The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 14, 1868, Image 2

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. ..itTllO ll GENEVA/4
E. BOYLE, of, FayettP CO.
W. of Columbia Co
WE copy in another place a thoughtful and
wt 11 timed article from the Clearfield Ttepub- .
'wan, the widely known organ of the Democ
racy of that county, upon the Presidential
canvass, and the part which Pennsylvania
may justly ask to sustain in that great and
intensely important struggle. The source of
its appearance, and the internal evidence
which It bears, convince us that we cannot
be mistaken in attributing its authorship to a
gentleman in whose judgment and patriot
ism. the Democracy of Pennsylvania have the
most entire cordidenoe, and whose opportuni
ties for ascertaining the public temper entitle
his views to more than usual consideration.
THE Rochester Union and Advertiser in 7
troduces the following figures To show how
devoted the Rad teals of the North arc to
negro suffrage when applied to their owp
States : i
Rep. 31aj. 31a). ag'st
in State. negro auff.
50,136 140,481
42,696 6 50,629
29,904 39,477
11,219 9,071
.10,002 9,003
11,035 6,372
5,127 1,098
New York
M inn emita
The Senate met In secret session on Mon
day, to ; l3ear the dews of the several Senators
upon the hapeachment ease, previous to tak
ing a tint vote on the several articles report
ed for decision. An immense crowd was in
attendance about the Capitol all day, anxious
ne.vettre inform dion which would enable
them to goes., at the probable result, and the
excitement ran higher than at any stage dur
ing the trial. •On opening the proceedings set
the secret ,esAion, Judge (lime said that in
potting the vote upon the different articles,
he should adopt the form heretofore used :
"Mr. Senator, hoW s.ue you—is the respond
ent, Andrew Johnsen, President of the
United States, guilty or not guilty of high
crime or zniqdeztiva nor, a 4 c/1:».:4 , d in this ;ar
ticle ?"
Mr. Stonner's motion that each Senator
should rise it his place. and, without debate
or explanation, answer guilty or not guilty,
sya. agreed to. Dehate on the impeachment
articles then followed at great length. Mr.
Sherman, (Bad.), of
,Ohio, said he mold not
vote for the first article. because he was on
record to the effect that the civil tenure bill
did not apply to Mr. Staakin. Ife held that
the President had the right to make reafovala
by the aet of 17: , 19 It is supposed that he
will vote for the other articles, though he
gave no pledge of Such au intention. Mr.
Stewart, (Rad.); of Nevada, was in favor of
conviction. Mr. Grimes, (Rad.), of lowa, de
nounced :ill the articles, and Said they would
he kicked out of any honest police court. He
could not agree to destroy the harnionious
workings of the Constitution, in order to
gratify the prejudices of his fellow partisans.
Mr. Edmunds, of Vermont, and Mr. Wil
liams, of Oregon, followed, both intending to
vote for conviction. Mr. Howe, (Rad.), of
Wisconsin, could not support the first article,
but would the second, third and part of the
eleventh. Mr. Hendricks, (Dent.), of Indiana,
-spoke against thsk,whole series. Messrs. Pom
eroy, of Kansas, and Morrill, of Maine, (Rads.)
would rote for all except those resting on
the President's speeches and his interview
With Gen. Emory. Messrs. Doolittle, Dixon
and Johnson, (Dents.), spoke against convic
tion. Messrs. Henderson, of Missouri, Trum
bull, of Illinois, and Fessenden, of Maine,
(Rads.), argued against all the articles. Mr.
Buckalew, (Dent.), spoke aguifist, and Messrs.
Conness, Wilson and Morton fur conviction.
The Senate adjourned at a late hour in the
evening, and the impression was general in
Washington that•the President would be ac
quitted. The. correspondent of the N. Ys
Sun says :
"Immediately after adjournment Mr. Chase
took into his carriage Senators Henderson,
Johnson and Sprague, and in another which
tolloweal closely behind were Messrs. Grimes,
Trumbull, Fessenden and Van Winkle. All
eat to the residence of Chief 3tuttice Chase,
where an elegant dinner Was prepared, over
which it is said the formation of a new party
was discussed, in which the President is to
ploy a prominent part and Mr. Chase is to be
a candidate for the Presidency."
At' the Radical Senators whO took no part
in Monday's d e bate, M wsr . s . Anthony,
Sprague, Corbett, frelinghtlysen, Tipton,
Van Winkle and Willey hfe, regarded as in
oppositiou to conviction, and it is not unlike
ly that others, finding the way the current is
setting, may conclude to follow conscience
and save their credits by voting on the same
side. Only seven votes are needed, ht addi
tion to the twelve Democrats, to give im
peachment its quietus, and The appearances
now indicate that they will be secured, with
- some to spare. The Radicals- all over the
country are In a high state of fury in regard
to what they call the -apostasy" of their
Senators, in refusing to perjure themselves at
the bidding of faction. The most terrible
. threats are launched against them, and a
powerful pressure is being brought to bear,
jor the purpose of compelling them to disre
gard the oaths -they have registered %%WI the
Almighty. to pronounce an impartial verdict.
"01(1 Thad" is reported 10 be ranting at a
fearful rate, and declaring with his usual pro-
Ihnity that "everything has gone to
Charges of bribefy are freely made, and the
• whole Radical faction are in a state of'tle
moralization never before experienced.
The Senate met lbr the purpose of taking
the vote on Tuesday, when it wa.9 ascertained
that Mr. Howard, of Michigan, one of the
impeachers, was 50 seriously ill that he could
not be pkesent. Not willing to risk the loss
of even a single vote, the Senate on motion
of Mr. Chandler, then adjourned to Saturday,
without positively fixing for a vote at that
time. Oar latest advices represent the Rad
icals, from one extent . of_the country to the
other, to be stirred up to the frantic point,
in their ruse over the probable defeat of the
p.:t measure of their party. Meetings are
being held everywhere to condemn the Sen
ators who will not 'Oolate their oaths, and
their names are bandied about, coupled with
the most offensive terms. 4 persevering at
tempt will be made to brow-beat some of
them into supporting conviction, and we
know the terrors of party dist.iplibe top well
to have as much confidence in their firmness
as many of our friends possess, Senators
Grimes and Coaling were takin,isick on
Wednesday, while Howard's symptoms are
less tkvorable. The conviction !gains cur
rency now that a vote will not betaken until
atter the Chicago Convention_
• IT is learned OW. doringl the debate in se
cret session last week, a prominent Republi
can Senator (whose name, for obvious reasons.
is suppressed) stated that he bed received a
bushel of letters urging him to vote for the
conviction of the President, while 'others
threatened bins with assassination in case he
failed to record his Tote irt favor oreonviction.
Ile further stated, in reply. -So a question put,
by another Sertahar, that these attempts to
eaerc senators were endorsed by an officer
of the Senate, referring, doubtless, to Forney.
GstsTrzysta Who had been a Justice of
the peace fur thirty-five years, was WS ai•
lowed to register in the btate of West Vir
ginia, because he pureliased a Muse- named,
Stonewall Jackson ; the register temarking
"that he'd be d—d if any `treely loll' man
would owe a horse by that uam.."
. oritAtrothlThys
According to thei: most lieettmter:etatistie9
of nationaV-Jinane:e the aggte.zalp.: amount
paid in taxes:in Wrepuhlie Ls grtMer than
is paid in sal othet country in (he world.
