The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 11, 1868, Image 2

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    formed him*that he was to occupy the same
"iVho is in that bed `i" asked the it nclical
"Mr.---'," was the answer.
"What! That nigger !" indignantly ex
claimed the Radical; "you don't suppose I
am going to sleep-with Idm, do you
"I most certainly do," was the quiet reply.
"You voted to force this state of affairs upon
me and my people, and took and subscribed
to an oath that you would grant the negro
every - privilege and inununity" enjoyed by
any.class of persons, and (producing a six
shooter) by the Eternal you shall carry out
your policy—so in there with you
Mr. Radical, not liking the close proximi
ty of the pistol, got into bed, but we don't
think he staid there till fuorning.—Blatt.
(Ar 1.7.) .Standard.
rbdit. (MU mr.
Arnrror. prNE•RAL, I •
CTRS. E. BOYLE, of Fa . )fette Co.
W. IL ENT, of Columbi4 Co
THE returns from the county elections
held in South Carolina lust week, show that
the Radicals have again carried most of the
counties, but by reduced majorities. Many
counties in the interior, which gave Radical
majorities in April, have now elected Demo
cratic county tickets. We have: no doubt
that before five years, if the Democrats of
the South display proper judgment and zeal,
all the States of that section will be wrested
from the clutches ofßadicalism.
Galena, Illinois, the home of Gen. Grant,
was last week carried by the Democrats by
from 230 to 000 majority. If the sidewalk in
that city, from Grant's house to the railroad
depot, which he once wanted .built for his
own accommodation, and in order to accom
plish which he then aspired to be Mayor or
Councilman, i , not laid down yet, we hope
our4)emocratie Irionds in Galena trill have
it done. Grant may have occasion to use it
come thite next November, when lie goes
home, m receive the symplthy and condo
lence 4 , lhk oil neighbors a: a defeated can
didato fir the Presidency.
1.11 month thr national debt-was reduced
seven millions of thilhrs. Tinit is filo nity it
siiuuhl I)+2.—INSPa .
Su it but, unfortunately, that is not the
way it i done,--the Dispateh's , tatement to
the contrary mltw ithstanding. The monthly
report of the Treasury department shows
that insteld of the debt being reduced, it has
actually increased ti 9,717.000 in the last
month. At the same time, enough currency
debt lit, been concerted into gold-bearing
debt to increase Quit class of liabilities $53,-
419550, which will make a corresponding
increase in the amount oh interc-t to be paid.
This May be encouraging to the bond-holders,
but it will cause anything but an agreeable
impre , sion upon the mind, of tax-pacer..
TUE Harri:Thuri_' ,- Patriot- tnion has
passed into the hands of Metssrc. B. F. Meyt.
J. W. Brown and D. W. Moore, Who have
changed the name to the murnin,7 13,oriot,
enlarged the paper, and materially :inprzwed
its appearance and character. Under the
nt w Management, the paper prone es to be
one of the best and mo , t influential in Penn
sylvaniar Its editorial and local depart
ment.s are admirably smstaine', it. telegraph
ic-columns display marked euterpri,e, and in
every feature it comet up to the full stand
ard of a live and able daily paper. We hope
the "reconstructed - central organ of the
Penmvivania Dm mocraey will nob'fail to re
ceive such a degree of eueoaragement at the
hands of our political friends as will warrant
the increased expense and labor that its new
proprietors have resolved to mnploy upon it.
tinder this heading, the Dispatch prints
the following extract from a letter which it
says has been received by "an enterprising
Mannfacturing firm in this city," who made
application to a gentleman in West Virginia
for informationrelative to the responsibility
of a person residing in that State •
"They were followers of our 'lamented
Stonewall Jackson, and I believe them to be
MS reliable in the civil pursuits of life, as they
were brave in battle. *
In your dealings with our people select those
who were earnest, brave, fighting men in
our late unfortunate struggle, and you may
confidently expect open, honorable, fair
dealings. If you wish to be swindled select
such as were canting, ranting, cowardly fire
eaters, and who have desented - us in our day
of trial, are now7clahning to have been al
ways "loyal," and are now engaged in form
ing ho called) corl.s'imtions and laws, with
tIT sole Vier; of robbing and oppressing
he ire and higli4. - ined people. Should you
over pax thin way call and sec me; and you
will go away convinced that we are not can
nibals or barbarians, as many in your section
have been taught to believe. if your people
(I() not desert the lead of such men as Thud.
Stevens, the miscegenationist, mid Beast But
ler, the spoon thief, arid traducer of virtuous
women, you NN ill very soon lose your liber
ties more effectually than we have done.
Deal honorably and magnanimously with
the South, and we may once again lee a free
amd happy community of States."
Without endorsing the presumed seces
sion views of the writer, w e cannot resist the
temptation to express our belief that there is
"more truth than poetry" in whet he states.
However ill-judged their conduct may have
been, there is no denying the fact that n;ne
ty-nine hundredths of the best people in all
the Southern States fully sympathized with
the secession movement, if they did not giro
it their active aid in the field. The class
who now disavow their former °Dinkins, and
seek y; humble themselves as low SLR possi
ble before the Baal of Radicalism, with few
exceptions, comprise the very meanest ele
ment d'Southcrn society, and arc as little to
be misted as the debased blacks with whom
they consort. A brave man is always an
Jtenorable man, while a sneak will stab his
best friend in the hack "wheneveri-his advan
tage can be secured by doing it, The in
stincts of every high toned citizen would
lead him to prefer dealing with a manly, out
spoken southerner, who does not hesitate, to
avow his candid sentiments, to any of:the
degenerate breed who now profess to have
renounced their past belief, and are ready
to creep on their knees in the mire for the
sake of winning the favor of the North. It
is one of the most telling points against Rad
ical reconstruction that it gives the contr.4
of the finest portion of the Union into the
hands of this l'OntVli , i , kib!r' and their
negro allies, v.1.a,, the brain, the wealth an,i
the business elem-nt of the South are de
prived of their political privilege's, and de
barred from renewing the vitality of their
section, as they alone are bt -t capable doing.
JosLipußnowN, who w-a 4 hanged at Hud
son, N. Y., a week or two ego, for the murder
of Angeline Stewart, made a speech on the
gallows in which he proteoed his innocence
of the crime for which be w•aLs executed. He
pretended to haw experienced religion, re
ceived the - administrations of two clergymen,
said that hb forgave Lis enemies, including
the Judge who tried him, and who he thought
acted unfairly ori the trial. lie knelt down
and spent the closing moments of his life in
prayer; and yet he went out of the world
with a falsehood on his lips,-or lawns an in
nocent man. Either of these alternatives is
dreadful to contemplate. One shrinks with
horror from the thought of an innocent man
being executed, and the very idea is enough
to convince any person of humane instincts
that our system of capital punishment needs
reform or abolishment.
A flu) OMEN NOrt ULrsiir.s.--:The first
Grant nag thrown to the breeze in Lynn,
wag raked over an tulertake?:,
1800 AIM 1868
The Albany Argus publishes ati editorial
article which clearly exhibits the contrast
between the Republican party as it was in
1860, when Lincoln was elected, and as it is
now. The conspicuous members of the
Republican Convention of 1860 were such
men as Francis P. Blair, Wm. M. Evans,
and a host of others embodying the talent_'
and respectability of the Convention—a ma
jority of whom are now ranked among the
Most decided opponents of the Radicals. In
the Chicago Convention of that year, there
were four prominent candidates for the
Presidency—Lincoln, Seward, Chase and
Bates. The last act of Lincoln's life was to
originate and adopt the policy of Johnson.
