LATEST NEWS FROM WASHINGTON Johnson and Grant in a Flurry ! BIG FISHING FOR , TILE PRESIDENCY ! mr-InprapripwirrjrwNm Cheap .Dry Goods Store of • EDSON; CHURCHILL & CO. The Latest Arrival of the Season ! .!rsT ICECEIVEL!, A IiTOCK flt Alpacas—M.BA, Brown and Drab---Splendid Goods I TO DE SOLD AWAY DOWN BELQW TkIE 3L11110.71 A_ I-Inge , Stoeli: of IDelnines, Very Ilaraiorne l'atternq, ?..inppr , or to nny iu Town THE LARGEST STOCK OF PRINTS IN TOWN, Coctsimting of Merrittiztv, Spralitli, , , merici+ll , ,Cot:llveocs,•ltlul all ,nlwr FULL _LINE OF PINK AND WHITE PRINTS. 'net bnyloNin ealfilig for aro ran nowbe supplied with. Thsy :in. going filie I • TITAIMA_CaICIFj:ID ::VETTST_AINS '3tarliet. New fork \t'nm,.ntbs , r.rolmlrtle.., Fronk of the LOOlll, Ser., .1,3 20,000 Yards Cheap Mmlivs, We have just received from the Mittinfactotw 50,000 Yards of Brolirn Inslins That we are willing that our customers should carry away, /13 we hove not room for them counters are loaded down atilt Domestic Goods, bought previous to the LATE ADVANCEIN EASTERN MAIIKfiT Now lit the time to buy, before they go higher 13gMMuiLli a l2Amiz2juuu.i,i) • Next door South of the Post Office. Brit ilotwitlistantli nfl I Ws. We AT THE THE LAH(HNT SI - TOCK Su 1 From S - to 1 I. Cents. Edson, Churchill & Co., _ - vouNTRy : MERegiliTs, ERIE ItrAILWAY _ • (*treat Broad GangenotlbleTrnek nontelo 1 " NEW "tOUTE, 130STION, , Farmers and Others,, and the - 11tiew England- Cittes.l This Willi:11y extends from Dunkirk to New York, 403 miles. lintlido to New York. Muffles. Stdantancri to NeW Y0rk.415 m I len. And is from, 22 to 21 MILLIS TIIE SHORTEST ltullYE. All trains run amens' through to New York, sin MILES, Without change of Coaches. litegg utter Nov. 2i, 11:1:7, tral nu will leave, In connection with all the Western Lines, us in Pillows: From DliKuili SALA3Lvien , —by New York time—from Union 'Depots : 17:30 A. DI., Express Mall, from Dunkirk tinily .(exeept Sundays). Stops at Salamanca nt 10:b4 A. M., and connects at Itornellsville anti Corning with the SA. M. Express From Hurrah, and art 1% - Pit in New Voilt at 7 A. M. P. M.. Lightning Exprrss, front sr d antanea 'laity temptStbiks at- Moment.- % lite , . r.t.21 M:, Istipperi. inter;ortiaz with Ihe lag P. M. train Irma (Indian, and arrives in New York at 7 A. M. 4:15 P. Si., New York Night Express. from Dun kirk daily (except Sundays). Stops at BMA names al @4OP.M., and surrivesin"New York -I=o P. 31.. connecting mitir afternoon trains and steamers fur, Boston and.,New England Cities. it:5 4 lP, 91. eineltraati Express, from Dunkirk. excepted). Stops at Salamanca F. M., mut connects at Hornellsvilla with the Deal P. M. Tral» from Duffhlo, arri ving in New York &45, P. H. .1b0.1 , "k•, . ILK.% NM, Br ITER. ctit•:liMF, Dais, tobtil'lt AND 31E,11., VLAX, C.OTTON; I:1419 AND SKINS, DRIED AND GREEN FRUITS, OR UN, WOOL, h %Ml, Mg: NAVA f. KWH Vs, II .1 r ,` U JUMP, PROVISION£4, 011-4,'LAIW, SORGHUM, 1101,A.VIES, ETC.i VARPENTER, Gen'l Commission Merchant 442, 444 and 446 Washington St., NEW ,YOKII: CITS And retch e his weekly Price Current of Prnr litee_nrid Groceries, the most complete Price Current publkned imam United Kates. SEND FOI A PDICE•CURRENT Marking I'Ltti, and Card.: Free, Liberal Adraneeg Made on ConAgamenbi, - I , :f4TARIASIIED MAY I, 1S First clasm references given when required. ruhl9l7 LATEST & BEST! AMERICAN COMBINATION Binton Hole, Owert.seaming SEWING MACH NE I N warranted to execute In the best man ner every variety' of fiew_lng Hemming, Felling. eording, rucking, Braiding. Gath ering, Quilting, Overseaming. Embroider ing on the edge, and in addition makes beautiful Batton and Eyelet Boles in all fabric,. IT HAS NO FNQUAI... : Being absolutely the bolt Family Machine In the World, and Intrinsically the Cheap est, t,r it is two Machines combined In one hy - a simple and beautiful mechanical ar rangement. Circulars with full particulars and Min. Padof work done on this machine, can be had on application at the SAL 3-ROOMS OF THE COMPANY, South-West Corner of Eleventh Bad Chestnut Ste., Instruct-lone given nn the 'Machine gra tuitously to nil purchasers. febZ)-ti A. 4470 N'Te4 WANTE-13 TO Sell this Machine. C. IL Kinglitbury, Agent for . Erie, Warren and Crawford counties. ' jaltrti6-Iy. MEETS! Bay State Iron Works NOBLE lic HALL, Fenanderig, Machinists and 8011. er Makers, Works Corner Peach'and ad Eta., Erie, Pa. /laving made extensive additions to our ma chinery, we are prepared to fill nil orders promptly for Stationery, Marine and Portable Engines, Of all sizes, either with:single or eut-on' valves HTEAM. PUMPS, HAW 3IILTA WOnIC, ELLS, STILLS, TANKH, 'ETC. tLw all kinds of Heavy and Light. casting. Particular attention given to Building and Ma eh term. CrudLults. FORTlALE.