The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, June 04, 1868, Image 1

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    Eris 131161 p etionbtr.
o ff ics a RekerzwzlOVl BLOC!. htv IktAnsa
Kn ee moles, paid gram= In advattee.....l2 00
e t pa d in advance ,0
114 - s t ribers., served by carriers, Fifty Cents
eild (Deng.
Two copies to the same penon 4 00
roples sent tome, address, 10 00
Ten coPlegf — .... ..... __W oo
Mite ra es apply only to those Who pity In
A ai bgrript!Ort accounts must, be settled au.
nua ny. Igo paper will be sent to Any person
, s ponlititlity Is not known, unless the
•rico N paid In advance.
l b s . cOloving areonradvert Laing ra which
u a l be strictly adhered to. In reckon the
nth al advertisements, an Inch Is eonal
, ware. Anything less than an inch Is rated
to a full Ware:
1214. 3 aq.l4 aq
:u, Trurerttonsil mg
7 Z -1-2 . 75 1 7151 N. Moo
w wkx.__...; 1.501 .50 3..Z4 4.00, 7. L 2.001 20.00
2.00; 3.00, 4.00 5.00 1L5013.00 , moo
pia %, . 2.5), 3.7 cso, 10.COIMPL moo
, 3.7.5 5.50 7.00, 8.20,16431M013? 430
I :me months.. 5.00, Leoto.oolzoomoct'actxso.oo
.is m onths_ -I PL00tt00,ti00mfm,30.0„,,,,.).60: taco
IMP 12.11 X ) atm 30.00 55.00 50.20 20.00 150.00
t:weeters , _ and Administrators' Notices ES
Auditors' and Estmy Notices t 2 each
.sppetat" Ntices, set in Leaded Nonpariel, and
is.fore Marriages and Deaths,. M per
&a?• in ad , tltl on to reguiar rates; Local Notices Nmi ,
by the partles,ls eta. per Une of Eight
;;;, r d,t, for first insertion.l2cents per line for sec
und and ten cents - for each subsequent Inser
t, n; FAlttorial Notices 11, cents per line•, Mar
etde ; Ileaths fr. cents each. Adver
ij..,- meets Inserted every other weelt, two-thirds
NI rates. Persons handing ixt advertisements
state the period they wish-theta pub
; otherwixe they will be continued until
ru t it at the expense of the advertisers,
‘l'.. hare one of the best Jobbing Ofilees In the
qnd Are prepared to do any kind of
i n taro or email ardent, at as reasonable
sud in as goal style ninny establishment
~it •ifinnnuileatlons should be addressed to
Editor and Proprietor..
tiusineos floticeo
I L olre 9f the Peace. Farrar Hall Building.
Inr, ogb"td-tf.
lIENUY IL Ufl3L£T , -
Att ,, rw'r at Law. Peach street, above Linton
Pa,. • norc7.
l!totia v at TAW, tilrant, Erie Coapty, Pa.
411 , tions :tral other business attotided to with
and dispatch.
In Pine, Whitowood, Chem - . Ash,
aio n ot and Oak Limber, Lath and shinoe..
‘treet, North of It. R. Depot. Erie,
kt.,ott., at Law, and Justice of the Penes.
and Claim Agent, Conveynneer and
o!'o'or. ()Mee in Itinderneeht's block, south.
..t rornrr of Fifth and State streets, Etrie, rm.
ri.,ok Binders and flank Book Manufacturers,
x"rdone National Bank. jyll'67-tf.
Iw•ntht, No. MS State Street, oppas Ito Brown's
F.rie, Pa. Office hours from DVS A. M. to
Ind from I to 5 P. M. 0e10'67-tf.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Anthracite,
B:tumlnous and Blacksmith Coal. Office corner
wh and 12th streets, Erie, Pa.
ra. BALTSUAN. [set 3-t(] R. 3. SA LTSXAR.
!leiter. Brewer and Denier in Flops, Barley;
Halt, Mes, Lager, &r. _Proprietor of Ale and
lager Breweries and lifult Warehouses, Erie,
Ihiti,t. Office In Rosenzweig's Block, north
de 1 the Park, Erie, Pa.
ta , t lon and Commission Jterchnnts, and Real
E..,:ate Agents, Sit State street (corner Ninth,)
Fr.e, Pa. Advances made on consignments.
Co , intry Vendaes attended to In any part of
FRANK irmcrizz.L. IC. S. DROWN.
Apt 67-Iv.
Tailor and Clothes Cleaner: Union Block.
r Dr. Bennetri office. Clothes made, clean
lond repaired on short notice. Terms as rea.-
I”naYe is nap. mr2L•
/tOl/1:1: SHERMAN,
1:: , ,r0py.. at Law, Franklin, Po. ofiler
serr.l itlUng , l4bertv street. Pr thole City,
par.ffic . e over Kemp's Rank, Ifolnoten street,
fo r ..eetion.... promptly made rn all party of the
reglouq, jar?.
ISlDlesale dealers In hard and ~.ft co.o.
Pa flaring diaprKed of our dock property to
tlabore Maned firril.Tre Ilvi s ewss rtly retire from
Iteecni trade, reemntnendlng oor 1111 . 14.•;,.,rS 14.4
cluently worthy of the eonfldenee nd patron
to of our ohi frlenda and the public.
,Ull7-tf. , SCOTT. RA &
P. Y. .TUDSCIN. 'llt I Lb r.P..
ianufacturers and Wholesale llssalers to
Japan and Pressed Ware, Move Pipe, Stove
Trimmings. &c., Waterford, Erie Co., Pa. Or
less by mall promptly attended to. Anil.
Opposite Union Depot, Erie, Pa.. Jas. Car-op
ted. proprietor. House open at all hours. The
Ind tante alwrlys supplied 'with the chol rest
kat the markets Caroni. • feb3Y6B-Iy.,
Pbralans and Surgeons. Office tin. 10 Noble
Lxi. Office opan day and night. Dr. Barrett's
ntidence, Ifo..Th West sth St. _
tinioa Mills, Vide Co., F. Osorge Tabor,
;75prietor. Good accommodallons and mode
-ilscauges. rnyirir-tf.
yUcian and Su'rgoon. Omen, East Pnr4.
TG Elaverstiers flour store,—buards at the res.
':eace of C. W. Kelso, 2d door south of the M.
L Clarch. no Sassafras street, Wiles hours
-ans. na. until 2 p. tn. mylo-66-tf.
L HALIAXX, A. 11. atennoig.
Erie, Pa. Meadville, Po,
inameys at Law and Solicitors of Patent
;is:North Park Place r Erte, Penicaus
to obtain .Letters P' atent for their travel
as, will please call or address as above.. Po
listable. Territory sold *or patentees. Sp
Is:inflation given to collect/ans. ray?-Iy.
F. W, KOEHLER. n( the Pnace, Peach street, six clooi
xth of Fi9.ffala street, SOUtti Erie.
sorer Mantn, Attorney's anti Corinnellot
xr. °Mee Paragon Block, near North Wr
5 ..C7 Of the Public Square, Erie, Pa.
, nlir In all kinds of nuttily Groceries at
..ritont, Stone Ware, Ac., and wholesale dea
Cigars, Tobacco, &c., so.
Flllll street, Erie, Pa. je6.67-if,
E. J. FRASER, U. D.,
T. za.p.Ath le Pnvelclan and Surgeon. 01111
aealdVllee 01 Peach St, opposite the Pm
°tee hours from ltito 12a. .? to 5
c..!. to Sp.