Last treat-the tail& by the generitgovern
ment all no reached the enormous sun% of
five huudreditna Silty million dullars. But
with the taus of the tuilgd States, the
State. county and city—all taTen together—
:44.o tALlSUllled.thak,uot,Anas..thiukcaao. .-1
and million dollars annually go to pay for
the poor boon of bad government. While
the national government 'demands percent-,
-age on every man's income—a share in the
Profits of every stroke of business—and must
be paid for all that we are permitted
.to eat,
drink or wear, the State governmeht taxes
us to an extent never before known ; and
the amount of mOitiMpal taxes Is seen and
felt,in the tremendonS pride of rents and all
the daily necessaries of the people. Such is
the burden of debt resting upon as that:one
third of all the property owned in the State
would.barely relieve us.• One-third 'cif every
man's property is responsible for the Indebt
edness of the State and the nation, and - the
owners must pay in taxes the interest on
the vast debt. Not only does taxation so
onerous not exist anywhere else, but it was
perhaps, never before known in the history
of society.
Do the people clearly
,understand Their
position in all this f' Do they appreciate that
of the vast amount they pay in taxes a, large
portion is us unjustly taken as if it were taken
by the highwayman, and goof not even tet
sustain a mismanaged government, bit to
enrich the corrupt minions of a profligate
party We may naturally feel a certain sym
pathy for the people of the South. beaten
down, humbled by degrading laws, and de
nied the rights of freemen, that the nigger
may outweigh them in the political scale;
but the people must awake to the perception
that they have a nearer and more positive
reason than mere sympathy in 'Joining their
voices to the rebuke that the whole nation is
uttering against the recently dominant Re
publican party—the party of negro supremaL
cv ; the party that haa.piled up this enormous
burden of tales; the party of unlimited, in
discriminate robbery in office. - MI tkis teri:
rible taxation is telling on- - ,the material in
terests of our people in the worst way, and
thus the Republican party has come to make
itself felt in men's pockets, and men moat
make their repudiation of such a party telt
at the polls.
2 563:11
The passage of the bill to admit Arkansas
to representation in Congress was the im
portant feature of last week's session, anti it
WAS rushed through under the previous
qm , tion. It was admitted by members on
both sides that they had never had 'lnoppor
tunity to read the Constitution of Arkansas,
but Thad. Stevens did not seem to think
that would make any difference, and he de
clkted to postpone the bill to allow members
to become better informed. Hr. Eldridge
(Dem.) appealed to the House not to perpe
trate such an infamy as to force the bill
through at this time. A brief discussion
then followed, when Mr. Baker, an Illinois
Radical member, took the floor, and opposed
the fundamental condition in the hill which
provided that the State of Arkansas should
never restrict its present basis of suffrage.
He claimed that Congress had no right to
enact any such condition; but the bill was
passed by nearly a party vote, and sent to
the Senate for concurrence. It seems to be
the intention of tbe Radicals to pass this bill
and the South Carolina nil!, which is precise
ly similar, and admit the Representatives
from those States, without waiting for the
ratification of the fourteenth amendment to
the Constitution of the United States by
three-fourths of the States, as required by the
fifth section of the supplemental act of 1867.
The elections held this spring do not bear
out the Radical theory of Grant's immense
popularity. It has been morally certain for
the last six months that he would be the Re
publican nominee. The elections which
have taken place show that- the party -is
weaker than it was last year, and that the
reaction against it Is still in progress. If the
Republicans who reinforced the Democratic
party last year only practiced a stratagem to
secure the nomination of Grant, as was al
leged, why do they not go back..; It is quite
true that their great losses in the : autumn
electionli alarmed the Republicans,and fright
ened them into taking a candidate who is
not connected with them by his antecedents,
cares nothing for their policy, and has bar
tered his principles for a nomination. ,They
caught a( his supposed prestige as drowning
men are licahl to • catch at straws. Has he
Imoyanei enough to save them ? The recent
elections :demonstrate that he is not a float
but a weight; that the jutrty is weaker this
year dish it. was without him. In New
Hampshire, in spite of a strenuous canvass,
they lost part of their last year's majority.
Coln t) necticut, in spite of more strenuous,
nay, of desperate exEitions, they are worse
beaten they wet' last year. If General
Grant hay any strewth 3IS a candidate, where
k the proof of it ? What tinge the Republi
cans gained by making him their candidate ?
Ex-Governor Horatio Seymour addressed
a large meeting at Bridgeport, Conn., last
week. From his speech we make the follow
ing extract, and ask tiff it the attention of
every reader:
"I eutured to ask to-day a very intelligent
man, whose position in life is proof of his ca
pacity and sagacity, how much ii - would cost
the laboring man, or how many hours a la
boring man would have to toil in miler to
support himself Übe had no such thing us
taxation; if, for example, a working man
could procure his food and clothing at first
cost, how many ;hours he would have to toil
to support himself? and the answer was, "six
hour,' which -use Wray, consider a very fair
estlmale. -Now, you are to remember how
much the east of every thing is multiplied
by taxation in its various. forms. Now, all
labor above .lx hours is put upon you by
the tax-gatherer. It is put upon you by the
policy of the Government. Of course we
cannot lift the load of taxation altogether
frotif, the people You cannot reduce the
hours of labor to sixhours per day; but I tell
you, those of you who toil in the workshops,
when you have labored
. your six hot" - when
you are beginning to feel your arms weary,
and you desire either mental occupation or
enjoyment with your fatuities, the tax-gath
erer comes In and says: "No; we own four
hours of your labor yet—yon must pay them
to us.' [Applause.) Now I ask yon, labor
ing men, can you afford all that in Miler
that these gentlemen may amuse' themselves
with . their pair or - Southern reconstruc
tion ?"
•After au expensive trial of many years, the
managers of the Ohio and Mississippi Rail
road have come to the .ermclusiorrthat, with
its present broad gauge, it cannot be made
to pay. They have accordingly determined
to reduce it to the ordinary width. .We are
not informed what will be the precise gauge
adopted, but presiiiiiUt will be four feet ten
inches. After till's oliatige is sonstuntuated,
there will remain but two broad gime rail
roads in the country. The one, thci Atlantic
Great Western, iv'now in the hands of a
receiver. Though Its experience has not been
so long as that of the Ohio it MisaissipPit it
has been equally disastrous, It. has never'
paid Its expenses, and never can.. TIM nar
row gauge randswhiclicOmpete, with it can
live at rates whir.h_ nruit brijorcit to euiti--
The history of the-Rele : Rallway is equally
conclusive. It lititTaitak milliesia on Millions,'
partly from 101(1 . 0 dishonest Managetnerit, It,
may be, but mainly becutati its expenses no
cessarily outrun its earning':
A 44 DfCA exchste apealts of Ben Wade's
'extrem u 3
e odo sty, °dusty and clegi shirt
Sae two flags that a don't sear as a gar
111EASPAIrrela Dniar
*hold that pare unt tb tl a asitiation
of man in =ihe Ektinociatic *MVO*
pb in whatft 44 Is the simegif tl
C.lO *
y Itself! *; 9b eve* consi*atiotr,
tiust inexortility gldtf
or personal Interest must be permitted; for
onv_rnotilent, to Imperil the welfare-or the
cause. The best Democrat and . , :t4 7.truesl
patriot, in times like these, is lie why is pre:
rim for the common g00d. % y ,agE
The time for distributing rewards to thole'
who are deserving of them is nbt before ttii►~g
battle, hut alter the victory has been won ;
to the achievement of that victory every ef
fortmust be directed, every perimaind'prefer
ence be waived, every interest give away.
