishment of such crimes as arc now felonies at common law, whereof they shall have been duly convicted under laws equally applicable lb all the in habitants of said State ; provided, that any alteration of said Constitution, prospective in its effect, may be made with regard to the time and place of residence of voters; and the State of Georgia shall only be entitled and admitted to representation Upon this fundamental condition That the first and third subdivision's of section 17 of the Oh article of the Constitution of said State, ex cept the proviso to the first subdivision; shall be null and void, and that the General As seinbtv of said State by solemn public ,act 'shall declare the assent of the State to the foregoing tundamental condition," It further provides for the early compliance with the terms of readmission by the assem bling of such of the Legislatures of the States as are not in session within twenty days from the time this act takes eifect ; and when the terms specified are complied with the rifficiFrs of each State duly qualified un der the State Constitution shall ba inaugu gurated without delay. It is also made the duty of the President, within ten days after receiving official information of the ratification of said amendment by the Legis lature of either State, to issue a proclama tion announcing the fact. Ix our =nu:nuance with politics weThaVe never seen or heard of any nominations that hare fallen so coldly on a party as those of Chicago have fallen on the Republicans. At their ratification meetings andthey have been comparatively few—the enthusiasm manifested is of a forced character, as differ ent from the genuine its is the thunder and lightning of the stage from that of nature. The attempt made in this city, a few weeks ago, to rouse the energy of the party, is a fair sample of the experience in every locali ty. The heart of the people is not yearning toward Radicalism just now. It wants some thing more thazynilitary glory to warm it up. Military glory will not lift the heavy burden from the shoulders of the people that now oppresses them.. It will not meet the interest on the public debt. It will not pay taxes, nor help to pay them. It will not bring bread to the mouths of the hungry, nor cloth ing to the barks of the naked. It will not stimulate indintry, encourage business or furni , h employment to labor. Those Radi cals who expect to carry the election by the military prestige of their candidate will be the most deceived of men. The people will hon or that in its place, as they have done ; but they will discriminate as to the occasion. And it is evident,. they do not think the nom ination of an overrated General, at this time, to the Presidency, is one of the occasions to manifest their admiration and gratitude for his services. A VERY recent number of the Philadelphia Press is freighted with the - astounding Infor mation "that there are many children named after Chase, Fessenden, Grimes, Ross or Fow ler, who are now branded with a stigma for ever." Alas I alas! what is to bo done with these unfortunates ? Why should not the Rump issue a decree like that of King Herod's, and order the immediate slaughter of these innocents, and thus save them from the weary weight of woe they • must drag through life with such terrible names at tached to their patronymics? Why not im peach the guilty parents who have had the impudent audacity to attempt to perpetuate the memory of such ttifhtuous traitors? dE FEDERAL FINANCES ABE ELANAOND. TO BE ADMITTED AT LAST. LATE ELECTIONS. ' The latest reports from Oregon give the Democratic majority as between twelve and thirteen hundred.-Most of the counties gave unexpectedly large Democratic majorities. The'total vote is 22,000, the largest ever cast in the State. The Senate stands 12 Demo crats and 10 Republicans ; "the Rouse 28 Democrats awl 19 Republicans. For the last seven years, every department of State government has been in the hands of the Republican Oregon is reliably Democratic in future. The election in South Carolina astounds .the Radicals. The negroes there outnumber the whites two to one, awl they never - ima gined that any other than the Radical - Rcket. j could be elected. They had just readmitted the State into the -Union, when, lo and be hold, the news comes that sixteen out of the thirty-one districts have been carried by the "Deniocrats! We are in momentary expect ation,that some enterprising Radical will in troduce a bill remanding the pugnacious lit tle State to her late condition es a "subjuga ted territory." Wherever an election occurs this year the evidences of the swelling• tide against Radi calism receive fresh reinforcements. At the municipal contest in Mound City, I 1., the Democracy were victorious by arlarge ma jority, making a gain of 100 since last year. Why is that neither the Dispatch, Gazette -nor Republican publish any of this interest ing information? PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES The list of gentlemen named in connection with the great honor to be, conferred by the Democratic Convention ciu the Fourth of July next is unuAtallylargel Their names,and the States from. which they hart, are as fol: lows : Henry H. Haight, Stephen J. Field, Cali- torni.l ; W. E. English, Connecticut ; Thos. I A.Hendricks, -Indiana ; Charles Francis ' Ad'ams, Massachusetts ; Francis P. Blair, Jr,, I Missouri; Joel Parker, New Jersey r Geo. B. McClellan, Horatio Seymour, Samuel Nelson, Charles-O'Connor, New York ; Sal mon P. Chase, George H. •Pendleton,i Ohio; W. S. Hancock, Pennsylvania ; Andrew Johnson, _Tennessee; James R. Doolittle, Wisconsin. Mr. Pendleton will start out With the largest vote, and has the most ardent sup porters' of any one upon the list. The two-1 thirds rule, however, may prevent selec tion, and in that event, the nomination of the Convention is likely to fall upon some, person c, - hose name has not been prominently, spoken of. He would be our first choice,' but, like two-thirds of our party, we are ready to cast aside any personal preferences for the advantage of the cause. GOT HIS DESERTS. The man Callicot, who was•recently sent to the Albany Penitentiary, was, some years ago, elected to the New York Legislature as a Democrat. The