..10F.*: R. IfILLAR,
- . r.liingineer and Surveyor. Residence Ct.
E, ktreet and East Avenue, East Erie,
• MORTON - Bet SE,
1?).1te ratan Depot. A. V. Van Tassel
douse open at all boars. Table an
' , :tplietl with the best In market. Clump
Peach and Buffalo sta. John Boyle,
: , tor• Beat of accommodations for people ,
eottutry. Good stable attached,
5,1 y,
Erfr, Pv,
•ng Liely removed my stock into tool
• diens and pleasanter quarters, I =nip
oder new Inducements to my cash
there on hand a well selected stock of
Zrr very low,
Work attenueSto.
Alai a great variety of
~..'""likune, 28 N. Park Place, Uri
to Yeraharit'a Caton Express Co.
..._ o f 120,0:0 worth of elegant and hod
Pols., will be °fared. for the next tier
tn., "Mr% great reduction In price.
t . ..,..,,is 11/1 new oat =based at low
I,, , V_lbata now. and toavo
e...'" "tura. Mall mate mat cash Wawa
--. At AU° enatatner and dealer.
' Ykri wtattllstied In in the sari
ylk may be some gAatantoo no gra
„presen will be etnploYe
uld Fogy and - Young Ara
xaniat laze transactions and aoc
SjooNa o r con: SILVER,
4 1 4%,, to order. Watches and
...._4eepers and Jewelry careftillY
C.i t aated.
Give me ■ call. i
T. M. AIBITti.
Or the beat kind, at
4 .t h in ,„ .
44 1/ - "zQ Of ay
kink to Iwo
VOL. 39.
emeriti!, Vrobuct, Scutt, &c.
Wholesale and Retail
WINES AND Tagtram.
Successor to P. a M. Sebiandeeker, is now re
celvitig a splendid suwortinend of
Linnoni, Willow, 'Wooden and Stone Ware
Pridta, Nuts, de. A large stock. of
Call and see as, at the
Gri-opez-y- MenAlquart,erms,
American Block. State St., Bale, Pa.
c.l r la
751 5.991 M'
, tur91.2.0n
Wholesale and Retail Grocery Store.
North-East Corner Park and French St.,
Would zespeetfully call the attention of the com•
tonally to 'Mete letgastoelt of
Groceries and ProvlelpFs.
Mrtilch there're dedrou to aell at
Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Byrum
Is not stuvaisell In the city, as they are preilared
to provolo all who give them a ma,
They also keep on hand a superior lot of
for the wholesale trade, to which they direct
the attention of the public,
Their motto Is, "Quick sales, giant' protheand
a full equivalent for the money.' apll'o3-Lf.
lIANI.ON dr. /313 E
flare on hand a splendid assortment of
Those favoring us with n call away
satisfied that nor prices are lower than those of
any other home In the trade. •
Cash Is the Matta!
Goods delivered to any Part of the city free of
niy7-tf. No. QM French 81.
.13rR Outs.
Carpet & Dry Goods House
- •
Cfo&tir,plete xtock of Sheetln~gaa
Poplins, Iblohairs, Alpacas, Reining's. &c. Also,
WRITE G 40411135. 1 - 10iSIMEIntr.
l.illtptind get prices before purchasing.
uptilg-ly. No. Ski, Marble Front, State St.
Dry Goods ! Dry Goods !
-4-- •
The largest and best stock of
Cloths., Cloakings, DeLainep, Alpacas, Lewas.
hlobairs, Bilks, Black anißColoried,
Cashmere, Silk. BrochaAnd Paisley
Shawls, White Goods„ Hosiery,
Goods marked down to meet th market. No
trouble to show goats. Call and amine
ntr2.l'67-ty. ROSENZWRIO tt BRO.
itliscellantous. \,.,.
Farms for Sale.
-tvrE OFFER for salon number of good Farms
. , in different parts of the county at mate.
rial reduction from former prices. Buyers
should not fail to see our list before purchasing.
FIRST F.A.R.SS—Is Si acres, 5 miles west of the
city, fair buildings. orchard of grafted fruit, all
kinds of fruit, soil all the best of gravel and
black walnut soil. We think we aro safe in
saying that no better small place can be found
in the county. Buyers can learn more particu
lars from J. A. French;s2l French street.a Rom
er owner, or John H. Carter, the present owner.
SECOND FdP.ll—ls the David ItusSedi
and formerly a part of theThoi. McKee proper
ty ; 74 acres, about ten acres timber which bae
not been culled ; 2,-story new frame dwelling
house, new barn. Fences good. Price, 5 7 .004
about 5 „51:0 in hand. soil—ail of the best sand
and gravel.
We believe the above farms in point of soll,
character of the neighborhood, schools, church
es, dc., ie., offer attractions seldom found in
this county, and more, they are cheap,
IN Bpiprsa Lora,
R Buiafivi 1 t 3 Price
3 " " " 550. In Out Lots $9
and Z:), north east corner Buffalo and Chestnut
streets, This desirable property is about 120
rods from the depot, dry gravelsoligood water.
A number of tine Dwellings and a - large store
have been built on the block this season, and
quite a number more will be boat the coming
year. We think them to be the bent invest
ments in a small tray now offering. Terms,e6o
in hand, balance on time. •
Modena Strle.Cunplete Finish. all the Mal.
ern ecurterdenees, situate on Myrtle, between
Ninth and Tenth streets—the Dr. 'Whilldin pro.
}wily-3 City Lot.
At great reduction. a number of Private, Res
idences, at prices much reduced. No is the
time to get bargains.
A number of Lots on Third and Fourth streets
between Holland and German, Terms 850 to
SlOO in hand. balance on six years' time.
la3o-tf. HA YES & ICEPLTIR.
Farm for Sale.
TBIE UNDERSIGNED earn for sale his valu
able farm, on this Kuhl road, in Harbor
Creek township, one mile south of the Colt Sta
tion road, and eight miles from Erie. It con
tains fifty-live mots and eighty perches, all im
proved and lit the highest state of cultivation.
The land is equal to the very heat to that section
of the manly. The tonlidinfis consprise a Sato
-17 trams house with 1% an d itchen and geed
cellar unnler the labobs; wood bouse and work
basset 2 barns. each Mari test ; a abed 70 feet
ions with stable at theted; and all the amongst.
sy cotbuildi A AM elms well of soft seater.
which sumac WA, Oat the kitchen door. Thera
is an orchard With 140 apple trees. ail Crafted.
and beating I_ and an abundance of almost every
other kind of fruit grown in this neighborhood.
The only reason why .1 wish to sell is that. I am
Mg 'West to embark in another occupation.
made known by applying to me on the
premises, or to Ron. Elijah Rabbi Attorney
at-Law, 'MU., Pa, J. A. 8A
decs-tf. Post Mee Address. Erie, Pa.
11:1 - AVING sold our entire stock of Furniture
Lg. to J. W. Ayrrs, we hereby thank the cam
mutiny for their liberal patronage to tail hoping
they will extend the same to him We will di de l !
vote our time hereafter to the •
With the consent of J. W. Ayres we still 'Auld
our office in the same old place. 71.5 State street.
where will be found at all tinum ready toattend
to the wants of the community in rear line a.
Ready Made Coffins P.