' Never had the Democratic party a higher
mission to perform than that 'upon which it
is now entering. TO accomplish/ that mis
sion. it needs strcrigibi consolidation, tinbro=
ken unity am , Undivided counsels. If Ctessr
is to have a party and Anton' a party, the
`Republic will hive none„. herefore we say,
if we haie any o:kiwi's or Antalya among ns;
let them put reins on their ambition until this
Republic is Saved.
THE jury in the Cole-Hiseock case have
disagreed and been diScliargeA, atter an in
effectual thoigh persistent effort oat the part
of the Court to extort from them a verdict.
A second trial is talked of, but as the jurors
in this-ttr' et- one-atood.staftzr acquittal and
f.or eunvjetitm i ,it is notlikely that it will
result more tlttfavotable to the prisoner. In
fact, it may be considered tb be apart of the
recognized, though immature, law or the land, -
that assassination is the legitimate punish
ment of seducers of other men's whes, and
that au injured huishand has the right to ad
minister it with his own hands. At elf events,
no twelve men have for a long time been
brought together who are willing to pro
, noun« killing under such circumstances a
crime. The feeling which haibeen instrumen
tal in preventing the conviction of General
Cole is creditable to the sympathies of the jury
men who voted in bis favor; but the precedent
they have -helped establish la in the highest
degree a dangerous-me.
No observation can be truer than the re
mark of a cotewporary that local papers al-
Ways render n full equivalent for their cost,
and are de+erving of the support of the! citi
zens of the county. - ThereSre, in eve. l,
chitty, many things -of local
intereat• hich
the county paper makes knolVn, and which
-.could reach the public in nO other way..., The
reports of the proceedings ,of the eolith+, of
piddle meetings, of local Societies, etc., ate
all of general interest, and are worth more
than the paper costs. It is taken is an index
by strangers of the prosperity of the section
where published. One wishing to go to a
new place naturally looks to the -local paper
to give him information concerning the re
sources and develoinuent of the vicinity and
its appearence and contents exercise no +small
influence in deciding as to the desirability of
the location. The influence of a well!con
ducted paper in attracting attention and im
migration to a town and county, and, conse
quently, increasing the value of property, is
very great, and is sufficient why it shotdd re
ceive support from ull enterprising andltitel
ligent citizens.
The great issue of the pending ponflictis,
shall the Government created by. the Consti
tution be perpetuated, or shall it be supplan
ted by a centralized organism? Subordinate
to this and connected therewith arc the
questions of reconstruction, of fiegro'suprema
cy and of national finance. Radical leaders
see these the means' to the attainment of their
great end. States are coerced into the sup
port of this project ; negro votes are valueless
but for this object, and patronage and place,
banks, treasury and financial agencies are
made to lend their powerful influence, to the
preservation of Radical rule, to the centrali
zation of the Government and the overthrow
of the Constitution. The battle to be waged
involves the vitality of our iustitutions.
• The ,battle-field in this great struggle is
Pennsylvania. In Presidential contests fur
seventy years, the Keystone has invariably
voted with the majority. ller vote in Octo
ber has always been the certain precursor of
her verdict in November. Success in Octo
ber is invariably
i followed by success in No
vember; defeat n October is the herald of
defeat in November. Her voice in October
is potential . with other Commonwealths, for
New York and New Jersey usually follow
her lead, and always show sympathetic action.
Our victory in October, 1867, swelled the
majority in New York in November. To
lose the October election, is to luse Pennsyl
vania. The loss of Pennsylvania is the loss
of the battle. The loss of thLs battle is the
destruction of the'Government. Here is our
Thermopyhe ; the "ides" of October deter
' mine our destiny. To wiu this contest eve
ry energy should be bent; to insure success
every extraneous aid should C?a yielded us ;
to compel this victory our brethren every
where should aid us.
The action of the New York. Convention
In its selection of a candidate *ill be potent
in its bearings for good orevil upon ourcause
in OClaber, and that 'great party,"tribunal of
thelast resort" should heed the voices of our
counsellors, and attentively ponder the views
of the leading men of our deWgation. Penn
sylvania is uncommitted to a candidate. She
will sacrifice to success everything* but prin
ciple. We- believe that her Fletegation will
esteem-auecess here in October vital to suc
cess throughout the Union in November;
that they will insist upon the choice of that
crualidate who will most essentially aid us in
carrying our State, and that they will resist,
with all honorable means, the nomination of
any one mhuse antecedents or present posi
tion will tend to make that result in any de
gree probleinatical. We believe that they
will regard the prestige of a great name, or
the most faultless party record, as of no
weight, if it be rendered clear that success is
jeopardized by the selection of their possCssor.
The hour is inopportune for the requital of
party services or the elevation of party idols..
Our first duty is to save the Government ;
and we mistake the character of those great
men who arc now prominent for the nomina
tion at New York, if, in the spirit of self-sac
rifice, they too, do not say "everything for
the cause, nothing for men." The choice
of a candidate is net difficult, when an invin
cible will for the preservation Of the Govern
ment, a spirit of cordial co-operation for suc
cess and a determinatiori to sacrifice our Fair
sonal preferences to the common good, are
brought to, the task. The mass of our De
mocracy are deeply imbued with these senti
ments. bthe)" regard success here as a
tal prerequisite to final victory; and therefore
they insist upon the nomination of one who
can assuredly, carry Pennsylvania. There
are such, men, both-- - soldiers and civilians,
men of large minds, thoroughly trained in the
logic of our governmental system and in the
traditions of our party, of spotless reputation,
of unblemished party record, and surrounded
with the. prestige of success. Give xis one of
these, and our march to victory will be an
easy and a triumphant one.—Clearfield Re
pallier:o. •
Snot Northern Republicans as refuse to
allow the nem-roes to vote at home, cannot,
without the most fiagrunt,Nlliberality," in
sist on toning negro suffrage upon the peo
ple of the South. As these' Northern voters
claim the right to decide it for themselves as
a home questlen r equality and fairness re
quire that . they .(should .concede the mine
right to the' people of other States. More
over, right andlustice are of universal' obli
gation if the negroes have a right to vote in
the Southern States, and this right is supe
rior to all local opposition; then they have a
right to; vote everywhere 'in'splte of local
opposition. No man can consistently rote
against negro swage in Michigan, and con
tinue to act with a party, the corner-stoner of
whose policy ismegre suffrage in the South
ern States. So far as this question ts con
cerned, the Democratic party is in sympathy
with a majority of the .American people.
SAMUEL L T. 13111MAILT, who was elected
to the , State Senate from 'the Twenty-first
Senatorial District, and 'ejected, on the usual
Radical plea of "fraudulent voting," to make
- .room for a Radical Senator, John,:iC". Robin
son, has pullishOwibll and et pliclt state
pent of the Manner in which the so-called
examination of the case, was conducted by a
'partisans committee, showing that in order to
tuateat hlin it was necesory to-use about ten
Unless as much.fraud as was alleged to have
elected hills:: It- is the Ra'dieal methOd of
illustiiting the Radical Idea of "republican
form of government."
Bructc Pousunr; has an (Ace which cost
1100,000. • It pays to be si brick.
;Tp. ; OTT OR • 2`.
