The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 28, 1868, Image 2

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    Zile tiie (i'tioirtitr.
I,lrott OENPRAL,
'II.IS. VOILE, of Fayette ('o
W. H. ENT, of Columbia Co
IliF4Po.° AND 9 AILOR , .. • ATION
I lit Lao , talc. ,
and ( . 611VV1111011, hula at
'in tztold, have called a Nutional
Couvrntion of the rom.,•rvative Soldiers and
Salim.= of the United States, to meet at the
City of New I.:ork, the 4th of July next, to
take action on the nomination of ('on'erva
tive candidates for President and Vice-Presi
dent. As it is desirable that Pennsylvania.
should be fully represented in said Conven
tion, we request our late Comrades In arms
to take the necessary action to hate delegates
elected or appointed from every Cong,respon
al district in the State. As the time is rapid
ly approaching when the Convention will
meet, there should be no delay in the,mat
EDWARD L. DANA, Brigadier General.
JACOB SWEITZER, Late Colonel and Bre
vet Brigadier General.
JOSEPH' F. KNIPE, Major General.
W. W. 11. DAVIS, Late Colonel and Brevet
Brigadier General.
JOHN P. LINTON, Late-Colonel.
JOHN S. MeCALMONT, Late Colonel.
LEVI MAISH, Late Colonel.
The unanimity with .which GOD. Grant
was chosen as the Radical nominee at Chi
cago is of 00 essential value, except as it may
show the skill with which the party leaders
had manipulated public opinion to subserre
the purpose they wished to ace,mtplish. In
_himself, he has taw or ho elements - to pro
mote an enthusiastic admiiiition, but
there is a prestige attached to his position
daring the war which rendered hint in a cer
t tin setts& the tuo-t ayailahle tout for the
party. The decision was reached a year ago
Cott Gen. Grant was the only person who
could save the Radii-al organization from
irretrievable oierthroW. From that timeon
aard wary appliance has been employed to
bend the party mac hinery hi his tavor, his
sets and talents have been- magnified , his
virtuee extolled and hi: character eulogized;
until nine•tenths of the Itatlical voters bud
1t nnr convinced butt hip nnminntiuu WRi
nece.-ity 111 alo..(11111f1 denr , ttub•d as the
lu•a!tlttitl circulation of the Ids 'd in their
n bodies. !fence the lltiesgo Cont.eution
simply recorded the VI rdirl 111:ii had been
made up for it hcforehand, and those who
prate 01 11 , barintonjiati .t I ertain
assurance of , uct either do not know the
took. by which it wa•, effected, or v, ilfully
onceal the Met for sinister purposes That
body, indeed, had no ehoi, e, and could have
made no other it it had. The Grunt meth.
ians had conducted their game with so much
•kill that every delegate went to Chicago
',hedged to his support, and with the firm he-
lief that his ,name alone was of saftici}•n
potence to reqeue the party from its impend
I ng peril
The bPleCtioll of Mr. Colfax Mt the Vice
Presidency; like that of Grant, came more
from than an honest ilk-4re to place
hint in that position. Mr. Wade was the
tirAt choice of two-tbinh, of the members, but
prudence dictated that a man he taken who
is more in accord with the sympathies of
the tnaisci; Neither of the other names pre-
”ented s6emed to afford the required charac
teristics, and the Convention, after four in
effi,etual balloting~, hastily turned to Mr.
Colfax as the forlorn hope who might or
might not be the man for the emergency.
The Radical leaders sing hosannalis of
praise over the invincibility of their ticket
and strive to make their follower; believe it
has met with the most enthusiastic favor in
parts of the country. The best criterion
by which to Judge of these allegations is the
reception of the nomination in our immedi
ate section. Aside from the feu• managing
men of the party, no person appeared to be
especially interested in the tidings, and even
the soldiers who were expected to - receive
the annouuentent of Grant's name with wlld
expressions uf delight, preserve lite voolest
and most provoking indifference. And as it
is here, so it is in all inifty of dw country.
The manifeAtations of enthusiasm have been
few and Ihr between, stub the most of these
were of a foleed nature. With all the ex-
nityagant, laudation of Gen. Grant, he has
really little of a huh) upon t h e. atlet that+ of
the masses. They regarkt te., it vastly
overrated man, lifted into prorah h .nce more
by circumstance& Uti bre at4t , of untie great
natural abilits,Vibo ha. already been reward
ed beyond Ms deserts
We do not regard Ihe ticket as fortolifahle,
moult lei. intiincihle. The signs of the times
indicate that the people rare more now for
principle. than men, and no (Ellin:: of glit
nering epaulets or sycophantic politeness
will betray them into losing sight of the pur
pose they hare resolved to two-411 0 mA. 'lhey
rt,torati? l ,l s ty peace nu(l
pt•ritv to our b,ls.vell klo;,1 1. return to the
- 0 . 0 4, :tl . 4>ii:t 41 ., :ioueruy, and the reduction (a
olett e. ping hurdezni , an impression
peedilv !ruining ground that tht; continna
the Ratiic , ll_ parte in pow -r M ill
rathir ti42.t.,rat - alv than ttintinigh roil,
•onttwhine•d or
If v.:. oITTI believe the repre,entations of
Kadieal rorie.zpor.leitt4, the (I:livago
Contenri,m atit-0 havr hren the .ceue „r
au L TI graceful an.l corruption
mt, puts to blush all pr..rinii:
Alr Penniman. editor o 1 th.LPiatsburgh
1;3/Ptt,.. the Organ Of Ath
ny t •Idntv,sent dnspdtell tram Chic Le)
111, Journal, containinz the following:
"The Albany 'lobby has been so coovioc,
thnt to night, a number of these deleea
um, (the Southern carpet hagger9,l bate
Itopmd over to t'enton The enargei
mone - y and promises for material Ma M large
ononnta arr. openly made, and, IL.N.tead of he-
Ina; denied are jnatifird. votelnet
amine cungidw.(l4.ol
"r r.enonnan teas an ardent Curtin man,
mid en tit.t reading of his dispatch, we a ttri•
h o led it to soured ii!eilllgS over the suciir
mug reception of hi. favorite's Tifi for_the .
Vice Presidency. Ititt when we find what
he says confirmed by disinterested writers,
"Muck." of the Cincinnati Commercial,
also a Radical organ, it is a-pretty sure indi
cation that all is not mere assertion. The
latter, under date of the 20th inst., says:
- New York is iu earnest for Fei,-.;:m, and
'there is a well autltentictetvd r4iort that there
have been in his behalf minim twenty
to twenty-five thoi,t.i.ind dollars, fur the vote
of cat.h of thy. Lsven.'ileiegal.lous from, the:
i , outhern l!, if aiiu.itiett, to thy Couven:
!ion It is i , a , d that tlw (Mega.
A ution 614 rvd !ascii ftir..Vie, With the exell'e
of being poor, and 4.4,. - New York closed the
contract for the - lot at twenty-five thousand
dollars. New York tampered with the Ohio
delegates, but Were bluffed oaf with the pro.'
piksition to give twenty-five thousand dollars
t.r the New York vote, delegates to cull at.
Cincinnati, on their war twine and get
. - -
IT is a feature of some signitieduSe, that at
ter all the denunciation of the seven Republi
can Senators who voted for President John
.on's acquittal, the Chicago Convention did
not dare to say ono word in their condemna
tion. ['crimps, the poor frightened Radicals
kel the importance at conciliating even these
- traitors and purchased cons.pirators," us they
are so Ireely characterized iu private. Even
Chief Justice Chase was severely let alone.
'Frilly Radicalism is on its last legs when re
such cowardly exo,-rinities.
No fact is better known to the mass of:in
tellig,ent readers . than that when thejtadical
party deserted the planer restoration adop
ted by Presidentaincoln andlohnson, and
a separation ensued between Johnson
and his party, General Giant was in full ac
cord with the President. Ho stood beside
the President when the latter received and
replied to the Committee front the Philadel
phia (.4';osention -of-August- 14th. - 1800.
tteeompauitd, the Pretddent in his memorable
electioneering tour to Chicago in the same
veer And when the President removed
Stantoo, General Giant accepted the ~p-pointua
pointua nt of St - Wt.-Lary ed Pry
one thought, iu order to facilitate a change.
The testimony of General Grant before the
Impeachment Committee moreover indicates
that he approved :'f the programme of
Messrs. Lincoln and Johnson; and his cele
brates' report upon the condition of the
Southern people, made shortly after. the close
of the war, exhibits a feeling of kindness for
them which is utterly irrecomileable with a
support of the emm.,resainual scheme of De.
