The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 11, 1868, Image 3

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ILA. UlJa‘iNta Vince.
ERIE, PENN'A, JUNE 11, 1868.
Venang9 Spectator says there " is a
general desire among the rank and file of
both parties, that the happy man, whoever
he may be, that is elected to Congress for
that district, should be put under bonds to go
to Washinzton once or twice, at least, during
tho wrin for which he draws his ten thousand
dollars pay, mileage and pickings." In view
of the: fact that for the last two terms the dis
ttic t has been practically unrepresented, this
"desire" is quite natural.
tin. Enivon: As one who is snpposed to
be posted on every event that transpires,
'will you be kind enough to -inform me
whether the notice of tiroposaTs for the sale
of the Poor House farm was published in
any of the county papers, and if so, low
many? There is a good deal of discussion
on this subject, which your answer may do
something towards settling.
- Ltuutintal LIJITC or tour
weeks in e.c.h of the Erie papers hit
those printed in English) and we believe in
several of the county papers, outside of Erie.
The manuscript which came to our office
asked all the county pripers'to copy the ad
vertisement, and send bill to..the Poor,
Directors, and our impression is that it ap
peared as requested.
As the time is near when 6.rrangements
will be making for Fourth bf July celebra
tions, we surest to Democrats that they set
their feet down firmly against encouraging
demonstrations of a political nature, such as
have laren palmed upon the public during
the last six years. The Radicals, with their,
usual shrewdness and unscrupulousness, have
succeeded in turning these occasions mainly
into instruments for the advancemcnt of their
partisan ends, and too many Democrats have
been willing to encourage them with their
means and personal efforts. Wherever a
movement is making to celebrate the Fourth,
let Democrats declare in advance that they
will contribute nothing towards a political
fandango, and insist upon having -a fair rep
resentation upon the committees, so that they,-
may prevent measures from being adopted
inconsistent with our views of .public good.
We have no objections to the Dadimils cele
brating the Fourth In a party manner, if they
wish; lint we do protesrag,ain , t the sneak
ing plan of taking advantage of the people's
patriotism to . enlist them in a general cele
bration, and then securing some one-horse
orator to spout sentiments that are an insult
to half of those in attendance.
Forms for Writing to Newspapers
The following forms will be found conve
nient for the use of parties who may l under
the necessity of writing to newspaper 'offices
in relation to any of the subjects they em
brace. By changing the name of the paper
they will apply - to alto' office in the country.
Niw , paper correspondents should be careful
to write their names, Post office addres.4,
Co , inty and State, in a distinct manner:
miiag in a new Subscription.
Ed. Ob-erver :—Enelosed find two dollars,
payment imadvance for the Observer one
rear, to be , ent to my address at Corry, Erie
Co., Pa. Yours, Respectfully!
lienewin9 Former Subscription.
Eel. Observer :—I enclose two dollars for tt
renewal• of my subscription to the Observer
Mr another year, which please apply to my
account, and oblige,
Yours, Truly
Joss DOE,
Wattsburg, Erie Co., Pa
tivafing Stillzieriptivn for Another.
Ed. Observer :—I am requested to send you
two dollars, payment in advance for the Ob
server to be directed to Joseph Smith, Gi
rard, Erie Co., Pa. He expects to be a per
manent subscriber.
Respectfully Your Friend,
Forwarding Club
'Ed. Observer:--I enclose von six dollars
for which please send the Observer to the
following persons! John Jones, Ashtabula,
Ohio, (1 year,) Wm. Brown, Conneaut, Ohio,
a year); and the following for the campaign:
Benj. Jenks, Thos. BEyd, J. C. Averill, North
Springfield, Eric Co., Pa.; Robt. Williams,
Chas Fi k, Sam!. Gilbert, Clark's Corners,
A•ditabula Co., Ohio. Your Friend,
I; I. Oli-erver'f Please change the address
nty•paper, now sent to North East, Erie
Co , Pa., to Meadville, Crawford Co., Pa., and
oldhre Yours, Truly,
Tut•: Conueautville Record informs us that
at "the meeting of tfib Beaver County Repub li
lican Convention, after the nomination of a
ticket,yrrre.•olution was nulinimously passed
instructing their Representatives in the Leg
islature to support the project for the enlarge
inent of the Eric canal. In Pittsburgh the
enlargement question is made a strong point,
and representatives will he chosen on that
issue, as is the case in many- other sections of
the Stile, nut so' materially to be benefited
by the proposed improvement. The Phila
delphia impels have spoken favorably of the
emergent nt as a great State and National
improvement, while the press of the cities
lying on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers are
unanimous in advOcating the measure."
Navin. been the first journal in the State to
urge this great Project upon the favorable at
tention of our readers, and giving it our ad
vocacy without regard to the personal, pecu
niary-or political interests it may involve, we
arc naturally gratified to see thv hearty en
dorsenn nt it is receiving
.from nearly every
quarter, and especially from the people most
interested. In a matter which so immedi
ately concerns us all, let us forget our
petty dissensions about men or parties, and
'look only to the common welfare of the com
munity in which we live. Say what some
may, this us the all-important enterprise for
North-Wes-tem Pcnusyllania, embracing in
its scope More questions of general advantage
titan any that has been proposed fur years.
We hope every convention and meeting that
may be held in the counties between the
Lake and the Virginia line,. from now to the
assembling of the next Legislatureo‘ ill adopt
resolations in favor of the enlargement. The
scheme can be effected, if the people show
that they are in earnest.
THE F6l" I:TII m ERIL.—From the evidence
that reaches us, we incline to the opinion
that the ceremonial exercises connected with
the la-ying of the corner stone of the Marine
Hospital, on the Fourth of July, will render
the occasion one of the most imposing and
interesting that has transpired in many years.
The character of the Committees of Arrange
nt v-sure us that no political influences
tit ill be allowed to interfere with the harmony
_of the proceeditags. and we have too much
contidence iu the honorable disposition of
Attorney-General Brewster, the chosen ora
tor of the day, to doubt that he will with
le , 1•1 all expressions which might give rise to
:1 di.,enting opinion, or create an unfavora
ble impression on the minds of any portion
of his hearers. It has been arranged that the
grand procession will be formed in the Park
at 10 o'clock, precisely, each organization to
he under charge of its own chosen Marshals.
