The Noble Block Pry Goods Store ! GREAT AND GRAND OPENING GP SPRING AND SUMER DRESS GOODS ! ; • SiC) o.t )00 W th Or N and Desirable Patterns, For Ladlo , -; and Mlsscv, Con9lstlntt In part of mner Silks, Tkussett Mixtures, Chem Poplins, Pequns, ST oRANDIES, LAWNS, fIitARSAILLES, WHITE AND PLAIN RUFF WHITE GOODS, AND GREAT VARIETY ! NAINStti }RS, .L\ CON sw 1K.44:14, ETC Marsailles Quills from 2.511) and lrpwards. / I . . I .. .“ I.IIY no refuse - We kerp all of p.n0,14 usually called for Ina ihst-elass Dry Goods Rtßa lillol , art tele,. goods, M_ .1 ktule3vor ty keep thane that will plea.. all Who want goo.' • . 1 1 ,,) ACHILL & CO . . . EDSON. (- .9 AtpaeaS' "" To III: qoLDIAWAY DoWN BELOW THE mAirLET, A Stocqc superi. ,..,. any in Town Very liandyarne Patternv, TILE LARGEST STOCK - OF PRINTS IN TOWN, Consk ri L f Merrimac, ispni4sP , , Americans, Coeliecoes, and all rdlirr popular run.lies FULL LINE OF PINK ACID WHITE AUNTS, hint everybody has been railing fOr,atl can now be supplied with. They aregoing like the dew 13 T,.y:A_thilfm - ) ivibusi_antis ! r 1 '• s t: . 1 s • • is .1. 20,000 Yards Cheap- Muslin, We lun•c just received from the, .11limufactoly 50,000 Yards of Brown Raslins chat we arc willing that our customers should carry away, as we have not room for them. Our r - - counters aro loaded down with Domestic Goods, bought previous to the LATE ADVANCE IN THE EASTERN MARKET ! Now is the time to but, before they go higher. CALL AT TIM LIVE STORE 01" • Edson, Churchill & Co., Next door South of the Post. Office. Stove, Tin and 'House Furnishing Hardware FOR THE SPRING TRADE. --- At the Store of W. G. Gardner, :f , XI): .4 1 4; *11444 0:1P) It:§11 1 ti:0111:4 :ke ;TAI RECEIVING AND IN STORE, StoveS,of the most Improved Patterns, Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, Table and Pocket Cutlery. and House Furnishing Goods Generally, AT THE VIEUY LOWEST PRICE S MILK PANS AND. PAILS by the Quantity and In Small Lots, Ckeap. ROOF' N(i.and all kinds of Jobbing In TIN, SHEE2 IRON and COPPER done at the Mon to=t notice by p, itt work men, and at the Lowest Prlees. I-IC) rir AIR. IFILTII.IN ACTS ! - Particular attention given to Heating Churches and other public and private I.uildings with Hot Air. Surveys anti estimate:, made free of charge. Home Comforter Cooking Stove, for Wood and Coal. Wou'd call particular attention to the above Stove. Any ono wlshing a STRICTLY first-class stove, would do well to examine this celebrated Move before purchasing any other, WE WARRANT THIS STOVE EMIEMI Quickest and Most Even_ aker THE MOST • DURABLE, The Most Economical in Fuel, And to be made of the best tnaterial of any Sto in the World. A CAREFUL EXAMINATION OF THIS STON REQUE4TED Old Stoves, Copper, Brass, Rags, &c., &e., taken in exchange for goods, at the notiae Furnishing Store of . apo4ta 11.75 T ItECEIVED, STOt•iC O} 7- "" and Drab---Mendid Goods; TM: LARGEST STOCK. OF From S to 12 1-2 Cents'. FOR WOOD AND Cont., W. G. GAIIDIN.EII, South of the Depot, Erie, Pa. No. :3 Noble Mock. ME! COUNTRY MERCHANTS, , Farniers and Others, =I \34111->z, ELF...SW.IN; BEANS, LurrEl ANI) 311•:AL. .FLAX, corrox, FURS AN!) 4K!NS, IatIED AND uliErp; viturrf4, (iILIIN, \VOUL, P:51.11 TILT, NA, \'A I, hT )Rl.l-; 110 Ps , ul:sasENG, FEATHERS, HEMP, PROVISIONS, ' OHS, LAIRD, TALLOW, F,T$ if; - JOSIAH CARPENTER. “61 . 1 umumission Merchant 442, 444 and 440 Washington St.:, YORK CITY And receive his weekly Price Current of Pro duce and Groceries, the most complete Price Current published In the United Stat., 81'114" """ utitENT Marking Plate, and Cura.• Furnished Free Libtral Advances Made on Consignments. F.STAIILIS111:1) .IIY I, Fit,f as, reference, glreill when miulrucl. nt1119'67 LATEST & BEST! THE GI AT , AMERICAN COMBINATION Button Thole, Overseaming EEin SEWING MACHINE I Is warranted to execute in the beet man ner every variety of Sewing, Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Braiding, Oath, ering, qullting, - Overseanting, Embroider ing on' the edge, and In addition tnakex beautiful Button and Eyelet ;soles lu all Lubrles. ZT lIAS NO EQUAL Being absolutely the best Family Machine In the-World, and Intrhualeally the Cheap est, for it is two Mach Inev combined In one by a simple and beautiful mechanical ar rangement,. Circulars with full particular: and sam ples of work done on thin machine, can be had on application at the HALER-ROOMS OF TILE COMPANY. Sonth-West Corner at Eleventh end Chestnut Sts., 1 r • PHI LADELPI II A Instructions given on the Ma litne gra tultowily to all purelment. - ACr N'l'f4 WAloVrn• 1:1 • To Sell this Maclllutiv.l C. B. Kingsbury, 714 State Street St., Erie, Agent for Erie, Warren and Crawford counties. JaltilfB-Iy. NCI 31012. M 15A.1_,13 DOS Z NO MORE GRAY LOCKS. Dr. Leon's Electric Hair Renewer Is pronounced by all who have used it the very best