Bates abandoned the present Radical organi
zation before Lincoln died ; Seward is un
active enemy of Radicalism, and if there is
one man" in- the United States whom the
Radicals of to-day hate more bitterly than
Andrew Johnson, • that man is Salmon P.
Chase. Then Chase, and Trumbull, and
Fessenden, and Grimes, and Doolittle, and
Dixon, and Stanbery, and a host or other
great names were in the ranks of the Repub
licans. Now, they are either acting openly
with the Democracy, or are read out of the
Radical party by the hot heads who control it.
Nor is this all that is noticeable. IVhile_the
statesmen of the Republican party have aban
doned Radicalism, the vicious and treacher
ous elements of the Democratic party have
entered its fold. The party which became
too corrupt for Chase and Doolittle; Bates,
and Evarts, has demonstrated its affinity for.
Butler and Logan, Stanton and Dan. Sickles.
The leaders of the Radical party to-day—the
men who have Giant in their keeping—were
clamorous for SecesSion in 1860, and justified
the Southern States in re - sorting to arms to
repel the exercise of Federal power. Now,
Butler, Logan, Stanton, and Dan. Sickles,
are blatant Radical demagoguesond arc ac
corded the highest positions of honor in the
party that so recently despised them. They
take the places once occupied by Seward,
Chase, Trumbull, Stanbery, and others like
The abject pledge of Gen. Grant that he
will have no policy except that laid down
for him by the Radical leaders, affords a cor
rect measure of his capacity as a statesman.
He does not propose to be "a pillar of state,"
bin a weathercock to show which way the
wind blows, veering as the popular breath
changes and having no direction of his own.
But the Presidency is no place for a man
without ideas and . destitute of a policy; who
knows no rule of conduct but the servile one
of doing as he is bid ; and because it is bid
den thinking it right. Such debility of un
derstanding and servility of will cannot take
shelter under the truism that, in a republi
can government, the will of the people ought
to prevail. Certainly it ought ; but their de
liberate, settled will as expressed iu the Con
stitution ought to prevail over their fitful im
pulses on some fleeting occasion. The Con
stitution i_v*eir permanent mandate. If by
the will of the people be meant the caprice
of a transient majority, it is not at all binding
on the President. 'Unless we adopt ,, the
tyrannical principle that in a republican go-v.
ernment the minority have no. rights which
the majority are bound to respect, it maybe
a base desertion of Lis duty for a President
to have no policy of his own in opposition to
the will of a majority.
In a recent address before the Young Men's
Democratic Central Committee of New York
"City,„the gifted orator and patriot Don. Rich
4rd O'Gorman toughed upon one point that
shoulot be neglecteil by the young Dem--
ocr.Ts of the country, namely, the organiza
tion of Young Men's Club , for active work
in the great campaign now opening. The
young men of the North do not exhibit that .
interest in politics Which the state of the
country demands oe'them. They are ready
enough to vote, when voting day Comes, but
they do not work as they should during the
canvass. Nearly all the old men who once
guided the Democratic ship .have passed
away, and their placts must be filled. It is
the duty of young men in every part of the
country to step forward and do what they
can to save the •govennuent. They should
organ;:e elubs in - every county, and show
by an example ef_industry that they realize
the situation and know how to meet it. This
is the time for iv(ilk and there should be no
laggahls,es - ecially in the ranks of the youth
ful and vigorous.
TUE irrepressible Wendell Phillips is alter
Gen. Grant and his Radical trainers with a
sharp stick. In a late ,peeeh in Boston, ho
said :
"We will have the ballot for the negro by
agitation, soon. A voice—llow do you pro
pose to do it? Mr, Phillips—l propose to do
it just as Christianity occupied the throne of
the Cle&qrs. [Loud cheers.] I propose to do
it by telling men just what God tells tue. I
will do it . by doing what the temperance
societies, which are as hide bound as the
churches, dare not do—examine a.Republi
can candidate for the Presidency—the most
popular man in America, who cannot stand
up before a glass of liquor without falling
dawn. [Great silence, succeeded by ap
plause.] I will4lo it by' opposing the Re
publican party when iblbids me "be silent
about negro suffrage North, it will hurt our
Beparty. silent about General Grant's
drinking it will hurt his chances." I reply,
God bid+e speak what you bld me forbear.
I will sp44Mi, and 'let the dead bury the dead;
whether the'y bury,hint in the White Rouse
or not.-
The Pittsburg Republic (itlepeudent) prints
the following deserved editorial tribuM to
the ability and worth of Pennsylvania's
Democratic United States Senator:
"It is with feelings of State pride, entirely
unmixed with anything like partisanship,
that we are led to make honorable mention
of Hon. Charles It. Buckalew, United States
Senator from Pennsylvania. We regard
him .as one of the ablest men of that body.
His speeches arc characterized by clearness
of logic, sound reasoning, forcible argument,
and loftiness and purity of rhetoric. Al
though an uncompromising Democrat, he
never fails to command the attention and re
spect of Republican members, for he never
so far forgets himself in the heat of debate,
'as, to indulge in intemperate and ill-timed re
marks. It would be well for the country if
both the great political parties would always
select such men as their' representatives in
the councils of' the nation." .
THE indications arc that the Senate will
pass the bill which* has already been adopted
1w the admitting 'N'orth and South
Carf:llua, Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana.
A separate: bill has virtually passed- already
for the admission of Arkansas, and the re
mainder of the excluded States, viz.: Vir
ginia, Florida, 'Mississippi and Texas, will
probably go over until next winter, unless
the Radicals should deem their admission a
necessity: in order to strengthen -the Grant
and Colfax ticket. All the legislation of
Congress towards the Southern States, for
the past two years, has been with a view to
obtaining their vote for the Radical candi
date for the Presidency in the pcnding cam
paign, and whatever, in the opinion of the
party leaders, will contribute to that end, is
pretty sure to be done ere the election takes
T lIE Louisiille Journal, which enjoys the
reputation of being cautious in its statements,
avers that General Steedman offered the Im
peachment Managers a dinner if they would
examine him, and that he agreed to prove
that Senator Ponteroy's vote was offered him
for ten thousand dollars. The Managers de
clined the proposal. If the story• be true a
committee to investigate the Managers' in
vestigation should be appointed at once ; if
not true, it should be authoritatively denied
—not by Butler, for,he is no authority In a
question of veracity.
The obsequies of ex-President Buchanan
at Lancaster,. on Thursday list, were the
most impressive that have ever been 'seen in
that vicinity. All classes of people - United in
paying their last respects to the memory of
the departed sage, business was suspended,
flags displayed at half mast, the city bells
tolled, and party „dissensions fcr
completely buried. The . i
terred in the Cemetery at' Lancaster, and
were followed to the grave by a - proCessiota
two miles long, including some of the mcst
prominent citizens in the Union, and many
of the ex-President's political opponents.
