The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, April 30, 1868, Image 2
rat TlCSerter. THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1868 10 f • (4.4: -, :it So (.1. • :14 MYDITOU CIENIMAL, CHAS. E. BOY IE, of Fayette Co. SURVEYOR GENERAL, W. IL ENT, of Columbia,Co Agents for the Observer. We have selected the following gentlemen as our agents in the places named, to transact any businees in connection with the office. Persons knowing themselves indebted to us am hand Them the money, and their receipts will he ac knowledged the same as if - given by ourselves: Corry—Amos Heath. Petroleum Centre—Geo. W. Wilson. ' Tidionte—Nelson Clark. Oak - Grove—Wm. J. Welker. Wayne—D, W. Howard. Voungsville—Cat. G. J. Whitney: Spartansburg—John G. Burlinglialu. • Titysvlllelark. Ewing. IMMerford—W. C. White. . Union Borough—M. V. B. Brown. Union Township—Mosey Smiley. Alblon—C. E. Lincoln. Fairview—Amos Stone. ' . Girard--Capt. 1). W. 'Hutchinson. Elk Creek and Lundy's Lane—Wm. Sherman. Spriugfleid--Glibert Hurd. Lockport—J, C. Cauffraan. Wattsburg—Lyman Robinson. McKean Township—E. Pinney. . PAlinboro-31arcus Harbor Creek—Wm. Saltsmen. • Wesleyville—Edward Jones. North East—B. A. Tahoe. Jackson's—Snaltit J. Jackson. t DISPATCHES from Europe announce the sudden but complete snccess of the British Abyssinnun expedition..- The Army of Thea dorus has been cut up and routetl, his cap tives have been released, and his own life has paid the penalty for his barbarity. The vengeance of England has only satisfied the demands of Justice. We congratulate Queen Victoria on her somewhat severe, but cer tainly merited, rebuke of her-heathen lover. TUE Washington correspondent Of the Chicago Times says it is well known there that- General Sherman is indignant at the proNpect of an unjust and partisan conviction of the President. He says if Johnson is con vh-ted, he (Sherman) Will appeal to the peo ple of the 'United States against the finding of tiic'Senate ; that he will him4elf, if neces sary, be the standard-hearer of the party op po.ed to stich conviction, no limiter who may he the standaro-bearer on the other side, nod that he will agree to stump the country on the question ! This threat, deliv ered with the General's accustomed and well-known vehemence of manner, has great ly alarmed the Radicals, and there was u good dettl'•,r fluttering in their camp-iti, con :-equence. TIIE FARCE AT WASHINGTON. The attention of the Impeachment Court has been wholly occupied since t,mr last issue by the ari.ruments of the counsel and man agers, each of whom has been allowed to "speak his piece." -Messrs. Butler and Curtis having been granted the privilege of opening for their respective sides, aro of course re lieved from the opportunity of again display ing their oratorical powers. The arguments for the Radicals have thus far been made by Messrs. Boutwell, Stevens and Williams. each of whom spent from four hours iu Stevens' case to a day and a-half in each of the others in reading written rehasheS of the Radical theories with which the country is familiar . Judge 'Nelson, of Tennessee, and Mr. Groes beck; of Ohio, answered them in splendid oral arguments, the effort of the latter being especially commended for its chaste and con vincing eloquence. On .Wednesday, Mr. Evarts, of New York, spoke on the Presi dent's side, and to-day (Thursday) Mr. Stan bery is to commence a speech u hi& is ex pected to last two days. The closing argu ment will he made by Mr. Bingham, on the part of the managers, and' as he will be re quired to sum up the whole ease,hly plea will probably continue a couple days more. The belief prevails that the Senate will not come to a vote before Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. There tieing nothing to retain Judge Curtis any longer, he has returned to his home in Massachusetts. The counsel for the defence desire that the Chief Justice shall close with a charge, the same as in or dinary court ,proceedings, but it is not known whether he will Comply with their wishes or not. - Some excitement has been created by a proposition to the effect that the question of the President's guilt or innocence shall he decided by ballot instead of an oral vote, as is-customary in the Senate proceedings. The impeachers profess. to see in this a disposition to shirk the responsibility by sonic of the Senators, and openly allege that its adoption would secure the President's acquittal. We have no doubt that there are many Senators who would like to wash their bands of the whole dirty affair, and if they can &slac some mode by which the censure of their Radical associate* and constituents can be cacaped, will welcome the opportunity to vote against the President's conviction. The sn i t,. ject has - not been disposed of,. and may lead to a spicy scene atthe termination of the ar guments. Tut: newly elected Burgess of York, Pa., is David Small, the individual who, in 1883, walked seven miles In surrender the village_ into the hands of the rebels. The people of that town must-he easily managed, or they are-of a rebellious tendency. Suppose Small -has another opportunity, will hgsurrender to the enemy ? How is it, Mr. Democrat? "Why is this thus ?'%-•-ttispateh. • Mr. Small slimily did what any other man Of good judgment would have done under the circumstances. When the rebels invaded Pennsylvania, a detachment was sent to take possession a the• borough of York, which did not have a Soldier to rely upon for its de fence. Anxious to spare the place from pil lage, Mr. Small and otherprominenteitizens, iltelw4lie2 rc zit mbtjr RoTticalft, went Sam distance out to meet the enemy, and, after informing- the, Commanding officer of their situation, they peaceably aurrendered the place to him, upon receiving all assurance that no violence would be done to person or property. The people of York had good rea.ion to congratulate themselves upon hay ing so judicious allargess, for, as a result of his mission, they were treated-with a marked degree of lenity during the whole - period of the rebel .stay. They have exhibited their appreciation of his wisdom' by re-electing him every succeeding year; each time by an increased majority, although previous to the war the borough wasone of the most reliable Radical places In Pennsylvania. This is the whole etery aud nothiugmore, and we hope the Dispatch will have sufficient courtesy to retract Its libel upon one of the most estima• He men and patriotic citlz inthe Country. I ii73ITICIE To I:II2LAND. We hope there is truth in the Cable dis patch which atateithereitz widespread and ever-increasing feeling inEngland favorable to the amelioration of the condition of the Irish, as the most effective means of suppres sing Fenianism. Even that old champion of all sorts of injustice and oppressius. the Lon don Times, has an editorial favoring the kite. The eyes of England as to the rvl sentiments of Ireland begin to be open. Statesmen like Gladstone, and papers like the London Timm begin to , admit that, if n popular vote were to be taken In Ireland O,U her connection with England, an immense majority of the• vote would be cast In.. fityor of hnntediate,- total and ; Anal seParation t' and that If mus kets were piseed . in . the Lands of 'every Irisk man, Most of musieniwould be turned against England. The .exeenttortit at Man cheater, and the suppressioirerthe funeral 'processions, which by all English papers are described as most orderly in their appearance, have greatly strengthened this. spirit of dis affection. If anything Can yet change this spirit, it will be a thorough reform or Ep lish. policy toward Ireland. TUE Drawrcit AN TIO N.D Tat oincAso ir.Lfwe The Democrats Melee gtratly that, the Chicagoans elected a Demeeratie judge and clerk the other day, by about nine hundred majority. The city went Republican last year by five thousand, and-so-the conserva tives boast of six thousand gain. When the fact is known that the vote is four thousand less than in 1804, showing that at least ten thousand persons did not vote, it will dimin ish the agony of their joy a little. Such vic tories arelleasant, to he sure, but not Woo rely upon.