State House for legiilatiiin is: at Albany, as is also the State prison for the punishment of Criminals. Callicot, when he went to Albany as a legislator, found the two political parties of the House equally divided, and he sold his vote to the Republicans, by which they got a United States Senator. After that, Callicot was apt pointed by Lincoln a cotton agent, which, position he used to feather his own nest. He by next appointed a collector Of revenue by President Johnion, on the recom mendation of Senator Morgan and other lead ing Radicals. For fobbing the revenue he . was recently tikd and sentenced to the State prison at Albany. Ile arrived at Albany a day or two ago, nn'l was consigned to the State ini4 )wa; a criminal. He went to Albany as legislator, and he returns as a convicted criminal. That was a melancholy swinging round the circle. COLFAX A KNOW-NOTHING. Colfax, the Radical candidate for• Vice President, Is a politician by trade, and has always been notorious in Indiana as a chronic office beggar. He was an ori ginal Know-Nothing, and as such was elected to Congress, being one of the most bitter And loud-mouthed defamers of Catholics and of our foreign born fel low-citlgens. Like others of his class, he naturally allied himself with the Re publiban party, when the fusion between the Know-Nothings and the Abolitio nists took place. The resolution in re ference to naturalized citizens adopted by the Chicago Convention was merely. a tub thrown to the whale ; and when that is quoted every naturalized citizen will recall the andeeedents of the party and of the nominee, Schuyler Colfax, the Know-Nothing. So mm of our Radical - cotemporarics are speculating extensively upon the chances of Chief Justice Chase's election, in ease,' he should receive the Democratic nomination for President. We - sugirest to our amiable cotemperrtries that the less they say upon the subject the less time, trouble, ink and paper will be wasted. Judge Chase will not re ceive the nomination, but a true, tried and straight-forward DemPerat will, whose .ellec lion is as certain as the coming of Novem ber. The "Bops in Blue." 3ln. EDITOR:-At a Black-and-Tan-Car pet-Bag meeting held at the State Capitol in Montgomery; Alabama, on the 30th of May last, many of the soldiers stationed there were present, no doubt by invitation, as the Rads presumed of course the "Boys in Blue" were all for Grant and Colfax. In thin the "loll" Black-and-Tans were egregiously mis taken. When the place for applause came in, these "Boys in Blue" gave three groans for Grant, three cheers for McClellan, and three 'cheers for Andrew Johnson, and all with a hearty good will. This dis-"loil" conduct on the part of the "boys" called out an order from the shoulder-strapped com mander, Brevet Brig. Gen. Shephard, giving the "boys" a blowing up for "insuixtrdins,tion and disrespect to the General of the Army." The fact is; these "boys" understand the po litical status of• the times, viz: As comman der of the army they award to Gen. Grant all dui rtopeet, but to U.-S. Grant,.the stand ard-bearer of this Radical, disunion party, they as citizens (for they are American,citi zens) claim a right to express their 'opinion. Yes, their contempt for such a candidate and the party. he represents. Conterapt,..l say, for .well they.remenaber the bloody battle fields they have.waded through teputdown the Rebellion: sad restore the Union, new all turned to Radical account to prereaf the res toration of the Union . and perpetuate their power; and that is not all. They claim ne gro equality, and that "were, it - not tor the megro soldiers victory would not have been ours." Verily,, these braye "boys", have a right to claim, as they did claim, that "this is IL white man's'Govenunent,and that tlaCy.nre white men." Suppose we put the boot on the other leg ; had they given three cheers for Grant, three. groans for MCOlellim, and taw groans for Johnson, do You believe Gen. Shepherd world have issued his order? Not a bit of it. The cry would have sounded from one end of the country to the other, through the Rad ical papers, "The Boys in Blue are for Orant and Colfax!" Yes, sir, this would havebeen the case, notwithstanding President Johnson is their legitimate head, the "commander-in chief of the army and navy of 'the United States." , • But, again, how is it nearer home! At the municipal election in Washington city, the "Boys in Blue" voted the conservative tick et, notwithstanding the physiog. of the com manding General was printed at the head of the Radical ticket in red ink, to show that "Hiram" had blood, in his eye, and that the "Boys in Blue"—who no doubt had special, leave to attend the election—were expected to be "loll," and .vote ids ticket. But, alas for humane (!) Radical disappointment I Thb 41 01 ft‘c",t ,-, 4' • i• "boys," almost to a matiii voted the cola-ern titre. ticket I Besides all this, the red picture at the head of the ticket was a guide for Flam be); that he might bt sure it was "depiece ob paper Massa Bowen or Richards gabe hint to hand to dat geman' id de' Well, what was the upshot of-all- this? The sol diers' vote was thrown out by the canvassers - (Radical, of comic) • that thcliadiml candi dates fur Mayor a .•"ont•teil might be de clared:elected ! Averse thin $ll, these same Radicals imported sevepal hundred ac mes from Maryland tind:Vlrglala to vote their ticket, whieli was all passed over by this, jd,st board of canvassers,,,, Now, Mr. Editor, we will put the boot on the other leg again. Suppose those "Bush , . Blue" had voted the Radical "loll" ticket, tts . they undoubtedly were expected to do, do you believe their votes would have been thrown out? No, sir, not a bit of. it. The Radicals from Maine to Texas and from the Atinntic to the Pacific would have heralded forth, he 'Boys in Blue' are for Grant and Colfax"i. The Dispatch thinks this order of Gen. Shepherd's a merited rebuke to the,"Doys in Bin e." Mr. Dispatch, it is a rebuke, but not to d i te "Boys in Blue." It is a,rebuke to this Rump Congress, this corrupt party, tlutt have hoodwinked Grant, dud induced him to be- Come their tool, in hopes to win the election On his military renown. * A 44 Wide-Awake't Ladfig,he*4 Mg. Eamon:—!Allow