—Stearn's Circular Mill Mrs and Head Blocks, Which are the best In use. John r•ou's Rotary P'untpa, Una Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods, Babbitt 3letal, etc. Jobbing solicited at reduced prices. All work - warranted. Our !granola, • CUSTOMERS MUST BE SUITED. We ere bound to sell as low as the lowest.— Please call urt.exam ice. febtl-tt. NOBLE' & HALL. LOW rRICED, AND GOOD. THE EMERSON PIANO ! To meet the. wants - of the great number: of perilous who desire to-Pteweas a Piano hut to not feel able to go to the expense of the most ll est make, and.Tet have only a rust substantial one. They are 1110 Kt stibstiwtially built, on the soundest aroustle principles, the mood Is the beat quality, properly' seasoned; the I nne rich and powerful; they stand well In tone and wen —welldu every particular. - This I know from toque' experience. All personsdeshing A GOOD PI-ANO! Should Mtntnlne the "Emerson" boan a purcluts lug nny other kind, Lateral dlsroutl to clergymen, teachers, and eush customer:. For K 6.144 S. M. WEIGEVS PIANO WARE-13003L5, FIJI STATE STREET, wrrrzcnx nLoclr, mac, PENNA. iniil9-tf. . ERIE. CITY PLUMBING WORKS No. 1224 State St. Parttediar attention given to the intnxlitotittii of Water,iiteuza and fist ripesinto liatent e Stotos and Dwitlllng /louses •, ;timer, the MHO 4 uti of 'Conner Heaton, Hatt' Tubs,.Showe Nash Stands and other Work, by .experien . worknten nod on reasonable terms. Constantly on hand and (or sal. a tun line of Plumber's Materials, topper Htsiters, Bath Tubs, Water Closets, Wash Hashot. Hinman , : Pumps, Brass Work, Wrought Iron ((wand Water Pipe, Halennir.ed Water Pipe Iron LH tine, : , Also, st large; stock of Gas Fixtures; Mande.; ristidaptak.ilfrketu, Hall I.4hts. _Droo Lights, Stand Pg ta, Liar Lighters. Mbsdes, Globes, Rubber Ruse. etc. /Or Orders from the oonn try promptly attend ed to, . _ Opt, 11111711.11411 D, i'ropriefor feb77-4.11µ, rt) ISA.CCO , 2 , 'I•IIIIIAC•COI J. W. ,TAYLOR,. Manufacturer of NAVY, SPUN';.ROLLS, Bs, 10s, AUL, an 11119 other bruutts of 'l l Oll3 A CCOI ;o. t 7 INCNN a ptra.y. - „ PITTSBURGH. PAL outrT3Dtes, SA UBAGE 8 T 17FPARSI or tbsbestputas dewy-t/ J. C. SCUM:O3. I= FF.A.TII - P.P.S, T.ll LONV, TOBACCO, SEEPS, IHE GREAT I Mil PfIILADELPITIA. 425 Stnte Street 'St., Erie, MEM From Buffalo—by New:York_ time—iron' Depot corner Exriningo anti Michigan Sta.: - Coil A. il., New York. Day Exprem, texeopt Sundays). Arrives in New York at BOOR M. Connecta at Great Bend with Delaware. Laekawanna & Western Railroad, and at Jersey City with midnight express train Tor Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington. Erin A. U.,Exprets Mall, via. Avon andHornells. vine, dailyiegeept Sunday). Arrivesin New York at 7:00 A. U. . '42•1 P. M., Lightning Ex press, daily (except Sat'. day), connecting with. morning express train fori Boston and New England cities. - 'Arrives In New York at 7:11) A. IL tklo P. AL. Nen' York Night Express daily. Con- Imo ts at librn ellav ille with the 4:11. P. 31, train from Dunkirk, and arrives In New York at. 11:311'.145a i= at M., Cluciutudl Expresa, daily (exrept Sisiolays). .Arrives in .New York at :k ti P. Connects at Elmira with Norther"' Central Railway,for Williamsport,liarrisburg, Phil adelphia, Baltimore and Washington;- at Great Bend with Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad, and at New York with ottoman' trains and steamers for Boston and New England cities , Only one train East on Sunday, leaving Burth;• to nt 6:10 P. M., and, reaching New York at I=l I'. M. in advance of fill other routes. Boston and New England passengers; with their baggage, are trans erred, tree of eletrge,l6 New York -. The best Ventilated and most .ILaunirious - Slooping lairs in the World accompanyall night trains on this Railway. Baggage checked through and fare always us low es by any other route. ASK MR TICKETS VIA. ERIE RAILWAY, which can be obtained at all principal tieket of. Aces In thaWeat AndElooth-West. H. RIDDLE, WE. R. BARB, Gen? Supt. Gaul Pass. Ag't. febITGEL - 7 _ - „ . 