Trimmed to hider. Metallic and Iron Burial
CISSeS, of all Myles and ILIZES,. on hand ;
Shroud and - Coffin Trims:alma. Undertaken
will and it to their advantage to buy them of
us. as we cannot be undersold west of New York.
aprZYC-/y. MOORE & =MET.
tow. D. CLAIM. .7270. H. GOODWIN..
Erie, - • Pa tin's.
Jas. D. Clan); of the firm of Clark 3 Metcalf,
and John S. Goodwin, of the dem of Eliot,
Goodwin & Co,, having astsoctoled. together for
the purpose of doing a central banking
near In all its branches, opened on Wefts:today,
April Ist,in the room recently occupied by the
geoursl National Bank. comer, State Wan and
Park Bow; antouglosto the Mahe= at Clark
& who disact)ved partnership an the let
of &Ara,l6stL The. Arra of. b
Eno; Wodettn &
Co., alio dlasolytta on the same data, we 12npe
for a egtt,naPiX? Ike Patfonaga eracifore
given US. apt:4Z
seinzi g at Sadaged Bator, try
litcl34t. & a =LUSA
Their assortment of
POI tat
I C I ~~1•' !I:i' : fill 1:.
Hooflandlo Geriian Tonic,
The great s►tnedtes for ail Disessids of the Liver,
fiteniach or Digestive Organs.
Is composed of thewre ;Woes (or, sa ate
medicinally terma Exinicts> of
netts •is d Barka, ijr snakins a ~.s_a.•
tion highly concen- i.j. traced and an
free frem alcoholic adadstare of any
kind. •
Heelland% German Teak
L a combination of an the Mgredlenta of the
Bitters, with the purest inualty of Rants& Cros
Bum. Orange, ete.. making one of the most
public.. cant
and agreeable remedies ever °famed to
Those preferring
willAtedielne, free from Al . CO.
hol le admixture, use
Thule who have no objection to the combine.
Ma of the Bitters, Vie stated, Win use
They aro Whew:as* 'wed, atul ecadain the
name medicinal virtues, the fteloa between the
two being a mesa matter of taste, the Tonie be
ingse m oat yak
a variety mum sneh
as Indissestlsm„ TlYs. Savona Do.
Mina ; t he ky
rh to .
Mi dermal. l
Is timely as it does 'with
then bantams altieted, the reran at which is
that the patient sanars tram 'several ar more at
the following diseases:
Constipation, Flatulence, Inward Piles, Full
ness of Blood to the Ilea& Acidity of the Stom
ach, Nausea, ifeartbUrn i DIMS, Ibr Food,Full
ness or Weight to
the .
Stessaeh, Sour Eructa
tions. Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the
Stomach, Swiniugtql of the Read, Bunted or
DLlTlcult Breathing._ F/a_tte grin at the heart,
Choking or Suffocating SeniwUons when in a
lying posture, Dimness of Vision, Dote or Webs
before the SS it, Dull Patti In the 'Head, Dell
Perspiration, Yellowness ,
of tbe Skin
and Pain In the iiilde - Badr. Ma% Limbs
etc,, u n Flushes of Beat, Burning of the
Flesh, Constnotlemainlngs of Evil and Great
Depression of Spirits.
The sufferer from these diseases should =err•
else the greatest eattilau in the stoical= of
remedy for his case, irarchaallic only
that which he is ss- ra lured from his in. and In. N.J quirts,: Tresessies
Me mit, Is akin- fang cornted
free fro er m injurious Ingredients and hat estab
lished for !Melt a repatalaah for the cure of
these diseases. In this connection we would
submit these well-known remedies—
Prepared by
Du. C. M. .7A.CIESON,
Twenty-two years eines they were fret intro
duce' into this country from tiermany .
which time they tame hoduatttally
more cures, and benelitted enlikringS 7 Wy
to a greeter extent, than any other remedies
known to the public.
These remedies will effeetuanyeneeLiverljoin
p 1 slut, Jaundice, Lamrig zettem inande
or Nervous Debility, 'LI
Maroon; of the Kid- r nays andaltdianaa
ea arising from a die. ordered Liver,
stomach, orintestinea.
Ben:Ming tram anle-eanse whatever: Pluatrue
Ilan of the System. lutanist hy Somme
. Lathan taardships. EirliOeUre,
Firma. mos,
- There la 'lto medielae extent equal to these
remedies in such eases.
m A. tone ant view ha
parted to the whole ama the ia
strengthened. *ad is eslopid k ,
the at a -
gest' promptly, the blood Ls partnad,Lthipmaa
exion-bisocanes artundnaidaMa . Irtgiatr
tinge le eriulleated"- Watt the: = 1: 1:
given tO tire ehsalia. Mid WV
invalid becomes etiOngnn4 kelatkilkOkir-
Persons *thawed in Woolard tesdnarthis baud
of time weighing heats y twin Wm, setth ull
its attendant Ma. wlll ind-bt the liao - 01 this
BriTERs, or she TONiCiett ellsirtust. in•
fall new life into thetroeirm Insane lli • meas
ure the energy andardorof More youthful day*.
build up their shrunken forms and give health
and happiness to their remaining years.
It is a weU established fact that Nis one-half
otthe female portent of our popalstion
are meth= la the en- T jeyruest Or_ goo d
health: or. to tute la their owls salidial-
Mon, "never t e 1 Thi7 areian
guld, devoid of all energy. ettremely - nervou s .
and have no appetlte.
To this class of persons the 33ITTERS. or the
TONIC, Ls especially recommended.
Weak and deleatechildren are Made strong
by the use of s WNW -of these remedies. They
will sure every ease of MaJtAl33lO3. wilhcsal
fail, Thousands of antifieMies have accumula
ted in the bands of the proprietor, but space
will allow of but few. Thom*, It will be observed,
are men of note and of such standing that they
must be believed.
Lx•Chlef Justice of the Supremo Court of
Pennsylvania, writes:
Ptotagissuts. March la. IBM
"I find Itoodamd's (em Bitters tit
good tonic. wend InA
dl of tjxe di
gestive and AL of great benefit In,
cases of d 11Mroirul leant of nervous ac
tion in the system. Yours truly.
Madge at the Supreme Court of PenasYrrnida•
Putisuctantze. 21.18 K
".1 consider Efoonantlen =U Awn M
able medicine in ease of at lm at Indivtittinn
or Dyspepsia. I Certl4 this i'mn niy expo
rtence. Yours vain
SANER 1111311
Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church, Phila.
DR. JACICSOV—DeII? Eir:—l have- frrentil
been neuratted So eonneet my name , with ner
cnansaudatioas of itillterat kinds or media
but reloading Me gametteoga out - ofMra_ftim.
palate saheraj hare lu sit emus demands. eat
with a dam it. -: Imam -. i_tanose,
and la' .1 110 mr enfa ft. Ot
lb* DM XI Ifooda• thalnala
Rate - I derma-fat ouocAn. l 4 .
emus* . sad' ftal ma OM .
Gentled of thkaystrim mad
for Lim e.= it 4s a gala and Takla
preparation. 111
some asses it antr _ . _fail' hat,
usaatir. daub& :Mt. it will be Tel? bamentalto
those who staffer atom the above cause:
Yours Wiry respectfully.
Eighth, below Coates, St.
Assistant Editor Quinlan Clarcadele, Philad'a.