me to review a brief [selected] article on "Men and Women" that appeareil in your issue of May 29 : Quo: "Men and oaks are made to be twi ned; and women and ivy were made to twine about them." Query ? Whether our vine-clad' brethren do not find, when tempests rage, that the ivy, is pretty apt to sustain the oak ! Quo : "Though an equality were to be es tablished between calico and eassimere to morrow, it would not be a week before all the officers would be tnenand all the soldiers women." Query? How many married men, if bro't to the - confessional, would dare to swear that they are the officers of their own house hold, and their wives the common soldiers? Quo :, "Females are-perlectly willing to go ahead, provided the men go first." - Query ? Who were the first at the sepul chre, seeking for the risen Christ? QUo : "Set fire to a steamboat, and not a yard of dimity will budge till cassimere'sets the example? Query? Did any one ever know i W6lllall to rrfrain from leaping from a runaway car riage, just because her husband did? Quo : "It is as impossible for women to cut themselves loose from men, as it is for steel dust to free itself from its attachment to a magnet" Query? What about the magnet when poor, sneaking Adam, in hopes to cover his own transgression, made this excuso to his Maker: "The woman, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat." What saith a book as ancient as holy Writ, and for a long time considered a portion of the inapired tures ? "Ye 711114 1.71 , Jrr that women have dominioi over you." - "Woman is strongest." "Without women mon cannot be." - "If men have gathered gold or silver, let ting those things go, do they not gape, and even with open mouth 'fix their eyes fast on her, and have not all men more desire unto her than unto any goodly thing whatso ever?" And do not our desires govern us? Wmar.. "WIDE-AWAKE So eth .Etz4t, June Bth, 'OB. [Our fair correspondent makes out a. strong case, and we are too gallant not to own up, as in duty bound. We found nut to our sor row, long ago; the danger of disputing with a Jody, and shall never be rash enough to un dertake it again, especially with one .of "Winnie's" imeanesis and sarcasm. Who ever-she may be—for we more than half sus pect the signature she sends us is fictitious— she writes too well to keep her light hid un der a bushel, and we hope to have her a fre quent contributor to our columns.] POLITICAL PARAGRAPHS. A 31tenroas editor wants to know who "this Col. Fox is they've nominated with Grant ?" GATITER Timm IN.—The brightest intel lects of the opposition are falling into rank with the party of the Union, the Constitution and the laws. Tim President last week sent to the_ Sent ate the nomination of -ReverdyJohnson as Minister to England, and that body promptly confirmed it. Mr. Johnson's term as Senator would have expired in 1869. TUE Lycoming Standatil makes the fol lowing good point: If _greenbacks are good enough to pay the fitruter, the mechanic, the laborer, the mer chant, the soldier and the- soldier's widow who pay-taxes, they are good enough to pay the bondholder who pays no taxes." Tui party of "great moral ideas"'is unfor tunate in Georgia if the following Paragraph be true : "The negro Bradley's election to the Georgia Senate will ho contested, on the ground that ho was a felon. - Another negro member elect is now in the jail or peniten tiary, and his term will not expire soon enough to enable him to take his scat" WENDT:Li. PIIILLTP9, the pioneer of the Republican party, brands the whole affair at Chicago—nominations and platform—as a cowardly surrender of the ground occupied by the party, nd especially as a cowardly betrayal of the negro. lie can Scarcely find words strong enough to express his .disgust for the performance. - . Suow us a soldier. who fought for the littg, or a civilian who encouraged the soldier with his vote and his purse, and we will show you a supporter of Grant and Colfax.— , New York Commercial. ' • _ ' Well, there are . Gen. F. T. Blair and Chief Justice Chase. Wither Al vote for;;Grant and Colfax. A vv.w days previous to his death, Mr. Buchanan said to one of his associates : "My, dear friend, I have no fear of the lbture. Posterity will do me justice. I have always felt, and still feel that I discharged every public duty imposed upon me con scientiously. I lutve - noregret•for any public act of my life, and history will vindicate my memory.from, every unjust aspersion." • Tsm -municipal election at Scranton, in this State, week before resulted in a' Democratic triumph by-a largely increased majority.. • The Radicals will soon begirt to believe that the nominations of Grant and' Colfax arc being ratified in any other than a manner suitable to their tastes• and feelings. Eamsylvania is good for 20,000 Democratic. majority next fall., Will oar Radical friends please make a note of this prediction • - Trim - Washington correspondent of the Pittsburgh Conarnereial (Republican), in speaking of the rejectiOn of General Cary's greenback resolution in the Rouse, nays ' "The Democrats, with one or two exCep -dons, put themselves on the record in favor of-the greenback theory; while all the Repub licans, except IngersoU r of Illinois, and Cobb, of Wisconsin, took the,opposite, view. and hi favor of . gold. Payment. The resolution finally %went to the Ways and Moans. Com mittee' . - • ••, • • • • : A. anr.AT many stories have lately been circulated about thelntemperance of Gen. Grant. A correspondent of. the Detroit TO bone (Radical) essays to settle them in the original manner: • • - • • ' "A month ago oa - Sunday afternoon, the Geueral called upon General Sheridan. The last narged General, aslieverywhere known, ism hart, drinker. General Grant scarcely takes a drop of anything, and can never take but little:' Likeic dent Pierce (when- ho was President} the General Is not fond of the article. On this occasion, however; filteridiut persuaded .him to drink with him, and the immediate result was that he (General Grant) became a little dizzy, and took a earring* home. Out of this fact the copperheads of this city have coined a thousand infamous , Froia. 477 - - -4 17,1 ME CIMIrEn) 07EltlijACEED.