Important floticro.. `VEEKI,Y_ _9BSE It V ER • liv:trrsiiii in litinkriiptcy. 1 ,, TO GIVY. NOTICE that Oil the kith ` 11 `3,,, et 'March, 1. It, DAS, a Warratnt to „di lZ v And we all aVesti rviinion iiitaln‘ ;dill t . In myth e (mans state of e z il`, anti Slate. 01 l'evinsylt audit. ho a bankrupt oil hls 00 n ye- Inat the payment of any debts anti ties :my proj!erly lohnlgillg to such lninits i ot a, and for h 1 use, anti the transfer of `,` „Tv by HIM, are forbidden by law; that .` .. , ,, z of the creditors of said bstiikrupt, to dents and to chose one or more '•:0 es of 1114 estate, will be held nuts Com 10 be holden at the oillee of the In tho 11 0' or Erie, before k. E, it:taster, on the Ilth day of May, No at 156'e1oek,A, TIIONCAS A. ROWLEY, U.S. Marshal, Messenger. 11,:i:s, Dept. U.S. :11arshal. i•• apr2-tat'. Warrant in Bankrupte - y. I .., ro ffivENl TICE that on the:lolh day Warrant in ltankt ordey Ilw estate of Frank Allen, el Erie, in the nanny of Erie, and V.llO ha% been a•ljthliCtal „,, h.. utt a pi•tit ion ; !fiat th, I.lY debt. 11114 delh cry of an. propl ty • 1 " , Imo. tor hp% um., and the tranhler a 11‘ . hint are foa bidden by law•• , the ereditor, of the -A idh•tok: and to rh01 . 1.0 01e or . of hI: estate, will be het.), at A ILairopte; , , to be holden at die.otilee in ow city of Erie, befole ti . 1;. Register in %aid district, on the o • at 11 , o'eloek,A. M. 111 11 AS A. .It9WI.EY, Marshal, Mesbeuger. Dept. IL S. Marital. , -- IVamant in Bankraptey. vE NOTICE thrit on the:Mill tiny f 11,111 . 11, .1: D., 1513., a Warrant in Bank 2„nwt ne.aln‘t tiie e.tate of Samuel et }:rte city, in the county of Erie, Ivan In, Who has been adjudged on hi- on n petition; That the pay . • et am Mir. and delivery of any Drupe! ty bankrupt, to him and for his tan . Ttali•ter of any moperty by hint .• in I ion he law; that a meeting of the er lb- -.aid lankrtipt, to prove their ••, .1 to clrOtt•t• one or 11111 re of a . ,111.. hold at a Court of Bankrupt . at tht. onto , . ot. the flegiNter, in 1.; it' 01' 1 , i111; Vof Erie and e•Mte .„-,. E. Woodroil; Ifee.hder, on .•., 1 l•-..e;,:d o'eloelc, A. • IA -4 A. 111)1WLEB, •1' S tar , hal, Me-senger.; N I ;. P. DIN I, lit Pt. I'. apr2.-I sr, itt.efittrge Itt I.3ttiltkrltipt.e3 - . TErt: PiwatirT rocirr ”t the 1:ilt(1 ,tat.. 4, far the \Vc,ttril Dlstrict of .renikyl , Chi , . 11. Itroa n, zi bankrupt 'under the , • )lier,,, of Marcia lt d hio7, having an. a di,h.irge trout ail I ris lit 111,, and, oth. under said act, by order of not 1 , 0 r hereby el \ en to all creditors their debts, and oflierlierson., ,t, ,t, r,, liar tin the Sid day of , o',1,,•1;, A. M., 'afore ft, P.. 1:•11 lteltl,ter, at Li. office, in ,;IV o f Die, I...titt:t., to show cause, if t .,. wily a discharg..i should not . r ad,l to !qc said bankrupt: .Ithl further, by tftvet) that the second and third Treanor , : of said barn:runt, required swetionc of , :ad :v.t, will he :h.! said itezkter, at the battle Utile MeC.UCDLESs, S.