4 ,, . Gor. of Perm and St. CLAir Si ree6s, PITTSBURGH, PA., The Largest, Cheapest and mast Successhal Practical Business Cidlege IN THE UNITED STATES Fifteen Thousand Students From Thirty - Three States In Ten Tears FOR LARGE QUARTO CIRCULAR, Containing (nil information, Outline of Contso of Study, %ample% of Cowley's. Premium Peninanship, View of the College flultfiltig, different l'lty of PlC+horgh, ete:;ete., mhlresq the l'rlnvlpals, /F..i3EITII. X COIWI4EI7. tr* IWO. EMT F.l 1IA11111,r; M. A. DUNNING, No. 1016 Peach Street, between 10th and 11th, Erie, Pa. Monuments, Tombstones, Marble and Slate Mantles, Are: I have on hand a large assortment of monu ments 144141 headstones of various styles, in American and Italian marble, and a corps of the best workmen in the State. All orders will be.promptly attended to and satisfaction guar anteed. My work Is warranted ungaraamed, and 1 cauuot be undersold by ally one. Orders and inspcetion of stock and prices solicited. mbitni7-Iy. . The New York Sun, •1u Independent Daily Neaupaper, pol Meal and general, ;tieing all the NM'S 111 a fresh, I ead. able. attractive manner. condensed no that a business man can find time to read the whole. Charles A. I>ana, Editor and Manager. Price ki a year, : 2 1,50 fur three months. Prepared with great care for country subscri bing. Political news thoroughly condensed. Farmers' Club fully' reported. :Sittrkets accu rately given. Horticultural and Agricultural Department edited by Andrew N. Fuller. Great variety or interesting Miscellaneous mting, making It a thst-nite GENERAL FAMILA NEWSPAPER. Those who '. ish for a thor oughly reliable paper for the pending most Im portant Presidential 'Campaign, will Mid THE WEEKLY SUN exactly a h a t they need. Price, ill ay ear ; • 2) copies to one address, ii./7 ; copies to OW. address, :it7,50; lan copies to one address 675. ' TEE SENI-WEEKLY SUN. ` fwunrrizeand cbanteter as the Wceltly, but Into hating twice :IN - lunch reading matter: 'and giving the news with greater fretainetot. Great paint: wits also be taken In ittalchnt up the pad.- Wu! news pt the tiny for this paper, No that the render. Whatever be his will find the HEX (-WV:F.:KIX SUN to be en accurate and Comprehensive eoutpendlum of political lurid ninflun. In f:et, we mean that this shalt he the meet valuable rampaign paper in, the coon trY. Pi .S 2 year: 10e:tides to fate addretut, SIS; .13 1 coplf. to tote address, VA; copies to one address, 9 4 0: always in advance. Address, - ttiy3l3w. nth SUN, New 'York City. PHILADELPHIA A: EHIE - HAIL ROAD. MINTEIS TIME ,TAIII.P. Through and Direct Route between Philadel , phta, Baltimore Harrisburg, Williams. octid. and the MW4.VW•7IIIINI OF PENNSYLVANIA. ELEGANT SLTIFFING CARS on all Night Trains. ON and after MONDAY, NOV. 25th, 18+17, the trill:vs nu the Philadelphia Jr. Erle Railroad will run art follows : - vwrlvAnt). •- -Mail Train leaves Philadelphia at 11:15 p.m:and arrives at thin nt 0110 p. in. Erie Express leaves Plilladelphiaat 121xim.dant arrives at Erie at Ik Li a. in. Warren Acconntiedation leaves' Warren at 12,55 p.., Corry at 2.10 p. m., and :arrives at Erie at , p. - • - EASTW'ARD. , • laU Train Leaves Erie at utria.ra., and arrives at Phlhtdelphitt at 13:55, a. M. Erie Express leaves &feat 423 p.- Id., And ar rives as Pltitadel phis at IMO p, Warren Accommodation /caves Erie at ROO a. in., Corry at itfi , a, m., and arrives at Warren at /I:LS a. Wail and Express connect with all trains on the Warren & Franklin Hallway. Passengers leavinaPhiladelphia at IY7IU in., arrive ni Irvine ton at a, m.r, and Oil city at igcor;, LeavitmPhiladelphla at Oda p. in., arrive at Oil City at 4:13 p. in.. • • 21.11 trains on the Warren A Franklin Railway make close conuections at Oil - City with trains 'for irmakiln and Petroleum 'Centre. BAGGAGE Calx=caTiotencitt: • - ~LRRFD I , ra ilklent OenlßuDerin EAGLE FOUNDRY, Pinch Street, above the Buffalo Road, • - pituf, nErritv, Ilrysz - . 7t7iNta; &-00 4 , /I.IO;I7FACTUILEPS or =- • pADIAM, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES, - TIN AND 13.11 LET IRON-WARE, THLf TELtiIIiATED•-CUI TIS PLOW! . mut pa lands of Iran tidings. Esferygtoyo sold by - us' ' warranted to give rathrbetient. Kettles, Sleigh Shoes, Sad Irons, &c,. on hand and manufactured to order. Plows and Plow Points or auperlar mAlceauuldurablll. ty altraYsi call "and - -a'fatr trial of our articles Is all we rusk.. . IiMiRY..IIIITANT & CO. k . T073 PRINTING of every " "nail ilozotlGes. ba n • k ind, in or tbe best awe. or done In Obeerrer tem Pile* at the J. EICHENLAUB & CO., BARNUM,. BOOTS & SHOES ! ,.DREGS, NEDIC.INES, FANCY GOODS, No. 62* State Street. mxarAur. DEPARTMENT. ;We Iton e. inst. finished, and prepared _for pub. le Inspection, aro:minim I, ,to..ti. of Bootb.,shoe.. „l e flatter nahtoera, cu.., Prnbruelng 'very de,erip. tioll d variety of lands, and ‘villeit for 41% le, firla y and flui , di cannot be uurpat.scrl In 'the rimpktb, all or wh let) are on . rrytt at late renter.] raMb ‘‘ a 111 , t0 pa} calreelal and strict atten tion in CUENT'OPIIt NV4OII,IC. I For which the finest collection of Leathets are kept on hand, and et ery