The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 21, 1868, Image 3

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BIWA% for Sale at ti e-obsencr Office.
I ,,l;leini; blanks a.r.,?Aept for ,s.a r le at the
o,orve: 011 lee, and ran be furnished in any
plrnber de.drol:
4 all kinds, single and in hooks.
13:•ink N.‘e,ipts. ~ingle and in books.
Peed,. e . ommon and New York
common and With extra chicle.
torah for the Sale of Land.
g.-ri.alle Certificate,
31".0raritc for the Relief of the-Poor.
d Wirral l t••,.
llond., Common mid Tight Form,
and Tight Form.
or all kind,
subiacnas and Starch Warrtints.
,',man • and Seire
4 , r aion,
Pap aNI !u! , and (1 uardiati •i•
\Mitamp! and Attaehment.
I ! ca•o. and Ile(w.api.
Pet diem. unit 13010 N.
p Lien.
0. , 0 Endoer.
nui M l
,01,1 l'ot Rent.
Sneet feeds SI,Z per
~, , • pq per half dozen. single Sheet
;,, , c •t )lortgacel 75 cents per dozen; 40 eta.
, don•ti., Notes and Receipts 75 cents per
n e• nt, per flfty; 10 cents at dozen. In
huielrePl S 1,0): of :fifty 50 cents; of
4, en lit , . All other blanks are got
,•• el uniform 517.0 , at 40 cents per
• er half dozen. Where struall
order. p ..Illy mall 10 cents addition
„lc mod tor
Agents for the OtOlrver.
....itetetl the followt* gentlemen as
„,,, , t t• Ht. In the place. numt , d` io transact any
connect ion with the,tillee. Persons
nag th..itit.el‘ et. indebted to us eau hand
t ,„ , and their reeelpts will be ac
:,•• vt.'tti,t...l the same ourselves sae as if given by ouelves:
i'ot Li Aiii.death.
.col. am C. ntre--Geo. \V. Wtllson.
--N,1 , 0n Clark. f
tr,.,e—Wrn. J. Welker.
W.tx m —I), HowarL
Ica.wss G. J. \Vh i ney.
cr , , rt Llt ottitg—.lolln G. Burlingham.
T , t u s % 111,-4 'l.trk Ewing.
m rand—W. C. White.
Borough—M. V. B. Brown.
.a 'Township—Moses Smiley. •
E. Lincoln.
.I`r, Stolle.
P. W. Hutelilinton •
p)1; t Itrine—W net. Sheridan.
.t uutl,•bt—t.iliiert hard.
I„ t—l. I. ran irninn.
1v,11...k0r.;-1,. man Itoliinson.
Ehtth , tro—M.tten. Saler.
It tt tt.s. 'r• k—Win. Saitsman.
I.llo—Ectwai , l Jones.
c.ll 1 'ist - 11. A. Tabor.
t,,, J. Jackson. ti.
1311c - ,iness ri.turtorp
WII(ILESA LE (11{(11 . EIN.
2, N. Purl:
Nil!: - Oland 502. French st.
.•.•; evellier, 513 French it.
elark, 32 North Park.
1. )OTs AND 51T0F. , ... t.
1; P.. I!: Row.
/ 1., 541 ~ t;itt• street.
l'u , 4l•hal t 19 North P•irk.
• .. Z1:1 7 , ri . 41 ate ,t,•••t.
L., N. - I', ; :•-•tat2•
I!!!!!i: T(4(E.4.
`iv! !!!!trr, No! th
11.!!1 - 1'. A I'EF.D.
. Ti. 113.. , ' , tick, Park 110NN".
Bro.. 1 , -!-!!!!!!!
1.I•1! t l / 4 . 1.!;!!,Iate
1 J.) I'oll STORf•:S.
1 , .t Mr44.6±,1. s'2l State st.
\f. Sol lth, •24 No/ th Park.
1.. 7.1••z10r../2.. skit, st.
Wni. sOi State tit,
.1. Wilson. 127 state st.
win,/ Or! fond/ st.
Trr Pronell st.
r A I . 111, r, s• 21) Slat st.
FRI - IT, J.: P1101.1"cE.
w 11 South Pnrk.
•fIot'RERY 111...issWARF,
..•.. r,l. 12 Park Rosy.
11 •-•.1171.,•la, 511 5111te st.
1 - 11 ENVELIVY.
Fk',or, 2 Park 11./n-.
'4 1,1 Not th Park.
HATS .V.:11
r 21 North Park.
Nll,l„‘,Ct,:di State stteet.
IC. tint I. 517 , 4 Pronr•-lx
11 v uth, •12.5 FrZon•li
~• • A llar . : . .tess, 411 and 7(t) State street
. it II -mum, 1117 Peach Street.
XI,. E1110t,,129 State street.
II :II A Warfel, 1;30 State 41.
Wllkins 22 Doll, 1312 Pooch street.
J r t Co., 21 Ninth Park.
Wto. NI, It h Sent., 7•r2 State street.
hr Pi''~nnou A•zon;711 State street.
111,k 11,
It. Mt
i..tkitr, Nosh r A Letoian.
Mot. I !son la., 711 ' , tote st.
P. !leaflet... 7h; St.
EJ....1:1.1'1,711. 1' 1., d Ict/hh• 8101.1. Z.
-,•11714, h.t ll2 State st.
1 Ll.h. Ilnuttt It! t•.l Rouse Mock
notentlorf, Gl ~4,4 A Foster.
W4nier Rats., 51lit State st - -' •
ihrz.h A Griffith, 1324 Peach st,
R. A. I tell A Co.. m e'a;
'fond A Co,, 1 , 71.1 "
A. HrAbender, 12PS'
Beckman, .;01 State st.
` , 1.0.5h !IL Christian A: Croia, 21 North Park.
G,Tr. 'in French , t.
rornor A'tlt ST:.te
P. A. Beaker tit I 'O., 531 French st.
firysn McCiD;ertn. WI French sit.
t; Ililam Mallorv, 527 French st,
,111.unteeker, 1;24 State st,
ctan, N rm , t Fifth st.
4 ,1 1..,if, 701 State St.
riit - Yrorm.l.Plitk •
aver IS, Ro , 4enzwelo;
IYI7 Peatth st!
.111.0 Dunn, over n 2.4 State street.
tei Farrar Hall Minding.
W rR a 'o., over 1,323 Peach st.
T 011.14 1;0 AND ClOAlts.
%Volslunan, 1 11, POll,ll
st - ,t 701 Stan:rot.
703 state Ft.
It Meld, 117 French st: •
li. y 101 State st.
,n , .t. Co., 7121 Peach st.
w w Pierce A Co., 830 State at., •
• v A Shannon, 507 French St.
" , •I , len, 523 French st.
Van tassel, 1224 Peach st,
othar4l Bros., 701 State 41.
M. Mayer A Son, 12R State at.
am:Johnson A: Co., 1015 and 102) State at.
fl Mnrphy, 2: North Park.
Imml , 11171 Sassafras at.
' II tat,l. I A ca., 'NI, State St.
I It. t Co., 510 State .+4.
! d Ilan, State st., neat depot. -
tttashelnwr A. San, C 72 State st.
Ml'',ll`/C, 1213 Stale
Wozner. (ZS State St. •
" 1 1:••1,e, 522. State sf.- •
.• Mover, 4 Noble Itloek. ,
No, la North Park.
•11 TI. ,m 721 French se
1,11, - trt French st.
Ilt.telihts oh Girard, Pa.
- 7. s , .!!art„io North Park, II1111•11. INlState
J r c.corr, Iliommpathistl, GIN Patch sl•
I. 11 12 .ke, south P,trk.
South Pal k.
' I ,, ses Matrath, 11(7 Fr , net! st.
Has klns, IMO Peach al,
A Metz, 1121 State st.