-•The hotena of a poker is not the Most desirable tO grasp with the hand, but sometimes it is unwitting ly done. Ben. Butler did the foolish thing the other :day, and dropped it with a quickness , that' showed he had cuticular sensibility at leuat.,llo was examining Thurlow Weed before the Smelling Committee, and in an effort to draw ' from him some confession diuneging to the Senators that voted for Mr. Johnson's acquittal, Duffer asked, "DO you know of any' money contributed fur political purposes:" "I do, sir. I helped raise ow,- 400 not long ago for such a purpose." ; But ler—was all alive to further developmints, and condi:Medi "You will state to the Cora mines what use was made of it." ; "It was used," replied Weed, "to euablethe Republi- Cans to carry the Nev Ilarnpshire election." That was a blossom from a sour apple-tree ; amt a sudden adjorunment of the Committee Was the consequence of its introduetiOn by Weed. ' ... Tug Clinton (Ct.) County Independent, for- Inerly a Republican paper, Is now published in the interest of the Democracy. Its editor, Mr. George,Sellers, who has been a Republi can ever since the organization of that party, "Says he 'could stand .it no longer. We quote the following from his last issue: - a "Nearly - all the decent men who ever be longed to the Republican or Radical party Lave left, and many more will leave it as soon as they learn the truth. Chief Justice 'Cites(; "Senators Trumbull,' Grimes, RosS, ,EMenden, - Cowan,' Doolittle, Dixon, and even the President of the United States, have left 'the party since It fell Into the hands of such ,dirty, thieves as Butler, Dirty Work Logan, and other original fanatics and abolitionists like Stevens and Sumner." BEronE surrendering the War Office, Stan ton destroyed many, very many, papers on file there relating to secret interior party mat ters, - particularly of detective matters ,and confidential reports, upon which' his high handed action was in many instances based. It will never be known how much the inde pendence of his - subordinates has been op pressed. In all branches'of office—the Freed men's Bureau, the Detective and the Army— he has had hosts of satellites in secret corres pondence with him, the matter of which has no doubt been destroyed. In the army the purest and best hav'e had to be extremely cautions of speech among even intimate as sociates. The army has been degraded by minions. i 1 better time dawns. IT is worthy of remark that every election which has been held since the nomination of General Grua for the Presidency exhibits Democratic gains and Radical losses. The notion that General Grant's popularity as a military man would seduce Democrats to abandon their principles, and support negro equality- and military despotism, proves a complete mistake; on the contary, the Demo cratic party is daily growing stronger by the accession of the honester and alone intelligent portion of the Republicans, who find' that their leaders are constantly violating the principles hypocritically professed by the Convention , which ; nominated Lincoln and Hamlin at Chicago in 1860. TIIE Secretaries of the forthcoming Na tional Democratic Convention of the 10 - fal' ,conservative soldiers and sailors organized .under the call of the Cleveland Convention, have taken the large room of Cooper Insti• tote froin the 4th of July forward, with the intention of holding their Convention there,. if possible, iu harmony with the National Democratic Convention which is to assemble at Tammany Ilall. The chief officers of this Convention will embrace among others : 3laj. Gen. Franklin, Maj. Gen. Steedman, Maj. Gen. F: P. Blair, Maj. Gen. Gordon Granger, Maj. Gen. Ewing, Brig. Gen. Rob' t J. Walker. Jr., 31aj. Gen. Kilby Smith, 3laj. Geo. Estee. • IT is a little remarkable that the Chicago Convehtion should have called for its first set speech after organization upon ex-Governor Brown, of Georgia, the'ouly undeniable trai tor in that State. For the others there is at least the plea of secession, but . this-fah seized, et arida, upon Fort Pulaski even before his State "went out." Yet the Con vention, this "loir Convention, invited him to open its delibirations, and by this su perior compliment put itself on record as pre ferring a renegade secessionist to any of, its five hundred loyalists tried in the fire. •Ai admirer of Thad. Stevens, writing to the Chicago Journal, says he plays at "faro' , an hour every evening, for "mental reerea tion"-r-and not from a love of gambling ! as he seldom bets more than $5O at a time: The simplicity of the statement is about on a par with that of a returned Gentile from desiring to palliate, to family' friends, that kreereant son had abandoned the religious faith of his fathers, remarked, "Well he isn't what you may cairn regular lironuonhe has only three wives." Tm warrants issued by the Treasurer for the expenses of the Goternment during the month of May, amounted to, forty-six and a half millions of dollars. At thatrate*the an nual ettpenditures of the Government, under the wasteful rule of the Radicals, amounts to five hundred and thirty-eight millions a year ; and that in time of. peace. If the peo ple want economy and reform let them put this party out• of power. Until they do that they cannot' hope for any improve ment. 11.1nrc.r.' newspapers are circulating a story to - the effect that Gen. Grant wrote his letter of acceptance in less titan ten minutes, dashing it off in the presence of some gentle men who had called upon him. The thing is'possible. We know hundreds of men: who could write a better letter in less time. Any ordinary nominee for the Legislature or a County- office ought to be able to get up a better • letter of acceptance in, say sic minutes, thui beating Grant all hollow. --Tun -Senate has passed the House bill: to continue in force the Freedmen's Bureau for another year from the Ist of duly; This vast machine with its heavy burdens'on the tax payers of the country was urged as necessary by Radical Senators -oortvithstanding the proniises made by them a short time 'since that ft Would be done away with as soon as the Southern States were represented in .Vongress and restored on a so-called legal WE ICTE,TrOM.AIIe Albany Ar 9 ,18 that Hon. Charles . Fraticis - Atlams, who