[AndssitlreW original soliloquy, respectfully
0- - Ailleatedltrtuf:Eigliplepubliquil United
BMW=atom 4.1rb0 t)tjtve one ip:tide of
- To latri birilittiOtat ; thitja_the question:
Whether tis better for ua all to suffer
The whims and temper of that stubborn
Andy --
s r to" take ritins_vainst hlS..endiPss7orriest
And jOilipeat lltepa . ? A. , troje-- .
aye— •
• • WIWNI ap
04-1 - isif -. W7red'"`
Ills vetoos and the thouseatizamelessAlaings
..11w.plqgtocbit cousinnMittion
Der autly to wished. But then the step
o-triution-1.7 - 1M tilef.4.4bo.ll3h;''
- at (treat: newton we Mal wine
When we
_have shuffled offoqr hands* this
i... — fraari,.7 •
Must give dal_ risiiiiio:Thire is the thought
That puts us all in such it quandary:
Foristio could bear the Tribune's whips and
Scorns, •
Thad. Stevens' lash,, the jeers of all the
The ppaanngs of finewell to the public Crib,
Khednsoleaea ofantler, surd the spurns
An honest Senator must find at home, -
When he himself might set all right Alt once
With bare 'fake?' who would a "moment
Tabong in Jcdutson guiity--rightor wrong—
But that the dread otsonsething after that:—
An outraged nation crying out for vengeance
On its destroyers—puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear the 'Uwe have
Than fly to Miters that we know not oft
Thus, conscience, does . make cowards of us
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought ;
And many who would strike Rur , country
- down,
Filled with these thoughts their coward arms .
Scared at the word—" Reaction I", '
barriery of throwing mud, amiable, Von
gresamen have taken to throwing guano at
each other
Tan story goes that a Radical Congress
man from Ohio lost $BB,OOO fighting the
tiger last week Thursday.
ELEVEN negmes are accredited as delegates
to the Republican Convention at Chicago,
all from Southern States.
A COTEIMOBARY says: "Charles Sumner
is one of those vain and insolent beings
whose manner constantly says, 'I thank God
that I am not like other men. "
TUE Boston Post says that if the Congres
sional Globe prints all the debates in the.
House it will be indicted under the statute
against obscene publications.
AT the recent election for School Commis
sioner in Passaic, N. J., where the ladies
were allowed to vote, the hest looking' man
in town was triumphantly chosen.
Tim Sherman House at Chicago, which is
to be "theheadquarters of Radical delegates,
does not admit colored persons. The South
ern delegates will have to quarter else
EK-Gov. JOHN ThoLEn, of California, is one
of the delegates from that State to the Na
tional Democratic Convention. His brother
Hon. Wm. Bigler, ex-Gbvernor of Pennsyl
vania, is also a delegate from this State.
Tim colored vote in Georgia did not go
all one -way. 'Houston county, which, by
the registry, allowed a colored majority of
2,20, gave Gordon, the Democratic caitdis
date for Governor, 821 majority.
Tut Hartford Post says of John Doane,
thc Radical member elect of the Legislature
from `Saybrook : "He is short, fat, red-bead
ed, and speaks several linguages--among
which is profane—with great fluency."
of Representatives the other day that Illinois
Washburn° "could not speak the truth, even
when the .truth would best serve his pur
tit truer Titskcgee uor Chehow, Alabama,
could furnish a white man loyal enough to
carry the mail between those points, so a ne
gro was put into the office. Me carried it for
a short time and is now in the Montgomery
jail for mail robbery.
Tim California delegation to the National
Democratic Convention unanimously sup
port Gov. Haight for President. Ex-Gover
nor Bigler. Governor Height's avowed sup
porter, received 253 of the 303 votes cast in
the Convention. This is decidedly a test
Tut: Georgia House of Representatives,
which has just been elected ¢y the power of
the bayonet and by negro suffrage, contains
no lees than twenty ttegroes. The powerful
and once flourishing white empire State of
the South is to have its laws made_ for it by
the tiegrota!
Tut: Democratic. State Committee of Ar
kansas have proved Radical frauds to so
alarming an extent that, instead of the "con
stitution" having been adopted by 1,679 ma
jority, it has been deflated by a clear major
ity of 6,342. Their evidence has been for
warded to the military authorities.
A PULL-11LOODED negro was appointed as
oue of the delegates to represent the State at
large at Chicago, on the 181 h of May, by the
Virginia Radical State Convention, which
met last week. A resolution favoring Ben.
Wade for Vice-President was voted down.
Grant and Wilson was the expression of the
Convention. '
• In reviewing the causes whichled to the
downfall of ancient Horne, in his work on the
"Intellectual Development of Europe," the
learned author, Dr. Draper, says: "An evil
day is approaching when it becomes recog
nized in A community that the only standard
of social distinction is wealth." How far
front that day are we in the United States ?"
CONSIDERABLE canvassing is going on in
Washington over the Radical nomination for
the Vice-Presidency. The contest has prac
tically narrowed down to, Wade and Colfirt.
Wade's chances• look the brightest. His
friends count upon one hundred and thirty
four .votes among the delegates already
elected to the Chicago - Convention, while Mr.
Colfax is sure of but fifty-two.
AN act has been passed by Congress ex
tending the Freedman's Bureau for one year
longer. This will entail on the country an
other expenditure of some fifteen millions of
dollars. flow patriotic Congressmen act
when the interests of the negro are at stake.
They use the public money for these pets as
though the people would never get tired of
paying taxes.
Duratio the year that is past only twenty
millions of the national debt have been paid.
At that rate it would take Just one hundred
and twenty-five years to extinguish Rath
er a lung ti ue to endure the weight of taxa
tion that is grinding the people of this coun
try:to the earth. If We should have another
war in' the meantime, of course, the debt
wonld In greatly added to, Verily the finan
cial prospects are far from flattering.
• •Mn. Ronrwsos, of New York, offered a
very sensible resolution to the House, last
week, to expurge from the Journal the reso
lution passed on the 24th of February last,
impeaching President Johnson. The Speak
er, of course„ruled that it was not a question
of privilege, and was thereupon not received.
Mr. Robinson remarked that he offered it at
the present time because if the House did
not expurge the rettoludon, the next House_
certainly would.
Osmotionot Mr. Dawes, of Massachusetts;
the innocent and injured Butler is to have
the benefit of an investigation into the truth
of the charge made by Hon. James Brooks,
that through his , (Brook's) instrumentality
Butler had been compelled by the courts to
disgorge some sixty thousand dollars extort
ed by him as military commander at New
Orleans front a New Yorker in that city. It
was decided that an inquiry into the appro:
priation of spoons and other articles of silver
plate would be nnparliamentary.
A warren in the Cincinnati Gazette boasts
of Ben Wade's courage, ane recounts how
the bluff old Radical Wirntened Toombs,
Iverson and other Southern', Senators .some
years ago. We never have ?heard that old
Ben challenged- anybody tbr any • insult of
fered Lim, and rticularly do we remember
that Clement la. Vallandigham rem deliber
ately, in his place In '.Congreis, and pro
newiticeil him "a liar, coward and scoundrel."
Did anybody ever hear of Ben resenting this
charge, or ever attempting to compel -Val.
to_ recant it'
Tun telegraph brings us news of the as
sassination of a one-armed ex-Confederate
soldier, near Selma, Alabama . Re was shot
from his horse on Thursday, the 9th inst.,
and Instantly killed as he was riding along
.the road. • The assassin has not been arrested.
