The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 21, 1868, Image 1

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    00 , 1 " 135e11116ffMt
/Eric itlitettp Obserber.
W. . A),..r...;TtzTIACITx /811....00A1f4D(VA lam,)
';`.olpt,,a In a , raid eratcrLv In advance.... 32 00
,dvance, 2 50
'.,nitlerlber,, served by cat riers, Fifty Cents
„,1.: ,,,,1 •
to tbe +.l.ln e es i To , n. ... 4 00
,” ~
...I', ,;„ ~i,p13..;:n. t 1y to those Who pay lu
, p t t on aceennts must he settled an
paper be sent to any person
,p is not known, tulle.. the
I'l Athunee.
k pVI:I3TI ,, INf; RATES,
nuradvertNing rotes, which
.ullotred to. In reelmnlng,tlTe
.% 1 I-. i,wlits,lllf 11101 Is considered
kw, pto.t.t It-o, than All inch Is rated
- -
qq. sq, e.I e., IC.
1.71 21 2.71, 5.00, 7.00
- 0 4.110 7.04 - 12.00, 21.00
3.0,1 .I,oo' 8.50 15.60 , '21.00
7. • ;"' 1.71' 3.10 11.10) 10.60 11.110 111.1111
1.71 :CIO 7.00 11.51 16.00 '25.41 45.11)
~, wI 111A1 31,01:'A).00 1;1.00
.• • 12.00 1.,.00 2).0:W.00 50.00 .1;.00
. 1 . ,0 2,00110.101 :11.00 50.00 0)1.00150.00
old I.dallnistrators' Notices S 2
ad INtray Notices 12 each:
in Leaded Nonparlel, and
1., !ere Marriages and Deaths. 25 per
! , 1;:la to reunlarrat eq: Local Notices,
• I les,ll s. per line of Eight
12eents per line forsee
!or each subsequent Inger
!..riA Not le. , S, rents per line; Mar
:'',,,it;.;Pe.‘th. 21cent, each. Adver
--. ,a•ei tsi eVer: other week, two-thirdi;
, hat - I,lllm in advertisements
• p. and they Nvlsh them mill
i', rt, they 5511 l be eont timed until
t the expense of the advertisers.
„ o• the be.t .fohhing Offices in the
" ; • on - pared to do any kind of
• II orders, at as reasonable
stele a-, any establishment
br Iddrecced In
Ed itnr and Proprietor.
L;usnirqs Potqg
tb, p, ern, Fan•nr Flnll ittllllllll¢
ocfrert-t r.
fir :Rl' M. RIBLF:T,
Pellell vt reet, above lvvilcnt
F.'s', I.
L.ov. qtrar.t. County, Pa.
1 other Imuincs. attended to with
and 41.p:itch.
tilt IWf,EY 1.1.1.T.T.,
Wltito‘foo.l. ('h,•rrrv. ANTI,
ACK Ln ntt ^•r. Lath and '4llltvilov.
.• ~ I. N'o--ttl of ft, Tt. Dopot, F71.1e,
111,1. - 2-t f.
.• In', Ina Twatlee.i.f th• - • - resep,
0," k t ...,• 1 0, r•niv.•vaninn• and
'n fin lernocht•••.lo.•..-4;,..nnth
,• gtre, , t,lrtr. Pa.
NI,'OLF. S;(1\
1 ,:‘ , 1 , 1 Nil!: Rook Manufnettiren.
N'it tonal Bank. Jyll l 7-t f.
lin. n. L. ELr.TOTT - . -
1 - , , 0; State Street, oppoglto Brown's
Eno. Pn, 0tt1,4 , hours irorn 4 1 :: A. M. to
I fn.n I to i P. M. n-clo'o7-tf.
c•A 1.T.‹.)1 1N .1: CO.,
I),:iler. in Ahth
Coal. I )111•e owner
ovt 121. a .tiet.t., Erit., Pa.
h. T. S ILT-][.\\,
:411d Dr' 0101 . In I[ollq, Barley,
Ploarletor of Ala and
_ a.L.I Wareltoust.4. F.rie,
W. E. M 1
.1011 1 .1.,
in it ,,, inizwe•ii; Idtorlt, north
tln. Park. Frio.
•, I •onitiii,sion Merehnntx.onti Heal
•• 'suit tpoinor Ninth,l
p livid. , on ern - it:farm - lents.
attended to in any liarVen
on I t 1011, Cleaner, Union Mork,
%, Dr. Ittomiett' , °titre. r9etitt-4 made, Mean
-1 r,it tit.,l on .hot t not Li, Term.; us roll
17,01 R STIFInt AN.
at Law, Franklin, Pa. ()Mee in
- • I,ta:ditz, liberty street. Pithole City,
~n - ,•r Rehip's Rank, floiratlen street.
prweiptlN - Towle in all pares of the
7 , .7
tL d. :Ller4 In hnni and colt enal, Erie,
It nw¢ likpoqe4l of our dock property to
,ve to 'nod firm, tre neeete.nrily ret Ire from
Irate, rNsonlinonfitng onr stlrregt•ortt nc
1. , n11c worthy of the eon tlcleneenntl patron
“itr.a.l I'll.lo, and the publc,
,CoTT. ItANKIN 4,7 CO,
aur,46": r.bEit,
,ra.,elyn,r... and Wl:ob.:ale D ea l e r, i n Ti n.
,pan and Pt eq.ed Ware, Stove Pipe, Stove
rhorntaa,,,te , Wat,Mnd, Er' Co., Pa. Or
,by mail ,010-1141,1 to, jall9_.
,posae I'mn Depot, Erre, Pa. Jan. Camp
, proprietor. House open at all 1101.11 . A. The
lat table always suppllea with the ehotee , 4
iwalo t., aftiml, 10)207A-1y.
and Stagooln.. ()Mee No. II) Noble
and night. lir. Ilarrat%)
i‘no.. No. Wit,t sth St. inyli.'ll7-Iy,
lIENNFrr TlOrsr.
MtE, Eri,• Pi.„, Tabor.
p;D tor. Goo! de..ommo Mt ions :old moth.-
- hariz..... my1167-t f.
!•in and Surgeon. Office. Ea,t Park St.,
ick's flour store,—boardN at the res
of I • W. Is"..01,0, .lour coutli of the M.
on Sassafras street. Othce hours
to. moil 2 p. m , my-10'644f.
.1 tI A. H. lllClfnosn,
Meadville. Pa.
H %I.LocK 1:141I5fONI.,
\ • ,:tt 1.:Co: and Solicitor% of l'afrilts,
Park Place, Erie, Pa. Person.. tie
' - ,4t , l , a)tain Letters Patent for their inven-
ail ptea,,. enll or ttddr....; rts above. Fees
%old, Tt intones sold for patent cv , ..
i.dvel, to collectlonb.
the Peace, Pearit ktreet, hix door,
t Buti.tlo htret. i , South Erie.
wur S Marvin, - Attorney, and Counsellors
P.I , I;ZOTI Itloek, near North West
-re,l the Public 'Square, title, Pa.
wt. Family Grocerlot, and
• •nt , WA! 0, &C., andWl/Olt-S.l/V 4/Ad .
( . 1411`1, TIA,CCCO, &C., .:.;‘).
Lily, pa. 1, , V67-t f,
1 Fit.l'M'.ll, M. D.,
rhy.i,•l•ot and surg , on• °M• , '
P0.1 , 1x St., oppomte the Park
Imar. from la to 12. to 5 p.