had recently left his post is Ntinictei to England, is bete gller likely to act with the Democracy. , His tymPathies -ant all against the Republican 'party; 'he 'takes rt . very despondent view of the condition: of public affairs in this coun try; his but 'little hope touching itsnear fu- Aure f and • will traTeUn • Zurope ma after the Presidential election." , ' Trim DCrOberney or •Alabahia have chosen delegates to the National Democratic Con vention, one of theta being Governor Lewis E. Pitrsons. They Lave, however, directed them' , - to iaki no part in the selection of ..the Presidential candidate, but to leave that mat ter to the States now fullyin the Union. This course we undeistand Will be adopted by the Sontli Itfsebt . ns to; wise and prudent. ME ALEX. 11; Stephens thinks Grant IS to be defeated' In November beyond 'a perall venture. Nothing is wanting milkt the part of the Democrats, hp says, but Common prd denee at - Nevi TM% to' secure the election of their. candidate. Re is-very confident that, the three:,grtat - Stntiri of Ohio, New Ymk, , and .Peinmyliranla s 'will vote against Grint by deel,4o4lnektitlea. "TemSmel/ing timatinittec" is the title of a new earkcaturnM which tho impeachment Is represented as the carcass of a_ dead hors's, and - the tfuulagem are gathered _around. hold thirir.,noses., - , (1,413gi says, "let - us . base Peace." ; The hypocrite I Have not his party had • the power to make peace ever since Lee's Barren der ~ .ttox I . ,f7f • c,v! Nos. 'Blum= Stows, after a winter's re sidence in Florida, says that "the Southern -people are no more Inclined to 'resist the lairs or to foster the spirit of rebellion than Vermont is. They desire only peace and the restoration of the Union." The authority of Alm Stowe will hardly be disputed by the Radicals. Trm , St. Louis Abendzeitueg publishes a protest, signed by nearly twelve hundred Jewish residentsof that city against the nom ination' of General Grant. The protest is founded on the General Order No.ll, expel ing Jews from the Department of 'the Ten . nesaee. ' • " Tnoirn:n MA:rett.—Vire arc authorized to advertise a match race between the horse Prairie Boy and Cuba, jr., to be trotted on the Erie Race Course Friday, June 26, 1863, to harness for fitloo a side. Mile heats, best three in five; to rule good day, good track and catch weight. julB-2w* STINSON—TUPPER—On the 9th , inst., in Moorheadville, at the Parsonaie Rev. G. W. Cleveland, Mr. Joseph StlnM, of Riar borereek, and 3liss Kate Topper, of Wes leyville. R.txriALL—ln thig city, on the 13th inst., of typhoid fever and congestion: f the lungs. Mrs. Lydia C. Randall, aged 24 years, 6 months and 22,1 days. • BONNE .t—Onthe 17th of April. Tames E., son of Washington and Isabelle Ilonnell, aged 8 years and 9 months. ONWAUI) Rioirr OstwAnD , , Into the valley of death, lode the sixtundred. But larger by hundreds multiplied into millions than the doomed. band who rode to swift destruction, in Tennyson's poem is the gretit cavalcade who are riding into misery, worse than death bugging fever and. ague and other kindred diseases, when they can be successfully combatted and conquered for ever by the use of .I.lighler's ILerh Bitters, each Individual at the same time thoroughly improving his or her system, purifying the blood and correcting the tone of the stomach with this great household remedy, for the legitimate result of the use of Insider's Herb Bitters is to ward off diseases arising from malarious causes, and to effect a radical cure where the disease has gained. a foothold. It makes no difference how long the victim has suffered from his complaint, nor how violent. the disease itself may be, Mishler's Herb Bitters will effect a speedy and permanent cure. Sold by all druggists and dealers. Dr. S. B. Hartman & Co., Proprietors, Lan caster, Pa. Jell 2w. .GROUNDLEM OBJECTlONs.—Objections are sometimes raised against certain medicines on the ground that they cure so many dif ferent diseases. A moment's refection will expose the shallowness of such kn argument, for therein scarcely a medical' drug of any kind that is not used. for more than one disease: The reason why Mishler's Herb Bitters cures so many diseases is _because it ,is the best remedy ever discovered for a deranged stomach, or dyspepsia, and because It brfigorates the entire system, strengthens the nervous fibres, elevates the standard of all the vital forces, and sustains a most healthful tone of the entire human organism. Medicine that will do this, will cure any disease,for the simple reason that nature will do the rest. It is a sore protection against disease and if the importance of protective medication -were generally understood, no family in the land would risk being without this great household remedy fora single day. Sold by all druggists and dealers. Dr. S. B. Hartman S; Co., Proprietors, Lancaster, Pa. jell-2w. EUGENIA Mutt REsronEn.—The cheapest and - best. Mammoth bottles only 75 colts. The Eugenia Hair Restorer eclipses all known (liscoveries for the rapidity with which it restores gray and faded hair to its original color, promotes its rapid and healthy growth, prevents and• stops it when tilling off, and is a most luxuriant hair dressing for the human hair and head, rendering it soft, silky and lustrous. Sold by S. Dickinson & Son, sole agents in Eric. decl2-Iy. NEW Spring Silk and Fancy Hats, beauti ful Coatings and Cassimercs; also, agents for reports of fashion. Joxr.s mhl9-t,£ airAdvertisementa, to secure insertion, must be banded in bp 9 o'cb3ar. on Thursday morn ing. All advertisements will be continued at the expense of the advertiser. unless ordered for a spec-Med time. Wanted. TO PURCHASE, any of the legitimate paper that is due or becoming dee, from the arm of Brecht d Co., livery men. juIS-aw P. PAULT,."7.4ER. Stray Mare. ' CAILE TO THE PREMIS: M OF THE BUB scriber, one mile east of Bello Valley, on the Dave Clark farm, about the ist of June, a BLACK MARE, with a white star on her fore head; her two hind feet are white, and she is between six and eight years old. The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, pay charges and take' her away ; otherwise she will be disposed of according to law. jelß4tro JOIE'? ARTHUR. Warrant In