The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, May 14, 1868, Image 1

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    Eric EZltekir etturrber.
Wier is ResaltrWltiall BLOCK. (UP EITATIt9O
CORNER STATE . ST. Ann prj l 4.
alnßie .
eoples, paid srracrix in advanee.....B2 00
It not paid in ................ ........ 250
seb.geritiers,serred by carriers, Fifty Cents
'add I t ions'.
Two copies to the same person ... 400
Fire copies sent to ono a(1dre55,........ 10 OD
Ten COP .33 03
cloth+ rates apply only to those who pay in
11 tiGeri pilau accounts must be settled an
nually. So paper will be se known,ny person
crho.r res ponsibility is not unless the
pri ,.„ i s p.lid In advance.
following adhered vert g rates, which
1,, .trietly to. In reckoning the
length of a dvertisements, an inch is considered
falunre. Anything less than an inch is rated
13sq.tiou.114 c.T . Kr.! 3c.
2.2 7 1; 2.75; &ROI 7.001 12.00
a 5 4.00; 7.21,12.00, 2).00
4.00 5.00; R.50'.15.00 MOO
4.50 6.00,10.06,18.00; 30.00
7.00' MO 16.00 25.001 45.0)
!10.00',12.00,30.00,30.00 60.111
18.220.40 30.0050.00, 85. e)
30.2123.00 50.00 90.00 150.00
In.w.rtlons,l 8(1.2
- 1 sq.
1.00 1.75;
TT r weeks :L 2,s /
Thre °
W 3.00
Four weeks .. 2,20; 3.75
us ,nt !pi... 3,ga, 5.50,
Ihrre 0100(115 O.IA 8.00,
4, x ru nnthl...... &0012.00
Oue ...... 1200 20.00'
FAccutors and Admisabitnttone Notices $3
w b.; Atalitors' and Estray Notices $2 eneh.;
• Notices. set in tended Nonpariel,and
ta,erbd before 31.arrifra and Deaths 25 per
• in addition
by the parties, l 5 eta. per linear Fight
for first Insert ion, 12 cents_per forties
om• t
; ,na ten cents for each ettequent L uger _
• : Editorial Notices 25 cents per line,
_• Mar
rage; V cents: Deaths 2i tents,enelt.. , driver.
,ipments inserted every other Week; two-thirds
fun nee.. persons handing In adrertisensents
,hould state the period they wish them pub
otherwise they wilt be continued until "
o.nierea out, at
PIUNTLWG. xpense of the adverUsets.
bare one of the best SoliblngOillees In the
and are prepared to do any kind of
work , to large or small orders, at as reasonable
• nail In it.s good style tut atry establishment
the MllntrY.
til manitinicat icll‘ shontd be addressed to
Editor and Proprietor.
13110iness' Jlotitis.,
". ler of tills Pence, Fnn . ar Irall TRHMing.
y oOral-t r..
Attornry at Law, Peach street, above Union
ivr..a. Erb). Pa. noV67.
at t tw, Girard, Erie County, Pa.
.1,4•11.44 and other baqinema attended to with
; ramid masa and 111Kpatch.
Twhi,•n in Me, Whtteworwl; Cherrv, Ahh,
Talnut and Oak Lumber, Lath and Shinnlea.
oltr. %nate ,treet, North of It. R. Depot, Erie,
GEO. W. cluNsrso:sr
Attorney at Law, and Snatire nf- the Peace
re „o r , t i Lind Claim Agent, Conireynneer anti
Co!!Penn% Attlee in Rincierneeht'a block, south
,n;•it corner nf Fifth and State streets, Erie, Pa.
!NILE & RON, -
Book Binders and ftlank Book manufacturers,
r Keystone National Bank. Jyll'67-tr.
nut' 4" ELLIOTT,
rYnt kt, N0..50.4 Btste Sttrc4.4, apposi to Brown's
Hotel, Erie, Pa. Of4 - ro hothss from 111 , 4 A. M. to
It M., and from 1 to.:s'lt. . ocIOTI-tf.
miolewile and Rein Oenlere In Anthracite,
flitaminong and BluelnOnith Coal. Office corner and Ilith streetii, Erie, Pa.
7. R. 4ALT , IN N. NeWr-tf.] R.T. SAT:M.SMT.
Tire cer and Peeler In tltipii,Karley,
Malt, Ale., Lager, fie. Proprietor of Ale and
Lager WOWPriet and Malt Warehonsm Fite,
Pa. Jyl2T6-tf.
I).nntkt. °ince In Ilownzwelg's Block, north
gide of the Pork, Erie, Pn.
tuction and Comte Ission Merchants, anti Real
F-statc AQrntß. Are State street (corner Ninth,)
Erie, Pa. Advances made on consignments.
Conntry Vendoes attended to in any' part of
the eonntr.
Tailor and Clothes Cleaner, Union Block,
Mse. - c Dr. licnnett's office. Clothes made, clean
st and repaired on short notice. Terms as nen,
..,aable as any.
utorneys at Law, Franklin, Pa. Office in
K.IrN building, Liberty street. Pithole City,
P.1.,--office over Kemp's Bank, Holmden street.
Colicchons promptly made in ail parts of the
cft regfrnm.
Wh.lciale dealers in hard and soft coal, Erie,
Having Warmed of our dock property to
the above named firm, we necessarily retire from
:he Noll trade, recommending our sum - lows; tut
,ndnently worthy of the confidence and patron.
fgP of our old friends and the public.
ja.TKI-t f. SCOTT, RANKIN 6: CO.
P. P. 7171:MN. A. WIELDER.
:fanufacturera and Wholesale Dealers tn. Tin,
.!a an and Pres,(4 Ware, Stove MIK; Stove
Trimmings. &c., Waterford, Erle Co., Pa. Or-
:dery by mall pFomptly attended to.. Jan 9.
Dpposlte rdion Depot. Erie, Pa.. Jas. Camp
sell, proprietor. House open nt all boors. The
bar and table always supplied with the choicest
:hat the markets :Mord. lebZYtie-ly.
corner of French' end Seventh 'streets Erle,
Illeuner C Johnson proprietors. (loo( horses
unl earriagex nlwayn on hand at moderate
prteee. Jyl2-tt
3f. .A.R3ISTRONh & CO.,
Naceeksors to Walker A. Armstrong, Whole
sale and Retail Dealers In Anthracite and,l3l
- Coals, Wood, Iron Ore, Se. Office 8.
W corner of Twelfth and 3lyrtle streets. Post
Office, Lock Box 33, Erie, Pa, -
ll.i. Aatt9TRAY6. idcl9-tr.l, 'J. BOLI;ANSLIZE.
, cif:l.NX & BARRETT,
PhvglOans and Surgeons. Ofllce No. 10 Noble
Block. Office open day and night. Dr. Barrett's
rrc!deue's, a 34 West sth St. myl6'67-lys
Union Milla, Erie .Co., AI. George-Tabor,
proprietor. Good rireommodittions - tmd mode
rate charges. _ my9'o7-tf.
Phy,lelan and surgeon. Mee. Park St.,
,user Haterstlck's flour ntore,—boards at the res.
Steam of C. W. Kelso, 2d door month of the M.
E. Church, on' sassafras street. Office bourn
from ll it. in. until 2 p. M. mylo'6l3-tr.
H. V. cLArs,
Denier in ail kinds of Family Groceries and
Prolslona, stone Ware, dre.,and wholesale lleal
r In Wines,Llquora, CisamkTobacco, Sc., No. 28
Fast Fifth street, Erte, Pa. jefrrft-tf.
F. J. FRASER, M. D.,
11 .unoliathie Phyhiclan and Surgeon. Odle*
lud chlenee tr2S Peach St.. opposite the Park
Rouse. °Mee hours from 10 to 12 a. ro„ ?tos p.
:a., and; to p. tri
JoHN H. :11.ILLAR,
tn II Engineer and Surveyor. Residence cor
ner sixth street and East Avenue, East Erie.
cippedte Union Depot. A. W. Van Tassel],
P'Prietor. 'louse open at all hours.'Tahle and
oar , upplied with the best In market. Chargem
Corner Peach and Buffalo sts. John Boyle,
Drnprtetor. 13est of accommodut ions for people
the country. Good stable attached.
irl,2: 68-17.
Sr State Street, Erie, Pa
Having lately removed my stock Into more
caramodlone and pleasanter quarters, I am pro•
Pared to offer new Inducements to my custo
mer% I have on hand a well selectad stock of
whivil I offer very low.