' -u tt, Hall 2 Co., Ad and Peach sts.
P. Crook A_ son, cur. Ith and Peat sts.
White corner 11th and Front It st. -
'0.'411 Jones, cancer 11th and Holland etr.
Ilootz. 1214 Peach st.
i i 4ll - 1 m.,, aria Wonn.n, pomeNsing good
/0 , A ri I ehar.teter, and energy, pertaiverunee
t 1r . ' . .. Ilience, to act am vanvav,erx for a ae-
• of Pis e Beautiful Ideal
'oat r., ttu Faces, eiwntNed on stone In Paris by
' , lament Lithograplwrn in the world.
•-• e v.iiieh are most beautiful and
" ' .areptions. are designed to typify the
, 1... a types of American Womnaitcsni, rep
, al tng their chat ales, devotion, sympathies,
, ban , nts and heroism. The lithograph is in
ildi , t style of the art, and is such as has
been yqualed, and cannot be excelled.
P. , rtr.dts have _received unequalled praise
the eminent critics and prominent
r. of the 'country and they should
t,tn lion , eliold in t he land. Fio-partle
.t. ,11 I de,riptive circular address
~, y'_
Main St., a;pringtield, Mass.
Cl utillin; and Gent's Furnishing Goods !
Attention Dairymen.
11. k E THREE JERSEY' BULLS, the stock
%, inch are very celebrated for being good
r uhtl.trs. which I offer for sale or rent. I
:urnirdi satisfactory evidence that frestu two
hundred pounds of butter have been
, a,se noun each cow of this breed in a season.
Lenceuf tp., Erie Cq., Pa.
piseharge in-Dankruptpr.
IN THE DIsrRICT COURT of the niters
`states, for the Western District o Penn-
John R. Porkins,a bankrupt unilerthe
f. Yungress of 31areb*.!el,1367,havingapplteo
a .N.quirge from all his debts, and other
provable under said set, by order at thr
I.ut, notice v;9hl 'sutveed , prov l e s d
hheebde given
dto other c r p e e d rs it o o n r s
i':n. s
to appear on the sith day of
PO. at 10 o'clock, A. M., before S.
. '"'. 1 .1111", }: , sq., Register, at. - his niece,
to show- cause, if any they
a discharge should not be granted to
'ssilAtukrUlA. And further notice is hereby
z' sh that the second and third meetings of
,!...duers of the ..uld bankrupt, required by the
ass , ' ...sth Seel tont. of said act, will be had
s'sts the 'std Register, at the same time and
'c of U. S. Distract Court for said District.
sssrs t I-2w.
ERIE. PEW/L..3lKr 21, 1868
11 - OTlCK—After this date no piper will be
sent from this office, for any kngth'of time,
without payment is:adranery unless to old sub-
seraersochats respontilnolity toe are acquainted
• , • apttlf.
Trrn appreaching eleeticie renders ofln
terest the following list of offices to be filled
this fall lifember of Congress ; niembers
of Assembly ; COunty Treasures;
sioner ; - Auditor; and Direetor. of the Voor.
The following are the present limenOits of
these positions, all being. Repnbliesis :Non
gress, G. W. Scofield, orW,arren- county ;
Asserably,Jolm D. Stranahan, Lis - F*4 and
Geo. P. Rea, Girard ; Treasurer,
ler, Union
_Sore; Commissioner, L
Child., Wayne ; Auditor, 0. H. P. Ferguson,
Fairview ; Poor Director, Andrew Thomp
son, 17nion 'Pp. Of these gentlemen, Messrs.
Scofield, Strannhali, Rea, and Keller are can
didates for re-election, with every 'prospect
in their favor. Mr. Scofield is filling his
third term in Congress, and Messtc.-Strana
lian, Rea and Keller having each served only
one year, by the party customs are entitled
to a renomination.
THE Eric Observer publishes the names of
sixteen individuals who neglect and refuse
to pay the amounts set opposite their names.
They deserve it ; but we doubt the efficacy
of exposure upon a man who is mean enough
to cheat a printer.— reimag) Spectator.
If our cotemporary means 'that it doubts
whether the publication will secure our.pav,
we perfectly agree with it. , We know, from
experience, that this class of villains are as
destitute or shame as they are of honesty. It
is somAatisfaction, though, to know that if
we can't get our just dues, we may perhaps
be the means of preventing others from being
swindled. A ;tun who will cheat a printer
will do any mean thing, and the community
ought to be placed on it yard against him.
We think that if the newspaper men through
out the country would make a rule of pub
lishing all who swindle them,. and let it be
understood that they intend adhering to it in
every instancelhere would soon be an end
to the complaints in that respect,
Tux Tilionte Journal, whose editor, Mr.
Stevens, served as a soldier under Ben. But
ler, does not appear to have a very high re
gard fir either his moral or political charac
ter. Here is what he says in reply to a
fellow Republican, Vi,llo took him to task for
speaking his mind about the Beast on a pre
vious occasion : "Ills political character we
regard as rotten, and think his present iden
tity with the Repuldictiu part' is prompted
not by principle but by expediency, and
while we have no objection to his voting
and acting with ns, as long :Is he finds it
profitable, we protested, and do protest,
against his being allowed to Arrogate to him
self the leadership, parr rrellonce, of the Re
publican party. We argued, and still assert,
that it was a specimen of monstrous audacity
for a man on whose garments the stench of the
Chat lesion Convention' of 1860 let lingers, to
thrust aside such 'men as Stevens, Bingham,
and Bontwell and by sheer force of self-as
sertion take upon himself the management
of the impeachment ease."
Tin: fall out between Col. lice and the
f;irard Spectator is likely to lead to some
very interesting revelations before long.
The lust issue of the Spectator, which for a
long period was the Colonel's immediate
or:pin, contains au editorial in which his
chances for the Presitlency are referred to in
a very sneering vein, and the grounds upon
which he claims the nomination unmerei
tully ridiculed. The fatuous electioneering
pamphlet, purporting to have been issued by
prominent New York Democrats, which has
se dtered broad-cast ad-cnst over the country,
alleged to have been written in Girard and
printed iu Erie (at the Dispatch office, we
_Mecum.) The Spectator concludes , lty sug
gesting to the Colonel that "the sooner he
comes to the conclusion that be is not wanted
for President of the United States, the better
it will be for his peace and huppiness.” We
regret very much to see these little diversi
ties of opinion between gentlemen who late
ly held such. confidential and pleasant rela
tions to one another.
THE news of the Presidents' acquittal
- reached this city about noon on Saturday,
and was immediately posted upon the
tin boards of the - Observer and Dispa . tch,
causing, the utmost excitement among all'
classes. ' The Democrats were jubilant over
the result, while the Radicals were as crest
fallen n looking set as it has ever been our
I privilege to see. During the day, it was
easy to distinguish th e members of the, two
1 parties wherever they were met, by the grat
ified appearance of the Democrats, and the
universally - despondent look of the Radicals.