Most of the societies in . the city have signi
lied their readiness to participate in the eel.-
eulonies, and we hope that before another
wed:, all, without distinction of religion, na
tivity or party, will have concluded to join
in the procession. Thd humane object to be
accomplishetLought to harntonite every eOll
- into L-1 , and induce the citizens' to
otakela united effort in rendering the amt-
I,ion one of Dm:lied appropriateness and ef
feet. We understand that the five city bands
have concluded to lend their assistance, and
our indefatigable friend Dr: Gunter is work
ing night and day at his special forte—getting
i' , up a "grand cavalcade." Let the young men
from the adjoining toy, nships conic in with
their horses and accoutrements, and let us all
join in making, the Any one that will be me
morable in the annals of our city and section.
Scofield rinisheS Another Dirty Job.
Our representative in Congress, after much
trial and tribulation, has just completed
another of those petty tricks with which his
congressional caretr has been stocked, and
which give him so firm a hold upon the af
fections of his Democratic constituents ! As
chairman of - the Committee on Elections, he
last week reported against the right of Gen.
Morgan, of Ohio, to bold his seat in the
House, and gave it to Columbus Delano, the
Radical .dontestant—a report which it is
needless to say, the Rump at once and un
hesitatinglyAconfirmed. The case has been
on trial for a number of months, and in the
,Scofield has twisted and wiggled
and "jumped Jim Crow" in a most amusing
manner, with the object of ranking oat
plausible record, but no one doubted that he
would finally obey Stevens Mid Butler's or
ders; and do exactly as he has done. Then
tle of Gen. Morgan n to the seat Was as clear as
the sun at noon'on a July da.y,land may be
briefly stated asifollows : The returns of elec
tion showed a majority in his favor of 271
votes indlie District, which had gone Bah
••• 41 for several ytars previous. The claim
was set ua--by ms_nppoqition that illegalities
had taken place in Pike township, which
gave Gen. Morgan a majority of one hundred
and forty. In order to get rid of these troub
lesome figures it was necessary to find a pre
teit for disfranchising the entire township,
and the Wrenna llf_ nr
his prompter, furnished one which is quite,
worthy of their combined ingenuity. It is
alleged that one of the judges of election was
incompetent undei the laws of Ohlo,:from
having been a deserter from the draft of '64.
Fraud is not pretended to have taken .place
at the elcction, and no irregularity of any
kind is charged but this technical plea. No.
such specification wits made in the original
notice of contest; and, therefore, it is now
void in law. The idea was evidently an af
terthought, contrived for the purpose of per
petrating a barefaced outrage by the proposed
wholesale disfranchisement. Proof was also
furnished that the'judge in question was not
a "deserter from the draft," as is falsely al
leged, kcause he furnished a substitute, as
Contemplated by law, and, consequently, ho
was net disqualified in any sense. Yet, in
spite 'isf this evidence, the easy conscience of
Judge Scofield enabled him to seize upon the
charge as a pretext for throwing aside the
vote of the township, and, with othertricks
of the same class, enough votes were east
out to figure up a majority for Delano. The
Circumstances all show a deliberate purpose
to eject Gen. Morgan, who is one of the most
influential Democratic members, by fair or
foul means, and constitute a record which is
one of the most scandalous of the many out 7
rages of the present despicable Congress.
The Democrats of the district will treasure
up Judge Scofleld's deeds of petty ineanne,s,
and when lie comets begging for their votes
in his slimy way, will remind him of them
in a mode that may be more 'just than polite
or agreeable.
Os staunch Democratic friend, Capt.
Dobbins enjoys a political discussion as well
as most men do their dinners, and is always
at home for an answer to any point that the
Radicals may produce. The other day be
was met by a man who had been reading
"Brick" Pomeroy's paper, and was fright
fully'shocked at its plain mode of dealing
with the topics of the day. "Why, sir," said
the latter, - its perfectly infamous—a dis
grace to the country—and the Democratic.
party ought to be ashamed of itself for sup- ,
porting such a paper. •Do you endorse all
it says ?" "Well," says the Captain, "the
best-answer I can give is to imitate the ex
ample of .the lamented Lincoln, and tell a
story. At the commencement of the oil ex
citement, there was a man near Titusville
famous for being the greatest liar that ever
lived in Crawford county. It grew into an
adage that he could easier tell a lie than the
truth. This man was employed by a specu
lator in Erie to travel over the country, and
expatiate to green horns about the wonder
ful chara . kier of the oil regions, with the
object of getting them to buy real estate.
When asked why he secured the liar's servi
ces, his reply was, that the former could tell
the biggest story of any man he knew, and
the very largest that hemight be able to in
vent wouldn't begin to approach the reality.
And so," continued the Captain, "it is with
"Brick" Pomeroy. He furnishes a great
many.astonishing statements, and often in a
way- that isn't the most refined in the world,
but the Radical party has been guilty of so
many atrocious deeds, that the meanest and
worst that can be said of it,-doesn't come
within halea mile of the truth."
WHAT sense is there in endeavoring to
keep up neat Parks in the heart of the city,
and then allowing them to be daily disfig
tired with dozens of hay and wood wagons,
that make the locality appear like an over
grown barnyard? Where was the advan
tage of tearing down the market house, when
the hucksters continue to vend their produce
in the same vicinity, the only difference be
ing that they have removed to "the opposite
side of the street ? Why not have a place
set apart for these traders, that will be just
.as convenient to them and the publie, and
'not render the streets in the best portion of
the city so unsightly during the most
of the week that strangers invarisblj• com
ment upon the tact? Why, in short, not
'keep the Parks as they ought to be, or else
give up all attempts to make them art °orna
ment to the city ?
ti.E.Nkron. LOwur has published a letter
denying the story, somewhat extensively cir
culated in Crawford county, that he is a can
didate for U. S. Senator. Ile says, am
not a candidate, have not thought of being,
and A - ill not be !" The Meadville Republi
can, which' never -fails to snap at Lowry
whenever it has a chance, deities the sinceri
ty of his statement, and charges that it can
"prove" that he iN a candidate for the .F.,ena
torship, and "has so stated within a fort
night. If;' it defiantly declares, "he wants
the proofovc are ready for hint at any mo
ment, if he dares." The Republican's, self
assurance to the contrary, we undertake the.
prediction that Lowry will not enter the
canvass. Here he is regarded as a supporter
of Attorney-General Brewster, his intimate
friend, and the right-hand man of Cameron,
for that position.
eonstitnlionality . of the act disfran
chising deserters has been taken before the
Supreme Court, on an appeal from Hunting
don cuuuty. An acknowledged deserter,
Edward M'Cafferty, offered to vute in War
'riorsmark township at the election last fall,
and on being refucd, brought suit turainst
the election board. The dicdriet .Tudgo de.
cited that the law was with the defendants.