The question arises, in slew of these
iar circumstances, how it happens that Gen.
Grant has deserted the President in his hour
of extremity, and given Lis adhesion to the
abominable plan of Negro Construction ?
Ibis he deliberately deceived the people for
three years, or has he been corrupted by.dhe
promise of the Radical nomination for„the
Presidency: His correspondence with the
President about the removat4 Stanton be
trays a desire to create the itppression that
he was dereiving the Preslajnt and people,
In either aspect of his course, we wish The
,any of their candidate'. If he has
deliberately deceived the American people
for three long years, and perfidiously be
trayed them at the end of that time, the Rad
icals cannot expect hint to keep better thith
with them than w th,others. If he has. been
corrupted by the promise of office, they nutty
reckon upon his deserting them as soon as he
finds their party losing the poorer to confer
otlice. Their willingness to accept a candi
date ut Grant's equivocal antecedents, exhib
its their fear and desperation. A year ago
they would have disdained to support -any
less pronounced candidate than Chase, Wade
or one of that stamp. Now, they grasp at
the candidate who promisee to afford, them
support in the Ithur of their extremity and
And they do this - in the thee of
their experience of• Andrew Johnson and tw u
of his predecessors!
The Radicals do not want Grant 'as the
but :t the figure-head•of ihe party.
They one hint all a decoy to catch
votes. If nutter Us name they can pump up
enthusiasm enough to carry majorities in Vito
Eleetoral eollev, , , and Congress, : 4 1eyens,
Sumner and the negooei will rob: the coun
try four years longer, and . .,trAtt. will have
their full perrnisaion to vuoke,and talk horse
t hrot tgloaat his term.
Tuesday being - the day net tor voting, on
the I•maining articles of impeachment, a full
Senate was in attendance, and the galleries
were crowde4l with an anxious audience.
The extreme Radicals made several attempts
to postpone the vote, but the motions were
declared out Or order by the Chief Justice,
and his decision sustained by a majority of
the Senate. A ballot was then taken on the
second article, with the sante result as nPnn
the eleventh-3.1 for conviction to 10 against.
The third article met a similar fate, and the
impeachers, seeing themselves foiled at every
point, and filled with wrath, moved for an
adjontoment of the high court rise die, with
out any action on the balance of the articles.
Before taking the vote, the Senate was re
minded by the Chief Justice that in accord.
ance with the rules. it was his duty to order
an entry of acquittal upon the article, that
had been voted upon, and the clerk 1va...4 di
rected to record the same upon his journal.
The vote upon :adjourning die resulted
in 34 yeas 'to lii rivs, Messrs. Fessendeni
Grimes and Trumbull not voting. So the
long ;ton): is over at last, and the country
can have a period of rest Audit Radicalism
flings another fire-brand into the body poli
The independent Reptddicanlienators who
total with the Democrats upoit the eleventh
article continued to maintain their integrity
to the end. The influence, brought to bear
upon them have been very great, and the
firtunes , with which they have stood by their
honest convictions entitle; them to the praise
of all who respect true manly character.
do permil:who has given their position rt
montuut':, serious reflection will believe the
malicious charges which have been so freely
made rtgainst them, and the day will come
when their honorable course will be pointed
to one of the brizliterq incidents in Anieri
earl hi,tort .
The illustrion, Stanton, who rejoices in be
ing the only 0:llama ()dicer in the United
States Rho has ever sought in retain his
idler the President had notifiedltint
114L0 "hi. room tt .ts better than his t2iimpa
ny," i. one of the victim, of misplaced con
fidence in the Pit...bleat' , coot iction The
vote of the Senate left him in an extremely
uncomfortable condition, not in order In
avoid heing kiekea it.of office, heis,es done
the 11,x1.1.4,1 thine and got /an nt his own
armed. t 111 Till•bliay, AOllll after the
hod dared President not guilty, Mr.
John-on reeei%ed the fi ah oo y in_!' humf y
ill tempered lipti - J• oirt-kni..6,n •
lin-hington City, May 26, IS/ist t.
Sift The reqiliitiim of the Senate of the
United State- of the 21st of February last,
ilttaarim.r the President has no power to re
tuove the Secretary of , Witr and designate
any other office: , co perMrni the duties of
that oily, having this day failed
I n w.p.krtiA by In - 0
-thirds of the. Senate
:_tad the votes on the articles of im
peachment prelerred against yon by the
itepre-entatives, I have relin
ipii-heil elno,„:e of the War Department. and
its.-o- nil the sore, and the hooks, archives,
papers, unit property in toy custody ay SM.
ro a r s . or War, in care of Brevet Major Gen-
coil Ton risen., the senior Assistant Alija- I
tont I itteral,..subject to your direction.
Eon tx fir. STANTON.
the Prey;dr•.l
Thi.z Lot a t of Stanton's is in perfect ae
eitr:l with his . n hole 'earrer. lie showed
hint elt tle , titute iat by holding on to the
War office after oftation , Lad Jweome sn
ItiSa!rrePahit Pll.lillent • that hr
could no longer turet in. Cabinet consult/i
-dol!. anal alien (bilged to resign by force of
eiretnn,ta her- he .igualle,t.s the act by an ex
hibition of 7.4panuess that ie r• - : insultita to
Congre.s.:,,,l it is to the !'resident. He will
now •;,o;:ire to The obswerity from which he
(wily, at the opening of the war, and we hope
it nal.),•be many, malty years before the na
tion will see another of his kind.
The !tepid)lican Convention at Obi Cage
was - managed exclusivsely by such renegade
INanoerats as I/an. Sickles, Jo lux .Logue and
John Cochrane. They are caitd partners
in the honors , anti expected tanglements,
and formed a triangular mutual - natniration
society. C'ucllntne, would make a. motion
that (lea. Sickles be invited to address the
crowd. When be t4vt through, lame' would
call for Cochrane, and Sickles anti Cochrane
for Logan. In this umener they managed to
Iteep themselves protilluently before the pee.
plc during the whole twration. The "honor"
of nominating Grant was held in reserve for
the "noble Logan," who did, it in his usual
highfalutin style. It Ia thin class of unprin
cipled played vac detnagogues, who are to
control Grant, shonki he be , elected.
THE trial et' Jefferson awls will cotritneue
at Rich.r.aotal, on the 'ld at 3ime, Chief Jus
tice CiAist , !presiding.
114DicA1fdriciLlili , Ago pLAirroalliti
The Radical National Convention in C hi 4 '
en° last yveek. nominated Gen. U. S. Grant
for President by a tnaanlntous vote on the
first ballot. ' The leading eitadidatisafor Viols
President, were Messrs. Wade, Fenton, Wit.
sou, Colfax and Curtin., Wade had the
largest number of votes until the fifth ballot,
when lion. Schuyler Colfax, of Indiana; dis
tanced him, and the delegates, as if by a
concerted movement, — Clienied - their votes
until he received snore than the necessary
two-thirds_ The nomination was then made
utmina.a: Mr Colfax has been Speaker of
lb , Muse, t r three terms, and is serving
out t.i: s'e vend' SefSiUll in ('onkress. The I
coil% 1 . 11111111 passed off harmoniously, though
the contest over the Vice Presidential nom
ination had been severe and somewhat ac
rimonious.. The following is the platform
adopted • , '
Tim Niztiviait Repubt:can pang of the rated
Slut,,, awaibled in the National Conrodian
I is the rely of Chicago, on the 9.10 dal, , l/
Moe, MS, make the folloiring Declaration
hl • PI illeipitv:
1. We congratulate the country on the
assured success of the Reconstruction policy
of Congress, as evinced by the adoption, in
. the majority tif the States lately in rebellion.
of Constitutions securing Equal Civil and
Political Rights to all, and it is the duty of
Government to sustain tho.4e institutions and
to prevent the people of snob States front be
ing remitted to a state 01 anaray.
IL The guaranty by Congress of Equal
Suffrage to all loyal men at the South was
i plemanded by every consideration of public
4 sanity, of gratitude, and of Justice, and must
be maintained ; while the • question of Suf
frage in all the loyal States properly belongs
to the people a thcrie States. ,
111. We denounce alr forms of Repudia
tion as a national crime; and the national
honor require• the payment of the public in
debtedness in the uttermost good faith to all
creditors at 'mule anti abroad, not only ac
cording to the letter but the spirit of the
laws under which it was contracted.
IV. It is due to the labor of the Nation
that taxation should be equalized, and re
duced as rapidly us the national faith will •
per V. m • -,
The National Debt, cuntracual, as it has
been, for the preservation of the Union for
all time to come, should he extended over a
fair period for redemption ; and it is the duty
of Congress to reduce the rate of interest
thereon, whenever it can be honestly done.