Bankruptcy. rilllo3 IS TO GIVE NOTICE that . on the Bth I day of June A.. D., ISM, a Warrant in • Bankruptcy was issued against the -estate of Charles B. Clark, - of the city of Erie, In the - county of Erie, and State of Penissyhmda, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own pe tition ; That the payment of any debts and de-- livery of any property belonging to such bank rupt to him, and for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, aro forbidden bylaw; that a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove thr debts gestate, will choose one or more .Assignees of his estate, waits) held at a Conrt of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Register, in the city of Erie, before S.. E. Woodruff Register, on the 11th day of Aug., A. D.,186, at 11 o'clock, A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY; U. S. Marshal, Messenger. fly G. P. Davis; Dept. U. S. 3larshal. _ Watrant in Bankruptcy. rtlmB IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on tinsth day of June, A. D., 1868, a Warrant Bank ruptcy ts• issued out of the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, against the estate of Pearson Clark, of Erie City, in the county of Erie and Stateofrennsylvania,whohave been adjudged bankrupts upon their own petition ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any pro perty belonging to such bankrupts, to them or for their use, and the transfer of any property by them are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupts to prove their debts and to choose one or more assignees of their estates, will be held at a Court of bank ruptcy, to be holden at the office of S. E. Wood mfr, In the Court House, in the city of Erie, be fore S. E. Woodruff, Esq., Register, on the 19th day of August, A. D., 11.0, at 11 o'clock, A. 31. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, Messenger. By cp. P. BaVis ‘ Dept. U. ti. Marshal. Warrant in' Bankruptcy.; THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 6th day of June,A, D., 1€83,a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of Jas. 11. Griswold, of the city of Erie, in the county ,of Erte, and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his ern'. petition ; that the pay relent of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to him, for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bank ? Opt; to prove their debts and to choose pue or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Register, in the city of Erie, before B. E. Woodruff, Esq., Register in said district, on the lath dny7ef August _ atal o'clock, A. M. • TIIOMAR A. ROWLEY, U.S. _Marshal_ „ Messenger. By G. P. Davis, Dept. U.B. Marshal. - jelB-4w. HARDWARE ! • • BOYER dr, VLIESS; Whßlesale and Retell Dealers In all kinds of STTPLF AND HEAVY MERMAN & FOREIGN • • HARDWARE, A.nvila, Sonoma, Nails, Spikes, eather and Rubber Belting, . Machine Packing, Cutlery, Sawa, Piles, gm. . ;4 Also, ageneral assortment of Iron, Steel , • and Carriage Hardware. • - • itirstaie at' the Old stand of Mr..l. V. BOYER, east side of State street ii t t i ) Nymporth of the Depot. intskti-ty ,Jobn Limit, 1340 Peack Street, Retail Dealer In Having lately opened an entirely new stock of goods, I am prepared to offer superior induce. meats to all who may give me a call. Remember the place, 1310 Pesch street, • south of-the DMA. Ede, Pa. ap9-3m. JOB PRINTING of every kind, in large 01 small quantities, p lain or colored, in the best style, and at moderate price; atdone the Observer once. • pttLANKS! BLANKS I—A complete assort ment of every kind of Blanks needed by orneys. Jollied. Constables and Sutural at Ulm %save: gave. ; - 713 -- , E tERIED.. DIED. Deb,- alrbertionnerits. -T_ GROCERIES. PROVISIONS, CONFECTIONERIES, ETC. "z'Fr 4-47"-14-2 IEI MN Ittto.abbettionnnUfs. Warrant in Bankruptcy. grams 18 TO GIVE NOTICEthat on the 4th day I of May, 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was tarred out of the District Court of the Uni ted states, for the Western District of Porten, againsttheestate of Henry H. Myers, of Utiles] tp.-,--county of Erie, in said district, adjudged a bankrupt on Ids own petition: That thepay meat of any debts and the delivery' of any pro perty belonging to such bankrupt, to him or for hts use, and tiro transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law: and that a meet ing of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts and tochoose one or More Assignees of hisestate, will he held at ra_Coart of Sank ru.Mcy, to be holden at the oftlee of the Register, InErM, Pa., before S. FL Woodruff; Esq., Regis ter in Bankruptcy' for said district, on the 141 i day of July e .A. D.,18813, at 10(M:wk. A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U, s. Marshal, life , r:eng , r, By U. P. Davbc Dept. U. S. Marshal. Jel Warrant In Bankruptcy. frllls IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the fill 1. day of June A. D., MCA, a warrant in bank ruptey was issued out of the 'District Court of the Milted States for the Western District of Penten, ag a i ns t the estate ef C. Hawkins of Erie City, in the county of Mc amf State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; that the pay ment of any debts and delivery of any proper ty belonging to such bankrupt, to him and for his use, and the transfer of any . property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to he holden at the oflice of the Register, in Erie, Pa., before' S. E. Woodruff Es q., Register, on the 13th day of Aug., A. D., ISas, at 11 o'clock, A. M. TUOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, Messenger. By 0. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. Marshal. jell-INV Warrant in Bankruptcy. rnip; IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the Bth day of Jane, A. D., 1863, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued outof the District Court of the United States, for the Western District of Pa., against the estate of J. B. to IL J. Morrison, of. Erie city, In the county of Erie, and State of Pennsylvania, In said District, adjudged a bankrupt u pon their own petition; that the payment' of tiny debts and delivery of any property' belonging to such bankrupts to them -or for their tuse, and the transfer of any prop erty by them are forbidden by law. A meet ing of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one. or more Assignees of theirestate, will be held nt a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Register, in the city of Erie, before S. E. Wood ruff, Esq„ Register in Bankruptcy for said dis trict, on the iiith day of August, A. D., 15IZ, at U o'clock; A. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, Messenger. By G. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. Marshal. . Warrant in Bankruptcy. r IJIIS 114 TO GIVE NOTICE that on the Stil day of June, A. D., lids, a warrant in bank ruptcy was issued against the estate of Jas. A. of the city of Erie, county of Erie and State of Penn's, who has been adjudged a bank rupt on his own petition • that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belong ing to him, for his use, and the transfer of any property by Min are forbidden by law; that a Meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one, or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to bo holden at the office of the Register, in the city of Erie, Pa. before S. E. Wm:omM Esg., Register in said District, on the kith day of Auptst. A. D., 1868 at 11. o'clock, A. 31. TIIOMAS A. RO'WLEY, U. S. Marshal, Messenger. Br G. P. Davlß,Dept. U. S. Marshal. - jell-lw. WARILVNT IN BANKRUPTCY. rtlffll3'lS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the Sth JL day of June, A. D. 186% a warrant In Bank ruptcy was Waled against the estate of M. B. Anderson, of Waterford, in the county of Erie, State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition; That the pay: ment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him ancl.for ills use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at the Court of Bitnkrupt cy, to bo holden at the office of the Register, in the city of Erie, In the county. of Erie and State of Penn's., before ELF...Wm:4IIIX Register, on the 12th day of August A. D. isrA, at 11 o'clock, A. AL zErolus A t EpWLEY U. S. Marshal, Messenger. By G. P. Davis. Dept. U. S. Marshal. Discharge in Bankruptcy. 'FN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States for the Western District of Pennsyl vania. Basal S. (lriswoid,a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2(1,1867, having applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court, Notice is hereby given to all persons who have proved their debts, and other persons in terested, to appear on the sth day of July, 180 i, at 10 o'clock, A. M., before S. E. Woodruff Esq., Register, at his °Mee in Erie, Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said bankrupt. And further no tice is hereby given that the second and third meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, re quired by the 27th and 2St It sections of said Act, will be had before the said P,,egister at the same time and _place. S. C. JIcCANDLESS, Clerk of I.T. S.. District Court for said District. _ Discharge in Bankrupts IN THE DISTRICT COURT of the U n ited States, for the Western District of Penn sylvania. V. R. Gillett a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March:, 1567, having applied for a discharge from all his debts, and other claims provable under said act, by order of the Court, notice Is hereby given to all creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons interested to appear on the Bth day of July, 180, at 10 o'clock, A. 31., bef S. E. Woodruff, Esq., Register, at his glee, at Erie, Penna., to show cause, it anythey have, why' a discharge should not be granted to said bankrupt. And further notice is hereby given that the second and third meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, required by the VW and 28th Sections of said. act, will be had before the said Register, at the same time and place. S. C. McCA..NDLEss, Clerk of tr. S. District Court for said District jell-gw. " Auditor's 'Notice. In the matter of the ne-) Erie County Dr ew:int of Joseph Waldron, phans* Court. No. 4 adm'r of Chas. Colt deed.) Peh'y Term, 1501. 1 ALL PERSONS NTERESTED in the distri bution of the monies in the hands of Jos. ddron, as administrator of the estate of Chas. Colt, deeensed, are hereby notified to make proof thereof, before me, nt my office, No. 704 State Street, Erie, Pa., on the 21111 day of June, lust , nt 10 o'cimk, A. Id. EDWARD CLARK, Auditor. QM PHILADELPHIA it ERIE RAIL ROAD. WDZTER TIME TABLE. Through and _Direct Route between Philadel phia, Baltimore, Harrisburg, Williams : Dort. and the • GREAT OIL REGION • OF PENNSYLVANIA. 7GANT ST .7 1 71 PIN G - CARS Nand after MONDAY, MAY 11th, MR, the O tralas on the Philadelphia ez Erie Railroad will run as follows : WPATWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 11:15 p.m. amd arrives at Erie at 8:50 p. m. Erie Express leaves Philadelphia at 12..00 m., and arrives at-Erie at 10:1)5 a. in. Warren Accommodation leaves Warren at 12:00 sn. , Corry at 1:10 p. m.,m.,and arrives at Erie at 2:30 p. m. EASTWARD. Mall Train Leaves Erie at 11:00 a m., and arrives at Phils delphla at 7:10 a. in. - Erie Express leaires Erie at 7:40 p. in., an rives at Philadelphia at 5:00 p. in. t Warren Accommodation leaves Erie at 9.1 m. Corry at 9:1.5 a. in., and arrives at Warren at 11:33 a. In. Rail and Express connect with Oil Creek and Allegheny River Railroad. nafic.t.uo CMCCK ED TBROUGn. Erie-& Pittsburgh Railroad. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY 11, Ms, trains will run on, tans:road us follows: . . 10:16 A. AL, Pittsburgh nil sta tions, and arrives at &a,W. i t . :L. Tra Ti ter at I:4oiti p. s im. at New Castle .::w p. in., and at Pittsburgh at cao p. 0:00 P. M., Accommodation, arrives at Pitts. _burgh at MOO a. M. =Avis PITratitTIMTI—NORTITWARD. 7;15 a. in., Erie Express leaves Pittsburgh and • arrives at Erie 24.5 445 P. M., Alsx)mmot=on leaves Pittsburgh • and arrives at Erie 1:53 a. in. Pittsburgh Express south connects at James town at 12:40 p. nt, with 3. &F. Epress for Franklin and Oi City. Connects at Transfer at 1:4.i . p. m., with A.