facility is secured for accommodating customers promptly, and in a style to render perfect satisfaction. Particular attention Is also directed to our WHOLESALE DEPAUTMENT, No. - 0 West Seventh Street, 1 Where we manufacture at 'tKholesale, Men's Boys', Ladles', Misses' and Children's Boots,. Shoes Gaiters, etc., of .every variety and kind. Having lately enlarged our nutnnfactory by the Addition of new buildings and improved tun .chin Pry, we are prepared - to supply the Trade on short notice and at the lowest market miens. Adjoining this department are connected our LEATHER 'AND FINDINGS DODDS! Endowing French, German awl American Calf Skins, of Mat and varied brands, Slaughter and Spanish Solo Leather, French and Amert •can 'Roans of all colors and prices. • With our Increased facilities we .can sell as low as any Eastern manufacturer, and make to order any kind of work wanting by the Trade. Thankful for the past. Miami patronage of the public, we respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. sega-tf. . EICIIENLAUB & CO. CHEAP' CASH STORE. A.. 7%1 lIN MT 0124- , Grrooorios and Provision's; IMI Wood, Willow and Stone Ware, And everything that Is funnily kept in n First _ Class Family ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. The best blonds of Erie County, Flour, I.l.waym on Hand. Call and examine prier,. Goods delivered free In any cart of the city or South Erle. oca-t lIVEli f 'Y STABLE. E UNDERSIONED having nurehamsl the well known Livery titan heretofore ~•cup p ed by Win. J. Stencil, desires to inform his friends and the public that he will hont lune the business, and Invites their patronage. THE STOpi. will be largely increased mid tin proved—new conveyancts; have been procured and sortie of the best livery homes in the coun try. lam determined so to conduct the-est:lb lLsinent as to give satisfaction. Those who want to obtain the services of a good teant-will find we ready at all tl mos to t1.0007/2 moan te them at reasonable prices. Recollect the place, Stetret t's Old Stand, Fifth street t rear of the Reed Ilonse. jefrertf. Tflol. LENNON. GERMAN SAYINGS INSTITUTION, Corner IZ:lizlith and. Agitate P.its., II t tsbn r4ii, l'a This Institution is now open for the transac tion Of busjitels. .OFFter. _Horns: 9 A. M. t(11 P. M. 14ATI^RDATri: 9 .3. M. to $ F. 31. Six Par Cent. Interest will. be Given by this Institution to Itegnistr Depositors. ItECTORS : P..k. Hecker, F. I'. Liphel, F. Schnrider, John (Jenshenner. 4.WFWEIIs: John (.;:nethelmer ......... ..............Z... Prei.hlent 3lntthewSk4ilaudeeker, ' Tretunirer F. Schneider, liceretary my2ld-ly. James P. Crook, having takyu in his mon, Jas. pithier, on the let day of April, !SW, un der the tinn name of James Crook. Pion, de siresto have a settlement of his old cweounts. All persons knowing themselves indebted to him are reemested to eall and settle without (le. , lay. JAMES I'. CROOK it SON, Ikulers to ROUGH & PLANED LUMBER, WINDOW SASIII, Fn.\ 3IFIS,IntOItS,I: Itouldinta, and Picket Fenec., Scroll Sawing. Nl:itching and Plaiting doi io to order. shop on l'ea eh St.. lk.tween Foul tli and Fifth bta., Erie, nu We re;peet Wily call the attention of the pub lic to our facilities for doing work in the best of style, promptly and en reasonable terms. Rav ing nued up entirely new shops, with superior inuchinen, v,e Wel conndent of giving satisfac tion. Order.. ham alauad will twelve prompt attention. my2tail-tf. JAMES P. CROOK & SON. pFnEtr. - E - v* National Claim .Agency ! Office In Farrar Ifult - I.llnltllng, Erie, All claimants for extrabountyallowed by late twitted Congresq, can have the cuttne promptly Coih•Ctcd by sending their (11,11114 rges to rue. the receipt of which will be promptly acknowledg ed and instructions returned. ' INLitEM r. OF PENSIONS.' 815 Per Month for the total ioNli of use of either ot'ar/11,111Steatt 4 , 1 ti".: per month for each minor child of deceased nolttlem or seamen. Alm., other int'retlMVS. ' All/)ITIONA 1. Fl )11. VOL OFFICEPSIIf U. S. A. Three mon rim pay pumper (or oil to- Kerviee March 3/1, and disehargett after April 9th, Da (intim vaulted, Claims for nrnctint of pay, end pensions, and isautty, promptly collected, Unequalled Mein- It leS for elosing and eompiel log elai ins. Allow ance to prisoners of war eolleeted. Only ageney in North-Western Pennsylvan la where years of exiwt fence in the C. H. Treasury can be found. 'thankful for the very liberal patronage be. stowed in the past we luax by hicretused expe rience and unremitting attention to patrons, to IRPCore their continued, favor. (MIN. In Farrar FTttli Buibung. Address h. TODD PlatT.I:Y., an7'64-tr. Lock ito 1 4:1, title, Pa. . . ri z 11, 1. 