Important jloticto. w a nts for Sale at the Observer Office. I v following blanks am kept for sale at the ow n er Mike, and can be furnished in any ,mi••• • desired: s.ofr, of all kind , , single and In lxx)ks. Waal; Receipts, Kingle and in books, •Aarninteis Neds„eomnion and New York 41 common arid alth extra clause. ''':k.‘st-ni3eints for the Sale of Land. we Certificates. " ' rr3n •Wa ‘• for the rraßntelief of the Poor. ,on Bonds. lu'ditictit Roads, Common and Tight Form. %Amon and Tight Form. , Same - elms and Search Warrants. a,attions and Scire Facins. • .unistrators' and Guardians' Bonds. salt 11 Warrants. it it, floral and At mennient. ''• ter of Attorney. ,1, ~c a n• and Refusals. • , e Petitions and Bonds' 1 .-,,annt• o ts. tht•am le, Lieu. „, ,ot•• ,ac Attachment. cct. vs Endorser. , this', Sales and Bond , . ~araltment••, . tt,r sate and For Rent. - ' tICE Ltsr.—Dohle Sheet Deeds $1,25 per 14., e N, per half dozen. Single Sheet .Niortgazes 75 cents per dozen; 40 cts. ,i,17e11. Notes and.Recelpts 73 cents per fire d : cents per fifty; 10 cents a dozen. In c, k , a oil , Modred $1.00; of fifty 50 cents: of ;,,ty,tive eats. All other blanks are got • sheet. of uniform size, at 40 cents per • or 'Li eents per half dozen. Where small aro oitiered by mall 10 tints addition eleirged for postage. ' my7-tc. tgents for the Observer. ~„, ~dieted the following gentlemen as in the places named, to transact any vonnect ion Nrlth the °Mee. persona „ thuhiselN e 4 illtki/tAA to IN can hand na,ney, and I heir receipts will he RC. „;„10,1 the F.,:tine as if given by ourselves: nio, Heath. Centre - A-leo-W. Wthion. vd.L,ute--Nelion Clark. tina c-Wm. J. Welker. 1.1 3 ,11, , --D. W. Howard; I.,,ings‘ tile-Capt. G. J. Whitney. ,Artansburg - John G. Burlingham. die-L:irk Ewing. W• , •••rw , l-AV. C. White. .. a Borough-3i. V. IJ. thrown. TownKhip-Mo‘es E. Lincoln. Stone_ ,rd-C.ipt. D. W. Hutchinson. i'nek and Lund v's Lane--Win. Sherman. .n I gileld-';liken turd. C. Cauffinatt. ,;;,burg-I.yinan Robinson. ToNcw.hip-E. Pinney. r•liithoro-MfaCIIS Saley. reek-Wm. Salt:sin:tn. die-Edward Jone-,. f A. Tabor. ,-.Smolt J. Jztelt•on. 13115intss Dtrrctort) W 1101. 1 , GROCERS. ~., , t, Ilitrites, ez Walker, 25 and 2i N. Park .. , A NI lie, :Ale and 502 French st. , ..! 41 ,t Itrevellier, 513 French st. Wilt ILES \ LE ROOTS AND SHOT'S. , , ~ 1,:,. A clai k, :72 North Park. BOOTS AND SHOES. ii , 1.0 k, 11 Park Row. ' . 7 smith, :iiii i't.ttc ,treet. • I.9vichart, Si ('o„ 19 North tt k. i ic %urn, 71,5 State ,treet. Pirticr, slit State st. i. Ft at,., Jr., SIIP4 State st. ROOK STORE.. inzbev & NleVreary, North Park. ~ Spattont, A2:4 French st. FLOUR .1 FEED. 11 It. flit ver“ irk, Park Row. Routh .1 Bro., 519 French st. • . ~ alli Line & SOll, 1239&ttate St. LIQUOR STORES, ~ , , -,t t ,e Michael, . 1 1-'"I State st. ..,,,. If. Smith, LS North Park. " MUSIC STORES. •, I , I , ,7,t,c,1cr,5:..1) State at. ~.. 1\ in. Willing, ra; State st. • , -- -1 SEWING MACHINE AGENCIR , ,. ~. 1 . 1, r .k Wilson, 427 State Rt. ,i,l„...eiring, Machine, 002 French at. ... ..,. r , sewing Machine, 52.9 French at. , r .1 Baker, 839 State at GLASSWARE r 9 r_ , h1: , . 11ir53 & '(South Park,_ ( PRODUCT...t . I:, n 'ICF.III - & • „•, . I ;lennA 'l2 Park Row. ~. Ito.enzweig;sl4 State st. W.\TCHES it JEWELRY. , t A 11Qa•r.,2 Park Row. koktin, 24 North Park. HATS .ND CAP*. ' I \% 2t North Park: /, IL!'t, 013 State street, t, r , 5271 i French at, ;I smith. 1:15. French gt. coNFECTIONERY STORES. r S Burgess, 431 arid 700 State street DRI , GS: AND MEDICINV.S. • B. Barnum, 1317 Peach street. Viers Elliot, 4D State street. Ball dlr Warfel, 61.0 State st. Doll, 1312 Peach street. 1. R. Carver & Co., 21 North Park. Wm, Nick & Sons, 702 State street. Sr. S. Dickinson k 50n,711 State street. DRY GOODS. \ (emelt. Stephens It. Merrill. ~ , ,cker, Koster A: Lehman, 13.50 Peach st Morrison Bros, 714 State St. P 21. nrichs, 716 State St, /a.m. Churchill & Co., 3 . Noble Block. I , ,enrweig & Bro., 512 State st. irk, Booth & Co„ 5 Reed House Block DRY GOODS AND CARPETS D. ;tendert. Gross & Foster. W.rner Bros., 506 State St. GROCERIES. r, , irten a Griffith, 1:1.1t Peach St. rl 1. Field a: Co., 1025 " J. Rexford h Co., 1321 S T. Brahender, 1216 " il,nry Beckman, 301 State st. ,Nhall, Christian .F Craig, 21 North Park .101 T, 515 French st. k Minnie, Corner 6th and State St. ? F. Becker et Co., 531 French st. French st. William Mallory, 527 French st. s.4lll.entecker, 624 State st. :z %% Claus, 31 East Fifth st, haaf, 7 0 IState it. PHTOGRAPHS. over ltl, O Rosenzweig's Meek. 1. Lott, 1107 Peach St. I. Dunn, OA Pr til>t State street. :ope Bros., Farrar Hall Building. • h Wirer ,k Co., over 1521 Peach St. TOBACCO AND CIGAR. r ii. Welshman. 13111 Peach Si, S Askine, 70$ State st. 701 State Kt. w. Mehl, 517 French st: Y sterner, ad State st. HARDWARE. • anon s Co., 1321 Peach st. " Pierce et Co., MO State st. , ekev S Shannon, 007 French st. ...4.lden, 41 French it, STOVES AND TINWARE Vantassel, I=4 Peach ~t. -I ..tbard Bros„ 701 State L -f MaYer d: Son, 1215 State mt. ,tr, Johnson & Co., 1018 and 10 State st 11 arphv. b.. 2 North Park. ro .1161 Rassatrm st. GENER.VI. UNDERTAKERS. H Rlith t k Co., 813 State st. PERNITURE WA REROOMS. : II Riblet S Co., SIS State at. _ T.T!MBEIt & Ball, State st., near depot. CLOTIII'NG STORES. 3 Pn , he im,r 4 2t Son, Gil State st. & Menet:, lr 1 State tit. 'Tyner, Co, State st. 1. Kuhn 5.. , state St. S Meyer, 4 Noble Block. • L Ross, 570. 10 's7ortli Park. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. • a • .. ss Thompson, 521 French st. Sill, 515 French st. • '.‘" Hutchinson. Girard. Pa. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. stz wart, 30 North Park, house 417 State st. f Fraser, GlomcepathisD, 023 Peach at. MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS. 15 7. Blake, South Park. M. Curtis, 5 South Park. Misses McGrath. dr French St. Hawkins, 1310 Peach st. BRASS FOUNDRIES. - •f•k & Ilretz, 1123 State st. • kyIiINISTS, FOUNDERS A 315 BOILER MAKERS. • , • 'Tien, Hall & Co., 3d and Pencho..ts. PLANING MILLS. •-• P. Crook & Son, cor. 9th and Peach st.s. - 45: Co.. corner 11th awl French st. Jones; corner 11th and Holland sts. Ilcotz, 1214 Peach st. ERIE DI3IE SAVINGS and LOAN CO. Prcst. M. HARTI.XI3, Vice Prest \V. pOLToN, Secretary and Treasurer. ME= .f.I.NGE NuELE, W. A. GAI.IMAITII, -Aeon. METCALF, SELDEN MARVIN, 'IX H. BLlvi ' M. GRISWOLD, a'' (. .SELt•EN, G. F. BREVILLrEII, ;‘,J .WIIIImAN, L. 1.. LAID. " " , :iii.vicAFF, M. HArrri.Ein, I;. IS. DEL %MATER, 31eadv1lle.. t 46) 1 , l UStitution is now fully organized, •--erely for t he transaction of banking opera lie' room under the Keystone Bank, ' , FINER of ~ TATI: and EIGHTH STREETS It open% with I Capital Stock of *lOO,OOO, Prlvklege of Increasing tohalf a million. ,44 kt3 and dkennnts transacted, and pnr -6' Made of all kinds of satLsfactory securl 0 4 To the eltizetv,generally this Bank offers ftcellent opportunity for laying by their ' 4l l havizip, as interest will be allowed on lifPosits or one Dollar or Upwards. IISPECIAL DEPOSITS...O Decial ka.tur , of the Bank will be the re- Cuoti, rate keeping of all kinds of Bondi; •t• I Secant ifai. Jewelry, 'Plate, r which a " t ift PIRE AND BUIJOIL.A.R ROOFP VAULT .eetl carefully provided. fry ) , th, having - any propertv of this character Ulf.> to 'deposit in, a aecure place, . 