I have derived decided buten team the use of
Bachand's Gentian Bitters, and lehlttnhr PIT*
Mee to rennwnout them La a inoma-valttable
tank: to all who are front iieneint Be.
ditty or front , diseases nr thboa derange•
toent of the Liver. Toure n
nooflatura German Eamon/sere eonnterfelt
ed. Bee that UM Mg- na I *so of C. M.
JACKSON la on teeln =4 0... :it fob Ws,-
tie. All *tus too ,11./ aitinol
Dal onlommizaann- bony as the Ga
ll:lnn Nedidoe Ware. No. IN Arch street, ftlls. ,
delytila. Pa.
Formerly C. N. JACKSON At CO.
, ,• 19131C3E5.
Hoofivuid Gianaan Bltisti„ perlMllll . lll Ge
kalt a 0
Hoodasil's OrestanlAdracrtup tit ba
"it 51 per bOlikkar gaga ISOM. O.
Ai- Doi mot *mite eitanunillrea Os WWI
You p Wst griller %opt Ilagaintia .
3 rE, PA. V ZI_ZOIVIVA Oi Oftr I I 9NE 4. 'lB6B.
gpttial jtottuo.
Aibibrials to the Xeres toad Debilitated
VP* sultbsinge bark been_ protracted from
hidden causes and Whose eases require prompt
treatment bortattler existence dabble. If you
are rtakttott or bore lOOThretttroM involuntary
discharge., whateeapet does- it-;peeduce upon
Your general health? Do you . feel weak, debili
tated. easily tired? Dees a Mlle exertion pro
dhoti palpitation of the heart? ' Dotm your Uver
or winery' organs, or your kidneys, frequently
get ant or order, Is yourusiatlcaeuman thick,
milk7,lloe.kyr. or is it ropy =settling? Or does
a thick loom rise to the top? Ot Is a sediment
at the bottom after it has stood awhile? Do you
have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia?
Are your bowels constipated? Do you", have
spells of fainting or rusbesof bleed to thehead?
It your memory impaired? Is ydur mind con
stantly dwelling upon this =ldea? Doyen feel
dull, listless, moping, Ureter onmpany, of life?
Do you wish kiln left alone, to at away from
everybody? Does any little thfing make you
start crimp? Ulcer sleep brobaut or restless?
Is the lustre of your eyeos b 1 The bloom
on your cheek as bright? Doyen oy yourself
In society as well? Dorm punt nr business
with the Sarah etioritY? Do yet i feel as much
confidence in yourself? Are you? spirits dull
put nagging, given to fits of melancholy ? If so,
do not lay it to your liver or divirepsOr. Have
you restless nights? Youiweak, your
knees weak, and have but Ulla OPetite , and
you attribute this to dyswesafa_ liver com
Now, reader, selt-abuse, venettareses bad
lyeared, and mescal eitiosses, eapablo of
producing a weakness of the generative organs.
of generation, when in perfect health, make the
man. Did you ever think that those bold, ace
ant, energetic, persevering, successful business
men are always those whose generative organs
are in perfect health? ' You never -hear such
men complain of belngmehmeholy, of nervous
ness, of palpitatton of the heart. They are nev
er afraid they cannot succeed In business; they
don't become sad and discouraged; they are al
ways polite and pleasant In the company of In
dies, and look you and them right In the face—
none of yottr downcast looks orany other mean
ness about them. Ido not mean those who keep
the arganslnflaMed by running to excess. These
will not only ruin their constitutions, but also
those they do busines with or for.
Row many men from badly cured diseases,
from the effects of self-abuse and excesses, have
brought about that. state of weakness in those
Groins that has reduced the general system's°
much its to induce almost every other disease—
idiocy, lunacy: paralysis. spinal erections, sui
cide, and' almost every other form of dkPOMP
which humanity is heir to, and the real cause of
the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have
doctored for all but the right one.
Diseases of these aria= require the use of a
lIUCEM is the great Diuretic, and is a certain
cure for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Grav
el, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female Com
plainta, General Debility and all diseases of the
Urinary Organs, whether existing in male or
female, from whatever cause originating, and
no matter of bow long standing.
If no treatment is submitted to Consump
tion or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and
Blood are supported from these sources, and
the health aml happiness,. and that of posterity,
depends upon romps =seat •rollable remedy.
rodstibold's Extract Buchu, established up
wards of 18 years, prepared by
R. T. BtrfAffalLD, Druggist,
501 Broadway, New York, and 101 South 10th
Street, Philadelphia. '
Pitnri-1L25 per bottle, or 0 bottles for 88.50,
delivered to any address. Sold by all Druggists
everywhere. noW67.
A Card to the Ladles.—
Ingotlabia In correcting Irregularities, remov
lag Obstructlorui of the Ifontlaly Turns, from
whatever cause, and always successful as a pre
Females peculiarly idtnated, orthose suppoe
imethrmselves so, - are cautioned esiainst using
these PlllB while in that condition, lest they in
vite miscarriture. after Which admonition the
Proprietor assumes no responsibility, although
their mildness would prevent any mischief to
health; otherwise' the Pills are recommended
as a
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Fon and explicit directions accompany each
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Ladles by sending them 51 through the' Post
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Sold also by E. T. liazeltine, Warren; Hoff.
=an & Andrews. Corry; Callender a Co., Mead
ville; C. C. 'Vial a. Co., North East; Jewett &
Wright, Westflekt.
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inyA'BB-Iy. New York.
Plivi - v1 , 114 lilt)01:4:11,0:4:,0Tonibri
IPbalmes . "Night Mooching Cercas.T,
“balmier . 4 1ilialit inoomiag Cereas.”
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Plhailes , s "Night Moooniag Cerra...
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A most eiqtaAte, dentate, and Fragrant Perfume,
41st[ led tram the rues Imaattint tluwEr Crow
which It takes Its same.
Miami actrard cely by
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lIF.WABE or couNimr:rEirs
Errors of Y onth.—A gentleman who suffer
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Decay and all the effects of youthful indiitcre
tion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity,
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rections for making the simple remedy by which
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mylB'o7-Iy. tit Cedar Bt., New York.
To Cosassimptlves.,—The' Nev. Edward A.
Wilson will send (free of charge) to all who de
sire it, the prescription With the directions for
making and using the simple remedy by which
be wlkli red of a lung affection and that dread
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erit the atilicted, and be hopes every sufferer
will try this prescription, as it will cost them
nothing, and may prove a blessing. Please ad
No. 160 South Second Street,
reyl6'ef-ly. Wllllamabnrgb, N. Y.
Ingonneties.—lnformation guaranteed to
produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald
bead or bewail= face. also a recipe for the re.
=oval of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on
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tiful., can be obtained without charge by address
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Dealers In
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A large assortment of
Book Agents *ranted,
s a BMW sod 13tatonnan. An accurate
of his military and civil career. One
large octavo vol. of m pages. finely illustrated.
Agent' wilt land thls the book to on
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roncet BLUME; —A - complete wort
swat at wail kind al Blanks needed by
itdulaYk Mistime, amiable@ and was
NM noltaillis Obeirfes Mee.
Plain Talk. for the Times!
Read! Read!! Rend!!!