Mr. Buchanan's hold upon the, affections of
his neighbors was very great, and was owing
to the purity, patriotism and benevolence of
is character, which even his most violent
partizan foes freely acknowledge. On the
Saturday preceding his death, the ex-Presi
dent gave explicit directions to his executor,
in regard to his burial and funeral. He re
that there should be no large or ex
pensive monument erected over his remains,
but only a simple and substantial. oblong
tomb, the capstone to be of the finest and
most durable marble, on which should be cut,
in Roman letters, the, following inscription,
end nothing more : Here rest the remains
of James Buchanan, fifteenth President of
the 'United States. Born in Pranklincounty,
Pennsylvania, April 23,1791. Died at his
residence, at Wheatland, Lancaster county,
Pennsylvania, on June the Ist, 1868. In the
same interview he said : "The principles of
the Christian religion,were instilled into my
mind in my youth, and from all I have ob
served and experienced in the long life
Providence has vouchsafed to me, I have on
ly become more strengthened in my convic
tion of' the divine character of the Savior,
and the power of atonement through His re
deeming grace and mercy" At the conchi
sion he remarked in reply to an expressed
hope that he might yet live to see the coun
try . fully restored to peace and prosper
ity, and his cared; completely vindicat
ed : "My dear friend, I have no fear of
the future. Posterity will do me justieb ; I
have always felt and still feel That I dis
charged every public duty,imposed upon me
conscientiously. I have no regret for any
public act of pry life, and history will vindi
cate my memory from every unjust aver
The present temper or the Democratic
party leads to the inference, at least, that no
mistake will be Made in the New York Con
vention. From all sections of the country
there is the same earnest desire to nominate
a ticket that will command the confidence of
the public in all localities, and place that
ticket upon a platform that will be cordially
endorsed by all who do not approve of the
revolutionary proceedings of the Jacobin
cabal at Washington. It is this unanimity
of sentiment that has given the Radicals the
impression that the Democracy are troubled
about finding a candidate. There is no such
trouble existing. There are candidates
enough, , and every one of them good men,
but with ail the candidates and the leaders
of the party generally there is the same de:
sire to so shape the action of the Convention,
and present such a ticket as will unite In its
support the great mass of the people of all
sections, who are opposed to the revolution
ary course of the Radical faction now trying
to ruin the country. From all the present
indications the Democratic Convention will
assemble ou the Fourth of July under circum
stances calculated to insure harmony in its
actions, and the adoption of a course that
will meet the approval of the public of all
sec lions.
The Philadelphia Post, by Joni., Odds the
most ably edited Republican paper in Penn
sylvania, is not afraid to say what the princi
ples of the party really are. In Saturday's
issue it thus defines what the Chicago plat
form means on the question of negro suffrage,
its remarks being called out by a speech of
Wendell Phillips
. i`The,licpublican party has pledged itself
and has pledged its candidates to maintain
Ecitial Suffrage in' the South. Pledged to
tins, it is in effectpledued to everything. As
surely as the colored man votes in the South,
he will vote in the North; and that he votes
anywhere is the work of the Republican par
ty.. That'party is:the creation of the uegro.
.It owes its existence to his wrongs; it can
only pieseFre, its power by giving him his
We commend the above to the attention
of every Conservative Republican in tho.
"MACK" of the Cincinnati Commercial,
says Schuyler Colfax's brains all run to smiles
and hand-shaking.
A IlArratsurno Radical paper Bays: "The
reduction of taxation has always been Re
publican doctrine." It may be "Republican
doctrine," btit it certainly is not Radical
"AT Salon, Mass., Dr. Loring said : "The
Lord raised up Butler for the express purpose
of impeaching the President" The question
now is who failed in his effort—the Lord, or
Butler, or both?
GENERAL,GILUST and ipeaker Colfax will,
it is announced, start about the Ist of July
for Colorado. They expect to be gone for
two months. If they will wait till Novem
ber, their leave of absence will be indefinite
ly extended.
A CORRESPONDMT Of the Radical Cincin
nati Gazette, writing •of the Chicago Con
vention, 'says : I "The unlimited supply of
free whiskey at the Wade headquarters did
quite as much harm as good, and the same
may be said of the smaller displays by' the
`first friends' of other candidates."
CARY. Snrnz, the temporary Chairman of
the Chleago,ConVention, Is the red Republi
can infidel who, in a public speech made a
few years since a St. Louis, spoke of the Al:
mighty as-!'the ideal gentleman beyond the
skies, called by some people, God!" Re was
a fit character to preside over a Radical
:stational Convention.
GEN. GIUNT has entered the field as the
Bondholder's especiaicandidate. The fol
lowing is his platform:
Which side will the farmers, the mechan:
its, the laborers, the whOle great army of in
dustry take in the grand race on the national
Our in the West, where Schuyler • Colfax
is best known, the people have no 'exalted
opinion of him. The Chicago Times says:
"The American people—those that inhabit
the West, at any rate—need not be told who
Schuyler Colfax is. lie is a politician of the
smallest calibre of any that ever gained, by
toadyism or good luck, a newspaper puff
beyond the county he lives in. With Grant,
the Man of no principles, at the head, and
Colfai, .the man of no brains, at the tail,
the Jacobin ticket is a very perfect' arrange
Lir. New York correspondent of the Phil
adelphia Ledger writes: "Put no frith in
the telegrams that some of the journals are
Publiihing this afternoon, to the effect that
Governor Seymour has taken decided ground
in faYor of Chief Justice Chase for the Presi
dency: Governor Seymour, when in this
city a day or two ago, gave a flat contradic
tion to all allegations of that character."
Whatever may be -Gov. Seymour's views, it
would be idle to deny the fact that the Chase
movement has secured many ardent suppor
ters among the New York Democracy. We
question whether .their brethren in other
States will give them much encouragemdnt.
Give us a full-blooded Democrat for a candi
date, or none. '
Ten Nw York Independent has emelt:4'oUL
for Grant. How Hr. Tilton can Conscien
tiously do this—after saying, in the most
positive manner, and that with "damnable
iteration," that Grant was a drunkard ; that
hi was frequently so drunk that he was un
able to attend to his duties ; that responsible
parties had Been hint - de:ink in the streets of
Washington many "a time, and, finally, to
cap the dirties, that Beitithi Wllion deni
al of these statements.was the strongest. poi
sible confirmation of their truth—how he can
support him we cannot . dertitand,J :The
Independent stands now - in the position of
advocating the claims of;one''•whom it. has
denounced as a drtmlisid, to the highest of
fice in the gift of the - peopin—a rather curi
ous position fora religionspaper to occupy.
Harwrmorrssennto the high qualifications
of Mr. Stanbery, tainorailmilon for the office
of Attorney-general,' which he resigned to
render professional aid in defense of the Presi
dent, was rejected by the Senate. The Radi
cal members of the Judiciary Committee, to
which: the nomination ' was referred, were
unanimous in recommending its rejection.
In the absence of any good reason for not
confirming the nomination of Mr. Stanbery
for an office which hb has administmed with
so much credit, the rejection of this estimable
gentleman appears petty spite work,.' quite
In harmony with much that has preceded it.
Tun Washington correspondent of tthe
Baltimore Commercial says a letter has been
received from Gen. McClellan; in reply to
one from a friend asking permission to pre
sent his name for nomination at the 4th of
July Convention. Thp General earnestly
begs that this shall not be done, urges the
nomination of a new man—a new statesman
who will command the respect,' admiration,
and enthusiastic • support of the combined
anti-Radical elements of
,tile whole country—
and pledges himself, as soon as the nomina
tion is made, to come home and canvass
wherever needed in behalf of the New York
Warm:am - P., of Illinois, the groom of Gen.
Grant, has placed himself in a position Unit
would be humiliating to a man of sensibility.
Re wrote a letter, charging Mr. Donnelly, of
Minnesota, a brother Radical, with corrup
tion as a member of Congress, and with hav
ing been compelled to leave Philadelphia on
account of. offenses no gentleman would be
guilty of. A committee was appointed 'to
investigate this matter, and Washburn° re
tracts the charge of corruption, acknowledg
ing that he had falsified, and declines to fur
nish proof as to his other allegations.