4 I'4l ' l thief ature worthy their attention. JOI-IN GENSHEIMER & SON, DRALEIus llr 4(411111 g and Bents Fundsidgg Goods VAISE.II. OF SEVENTH STREET, ERIE. PA. WEEKLY OBSERVER ERIE, PENN'A, JUNE 4, 1868 As the selection of a Congressional candi date in both parties is being considerably dis cussed, it may be 'well to reprint the follow , ing table of the vote of the district in 1866, when Messrs. Scott and -Scofield were the opposing candidates.. On that occasion, the '-hostility engendered among the Radicals by- Mr. Johnson's changeof front, caused'party lines to' be more closely drawn than they would have been otherwise, and the exciting Presidential canvass this year will probably have an influence of nearly the same kind : corxrins. REP. DEM. MAJ. Eric 7,237 3,957 R. 3,280 Warren • 2,687 - 1,572 R. 1,115 31eKean 877 - 714 R. 163 Fore,t 100 76 R. 24 Elk 376 :916 D. 549 Cameron 374 303 R. 71 %Jefferson 2,015 1,912 R. 103 • • Clearfield 1,650 2,786 ' D. 1,136 Total 15,316 12,236 IL 3,080 • SINCE writing our article in another place, Mr. Scofield has been duly announced as-a candidate for Congress in this county. lie I has made up his mind to "beard the lion in his lair," and meet his enemies on their chosen battle ground. The notice to this effect is in the shape of a communication numerously signed' by citizens of North East, which appears as a standing advertisement in the Radical organs. It states that their action has been taken without Mr. Seotield's knowledge, which "will do to tell the ma rines." The Judge is an eminently Modest man, andln view of this trait of his charac ter we are ready to make due allowance for his unwillingness to appear. as -a voluntary candidate, after having held the office three terms in succession. His deteimivation to enter the primary canvass in our county has thrown the Radical cohorts into a flutter such ar they have not experienced for years 7 (lens. Whallon, Walker and Cutler immedi• ately issued orders to their respective sub commamters to arm and equip their forces for the fray, and ithe campaign that has been inaugurated is expected to be the fiercest and deadliest m our political history. We in cline to the belief that the' bold int Adel. has the best organized and diseiplintsl army, and will win an overwhelming, thongli hard fught victory. THE meeting of busines , iilnen on Tuesday evening to discuss . the adv,antage of estab lishing manufacturing enteiPrises,is a move ment that ought to receive the zealous en couragemeni of all our citizens. It is the first step in the right direction that has been taken for ye.trs, and we hail it as' ;tn auspic ious sign of the times The statement teas made that capitalist, like Gen. Reed, Milton Courtright and John A. Tracy stand ready to second any movements that bid fair to re sult to the advantage of the city, and a dis position is prevalent among all our wealthy men to lend a helping hand. Let those who have inaugurated the'move keep up a brave disposition, and allow nothing to dampen their ardor until they have built up a senti ment in the community that will result in turning its energies into a proper channel. The remark was well made by Mi. Wetmore that it is futile for Erie, with Buffalo and Cleveland so much better circumstanced, to expect to become a great commercial port; and every day convinces us the more strong ly that our main hove of prosperity must rest upon the establishment of many facturing op erations, tor which our advantages of loca tion adept 11, in a degree hardly rivalled by any other Labe city. City finance, The annual report of the city Oompti oiler shows the receipts for the year 1867 to have been $219,745, of which $43,119 are reported as "warrants in circulation." Of this sum, 0,000 were from the sale of improvement bonds, $46,315 for special, sewer and paving tax, and $13,603 from the sale of S. & E 11. ,toot:. The expenditures on general a,•- count were $5,103 than the receipts, leaving that sum hi the trea , ury on the let of May. Among the (Allen,- items are the following: Printing $769, Fire department $10,271, Police $7,146, Paving and catch 1)a -sins $33,619, sewers $73,258, Interrst and dist:mints $10,252, work on streets and bridges $21,507. The city has liabilities to the amount of $46:1,566, which will probably be increased to some extent during the present year. Thee include the 7 per cent: water works loan, $236,800; the 7 per cent. im provement boudg, $50,000; the 6 per rent. P. E. IC. It. bonds, $124,100; 'balance on Park House property, $8,867-; and warrants in circulation to the amount of $43,119. The city tax assegsed for the present year is ti:66,- 412, of which $311,471 are for the payment of interest. The city own% real estate be the sum of $19;150. Radical Primary Herting, Our readers are nuttily :twat e that the Radicals Of this county halve, adapted whit is known as the Crawford County sy.tetn of making nominations—that the members ofi, the party will vote clircct for the candi dates they prefer. instead of delegating their authority to representatives in Coun ty convention. The day fixed upon for choosing the party ticket is the eleventh of duly, and from this time to then the-Radi cal cauldron will boil and bubble with con- A.antly increasing agitation. is the mode of conducting the system is comparatively un known to the larger portion of our citizens, we give a summary of the rules which have liven adopted by the Radical Co. Committee. Ist. Every candidate must have his name announced in one or more of the county pa pers at least three weeks previous to the Pri 'mary meetings, stating the office 'he wants, and that he will abide by the decision of the party. 2d. The Radical voters will meet at the usual places of holding the fall elections, at 1 o'clock, p. tn., and elect one of the persons present for Judge and two for clerks; who shall constitute a Board of Election. The polls are to be kept open until eight o'clock in the'evening, there being no occasion to deprive poor Democratic voters of the privi lege of the ballot, as was iutentloi by the new State Registry law, enacted by the Radicals of the Legislature, which requires them lobe closed at six o'clock. 3d. The votes are to be certified and placed in the hands of the Judge or one of the clerks, who will meet in the Court House, from all portions of the county, at two o'clock: p. in., on the Tuesday following; and the person having the highest nninber of votes for any office shall be declared the regular nominee, and his support be binding on the members of the party. 4th. When two or more persons have an equal number of vote, for the t•atne office, the Judges shall ballot for a choice front tho ,, e having the highest vote, and the one who has the mo,t Judges in hi , favor ,ball be the ECIEMI3 sth. The Judges may reject, by a majority vote, such return, a, bear evidence of fraud, either in conducting the election or other wise, but only to the' extent, of the fraud committed. Gth. The Convention of Return Jtlge,, with such e%cpntions,ai arc above named, will have tie .arse genera: e ut-rot over the affairs of the oath the .lelegAte eonven tions have hitherto.pos-e.2 , 0 li change 'the mode of makin ,, nomination=. whenever the party, by a thajority vote at the I.rintary meetings, them to do. I,lo‘ idea that due public notice ha- previt,u,ly lwen given by tile Co t_ on. wit tee. WE suspect that the great soantial ease with which the Dispatch azitated the com munity in the beginning of the'week, exists mainly in its local editor's imagination. ,i 1 -- Court Proceedings. The following cases were disposed of in the Court of Quarter Sessions, after our re port in last week's issue had been made up. The trial list was less important than usual, and the jurors were discharged on Thursday evening : Wm. Cleaves,—assault and batters. Plead guilty, and was sentenced to pay a fine of '45 and costs, and ten dayslanprisonment in the county jail. Thomas Bryan,---obtaining' .goods under false pretenses. True bill and 71 die prior. en tered by leave of Court, on payment of costs. Curtis Dark—assault and battery. Fined t.. 1 and coos. _ Anthony Uhr,—sellitig liquor on Sunday. Plead guilty to selling liquor without license. Fined *BO and costs. Dornaness Vetter,—selliug liquor on Sun day. Plead guilty to selling liquor without license, and tined 480 and costs. Mrs. Langworthy,—larceny, four counts. Guilty, and sentenced to one year in the Western Penitentiary on each count. John Deitly,—assault and battery. Not guilty, but defendant to pay three.fourths of the costs. ' Kayram Keenan and Edward DondOn,— assault and battery and riot. Dondon sen tenced to pay a fine of F ; QO and costs ; Keen an to pay a like tine and costs, and sixty days imprisonment in the county jail. Larry Scannon,—assault and battery with intent to kill. Not guilty. Charles C. Meneeier and others,—assault and battery and riot. True bill as to assault and battery and lie& pro. as to riot. Wm. Phelps,—assault and battery and re sisting an officer. True bill as to assault. Not guilty, and costs divided. Edward Sheehan.