„l , ktriet Court for , aid District, pi..eltarge in I3aukriiptc•y-. ;III: DISTRICT COURT ,of the Unu... „ for tile Western District or Dena It. Deer, a bankrupt tinder tin ..,f I 011:!re...,3 of March 2d,7Wt7, liaviruz pl tcu from all his rlebtx, and tit he: pnl‘ahle under .aid • lky on:cr . 01 III( hereby Ltiven to al4 credit, , lorovoil their debts, and other pet.orn. to appear on the in I tiov of it PI. o'cloek, M. lei 11 !riot. Ret_t,iNter, at 1.1. "Ince; to eauqe. .f any tile \ ts - b•, diselbartte should not be trrant bankrupt. And further, police is here,* ma, tin second and third tra.ersitt.t , o of the said bankrupt, required by tin land _•t It Sort long Of said Act, will be itao Register, a t tits same time and place. S. C. Ma CANDLE...SS, r't , f C. St. District Court for said District., W a rrant to Bankruptcy. iIS IA TO GIVE NOM 'E that on the gilt M;treh, 11„1 ,, I , I, a warrant In kinlc against tho e , tatv of I ivo. W. t , t vonnty of Erir;4lll,lSt•tti , of Ivania, who has born arlin.h.:o4 a hank- 4.T1 ills own - petition; that the payment of tit.iind the delivery of any property be tii bankrupt, to hint, and for in: th gran-fer of any property by him. it `lll.l.leil'hY ; that a taiiiitine; of the :dor. of t ai said ibanitrupt, to prove theft 44. and to flu - xi:4i on, or more Assli.mPeA of c•tate, wilt br held at a Court of Pant:nip:- te he holden at the office of the litee,i , bir, in Nix' of Erie, Pa. before :4, E. Woodruil,E,l., id. r 0/v2101,11R - of May, at 10 o'clook„A. THOMA.S A. tin\Vl.EY, U. S. 3iar,ll:th it. P. Davis, Dept, Marshal. 3111112-Iw. Warritut, hi Baultruptcy. Jis; BS TO GIVE - NOTICE that on the Ilth day of 'March, A., a warrant in bank icy was issued against t rn• estate of Joseph 'owl's. of the eqty of Erie, county of Erie and to Or Penn'tt, who has been adjudged a bank t on }IL, own petition._ that the payment of • debts and tel of am - propi rtv belong to hum, for his use, and the transfer of ooy party by itlin are forbidden by law; that a Idlog in the ereddors of ,titt halo:row. to •,(4 111(.11'00,1s and to choose ono or wore Igntoti of ain state, will be held nt a (hurt Bankruptey, to he holden at the Miley of• the dater, h, tlie city of Erie, Pa., before S. E. gidru Ir. Esq., Regt , ter its said Dl.trirt, on the 414 of May. A. D„ IS4S, at la b•tdoek, A. M. TfmmAs A. HOWLEY', U. it. Marshal, Mt.l, , ungt. r. C. P. Davis, Dept„ U. S. Marshal. • 1111;12-1w. Warrant in 13nnkrizin ey. lIS IS Ti) GIVE NoTIcE that on tin. 9th Ltc of Ntarclfs.A. D., PM, a St arrant in bank icy wai; homed against the eidate of John .1. d,worth, of the city of Erie, in tho county a le, and State of Penult, WhO hah tacit ad ”rd a bankrupt on 116 own petition; that payment of any debts or delivery of any pert v belonging to such bankrupt, to him, 11,4 e, and the tram.fer of any property him are forbidden by ; that a meeting o redltors of the said bankrupt, to prove it 110 4s, and to choose one or Mote M u., of hi. estate, will be held at a Court o i. 41,1 1 ,1, Y. to be holden at the on - we of the in the city of Erb., Pa., before S. E. Itegbder, on the Mit day of .. 11.. 