THE Southern "rebels"—the "unrecon
structed" ones—are not such bitter haters of
the Yankees who fought them longest and
hardest as the Radical leaders would have
the : country believe. For instance Gen.
Hancock, one of the most valuable command
ers against-the South during the war, is en
dorsed for President by the following South
emnewspapers : Charleston Mercury, Lynch
burg Republican, Petersburg Index, Mobile
Register, New Orleans Picayune, and ,the
Memphis Avalanche.
AT the late election in Washington
city, some of the negroes who could
read and write voted the conservative
ticket, and came near iicrificing their lives
for so doing. The Mounted police had to
rescue them from the Mob of black men, who
beat them severely. The negro ticket was a
large placard, with a red wood-cut of Grant
printed on it, so that the poor, ignorant ne•
grocs could tell that the picture-ticket was
the one they had to vote. They knew it in
no other way.
WE bare made the charge over and over
again, that the Radical party is pledged to ne
gro suffrage over the whole country. It has
never been deniedby the organs of the party ;
but there are hundreds and thousands ofße
publicans who vote for and support the party
who deny that they are in favor of any such
measure. These men cannot so vote and so
act and escape the resposibility. Every man
who sustains a Republican nominee is in
favor'of mongrelism.
Tun Oregon Democratic State Convention,
laid down a platform of which the following
are planks:
Resolved, That good faith and justice to all
demands that the public debt shalt be paid
in like currency as contracted, and we favor
action by Congress submitting 'United States
securities to be taxed as other property.
Resolred, That the burdens of taxation
ought to be equal among the people, and
should be upon property-instead of the in
dustry of the country, as by present laws
UNDER the partisan Registry bill just
passed by the Rads and signed by Geary, to
secure the disfranchisement of the poor
naturalized foreigners and working classes,
the election expenses of the State will be at
least tripled = three times as great as under
the old law. And for what? Simply to ena
ble the mongrels to keep poor white men
away from the polls by putting them to un
necessary• trouble, vexation and loss of time
and money.
TILE :cost of the Impeachment trial is
foobid up by the Albany Argus at four hun
dred thousand dollars. The pay of General
Rousseau, summoned from Oregon, netted
some nine thousand dollars. Other wit
nesses cost five thousand dollars each. It is
reported that the-bill for printing the tickets
of admission amounts to six thousand dollars.
Thus much ale the people taxed, in this sin
gle case, to gratify the malice of Thad Stevens
it Co.
Sm'on TtimrnuLL has written a letter
to a friend in Illinois, in which he says :
"The stories about corruption or improper
motives influencing any Republican to vote
against conviction are, of . course, false. All
the pressure, and it was very great—more
than you knowpf—Was on the other side, ad
an investigation, if one is ever had, will
show. But for outside pressure I think no
such vote as thirty-flie could have been ob
tained for conviction on the eleventh ar
Otrn Irish fellow-citizens have good cause
for pride in the details of the storming of
Magdala which have been received by mail.
It seems that the brunt of battle and hard
ship wasborne on the plains of Abyssinia, as
ithas been borne on so many other fields, by
the Irish soldiers of the Queens army. What
that army would be without the • recruits
whom it draws so freely from the Emerald
Isle, we need not step to conjecture.
Tim telegraph agent of the Associated
Press in San Francisco gave a rather neat
specimen of what the late lamented Artcmus
Ward used to call "sarkasure." After an
nouncing the, under the - circumstances,
really wonderful Democratic victory in Ore
gon, the waggish agent adds: "The nomi
nation of Grant and Colfax excites great en
thusiasm here.," Now that is really good for
a telegraphic joke. '
Tim Democratic victory in Oregon was a
most signal one. The Democratic candidate
for Congress woes elected by a majority of I
about eight hundred; the Democratic coun
ty tickets were nearly all unanimously Demo
cratic. Radicalism is clean "done gone" on
the Pacific. First. California wheeled into
line to the "music of the Union"—now fol
lows Oregon. The last Legislature was
Radical by seven majority in joint
Tnz Chicago platform on the money ques
tion reminds one of the •old rhyme slightly
altered :
It wires in, and wires out,
And still it leaves all folks in doubt
If IL 11. Grant and S. Colfax
Mean pay in gold or in greenbacks.
ALEXAIWED, &moms has written an
other letter on self-expatriation, in which he
advises the young men of the South "to re
main, and, if need be, go down 'with the
A Ramcsb newspaper correspondent
asked Senator Ross what he was going to do.
"To mind my own business," was the prompt
reply. Re can't do that and remain long in
the Radical party. •
TEE followinglaconic correspondence was
left by Stanton -when he 'vacated the War
Itiells a talc of some piqpancy :
"Washington, Feb. 21,1868.
"Mon. E. M. Stanton :
"C. SuAmu."
. "Wesnuco.rox, Slay 26,1868.
"Hop. C., Supwer :
"Stuck !
THE Buffalo COmmercial;- Republican,
copies, without comment, this statement:
iStMtnotedthat stah men as DeWitt C.
Littlejohn, of Oswego, Zephenia Platt, of
Clinton, and Parker, of Schoharie, and the
hosts of the old Democracy that went off,
with Van Buren in 1848, are preparing to,
about face and march to the tune of Nation
al music as played by the great Democracy!'
Tim Georgia legislature will have in it
twenty-eight negroes,three in the Senate and
twentrtive in the House of Representatives.
There are eighty negroes in the South Caro
lina House of Representatives. These ne"-
groes are just about as .well qualified for
Legislators as the mtiles they used to drive
'before the war.
"Finn your guns," said is poor laboring
man in Detroit, while the Radicals were kid
ifYing:Grant's nomination, "you can't fool
me any longer. I voted your ticket until it
takes three dollars to buywhat I used to get
for , seventy-five cents ; and now think it's
about time, for a change P'
AT the city election • held in Norwich,
Connecticut, a few days ago, the Radical
ticket was elected by one hundred and sev
enteen majority—a Democratic gain of near
ly two hundred on last year's vote. The
vote polled was ten hundred and fifty-three,
the largest ever east. • '
Oles month from Saturday Past the Nation
alDemocratiC. - Convention, for nominating
candidates for President and Vice President,
convenes in - New York city. The Fourth of
.July is an auspicious day for the commence
ment of so great a work.
Tin: supporters of Mr. Chase •ill meet in
Philadelphia soon and adopt such measures
as will secure harmonious co-operation with
.4.11 e Democracy; believing that the true
course for all friends of the country is to band
together against the Jacobins.
SENATOR SArtsuunv is salubrious, and has
been so ever since the acquittal of Johnson.
—Chicago Post (Racl).
That is more than can be said of Wade,
Chandler, Yates, and other Senators, who
voted for conviction. •
THE States which have instructed •for Mr.
Pendleton are Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, lowa,
Nebraska, Oregon, California, and Kentucky,
and lie is understood to be the first choice
of Wisconsin, Minnesota, Maryland, and
Tennessee. .
kr is rumored that the Rev. Mr. Tyler, of
N. Y. city, who is writing a "History of the
Devil," has been summoned to Washington
by Butler, who proposes to suggest some
interesting autobiographies!. reminiscences.
Tlie following circular Is pertinent to the
opening campaign :
WAsirrsarcei Crrir, May 25,18118.