Cu.toru Work attended to.
mllls-3m. • 'GEORGE Ztßti
A.{ , id a groat variety of , !: • • ..,
r Ni 1C GOODS,
AT AUSTII 4 II3; ' "-
hrICOn Bulging., 28 N. Park Placiitri co.
Next door to Blerchnut's Union ExPresett.
A cork of SAOOO worth of elegant and fash
ionable goods will be ofered, for the next three
al 'attig, at a very great reduction in Prim '-
Tile Flock le all new and purchased at lower
rate ° Of gold than now, and determined to avoid
losles In future, small prollte and cash transac
tions shell benefit alike gustOmer sad dealer.
,LairtY Years established' in Erie. ha the garde
""mess may be some guarantee that no ggreat
imonnt mierepreaentation will be employed,
btaJnia enough Old Fogy and Young America
, Plrit to warrant sate transactions and good
t glains.
SILVER C)O'45:4N glielEa;
For eale timemade to order. Watches and all
Of keeper* exarjearelry carefully re ,
tared and warranted: Give me a call
Earr67-tt. T. Bd. AUSTIN.
SA USAGE' 13-4
Of the beat 11=4 at
_ 9. OF.A.PEN'S.
l art-tr
C . 13 PRINTING of ever: Rind; in bum* os
quatiUes, plain or colored, done in
0e4 3 74, 2 1pe. and. at moderate prices, at the.
adt3ruzi , 14:W3j—A complete
linaorys to . lael7 kind ofneeded by
&teat Webber:4er Mee* Susi
. .
. .
•f :i :.1:
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VOL. 38.
orocitits; 13LObiltl; drrgiti 6".
_ • ... • - t
Nifbc4i wale guad,F44ol
witiin AND
Sneceasor to F. & 3t. Reldindecker, ie now re
ceiving a aplendld ailsortinent of
„ -
— iiftoCltltl3*. • ritovialoris, cninzs, :-
Liquol n V xi lV a 7otdfal• Stone Ware
txaliargstock o
' Call and see .'
43roctery 14esidqtwrOrp s
American Block, State et.. Erie,Pra. ,
mye'67-tf. p.thiratrbtcmig;• •
Wholesale . autilletall dr4fei ziy Store.'
North-East cornet Park and Pr . ench St.,
Would respectfully call the attelition of the corn
, their large stock of
Groceries; and Provisions.
Which they are deitrous toiell it
THE _VERY LowEer possratat PRICEBI
SUgars, Coffees,. teas, Syrups,
• Toastras, F7BH. &c., •
le not surpassed la the city, smithery are prepared
to prove to all who elve theta a
They also keep on hued a superior let of
for the wholesale trade, to witch they Aleeet
the attention of the public.
Their motto Is, "Quick sales, +ill -profits and
a frill equivalent for thenumey... apirea-tf.
Carpet & Dry Goods Hougo
A complete stock of Sheetlnip, Prints, A:urns,
Cloths, 'Backings, Flannels, Irish and French
Poplins, Alohalrs, Alpacas, Delaines,dte. Also,
wurria Goons. UOBIERY•
CaWand get prices before purchasing.
aPr3'B7-Iy. No. 506, Marble 'Prent, State St.
Dry Goods ! Dry Goods !
" The lowest and best stock of I
Cloths, Cloakings, DeLaines, Alpacas, LcOns,
Mohairs, Silks, Black and Colored, Thiblt,
Cashmere, FSilk, Brocha and Paisley
Shawls, White Goods, Hosiery,
Notions, se., 4Se.
Goods marked down to meet the market. No
trouble to show goods. Call and examine.
mY23'Bl-1.9. RosENzwElo & BRO..
• Farms for Sale.
wE OFFER for sales number of good Farms
in different parts of the county at mate
rial reduction from farmer prices. Buyers
ghohld not fall to see our list before purchasing.
FIRST FAB,M.I.Is 38 acres, $ miles west of the
City, fair buildings, orchard of grafted fruit, all
kinds of fruit, soil all the best Of gravel -and
black walnut soiL We think we any safe In
saying that no better small place can be Matt
in the county. Buyers can learn more portion.
tars from J. A. Freach„Edl French street, a form
er owner, or John H. Carter, the present, owner.
SECOND the David Russell place,
and formerly a part of theThos.2laLetaproper
ty -74 acres, about ten 'acres timber which ass
not been culled; 2 story new frame dwelling
house,pew barn; Fences good. Mee, PAD:,
about 23,500 In hand. Soil—all of the best sand
' ' •
and gravel.
We believe the above Linos in point of soil,
character of the nei gh borhood, schools, church
el4, de., de., offer attractions seldom found in
Iris county, and more, they are cheap.
S Building Lots, Price swa,
3 "g " " - - In Out Lots: 239
and 200, north east corner Buffalo and Chestnut
streets. This desirable property Is abotit 1.13
rods from the depot, dry gravel soil,g.ood water.
A number of -fine Dwellings and a iargeatore
have been bdllt on tho block this season, and
quite a number more will be built -the coming
year. We think thesn'to be the hest InVeste
ments In a small way now offering. Tetras $I)
In hand, balance on time.
Modern Style, Complete Flatah, all the Mod
ern conveniences; situate on Myrtle, between
Ninth and Tenth streets—the Dr. Alailldlts. pro
pe Clty Lot. ,
At great reductiolua number of Private Res.
!deuces; at prices much reduced. NOW is the
time to get bargains.
A number of Lots on Third and Fourthatreets
between Holland and German. Terms $5O to
$lOO In hand, balance on sly, years' time.
laa)-tf. HAYES & KEPLER.
HE UNDERSIGNED offersfor sale his vain
able farm, on the Kuhl' rctad, in Harbor
Creek township, one mile south of the Colt Sta
tion road, and - eight miles from Erie. It con.-
tains fifty-five acres and eighty perches all
proved and in the highest state of cultivation,
The land is equal to the very best in that sectiOn
of the county. The buildings comprise a 2 ate.
ry frame house withl% story kitchen and good
cellar under the whole; wood house and work
house; 2 barns, each 80MI5 feet; a shed:o feet,
longwlth stable lathe end ; and all the necessa
ry outbuildings. A first class Well of soft water,
which never fails. Is at the kitchen door. There
is an orchard with , 140-apple trees, all grafted,
and bearing; and an abundance of almost eve ,
other kind of fruit grown in this neighborhood.
The only reason why I wish to sell is that I am
going West to embark • In another occupation.
Terms made known by applying to me on the
premises, of - to Hon. Elijah EabbiA Attorney
at-Late, Erie, Pa. • J. A. FIAAWELL, •
deal-41. POSCOincelAddresa. Erie, Pa.
- 1801 Peach St., on. Matt= HOCUPO.
News Dealer and Stationer,
And Dealit in
Flacana and Domenic Cigars,
Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, •
Alt the ' '
R,eceived itamEdLotely upon publimtlon.
AVING sold oar entire stock of Furnitare
IA to J. Wi Ayres, 'We hereby tluutk the com
munity for their libera. patronage to as, hoping
theywdl extend the same Intim, We will de
vote our Ulna hereafter (utile
• With Memnon% of J. W. Ayres we still hold
our office in the seine old
_place, 71. S State Attie,
where wilt be found at all nines ready at
to the Wants Of the tionimunlig . our line o.
Ready Made 'coffins !
Trimmed to order, Metallic - arid Burial
Wei,' stylEn and ilzea,: offhand t also,
Shroud ant Coffin Trimmings. Undertaken_
will And IL to_their4airantana to buy them - or
us, as we cannot beundersold westcdiNarniillt
aprkr /U-Iy.', .• •• • WOO= Slr
Erie,- ah
Jos. D. Clark. c o l lrmot Clark ietealf,
and John 44. p,ot ,I, I m 0 Arm isfli. lot,
Goodwin it Ckk, tut g omand t that far
the purpose of d in wireaniti ,
Parked Seco e InoBo atiprutkßeok.,.
ono~gabe of 4
axe...4 who disogived nalarlikipinthe t
f Aprll, LIM The !from or wain Goodwin
pai‘abadiseariagmoritatakette ~, iding = e,,
fora -ooni.M=rir of:the - patroange! re
elven tts: -: . 1:::4111._"..) ,e,,r.] . -.. !. ', : lipatio
. . • . . . .. . .
• IMM!pI at liedgcat.;;9m4l4
ftd4f. Ct.O".;WM
Theirlusorticoont of
MIT 48 gobs.