A few months more and the !residential
campaign will open iu all its ;:igor, with can
didates in the field representing the distinct
ive issues of each political organization, and
conunitted plainly anal unequivocally to their
On both shies active preparations are be
ing made for the - sfrm., , gle, and• It will un
doubtedly be one of the most fiercely con
tested in the history of the nation. - Every
indication of the times points to the most
stubborn and unscrupulous resistance ip the
part of the Radicals against the efforts of the
people to wrest from theni the lawless power
which they have Acizryl to nlihold their base
The Democratic party begins the cmnpaigit
under the most auspicious 'ciretunstanee,
with-a confidence in sueCess, an enthusi a .qn
for the cause, and a vitmrous self reliance
that has not been experieneed'in many yearF.
The - late elections shot• conclusively that a
vasrmalority of the nation tire ready to es
pouse-our standard if we only prove faithful
to our creed, and continue to stand . firmly by
the interests of the country. •
But to make victory certain something'
more is necessary than mere dependence up
on the!truth of our principles. In the flush
of self-confidence, we are apt to forget what
a vigilant enemy we have to overcome, and
- what desperate measures he is apt to resort to
to attain his ends. Political battles, like those
of a more bloody nature, depend for,their re
sults more on the sk i ',courage, determination
and energy of the contesting foes than upon the
sacredness of their cause, or the convictions of
the participate. .The Denfocraey of America
have always stood forth as devotedly attached
to the Union, the 'Constitution and the nn el
fare of the country us they do to-day,-yet
for seven yearsthey have been divested of
power, and it is only when the people are
aroused from their delusion by the imperilled
condition of the public interests, that they
have again returned to us that confidence
which it would have peen well if they had,
never parted with.
The all-impoltant tte,t,ity of Rot clay, on
the part of our political friend; i,—(r‘ , /A-. ,
wont:'.! WORK!!!'
We must be thoroughly organized and pre
pared for the 'campaign. Every man must
consider that he owes a perxonal duty in the
matter, as indeed he does, for there is no one
so humble, but he is in some way more or less
concerned to the issues at stake. All the
districts must be canvassed, so that we noiy
know where it will be most advantageous to
employ our energies. The young men must
be encouraged to lend a helping hand. Those
who have been led estray must be brought
back to the fold, and Democratic arguments
placed in their reach, that they may know
the distinctive questions which divide par
'ties, and no longer be misled by the wiles and
falsehoods of the Opposition. •
What we have said before we now, reiter
ate, and intend 'reiterating: until we have
waked the Democracy up to a full conscious
ness of its truth, that the most effective
weapon towards success is the ?ride ft ixt eiby
lion of &ring and •rt:n(Jhl% , r,r4trd loeJl
One good journal in a flintily will more
towards moulding, its political conviction,
than all other influcnc'es, and filly copies cir
culated in; any locality for six months will
accomplish more efficient servico than a doz
en costly ina , s ;nettling,.
.The'Democratic party has never displaced
that zeal in supporting its press that it need
ed, and to that cause, as much 'as anything,
else, may be attributed its misfortunes during
the last ten years: In all sections of the
country—even in the midst of the strongest
Democratic localities—the Radical press is
more liberally sustained than 'ours, and in
many places the contrast is si) great as al
most to amount to a disgrace.
The time has come for these: things to be
changed, and for the Democratic •party to
enter upona new method of warfare. Our
papers ought to be spread broadcast over the
land, and take the place of those which are
now defiling the minds of-the young and
filling them with wrong itleds of Republic:in
liberty. Onr public men should avail them
selves of every opportunity that atr•rs
to i:a
press the importance of these views, on the
attention of the masse.. Our local leaders
should make a point of devoting 'whatever
spare time they can towards strengthening
their county organs by procuring their fricntls•
and neighbors patronage.
The low price of TWO. D'OLLARS per
yea; at which the oi)bseryer is now offered,
if paid in adewhce, ought to ensure the doub
ling of our subscription list inside of the next
six months.
But 'to place it within the reach of all, we
offer to take 1:101A RPth3Criliio7l.4 al ONE
DOLLAR in adra:,te, with the privilege of
commencing at any period desired, and of
continuing the paper at the same rate for the
balance . of the year if desired.
Now is the time to begimthe work, before
the -spring operations set in, and while voters
have time to read, and retl.;:•t over the facts
presented to them. Let it nut delayed
under the impression that the matter can be
n. well attended . to by-and-by. More ad
vantageous work can be rendered during the
next two months than can be performed dur
ing the entire balance, of the campaign. A.
six months' subscription e‘muneneinz, within
the next two months, will continue until
year the close of, the campaign. and have tin
immense influence over the mind of tine vo
ter who perus=es the paper.
We earnestly urge this important matter
apan our frit:rub as by all odds the mn-I re
liaLig• means of helping the caase. ,
Tit every one of our present suls-cribers
see US Democratic neighbor at once, and if
heis act a patron am :tdv, indaee him to sub
scribe tar six montll, if he .eemm,t. for a
Let who can afford it, semi copies to
hesitating voters, who may be,Milucemed to
suppdrt out candidates at the uext election.
Let cluhs he established and- procure ten,
twenty or fifty copies for free distribution
whereter Ca:tee 35 Likely to be a rote gained.
Let this be the };,,,id preparatory work Of
the campaign, and he assured that whenever
other means are necessary there will be foimd
an abundance of ready helpers for every part
We intend that, be the result of the con
test what it may, no one shall have the op
portunity to complain that we have failed to
fulfill our complete duty in the canvass.
The Observer for the next year will be.
more vigorous and outspoken than in any
previotis portion of its career; will contain
more rea.ding matter; and it shall be our
constant aim to present such material as will
be productive of the most beneficial results.
We only tuek„ for mach coraperntion as we
have a right to expect, and if the Democra
cy of the North-West are impelled by one
half our real and confidence,' we premise
such a verdict in this section :is will gladden
the hearts of our friends throughout the
A tall majestic lady,
With lucks of deepest dye,
A silken dress, whose gorgeousness
Delights no other eye.
A pretty little cottage,
With ivy cover'd o'er.
And she, my pride my limey bride,
Expectant at the door.
Soft music in the gleaming
liblt4 gurgling from ber throat ;
While I He still, and drink my till
Of each love-burdened note.
Days spent in sweet communion
'Neath shade of leafy trees;
We woo and sing, and ev'rything
Is poetry and ease.
• ;
tiny fairy being
Lies nestling on my breast, .
As tired of play she seems to say,
"This is my rightful rest
And in those baby features,
So beautiful and mild,
Nfethinks I trace another far.,
The mother of my
A slight but comely lady,
With rippling chestnut hair,
A cotton dress, which no less,
.She looks extreinely fair;
A busy, bustling beauty
On household duties 'Dent,
Wlm si?eaks,'the while, with happy smile
Of brol”nss and.content.
A little house in London;
No ivy end no flowers.
But what care we for botany?
That little house is ours.
And often in the evening,
When we hear some well-known cry,
Or tramp of feet along the street,
We smile, my wife and I.
No little fairy daughter '
Nestling confidently;
Four healthy boys, whose ecaqelesi noise
Brings childhood back to me,
these prosaic blessings,
Of which I hare my share,
In peace and love, soar far above
3ire:Ls:oes in the air. '
Eur3EN. 4s.r]aA_lN9r.
Ills Claims to.Patilie Favor An-
aly zed.
(Prom the N. Y. World.]