The undersigned requests l ithe Chairman of
all. State, county, city, township, or ward
Democratic and Conservatht committees,
associations or clubs,. to furnish the Con
gressional Democratic, Executive Committee
with the names of members of their associa
tions, for:reference (luring the pending Presi
dential campaign. Documents will be' fur
nished by this committee, on orders accom
panied by money, at the following rates:
For sixteen-page documents, in white
wrappers, and franked, .$l3 per thousand.-
For eight-page ,documents, in wrappers a::d
franked,. $7 per thousand, or at the same
rate for a smaller number. In particular
cases they will be furnished gratuitously.
Communications may be addressed to Hon.
Samuel J. Randall, M. C.,,Washington City'.
J. R. DootarrLE.,
Chairman Congressional Democratic Execu
tive Committee.
"Grant captured Richmond !" says a Radi
cal smart fellow.
Yea, but the platform !
"Grant crushed the rebellion," claims a
"loyal" chap. ,
Yes, but the platform !
"Grant ended the war," asserts nuother ad
mirer of Ulysses B.
Yes, - but the platform !
It is not Grant you are asked to endorse.
It is that platform ! that odious, infamous,
execrable Chicago platform! that confession
of .political faith which approves of Making
600,000 ignorant and 'degraded Blacks, just
emerged from slavery, equal in the govern
ment to one fifth of the white voters of the
North Can you vote fur Grant on that
platform? That is the question.—Medford
Oazette. 4
Girard Correspondence.
DEIR OE:SERVER :-It would be quite safe
to say that summer has really commenced.
Our village and, vicinity never looked more
beautiful. The comilon expression of strong-,
erg, so many of whom come and go daily
from every town and village, now-a-days, is
that Girard is the most pleasant looking
place they know -of. Its surroundings are
certainly enchanting. Those who admire
the beauties of nature and those who regard
only: the stern realities of rich lands and
good crops, both find an abuodante with
which to delight themselves. Why men of
wealth, whose only task is to live at ease, do
not choose such quiet, beautiful places as
Girard for their residences is to be wondered
at. With all the privileges of a stirring
town; and near enough to enjoy the peculiar
favors of a city by a ride of less than thirty
minutes over the best railroad in America, it
would suit the most fastidious. A street has
been opened direct from - the depot to the vil
lage, over which, we are confident, street
cars will run as early as you have them on
State street. _Along this street many dwelling
sites have been sold. A few most desirable
ones remain unsold—splendid opportunity
for an editor's summer residence. Girard cer
tainly. owes much to the liberality-and energy
of Dan Rice, who is so deeply concerned m
the welfare of the village and vicinity, that
it is doubtful whether a transfer to the White
House would be, to him, desirable.
The "happy family" were advertised for a
re-union last Saturday night, and, getting
sight of the same bottle referred to last week,
we followed to the place of meeting, which
was Albee's Hall, at the tavern. Upon our
arrival, we found a dreary silence pervading
the assembly—the meeting, as yet, being,
"without form and void." The President,
with commendable courtesy, offered us front
seats, but not wishing to go forward quite
yet, we retained a secluded spot, strongly
impressed that the "place of honor was the
private station." An address by the candi
date "possessing the requisite qualifications"
was on the bills, and several Democrats, some
who labeired in the good old cause when the
expected speaker was strong in the faith,
chairman of Douglas meetings, and respected
President Lincoln enough to say that "he
was an old fool" In lieu of the address the
aforesaid candidate would make' a speech,
"for be had not prepared himself, and there
were but few out," both' of which assertions
were undoubtedly true. • About the time the
speaker arose, we glanced about the room at
the material:. An Ass-emblyman, a bank
rupt Register, Postmaster, Assistant Ass-es
sor, several tax CO - Hectors, candidate for Con
gress, candidat for Legislature, and a few
citiiens,among candidate
were several unterri
fied Democrats. Upon first entering the
Hall, we observed a lame placard upon the
wall announcing that 'gentlemen will not
form on the floor until called by the mana
ger." For a while we were undecided ns to
the nature of the performance. Was it to be
a war dance? or possilly a procession was to
be formed for a funeral 1 The melancholy
countenances rather indicated the latter.
At all events, the people are digging the
grave-for the corrupt party, which, for the
past few years,'has inflicted upon' the coun
try 'curses gxeviertia to endure.
The President, at this juncture, announced
that on account of the unexpected absence of
the committee upon resolutions he would
call upon the speakers present to make a few
remarks The Congressional aspirant pro
ceeded to say, "that at present there is not
much to say. He could not get steam up,
but that so soon as the Democrats made their
nominations there would. be something to
pitch into and talk about." How' grand a
thought! How weighty the conclusion.
How widely different in spirit from the im
mortal Webster, whose virtue a candidate
should regard while he aspires to occupy his
honored position. Said the great statesman :
"If I am gifted with little of the- spirit which
is said to be able to raise mortals to the skies,
I have yet none, I trust, of that other spirit
which would drag angels down." About
this time, two gentlemen and a dog entered,
whereupon the President announced that as
the committee had arrived the resolutions
would be read. These were of the common
stripe, wailing for the poor soldier, who left
home and them, and went out to lay down
his life for his country while they stayed at
home, announcing a determination to sup
port the available•candidate and obey orders
generally. The - next speaker followed with
some good counsel as to the labor before
them. Ile.tehi. them "not to, be , deceived . ,
as he had been for yea* thinking the-Dein
ocratie party dead, for it would ncrer (lie."
Glorious truth ! Long after the fanatics, who
have reveled in the countrY's destruction and
crucified its brightest hopes; {hall lave rot
ted to common dust, will the guardian spirit
of true Democracy live to bear her up.
up, 'till she becomes the light of Nations.
When we departed, a facetious gentleman
Was, CSsessing the - patience of those present
with a speech ("he, , also, was 'unprepared,' ")
which reminded us forcibly of a balfol, lisp
ing schoolloy's first effort— ° .ou'd scarce
'speet one uv my age," &-c. We understand
that a roll of ills-holier was opened, and each
- recruit was recorded—bolter , arc to be l
Watched. The war-widows' husband arose 1
and said Something; and laughed, but mg in
formant says it was undiAnguishable.
"Happy family" gathers again on next Sat-:
urday night; as yet, your correspondent is
- without an invitation—may not get any.
We a innot close without noticing the glori
ous work done here by the Good Templars.
They have certainly outdone all other agen
cies in bringing joy to many - hearts. - Two
suspicious characters were arrested on Mon
day in the woods, a little smith of the village,
having in their possession a pair ,of fine
horses ; they were held until Tuesday night,
when the owner, who lives in the south-west
part of Geauga County, Ohio; came and
identified the animals. The prisoners will
ingly accompanied the officers to that County.
to be arraigned for the . crime. The Harugari
society held a festival in the woods near
here, on Tuesday. A large number of well
known citizens of our County were present,
an exceedingly pleasant time was experi
enced, and a favorable impressiowleft. with
the pillffic. Yours, '
ONw.uw Riour OSIVARD !
Into the valley of death,
Rode the six hundred.
But larger by hundreds multiplied into
millions than the doomed band who rode to
swift destruction, in Tennyson's poem is the
great cavalcade who are riding into misery,
worse than death hugging fever and ague
and other kindred diseases, when they can
be successfully combatted and conquered for
ever by the use of Mishlet's Herb -Bitters,
each individual at the same time thoroughly
improving his or her system, purifying the
blood and correcting, the tone of the stomach
with this great household remedy, fur the
legitimate result of the use of Mishler's Herb
Bitters is to ward off diseases arising from
malarious causes, and to effect a radical cure
where the disease has gained a footkoll. It
makes no difference how long the victim has
suffered from his complaint, nor how violent
'the disease itself may be, Mishler's Herb
Bitters will effect a speedy . and permanent
cure. Sold by all druggists and - dealer&
Dr. S. B. Hartman & Co., Proprietors, Lan
caster, Pa: jell-2w:
GROUNDLESS OBJEcTroNs. , —Objec in s arc
"sometimes raised against certain medicines
on the ground that they cure so many dif
ferent diseases. A moment's reflection will
expose the shallowness of such anargument,
for there is scarcely a medical drug-of any
kind that is not used for more than ono
*disease. The reason why 3lishler's Herb
Titters cures so many diseases is because it
is the best remedy ever discovered for a
deranged stomach, or dyspepsia, and because
it invigorates the entire system, strengthens
the nervous fibres, elevates the standard of
ail 'the vital forces, and sustains a most
healthful tone of the entire human organism.
