El - ERIE, PENYA, APRIL $0; 1868 voTlCE.—After this date Ina paper trill be frain this olltee, for any lenctkof time, ixzyment in adoanee,itnless told sub- AgBe resPo?Rtaility toe are 44i - tainted - ,ap94f. Near Adve!ttse,e*s. , 9 Ziegler has, reeeited a 7OL of new 31. Ribirt,Rsq., is assignee of Sc lden and E. A-Upson, banitrophs. The 'Court have granted 'the appliogion the i n earpoption of 24. John's Chita. Ellser will hold an auction on fiat .• . • moraisn'•—:C. XL :Wiliam. of lie publishes an inaki t jotice Welteatis',agent tar 1 3 'Burdett CelestOlltioosi - and for the &Baker Beteg Machine.--Lyman hag applied fain diselinige Observer for the Cflinpriign: Observer will be furnished to cam „•:11 sahscribers, front this date, until Alm, "•:.e of the Presidential eaavasi, at the' f01;,m4 ;,m4 low rates : - ye copy, six months, .._ v, ve c opies, six months, , . ;;:r. x months, and an addition. „I (o ily for the one who gets up the Pdr,• - - - 10.00. „.„ c oo., three months, .60 c opies, three months, 2.00 c opit , „ three months, . 5 . 00 ;it eating a '1°1: gTVk.!* * l O pro fets-tnititawftldinAttatthe,hackward,sea- sotOitui,Vuts 410ersetas)1.ftlitit t~to: Halt trettiliet lifrOtMit .*01.,---i4dia.41..,"t TutilEt ofiitceunes inanothercqlumnwill be perused withisenepg interest, told -give rise to the usual amount of speculation and gossip. Pe%do„williotypiheir . ort.,ithias as to who reported too little, and who too much, and the reasons, pro and con, will be de batetkat lets th. ti .Weelltsv,6ltot tbcrAitk fig 1868 fiefhie us;`lint a glance over the figures 'gives us the impresitibitiliftt tile , 'average in comes equal, if they do- not emceed, those of - 31te.isri: Haggerty & Co., of New York .city, propose putting it in a complete stated repair with in the neat few months. A new roof is lobe placed upon it, new floors laid, the rooms thoroughly fitted up, and the whole concern put through a thoroogh , course of renova tion. Several parties, we are told, stand ready to lease the hotel as soon as itis placed in good shape, and the belief seems to be en tertained that It could be made a profitable concern'. Mayer, M G 1532 Minnig, Peter 2959 Mayo, Henry 1157_ D 1850 !Maus, Geo V 1800 IMetealf, P 17020 ;Marvin, S 3481 Marshall, F F 4553 ilkloorhead, 1, 2245 ' McCreary, C 2073 !Marvin, Elihu 8630 :Nicholson, Alm 2000 iNoble, 0 25494 ; Oliver, John 1750 O'Brien, R 4875 Olds, L - 3620 Perley, S Todd 3426 , Payne, - JtOE 2150 Pel ton, R J 1753 Tim Republican Primary elections in Crawford county have beeti "celled for the 5311 ',01Ju11e;.Xt313 competition among the candidates for office "has alresitly eommencetLetThe folkiwing an nouncements are. made, and scores of others may be expected to follow :' District .Attor ney, Jciseph Shippen aid R. L. Richmond, Jr., both of Meadville; Assembly, H. R. Stewart, Adamsville, and W. H. Crtrzier, of Sununerhill ; • Commissioner, Win. B. Wright, of Conneaut, C. G. Roister, of Greenwood, and John 11. Smith, of Summit. Tue Erie Dime Savings and Loan Co. is expectedlo open for business next week, in the room in the Keystone Bank building lately occupied by the German Savings institution. We have already referred to the features upon which this new Bank is to be conducted•, and the more we learn of it the better we are satisfied that it will be a con cern well worthy the * consideration of the public. The officers are: President, L. L Lamb ; Secretary and Treasurer, George W. Colton ; Attorney, Belden Marvin ; Direc tors, Orange Noble, Prescott Metealf, M. R. Barr. John H. Bliss, John C.• Belden, M. Griswold, Jr., Selden Mania; Wm. A. Gal braith, M. Hnrtleib, L L. Lamb, and G. B. Delamateri c Meadville. ,Reed, . 1040 Reed, Win . 1600 Reynold; J W 2067 'Rinderneeht,W F 3704 Reed; W W - 6036 Russell, R W 1600 'Robinson, J P 1100 Sexaner, C 1928 Smith, J W 1098 Behlandecker, M 1850 :Sterrett, Jos M - 1262 Spencer, Dr R A 1285 Selden, J C 5600 'Sherman, E 1521 'Suerken, 13 J 1189 Saltsman, R J 1135 Shirk, David 3548 Shirk, C C 1735 Sherwin,( W F 1800 Stearns, EIT 10000 !Thayer:o C 2035 C M 4110 iTown, J J 8500 ;Vincent, dno P 5107 Warner, E L 1798 'Warner, W 51798 T v iralketd _IMP, H halton,Retd 5000' {Walker, T M 1945 Warfel, M dr 2028 Walkera W s ; 2500 :1 Wallace, Dr W 4812 :'Woolcott, Ed' 1174 , Sosta,noplimsatt feeling has existed among the De m ocrat s of the Crawford congressional district, over the selection of delegates to the New TortletAnrentiallOri'dng" o"tulY out of the knowledge that one of thent,llr. Corbett,of Clarkin, Ls an Officer Of National Bank, and was understood, to be hostile to the Aanver son of bond into greenbaCks. We are grat ified to learnthat the difilitati.bas been sat isfaOtorily atilusted, and that Mr. Corbett bus voluntarily declared, himself in sympathy with the , mass o; the, party ids district upon the all:ahsorbingtinancitil issue. At a convention heldin frlatian, , s week .ortwO ago, resolutions endordeg the imenback-Ool ley were unanimously adopted,- and ; in an address _delivered upon PAO noosaion;. Mr. Corbett announced himself a warm friend of -the same. Young, .Tno zu sbyet, south Erie, Creek, .2Vorth Rao and. Acheson, A 1803 Baker,,lsaao -18 W Blaine,"A W 24.50 Burton, Jno 2280 !Blackmer, Betsy 1073 'Cavanagh, Thos 15.50 :Cass. Wm - 1434 tenter, Jno 11 5,087 . Decker, Geo MO_ Edick, Abel 1897 ; Inches'hub; J A 2125 Eogellout, 1010 • _ • Errarir ility tends to convince usilie more strongly that what Erie most needs is a chief epeutiva elected, tor, is term of yeara, with a salary sufficient to enable hint to bestow his whole attention to the enforcement of the city laws, and possessing the right to select his official annistalini. lA* long as that map.' agement of chi' efilitrala allowed to mat upon a dozemor mare Afferent-persons, esktit no direct . reSPOnsibillty 'attaching to either;ll is itsfutUeliiiipect efficient city govern ment as it would be tp manage a- railroad where each couductor and train Man acted to aulthiniselfiT 4.,)xtrit - ite passiblNlthatme• taste tfo pilisitounongliftvlidpostesielciair 'ffeelent knowledge of a correct system of municipal government to draw :tip.. a plan for enanimitti ItPthlt bait 1 'tare, 4l will make us a city In fact as ell as In name? would he foolish to e• to con 7 ceal the - fact that there is an extraordinary depressiomoniiiinet‘Wat:riktly in Z Cue- eity, but in all the neighboring towns, Nearly . every branch of business is effeiled by lc and, indeed, if there any exceptions we have been unable to hear of 'them. Those who consoled themselves during thet first three months of the year with the reflection that affairs would brighten up -about the first of April begin to experience a feeling of disap pointment, and the impression Is growing general that the year will *one of unusual dullness., ,It may be that the approach of the Presidential election will induce Congress to adopt some measure for easing the financial market, pat it will be only a tem poisxy matter, to be followed ,by a still spore trying season of depression -*haw the cam- Fuels , Mrs C 2460 'Goodrich,cr. 2125 I Genslielmer, Jlll2OO 06,srgia.R F_., 1' '8 P Gunnison,o lB7l Geist, Anil* 1581 Hughes Jas 2760 Hatch,lra G 24:12 gave'age, 14. 2410 igttobtoch, J . IM2O ,Lotje, Wm F iies ;Low, 31 L 1650 Raman, Wm - 1542 Moorhead, J R 1714 Nelbituer,,ll ',- 1244' 'Ozer, Gorge 2901 im l / 2 01 is ended. Whiles tenth part of the 'capital of the nattoa is tied up in bonds, that dam apes itaLT Fic t sll l)o FA? drawitia 7 lall,•ra ll t f r dat -13 . 11g P l AT 'Mon -Is depthod -Of Ito otii . oritha* to contribute:: •tbf:itha rift"kawsPedir , dhll &Mad to succeed the day. 'BusinCtir irked may be too mnchblinded by party passion to see it now, but the time is not far distant when they will be convinced' that .the only way of restoring Prosperityjs to - Change the PriAciPlea upon which the Government is conducted, REME! ISIN MC24=ITIMZIZEI=i2M263 Twgr44 oi*lffal6 Ttteadap s ' kelea special electlon,„and decided by a vote of over two-thirds to subseribe 'OOO,OOO to the stock of the Buffalo & Weskit:if/to:11k R. Co. 0 110 ffstt0101 a point ileac Ik iPoitent, on thePliiiadelphia it Erie road, to Buffalo, with,-the object of securing better -- tiellitiee for *wining the anthracite coal of Pennsylvania, and making a through route from the Lakes to Balti more, Philadelphia and Tashington.. Thrill be, to a tiert alit'eatent, a competitor with the Phila. & Erie road, and may , conflict, to the seralt-43ticre0;Wlatike Inicrege;bur - ,iity- Its tatystage to the State.l general, ever,- will be considerable., sad .irwdo not wdedei that the people terse Commies Moat directly concerned should be eager for Us completion. IMECIMEI . Wrrunt the last month we have noticed ate demise *frig lass tuna dozen-day pat Pere lei *kite ix4eat inflated era of ihe wareareseddailtellasspring, up in every direction , and, except in the' hugest y cittes, the present period la . pus.. ting most of them to a severe lest: • Alx - itit the hardest, and most unprofitable and thankless business a aunt can engage in is the publication of a daily in a small city, where the business is not sufficient to give it an adequate support. We tried one ven ture in that direction, when we were younger and less experienced, and after getting out of it with an empty purse and broken consti tution, resolved never to be caught in the same scrape again. , ENCOURAGED by the success which has at.= tended the Young Menht Christian Associa tion, a number of our penman citizens are about makiniaueffort to establish a library in the city, to comprise 'ail the standard works and publications in their, language. The arrangements are not completed, but we understand that sufficient efieburagetnent has been extended to warrant the belief that a large sum can be procured for the object A. numberof our 'American' born 'residents Love volunteered liberal contributions in be half of the Omar THE Gazette is displeased because the Re , publican County Conairdikte has not issued a -call for the primary electionsiand, by way of -40 a t ra!'-tt ) fnii. 1/I . , t hf. 'co:tciiaailtiee, wit appraiatory comments: The latter are given'crexilyhr lagging behind," while the inttetirity of the former is compared to "a 'collectiOn 'cif petrified oys ters!!