--Dia-pcteh. We are sorry to be compelled to post oar neighbor up so frequently. but as It 'trill per sist in distorting the facts, either ignorantly r intentionally, we cannot be blamed forgo denvorin,g, as a faithful conserver of the pub lic morals, to maintain it In the path of Un biased rectitude. In the first place, the Democrats did. not elect their "judge . end clerk by about 900 majority." • The. former 'succeeded by 910 and the latter by only 120, neither majority being very large, but suffi cient to brag over, under the circumstances, and too heavy it would appear for- the DU= patch to receive by telegraph, though' itean secure reports of Radical tunjoriticsTromlit tle places way off in Maine and .Tennessee that no person cares it straw about: in the' next place, the comparison with the rote of 1864 is unfair, and calculated to give an erro neous impression. At that time there were thousands of soldiers In the city, all of whom were allowed to vote, and their ballots swelled the total to an extent far exceeding the number which is its just proportion. The fair mode of comparing the result is with other elections when there were no National . or State officers to choose, which was the case last year. In that contest, fought upon a straight party issue, the vote stood: ' Rice, (Republic:lml - - 11,909 Sherman, (Democrat,} • 7,991 Republican majority la-ct year, - 3,918 Total vote, - . - - 10,900 This year the rote k ng follows on indge: McAllister, (E/Cinocrat,) - - : 12,284 Smith, (Republican,) - - - 11,374 Democratic majority, Total vote, - It will be observed that the vote of 1868 is nearly four, thousand more than in 1807, al though a Mayor was chosen upon the latter oeca,ion, and the campaign was conducted with - Irue Western energS, brief space of a year, the Radicals , huVe lost WO votes, while the Democrats have gained over 3,000 , a change sufficient to overthrow the nearly 4,000 majority against ns, and turn it to 000 in our favor. If this is not sOntothing to rejoice over, we do not know , what would he. A still better idea of the vast Democratle gain in that locality tnliv be bad by going back to 1866, when the Radical catolitlate, fur Congress had 6,580 majority in the -county, the entire Democratic vote, with the city in cluded, being only 5,697. It-may 'be good partisan policy for. the Dispatch to belittle facts like these, but the .circumstance . does not speak well for the justice of its disposi tion. Better to concede the truth at once, and save its readers sore disappointinent in November. • A SHOUT time orevious to the close at the Inter legislative session, Senator Lowry made another speech, reiterating his views upon the financial position, taking ,the most 'de cided ground in• favor of the overthrow of the 'National bank system, favarlog the tax ing of the bonds, advocating their con version into greenbacks, and planting him selfif possible even more fairly and squarely upon the Democratic platform in this res pect than in his previons effort. He tells his Radical associates that their attempts to gag him will not anceced, and solemnly warns them that they are "lolling themselves to sleep, in fancied security, 'upon a voltsmo, that may ut any time break forth anti en pipit them in the bunting lava of an out raged people and a bankrupt goverument." The present financial plan ho characterizes as a "robbery," which "surpasses in villainy any scheme of public theft that the world ever witnessed, sod its end," he pre lists; "will be speedy disaster and ruin." "We must either reform,", he exclaims, "or repu diate. ~I ant in favor of reform." In spite of the opposition of all his party papers in this county, there is no questioninit the fact that Lou ry• has the sympathies of n vast majority of this Radicals of the district upon thissines lion. The people who do not hold bonds or are not interested In their perpetuation en dorse the greenback policy, without distinc tion of party or class, and the day is not far distant when it will be the great and over whelming issne that will sweep everything before-it. FOR LIBERIA. The American Colonization tic' wiety is mak ing an earnest appeal for money to colonize in Liberia more than two thousand freed men who want to go there. Four thousand. freedmen have petitioned -Congress to send them to Liberia, or to give the Colonization Society the Meats' to send thetu. Some of their petitions have been published, and also letters from them, from 'all of which we judge they are persona of some intelligence,. good character, and earnest in. their desire to emigrate. They arts poor and unable to pay their expenses. Many of them have friends in Liberia. They are all — needed there—and, as they want to go, it seems de sirable that They ratottiti he assisted." The Society's ship it exPeeted to sail bit the first of May, and can earl* six hindred and fifty of them. Don4liens should, therefore, 'be made at once, and - sent in sums, large or small, tr. Rev. W.NeLain, D. D., Financial Secretary American ,Colonization Society, Washington,D. C. ' • WHAT DEMOCRATS BELIEVE. 1. Thit.t.lip bentlhaltlers ought to take the smut kind of toolleY is Poeta of The Goy' errunent debt tine them that they tent the , Gcnrentotent: an which they, agreed ' to take in return. • 2. That the bondholders are entitled to no Letter cnrreney for 'their debts" than , the not- dier, the farmer, the mechanic er receive for theie*--no better than the lmodheldem themselves pay to their credit ors. • 3. That it is not taTood poliey'fo exten‘n public debt aq a pertnanenUt afittnina which wata the people in iulereat every year VA 000,tal0 irtgold, which intern:4Ln eiilegn years amounts to as mush us the principal itself. We tad better pay the inlittited mud atop the . interet4 hnfona,the people are alt itirpoverish,' eyi and beggared. ~. - "HT 1 Why not disband . the standing army?' . . Why not reduce the expenses of the navy to Lomas' flgureit „ • Why not kip eir halt the unnemente expenses of the kkivernment ' • ' Why clit out dOwn to pay of Congress ., mot; , • Why continue tile costry and uselentFret;tl: Si metes Bureau Were piaugresa: to ipactice getmiti . e&mee my, we' might readily dispense with ull taxes, except customs, stsurriurmul excises ou liquors and, tobaceti,•without affecting our tuitional faith or itureiritig our" tuitional credit. . . ORE thousand dollars ,petraltudeis about