It a backwoodsman should insist on using
an axe to cut his crop of grain, instead of a
sickle, because the axe had rendered good
service in felling the forest that stood upon
the sense ground the preceding year, nobody
would be apt to think well of his judgment
in the selection of a utensil. As we are not
to have a war, there is less fitness in the se
lection of a general, than of a statesman, as
candidate for President. General Grant has
been nominated solely in consequence of his
military reputation. Waiving, for the pres
ent, the fundamental objection that the in
strument is not adapted to the proposed use,
and that the Presidency, during the next
term, will afford no scope for the exertion of
military talents, we challenge inquiry into
the grounds of General Grant's fame as a sol
dier. We suppose none of his friends will
seriously maintain that ho is entitled to be
called a great general therely because he has
commanded great armies, much less because
he has exposed and lost in battle great multi
tudes of men: His reputation rests upon the
fact that all his campaigns have been success
ful. But success against such adversaries as
Pillow or Pemberton in the - West is no very
signal proof of abilities, unless they com
manded greater forces ; which they. did not.
General Lee was a more worthy antagonist ;
but General Lee was not conquered by fight
ing him, but by exhausting his resources.
Ile stood on the defensive for nearly a year
after Grant assumed command in the East,
although the Confederacy was even then,
when Grant crossed the Rapidan, tottering
and well-nigh spent by three years' exertion
in a strenuous and unequal struggle. It is
certainly just to credit Grant with the cap
ture of Lee ; but there is a debit as well as a
credit side to the account. What General
Scott called "the economy of life by means
of hard work," will be sought for in vain in
the campaigns of General Grant. His suc
cesses have been won by a prodigal expetli- -
ture of his soldiers. In his last and greatest
campaign lie pitted au enormous army
against a small one, and sacrificed twice as
many men as General Lee bad under his
conunand. It is not justice but adulation, to
praise him as if he had conquered an army
as large as his own. _ It is not justice but an
affront to humanity to give him as much
credit as if he had achieved the same result
without suck wholesale sacrifices -of men.
The following is an authentic statement of
the respective forces and losses of General
Grant and Lee between the Rapidan and the
Grant on a.mming command May 4,1804,
had of effective men besides the reserve,
when he cros, , ed the Rapidan, 125,000.
Lee at the same date had an effective force
of 52,001.
Grant's reinforeementsup to the battle of
Cold Harbor, June 3, were 97,000.
Lee's reinforcemmts, up to the same date,
were 18,04.10.
Grant'g total tierce, including reinfurce
ments, wag 2'22.000.
Lee's total force; including . reinforcements,
was I'o,ooo.
Returns to their respeenve Governments
showed that when both armies had reached
the James, June 10, the number of Grant's
army that had been put liars d« co»itet was
117,01 Y).
epto the same date, the number of Lee's
men who had been put kort dusombill,was
The two armies then met in front of Peters
We hare been at some pains to ascertain
and verify these figures, and vouch for their
substantial accuracy.
We have had some experience before of
running successful generals as candidates for
tho Presidency; but their achievements
were, in this particular, a great contrast to
those of General Grant. General Jackson
won his brilliant victory at New Orleans with
7.000 men against a British army of 12,000.
General Taylor had but about 6,000. men at
Buena Vista, and the Mexicans twice or
thrico that number. General Scott had
67,00 at Cerro Gordo, the Mexicans 12,000.
The splendid victory of Contreras was
achieved by Scott with 4,500. against 12,600
Mexicanq. • •
[Front the Phil.% Age.)
On the 10th of March, 1834, Grant, in pur
suance of an act of Congress,, took command
of the armies of the United States, then re
ported as one million of men. For his move
ment against Richmond he used Butler's
army of 30,000: Slegel's of 17,000, and the
Army of the Potomac, 140,000. Lee's army
amounted to 52,620 men (see Swinton's Army
of the Potomac.) If the Array of the Poto
mac met terrible obstacles in its route to
Richmond, it was more the fault of Grant
than of Lee. It was Grant who allowed that
route to be prescribed to his army. And
this shows a weakness in his cbaracter,a sub
serviency to politicians, which, now, must '
not pass unnoticed. A . movement on Rich- 1
mond, by water, was the obvious, easy . way
to reach it. Grant gave his decided opinion
in favor of it (Swinton, page 405.) Ho was
turned from it by the politicians. They did
not want hint to carryout McClellan's plan.
He yielded to them, and the result is known.
Every step on the overland route proved it a
bloody, disastrous blunder. After twelve
day's waste of life at Spottsylvania, Grant
marched away front those impenetrable
lines ;'his loss there and in the Wilderness
was more than 40,000 men. 13,000 fell in as
fruitless an attack at Cold Harbor. 117,000
men was the total loss entailed by Grant's
subserviency to the politicians, in taking
their route to Richmond. When he at last
reached the James River, he wanted a new
army. In reinforcements he received 97,000
men. With these and the converging army
of Sherman ho reduced Richmond. But
when? His often quoted boast of "fight
ing it oat on this line, if it took all summer,"
spoke ill for his military sagacity. It was
like Mr. Seward's exer recurring prediction
of "peace in thirty days." It took Grant all
summer, all autumn, all winter;sand all the
spring of the next year to get into Richmond.
He entered it in April,ISCZ. With his' force
nnwasted, he could have captured it front
the headwaters of the James or the York
River, in a few days or weeks, with little or
no loss of life. By the course he took he did
not even cover Washington. It was never
• in greater danger than from Early's—march
oast in July, 1864.
We recur to these things in no spirit of de
traction, but in justice to the living and the
dead, whom Grant's flatterers depreciate.
Show us in this campaign a' single gleam of
that military acnins ichkl, attain: ;7,lmi it--
sults with small means, or of that "headwork
that spares human 'Ai." For the nectwarY
effusion of blood in war, the General is not
answerable; for the unskillful waste of life
-he is responsible—at least in the estimate of
his claims and his abilities. We rank Grant
below Scott, in all the essentials of a great
commander. If Grant is tole classified with
other generals, it must be with the liassian
Suwarrow, or the Oriental conquerors wii"W
thought any advantage cheaply purchased,
if it cost only the blood of their men. His
capacity is limited in military affairs ; helm
no capacity at all for civil affairs. Ills per
sonal habitsare disreputable. There is no
man more unfit to be President of the United
States. Not only is he "unaccustomed to
public speaking;' he is unaccustomed to
speaking or thinking of anything serious ; lie
is wholly ignorant and careless of the prin
ciples of free government; ho is a mere tool
in the hands of the clique of politicians who
have him in charge. ale let them formally
put forth his opinion as "the General of the
Army" to influence the High Court to con
vict the President. "A General of the Army"
thus ignorant of his proper relation to the
administration of civil justice, can know little
of the government and laws under which he
lives, and is surely not to he trusted with the
defense and execution of them as President
of the United States.
tiVentlell Phillips' Letter on his Intem
perate Habits.
Phillips, the avant courier of Rad
icalffin, has printed the accusation of drunk
enness against Grant, time after time, whilst
Anna Dickinson, the Radical leeturess, has
made it before a dozen audiences. We ap
pend a letter written by Wendell Phillips,
copied from the Anti-Shivery Standard, of
April 11, upon this subject :
So of Grant's intemperance. We think the
evidence was sufficient before. But if any
thing in the way of proof was lacking, it is
amply supplied by a speech of Mr. Dodge,,of
New York, tlie President of the National
Temperance Society, and by the letter of
Mr. Senator Wilson, published in the Boston
Daily Advertiser, April 1.