Farm for Sale.
s - Pena's.
„„.},Lom, ftuiw
lloolland'i Germ 'Tonic s '
rho great Remedies Sir aU Distance of Die Dirt;
Stomach or Digestive Timms
gooftiotro BITIEã
Is composed . 01 thopureitilces (or, weber are
inotticleally.termea. Estracti9 Of Roots,
Herbs a n d-•flarim,llor, maul& a prepsra•
mom highly airmen- Al trated and entirely
free Trent alcoholic -. !Mansion lA, my
- 1 4 1 04.40k,fil.eneali:
re i eambflaititiia of ¢ll the !novel - eh& ttr tkd
sitte with' the sweat. quality of Banta erns
Runt,ate.,t tasidiftt um' :of nut snout
lic. e pub
an.4rceabie retnetklel otverufkred to
Those perlentog a tefeaftnit, Wpm - Aloe-
Itolitulidmnttaremltl ate ' - , 7 -
„ .
Those who have no °Weal= tt) he c°ulblll*'
tlon of the Bitter; na tanted, crlttret-::
They are both nallyikood, au contain the
same medloiaal the cholas Wows the
two heinirtitaere matter of taste, the Topic he
llo thalami table. e • •
The from' a variety of main; 'ouch.
its to Rya- , periadiesyotUl DP;
etc., very irj ap to vs fun&
bona deranged . The • Liver, sympathizing
awaloody lt, dose ladth Liver,
then becomes afßoted,, the molt of which la
that the'lent suffers from aoyerit - or more of
the followtowdisoatiell: ' "• •
„ .
ipmstipation; FlatuleMee, , DiWard
pea of Blood to the Head., doddity.ild the fitomi
Itch. Nausea, Heartburn,. D FGOFTII I 2: 2
nest or Weight In the Stint.
eons, Sinking or Flutteflng -attrhePit the
fitornachifi t at theaftoid.: Harried or
Mikan • Breathing, Fluttering at ,the Heart,
chtdiang Or, Sunbaating Sensations when - in
lying poiettcre. Dimness of-Vision; Dclts or Webs
before the' Sight. Doll Pain in ape Head, Deft.'
Riefler of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin
and linpes„Pain ip Matilde. Back, Chest, Linda,
ete.,Sudden 'Plashes of Heat, "Burning of the
Flesh. Comdata Imaginings of Evil and Great
Depression of Spirits.
The sutabmi fromthese dbwatetisbessid ores'-
else the greateat motion fa the selection of a
remedy for Ma case. pUrchtutiUg 01111,
that which he is se-11 suxed from " Ids ht.
vestMaticawand efl." q els! ft* possesses,
true meri% is skill.: Mll9 compounded is
free front infusions ingredients Sad hes set b.
'MUM far itself is reputation the the cure of
these diseases. In this Connection we would
submit these Well-known remedies—
/100'F',1441 ro.s
Prepared by
Philadelphia, Pa.
Twenty-two years since they were first intro
duced into this country from Germany, during
which Lime they have undoubtedly performed
morn cures, and benefitted suffering humanity
to o greater extent, than any other remedies
known to the-public.
p I a tut, . Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Cluonic
or Nervous Debil ity,
, amnia Diarrbcea,
Diseases of the Md. ' bays armlet' digest&
- ear arisint,frorn a dlei • : -ordered-' Liver,
dtatuach„ or Lutestines. - . ;
tiElll X..ITY'.•
Resulting !rim) any' c}we
don or the System, mdmdi by' Severe
Labor, Hardships, Raja:Stare,
There Ls no Medicine extant equal to these
remedies in such cases, A tone and vigor Is un
parteld to the whole 'system, the appetite to
strengthened, food Is enjoyed, the stomach di ,
testsprdmptly, the blood is . -puffed, the com
plexion becomes wand and healthy, the yellow
tinge le eradicated from the eyes. a bloom 15
given to the cheeks, and the weriXimd nervous
Invalid - becomes , a strong and bealtby being.
snafu advancistin life, and feeling
of time weigNeavily upon them, with. all
its sittendanti will, find In the use of this
or the NI/7, as elixir that - will in
siti into their veins, restore in a meas
ure the new andardar of more youtbfuldaya,
- band up their abrmiken'fortm4aud eve health
and happiness. to their remaining years. • •
It is a well establikflectfact th at fully oho-Pall
of thbfernalo portion.' ' • of 'our - poPtaallon
aro soldoutin theenv .joyinent• good
health"; • or, to use , Li thole Own eaPres
olon. "Agate., lee r They are lan
'saki, devoid of OH energy, ortro , inoly lifrvong,,
and nave no appetite. • -
tivt-hlselsas ot peawtU the RITTER/4. Or the
_TONIC. Is eeperlnlly reectrulideti ! - _
. ,
Weak maidelicatecitikitmi•Wre madestrous
- by the use df a ither of these remedies.. They
will cure every case of MARABBILTS, without
lall....ThiXtlialubf of eertiflouteli havebbeturiuln
ted the betide of the liroptietoz. btit sluice
will allow of but few. Those,ltwill be observed.
:are men of note end of MlNl,stantling that they
must be believed. ." •
Lx-Chief Justice of the Supreme Court or
Penngylvimin, writes:
• ' * PffILADELPHiA: March . lb, ISM
find Hoodand's German Bitters is a
good tonic s . useful in A diseilaea of itte.: di.
,restive' oins, atal of rust' benefit In
eases of debillitpAnd • Want of Tiervous se
tioriln the System. Yours tralyy_
Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
il ,1868.
"I consider Hoorland'aGertnan liters a valu
able medicine in mac Of attacks of indliteldloo
or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my expe
rience. Tomtit/Ith' respects
Pastor of the Tenth Baptist Church, Phila.
Du. jaezereir—Dear Sir :-I have frequently
been requested to connect EAT IMMO with lea
ommendatimui of different kinds of medicines,
but regarding the practice as out of ray ep ir*.
priate sphere, I have in all cases deelbuxi; hut
with a Clear proof in variant initaneft,
and- partioubirly In AT my men •family, of
the usefulness 0f1ir.. , 111 r•4lloodand's- German.
Bitters, d depart for oncr front Jay usual
Ourse to exprees.My fall colaviction
4 =
Genera Debility of the-System, and
for Liver Complaint.' it la a safe and valuable
preparation. In some, eases it may fail; bat,
=roily,* finnan not,tt will be vary beneficial to
thoserwiro suffer from the above cause, ' I
Tours very, respectfully - . •
Eighth, below.COatet, A
. .
. _ _
Aksist,lnt Edittsipitristian
I have derived decided benefit from We nut of
Hoonand'a Gorman Bitters. arcl Relit my ftriv-
Urge to recommend them as a load ,Taluable
tonic to all who are auffertn+korn General De
bility or trout Amapa*, derange
won of - the Itttn.. TOO Vin'
-- ' - • "
I - 0A.1.77D1DX.
e V t tr f P
• ed.::fir c e. the ells-
tax:a:cilia T 1
tutt - TVe op;
medicine ' - 1 0 (6. Areim idreet,thile•
rkifi" " i§P4tlr.
AnnierWtadatp. VO,
• . '
litiortrase Ckatiaillattarit;p6tlio6tle. /11 oo
vmr.toilt doom CO
or a far
11160.111 60 Hootaadpar Iptcla 'a German To ooP Vit4*
.. .
• .4)14 , 1 3 lc •
O r btan
itrAXt l a s e c faet.WW.U . l0 11 0; 010
• . ..r
.„ . .