—selling liquor without license. Guilty. Fined fifty dollars and costs, and to pay live dollars to Law library. Defendant bad a license, but did not have it hung up'in his bar-room. C. T. Reed, Sen.,—nniNanee in the matter of the Sixth street dam. True bill, and de fendant held' in $3OO to appear next term. A.. P. Fassett,--lareeny. True bill. and continned,to next term. John Dwyer,—surety of the peace. Sea: tented to pay the rosts„and give hail in $lOO to keep the peace for six months. Sylvester Beckus,—assault and battery with intent to commita rape. This case was on trial when we went to press. last week. Not guilty, an alibi having been proved to the satisftction of the jury. THE Republican, in speaking of the change in the nominating system of its partY;takes occasion to repeat its slurs upon some' of the former nominees, which we vainly appealed to it to explain some weeks since. It says: "The old system has for ten years, to our personal knowledge, worked hadly—produ cing unfortunate ,ilissensious in the party ranks, and resulting not unfrequenily in fill-' ing some of our ist important localofficeh with men whosif principles are to-day and were -then as an agonistic to those of the great majority of the voters of the county as ate the politicall;pinions of Fernando Wood, Clement L. Val lan dightun or Jefferson Davis. For this anti 111:111V other reasons we are heartily thankthlfor the change." Now, we insist up• - nt it that this is an unfair way of treating the gentlemen for whom the allusion is intended. Who arc these heterodox indi viduals that have played such sad havoc with the party " principles," and inflicted-so se vere a wound upon our neighbor's sensitive system? Which "important locatioffices" have they filled, and what are the pitrtienlar crimes for which they arc indicted and so summarily sentenced ? Is our Radical friend Lowry, who thinks John Brown a saint, and negro spffrage the cure-all for our national ills, one of them? Does it mean our amiable friend Walker, or the polished and eloquent Babbitt? Is-it designed as a caustic rebuke of the Chairman of the County Committee, or can it refer to some of the very numerous gentlemen who trice won immort'al honor in the legislatiN•ehnlis at Harrisburg? Whoev er they may be, our eotemporary owe: it to itself, to justice, and to puldie curiosity to name theM at once. Su sweepipg an asser tion demands a speeitie C.Xpiall:qloll. The Radical party hangs in awful suspense await ing the exposure, and, depend upon it, that the men who have• betrayed the "sacred trust repqsed in them," will be made to feel its condign revenge. THE Radical Congressional nomination is daily becoming more an object of interest to tho,e who participate- in our local politics. The impression at present appears to be that Scofield will have the votes of the conferees font Warren, Jefferson, Clearfield, McKean and Forest on the first ballot. Jefferson has already endorsed lcgu, and Warren i‘ certain to give hint its support. Elk and Cameron will support' Henry Souther, of Ridgway, but as hi,-nomination is by no means possible, both will probably, and the latter cer tainly, fall back -- -Mt Scofield as their next choice. Scofield's friends say that he in tends running in r this county,:and seem to think that he stands a fair pro - snect.of carry -Mg it. If he kecpS out of the.contest in Eric county, Whallon.'s chances Of getting a ma jority of the votes at the primary meetings look best, he having solicited and secured 'Plisti.ges of support from a large portion of the township leaders. Messrs. Walker and Cutler do not appear to be making much ex ertion, though it may be that quiet influ ences are at work of which the public gen erally arc' not aware. There is some talk of a movement to have one or both these gen tlemen withdraw, and form a combination of their friemr. to defeat Wltallom who , e claims to support arc , looked upon with the utmo- - - . 1 contempt by most of the party manager,. Isrmu:srixo CEnEmoNy ON THE —A meeting of citizens interested in the erection of the Marine Hospital Was held on Wednesday evening, to make arrangements for the living of the corner-stone of that edi fice on the Fourth of July next. It was re solved that the occa-ion should be made one of a genend- (diameter, and that the city au dimities, benevolent and religious societies, and fire department should be invited to par ticipate. A committee of ten; consisting of Hon. O. Noble, Wm. A. G:dbraith, Judge Marvin, 'lames Sill, Prescott Metcalf, M. Itartleib, General Sehlatleelzer, Richard O'Brien, P. A. Becker and Wm. Ilenry was selected to make the necessary preparation:. Mr. Lowry stated that Gor. Geary would. probably be present, and that Attorney Gen eral Brewster had consented to deliver the oration. 'The object one of so worthy a nature that we hope and believe our citizens will readily respond to any calls that may be made upon them in connection therewith. A ItAtm 800-k - .—Remarkable,lc'haracters and memorable places of the Holy Land; comprising an account of patriarchs, apos tles, prophets, judges, women, warriors, poets and kings, with descriptions of ancient cities and venerated shrines. By Clinics W. Elli ott. T. D. Woolsey, L. L. I)., lit. : Tev. Thos. M. Clark, D. D., Rev. Joseph Cummings, D. I)., Rev, Henry Ward Beecher, Ltc., Hartford, Conn., J. B. Burr 4; Co. The great popularity which tlth hook has achieved renders it unnecessary to say a word in its praise. The character of its prin cipal writers sufficiently commends it. The press everywhere has uttered words of high e-tt approval of it, already a standard work in the land, ainh is found in tens of thousands of libraries, iX-inong the most valu able contributions of the age to substantial and moral literature. The book is sold by suhseription only, and' agents find ready sale for it. Agents wanting territory should ajhlress the publishers directly. r Tile OLD GUARD Fon JUNE.—Modern and Ancient ideas of Liberty contrasted ; Positive Democracy; Dead Under the Roses, contin ued; May Song: the Negro Bureau; the last battle of Stonewall Jackson, by- a ITICM her of his staff; types of mankind—the Ne gcot Bread and Sack ; the Soul's Idol the. look Table, which is well covered with a lost interesting and diversified nulauge rind i • very inviting; Editor's Table, which con t fins the usual quantity of very acceptable I latter. Single copy, 21 cents; one cony, ole year, 4'43. Van 'Evrie, llorton S Co., p iblishers, N 0.162 Nessau street, New York. Tut: best forms of notes and blanks in the lY at the Observer office. tf. .LOCAL BREVITIES. TM comer-stone of a new Court House for Crawford county was laid at Meadville, on •the 27th of May, with impressive ceremo nies. It is to be a large, costly and elegant building. GODEY'S Lady's Book for June is a well filled issue. With the July number will be commenced a story by a new contributor, which promises to be one of- the best Godey has ever published. IT is astonishing to see how many there are who inhabit three-story houses, are clothed in purple and line linen, and fare sumptuously every day—all for $l,OOO a year or leks, according to the income returns. A urrr.E. flat-boat, - containing a young man, his wife, a boy and dog, arrived at Baton Rouge, Ln., a few days since, all the way from Venaugo county, Pa. They were thirteen weeks on the way, having gone by river the entire distance. Pmts.