--,',WCint 'Sorely ,diatiissed^ trilearh_ that the Committee do not, regard- the elo quent appalls hf thp , Gazette as derrring of their notice: •= - • Colvoultsa having reduced the tar on lie tridenra one-half, a movement is. now on foot tai abolish It entirely, at place it at a' fig ure proportiottateld_ottter articles of_domes tic Trot .ce. The refiners', forcibly argue that .learn has become 4 tes ranch an Ott "Cle'if intim _as meat or dour;", that itsConimmittion among the poolticlassea . is as general or more so than among the rich; pd that there Is no aim .propriety In subjecting it to exhorbibuit taxation than there would be in levVing -the same upon potatoes, butter or grain. We are seldom called upon to perform a sadder duty,tbau in. publishing the death no tices of Mrs. Smith, Jackion and her son 'G James .. both Of which appear 'ln the pro per depart:tient l of this week's issue. The esteem in which the deceased tvere held by our community caused their funeral cere monies, on Tuesday, to be attended by an unusually' large con course ; Outing th expressions of sympathy and friendship were as general as they were unreserved and siu gere. THE Burdett "Celeste" Organ is without exception the finest reed organ that has ever been introduced to the public. By the nse of the "Vox Humana," "Harmonic Celeste," and other combinations, it is capable of produc ing such grand and beautifid effects as have not heretofore been attempted or deemed possible in instruments of this class. Sold at S. H. Weigel's Piano Rooms, 1004 State St., Erie, Pa. ap3ol w. A FEW days ago, Joseph M. Sprague and -Mrs. A. Weaver were united in marriage by Justice Gunnison,' within the walls of the county jail. Sprague has been In confine ment for some time, and, finding that he could not go to his love, , she did the next belt thing and went to him.; The ceremony was done up "according to Gunter," the bride being attended by a lady friend, and the bridegroom having the turnkey as his "right bower." WE are indebted to Gen. W. W. H. Davis, of I)oylestown, for a'copy of; the History of the 104th Regiment, of which he is the nu tilos; Thel3eneral commanded thisreement ' during the greater portion of itaserrice, and it was no more than fitting .that he ,should Lave been selected to act as its historian. He has, prOduced , work of rare ability, , and more thin local interest, which wM 'add to his reputation as a matt of talent and patriot- ' Tni"body. of Charles Hirt was round by Policeman O'Brien on Friday morning, tloati ing upqn the surface of the canal near Fifth street" Ile had attended the ball at Cronen- - berger's Hall, on Thursday evening,' and started for home at a late boar. When dla 'coveied_there,.Were slight .sigus:ofilk, but all attempt to resuscitate, hint faited.,..lle leaves a - witly tiveamall chitchat". • • A - FENIAN meeting' wa;a:beld‘ in Pwry gall on Tuesday evening, -which `was ad dressed by Gen. O'Neil; Senator Gibbons, .and another gentleman whose name we did lot learn. Mayor `Noble, Presided, and es corted the speakers from the-hotel. Owing to the chatze fdr_.l4mission,,the audience_ was not large,lnitiilnade;np . M enthusitts what was lacking in numbers. It — appears that there are two branches of Fenianism In the city. Tux: Irish American Society, on Tuesday evening, made the ft:knowing .excellent selec don of officers for the ensuing term: Preiid . int—Patrick Barns, Tice jtoigest---Itichani O'Brien. ffeeretery- 1 1". 31. - 013uMvan; - - • Secretary-gas. O'Hearn. cT 2lvaturer—Thos. Stevens. 4.2Biewiriti,-Thomas Whelan, JohnlJdortis. sey. itninoinit West Sprissilelitan the- Id test; by Rey. A. Isut,'..str. ::1!".x: Smitlx,M,Wire , w r is- Reynolds. '. THOMAIV—Citoss 7 .III,, the i Venee Qf 'bridal fitfietr, Aft -- the atti. 1 Wiley! It Chambmialn, Kr: A. 3, Themes, of West Springfield, to Mist4ll tsogEset. Springfield ,_ 7 4,,,.r.-y Gmweti-4 111‘7Atille - 4lite Wide's either, in -~ ' *las tittiterwit, 21st inst., Tu. Thmkont the 21st Godfrey arid Ms Ma'am* Onnialc—ament , —Ort the 20th hist.,liiitedr. W. N. Reno, Mr. ahem D. Green and Miss Kits B. Kidder, both of Girard. CnEssenan—Gies—On'tbe 20th of April, by Rev. W. N. RenoJfir. James L Chem man and Miss Lacy .IL Gibbs, both of Gi rard. Twasn—Tzt.t.--On the '27th Inst., by Rev. E. A. Johnson; Mr. James Tweed and Mbs Mattis 4, -Tell, di of thin ettr. - - - ;ElllO3 IM=ll JacEsatt—On the 25th that; Mrs. • Jackson widow of the late dareesed: -- • - :• • ' di, 26th hit, James G. 'Mini •fllM. eldest son oflN Mary F. '_74Mnen. • cst• lief 141011tiigliter, Res* R. and, tea fAvutaug nutter; aged•'l7 years and months. "Blessed are the pure hi heart, for they shall see God.' lisysun.—ln North Dia s on Thursday, April 23d, of cancer of the stomach, Hiss Theresa Havelin,sged 20 years. Svonan—ln Corry, April Bth, Mrs. Esther M. Storer, wife of Geo. H. Storer, aged 28 yews. TON GMEA? Broittel.-IProiti- every toed= of the country legitimist& are pouring in llidt&avalanclui ,umt .-ther melodeon of a Celebrated Herb` Meta: Th'e mend is really unpreeedianted=4lonbkr:iyhat it bap ever been heretofore, and mama We, Me Wade tad is now efeelinit. are scoresottmes which What thirikill of the "halted WM& lees Mit Bitters—ea ,a Tait .ntakorti surd is many. instances It btemed likehoplaxagskiet sit hope;. but the sure 1124 iteld_y)utd - *rob 'reliable - .powers of BOUM were soon diseavered: to be tyeattlivarith thetrosual prmeeticy, and yletttn. otter Sie tim &ease has been misied,Aotok *k coaches and - restored again , rpaftet , and rmai4ent health. This wonftrW careerof a Herb BltUntrb onlythelastantag of itifklimiphs.' 1%7 disease Mai both brromides of theblood,l t bp= the -utosf P2aovo 4 1 4 AlesulliPt.Pih3LAUP eotel*:, Au Os* ottiatak brittle of4adderb tryy =3l=l - 4141% -= -Wow .81,4*11,3 , ,i urciekt lileltlMmtth es? .714. 