Medicine that will do this, will cure any
'discase,for the simple reason that nature will
do the rest. It is a sure protection against
disease and if the importance of protective
medication were generally understood, no
family in the land would risk being without
this great-household remedy fora single day.
Sold by all druggists and dealers. Dr. S. B.
'Hartman & Co., Proprietors, Lancaster. Pm
jell?? V 7.
Erie Market Report.
The following are the buying prke, of the r
tail denied,:
bushel, 5011 73; Dried apples ? bushel.-
Potatoes bushel Ole; Turnips 11 bushel 40e;
Beets'? bushel 60e Onions - bushel '."-'7t ZO, I 1,0;
Beans ? bushel 0045 00•, liampberrl - e , ; t 3Oe;
Blackberries Ise; Cabbage. ? head e.
pßovisioNs:-Bnuer ; Cheese 'ft It, 12
l le; Lard 1111,20 c; , Eggspalozeit llt ; I leer, dress
ed, 'P B({t 10c ; Mutton, dressed, 7r! it, ine ; Pork,
dressed, 41 lb 17c ,• Hams, sugar cured, lb lse ;
Hams, plain, Vlb 14e ; Shoulders lb 1b.•; Pork,
heavy mess, 'V V
bbl $lO 00; Pork, clear, 1.; bW
00• • Dried Beef lb Mc.
MisCELLANEors—Clover Seed V bushel $7 00;
Timothy Seed Vt bushel $2 7564'1 00; Flax Seed
vlb $2 00 • Lumber, hemlock, $lO 00; do Pine,
common, SlB 00; doPlne, clear, 545 00; Slaingleg,
shaved, $1 30; do sawed $-1 ,• Hay ton $l6 DO:
Wood, hard, short, V cord $2 50; do hard, long,
cordls - 00.-
GUALse, FLotts Aro FEcn—The following are
the retail selling prices ; Flour, XXX - W. W.
bbl 515 00 ,• (14 XX red V bbl 513 00; (10 XX spring
bbl 511 50; Wheat, white winter, it bushel 53 00;
do red winter, V bushel $2 6.052 85' do spring,
$2 35C02 45; do seeds pring, $.2 00Q2 To; Corn p
bushel Si WI; Oats V bushel 85e; Meal =1 15)
$2 20: Feed It 1001bs 52 30.
P.elv Abbcrtvioneitts
4a-Advertihements, to secute inqert ion; must
be handed in by 9 o'clock on Thurbday morn
ing. All 4i-ertLsements will be continued :it
the expense of the advertiber, unle4s ordered
for a xpecillgtl time.
PROPOSALS will be received up to Mom'tar
evening, June 15th, for the completion of
the stone arch culvert on 7th street, over Mill
•Phinv and hpecilleatlon4 to be seen at
the office of the City Engineer.
G. 31. SMITH,
G. W. F. Sumirrrn, J. O. BAKER,
City Engineer. Street C.:OM.
Second Annual Pic-Nic
Thursday, June ISth, 1865.
The following athletic spurts will form a fea
ture of the occasion, commencing at 3 o'clock,
P: M. The winner of each game will le enntled
to a premium as designated below:
Foot ILlee, 1,10 yards. $2; Auger Shoot, or the
Blind Man's Target, ,1.1; Sack Race, 0' er Hur
dles, ,• 1 1; Cheelam Chalum, Potato Race, 52;
Climbing the Greased Pole, E.J.,; Jumping, 2.
Ileht"r4 String- l3and
Will be in attendance. The latter will furnish
the music for 'dancing. A first-class eonfec
tioner toss been engaged to supply the refresh
ments.. Admission to the grounds, 2•5 cnts.
Tickets for sale at May th Sews stand and
at the gate on the day of the pic-nle.
SPECI i.L.—The members of the Irish Ameri•
can Benevolent Association beg leave to thank
thetpublie for their past generous appreciation,
and to state that they will leave nothing un
done to make the present occastan one of the
richest enjoyment tf) all 'who may favor them
with their presence. A gen( ral invitation is
extended to the citizens of Erie anti vicinity.
Discharge in Bankruptcy.
I States for the Western District of Pennsyl
vania. Sam'l S. Griswold a bankrupt under this
Act of Congress of March. kl,liStl7, haying applied
for a discharge from all his debts, and other
claims provable under said Act, by order of the
Court, Notice is hereby given to alt persons who
have proved their debts, and other persons in
terested, to appear on the Bth day of July 889
at 10 o'clock A. DI., before S. E. W , Esq.,
Register, at his Mike In Erie, Pa., to show cause,
tinny they have, why adischarge should not be ,
granted to the said bankrupt. And further no
tice Is hereby given that the second and third
meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, re
quired by the '27th and :Nth sections of said Act,
will be bad before the said Register nt the same
time and place. S. C. McCANDLENS,
Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District.
Discharge in Bankruptcs.
States, for the Western District of Penn.
Sylvania. V. R. Gillett, a bankrupt under the
Act of Congress of Marc 1867, having applied
for a discharge from all his debts, and otliet
claims provable under said act, by order of the
Court, notice is herebygiven to all creditors
who have proved their debts, and other persons
interested, 'to appear on the Bth day of
July. istS, at 10 o'elocic, A. M., before S.
E. Woodruff, Esq., Register, at his office,
at Erie to show cause, if any they
have, why a th,:chargo should not be granted to
said bankrupt. And further notice is hereby
given that tbe second and third meetings of
creditors of the said bankrupt, required by the
Mit and :14U1 Sections of said act, will he had
before the said Register, at the same time and
place. S. C. 31cCANDLFM:
Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District.
John Limit, 13-10- Peach Street,
Retail Dealer in
Raving lately opened an entirely new stoek.
of goods, I am prepared to otter superior In4l
meats to all wbo may give me u call.
Remember the place, lilt Peach street, sout h
of the Depot. Erie, Pa. • ap9-3m.
JOB PRINTING of every kind, - in large or
small quantiti es,p lain or colored, done_ in
the beat stoic, and at moderate prices, at the
Attu abbertiontento.
Warrant in Bankruptcy.
fi11.1193 IS TO GIVE NOTICF:thaI. on the ith day
1 of May, tat' a Warrant in Bankruptcy
was issued out of the District Court of the Uni
ted States, for the Western District of Penn'a,
againstthe estato of Henry 11. Myers, of Union
tp., county of , Erie, in said district, adjudged
a bankrupt on his own petition: That the pay
ment. of any debts and the delivery of any pro
perty belonging to such bankrupt, to him or for
Lis W. ISLIA the transfer of any property by
him are forbidden by law; and that a meet-
Ong Of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove
their debts and to choose °near more Assignees
Of his estate, will be held nt a Court of Bank
, ruptcv, to be holden at the °Mee of the Register,
in Pa„ before S. E. Woodruff, Esq., Regis
ter in Bankruptcy for said district, on the 9th
day of July, A. D., 1868, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
U. S. Marshal, Messenger.
_By (}.l'. 1./.lvls, Dept. U. S. Marshal.