4 1 S , Whoh.gate ono 1101111 Dealer in Furniture ! Having purelia.ed the entire :.took of Furni ture of 11teionv. Moon. Wet, I reweetfully Lurk my old enstomer.i and the public, generally to give me a call at the old stand, O. 715 STATE STREET, Before purchasing elsewhere. I have a hiige amortment of Parlor, t'hanther and Bed ReOm Sets ! BEDSTEADS, CIIAIRS, TABLES, And, in fact everything lti the line of Furniture. I am prepared to manufacture to order any style that may be called for. Remember, :40. 718 State street, east aide, between Seventh and Eighth streets. ar2.767-tf. • %JOHN W. AYRFZ. rrigE ELEGANT WORE BOOM uow occupied ,L by G. W. tlocsirich. No. CS State street, will be for nuil,troul /basil Ist. IlestiMare or • , WU. .11. • tablUt. 3f ANUFIetIMERB 01' WHOLINA LE n‘ of Bth and State Sts. EM22:01E9 POST OFFICE IN''Vtr vrir And IlanUfnet Mel% of stmxiEits , BotT:k..-ry IMO vrAuDttonn;.t, DE>IICS, Foi,nent: DIRALEIt IC i'I{RNi'MEIIY T(~TT.T:r I ). IT'S -a IT A I R :POWDEIt , PUFFS, 111tUSII ES.:,. ..„ t'OIA HINE, • P A. 1 N ii` S , • Llnrewl4lls,Turpeiittnc,, ydrome tersld lcla PAINT MrDWIZITBS, ; . PURF: uttuons FOR atEmcALPURPOBn4. Lomlon Nortcr and Scotch Ate • Prescriptions carefully 'iliepensed.. All articles said by me nre,Nrarrstited to be precisely as rep remented. No trouble to show goods. fietnem her the name and place, BA 1tNU31,1317 Peach Street, South or the Depot aprIIII7-ly Important Notice. FAIRVTRW STATiON, Sept. IG, The Subseri ber 'would respectfully inform the Farmers of Fairview and vicinity, that he Li prepared to pay THE ILIGHEAT MARKET PRICE for all kinds of Farm Produce delivered at Fairview Station. A INO, keeps on hand for sale .• lIITLY:MR;iOUS. AND ANTHRACITE COAL, as clump as can be had elsewhere, Also, has the agency of Ilapg,xxl,Young t Co.'s Superior Cast Steel Plows, Sulkey Cultivators , Wallace & Jones' Self - Dumping , Wheel Hay Rake, &a. And has u superior lot of Mach. full blood and grade SUFFOLK AND CHESTER WHITE: PIGS! sepl9V-Iy. A. STONE. NJEI'Vir VIEL3I. Having associated with me on the Ist of Janua ry Andros. Maytr, in the BOOT & SHOE BUSINESS, The firm will be known as C. Englebart & Co., and the business will bo carried on as hereto fore et No. 19 West Park, Erie, Pa.' C. ENOLEHART. Something "%few. Buy Silver Tipped Shoes for your children. A majority of the children wear holes in the toes of their shoes In a very few days; then the shoes are soon worthless, and a new pair must be bought. The only way to prevent this great waste of money IN to buy shoes protected by sit. ver tips, They never wear out at the toe, and make a pair of .hoes last three times as long as without Tips. Leather Caps have beemAvorn to some extent, but they have proved worthless. Sliver Tips have a neat anti substantial appear ance, and do away entirely with the disagree able sight of dirty stockings, and protruding toes. We have constantly on band the only as sortment of Silver Tipped Shoes to be found In the city, Ificlulting tine Sewed shoes, ilalmomls, Youths Boots, hr., which we offer, together with a large and falhionahle assortment of Ladles' anti Centre Fine and Heavy goods, at the lowest rash prices. !taint-1 f. EISIGLEH ART r te CO. HANK ATOITICYU. Keystone National .Bank, t•r • ] Eill CAPITAL $250,000. 1)T RECTO MS ; Saltier Marvin, John W. Hall, Elam Marvin I:,ater Town, 0. Noble-. ORA NOE NOBLE, Preqt: JNO..L.TOWN. Cash The above bank Is now doing business in its new building, COWNER OF STATE AND EIGHTH STS Sutisfacrory paper discounted. Money re ceived on deposit. Collections made and pro ceeds accounted for with promptness. Drafts. Specie and flank Notes bought. and sold. A share Of public patronage liolielted. Erie & Pittsburgh Railroad. fi x AND AYFER MONDAY NOVEMBER j D. Istr:, Minx will run on tith rood HS fol• EMI LEAVE EittF.—horrilWA RD. , 10:45 A. M., Pittsburgh Expre6s, stops anal sta. [ions, and arrives at A. &G. \V. E. R. Trans fer nt 1:10 p. lu., at Now Castle at :1:00 and at Pittsburgh at in. • 6:00 P. 51, , , .tserommodation, arrives at ihunes town at•UUri p. 5:00 A. M., Aecommodation from Jamestown, arrives at A.& (i. W. R. It. Transfer nt 5e3.5 R. m., ut New Castle at 7:00 a. In., and Pitts - burgh at 100) a. nt. LEAVX PI CRWURGII—NONIIII.I"AI:D. 6:00 A. M., Erie Express, leave 6 New Castle at 5:15 a. in.. A. iO. W. it. It. Transfer at 10:10 a. at., making close tonnevtion with trains for Eulfalo and Niagara Fults,and arrives at Erie at 1:30 p. in. - 4:20 I'. St., Night Express, leaves New Cantle at 7:2) p. in., A. 4: CI: W. R. It. Tramter at k 45 p. in.