..Alaib. Mat aft Ole iftervelis sod Illeblldated
wlnao aufkringe have been geotracted :Horn-
Idghten Mud anti wboysesseit rtatilrearomPt
,trattiltent Id raider adatestee &drably. Hy=
an igillidinfor bsvissullbred from Involgatarf
ditichargek edidefilitt. date It lacidueelnpan
Feargetattathadth tlb ran bed weak, &hill*
latedieedly tired, Does a Unisex:artily pro
dace palpitalket of, the . heart , s Does year liver ,
minima organs, or roar. kidneys. freoneettv
tet oat of laden , Is tannish& somethiutethiek,
nillazr, azicky, orbs it rapit tes settling,' Or does
a thick soma dieingtur top, Or is if sediment
itt. Me bottom /Mien. hid Slued awhile, Do you
have spells eisteile breathing , Or dyipepoilit
Ate your bowels constipated? Do - you have
spetlN or:filinl4 l 4 oi*ilibAti.,f 'NO; to tiniheadt
I ,
. 1 . 041 . memory lid, .Di Year
_ M tat wa
xily* dwellingtiloon this litiblett , B 4 0 feel
dulehtleas moping , tired of company., ofilfe,
Do yoliWisk; to be left 04n0; to , Set away fl i text
ev1irib.941, 1364311 , - Silt WO Wag * mak° Yon
ink etr i lmw Talton: B,l°Bo peultectorjeetlesi?
tr4il t
;1 1 e i*lfe of T i trneYe dilaill*ut, Thetattma
, Ytatiotiocit 1 00414? Da Ye* Ou) 0 T TOamelf
s ociety 4 *lt t "DaTaaPtixtiP.P.YmrAaJl4"
fitut the =Op, ? ..Po's.44-490..15, lilueli
n l idegveinYCl* l[2 43 1 1 ylAti".l4rita. AIWA
elburginit giverito Elf sof melancholy? ff so;
do not lay It to your liver or dyspepsia,_ Have
you leaden nights t Otrotir back weak, your
eta Ireak, add bye but Uttuiappettte; and
you attribute thialo.dyspepd a or liver Om.
Now, reader,selt.dinsikvinereeldidaiabid
ly minsi t artd serial oatmeal areal cartatile of
producings wealtneeibt the gerterattve ovum.
of generathm, when in perfecelniath. snake the
man. Did yen everthink that those tield, den.
std. enenpitie, pendevai iiir at scents
men are always those whose:geneiatlve organs
are in tartan health? Yon lGrier heir such
ram complain of beingmelalsehOly, of tie'rsmis-
Wm, 01 ,PlaPitatlata of They are nay
of !Dahl titleY MAW. Weld& in busload:Ailey
*Wt . become sail WA discoaregedt Abel ire 'al.
wart Ponta andidetatiost frith° company of'isc,
illoy eed look youand Aherne** in the latio—
sumcylf YPerdolmesst batiks br anY tithe:Mean
ness about,them..l depot mean those who keep.
thetegans Inflamed tirrunnlng to tatoess..Theee
villllaut only nun their ,constitutions, but also
ft., they do busines - with. oz. for. '-
IlOw many Inert from badly eared &song.
, m the abets of self-Aimee anileaceisCe E have
brought about that state of weakliest' In time
organs that has reduced the, general miens so
tour / haat° itidueo almost every other disesile.-
idiocy , lui/s o 3lPanairels. gAtai affections. - ea
cidei and down every; enter Aim °Oilseed
tt . ldelt humanity is hdr to. and the ttalcanse of
ibe trouble scarcely' eve{ . s uspected ;' and have
doctored for satin the right otatv '
Meade of•thyme:idiot' require tile Ott of a
diuretic • BiguilsxlrEt 71.171 D turrater
BUCHI7 Is the great:ribretfeoind is a certain
cure fordiseusee of the Blidder, Eldneyi„ timi
d, Dropiy, biginie Weakness, ' Yerdale COM.
plaint's, fieneral Debility' and all dimmed of the
Urinary Organs, whether existing in: male or
female, twee whatever (SUM) originating, and
no Matter of hew long standigt. " •
If no treatmint la- Relearned to Consump.
Hon or Insanity may ewe. On: ylesh and
Tilood are supported train tbese sources, and
the health and haptdued, and that of posterity,
depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy.
Ilelinbad's Extract , Bache, established at.:.'
wards of IS years, prepared by
/ H. T. HELMIIOLD. Druggist,
ciCD et. oata w ara to w Toth. and 101 South Nth
ParcE-41.25 per botile, or 8 bottles tor KEA
delivered - to sup address. Sold by all DTtleglatil
pverywttere. ito3rBr.
A Cart to Ike Liol/OAF—
Iu Correcting • irregularities, lienreniing Olcr•
sin:wilco," at tire IIi:UAW Turns, tram whaler•
er anise, arul always suer essful as a preventa
Id removing obatinctien and restoring nature
to its proper channel, quieting the nerves and.
bringing back the " rosy color of health"' to the
cheek of the moat delicate. '
Full and explicit illrectiotie aheomptiny each
Price Si per box, six boxes $5. c.Sold by one
druggisairk every town, village, city and hamlet
thrmighont the trorlcL Bold In Erie py,J. B.
WINO. dc CO.. druggist% hcolitagents -for the
city.- • , , . 3 _ ,
Ladles by sending them el through - Ahe Post,
Orrice, am have the pilla sent (congdentlally)by
mall le any part of the country, free of postage
S. P.llOWg, Sole Proprietor,
rny9'sT.4y. Nei' York.
I NEW Puirorlos
rhaleWs "Nish inewsiag 4:l4ima:t
Pimlesi's • ~*lllsimilll,•lreMed Cu..."
, 4 S
Pfigbit Bleidesisig Ceseisset
Plualimit; `'A):*tifbe,Elleatuhaig Corpus: ,
Iltbalaries Biessisig Ocremii.n,
A most eaqu6iie..,lakaie:and Frarsat I" : arturv.
ari I'd from tge rare sad boa:infra flower fro?
tvkleklt fakeslialeefee, -
litamitactnitaio7l7 , ' g'• ' . 4
• • 1n11,111401‘ :11r , SOW, NowflirePlL
iniWZleg • ,
W. creme euttt.:;-A' gentleman Who sufibr.
ad for yearn from Nerious Premature
Decay and all the effects of youthful indiscre. -
Don, will, for the Sake- of suffering' htrixtanityt .
send free to all who tieed-it,. the recipe and' 411:.'
recUonefurtanklittthenimPlereniedr b3r yrhle4
he %Mb cured. Sufferers wishing torirollt by the
advertiser's experieucepus doso braddresidwir,
in perfect couddence. JOEIII a itiODKN.
rityl6ll7-Iy. • 42 Cedar St; /few York.
To tOoittotritaTla77, The Rey.. Edward A.
Wilson W iwi tiend (free of choice) te'all who de."
sire it, the_prescription with the directions for
, making and using the simple remedy by:which •
heswan red of a lung affection and that dread
disease Lvastuaption. Tile only object is to ben
eat; the aiiiicted. and ho hopes, every sufferer
will try this prescription, to it will coat them
nothing, and may prove a blessing. Please ad
No. 165 South Second Street,
r0y16117-Iy. Wilihnnaburghill. Y.
.Leibeasea.,..-Inibrusatkat •. guaranteed , to
produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon bald
head or beardless face. also a recipe" for them
moral of Pimples. Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on
.tbeSkln, leaving the sumo loft, clear !nal bean.
tlftft; cant* obtaltiedelthobt ellargehy adalrelW
Ins " 5 mos. F. cum. Chemist,
myltrill-ly. • FM Broaden , New York.
No. 70i siaia fit, Nal",
Stoves -Tin Ware alit Sheet
It OIV • SIVA. • • •
A large assortment of
- 1410'00.*.kip 4i4j;
TIN uoortt4to '•;ro - 'ORDER
. • , •
. .
' Notici. -
(IN I TFIE leth Dit.leOF MARCH, HO, F. Rau
l...E.,and V. Bansehard,jr.4..rettred
I- oza the duo pf samehard, Cilotb 400...und0*
the ram* day Wm: Bhutto and Fredetieklatudte
became merphersof thersame.- ..21M Matlunne
hereatterlanl be Olothi aistatia BM., who will
Continue thollaalk Pool abol th. =IMF . =
nemiat i tout
.trt 3lJ lS t l'i;e' c .' e rc l=ribirst.
o=llll litsdbalpe.
our former en willeottillttlebr /lIRVIX WI
with their! patronage, miming them that we
baitoharegel etribtetergtvt ~. . . .. ..
. .•.:. I ~- ,:10. , - ..;11:17.• ••• z. 7 , , ' 6 :it: Jp9F.-
1 ~ , L 1.; ~..:'..1, ~IT i...! q . • .4.1, lic z ; i. • ' •
.36140, blailValbgwol i .r.; ..: - .a . ; , •.. . ..IP.' 1 •
, • - : - "Boalt-Motati Waited; -
sOoldlcr sad Maternal:. - Ain Agurs to
tairof ttlimmutry anti . amen one
faro ottani eabtfls9 Moak Onity
4i Cit; We l & 8 e =tr ees
ergatiollejl isiNgr
AFTERNOON, AT AY 14. 1868.
iti...• .