1 The groans and curses or the latter were ter
rible to listen to. Most of them had' been
worked up to as certainty of conviction, end
the news fell upon them like a thunder-clap
in winter. Some of our younger Democrats
Were resolved to have a grand jollification
over the event, but it was decided to post-
pone it until the vote on all the articles had
been taken, when they propose to get up a
demonstration• that will show the Radicals
&it the people are not all upon one "side, as
they imagine. Although ninety-nine out of
a hundred Republicams here favor impeach
ment, we are glad to he able to announce,
that the majority do not endorse the studied
efforts to inthienco Senators by outside pros-
Inc ; and not a few gentlemen of that party
have expres-ed to us their unqualified cen
sure of the disgraceful means, adopted by
their more extreme brethren: -
A TtnamaNr. Sronv.—The celebrated
Win Mackey, who keep, it saloon on the I
dock, has the misfortune to be troubled with
a "hotter-half" whose frailties are the source
of considerable gossip amonlr the relined Imp
utation who make that locality their head-
quarters. One of the weaknesses she is ac- . I
cued of is a fondness for nice young men of '
the sailor persuasion, to whom, it is alleged;
she permits certain liberties not tolerated by
the law nor the prophets. The amiable 'Wil
liam frequently expostulates, but neither his
threats nor his arguments have been of suf.
ticieut avail to cure her of the provoking'dis %
order. On Saturday, the aforesaid William
entering his domicile rather unexpectedly,-
beheld a sight which made his blood run
cold. A gay young sailor was in the actual
act of imprinting a kiss upon the coral,lip, of
his lovely spouse, and there were indications
which might naturally lead to other surnii
ses, the character ofavhich we dare uut_tuen
tion. William was shocked;. he was horri
fied. He ventured a gentle protest. And
what did the sprightly Mrs. M % Did she,
tall upon her knees, and with her eyes pour
ing out a torrent of tears, beg her offended:
lord's most gracious pardon? Did she con
fess htr wrong, and promise to sin no more
No; like a very fiend, she accused him of
being no better than herself, and rttshed at
him with a shriek of defiance. The sailor
boy followed. Mrs. Mackey's hand alighted
with terrible force upon William's shining
locks, bringing away a heavy bunch as a tro
phy of the onset. The sailor boy's fists
struck in inconvenient proximity to his nose.
William was Boon placed , dory du combat, and
compelled to make an ignominious surren
der. Such treatment in his own domicile
was beyond endurance. He seized the first
favorable opportunity to beat trretreat, and
call in reinforcements. They came, with
shining stars upon their bzeasts,and Mrs. M.
and her heroic lieutenant were in ,turn
brought to grief. They have been sent to
board at the Fifth Avenue Hotel for ten
days, pd Mackey once more rejoices over a
idetory gained,
Roue Cleasitits. is
"The melancholy days have come, the sad
dest of the year:
Of cleaning paint and, scrubbing floors, and
scouring far and near;
Heaped In the corners of the room, the an;
dent dirt lay quiet,
And spiders wove their web secure from fear
and din and riot;
But now the carpets all are up, and from the
stair-case top
The mistress calls to man and maid to wield
the broom and mop., '.
Where are those rooms, those quiet rooms,
the house but now presented,
Whereirr we dwelt, nor dreamed of dirt, so
cozy and contented ?
Alas ! they're turned all upside down, that
quiet suite of. rooms,
With slopsfand suds, and soap, and sand, and
tubs, and pails, and brooms ;-
Chairs, tables, stands are standing round at
sixes and at sevens, . • •
While wife and housemaids fly about like
meteors in the heavens.
The parlor and the chamber floor were
cleaned a week ago,
The carpets shook, the windows washed, as
all the neighbors know ; •
But still the sanctum had escaped—the table
piled with books,
Pens, ink and paper all about, peace in its
very looks,
Till fell the woman on them all, as falls the
plague on men, '
And then they vanish all away—books, pa
pers, ink and pen.
And now, when comes the master horne,4s
come he must at nights,
To find all things are "set to wrongs" that
they have "set to rights!"
When the sound of driving tacks are heard,
though the house is far from still ;
And the carpet woman on the stairs, that
harbinger of ill—
He looks for papers, books or bills, that all
were there before,
And sighs to find them on the desk or in the
drawer no more.
And then he grimly thinks of her who sets
this fuss afloat,
Anti wishes she were out at sea iu a very
leaky boat ;
lie meets her at the parlor door, with hair
and cap awry, - -
With sleeves tucked .up and brooM in hand,
defiance In her eye ;
He feels quite small; and knows full well
there's nothing to be said, '•
So holds his tongue, anti drinks his tea, anti
sneaks away to bed.
Growth of Our Lake Trade.
• As the workings of the several, railroads
terminating tit Erie, and others forming con
nection therewith, are becoming developed,
public attention is drawn fo the increase of
trade and commerce so rapidly springing up.
When the Pennsylvanht Central Co. leased
what was then known as the Sunbury 'and
Erie Railroad, many of our citizens were'llis
pleased with the change, fearing it was 'the
'intention of the lessees to render the road
worthless in order to throw the trade of the
West as much as possible to the Penn'a Ccn
tril others claimed that the object Win to
avail themselves of the cheap transportation
by Lake during the season of navigation, and
thereby be able to compete with the New
York Central and Eric roads—the two latter
having heretofore this advantage over the
Penn's Cential. The result has proven that
the latter class of citizens were correct in
their prognostications. With the opening of
navigation this spring, a Bile of propellers
was chartered to run In cofhieetion with the
Philadelphia & Erie Road and, although
the arrangements and wharfage of the com
pany are not complete, and the freighting
business is only in its infancy, yet to ,gain
some idea of what we may expect, we have
compiled a ft?w - statistics of its business
transactions from the 25th of April to May
11th. The following articles liave been re
ceived :Irons the West 49,600 bushels of
ifylieat c - 73,,28.5 bushels of corn; 28,793 bush
els of oats ; 6,712 barrels of flour ; 200 barrels
and 88 tierces of beef; 23 barrels of beef
10 cases of paper; 400 packages of '
hides. In addition to this, vras'a cargo
chased or private account by bur enterpris
ing Elevator Co., viz : 2,280 bushels of
wheat; 5;654 litishels of oats; 4,609 bushels
of corn. Merchandise from Baltimore to
Western ports 11043 pounds ; merchan
dise from Philadelphia for Western ports
516,759 pounds.
In the coal line they have shipped 904
tons of anthracite and 134 tons of bituminous,
with a heavy stock of anthracite on hand.
ready for shipment. The coal trade, as the
other, has but just' commenced. They have
an average arrival of 15 cars per day loaded
with merchandise, not including the - coal
• tr.l , !ns.
Dreance via this route to N. 1". 480 miles
Phila. 4.54 "
" Baltimore 4.10 "
lln conclusion, I will state, that we are in
(lbted for this fine business opening, which
will MOM increase to an immense trade, to
the Anchor Line, a new transportation ,com
pany, composed mostly of stockholdeb iu
the road. They have made a splendid be
ginning, and do not intend to be beat by
any transportation company doing business
between the Lakes and Seaboard. Success
attend them.
A (MEAT many people have wondered how
it came that so many usually sound Minded
Republicans could have been induced to
sign brother Whallon's recommendation for
Congress. They know that many of them
scout his pretensions in private, and say that
he isMifit for the place ; yet their names ap
pear in a pttblie conummication el i cerrolly
rt.comtnending him as competent for the
position. "Why is this thus.?" Perhaps the
following, from the Girard Crisis, may ex
plain the much mooted question ;
"On Friday last we saw a gentlemanly
looking per-son rushing - frantically around
with a long paper asking parties to affix their
signatures to -the same. On inquiry we
learned that it was the Rev. J. H. IVltallon,
and that he was requesting people to ask
hini in "black and white," to become the
Republican candidate for Congress. We
would suggest to the Revenant gentlemen
the following quotation from a Book which
he has undoubtedly perused, thoroughly, for
many years "I had rather be a doorkeeper
in the house of the Lord than dwell in the
tents of the ungodly." “Stiek to your test,"
Mr. Witallon."
It' we can judge from the communie. l tions
in the Republican organs of the city, an ex
traordinary state of affairs must be in pro
gress among the members of that party in'the
county. We leant from one of them that all
the Republican voters are in favor of Mr .
King for Congress ; another tells us that it is
a mistake—that they are all for Mr. Noble;
still another insists that neither are correct
—that it Ls Mr. Cutler, or Mr. Scofield, or
Mr. Walker, or Mr. Whallon that they are
all for. Now, it strikes us that there must
be a discrepancy somewhere, for they can't
all be for every one of the candidates. Per
haps, these literary gentlemen have fallen
into the singular belief that each of them is
.The embodiment of Erie county Radicalism,
and having his particular favorite, naturally
enough presumes that the party is a unit in
thatdirection. At any rate, let us have the
riddle solved. It would be a queer result if
all the votes should be cast for every candi
date, and might lead to difficulties seriously
affecting the party harmony.