preparation for the hair. It is aposi tlve cure for baldness, eradicates dandruff and humors, stops the hair from falling out, and speedily restores gray locks to their original= and luxuriance. It operates on the secretions and fills the glands with now life and coloring matter, Thin, dead, faded or gray hair will always be brought hack, by a few applications, to Its youthful abundance, Vitality and color. It makes the hair soft, glossy, fragrant, plea sant to the touch and easy to arrange. Dry, wiry and Intractable locks become moist, pliant and disposed to remain In any desired position. As a Hair Dressing It has no equal. Tho sales are cuormous.aud It is a universal favorite with old and young of both seim • Sold by Druggists throughout the United States. Address all orders to ZI EU LER, &sM ITII , Sole Proprietor; 'Lll North TWrd•St., Philadelphia. (100 D NEWS FOR MOTIIERS. Mothers, are you oppressed with anxiety for your little ones? Are your slumbers and hearts broken by their cries? 12/0 you- (mate in the morning unrefreshed and apprehensive? If FO, procure a bottle of Dr. Leon's Infant ,Itemedy, and ,vou will have no more Weary hours. of watching and anxiety. DR. LEON'S INFANT REMEDY has good the test. of years, Thousands of nurs es and. 'neaten; bear witness that It never fails to give relief If used In season. It is a mild.yet sure and speedy cure for colic,eramps and pants, and is Invaluable for all complaints Incident to teething. Kohl .hy Druggists throughout the 'United States. .I,ldress all orders to • ZIEGLER S SSIITII, Sole Proprietors, 137 North Third St.; p.l.lll4delpisiu: SILVER'S WASH' POW DER ! Sac thne, lithor and money—makea Wash ing a pastime and Monday a Festival. tiold everywhere. Try It. Address .all orders to the manufacturers. ZIEGLER at SMITII, Sole Proprietors, I= North Third St., Philadelphia, no2S-tin ERIE CITY PLUMBING -WORKS: - t.124 siat6"st. Particular at tentloicelven to the uttroiliictlon of M'aier, iiteitin and Gas Pipes into Hotels, Stores and, liwetfinir Iliiii , ,es; also, the titling up of Copper neuters, Tubs, Showers, Wash Stunts and other Wbrk, by experleneeil worlrinen and on red:aim:o4e terms. CoalSlimily oil band awl fur salt, a full line of Plumber's :Slate' has, Copper isHeaters, Bath Tubs, Water Closets, Wash Basins, Showers, Pumps, Brass Work, Wrought Iron Oat and Water l'ipe, NVater'Ploo iron Flt thigv. Also. a large stockof Gas Fixtures, Clutude- Hers, Pendants, Brackets, 'Hall Lights. 'cropLights, Wand Lights, .Cigar Lighters, Shaties, Giubetcliahher Ruse, tfe. , ' 4-• Orders froulthe eo u o ntrY Prinnptly ntt!nid ed to. GEO. L. IfilltaAnD, feb274m NEW LOCATION. Cr. Ilas removed to Whittieh's .1110 - ek, corner of State and' Tenth Streets, Erie, Pe. ' where he has opened a ' - • LARGELY INCHEISED STOCK Of groceries, Fruits, Negetables, Provisions sud everything usually - kept In a arst-class grocery c%tabllslument. NVe are determined uot, to be surpassed, and invite all who s - azt , any thing In our llne to call, feeling assured that we shale able to give satbiLlottort both as tooutd- Hy of goods . and prices. , ' Conntiy Yrbdnce Bought and: Sold. We have opened D1TA,41,1"1.1E/0, &4fi3~tcbßaiaslrAlle ofthoseLaving +Produce Le ?mato We-pleklue ourselves to Rem 'the b gU%st market. pie° for sill utleles eAtrustp4 to oar care. • - • • DEILLEIIS : , IR TITE ADJOINT/q0 -Tenv'Ss, .11.ndan. - tho Llires of liallroad, . , ' '" ' Suppited with ,P)14W11,, VEGET.kwits,- inv. • W91344.010C)2 TOIIA.Ci.I.O; TAYLOIt, .:3Lsoiga*rOof- , • , I 9s; . And is Ole otherpramis of F L I _ NO. Cff PENN STENEn uPirtfl-9. 'Mine Men Must Rule America. CUBS FOIL 1868-CLUBS FOR 1868. The Best New York Weekly Published. NEW YORK' DAY BOOK ! "'on 'sus. Th, , New York Day-Book is a straightforward Radical Democratic pat - fer, with a larger circu lation than any other Democratic Journal ever published on this mmtinent, and it enters on the threshold of lei fuori.rosperous and more hopeful of the great cause 11t ntfhOlds than ever before. Standing on the Declaration of Inde pendence, that "all (white) men are equal," and therefore entitled to equal rights, it Ls opposed to all loons and degrees of speeial legislation that conflict With this grand central truth of Demoeraey, and os er all and Man e all; does It combat that •monstrons treason to American liberty, whielt, thrusting the negro element in to our political system;must ut nbcessity wreck the whole mighty fabric left us by our fathers. God has created white men superior and ne groes Inferior, and therefore all the efforts of ho past six years to abolish His work and equalize with negroes—every law violated; eve ry State Constitution overthrown, ea-cry life sacrineed and every dollar =expended; are ne cess J arily ust so many steps* towards national suicide; and the simple and awful problem now upon