The same dispatch sags this is the fifth white
plan who has been ,assassinated In that
mediate vicinity within a year; and no one
has been arrested. Southern 'papers fre
quently bring the news of just suer. cowardly
murders of Southern white men. • Yet we
hear no clamor made over these outrages by
Radical newspapers. But let a negro, or
some - carpet-brut adventurer be killed, and
straightway there is a bowl throughout the
entire North, and it is openly charged that
the white popubidon are responsible as a
isntly for each recurring transaction of the
. ,
GsltlatUL CANBY has tratisffiltted Wthe
Reuse oC , Reptglentativls, through 00 0 631
Grant, a titnintainicatioiV, in which ha says
that MS jn ent sorneacrionk CoMem
will nee orderp remoiffs one el the
magi ' to the has =bean
raised to the execution of the Reconstruc
tion laws which has grown out of the en
forceuumeof the. - provlatoa requiring all ap.
pointees, ot Commander to take
:What is. knirnii, as the teat oath: La- !lie
States-of - North' and Month 'Carolina, me
. lielliiifUnteliiiiittielidinfittellnlon aid"
of restoration ;have been technically de.
barred by this oath from any official partici
pation in the work of reconstruction, while
marry ethers who would bave taken the oath
have declined td de so from a sensitive fear
that their motives would be misconstrited.
A largo number from this classhave been
chosen to office at the recent elettkins, and
the difficulties heretotbre encountered again
present themselvesin both States in' greater
magnitude. To continue the disabilities
which exclude these persona is to deprive
the government still ffirther of the services of
intelligent anti well disposed men, whose
.technical disqualificatioals their cmly &nit,
aid whew aid la etnentially important to the
speedy and successfid working
t the new State government.
TlrtiLOVel Wen acknowledges that Re
ptiblicanism is tottering. He says "Large
'cities, like Chi , Philadelphia . Boston,
cinch:mail, San - isco and akrlester
bare been wrested from our grasp. Nor is
this all. Entire States have faltered by the
way, and withdrawn their support from the
Republican pithy. ' New York, instead of
being in the Republican column, writhes
under the incubus of a fifty thousand Demo
untie majority Pennsylvania, Califdrnie.
Connecticut and New Jersey, so lately
plucked like a brand from the burning, have
likewise relapsed."
Mscstruir, in his celebrated account of
the trial by impeachment of Warren Ham.
has thew 'remarks : "Whatever confi
dence may be placed in the decision of the
Peers on an appeal arising out of an ordinary
litigation, 1; is certain that no man has the
least confidence in their impartiality, when a
great public functionary, charged with a
great State crime, is brought to the bar.
They are all politicians. These is hardly one
among them whose vote on an impeachment
may not be confidently predicted before a
witness had been examined."
Tree Committee of the Democratic l Soldiers
and Sailors, which met at the Fifth Avenue
Hotel last week, included "Generals J. B.
Steedman, Gordon Granger, F. P. Blair, Jr..
11. W. Slocum, Kilby ' Smith, a P. Este,
Alexander McDowell McCook, Henry E.
Davies, Jr., Col. Frank G. Noyet, and many
others of equal weight." They are all unan
imous for Gen. •Wintield Scott Hancock.
"the Game-Cock of the Army," as the Demo.
crudc candidate for• the Presidency, with
Senator Hendricks, of Indiana, for. Vice-
THE New York World says that Mr. Clar
enee Logan, of Philadelphia, just returned
from Savannah, having observed the elec
tion there, has made a statement that In one
ward in that city several negroes were sup
plied by a wag with labels of "Costar's rat and
roach:exterminator" and voted them as bal
lots. Some of the very intelligent suffragan'
noticipg a cut of a rat on the supposed bal
lots, asked what it meant, They wore told
it stood for the "rat-Ideation of the Constitu
tion." They wondered. believed. and voted.
SPEAKING for the Southern Democracy,
the Macon (Ga.) Journal, April 28th, says if
it knows aught of their temper or purpose,
they "will vote In the New York ConVention, be he civilian or Federal Gen
eral, whb can win—whose strength before
the country is such as to insure success and
the consequent deliverance of the South
from the hands of the oppressor. They will
neither ask nor care to know what he said
nor what he did during the war.",
Wna, some person be kind enough to in
form us what his become of Mnl. btewart's
grand six penny calico movement for. the
election of Grant ? Nothing has been heard
of it for some time, and there is much anxi
ety to know its present condition and where
abouts, Information that will lead to its
discovery is earnestly desired, and will be
liberally paid for. Any • person posseising
knowledge concerning it will please commu
nicate with the Managers of the 'Radical
show that opens on the 20t4 Inst. ' •
THE New York Herald says that, "During
war the laws are silent," was a maxim which
the government of, Mr. ,Lincoln strove to
soften as much as possible, rarely .invading
the just dominion of the civil power except
in cases of the last extremity. But with our
present Senatorial revolutionists this old
maxim has been materially modified, until
now it may be said to read: "After war - the
laws shall be abolished altogether."
Mits. STax•ros, in her paper called the
Revolution, puts the following pointed in
"Why 'pell-mell' for Grant when all ad
mit that Ile is unfit for-that position 9"
We can tell Mrs. Stanton that the people
are not going "pell-mell" for. Grant. He
never was successful, except when he had
five to one on his side; and in this contest he
has not even one for one.
TUB Chicago Tribune, the Chief Radical.
organ of the West, says : Few Persons, we
imagine, would seriously propose to elect
Mr. Wade as President. He has neither the
culture, the temper, the education, nor the
judgment requisite ifor the positin. No
pmfane. attestation wilt convince any one
that he is in any way fitted for it, or that hei
will add one vote to the ticket."
GENERAL GILLEY reports that in the re
cent election in Arkansas on the ratification
of the new Constitution, there were 1,185
more Votes cast in one county than were reg
istered. The same, thing happened in other
counties. This is the honest way . in which
all the Congo Constitutions in the South have
been adopted,
WENDELL. PHILLIPS reiterates hia declare:-
don that the habits of Grant are not such as
would tend'to make him a fitting President
of a Temperance Society—nor of anything
FoltnEv's "Letters (Torn Europe" are re
viewed will; infinite derision in the English
journals. Nothing quite scs ridiculous ever
engaged the pens of critics.
Tar. writer who commenced a description
of" Greeley as a gentle Man," stopped imme
diately after 'announcing his subject for want
of material.
TllE•Dover (N. El.) Gazette has hoisted the
names of Hancock and English for President
and Vice-President._
, A wostaN in Saco, 3Lsine, gave 'birth to a
wale child with two heads. .
GE's. Woo', is eighty-foq years old, but
bas'seen only twenty-one birth days. He was
horn February 29.
Moan than five hundred women-•'are em
played as compositors on the daily and week
ly papers in New York: •
J. Ross Bnow3m. the new Minister to
China, watt formerly a 'foreman. and after
ward il clerk in the Statesman office, at Co
lumbus, 0.
A ClRClftiti.tTl court has decided that the
relationship between step-daughter and step
father ceases on the death of the wife and
-„ swot:lona shrew in, Berke county, Pa.,
recently threw a dipper full of boiling water
on :the head of a male Visitor of her husband.
'the face Of the Injured man was horribly
disfigured, and,his hair fell out.