TUE Radical Convention of Jefferson
county has unanimously declared in'favor of
Judge Scofield as. the party nominee for
Congress, and we learn from a responsible
source that be is certain of securing the en
dorsement of Warren, Mcß'ean, Forest, and
Cameron, making more than enough votes
to ensure him the nomination on the. tint
ballot. It does not require much sagacity to
see that, whatever may be the wishea or
plans of the Erie county politicians, he is
sure of being the nominee. This informa
tion may not be very consoling to the half
dozen or less gentlemen in this county who
aspire to his place, but sadly as it may blight
their hopes it is none the less our duty to
record it. We advise brother Whallon not
to waste any more time, blather and shoe
LOVhiJ bilainist.
Diluso the ytar ending May 7th, 148 per•
eons were interred in the Erie Cethetery.
LET= one fail to read the article, " Plain
T a lk "kr tlyil l ifatittir ott 'our first Page.
A DELAWARE county Judge has decided
that the statute of limitation does not bar the
recovery of thirteen years' subscription to a
newspaper, the contract being continuous.
A wicRED editor advises railroad 'compa
nies, Instead of putting up the customary
signs, "Look out for the locomotive," to label
them-" Prepare to meet, your God."
A rim years ago them lived near Wesley-
Ville a man named Peck, who used to-boast
that he raised children by the bushel. lie
bad ten little Pecks—exactly two bushels,
and a-half,
TIM Court of Quarter Sessions will C 0113:.
mence on Monday next, at 11 o'clock. Sub
scribers wishing to remit the amount due
this office will have a good opportunity to
send by their friends attending court.
Tim Democracy of Titusville Sred - a
salute on Saturday evening in honor of the
seven Republican Senators who could not be
driven by party menaces or'bribes into com
mitting perjury.
Tat: Crawford County Agricultural Soci
ety purpose to enlarge their grounds at
Meadville- The next fan will be held on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, Sept. 80,
and Oct. 1 and 2.
The-Observer enters the thirty-ninth year
of its age With the present issue, It never
had so good a subscription list as at present,
andls in a more prosperous' condition than
at any previous portion of its history. ,
THE Warren Mail gets off the following
good thing:
"I came near selling my boota the other
day," said our friend Perkins to us. "Row
so" we replied. " Well I WO them half
Iryoct wankto buy anything, advertise in
the Observer. If you want to sell anything,
advertise In the Observer. If you want any
thing, advi.,l-tise In the Observer. If you
want the very best of first.class Job work,
come to the Observer office.
THE statement is made that half the oil re
fineries itt this district are advertised for sale
by the U. S. authorities, having been seized
for delinquent taxes or fraudulent returns.
The refining business is being attended with
more than its proportionate share of the mis
fortunes of the day. ' •i •
ME.NRS. MATS SELL have bought out the
news depot of L. F. Ball, near the depot, and
will continue it in operation upon au en
larged scale. The enterprise and business
talent which these young men have exhibit.
ed entitle them to the encouragement of all
our citizens.
WE wonder how many ladies Will agree
to adopt the following advice ! No one but
an irretrievable old maid could possibly have
written it :
"Young ladies beware, live single indeed,
Ere you Marry the man who uses the weed ;
Better that husbands you ever should lack 0,
Than marry a man who uses tobacco."
WE call the attetitioutof Farmers, Mechan
ics and laboring people generally to the ad
vertisement of the Erie Dime Savings tt Loan
Co., in another column. The institution
opens with every prospect of a prosperous
career, and the facilities it offers are worthy.
of general consideration.
"Jr is a noticeable fact," remarks an ex
change, "that those who do little or nothing
towards the. support of a newspaper always
find the most fault with it. Every person
who has ever had unything to do with the
publishing or editing of a newspaper, must
have been 'painfully an are of the truth of
this assertion." True as gospel.
: Timm: are some folks that you can never
please. You may say a thousand things in
their favor, and they never notice it ; hut
give them opportunity, however innocently,
to get offended by a casual remark, and they
are ringing anathemas in your ears and vow
ing perpetual hostility. The sooner you east
off the friendship of such people the better..
THE ladies or-Fairview and Swan Station
gave a festival for the benefirof the Soldiers'
and Sailors' Nfonument fund, on the - Bth
inst., at which the nett snot realized was
$19.33, which has been handed over to the
central organization in this city. They have
set a praiseworthy example, which we hope
to see followed in all the towns of the county.
THE low rate of freights upon the Lake
hits induced many vessels to lay up until the
prospects are brighter. The shippers ut Our
docks find it difficult' to procure a sufficient
number of vessels for their use. Appear
ances do not indicate a prosperous year in
any department of the Lake trade. _ .
t..AIN, of Park church, has com
menced a series of sermons to young men,
the first of which Was given on Sun.lay
evening last, and listened to by n large and
attentive audience. The second of the
series will be preached on next Sabbath
evening, and we advise all our young city
readers to be present.
Trn Democratic Club of Conneautville
have agreed to bold regular meetings every
other Saturday evening until alter the elec
tion. The Democratit of Erie county Will
have to wake up or they will - find themselves
behind hand. All the adjacent counties are
getting their clubs in operation for a vigor
ous campaign.,
THE following paragraph from the Dis
patch may be of value to farmers and horse
men generally :
"Yesterday at a .livery stable we saw
badly foundered horse cured by throwing a
tablespoonful of pulverised alum well back
in the month. The ostler said lie had never
failed to cure founder in its early stage by
this process. The horse should be kept from
water several hours after the unpile:Won."
Os Sunday morning, about 10 o'clock, a
newly born living- infant was discovered by
Mr. Wm. O'Brien, in his outhouse, near ihe
corner of French and Buffalo street. It had
been born but a few hours, and was entirely
destitute of clothing. Policeman Chellis was
called upon to look up the mother, but at
this writing has found no clue to her identi
By the new railroad arrangement, three
trains will leave Erie every Sunday, as fol
lows ; For Buffalo, 111:30 in the forenoon ; for
Cleveland, 3:30 in the' afternoon ; for Phila
delphia, 7:50 in the evening. The steam
boat express, on the Lake Shore road, will
reach here from Buffalo at l•. 05 on .Sundity
night, instead of Saturday, as heretofore.
PEOPLE who are complaining of the weath-
Cr during the past week, may derive consola
tion from the Act that during the month of
May, 1867, there were tienty-feitt days in
'which rain fell. In - spite of the inveterate
grumbling about the weather, we verdure to
sUggest that Providence regulates these mat
ters for the beat: Without tttespring rains,
there would be a slim show 'of trait, grain,
and vegetables. -While town
. pqople are
complaining of the continued rains, the far
mers' hearts are made glad: '
JtmoE &COULD. onr eflicientiliepresen
tative in Congress,- was recently apProached,
on the floor of the House. by Woodward,
who said, "I expect to live to see this flor ,
ernment fall to pieces." - He received the fol
lowing reply : "And I, sir, expect to live to
see you an Inmate of the insane asylinn."—
Tit:hoots Journal.
The above interesting item of information
originated with the- Dispatch, and is travel•
ling the rounds of the Radical presit of.the
District. We do not believe that Judge
Woodward ever made use of n the expression
attributed to him, much less that Scofield
possesses the courage to have addressed him
in the insolent manner represented. It may
do for Scofield to tell, but those who know
the parties will want better proof before
placing much reliance in the story.
Tem..folloiring copinnlikation in. favor of
It*. JAL Whidlon's bails to a seat in eon
grew is published by the Dis Patch, as a sum
cent answer to Lis charge thfii it is disposed
to slight •WI imitations tbr that position.