us Isjust this—shall we recover our rea son and retrace our steps, or march on to Mon grelism, social anarchy, and the total ruin of our country. r • The Day Book, therefore, demands the rents ration of the "Uhler( as-it wits"—a Union or co .equal States upon-the white basis, as the only hope, and the only means poslble under heaven for saving the grand ideas of 1776 and the fund amental priciples of American liberty, and if the rear freemen, and the earnest believers in that sacred and 'glorious cause In which the men or the Revolution offered up their liv. will nbw labor to exposethe ignoran ton and treason of the Mono eluarts-, will sue. cced, and the Whitc It.ptffilic Wa-affgton be restored Jumle In all Ifs oute.oe‘i inilnence The Day Book will, however, hen-alter be more than ever devoted to all the varied puma nes of u news paper. Conscious that It reach es thousands of• families who take no other Journal, beyond perhaps their 1,..,..' will continue and improve Its "News of the Week" summary, so as to present a transcript of the World's events in each issue. Zanifitlilf ily DeristrlawanGV.e.e." Its "Agricultural Depart ment"- will bo fully sustained, and being the• only paper of its class made up expressly for country circulation, it is confidentit is worth double the price of a weekly hurriedly reprint ed from a daily. It gives- full and complete re ports of the New York and Albany Cattle Mar kets; Grain, Provisions and Cotton Markets, and a Weekly review of Financial matters, to gether with the markets, by telegraph front :New Orleans, Cairo, Charleston, Philadelphia, &e., up to time of going to press. Tot'Acto, 5!•:1:1 xG, Tering—Cash in Advance. -- One copy one year ;..3 P 1 Three copies one year 5 50 Flt e copies one year, and one to the getter up of the club 10 00 Ten copies one year, and one to the getter _ .. up of the elug. Id: Additional copies Twenty copies one year, and one to the get ter up uf the club Specimen copies sent free. Send for a copy. Address,, giving post °Mee, county and State in full, VAN FfVIIIE, lit/RV/NA: VO, deck: Noiti2 Nassau St„ New Tot*. c j Cor. of Penn ant St. Clair Streets, The Largest, Cheapest nod most Sums:MO , Practical Business, College Fifteen Thousand Students From Thirty - Three &Wes In Ten Years FOR LARGE QUARTO Cliiii:EL Contatiling full Information, 'Outline of Conne of Study, eaunples of Cowley'g Prerhium Peri Tn aTlßbip View of the college Building, different De tartruents, City of Pittsburgh, etc., etc., address he Principals, myl9'o3 THE BURDETT CELESTE PARLOR AND CHURCH ORGANS, With "Harmonic Cele Ste" and "Vox Huma na" attachments. The "Harmonic Celeste" im parte a wonderful clearness and richness to the tone, and must be heard to be appreciated, and the "Vox Humana," besides being indeseriba-, bly sweet, is almost a perfect Imitation of a hu man voice. Also, Pianos, Melodeons, Guitars, Aceordeoits, ETC., AND NEW MUSIC Received as Soon as Published. Second hand Pianos taken in exchange for new ones. Pianos and Melodeons to rent. PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED. Grover dt 131tk - er SEWING MACHINE DEPOT Km. WEIGEL, npat-ef. No. MI state Street, Erie, Pa. ~ .V.rt,l.M Al'Alttla.l-1 WOItICIS. 1-1 1 10. 1010 Peach Street, between 10 th and 11th, ltrlet, 1 Monuments, • Tombstones, Marble 0 , and Kato Mantles, fte. have on hand a largo ',assortment of monu ments and hetwdgpnes of various styles, In American and Italian marble, and ti corps of the best workmen In the State. All orders be ptomptly attended to and Kati:traction guar anteed. My work. Pt warranted unsurpassed, and I cannot be undersold by any one.. Orden ! and Inspection of stock and prletm sol felted. An Ihdeperident 'DAS , Newspaper, pOlitleal and general, giving all,the News in a fresh, read - able, attractive manner, • condensed ao that a business man can find time to read the whale. Charles A. Dana, Editor and 3lunager: Price . 4 :0 a Year. ma) fur three moonlit. , Prepared with' reat can; for eountry sulNerl bend. Political new thoroughly' condensed. Farmers' Club fully reported. Atarkets accu rately given. 'Horticultural and Agricultural Department odltetLby Audrey S. Fuller. Great variety of interesting miscellaneOus reading, malting It a tint-rate OENERAL FAIIILY NEWSPAPER. Those who whdr for ce WM oughly'rellable paper for the pending must Im portant Presidential Quhpalsin. wIIrfInIPTILE WEEKLY SUN ezactly what they need. Price, SI a your; i copies to one address, 817 ; .50 copies to one addrms, e.r450; lOU copies to one address $75. TEE 1314511-IATEEKLY BUN. Same size and character as the - Weekly, but fun. fishing twice as much reading matter, and: giving the news with greater freshness. Ureat pains will also be taken in making up therm:Mt n:al news of the day for this wiper, so that the reader. whatever be his patties, Will find