1 PMk AAP Altri At*. Ank - Yar lbw uornplabiti; ;idE 'diseases, these Bitters have never,been lmorrn to fail effbdtigta care: . These ; lift!** may be "takenas:e C, and are. inripleasant to the taste and bivigrating loth°ratio. Mlle speetable sell; themellittara, but be sore von' Hisblees and :do not take any otherkina. Branch lloblei Maikel street, Pithiburgh. Faliztestock*.lloitou, managers. apt3.2w. NEW Spring Bilk and Fancy Rats, beauti ful Coatings and Clessimeres; also, agents for reports of fashion. ".lonms & Lyrus. mhl9-tf. Attn ilibberketnittatt The leoior NOUN!? 610 this Farm ere Mril "in tatirc b r a iessla tar the o f the same will be received at the_ tiers' office until the Li day et Julie twTh_ TERMS-Onwthird down end listanee • In two omelet:l=d alE with intereerpayable weSt ananaily.gedist ' " • ap21 7 .3w. itai4. tteKLE, Chat. Book - Agents Xantad;„ • EaI T IOWLAND'S Lin OF OEN. (IRAN?. s • tioldhtv and Statesman.. An saturate of his mill E and civil ° carver. • One bra" ixtslyplrot Mee, Agen ts.lime . OA; _the book. to sail nt the present . momlargest eamuntstdots gleam y u l t =phy tt r to mmtnaltagegs, ite_d_ce s brezus, the advantage of denting direcirMit. the gab. Ushers. For particulars and terms, address J.B. LITJRR A 109.• , Publishers. Hartford, Ct. ap2-4w ti R}: .IiMM CIiIIVN -IN • EbnirctElli.vi 1;::m LE -& SON- Herwrs' fltutelmilsr.Dimprzlnes at .75 cents per volume, Gods3i•e; Isul-liitn 114- lihigttlnes, nt•V:ai• per volume. Harper's and Frank Leone's papers, at 62.23 ,per year. We are aM miqrlapr anal selling , IE3 La it lc 131.0 k itimtrettrlmmNrs''' Bindery over Keystone Natirmui Bauk car. tier Stnte anti Nth streets,. , AGSMS WANTED - For . the Official History , „ THE • Itq Cause*, Character, Conduct awl Reauhe BY HON. , ALEXANDER B. STEPHENS. A Book for all fileotions'aritt all Part te4, and This great work _presents th e only, complete d impartial amilysis of the CRUX'S of the war yet published, and gives those interior lights and shadows of the great conflict only known to those high ollicerswhovnitchedtheSond•thie of revolution from its fountain , springs, and which weft accessible to Mr. Ste=s=hts positional. wend (Meer of the Tfta public that has been surfeited with AIN, PARENTLY SIMILAR. PRODUCTIONS, we promise a change of fare both agreeable, and salutary, and an Intellectual treat of the nigh est order. 'The Great American War has AT LAST found a historian worthy of its Import ance, and at whose hands it will receive that moderate, candid and impartial treatment which truth and jostles so urgently demand. The Intense desire everywhere manifested to obtain this work, its Ofllcial characterand ready sale, combined with an Increased commission, make it the best ': subscription book ever pub limbed.. . One agent In Easton, Pa., reports 12 subscri bers in three days. One In Boston, Maas., la 3 subscribers In four days. One In 31eniphIA, Tenn., 108 subscribers in aye days. Send for Circulars and see our terms, and a full description of the work, with Press notices of advanced sheet; etc. Address NATIONAL PTIBLIFLUING CO.. 28 South Seventh St., Philturn, Pe. ap23-4w FRAM MICHELL A Co., AUCTION A COMMISSION No. 824 State Street. Household Furniture andall kinds of Hoodik Wares and Merchandise. bought and sold and received on (4:instilment.- , f4aleaat private n%ithmai!:s attended to In any - past of tbeeity. 'fink 'if Hoitarhold Furniturepivfts,Qtmerns& ware, 115kises, Wagcm*,,nd or gads au WEDNESDAYS AND SATORDANIV , - AT 034 CTCLOCIT, A. IL A lame dinafghtneut of illweenswere; atasr wore MbMittin end Mau Vow. Wow on band, will be closed oil; reprdleeis of cosi -peivate Bale: itit 4 Vendee% et tended to he any , pert of the county. . - • , • • ittet-tt• - ! • Atodipleer to. asuelknitsteii. N THE 'DISTRICT COVET of the' United Metes for the Western District of Penns* van n the matter of the partnered of Drotberasndof Ste . A. Whither end Bawittel M.phen Which*, hank= rings. - .The undersigned hereby_ irises notice of Ms apointment Ita ONIIIIIIIIIIM Of SOO partnership estate p of %Weller Brothers and the Inditlitual emtates of Stephen N. 'Untidier, F. S. Whicher and samuel M. Which**. of the city, of Oorry, the county or EtkollMi RIM of PeroVe * WithiV said.dletrfet,who have hem adJu l = t bariß_ raPhs upon their own fietitiori try the Drmirt of Wit district, dated at Erie,Pu.. April 47. A. U. .11F,H1tY.,111,191.1 Atty.* barraqa, Posch M.* Billikr ll6 stal-dw. •. . • THE DigTEJeTtlq .1747.4 f the Unit cd Mat es for the Western Vilfiffirk of Penn's, in the matter. Chariot, „Ileistenbah. kstolowyt. The -heath-hmkbp...giver mattes 4 of hie trxi i rtruent .g ri alagnerflakestikulan al Vi n; :r4 within saitilMrict, who. las been odpnisfed-n bankrupt upon his own petition. by sue motet Lan of said district, dated at. Union. April 20, 1880. - •-JOB,B- JOHNSON, - And-we. r Assignee lit linititriiptey. STAB uorratcroargrof the Unttedfltstei. for ther Western Vhttrtet, at - PennsAnt&ill.~ n the aratterot RAD Crassereitbaakrup‘ , sper tuulerelgned hereby eyes mum of 66U ap. sertntment. as aselepeee 436 I the clty ' atom aitinAy ef e Wl it , _ J•State of Pen hranhe,, smith NM ^Whobiut bosh .; a • 'VW 1 1111111% pent plot' _Wm, • , point distal tlatolhl ..F 7l cm it '4 . : ala . Atty. tiMa7r, tfq.43Xlreeteh BIACItee W. / 1.71.4 1. 11 ,Vt• rfoan DlNTRHYDlXitltibfeniret. r the Western District, of the , roaltari-o-Sr. ,rrtrar.r.mai-werr.