the amount of tantiesa•which the . People of this.coluttry are paibig to.raMpori , ous policy of the limapeortgress! Cintithati sand'dollarts per atistaust, and wbat:for Nol to promote pros/wit-Y-4x a reunion of the sections—or the ' re-estatdialintent of trade and commeree—or the old lultdlylntemonsia of the States—but to enable a corrupt party to keep power in the government,-by tippres sing white- people, awl elevating the =grow to the ruling power in the States ! Bue fur this there would have been, lung ago, a duly b:tg trade, as of old, between the North and South—peace; prosperity, and happiness. iiinaTOYAL' Tor. - "Lost Canss"-::..the — Ottsie of "tge Union THE most dangerikii eounkirfalt ituar in circulation is Radical republiditnism. - ox some of the juries in Texas there is not a single white min, owing to the "trotAO t oath." • Me. ilarrtmrsaytc"ThriteMatirrik , every free American_ to mike of Self is beyond question." Greeley means to exercise all his privileges. " ' " TnE Radicals tint all Harts of insular-and humiliations. and outrages upon , ficatth and then are ese.eedlttgly o.4•AptCly auk* that the people of the SOrith daunt love them for it. THE Chicago Tribune ' uints 'ynteti to _rc sign on account of his If all the drunken Senators would do .that the Jacobins wontd - ttooniiiie to" only in Congts . AN exchange has the hilknrittignixl thing: We yesterday heard a couple of,coloreij gents discussing the qUesdon of finpeixelt 7 , went, when one of them etchinted: ."Whora de use 'peaching ole Andy- 7 =he'd It TUE Bradfortl„Argets rakes'ont ing scrap of obi history: , , • "I ant not, and never have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes nor of qualifying them to holtloMee. lem not In favor of negro eitizeurhip." laiscom MY friend, if I owed you a,dietti antioffered you its amount in grumbackt; woad - Yon ;utli :it "repudiation?: Or if I offeredyou in Fe turn, the same 'kind of money . that I borrowed of you, would Ibe "penitentiary_ hint ?" ,• • . THE Peruvian 'Minister re! arkeditt Wash ington the other day: "Itupwlelonent ie. a novelty with you here !a 'the Iltdted States; brit when pott have tried It ak often as we hare in our *country, you will not like it so' 91G 23,Q1 THE New York Independent -(Theodore Tilton's paper) reads Chief-justice Chi* out` of the Radical party. The late eleetlatts All over the country have shown that tens of thousands of honest men have lef without waiting to he read out Tor, majority In Michigan aganst the Ja•, whin corner-stone—indiscriminate negro sof frage—stentlily increases as the rettirris from remote counties come In. The :vote Is: the largest ever imiled in flint state, anti reveals an actual majority of over forty thousand against the grand idea tlfJatobinisn. Saturday,—the-28111-zU. r Tim&leas Stevens declared on the tloorpf Iheßun l l). "I am often retninded;b3e4entietnenritnound me, some very wise, and some otherwise, that I have said more than once that all this is outside the Constitntion. He is otherwise who thinks that assertion is not true." Tim Philadelphia Post, referring to the atatemeut 'which has been made within the Last few days that "General Grant' will not accept a nomination on a 'Antrum - favoring negro voting," says that if the statement be true, then "General Grant will not be tannin nnted at all, inasmuch ns the great majority of the Republic:an papers favor negro suf frage?' . , A 'Tort" turns oat the, Mhriring negro; melody : ~ • - "Old Uncle fro down dat hoe! And Dinah, 41rop dat kitchen dough ! We now aro free, with nothin to do. • Ant to dance all night and; all day, too. - "The poor white trash have-notila ,to say i But to work I work t Laza pay. While the brewed darkies dance dull' Let. the white trash foot the liddler's•bilV Tuts country has been convulsed by many vehement political contests ; that of 1888 is destined to eclipse and dwarf them alt. The aggregate populak vote for Prealtlent at the three last elections Vas as follows: 18.56,4,011,- 018 ; 1860, .1,6801.95 ; 1861, (11 States silent,) 4,031,189. This year, we presume there will not be kw than Six Millions.of votes polled, although nearly or quite One Hundred Thou sand persons are now . tilifninchised because 4f their pronduent "participation in the late Rebellion. illE Wnstington corespondent of the Cleveland Leader, a ,rank Abolition sheet, has the lollowing paragraph in a letter from the Capital: ' . "lie (Wade) is a dapgeroiri- savage, fat of the unquenchable fire of tyrannous revenge. Bad watt the day for' he party of light, of in telligence, of charity and of the i future. when this cursing and hating old man egraf toil himself upon our organization. lie is to us neither an ornament, an example,. nor a moral power. Nature gave him no Amity ; art no grace and God no benevolence." SwimAar Mcctrm.oen, we observe by 'his April repart of the public debt, continues to keep• 'about' $100,000,000, in gold in the Treasury. This gold, converted Into: legal tenders, would take up•$189,000,000 of five twenty bonds, upon- which tke people are now paying en interest orals per tent., which' amounts. to $13,280,000 a year. This would be , a very hendsoiue saving to, the taxes of the people: But McCulloch prefers to keep his' gold end let the bondholders hem Wean- terest on the bonds which the gold Ought to' pay. This is caged : wise financieringrhy some people. - It - is wistkcertainly, for the bonded intense: • - • • ittAceartfaretlectious previous to the mak. ing way with Making; in older (bathe aught rile in his place, are vet); applicable to scene duals au* being enacted at WaslOg ton. • Macbeth. in 'view of the "taking . otr of Duncan, soliloquizes: • • "If it were done, when. 'Os done, then %want well - .It were dune quickly. If the assassination Could tranunel up the consequence, and catch, ' - With his surcease, success ; that but this blow 3light be the he-ail end end-all'here. But here upon the bank and Shoal of time-4 We'd strip the life . to crane: 'Ea in these clwes • ' '4Vc stilt hare jrulgirient here: 'Shall:re but teach ) •- ' Bloody initrnbtions, 3ritieft,„heleg Wight; re= turn , . ". _ 'To plague cue inyermor, ,, ' Tug Kansas State Jogged,' published at Laerroice,,ind merit front 3liekliniti,ht greatly disgusied. With the . late election of that Stale4in voting doWn the negro-suffrage Constitution by 40,4ffiernajori- IY: Jt , "Idlchlaeis aJtailiCil Stale, Or posedto be. Repablican ray had its - birth is ' P;Ptesol4 'of Michiliari wi se.riraft for %),Othiattoticht Republican insinrity. But ..ltichigan,9o - Michigan; tied > w shed eZfes. eil"theee4Y inconsistency.. its relts to adopt., 9 n Oonstitntion.:: Withltil-000p00,whlic popn baton it hit.sidao ttlisttl*o 'sad for some nniccOuntolffe , reason the le do. 'dared by aboa4kooonogar.lothatito 1200 negmes shall vote; and vet -7111eldiputhas the inconsistency ro ask. or, Milli. Ageeop- ou theple .of-tlte South lite, my rnlp Wi he/ th self yseh re te . tu ffttfr elkeutlezitYage Which n she rejecn 't o I . ' siskyvicei: - w9, is the Revoluthin, Abat."-ibenlaimin, um*. stands that all abominations she seee•at every into-tttlie'liimbole and UM 'gabbling 41Opri- 7 nr:e sub *taof legislation to 6a taloa, up :or down, what stupidity to suppose Mat She' win not gladly, use her vote -to•annove ietQtation from tie AiSy of Oucesi l she (min liegra 4 o* - 3; l!s4rik never will?