! p
i lIIHN 11. MILLAR. ' I
1..0.; li••,:. and Sul Vyol. lieNl , lrile , vor
11,, , and Fr,' Avenue, Easti hi ie.
liopol. A. W. Von TaNst.ll,
lions open at all hours. Table awl
•ro..t lilt the hest in niHrkrt. Chafgem
and Buffalo 4N. John Boyle,
- •!tor. 14,1 of aveonimodatlonA tor people
mtat rv. lAOOI .4.1}11P
Z I? .
ieww, ea wy .toek wto more
. - AU.;, ar.J pkaceilter quarter,, I inn pre
new indwemenis to my rusto
-1:., "II 11341.1 a mv, ii .a.leeWristoett
11CloTS" AND Sip)Es,
•r orc '
tuni Work 11 , ....1.101 to
Aud a great variety of
NCY G- 0013 S ,
Building, 28 N. Park Place, Erie,
, z; ,r t,, Met chant's Eniou Express CO,
91 . 431 ,teotvorth of elegant and Mall
,' ge,l, n 111 be °tiered, for the next three
at vt.ry great reduction in price.
I+ all new and purchahed at lower
gkl than now, and determined toavoid
small profits and ca.qh transac
="h.+ll benefit alike customer and dealer.-
•••• • • • •
*.• ea N In Erle, In the name
may t K nome guarantee that no great
: enongh e o p ld Fogy t an nw Yo b n g mp m yed a ,
Z,..,,Lzr.0, Warrant wire transactions and good
tune a keepers anti Jewelry carefully re
.rranted. Give me a call.
Of the beet stns, at
tt J. C. BELDEN'S,
.144,..PRINTINCi of every kind, In large 02
Z 4ll gram. titan, plain or colored, done In
•40,7 1 t71e. and at moderate prices,_et the
er omee.
_ .
VOL, 39.
eroceries, Vrobuce, fit.
Stic...chsor to F. & Al. - skilehlandeekee. new re
ceiving n splendid assortment of
Liguori, Willow, Wooden and Stone Ware
Fruits, Nuts, &c. A large stock of
Call and see us, at the
Grocery- Headquarters,
Interlean Block, State St., Erie, Pa
my 9 C7-tf.
Iyholesale and Retail Grocer? Store.
P. A. BECKER it CO.,
North-East Corner Park and French Si.:
Would relipectfully call the attention of the corn
. • mutiny to their large stock of
Gracerieta and Provitdpitas,
Which they ure desirous to nnat
Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrups,
Is not AU rpasNed In the city, as they are priva red
to prove to all who give theitt a t
They also keep on hand a saperf or lot of
for the wholesale trade, to which they direct
the attention of the public,
Their motto Is, "Quick sales, small pmtlts and
a full equivalent for the money." tiplrtri-tf.
II A IN - I.ON & 13110.,
Have on hand a splendid nsisartment of
EL.I.Aur 1.1,:Zi 1 1V ArtlE,
Thoge favoring us with a call wilt go-awny istied that our prices are lower than those of
any other house in the trade.
Cash Is the Motto!
Good, delivered to .n..0.y part of the city ime of
- Tarn +Boobs.
Carpet & Dry Goods House
iriN7Rnkleetkeinsigo,:•.kFolfaSilgginfreffmPri anti French
Poplins, .foltnirs, Alpacas, &c. Also,
NV II cicborns, nosrEitv,
Call and get prices before purchasing.
apr3V-Iy. N'0.,506, Marble Front, State St.
51' S4I'..II:T"ELI
Dry• Goods !
The largest and best stock of
Cloths, Cloaking,. DeLalnes, Alpaea. , „ Lenny,
' Molutirg, silk. , lilaek and Colored, Tidbit,
Cashmere, Silk, Brochn and Paisley
Shawls, White Goals, Tiotilery,
Notions, ,St.e.,
Goods marked down to meet the market. No
trouble to show goadq. Call and examine.
tnyZi'h7-ly. ROSENZWEIG & BRO.
E t l it i le r n " f parts o n f uLn ie ber
li o n f
t g v oo a d t I. m 'a r a r e !
rial reduction from _former prices. Buyers
should not fail to see our list before purchasing.
FIRST FARM—Is 53 acres, Smiles west of the
city, lair buildings, orchard of grafted fruit; all
kinds of fruit, soil all the best of gravel and
black walnut soil. We think wo are safe In
saying that no better small place can be found
in the county. 1111>era can loam more particu
lars from J. A. French, 121 French street. a form
er owner, or JOllll H. Carter, the present owner.
sEcOND FARM—Is the David Russell place,
and formerly a part of the Thos. McKee proper
ty; 74 acres, about ten acres timber WhLell MU;
not been culled; 2 story new frame dwelling
11011,P, 1104. 11111 Lt. 1. roves good. Frier, VAX);
about 52,:,00 in hand. Soil—alt of the best sand
and gravel.
We believe the above farms In point of soil,
character of the neighborhood, scluxds„church
es, de., d:C., offer attractions seldom found in
thts (sandy, and more, they ore eheap.
S Building 1.014, Pare
" &%K/.
$171), In Out
:,11.1 ago, noith ea .t touter Buffalo and Chestnut
,treets. This desirable morwrty 1, obout 120
rods from the depot, dry graVel soll,goudl water.
A number of tine Dwellings and n large store
have been built on the block this season, and
quite a number more will be built the coining
year. We think them to be the belt invest
ments in a xmnii use flow Ofrerill!Z. Terms VA/
oil 11111,
Modern Sty - le, Complete Finish, all the Mod
ern conveniences, ;inmate nn 7tlyftle, between
Ninth and Tenth Hreet•—the T)r. Whf❑dfn pro
At great relluction, a number of PrIN ate Itt-4-
10.41ces, at prig,•. unu•h n..ltteed. Now 14 the
titer to c , 0 4, ha ram Itiq.
A number of Lots on Third and Fourth streets
between Holland and German. Terms $5O to
;WO In hand, butane on Mix years' time.
/I , IIE UN DERSIWSED otters for sale his vain
' able farm, on the Kohl road, in Harbor
t •r. , ett township, one mile south of the Colt Sta
tion road, and eight miles from Erie. It con
tains filly-five acres and eighty wrches all im
proved and fa the highest state klf cultivation,
Elie land e, equal to the very best In that section
of the county. The buildings comprise a 2 sto
ry triune house with I'4 story kitchen and good
cellar under the whole 7; wood house and work
house; I banis, each 70 4.S feet ; a Shed 70 feet
long with stable at the end; and all the necessa
ry outbuildings. A first class well of soft water,
Mild' never tails. is at the kitchen door. There
is nu orchard with l:10 apple trees, all grafted,
and bearing; and an abundance of almost every
other kind of fruit grown in this neighborhood.
The only reason why I wish to sell is that I am
going West to embark In another occupation.
Terms made known by applying. to me on the
premises. or to Hon. Elijah Babbitt. Attorney
at-Law, Erie, ra. J.. 1. SAAVTELL,
dee.s-tf. Pest Office Address, Erie. Pa.
AVING sold our entire stock of Furniture
to J. W. Ayres, we hereby thank the com
munity for their Liberal patronage to um, hoping
they will extend the same to hint. We will de
vote our time hereafter to the
With the consent of .1. W. Ayres we still hold
our office in the saute old place, 715 State street,
where will be found at all times ready to attend
to the wants of the community In our line 0..
Ready Made Collins
Trimmed to_onier. ietallie and Iron Burial
amen, of all styles and sizes, on hand; sine,
Shroud and Coffin Trimmings. Undertakers
will Lind it to their advantage to buy them or
ns, as we cannot be undersold went of tiew York.
apT2'fl7-Iy. MOORE 4 BIBLET.