-11.,thfi ga wf Tp., Erie ponniar and Btaie ithin the t maktinM•k% !rho haste= adj a bankru apple his own'pertiti by tat Witt COOS of saki district; date on, d at Girard" Ps-. April n, A. WAL adsT it. mum. • Atty. at Law. Na =I Pesch lit.. Srie, Ita 11 - Tl 4 i • _ AYR • • thlt .. llr . Ifflegared . to Its erlptnei :Tootitut tloiot vrlassitabakiiiirinripee beld f ;=dri4: VritTvilMf= =hair te nor labedisrei ; • • ; It will prevent the hair teem tatttematerttl . does not Mtn , • DlLlettor eri u rree s igtioril ai need be , I? o 4 adtur r ta mir i f e . voi ant tre.)y P. BALL I CO., nature. N. Ft.. rroprosere. For sale by all druggists. ape -Pm. JOHN GEMEOIMILIER & SON, DIULLXII3 IN Clotting awl Gent's • lisiandsklag Goods I CORNER OF SEVENTH STREET,, RIME& i'•• =El!IMI Treasurer's Sales of Unseated Loads and Jaya Lots, ,ifarTatea NOI I /Cg iihereb given that in pursuance of • an act of the Absembb* of the Qom-. • onwealth of Pe vents, passed the 13th =gar% 1415, Eng "masa to tuner n sii op the mode of seilirqf unseatedlands for taxes," mut the several subsequent acts It_ipo-Mialtsurythereto, sod intact roUthal "an en us hareem the county rates end levier for the use of the Oonsmorwrodth,".psweed the PM day of Mau* Val ; and agreeably to the ppm!. alone of tho Cat section of an act entitled "an act to redneethe mate debt and incorporate the Pennsylvania Railroad Company" passed the 111 ill day of April, OK find 'an actin relation to the sale of unseated lands In the several counties of this Commonwealth," weed th e 6th day of March, Mt; the following tracts and lota - of unseated lands in the county of Erie, (or so much thereof aa will pay the arrearairee of taxes axed costs seemed thereon,) will be an gs I."alo public sale at the saws Ifonte, in the city of tale,on th e second Monday of June, MS, at o'clock, p. ni.„ and continue by adjournment from day to day, Is it should he found necessa ry to do so. Pllll6--E.tliT IVAIID. 17.1171'11 OWNER& natrairrn. Ta's. su , r. Corm Michael, lot 44, IttiockE 1896 a K 3 Davidsorr, Amelia, h'rs, In-lot Dm 821 s 1880-67 84 00 Melding, 1663 9 10 Hemet, y i heirs, N, W out lot 521 -- 1466-a P 2 96 Mamot P S V. hens, 16 lota In out -1866-67 to Irvine, Wm A, In-lot 1956-- 1886 nil 5 linb lBBoll . Wm T„.3 , lin-10t1905-,-;-; 1r66-67 16 80 Bombe,Valentlae, SAN feet,'out lot. 568 1867 1 95 Sterrett, Jas 11, heirs, In-lot 26:16. 1840.67 11.) Stewart, J H, 328 . 4 and feet.bibtiAL4— Ml Qt; 4D 40 Stumm tandair, cot rt in. tot KM 1861 165 Wallace, Rev Benj. heirs, in-iot 659 18M•67, 53 60 ValheseAleallowli hnink. Air fi t• , ' tot _ .. 1894.t.7 - lb 88 Wallace, — Mev Birenens„ w y In- William, lie' vlienj, helm, E In lot 166147 21 12 ERIE -WERT WARD. • Brady:Jamas, lot De, Itiled's Plat ... VIM '9 10 Brady .1 11, tot 11M.......... .....;: VIM 5.85 Boyer, Jeseph,lobs 55, Deart BM.-- MR •:1 SG Clerbissh, Austin, lot 2808, q lB-- 1808" 840 DimpbelliillB, Llo4ot „., VW 47 05 rtaleftwn. ftn9 , th a , tots 711. - *****..** 1886 ii ms nub, .I P. lots ~1,.:0 and 14 Illso Ze: 1887 802 Gross, ,Tolin, lots V, Di, so 018—.-- 1891 7 28 Green, Mumuel, lot 18 so al —. 1887 885 Grace, Patrick,,k•t 18 so 21L... 1/917 3 85 14erring, dumb, heirs, 45 it ri kA 555_ 1891 548 Jewett, 0 1 e =l.. 10 Meader ( J lt acob, Mt 15, edema's Pial, lBs7 I/Mt-Iff ' Di B'4o Kiel, Sohn, lots 8 and 9, so 9 1887 7 11 Lomsh. Wm, = ft lot nand be, n lot 21, og vd.. ..- .. • ..... low 18 40 Marvin. Wr. andElle"beth, y.,, NM 188 , 3 DI 75 Martin, Mcnry, lots 18,19 andl), of ' ont•TotBlX4 —..--- 18 6 0 0 10 ,Martin, Henry, I lot ...'l'*4 . 18173 0 10 Plerlsbnivitalkis4Mompliiik;S"R`a.7.,.l2,l3G., - 1 .... ................ i&r: 6k) ihusdeil,l44 ..,....- ..:.^,—.." litst , • 15 40 ridiscri fid Strop& Las • pui-1041 - 2MSA. , :.: '• - . - 04 and IA 13._ 11.106437 MI 00 , do / 1 .4( o f ILO 1000-67 al 00 E do •M 1,434100 ft lot Em... Pen v - 5 do 10430. 1 7 —... 1/00-447 70 (N Snell, Mary A, 1 lota, 16(1 81, Itl%xler, feet each. ... -... .. ....-1------ -._ 114:.-07 hi SO Sunburn, Win, lot: 125 1867 ,5 85 Sehnab, P' hillp_J lot 18, aq 52.—„._ ir.r; 1 57, Thompson; V 31,3441107.:.•—........4— . hO7 - - 2.3 10 Unkhown, lot 42. Lot sod • ..... 101 g 2 D 4 410 lot 40, all 308 r 12103 224 Wllk4ll4tesaV Sin In 09444-..........:* - ..114110.16r44 - OS Woods, Dr W I, 5-18 so 1840 ln 38 West, llrs 51 ll kl, lot Ml7_ 1801-87 25 20 Honecker, 1. 11,'2' ft lots 1V47:U..... NC 19 45 SOUTH ERIE nomovou .Willintrl, J - 12 ./.14:01.! - 6 aim' °vitt'' 1 Int. ..... ' 1 ' 1111.1.CIIER.1: MR - NSW P. Wfu out-lota . • tfil, MI VAl'- -. 11431 Frey, Jacob. lucre of irrt:et - 351.,..,.... taw-C1 • JoUn, out-lota 3114551, I acre Ea terle, • each John, 47184 ft out-lot 214... Mtn • M i ng„JohnJ4 acre out-lbt 180tt-67 Grant, ilea O.= acre out4ot-fra.....-12100 UoabllngiAnna, Caitiff. out-lot 534 Itrn-ef Hubbleu h tte, Jas. hers, 3 aerea„ nq ISCIti Inn, John , , acre out-lot 350.... .. ton Rlll. Rufus, - helm, 5 acres out-lot RO, 1 4 am Out-lot -37 f, and - . nerve ilut -garwon, Jon, ,01131 ft out-lot MN_ laoo Joltuth, Martha, 121r.163 ft out Jut I.itu "." ,:itterf;ii.RWieVeza.:..: m i ta 31cfkiareerf,, Clark, a acre flu t 4at ail ki Me&voy, helm, 1-16 acre out-lot 50i) Razidirlv, 3.larUn, acre out-lot 314 ;. la% Itcciarray..loho„allialea aw.