1,1,. at lu o'elotik, A , NI. • THOMA.S A, ROWLEY. - Davis, Dept. U. 14. :1131 - Shal inhi„l w Warrant in Bankruptcy. IS To GIVE NOTICE that on the 2d day Match, A. P., NUS, a Warrant in Bank.- .. Vag issued oat of the Lilt net Court 01 Iri ned State,, for the Western Instriet Of against the estates of Stephen N. label_ F. 1,. Whieher and S. M. Whieher, nue!: of Corry, in the county of Erie, and of Pearl'il, to 110 have been adjudged ul.rtipt-Itip,n their o•.k petttialet that the ta‘ :0 ut liebtn 010 della ery of ally pro ,‘ I, lonuing to such limikrUpt.,, to them or and the transter or any property tarn] it,, forbidden by law; that a aleetaax dttor, of matt bankrupt, to prove and to 010(4a or more :o , lgller . . 111 be held nt n roort of li-An4 to, to he holden nt the ottiee of S. E. Wood 7.,ea the Conrt in the eity of Erie, be Woodruff, EQq., Itellister, On the WO lOf en 11, A. I). SIA 1:4;.. at 111 THO.:. ItOWLEY. MrrAhal, Dept. U. S. Mar,11:11. • 1111112-4 w. rr. 'lnt hi Bankruptcy . :Ir., 1 . 4 7(jGl "ENOT , llEthat on t :id day ' \% '.:mast in tainkint"'"N -,,,,,,.,1,,,„, of th Distriet Court of the Cut- Maie, for the -,tern -.) of l'ean'ti., sat, uei . Andrews, of y of E r i e, i n mid tllstrlrt, wijuklg,l vilirupt on Lis own pe, "P, t ) ., 7 ha! pay n bolos;d u e g b t t i s o i t. , and the tnne,fer of • W ' P r P I'"IY Onot a meet. forbidden by law • an'd the creditors of raid' bank. . U P., t 'C• i Z o" ees debts and to ettooia‘ one or inn_ Rank in estate. will be held at a Coln icy, tube holden at the oilier, of ILe `irardi Pri,br•fore WoodrulT heni ,/ ,,, 414 dr: inßankniptey for said ilist net,' on t of April, A. It, l'tF, at 9 if Ow:,1. THOMAS :1. ROWLEY, B . IT. S. Marshal, Nh.,:;enger. _ (;. P. Davk, pep!. U. Marbhal.. lil2-Iw. Warrant in Bankruptcy. Is TO GIV! Nancy: that on the 9th .!,v of March. A. 1. D.' 13i+8, a Warrant in , M1( . (1 out of the District t 'out t ut , Untie d 'States, for the Western Dintrict or niNorniinmt the estate' of Wm. IL Ward, of the county of Era,. and State of 'an , rh,atia, Irt Mid fh.strlef, adJinlired a , hkrupt upon his own petition; that the ..ta ,, at of any debts and delivery of any 9plity belonging to anvil batikrVpt to him or U-e. and the tmnsfar any prop by Win are forbidden by law. A ,nowt -01 creditor:, of the ,aid P.m'. 11,, Ir debt , and It; ,'hoa-r one Or mole of his estate, will mat held fa a Court E.oll;rllpt,y, to be holden fit the °dive of the . in the city of Erie, before S. 1...1 00. r. , in Ban I; raptny for said db,- •t, on Ow Inn day or May, A. D., $1 la A. M. THOMAS A. R4\VLEV, Mars/ m.,,sepger, Dvpt. U. - inhl2-iw ' 0,(91, ~. Pattison, byl In the Court of m :next frivndJohn Cle- Common Pleas of , Erie. Co., No. PO NS.i Nov. Term. Ise - 7. 01.1, N. Pattlson, I Libel In DIN acc. Anti now. March lit It, .1)41‘, the nu I ,pnnut and ~,,m ,p..Lita having been .rourne4 N. E. 1.. "• a ,, 0e11,1111-1 rAmiondent is hereby notified I, ),iiiii nrux ...rill court on the 4th Mouttriv in , y next.. 1,), , , to answer the complaint to this A. F. inWAN. Sheriff. N. P.itttsoo, ReNponclent , tr.• a.•:rbp notified that