Jell -/
Warrant 'in Bankruptcy.
quits IS TO GIVE Nt,YrICE that on the Bth
.1. - llay - of Julie, A. D., MS, a warrant In bank
ruptcy was issued out pf the District Court of
the United States for the Western District of
Perin'a, against the estate of W. C. Hawkins,
of Erie City, In the county of Erie and
State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged
a bankrupt on his own petition; that the pay
ment of any debts and delivery of any proper.
ty belonging to such bankrupt, to him and for
his pse, and the transfer of any property by
hirmare , forbidden by law; that a meeting, of
the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove
thitir debts, and to choose one or more assignees
will be held at a Court of itankruptcy, to be
holden at the odico of the Register, to Erie, Pa.,
before S. E. Woodruff, Esq., Register, on the
131.11 day of Aug., A. D., Ist;g, at 11 o'clock, A. a,
U. H. Marshal, Messenger,
lly 0. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. :Marshal
Wakrant in - Bankruptcy.
rims is TO GIVE NOTICE that on the Bth
day of Jane, A. D., MS, a Warrant in
Bankruptcy was Issued out of the Dist rict Court
wf the United States, for the Western District of
Va.,againct the estate of J. B. S R. J. Morrison,
of rte city, In the county of Erie, and State of
Pennsylvania, In said District, adjudged a
bankrupt upon their own petition; that the
payment ofny debts and delivery of any
property belonging to such bankrupts to them
or for their tug, and' the transfer of any prop
erty by them are forbidden by law. A meet
ing of the cralitors of the said bankrupt,
to prove their debts and to choose one or more
Assignees of thclrestate, will be held at a Court
of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the
Register, In the city of Erie, before S. E. Wood
ruff; Esq.- Register In Bankruptcy for said dis
trict, on Esq.;
1:Irlt day of August, A. D., Da, at
11 lc, A. M.
711074. 0 04 A. ROWLEY,
[T. S. Marshal, Messenger.
By G. ft Davis, Dept. IL S. Marshal.
Jell- tw.
Vo LEN-rEnn
Warrant in Bankruptcy.
Films IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 6th
I day of June, A. D., I WI, a warrant in bank
ruptcy was issued against the estate of Jas. A.
Wigs, of th" city of Erie, county of Erie and
State of l'enn'a, who has been adjudged a bank
rupt on kis own pi [Mon that the payment of
any debts and delivery of any property belong
ing to him, for his tie, and the transfer of any
property by him are forbidden by law; that'a
meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to
prove them debts and to choose one or more
..I , ..slances of hil . state, will be held at a Court
of Ban kmptey, to be holden at the Mike of the
Register. in the city of Erie, Pa. before H. E.
Woodruff, Esq., in said District, on the
lath day of August', A. a, LW, at o'clock, A.
TiiomA. , 4 A. ROWLEY,
U. H. Marshal. Messenger.
hl G. I'. Davis, Dept. U. H. Marshal.
IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 4th
1 day of June. A. D. 1M,5, a warrant in Bank
ruptcy was issued against the estate of M. B.
Anderson, of Waterford, in the county of Erie,
State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged
a Bankrupt on his own petition; That the pay
ment of any debts and delivery of any property
belonging to such bankrupt, to him and for him
use, and the transfer of any property by him
are forbidden by law; that a meeting, of the
creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their
debts, and to chnosP one or more Assignees of
his estate, will be held nt the Court of Bankrupt
,-v, to he holden at the office of the Register, to
the city of Erie, in the county of Erin and State
of Penn'a., le-f,ire S. E. NVo)druff, it-enter, on
the I'2lll day of Autitt , t, A. I). Pa,s, at 11 e'clock,
By G P. D
ruIIIS IS TO GIVE NOTWE that on the Bth
day of June, A. 11. 1-6.1, a wart ant in Bank•
ruptey i,,1101 against the tst ate of C. I).
Whitney, of Union Mills, in the county of Erie,
State of Penn , ylvania, Who has been adjudged
a bankrupt on his own petition; That the pay
ment of any debts and de/ivery of any property
belonging to such bankrupt, to 111111 and for his
use, and the transfer of any in operty by hint
are furl olden by late; that a meeting, of the
eredit.irs of the said bankrupt, to pro., e their
debts and to choose (MO or more Assignees of
his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy
to be holden :it the attire of the Register, in the
city of Elie, in the count , : of Eri, , and State of
PLnii be fore S. E. Woodruff, Ilegister, on the
12th day of Aur,ust„.A. I). Weloek, A.
U.S. Marshal, Mes,euger.
1:j Davis, Dept. U. 8. Marshal.
Tills IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the Stir
day of .tune, A. lb a warrant in Rank
ruptey was is , ,ued zn , t the estate of Ituftrt
L. Eerkin. , , of Fairview tnv'n , !:;p, in E,e musty
of Erie, State of l'entt'y - Ivanis, tvho has been
adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition; That
the payment of any debts and delivery of any
propertfbelonging. to such bankrupt, to - hlm
and for his use, and the transfer of any property
by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of
the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their
debts and to choose one or more signeeg of his
estate, will be held at a Court of Bartlchiptcy. to
be holden at the office of the Register, In the
city of Erie, in the county of Erie and State of
Penn a, before S. E. Woodruff, Register, on the
12th - day of August, A. D. feat,. at 11 o'clock, A.
r. S. Marshal, Messenger.
By G. P. Davis, Dept. P. S. Marshal.
In the matter of the ac-) Erie County Or
count of Joseph Waldron, t plfans' Court. No. 4
adra'r of Chas. Colt deed.) Eeh'y Term, 1.k1.N.
SONS NTERESTED In the distil
.l-1-hution of the monies in the hands of Jos.
Waldron, as administrator of the estate of Ots.
Colt, deceased, are her he notified to make
proof thereof, belore me, at my office, No. 701
State Street, Erie Pa., on the _7th day of June,
lnst.:at le o A.
.111,11 ton
Th rouith and Dtreet Route between Plillade
ph la, 'Milli/Imre, Harrisburg, Williams
port. and the
OF rr.s.xsyLvANl.l.
(AN an after MONDAY, MAY 13th,. ISIS, the
ains on the Philadelphia Erie
run a‘, follows: •
• 'WE', 'SWARD.
Mail Train loaves Pfilladolphiaat 11:15 p.m. and
arrives at Erie at p. m. Express; Philadelphia at 1:1:::9 in., and
arrive-. at Erie at ltaii a. in.
Warren Aceommadat lon leave , ' 'Warren at I'3oo
.C.trry at 1:1) p. rt., and arrives at Erie
p. in.
'Mail Train r.eavesllrie at 11:00 . x. in., and arrives
at Philadelphia at 7:10 a. tn.
Erie Expro6q leaves Erie at 7:10 p. and ar
•• rave:. at Philadelphia at 3eoo p. in.
Warren Aeconnnotlation leave, Erie at 8:00 a.
in., Curry at :tr.) . a. a rri . .• 6 at Warren
at 11:.W a. In.
and Exprev, e.,nn6 e : vita g Creel: and
fly Rid er 11
TII ft4/I",'N I.
Etie Pittsburgh Railroad:
fAN AND .11'7 , 11 MOND . Ay, 3 , ..Ly 1., 1 ,3; Oil ,
- •
10:05 A. M., Pit tsbur4,. - • ; • ta
t ions, and arrives at .1. &. 1% IN
ter at 1:10 p. as., at New Castle at 0: .1
and at Pittsburgh at tla.o p.