-Ilat • - MI 1403 lefear, John, 1:1 wren trait ' ll9 11th -47 Plata Elt H. On, 3 acres truer ns.. Paid Pit taburgit & E R R acres; 3,1 sea No 2.4 V acres Itt Met , No 2421 lois, Patton, Win, Jaorta out-lot &it__ lstki Root, Lualux uereout-10tX2...... Dar. m Ri Cha flee: facial ft out-lot lgot; heel% Nferehant.Erte, .1-16ont-lot •Z.ltt 1' 4 64 fgewart •Oktaphate.en, 104x165 ' out-lot at 1104; Sheraton], Conrad, 401110 s't'et ont lot 2,1 Sterrett, T, 11 acres, tract 317.1___. 1406 Shook, Peter, 821166 ft out-lot 1181-67 Stevens, Nichols, 4; I ac's out-lot 311 11661 \Vatic)), El isha, 3 wires unt-lotsll.ll and Md.— 1666 Colton, Geo W. 4 acre out-lot ddi.. 150647; DeLltrup, Geo W;;4) acre oat-tat Plyzzipton, B 0, 154 acres Best 34 166)-67 Unknown. lot 31 oat-lot, Taylor, .1 H,147 perches oat-lot 416 ISM • Kramer, Mr, 401140 ft out-lot hl_... 1667 'Kessler, Mr, 411165 ft tract Click. Philip, acre out-lot 504 P 6,7 Cowley, David, 4111:1) ft lies M.. 067, (Siton, Thus, 2-641 ont-lots Tas, Yet_ 1 4 67 ' Howl's, Mrs Mary, G-sa oat-10t5549, Yel. Idc(3irtY;Jarneaf.. l 7ticre out-lot 504 'Sterrett, Jas B, Beacres 57) 4)6C th Stringer, A, 4 acre oat-lot 1667 Volmer, Geo, acre oat-lot 361._ DV Wlckerman, Jas, '2Ol acre ontdot.Bl6 M K muierr, Mrs,4ox Mft oat-lut %Lad • ISM Wagner,-Ge0,40x140 oat-lot 201,:)d 1617 McCrack, Jane W, lots square 48.. Iwl7 'Blake, Tyler R, out-lot ..$ do do !t' acres, Rai 37.....; hid Sanford, 31 t 1,, la acres tract 'MI_ 1416-67 • Burke, John 1 lot on t 31......_..!x6; Brown (of Warren) 1 lot rat Erud Wayne street. Abel, I acre land Pail Casauda, Charlea, 55 acre twilit 1567 Finnegan, Thomas, one lot PS; Gurney, II A., one 1667 Hussey, 31, 1 lot on Washington ht 184' do do 704 acrea, h act ...... lAd do do i‘ acre, tract St 1x67d0 do 154 acres, land of Hull Pa,. Hunt, 3011 a, Me were, tnset , King, C L, one lot i'SD Messner& Matthews, I nere,tractal 1407 Kelsey, Mn', 2 lots on Franklin at_ 1467 Morey, It K,l lot corner Main and ' Gates streets .... 1 6 m ; Murphy', Michael, P" acres, tract 34 1567 ;Mitchell, John, one' lot - iwr ' Prindle, Flat, 2-4 acre, tract 34 1,217 Rhode*, Mrs 4'l lot on Picard st... 11)07 Menu, Patrick, one lot Randallone 10t.,.......:._1463 Shedd's, 'Peter, 3i acre 1616 4Smith, Henry, one lot .... . 1W Sitetiont;Cleargo,s4 Storer, David, lacres E Waynest IWI7 Stoner, 'Mrs L,2 area l 6 Wayni•st Stewart ataKane tract 31. 1W ! Monts & Mrs Vedder, 2 lots, 2d Av PIC fileeper‘C B, 2 nerve on E Wayne at Tilland, James, 14 acre trail ...... ISM Unknown, log, at 1W ! Williams, Otis, one ..... Is:. • gUatIoN IkkigoVOit: ('lark, Jesse, helm, lots tl, 0, bl'k 13 1967 ' lil Dakiaalue, lot 10 block 1/0--......4.191-67 59 Fp A, lots II and 12 block 10 VW 11/ Guttiralki j ral l a i lltl i fitl i ti l iT t l t 3 9 : l l 1 1 :16: --,...111 Keith, A, lot 4, black M..... 1/01-07 -A1 Montgomery, (1 It, lot II Wit 13,...1935491-46 - 99 Paul, Latter, lot 9 block 21.-a —....... Istin-M" 411 Towner, Jos, lots 13. 14, 13 aaaaaa a , ~ • : ~ • black 13... .... ...-..,............—Mie1ik1ign ~ 2111 , linkliclllm. .74 374:444,111,12, is,. . , _!,,. 14, fidand Lilo* 13.-..-01111 ~,, .7 :7 lota 12, nt, 90.91,42,23,,, •• . ~ • i 21 and \ 12--.... Mt ~, ..1 44 M 42 . • 4 4, 11 i * n 1 . 2 162 1 . , .L,i Maim* 60M 1a...........:. iari 121 lota 9, 31,S z ilit iz tA t 17, 19,19 . ?LU& brk 13 lAte 3 Or 2 : 7, 7 4 o il, 7 61,k 19 i 0 1 : 2 3 % 4 44 \ 10. 91 - , 4. 1 1 3, /909 • 2ln awl 14,1d0e It—. 1996. 1 7,1 tole''" 3,1, 710, 12717, Pc , „ 19, 20721 an d"', block 13.. Mt 1 "13 ' lut 9. block Z ... . 13111 - ~, 13 'lots 4 .11, a, 7, n, if iiiii ii ma • 9z) lots a i r, 24, 4. 5., ••• 'l3 Mt It) lots 7„ 12.47 - „1,1„ 12 a n d. _, '33,-lblock 13: , .......-.. ... -: ..... 1953 - ' - ' t 47 lota 5 and tbloek la _ 199 8 91 It, lot bloc k W. . -..... ....... . 190047 4,1 MI MM/ 4 iituo. l r o W 2l3ll Ly• Farrell, Itruel to, tract 1403 acres.. 133 e ro U , poodrlcb, IJC, tract.* LID acres-1355491447 74 80 Rartsbom,Wl7=B3.lB : Sl Bel ~ 04094411ina,overS310 • ,b li 4 p 4 1 Crain non e; tract 8, 50 ace's -do -tki tract U 0 (i>. 14 ID Halo Old*, traettr Carree— , :.:-1,:.t. , 4385 ) *. 3St Jordan, _tract SI, acre* ben 14 31 Marshal. Robert, tract 24 100 scree 1306-3 r, $ 75 Robertson, Cko W. tract 1,50 acne RC 550 , Yager. DivOldetritet93,looaurea...:.. , 133. ` 3 11..tR, • 'AiiyA r Tawxsiu*:,'„ : 1 Map*.t a cti4 l34 o /95%18 - noi'a 19;94 ' ' l . 4; 4 '75 18/14 arm* 18113 •., 111 aseaktaiat.lAsaaraa... mesa awn r i gn it An. AC, tract reea. /62 acres- 188 S 816 , 109,14ULtic ^ a " • 4V144,"finat213-1465-:2 • 7t 10 ,x, eitrmair • •.:;•:,4 - Ira 54 1331 t "Uekit-1 tract 88, Mgei. 51' 6n4:'.Z‘OCTVI 18®6 lee 0 sere— . , 150 1 01 JJohn, tract 323% 2 scree— 1806 030 RaMtnt'aract 34, 1 %01 „11' *gad 11199 acre ;59attes..z 1381331" 33 53 Stephen 10. tract 9. 43 acres-- . 13311 l i i) 441 Wils ".. J 9eFlll4.,Vi l ik li PO $ coxcomb ToOrzooriP. A & 0 W R B t ayteacta43,el sods), il r elsa ny t a .‘. 1 . 5.1" ' INE'ren - ; Ma 17 44 Aad Coiligiillo6, , g 70, 0. I l k i 1 1 1 •4 2 1 Virw l h ea- i i ... fiiiiintriiiiiii " Wile " " " , 1U Oa. do tram • le. do do Ind, r IX, , 7 4. st,o6Vieiph.l"..:M - IC sem— Ogg7 iso I -- e•-: . Ve 41.1 sere- 14137 44 X 0 tyre, ri l m Vis_,...tzset Mk & aer.A . :: lea 12 75 - * 4..Almete 956ancl _ • letlaiell.:4.--4- 4' —.• - 1451 , li* EE . team o";tere4_, IliS 495 Arkin, tia414441412 - 4140a 211114417 211 44 trod SION acres.. - yes i ss tiiiimin iowozono. , Downs,DovlA 7 acres ...... INC 2 go 1 Milks Nu% 0 lima.. CZCION TOVISSIIIP OLlCary .ebell.