°lsis in the vicinity of the depot can procure the Observer immediately after pub lication at the news stand of May it Sell, formerly conducted by Mr. Ball. The firm keep on hand all the leading publications, without regard to politics. IF you want to keep poor, sagely advises an exchange, buy two glasses of ale every day at ten cents each, amounting in the year to $73.00 ; smoke a cigar after each meal, counting up in the course of the year to as mach more ; and keep a big dog. :11'; , 7 as WP go to press, we learn that Px -71t11k4 King has yielded to the request. of hia friends and consented to become a candidate for Congress. Ile has a while popularity, and his appearance in the arena may cause a ma terial change in the movement , on the politi cal chess-board. WE had a pleasant call on Wednesday from Hon. I. B. -Gara, formerly editor of the Gazette, and at present Deputy Secretary of the Commonwealth. Mr. Cara looks, ex tremely well, and has the reputation of being one of the most accommodating and popular officers Who has ever held the position. WI: find the followhlg local paragraph in the last. issue of the Corry Republican. It is the first information we hare secured on the subject: "S. Todd Perley, of Eric, acted as delegate at the Chicago Convention in place of Henry Soother, of Elk county, the regular appointed delegate:: • Wr. are obliged to ask friends who send us campaign subscribers to accompany the names with the cash. We keep no book ac counts of subscriptions for less than one year, and as it is our invariable rule to stop send ing to campaign subscribers as soon as the time has expired, we cannot - conveniently make charges of the amounts. BY a clause of the Bankruptcy law, the limit for persons to avail themselves of its benefits who do not possess sufficient means to pay fifty cents ou die dollar of their in debtedness, expired on Monday. The num ber of persons who applied for warrants du ring the last week was not as large as was generally expected. ' ALTIIOUGII It was publicly announced that the official ceremony of strewing flowers on the graves of our patriot dead had been post poned, a number of persons went to the Cem etery on Saturday, and paid their tribute to the Memory of the departed We believe it is deigned to have a general demonstration of the character in a few weeks. TILE Radicals of Girard and vicinity have established a campaign club. Let the Dern ocrats of that vicinity sec to it that they are not surpassed in zeal by their political oppo nents. Within the. next - month, we should have a thorough organization in every town and township of the county. Up and be'do big, brethren. THERE are rumors upon the streets that Mr. Lowry talks of coming out; as an inde pendent candidate for-Congress, upon the greenback issue.- It is given out that in case the party dodges or spurns his well known views upon that question, he will positively enter the arena. If he carries out his threats won't there be a quaking among the dry bones of Radicalism ? THE radical Co. Committee, at its meet nut last week, adopted a resolution asking, the other counties of the district to agree to the :21st of duly as the day for the meeting of the Congressional conference, and directed their chair Man to open a correspondence with the object of securing some form of rep resentation by which Erie county shall se cure the number of conferees to which she is fairly entitled. IN our columns to-day will be found the new time table of the Erie Road, which took effect. on the 11th ult. Several important changes have been made, with which all of our readers should at once become ihmilirtr ized. The Road-continues to issue through tickets to Now York at 'VA less titan any other route,—a fart which our readers will do well to bear in mind, when visiting the East either on business or for pleasure. Tnr.: Poor Home farm was sold on Wednes day, in accordance with -the advertisement of the Directors, offering to dispose of it to the highest bidder. There were it number of bidders, but the highest offer was made by Eras Sebluraff, Esq., of Mill CI cek, being $2 . :25 per acre. The farm contains about one hundred acres, and the price named includes all the Mr. Schluraff, besides be in ; one of the wealthiest and mot cuter pri,ing citizens of the county, is a "true blue" Democrat, who always stands ready to per form any service that will promote the cause. We congratulate him upon the pros perity that has enabled him M secure this valuable property—one of the best in the whole state. WE are pained to announce- that one of the leading lights of the Republican party, a brilliant orator, and distinguished individual generally, lies come to sudden grief. He is accused of having an unfortunate peachant for other people's clothes. One of the medi cal fraternity lost a coat on the night of the fire at Wayne Hall, which lie had left at a clothes cleaner's, whose egtabli'shment was broken into upon that occasion. He has been on the look out for his stray garment for some time, and a week or to o ago, see ing or imagining he saw, it upon our heroes' baCk, brought hint up standing with a notice from the Justice. The case is to come on for trial at the next crinlinal court, when the curio,ity of the gossips will undoubtedly he gratified to its fill. Meantime, let us hope that the sinking cause of Radicalism will not be doomed to yet another mishap, through the failings, or whatever they may be called, of one of Its most brilliant luminaries. A CORRESPONDENT, who takes us to tests for admitting the statement into our columns that the Grand Army of the Republic is not a political association, will - find upon refer ring to last week's issue that we made the explanation upon the authority of a high of tidal in that_ order. We have assurances, which we do not believe will be - violated, that, whatever the organization may have been elsewhere, it shall not he permitted to be used for the advantage of any political party in this city. Our correspondent thinks that the order will prefess to be neutral,until, to quote his language, "It rings in as many Democrats as itean, and gets them pledged to sustain the niggerites." We have only to say that we are informed that it is simply a benevolent association among the soldiers for promoting their mutual interests, and that guarantees are given us that it shall never be perverted to any other purpose. When we find ourself deceived—as we trust and have confidence that we will not be— we promise that our exposure of the matter shall be as prompt and severe, as our dispo sition to acquiesce in the wishes of ita ad ' herents has been fair and straight-forward. w Pr.AritALVAIZIA has a new. prospect of wealth 'Opened 'to her:. It Ital hem 'Proved by Maglish gen - raftlutt cannon tnapi cellent ,hrtmpa,gne. In these days of adul turation and tai•dodging it has been con verted into :whiskey, but the quality of the manufactured article has never been vouched for by critics. The champagne, however, is "sparkling and bright," equal in fact to any of the genuine brands—so say the cards. Who may not live to see the day when Wes tern Pennsylvania—the rocks; and mud, and 'mountains of Pithole-4hall become as re nowned in wine-nibbling circles as Cluttn pagne in France. ALL the Radical papers in Crawford cotm2 ty either openly support Judge Pettis as the nominee.of their party for Congrem, or tac itly agree to his nomination. The Mead ville Republican, which has heretofore been his vindictive' enemy, keeps 'discreetly silent, in view of the certainty of the Judge's selec: tion. This is the first ye h r within our knowledge that there has not been a hitter fight in our neighboring county over the nominee for that position. THE following arc the rates of fare, by railroad, from Eric to the places named, as agreed upon at the National Convention of raiikoad officers : , Boston $l5„ New York $12.20, Philadelphia $l2, Baltimore $l2, Har risburg $ll, Pittsburgh $5,75, Buffalo $2.75, Dunkirk $1.50, Cleveland $B, Chicago .