3rCalrerty appealed, and the caw was argued
at Harrisburg, R. Bruce Petriken, Esq., of
Huntingdon, and Geoige W. Biddle, Esq.,
appearing for the plainiiti, and lion. John
Scott, of Huntingdon, and Attorney-General
Brewster for the defendants. The opinion of
the Supreme Court is expected soon, and
will authoritatively kettle the constitutionali
ty attic law; so that it will no longer be a
source of trouble to election officers.
Carr. J. 11. Wta.sti, of this city, has pur
chased the right to manufacture Mercier's
Improved Harrow, which is pronounied by
many farmers who have used it the best im
plement of the kind in use. It is so con
structed as to readily adjust itself to the sur
face of the ground,. the advantage of which
will be appreciated by every farmer.. The
Harrow,costs taCi more than those in ordina
ry use, and if it equals what is claimed for it,
we see no reason why it should not enter into
general use. Qapt. 11'el:11 is preparing to
manufacture the - Harrow upon an extensive
scale, and in the meantime a in9tlvl eau be
seen at his place of business, which all in
terested are invited to call and examine.
,Tuz ladies aro preparing for a Festival in
aid of the Monument Fund Association, to be
given in Farrar Hall, on the evening of the
45th of Jinn. -
Wr. have a warrant on the Iron City Col
lege at Pittsburgb,,which be sold at n
reduction to nny young man from this coun
ty who wislaN to attend that famous
Tur: young mum-who tndertookt. liciT an
exact record of the number of times it has
rained per day, during the past month, has
been obliged to throw up his contract from
sheer exhaustion.
COxsnniitilial feeling has arisen over the
sale of the Poor House Farm, and 'an input , .
tion has been granted by the Court, on mo
tion of Jas.: C. Marshall,:Esq., to show cause
why the sale should not be set aside. " Seve
ral parties claim to be willing to pay a high
er price than the one at which it was sold,
THE Girard Cribis has the following
ticket at its mast head, subject to the deal-
BIM' of the National Democratic Convention :
For President, Col. Rim Rice, of:l'cuniyl
For Vice Preaident. non. S. P. Cary', of
C. A. INGERSOLL, of New York, was ar
rested on Thursday of, last week, charged
with implication hi the famous oil' region
nna ..'^tlz taken from
an old German named Bermingham, who
would not trust his treasure in the hands of
banks. Ingersoll was astonished, and vow.-
teeril to rettirn to Pennsylvania without
waiting for a requldtion.
LOREN - 7.0 SwEnwoori, Esq., candidate for
President upon the "cheap Railway Freight"
platform, was in the city over Sunday. He
is not as confident of - success in this campaign
as Gen. Daniel Pratt, or "the immortal J. N.,"
but looks forward to , -the time when our
freight system will be perfect, and the Gov
ernment ran upon the most appioved engi
neering principles.
TEIE _Nineteenth Congression;bl district
will be represented at the Democratic Na
tional Convention in New York city, on the
Fourth of July, by Hon. Win. L. Scott, of
Eric county, and Hon. Byron D. Hamlin, of
McKean, delegates regularly chosen by the
State Convention. Wm. A. Galbraith, Esq.;
as the Pennsylvania member of the National
Committee, will participate in the prelimi
nary organization of the Convention.
Ix'answur to numerous inquiries, we will
state that the Registry law is now before the
Supremo Court, and a decision expected
within the present month. In case that body
pronounces the aci to be constitutionalore
shall publish a full and careful summary of
its provisions, so that our friends may be
thoroughly inforthed in regard to the steps
necessary to secure a Fuld poll of our party
A LEeTtnE will be =delivered in Farrar
Hall this (Thursday) evening, by Rev. J.
Finnucane, of 3leadville, for the benefit of
the Fourth street Catholic school. Father
Finnucane has a•dcservedly high reputation
as an orator, and the esteem in which ha is
held by the members of the denomination in
Erie :will ensure him a large audience. In
addition to the lecture there will be music
and refresinents.=
'How admirable, how prompt, how per
fectly satisfactory' was the conduct of that
legendary Puritan, who rode up to the door
of the house where dwelt the girl of his
choice, and having desired her to ho called
out to him, said, without circumlocu
tion, "Rachnel, the Lord bath sent me to
marry thee 1" when the girl answered, with
equal promptitude and devoutness, "The
Lord's will be done."
A vomio man in Meadville followed n
couple of girls a few nights since, and When
in the vicinity of the jail laid hold of one of
them, the other making her escape. A scuf
fle ensued and The girl screamed ; the polite
young man put his handkerchief in her
mouth, and then, hearing footsteps, ho un
gallantly "cut stick." When the handker
chief which he had left in her mouth was
examined, 10, there was his name in flaming
characters, and it will prove an effective
witness in bringing him to justice.
WE again urge upon our Mends that there
be a thorough and early organization of
Clubs, appointment of committees, and can
vassing and registration of voters in every
town and ward of the county. We should
not delay Until near the day of election. The
Summer months must be actively improved.
Many doubtful voters may be lost by being
neglected till late in the camphign, or won
by being early waited upon and brought
within the pale of healthy influences. Indi
vidual exertion will go further a ith the
doubtful men than public meeting•.
J. W. Dol. :, Esq., Collector of Internal
Revenue, gives notice that the U. S. takes as
sessed for 1863, including:the Income Tax of
1867, are due, and that he will attend to re
ceiving the same, at his office in this city, on
the 18th, 10th and 30th days of the present
month. Those who neglect to pay, will be
liable to five per cent, on the amount of
their tax, with interest: atone per cent. per
month, collvetions to be made by distraint.
Walk up to the captain's office, gentlemen,
and settle for the fun of setting Sambo free.
"You pays your money, and you gets your
Tun Rapti')lican wants those who conduct
it; party primary elections to be careful "in
allowing none to vote who are' not known to
belong to the Republican party. It is not
enough," it states, "for a voter to say that he
'intends to support' the candidates of the par
ty. Ile should be able teimake it appear, if
challenged, that be is now acting in (rood
faith with the Republicans." Our cotempo
rary need kivii itself no alarm on the subject.
The Radical party is in too bad odor just al
present for any persons to be, likely to vote
at its primary meetings who are not thor
oughly "dyed in the wool."
ANNA. E. DICKINSON'S novel, NI hich she
has recently completed, is said to be so radi
cal, politically and socially, that several of
the publishers have declined to touch it.
The story, if we are to believe rumor, is that
of a strong-minded, self-reliant walla'', who
lives to herself—as Sir Charles Grambson,
according to his doting mamma, did fur him
self—and from an unaided and irlioldy friend
less position rises to success and happiness
without marriage. The novei is believed to
be rather autobiographical, and tube t h-awn,
as far a 4 the heroine is concerned,j f, em the
fair Anna's-inner consciousness.