§, _tract DAM acres-- .... 001477: 17 79 Farter,Blarajami U 45 acres—. VMB 1 SO /Abe", Wet 117, 50 acres— 1861 • 5 25 Tbampeock e„ trade 119. In. 100 sell 1888 18 20 Wade, Mauer C.traot "O' ,81 aces 18804 M 918 'SION 110110VGII lat 1991• 59 fifb) gilibutionnent., LE BU MF TOWNSUIP. DRVEEpOrt. A, tract "AA" 8t ac's 1866-87 60 45 MD, John. beim tract "C", 30 aces 180447 17 21 Sweet, Willard, M ()rant, 3 acres— 1866-67 130 MATZ/WORD TOWN/MP. ftheracsal, C Jr, tract ''C,"4o3iacea 18/38 828 Trout, Samoa, tract 2418, 106 acres leC7 - 378 anazas volezenizr. SA, tract 338, 24 nerve Bowery, (IA tract. lea and 18b, 400 WC 713 RCM iHat; 118 80 Benius,W LitA J, tract "F"l7 nes 1867 2fa /admit, Richard, tract ZO4, 28 ac'e 1807 462 14 - nch, Charles, tract 1.21, 13 acres.- 18a5-417 410 Metzner, George, traetidit; lerucrel 4 44 Sherwood, traerlick *cora.-- 18k-.J 34 11 143thiner e Ctuts, tract 213, 100 acres— ' 8 to Walince, Irvin M, tract 3:19, 2i acra 1836-47 15 12 SCXXIT TORNBIIIP Wrong, Francis D, tract 2,l3oac'm 19cr,47 P 72 Abram, aere TalrnagP, If L. hefts, acre • TOWSSUZY. • Growl, John, tract "U(" :tort% 14416 t 44t Nolan, Michael, tract 4.7), SO sem_ 1467 I .59 VIIANKLIN TOWNSHIP. Howard, Thomas, tract 7N acr's 18C8-67 Luther, Goo W, tract 84. SO acres-- bB 7 4 31 ThqmpapthV A, Ira* 40, 440Acra. lita.67, 89 Weld/of, SOlcallitraetlo 4 aercat.. !" ' six casitit r rowsmittr: " Slierznun, Oliver, tract 477, 92 nem, 1%6 in 02 Whiteley, JB, tract 93,30 acres 186044 10 92 CONNEAUT TOWNSHIP. 11,11(MY, J B, (10rc,L.5 acres 1037 3 1.1 Grant, Beni, tracts adr.,1107.11101tce13.18111.1 . ?'211.81 do do tract 602, 19 acre 5......... Par 201 do du tract 017, &) acres lac: 042 HnU, Humes., tract an, 1 1807 20 Ilannah, Win, I' acre Dial 5 70 Is:, tract 6 17, gore, 71 tier's' 16ti; 11 16 Jones, J , gore, 10 acres. 1*;1-o -o' tll sl . l Jacoby, LC, 1n1et55713, 580, 61 Roes 18336437 71 Lace, Nardi, gore, 5 acres tsite-6MI 92 Low, M L, gore, 05 acres 21 31 Milks, Iraq Ist, tract :r2O, acres, Asst _ t More, AL irate, 50 IBS% Ileralustst, N, h art errignro, Trite* 1.! Thompann, Jag, t met On, :nu acres. 11466 do do tract OE4 144 firma.. 0101 22 Is do. do trartlo74l2 , twos_ trleret7 :!9 Wallacw, John W, tract ems, .21)) /lea 110.; do do fractal°, an Ws IVA 10 03 do tract ON, 75 neroi LA97 do do I nog 610 250 ac's 1137 W. KLLLLII, ''non? y Tre,..nret nplf:4l% - Treeri! Trees! ! Trees!!! Apple TreeN. Pear Tree*. Cherry ,Treeu, POilehirreeu. Plum Tereu. • Evergreens, Wieeping Trees, SOlMAlliki l . - • ' " 114 / I !e n9 • GRAPE VINES OF EVERY VARIETY! We would re..pret fully /immune, to the titl. • rens of Erie and vicinity that we are prepared to , turnimh them mitit TREES, VINES AND PIAN'PS, of ev. ry and nut ranted snt tioll in every , case; flu your trees, etc., at -home and patronise barer - bed it ut lons, thereM Saving agent's profits, freights, and a variety of other expero.es connected with the importation of trees from a distance, esPeciallY When tit" _Home Institutions produce as fitlOD and a 31UCti ligrTER stock. Call and see us and be convinced that we wilt ilo all Ire Advert I.le. Address, . Platlmau k Sprague, Cottonetviai Nanseries, ' Corner of Nlyrtie and Situp Strtein, Krte City, Pa. apiti-dw 2' WI 3/A 3 to In 2 96 :A 2 00 TO THE PUBLIC. 4 01) 1 00 3 SO 2W 2 ixt Then, ttbe ...tiding to New York FOR YOUR TEAK t NO g 0171,4 ti the relitteries to t-oy REFIgEII OIL _1 St. tI N • I • s.)11) 1.1 hu S 0-A p: 41.1 e p big mi.,' t.., • , 1 V , 4111 •Gromries 81141 PINOVisiMIN W htte "there is rt LIVE CASH STORE; 2 01 4 () 2 11:1 I/0 14 1: eit the 6.)iner of PAtit - und tate , Streot.-4. ri7 t t st.,ro CB= R. S. MORRISON, lag removed I& Mack tir Ig.,odA to the store in the Rid lionhe formerly ..eeupled by Niewirr. Munell, Stephens a WUtley. lakes plea stun, In announelng to his old ellYtoiners owl the citiz e n s of Erie gen. rolly. that he lets open ed telt 4 NEW AND iEl.}:ta ~TUCK Dry Goods, Dress Goods, &s., For Spring iind t.tunither Welly*. I intend to keep at ell times the beit gouda in the market, and it full Hattori went of everything In say. line. thmitatters cnn alwaya do better by buying of me than by gokng East.' a 11) 2 01 45 I.W 3 IX) 2 go •Rrntetnbrr the pht,e, No. 6 Reed House. Stqueh %Kid.. of Ow Pure 1 5 OD slp '3 73 3 75 750 IL S. MORRINOI. 1 apIG-tf. Notice. m ' a4. BAK K R 4 1 owellE1.111:7.1t Intr.; thlH do sermitted Late thvir !Inn Mr. lISAAC Itie.K: KR. The filMl iuk)nr (min nnw MI ivr 1 I lw Baskin; osthelmer & CO4 Erie, March 2, Mkt '2 25 2 25 79 45 Si 1::/1 On Aptll Ist WO will remove to t h e middle store in . , - Eigillart Sleek, •N0:503 State i3treet, • - • Two (kora below our present shnd where we will open an entire KEW , STOCK 'OF GOODS, For itta , *Ong Trade, mt prima - '4l suit 'the - -RAKER,-114Tagrartirlkat. •. . Executor's Ng§lee: iAir ETTIMS TENTAMENTARY to the rotate Of JILA Jainft Miles, late of Girard township. de. canard, have been wanted to the subwriners. All perwuth Indebted to the volute are reqUeAteit to make itfarrediate mitten', and t !TOW having elahosarAlamandsagaduatUto esiatesif.the do. mailed will make known the came without de lay. JAMFI4 5111.k.N. c: ,:::-,-;:---:- ,-. ,1. ROBERT HALL, ,f,0. , ,, .' ~,,.,:- -.. 1: - .lir.iarEnultx, xpa-ait :-..r.; = -..