`age up es dawn" the anttwsuco .31t& stump 'mentions. the people of the Mate of appiaamatte;"after saexperfamete dime yeas, lbrze goti4e 'Ode minds / 1 !*, minholes, ;Mimi be "voted 4oba ;" and the alma would be thei "ratulter every oilier at. tempt to forcibly . 'aiiriprms vice. 'Why, they cannot even get .0 'of; Mktyeti ald murder in New yuti vitt; ilieald - bi two thomandpo lieetnerx, !Cis Ibillyrto talk of stippreadng MIA oles and gabitilingsakmrts by nfly web mesas, -hr wflti a politic* rteceility = . tIITI M , , thugart out* hiS 2 ,iteat lit: thfOenate ok ;Pennayllillithi. Willrldii4 ;the 11,/emocrati bad Wind to tbesitire sure to be added the, atuakko. be 'elected. ia the Luzeent arid Adains districts. Two Senators are to be elected in Philadelphia, and the Radicals lbsiiiie cotalotivriith oP•the people there. If tqlV el t ,ere ,g l .4l 4 * W I*mO. mitts wen d ve at:Sept eauji-therati oftie ring," the power of the majority and the patronage or 'the = Strode' Weald have passed from Radical hands. , , . that .. the nitzt Hopi of Reprwittitivea of that Sista will eantaht a =pray . of Radt. cabirattgitig from tear to l'irotit , yP, :s3titinuen -"Uncle!: out totto-borotkib';illtem;:th.ii . suit' .404 Jws Lohertzue',. 'betatiOiitio,solcuittes of 11,000oloctitaly dire Itepsteentat aggregate - moto,oF — near nom Thit - glow wirli 'DO morepate 44tibfllath elect • Repretositativis. No comment »n 'ibis is menenatlV ) .. •- ' ' ; AN , ~,:exe :l2 #o:F i a . r: j At:Si Pav FiciWATP. nunuma,motthern man -tesidgpt la Charles ,ton, Carolina,- only eighty-eight. of wilted anemic the Ratßeattistepation_called leco&tructlon;,iindOxti of the eighty-eight ore eciur*ted With the turnip or the Negro Bureau, More than halt of the live hundred were Radicals melons to settlement In the South; bit they have nil tette for being dom inated over In their new Wits_ by insolent 'and igatrantrdarkies, even to please, Thad. Stevens & Co. . Tut - white population of Illemplthi, is about My thousand. The negroes gave 4,200 votes at the late city election. There are 7,000 whiteince lathe eitv;hut 4,600 of them were disfrunchltied," so that they polled only . 9,400 :vo'tM6 •bitiv one white person voted of every twenty, whilst there was a' negro vote foI-'every, four 'heroes. . Thus 50,000 white men is a greatcity ;a re put Under the control of 15,000 niggers. „ Tim Radicals bought up the Fenian Head Centre In Connecticut. He tried to coax the Irish from the' Democratic frith.' Result, 1,781 . Democratic maturity, , When the Hud ion thus into Lake Champlain, the Radicals Will succeed in inducing the Irish to vote for negro equality and white slavery under Con gressional rule. „ ' , ' Tun Montgomery; , Ala., Mail, , and tbe Mobile, Alm, Register, both spettk in beconi• jog trips of the trn:liin soltileri. The Reg /stet saga : '1 4 4 of - the South. honor the Northern soldiers, bemuse .they fought us gallantly and died like men in defence of their eatvie,' • ITEMS OF. ALL SORTS. A maim named BMWs was tarred and feathered in Demopolis, Alabama, last week, for haring married a negro Woman. A. T. STESTAIreB city and • State taxes amount to MAO this year. Poor men escape such frightful burdens. PIIMITICE says that Carl Sahara's writings make the kworile larigh almost as much as his fighting, so called, used . A MAN In Sacrosanct, N. 3.,was fined one dollar for working in his minm on Sunday, and fifty tents each for -two inteant in which lielndalged at the proceeding. • fitivr.7novhs -Irovno, of Ittiottssippi, is S rti9l9 youth - of 843; who married a woman of 133, who, is the progenitrqs of oiler s I.luti- 4 avtx}sn Indianapolis has sentenced a n4ro to liitißsbatiiintlbriwo:friirs, and tlffst' thousand,ollals . firtc.loing a whit(' 'woman. ! ' Onu lame tltyt goods houseln New Twit discharged-411114 Anglo 'wen in. its employ on the first instant, and reduced the salaries Of the ietithlndCr.: ' '" 151rry-stv divorce cases are to be heard at the session of , the ihipreme ,Judicial Court, which commenced at Taunt on,Massachnsetts, on Tuesday. Mincua jfMtv4it was elecieg Griveruor of Massachusetts, in 1839, by a majority of one in a vote of 192,060, after being a candidate for sixteen consecutive year' . AN advertisement inserted three times in a Boston- newspaper, requiring a "copyist, was answered by four hundred and Sixiy persons, three-foniths of whom were women. A TccrsESSEICAN recently Committed sui cide because 4)ollkned to having !Uwe(' diver* and sundry men in her life" before their acquaintance commenced. . Tttt perfOt . thance of "Ten 11104 . Bar room," at the ibetttre In Henty,lll., was an nouncedfrom the pulpits of that town, and the: respective - congregations were reconk :mended to attend— brfmta the last fiscal year the United * States sold seven millions of acres - of land: h still has .44000,00 . 0 .retualnlng, besides three,hundresi and sixtptlve millionm snore in Alaska. A WOMAN in Greeneecinnty, tekiedediran tilge of Leap - Yeir PrlYilegrit "OPPed the question" to an unsumpecting young.. 'nen, who accepted; but afterwards changed his mind, 'wheretpon, the lady, beestite obstrep erous, and challetigetthiin td fight a duel. • i anwe l A B -ofisearchterittittatatect-ftv mentation i :rdiluc ed u•k atorelinz, Pelfhtelir the other'''. t, :latoeking'ine init'clititor ten feet, burstinglhe•barrel'Anto .finginents, and seattelq, ug the , contents in cm) , diree, lion. - r THE Ncw..Yorit 13'un "knows of a ixicir wo man went by fourteen days' steady work thereon, and recefied :theirair • four' ' ite material cost seven dolhus.and thte.merchant sold the aliment for, • Tim Memphis Avalanche_ tugs there are .twenty thousand starving negrom • in Mem phis tilli; :timid 'raga, Wiwi are kept slit 0 only by, *Ong, this owy be, it is the case, to a greater or less ex lent; in evety - Scitathere town and city. DitrCrukititii tuts recently hsd ti,e kind . mew to postpone the destractkas, of the world foi si period of one million years. Those who Lave an interest - In remaining on' this globe_ lichlefiliiktitiiitßiemei. • render than kt--03; thetaselm . , r d 1130:0*. Ir having been ~itated Detroit paper thitthuiOnithitheitoryaittspannellitaSeitY . vri;re out of employntentot: gentletittut just across the Canallit'llrieirrites that he will employ one hundred" of theih' in nutting wood,atAriettDWl itiltelitt guilt ; Nola! orMie 343tIn g mei% VT Y.ll, 9tlll,Pil> JQs ),damtn, who died recenily at his itv;sideneWin cOnniy, New tork, the owner of property estimated to be - w0rth .40,000,000, commenced without is Hls ownership of nneplsra~la warn:tines a a lines gik to them, gave him the hulk of his grent, roam yelp ago preparations_ were .made ibr a marriage `bettypett,al6. Similaird `Mid Is 'Bess ShiPp• s or .anise reastatilii. 