VI. That the beat policy to diminish our
burden of debt is to so improve our credit
that capitalists will seek to loan us . money at
lower rates of interest than we now pay, and
must continue to pay so long as repudiation,
partial or total, open or covert, is threatened
or suspected.
VII. The Government of the United States
should be administered with the strictest
economy - and the corruptions which have
been so s hamefully nursed anti fostered by
Andrew Johnson cull loudly for radical re
VIII. We profoundly deplore the untime
ly and tragic death of Abraham Lincoln, and
regret the accession to the Presidency of
Andrew Johnson, who has acted treacher
ously to the people who elected him and the
cause he was pledged to support rwho has
usurped high legislative and judicial
functions ; who has refused to execute the
laws; who has used his high office to induce
other officers to ignore and violate the laws ;
who has employed his executive powers to
render insecure the property, the peace, lib
erty anti life, of the citizen ; who has abused
the pardoning power; who has denounced
the National Legislature as unconstitutional;
who has persistently and corruptly resisted,
by every tucans in his power, every proper
attempt at the reconstruction of the States
lately in rebellion; who has perverted the
public patronage - into an engine of wkolesale
corruption; and who has been justly
impeached for high crimes and misdemean
ors, and properly pronounced guilty thereof
by the vote of thirty-five Senators.
IX. The doctrine of Great Britain and
other European powers that, because a man
lis once a subject he is always so, must be re
sisted at every hazard by the United States,
as a relic of feudal times, not authorized by
I the laws of nations, and at .war with our
I national honor and independence. Natural
, ized citizens are entitled to protection in all
t.' their -sights of citizenship, us though they
were native-born ; and no citizen of the
1 United States, native or naturalized, must. be
1 liable to arrest and imprisonment by any
foreign power for acct, done or words spoken
in this country ; and; if so arrested and im
; prisoned, it is the duty of the Government to
I interfere in his behalf
I X. Of all who were faithful in the trials of
i the ,late war, there were -none entitled to
I nuke especial honor than the brave soldiers
and seamen wlin 'endured the hardships of
campaign and cruise, and imperiled their
1 lives in the servia of the country ; the
I bount ies anti pensions provided by the laws
I for Roe brave defenders of the nation, are
obligations never to be forgotten ; the wid
-1 oivs and orphans of the gallant dead' are .-the
1 - wards of the people—a sacred legacy be
, queuthed to the nation's protecting care.
1 XL Foreign immigration, which in the
i past bas added so much to the wealth, devel
lopment anti resources and increase of power
of this•republic, the asylum of the oppressed
I of all notions, should he fostered and en
-1 tOuraged be a liberal and just policy.
XII. This Convention declares itself in
1 sympathy with all opprtased peoples straw
-1 gling for their rights.
, I itatiimwtl, / methyl, ~It nouns, 1 . Geheial
I .shniz:
1 . fie,soleed, That we highly coinmend the
spirit of magnanimity and forbearance with
which men who have served in the rebellion
i but who now frankly uud honestly co-oper
ate with us in restoring the peace of the
country and reconstructing the Southern
State governments upon the btiais of buyer
. tint Justice and Equal Rights, are received
buck into the communion of the loyal people;
I and ii c favor the removal of the disqualifies
tions and restrictions imposed upon the late
! rebels in the same miLasure as their spirit of
; loyalty will direct, and as may be , consistent
t with tiorsafety of the loyal people.
I ficsarttl& That we recognize the great
I principleslaid down in the immortal Dettlar
i mho. of independence, as the true founda
tion of deiinicratie governinent ; and we hail
with gl.ulnesa every effort touards making
i 'hear prniciples a Hein reality on every
n , b ot .111,:rican soil.,
The bhiatio Investigating Committet; has
not gucceeded in hunting up any thing that
impn m• ,the integrity of the Senators who
vote' against impeachment, hut it has run
athwart something which requires a little
explanation ttorn Mr. Pomemy of Kansas, a
leading impeacher. Colonel Edmund Coop
er, Assh.tant S , ...Ncrentry of the Treasury, being
called us a witness, stated that u person had
approached him during the trial, and proposed,
in the name of S. C. Pomeroy, United States
Senator from Kans.ts, that if the President's
friends would raise $40,000, Pomeroy would
control four Hatfield votes in the Senate
against impeachment. Upon Mr. Cooper
questioning his authority to speak for Pome
roy, a letter wa4 produced, substantially as
follows :
"Sirs ; I will, in good faith, earTy oat any
arrangement , tat , le with my brother-in-law,
Willis Gaylord., to whielt I am n Party.
''S. C. Pontmol, United Stalt, Senator."
Mr. Cooper del:Hued to hare anytlang to
110 with it, believing that it Was a part of a
plan to entrap the President and his friends.
A letter from General McClellan was read
before the Huai(' of Common Councilmen of
Now York city, on Thursday of last week,
thanking them for their late complimentary
resolution, and declining a peddie reception
on hia return to the Uttitot States. He says
it is his sincere desire to return to this coun
try with the utrndst quietness, and to avoid
everything in the way of a derometrution on
the part of his friends. He expects to arrive
in the tall, and hopes to be spatial ibe annoy
ance of an exhibition. The General was in
Paris when the letter was written—the
or April.
Tin Chicago Times gives the folloiang
general ilteilption . ii - f the I3adiesl
hiormi opening to close, is has been em
phatically a tame affair. It has failed to
elicit any cordial response from the popular
Main. Like the accidental hero placed in
wanination for an office for whirls he is um,
tit- by nature, by cducation,_by experience,
and by lack of brains, it hasbeen neohl, dull,
lithless, apathetic. stolid expression -of the-ne
gative side of human nature, ThE bean of
the people is not M it."
1 1
Folowors Chnudde is RV sale—price
PO,OOO. Its.cditar can beimigtkt for less
HE IREASONWit OP flitilin.
The follettsincla a special despatch- from
Chic ageo:tn the N. Y Comtnercgai Advertised
"fflbleago Mar2o.—The kiMeledge ; that
Senator W.Ade's nomination n*. Viceltesi
tient will pievent - the enema or 6—pediling
negotiation for the vote of two Republican
Senators for conviction, who voted against
the eleventh article, has virtually withdrawn
him froth the contest." ,
Negotiations for votes on the iroiveachment
are- prochilmed as tmbhishingtr--as 'if- they
were negotiations for corn orcattle. Between
whom was this alleged negotiation "pending?"
Who undertakes tolini votes for , impeart
ment, or against itiveachment ? And who
offers spch vines for sale? - If, any each ne
gotiations are in reality going on, the coun
try has a right to know the names of the
parties to them. The attention of the im
peachment 'Managers at Washington, who
are trying to snuff out the secrets of acquittal,
is invited to this telegram.
THERE is pretty general inquiry as to the
net„rro delegates to the Chicago Convention,
what offices they tilled, what committees
they were put on, and what they said and
did. We have seen no special reference to
them. The reporters seem to have ignored
their carotenes entirely. Even the painted
pigeon - that was released to guano the Con
vention, had nut a black spot on it to repre
sent them. Wendell Phillips, Ben. Wade it
Co. should look to this omission, and tear a
shirt or two over this contumacy of the Con
vention !
private advice:i from Chieazo, pe learn
that tilt. telegraph has committed another of its
enaceonntahle blunders in giving the names
of the distinguished notninees of the 'Radical
Convention. The gentlemen artually nomi
nated are as follows : For President, Gen.
UZvr•ev S. Washhurne ; for Vice President,
Hon. Schuyler Oily Gammon.
Bea WADE don't receive quite so many
letters now. from anaiona offire-ieekerri, as
he did.
Stanton—"Stlek." Stanton to simnel: and
AT'the municipal election held in Cumber
land, Md.,.recently, the Democratic ticket
was elected without opposition. What a
healthy place that inmst be to live in!
EI.-GOVRR NOR ; Bigler, of California, and
Ex-Governor Bigler, of Pennsylvania, broth
ers and both prinn,•rs, are delegates to the
Democratic Natiouill Convention.
STILL another committee has waited on
Goy . . Seymour to learn his intentions, and
has been told that under no circumstances
will he accept a nomination for the Presiden
A Rl•:rrnt.t, AN lawyer in New Haven is
credited with the remark . that "the evidence
against President Johnson is not enough to
justify' sending a vicious boy to the reform
Tim Louisville• Journal says that moat
mot, rather than have been guilty of what
Bela. Wade was, when he, the main party in
Interest, voted as one of the jury that was to
decide the case, "would gladly let themselves
be caught with, their neighbor's mutton, ha•
con and poultry upon their shoulders."