Oro neighboring village of Waterford is
one of the pleasantest places in the county,
bt its politics are terribly Radical. - A few
days ago, a passenger on the Philadelphia
road leAced a gentleman who had' . got on
board the train at that Station: "What kind
of a place is this town of \Waterford•?"
"Well, sir," NV:IS the reply, "it's so infernal
black that the people have to use a eat:diet°
see their way along the streets in day-light"
It is'unneeessary to acid that the politic's •of
that "native" were not of the prevalent kind
in the rocality.
THE second annual Pic-?tic of the
American Benevolent Association will be
held in Cochran's 43rove on Thursday nest,
the I.Bthinst. •Preparations have been made
for an unusually agreeable occasion, and a
very large attendance is anticipated. The
Temperance gaud and 31el1's String Band
Laic been engagedtsthe latter is •to furnish
the music for the datiCing. A novel and in
teresting feature ; of the occasion will be the
introduction of the old fashioned games, in
cluding. a foot race, climbing a- greased pole.
aver slit, sack race . over hurdle i, cheluni
clialum, potato race, and jumping. ' We ad
vise all who can spare the time to attend.
- Trre. Republican stubbornly persists in re-
Axing to tell Who the gentlemeti are that
have.been elevated to . "important local of
flees," •by the Iladie,al party, and "whose
principles are to-dayand were then as an
tagonistic to the great majority of the voters
of the county as are the political opinions
of Fernando Wookelement L. Vallandig,-
ham . or, Jefferson ,Davis." We again urge
Upon our cotrmporary to be just to the nu
tnerous oceupantg of "important local ofliee4,"
and fair-to itselC thieb n, sweeping accuat•
tiou . ,involves the "h,} ally': of too malty in
dividuals heretofore supposed to be above re
proeteh,"to be allowed to puss without ex
planation, The public Insist - pat the blink
sheep shall be singled out; in ordeK,tharthe
balance of the flock tux}' Co -- longer. be sub-,
- •
jeet t 6 taint. ,
.l3r order of lite,diimrttuat at Washing-,
-ton, and at the instance of'Judgc Scofield,
the two Post office carriers discharged some
weeks since'
been restored to their
_places, and are again performing their duties
- to the satisfsc of the public. It is under
stood that the: PtYstMater is renewing:'his
efforts to limit thenumberofertriiers,ffirough,
a mistaken idea of economy, With all re
spect for thfudgment ofiredge Sterrett, ice
hone the dopsrtment will not accede to his
Sugectahos The eatiier,..h.,,, 11134 bee
found a great convenience to the communi
ty-, and there are few of owe people who wish
to see it changed in the manner proposed.
mlowiNEN-r member of the opposition,
writinz, to us from Washington city, says :
the operations of the liciiiitil t iOnMeiTLPS
Republican politicians In Eric county than
from all the Republican papers put together."
We are) pleased to ierirn- o'
, from a source s
capable of judging that our alma .to make a
trustworthy local paper has been a success.
While steadily seeking to advance our own
party views, it has been our invariable object
to so treat local topics that all classes would
find that department of the Observer a source
of interest, and' a reliable record of' 'honk
Mivon Nom.i lins•displayed his customa
ry good judgment in refusing to yield to the
request of injudicious friends, and becoMe a
candidate for Congress. The aspLirants for
that pos . ition now hi the field before the Rad
ical voters ortbis county are _G. W. Scofield,
J. H. Whallon,. Geo. H., Cutler, Alfred King
and John 11. Walker.. The first three were
former Democrat,. There is some talk of
having several of the candidates withdrawn,
and forming a combination against Scofield,
whose prospect, arc generally looked upon
as the most aorable. •
A 3 coTptronAnv, ootifying patrons that
he has sent them statements of indebtedness,
trusts "no one will be offendeir on receiving
the same. IVell; what if they do gid. "ot
fended l'" Are not printers entitled to their
dues as nun% as any one el,e, and don't every
other other class of business men forward
statements of account to their debtors when
ever it seems necessary to them ? The sub
scriber who becomes "offended" at receiving
a notice that he is in arrears, either does not
understand the first principles of buSiness,or
istascorthlutving-• ,
TUE Water .Commissioners have made a
report, in response to a resolution of Coun
cils, stating that they have sold the 5250,000
(4' bonds placed in their Ilan& at eighty
cents on the dollar, realizing, after deducting
interest, the sum of $210,552. They think
fifty thousand dollars more of bonds will be
required to complete the Water Works on
the scale intended, and recommend the issue
of that amount. The . Commissionets do not
contemplate the laying of pipes at present in
any except the thickly populated, streets.
Off, yes! oh, yes t be it known to the
friends of the editor, and the rest of tman
kinkthat after this date he reservetli Mon
dayeening exclusively to himself, and bath
resolMely resolved to bar the sacred entrance
of hiT l Sanctum againg all intruders, be they
man Or headt; for the good and sufficient ma
son taut he is compelled his editorials to
writs upon that momentous occasion,—of
which, let all concerned take solemn hee'd,
or suffer the awful' penalties therennto an
J.lllEi TARR, the oil millionaireois out in
a proclamation declaring himself an inde
pendent candidate for the Associate Judge
ship of Crawford county. Although a heavy
bondholder, he claims to be in favor of pay
ing off the bonds in greenbacks. mid expects
the Democratic support on that ground.
We presume that if. James should be elected
and find himself deficient in "capacity," he
could easily purclrase the needful article.
Witts parties get married and ttie groom
is paying the parson his fee, if he should for
get to hand Lima dollar to, pay for setting
up the notice of the event in the paper, the
bride ought to interfere immediately and do
the first great duty of her marned,life by in
sisting that they coMmence their career hon
orably and justly by paying the first bill of
expense. '
At.uo-rr every day a new batch of names
appears in the Dispatch, from some portion
of the county, favoring ScOfleld's nomination.
Ili; supporters Appear to include two-thirds
of the most active Radical; in the strong
holds of that party. Bro.Whallon will have
to wear out another pair of shoes in tramp
ing over thd county to get signatures to his
certificate of character.
Tin: citizens of Corry, with characteristic
energy, are preparing to celebrate the FoUrtli
in a becoming manner. We guarantee'that
they will get up 'a demonstration worthy of
the place, and only hope they will not al
low it to be run in the interest of the Radi
cal', party, as several similar efforts of late
years have bccu in that locality.
Tim shabby appearance of the• Observer
last week was owing to the bad manner in
which the press work was done, and gave us
considerable annoyance. A skillful work
man having taken chafge of the press upon
which the paper is printed, we hope in future
to be able to present as neat a sheet esany in
the State.