No pereon.can read it without being con
vinced that the Reverend gentleman is just
the man for the place, an that the people
are rousinn In his behalf With 11 zeal and de
votion never before witnessed. With such
supporters Mr. Whallon an well afford to
laugh at the pretentious of other candidates
Mr &filar ,
Be notdeceived the People are not Mocked
we are determined to have a true tried and
Competent man to represent us in' the next
congress .7 H. •Whallon is Our Standard
bearer. With few exceptions the Western
and SOuthern part of the county • will Sup
port him and I have evidence that the East
and Erie city Sustahi him lie is
the Man During the entire War he never
wavered bolted or Went back on Sound
principles or men true to the cause of hu
manity I would all other Candidates had as
true a record °mom
May the 91888 '
Tut Warren Mail gives. an account of "a
curiosity, or - two curiosities rather, in the
poultry line, which Army be seen at Jacob -
Foust's, near Sheffield, in that county. Two
hens closely relembling each other, lay eggs,
as-unlike as hen's eggs can be, and as little
Hie common hen'a eggs as respectable and
conscientious hens ought to lay. The eggs
of one hen are nearly as large as those of a
goose, and have a ligbt pinkish.color. .And
the eggs of the other are as small its Moat of
a pigeOn, with light blue and greenish spots
and a yellow stripe around the greater cir
Tan character of men chosen to office tin
der the Radical regime in the Bonth r may be
judged ftom the circumstance that A. W.
Tourgee, formerly a principal of .the Erie
Academy, and a man of very limited attain
ments, has, been elected a Supreme .tudge in
North Carolina; by negro votes. He will be
recollected as the fellow who had the impu
dence to visit Erie during the campaign of
Ism. and palm himself off as a "North Caro.
lina loyalist," to the Infinite disgust of even
the members of his - own party. •We pity the
people who haire to accept such creatures as
the expodnders of their laws.
THE Cleveland Plaindealer tells a queer
story of a German *that city named Nicho
las Bremer, who Las "long been known a•
confirmed tippler. SO fond was he of strong
drink, that he has frequently drank stout .
draughts of high wines. On a late occasion
he drank, on a wager, six large drinks of
whiskey, and a pint s of stock ale at a sitting.
With blazing face and starting eyes, he then
reeled towards - a gas jet, hi order to light . his
pipe, when the_ noxious gases issuing Iroma
his mouth, were instantly ahlaze,...and the
poor wretch was soon being consumed by an
inward tire. He lingered long enough to suf
fer inure than hell-horror, arid then died."
THE proprietors. of Brown's Hotel, Messrs.
Hagerty & Co., of New York city, are put
,that well known property through a
thorough course of renovation. The exteri
or is being repainted, a new roof is being put
on, the Intgrual arrangements remodeled, and
the old fuTniture is to give way to a stock of
more modern character. It is designed to
make the property one of the finest along
the Lake Shore, and the hotel is to be placed
in the hands of a first-class landlord. With
two such houses as the Reed House and the
"reconstructed" Brown's Hotel, Eric will be
as fatuous for her accommodations, iu a year
or two, as she was once unfortunate.
WE find the following paragraph in several
of our exchanges. Hating seen nothing to
confirm it in the Washington news, we give
it for what it, is, worth, and request come one
acquainted with, the facts to inform us as to
the real state of the matter :
" The bankrupt act has been amended so as
to extend the time to January 1, 1869, for
bankrupts to take the. benefit of its provhdons
who are not able to pay fifty cents on the
dollar. Alter that date the bankrupt must
procure the consent of a majority of his cred
itors if he should he unable to pay fifty per
Tut 'Corry Grant Club is a. live institution.
It arranged, last Thursday, for a publie`tueet
ing to ratify the impeachment of Andrew
Johnson, and the nomination of Gen. Grant,
as soon as the news of those events is an
We learn by later advicea that the portion
of the programme relating to Impeachment
hay been postponed until thrther notice. It
i 4 proposed that instead of holding a ratifica
tion jubilee the members proceed to the
grave-yard; and bury themseliek in sack
cloth and ashes.
TUE impression is current with many that
the city library is designed for the special
use of members of the Young Men's Chris
tian As-sociation. This is a grave mistake
which, for the interests of the public, de
serves a speedy correction. The library is
open to the accommodatibn'of all who choose
to pay the required sum, no matter what l
may be their religious creed or standing.
Wg trust the Tribune is correct in its be
lief that the tendency •of modern eduentior(
is toward the substitution of the natural
sciences, the useful arts, and modern langua
ges for the old curriculum of dead languages,
the higher mathematics, and other abstract
studies. The system of education pursued
in mast of our theological schools and colle
ges tbr sonny years past, we _verily believe,
has spoiled more young men than it ever
benefited. •
There appears to be considerable dissatis
faction at North East with the ideation
adopted for the Seminary to be erected at
that place. We trust the difficulty may he
amicably adjusted, and that no petty local
ailibrences will be allowed to stand in the
way of the succe.ssful accomplishment of an
enterprise which seems destined to on of so
melt advantage to our neighboring village. •
TUE. renowned Athletic base ball club of
Philadelphia has sent a letter to the Erie
City club, asking that arrangements be made
for a friendly game between tht! twi. organ- '
iution Abut June 20th, when they expect
to pass through the city on their return from
a Western tour. The Erie City%'.linve for
warded an 'acceptance of the request, and
will endeavor to give their antagonists an
appropriate reception. -
Tut•. Detno . crats of our neighboring county
of Aslitalhila, Ohio, perseverp bravely in
keeping %their organization, notwithstand
ing the immense odds against them. They
are resolved upon makings gallant tight this
fall, and confidently anticipate a larger vote
than has ever been cast in the county. At a
convention recently held In Jeffenzon, HOD.
Geo. H. Pendleton was unanimously 'declared
to be their choice for President.
DEMOCRATIC Clubs. or individuals wishing -
twenty-five or more copies of the Observer
for free distribution will be furnished
, at
deduction from the i campalgn rates. We
hope every club will make it a leading point
to circulate sound Democratic papers. De
pend upon it, gentlemen, more cap be done
with one dollar in this way than:with ten in
holding mass meetings.
STRIKES for an increase of wages are
getting. more numerous every day in New
TALcort—lit Ziorth. Esst,ph the 29th ult.,
Mrs. Betsy 8., wire of Samuel Taleott, aged
99 years.
Dv:Mix—ln Corry, on the 7th nit, cd whoop.
lug cough, Carrie - May, only child of Ka
• yin IL and Emily t. Dunham, aged 11
months and 14 days.
Knoi—ln this city, on Friday morning, the
15th inst., Mrs. Emily L. Knox, daughter
of John Hill, aged 28 years.
Twat—On the 17th init., at the residence
of his son-in•law, James Collins, Richard
Terry, aged 71 years.
Bsr2anto—ln this city, of consumption, on
the 19th inst., Charles H. Blessing, aged
24 years, 8 months and 2 days
Hush—ln this city, May 18,186 x, infant son
nt Charles E. and Frances M. lined. •
I fi 1114.111
Cilustw:4ol4ll/311,—1n COT I T - s.tio ' Bl 7,
by L. E. Gulgnon, Esg., Mr. James Orwig
to Miss M. Edwards of Union Mills.
Tars—Rnms.—On Tuesday, May 12th, at
the residence of Thomas Hughes, by Rev.
J. IL Pressley, Mr. C. D. True to Miss
Laura A. Riggs, all of this city: -
Gnaao--ROsa.—At the residence of John
McClintock, Esq., by Rev. B. Eicell, Rev.
S. Gren,,of the 'Erie Conference, and Miss
M. J. Ross , of Meadville.
Fmcg—Per the l7th inst., at the
Robinson House Edinboro, by Rev. D. B.