Mr. Dodge has been in Washington, and
assures temperance men they need have no
fears. He knows of the reports of the Gen
eral's recently published intoxication. At
such a moment, and speaking as an officer
'of a temperance society, Mr. Dodge would
•have denied the truth of those reports if he
had been able to do so. His omission to do
that, and the evasive, general terms in which
he indulges, will convince any thoughtful
letotaller that Mr. Dodge knows and- feels
that he cannot deny the General's intemper
ance. He has schooled himself into think
ing that it -does not amount to enough to
peril the State, and hence, letting his party
feelink overrideiis temperance principles,
he is willing
.20 run the risk. What we
claiM, is, that, before he asks us to run the
risk, he should let us know the exact facts.
Then we will decide whether to run it ornot.
Mr. Wilson's letter is even more charac
teristic, and therefore more evasive. lie, too,
knows of the reports of Grant's public
drunkenness on a particular day in last Jan
uary. If we mistake not, these reports were
brought more than once to his notice. In
his letter he says : "I have seen General
Grant in camp, in his office, at his own house,
and at dinner parties where liquors were
freely used by others, but have never seen
him drink even a glass of wine, nor have I
ever seerthim when I had the slightest rea
son to think he was in any degree under the
influence of drink."
Of course, no doubt. We can bringlo,ooo
people in that very city of Washington who
never saw Grant drunk. There are 10,000,-
000 in the North who never saw Grant
drunk. We never saw Grant drunk or sober.
But Mr. Wilson knows well that the country
never asked him, as a prominent tetotaller,
whether he had seen Grant drunk. The
question was, "Sir, living in Washington,
knowing the facts or easily able to know
them, what, are the facts as to these alleged
public exposures of your Presidential candi
date':" Mr. Senator Wilson undertakes to
'answer that question. His answer is .he
never saw Grant drunk. If any shrewd faw
yer had, in such circumstances, received
from a witness such an answer, he would
have askeakno further question ; but taken it
for granted and argued to the jury, that the
witness substantially admitted the drunken
ness. To us no further evidence is necessa
ry. Knowing Henry . Wilson, we see in this
equivocation convincing evidence that lie
cannot and dares not deny that he has heard
from trustworthy sources of this public
drunken exposure of his candidate. Mr.
Wilson's course on this occasion is precisely
the same he pursued a year ago, when, hav
ing originated a report as to the drunken
ness of a 0 ftssachusetts Congressman, and
afraid to meet the consequences, lie equivo
cated himself out of the responsibility. >row,
when all that Congressman cconstitnents ad
mit his inioxik •Ltion, it is ...A pr. );)able that
Mr. Wilson would it worth while to
sltuflle. If Grant as .'resident,-should show
himself, in Mr. Dodge's felicitous languag,e,
"fully capable of filling Andy Johnson's
place." drunkenness and all: or when Grant
is thrown aside, because he had been Presi
dent, or is not needed for that office, we -shall
hear the absolute truth about his vice even
from Henry Wilson. Now when the tem
perance body need his knowledge, he obeys
that same law of timid self-preservation
which shocked his admirers when it carried
him selfishly into the Know-nothing party
to save his place. We call this letter equivo
cation. It is a mild phrase considering the
vast peril, and the value the writer professes
to set on temperance. We should be amply
justified in describing it by a much stronger
term. And the constant repetition of this
offense by this public servant ,seems almost
to call for such fraud descriptiOis.
In view of this element in His career, the
success of Mr. Wilson is one tt - P the most
alarming results of Democratic institutions;
sad evidence of how often they throw worth
less men to the top.
t.dvertit , ements
Our advertising caumns are so crowded
that we are obliged to find room for a few
special notices amon ,, ' the reading matter:
DissoLt-rici OF COP!,RTNERSIIIP.-Trilr
firm of Chase & Greeley is dissolved, on ac
count of the disgust of the junior partner,
and because the members of the firm are
about to travel in opposite directions. The
business of the "firm will be continued by
Greeley & Grant.: while S: P. Chase will
hereafter be associated with William 11. Sew
ard, formerly the head of the house of Sew
ard, Weed & Greeley.
bounded as follows: Beginning at Point No
Point, and ending on the opposite side de
scribed in the impeachment speech of Hon.
George 11. Boutwell, but more particularly
set forth and shown up in the reply of Wm.
31. Et:arts, Esq. It is an elevated and airy
situation, and was designed as a summer res
idence for Andrew Johnson, who haas con
cluded to remain in the White House. There
are no near neighbors.
TITEATItIC.U..—NOTICE TO 1.).2i:1GE115.-
31anagers of impeachment-will find the hest
Article—the only one which will hold water
—that furnished by
Wade has conc)uded not to move into the
White House during the present mouth of
May. He will not take the oath of office, but
that will not prevent his taking'se'veral other
Gentlemen who are in heavy political ha,
iness will do well to take notlet that no
other paper can be compared with , tho Ob
server for advertising in their line.
REEttz...snlNG.-31r. Ross—l anked the gen
tleman from :Pennsylvania whethdr,
opinion, Senators would be jt:stitied in per
jufing themselves for the purpose of procur
ing a conviction of the President'?
Mr. Stevens—Well. sir, I do not think it
would hurt theta.—[.Debate fu Ilvuse (fllep.,
_Try 1.9.
How delightful this is ! What a dear old
man "Throw Conscience to the Devil" Ste
vens is I His opinions are so very honorable,
so exceedingly just, so perfectly moral, and
so much according to the precepts of Chris
tianity ! Suppose we change the words a lit
tle, retaining the substance :
Scene—a Court of Justice-7little boy on
the witness stand.
Judge—Now, my little fellow; you are go
ing to take an oath to tell the truth; what
will happen to you should you kiss that
book, and then tell a lie ? 1
Ingenious Youth—Well, I don't know that
it would do me any harm.
Judge—Right, my little man. AU that old
fashioned humbug about the sanctity of an
oath is entirely out of date. Tell the jury
whatever you think will convict the prison
er; never mind abotit its being true.
Verily, we live and learn.
Tun best forms of notes and blanks in. the
city at the Observer office. tf.
:~..~.~~ r ~.,.,,...~..v.._ ._.
th •
0 at
Th Peer& ) Itarieachteent before the 1..,r or
-va public oMnion.-
Ben Wade.)
The charges against the defendant were
that he hdil•tiblated . the - Constitution of the
United' States ; nnd that he had conarnitte.l
treason agninst humanity:
1. In this, that he did wickedly C011:11i1:‘,
with Sumner, Stevens, and others, itsjo•-tly
to procure the impeachment and dizini.,;,al
from office of Andrew Johnson, Preident of
the United States, with intent to asurp tiV
powers of the Government for the prirpfro
of self - aggrandizement and to pc pr tome. tlt
powers of the infamous "Rump," and it v. a•
further charged, that although the defendant
was one of the judges of impeachment under
the Constitution, lie publicly condemned the
President without evidence. and in advance
of the proposed trial.
2. That as one of the ringleaders of the
sect of Republicans, he conspired as :num
sald to overthrow the laws of property, La
which every man has secured to himself the
prdduct of his own hard earnings, with in
tent to establish the agrarian rule, that all
property shall be
.equally divided amongst
men, and that therefore, the virtuous, Wu,-
trious and thrifty citizen should divide with
the vicious, idle and thriftless, every Satur
day night, and oftener if necessary, the col
nred."en-.4' to have the largest chars, if 110--
NO. 3.