IT i s given out that siifficient bona fide
subscriptions have been secured to construct
the city railway', and the board of directors
have given instructions to advertise for pro
posalslor building the road from Second
street to , Butalci street. We hope this may
he it genuine move, and no{ result in more
diqappointments to the public.
AT, the Board-of Trade meeting on Tues
day evening, committees ofiactive business
men were appointed to iuquile into the pos
ibilitv of establishing certain kind:, of manu
factories, with a view of securing the aid of
our capitalists in favor of such as might hoof
:lay:lnt:igc to the interests of the city..
Tor. City Councils passed resolutions on
3lontlay evening, deprecating thesale of the
Poor House farm. As the sale has - already
taken place in the mode required by law,
such a course looks much lilte that of the man
who locked his stable door after all his horses
had been stolen.
I.Lort.tx 3.ll9.rnEtis,, giteers,'on French
street, have added to their business the fresh
bread and milk trade. ' They are supplying
their Customers with milk at five tents per
quart, and bread and crackers in proportion.
They also take orders for ice cram.
THE cool weather of the present week is
remarkable for this season of the year. 'Un
less summer sets in soon, we will despair of
having it at all during 1888. People who
have taken down their stoves are entitled to
THE Radicals of Tidioute have started a
Grant & Colfax club, and give notice that
they have "enlisted for the campaign."
That is . more than they did when old Abe
called for rcruits. Then the -most Of them
sent substitutes.
TIM Bufhlo Post, on the occasion of Dan
Rice's visit to that city, bond forth in a vein
of eloquence as follows: "Col. Dan Rice, the
great showman of the agn—the public
spirited, the magnanimous, the bigh-souled,
is stopping at the Mansion Ho - use." Dan is
not the liberal man be obtains the credit of
being if he failed to send the Post editor an
extra supply offree tickets.
Tan Radical papers contain theAnuounce
men t of Hon. Alfred King as a candidate for
the primary election 'of that now regularly in the fleld,
and will help to render the race still , more
IKAAe .ItooltitßAo, Esq.; of this city, long,
emoueli'T on the Buffalo &Erie R. R„ and
at present engaged in gin Adjutant-tkenerill's
office at llurrisburg„ has been brought out us
a Tte'publicameandidate for Assembly. '
& CoLvAx's election Is sure now,
without mistake. The Youngsville "Lopyal
- Leeg" has 'pledged . them
,its "earnest and
zealous efforts."
TuE highest incomes . in Warren county,
are as follows : James Parshall $21,960;
thomas Strntheri $18,520, Harrison Allen .
Tus Rev„ :51r. 3184ters, of the .Meadville,
' ll, PLliii s lic e l l \kt u ioßl e. vig , preti4h - In' the Uni-
WlLKlNti — Gmat—On The 4th inst., at the
residence of the bride's father, by Rev. P.
L. Jones, Mr.ll. B. Wilkins, of Cleveland,
and Miss Minnie A. Geer, of this city.
'' - "
resid.pciot ihnruchthkitalP, inst
ia at the
P. Cain, mr J. L. Sternherg to ]Elsa Jeow l.
M. Lamb,-dang‘...., r of L. 7.. Lamb, Esq .'
all of this city.
NICKEIV-ON—CRES. , I—On May awl,. at Miles
Grove, by C. A. Pettibone, Eq., A. L.
Nickerson and Miss Annie Cress, both of
lirrcncoca—ELETCUElt—ln Waterford, on
the 3d - inst., by Rev. T. H. Bratuora,
Eugene C. Hitchcock and Miss Emma
• Fletcher, youngest daughter of Charles
• Fletcher, Esq., all of Waterford..
ArSTIN—Cin the 7th inst., Alice, youngest
daughter of T. M. and Clara M. Muslin, in
her 14th year.
ABBEY-3fay 26th, in Fairview, Emily E
Abbey, aged 11 months.
and hest. Mammoth bottles only .7,3 cents.
The Eugenia Flair Restorer eclipses all
known discoveries for the rapidity with
which it restores gray and faded hair to
original color, promotes its rapid and healthy
growth, prevents and stops it when falling
MT, and is n most luxuriant hair dressing for
the human hair and head, rendering it OR,
silky and lustrous. Sold by B. Dickinson &
Bon, sole agents in Erie. decl.2-Iy,
icnw Spring Silk and Fancy Hats, beauti
ful, Coatings and Cassimeres; also, agents for
reports of fashion. JONES & LYTLE.
- inhl9-tf. = - - • -
Steba abbertisemento.
QFIEEP SlTEA.US.—Wilkinson's best. and
Strang.'s Patent Sheep Shears.
WOOL TWINE, in any quantity
• GRI,N"II STONE.S.— tons Berea and Lake
BM:TUES.—Grass and Grain, of the beet ma
kers. , •
GRAIN CRADLES.--Grapevlne and Maley,
complete . with Scythes.
lIkY FQRK.S.—Two and three ttneAl
HOES, Shovels, Spades, Manure Forks find
Ilay Kniveq, for Kale by
Jot-tin. r
House and 'Lot for Sale.
%IRE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale a NEW and
conveniently arranged house, well situated,
in the beautiful
Good will of water, two Cisterns, good,Ungi
and an abundance of tlio
The' property is especially dcsirahle, hies
much as the Lake Shore Seminary, an in•titte
lion of learning, which will not be excelled by
any in the country, is located near the premi
ses. For particulars, inquire of the subscriber,
on the premises,
2,500,000 Cuateraeis in Pour Years.
11 -t e V n l e N e l laTers ia , r t es nct e c ten th sko m tVde e Ya ' n 'i ;
concern in the Debar Sale business, we
Guarantee Satisfaction
in every instance, and also the best selection of
Goods ever offered at
One Dollar Each.
No other concern has any show,wherever our
Agents are selling,. Our motto, " Prompt and
Reliable." Male and female agents wanted in
city and country.
Are particularly requested to try our popular
club rystem of selling all kinds of Dry and Fan
cy-Goods, Dress Patterns, Cotton Cloth, CLlSteri,
Silver Plated Goods, Watches, &c. (Established
18614 A patent pen fountain and a check de
scribing an article to be sold for a dollar, 10 eta;
20 for $2.; 40 for $1; CO for_SG; 100 for $10; sent by
mall. Free presents to getter up, (worth 50 per
Cent. more than those sent by any other con
cern,) according to size of club. - Send us a trial
club, or if not do not fall to send for a circular.
N. B.—Our sale should not be classed with
New York dollar Jewelry sales or bogus "Tea
Companies," us it is nothing of the sort.