the SEMI-WEEKLY SUN to be - an accurate and colnprehensive compendium of political infor mation. In fact, we sperm` that this shall bo the most valuable campaign paper Lathe coun try. Price, sa a year r U copies to one address, $18; al copies to one address, SU; Simples to One address, always in 'advance. , Address, my -Bw. TUE SUN, New York City. Propriztor EAGLE FOUNDRY, Peach 'Street, aboie the Banda - Road, IrA.l\nr" dt. CO„.. • • 3t-iSVPVECIVILET OP . i'AilisOß, COOK . AND OFFICE STOVES, AND SHEET IRON WARE, - THE: tEiEBRATED (ZILTIS PLOW! And all kinds of Iron Castilla Every Stove sold by us is warranted to give satisfachoir. Kettles, Sleigh Slicers, Sad Irons, ste., tat hand and manufactured to order. flows awl Plow Points of superior make araldurablll ty always ou hand.. do call and a .lair trial of our articles is all we ash. • raiSSY3-tf.. • TIKNRY. BRYANT & CO. - liVrrErts TESTAMENTARY to the. est a te of * James, billet, late , of Girard towns_ hap de— ceased, kayo been granted to the sulmai , ten. Alt perk= indebted tb the agate are tecideeted to nudteinzmediate ;zeta, and those haying .etatamt or dergenda nst the estate of the de- Cauqict 401113:take k . the Bathe wlthohteo. lay* JAMES Id ItLES, • • _.J. ROBERT HALL , J. W. WETMOUE, , Executors,, PITISBURGH, PA ap9-Gw PITTSBURGH, Pd., IN THE UNITED STATES. re; Pittaborgb. Pa. M.: A. DUNNING, The New York - Bun, ..T74:E.!WEEKLY SUN =IIE, Faventor'w *otice. J.' EICIIENLAUB & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF BOOTS & SHOES ! No. 62S State-Street. RETAII.; DEPAR,THEST. We have Jest needled, :led plep.iled for pub lic Inspection, am:minion' -dock 'of Itools,Smp.:, (hatters, !tubbed, em., embracing every ileierip tlon and varicta of Idiots, and a Mai for style, qualit.S• and tinbill cannot be surpassed In the market, all of which are uttered at late reduced ratter. We , nNo pay especial and strict atten tion to CIJk.TOMI NVOIC,U. : For 'which the finest collection of TA stlier: anr kept on hand, and every Teen ity secured for accommodating contotners prozotitty, :tti,l in a style to renter perfvt.t , t: II ' , el I, to.. Part fen ?or attention 1 , 4 . :11,0 Itittet,ql to oul" WHOLESALE DEPAUTHENT. No. t 3 West Seventh Street, Where tttre W11,,11 , e0 , , no3s ladles', Misses :mil Children's: Roots, Sinie%t, (lintels, I Le., of cvery variety and It Ind, Having Irately enlargf .1 our manufactory by the addition of new buildners and improved ma-. cldnery, we :ire lilepared to >upPly the Trade on short notice and :it tite lowest iniatZeLlirleeS. AdJOll/111g this department arc connected our W110L1:.5.i1 I. LEATHER AND FINDINGS ROOMS! Embracing Fr. - itch, German 1111,1 American Calf Skins, of best and varied brands, Slaughter and Spanish Sole Leather, French and Ameri can Roans of all colors and prices, With our increased' Meth* les we an 'sell as low as any Eastern manufacturer, and mike to order any kind of work wanting by tho Trade. Thankful for the past liberal patronage of the public, we respectfully solicit a continuance of the• rune. sets-tf. J, EICIERNLAUB & CO, CHEAP CASH STORE. BEII A - ' ?ME I INI , „ Bth and g-nafe Sta. I= Groceries anti Provisions Wood, Willow •nd Stone Ware, And everything that is usually kept in n Fire Class Family Grocery, ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASI • The best brands of • Erie Comity Flour, Always oniland. Call and examina prices 1 Goods delivered free In any pait of the city or South Erie. ocil-tf._ LIVERY STABLE TUE UNDERSIGNED having purchased the well known Livery Stand heretofore (seen pled by Wm. J. Sterrett, desires to inform his friends and the public that he will continue the business, and invites their patronage. THE &MCI,: will be largely Increased and In= proved—new conveyances have been procured and some of the beat livery horses in the coun try. lam determined so to conduct the estab lishment as to give satisfaction. -Thase who Want to obtain the services of a good team will find me ready at all times to accommodate them at reasonable prices. Recollect the place, Stetrett's Old Stand, Pifth street e. rear of the Reed House. jeS'artf. THOS. LE—NN ON. GERMAN SAYINGS ENSTITUTIO,N, Corner V:lizin-lx sand 14.1tate OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. This Institution is now open for the transac tion of business. Orrier: nouns MATUILDAYS .1. M. to 4 P. M. A. SL. to 8 r. Six Per Cent. intarest-AvAl. be Given by thin Institution to Regular Depositors. ADIRECTOpIi : . J. Mellen P. A. Becher, P. P. Liebe F. Schneider. :Jo; Seni.heinier, OFFICERS: , • 'John Gensheinier, , Matthew Sellhaul ("titer, F. Schneider... ......... rny2' NEW roill3l. James P. Crook, having t*lrmi in his son Jas. E., as a partner, on theist day of April, 1863, un der the firm name of James P Crook & Son, de sires to have a settlement of his old accounts: All persons , knowing themselves indebted to him are requested to call and settle without de lay. , JAMES P. CllOO4. 