$l4, Wheeling $7.3.5, Columbus, Oblo, $7.50, Cin cinnati • $11.50, Louisville $lO, Indianapolis $l3, St. Louis $24, Memphis V 13.35, New Orleans Vi 3.75. Spiel , Letter from Girard. GIBATID, PA., June 1, Dear 01.creer:—Why Girard cannot; occa-' sionally, furnish an item of news, interesting to many readers of the'Observer, has often been 'a query. Certainly Girard is prolific of important events and great men., Does not here stand the only monument to fallen patri ots in the county? erected by one whose "Rice" from obscurity to greatness is equaled by few instances in the history of the coun try! Here resides the mighty legislator whose deeds of greatness, and wonderitil speeches upon impeachment and subjects of less importance to the Slate, marked a now e-Ha in our legislation, and spread new lus tre upon its record. Selab! The illustrious individual who "possesses the requisite qualifications to be presented by the Republican party of Erie County as their choice for representative in the next Con gress for this district." whose long list of ur gent friends daily plead in the advertising columns of the Dispatch for public notice, lives here., 'lle always hind an axe to grind, but nevi! . got it ground. For years the .Dein ocratic party refused to turn grind-stone for him, but becoming extremely 'loll," he of fared his Cutler-y to the Jacobins, who have so admirably put edges on such bloat tools as Beast Butler, Di D.'Forney, "our Sena tor," and a host of other outcasts from De mocracy. Here, too, the Elder wildly wrought, with uprolled sleeties and sweating brow, bearing away from the home of the in dividual possessing the "requisite qtmlifica lions" along list of honest names, proclaim ing him the only man la to go to IVashing-. ton on any account. HTyw elated 'was the Elder when he hurried to the Didly'with his roll of sturdy yeomen, calling upon. him to ,sacrifice a little valuable time for his coun try; and with what fullness of heart could he exclaim, ','Wlinle-on! McDuff,. and ii—d be he, who first cries, hold! enough." (This d—d is the same "divine right"; be accorded to Democrats during the war: after "Gov. Curtin had told him that he could serve his country better fighting rebels at home than by periling his valuable life in the as chaplain or sutler.) Verily "ye have your reward." And here, in Girard, it was, that an aged "weak kneed" Republican father was wont to arouse the patriotism of volunteers, to leave home and go out in defense of their country. During ,a burst of eloquence he said, "Go, young men—the loved one you leave behind will be cared for. I Tell-her, I will be a husband to the wives and father to the'cliildren." Seeing this renowned indi vidual about leaving the drug store on Sat urday evening, with a good sized bottle, we were reminded that there was to be a meet ing, according to orders—" Headquarters Co. Committee, Sill's office, Erie"—in the village, for the purpose of ratifying the nominations and forming a Grant and Colfax club. After considerable drumming, an organization was effected at the tavern. It was resolved to enter upon the campaign with a determina tion to succeed, if military capital and whis key could accomplish the result. Philip Os born, Esq., was chosen President, with a list of important_renegades 'renowned, for vice. We understand that one Erastns Pickett, who was on picket all winter at Harrisburg, on small allowance, was appointed to pick up all the old wide-awake capes and dark lanterns used here by the same heroic com pany, as home guards, some years ago (i.e. during the Rebellion.) 'lt really must lx3 a bitter pill for Mr. Os born, who. It is well known, refuses to sup port any but temperance men for office. Still, when the officers say, tall in "drafts," even• abolitionist, chtistian, temperance man and groveling politician alike will be marched. up to vote for Grant and whiskey. Farewell, happy family, until next week. As a locality, there has been vast improve ment in and about Girard of late, which I will notice hereafter. Yours, MARRIED. BOUMONT-STEPIENS-011 the 10th tilt., at the residence of Ralph Bowman, Esq., in Conneaut, by Rev. Z. Richens, Mr. T. Bolt wont, of Elk Creek, to Mrs. H. Stephens, of Conneaut. • Sl7 A NNox--CRAKEn—On the 24th of May, in Mill Village, by It Williamscin, Esq., ?Hr. Thomas Shannon and Miss Rhoda H. Craker, all of Le Brent; Eric Co., Pa. HINDS—SiEWART—On the 27th nit., in Geddes, N. Y., by Rev. G. M. Piercv. Mr. Calvin J. Hinds, of Girard. to Ming Prank Stewart. DIED. GALLowitult—ln Girard, May 31st, Mrs. Eliza Gallowlior, widow of the late t;eorge Galtowlior, aged 70 years. Amwy—ln Fairview,' May 26th, Emily E., .youngest child of Thomas and Almlm Abbey, aged 11 months. Emmi—On the &l inst. Sarah Ann, wife of Abel Edick, qf West Green, aged _33 years and 8 months. WARNER—On Sunday, May 31st, Mrs. Naomi Warner, aged-76 years. ONr.sOn the 21st of May, in Fairview,Mrs. Phabc 31. Oney, wife of Marcus Oncy, aged 38 years. VINCENT—In Waterford, on the 29th ult., Mrs. Rachel Vincent, widow of Daniel Vincent, aged 75 years, 1 month and 10 days. • , . WE arc assured that the firm of Zahn= & Kendall, 65 Hanover Street, Boston, Mass., advertised in our columns,is trustworthy and reliable. For 10 cis. they send a patent pen fountain, and a check describing an article to be sold for 1. Their club system of selling goods is Becoming quite popular, particularly with the ladies. It is worthy of a trial.— Bupip, Gazette. .POLITICAL BREVITIES. Pont:Ey says that, do what' ho will, he can't please the Democrats. The Pittsburgh. Advocate says "Suppose he try taking a little arsenic or strychnhw:" THE Boston Post, which reeently_declared lit favor of General Hancock as tile Demo cratic candidate for the Presidency, now urges the Hon. Charles Francis Adams for the Vice Presidency. Jr is worthy Of remark, espec;ially by the tar-payers, that the Annual Appropriation bill, passel by the General Assembly of Ohio this year, is almost a million of dollars less than, it was last year, when it was Republi can. REV. J. K. BEECHER says : ."The less one knows, and the more whiskey he drinks, the more he is determined to make this a white man's Government." Row happens it then that the Radicals, who are determined that this shall not be a white man's Government, nominated Grant as their leader ! THE estimates for the War Department for the coming year are some $80,000,000; and the monthly expenditures are not less than $10,000,000. The dominant party consider it necessary to hoodwink the Elation, pending the Presidential election, with the idea that the army is not costing a hundred thousand dollars a day, when really it Is maintained at an expense of not less than $350,000 per day. Hence the anxiety to keep in Stanton, and cook up at the next session of Congress a deficiency bill surpassing in enormity any thing of the kind since the.war. A Raw Coserraxturr.