- s .•iiNgIOCILyft
- kw months now and the , Pmakinntial
campaign will limn In all im algarmitk can
ablates in the dad representing the r diatinet l
hroAssuefi PT Wili.toolidati• smialsatioa, and
*KW . thal Idandy andurtequiroadb. kith*
4Aetive- are
'rug made for the struggle, and it will utt. orta 'of ths:mostillarerlY;o?n
-tisted'lti of the ottilen:! Every
• llte most
stihbouriutd . amteintiatut mistetWt fib the
tart 'or z ge BMW& %%theta* efforti cif the
people+ 'Wrist *Out them the iiiiieasi3Ower
11 4 4ch#APY lkim,•leize4o; uphold:their .base
''f'Thi DernixtiatiC party begini ituicarapa*
under, the mega auspicious &eating:um
with a cor4denee to suceesS,lazi enthusiasm
for the cause, and a vigorode 'self vellaneAs
that has not beetffnerienced in years.
The late elections thole' conclusively that a
vast malority of the nation are ready to ea
venturous standard if itiOnly prove thithful
tcrour cieed,Mid'eontintie toitand:firmly by
the interests of the country.
B tit • to =Ow victory Certainiiotnemni:
more is-necessary than mere dependence up
on *troth of our principles. In the flush
Of -self-confidence, we are apt to -forget
a vigilant enemy we have to overcom e, and
,what deitperate measures he isapt to resort to
torattade his ends. Political batileajthe those
Of a More Mod, nature, depend for their re•
sults more on the skilLechirage, determination
And energy of the cdn testing. fbis thatinpon the
sacredness 9f - theie4iwie;er airs o:a:ivied* of
the participats; The Pernocricy of America
have always stood forth as devotedly attached
to the Union, the. Constitution' and . the wel7
fare of the counttv as , they do to-day; Vg.t ,
for seven years they have been divested of
power, and it is Only when the'people are
amused Conn %heti. dahndon *the imperilled
condition of the public hitereats, .that 'they
have again returned to ni that:;,Conildence
which it would have been well if they had
never, partettivith. '
• The allthmunant necessity ol4he day, on
the' part of on Statical tHeada :- Irk
WO= i t .WOREC
We Inns!, le thoroughly tiripudzedand pre
pared, kir the campaign. Every •_nsan must
consider that lie owes , a parionat duty In ltie
matter, as Indeed her does"; far' there is no one
do humble, but he is ht some we); inoreor less
eenceined in the lashes at Make,: tU the atzthissed, so tbat tie may
know wliereit will be most advantageoui to
employ our . energies. The young men must
be encouraged to lend a helping hand. , Those
who have-been led astray mum •be brought
back to the fold, and Detrideratic argnmenfi.
placed in their reach, that they may know .
the distinctive questions- . 7 which divide par.
ties, and no longer be Enhded by the wiles and
falsehoods of t h e Opposition. • •
'What we have said before we now miter.
ate,,-and intend, reiterating.. until we, have
waked the Democracy uplo a Bill conscious
non of its , trutlii that the. 121309 i 'effectlvg
Weapon' toweids, ttuccese,is wide distrau
tion of sound and etrrightforteard kettlir,es;
Papers. ; .
One good Journal in a family will do more .
towards moulding its political Convictions
than' all other infintnass, and fil copies cir-.
dilated is any hicality. for six months .will
accomplish mom efficient service than a doz
en costly mass meetings.
The Democratic p,arty has never displayed
that zeal in supperting its press that it need
ed, and to that Case, as Vaneb , M anything
•elsej may be attributed its nits' fOrtuttelt during
the last ten yCatit' In - .'all sections of the
country---even in the midst of the strongest
Democratic ldealitles-;:-the ihnlicar press is
More lithe:rally sustained than ours, and in
Many Platea,the contrast is so greet as al-
Most"to amount to a disgrace.
The time bas come for these things to be
changed, and for the .Democratic party' to
enter upon a new method of.warthre. Our
papers ought to be spread broadeistover the
land, and take the'place of those Which are
now defiling :Me . 446 of the yciun,g • and
lilting them witforrong ideasof Republican
liberty. Our public men should avail them
selves of every opportunity that offers to lot:
press. the importance of these •views, on the
attention of the masses. Our locii•leideru
'should Caere 4 point' of devoting 'Whatevr
spare: . ttme they can jowaide 'strengthening
'theirconntY Organs by procuring theirfriende
and neighbors', patronage. • •
- The low" price of TWO DOLLOISper
year at which the Observer is now offered;
if paid in i adrWnee, ought to ensure the doub
ling of our subscription list inside of the next
six months: ' • •
Bift .to place it within the reach of all. we
offer to take .ice saanasabseriptiona at ONE
DOLLAR in adranto, with the privilege of
commencing a any period desired, and of
•continuing the paper at the same rate for the
balance of the year if desired. ,
"Now la the time to begin the work, befbre
• the Inking operations set in, and.whlleyoters
haVe time to read, and reflect over "the facts
.presented to theta.. ; Let. it not he delayed
under•therimpressioa that the mattercan be
as well attended to by-and-by: 1 More ad
vantageous Work can be rendered during the
next two months than coil be performed dur
ing the entire bets* or the cahmaign. A
six monthW . subscripthio'cornmering
the ne=t two months; will I.cOritinne until
near the close of the catakign,•end have=
immense Influence overthe MIMI' of the Vo
tee who pertwes.the paper. ,
We earnestly urge this important' 'matter
I*(o,m (fiends as by all odds the Most re:
liable to of helphig the catibe : -'• "• •
Let everyone, of our present uuhseribers
seeliallemoctstio neighbor atone, and if
hei is sots( pstrein etfeady, Weide-Min went,.
seiritUi'far,?4 inOntits; if he cAnpbi for a
Let those who can, afford it, Send envies to
hesitathisr rotere;;l#
support9ni; - 4 *nd iditil a the ne x t election.
het c1ui11kb . 004.044 :1*440 ten,
twenty or :flfte , copies thr free distribution
wherever these likely to be:tt -vote 040.
Let this be tbn itand preparatots work' of .
the eampsign,tind be assamlthstiihin nri er.
AO me:Sas:ere itef sry,toere.prtll be
,abundance.. 4.)*Ylolberitlir!sveliiirt
tome. - - .
Nd Intend that; tin the result 'of, the con
test "last it may , no one Ong the op
. .0 1 mi4lIti.‘ 010.10.0.&kaso
~, trbkinisatir ttirnt4eißiezt , irfu edil be
mancvigerassad ddetapskaollbler is 114 . 4
vivevotticii,uttyr 1401 , 6:gab'
:ba.peoGuetive a(llte 10051, beneficial matt
At4,-,M* 441 ;141 1 " 1 /--
_CP'Oeg atiOn aOre
hare a rigkraa etepeet ntitir the Deemer&
ct of , the North-Wati ate* ithpelled by tan!).
- tidial@Sia as
t* hearts ow., Maids - throuirhoatithe
State. jalS4f.
ruiwrim is sent rititerre Doz..
Tthe_ wetui iptilu brawn drew,
awake k *tato ophmer ;
Tp fee ber, kaki es &mouse •
_ (doing about her allyer house,
Tort would never never never gut% •
The Wiy she gets ter Monet ! •
She looks as if no thought of ill
In ali.btr We hid +dined,her
• But while ithe mores with autfid tread,
• -Aid Willie she aphis her silken thread,
• She is plannint, planning, planning still
. The way to do so nte Iniuder!
_ .
4y_child,.who rearthis'idinple lay
With eyes &min dropt grid tender,
Remember the old proyerVessys -
Ask pretty is which pretty,does,
And tbst worth does not go nor stay
Forjeverty spieldor,
'Tie not.the house, and ndt the dress
That makes the Aatjlt oj Ablner.
'To's& the spider:sit and - spin,
Shut with her Webs of sihei
You woubizerer, neirennever girea
, The way she gebkher,dinnerl r .
WHAT victim r Tllol7Girr JinorT:
"dod when are you andliste going , to be
married r ,
The speaker was one of twee young men;
smoking agars in a - private room.
"If von mean Kate' Kelso, never. It's all
very well to dance with such a girl. but no
poor man would think of marrying her." •
"Why not. Fmk?" She's handsome, sc..
cotnplished, in the very best set, deems ez-,
quisueli es.y, and will have a fortune when. Mr.