45:: SON, ' Dealers In ROUGH & PEANEID LUMBER, And Manufacturers of - WINDOW SASH, FRAMES, DOORS s BLINDS. _ :don!dings and Picket Fence, Scroll Sawing, ~ .Matching and Planing done to order, _ Shop on Peach St., - - Between Fourth and Fifth Sta., Erie, Pa. We respectfully call the attention of the pub lic to our facilities ibr doing work in the best of style, promptly and on reasonable teims. Hay lag fitted up entirely new shops, with superior machinery, we feel confident of giving satisfac tion. Orders from abroad will receive prompt -attention. TAMES P. CP.OOIC 45: SON PVItIA"S , National,_ Claim- Agency oino In Farrar Mal SOLDIERS' VOUNTt , • All claimants for extra bounty alloi - ved by Mitt acts of Congress, can have the same promptly collected by )4ending their discharges to tno, the recilipt of which will he,promptly acknowledg ed and lustructionsreturned. • INCREASE. OF TENSIONS. $l5 per - montitfor the totalloss °Pose of either leg or arin e instead of SA V:-'.p e V:-'.per month f .h Minor child of deceased soldiers or ;seamen. °w in. Also, other increases. . . ADDITIONAL FOR voL. OFFICEIIS of Tr. S, A. Threb months pay proper for all in service Mardi 341,..and IlLsettargeti after April Sib. 1560: Claims cashed, Claims for arrears of pay, and penslotus, and bounty, promptly collected. Unequalled fecal- It fits for closing and completing claims. Allow ance to prisoners of war bellect ed. Only agency in North-Western Pennsylvania where Years of experience In the U. S. Treasury can be found. Tluinkful for the very liberal patronage be stowed In the past we hope by increased expe rience and unremitting attention to patrons, to secure.their continued favor. Qftloo In Farrar Hall Bnilding.• Address . • S. TOli'D PER:Lrr Lock Box 101. Erie, la. wa7'66-U. W A. "kr, Wholeaale and Retail Dealei in Furniture Having tI le ent ire stocit',of taro' of 31eisrt. Sloan, & Itiblet, I resix•ctfulls ask ow Lila eu.,tocac:a acid tic !albite general!) to give toe a rail at the old NO. 715" STATE SI 4 REET; • • Before pprehaNing eh.ewto.Te, have a largo a..e..ortuient. of • • Parlor;, Chamber and, Bed 'Room Sets ! BEDSTE &DS, C 11,111 1 ,5, TABLES, WARDROBES, DESM4, And,ln fact everything in the line of Furniture. I am prepared tomanursetdre tO Order. any style that may be galled for. Reniernber, N0.•715 'State street, stile, between Eleventh "arl np25117-0.. sows W. AYRES. " For Rent. Lily ELEGANT STORE ROOM luny occupied by G. W. Goodrich, Ne. Cr, State street, will be for Sent.Parnatysit Ist. Rent free. -Enquire of . WM. A. (.1.14RA ITU. - naht-tr... • DBMS, MEDWLNES, FANCY GOODS, II A I, It •4, 0 1 1 1 , <;•gatAry-,'-o -p 0 WDEIC. e= f • I'd‘'l-;, • lilt[ RTfr~ • ('om )'nNF„ PreseriptiopscarefullyAlwenged._ art tele, Bold by me are warr.tat. , l to be prt•cim•iv as rep resent, d. -No trouhle to slow goods. Ittoneni her the 11:1711C . Una 741 C.., 1"..1.1 7 -NVM, 1:;17 Pe:teh Stru .t, :tit, 11'1;7-1y. son t nt !Kg. Tlll-11)0rtillit NOtie(..l FAIRVIEW SEATI4,::, Sept. 1141 Ba• The Sul, ciher would respeM fully in folin the Fanners of,Falkview and vicinity', thafi lw is preparcd to pay: . • TIIE 411 M It . n.lllCV atfiN Flan kw Station. Also, keep., on hand for sale. • BITUMINOUS AND AANTIIR.I.cITE COAL, us cheap /4ti can be bad clgewhere. Also, haS the agency of Ilopgood, 'Voting Superior Gast Steel Plows, Sulltey Cultivators, Wallace 6: Jones' SAM-Dumplng Wheel hay Itake, And bass superior lot of Starch full .tdpott and grade SUFFOLK AND .CIIE.STKIL Will'TE sepiT97-Iy. . A. STONE. Having as,oclated With me on the tof Janua ry* Andrew Mayer, In thc.• . BOOT & SHOE BUSINESS,, The firm will be known au C. Englebart. & Co. and the 1/11Mtle.S8 will be carried on -lasliereto fere at No. 19 West Park, Erie, Pa. _ ENGLEHART. Tromnrer. `.4ecretary. ALSO, BARNUM, Dr. 1.1.1. IN PERFUMERY TOILET SOAPS A I N oos, Turiwnt I Varn atom& Ivr, of all land, • . PATENT MEDICINES, UiU I,IgrfOILS FOIL MEDICAL PIIILTOsES, lundon Porter and SentelL.lle, NI. NV r'11?. 31. Something W Buy Silver Tipped Shoes for your children. A majority of the children wear holes in tlio toes of their shoes In tivery few days; then the shoes are soon worthless, and a new pair mast be bought. Thu only way to prevent this great waste of money is to buy Shoes protected by sil ver tips. They never wear out at the toe, and make a pair of shoes last three times as long as without Tips. Leather (sps have been worn to some extent, but they have proved worthless. Silver Tips have a neat•and substantial appear ance, and do nway entirely with the disagree able sight of dirty stockings and protruding toes. We have constantly on hand the only as sortment of Silver Tipped Shoes M be found in the city, including tine Sewed