Ernst, Mr. L R. Flick, of Woodcock Tp.,
and Miss S. A. Peters, of Hayfield Tp.,
Crawford' o. Pa. "
The Greht Secret.
The great secret of the success of Mishier's
Herb Bitters la the unquestioned fact that it
purifies the blood, and equaliies its circulS.:
tion throughout the whole body. It is im
possible-to haven sound, healthy body, with
out pure blood. The slightest disease, no
matter how trivial, where It is located, or
what its character, is the direct result ofsome
'impurities existing in-the blood; and if these
impurities be not promptly expelled, sickness
and disease, in some form must be exhibited.
In all diseases of the stomach, kidneys, liver,
bowls, lungs and heart, the blood is nectssa
rily impure, anti the more virulent and dan
gerous the discs* the greater ihe impurities.
It is only bTexpelling these foul humors, by
neutralizing- - the lideitte; Inkdrig, beating
properties in fever cases, by restoring
strength, purity and tone to. this vital die.
ment of human lite, that health can he re
stored and preserved. Sold by all druggists
and dealers. S: B.- Hartman tt Co. proprie
tors, Lancaster, Pa. my2l-2w.
Sold wholotale and retail by 111ewwx.
Carver & Co., No. 21 Park Row, Erie, Pa.
Observer for the Campaign.
The 'Observer will be iltrnished to cam
paign subscribers, from this date, until the
close of the Presidential canvass, at the fol
-lovring low rates: •
One copy, six months, - - - $l.OO
Ten copies sift months , and an addition-.
`al Copy for. the one who gets "mi the .
club, • -" - - • • - 10.00
One copy, three months. - - .50
Five copies, three months, - - 2.50
,Ten copies, three months, - - - 5.00
Subscriptions may commence at any date
,between, this and election, and will ~te
promptly' discontinued when the time has ex
pired. febtlAL
"Tux sweetest' thing in life" is good health
and good spirits, and it you have them not,
the next best thing is what will restore bloom
'to the: tided 'cheek - and happiness to the
drooping heart. • The great and sure reme
dy is Plantation Bitters, which oar physi•
mans recommend to both male and female
patients as a safe, reliable, agrembleand cor
dial stimulant. They contain nothing to
disagree with the most delicate constitution,
and have won Olden opinions from all who
have tried - Them ; and probably no article
was ever tried by so many persons. They
elevate the depressed and give Orength to
the weak.
31.kozrous WATEII.-A dulightflittoilet Jar
licle--superior .to • Colognr, and ut • half the
price. uiy2l-2t. '
Wits' WILL Tor SI:FYgn !—Why will
people' suffer from diseased or blind eyes,
cross-eyes, deafness, catarrh, discharges from
the ears, noises in the head, throat diseases,
bronchitis, polypus, dyspepsia and u host of
other diseases, when, by availing themselves
of the services of the renowned Surgeon anti
Physician, Dr. Liston, from the Albany Eye
and Ear Infirmary, who visits this city regu
larly once every two months, they can have
them entirely cured. Remember he will• he
at the Reed Rouse again nu Tuesday and
Wednesday,- the 2d and 3d days of June,
stopping for tho..,e two days only.
State and National Fairs have awarded the
Iron City College upwards of one hundred
first premiums, over all competitors, for su
periority in Penmanship. Its gallery of
plain and ornamental writing, valued at sev
eral thousand dollars, antll3SSeti anything ,of
the kind on the c‘infinent. Circular. of the
college, containing samples of both , plain and
ornamental work, can be obtained by ad
,dressing the Principals, Smith et Cowley.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
and best. Mammoth bottles only 75 casts.
The Eugenia Hair Restorer eclipses all
known discoveries for the rapidity with
which It restores gray and faded hair to its
original color, protnotes its rapid and healthy
growth, prevents and stops it when falling
off, and is a most luxuriant hair dressing for
the human hair and head, rendering it so
silky and lustrous. Sold by S. Dickinson it
Son, sole agents in Erie. deel2-Iy.
3IETCM.FE's Houey Cough Balm is the
only medicine known that will give instant
relief to consumptives. It pi:names remark
able healing qualities, and has affected more
wonderful cures, than any other cough reme
dy ever brought before the public. Prire one.
dollar. For sale by all Druggists.
31ETCALvt's A.s-n-lltr.rous Pna...—A cer
tain cure fur indigestion, dyspepsia, bilious
attacks, sick headache, flatulency, hearthuru,
spasms. &c., and ail diseases of the liver,
stomach or bowels. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by all druggists.
New Spring Silk and Fancy Flats, beauti
ful Coatings and Cassitheres; also, al.Tents for
reports of fashion. JoxEs Sr Lrrts.
THZ best fracas of notes and Manioc n the
city at the Observer office, t
i3eb3 abbertisements.
McCreary & Noorbrad.
of dr-,erlption
Assignee' Bankruptcy.
Tag DISTAICT L'O UST of tlie United States
for the Western District of Pennsylvania,
, tithe Mutter of John B. Perkins, bankrupt.
It Wholesale, as cheap as any jobbing hot Use In undersigned hereby gives nutleo of his :Jo
lla country. ' krorm en e,lb' . t Fa. T e a c tg a n n t.7 l
State of Pcunsylvanla,
w,lttibt staid district, who has been adjudged a
t upon his own petition; by the District
! `crat bil t r lf Said distriet, dated at Erie, Pa., May
i LiF.NRY M. It ISLET, Assignee.
Atty. At Law. No. hat Peach St., Erie, Pa.
Than any house In this city. Also
13. 13 L S
The Itcp , itory of the Bible Society, at
CAUGHEY„.3I42BEAItY & 51001tIlEAD's
DlNeharg_e In Bankrupte.
TN THE Pinfr RIM COURT of the United':
L States, for the Western District of Pennsyl--,
vania. Page Cromwell, •ai bankrupt under. the.
Act of Congrem of March 2.1, NUL having ap
plied for a discharge front all his debts, and oth
er claims provable under said net, by order of
the Court, null& is hereby given to all creditors
who have proved their debts. and other persons
Interested, to appear on the 4th day of
June Del, nt 10 o'clock. A. M.. before H.
Woodruff, kii44l. ittliiiStet, at his office, In
the city of Erie, Penna., to show cause, If
any they have, why a discharge should not
be granted to the said bankrupt. And further,
notice is hereby 'riven that the second and third
meetings of creditors of said bankrupt, required
by the 2:th and 29th sections of said net, will be
held before the said Register, at the same time
and place.
.3 R. C. hicCANDLESS.
Clerk of U. S. DlatricL Ceara for said District.
Admhaistratoes Notice.
been grented to the! undersigned. on the
estate of Mn. Annie Wade dee'd, Meat Green
field tp„ Notice is hereby,given to all indebted
to the same to make Immediate payment.. and
those having claims against the said estate irl/1
present them, duly authenticated, for settle
ment. A. F. BF MAN.
oreenneld. April la, Ifidl.—ap2l-6w.
=4P XL '"'•
AA PRESENT OF MOO VALUE, of your ovrtt
selection, frees.? oast. for a few days *enti
ces to say town or village. Particulars to*
Pitt teat free, by addressing, with stump, •
WIFI-Am. 40 Ihntoves Ht., Boston, O ise.
John Made, 1340 Peach Street,
Retail Dealer In
Having lately opened an entirely new stock
of goods, I am prepared to otihr superior induce
ments to all who may give me a call.
Remember the place, 1340 Peach street, south
ot the Depot. Erie, Pa. - apesm. ;
Neto abbtrtformtnto.
- 4 - - -
Lancaster In telligeneer
Democratic Journal In Pennsylvania !