Tax Democracy of Williamsport, Lycom
ing county, achieved a- grand victory last
week. -Dr.. Logan, Democrat, was elected
mayor by about 300 majority—a gain of near
ly that number, Sharswood's majority last
fall being only 21, The Radical candidate,
Herdic, is the wealthiest man in that section,
but wealth couldn't- win upon that ticeasion
and amongst such a people.
Ting Cincinnatti Commercial's Chicago
telegraphic correspondent, in describing the
contest for Vice-president. says : :•Mr. Wil
son's prohibitory• liquor speeelte4 are being
quoted against him, and have already de
feated hint." Das it come to this, that the
fact of being a temperance man i. sufficient
to cause his defeat in the National Conven
tion of a party which claims' to hold an 1.v.-
clusis e patent an "great moral ideas ?"
POOR Wade! Repudiated at home, his
State elected n Democratic Legislature which
has chosen Judge Thurman to fill the place
soon to 1w vacated by hiM in the Senate.
Looking to the honors of the Presidency
through the
. infattious avenue of Impeach
ment he fails again, and now his party have
refused him the worthleg. boon 'of the second
place upon their ticket, and left hint and his
nothing ambition to a futurc; political ‘,l).
THE first real life in the Chicago Conven
tion showed itself when the vote nominn•
ting grant was announced. The moment
that the announcement was made a dove,
with feathers painted in red, white and blue,
was thrown out from the galleries and flew
around the hall for some five minutes, when
it strnek the lights in the rear part of the
stage and wits so badly burned that further
flight MO impossible. The dove fa to the
floor somewhat singed, and was in Its col
lapsed condition an omen of the singeing"
that will be zityn the ticket In November.
Am. the able men who in'the palmy du)
of the Republican party were its trusted
leaders - -Seward, Chase, Fremont, Fesseuden,
Trumbull, Charles. Francis Atlanta, Andrew
Johnson—have become ro alienated that they
will probably never act with the party again
A party whirl' has thus lost its brains ha s
outlived its influence. It will for a little
while' exhibit the spasmodic energy of en
epiden.ic fit ; it will be convulsed, it will foam
at tlie mouth, it will dash its head against the
Pavement ; but such activity is tOrmitiable
only to itself, and tends to shorten its days.
ME apparent unanimity of the nomina
tion of General Grant is of no politieal signifi
cance. Clay- wa.s nominated by acclamation,
and with the .same unanimity by the Whig
Convention in SU, while the- Democratic
Convention of the same year came together
with as much doubt as to a candidate it mail
mark the opening proceedings of the
vention this year. • Yet when Polk was
nominated the party was thoroughly and
enthnsiastically in accord, and the candidate
was triumphantly elected. Fur a later in
stance, it was hardly passible for any Con
vention to assemble with more candidates be
fore it than the Democratic Convßition of
Itt.W. But when Pierce was nominated
against Scott, the conqueror of Mexice,stritere
was "unanimity" enough to enable him to
carry every Statu in the Union, excepting
IT im admitted tin alr !lands that the Chica
go Convention was a ntost corrupt body, and
that delegates to h sold their votes as a Inst.-
ketable connuodity. The Chicago corres
pondent of the Cincinnati Commercial, a Re
publican paper, thus speaks of it :
"There never was such direct and undis
guised bargain and sale of votes in a conven
tion as is going on here to-night in the inter
estof Governor Fenton. As much as $5OO
is openly offered for influential votes in the
Sonthern delegations. Fenton 'has already
bought up Louisiana, and is bidding for Vir
ginia, Alabama, South earnliun and Georgia.
The Louisiana delegation cost $1,500. In
reply to a charge of corrupt use of money,
one Of Fenton's friends said, to-nlilit, that
the Southern delegates were poor men, and
the money was given to them, not to pay for
their votes, but to reimburse them for their
traveling expenses. The fight seems to be
between Fentuit's money, and Wade's promi 7
ses of office under the contingency of Im
Ttrn colored waiters at the Bay State
Boost, Worcester, Massachusetts,struck just
izt; dinner was ready to be served the other
h was all over as soon as they found
t - they were likely to lose their places, and
t lhey resumed their towels and aprons. When,
afterward questioned why dinner WILI late,
04each waiter said: "Know nuflin bout urn;
ispec do cook overalep."
Tin: fish In Lake . Chatibungogungamaug
are said tothoke in teyi s pg to tell where they
SEvr.s . rv-`zroirr Chicago firms report sales
of goods the last veer exceeding a million
dollars each. One exceeded nine ° millions.
Mts. of Lake County, Indiana, has
usthsen, grunted a divorce, that she tnigla
marry her son-hi-law:
DU:LAU LADD, a sprightly old lady of 108,
.who lives at East Lywe, coun., has, for up
wards of 60 scary 1 lec LI a habitualsnioker.
Tim theatres are play ing."Love's Sacrifice"
as a serious drama. In actual lift it i 4 too of
ten a spectacular illusion.
A LETTER tram Park Males that John C.
Brcckinrkigr has returned to that city from
the holy Land, and will soon lose for Que
A 'CuteAoo girl of sweet nineteen now
sports her fifth husband. Her four predeces
sors enjoyed married life from six months to
year each.
botton.ocrs bring Into this country an
average of two hundred dollars in gold.
This gives an annual total of sixty million
dollars in gold fmmthis source.
TIM Lancaster Intelligeneer says the con
dition of ex-President Bnchanan'ti health' is
critical. He Is still confined to his bed and
allowed to bee no one; the prostration re
sulting from his illness is such as to occasion.
owing to his advanetl age, the gr:»•estappre
hensiops as to the result.
IN June atll conic up in the U. S. Unit.
Court a cage involving; the le r Ttlity or eon
atitutionnliti of the income tax. A lawyer,
whose goods %%ere levied on, brings the suit.
He alleges the tax is in violation of article 4,
section 9, of the Constitution, *Well says:
"No capitation or other direct tax shall be
laid, unless in - proportion to the Census or
enumeration hereinhefore directed to be
Tus: MOM.' discouraging reports come bins
of the devastations caused by floods along
the lower portion of the Mississippi river. In
many places the levees are !woken down, and
even those lately made cannot be depended
upon fur protection. The consequence is
that an immense extent of fertile, territory is
being laid waste, and one observer estimates
that not more than'one-sixtli of the surface
that was in cultivation last year will bepro
ductive this season.
TUE Executive Committee of the Douglas
Monument Association has &tided to remove
the remains of the late Senator Douglas from
the ground where they havereposed since
1861, to the mausoleum or tomb, on the 3d
day of June next, the anniversary of his
death. The metalic casket containing his
body will be placed in a white marble sarco
phagus, which will stand in the centre of the
chamber of the nuinsolenm, visible to the
through the grated doorway. •
A TOMB in the old burying ground in Dan
vers, Mass., holding the remains of the Put
nam family for generations past, was broken
into last week by some boys, who stole the
silver plates from the coffins, and carried off
and sold - the bones to peddlers. One of the
parties WAS caught, which led to the detec
tion of others. When arrested they had ti
basket of bones with them, and were playing
football with the human skulls taken from
the tomb. The ring leader of this gang• of
young villains Will'be sent to the Itefiirm
seitisd. ' a •
Tuna: are important indications that there
will be another invasion of Canada by Fen
ian forces during the coming sutinner. It
is claimed that while the organiiation tuts
been humensely strengthened in this country ,
it has also been largely reinforced by, local
clubs in Canada, and that thrtinghOut :the
Dominion arm and equipments have been
generally distributed for the new enterprise
There is something formidable in the an
nouncement that in spite of past mistakes,
mishaps, and dissonsioiYx in their ranks,
there are now more than one thousand Fen
ian circles, capable of sending to the field it
well drilled army of thirty 114mNand-men.
A PITIFUL. appeal is made to the people 01
Marion District by Mrs Mary Collins, a
south Carolina lady. Her husband, ho had
bought and was running afet:ry, wad arres
ted by military authority hat August and
his ferry declared abandoned and seiied. Ile
is flint imprisoned in Castle Pinckney, aml
his wife, with seven children, Itzum -no means
of support. She says : "Myself and children
are almost without clothes,and it my husband
is not released front prison or I receive aksist
!lace, we must Inevitably starve. I am
ashamed to make this appeal, but toy chil
dren are heart-broken anal starving, - This
is one of the beauties of military 'rule
31t.:AD---SwElrhArity-,AI Portland, N: Y., on
the 14th hest., by Rev. 3Er. Day, Mr. A. P.