—The tither day, as 'several gentlemen were discussing the im peachment business in this city, one of Win, who is a Republican and who believes in fol lowing the party if it does lead to perdition, remarked that conviction was beaten, because some of the Republican Senators had been bought up with money. By way of reply or inquiry, one of the party asked : "Why did . not the Republicans raise money and buy up some of the Democratic Senators to vote for conviction ?" "Hell!" exclaimed the-,Re publican who bad said that Republican Sen ators had been bought up to oppose convic tion, and there was' in the exclamation In effable scorn, "Why, you might,ss well dertake to move the rock of Gibralter as to move one of those Senators to vote for con viction." A. higher compliment could not be paid to the integrity and incorruptibility of the Democratic Senators than Was thus unconsciously paid them. COLFAX is a politician by trade, and is no torious in Indiana as a chronic oiflce•beggar. lie is a wordy gentleman—a man of a great deal of cunning and adroitness—and in his social relations is said to be very popular. Ho was elected to Congress in 1834 by the "Know Nothing" partY, and he was one of the most bitter,iond•monthed defamers of our foreign-born fellow citizens in that memora ble campaign. Ho subsequently joined his fortunes to the Republican party, and has been in Congress as a representative of that organization, we believe, for five terms. He is now Speaker of the House of Representa tives, and the record will bear us out in the assertion that he is as much the partisan in the Speaker's. chair as he is when on the stump detnanding the conviction of-the Prc-t.. dent, or abusing the "Copperheadq„" TIM Radicals seem to have any quantity of purchaseable men in their party. The votes of delegates in the Chicago Convention were openly purchased ; the Radical press allege that Senators who voted for . sequittal were purchased ' Ben:Hutter"; Logan, Bing ham, &e., offered themselves for sale, during the impeachment trial, in consideration of the island of Alta Vela and its guano trade ; and we find now a Radical Senator loudly protesting that fie did not authorize his brother-in-law to offer his vote, and that of two other Senators, for the sum of 40,000! AU this evidence goes to corroborate the charge - of the Democracy, that the Radical party is too corrupt to-longer hold the reins of government, and that the best interests of the country and the nation demand the ex pulsion of this party from power. Tom Harrisburg State Guard enumerates sixteen counties of this State which have no debt. Of these ten are Democratic. That is a significant fact to which we would call the attention of the people. Wherever theDem °erotic party has control, economy in pub lic' expenditures is the rule. The lucky counties are the following, those in Italics being Republican, the others Democratic : Bedford, /Nair, Bradford, Cambria, Clinton, Elk, Fulton, Juniata, Indiana, I;uzerne, Mon tour,• Pike, Somerset, Union, Venango, and Westmoreland. Nome of the dozen negro delegates in the Chicago Convention were invited to make speeches. Why did not the whites who sat cheek by jowl with the colored brethren give them a chance to be heard ? Perhaps a speech from one of them might have gone far to wards reconciling the faithful to negro equal ity, which will inevitably come if Grant and Colfax should be elected. EUGENIA Elmn RESTOUER.—The cheapest and best. Mammoth bottles only '75 cents. The Eugenia Hair Restorer ,eclipses all known di verles for the rapidity with which it restores gray and faded hair to its original color, promotes its rapid and healthy growth, prevents and stops it when falling off, and is a most luxuriant hair dressing for the ha n hair and head, rendering it soft, silky and lustrous. Bold by S. Dickinson Bon, sole agents in Erie. decl2.-Iv. NEW Spring Silk and Fancy Hata, beauti ful Coatings and Cassimeres ; also, agents for reports of fashion. . JONES & LYTLE. mhl9—tf. 0., do abbertistmrnts. BLANK_ BOOKS! Caaghey, McCreary & Moorhead, WILL SELL BLANK BOOKS. of every description, BOOKS, ENVELOPES AND PAPER, VOLU7iTEER Than any honse in this city. Also, SCHOOL BOOKS,. At Wholesale, au cheap an any jobbing houue In the country. The Depository of the Bible Society, at CAUGHEY, 3I'CREARY &. MOORHEAD'S myll-tf. Warrant in Bankruptcy . .THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 4th day of May,' INS, a Warrant In Bankruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the Uni ted States, for the Western District of Penn'a, against the estate of Henry R. 2.lyers, of Union tp., county of Erie, in said district, tuijudged a bankrupt on his own petition : That the pay ment of any debts and the delivery of any pro perty belonging to such bankrupt, to him or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law; and that a meet ing of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose oneor more Assignees :eg of his estate, will be held at a Court of raptor, to be holden at the 0171C0 of the ster, In Erie Pu., before S. E. Woodruff. Esq., Regis ter in Bankruptcy for paid district, on the 9th day of June. A. D., 1898, at 10 o'clock, A. M. TIIOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, Messenger. By G. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. Marshal. MYLI-4te.• tit I HALL'S va., SICILIAN HAIR - ItEWATanli nit the best article known to preserve the hair. It will positively restore Gray Hair to its origi nal color and promote its growth. It is an entirely new scientific discovery, combining many of the most powerful and re storative agents In the vegetable II ingdom. It makes .the hale smooth and glassy, and does not stain the skin. It is recommended and used by tho trat med ical authority. R. P. HALL & CO.. Nashua, N. H.. I Toprtetorl. For sale by ali druggists. xuy7-Im. Warrant In Bankrn frdlifi IFS TO GIVE . NOTICE that ffith day, of April, A. D., IRGR, a warrantin bank ruptcy was issued out of the District Court of the United States - for the Western District of Penn'a, against the estate of Thomas M. Foster, of Union Borough, in the county of Erie and State of Pennsylvania.. who has been adjudged a bankrupt.on his own petition; that the pay mint of any debts anti delivery of any proper ty belonging to such bankrupt, to him and for his use; and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignees will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Reg ister , in Erie, Pa., before S. E. Woodruff, Esq., Register, on the oth day of July. A. D. 1888, at 10 o'clock, A. II.: ThOIIAS A. ROWLEY, U. 14:111arshal, Idetwenger. By G. P. Davis, Dept. U. Ziarshal. • • trayl2-Ites "N`DouAR 4, lllllIr XL - A PRUSENT OF MOO VALUE, of your own selection, freeof cost, for few days servi ces in any town or village.. Particulars and gift sent free, by addressing with sta a mp. cLoulmax co, uty7-am. 40 Hanover St., 8010.011, Mas. Executrix's Notice. L=TEES TESTAMENTARY on the estate of Peter Jacob Brown, decd, late of McKean tp., having been granted to the undersigned, =llea Is hereby given to all indebted .to the name to make immediate pey_ment, and those having claims against the said 'estate will pe seta them, duly authenticated, for settlement. JULIA ANN BARON, Executrix.' McKay', May 7, ISE-6w• Auditor's Notice. caro l ..: Reese. Graft & Dull. _ In the Common Pleas use of Clark & Metcalf. of Erie County. • vs Alfas Fl. Fa., No. .Z 4 Finn & Stearns.. Feb'y Term, ISM ITN. DEMI appointee{ Auditor to distribute the money made on above writ, w 1 attend to it on Saturday the 13th of June next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. at his office In the city of Erie. CH ARLES