Kelso' d"
'"Look here, Charley; do you think I'm a
fool? I - can't afford to marry Miss Kelso ; and
it is just because Ghats Ih the &shlunableset,
dresses • expensively .•• and . has • expectations
d'om her father. I ata ouly hezianing to sue
ceed at the her. It Is slim time, as you know
from your own experience as a physician, be
fore a isrgelnemnrcen - bretened in a pro.,
fession. As yet I am not _earning ',such an
income. Miss Kelso has been brought up'
Inittriotesly. • Her' Either - keeps • a carriage,
goes to a watering-place. every simmer, and
entertains constantly when at home. . Kate
is so accustomed to the excitement of society,
WI been sOmuch admired and flattered, has
had her-every wish so. anticipated, that the
prosaic life -of a wife, on 'Loamy income,
would soon destroy any little romance, with
which she might enter the marrledatate. Her
-very dreams, my dear fellow, would at u p .
hall my earnings." • _ .
. • "Ithink you are hard on her. Any true
,woman,'-if she marries ,the man she loves,
win cheerfully, submit to sacrifices for hie
°Bo it is said, And so, hi Justice to the sex,
must of thew at least, try to do. But, Mar
ley, old fellow, you mud I know, from our
own experience, that habit is stronger than
good resolutions. ; . man,' btiought 'up in
Inxary,ean neser , live as cheaply, if he gets
poor. as Meson -of a pour.: man. Nor can
grump either'. A =homes daughter is not
thegirl Air a poor man's wife. It Isn't' her"
fault; We her misfortune."
"But you lose sight of the fact; that Kate
will inherit share of her father's proper
"Not at aIL lite:Nebo 'is only ittlY, bale
and hearty: - ' He will live, probably, for-twen
ty years yet. Not till he dies can his dough-,
ter get siusit ----- .3l.elatttne - sherwill epend as
tOttCli 4 / 2 6leerYl'
ley rePreeett the'
interests) ireztund: dig wBl % inheri t." At
the end of the tweets
.yearn, long before
that, I should be ruined, or else broken down
hi' health cottsequenee ot being in - debtand
"Weft, OM'S true. See whit a serapeTlarry
*Mat has got into r. t. •
' "Yes. He married the &Matter of a man 1
said to be Worth a million. Old Mr. Cary did
not give her a penny. , S he had her wedding
otittit'but that was all: On Harry's part,
there we:a - nothing to support' her with, ex
rept what he tp at out of his buSineas; and
he was but a young merchant, with but very
little reallied wealth: finply Cary' was stylish
and fond of making a dash. She the
reputation dressing better than any girl In
her set; which meant that her wardrobe cost
the most. - Harry took his wife to the 'Nati
nental Hotel, for eveu he had''sense enough
to know he couldn't afford to go to !Muse
keeping in the only way in which Sophy
would consent to go—that is; with a house
on Walnut_ etreet, or at least on Chestnut
street, furniture from Paris, a ball every win
ter, and all that sort of thing. Heaven knows
what he paid for parlor and chamber, but
it was a fabulous / sum; or What would have
been thought ao in the days erydur father or
mine. - In the summer they went to Saratoga
Sophy wouldn't stoop to country board
ing- 'There She-laid her pouf pbston and a
dozen Paris' dresses. In the All diehard 1
times cattle, and Harry Gilled, partly because
he neglected'his business to be at Saratoga,
and Rarity because he spent too much mon._
ey. I Understand he owes twice as Much as
be can pap, The principal creditorls report
ed 'to have said that It *mead have been
cheaper hi give Harry the salarrof a bink I
president; and let him do'nnthing. :New, this
is, I admit, an exceptional 'ease,. Sephy was'
unusually, extravagant, 'even more so' than
'Kate. But she is itype, alter all,'Uf a large ell s
thatlriglitin young men and keep them from
,fronsinarrying.'' • - - • -
"Bat what its to be dime? We all expect to
mitlysoine'dior; and there are no girls ex- •
'rept girls like tate or Se_phy.m": ' •
"I bekyour pardon. -There are plenty of
'them. Of course, to find the kind; you
must,, I ern afraid,generally outside of the
'fashionable' set.' ' it Is onl ythe daughters
and wives of rich - men that can afford 'to be
faahienidde. Other women haven't the time
to "waste in receptions and parties; day alter
dayand ittghtufter night Nor can any but
the rich afford to 'dress 'in The extravagant
mintier in which fashionable women, in
great cities like" this,' dress .nOw.a.days. I
you wish a wife yea must Took elsewhere for
one unless , indeed; you are a mipttnaire:'
"Where - wetild you look ' '
"There are plenty of fatuities, thousands of
them %Philadelphia, and, tens 'of thottsanda
in mantel._ towns and vilitiges,:where the
' daughters are well, educated, and yet have:
been brought up to help themitelyes. I know
onewhere one daughter, who' has a taste in'
thardirection, makes all the bontieta she and
her sisters wear.— AnOther Is a capital dress
flintier. All attend to household affairs. They'
make cake, prepare dessert, and eould. I've
no doubt, bake bread. Ti et they art quite as
intelligent and'companionablo . as Este Kelso"
and her set. No man, with the nilit feeling
wishes to make his wife a drudge. But we
Men have to work, and'why,l'houldn't women
take their share?",
"Well, since you speak of it; 1 - can recall
such families also. But they rlonl,go to balls
and dance the Germane." ,
"No. The'llinghters of such , families are
taught " to think' home-virtues better then
tnere . surface neemiplishments. -Nen want
true Women for wives, and not rite butter
il eball be' carious, Prank, to see your
'"lf you will Collie With me 'to-morrow
I - will introduce you to the-young
lady who has promised -to that position:
She is the daughter "4f a Widow, find has'
been brought up economically, brought up
like the girls I hare - been describing to you.
Sheedoes not &scat Much -into - smiety, be
cause she cannotatibrd' it ;. " • from her
courtections,4be could:. it she ' go into
the - winched.. - But - I dation think aheregrets
it. • Aa lbw her , red ;accomplishments, her
imottledade othamatuni music, and' ,art, she
isstalar &Wye heaven, in above
• • • bi '• fact, ;Marley, how can merely
lisiblonable - glrktbe ismomplished ;
In• the Mb sense cif: theimrd I' They are up
'ea night 11ballsouid as haverto sleep ball
• the nextday. - . They've no time tox,eVett
it they.wished to ;.W.t. aa a:class; alley don't
wish to. • All they think of f or tilt about; Is
the beaux or their dream It's chatter, chat
tter,isnd nothing elsej Wading* with them but
wedon'tpretend toknra them. Allltlegmaip b
;all the3r.arc up to.. Now and.then•wer make
a morning butwho :thbaks otstiending
tut greening with them V' - i i• • •
'(kale; am% yott ate tottsavere. A *sod
many of the& at raeally brilliant talkers, at
least I find them so:'
: , .140, the beet of ;bent But: i it
.fl ear
ittriZtetiVer' 1 4 3 1 k, for
toothily" as stupid' canbe at
kae,.llo o thit; pub.
forititt tlte.* whitl'OnlY Elia: I tell
X I ATP .igteYJ net abltnirehOterkthiti;
,unth. tiattlohe. Ildon't.wonde***
.14;1404 16ed soclety„Mat*its rate.
tif alfrub Aft me, cutus u toopettiltsi a
A4rklnstcad being your Itelp 7
tome, '
on pop. We have lci'dOtill
the work, an they get ail the
why y o ung men den'tintnri•-and there's the
whole of it." •
416 eadedlikitcouvereaflott Harry =dried
the one to ivhont-he Introduced US • Mend;
tfind that friend, idler a few months, niarad"
her sister: They certainly are beth supreme
`Loin WWl' thatll' either; bed merited
as n ma, or .of her type. But sun
Charley said; perhaps they teem -too hard
on iris brought up as Kate hi l l . been. We
don t pretend to divide. But ,we wow'sr
aoMeUmes tf mothers are not the most to
The:' Alfrinia Judge.,
Alexander, of *acedonia, came oae day_ to
a distant province of Attica, itch in gold. The
Inhabitants Went to meet him, carrying bas
kets.tulYof gold arid •Ikuit. • '
"Do you eat these fruits," said Alexander ;
come not to view. lour riches, but to learn
your customs
Elo they led him' to the Ciartet; wheietheir
chief Judge beta his court. Just then a citi
zen Atoned forth and mild : •
"0, Judge! . I ..bought,l3f. this LIMO a sick
full of *chaff, arid have found in it k consider-
Chic ttearire: 'The chaff is mine hirticof the
gold ; and this man will not take • it back.'
i~peak to WM. 0 Judge, for , is his."