Erie, - Peun'i.
Joe. D. Clark, of the firm of Clark @ }latent!,
and - John S. Goodwin, of. the arm of Eliot.
Goodwin & Co„ having associated -together for
the purpose of doing a general banking
ness in all its branches, opened on Wednesday,
April bit_, in the room recently occupied hy the
13econd National Bank, corner Stateatreetend
Park Row; succeeding to the bust of Clark
Metcall, - whodiskilved pare on the let
of April, 186 S. The . -firm of aka,' win tk
Co., also dissolving on the Mlle' date, we hope
fo iv en r a coritintiance- of the patronage -heretofore
ROUSE: 13 1 LANKE t rig
seniaß dt Redtroei Rates, by' • -
dads-cf. ' I. C. SICLDER•
Wholesale and noted
Their assortment of
No. GO3 French St.
Dry Goods!
Farms for Sale.
Farm for .Sale.
HooHand's Gorman Tonic,
The great Remedies for all Diseases Edam Liver,
-Stomach or Digestive Organs;
Is emanated of the pure Juleo; (or, as they are
medicinally termed, Extracts) of !loons,
Herbs an d Rorke, Tr making a prepara
tion highly concen• AI tented and entirely
free from alcoholic admixture of any
Hooltand's German Tonic
comblnatlon of alt the lugrediedi of the
Bitters, with the pnrest quality of Santa Cruz
Ruin, Orange, etc., malting one of the most
pleasant and agreeable remedies ever offered to
the public.
Thotie preferring a Medicine, free from Alco
holic admixture, will into
Those Who have no obJec:flon to the combina
tion of the Hitters, as stated, will use
. They are both equally goad, and contain. the.
mune medicinal virtues, the choice between. the
two being a mere matter of taste, the Tonic be.
ina the most palatable.
Tho stomach from a variety of causes, such
as Indigestion&Dys- pepsin, Nervous De
bility, etc., is very CI -
apt to have its func
tions deranged. The O. Diver.symnathising
as closely as it'does • with "the - Stomach,
then becomes Wrested, the result of which is
that the patient miters from several or more of
the following diseases:
Constipation Flatulence, Inward Piles, Full
ness of Blood to the Head Acidity of the Stom
ach, Nausea, Heartburn, Dlagwst for Food,Full
nese or Weight- in' the Stomach. Sour Eructa
tions, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the
Stomach, Swimming of the Head, Hurried or
Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart,
Choking or Suffocating Sensations when in a
lying posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs
before the Sight, Dull Pain in the Head, Deli.
clenct;tuf Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin
and •og, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limits,
etc.,Sodden Flushes of Heat, Burning of the
Flesh, Constant Intaginlngs of Evil and Great
Depression of Spirits.
The sufferer from these diseases should exer •
ciao the greatest caution in the selection of a
retnedy for his case, purchasing only
that which he Is as- ri sured from his In
vestigattcam and in- %Jr entries possesses
true merit, is skill- fully compounded is
free from injurious ingredients and has estab
lished for itself a reputation for the cure of
these diseases, In this connection we would
submit these well-known remedies—
Prepnred by
Philadelphia, Pa
Twenty-two years .ince they were find intro
duced into this country from Germany, during
which time they have undoubtedly performed
mole cure.,, and benefited suffering humanity
to a greater jextefit, than any other remedies
known to the - public.
These remedies will effectually cure Liver Colm
pl a Int, Jaundice,; Dyspepsia, Chronic
or Nervous Debility, - Ut Chronic Liar:lces,
Diseases of the Ka. E neva and all diseas
es arising from a ills- order° d• LiVer.
Stomach, or Intestines.
Resulting from any cause whatoyer: Prostra•
lion of the System, Induced by Severe ,
Labor, Hardships, Exposure,
Fevers, Etc.
There Is no medicine extant equal to these
remedies In such cases. A tone anti vigor Is
parted to the whole system, the.. appetite's
at rengthened, food Is enjoyed, the stomach di
gests promptly, the blood is purified, the Mit
plexion becomes sound and healthy, the yel ow
tinge Ls eradicated from the eyes, a bloom is
given to the cheeks, and the weak and nervous
invalid becomes a strong and healthy being.
Persons advanced in life, and feeling the hand
of time weighing heavily upon them, with all
its attendant Ills, will find in the use of this
BITTERS or the TONIC, nn elixir that will in
stil new life into their veins, restore in a meas
ure the energy and ardor of more youthful days,
build up their shrunken forms and give health
and happiness to their remaining years.
It is a well eNtabllshed fact that fully one-half
of the (email° portion of our ,po Walton
are seldora In the en- . T jto moot. ogo o ill
health ,• or, to use Li their own expres
hlon, "never Ie e I well." They .re lan
guid, devoid of all energy, extremely nervous,
and have no appetite:
To this clans of persons the BITTERS, or the
TONIC, is especially recommended.
Weak and delicate children are mule strong
by the' use of tither of these rerneille4 They
wfil cure every case of MARAB3II:TS. -Anima
fall. Thousands of certificates have nocumnla
ted In the hands of the proprietor. hut space
will allow of but few. will no observed.
are men of note and of stall standing t hat they
mod be believed.,
'l`3El*ll7l :Wl< IN I A ;
Lx-Chief .Instlee of the Supreme
Pennsylvania, writ,i:
PHILADELVItIA. March 16, 160.
"I find Iloolland's ' German Bittern is
good tonic, useful in A diseases of the, dI.
gesiive organs, and of great benefit 4u
deblllty.ana want of nervous ao
lion In the tly , tteot. Yours truly,
Judge of the Supreme. Cnurt of Penn4lranin
Pit ILADELPII I A, April 21, 1R66.
"I 14111 sider 11cotiand'a German !littera n vain•
able medicine In case of attacks of Indigestion
or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my expe
rience. Yours with respect.
Pallor of the Tenth Baptist Church, Plata
Du. JACEL-ON—Dear Sir :—I have frequently
been requested to connect my name With rec.
otnmendations of different kinds of medicines,
but regarding the practice as out of my appro
priate sphere, I have In all eases declined ; bat
with a clear proof in various in: tancett,
and • particularly In XT my own family, of
the tusethlneasof Dr. Hoot:bluffs German
Bitters, I &Tart fur one from my usual
course to express my full conviction that, for
General Debility of tho System, and especially
for Liver Complaint, it is a safe and valuable
preparation. In some cases it may hill; bill,
usually, I doubt not, It will be very beneficial to
those who stiffer from the above cause.
Yonr4 very revertfully,
Eighth, below Coates, St.
Assistant Editor Christian Chronicle, Philad'a
I have derived deckled, benefit fmm thenae of
Iloodancra German Bitter, and feel it my priv
liege to recommend them _as a nuxit valuable
tonic to all who nrefoaffering from General De
hint y or Dom dieeasen arising from derange
ment of the Liver. Yours truly ,
lioutland'a German Rentediesare counttnfelt
ell. Bee that the - nature of C. M.
JACKSON 1" on the 1 - 1, wrapper of each bot
tle. AU others are If eonnterrfelt. Princi
pal office and Tana- factory at ,theaer
delphia, P man Medici:ll3a fltaaak+l.lo. taitron' attest. Phila
. CHAS. M. EVANS, Proprietor.
POrtnertr C. b 3. JACKSON & CO:
Beetland'e German Bitters. per bottle. $1 00
" " half dozen. 5 00
Haelland'a Gomm Taal°, pot op ln quart bat.
ties, $1 50 per bottle, or a Wardwell (Orr 60.