65 Hanover St., Boston, Mass.
0. ..013Lr..
Bay State Iron Works I
NOBLE Sa 11.1,k.Z0E..,
Founders, Machinists and Bon-
cr Makers,
Works Corner Peach and 3d Sta., Erie, Pa.
Having made exten.lve addition.; to our ma
chinery, we are prepared to fill all orders
promptly for
Stationery; Marine anti Portable Engines,
Of il.ll stns, either with singlet or cut•oft vnlvcg
Also, all kinds of Heavy and Light Casting.
Particular attention given to Building and Mu
chinery Czeitings.
FOR SALE.--Steanis Circular Mill Rigs and
Head Blocks, which ure the best In use. John
son's notary Pumps, Gas Pipe and Plttlugs,
Baum Goods, Babbitt metal, etc.
Jobbhuv i•adleited at reduced prices. All work
warranted. Our motto Is,
We ar.• hound to-sell a low as the lowest.—
Please call and vs.:lntim
AKsigni - te In liankraptcy.
TsTnEIitsTRWMIII - 11Tof the UnitedSte.ter;
1. for Hit. Wektrni I)l+trlet of Pennmylvay ta,
in the :natter of German. It. 'Course. bankrupt.
The undersigned hereby wires notice of his ap
pointment as assignee of German R. Noursei of
Edinboro, Erie county awl State of Pen a'a,
within the said district, who has been adjudged
a bankrupt upon his own petition, by the Dis
trict Court of said district, dated at Erie, Pa..
May 8, A. D. 'NM. •
lIENR.Y M. RIPLEY. Assignee.
Atty. at Law, „No. I= Peach SG, Eric, Pa
„R.... x L 41, 1144,
APRESENT OF x.OO VALUE, of your own
selection, true of cost, for a few days servi
ces in any town or. village. Particulars and
gift sent free, by addressinUD3LA N &g, with stamp,
40 Hanover St., Boston, Mass._
• ExecntriVo Notice.
1J Peter Jacob Brown, de e d , late of
tp., having been granted to the undersigned,
notice is hereby given to all indebted to the
same to make tramedlate pa3rment, and tbose
having claims against the said estate will pre
sent them, duly authenticated, for settlement.
JlEftdA ANN BARON, Executrix .
McKean, May 7, 1863--6wo
• :10 c air: .leNVA•ar &SON,
Clothing mid lends Furnishing 69Ss 1
COLINEF. OF sEv - F2Trit ErrßEEti,
108 PRINTING of every kind, in , large or
tl Benin quantities, plain or colored, 'done in
the host style, and at moderato prices, at the
Obeiervor oface. ,
H AVING made very important improvements on the Ilorhe !toe, Tool; lirnaz ;;:, .1 1.0. t; . '.!mzio , :
the past four years, we are enabled to present to our pat; ,ala 1111`111 , 1 , 4 I 011114.'1, I Ilitlt !flout
for cultivating corn, potatoes, cotton, and all hill crops, ever introdtmo 'I to It, : 'rzoimg ( goo.
munity. As now made, the hack teeth are reversible, and not retuove , l hu• h•l'.6 , • • tt , ••, 11,t•
old style Rosso Gee, ammeter making ,It, theonapiets cultivator and blik-r at tmcc.u..m, tt i , A ~. Ir;
when billing is not reqttlresla the wlnglarevemoved from tbe the teetlt,
Ily this arrangement, wi er rows may be hilled - t hat WI tft the ning ; hia•••• I ur,u toe 1,6,
els. It is made of the hest quality of steel and highly polkhed, and huperhu t•• uIIV tttitt t' t It/t;•
vator on account of its lightmemi, (weighing about 34.) votzzat",) flu rub! llty, , 'a .11;;;• • ..;;;1 al , '., , -
ion to all kinds of work. _ .
We would r a tt..ttlou to our DOUBLE :11-it.)% _
doUbt.excebi anything now in niarlz,l, for the purpOse do,ltto It , 1 .•
Juste" to it b•WR.01'1111T IILON FRAME, very light a nd •
jthi"'" r " or deep. ana rt tioatly and ta,h , fully mat , .
m y 2 , 5- ..
No. 824 State Street.
Household Furniture and all kinds of Goods,
Wares and 'Merchandise, bought and sold and
received on consignment
Sales at private residences attended to in any
part of the city.
Sale of Household Furniture., Carpets, Queens
ware, Horses,Wagons, and all kin& ofgondson
A largo consignment of Sucensware, Glass
ware, Bohemian and China ases now ottliand,
will bo closed out regardless of cost at private
sale. '
* Vendues attended to }n any part of the
county. ap9-tf.
Tollworthy &
Have adopted a new cyst m of doing busi
ness, and mould rePpeetfully cad the attention
of their customers to the faet that they are now
selling goodslbr
We believe thatwe can do our customers Jos
thze by ho doing and would ask them to gill and
see our splendid stock of orocertes,oontii•.ting of
Teas, everything in a well kept grocery
•titure. We raw have the he,t iir
5Z3 French Street
Also FEED In unlimited qUalititiCn. lAlye us
1.3%) Pencil St., oppogite tonal Hotel.
Caaghey, McCreary & 3loorhea.d,
Al Wholekle, as cheap as any Jobbing house in
. the country.
The Depository of the Bible Society, nt
CAUGIMY, MO . I: i FLU , :4
UA2D. In one large Octavo volume, Illustrated
With over 125 steel and wood engraving , .
Agents and subscribers, see that you get the
genuine edition by Dr. Smith.
The SprLngfleld Republican sae., Ibis cd I t ton
priblished by Messrs. Burr & the gentinie
thing. ••
The Congregationalist bap, whoever
to get, in the cheapest form; the best Diet ion
aw_of the Bible should buy this.
D. Pres. of Yale Col„ JosErn, D. D.
LL.D., Pres. of Wesleyan Univ., RE.V.Tuos.
3t. CLARE, Bishop of R. 1., &c., &e.
They are new and original worktiby these au=
thou, and their subjects era approved by eler
amen of all denominations. Agents are meet
ing with unparalleled suceemr.' -- We employ no
General Agents for either book, and offer extra
lndUeenielilis to Canvassers. Agents will .ed
the advantage of dealing directly with the PUB
LISHERS. For descriptive circulars with full
particulars and terms, address the Publishers,
myt)t-St J. B. BURR CO:, Hartford. Coml.
Warrant In Bankruptcy.