3. That he advocated the monstrous doe.
trine of, negro equality, and the interming
ling of the races ; whereby lie intended to
debase and degrade the white to thelevel of
the black man, and in furtherance of this
terrible purpose, he designed to give the Mark
man the ballot box, the jury box, and the
right to be elected to office in the Northern
4. That he conspired as afbresaid to de
stroy the -Union of these States, by
laws excluding ten of the States from a par
ticipation in the priviliges of the government,
and by creating and putting in force five
military, despotisms, in their room, giving
to five Military satraps absolute-power over
the lives, the property and the liberty of mil
lions of white men, in derogation of the Dec
laration of Independence and the Constitu
tion of tile United States, all with intent to
perpetuate the power of the "Bump" afore
5. That he conspired as aforesaid to con
fer the right of suffrage upon the blacks of
the South, by an act of Congress, at the scone
time disfranchising the whites, thus intend
ing in the end to exclude the whites from
power, and confer it ou the deba , ed end bru
talized negro man.
Innumerable offences of lesser 'magnitude
were charged against the defendant, will)
the averment that lie Wll, a revolutioni-d, a
corrupt politician and a low 'cl,magogue.
whwe continuance in p3 , vor wbuld endan
ger the liberties of the people.
The defendant was arrakmed before the
bar, and pleaded net guilty, and put himsell
upon the country. The jury was empan
neled. The Democracy were the persecutors.
The defendant appeared by counsel of hi-.
own kidney, who resorted to bribery, fraud,
and every devilish device to ;rain the verdict,
but after a fair trial and a full inve•digation,
the jury returned a verdict of guilty in man
ner and form as defendant stood indicted.
Whereupon the court adjuded, ordered
and decreed that Ben. Wade had forfeited
forever the confidence and retpect of the
people, and that he return into merited ob
scurity, followed by the execration of mar ,
Thu the great "Impeacher" wl3 him3cif
impeached, and the office for which he sacri
ficed his manhood was phIC(111 beyonl hi ,
grasp forever.
gloek which beine liter
erally interpreted, means that lien. Wade i- - ,
a dead dice. Let pollticiau, tab:” arnim;
I was born in Nebraska. - The farmer to
whom I belonged paid a tax upon rue as a part
of his income during my vcalhood. He sold
me when I was three years old, and paid „an
income tax upon what I. brought. I was
nicely fatted until I weighed nearly a ton, by
a Democrat on Weeping Water, who paid
the Government eighteen cents for the pri
vilege of selling rue to a butcher, who pays .a
tax of ten dollars for the privilege of selling
meat to the public. The butcher sold my
tallow to a chandler; who made me, by pay
ing a lidense as manufacturer, into candles
for the poor people, who pay a five per cent.
tax on candles to read by. My • horns and
hoofs are made into combs and glued, and
pay another tax. My hide goes to the tan
ner, who pays a manufacturers license, and
is made into leather, upon which is an.
takron tax of five per cent. The tanner
will sell thd leather to a wholesale dealer,
who pays a mercantile license and an in
come tax, and he will sell it to the shoema
ker, and the shoemaker will get up . boots tnr
the laborer, tanner and mechanic, and charge
enough for them to cover all the taxes enu
merated, together with his own manufac
turer's tax.
I was made out of the hide of the departed
ox whose taxed rife and death is published
above. At first my body was rough leather
only, and taxed five per cent. ,ut ca:oron, but
my toe and tongue were made of enameled
leather and were therefore obliged to pay an—
extra tax for increased valuation. My sole
and body were held together by little nails,
upon which there is a tax of five per cent.,
and then I paid a manufacturer's tax and a
three per cent., a'7 r.tloAni tax, and a part of
an income tax, together with a five per cent.
tax on thread and a tax of twenty cents
gallon on the oil that I was dressed with.
All of these taxes were converted into gold
and paid to my Lord and Lady Shoddy as
interest money upon their untaxed bonds! '
And I was bought and worn out by a one
armed soldier, who pays a license tax for
vending peanuts, apples and Yankee notions,
and ant now an old shoe ready to be picked
up by the city scavenger, who pays license
tax, and hauled into the country for manure
to raise corn that will make three gallons of
whiskey to the bushel and pay a tax of two
dollars on each gallon.
The I old shoes of Webster, Cass, Batton.
Clay, and Polk would make better laws and
'Mete out more equal taxation than do the
Chandlers, Sumner, SteYense.s and Colfaxes
of this day and generation. Old shoes in the
House of Representatives and old boots in
the Senate would make a better Cougrcss
than the one we now suffer under. I ant fin
InTaLvarNsErr Bt'LLYtNo.— , TLIe following
telegraphic dispatches were sent to the con-
Wier:looll,3 Senator front Kansas, Mr. Ross,
who refused to commit perjury by finding
the President guilty in obedience to outside
clamor and dictation :
"LttArcNwoirrn, May 16. IS6I.
"lion. E. U. S. Senator, Washing
ton, D. C.:
` . Your telegram received. Your vote is
dictated by TOni Ewing, not by your oath.
Your motives are Indian contracts and green
backs. Kansas repudiates you as she 'does
all perjurers and skunks.
"D. E., ANTITONV, and others."
"TorEKA, MAY 16, 186 S.
"To E. :
"Probably the rope kith which Judas hung;
himself is lost, but the pistol with which Jim
Lane committed •micide is at your service.
"L D. liktrxr."
What'a beautiful Government we would
have if it would be under the control and
management awry:dies like the authors of
the , c dispatches. What a party must that
be when such scamps are its representative
men, and assume thus to die tate to jurors in
the most important political proceedings.
Tot: "RENEGADEs."—Senator Fes , emlen
is 1 native of New liae p.shire. and began po
litical life as a Whig. Senator Trumbull 1.-
a native of Connecticut. and tip to IK,-1 waß
proa,sed Senator Henderson
was burn in Vinzinia, and :tete 1. with the
Detnocrdti. - p irty until th^ breakirN . out of
the Ivar. sen.ttor I;rimes is a native of New
H am p,bire, :out a as t iectcd to r.1:1, Senate 1. ,
a Sen ,tor
D:itive faun: which State lie
elected S^nator in 1'3415. Senator Roes
wa, born in IVisconsin. and moved to Kan
rais at the commencement I,i the troubkli
acre. :. , :enator a native of
New Yorl;:, but has be , n a re. - ..:dent of Wet.
iroinul 51110 k. 14:15. These are the gentle
men whose votes last week saved the coon
-try the mortification of witnes,ing the ejevt-
Anent of its Preshit 0t front office for party
Gt. - NE - FLU, GRAIa'S REcoup.--Charles R.
Moss, one of the old chums of Wendell Phil
lips, an original member, we believe, of the
"Liberty Guard," writes thus from Washing
ton,-under date of May 12,1865, to Rev. A.
M. Powell. He says:
"General Grant is working hard with his
friends to secure conviction. He says his
acquittal will result in bloodshed. His opin
ion ought to influence Republictua. Senators
to remote the only obstacle iu the way of
. "By the \car. General Grant the past three
weeks has declared himself iu favor (,1 uni
, versal suffrage. and declares that mutt be the
ruling idea of his administration if fleeted in
1 16135."
NEAT Spring Silk and. Fancy beauti
ful Coatings and Cassimeres; also, agt.nts
reports of fashion. Jo :a ,t;'LvrLe.
Intere,ting Biogrnphie..—
. 1