11;t'Do not Motto examine well the article
you bay. ha order to getthagetutlaip.
4545011.1 y. •
ERIE, PA., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, 1 1 / 4 fAY - ,21, 1868.
SPretal ilottcris.
Addiresi to the Nervous and Debilitated
whose angering" have been protracted DOM
hidden mutes and whose eases require prompt
treatment to render existence desirable. If you
are suffering or have suffered from invOluniary,
discharges, what effect does It produce upon
your g4ral health? Do you feel weak, debili
,y tired?. Does a little exertion pro.
duce palpitation of the heart? Does youkiver
or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently
get out of Order? Is your urine sometimes thick,
milky, flocky, or Is It 'ropy on settling? Or does
a thick scum rise to the top? Or Is a sediment
at the bottom after it hat stood awhile? Do you
have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia?.
Are your bowels constipated? Do you have
spells of fainting or rushes of blood to thehead?
Is your memory impaired? Is your mind con
straitly dwellings:mon this sultleet ? Doynti feel
dull, listless, moping, tired of compen,y,:of life?
Do you wish to be left aldne, to, get away from
everybody? 'Does any little thing make you
start or jump? Is your sleep broken or restless?
-Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom
on your cheek as bright? Dciyou el:0y yoplself
in society as well? Do you pursue your business
with the same 'energy? Do you feel as much
confidence in yourself? Are your 'spirits dull
and flagging, given to Its of melancholy? If so,
do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Rave
you restless nights? Your back weak, your
knees weak, and have but little appetite, and
you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver com
Now, reader, selt-abuie, venereal diseases WI•
ly oared, and sexual excesses, are all capable of
producing a weakness of the generative organs.
. of generation, when in perfect health, make the
man. Did you ever think that those bold, dell
a ut, energetic, persevering, successful business
men are always those whose generative, organs
are in perfect health? You never hear such
men complain of being melancholy, of nervous
ness, of palpitation of the heart: They are nev
er afraid they cannot succeed in business; they
don't become sad uud discouraged; they are al
ways polite and pleasant in the company of la
dles, and look you and theta right In the face—
none of your downcast looks or any other mesto
ness about therm Ido not mean those who keep
the organs inflamed by running to caress. These
wilt not only ruin their eonstittitions, but also
those they do huskies with or for.
How many men (rota badly cured diseaseti,
from the effects of self-abuse and excesses. have
brought about that state of weakness in those
organs that has reduced the general system so
much as to induce almost every other disease , —
idiocy, lunacy; paralysis, spinal affections, sui
cide, and almost every other form of disease
which humanity is heir to, and the real cause of
the trouble Scarcely' ever suspected, and have
doctored for all but . the right one.
Diseases of theaorgans require the use of a
MIMIC Ls the great Diuretic, and is a certain
cure fur diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Grav
el, Dropsy, Organic -Weakness, Female Com
plaints, General Debility and all diseases of the
Urinary Organs, whether existing In male or
female, from whatever cause originating, and
no matter of how longstanding.
If no treatment is submitted to Consump
tion or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and
Blood are supported from these sources, and
the health and happiness, and that of posterity,
depends ppon prompt use of a reliable remedy.
Relmb_Pld's Extract Br •Ikti, established up
wards of lit years, prepared by
H. T. HELSISOLD, Druggist, -
OW ItiniulwllY.N . .W York, end 104 South loth
Street, Philadelphia.
Pawn-41.25 per bottle, or 0 bottles for $6.50,
delivered to any address. Sold by all Druggist's
everywhere. . n 02 5 .67.-
A Card to the Ladles.—
In Correcting Irregularities, Removing Oh
structions of the Monthly Tunas, from whatev
er cause, and always successful as a preventa
In removing obstruction and restoring nature
to its proper channel, quieting the nerves and
bringing back the rosy color of health " tattle
cheek of the motet delicate.
Full and explicit directions accompany each
Price el per 1;ox, six boxes ill' Sold by one
druggist in every town, village, city and hamlet
throughout the world. Sold in Erie by .1. U.
CARVER Lt. CO., druggists, sole agents for the
Ladles by sending them el throngh the Post
can have the pills sent (confidentially)by
mall to any part of the country, &coot postage
S. D. HOWE, Solo Proprietor,.
New York.
"Nfight - Illoodosing
Phalen , . ..IVight Blasi=lag Certifs.,'
Pbaten l / 4 " Night Illseasimg Carew"
ritalonifis "Meat Ulleeasing 41.Aernm"
Phalan , * "Night Blooming Cereuo.”
A mow exquigite. delicate, and Fragrwt Purfiline,
digit led from the rare and beautiful dower (ton
whorl, haute. ita DAII3e.
bloolluncturvti only by
PHALON & NON, New York.
Errors or Youth.--. 1. gentleman who suffer
ed for years from Nervous Debility, Premature
Decay anti all the effects of youthful indiscre
tion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity,
scud free to all who need It, the recipe and di.
rections for making the simple remedy by which
he was cured. Sufferers wishing toprolit by the
advertiser's experience,eau do SO by addressing,
im pet feet confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN,
Cedar St., New York,
Court of
To Consturrptives.—The Her. Edward A.
Wilson will send (tree of charge) to all who de
sire it, the prescription with the directions for
making and using the simple remedy by which
he wio red of a lung affection and that dread
disease Lunsumption. Ills only object is When-
Mit the offlicted, and he hopes every sufferer
will try this prescription, as it will cast them
nothing, and may prove a blessing. Please od
dness REV. rmwAnn A. WILSON,
. No. VA South Second Street,
my 16'614y. Willlarnsburgla, N.
Informattem.—lnformation guarauteeil to
produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald
head or beardless face, also a recipe for, the re
moval of Pimples; Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on
the skin, leaving the same son, clear and beau
tiful, can he obtained without charge by_fuldress
ing THOS. F. CHAP lAN, Chemist,
tnyla'67-Iy. htlßroatiway, New York.
No. 701 State Bt., Erie,
Dealers hi
Stoves, Tin Ware and Sheet
A large assortment of
spoorrs, azo.
/AN THE 16th DAY Or MARCK6B, F. Ban
k./ schard, sun. and F. Bausch Jr.. retired
fom the firm of itauschard, (loth Co., and on
the same day 'Wm ablate and FrederiekShutte
became members of the same. The grin name
hereafter will be Oloth, *Matte & Em., Who Will
continue the bash,Door and Planing Mill busi
ness at the olctstand, smith-west corner of 10th
and Holland streets,, le Viehavethe best
facilities for rarribut on the.bußine* end
our former customer* will continue to ,factor
with their patronage„ assuring them that we
will spare no effbrts togive them
F. E. 0
• ,VIM—S
:Erie, April 2, O
1064-tw* , •
Book • Agents -Wanted,
rR 1101714.11D11 LIM ; fit 1. GRANT.
s Bobilersod ritsturrossi. An socuisie
tory his, minium. find civil career., One
large octavo vol. of SCA pages; finely Wu
Ater U+ will And. thin she book to milt at 4tur
rsub lat i p nwt 4%0.111195t etwurtissiou given.
no MOW Siiiititu,sutd offer eirisp
4meanenta .to wit .ftmts z esse
advantage of directly wi pub
lisher'. For mrti
3.8 BUBB.* CO.Vut ti tisbeas,
spOS4w. itartfordt
Plain Talk • foi _the Times!