THIS Is TO GIVE NOTICE that on the c.lith
1 day of May.lBa4, a Warrant in Bapkruptcv
was Issued out, of the District Court of the Unt
ted_States„ for the Western District of renn'a,
against the estate of Joseph Justice, of Erie,
in- the Cotinty of Erie, in said district, ad
jUdgoil bankruptonhis own petition; that the
paymeutof any debts and delivery of any pro-
Eerty, bellott ne rg to such bankrupt, to hint orlor
is use, the transfer of any, property by
bbn, are forbidden by law; and that a meeting
of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their
dabta, and (*limos° one or more assignee of
his astute. will be held at -a Court of Bankrupt
cy, to be 'holden at the once of the Rech.ter, in
the city of Erte, before S. E. Woodruff, Fsq.,
Register In. bankruptcy for said di,triet, on the
Bth day of July. A. I:7w, at 11 o'clock A.
U. 14. Marshal, Messenger.
By G. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. Marshal.
Warrant in Itankruptey.
?FMB IS To caw.: Nor wt.; t bat on the I , t d ty
1 ot.ittne, A. 1)., IsUs. a Warranu in b.ank
ruptey was issued agaitt,t the estate of Wm. \V.
Thwtag. of Erie city, In the - county of Erie,
State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjuaued
a bankrupt on Ida own petition; That the p ty
ment of any debts and delivery of an) ,property.
belonging to such bankrupt, to hint and for ht.
use, and the trant.fer of any property by him
are forbidden bythat a meeting of the
cretinous of the .0.1,1 bankrupt, to prove th.rqr
debts and to chew., one or Inure v., of
his estate, will be held at a Court of liaukrupt
ey, ta beholden at the "ince of the Iteizister, in
thecity_ot Erie, in the county of Erie and St:,. -•
. of Penn'a,before S. E. Woodruff; IteL , lster,
Inuagn dairof July, A. D., lo A.
Il - TutimAs A. tow LEY,
tr. S. marsaud,
It Q;ls , Davis, Dept. U.S. :klar , hal.
Assignee in Battkritp cy.
IxHEDnan.nrf COURT o ftilted
lv shoes
or Ups I,Yestern Dist rlet Peniqyaula,
Ui thOtnatter of Kanitiel tiri‘dvold, bankrupt.
The undersigned hereby uo. es notice of b ap
pointment as ructignee of Samuel S. Griswold. t
Erie city, Ede Co., and State of l'enitsylvanta
Within said tiletrk i, wbo bus been adjudged a
bankrupt,Upon own petition, by the District
Court Of said dista.n, dated at Erie, Pa., 31ay
Z. A. D.„
11EN..1 M. ItIBLET, Assignee.
Atty. at Law, Nu. Put reach 3t.Erle, 13:1.
Assignee in - Bankruptcy.
staff for the 'Western District of Pcon'a,
i the matter of Frank Allen, bankrupt. The
underSilened'hereby gives notice of 1114 appolut-
Intillb Sks=atelgueo of Frank Allen, of Erie, in
the eteuatrof - We and State - 41f Pennsylvania.
Istthiriaeld district, who has teen adjudged a
banknipt upon his own petition by the District
Court of said district, dated at Erie, Pa., May Z 3,
- HENRY M. RIBLET, Assignee,
Attr. - at I 4 aw, If= Peach St., Erie, Pa.
10. 1390 PEACH, ST.,
BLAND 3300lf_S,
of every 'iletserlption,
'1 nail any lions.• 13 this city. Also,
13 1 13 L 1 S:
lerrErtA AmusisTRATIoN on t os-
A tato of Mary Fellelta,Heltiti, dee'd.,
Erie city, having been granted to the under
signed, notice Is hereby given to all Indebted to
the canto t. make trinnedlate payment, MIA•
those having claims against the said e•daw
present theta duty authenticated. for ,ettli:-.
smut. J ROSS TILuMrsoN
Eric, nay2l-6t • • Adtnintstrator.
W. W. PritUZCFI. CO.,
No. • State ht red, Erie, lta
New Dry Goods Store !
iitiat: - .liVdt •
Nu, 112'2 Peach 1 4 1..,
II" ',‘tltt a splon,ll , l I: ol I..'y
oon•Lstllig 01.
DOME S TI ", ', iii:cl,ll.‘MS.
ALP.V:Ati, Olt. 1.•,..; L
Black rinit.Colured Silk-,
Not mil,. ,•tc.,
comprising a conipicr.o aa.)rtrm nt nC c‘ors
thing In the
DRESS AND 1/111 - (fOO 4 l l l'S LINE,
which he otTor, vvry e.11,..,p for lit Invit •
C(4111*(1 1 1011. uuii requ4 ,, t, :.11
02.11tnine beinre pal - al:151n
inyl2.-Gm. DEO
- Elt, 13,2 it nr
New Store,WAlther's Bled
The srio,lllk r ~ 111 .tt • ~;1, ;;
public to Itr •plt ot
Spring and Summer Dry Cle.'-.)43
I hay, a lai 4 o aasortrwmt or
Domestit.s; l'rints, Dress Goods,
bought nt 116 C C ,. :111 , 1 c.,t1, , : i11i.111.1y c.ui ,
them very tow. lhll and 4...X.tantuv my sto
Goode shown With Ova , ure.
/S WV!: th a on II eC.
day of May, A. It.. 186, 1 , wat 1,111 in 1,11
ruptey wa, la. of T.
of the ettt of Erie, 12.1111
of 12.`rie, and State of Penna, a ho ha , la - vv :a
judged - it bank I tint ~la la, own petition; th
the payment of :Jay h ht, dellvery of at
propel ty belonging to tatch It.inkruta, to no
or for his u-.., awl the tran,fer of any propel
by hint are rot bithlt•n, lay I.t: a tne.•t tx - f,
the ci editor., of the , all bankrupt, to Iwo
their debts, and to ehon.e on.. or Bon,
slgne,•.of hi., -Pal, N, 11l la , hi at h l. n n t
ItatikLnutt V. t 4) 1, 1,1 '1 '1
Itegi,ter, 11, llBt cit va 1,. t... ;
Woodruff, oa the Eli d.ay
July, -1. I'., at it “1.1 , 1 , If. A. m.
fly G. P. DAvis, Dept: I". i •
Warrant in Banliruptcy.
r IIIIS IS To GIVE I , arIICE that on 11:
day of May, A. D., 1.9. , , a Warrant
Bankruptcy \V3, hmcnt mutin , t the cstato
Timothy P. Babcock, of Waterford lloro., in t
county of Erie, and State of Penn‘ylv.inm, .i..•
has been adjudged a bankrupt on hi< oNt. n 3
talon; That the payment of any il, ld, •u.,1 ,
livery of auy property belonging to welt Lan
rupt to hint, and. for his uNe, and tiro trair , fer
any property by him, are forbidden by law; It
a meeting of the creditor, of 'alit C,ankrup , ,'
prove their debts and to Mu..?nno or m, A. , ..dgnee - 4 of basest-de, will h, hi Id at a c,,,
of 13a
matey, to be hoiden at the ollic.•ot I
Regist r, in the city of Erie. before S.
liron,4 fr, Bef4c..ter, on the t!th day of .la
A. D., sai, at 10 o'cick, A. M.
LT. s. Marshal, Me , , , ,.ngel
By 0. P. Davis, Dept. t'. S. Mart..hal.