Iv ns said the largest number of jewels
owned by, any 'private individual iu the
=Maned States, is possessed by Madame de
la Grange, the prima donna. They are val
ued at, more than two hundred thousand
A COPY of Eliot's Indian, Bible,
.a work
which no Wring man can 'read, was sold at
auction inNew York city, for the extraordi
nary sum of 111,180, the highest price ever
paid for a printed book in this country.
Tan President of one of the Boston Ss:r
ings Banks' states that the deposits have been
doubled during 186 T, through extensive ad
vertising in the newspapers.
Tom lady members of a Godd Templar
Convention In, this State, a few days ago,
adopted the %flowing :
Ilaeleed, That 1111 the yQunk ladies of our
order will not' enter into any matrimonial
contract with young men who indulge In the
poisonous glass, and do not advocate the
temperance cause."
pccrtired French's • Cir
cus, at-Eabm, Preble county, at
which a man named Wm. Thomas tired up
on the ring master, but Missing him, the ball
struck a young lady named Campbell, killing
berlastantly—the ballet passing.through her
heart. • • •
FAILURES among the merchants and im
of New York continue to be the or
rertrf the day. The suspensions within
three weeks will inmate near twenty mil-
lion dollars. It is thither stated that as a rule
the failures have exhibited a light proportion
of alb to liabilities, and have been in s
law eldest among the imparting boom
f A Wertz, --exchange has 'the folkAving
Rather azinmusing affair occurred*ll train
on *4 Plitiliburgh, Fort Wayne dad Cfacago ,
railroad Jerry Boyer, conduetori a few eights
Since, 'between Columbia 'an& Crestline. At
thelormeeplace a young maiiikein•Canfield
got on a train with a beautiful young female,
whom he represented as his cousin, and took
cborth in the sleeping car for both. A per
son on the train recognized the girl as of a
very respectable family near Minerva, Stark
cnunty, but did'not know the "cousin," who
secure "'the in theldeeping car. Sus=
picions that elk, was, not right were 'commu
nicated to Jerry, and during the night the
two were found occupying, the same couch.
Ihinking that if nokmarried, they should be,
on the arrival of the cars'at Crestilne: in the
morning, Jerry having taken the matter in
hand, compelled the young man to get a ii-'
cense, and then accompanied him to the'
house of.* inhabiter, Where themerriage cere
mony was performed. The happy couple
concluded not to go any limber, and were
left at Creatline to enjoy the honeymoon at
their leisure.
curious case of marriage occurred near
Grandview, lowi4 last week. A young gen
tleman living iti-Johnsen'connty, lowa, pro
cured a marriage license in that county, and
went to Loulia county to carry away one of
its fair maidens,' He engaged a clergyman
of Grandview to de the hymenial knot, who
did so on the strength of the Johnson coun
ty license. They slept on it one night, but
only to learn, on awakening in the morning,
ihritif they were - married at all, It was only
an "ad interim," so to speak, for that if the
marriage was legal, the partied en in It
were liable to fine. What should be done!
They couldn't take it back, that was certain,
and more, they didn't want to. A council
was held, and it was decided that the groom
and clergyman should go to Wappello, pro
cure a license, and. go -through - the motions
again. They came; and the groom wanted
the license dated back one day "to kiver ac
cidents," but the judge refused. The license,
however, Was issued, liind the anxious couple
made one according to law.
Miss TERESA Cotters, of London, has been
putting her sweetheart through a course of
sprouts : It was even in evidence I,n the
Marlborough street Pollee Cceill, on the 12th
that she had, on one occasion, stabbed him
in the arm with a knife; that, on another;
she had stabbed him in the face with a fork;
that, on a third, she had given him seven
wounds on the bead with a loaded _candle
stick ; that, on a fourth, she had nearly goug
ed his eye out with a key ; that, on a fifth,
she had cut his forehead with a plate ; that,
on a !dub, she had stabbed him in the thigh
with a pocket knife; and that, on a seventh;
she had knocked out three of. his teeth with
a glass, and cut his throat with the fragments
afterward. Altogether he had been five times
to the hospital through her violence. At last
he gave her into custody, observing that he
should. "not have taken so severe a course
with a lady if she had not done it so often."
Tun extraordinary phenomena of a man
marrying a man' occurred in an adjoining
county, but a few- days ago. A gentleman
"wooed and won" the hand of 'a young lady.
The day of the nuptials was appointed and
the groom "came to, time," as did, apparent
ly, the lady. But it seems the lady had a
juvenile brother, resembling her; so closely
that, when - dressed in calico, none but the
most practiced eye could discover: - the differ,
ence between them. -Ile presented himself,
was saluted with a kiss, and an unauthorized
prelate of the magisterial persuasion went
through the ceremony of making the twain,
one. Music and dancing filled the honr, and
all went on charming until—the cat wits on
cloaked. What a sad disappointment !
A witrilln in the Galaxy tells us that one
tenth of the taxable 'property in New York
is owned by ten men, as follows :
Wm. B. Astor, - '• . - $10,114,000
Wm. C. Rhinelander, - - • 7,745,000
A. T. Stewart, - - ' - 6,091,500
Peter and Robert Goelet, - 4,417,000
James Lenox, - - 4,260,000
Peter Lorillard,- 4,245,000
John David Wolfe, • - - 3,997,000
M. M. Hendricks,. -- 1,690,000
Rufus L. Lord, - - -' 1,500,000
C. V. S. Roosevelt, -- 1,340,000
Two Yankees took lodging for about ten
days at a tavern in Lancaster county, and
fared sumptuously, drinking two or three
bottles of wine daily. The last day, and be
fore they had paid their bill, a dispute arpse
about the speed of their horses. They at
last settled upon a race. The landlord-was
appointed judge, each being rider of his own
horse. When they were mounted, the judge
like those of the Olympic games, gave the
word—one, two, three and go. Off they
went, and have neither been seen nor heard
of since ; leaving the landlord fully compen
sated by having had the honor to be judge.
AN extraordinary suicide of four persons
recently took place in Veraponin, France. An
innkeeper in easy circumstances, named Thi
not, with his wife and two children, aged six
Sears and seven and a half, were found lying
together on a bed suffocated by four pans of
charcoal which they had lighted in the room.
On the table was a will in the handwriting of
the wife, leaving the half of their fortune to
the hospital of Soissons and the remainder to
two neices, and stating that they had commit-
ted the act alter mature reflection. because
the husband was afflicted with an incurable
pulmonary disease.
WE leapt that a few days since a lady had
occasion to go into thS basement of her house
to attend to some duty, and left her baby, a
few months old, in charge of a_young girl, in
the upper part of the house. The-youngster
got fretfitl, and, to please it, the girl tied it to
a sheet, let it ont of the window, three stories
from the ground, and when seen, was amus
ing it by raising it up and down in the sheet,
which she held by her bands inside. The
performance was discovered by some of the
neighbors, who were not long in putting a
stop to it.—Galena (Ill.) Gazitte.
Sour of our coleMporaries conspicuously
publish a wild story from a Mississippi paper
to the effect that a beautiful dauFhter of Ge'n.