The isincaster illteUhtertear, established Itt
1791),'Itas always Went/town as a arabelaaa
and Family ;Newspaper. me Weekly
Intelllgenser is now the largest Democratic pa
per published In Pennsylvania. It has lately
been greatly Improved In all respects, and la
Just such a paper as every Democrat should
The publishers of the Intelligent*, regard it
to be the deity or eVery'Democrat to support his
county papers in preference to at* . other ; bates
there are many who will be likely to subscribe
for more than one paper during the pending
Presidential campaign, they have concluded
to offer the Weekly Intelligencer at the follow
ing krar rates:.
" Single copies, one year, 82,00: Pico copies !OA
Ten copies fi17,00; Twenty copies f 4,00; Thirty
copies MA; Fifty copies, to one address, *VA
Eighty copies, to one address . gin" Pally In.
telllgencer ‘s,a) per annum.
W Persons wishing to sell real estate can rind
no better advertising medium than the Weekly
intelligeu cer. Address
my 7 . H. G. B3IITII dr CO, Lancaster. Pa.
BoakAgents Wanted:
Ii,FENGEWON, in every no t ed . p ,
1.11.1. and city, for a splendid work, brim full of
entertainment and Instruction, and the best
selling book in the field—Baker 's Exploration
of the Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia. 'The Nile
mystery solved; the country, climate, soil, pro
ductions, natural scenery; habit's and customs
of the people; exciting adventures in hunting
elephants, lions , bunhloes, rhinoceros, hlppota
mug, etc. Book agents everywhere will rind It
to their interest to examine this wore, titswi
melt pages furnished. Our canvassers are hav
ing great enemas. . Ladles sell it rapidly and
make large
An atimina m r l ieCord of scientinc exploration,
geographical discovery, and personal adven
ture."--N, Y. Tribune.
"It is Waned hi livery attractive form, and Is
as entertaining illl,B roinance.^—Boeton Jour.
nal. . 0 D. CARE it CO., Publishers,
inyll. 'Hartford, Conn.
_ -
New Dry Good f 4 Store!
No. 1422 Peach
Iltui on h;lnd a vplendid stock of Dry fluorin,
conaliting of
Black and Colored Silks, Paisley and Sommer
Shawls Table Linens and Spreads,
Yankee Notions, etc.,
comprising a complete assortment of every
thing in the
which he offers very cheap for (sigh. He invites
competition, and requests every one to call and
examine 'retort. purchasing 0501 , 110 . e.
nlyl2-Urn. (JEO DECKER, 1311 Peach fit.
New Store, Walther's. Block.
subseriber would cull the attention of the
al,blie to illy splendid stock of
Spring find Summer Dry Goods.
Just received and offered ut
• I have a large asAortinent of
Domestics, Priuts, Dress Goods, &c.,
bought at low prices and consequently eon sell
them:eery low. Cull and examine my stock.
fioodFethown with ph.fisnre.
80f3 Sint e rit
rtt Rita HALL'S
It is the bestaitiele known to preserve tale Lair.
It will positively restore Gray /inlr to its origi
nal color and promote its growth. -
It La, au entirely new nelentifle discovery,
combining many of the most powerful and re
aturstt ive agents in the vegetable kingdom.
It nutkem the hair smooth RIM glossy, am!
do., not stain the skin.
It 14 recommended and fool by the first Med
ical authority.
N. P. HALL Sc CO., Nashua, N. U., Proprietors
For sale by all druggists. m5l-Im.
Warrant in Bankruptcy.
ruts Is TO GIVE NOTICE that ou a oth
day of 3iarch, A. D., 1538, &Warrant in
Bankruptcy was issued out of theilistrietCourt
of the United States, for the Western Districtof
Pa.. against the estate of Philander G. Finn, of
Erie city, In the county of Erie, and State of
Pennsylvania, in aald District, adjudged a
bankrupt upon his own petition; that the
of any and ve of- an
property belonging debts
to such bankrupt to him or
for his use, and the transfer of any prop
erty by him are forbidden by law. A meet.
,ing of the creditors of the said bankrupt,
to prove their debts and to choose one or more
Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court
of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the office of the
Register. In the city in Erie, before S. R Wood
ruff, Est!. Register in Bankruptcy for said dis..
triet, Cho 9th day of July, A. D., 1841, at
o'clock, A. M.
U. B. Marshal, Messenger. -
By U. P. Davis, Dept. U. B. Marshal.
Warrant in Bankruptcy.
pHIS IS TO WWI: NOTICF: t hat on the 4th day
I of May; Ms, a Warrant In Bankruptcy
was issued out of the District Min of the Vat
ted States, for the Western District of Pertn'a,
againsttheestateof Henry ft. Myers, of Union
,tp., county of Erle, in said district, adjudged
a bankrupt on his own petition: That the pay
ment. of any debts and the delivery of any pro
perty belonging to such bankrupt, to him or for
his use, and the transfer of any property by
him, are forbidden by law; and that a - meet-.
Mg of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove
their debts and to choose one or more, Assignees
of his estate, will be - held at a Court of Bank
ruptcy, to be holden at the office of the Register,
la fr:rte, Pa., before S. P. Woodruff, Esq., Regis
ter in Bankruptcy for said district, sat the Ath
day of dune, A. D., littitt, at 10 o'elock j M.
THOMAS A. Row Ltx,
U. S. Marshal, Messenger.
By it. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. Marshal:
Warrant In Bankruptcy.
WHIM 114 TO OIVE NOTICE that on the 27th
1. day of April, A, 11 , „ lsaS, a warrant In bank
ruptcy Wu. !Netted Gilt of - tho jlistrtet Court of
the United States for the Western - flbstrfet of
Pentin. sigaitud the estate of Molars
of Union A.' otooseb, In the county or Ettu grid
State of Pennsylvania, who late been adjudged
bankrupt on his own petition; that the pay
ment of any debts and delivery of any proper
ty belongingtosuch bankrupt, to hint lOW for
hisJand the transfer of any property by
blot ad_fox=dden by law; that a meeting of
the Cretlitsgrlf•Of the said bankrupt, to prove•
their debts, and to elsoave one or more asnlgnees
will be held. at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be
holden at the °Moe at the Reghster, in Erie, Pa.,
before B. - E. Woodruff. Esq.. - etrbstor, on the
Pith day of July, A. IX. 1888, at 10 o elock, A. M.
U. ll:Xarehal. Jtex ginger.
Ity U. I'. Davie Dept. U. U. Marsh aL
- • tnyl2-4w.
Dhichafi_ . • timi • aiallai41110••
).7 THE DiirsrsuC - COURT of 'lb* Uted
I Mates Ibr Abel , Westera_Dlttrict 'at Penn
sylvania. fialetallar ander the
pliedforon Of , wing ap
a d is c harge.troaral 'is debts and-oth
er claim. proN able under said Act, by order of
es id (*.tat t, tod lee to Iterebygleen to all creditors
who int, pro% et! I heir debts, and other persona
interested. to appear on the 11h day of June,
ho., Ay; ,10 0 clock. A. Nt., betore H. E.
Wutkirtiff, 1,1.41. Register, at his °Mee in
the city of Velma., to show , cause, It
soy they have, why a discharge should not be
granted to the said bankrupt. And further. no
tive is hereby given that the second and third
tneetlu e , -, t, of creditors of said bankrupt, required
by the rttli Ann lons of said Act, all;
Itadpettleatidattister at IL:. =MS time
ger of District *ant tor said District.
, - in Itsznkruptey.
jls: Al Ti ll erifitliT cut itT .1 the Cullekt
I I Stateirfor the Western District of Peun'n,
Iht Ito autiter.of H. H. F.dsbee, Istvan:6lA. The
tuldt ll4 4lPloct lo n' 03 1." give* 3...11*, 01 his appoint
-I.wl24naaastignoe al R. H. Frisbee. oI Union. in
tlip.eountrof Erie aud Mato ski Aentisylvaiiia,.
wltialeigalddistrict, who nun Imo. sclichlged a
isorkruptopou his own petition by th Diartot
(_loot aaWdl.4trtet, dated at Erie. l'a,, day 1,
.1401. , HENRY M. 11 - 1111,ET, _Assignee
ta ,
Ally:at Law, NO. Itl Peuch :St., .F.A.e, ra.