„ Jamestown at t!:2:), p. al, and arrives at Ette at 12:15, it. in. Pitt burgh Exprem south connects at WWII at 12:10 11.111. with J..]: F. Expres,, arriving nt Franklin at 2:05 p. in., and Oil City at 3:10 p. atnerta at Tr:tam:et' at 1:40 p. ut. , with A. .Ic. G. \V. Mail west, for Warren, RUN ena and Cleveland: ' Et le Express north connects at A. 5: G. - W. Transfer at le:10 n. nn., with Mail cast for Mead ville and Jamestown, and at Jamestown with J. S le. Express for Franklin, arriving at Frank lin at :nip. in., and Oil City at &Alp: m. Trains connect at Rochester with trains for Wheeling and all points in West Virginia, and at Pittsburgh eomuLetions for Philadelphia, Harrisburg. Baltimore and Washington, via Pennsylvania Central Railroad. Erne Express north connects at Girard with Cleveland A: Erie trains westwc rd for Cleveland, Chicago and all oints in the West ; at Erie with ct Philadelphia Erie Railroad toreurrv, Warren, Irvineton, Tidioute, &e ., and with Buffalo dc Erie Railroad for Buthatio. Dunkirk, Niagara Falls and New York City. .L J. LAWRENCE, dec121,741 Superintendent. TI-lit TTNI3I.IEIZSICi.N.E.EI, Having purchased the interest of the Me.srm ViIICV/ItS fu 11113 FLOUR .VND PEED BUSINESS Of the late tirra, Iroald respeetfnlly solicit a conlinnanee of favor from the friends and pa trons of the home, and the public In general, pledging himself that he will at all tin to sell good awl reliable Flour, Fecd &tad Gri►iu •1t the lowest price for moth In hand. From my long experialee In tins branch of - the trade, I trust I knot" what the public demand, and that I am prepared to meet that want. Returning my. thanks to the public for their patronage to me in the pest, I how , by strict attention to my business and their wants, to merft a continuance of their patronage in the future, THE MILLING, FLOUR, FF,7I), ktiDHAIN rtusmr.s.c, IM!( . o)lttnued, all Its departments, rtt the ERIE. MILLS, PARADE STREET,- iind the stire, nAwir P A.II 11 0 W Between Brown's Hotel and Reed House, Where the publie will tind a good stock always for salc, with competent att• polite men on hand to supply tin lr wants. pral7-IY; ; 11. HAVERST rm. N. E W BOOK •BINDERY AND Blank Book 'Manufactory! • fle would rPxperUullp unnonnee to the ptibllti that we'have opened u BOOK BINDERY; anti aro prrpared to do work :n any branch of the buslim,s. BLANK -BOOKS!' Of nil kinds, on linnd mid made to order, and ruled to any pattern desired. MAGAZINES AND OLD BOOKS, ISnurul and repalied In the best style. BTNDMIY OVEN, Keystone Na th Erie, Pe. tional Bank, rnerCo' State and S Street*, E.% M. COLE et SON atils-3in T)LANKS! BLANKS !—A complete assort 1) meat of every kind of Blanks needed by Attorneys, Justices, Constables and Business Men. (or sale at the Observer omen. yon parwriNo of every In large of e/ small quantlttea. plata or colored. doter Isk the beat style, arelyst. moderato priors. at the Obeintit Hoop Skirt & Corset Repot! AT ( TTIF: New York Hoop Skirt Hanyfactory, loos STATE f9T. o I L Neat, Light, Fashionable and Cheap. SPRING- STYLES NATHAN ODHEN respectfully informs the ladles Of Erie and surrounding cottutrY 14 1.4 t, he has on hand a large assortment of liotsp Skirts, of all sizes and styles, of his own make, and manufactured Of the best flexible +steel and material, which he will guarantee equal to any in the market. Having had considerable expe rience in the business, le is confident of his ability to give entire sathl.tction to all those who may favor him with a call If any of his make 'will break within one ,vear, they will be repaired, and no charges Runde. Old Skirts repaired, altered and shaped as new. New Skirts mule to order at the shortest notice. A splendid and large stock of all kinds of Corsets and Corset Steels constantly kept on baud. Country merchants supplied at the very lowest rates. NATHAN COHEN, • Jell - t f. No. 1008 State street, Me, Pa. Authorized Capitol 9500.000. .CAPITAL PAID IN tango. THE SECOND NATIONAL BANK opened for brudnens on MONDAY, DECEMBER 12TH, 1854, In the banking office previously occupied by the Merchant's Bonk, Brown's Building, north-east comer of State street and public Purk. WM. L. SCOTT, Prest. WM. C. CURRY, Cash. WM. L. SCOTT, of firm of .I.' /learn & Co., Coal DealPre. JOB. 3CCARTER, of find of Belden, Bliss dt Hcfnrter, Builders. GEO. J. AIORTON, Coal Dealer. W. B. BROWN, Agent Buffalo & Erie It. R. JOHN C. BERGFI4I3, of firm otelemens,Cliugh ey & Burgess, Whole ale Grocers. O. E. CROUCH, of firm of Crouch& Bro., Flour Iderclads. of Ann of Barr, Johnson &Sea man, Stove Manufacturers. F. F. FARRAR, of firm of Gray & Farrar, Wholesale Grocers. J. DRELriIGAKER., Grocer. i1e7134. ERIE CITY IRON WORKS, The Bradley Engine! Double