WIWI Reliint mead fl!
few - rnonths alai the I're~siclenyal
canipaiga will open' inAdi its vigor, willtciin-,
didates,in'the field representing
,thc dlstinct
lye issues oll,taelielitical ortapiiation, and
Committed plainly and unequivocally to their
Interests. : : - t • • •
On both sides active, preparations are be. ,
lag made for the struggle, and it
,will nn
doubtedly ho one of the• most fiercely con
tested in the - history of the nation. Every
indication of the times points to the most
stubborn and unserupalons resistancie on lite
part of the Radicals against the efforts of the
pqople to wrest both them the lawless power
.which they have seized to uphold their base
'purposes. •
• The Democratic party berritatthe campaign
under the most 'auspicious eircmitstatiees,
with a confidence in emcees., en - enthusiasm
for the cause, and a vigorous • •self reliance
that has not been experienced in many years.
The, late elections show conclusively that a
vest inalority Of - the nation are ready to es
pouse our standard if we only prove faithful
to our creed, and continue to stand firmly by
the interests of the country:,
But to make victory certain something
more is necessary thin mere dependence up-
on the truth of our principles. In the flush
of self-confidence, we are apt to forget what
a vigilant enemy we have to overcome, and
what desperate measures he is apt to resort to
to attain his ends. Political battles, like those
of a more bloody nature, depend fur their re-.
sults more on the Ski ll,courage, determination
had energy of the contesting foes than upon the
sacredness of their cause, or the convictions of
the participate. The Democracy of America
have always stood Birth as deiotedly attached
to the Union, the Constitution and She wet-
litre of the country as - they do today, yet
for seven years they s ligA; been divested of
power, and it is only,vhen the people era
aroused from their delusion by the imperilled
,condition of the public interests, that they
have again returned to. us that confidence
which it would have been well they had
never' parted with.
The all-important necessity of the day, on
the part of our political friencts'
wonK!!. WORK!!!
We must be thoroughly organized and pre
pared fil'r the campaign. Every man tunst
consider that he owes a personal duty in the
matter, as indeed he does, for there is no one
so humble, but he is in some way more or less
411ncerned in the issues at stake. AlFthe
districts must be canvassed, so that we3may
know where it wilt be most advantageous to
employ our energies. The young men must
be encouraged to lend a helping hand. Those
who have been led estray must be brought
back to the fold, and Democratic argutnents
paced in their reach, that they may know
the distinctive questions which divide' par
ties, and no longer be misled by the wiles and
falsehoods of the OppoSition.
What we have said before We now reiter
ate, and intend reiterating until we have
waked the Democracy a full cont4ciotts
ness of its truth, that the most effective
weapon towards success is Oie :wide distrait
firm of mend and 'at raightforward 44€11'h SW&
One good journal in a family will do more
towards moulding it 4 political convictions
than all other influences, and fifty copies cir
culated In any locality for six Months will
accomplish more efficient service than a doz-
en costly mass meetings.
The Demoyratic party has never displayed
that zeal in supporting its press that it need
ed, and to that cause, as much as anything
else, may be attributed Ita•tnlsfortunes during
the last ten years. In :all sections of the
country—even in the midst of the strongest
Democratic localities—the Radical press is
more liberally sustained than ours, and in
many places the contrast is Ho great as al
most to amount to a disgrace,
The time has come for these things to slx
changed, and for the Democratic ; party to'
enter upon a new method of waefire. Our
papers ought to be spread broadetist over the
land, and take the . place of those which are
now defiling the minds of the young and
filling them with wrong ideas of Republican
liberty. Our public men should avail nein
selves of every opportunity. that offers to im
press the importance of these views on the
attention of the masses. Our Focal leaders
should make a point of devoting . whatever
spare time they eAT, towards strengthening
their county organs by procuring their friend*
and neighbors' patronage.
The low price of TWO DOLLARS Ar
year at which the Observer is now offered,
if paid in advanet, ought to ensure the doubt
Hug of our,subseription list inside of the next
six months.
But to place it within the reach :4A' all. we
offer to take Aix in‘tha stakvrripteons at ONE
DOLLAR in advance, with the privilege of
commencing -at - any .period desired, and of
continuing the paper at the sante rate fot the
balance of the year if.desired.
Now is the time to begin the work, before
the spring operations set in, and while voters
have time to rend, and reflect over the facts
presented to them. Let it not ttetranyed
under the impression that. the mattercan be
as well attended to . by-and-by. More ad
vantageous work can be rendered
. timing the
next two months than can be perfonnftl dur
ing the entire balance of the crimpiiign., A
six months' subscription commencing within
the next two 'mouths; will continue until
near the close of the campaign, and have an
immense influence over the mind of the vo
ter who peruses the paper.
We earnestly argi, this hnportaut mitter,
upon our friends as by all odds the most re
liable means or . helping the cause.
Let every one of our-• present 'subscribers
see his Democratic neighbor at once, and If
he is not a patron Already, induce hint to u
scribe for six months, if be cannot for a
Let those who can afford it, send copies,, to
hesitating voters, who may. be influenced to
support our candidates at the next election.
Let clubs be established and procure ten,
twenty or fifty copies for free distribution
wherever likely to be a vote gained.
Let this be the grand preparatory work o '
the campaign, and be assured that whenever
other means are necessary there will be found
an abundance of reedy helpers for every.part
We Intend that, be the result of the con
test what it may, np l one shall have -the op•
portunity to 'complain that we have failed to
fulfill oar complete duty in the Canvass. -
The Observer for the next year will be
more vigorous mad Outspoken than in a*y
pr,eriene'portion of its career; will contain
more reading Matter ;- and it shall be our
conetaniiim to present such matetiil as will
be productive of the most beneticiet-results.
We only ask for such co-operation as we
have a right to expect, and if the Rentocral
cy of the North-West are impelled-by one
half oar zeal and confidence, we promise
such a verdict in this section as will gladden
the hearts of our fiends throughout ths
State. Jalft-tf.
'Be parson, brief, we tb ee implore ;.
Thy wearied audience needs relief,
Long sermon area . perfeabore,
And. prayers too long engender grief;
When anztotts.for the sermon o'er,
And wearied, have begun to fret ;
(An hour already silent and wore,)
We feet e if on nettles set. .
Winanier the parson hativannotmCed
His fifthly to division third ;
We•wish the blessing was pronounced
Before the fifthly had occurred. .
Though, welLprepated the sermon he,
And well delivered, if too long,
The congregation will -agree,
Its length, if nothing else was wrong
If sermons were much more concise,.
impartiocuuth ShOrter time;
The'audlence Wen' would , better price,
Than long discourses, though sublime.
Take an example from the Book
Writ supremely - abort;
O , that our mirdsteas would look
To preri.dents of this bright sort.
"'Let there-be light." Jehovah said;
And there was light; at his command ;
No cOmposition in its stead,
°nanny words could be so grand,
1; ,
LA 1 3 ithy, iPusoiliort diecPurse,
tlmparting zeal like burning coals,
Declaimed with energy and tome,
Avnileth much to win men's souls.
All my life-loug I bad known Mary Moore.
All my life I had loved her.
Our mothers were old playmates and first
cousins. - My first recollections are of a boy,
in a red frock and morocco shoes, rocking a
cradle in which reposed a sunny haired, blue,
eyed baby, not quite a year old. That boy
was myself—Harry Church ; that bleeiedla
by was Mary Moore.
Later still I see myself at the little sehool
house;drawiyg my little chair up to the door
that Mary might ride home. Many a beat
ing have I gained on such occasions, for
other boys besides tae liked her, and she, I
fear was something of a flirt, even in her
pinafore. How elegantly she ,carne tripping
down the steps when I called her name.