Dikadversary, also a citizen of
answered, "Thou art afraid lestthou should'st
retain 'something Wrong,' and I 'riot' fear, to
•nikett from thee. told ;thee this Baer, 111'4
eluding all that it contains. Keep thine.own..
Speak to him to this effect, 0 Judge.". • =
The Judge asked the first if he bad-s son.
Be answered' "Yes." Ho asked the other It
be bad a daughter, and'he also answered
"Yea."- "Friends." said the Judge, you ant
both honest people ; unite your children to
each other, and give them the newly-found
treasure for 'n marriage dower. This 11 my
Alexander was astonished when he heardt.
Xlds sentence. - „ .
"Hare I judged unrighteously," said the
Jude of the distant land, "that thou art thus
astonished r • ,
"By no weans," answered Alexander;
" but in our country it would have been,oth
- how ?" - Incittired the African Judge.
The disputants;' replied; Alexander,
"would have lost their heads, and the trea
sure would have come into the hands of, the
The Judge smote his hands together and
said; "Does the, sun shine - with you, and 40e3
Heaven drop rain. upon you ?" •
• Alexander answered, "Yes.". -
"Then must it be," be sald,"on 'account of
the innocent animals that dwell In your land;
for overltltlilii - Etf"htfghtheniiin -to shine, no
Heaven .to 4 , • ~ •
The toott PIACP.
I yres down to ie-e the widow Perguaou i o .1 14DY was urged by her tYlende to nuirryt
yesterday, and she gave me a dinner. rwent 1 a widower , and m an •artzunwit ther blndie ,
down - rathetearly in the morning; we talked or 1 , 1 4 twu beatl'int) children. "Children,"
and laughed, amt chatted, and run . on, elm I 'replied the lady, "nee like toothpicks—a per
going out occasionally until dinner aas ready, i sou wants her own:"
when she helped me gracionslyto plgeen pie. I Pent several wm-1 - 4 au exekunge kept the
Now,•l thought that rather favorable. I took , following conspicuously ut the head of it
it as a symptom of personal -approbation, be i banal column : "A boy wanted at this office."
cause everybody knows I love pigeon pie, I' A -ffiv.• days since, the editor's wife presented
and I flattered myself slei had cooked It on 1 him with "a boy," which, in a highly signiti
purpese for me. ' - So I grew partietiarly ; emit manner. she% s the value of advertising.
cheerful, and I thought I could see it in her.
Tuisns TO.
na :. REMEMIIKA.—Tht: secrets of
health arc: F I
too. So after dinner, while'sitting close be-, keep warm second, eat
side the widow, I humied,we both felt rat!"•
regularly and slowly ; third, maintain regu
er comfortable like:=l know I did. T felt
ler daily bodily hnbita ; fourth, take early and
iharr had %Hell over head and ears in-lave 1
41 ,, i Very light suppers; filth, keep a clean skin :
with her, amiliinagined, from the way plenty i ,i sleep at night.
looked, she had fallen in love with inc. She i 43th ' g t ' t
appeared ; just for all the world like she 1 An English paper has discovered the line
thought Itnis coming, that' I was - going to which divides a distinction from a difference.
court her.'' Presently, I couldn't help it, j , i It bays that "a little difference frequently
laid my hand softly on herbearddful shoulder, I makes many enemies ;" , while a "little die
and. I remarked what I placed- it t h ere , in my t tinetten- attracts hosts of friends to the per
blandest tones, for I tried to threw my whole'] tem on wham it fuectufeifeed."
soul into the expression, T remarked then, A crus for clerical hrtnichitis has at last
with my eyes ponring tore, truth- and fidelity been discovered. A distinguished Nets York
right into hers: - . 1 ~ divine, pressed to go to Europe, is angry up
• "Widow, this is the Wert, soltigit place I .i_on his return to find his substitute so much
ever had inv hand on in a I my life r • I preferred by his parishioners that' they pm-
Leokingbenevolently" t ' tae, and at the pose to retain bun and let the "original Ja
same time-flushing - up si Ilittle, she said, in cob" go,
'melting and winning tuna: - • A in Indianapcilig, Indiana, pro
, "Poctor,gibn rue,your hand, anti 11l put it peso; that hereafter, instead of saying, "Let
On a mat sollerprace." f us sing the Doxology," the minister shall say,
In a moment ,
in rapture, I
_consented, and . "*....- us put on overcoats, adjust furs, slip on
taking my hand, she gently, very gentlV,nna gloves, grab hats, look to the Lqrd, and be
quietly laid it—int my- head. and burst into a ainnissed,e k ,
laugh tlanesziwr,iggxunik-eass yet. •. -
"Magg you a coat, sir'?" says a suspicious
Now, I haven't told thli; to a livingsoul but tailor to ft suspected customer "Oh, vi. s'
you, and, hyAlnltit t - f-stig•• then • not; but I with the greatest - pleasure." - "Therejus'lslan ir d'
couldn't hold it any longt.r, so I tell you; but in that pos ition, please, and lank right upon
mind, it Mustn't go any further." - that board while. I take your measure."
• , Customer reads on the board, "Terms cash."
As Invitation to join a class" to learn "the
German" (the popularidance) having been
handed, by mistake, to Mr. Stanhery, instead
,of Mason, that eminent counsel sent a polite
note in reply, regretting that his pmfessional
engagements would prevent his attempting
the acquirements of a "new language." '
geman well known to our metcbants z us
New-York drummer, named Frank W—,
stopped for supper at the little =town of Sa
lem, Ohio, on the Pittsburgh, Fort %Woe' et'
Chicago milload, a few weeks ago. Ito was
hungry, and fifteen minutes wag all the time
allowed for refreshment. At' least seven of
the fifteen minutes had elapsed- before Frank
could catch the eye of the waiter, when he
was furnished with s cup of coffee and a
plate of beans. The beans were but half de
voured, when the landlord- Caine alongand
demanded a dollar. Frank protested, but
the landlord.was obstinate, and "allaboanl 1"
being heard, our dammer friend wascom
pelled to shell out. - Shortly afterward, being
In Cincinnati, he inquired at the telegraph'
office if be could send a dollar dispatch to-
Salem, in be-paid at its destination. "The.
clerk told him he could, when the following
was sent, C.,0. D.:' '
• ' CINCINNATI, Dec. 10, 1867. •
.11.r.E. &the, Mem, Ohio: —..
still think the- . price of your, beans ,tot/'
high: ' • FaaNg
History does not resorts what Stone did or
said on receipt of this tthquiteh,lor whirl be
had paid his dollar. But his feelings may 1 )
PoLrmsas attitillio 7 —An old gentle,
man had owed a firm for years ;.at last, after .
everybody's patience and temper were ex
hausted, a clerk named Fmak, tMderfook to
get the money.
Frank called upon 'the gentleman, mid met
with a politeTia - Olioffanirthe: usual ateiwer.
with thro_-;
"'Your; need .not, iroublo yotuself, young
man, about the' nlatter ; I will make it all
right?! . • •
"Oh, no," replied Frutilt, "I could uht think
for a moment of compelling von to call at the
store for a tea - 11.011 an. It will not 1., the
slightoet inconvenienei- for me to step in, an I
,mar voter piaci! gi 4moinesA elk times
to ;Lid fl - om my Hier, , , and I can (sal] every
time I go by."
'pew," Ord the old fellow hr.+ hook
keeper,; alarmed at- the pn)speet of beiug
dunned 'sik times a ;lay for the nest »ix
-months, " pay this impertinent racial: He
- Can best me in politenes ,, , and if he ivantg
situation give him two- thousand dollarsa
yesr." •
' • •
rEn9ivEnalict , ..—}lettry - Clays Ilium spoke
Constant,', persevering application will tui
eh-44,113h anything. To this &panty - 41'1 may
heAllowed to speukid' myself, do I owe, the
little success whicki have attained. Leif in
f early life to work my own way alone, with?
,ont-triends or pecuniary reseiirces, and with
nq otbr. than a common edueatioh, T
that`themithway ' before Inc was steep and•
,rutotelf,iind the height Won which i bad
Itentured'N fits tbe eye of my"anibltionenuld
"be *itched only by toll most severe and a
Puipesellie most indomitable. But shrink
, lug f'rom no (labor, disheartened by no ohita
el43,,Titrigeeilon. No oppiirtunity,which the
iivatcliffil v igilancesecure, to ex
ercise, my poorer, was, permitted to pass by
. .