Cylinder Engine, USE/r3 S'I"_UA.3I frw FUTI TO ONE HUNDRED FER CENT. More power then a Single . finder Engine piing the rivne amount of STEAM • ENGINES AND BOILERS OIL STILLS AND TANKS! CIIICULAII SAWMILLS lIMEM For the Ifolidays! WATCHES, DIAMONDS, Silver & Plated• Ware ! The hugest assortment in" town, at prigs that DEFY COMPETITION ! Do not fall to call on XA.NN 14r, No. 2 Reed Block Two doors East of main entrance JUST OPENED. - A new li n.l well eeleetetl ■toek of Storey, Tin, Japanned, Britiania and I:oncEwas WARE, CTSTE tN AND WELL PUMPS, Ilonse Fornkl:ing Goods Generally. PATT'ERSON & AVR.K.Y, ' il*Ve a IRMO WO Well arranged 'Mop, with all the modern improvements for manu facturing tin ware of every description, anti with a corps of competent workmen, tinder the !•tuperyi , don of Mr. C. Avery (who Lao: had ntany years 61Xperlence In city work). Wear° tally pre pared to do job work of all kinds with neatnes, and dispatch. Are well pmded insetting hot air furnaces, roofing, etc. Call and see Ott and ex. unable our stock. frI I ITE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between the undersigned, In the Planing 31111, Door, Sash and Blind business, under the firm name of Jacob Boots st Co., W 11.4 disesolved by mutual consent on the 21st day of June, DC. The business will be continued by Jacob Bootz, who Is authorized to settle all the accounts of the late thin. • JACOB BOOTZ, TONY STIPT7.IIIOIIR. The undersigned, intending to continue the ahen•ebusiness, nt the old stand, west alde sot Peach, between 12th runt 13th streets, desires to call the attention of the public to his facilities forsupplytngthem with anything -in his line. Lumber planed to order, and scroll sawing u 1 all kinds done: Rash, Doors and Blinds furn ished to order. All kinds of Lumber on hand, together with Shingles anti Lath. In fact, eve rything that is usually dealt in or done at heat class establishment:oot the kind. Thankful for past kind favors, I respectfully solicit a con tinuance of the saute. ocl7-4Mil JAMB BOOTZ. V. A. 1VP.1.3V.11. & CO.. Country Produce, (iroccries, Provisions, WINI.)i..4IQUORS, 3EGARS, Tobacco, Crockery Ware, Frans, Nob', &c,, No. 231.4;t3ta1 te , t3trect. - 'West elde, between Bth and 9th'Streets, Erie, FL Cush paid for country produce E. A. WEBER. uty".A-U. W. ERHART 1.. 13. CIIEVA.I.IIt. DESIGNER & DECORATIVE ARTIST! Neatest, Cheapest, and Best Sign Fainting West of Neve York City. Parlors, Irons. churches. &0., Frescoed in the neatest style of the art. Genera/ Dealifnlng. Drafting of Models for the Patent °Mee and every description ef-Onia. mental Painting executedromptly.. Romnsln Farrar Stall. Na 3, second floor ap11417-21.. Tt. •13A.CCO ANTI) CIGFAItS. The place to get a choice article of Tobacco, Snug and Cigars is at Z. 8. WZialnleddra 1518 PEA= ST., Booth of the Union Depot. limeys on bend a good assortment of the above articles of every spade, wholesale and re tall. Also. Pipes, Pouched. Boxes and Smokers' Articles of every description. Please Amor me bail h a adi. Don% forget th e piece. psi Pelleh au2117-17. =1 T:1111 7 1, I'A., MANVFACTITRIERS OF A New romponnd or Which And ih Warranted to girt OF ALL STY LEs Of all Descriptions HEAD-BLOCKS. JEWELRY; EEO I= 527 Prrtich St.,Erte, Pat Dlssoluti6n. I=l apr2-tf RI U S I EJ SToit E : o. AnS;; k•d eo ver, G abler'. • l_etis owl Pricee at is large discount below olaufaetr r . ere' pricer.. Every liustrument warrant...l live years. Alpo, the beet Hew, lug . flkehines ronstal 4 t, on band. Every :Machine worronted for liar. years. No. 1115 Stare street, Erie, Po. J0n.2,11'. • P• 4 31 l'l'l I. NCI AVIDRIF:I 1/..111.1) II E A M.O. No MORK GRAY DARS. Dr. Leon's Electric Hair Renewer In pronounced by all %Ito have owyl very best preparation tar the hair. it IN ix 4 ttve cure for baldness, erudinates tlunaruil ittei humors, stops the hair from faito.g out, at 4 speedily restores gray locks to their 4, ri:pri,,ll.ct and luxuriance. It openttes on the st•cretions and Ll tae glands with new life and coloring matte:. 17. a., dead, bided or gray hair will always be br,qdr.f hack, by •a few applieutiOns, to its itionalume ' vitality and color. It makes the hair soft. , glossy, fragrnt, sant L./ 1.01.101 a lid easy to arrant,. wiry and intinetable loeltsMi•eoniernoist.::.z..l and disposed to remain In any desired As a Hair prey` itet it has po equal. 