How sweetly her blue eyes looked tit me.
How gaily rang 'out 'her merry laugh. No
one but Mary could bring her heart so soon
to her lips. I followed that laugh from my
days of childhood tilt I grew' an awkward,
blushing youth—l followed ft through the
heated noon of manhood—and now, when
the frosts of age are siliering my hair, and
many children climb upon tny knee and
call me "father," I Ind that the memories
„ youth are strong, and that, even in grey
s ham, I am following the music still.
"When I was fifteen the first great sorrow
of my life came upon my heart. I was sent
to school, and was obligedlopart with Mary.
We were nottoeee each-other for three long
years. This, to me was like a sentence of
death, for Mary was like: life Itself to me.
'But hearts are tough things after all.
licit college in all the flush and vigor of
my iiiiieteenth year. I was no longer awk
ward or embarrassed. I had grown into a
tall slender stripling, with a very good opin
ion of myself, both in general and particular.
ICI thought of Mary Moore it was to imag
ine how I could dazzle, and bewilder her
with - my good looks and wonderful mental
attainments, and never thinking that she
might dazzle and bewilder me still more. I
was a coxcomb, I know, bet as youth and
good looks have fled, I trust that I may be
believed when I say that Selfeonceit has left
me also.
An advantageous proposal was made me
at that time, and accepting it. I gave up all-
Idea of a profession, and prepared to go to
India. 'ln my hurried visit house of two dap,
I saw nothing of Mary Moore. She had gone
to a boarding school at some distance, and
was not expected home until the following
May. I uttered out a sigh to the memory of
-my little blie-eyed playmate, and then called
myself "a man" spin.
In a year, I thought,as the vehicle whirled
away from nur door, in a year, or three years
at the very most, I will return and if Mary
is as pretty as she used to be, why, then per
haps I may marry her.
And thus I settled the -future of a young
lady whom I had not seen for four years. I
never thought of the possibility of her refus
ing me—never dreamed that 'she would not
condescend to accept my - offer.
But now I know that, had Mary met me
then she would have despised me. Perhaps
in the scented and affected student she might
have found plenty of sport ; but as for loving
me, I should perhaps have found myself mis
taken. India was my salvation, not merely
because of my success, but because my labor
ions industry-bad 'counteracted the evil in
my nature, and had 'made me a better man.
When at the - end of three years I prepared
to return, I said, nothing of the reformation
of myself which I knew had taken place.
They loved - me as I wns,l murmured tomy
self, and they shall find out for themselves
whether I am better worth toying than for
I packed np many a token from that land
of romance and gold, for, the friends I had
hoped to meet; the gift for Mary Moore, I
selected with,a heating heart; it' was a ring
of rough, virgin gold, with my name and
her's engraved inside—that was all, and yet
the sight of the little toy strangely thrilled
us I balanced it upon the tip of my finger.
Tothe eves of others it was but a small
plain circlet suggesting thoughts, perhaps,
by its eh;gance, of the beautiful white hand
that was to wear it. But not to me—how
much was embodied there—all these delights
were hidden within that little ring of gold.
Tall, bearded and sea-bronzed, I knocked
at the door of my father's house. The light,
in the parlor window, and the hum of the
conversation arid the cheerful laughter
showed me that company was assembled
there. I hoped sister Lizzie would come to
the door, and that I might greet my family
when no strange eye Ava 4 looking carelessly
But no—a servant answered my annunous.
They were too merry in the parlor to heed
the long absent line who asked for admit
tance. A bitter thought like this run through
my mind as I heard the sound from the par
lor and saw the half suppressed smile on the
servant's face.
I hesitated a monieht before making *-
self known or asking for any of the liana - 3'.
Anti while I stood silent a strange apparition
grew up befOre me; .from behind the servant
peered out a small golden head, a tiny deli
cate form followed and a sweet childish face, eyes, WHS little to mine—so like to
those of one who had brightened my boy
hood, that I started with a sudden tbeling of
"What is yonr ntone,myprettv r I asked,
while the wondering servant held the door.
"Mary Moore." • „„,
ind what else?" I asked quickly.
She lifted tip ter hands to shade her eyes.
I had seen that very attitude in another. in
my boyhood ,Many and many a. time—and
answered in a sweet, bird-like voice :
"Mary,Moore Chester,"lisped the child.
My heart Sunk down like lead. Here was
an end to all the bright dreams and hopes of
My youth and manhood. Frank Chtstter, my
boyish rival, who had often tried in vain.
to,ustuppy place beside the girl, bad suc
ceeded at last, and had won her away from,
me. This was the childhis child and
I sank, bOdy and soul, beneath this blow,
and hiding my face -, in my hands, I leaned
against the door. while my heart wept tears
of blood.,The little one gazed atme,grieved
and amazd, and put up her pretty lips as if
about to - cry, while-the perplexed servant
stepped to the parlor door, and called my
sister out to see who it was Vial conducted
himself so strangely. I hearti . a slight step,
and a pleasant epics saying— , ,
"Did you
- Wish to see my father, sir?" -
I looked up. There stood a' retty, sweet
faced maidenuf twenty, not much changed
front the dear little sister I had lased so well.
Flpoked at her for a-moment, and then still
ing the tempest of my heart, by a mighty ef
fort. 1-opened niyarms-and
"Lirzie, don't you know me?"'
"Harry I " olt„ my brother Harry r she
cried, and threwherself. upon my breast.
She wept as Viler heartwordd break. t
Teimld not weep. I draw tar - gentlyMt°
the lighted, parlor, and stood with her before
them all.. •
There was a rush ands cry of Joy. and
then my father• and mother sprang toward
me, and welcomed .= home with heartfelt
tears. Oh. strange and passing sweet bench
a greeting to a way-worn traveler.. And
as I held my dear old mother to' in y .heart,,
and grasped my father's hand. while Limb,
clung beside me, I felt that all was not yet
laat. and a l t h oug h another had secured life's
choicestAllip—ting, many a joy remained for
me in the dearaanctuary of home.., •
There were four other inthates et , the room,
who had risen on thy sudden entrance. One
was the bineeyed child whom f had already
seen, sad who now stood beside Frank Ches.
ter, I...Wging to his hand. Near by stood
LizzirMoore, Mary`a eldest sister, and in a
distant corner, to - which - she had hurriedly
retreated when my name was spoken, skied
a .tall and slender figure, half hidden -by the
heavy window curtains that fell to the floor.
When the first rapturous greeting was over,
Lizzie led' me forward With a timid grace,
and Frank Cheater grasped my hand.
"Welcome home, my boy !" he said, with
loud cheerful tones remembered : so well,,
"You have changed so that I' never would'
have known-got, i but no Matter about that
—your heart is in the right - place, 1.kt0w.1.„
4 •llcrweati,you say he is changed? '''etou
roVritelber. gently, ",tó be sure, he looks old
er and graver, and more like a man than
when lie went away, tint his eves and smile
are the same as 'ever. 'lt is a heavy heart
which changes him. Ile is my boy still."
"Aye,Mother," I answered, sadly, " I am
' , carboy atilt" '
'Heaven help me I 'At that moment I felt
like ti boy, andlt Would hate been 'a blessed
relief to have wept uptiti - her`bosotu, as I had
done in infancy. But - 1 kept down the beat
ing of My heart and the tremor of my lip,
and answered quietly, as I looked Into his,
full, handsome face—
": You have changed, too, F'itink, nbnt T .
think for the better."