shoes, nal monals, Youths' Boots, &e., which we offer, together with a largo and fashionable assortment of Ladies' and Gents' Fine and Heavy goods, at the lowest cash prices. mrl4'67-tf. C. ENGLEHART & CO„ Ma Lancaster Intelligencer TIII IaRGE.ST CITEAPEST Deinoeratie Journal in Pennsylvania The Lancaster Intelligence.r established in FM, has always been known as a first-class Pa litleal and Faintly Newspaper. The Weekly Intelligencer 1s no-tv the largest Democratic pa per published in Pennsylvania. It has lately been greatly improved in all respects, and is Jest such a paper' as every Democrat should take. The publishers of the lntelligencer regard it to be the duty of every Democrat to support his county papers in preference to any other; but es there are many who will be likely to subscribe for more than ono paper during tho pending Presidential campaign, they have concinded to offer the Weekly lutelligelicer at the follow ing low rates: Single copies, one year, $2,00; Fir eexiples KOO; Ten copies $17,00; Twenty copies ,V32:0.1; Thirty copies e-. 1,5,00; Fifty copies, to one address, li10)00; Eighty copies, to one address, ViD,Ol). Daily In telligencer i 3,5,00 per annum. . Pert.on9 4'10.1111[4W sell real estate con Ilnd no better advertising medium thou the Weekly Intelligence'', Address; myT. H. G. SMITH Sc CO, Lanmster. TI-II LND] RSIGNED, rinvlda purchased the Interest ISt the Messrs Vincents In the FLOUR AND FEED BUSINESS Of the into firm, could respectfully solicit a continuance of favor from the friends and pa trons of the house, and the public in pledging 12h:itself that ho will at all times try to sell good and reliable Flour, Feed and Grain At the lowest priee for cash to hand. From ray long experience In this branch of the trade, I trust I know what tliepublir demand, and that I am Prepared to meet that want. Returning my thanks to tho'public for their liberal patronage to me in the past, I hope by strict attention to my business and their wants, to merit a continuance of their patronage in the future. ' THE MILLING, FLOUR, FEED AND GRAIN BUSU(ESS, Will be continued, In all Its delisqrmetifa, at the ' ERIE MILLS, PARADE STREET, and the Store; EAST.7s. "'tow, Betweentrown'AVOtel and Reed Home, Where thepublic will find a good stock always for stile, with competent. and polite wen on band to supply their wants. ap2.3W-15 - . a. B._ HAV ERSTICK. JARECKI • & IVIETZ 112 a State St., Trie,l'a., ..lianutitettuvrs_and Dealer:, In all laud, of un Ass WORKS, Gas, Steam aim! Lead Pipe, CiSTERN, Amer. A: WELL 11.731P5, II (I w. , tilt . eet Bpass nud Brass' Wire, We algo mailutnetuie RODS, SUCKER RODS, Brass Castingl4' , And. the Celebratt d : Four Cup Ball - Valve ! (lengrally mod In the oil regions =I N • , BOOK -BINDERY • • ; Blank Book ,Ilinufactory. 'Wo would r4..speet (ally aupuuucetothe publ lc that we hate 00.'1,1 a • ' BOOK ISINIII±II-Vir, and aro prepared to di; }work in any branch of 'the bustnem, BLANK BOOKS!. .Of all kinds, on hand and made to order, and ruled to any pattern desired. A l litt! . 'ool'l3ooKS, Boum! surd repaired in tin; Gent style. ,lIINDERY . 4)VrIt Xeystona National Bank„ Corner State and ethStroeta, Erie, Pa. • , „ •„ - • auS-3.n, • COLE •54 SON. • ; Bbok ;Agents • Waiitril. EN OR WOMEN, in every township t vilinge .01. and city,- for a splendid work, brim full of xatertandnant and lustructiort, and tho beat riellhog book in the field—Baker's Exploration of the Nile 'Pributarietiof Abyksinia:' Tito Nile mystery solvedl, the country, climate s Ault, pro ductions, natural scenery •, habits and customs of the people.; exciting adventures in - hunting elephanth,liuus,..lnalltioes, rhinoceros, hi ppo tn. huts, etc,. 11..)oir.s.g.eills everywhere will Ilnd it to their Interest to extuntne• this icor,. Spoil mcn,pages furnh3lied. tine unuwasNens are hav ing great sheee..... sell it rapidly and make largo U•agni. " • "Au acliulrablerve• otllleexplorettou, ecnzrephleal discovery,' and personal milted'. turer. , ,'—N. Y. Tttbatee. It I,:itird in a rery altrartlve 'form, end is t entertaining as, a- ronultuv "—Boston Jount •rtal. U. 1). tAgi.: &CO:. Publishers, • Hartford; Vonn„ 7 013 PRINTING •of every kink iti Itt~o 'or t j mann quantities, plain Qr calory-id, done in the best style, and at moderato prlces, : at the to knerver Hoop Skirj, & Corset ,Depot ! 137/31 New York 11001) skirt ManuracWry, LOW, OTV.I'A'F.I2.I 164 T, iti4rca:-y/Lidt -- - - -c , 144r . c,4V r • 1 (P -ie • ' l7, I • . ,P4eit''rer 7r ": 'I., • 1 .. 41 eal 11 'Pcia - z.---;-,lf-.4i?,:rviik'N - Kii)," f , 41414 r,Neitt. -I.lght, IP:isltiontable and t'iteap. - Sri - Yr:IEIS ISATIIAN CI)1I EN Intorno , the he ha 4 nn 01 all ,t;yl,,, own make, told toattuf:.etur. ,,l of I !le h. th.NII,IO :der.] and material. a Well he Will guarantee equal to any in the market. II:1\ Ilig 111 eon...vier:o,le I r x rlence in the tv• lee. 0,1 I. nt of ht., ability to vi‘c entire icc, .d 1 thos.