Mead, of Corry, 61 M 1.4 U. L. Svretland, et
the former pluce. •
Porrgtt—REED---A t the rt , littmee the
bride's father, on the 14th inst. , by Rey. A.
W. Lloyd, Mr. W. I. Potter, to Miss Marcia
A. Reed, all of Springfield.
31cDownw,—PmucE—On the 14th inst., at
the residence of the bride's brother, E. P.
Stuntz, by Hey. John Thompson, Mr. Alex
ander McDowell to Miss Harriet Pierce,
all of ilk Creek Tp. •
lirrottroen—LHAsy.n—On the 205th in3t. at
the residence of George B. Baser, by Tim
Geo. F. Clriti, Otto IT Hitchcock to Miss.
%rattic If. s. Miser, all of this city.
Stith, at the residence of Joseph R. Fergu
son, by Rev. E. A. Johnson, Mr. Joseph
B. Landis, of Dattphia Comity, Pa., and
Miss Abide G. Ferguson, of this city.
IlAutu.t.n.--OnTols—in Louisville, Ky., on
the 29th of April, by Rev. N. E. Miller,
Mr. Geo. H. Humbler, of that city, to Miss
Belle Orton, of Venting°, Eric Co., Pa.
ifAUVEY—STRIDLEY—In Nebraska City, on
the 20th inst., Rev. Chas. it. Rice °Mein
ting, Augustus P. Harvey, tOrtnerly or Erie,
Pa., and Julia A.. daughter of Capt. John
Stridley, late of Warren, R, 1.
3fr. R. is the son 'of firmer editor of this
paper, and 'MY figured considerably in the
editorial line in Washington city and the
West, with the banner of Democracy always
thrown to the breeze wherever he stuck his
Crt.tittkrtloti-- 1 1n Edinboro, May 19th, J. J.
Culbertson, in file 57th year of his age.
SMITII—On the 18th inst., with inflammation
r t on the brain, Ella Smith, daughter et' W.
P.' and N. A. Smith, aged 8 years and 8
1, months.
Erie Market Report.
The following are t h e buying pricer of the re
tail dealork:
Frstrlia 'AND VElJETAtiLx+—Apples, Green, - 42,
bushel, 81 501 75 • Dried apples - 0 bushel. $2 42'
l'otatoes'el busitel'9oe; Tarulps a bushel 40c
Beets? bushel 80c; Onions $1 bushel 83 .506, - ,4 10
Beans 1$ bushel $4 110($4 00; Raspberries "is lb 300
Illackberrirs lb 15c; Cabbage ? head e.
Pnostrat Erg—Butter $1 Mc; Cheese II lb 15p
10c; Lard ES 3Jc; Eggsl4 dozen 1.1/c •, dress
ed. ESl34lOc; Mutton, dressed, isib 100 ; Pork,
dressed, 14 Ri I7c •, Hams, sugar eared:* Ps Ito;
Hams, plain, tb 14c ; !ShouldersT. lb 12e: Pork,
hens). mess; 'et bid $3O 00; Pork, clear, bud
$32. 00; Dried Beef P lb '..11 1 c.
MlscELL.eo.ous—Clover Seed V.bumbel $7 00;
TIMM!** Seed 1 , bushel 02 75(53 0):- Flax Reed
11 , 5 $2 110;ILumber, hemlock, $lO co; do Pine,
eantinon,slS 110; donne, clear, s4.h Oa; Shingles,
shaved, s4':si; du'sawed $4 30; Hagis ton $lO 00;
Wood, had, short, /1 cord $.l 00; do hard, long,
$2 cord Ii 00. , •
Gusts FLAWS. AND FLIED—The following are
the retatipelling prices; Flour, XXX W. W. I.
bbl 1116 001 do XX red ' is bbllll3 00; do XX spring
bbl $ll 41; Wheat, white winter, y bushel - 8$ Off,
do red wititer, 311 bushel 11:1 80(2 as; do spring,
3.5@2 45' do heed spring; 112 trkas37o; Porn is
bushel $1 20; Oats Is bushel Mc; Heal 8l 100 NI
8240: Feed IA 100 lbs $2 :15.
Sten Abbmistmenta.
41 , -Advertisements, to secure insertion, mutt
be handed in by 9 o'clock on Thursday morn
ing. All advertisements will be continued at
the expense of the advertiser, unless ordered
for a specified time.
TRAYED from the premises of tho subsea
-1.:1 her, In Erie, on Friday morning last, a RED
COW, about tine years old—bad been calved
about two months. Her tall was cropped and
bushy. A liberal reward will be given for her
Fr7le=re,fgat Buss, s to l irtraCriet at Crullers
Howie and Lot for Sale.
In:ll4Bl7ll.4CßUlEßaters for sale a NEW and
COVIell tautly arranged house, Well situated,
the beautiful-
G00(1 %‘ .. 4.1,1 of -watrr, t 0 Clpit erns, Barn
The property is especially desirable. inas
much te4 thr l.a lay Shore Seminary, un
lion of learning, winch will nut be excelled by
any hi the country,. hi Incated near the premi
se., For part f.•ll In R., inglifre of the Nttleterlber
on tile 'Kern ,
L'S- 1 miT
st• mday, June Mil, for tbe grading, eurbing
land pas lug with :Medina Mune of the eurrinws
WhV of French Street p troth North Pnrk Pluoe
to the Harbor. Plane and epovilleattonv to be
lii the °Met. of the City Emaiiier.
(T.. M. SMITH, •
J. O. HAKE:Ft,
O. W. F. Ku kuw t street Cotnntittee.
- city Engineer.
MOnclay,Jurieeth,M, for theconstruetlon.
of an anti culvert over Mill Creek, on MAILLIId
street. Abutments, stone; arch, brlek. Plans
, and speertications to be seen at the Mlle.' or the
City Enginet I. M. lIARTLEB,
.105 , EICIIE N LA i'li,Jr.,
J. 0. BAKER,
G. W. F. Swum IN, •Street Conlin tttee.
City Engineer.
ANiiignee in Bankruptcy.
tiTIIFDISTRI the rotted States
for the Western District of Pennsylvania,
In the matter of Samuel S, Griswold, bankrupt.
The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap
ping mein as assignee of *grand B. Griswold, of
etly, Eric Co., and State of Pennsylvania,
within said district, who has been adjudged a
bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District
4'ollo of said district, dated at Erie, Pa., May
' 25, A. It., UM.
HENRY M. BIBLE', Assignee,
Att v. at Law, No. Val St., Erie, Pa.
in v2S-ihr,
• Ammignee in Bankrutcy.
I States for the Western District of Penn'tt,
in the matter of Frank Allen, bankrupt. 'The
undersigned hereby give; notice of his appoint.
tnent as assignee of Frank Allen, of Erie, in
the county of Erie and State of Pennsylvania,
wlthin.sald district, who has been adjudged a
bankrupt upon his own petition by the. Distrtet
court of said district, dated at Erie, Pa., May 21,
HENY M. RIBLET, Assignee,
Atty. at Law, No. Ma Peach St., Erie, Pit.
nty2l4w. _ _
I States, for the Western District of Pennayi
yenta. John J. Wadsworth, a bankrupt under
the Act of Congress of March 2d, PC, having
applied for a discharge from all alts debt* and
other deltas provable under said Act, by order
of the Court, notice is hereby given to all per
sons who have-proved their debts, and other
persons interested, to appear on the lath day of
June, ISeet, at le o'clock, A. M.. before S. E.
‘Voodrutr, Esq., Register, at his °thee in the city
of Erie, Pa., to chow cause, if any they have,
why a discharge should not be granted to the
said bankrupt. And further, notice is hereby
given that the second and third meetings of
creditors of the said latnitrupt, required by the
:nth and.Otth sections of s , id Act, will belted
before the said Register at the same time and
place. ' H. C. MeCANDLESS,
Clerk of U.S. District Court fur said District.
my •31-2 s
IioDE At:E:NTS WANTED—To Koßelt orders
VIE BIBLE. ' Tux .rodTtozi lo , httnnED
HAND. In ono large Octavo Wall-fated
With uver and wood engravinp.
Agetit,4 and %uhisertbers.oet , that you get the
genuine edition hy. Dr. Smith.
The Springfield itepuld ban .ottni, till, edition
pubL,hed by lessrs. Burr /, the gentlille
The Colurregationitikt , ay,, Whoever wlshew
to get, In the cheapest turn,, tile hest Diet
no IA the Bible should buy till,.