77-6 r.
Assignee in Bankruptcy.
7 Tur. - jadiiTitit.'T COURT of the United
ARAMS for the Western District of Penn'a, to
t TrOdteeof David B. Chapin, Bankrupt. The
untledidated hcrebygivas runire of his appoint
meuttitsenigure of David B. Chapin, of Lelkenf
tp., trrtbacourity of I'rie and Mate of Penn's,
withinifillihidtstrict, who has been adjudged a
bu $ his own petition by the District
Courtin LW , district, dated at Erie. Pa M
~ ay 6,
issy.; HENRY M. RIBLET, Assignee,
- MU: ot Law, No, in: Peach St., Erie, Pa.
. •
riIIEI&TA.HTHERSHIP heretofore existing-he
ll tweettlf. H. Colt and Jae. R. Hunter, doing
tandlatela In Mill Village, Erie Co., Pa., was mu
1t illesolved on the 27th day of April, 1868.
All patecas having arrotinte with said dna will
cult otssidd Colt, at Mill Village, and settle the
aaralei M. 11. COLT
2071-aw's JAR. R. HAINTERI
ATElgnee in Bankruptcy .
THE DIRTRICT COURT of the - united
irStates for the Western District of Penn's, to
e matter of if. 0. Frisbee, hankrupt. The un
rzweedi ,innTyvves notice of hls
MI ed R. 0. Frisbee. of
sel.„l:rteeistpar esell , State of Pentee..-Within
shilit dist** wll6-bas beenniVadgedsbenpropt
bleatrn_pettUon. a o
e the Disttiet Court
ued at Leßmf_,
WlLLlit..hi T. ILTERILL.
peon h..
Executrix's' Notice.
I ETTERE4 TESTAMENTARY on the estate of
A Peter Jaeoh Brown, dec'd, late of McKean
tp., having been granted to the undersigned,
no m tice is lwreby given to all Indebted to the
sae to make immedi ate ment, th
haVing claims against the sa pay id estate and
will pre
sent them, duly wAthentleated, for settlement.
Meffeam May 7,1856-Bw*
altta abbettionnento.
Harpers' and atuillar 'Magazines, at 75 cents
per VOllllllO.
6 0.1ari.atal xlrallar Magaslnea, at $l.OO per
Harper'n and Frank !matte's papers, at 02.3 i
per year.
are alio making awl hailing
Blank 7EI c. c, Ic /3 !
Bindery over Keystone National Bank,
nerState aistl,Bllt streets.
We removed our Mock o 6 April' ist from 1125
Peach etreet to our present commodious and
pleaaant location mad am, prepared to ofibr our
continue= a
Groreilow, 17..i.gv - thitonli,
I ' -
We are aI,o deallUg largely lu
Lotiuco and Sweet Potataeo
Now on hand. Orden from country dealers R.
Netted. np9-3m.
Haying removed his stock of tiorxbi to the
store In the Reed House formerly occupied by
Messrs. Monett, Stephens & takes plea
sure in announcing to his old eustdmers and
the citizens of Erie generally, that he has open
ed out n
Dry Goods,Dress Goods, &e.,
For Spring and Summer Wear
I Intend to keep at all times the best goods In
the market, and a full assortment of everything
in my tine. Purchasers can always do better
by buying of me than by going East.
Remember the place,
No. 6 Reed House,
South !side of the Park
There Its no use sending to New York
Is'o use going to the reflnerles to buy
N 4, uo• golot; to soap factories to Any
Noose to pay big prices for nny of your -
Groceries and Provisions I,
SVblle there- Ls R
oil the corner of
Sidi and State Street's.
Try . the Cash -Store
New Confectionery -and Variety Store !
No. 20 Erwl:a Block, North Park
Has Just returned from New York with an en
tiro new stock of
Confectioneries, Fine Groceries, Pickles
I intend to keep at all tithes a complete as.
sortment of the liner groceries for family use. I
will also have
I would invite the people of Erie to , glve me a
call, as I intend to keep everything in my line
that mny be called for. Remember the place,
No. 20 Rmenzwelg's Block, formerly {molting
office of Clark & Metcalf. ap94.1.
- - -
Ham opened a new
Flour, Feed & Produce Store,
nt the corner of •
Eleirfga Anil State Streets,
To which he cuitiq the aticntipn of all who need
anything in his line. lie Kati d,cat Jr; avery
thingy in the
And warrunta hlq good* to be equal to the best
trt the market.
Oar Itt 14best market prim In cash pall fdr
all kinds of coatry produce. ala-am"
• FRANg & CO.,
04 OW*: rzWilni•--
No. 824 State Street.
Household Furniture and all kinds of Good.,
Wares and Merchandise, bought and sold and
received on consignment.
Sales at private residences attended to In any
part of the city.
hole ot Ilou.ettold urn It u re, rat Qu ee
wane, Homes, Wagons, and all kinds of gouda on
AT 931... O'CLOCK, A. M
A lame corallgutnent of Sneerisware, Glww
ware, lloheintan and China 1. axes now on hand,
will be closed out regartibasa Of coat as private
airVe9.onearAttendld to In kniy
is '
county. • pg.
Toll:word* , & Love,
NO, 1390 PEACH NTj,
Hove utiopted u nkw gyM. in of doing busi
ness. and wuuld ropeetfully call the attention
of their otnitotnera to the feet that they are now
gelling( goods for
We believe that we eau do our elastomers PIS.
Lice by ■u loin g and would XIII thOUS to call and
sue our .p14:11,11,1 .1•w•k of MICeri,I4COTI Plifd Ins of
Suva %
• . . Indeesoice.,
Comprl4lng everything In a - well kept grocery
Wire. We idea have the best quality of
Al4u FEED In unlimited quantities. Glve us
1:i 9r) opposite National' Hate].
• - -
Warant in Bankraptey.
, vnis is To RIVE NOTICE that WI tlie 4th
1 day of May, A. D.,l24lB,sa4mint in bank.
ruptcy was issued against the eiktat. of Jas. E.
Wilson, of the city of Erie, eatuttYof Erie and
State of Yenn'a, whdhas beenlistinfted a bank
rupt on his own petition; that We wayrnent of
any debts and delivery of any property belong.
tog to him, for libitum, and tbs transfer of any
property by him are forbidden by law: that a
meeting of the creditors of and 'bankrupt, to
prove their debts and to chonSa VIM or more
Assignees of hiss state, will benefit at a Court
of Bankruptcy, to be holdenat akesilior of the
Register, in the city of Erie , Plbefore R. R.
Woodruff , Esq., Register In said Untie% on the
9th day of July A. D., 11160. at 10 o'clock, A. M.
D. R. Matubsknoesenger ,
By O. P. Bova, Dept.
rnig jkaill Awr jPll2l lll i nT hl COUT ßl MM tates
tha yrfeatern Distriat of Paspiaylvarita.
Inif matter of Gomm B. Notusw, biuskropt.
Thatadartlaitett ItclebY sires uotine of his al.-
allgtloopt ma apallEffu of Mum. 01
=raw% Erie Qom_ sa4 MOD ixt4enn'a,
within therwid (idled
a bankrupt upon lila own , Ws
islet Caart
D., al said Wattle , at pie, Pa.,
May 8, A . 18138,
HENRY M. BIBLE P, Asaignee,
Atty. at Law. No MD Peach Rt., Erie,, , Pa.
ULAN/CS! BLANKS I— A complete assort•
D went of even• kind of Blanks needed by
Attorneys, Justices, Constables and Brainless
Men. for sale at the Observer (inlet...