• who,may nil or wi tl, a , all, If :,1* of hh make will bra ak within one year, ti,ey win tx, rk paired, told no chat "-. old 511r1-; r,paire.l, altered and tamped it., • new. men' :skirts made to older to the tVit .t Nitlvntin.l LUIZ , • 1.01•1: of all kinds ut l'ol , ll , and eels constantly kept on hand. I 'ounti y cl at the cery 10n.•..t rah , . N 11 H.IN COHEN, ja2-tr. No. Agri Slade street, Eric., Pa. Authorized Capital ;1:100,000. CAPITAL PAID IS THE , SECOND NATIONS!, RINK oy;ened for btp,lnese on • MONDAY, LiECF:NI 11E11 12TII, In the banking office previously occupied by the Merchant', 8.,n1:, Brown*, Building, not router or State street and public Park. W.SI. L. scorr, Premt. WM. CURRY, Cash. W:q. L. SCOTT, of tarns 1,1 J. Ilvarn ro., Coal linakrs. JOA, SITARTI , ..II., of firm of Sel,len, 1111.,4 3teCartor, - Builders. OEO. J. NIOItTON, Coal I N , aler. W. S. .P,III)WN, Afrent Iluffalo & Lrle R. It. JOHN C. HI;II.GESS, of tiroi Whoa f:ro,-r--. O. E. CHOUCII, of firm of Cr ouch 4 Bro., Floor Meseliatt-tq. _ 3f. R. 1 L of firm of T:arr, Johnson & Stove Manufacturers. F. F. FARRAR, of nun of Gray & Farrar, Wholesale Groceril. J. DitEISIGAKE:II, Gruedr. dcrt:f. ERIE CITY IRON WORKS, i Rll . 7'A.. MANUFACTURERS O The Bradley Engine ! A New Compoutol or Double Cylinder Engine, CM= U 1 IT i Nv And Is Warnpitcd Logi% FIFTY TO ONE HUNDRED FER CENT. More power than a Single C,‘ tinder Engine using the same amount of steam. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS I OF ALL STYLF-S. OIL STILLS AND IANKS! Of all Det,criptioi,s CillelULA.ll SA.WMIr,r,s HEAD BLOCKS ME Mrs.. John B. Perl4"ns, 3L-LN:ILFACTIY,CEI7. OF CONFECTIONERIES =1 Foreign & Domestic Fruits Puu'V6, NO. 82'2 , TATE ST., CORNER NINTH - EPIE, I'It? \.l Fine Apples, Oranges,'Lethons, Peaches, STILIWBEREIE.s, En .AlwayB on hand in their wagon Pttrtlett promptly turrit•thed trlth overt• dc geription of Calif, I'YIL.I.IIIDS, ICE*, LTC ETC, The nicest kt.cire west of New York. JUST OPENED. A new and well selected stock of Tin, •JaFunied, BrMania and 1 - 2URCELAIN EISTEUN IffT) WELL PUMPS, OE Furnishing, Goods (4.J:crafty. PATI'ERSON Si AVERY 5.17 st.,ii:rlC:, Pa: 72•Wertiso have a largo and well arranged shop, with all the modern improvements for mann, factoring tin ware •of every dei.eritttiom anti With a corps of competent workmen, under the supervision of Mr. C. Avery (who tins lied many years oxperlenm in elty work). Weure fully pre pared to doJoh work of ail kinds with neat :tens and dispatch., Are well post e,l' in setting hot air furnacesrooting. 'etc. Coll and sell us amine our ,tnek. ti:?s.U~t[~i(S It. riftrlF:eo-P.IIITNERSIIII. lierctrifore tuyt:wveit the nodt.rsig.neil, in the Planing Mill, Door, 5i0.,11 :in.!' Mind firm tutint, of '.oot t'o., \V' by mutual con, .1 , 1 :,t one. VIII% I)ltslness mill 111 •.• trhotaantitorlxert to I, of the late - JACO]: 1:(mi17., ANTO3.ZY kTRITZINt3I7I:. • ". The unrlersigned i lniendinteld continue the above business, at the old • stand, west aftld of Peach, hetwe'en 12th awl 13th Street:l, desires to call the attuntlon of•the pithlic to his"faclllties for supplying theta with anything in big Ilne. Lumbcr plattial to fader, sand scroll sawing of all kinds done: flash, Moors and Minds turn= isliqd t 4 trtder, All I:Was of, Lumber on hand, torretlter vith Shifigtes and Lath. In fact, eve rything that' Is usually dealt in.or doner at first class establishments of tho1;:lnd. Thankful for past kind favors, I. respectfully Selleit a eon t alliance:of, the name, oel7-Gags V. 'A. 'Avir...vaz at Co.. =I Country.Progne6 (Wocerjes s Pyovision4, WINES, MI:WOES, SEGAILS, 'T,Cll.acco, Crockery Wore, Prong, guts, No. Sl4:, 4 e.4itate iiiro©t. West nide, between Bth and itth fitireets,•Erie, l'n cam,. paid for &)untry product, t. A. WEBER. • iuya-tr. • 13. CIIMVA.I.I.V.II, TA:SIGNER DECORATIVE ATUIST Neutent, theapemt, and 11,,t F 440.1 Paiiitiiig West of New York City. Olutrollee, act., Frescoed in the neatest style of the art. General D&lgnint., Draftlnu of Models for the rritunt tolliee and . every deterlption of Oran ,mental Painting executed promptly. Rooms. In Farrar Hall, No. 3, second floor • . apll'67-t4 Tk. , I3ACCO AND CIGAIitS. Tile place to get a choir° article of Tobacco, •Snutr and Cigars Is at' E. 11. WELVECITAN'S, 1315 PEACH ST., ' , ; :South of the Union Depot. atlivitqa on hand a. good assortment of the above article s of every grade, wholesale and re tall. AlsO, Pipes, Pooches, Boxes anti smokers' 'Articles of overrdescriptiott. Pleat.° favor me with a call. Deal forget the place, 1:34S Peacb littera. - - ter'2lll7-W., 14:NV M I 'NI(' TIIE LATEST PUBLIsiIEb to au;; •, Ofll., h •Jll4 0. 'J. 