11., are enormous. anti It is it universal taco; old and voting of both sexes, sold by Druggists throughout to , rcc....! States. Address all ordera to ZIEGLER di Kole Propn, tor, lr North 'I hint GOOD NEWS FOP. 310TH Eli , . Mothers, are you oppressed with attladv bour little ones? Are your Slumber , fold Gorr roken by their cries? Do you .ta aLe In !ix morning unrefreshed and apprehensive? If procure a bottle of Dr. Leon's Initial It• Inet:‘ and you a 11l haNe ito more weary hidz:b watching and anxiety. DIL LEON'S INFA:srr liE MEld ' Has susal the temt of ear.. ThOLLS1111,1• es and motto is bear wit hes, t 1t.6% to ghe relief if used in , euson. It p...ti1.t.‘,1 sure and speedy core for colle,erailli, a ad 1..0f,. and is invaluab le fur al! coutpla It, , la, teething. Mold by Druggists thlotichout tia• States. Address all orders to ZIEGLER et :411TI1,fiole 137 North Third St.. Ph ilitdriptqa. SILVER'S 'WASH. POWDER Saves time, tabor and money—mai:,. IS ao, tng a pastime and -Monday a Fl,Il Ui. rdd everywhere. Try it. Address, till ord. o. manufacturer,. ZIEGLER: dt SMITH', Mote Propro ton, 1:17 North Third Wit., Putladui•a MEE COAL! COAL! COAL! The piatji. to ley hi your Winter', suppir I , f Coel IVst Saltsmaii 64 .Co.'s Yards, At the Corner of Pe....tch amt 12th Sts., and .t the rot net. or tia. , ,atrk.., Lith stb. Coal of all kinds coast:lntl, looal, at the lowest tigurts. Nut, Illtuininon., to :13.40 Large Lump; do., from *4.40 to .1.5. at And all other Coal , in propqmou Lia- Dealer. qupplieti by the Car .I,cut , :, at a liberal roil:Leticia. 1;,;1,1;1; 4442/ r Or ,"‘ 451614 P 3TAcruu AND CO Corner of Holland and Sixth Streets' ERIE, PA. Warrant in Bankruptcy. 'lin IS Is TO GIVE N 4 mei.; hal ou theBtthdrr of 3I arch. A. D., IsoS, a Warrant in Bark ruptcy ss - as issued against the estate of S. Griswold, of Ette city, in the roomy of Foe. State of Pennsylvan in, Whit line been .lajude.e• a bankrupt on his own petition; That thew . merit of debt,+ and delivery of at* Pt open , belonging to such bankrupt, to and for ha use, and the transfer of any morality by iti ,2 are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of tb, creditors of the said bankrupt, to lame the: - debts and to choose 0110 or more As.sitmee.o , t his estate; la ill be held at a Court of Ilanlmtp cy, to be holden at the office of the 'Register, the city of Erie, in the county of Erie and . 4 tot of Penu'n, before S. E. Woodruff, Reekter, ua the ?IM. day of ,flay, A. IS., lsati, at 10 o'clock, 31. THOMAS` A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal, M.....,n0r• Ity Q. P. Davi‘47lVibt. U. 14. Jlarshal. ttpr2-111% Warrant In Bankrnpal. 'ruts TM TO GIVE NOTIOE that on the day of March, A. I)., IS', aWm rant In Bankruptcy was 'galled again:4 the eqate Alvin 7.. Randall, of Union Mills, in Me csl• ty of Erie, and Slate of Peonsiiattia. has been adjudged a bankrupt on 1114 oat n pe tition; That the payment of any debt• and dr livery of any property belonging to swell rapt to hint, and for his use, 81111 the , t , t , ': any property by hhu, nre forbidden is 1.1 w: ti a meeting of the creditors of snit' littnitruct. " prove their debts and to choow 0110 or ino" Assignees of his estate, will be held at n t'our of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the other of Lb! Register, in that city of Erie, bvlore Woodruff; Register, on the GUI dor of Mst A. D., MS, at 10 o'clock, A. M. MOMAS A. /if )WLEY. U. H. Marshal, Me By U. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. Man dad. pr:-rx Warrant In Bankruptcy. firms PS TO GIVE NOT ICE that nn the An h der .LofNue.. A. D., l&B,a Warrant In Bankrehte , Wan issued against the estate of Frant Alla; of the city of Erie, in the county of Frio. *s` l State of Pennsylvania, who has been ndnatred a bankrupt on his own petition; that the P. l i . merit, of pay debts rind delivery of ally prof "" belonging tie him, ft .his use, and the tratelf , of any property by him are forbidden le law. that a meeting of the creditorsof the ,dd haat rupt, prove their debts and to clehee more Ashignees of his estate, will behe hl a t " Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the otter of the Register , in the city of Erie. before Woodruff, Esq., Register in said district, oti_Pe 21st day of Blay,A. D, It4t4, at 10 o'rdoric, A. •ss• THOMAS A. HOWLEY , • U. S. Marshal, Menreliper By G. P. Davis, Dept. U.S. 3innthal. apr',!.l4*. REMOVAL. 13 D. HUNTER has removed from ilk stand, !total' of the Depot, to the rice' three doors we'd or the American foul,.ooh. West Park, where lie has a very tine line of HATS, CAPS, &C.. &C.. warranted to be equal In style, qualiD , „ Ish nny in the tnarket, and respect fulh Its a call froth hi. old friends and Me generally, assuring them none will n ,, x 43 , v tutlistled. . tLANES! kind A cowrie , ' t u " ment of every of Blattlo needed bJ riniTii. Justices, Constable/I,llnd Bytstal Min. for sae at the Obeervet °Mee. .