& .W. Accommodation west for Warren, Ravenna and Cleveland. Erie Express north connects at A. t 0. W. Transfer at 11:10 a. in., with Mall east for Mead ville, Franklin and OR City, and at Jamestown with J. A F. Express for Franklin. Trains connect. at Rochester with trains for Wheeling and all points in West Virginia, and at Pittsburgh connections far Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Baltimore and Washington, via Pennsylvania Central Railroad. Erie Express north connects at Girard with Cleveland d: Erie trains westward for Cleveland, Chl and all _points In tho West ; at Erie with & Erie Railrbad for Corry, Warren, Irvlneton, Tidloute, &c., and with Banal() & Erie Railroad for Buffalo, Dunkirk Niagara Falls and NewTork City. J.. 1. LAWRENCE, • Superintendent, GREAT . REDUCTION IN PIIICMS : • E. M. COLE & - SON,. WILL HIND Harpers' and similar Magazines, nt 7 , 1 cents per yoluine. Clodey's, and similar Magazines, at MOO per Yolunfe. Harper's and Prank Leslie's papers, 5t.g2.25 per year. We are also ranking and selling, 73, 1 a ilc Books ! AT BIEDIMED PRICES! Bindery ever Keystone National Bank cor• ner State and stit nt rect ap ' Zi-tt. JOD PltlNTllil} of plain every hind, In largo or small quanes, or , In the best style, arid taokratecolored pOtta done , tha OW:M9JAM EMBN On all Night Trains ALFRED L. TYLER, Gcu'l Superintendent. goo abbromments. _ _ Burton & Griffith's Corner, HARD TIMES! HARD TIMES! Prices Have Come llownt BLTRTON & GRlFFrits, 1324 Peach StrciA, Corner For particuLlre fteeJimallln.. ! hint come In and eee our Reduced Prices on Teas! feb6-tf. ITAYES at KEPLFA, REAL ESTATE AGENTs, FOR BALE. On east 12th Street. between Ash awl Streets, a good 2 story house, five repi m.. ; Lot 79Xx.100 feet to 10 foot. alley. A her of bearing fruit trees on lot awl weP.,t7r ter. Price $1;10.1.- Terms easy. • HAYES S IZEPI.rz, No.l Reed fiT4 FOlt SALE. The fine twit:, story, modern style, well brick dwelling on 16th street, Ist (loot '1;7; Barton At Gritlith's Store. Frame Dwell:Li.; the mir of Lot. HAIrES Sr. KEPLEY - No. 1 heed 4101.75 E, GRAPERY, &C.; FOR I<. Stenato on Wallace St, east alde,2 door„„ of 10th. Lot 61x179, completely areek e d cboleo bearing Grape Vines, good barn, we, Ty well built house, MEM Ghana cellar the house. Price f 2,500. Cheap. HAYES & KEPI,t4 No. 1 Reed lip;,;„ ON PRIVATE TERMS We have a number of very desirable ces to offer customers. For particuLus m „ . our office No. I Reed House. my2l-tf: HAYES 5: KEPT.Q. NEW LIVERY: Boarding and Sale Stable. Corner of French and 7th Sts riIHE SUBSCRIBERS haring taken thr su I. lately occupied. by Blenner Johtir.:, would Inform the public that they hay, ~ chased an ENTIRELY NEIV STOCK of Horses, Harness and Carriages, and are pared to give perfect satisfaction to all *lx, L, favor, them with a call: We have the,,, in Northwestern Pennsylvania. zny2l-tf BRECHT EEC:R. Erie City Steam. Bakery; W. J. SANDS A; CO., Proprietor Matinfluqurers of all kin& Crackers, Bread, Cake. Ro., the eelvbratel "EXCELSIOR - CRACKERS. Ant ,n:e nrnnnfacturers of 11:017.!•n 'NOVELTY DROPS Factory, corner State ant "1 Sic, Enc,l4. my:2l-It, : There is no use selblin4 to Nc Tot): FOR, YOUR TEISI, k No use going to the refineries to buy t REFINED 011: No use going to soap factories to buy SOAP: No use to pay Itlg prices for any of your Groceries and Provi,sioai! 'While there is a LIVE CASH STORE, on the corner of Sth and State Streets. Try the Cash Store. ADAM' 311Nri. npla-tf. do I C. ENGLFIT tRT d: DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES. Keep always on hand all ,ylei LADIES' MISSES' AND CHILDREN ProneDa, Kid, Goat and Pebble (a:..', Laced, Button anti COllgr6 B Q S. Of the finest quality, which will borarr/Ils for durability, as wellas to tit, ehßt will sell as Low ns the Lowest We also to.ate to order. Et-pairing card:: attended td, my2l-tf R. S. MORRISON, Having removed his stock of g00ki,...:r store in the Reed House formerly oeeur Messrs. 31onell, Stephens S Wildey, tak:n Fo' sure in aztnouneing to his old eudsraasw , the citizeus of Erie generally, that he Iwl ed out NENY'AIi'D SELECT STo( K Dry Goods,Dress Goods, For Spring and Summer Wear• I intend to keep at all times thi , the market, rind a 11111nssoetinc tol or , n in my line. Pttrebnsers can sig . .7yl dOL , by buying of me than by going, Wm:rubor the place, No. 6 Reed house South aide of the Park S. 11101111150. apVt-tt. C. J. ENGLEHAtT Has opened a no. Flour,Feed&ProduceSto at the corner of r Eleve4th and State Streeti• To Which he asks the at te lion of all Lth In e his Itne. w deal fp:. thing• pisor•vcr. Bind warrants 'tits guts to be (qua' la I In the market. aerkinThdaeohrlcoghtmestinm,aprrodketuperelee In WAIIIIANT IN BANKlarC i t,,,,' Tnis IS TO GIVE NOTICE thst 01, - Es o A day er II:1110,A. D. lea* a wanallt"„, ruttioY was Issued kaainst the este , ors tney, of Union MULe, in the cosnl g a! State of Pennsylvania, who has 102_, tt o,r a bankrupt on his own petition: meat of any debts and delivery of belonging to such bankrupt, to hho w an t 3.3 use, and tne transfer of any ProP'.,,,,r we forbidden by law; Ahat toce.„„% - v,,, creditors of the said bankrupt. 10 "0 - debts and to choose ouo or JD air • his estate, beheld at a Chum of to be holden at the office of the Iteenkgrt city of Erie, in the county of Erie sul ty "Peon'a, before S. E. Woodruff, Refrhq!, ,, ot r:lit day of August, A. D. ISM, at ii 2„.; TIIO.M.tS A. RONVI-!.;, ' S Marshal, )1 — ~,. Ily G. P. Davis, Dept, U. S. Marsha'. jof • WARRANT IA BANKIIIII 0 Tins IS TO GIVE Ncrricu that ca Vi OY . Of June, .D. LStl3, til e j rtIPtoY Wan issued agninst tiro estate of L. Perkins, of Fairview township, is e l l„ "- os of Erie. State of Pctue.ytvaula, iril_, o , ,- „,.. fst adJudged a bankrupt on Ina own leu." 4 ",it t. the payment of any debts and denten', : and belonging to such bantro t • ',,,,„ and for his use, and the transfer of arkY P 7 ' , . by UM are forbidden by law; that a ale,' 0. the creditors of the Raid banitrUl 4 2 C ° P„l - li • debts and to choose ono or Moro Asi.'",,.t. estate, will bo held at a Court orlinaL+,,*:. be bidden at the office of the Regiiif•gia city of Erie, in the county of gri m e as.„A:. Penn's, before S. E. Woo.trult itegillfl'd, Nth day of August. 1553, at t i CJ. 31. TIIOIIAS A. Bows" .e. u. S . marshal, messob By O. P. Davis, Dept, LT, ;,k,, JlataltLito, OM ISM