Mower, aged about sixteen, having been out
raged by a negro'soldier on Ship Island, the
soldier had been privately murdered by the
General, Lis body put into a sack and thrown
into the Gulf. A sufficient commentary upon
the story may be derived from the fact. that
Gen. Mower, who is now about 35 years old,
is not married, and has never had a daugh
Two boys near Parkersburg, Va.; were re
caddy looking for hens' nests, when .one of
them crawled under the barn to examine,
and soon returned, saying the hen had picked
him. The other then went under, the first
one being taken very sick, returning to the
house, where he soon died. The last one did
not make his appearance from the barn, and
was found dead. A search being made, 4
rattlesnake was hauled out.
E4-PitusinENT Bnehanan completed the
seventy-seventh year of his age on Thursday,
April 23d. Reverdy Johnson, of Maryland,
will be 73 in May, Simon Cameron is in his
70th year, and Benjamin F. Wade is in his
69th pear. W. Pitt Fessenden, of Maine, is
upwards of 60, but the great majority of the
Senators aro under that age.
Ma. MARTIN GATE& Of Duncatwille, Blair
county, Pa., was seterely wounded , in the
chest during the late war. He cant,: home
and got well. The other day, he extracted a
large brass button from the wound. The but
ton, which was flattened, had been driven
into his body by the bullet, and had remained
there fully three years.
A STR ANGELY dressed man recently walked
quietly up the aisle of Rev. Mr. Ware's
church; In Baltimore, turned suddenly as he
was near the pulpit; and said: "If you have
not the spirit of Christ you cannot enter the
kingdom of heaven," and then, as quietly as
he entered, turned and left
A Genusft named Smollet, living at Clyde,
Sandusky county, having had difficulty with
his wife, she threatened proceedings against
him, and left the house for that purpose.
While she was absent Smollet swallowed a
quantity of corrosive sublimate, and died on
Friday morning early.
WEDDINGS, though generally costly affairs,
are quite profitable entertainments for cler
gymen who have a good run of business. It
is announced that some : of the fashionable
clergymen In New York receive three thou
sand dollars, a year fin marriage fees.
IN Maryville, Blount county, Tenn., where
there was aspirited race for municipal offices,
between white and black candidates, the ne
groes elected four and the whites three Al
dermen. The Justice of the Peace, elected in .
the same town, is also a negro.
A NEW fashlon has sprung up in Missouri.
A newspaper of that State gives notices of
marriages Inadvance. They are In the usual
Ann, with the words "will be married" in
troducing the immune ant.
Avsvus REMIT, of Pleasant Rill, 111., un
dertook to pull his son out of bed, when the
him. man Bred a revolver at his father and
killW • ,
Wine' re a drug in the Nova Scotia-mar
ket. George Kane, of Halifax, sold his wife
lately to a man. named Norbiuy for $6, Nova
Scotia currency.
A Itaoterany; in Chicago proposes to mar
ry couples at one dollar a piece, if they
will Tom clubs of twelve, and all get "Bred"
at the taw Um.
:WrrrEn-4`suoiars—At the residence of the
bride's went; on . the . 7th Inst., by Rev.
Geo. Fr. Cain, Mr.. IL If. Witter to Miss
:T. :Mary J..Caughey, anof i Erie.
RitaaLmir—Howaht).4it ike, N. Y., on the
24th of March, by Rev: P. E. Woods, of
Attica, Mr. W. A. Skeeley, of Girard, Pa.,
to Mrs. Merive A. Howard, of the former
VAN CLEVE—SPENCER—On the evening of
-,,tho_l2thAnst r by-Bev. Geo. F. -Cain. Rev.
Mr. Van Cleve, of Westfield, N. Y., to
-Miss Note, daughter of J. C. spencer, of
this city.
011k.D. _ _
Lau'r—Ant the 4th inst., in Moorheadville,
, Mrs. Hannah Leet, In the 85th year of her
BEssoN—ln this city, on the 9th inst., Mary
Potter Benson, aged 81 years.
Dmirmtit —ln Corry, on the 7th ult., of whoop.
ing cough, Carrie May, only child of Mar.
vin and' ,Erfifir EL Denham, aged 11
months and 14 days.
tawursca—ln Conneaut tp., Crawford Co.,
Pa., on the 22d ult., Mrs. Esther M., Law
rence, formerly of Gimrd, aged 42 years.
Crier—ln this city, on Thursday morning,
the 7th inst., Mm Johannwessey, aged 70
years. -
wanes—ln Corry, on the 20th ult., Mrs. M.
Jane Wilder, wife of W. 11. Wilder, aged
34 years.
. .
Twift(ort—ln Girard, on the 12th inst., Char
ley, infant son of Mr. Edward Trainor,
aged 6 months.
Sznar—On the Ist inst., nt Goshen, Ind.,
Charles W. Seeley, formerly of this city, in
• hLs 54th year.
, Into the valley of death, •
Rode the six hundred.
But larger, by hundreds multlied into mil
lions, than the doomed band who .rode to
swift destruction in Tennyson's poem, is the
great cavalcade of unhappy beings who are
riding into misery, wone than death, hug
ging that fearful - disease, fever and ague,
when by the use of Insider's iferb Bitters
they might, each one, be forever relieved
from it, and their physical organization be
come thoroughly improved by means of a
purified blood and healthy condition of the
stomach. The legitimate result of using
Mishler's Celebrated Herb Bitters is to ward
°Troyer and ague when it is likely, to make
its appearance, and to effect a radical cure
in cases where it has already gained a foot
hold. It makes no difference how long the
'victim of this disease has suffered from it,
nor how violent the disease itself may be, we
arc prepared to furnish indubitable evidence
that Insider's-Celebrated Herb Bitters will
cure it. It is.,inevitable from the very na
ture °tate medicine : hence there is no longer
any need of suffering. Send to your nearest
druggist for these valuable Bitters. They all
sell them. Branch House, 26 Market street,
Pittsburgh, Fahnestock & Holton, Managers.
Sold wholesale and retail by Messrs. J. B.
Carver & Co., .No. 21 Park Row, Erie, Pa.
Dead-Bent Lim'.
The following individuals are indebtul to
us to the amounts set opposite their names
and have thus far neglected to give us the
slightest satisfaction in regard to the same,
though often reminded of their delinquency.
We publish their names for the benefit of the
public, and intend pursuing thd same course
in regard to all who follow their example :
Barnes McDevitt, Erie, • -
Thomas Munroe, Erie, - - - 10.00
'Luke Taylor. Erie, - 14.15
John Hendricks, Erie, - - 8.20
A. L. Rouse, Corry, - 1.90
A. J. Place, Corry, - - - 2.65
I. B. Weston, Waterfirrd, • • 10.00
Joseph Decamp, Waterford, - - 7.10
Daniel Rossiter, Cherry Hill, • 8.00
D. E. Powers, Franklin, - - 9.00
E. V. Allen, Platea, - - 11.75
John Nnrss, Plates, • - 12.75
Zena White, Edinboro, - - 7.00
Finnacle, Erie, - - . 3.00
K. S. V. Randolph, North East, - 10.00
Clark it Bro. Erie, - - 19.44
Sunday School Teachers' Institute for the
townships ol Franklin, M'Kean and Wash
ington will be. held in the Methodist church
at CompUues Corners, on Tuesday, May
nib, opening at 9 o'clock, A. 31. The cur
ciseswill be of a practical character, designed
to arouse an interest in the Sunday School
cause and direct teachers in their method of
instruction. A model Sunday School lesson
will be glien by Prof. H. S. Jones, of Erie.