10dhtif single, dad, lit Woodtbri(conntnirtnideity;, thaotherdai; Was finally united to her old. ley.; who bar ntnentsi3wsMieatereS three • years and ten. POWs s lively young creature of ainetitui dieirsixtr. • • A "mato servant- girl,firk oss the *l, when told be her anphsyer that she laded go ta tite vrPlied ids% gobs'. I 'salvia' to mix wid white folks that don't think 'emselves any better dun de !digger, and I'm toldithuthe , Filinklitt Street crew is coin' to try and be big guns amongst t he niggers on litat day. No, Indeed, I 'isn't gain* nil iitid no milt mesa wbita EZEI -- • AN interest g endL stonishing e t 'transpired on the ~d t, at the ,housiti %Mr. George Chandler, &tomer, n % ; the Lowell roar betweett freshen:NOV*4i boro, 3lssa. ittaphysitilin, stopped on the afternoon of the day men tioned at Mr. C.'s house to feed bia horse- On entering the heise Mrs. Chandler in 4-rged ihre i:erMatighter, L iiiatian,! , *e , 916..fiAgir&—vat3aithati.p. bsdsAtatii= been pTieed Ins coffin fOrinterment on Sun- , day. The doctor on info the coffin remarked that the girl was not dead but only in* -Reordered_ therernoyakof elm Wily and placed it in a warm bath. Alter a long struggle the girl was brought to •life. Liter leaving some medicine the doctor took Ms dePierldreloo.lllldStbiloiving dat.rrihts one assigned for,the funeral—the remscita titi voided a tape- worm measuring twenty -eight feet in length, add instead of burying Miss Susan Chandler, the parents. interred thy cause of all her troubles. Ou last Theraday flight o= oFtlte most ve- Vidting deeds in the annals of crime was per petrated about four miles from, Grenada, Misilesippi. A negro woman, about titlitY rars'of age, named Basalt - Jorol,liiing On the place of Mr. Samuel Berry, coolly and d4ibemtelynmulered her two children,, eel aged seven years and the other four:* The appearance of the children when discovered Was most-horrible. The oldest Wei' lying in the corner of the room, with its throat cut from ear to ear, weltering in a poolof its own blood, its black features almost hidden by, the crinviontide. which hail stained them- TIT other was found about midway of , the cabin, literally ripped open• from the p e l v i s to the breast bone, and its entrails covered the floor in its neighborhood. • • A MORE commendable that then Meston's is now being performed by three boys, who are drawing their father and mother and one brother Montreal; .the , two latter -being cripplts. Their vehicle consists Of a rude wagon, in which there.are.a sew old clothes anti some dishes, and In which the father and mother are being draWn by the' four boys. They state that they left Detroit eight weeks ago, and have travelled the whole distance in this troublesome manner, with the excep tion of fifteen miles this side of Red Creek, Wayne county, where a kind-hearted firmer carried them in his wagon. The object of their journey is to -reach their friends in Montreal, who,- they say, are abundantly able to take care of them. The distance travelled is . over four hundred miles. The family late ly passed through Ogdensburg, N. Y. ..As the North Pennsylvania passenger. train was approaching the Sellersville tunnel, a few.tlayaago,sa young couple in one or the cars were noticed to have a great ibndness for each other. This suggested fan. Some mischievous chap, as the train was aboiit the middle of the tunnel- illuminated -the - car by lighting a match, when the' loving couple were diac6ierod: andalissiag r eich other in the most ardent'mannr. Of course there was an immediate cessation of the de licious amusement. The passengers roared with laughter, and the kn - eramerelvaraensely embarrassed. Lovers should not allow them selves to forget, when going..through a. rail road tunnel, that a sudden illumination of the car is very likely to happen. A CUIIIOCS and ultimately fatal accident occurred - In Orleans - the -other :day:- Mr. %Vermouth; one of the Radical candi dates for Governor of Louisiana, makes his home at the house of his friend Mr. John Dean. While lying Upon his bed asleep one day, a little child of Mr. Dean dumb up and tickled his feet. The , slieper involuntarily Ave a convulsive, kick, which itimeked the child from the bed • to' the door, the little . -thing striking upon its bead, receiving inju 7 ries which resulted in brain fever, andlinallr terminated in death. " . • A :q:cato delegate in the Alabama Constt tudottal Convention introduced a clause.dis solving the marriage relation between all men who took part in the late rebellion and their wives, and declaring, that "all children begotten of such marriages bettreerithe day of January, 1881, and the 21st day of July, 1885, arc hereby declared illegitimate." The 'sable - Solomon justified the proposed action on the grounds that the persons named In the clause were . traitors, therefore legally dead; and was improper to tie a live, wo 'man to a dead carcass. A Truvixvisited a friend on Friday after- - noon, and as he •was the and did not desire to part with the "stomp," put it in his pocket, supposing he had extinguished' the fire. IV: ran into tt bed rent, threw, his IMming coat on the bed, and in a few min utes the lied clothing was so an fire. The Inmates of tho house became alarmed and after a desperate - struggle, succeeded in ex tinguishing the flames., The bed was en tirely ruined, as was also the careless young gentleman's overcoat. The articles destroyed were valued at about 11150. . ON Friday List, d gentleman, residing in Milwa.ukie s was -walking, along the 'street, when, as be littssied a shabby looking female, he beard a baby voice call him "papa" from the woman's shawl, .and then for the first time noticing her, saw her awkward at tempt to stop the Tait MO s tar : prise he found the child to,he hi own, which the woman hadatiden , -ftbrifthe &mit, who had left it in itslittle carriage fora few rain jnisia. Ile took the* youngster hOnte: Where he found a heavy time in progress, on account of the loss of theliaby. - Jas. P. TnostAs arid Hiss 4:Utah:tette .Ibil-„ ger, both colored, wci iota - tied bi cent's church', St. Louis, on brit Wednesday morning. The ceremony occupied two hours awl a half; and Was very imposing-. The bride has $400,000., The hpsband,bas shoo the &MO amount. He presented the bride check far 410,000—pin money as a wed ding gift. The bridal Yell cot : 4800, and the bride wore - ear -rings testing $5;000.' The, husband sports- a. $8,500 diamond ring-- rather valuable fora barber. , " A a . nond named Gilsson, who lives at that aink-hole of Radicalism and inlquity,t3eneca villa, GuerilSo.PriautlYs'Phio, on lost i3aiil7-1; day visited Washington, in that county, and on the outskirts of The city niet it' white %O -man whom he grasped-by.the- shoulders, throwing 14eircifir4 and cutting hei face Kerre!r• adiaceni,:litinialici..itiiiierks to her nspplittqf Aar)* Ara % 1 ' to - narni - 0ut , 16 fell deaigC t The negro Is nOnf,llo4l."'" 14°34. iiireirtlUMr;vitti. -iye;'Oliesiavi the ellltill'ehli t grvekitat ' fitilloningAbttik brides : "When. iklaMtirried-luld the groom is paying the his fee, if he shcaild for get to hand bin a dollar to payforsetting up the' notice of the event in therr, the .bride ought to to„. , wrfera.inmediate • a nd dp , the first great du ti of her married, eby In sisting that they antanence their careeri orably and justly, by paying the first -bill of Pape' 7nt !!" totro. ,Cg>le7A,`'de:, bfl?