"Oh, yes—thank you for the compliment,"
he answered, with a hearty laugh.
"My wife tells me I grow handsomer every
His wife ! Conid I heir that name and
keep silence still?: : 4.• •
"And have you seen my little girl," he add
ed, lifting the infant in his arms, and kissing
her crimsoned cheek, "I• tell you, Harry,
thereis no such another !tithe world. Don't
you think:she looks very much like her
mother used tor.
"Very much'." I faltered.
"Ilnilof cried Frank, with a suddenness
which! made me stilt violently ; "I have for- -
gotten to introduce you to my wife; I 'be
lieve she and :you used to be playmates in
your younger .days—yea, Harry 1" and he
slapped me on the back. "For: the sake of'
old times and because you were not at the
wedding, I will give you leave to kiss her
once—but mind; old follow, you are never to
repeat the ceremony. Come—here she is,
and I for one want to see ' how you will
manage those ferocious moustaches of yours
inthe operation."
He pushed Lizzie, laughing and blushing,
towards me. A gleam of light and hope, al
most too dazzling to bear, came over me, and,
I cried out before I thought, "Not Mary."
It must have betrayed my secret to every
oue in the room. But nothing was said, even
Frank, in general so obtuse, 'was this time
silent. I kissed the fair cheek of the young
bride, and hurried to the silent figure looking
out the window.
"Mary—Mary Moore," I said, in a low,
eager tone, "have you no welcome to give
the wanderer?"
She turned and laid her hand in mine, and
Said hurriedly:
"I am glad to see von here, Harry."
Simple words, and yet how blessed_ they
made me. I would not have yielded her up
that moment for an emperor's crown, For
there was the happy home group and the
dear home fireside, with sweet Mary Moore - .
The eyes I bad dreamed of by day find night
Iwere fulling beneath the ardentgaze of tame,
and the sweet fiscal had so long prayed to
see was there beside me. .1 never knew the
meaning of happiness until that moment.
Many Years have passed since that happy
night, arid the hair that was dark and glossy
then, is fast turning gray. lam now grown
to be an bld man, and can look back to a
happy, and I hope well 'spent life. And yet,
sweet as it has been, I . would not recall 'a
1 single day, for the love that made my man
hoi:xl so bright shines also upon my white
An old man ! Can this be so ? At heart
lam as young as ever. And Mary, with her
bright hair parted smoothly, from a brow
that has a slight furrow upon it, is still the
Mary of other days. To me she can never
grow old or change. The heart that held
her infancy, and sheltered her in her flush
'and beauty of womanhood, can . never cast
her out till life shall cease to warm it. Not
even then, for love still lives above.
The Young Tobacco Chewer.
Captain Miorryatt, in one of his sea stories,
called Peter Simple, tells, a capital anectiote
about boy who was just beginning to learn
to chew tobacco. I'll tell it to -you, my little
friend, with the - request that, if you ever
should take a notion to chow, you will just
remember the story ; for I cannot doubt that
the ridiculous plight of this young tobacco
chewer; if yon will only keep it in your mind,
Will be ugtittfficient safeguard, against forming
the habit.
"I was amused the lastmonfing watch that
/ / kept. We were stowing away the ham
!Trucks in the quarter-deck nettings, when
oar of the boYs curie with his hammock on
hisshonlder, and as lte:paspd, the first lieuten
ant perceived that he bad a quid of tobacco
in Ins mouth.
'What have you got there, my good lad 't
a gumboil ? Yuur cheek is much swollen.'
.IsTo, sir,' replied the boy, 'there`:. nothing
at . an. the matter.'
.0, there must be ; perhaps it is a byd tooth.
Opea your mouth and let me see.'
Very reluctantly the boy opened his mouth,
width contained a large roll of tobacco-leaf.
q see, I see,' said the lieutenant; 'your
mouth wants ,oVgrhnuling, and your teeth
cleaning. I wish }ye had a dentist on board ;
but as we have not, I. will operate as well as
I can. Send the armorer up here with his
tongs.' ,
'When the armorer tautde his appearance,
the boy was compelled to open his mouth,
while the tobacco was extracted with this
rough instrument. •
'There now,' said the lieutenant, 'I am sure
that you must feel better already; you never
could have any appetite with such stuff in
your mouth. Now, captain of the after
guard, bring a piece of old canvass and some
send, and clean his teeth nicely. The Cap
tain of the alter-guard mile forwent, and,
petting' the boys head between his knees,
scrubbed his teeth well with sand and canvass
tier two or three minutes.
'There, that will do; said the lieutenant.
'Now, my little fellow, take some water and
rinse out your month nice and clean, and you
w ill enjoy your breakfast. It was impossi
ble for you to have eaten anything with your
mouth lei such a nasty state. -When it la
dirty again, come to Inc and I will be your
Sousid 40ra
The following rules from the par4.4..41 pr.
West, according to, his memorandum, are
thrown together as way-marks in the jour
ney of life :
.Never ridicule sacred things, ur what others
may esteem as such, however absurd they
nisy appear to you,
Never show levity when people are at vior
Never resent a supposed injury until you
know the views and motives of the author.
Always take the purr of any other person
who is censured in compsny, so far as truth
and propriety will allow.
Never think less of others on account of
their differing with you on political or reli
gious subjects.
Not to dispute with a man who is more
than seventy years o 1• age; nor with a wo
man, nor an enthusiast.
Nor affect to be witty, or to jest, so to
wound the feelings of another. To say as
little u possible about myself, and' of those
who are near to me. To aim at cheerfulness
without levity. •
Never to - ccivet a favor of the rich by list-
Wring either their vanities or vices.
30 speak - with - deliberatimy on all occa
sions, especially in circumstances-which tend
Frequently to review my conduct - anti note
my feelings. . •
NEVER, "Kuocit UHDEB."—No never. Al
ways rally your forces for another and more
desperate assault upon adversity. If calum
ny assails you, and the world—m it is apt to
do in such calms—takes part with your tra
ducers, don't turn moody and misanthropic,
or worse still. seek to drown your enbalpi
nee& in dissipation. Bide your time. Die.
One the'slander If 'iron tan ; if not live it
down..: If povertrooMe upon -you like 1 1
thief in the !tight wbstthenY LM it Mae
you es the preaches of &seal thief would do,
to energetic action. No ranter how, Aeeply
you have got into hot water--41ways provid
ed that you did not help the Father of Lies
to heat it—your case, if you are made of the
right kind of stuff, is tot desperate ; for, it
in accord with the divine order and sweep of
things that life should have no difficulties
which an honest, determined's nunt,': with
hetaven's help cannot surmount.
• -
"Oh, huit4get outliii!iw don't
I really wish_vou wouldn't I
Oh, quit will you f_ out!
You know you ou tto Shouldn't.
"There, Row r you'voco it—ob. be still, _
You ehin't have any-more
You've got,--oiretake sway your face !
What no man got before/
NO, 1.
"Once more !—there- 7 that'll do—don't,
You've rumpled a mg hair;
Now u 3
talc.g.47;th uitc
ere, 7 there--there !"
W Hy do girls kiss each otherr and men not t
Because glitti have nothing better to kiss, and
men have.
LADY who was startled out of her sleep
by some one trying to enter the hone, cried
out, "Who is there?" , " T.lsur late husband,"
was the reply.
An Irishman remarked of a lady who hail
been very kind to him, "leedad, she's a per
.tect gentleman !"
ANOTWER 'Whit to the present mode ofdoing
ttpladinV hair would Uitt,thensce their feet.'