A.Lso WANT - AOKNT4 for ELLItiT'S new
Hr.:l - 1L - WARD llEn'urn, T..D. WOOLSZY, LL.
Pre, of Vale l'ol„ .10.4...rit CUMMINGS, 11. D.
LI.. D., Prt s. of Wesle, an Univ., RT. REV. 'DUN.
Bishop of R. 1.,
They are new aiororiglnal work. by Dow au
thors. aud their subject% are approved. by chor
al:turn of all denominations. AVMs are meet
ing with unparalleled surceNs. S,Ve employ no
1:s-flex - a1 Agents for either book, and corer extra
I tultlevinents t.O Canvassers. ....gents will see
t he ad% ;Image of dealing directly with Ow PUB
LISHERS. For descriptive circulars with full
particulars and terms, address the Publishers,
my2C-at - J. B. BURR & t_NJ., Hartford, Conn.
Dixeltarge in Bankruptcy.
IN .THE DlsTlttcr COURT of the United
States,. for the Wentern Ltistrlet. of Pennsyl
vania. Henry 0. Frisbee, a bankrupt under the
Act of Congress of March 2d, 1867, having ap
plied for a discharge front all his debts, =dot Li
er claims provable under said act, by order of
the Court, notice is hereby given to all creditors
who have proved their debts, and of her persons
intere.t.ed, to, appear on the Isth day of
Jun,. /:•t .+, at 10 o'cloek,' M., by lure
Woodruff. Esti., Register, at its oftlee, In
the city of Elle, Penna., to show cause. if
any they have, why it discharge should not
be granted to the said bankrupt. Audfurther
is hereby given that the second and third
meetings .4 creditnn, 01 Said bankrupt, required
b)r the 21111 and 11`ttli sections of said act, will be
held before the .ald R.:Oster, at the same time
and place. S. C. NIcCAVI/I.INS,
Clerk of 1.7_ Diwtrict Court for said District
Discharge in Bankruptcy.
IN THE DISTRICT vorli.T of the United
States for the Western DPI , rict of Penn
sylvania. Geo. W. Elbow. a bankrupt under the
Art of Congress of March 2d, 1887, having ap
plied for discharge from all his debts and oth
er claims provable under said Act, by order of
said Court, noticela berebygiven tont] creditors
who have proved their debts, and other persons
loterest.A, tan appear on A.
18th day of Jane,
at 10 o'clrx-k. A. M.. before S. R.
...Ira'', Register, at tale office in
The city ot Erie. Penna., to show cause, if
any tiny why at aliuclitirge should not be
granted to the said bankrupt. And further, no.
lice is hereby gaaou that the second and third
meetings of c reditorn of said bankrupt, required
by the 27th and 2.'ith Section,. ofaald Act, will be
had before the said Register at the same time
and place.. S. C. NitiANDLE.IIB,
Clerk of U. S. District Court for said Medal.
States for the Western District of Dennsyl
‘ :oda. William D. Ward, a bankrupt under
the Act of (*.tigress of March 2d,lb67.havlng ap
plied for a discharge from all his debts and oth
er claims provable under said Act, by order of
the Court, Notice Is hereby given tti all poisons
who have proved their debts, and other persons
interested, to appear on the 18th day of June
ISM, at 10 o'clock, A. 31. before H. E. Woodruff:
Esq., Register, at his calico, In the city of Erie,
Pa., to show rause, If any they hove, why a dis
charge should not he granted to the said bank
rupt. And further, notice is herein - given that
the second and third meetings of - creditors of
the 'said bankrupt, required by the 21111 and ;Nth
sections of said Act, wilt be had before titekahl
Register at the same time and place.
H. C. Mr CANDLESs, -
Clerk of C. S. District Court for said Distlict.
- Warrant in Bankruptcy.
pHIS l.ti Ti) GIVE NOTICE that on the'2sth
day of May, lids, a Warrant in Bankruptcy
was issued out of the District Court of the U,ni
ted States, for the Western District of Denten,
against the estate of Joseph Justice, of Erie,
In the County of Erie, In said district, mi.
jtniged hankrupt on his own petition; that the
payment of any debts and dellyery of any pro
perty, belonging; to such bankrupt, to him or for
t. 4 use, and the transfer of any property by
bin), are forbidden by law; and that a MVO tag
of the eiOlitors of said hankt opt, to prove their
debt., and to choose one or more asaienrea of
his estate, will be held at a Court. of Itankrupt
ey, to he holden nt the °Mee of the Register, try
the city of Erie,
before s. Woodrutt,
Re:eider, in lian.kruptcy for mid disc net, on the
Mh , lay duly ' A. 1.% '
1:41-: '
at 11 o'clock, A.
IT. S. Marshal, Messenger.
fly G. Y. Das is, Dept, If. S. Marshal.
, Vlll4 IS TO OD,' icIiTICE that on 'the teethl day ia May. A. D., le e s , a warrant in hank
rupt,:y was 14..111 , 1 agajact the e , tlite et . T. J.
~f the illy of Erie, in the count , /
of Erie, and Stale of Pennn, who has been ad
judged a bankrupt ott hi.. own petition , : that
the payment o 1 any debts or delivery of any
property belonging ,to Finch bankrupt, to htln,
or for his use, and the transfer of any property
by him are forbidden by haw; that a meeting of
the Creditors of the said bankrupt, to prove
their debts, and to amuse one or more as.
signers of his estate, will he held at a Court
Benin nptcy, to be holden at the older of the
Register, in the city of Erie, Pa., before S. E.
W(xxlruff, Esq., Register, on the sth day of
.1 illy,. A. 1).„ 1818 at II o'clock A. M.
U.S. 3larshat, Messenger.
Ily O. P. ilavLs, Dept. U.S. Marshal.
Ammiguee In Bankruptcy.
IN Tit El MARKT WURT of theUnitedlitates
for the Western District of Pennsylvania,
in the matter of Win. H. Ward, bankrupt. The
undersigned hereby gives notice of his tip
pointinent as assignee of Win. If. Ward, of
the city of Erie, county of Erie and
oKite of Pennsylvania, within said district,
-ho lots been adjudged a bankrupt, upon his
ut petition, by the District Court of said dis
trict, tinted at Erie. Pa May IS &. D., Mi.
HENRY M. Peach, Assignee,
Atty. nt Law, No. t tIISAt., Erie, Pa.
Aludgnee In Bankruptcy.
States for the Western District of Penney].
Ohs, in the matter of Joseph I.Town, bankrupt.
The undersigned hereby gives notice of ap
pointment as assignee of Joseph I. 'town, of
Erie City, in the county of Erie and State of
Penn'n, within sold district, who has been ad
judged t bankrupt upon his own petition by the
District Court of solddistrict ; dated at Erie, Pa.,
May Ai, A. D. jgcs. •
HENRY M. RIDLET, Assignee,
Atty. at Law, No. 1= Peach 4t., Erie, Pa.
Anaignee In Bankruptcy.
IN THE DISTRICT CADET of thoDnltedatates
for the Western District of l'oun'a t In the
matter of Alvin Z. Randall, bankrupt:
The undersigned hereby gives notice of his
appointment as Awdlyaoe of Alvin Z. Randall, of
ITulon borough,Efle county and State of Penn's,
within said district, who has been adjudged a
bankrupt upon Ids own petition, by the District
Court of said district, dated at Erie, Pa.,
May lzi , 1868.
HENRY M. RIBLET, Malignee,,
Atty. at Law, No. ! rI3 Peach Rt., Ext., Pa
tn74l-2w. -
TLANES! BLANKS f— A complete eittort
ment of every kind of Blanks needed by
ttorneys, Inallook Countable. and Baidnase
Han. for sale at the Observer allee.
stew abbrilioetninto. 'Otto abbegttor - ment
ERIE RAILWAY. Burton & Griffith's c o ,—
Great larr;ati Gauge Double Track Route to "Pr,
NEW YORK,. 130147'0N,
and the New England Cities.
This Railway extends from Dunkirk Ua New
York. 160 tuihw. Humor) to New York, 423 ni
H4,11111/1A71C3 to NeN York. 415 miles. And is front
22 to 17 1-Fki THE SHORMIT ROUTE. AU
trains run cUroctly through to' New York(4110
~IILFN, without change o coaches.