~ been discoverediallith;a tear isilesahnen the mouth. of,l3alt' 'The iitabiiiin from thi.ity-five to fifty feet in width, and the ,walls, which are from five tonight feet high, hale been traced teat,..9slllketat piles from -the river. The ruins ' are fitf — erias the length of thnvralley‘ , Aktrati t iobsecct „ , . (A and stor beim% Are•ta antly tmi:!l,ol!is old Wens • WrraUtilwelve &ye the r thus 41tat the Baited, States Bagmaa, hoisted at Mks, sew,entrAntericans had nnlieff : there; who opened stores, drinking saloons,dce. A spirit of speculation was developed. Furs and provisions rose to San Fisittelii4iices, and the standard of all btadneis tranioactions tdaa Americanized at once: * , A ?walnut lady. residing in Brooklyn, Is rVaorted to be now Minsky helpless, Bean Paralysis netweloned tty tied heirs. KUrrl.F. 4 datighte r of Mr. Bucklek near B&W, Virginia, aged seven i4artg, met %oath a hOrrible death *last Thursday. She Was a-ldining: do grinding sugar cane, when her laad-wasiturglit lin...the machinery said so terribly crushed as to cause her death almost instantly. uE Boston Transcript says the people of lititiiiity; who twice laid away their snow liaanida,fin-tas imasonslaire-ilecided-io thetn stand near the back door' until the Ist of June. AN Elyria doctor recently experirueuted with n rheumatic patient by blowing mor plane jn his . The experhannt tirTs, aucce§oll.- - kritn 064 i,oii barer. 9 _ ,;_f nocron in Louktiana agreid to cure a • man for $lOO.- The manldied, and hie wid ow sued the physician and obtained the money A ST. Louis paper says : "There were never, berh4rs; eslnany persons clatit of etnc ployment in this city as there are at this time." Elie an 4 Pittabitigh. •-` Prointhe Pittsburgh Gazette.] - We have been sometimes tempted to be lieve that the importance to all the material interests of the State, of its, hold upon the lakes, at the thriving and prosperous port of Erie, is not adequately appreciated by the present generation of our citizens. Our lath e** knew that value thoroughly, and while the region was yet a wilderness,. they looked forward to the assured triumphs "of their children over all , the Obstacles of natnre and' to the redemption of this fertile territory to the sustenance and profit of man. Let. us imitate their wisdom by a better and clearer perception of our mutual relations in these 'days of our waveruos.growth. Vie Is our lake port} and as such, she Is effectively but an outlying ward of Pittsburgh. Let us re gard hems such and be as prompt to pro mote her interest as our own. Her citizens recognize the overshadowing influence which enterprise and Wealth - have - given the Iron City. ,It is but simple justice to ourselves as well as to her that we should never disregard her just claims, upon her moral and substan tial cooperation and sympathy. Lei our young sister city-march-on in her vapid and triumphant development of every element of prosperity. If she shall finally overshadow us, in her turn, we pledge to her our hearty allegiance, as ire stow count on hers IJRuI - that, and after that, she can count surely up on the heartiest sympathy and support of her Pittsburgh brethren in all Just propo sitions for the common interest. Prom'the Pittsburgh Dispatch.] The magnificent scheme of connecting Pittsburgh and Erie by a wide and deep ship canal, Is be g imatti to attract attention at points remote from sits immediate influence, but which cannot fail txr"frel >the impulse Which this project will give to wratnerce In its ever - widening circles.. .The 'Philadelphia Press of Thursday, we are pleased to note, has a thoughtful article on the subJect,which Is utterly free frcim those feelings of section alism and jealousy which we have 'sometimes seen in the Philadelphia Papers when corn. mentlng on Pittsburgh t affidra. In a broad. and liberal spirit: the', Press remarks that what tends to the interest of Pittsburgh, and of Erieotud 'of the Western portion Of the ,Commonwealth, is for the interest of the -whole State. What this yroposetlcanal will do for Pittsburg!' the Press sees more clearly than, we are afraid, some of our own citizens do. With a comparativpr trilling outlay of money` It promises to• ve Pittsburgh the trade of the great lakes from Chicago in the West, to the port of- the St. Lawrence in the East. It will give tas a steam freight mute to New York city by means of the great canals of New York State. It will furnish a great internal water route from 9uebec, and from Chicago, and from New ltork city to New ,Qrleana. "Vessels," says the report of the cointnitteerstrateitUbjectat liarrisburV4ttat can ascend the rapids of the St. Lawrence, may pass through the Welland Canal, ride over the ridge that separates the hikes eland the Mississippi, and upon the bosom of the Ohio, glide !onward .to the Gulf, receiving tind discharging freight at the • thousand in termediate ports that dot the Shores' of this great cOmmerchttrouto. n ;In pence itwill be one of .the grand: sinews of commerce. In war a great military-highway. . - Jury List. Jo :writ drawn for The 'Court of Quurter Bea rion, ifto.ifor fie 4th Monday in "May, A D. 1868: - GRAND Jurtoutt.—Eric—Geo. W. Starr,- Foreman. G. D. - Healey, B. Baker. South Erie—Wm. Henry. Mill Creek—L. Busick, D. Geist, A. C. Martin. Harbor Creek—C. Dumas. North East Bora—A. Jones. Greenfield—James M. Finn. Corry—S. A. Beavis, 11. D. Farnham, Chas. E. Hatch, A. H. Spencer. Concord—Hem:in Heath. Union Tp.—L: Shepard. Summit—L. A. Hull. Elk Creek—Alonzo Pnwell, 31. P. Maxon. Conneaut—W. F. Brockway. Springfield—N. Blicksenderfer, James C. Getred. Girard Boro—Maxon Randall, Br. Fairview Harp—Pressley McCreary. • TraserseJetrora.—Erie--Win. G. Arbuckle, G: D. Atkins, James Bell, 0. E. Crouch, J. J. batman, W. J. F. Liddell, 31. W. Mett, Clark McSparren, John Rover, D. D. Walker. Mill Creek—R. H.' Arbuckle, G. W. Barr, Robt.'arts, Henry Gins, W. W. Lore. North- Kent, Boro-r-Wm. Brookins, Di. W. C. Evans. Greentleld—J. R. Prindle. Venan go—J. W. Urch. Wattebtugh—R. Tuttle. Amity—Morris Clark. - Wayne—Cyrus Hill, James D. Smith.Concord—S. F. Hammond. Corry—L. L. Dunn. Union Tp.—W.- O. Black, 0. Horton, D.. Wilson. Le 13ceuf— 'S. E.' Dewey. Waterford Tp.-8-11.1mred. Summit—James W. Graham. McKean— John Doll, Seymour Washburn,C.Wood, - Washington—Henry Bove, W. Coleman, D. Leyland. Ediabonr—in. ,Burlingham, IL R. Love. Franklin — Wm:: Mixon. Elk Cteek—)L H. Cole. Ccameaut—C. 0. Wheeler. Albion—L. - D. Davenport, T, Thornton. Girard Tp.--James Sampson. Girard.Boro—W. H.Edson, ' Fairviow Tp.— John Stunts, Jet.Fogleban,gb - . Jurors for the antrf,sof 'Common Pleas lett Mohdaji (agent. Erie—W. A. Brown, John Halyard, John Curse .• Thomas Mon, TIL - 3.Httloit, P. Gunnison - Jacob' Hamm; Ileldt, Janes J Skinner, O= Mum°. Mill Creek—James Fergimin, "Ilaylinver.:t . Manly. ' North:l4st Tp.—E, But H . D. Porter. Venango,p4ohn W.' Bennett, K. Brightman. Kennedy.' 'Coneord—A: A. Mammcnid: • W Carry—WV: 'Hubbard. Union. Boto—P. ebber: -Le Ikeuf—E. Benda ley, W. W. Range. Waterford Tp.---John Lattimore, 31. Stroh ' , McKean-4. B. Gnaw. Fninkfia—A. SiatTord. :KW-Creek —L. Culver Godfra. B Cotitt'eaut— A. Barnes; P. Paul. Girard Tp.