'WILLARD, No. 513 Broa (Iva a 3: Vfirk, onfti I l'ollloll.l I t l. ..tnt; ntt, ;In rl tt. :•1 "' 1,14. a, 0i 11, -110111:mg 0t• Fr 0.04- . I I,‘ Ins ”Waltilo,z 'still fur ; ", 4 tar , 01 Pronl,t ; ', Lbw" ,„ "I'lya,ant :qt-ittorit by .1. tt, 'cht-rt. nnt,elchn.taltr,.• 1,,.„ • vomit...tan.; by Wat,t "I.,Lvt , tlytt Fall Lt spun. • • ".1 ' , A; ret brier Ito:, 1, ; • it.tblt•r..•• ?Mgt 11. P. “Stzvezirr. Hong ,) "In thl, auutun l-I'l'tv l, ”.1 1,1 :0 t l Irnltl. t "MY , .t Ibirling, Tn.:ll;:id 1.. , 11, 1 "I I 'mud Non ID 11, nut "I'm I.lnueritmat the then .• • "Frien•ls Wy I.fri.ll in I •, "In tau .111.taalot•. - ; Irillad bt 11.1 .Vome 1. My Y.' 11. 11'4 of:wcet .Night - ; by li. P /• -My Beruitlltil Pearl': 1.Q. , 11. "Rat y w"; s,ong and ehwu. H e "Iloniv of My Youth ; s Dank!. "Fat 111T,We Watched nt th. V, song and ehorns by Keeler... _ "Nlernorles of the Past' • by 5 . ' , 1,1 - .• • "It seems but the Other 'Day' ; nA "Y4 , lllTeAgo - ; by J. B. "Clara Kane"; song by h01der...... • "Jest's, havieur of My Soul"; tenor dnd alto Ni Sherwin _ "Lute Noah's Weary ; enntrklto and ehorth„ . ":softly Now the Light. of I ; ...otos for .oprano, tenor, ' "Be Joyful toe Lord' be 11. "Cest - Tby Burden on the Lord'; In:wound tenor, by Brodord "lbtt-lor, fiourCs of Every "To, lleuia.• if dot, by "It a Good Thing to GiA e ...Irmo al.' "Prahe the Lord, 0 My , no alit tenor A newsebool "Np,r• , :%lOrinlig - ; by Healy Tod., r Addr,,,s orders J. WILLA Itii No.:Ai 8. , • O: (J. WILL. ~IZI), wi w k, a i e Agent for the CA 3. 4n 0, yuttc fur the et 1..1.,mt,t PIANO FORTP,; ,trirtly t.peakttvz 111 , 4 PIr, , ,LN,, fullett to boeolue the LEADISti 1 1.1N•1;•; er introduritl. Dealer, will be Kui14,.!,.. ,o‘% ist Whole,a nat., and u. Largt.• illtiaitrated 11 , 1. k.. 1112,. Irma ph , dograpth, built n; ppllcalh~n, Addreh , t), J. WILL:. whole , ale .1gu1t.513 11r0.t.1 ay, , S. 1). •L IL W. SMITH.% UM:WALLED . 4.31 E RICAN 0116.0% 0. J. Willard. mole ale New and beautiful and trcrhi —are made fle u i the 1 , ,t, hiatcrial. with great C 11.% Laving. a sita,4ll :1 quality of ton, , ,I• ;w,l turll , w A• bdied in high p 01 1 ,11.41 mark Rosewood I. doubt,. blow paitlaN, t e All hat I; 111110 MOP, with will,ll the most ff t.:111 he proiluceil. scud for illustrati-lpi•il lift:* full particular,. Ailtimss , Prices at. a large discount below i51,..;....0 era' prices. Every instrument wan.: ~.... five years. . .- Also, the best Sew Ind 2 , lachine , 61, 1 X! On hand. Every Nacl.ine ullrr • auto!'..:.:s: years. —.—. . . .. .. • — No. bl 5 State str4et,', Fi !,11.2 tf. Z. SMITH. • .- 131 t E VIL / -• 1 ' . . ' l /:, r t c T . REFINEtt :.41.)1 MOLD ,V: , :,':'"...:, ~ CANDLES _.....,11.4.,,,.,:;:::_:::::,..47:a CH.....„,... ,_. CHgrillCAL'i N4l- G. I 1 A•' ; " • ouvE CH.ERSVE6,, SOAP , '• SOAP. s —. r.„,. __,...„ \IER/0 4 _1 N°2. G. ' 'ctql ll / 4 . 3 1 1 4 1111%W •CI.I.ERASIVE-'•• N' I . 9 r . .. - OAP..SOAP.:SOAP. 4-1-.1 EMI S O FC : 1 • 17 Mir. OP A 41° • 4ND. cO- \ ' orner of Holland and Sixtl Str4 • ERIC, , VA. Greenbacks for - Bond% EQ,TS.'LL TAXATION' 4f "li ; t...o.kirs" are good. enough , ..tereltant, fanner, mochnutAlLll•: • or, and others a h.) ply tv,% they arc good enough fur rich honahohkr. Ir:in pay no t,,,. "' PITTSBIJRGIF POSt The only Democratic daily in ,ivlvan la, and a first-class ' the latest intelligence from all I world. full local and.commoroi•tl p. , " • . er with a vast moonlit of rup...ci1an0 . .. ,1,- ; , is delivered to sultsernicni neighboring cities and towers mIC the 1,),I Fifteen Cents per Week, or by /tall Dollars a Year. SAColl BOOTZ. THE WEEKLY POST. 'Circulation larger than any Radical Ira.ll per published in Pennsylvania. A 'T. L',- Vigre paper, forty-el columns of ulatte.:•, ming tho leading editorials, as pubh•l'.N.,': Daily I'ost, full reports of tla. ‘k!c:l,."4 RUnip—late telt-Irranni, cable, local and reports, agricultural, poetry, •t0r1,4, inalleteto any address at , • TWO DOLLARS A YEAR, Or when ordered In clubs of live and of: ONE DOLLAR AND FIFTY COS . . ,-a , zi-circulate the Pest and lllVreaso t•“,,. rt, t crane vote. All orders 'wed bc ak''-'" i ; with the cash, and no del lonen can 1,0 :4 , front the terms given abut e . Speci , ''' - '1,,,v mailed to any address, cry; of (•h 1 "v„ the publLshers, JAS.I'. ItAldilt pi rulXrs, rihoce,...-- _---- EltH.).n.T luts rptatole.l . , AVIV Ho r IL. nhnul. i.o . I ot ttt'.l of the Depot, t.) the 10"'„ West Park, . wts u,N•tpy flue HATS, CA.P3, &C.. &C. warrttotm to tv equal in hty le, qua11tY,,,,,,v Ish to any in the marieet, and respectin its a call from his old friends slid Aetierally, tessu i ritig them none will „ a l gt t of every 1aa1163 Attorneys Justices, coei,caides' and Men, for sills at the idn.e, %et &nee. 1011 PH,IIs'TING ov..ry %hid, in SP small quantities, plant or color, nr;.." the best, style, and at wed , . :IC tiliserver Witco. Mr-41' 10.:ALI „ _ ,- VOSE." The C:1,4, e the LAIttlEgT IN THE 3L EMI