From and after May 11, 1843jralnii will leave, Prices have Comp Do wn
In connection with all the Western Lines as
follows: From DUNKIRK and SA TAMAN CA
—by New York tine -from Union Depots: •
7:30 A. lit, Express Mail, from Dunkirk datly •
(except standays): stops at Salamanca at
. 10:00 A. M.. and connects at ifornellsvill•
and Corning with 01°7.30 A.M. Express 31all
from Duff ilo and arrives in New York at 7.40
A. M.
3:25 P. M., Lightning 'Express, front tialainanca
daily (except Sundays). Stops at Itontells
rille 6:12 P M. ' (Rapper) intersecting with
the 2.3.5 tr ain from nu fhilo, and arfirea
In New York at 7.40 A. M.
coo P. M. New York :Slight Express, front Dun
kirk daily fexeept Sundayst. Stoles at Sala
manna at 7:4.1 P.:d.,• Olean Ma/ P. M.. ; , Rap.,)
Turner's 10.13 A. 31., (Bkft), and arrives in
New York at 12:3d P. 31. Connects at Great
Bend with Delftware, Lacknwanit and Wes
tern Hallway for Scranton, Trenton and
Philatlielphia, and nt New York with after
noon trains atul steamers for Hoskin and
New England Cities.
0:W P. M. Cincinnati Expre,s, front Dunkirk,
&Sundays e.xcepteth. Stops at Salamanca
11:55, I'. St., awl connects at Itorneltsville
with the 11:0) P. M. Thin from Buffalo, arri
ving In New York it:rii, P. M.
Prom Buffalo—by New York time—from Depot
corner Exchange and 31Ichigan Stn.:
6:00 A. M., New York Day_Express, daily (except
Sundays). Stuns at Mortal's. life A. M.,
'alkfts Susquehanna 1.21 P. M.. (Dine,; Tur
ner's ~0.5 P. M., (Sum, and arrives
_in New
York at 9:25 P. M. Connects at (treat Bend
with Delaware. Lackawanna and Western
Railroad. and at Jersey City with midnight
expr-ess tialu of New. Jersey Railroad fir
Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington.
7::0 A. M., Express Math.. la. Avon and Ifornells
. ville daily (except Sunday). Connects at
Elmira with Northern Central Italia ay for
Ilarriaburg, Philtidelphluand thelioutii, and
arrives in New York at 7:10 A. M.
9:a5 P.M., Lightning Express, daily 'except Sun
day), stoprat Hnruellevllh 6.10 P. M., , Sup);
and arrives hi New York 7.40 A. M., connec
ting at jersey City with morning elides*
train of New Jersey Railroad for Bill nature
and Washington.
'735 P. 11., New York Night Express,daily, ,Sun
days excepted.) 'Stops at itoruellnville, ILAN
Pasts, intermeetlng with the 5.50 P. M. tr, In
from Dunkirk, and anises in New York
12.40 P. M.
11:41 P. 3,1„ Cincinnati F.xpres., daily .. (except
Sundays, Stole. at Susquehanna ..413 A. 31,
(Ilkft r, Turner's 1:7 P. 31., ( anti arrives
in New York at 3:65P. H. Connects at EWA
' ra with Northern Central itallatfly, for ilar
rtsbnrg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washing
ton, and points South, anti at N. York with
afternoon trains and steamers for Boston
and New England cities.
Only one train East on Sunday, leaving Ittifft.-
lo at 2:15 P. 31., and nuching New York at 7:41)
A. M.
Boston and New England passenger*. with
their Isiggage, - are transferred, free of charge,ln
New York.
.The hest Ventilated and most Luxurious
Sleeping Cars In the" World accompany all night
trains on this Hallway.
Baggage checked through and fare always as
low as by any other route.
which can h.• obtained at alt ticket of
flees In the West anti South-West.
(len') Supt. Until Pass. Alg't.-
Warrant In Bankruptcy.
rums IS TO tHVE NOTICE that on the ith
day of Mn.Y. Itias, a Warrant In
Bankruptcy was Issued against. the estate of
Thnoth?, , P. Babcock of Waterfonl horn., in the
county of Erie, and State of POTlMlyleur/111, who
has been adjudged a bankrupt on his ion n pe
tition ; Thnt the payment al any debts and 41e
livery of any property twionglng to such bank
rupt to lom, and for his use, and the transfer of
any property by him, are forbidden by WA; that
a meeting of the creditor, of said baaktopt, to
prove their debts and to choose one or more
Assignees of his estate, will be held nt a Court
of Bankruptcy. 10 be holde;rat the artist the
Register, in the city of Erie, before S. E.
Woodruff, iteglst, r, nn the 9th day or:fitly,
A. I)., IstS, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
U. H. Marshal. Messenger.
Ity G. I'. Davis, Dept. rslml.
Discharge in Bankruptcy.
N THE DIATRICT cornT "1 the Vnited
I States, for the Western District ;if Pennsyl
vania. Joseph I. Town, a bankrupt under the
Act of Coatgreatiof March 2d, 1437,11aving applied
for a Lii.charge from all lug debts, and other
claims provable under said Act, by order of the
Court, With, IS hereby giVell to all persons
who have pro% ed their debtm,and other peuitani
Ditcrodkb 'hi appear on the 14th day of June,
at 10 o'clock, A. NI., before S. E. Woodru ff , Msg.,
Register, ;it hi. other , in Eric, Pa., to 'how 1 . 1111/iP
if any they ha% 4', its a diSehltrip• not
be granted to the said bankrupt. And further,
notice is hereby given that the revemil and third
meetings of Credlton: of the said batik ru pt, re
imired by the tr:th unit _tit b sect ton. of aunt At
will he butt before the raid Register at the 4YIITIP
t Ime and place. S.C. 'CA NDI.Fis,
Clerk of I s. I fist let for said lent rkt.
21-2 w
lilmeharge in Baltkruptey.
States for the Western District of Pennsyl
vania. David B. t hapitt, a bankrupt under the
Act of Congress of March 2,1,15tr1, havingappla‘t
for a discharge from all his debts, and other
claims provable under said Act, by order of the
Court, Netlee is herebyglven to all persons who
have proved their debts, and other per:• - .om, in
terestesd, to appear on the Intl, day of June.
at 1U o'clock, A. M., before S. Ir.. Woodruff, Esq.,
Register, at his (Allen in Erie, l'o., toshea cause,
if any they have, why ailischarge should not be
granted to the said.bankrupt. And further no
tice is hereby given that the second and third
Meetings of creditors of the said bankrutit, re
quired by the 27th and tlsth sections of g.kiti Act,
will be had before the sold Register at the uttue
time and place. S. C. McCA DLEss,
Cierk 'of L. S. Dixtriet Coull for said District.
Discharge in Dankruptc3.
N TILE DISTRICT Cif CRT of the 1 - nitc4
fot the Western In•trict ot,
ands, E. A, Upann,k bankrupt under t h t . Art
of Congress of March 2d , 14a7, having applied for
a Discharge front all his debts, and other elattus
provable tinder said Act, by order of the t 'mut,
Notice is hereby glue n to all persons who have
proved their debts, and other persons Interest
ed, to appear on the 4th day of Sone IStia, at 10
o'clock, A. 3f.. before S. F., Woodrntr, Esq., Reg
inter, at his office in Erie, Pa., to shit w cause, if
any they have, why a diseharge phould not be
granted to the said bankrupt. And further, no
tire is hereby given that the second and third
meetings cf creditors of the said bankrupt, re
quired by the 27th and :Nth sectlonaof said Act,
will he had - before the said Register at the stone
time and place. S. C, McCANDI,FI4B,
Clerk of L, k. District Court fur said District.
Stockholder:4' Meeting.
lk MEETING of the SteckhOlders of the Erie
/1 County Atkr!cultural Society will be held
at the Erie Co. Clerk's office, (Court Houne,l In
Erie, on Saturday, May 2&I inst., at I o'clock, p.
H. A full attendance Is desirable, ar qUentlotlN
Involving the title to the Fair Ground'. and a
proposition from I he Driving Park Association
will he pret.ented for decision.
By order of the Matiagern,
' nth, 1 4 , l' it C t T E A ' F l 4 O n U nt i :r :t o e tßrick
an Stone Culvert-tterte.s 11th street, at Garri
son /tan, het Wel.ll German and Parade , treets.
Plating and speiStlent ions to he seen at th.;. uttlou
of the -City Engineer.
A K En,
stre,t I'nnt.o Ctrs,
.tiltoinistrator's Notice.
-1 A tale or Mary Felieita Heintz, glee'd,, late of
Erin city. having heen granted to the under
signed, notice is hereby glveu,to nil indebted to
the same to make inunediattv psyment, and
those having claims against the •alit estate will
present them duly giitiomttented. for settle
Erie, znyln-fit Ad I n t rator.