—Jcii. Long, James Sherman, Schuyler Johnson. Jots Pnnting. We retuirtdAtta - pnLUc that Atte.Aliaerrer race is now fitted up in the most .complete =trifler, and that our fitellititsibr doing Job Vork eleftrpklnd am unsurpassed by any other eatitrliabme= in,this section. We are prepared"tfldo arl'Ailies 'of Printing 4? or- AtzuFY 1311e1 pinta eolOiVat short notice, and on the Most reasonablii lama. ,Bludnesi men bilteettormlythinglo Mar Ude "will find it,to thib intereiLto - give us = Atilteati3iastma—We rewind those In need' of Mimics • that our il.9BoAnel* Is the most ,lrtpletebs the eltyv comprising ert,try sort genemilit s l *+ Aar !1, Asio*eys; ,Con etilA®; Vtsiik‘iy - ostriers find Btlabliso men. Ihey ate ill *pad by eipaiineed men. itaPP *IA *fa* sold at the 4/ 4 * reasonable prices. pent dednctien sr,M be made &Akio' . ei,oiliese Imrciastr large qui*ttles: ' • mime = BEI EnoKm Huta lithatelitit.—The cheapest and beat. Ithunitioth betties only .75 ceats. The Eugenia Hair Restorer' ecliyas- -a all known discoveries rot theMititillityrilarith Which it restores gray and Sided hair to its 'original color, promotes its rapid and healthy fri,Ltdatmcutgrairt,4lo the human hair and head t rendering. soft silky and lust:tea. "`Sold b y 13: - Dtamson - Son, sole agentaltilk*:;.wll-ioteetiKye_ 820 State street, grief _Pe: Vocal. etata . ,„ by Beethoven—the 14912 g of sangl., Price up "Ante.Lifilearatgle Bimphlin—s Price 35 cents. Instrumen. 'OA Glen, E.•H. 'Sherwood—a grace- • —not difficult. Price 80 cents. &gen - - Itiazurice,`bk Clark 'D: Mee. To hest_iii admire_ it. Prica_Bo_ cents. rtmde'i...piumn ANIMA* : universal !iterate.' - Pilo% w•mw. • - TrcuE well -known :gall& haw, et !Watt& burg, no keg kr Robigace, lab Ma he= taken D. Oginan. Ensirorth, In whose ce It( rebutsi *al not be allowed to detede - ntle.. _Good and abundant atablingja, attached to - theverii• itawandliersent eta , • fag Wattaburgh will And h An =to ''brie nalitet , - The folloilltakejllo buying plias of the re. *al dealers: h-Errs elm VrollEtßuts—A, green, pi el, IR 6001 73; Dried apples - 111 - Matta ft taloa' *bushel fen Turnips I.,,tleshel 40c ‘l,bississl4loa;.Onickas Wsialo 0003 50 Beans Vi bushel el 0001 CO; Raspberries 115 3100 Blackberries 'l4 lb 15c ; CabbeAe ahead 6c. Psovistoss—Butter 1p 16 &,c ; Mmie VI ID' 14301-lard lit 5 Vel- EI/Ort 4 10 senate ; Beef, draw ed, it ID 8(410o; 244t10n, riressed•Tilts itet dressed. 1 4 ID Bc; Hams, =Or •14 limns, Plain, 'it lb ; Shoal Vet '- henry% romig..ll—bllllllll.lloz,rigp $3O 00T - Dged ware. — - mukzu.Aszoto—aovu litip4lll burbeltUllt Timothy S e e d ' ? • Inishel - Nr7004 r nig qt lb $2 00; Lumber, hemlock, $lO 00; do Pine, common, 818 00; doPine„ clear, $46 00; Bbingles; shaved $1 30; do sawed 30' Ha y 'it ton Vs oc 4X, S II M n194'14,9°,14 ,tPi :1 0 116101:. 4.0 1:111.41$1, FLOUR Aso Prom—The following are the retai l sellitur prices: Flour,XXX W. W. it D 61515 00 • , do XX red 11 bl3l $l3 1)0; doXX sprLng bbl $ll 00; Wheat, white winter. ? bushel 13 00; do red winter, lit bushel $2 72(42 7.5•. do spring, $2 33i52 43; do seed spring, $2 0002 70; Corn ? tmattel $1 20• Oats vibuthel Mc; Meal $1 100 I?si 112 2/* Feellitlo4 l sts2 `• 13tiginciss Mictitotv. WHOLESALE GROCERS. Caughey, Burgess & Walker, 25 and 23 N. Park. Scott & UM and 303 French at. lohnstan, & Breveliter, 513 French at., , WR4i &PALM unforrk , Aou4aimist • • Arbuckle & Clark, :C North Park. BOOTS AND MOM. •L. IL Clark, 14 Park Row. S. 1., Smith, 505 State street. C Englehart & Co., 19 North Park. Geome Burn, 7a5 State street, F. Pfeffer, 816 State at. J. Evans, Jr., ICIN State at. ROOK STORE`(. CaughOr 12,MKIM1,14'orth•Park. . • , O. Spalfbrd, OW' French at. FLOUR & FEED. H. IL Haveratick, Park Row. Crouch & Bro., M French at. Smith Line &, Son, =State St. 1.142.11011 STORFM. • Stott & Michael, =I State at. Geo. H. Smith, t 3 North Park. MUSIC STORES. B. D..7.leigler, MO State at. Arc Won 'Willing, ana State st. SEWING MACHINE AGENCIES. , Wheeler & Wilson, 1r State at. Howe ligifinit Machkg'4lll2 French st. Singer (*Owing Maehine, 524 French at. Grover & Baker. 112) State at. •..• • FRUITS & PRODUCE. ILI. White, 8 South Park. • CROCKERY & GLASSWARE Win. H. (Benny, 12 Park liow. • Isaaa Rosenzweig, 314 Stale at. WATCHES & JEWELRY. Mann & Flatter, 2 Park Row. T.44.•Auattn. 29 North Park - . HATS AND CAPS. J. E. Wilson. 24 North Park. J. Kunz, Ag't, 513 State street. Wm. Kendall, 52734 French at. J. Smith. French at. CONFECTIONERY STORES. Boner & Burgess, 431 and 700 State street DRUGS AND MEDICINES. S. 11. Barnum; 1317 Peach street. Viers & Mil CS State street. •••.• ' Hall & Warfel, MO State at. Wilkins & Doll, 1312 Peach street. J. Br. Carver & Co., 21 North Park. Wm. Nick & Sons 702 State street. Dr. 14. Dickinson , Son, 711 State street, DRY GOODS. Menet!, Stephens & Wildey. G. B. Merrill. Decker, Koster & Lehman, 1350 Peach at Morrison Bros, 714 State at. P. Henrietta, 716 State at. Edson, Churchill & Co., 3 Noble Block. Rosenzwedg & Bro., 512 State at. Clark, Boothe% Cp., 5 RYA Arno Block - DRY GOODS AND CARPETS Dalfendorf, Gross A Foster. Warner Bros., 506 State at. GROCERIES. Burton & Griffith, 1314 Peach at. -R. A. Field A Co., 132.1 F. J. Rexford & C0..1221 A. et 3. Brahender. 121 e ' • Henry Beckman, 501 State at. Marshall, Christian & Craig, 24 North Park. A. Goff, 515 French at. A. Mlnnig, Corner 11th and State Si. P. A. Becker & Co., 531 French st. Bryan & MrGlvertn, :Ai French at. William Mallory. aff French at. F. Sehlandecker, 624 State at. H. V. Clans, Di East Film at. P. Schaaf. 704 State at. PHOTOGRAPHS. • Ohlwiler's, easel% Roftenzwelg's Block. W. A. Lott, 1867 Peach at. Geo. C. Dunn. over 624 State street. Dolph Bow., Farrar Hall Building. S. D. Wager & Co.. over 1927 Peach at. • TOBACCO AND CIGARS. Pi. R. Welshman, 1315 Peach at. Hoag & Askine, 7114 State at. C. Deck, VC State at. M. Mehl. 517 French at: IL Y. Sterner, 401 State at. HARDWARE. Shannon & Co., 1323 Peach at. W. W. Pierce & 830 State at. McConkey & Shannon, 507 French st. J. 40. Belden, 523 French at. • STOVES AND TINWARE. Isaac Vantasael, 1221 Peach at. Hubbard Bay r., State at. ), M. Mayer & Son, 1215 State at. Barr Johnson & Co., 1018 and prz State if. N. Idurphy, = North Park.• fitmrod &Co , 1364 Sassafras st. • GENERAL UNDERTAKERS. J. 11. Rlhlet & Co., 818 State it. FURNITURE WAREROOMS. J.H. Rlblet & Co., 818 State at. ' - Lumina?. ratatemorzs. Brawley & 'Belli - State at., nesrdepot. • CLOTHING STORES. John Gensheimer & Son, CL' State at. Stns & Renck, 1213 State at. F. Wagner, 628 State at. J. lit Kuhn, 822 State at. Marks & Meyer, 4 Noble Block. W. L. Rosa, No. 10 North Park. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. J. Roes Thompson, 521 French at. James Sill, 51.5 French at. D. W. HiltChlnson,Glmrd, Pa. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. J. L. Stewart, 30 North Park: home 417 State st. E. 3. Fraser, (Horticepathist), 623 Peach at. MILLINERY & STRAW GOODS. 4. IL Blake, South Park. &In. M. Curtis, a South Park. The Mimes McGrath, 607 French at. ' C. Hawkins, 1310 Peach at. • BRASS POUNDRIEN. recta & Metz, 11231 Mate at. - - - MACHINISTS, FOUNDERS AND BOILER MAKERS. . Loverien, Hall & Co., 3d and Peach sta. PLANING MILLS. Jas. P. Crook & Son, cor. 4th and Peach eta. L. White & Co., corner 11th and French at. Hugh Jones, corner 11th and Holland sta. Jacob Boots, 1214 Peach at. - • alputtionnento. Pit-Advertisements, to secure insertion. must be handed in by 9 teelocir on TidirxdaY morn' Mg. Ail advertisements will be continued at fora the especif xpense ied time of the advertiser, unless ordered pllll4 SATURDAY MOICM2O, of Horses, Buggies, Harness, Thimble Scala, two horse agon, (Mackey Wag ent - !away, Fttlfodturs, ro- Carpets, equal to new, all wool, and other p perty: Parties selling cab enter in this ode and get their cash. Also, I ease more of latest style I.sAtes' Hata and Bonnets, all wool Carpets, Furniture and other property, this Saturday Morning. G. W. ELLSEY, 1 1 9 30- /w,- - t , Anctioskeer. _ Assignee 4.1 alkakruPtieY6 TSTRE DISTRICT COURT of the United States A for theilTeStrait District of Pentea.. •In the matter of the bankruptcy of Samuel golden. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as assignee of Samuel 13cIden, of Erie city, Erie County, and State of Pennsylva nia; within said District, whotutabeen adjufted a bankrupt upon his own petition by the trict Court of said.district, dated at Erie, April MA. -.• • r • . HEY M . R.IBLET, Ateeistiet, Atty. at Law, ‘No. 1823 Peach Psi., Erie, Fu r ap..10-3w. . . . Assignee in Bsualieuptey. N THE DISTRICT COURT of the United States I for the *Western Distriet of Penn's: In the matter of E. A. Upson, Bankrupt. The under psitrued hereby glee* notice of him appointment as staignenof - E. A. Limon. of. Erie county of Erie and State of'Penn'a, within said met, who tau been adinduela_bankrupt upon Ms own petition, by the District, (bust of said district, dated at Erie, Pa. April V, A. D., DM. • 'HENRY 31.,R181ZT. Alatee, " Atty. at Luw, N 0.185 Peach St.; Erie, - Pa. Spnrsw. • !arm' 0$106,0111( , 07. TN THE DISTRICT 'COURT of the Uniteu aNtranha' Sla for the Western District of Penn. abealter . . ander for the- AO Of disr, ot a fro= Ms. and claim* pro grade; itattroot by cs•ster ot 14a Cann, notice Is heresy given to tiu creditors wholnixeproyediheir debtsoutd.other Pereons interested. Jal;Nywist Ott , the - Zblt , :aar of - Man INK at 10 o'clock, A. M., before S. E..-Woodnitf; Esq., Register. at, las oMe at Erie. Penna. to show catute if any they a tis a MegAt ia r 6 ) lll 3 l , l l l93ll 4l / ?. l i 1) . C P!; i1 R1- 1 : 4 f • S. C. IicCANDLESS, 'M it oU. S. Markt Cann for sittil warm; spramhr. febtB tE • Mart of Common In the matter of the In- Picas of Erie Co.- corporation of the Rector, No. 13 May Term, Wardens and Vestrymen DM& . • elk:John's Coifed in the • City of Eite. XTOIV, TO WIT:- larg, the-with /I In chartatiof incorporation having been exhibited and praentad to the Court of Com mon Pim, of the COttlltytotailiN t sad- the add Court having perused - ittut •e•ahted the sold -Instrument *Wand that the -cadarts, articles And conditions appall to bs Wald and' not In- Juricms in the oomuinntty,it is hereisz directed thasthe•saag writing be Mod tstha otiics otthe Prothonotam of said Court, and - we ese Meselie rect that n Woe be Insarled Inca's se t the county of Erie. for at lealit ?tree On& forth that MIS applicatiOis has been node to Wit 'Cant, telbelebt reason be g sh ran w ted t tu o t - p the e d n N b a u o y b , m l kt u r M tb l Mon day In May 1810, In open Court. FR' " 8 .4: 11 .. • ni2i7ea; tiIAVB TIMM MS= BVLI the stock of whichtmorsey_ astetested for being wod tter MUtmakethSclel antra* sale at rent. I mulltualsh Mminerfe evedsoce that from two - to three Itundred pounds of butter have bcom 1211.1 " °1 5 4- . 7, 4 11 Mk breed- In- a season.. Alla/C. .-11PHICIMEHIL • aseo-evro L amo ntp., Ede flop au. Inuit ',III4ANVISI- 0 A ealuPleta own" 144 =OlB at alth it Irony I, MM needed by ibbser V: rar A " 111411331". • -1471 1.-A ,tompleta smart mat at vary at mead by ,ftwear oim Wks ana Salaam Auction. p,tb:i ft bbratormnits. Burton & Griffith's Cornet a&BD TIES! HARD TINES! Prices Have Come Down! BURTON & 1824 Peiiis Street, Comer ICth. For particulars see Small MU. come in end see oar • , Reduced Prices on Team; -,feb(l4f. VIE BURDETT CELESTE: PARLOR AND CHURCH ORGANS, With "Harmonic Celeste" and "Vox ltn D p a a r r t a a t ew hm d e e n r t f s u . l c T e h a e r " ne a a m nd n r c c Chnesse it. te tone, and moat be heard to be !tweets's.), u n ? . tho "Vox Humana." besides bong 10de51.4 4 bly sweet, is almost s perfect ho I tat P.m man 'V o ce. PllllOOl4, Melodeons,, Guitars, Areordcuti,, Eli'., AND NEW Nit'sli Received as Boon as Pubbelie& Second hand Plantes taken in eXVilalig. „ WNW One% Pl.ollols and Mrlirdeonm to N PIANOS TUNED AND REPAIRED Grover Sc Baker SEWING MACHINE DEPO7 R. M. WFMEL. No. 1004 Mtate Street, Erk itp:3ll-01. ESTABLISHED IN IS it HALL & WARFEL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL I-.U. CAEA- I.S 'l l- s ! 030_ State St., Erie, Pa.. AndlmpOr ens of French Win ow Glass, The public are respectfully informed that Stock of FRENCH WINDOW GLASS Imported by us directly from the maunfsrn•,r In France is the largest and Most extra. , to be found west of New York city. It oats, both single and double thickness, of al.:trite,. ry size. The superior strength, eleanzo.; , e:l beauty of French glass is ad litted by aIL prices are but little more hnn for Amens glass. AMERICAN 'LASS. We also keep constantly on hand a large varied supply of American Glass, quality, both single and, double thickneeernr-newil every size. Dealers and consumers in Cant Glass will promote their inteTt by examining re our stock and prices of Fnc and Arne Mean Glass, before ordering troin N w York or else where. Paints, 01Is'and Tarnishes. White Lead of various qualiti,,, raw and boiled, Spirits Turpentine, Varnt,Lm Colored Po.luta, both dry and In oil, lirteda. and every other article In the Painting I,lne at lb Lowest Market Price, In large or atnall gnaw: DYE WOODS. Our Stock of Dye Woodn and Dye Sniff. u complete, which we are selling at w•hole , nlesm retail. ma PATENT MEDICINES. All the popular Medlelnes of the day, at Inv est cash prices. Drugs, Chemicals & Glues. Our supply of above articles is eXtensise, ncd are prepared at all times to supply the ones both of the retail and jobbing trade. OILS. Whale 011, ' Lard 011 Tanners' OIL Unlteed OH, Both now and boiled. Cestor OH, Neats , F , ;ot OU And all kinds of Essential 0118, in lag! ad lobs. We express our thanks for the 111x6r.s1 p •tr , age received during the last twenty-thfl4 . 3 andnow invite the at of s ourWbolessie and Retate ilntion Depart mcoeat s,nquner I'll'3 are well supplied with •iitliple Goods, which ire are selling at lowest cash prices. 0c21'67-ern. CLIMAX ! CLIMAX!! Page's Climax &the, a Family blessingtor 25 rents. It without a sear. No family should he without it. We warrant it to cure Scrofula ' 8( ""k- Salt 'Bilettat, ChilbWas Tetter, PimPles, and all Eruptions of the Skin: - For Sore Breast or Nipples, Cuts, Sprains, Braises. Scalds, 'Chapped Hand' It makes a perfect cure. It has been used over fifte" ' XS, without one failure. y It has no parallel—having per' itrtly eradicated disease and "filed afterajl other remedies had Billed. It is compound of Anil" with many. other 'Extracts anti Balsams, and put up in large boxes for thf same price than an) otherAlutmeni. fold by entai.t. everywhere, White & itopentani. 121 Liberty Street. New York. for the Holidays! :WATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELS , Silver & Plated Wore! The isfDsef assortment in' town, at Priet 4 Rul DEFY COMPETITION ! • Do not WI to call on MANN 14c FISHED, '- No. 2 Reed Block. Two doors Said of matst entrance. waft!, SW(( VI