-A SUC H stor y is told by theVenango Spec
tator, of2Lßaslical.tiollandmin Canal town- ,
ship, who reci:`,ia a written notice from the
Sheltiffelithezotintyi who is alsoilittbkatruian
of. the, Radical • County Committed ,telling
hint to staintat the polls all day arid watch
thin ti ' Ite'itccordingly took his
Isaidtera fest hours became fatigued: -Tat
-4111 an old:Dentoerat to ) one side he showed
biut.the Sherin order, and said "I ish
tlied aide* toy vil of dish. Vot You dints dey
weaild do trait me i 4 rgoes away mtt mine
self!" • ' • • ' •
. „ .
rite. iZaitesviiiii , Ohio, took ,a flying
leap, 'M other evening, at \ which human
gymnasts would be apt to • balk. He had
walked up a stairway in pursuit at proven
der, and, being cornered by a number ofpeo the bongo, plunged thropgh a third. ,
G~to4o=er window, slipped down . the .
rod tnlthe etes, and then'jantPed-or
the ground, some: tWellirihre, feet.
With - A ffant dine= it the
too eqgetistop Whin esccpt, e picked hhe
seltnpand"icanigiered' df,* ' t
Okiltplitattee Of thfidpeetatore. ' •
each :taw
Won. if it was itarreftd be V iie tor "
he( eoild - isin d grislier tt !rho
ptildWitaitit: kW Istslanania dated:ton was:
"How does Ms, llttie c gumnat has ,tnake his'
hole without-showing -about the en
trance ?“ , When they ial gave it up, he said :
"Bute denlyou see he'begn,ng Ist • this other
end',of he hole,' 'Tut how- doesi he get
the*? siAh r a aidviat ii that i o war eine s.
?iota—can you &sumer it yourself trt
• 7 taNtieoilt7iAl-Lati
Take PT i it A; tbr C
Howl 8 Lible L 0.-
0,1 tont/4'LE,
It Aum fears, O! 13 2 too -
A =del of L C.
•01YRDItruch RA? l •
C, 111
— Pine 'neath the R 0 of D IC, -
C and P T, P T me.
NO. 52.
- Wits? length ought a lady% ciinolioe to
bet A little above two feet. ,)
FASHIONABLE dresses are short—so are
lashronable husbands who pay for them. -
"Boy, where does this road go to?" ”No
where. as I know on. It's Idlers staid here."
Iv a young lady yawns half a dozen times
in succession, young man, you may. get your
hat. -
• Tux. young lady who called at s book
store for Drake on Attachments, was asap
ix:dated-to find it a mere law-book.
dlltV,of the noblest , dispesition think them
selves liartpieit when others share their hap
pine4 with\ them. - _ •
LlTrl'ilVotatnY ..Ttidpole married Polly
Wog, PPM Huse happy nuptials sprung
our friend the Frog.
IF Adam had asked Eve for a kiss, could
the latter without profanity have replied, "I
don' care, Adim, if you do. " .
A - 7tlew-EnoLarcri lady siva the marks of
modem civilization arc, Sunday schools . ,
nelkspapera and the liberal usb of soap.
A. MAN who claims an extraordinary
amount of veneration says that he respects
old age in everything except chickens for
MIRABEAU, when ailied by a friend - which
was the better, the single or the married
state, replied: "-Whichever resolution yon
come to, repentance will follow."
WARD lIISEC 11E11 to writinga "Life
infebrist." A cotemporary observes : "There
is an excellent-hintory of Christ .ina work
called the .Steu , Testament, which Ts not like
ly to be irupioved upon." "
' JRALourt Wife—" What did that. mung lady
observe that passed us Nat now, William rt
Unfeeling Husband—" Why, my love, she qb
snrved rather a good looking man walking
with an elderly female.
- A LeriLE girl was lately reprOved for play
ing- out doors with the boys, and informed
that being seven years old she was too big
for that now.- ."Why, grantima,the bigger
we grow - 11 u. hotter, we Itikvhem."
ROHEUT D. KRAMER, of Allentown, lately
sold a bay trotting horse to Mr. P. V. Hosted,
of :New - York city, for .2100. The horse is
,young and a splendid animal, and po-sensing
a :MI, speed. with every prospect even re.
clueing this with proper training.
"Sin'En," said one of the hretheni at a love
feast, "are you happy ?" "Yes, Deacon. I
feel as though I was in Belzebnb's bosom."
"Not in Bclzebub'e bosom, sister !" "Well,
one of the patriarchs, ,I don't care which."
. •
"A. CELiatIIATED lawyer once said that the
three most troublesome clients be ever; had
were a young Jady who wanted to be ;mar
tied, a married lady who wanted a ilivbrce,
anti,an old maid who didn't know whet s h e
wanted. • •
"TATutex," said. en employer the other
morning to one of hi,, workmen, "you rattle
too latti thilymoming; the other men were
'at work an Weir before you." "Fait, en 11l
Ito even with 'mu this night, sure." quoth
Pat.. "How, Patrick ?", "Be thegrev wig o'
3loser., 11l quit an hour before any pv
' • •
Yorwo Thespian was once instructed to
deliver the following'meisage to lArd.ltan
dillphln lathe play:, "31yq.ortl, the banquet
waits.' ; But.having lost the run of rite cen
tenet', lie 'called out amidst the roars; of the
audience: "Mr.ltatidolph, your supper has
been ready for some timer'
eaarou. resulting fagot cold, ii a very
-barthless•thing at that. but if neglected it
tirbags'often it train of evils • that result. in
death. Blades Euphonial I,nbriatin•s'
the poison in the bud and leave the lung4and
throat' stcoug and free: , f•iold by all ilrozzeo,
St 25 cents per ho;.-- - !
"Tura la probably the
allure iv England," said a collector .9-an
, thine eitriositiea to afrieldi, and IP dill inc to
-a venetablc looking jahle as tie.poke. "Ho*
oh! asked the friend. ••Ne•irly 400
year-1 "Pshaw. that is nothing ; I have an
Arable 1,11,1 , , over tw.o thou mQ years old."
'•Yes; the talPe."
A. I'. SIIIWART. 3lereliant Prima. of
York. sa'ys : "No abilities ho er splendid,
can command succeis witont intense labor
and perseviling upplient The world
reuowneditothsehilds, :ascribe their ,
to the following rules : Re an off-handed
man; wake a barp!ll at once. Never hav i c
anything lit do with, an unlucky man or plati.
Re cantiote. and bold.
A Perestan• journal relates a story. of a
congregation which determined to present to
its Itribbi a tun of wlne, in token of their res.-
•pect and love. Each was to bring a I;9ttle
and pour the contents into the receptacle.
After the plan had heen carried out, the cask
was tapped and found to be filled...with pure
water. t ,r,celi one o the deport' lied con
-I,ceived the idea that In teach quantity a sin.
gle bottle would not be detected, end the re
suit was as stated. '
• Tttine WA.' a veryiraticible old gentleman
who formerly held the Position of Justice of
thethe Peace in one of citir cities. Going.down
e main street otte„,day,\ one of the boys
spoke 'to him without coming, up' to his
honor's Itleraof defereligo. I"Young man, I
this you flee dollars for contempt of court.'
"Why, Judge said the offender , "you are not
in "session.' "This court,"l responded the
judge, thoroughly irritated, "Is Anvil in sea
, d o h and consequently always\ an object of
THERE are a thousand pretty and engag
ing little ways which every person may put
on without running the risk of being deemed
affected or foppish. The sweet' smile, the
cordial bow, the earnest movement in ad
dressing a friend, the inquiring glance, the
grae.eful attention-wlaich Wag: captivating
when united with self-possession-,-these will
Insure us the good regards of even a churl.
Above all, there is a certain softness of man:
wer which should be cultivated, and which,
in either manor woman, adds a charm that
alinost entirely compensate} lack of beau
ty', and inestimably enha the latter, if it
does exist. i
is reseonsible for the following, which may
be of interest to emigrants who are journey
ing thigter i he says the State is bounded by
liming and kissing; an one side, and cradles
ad *ales on , other— Its chief produc.
Was are • porde n. broarteiticks and stay
ing out late at nig
_lt discovered by
Adam and , Eve, w ' . - -lb end , a pass
age oat of Paradise ; climate is sultry un cross the -pn time of house
-keeping, when squally ember seta in with
inch power as to keep hands as cool as
members: For thin) pal roads leading
to this interesting State, consult thetirst pair
of bright 041 yesilen against.