The consequences would be miscellaneous, if
not _ _ _
Lrrnas boy at Sunday school being
asked, "What is the chief end of man!" re•
plied, "The end what's got the head on."
To mincredress of grievances by baying
recourse to the • law • is aptly compared to
sheep running for s helter to a bramble bush.
Plum - nen says, "It is not enough - that you
are praised , by the good; you have failed
Somewhere in duty if you are not cursed by
the bad."
"Do you chew tobacco ?" asked a lady of
a young man in a street car, by whose side
ehe displayed her-imuisculate skirts. "No,
ma'am,' was the reply, "but I can get you a
chew if you like,"
THE wages of four prominent Europeans
are as follows; Napoleon, $13,240 a day;
Queen :Victoria, $8,027.; Francis Joseph,
$10,050, and the King'of Prussia, $8,210.
IN Iceland the clergyman kisses his con•
gregation all around before preaching. That
must be a nice place for preaching, provided
their wives are not inclined to be jealous.
As my wife rindi, et thii"ivindciarone day,
Stood watching, KAM withra monkey,
A cart came by; With a "broth cd* a lxiy,"
Who was driving a stoat little donkey.
To my wife I then spoke, by way of a Joke,
" There's a relation of your's in that car-
. Huge ;"
To which she replied, as the donkey she
"Ah, yes, a relation—by marriage."
MERE was often, amid the tragic occur
durrenc.ea of the late war, some little Incident
which had its comic side. Among the dis
patches received at the Washington office
was the following, addressed to a member of
one of the regiments then quartered at Ar
lington Heights:
NEW YORE, July 28,1881. k
"Your wife wishes to know If you are dead,
alive or wounded. If dead, please rend the
body on."
A BOBTON upotheCary's assistant recently
put up a prescription, and found that his
customer had passed on him a counterfeit
twenty-five cent piece and 'a five cent hit.
lie told his employer. "Never mind," said
the philosophic Yankee, "if the five cent
bit is good there is a clean profit of three
HORACE GREELEY, in writing out his ex
perience with his little faim above New
York, expresses his conviction that farming
Is the happiest occupation a man can have;
and asserts that if he had his life to live
over again he would be a farmer. It is a pity
more of our young men do not agree.with
Mr. Greeley.
. ,
At:commie to Burke, 35,00000,000 of the
inhabitants of the earth have been destroyed
by war. "Thomas Dick estimates the number
at 1840e,000,000. At this last. mtimato the
Inhabitants of Just eighteen worlds like ours
have been ruthlmly out off from the abode
of the living to satisfy. an intolerant fanati
cism, revenge or unholy ambltiod. The Wed
of these unfortunate victims would have filled
an mean sufficient to float the combined na
vies of the world!
Ceeeneciamsa.—A Won= can be of great
assistance to her hustiand in businesaby wear
ing a cheerful smile upon -her countenance.
A. man's perplexities and gloominess are in
[creased a hundred fold when his better ball
moves about with a continual scowl upon
her brow. A pleasant, cheerful wife is a rail
bow set In the sky when her husband's mind
is tossed with storms and tempests; but a
dissatisfied and fretful wife, in the ,hour of
trouble, is like one of those friends who are
appointed to torture lost spirits. .
A warren in Blackwood's Magazine gives
the following excellent advice to talkers :
"No one who wishes conversation should be
be pleasant to his neighbors as well as him'
self, should speak more than two or three
sees at once. However, much we may
have to say, it will be held the more agree
ably said for giving ethers the opportunity of
essentiag, Ilir„,sfraung, qualifying, or even
contradicting. The ball needs to be rt.
turned by the opposite player to make a live
ly' game,"
' Joins Ran - ranall, —Randolph was in a-tav
ern, lying on a sofa in the parlor, waiting for
the stage to come to the door. A. dandified
chap stepped into the room with a whip in
hand, Just come from a drive, and, standing
before the mirror, arranged his hair and col
lar, quite iumenscious of the presence of the
gentleman on the sofa. After attitudinizing
for a while, he turned to gcout, when Mr.
Randolph asked him: "Has the stage come I"
"Stage, sir, stage?" cried the fop; "I've
nothing to do with it, sir 1 ." "Oh, beg your
pardon, said Randolph abruptly, "I tisotsg,4t
you were the driver I '
OLD MAIDR.-ii. sprightly writer expresses
his opinion of old maids in the following
manner: "I am Inclined to thinkman; of
the satirical aspersions cast upon old maids
tell more to their credit than is generally im
agined. Is a woman remarkably neat in her
person? She will certainly be an old maid.
Is she particularly reserved toward the other
sex ? She has all the sgiteamishness of an old
Is she frugal in her expenses and ex
set In her domestic concerns? She is Cut out
for an old maid. And if she is humane to
animals about her. can save her from
the appellation of *old mita: In abort, I have
always found that neatness, Modesty, econo
my end humanity are the never-failing cWr
actorjstie4 of that terrible ereattin---'EtTa
AwnNo the rules posted in the office of •
hotel in a.Shaker village in New Hampshire
is the following : "Married persons tarrying
with us over night are respectfully notified
that each sex occupy separate sleeping, apart
ments while they remain." Sometime since,
a newly married couple on a little bridal trip,
visited the Shakers. The evening wits spent
In talk—bed time came—and the couple were
invited to sleep. They passed out of the of
fice, up stairs, there saw two'sober•faced
Shakers, a "brother" and "sinter," each with
a candle. "3lari to the left 1" said the broth.
er, and into a room he escorted the bride
groom. "Woman to the right!" as quietly
'said the sister, r 1 into a separate room the
bride was tishetadr—iiit. newly made man
and wife separating 1.'101014 • ever.. a good
night kiss.'
ONE. Sabbath afternoon, a Sunday school
teacher observed two boys playingtit marbles
by the roadside. He stopped, told'thent how
winked it was.and succeeded in persuading
the worst
Ao accompany him to school.
The lad was decidedly ft fast youtli,"of about
eight years. In the class, among other things,
the teacher told him that "God made this
beautiful world and all that was In it; we
mustthank Hira for the good - things we en
joy. lie elves , od and our &Ala •
"Does Be give myindetatl - pes, too ?" asked
the lad. "Yes ; He gives di 'everything."
"Now, that's *here you get your eyes shut.
uP ; for_ main made these trowiers out at
dad's old_ories?"'
Art Irishman who was once attenclin g an
exhibition of fireworks, owing to some are
in the experiment with rackets; was struck
plump upon the head with one of these tip*
projectiles, with the stick attached,- and. im
mediately knocked dawn from a lofty perch
which lie had taken Air a full view of the
show. Thinking this accident was a feature
of the oerfonnemee, as soon as he had picked
himself up and put out his—hair; which
had taken tire, he regained big former position.
waved his hat, cheered and exclaimed,
"Faith and bejabbers, that was greet and
phat will ye be afther giving us oath
Tim POOR Boy.—Doia't be ashamed, m_y
I lad, if you have a . patch on your elbow It
i s no mark of disgrace. It speaks well fr
your indnstrkum soother. For our part we
would rather sees 'dozen patches on your
Jacket than hear one profane word escape
from your liefte---Nergood boy willsehun you
because. you- cannot dress as well as,your
companions; and if a bad boy sometimes
laughs at your appearance, say nothhag, my
lad, but walk' on. We know many a rick
and good man who was once as poor as you.
There is our next door neighbor, in particu
lar, now one of our wealthy men. who told
us a-short time since that when a child he
was glad to get the cold potatoes ftom.s
neighbor's table.