W. NEMO, my2l-3wAuditor. . . CHEAPER 818 1..5: GORDON'S HORSE HOE, IMPROVED AS HAVING made very importuit improvements on theaters° lloe, manufactured for us .durom the Past four years , we are enabled to present to our patrons the most complete impletnent tor cultivating corn, potatoes, cotton, and all bill crops, ever introduced to the farming cont. mutiny. As now made. the back teeth are reversible, and not removed tor 11111111! at, upon tit,• old style Horse Hoe, thereby making it a complete cultivator and hiller at the same time; but When billing is not required, the wings are removed front the the teeth. By this arrangement, wider rows may be It flied than with the wings, played upon the shov els. It is made of the bent quality of t,thel and highly polished, and superior to any other etili 1v111.01'013 v111.01'013 account of Its lightness, (weiglittpt about .50 pounds,) durability, ciiiptiess and adapta tion to all kinds of work. ALLIANCE SHOVEL PLOW. We Would call your attention to our D0r131.1 , , SHOVEL PLOW, which tcc think, without doubt, excels anything now In tnarkk, for the, j,urpo, tle•witit.d. It, principal points of excel lence are, that lt Is WROUGHT IRON FRAMF very light and rona- , .-steel shavek--easily ad jtusted to rota shallow or deep, and Is neatly anti tastefully nhele. my2S-t f FRANKMINCHEI4& CO, AUCTION & COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 824 State Street. Household Fut niture and all kind. of Goods. Wares and 3lerchandise, bought and sold and received on consignment. Snips at private residence, attended to in any part of the city. Sale of ifouseliold Fora Ito Carpet 4, Q n ware, Hormn, Wagons, and all kinds of goods on WEDNESDAYS AND SAtVRDATS, AT 91 j O'CUP'K, A. n A large consignment of Ittietnisware, :MY.- ware, lkthemian and China \ a. , non• on hand, will be closed out r,gar,114 ,, s of co ,, t at pmate sale. /4" Vendoesattended to in any part of the COunty. -tt. Tollworthy & Love, NO. 180 PEACH ST., Have adopted a ife'W 5y.1.1211 .4 doing newt, and would reiTeetfully tail the attention of their customers to t hr fact I hitt t h, y are nose selling !roods for CASH, OH RI .1!Y PAI We believe that we dui do our enstonnr , Jus tice by so doing and would unlit to eall:ind see our splendid Ntoelt ot N•1'11c , . 4 41] 1 , 1 111:4 1,1 Team, Coffees. Stllpirt4. Comprising everything in a well kept groeery store. We also have the best onality ERIE COUNTY FLOUR AL,o FEED in unlimited quantAlts. Uis e a call. = TOLLWORTIIY S LOVE, 1300 Pena{ St., opposite National Hotel. niyl2-If. BOOS AGENTS WANTED—To solicit orders for Dir.. Wm. SMITH'S DICTIONARY OP THE BIBLE. THE ONLY EDITION PUBLISHED IN AMEHICA, CONDENSED ItY BR. SMITH'S .sv ITAXD. In one large Octavo volume, illustrated With over 125 steel and wood engraving , . Agents and subscribers. see that you get the genuine edition by Dr. Smith. The Springfield 'Republican says, this edition published by Messrs. liner & Co., is the genuine thing. • The Congregationalist say s, whoever WNWs to get, in the cheapest torm, the best Diction ary of the Bible should buy this. FE ALSO WANT AGENTS for ELLIOT'S new work, REMARKABLE CHARACTERS AND MEMORABLE PLACES of TILE HOLY LAND. By limo( WARD BEECHEP. T. D. \VOOLSEY. LL. D., Pres. of Yale Col„ .b ,t M m D. 1), LL D., Pres. 01 Wesley..n limy_ Re. ILEV. THOS. M. BLAME, Bishop of It. L, They are new and r !arinttl works by these au thors, and their mild, ets are appr.,yed by elet - itYtnen of all denomination!. Ag. Its are meet ing with unparalleled success. We employ it o General Agents for either book. and'otler inducements to Canvassers. Agents will see theadvantage of dealing directly with the PUB -USHERS, For descriptive circulars with full particulars and terms address the Publishers, my2B-tit J. 13. BURR & CO.. Hartford, Conn. Discharge Bankruptcy. s THE DISTRICT COURT of the United I States, for the 'Western District of Pennsyl vania. Henry-O. Frisbee, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1%7, having ap .plied for a discharge front nil his debts, and oth er claims provable under said act, by order of the Court, notice is hereby given to all creditors Who have proved their debts. and other persons Interested, to appear on' the 15th day of June, 18G8, at 10 o'clock, A. M., before s. E. Woodruff, Esq. Register, at his office, in the city of Erie, Penna.. to show cause, If any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the said bankrupt. And further, notice is hereby given that the second and t bird meetings of creditors of said bankrupt, required by the 27th and 25th sections of said act, will be held before the said Register, at the same time and place.. • S. C. MeCANDLESS, Clerk of U. S. District Court for raid District. Discharge in Bankruptcy. Ix THE DISTRICT CIAIRT of the United States for the Western ,Disfriet of Penn sylvania. Geo. W. Eilsey. a ba.ukrupt under the Act of Congress of March 21, L:67, haying ap plied for a discharge from all him...debts and oth er claims provable under said Art, by order of said Court, notice is hereby given wall erediton who have proved their debt,, and other per•ons interested, to appear on the 15th day of June, IRSII, at 10 o'clock, A. 31., before S. Woodruff, Esq., Register, at ills office in the city of Erie, Penna., to show enu , e, if any they have, why a discharge should not he granted to the said bankrupt. And further, no tice Is hereby given that the second and third meetings of creditors of said bankrupt, required by the and th Seetions of be had be f ore the said Register at said the sameime and' S. C. liicCANDLF.Set, ClerMll. S. District Court for said District. ray2ES-Ur. DISCHARGE IN BANKRUPTCY. TN THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States, tor the Western District of Pennsyl vania. William H. Ward, a bankrupt under the Act of Oangress of March lid, lsa7, having ap plied fora discharge from all his debts and oth er claims provable unit , r bald Act, by order of the Court, Notice 4,8 hereby given to all Demon. who have proved their dais, and other person, interested,-tu n tppear . on the 18th day of June, 18tS, at lb o'cl k W 3L, before S. E. oodruff; Esq., Register, at las °Mee, in the city of Et Pa., to show cause, tinny they have, why a di.- charge should not be granted to the ,r id ban it rapt. And further, notice is hereby guy to , that the second and third meetings of cretlitori of the said bankrupt, requirtsrby the 27th aryl sections of said Act, wilt be had before the Nald Register at the same time and place. 8. C. 31cCAN1LESS, Clerk of U. S. District Court for snl4ll)l,triet Itry2S4t Warrant in Bankrulitcy. pins IS TO OIV NOTICE that on the :nth 1 day of May, IW, a Warrant in itutkruptoy was issued out of the District Court of the ['lu te." States, for the Western. Distriet of against the estate of Joseph Jilsdo., of Erie. in The County of Erie, In raid di-.1 t, fudged a baultrnptou Li, own petition; t!lat tlt• payment of any debts and deli \ i t t 01 :nn - pr.. , perty, belonging to sueh bankrupt, to Ii na er bar his use, anti the transfer of any property by him:, are forbidden by law; and that .1. meet no: of the creditors of said bank ruptAto luso. o tlu•tr debts, and to choose one or [non, aii , lenceff of his estate, wilt be held at a Court of Bankrupt cy, to be holden fitothe °Mee of the Retri , lt•r, the city of Erie. before S. E. Woodruff, E.g., Register in bankruptcy for said district, on the Bth day of July A.. D., 1863, at 11 o'clock, A. -M. I'HOMAS A. ROWLEY, Lc S. Marshal, Messenger. ' By G. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. Marshal. myar'-tw. Assignee in Bankruptcy. TNTHE DISTRICT mum of the United tate% I. for the Western Dlstriet of Penn'a. In the matter of John J. Wadsworth, bankrupt, The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as assigneeof John J.Wadsworth, of Erie city, Erie County, and State of Pennsylva nia, wAthin said District, who has been adjudged a banMpt upon his own petition by the Dis trict cleart of said district, dated at Erie, :May 19, A. D., ISM HENRY M. BAILEY, Assignee, - Atty. at Law, No. =Peach St., Erie, In. nay2l-2w.• John Lindt;. 1340 PertekStreet. Detail Dealer In GROCERIES, PROVISIONS CONFECTIONERIES, ETC Raving lately opened an entirely now stock. Of goodie; I am prepared to otter superior Induce ment& to all who may give me a call. Remember the place, 1340 Peach street, south of the Ippot. Erie, Pa. FOR 1868. w. CO., • I No. •••! . .0 State Streit, Erie, P.l New 11ry His Store ! N 0.1122 Peach St., I las tut hand 'll. , 1 , 1,11 1 11 1 1 of Dry ~.n.iitinu; Ol GING HAMS, FINE OItGANI/IES, L.VWNS, Illaelc and Colored Silk', and Summer Shay. Is, 'faith. I,llll'll , and Spreads, Yallket. Noti o n'., etc., comprising a. complete as , ortinent 'of every thing In the DRESS AM) DRY GOODS LINE, which he oiler; very cheap for cash. Ile invite , : competition, and requekas every one to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. mylll-tan, 11E0. DECKER, 1:1 . 2'2 r'e'tch tat. New Store. Walther's Block. NO. 808 STATE STREET Tho sub,ribi•t• th , on of this puhlir t, hp, Ivh,t Spring . and Summer Dry Goods. UNI'RECEI)EXTI LOW PRICES! I Ilayi• a lart;t' 11,-4 ,r1111.•11t Doitirsliez4 Urr+y Goods, A:4 bouttitt tt lott• pricc.• awl ry 4%01 ts MEW iVarrant iu Ilankrupti.y. Tim-, b. To 1 UVE 'I ICE th a t on the I day of March. A. D., 1 , 4 , , a NVarrant In Bankru .1 out of the lost net Court of thet nitc.l Stat. •-• tor the W. ,tern Do.trict of Pa., azaitcd the c.tate of Philander G. ' , lnn e n( Erie , ttt t ountv of Eric, and State Or Pence. }lulu.. to •ald itoljudgell bankrupt, upon his own petition; that, the pnyment 'of any deld and delivery of any property lit hinkum tit 0 bankrupt to him or for hi. t -4' and the tramfer of any prop ell)" by 'di , nt ate forbidden by law. A meet ing of the t red dont of tho satd bankrupt, to pr, we their debt to'clioo..c 0110 or more As.ittnias .if hi. c •tate, tctll be held at a Court of Itankropt,., to be holden at the olltee of the P.' In the clty of Erie, licMre E. Wood. roll. E-q. r Bankruptcy r,r paid ti - trict, lii' lii day of July, A. ",to o'eloek, A. M. THOMAS A. RI)WLEY, s. By la. I'. Davi,, held. U. S. Marshal. -I Spices. ate.. DISCHARGE IN BANKRUPTCY.) TN Tun DISTRItT COURT of the Unk.i td I States. for the NVestern District 01 Pennsvlr yawn. John .J. Witdswoith, a !MIAMI la the Act of Congress of March 2d, 1 , 67: having applied for a discharge from all lus debts and other claims provable under said Act, by order of the Court, notice is hereby ;riven to all per sons who have proved tliclr debts, and other persons interested, to appear on the Nth day of - June, lsils ' at 1.) o'clock, A. M. before E. Woodruff, Esq., Register, at l.i office in the city of Erie, Pa., to show cause, if any they have, why a discharge should not I. granted to the said hankrupt. And further, notice is beret* given that the sceond. and: hird meetings of creditors of the said bankrupt, required by I he 27th and 2stli section's of s •id Act, will he had before the said Register at the sume time and place, S. MWANDLESS. Clerk of U. S. District t fOr .etc] District. WARRANT IN BANKRUPTCY. r pins. is To GIVE NoTrUE that on the:nth I day of May, D., I°,'..t warrant in bank— ruptcy wa, issued against the estate of T. J. lioskinson, of the ea , . of Erie, m the count) of Erie, and State of Peoria, who has been ad: Judged a bankrupt on his own petition ; that - the payment of any delft, of delivery of any property belonging to such bankrupt, to him, or for his use. and the transf..r of any propertN by him are forbidsku by law; that a meeting of the Creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove their debt,. :And to enoce.e, one or more as ssignecs of his estate, will be in 1.1 at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be hohlon at the "nice of the Register, in the its of Erie, Pa , before Woodruff. Esq., Register, on th , sill slay 01 July. A. D.. tsar, nt lro'clock, A. M. ' • T 1 tom 1... S. Niarsll.o, \R•..:cugcr I 0. I.)ept-. C. ` 4 . 3lashal. Av.ignec in Bankruptcy. Is THE J. 01sT o illhl - Crp.l` of the UnltedStates f or the DiNtril tof Penn'a. In the matter of Gro. W. Ellscy,bantcr rpt. The under ,igned hereby mves Dollen of his appointment. a' assignee of G. \l'. Ellsey, of Erie eity, county of Elie, and Stag' of Porn'a, within said Ms trtet, who has hest all tisla , (l a bankrupt upon In, own petition, by the Dist rit t Court of ,aid di.trict,,l.ltlat Erie, Pa.. ma.N . 20, A. D., 1..4... v.NRY .I%.,htuce, _ at Law, No. Erie, Pa. AttN. n* 'v. Warra tin llinnkrupiey. Tulip; is To C:l\•l: NLITIcE that on the lilt IL day of May. A Is., a Warrant In liankrwey was Issued 'against the estate of Timothy P. Babcock, of Watortoid How.. in the county of and State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own pe tition ; That the payment of any debts and de livery of anyproperty belonging to studi bank rapt to him, and for his use, and the transfer of any property by hum are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of 'add bankrupt, to prove their debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will he held nt a Court of Bankruptcy, to be Itoblea at, the °Mee of the Register, in the lily of Erie, before S. E. Woodruff, ilegister, on the iith day of July, A. .1);, l ta t at lu o'clock, A. M. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, 1.7. S. Marshal, Messeng, I. By (:, I', 11;1\1,, Dept. 17. S. Marshal. . I!4%,igitce in Bankruptcy. NTILE I.h,FEN Tokuirr,,r the United Staten I for tho We,tan 111,4r:a of PennsylVanita, In tit.. 'natter of \Vol. It. Ward. bankrupt. Thu und , r , ivned V.Ort'S OOtiCO of hi, ap point tojnt a, n , ,igtay of Wal. IL Word, of the city 'of Erie; county of En,' Mill Slate Of P. :OP., ii:11118, a ithin said district, who ha, h., n uolitah;ed a Imnicritpt, upon hi, own petitiou, by thr D:striet Court of veld triet, thttLtt at Erie, Pa. May 16, A. I)., lIENRY At.; . No. 1121 Pt :tett Ern% I', .11.s.lifx,iir , c ii:tai!.::,^l:picy. IN Tit': th I ;.,:••t utrt„ i ,„ r „ :u Jr Imlikrilpt. r;,.• .1 I. 0- of .. • .1” 1:z I •.:, , r 1 ,1!;si .t :1., 101 , be.•ll 101. •!.‘ hi.. I p•tithni b' tin 4,t :,,d nt Erie, pa., . . . unNity )1. rni:LET..‘,liznt(. N. Erie, Pa .1 4 14.';11eP ill NTI-11 , .Ids'iltIt . "It or is lot thel - tlitcd.4ttat.... for the NVe,n•rti Penn'a, iu th, matter' of Alvin 7.. Maultill, bankrupt. The untier , ignM g.tvot notice of iti , appointment it, A.,nuti..,if Alvin Z. Randall, o! nion horoogh,lirie count \* and State of Pelll-1 . 8, within "aid district, who Inv, been :Wiwi:pal ~ bankrupt upon his on n petition, by Ow Dpart, Court of , ahl di‘trict, date-1 at Eric, . May kz, HENRY M. 1111;1, ET, .ktty. at Law, No. 1,1•11P,aoli Eric, Administrators' Notice. T Efrk.R.4 OF ADMINIsTITATION on the tate of Joseph selstoor, deed., tato 01 Green , township, haring been grantNl to the undet signed, Tint ICO i.Yhcrrhy giren to alt Indebted to the . suto.• to make tninwsltate payment, auli . Raid estate wit , present th.nt duly :Inthentle.tted fort ettle men!. . Grr.•nc. ``TRAY limn the preini,es of tin\ut,' k .7' her, in Erie on Friday luomint: in't, a Itt.l COW; about nine years old—had liven about LWO mmttitti. Fier tall wa, cropped an, bushy. A liberal reward will be t lveu for he, rem\ ery. Apply to Win. at. Crouch' Flour ~ tore, or to the sulmerlUer. y23-3t" • MICHAEL LYNCH, __ 311 , 4 roceiv , .l acl,l olTvr..fl al T. I ...v.turiti:E. CERES W.TI-lA_N" COW. nly2,-hv GE=