-, • . - . _, Executor.. ~111swiliiiki. rv ig Trlp,,=, Bistri f ir t ri le g i nsyMila. in the ntatterofSonnkin - V Andrews, bankrtipt. Tbo and igAglitedi hereby gives notice of his up pWntnientse of sam'l F. Mid:vont; of o k a Albion, l and Mate of Pennsylvania, within fithrtoirbo has been adjudged a At:taken - - hi awstiletitlins. Iler the District ?la . 1 PirAILIN Z. I'Ve. M. Anal -I. 4.,:. - „IL RIBLET, Aslttguee. ntorl : +i - . 1 ".• .4.10. MO Peach 1it.,„ . 0,1%. : (:`, 111.44 . 1140 Peach Street, 'l=l , lll4nd Dealer its GM:ICEI4IEM PROVISIQN§. CUANICTIONERIEN ETC Havana lataiiiiiiisnad an entirely new stork of goods. I sat ttieftetiqfpork*Utd*ce tarots to alliikozot7 Itly* *** dell. Romembettitit place. 1319 Peach street., south 'of the Depol,:feStei ap9-31n. t W 11.40 0 DYED aKe P rtl h to May 11th. MI, VI Weigle grading, curbing and st ns with reedit:int -. sand. setone of the ea ' Vs? Of French streetarom tie north line of sth street, 1.0 the north-Bros of Front, street. •Phsniond =lcations eghbeseen at the °glee of the CRY eer. „ M. HARTLEB, O. M. B.lllTli, J. EJCKENLAUB, J. 0. BAKER, Btree Opintulttee. 44. W. "Tii l o riVFXBY Engine t er. ' &pH-3w. INI TEEM*II7OII2III3TRATION on the es. tale Walf„ deed, late,otlfill Crest tp„ bele ' tad to themsderslitual; nodal') - to all Indebted tattle mama to payment , and Waft hasimiejauaatemtnetaakl estate will prealitt tbem.-duly M iediasktbe settlemen BAANKLIN ti WILLI& • i 7111AAC WOLF. Administrator', . cre.411,141 , ..,::: 1110.4 w. . liallar. - ......... - . ...._ _ .- - - - - - ~ • - anbierther,at AWL& ..;......;041'4".i i 7 r ta t= 14 ' bar opimmatifte lwil uN t i r ap2a•Swer, , ,i , .N. \ ,. t5747..z..7,----SAmilla • Administrator's Notice. ETTERS OF ADMINIRTRATION having L been granted to the undersigned. on the' estate or Mrs. Aunt e,Wade deted, late of Green. field 04 Notice te hereby given to all Indebted: to the saint to make immediate payment, and those tinting claims against the maid estate will present. them, dilly authenticated, for settle input. A R. BEEMAN. MARY ANN REIMAN, Administrators. Greenfield. April lA, 11101.--preA-6,1. Clothing House !- MARKS & MEYER, 1847 `A 18,4L7 72 !Nye rrmnr. 41 in their eleannt new Store lietS4P4' littfiding, Dirertly .41PtoollertInelpnld land, In III; NoI,IP M.0.:7. noel are now reeetvinz their Spring and Summer El Eic - Iyais" CHILDREN'S RESOV At.l DE. AND MATEIII.II,,, .CUSTON WORK ! Elegance, Variety, quality, V. 111 P , llltpare invorAhly Y. aLly TO . Vitileh 1.01 re-Th4i-t fully tiollrlttd IMIIMENIIE ui - , ,, 11.1/ = N. CLEMENS & SON, We removed our stock on April let (non 1:1.15 Pencil ?tree! to nor prey lit C.:MAIM/it MN and - PleaMl l44, :1 , 1 0 not prop,' e-1 to oft: r cumtomenc a TARDE AND WFI,I, SET,ECTED STD( K Gro(•4i•i(l+.' Provioatovam. ut., ;I,+O ,leatim4 GREEN VEGETABLES. 11.intityme and 14lorc. le it Pot it t *Nay Now on lintot. t4nlrn from coootry dr.lert st nocyrt4 Sc. F4IFICIFIS 14. 11. C! 11, AAR. No. 14 Park Place, SPRING GOODS ! Will have. and keepeonstiitil lii_.tore a , tor k tat 'than 1w nwttirpaiNeil VAl2liirr - V. 144'1'V.1.1.1 A N - • Alta wHt illluiwity.•oid thr• Lowest Market Prices. aw- First door Fdaotoitho entrauptitalkoinVir. Hotel. ap9-144, . , . ~... . - - 'Disaistutlion - of Ptiriikenship. ftErECil-PARTNERFiIIIV heretofore existing under the firm mane of Yalta, Goodwin has this day been dbwolved by mutual con sent, Mr. John S. itoodwiu retiring from the ann. - JOHN ;mita, JOHN H. GOODWIN, µM.. A. IllioW,.:, A. H. GRAY IL C... MATER, W. N. RINDEIINKCHT. ,ErieiAmil 1, laki. /OWN RUOT di CO.. BAN KERS. -John Eliot. ii Wm. F. Rinderneeht, A. H. Gray, M. C. Mayer, former partneri of Eliot, Qoodwin & CO., have this day (conned a rt.pnyinpriakip no, c ibe der the arm mune of "John Eliot & for the purpose of continuing the Man and Fat, RAidttea , at the (ace opeupled Eliot =rho drib.; for the tart two years. Brio of John Eliot & Co. a ill settle all the beidnee. of Ellot.OoodWln &Co. • JOBB' ELIOT • —' ' ; W3t. A. BROWN. ALI': MAYEli is * ' A. R. GRAY, WM. ~_ RINDERNECHT. Mir, April I, lisen. apit4w._ Sew ; Roareetkatery afal Variety Store I lIA 141,43 1 1Nr, 'So.* 20 Boaaitairatirs Mock, North Park linnJunt returned from New York withan en• tire new stock of Cealbetioneries, Ilse Groverlasi, Pkktek, CATSUP, &JAMES, ETC.- . I luteud to keep at all tlmee a complete ea sortmeut of the liner groeeties for fkmllo7 we. 1 will also have EARLY .V}X*Er*.BLIDS, 01140 N *FIRM* I'vibuld invite the people or Erie to_ glee Int call. an I Intend to keep everything unn,y mit that be called tor. Remember the plate, No. 2) t ensweti(~m Block, formerly goakdog office of Omit & Metcalf. C. J. ENOLEIHART _ , HA. opened! new - Flour, Feed &Produce More, ALtlle corner of 'Elet l antli and State Streets. Tarlitat bolsi* ale atien of all w . anything In b O line. wil l dear ate thing In the PoiltantYClE And warrants his goods to be &plat to the best In the market. /37' The highest market. price in smith paid for all kinds of country produce. - uP9-aor JOB PAINTING of every kind, in large or small quantities, plain or colored, done In am bast stYie. and at moderate prices, at the Observer office. Attu grebetlistutents. xr.liv Ironic STYLES CLOTHING. f ~llf ~ whi h lor I.OW Pill( 'FDA. l Wost or Now York, 'AII 4 RAN A: MEYER. FRU' PA I=! .13.1 Pesteh Street. i•-•; y't I)NE I Es. es. fI:N;JONS Is now receiving Lin took DURABILITI Con Partnership Notice.