0:00 P. M., Accommodation, arrives at Pitts
liurgh at 10:0d m.
7:15 a. nn., Edo Express leaves Pittsburgh and
arrives at Erie 2:13p. In.
4:a - ,P. M., Accommodation leaves Pittsburgh
and arri% Cs at Erie 1:20 a.
Pittsburgh Express south connects at James
town at 12.:40 p. In., with .1., F. Express for
Franklin and Oil City. Connects at TraliSfer at
1:451). m., with A.& G. W. Accommodation west
for Warren, Ravenna and Cleveland. •
Erie Express north connects at A. & 0. Wa
Transfer at 11:10 a. m. witifMall east for Mead
ville Ft anklin and Oil City, and at Jamestown
with J. &F. Express fur Franklin.
Train,: connect at itochestar with trains for
Wheeling and all points in West Virginia, and
at Pittsburgh connections for Philadelphia,
Harrisburg, Baltimore and Wa.thi77gtoll, via
Pennsylvania Central Railroad.
Erie Express; north connects at Girard with
Cleveland & Erie trains westward for Cloveland,
Chicago and all points in the West; at Erie with
Philadelphia .1: Erie Railroad for Corry, Warren,
Irvineton, rid Mute, and with Butialo & Erie
Railroad for linflitic, i.e., und:Ark. likwara Falls
and New York City. J. J. LA WitENCI•:,
deelir67-tf • Sup:rintendent.
IN .I".lllCkitti
E. M. COLE ez,. SON
Itarpei3' and ‘g azi 75 cents
per volume.
l:o.lev'4, awl Man..nne•, at per
Harper, and Frank papers, at :-.=i
per year,
We art) al ;o making and selling
rt Ia In • 113 co s.!
nimlery ov,r •t• • Narlonal !tank. cor
ner Rtuto and
. _
JOB MINTING of every , kind, in large or
small gnantlliev, plain or colored, done in
the best style, and at moderate prices, at We
OUiefycrtLll e.
Jel 1-1 w
U. S. Manhal, Mrsseiiger.
C. F. 11:irAial.
Jell -iva
Auditor's Notice.
011 all Night Trains
1i..7RE.1) L. 7•rr,r•_rt,
ileb) abberttoements,
Burton & Griffith's Cornet
Prices - Have Conte Dow
1324 Peach Street, Corner ie,th
For particularu gre firaull
conic In and nice our
Reduced Pr ices'on Tea,,
• On east 12th Street, between
Streets, a good 2 story hotise ,ll7 .: . ; ..4-
ete... Lot 7034x1C0 feet to 1t foot ~ti„
her of bearing fruit trees on lot
ter. Price 81,W). Terms ea.y. cF
11.A.YES et. KEpu,
No. I t•
The fine two story - t modern
brick dwelllnc on Hth street, I,t
Burton A: Grllllth's Store. Frame
the rear of Lot. HAY Es;
No. I
Situate on Wallace St., east sltiv, .2d .1„
,of loth. Lot GsxEti, completely ht , , , ;
ei - olce bearing Grape Vines, g
ry house, 9.8x31 stone et , llhr u .; .
the house. Price $2,300.
11 A Y IZET •
No. 11:••;1 1:,
We have a number of very de,irai.., r
ces to offer customers. For particu'a:%
our office, No. 1-Reed Rouse.
tuy2l-tf. HAYES! 5. 1.7:'
Boarding and Sale stam,,
Corner of French and :lb St
SUBSCRIBERS havuh! the
I lately occupied by Bli nun r
. 1„1
would Inform the public that ti a oy
chased an
of Horses, Harness and Carring,s, an I -
pared to give perfcct satisfaction to a„;
tavor theta with a call. We have
In Northwestern Pennsylvania.
Erie City Steam Bakery!
W. J. SANDS & CO., l'ropricton,
'Manufacturer:, %,f all klipl
Crackers, Bread,
And tiolc in:inufartuic r of
Fty.t,lry, comer State - and •
Tll,lO 1N no use , enain.4 t No,
:Co use t. , .ottv4 to tht• oy
No use going to ,op
'S'ort+e to pay 1 , 14 prn., -
,Groceries and Proykion,
th,r, I; a
on the corner of
Sth and State Street•
Try the Cash Store
Keep always on hand all sylo
Pretiella, Kid, Goat anl
Laced, Button and Confab
• B CO U. r r
S •
Of the tint,t quality, which 111
for durability, a, \yell a, to lit,
will :ell as
Low us the Lowe.t
WC 7.1.1h0 make to onit T. litp
utten,led. to. •
niy - '2l-tt 1. E.
Having removed Lt, .toe of go^ I• t'
store in the Reed Ilou•e formerly oet tn ,
Messrs. Stephens St WO& y, tak, • •
sure in announcing to Ins old en , i , tl, ,
the eiti7ens of Erie generally. that he
ed out a
Dry Goods, Dress Goods,
For Spring and Summer \\
I intend to keep at all times the
the market,•and a full assortment Moen
ill my line. Pnrchasers can alwal" ,
try huyina- of me than by going East.
Itenk,q,lber the place
No. 6 Reed House.
South side of the Park
aplt, t r.
Iles opened a new
at the eorucrut
Eleventh and State Streets.
To which he asks the atkiit ion
anything, in Ills line. lie n ill .1 , .t 1
hing in the
rt o )t• c INI
And warrants his goods•io be equal la
in the market.
Cs` The highest market pure
an kinds of country produce•
Warrant in Bankrapla—,
pins IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on ft,.
of May, A. D., lsos, WJlnknt
ruptey was Mucci out of the I otrl4l
the United States for the Western
Pentia, against the estate of ts.olltiel o.
and Lemuel Fisher, of Erie City. in the •e“,..
Erie and State of Penn'a,w Ito have be, a •
bankrupts upon their own petown
payment of any debts and del o.:e0 4 •
pertv belonging, to such bankrupt., :0
for their use, and the transter of :WY fr It
by them and forbidden bv law; thst
of the creditors of billd baUhrUFt s
-their debts and to choose one or in , a`: •
of their estates, will be held at a Court
ruptey, to be, holden nt the office of r. .t• ,
ruff. In the Court House, In the et* 0 1
fore S. F. Woodruff, I•Lsrr. Iteifister..on
day of July, A. li. Isits at 10 0
By G. P. Davis, Dept. S.
Warrant hi Bankruptcy .
x[lllls i3 7 ro GIVE NOTICE tfiat on the c 2 •`" ;
1 of 34ay, A. D., I k.,t,a Warrant in Bniat,n.,l,
was homed against Bo • .tats of Williank' - `,„.
of the city of Erie, in the county or Er''''• - •••.
State of Pennsylvania, who has been ,
a bankrupt on his own petition;
ment of any debts and dell% er3 an, l'••
belonging to him, for hi, use, an•l tF.. trt
of any property by him are ha , •:d n
that a meeting of . the
mpt, to prove their debt- in 1 Irt
more Assignees of Ilk •
Court of Ban kruptey, to 1 c 11••;•len
of the Iteol.ter, in the city of ' •
Worstruir, Esq., Itegi.t ct itt sat.' discr! ,,, .."',.
9th day ot July,
THO A: D.,
MAS A. 15:i, at 10 0 ; "
1:01V1.: 4
H. Mat.hal, 11e55e.r.•,..•
BY (..4. Dept. Nar;haul•*l",'
1.1) 01 Y 1