Discussions will be held, upon the .subjects
"Proper aim of Sunday School instructions ;
Methods of conducting Sunday Schools;
How shall family instruction conduce to the
interests of the Sunday School ? How shall
the Bible be taught in the family ?" Rev. .1.
A. Seymour, of Cleveland, is expected to at
tend. All
. persons interested in Sunday
Schools are tnvited to be present. The Sing
ing Pilgrim will be used as a singing book.
Observer for'the Campaign.
The Observer will he furnished to cam
paign subscribers, from this date, until the
'close of the Presidential canvass, ut the fol
lowing low rates :
One copy, six months, - - ' $l.OO
Five copies, six months, - - 5.00
Ten copies,six months, and an addition
copy for the one who gets up the
' club, - - - - 7_ 10.00
One copy, three months, - .50
Five copies, three Months, • - ' 2.50
Ten copies, three months, - - - 5.00
Subscriptions may commence at any date
between this and election , and will be
promptly discontinued when the time has ex
pired. febti4.
- "THROW physic to the dogs ; I'll none of it
To make assurance doubly sure
I'll take"-,—Plantation Bitters.
They never fail.
This great stomach healer is just what the
people need. It is a remedy they can rely
on. For dyspepsia, 'heartburn, headache,
dizziness, ague, liver complaints, pains in the
side.and hick, it has no equal ; not the least
among its virtues is its extreme pleasantness
to the taste and immediate beneficial effect.
Try it, suffering dyspeptics, and be cured.
Such are the assertions of those situated to
know. Front the vast amount of this article
sold, it must have great merit.
MAGNOLLk WATEIL—A delightful toilet ar
ticle—superior to Cologne and at half the
price. ruy7-21.
RETURN OP DR. LISTO.N.—Wc" take great
pleasure in again announcing to the afflicted
that the renowned Surgeon and Physician,
Dr. Liston, from the, Albany Eye and Erie
Infirmary, will make his next professional
visit to Erie, on Tuesday and Wednesday,
the 3d and 3d days of June, on which days
he can be found at the Reed Rouse. Dr.
Liston's fame as a successful operator upon
all diseases of the Eye, Ear, Throat, Catarrh
and, Chronic Diseases Of all forms, is not suf.-
passed by the reputation of any other gentle
man in the country. His success is truly
marvelous. If he cannot cure those who ap
ply to him, he honestly tells them. By all
means let those who desire to be cured call
on him.
EuokinA HAIR RESTORER.—The cheapest
and hest. Mammoth bottles only n ceats.
The gugenia Hair Restorer eclipses 641
known discoveries for the rapidity with
which it restores gray and faded hair to 'its
original color, promotes its rapid and healthy
growth, prevents and stops it when falling
off, and is a most luxuriant hair dressing for
the human hair and head, rendering it soft,
silky and lustrous. Sold by S. Dickinson &
Son, sole agents in Erie. decl2-Iy.
Notice.—The annual meeting of the Erie
County Bible Society will be held in the Ist
Presbyterian Church, to the city of Erie, on
the 20th of May inst., at half past seven
o'clock, p. m. The annual address will be
delivered by Rev. George P. Cain. Business
meeting of the society will be held in the
Lecture Room of the church, at 3 o'clock, p
Nsw Spring Silk and Fancy Hats, beauti
ffil Coatings and Cassimeres; also, igents for
reports of fashion. JONES & LYTLE.
uthl9-tf. •
PIANO.—If yon want to purchase a nice
second hand rosewood cased piano, at a low
14-Its call at B. M. Weigel's, 1004 State St.
: Tits beat forms of notes and blanks n the
city-at the Observer office tf.
larb) abbtttisiants.
/LLANKEit BLANiBiII—A complete assort
ment of every kind of Blanks needed by
em Just! Constable' and Badness
Men. for Ws at the Observer Otßee.
IinIeLANIII:Iii BLANKS 1-- A complete assort
met J oey kind of Blanks
And needed
USSlOMSOlnloblis Businessby
id VitulganerVer omon,
ittb abbertionnents
Burton & Griffith's conift.
Prices have come b4llll,
13.14 Peach Street, inornP r I%
- -For partlaulara are Small Silk p
coma In and see ear
Reduced Pricef4 on Te a ,,
PARLOR AND (111Ult(ii
With "Harmonic Celeste" sal "Vq x
na" attachments. The “Ilarlos sf ro,.
partite wonderful clearnocs
tone, and must be heard to be aliprrt•Ll
tire' Vox Humana," besides bk•ln g
hip sweet, Is altpokt a perfe.ct
man voice. also,
Pianos, Melodeons, Guitar,„tec„*l,
Received as Soon as P 1031441
Second hand i4tatapt talt.ot 'at „
new °nem. Pianos and Mel, elpoti sto
Grover & nalter
S. M. WE:l(in
No. mut scat, strpo,
D - 1 1 1,U 4:46-1 - Srrs
I •
030 State . E rie, St {
St d , Ps.,
And Importers of
French Window GIN,
The public are respectfully adorned
Stock rat
Imported by us directly from tlmnt,,mt
In France Iv the largest and tm:
to he found wo.d of New York ea:L.
both single and double thlckne,of en
ry size. The superior strength, t
beauty of French glass is adtalttyl
prices are but little mole than
We also keep constantly on L tlaand a Lira.
varied supply of American Gla...,(drst sta. -
both single and double tliltkne...s. r; cad
every size. Dealers and consumer, in zn.-•
Glass will promote their interest by L.'s:2. •
our stock and prices of French and Ana••••
Glass, before ordering tram New York et
PainN, Oils and Varnishe,.
. White Lead of various
raw and boiled, Spirit:, Turixiitine, Van. •
Colored Paints, both dry and In
every other article in the P.dutlng,
Lowest Market Price In large ..r
Our Stock of Dye WOOM and Ityr•
complete, which we are grlllng wln
All the popular Medicines of nit r.
eat cash prices.
Drugs, Chemicals d Gino,
Our !supply of above articles )4 eXtens ,
are prepared at all times to supply
both of the retaUsnd Jobbing tmle.
Whale Oil,
Lard Oil
Tanners' Oil
Linseed Oil,
Both raw
\.• it', 1,0.4
And all kinds of Essential 01Ls, !a
small lots.
We express our thanks for t he 111.1 , 113 1 '
age received during the last twenty 11,1 ff
and now invite the attention of
our Wholesale and Retail I)epartment,
lire well supplied with Staple Goods,
aro selling at, lowest cash prices.
Page's Climax Salve, a Falun!
blessing for 25 cents.
, It 4
heals without' a sear. N
`- family should be without it.
eII arrant it - to Clue Serefali
Sores, Salt Rheum, Chilblains
Teller, Pimples, and all Eruption .
of the Skin. For Sore Breast or
Nipples, Cuts, Sprains, Bruin
Burns, Scalds, Chapped Hag%
&c., it makes a perfect cure.
It has been used over" of on
years, without one failure.
It has no parallel—havinu I' 6 ;
fectJy eradicated disease' and
healed after all other remedies bad
failed. It is a compound of Arab
with many other Extracts
:Balsams, and put up in lago
boxes for the same price than an.
other Ointment.
sou by Druggists eserrutirrr. Naito a /1°I:
Proprietors, lii Liloirty hrrrrt, N, York
For the Holidays!
Sliver & Plated Waie!
The largest amortment In town, at lave .
Do not fall to call on
MANN & FrsitE ll,
No. 2 Reed 31061
Two doors East of main entraner.