Adminimtratone 'Notice.
LA tate of Joseph Mehloer, deed., late of Greene
township, having been granted to the Under
signed, notice is hereby given to all indebted to
the same to make immediate payment, and
those having claims against said estate win
present them dilly authenticated for settle
Greene, iny2l•6w,
Ato4lance in. Bankruptcy.
TN THE - DISTRICT COURT of the - United
:Oates for the Western District of Pe1111 . 71, in
the matter of H. u. Erisbee,hankrupt. The un
dersigned hereby gives notice of Ms appoint
ment as assignee :of 11. 0. Frisbee, of Lello.uf
tp., Erie county anti State of Itenn'a, within
said district, who has been adjudged a bankrupt
upon his own petition, by the District I 'iurt of
doted at Jodhpur, Pti., April if. A.
D., IsfiS. W M T. AV EMU.
my; Iw. Assignee.
my '..N-4w
John Lindt, 1340 Peach Street,
Retail 'Dealer in
Raving lately opette4 no entirely new stock
of goods, I ant prepareelto otrerauperlorinditee
in eats to all alio may give me a call.
Itemember the place, 1310 Pesch street, south
of the Depot. Erie. Pa. ap9-3m.
Assignee in Bankruptcy.
rNTRE DISTRICT COURT of the United states
1 for the Weatern District of Penn'a. In the
Matter of 7ohn .1. Wadsworth, bankrupt,
The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap
pointment as assignee of Joh n J. Wadsworth, of
Erie city Erie County, and State of Pennsylva
nia, within said pitriet, who has been adjudged
a bankrupt upon his own petition by‘the„,Dis
trict Court of said district, dated at brie, 'May
19, A. D., 1868.
my2lAtty. at Law, No. Itt Peach Ott., Erie, Pa.
Assignee in Bankruptcy.
IN THE DISTRICTCOURT of the United Snit (11
for the Western District of Penn'a. In the
matter of Geo. W. Ellsey, bankrupt. The under
signed hereby gives notice of his aPpOluAnteut
as assignee of U. W. Eilsey, of Erie city, county
of Erie and State of Penn'a, within said dis
trict,who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon
his own petition, by the District Court of said
district, dated at Erie, Pa., May 3.), HIM
HENRY M. RIELL'T, Assignee,
Atty. at Law, No. 1= Peach St., Erie, Pa,
hLANRBI BLANKS complete ueort•
ment of *eery kind of Blanks needed by
omers, Justices Constables and Business
Men, fur sale at the Observer of
For partri: Small
come ii tlinfl Hey our
uu elkst 1::11; Street, Is.,twLeti , •
streels,ll /0/01i Y story butise,
&.4.1.. Lot, 79 1 ;zino feet to 10 to"! ,
her of bearing fruit trees 074 lot awl
tor. Prise $1;50. Tertun ells% .
No. I
The !Inc two story, modern style, .o .;
,ht ening.. o n I6th street, 1 , 1
Horton ek GritHOt'v !got,. Fran.,
Ills rear of Lot. II N.} KI.111.1;
St. It”,.rik,'
ii(IrSE, Id{ k PENN fi
haunt° on IVtillacelst,, 111.1 "11,h, ,
or 10th. Int 67,x179, eontpl, Lek
choke hearing I.r.tpe
r,v hunt house, :16.x.11 .100 e relln
the houno. Prire $2,1:40, Cheap,
irAYE.4 2 xrpli.:l;
• so. 1 (herd
We isav'e a number of very desiralac
cea to offer conolmera. For particulars ral:
our °iliac, No. I Itych !loose.
HAY 1;F.1'1.4.
Boarding and Sale Stable,
ritHE SUBSCRIBER. 4 but Ing taken tio . .its'
I,,bay ~.,111,b,1 by isli-ni,r J• Stn
would Infutin the public that the; •j,
chased an
Pity niginPpr
H. L. 11NNEY,
1324 Peach Street, Corner loth
Reduced Pelee% on Teibi;
Corner of French and:7th titi
of Itoraev, !farness and Carriagam,
- wired to give perfect autimfaction 16161 *II;
invor them with a call. We tt.tce the to z et
In Northwehtern Pena' , Ylvarna
cny2l-tf -*
Erie City Steam Bakery!
W. J. M et'SDS CO., Proprietor.
Nranuf„ctur..r,n, all
Craeke - rs, Bread,
bto, tilt! c.e4d4r,,i.,1
Ant! sob , tnnuilfarturcr. of I),
NoVP.I. Il' 1)1:4 )1'"
FRCI.II,y, NArlitor 1 , 11111 1111 , 1 1 , 11,1, ,11 , Pi
Time 1 no u..e sendlng t.. N. u Y
FOR viwu TEtS:
No use goin4; lc , tlif,
No ip.e Wang to •nap 11, %I
S 0 A P
Nrt tlqe to raN to f
Cilroceries and Provi.iiins!
nth antl State sire el.
Try the t 'wth ,:r.,,
AEA 1.1.:1:K lv
Keep h1N41.1 , n I/1111.1
1.-11)1Eb.' 3IISSE:s .IVI. 1111.1,1:1•
Pruaelbt, Ni 1, (;,.:tt f;,:d
Laeed, Button and Coneress
H C)rrS.
Of the !Iciest. quality. which Islo warrri4kti.
Cur durability, u. well ms to Ift • u', ."
will ec•Il a'
ii, the L.owepit
Me also make to order. IteIlroll;
attended to.
to) 41:tf
Having rent.% cd his %dock or
store in - the Reed lionhe ntici
sure In announcing to his 01 , 1 of glen
the citizen% of Erie geuenkli:, .11111
NEW AND SELE("r !.q‘ wt.;
Dry Goods, Dress• (food., Sr,.
Fur SPrin{: and St:111111111 V'..l
I Intend to keep at all times tle!1••••.;
the market, and a tullas , tortment of
In my line. Parch:v.4er, can lan as •.1 • •
by hnytng or me than by golne Fail. •
Remember the• pI:
No. 6 Reed House.
South %hie of the Park
It. S. MOltit liOV
C. J. ENGLEII tiff
lizi4 opened :‘ neu
Flour, Feed & Produce storP.
Eleventh and State-Street:?
To which h, avkt. th, nttente.o ‘ , l " ""
allYthing 111:, line. Ile v. I:I 0. AI :11.- , 7
think In the
1'It011)11't I 1 1.1.:". 1
warratiN gon;h. ,
lit the fitnrket,
4114- The highest murk 1.11,
nil kimLs prlrdner.
Warrant in 13ankrnpn . 3.
of May' ./.• D., Isa 4. a WArraal ;- •
ruptcy %V 8 putucd out of the Distil , :
the United fitaten for the Western
Penn'a, against the estate of ‘l'
and Lemuel Fisher, of Erie City, in th.
lirleatutStatcot Iltea,Wilo 11.3 , e A .
bankrupts upon their own pettti•sl .
payment of any debts and delft ery 3. '
pertv belonging to such bankrupt',
for tbeiruslytind the transfer ..1 P7 ' l ;rt
by them are forbidden be Jau tn.,t
of the creditors. of said bankrtol••
their debts. Mid to Ch00:11! One or lit" ,
of their estates, will he held at a I our
tuptey,ll, bo holden at the lire of F. "
tuft, in the Court House, In the vin 01
fore H. E. Woodruff, 1.1,41., Register.
do! or JUly, A. D., MS, at lo Wel°. i. .1 . 1
THOMAS A. Hi AVI• 6, •
I'. S. MrrAnd.
By G. P. Dacis,'Depf. 1.. MArsttsi.
Warrant in liankrupte) •
,L' is Toot VF Novel: !bet th ,
of May, A. 11,1564,u Warrant DI It..11.1kI: 01 .:,
was Issued against the estate of
of the city of Erie, ln the counts ut
State of Pennsylvania, who ha twee n. l ) u g
a bankrupt on his own vett ti.ok ; tits: ti,e I
naval of any debts and da‘liVth of s''
belonging to him, for his use; , nd
of any property by him arc toi !dad.
that a meeting of the creditor . ..or
rupt, to prove their debt. and 1..
more Assignees.. of his e•date, alli u' ot-e
court of Bankruptcy, to he hold , n " IL e
of the Register, in the cite or Ena .„,
Woodruff, Es,.. Register said tit,t Mt..•• „
9th day of July A. I) nt 10 o'clock. A.'
%ritoii.As A,. BOWI.EI v,
U. H. Mandisi,
By o.l'. Davie, Dept.'",l,;.:3-ler
i . E. t