!Tills IS TO OIVE Niff ICE I il:It lo Ull2
of June, A. a a warrant in Wallin!
cy wai is , :vied against the e:date if Samuel
Can4hey, of the city of Kite, ht tho ,county
Erie and state of :111`;l IV:M.IIn, v. ho
it•lJudged a bankrupt on his OWII p •.11 ti
the payment of ;in v (lebt,s and di hvi ry of a
property beloir,:lll , 4 to hno, 1 it i.i • u•.,. and
transfer of any property 1;. , ,* Lit,. it. i.,11,1,t4
by law; that a ineuting, IL. 4 .Itt,,,r, 01
mid 1.:11t1:10pt, to VI 0 . - t• tl. , :i.i
choose one or molt. A
be hold at a at curt of Elankralit ,
the oinee of the Ittgl , tor, it v f
fore S. E. ha; , t
triet; on the 3,..t..11 .0...5" of July, A.
o'clo,k. A. I. TOO. - ): 0- •\ :•-• A. 11 11 11'I.EY,
C. Mal Men,.l.lT
py.G. 'Day!, .I•p". fr.
riims IS T 1 LIVE NoTicE that on the 1
of June, A. I). 1£. 1 ) , , a warrant in bankrt
e y was I. , alvd .1!1:1111 , 1 of Loot
of the city of Erie, in the county of I.rte •
State of Peun , ylvania, who ilt been: adltoi
a bankrupt oh. In , own petition: that the I
meat of an , : )1 , Lt, and dell% ery of any prop ,
belougtmr tiflOm, for hi , u 4e, and tile trau
of any property by hint ".re forbidden by I
that n meeting . of the eruhtorsot On: , till
rupt, hi pro , . e their debts and 14) )11)pp, on
more Assignoks of ate, will he held at
C.airt of Bankruptcy, to he in Alen at the
of the Register, in the yof Erie, betolo
Woodrull, sat,' 111..41 let, of
10th day of July, .k. I). 14 14 , at 10 o'clock, A.
TIT)Im ', A. RI 0.1. - 1 .EN",
1•. t) , :,
By G. E. DWI., lent. U. H. Ma!
rrlns, is To (.11VE .7V: 'TICE that on Ihi
day of June, It., Isss, :t warrant in
ruptcy was issued against the r.tute of do
W. Russell, of the city :it Erie, hi t 11,• count
Erie, and State of l'ohn , yß :aim, who !hi,
adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition;
the payment of any debts and delivery of
property belonging, to him, for his use,
transfer or any property by hint are forte.
by law; that a meetinif of the creditors of
said bankrupt, to prove their dehtS an
choose ono or more Assignees of his e.ta t e,
be held 'at a Court of Bank/ optey, to he 10.
at the oftlee of the Reei'ter, in the city of '
before it. E. Wood run, Regitt•r, the
diStriet, t :Jot day of July, A. D.
o',loelt, A. MH R
M. T
I'. S. Marshal, Me, Ll , ,'
By C. P. DaYl.., I'. S. Marshal.
I VIM; IS TO GIVE Nort.cmthat un the I ,
I of Jane. A. 11., 1 , 4., 1 , a warrant in bank
v. a,. ag•ainst the estate of Jas. 1.
hams of the city 01 Erlo, In the. county of
and State of l'enn , ylvaala, who ho. beet
jedLosl a 1,1111:1110 nu hl l own petition; ti:.
p. 1.3 meat of any,li la, and delivery - o: so%
erts I.plothtne„; to - Idol : for Ids use,and Go , t
t.4r of any properly by ltlin Ore forbiddo
l.nt: a weal :4 of the credl ton ,if
Lftrillllll, to prroto then: debts and to
ono ..r tn , ,ro Ast'ttf,tte(s; n 1 his estate, will
at a 'ourt of Lune. ort , r• to 1)0 boideo
of 1 1 o• 11, :glster, In the elty of Et le, 1,
S Wo t:,-zister
Inc CR'.t a..y of Jolt - , 11., !LIN, at to 0 . 01. 0
\I. !As A. ItOWIA.Y,
U. S.,
. I `Aar:. it'd.
%S.:trr:llit x3:llllirllptCy
, 11;, 1. 'M (11V.E NOTICE that on th
I d. t,l Jane, Iv;i.a warthht:in 1
mph.... , I , stied against the estate of .
Non z, of rrie cliv, county of Erb.. multi
Penh , :thln. who 11.1 , , been adhatha , 1 a I
'opt on 1. •• own pi tillnn; that the payno
any ; and Lie dellyt ry of any pr• don ,
bnezil.f I dl-111..t.1,1:i opt, to him, and I ,
t,e, awl the trail-kr t,l any - prupertY by
are forbohb Why lair • 1 that Met
creditor- of the said anttrupt, to prove
debts, and In eta.... one Or more A s , ign
his estate, Wlllllll hebint a Court Of Rani
en to be hoiden nt the Mike of the Regkt
tint city of betore
Register In said Dl•triet, on the.3othtla.:„ of
A, It., 1 , 4,1. z, at 10 o'eloek, A. M.
I'. S. 'Marshal, lit u
P. Davis, Dept. U. S. 11ar.taal.
Admilibitrlttors' Notice.
I Lute AfJovepit Schteer,tieed., late oi
townv.hip. having been 'granted to the t
RigW2a, notice is hereby given to all ind el
the saane to make Immediate phymett
those baying claims mintiest hold t:stot
nt..tlient duly
lalF.Nßluthe ntica tedElTA. fur
11. L. PINNEY.
Adult tt,tt
vll O , tay'2l-1:w
- - 4 - rit.2l: 7 lt - COW.
9'11.1.1 - 1:1 ) front . t• , ,.
1,, e, In I.t lo s on t ukiylnornlt": l; - 1 .
('t)`,V, )-,t nine 1..
itin,ut 111011(11 , : IC. r tnil v. " , 1,tiy. lilo•rnliowlod nlll ••.N. II
ierco.ory. Apply to Win. t t*
Flour ..tnre, or to the,