the efie tomtv. THURSDAY, MARCH 19, 1888 DEMOCRATIC sieTzTxcarrr ArDiTeR. GENERAL. CHAS. E.,-130YLE, of Fayette Co. SURVEYOR GENERAL, W. H. ENT, of Columbia C 0....! TUE LATE ELECTIONS. The latest corrected returns from New Hampshire make the majority for Harriman 2,530. The, House of Representatives will probably show 193 Republicans and 138 Dem ocrats. The Lower House of the Legisla ture stood in 1867, 203 Radicals t 0.128 Dem ocrats ; Radical majority, 75. The vote of New Hampshire for the three preceding years was as follows -1865 1866 1867 . . The Biddeford (Me.) Democrat figures up the Democratic_ gains in the recent election_ in that State. In Biddeford the Democratic gain is 105 over last `ear; in Saco It is 103; in Kennebunkport it is 61 ; inAugust4l, it is .500; in Portland it'is 900; in Windham it is SO ; in Gorham it is 154; in Lincoln iris 80; In Lewiston it is 460.. In most of the other towns the gains have been heavy. The town elections.held in New York all tell one story—overwhelming Democratic gains as compared with last fall, when the Radicals were ' everywhere beaten. With these facts before us, it is safe to say that were a Presidential election to be. held now the Democrats would carry the State . by a hundred thousand majority. . The Democracy of Orange, New Jersey, carried the city by a majority of 245, making a large gain and sweeping everything. Brunswick, in the same State, elects the Democratic ticket by 400 majority—a gain of 23 per cent. In Salem, the Democratic gain is 72. The Democracy of Bridgeton made. a=gain of 112 over last spring. At the election in Hollidaysburgh, Pa., tOr borough officers, the Democratic candidates were elected by a majority of 03, being a gain of 40 over the vote of last falL The election at Tyrone shows a Democratic gain of twen ty-two over last year: In Pike county, the Democrats have increased majorities in every district. The gains are large, not only over the gubernational election of 1860, butM7er the late . contest for Judges of the Supreme Conn. The municipal election ip Lock Haven resulted , in a most gratifying victory to the Democracy: Every' ward has been swept, not It single Radical candidate being elected. In the' Weit Ward the .De mocracy have made astonishing gains and completely turned the tables. In Pine Creek and Elderton townships, Armstrong 'county, the Democratic gain is 40 over last fall. The telegraph, heralded a great Radical triumph in Memphis. The papers of that city, giving the classified vote of the various wards,.show that of a total vote of 7,154, only 2,838 were whites: The negroes outnumber the whites nearly two io one—by a major ity of 1,478. Of the 2,838 whites, six-sev enths—a majority 2,o22—voted the Conserva tive ticket. Of the 4,316 blacks, Torty-six forty-seventh—a majority of 4,l3o—Voted the Radical ticket. This is a striking evidence of the result of negro domination. • Westfield, Mass., went Democratic last week by 130 majority, being the first victory for our party hi that town for nine years. THE COUNTER INDICTMENT. We, the people of the United States; pon dering tfie events of the last three years—our interests neglected, our rights violated, our most sacred instincts outraged by the party in power—by virtue of-our immortal ,sover eignty, in the Dante of Ike Constitution to • which we all owe fealty, in the behalf of that liberty which has never yet quite perished from off the - face of the earth, and by the au thority inherent in free institutions, do now set forth the following charges ; and set them forth, pot as quibbling and wordy lawyers, but broadly- and in the general, as befits mas ters speaking to their servants, to wit First—We charge Thaddeus Stevens and his following with incompetency, incoheren cy, failure ; in that, having exercised for three years all posSible poWers, they have ac complished nothing, save only this—that in the month of March, 1868, the country is more divided, its energy more depressed, its business more halting,its finances and revenue policy, more disordered than each and. all of them were in the mondi of April, 10 , 3. - Second—We charge the said parties with having, throughout these months and years, almost' without exception, subordinated the essential and permanent interests of the whole people to the temporary exigencies (real or supposed) of _whatls at best but a faction of the-peOple. Third—We charge the said parties with • having, as political foot-pads, robbed the ex ecutive fimction of its most important attri butes, conferring, or pretending to confer, them on a stalking horse unknown to our frame of. Government, namely, a General-in- Chief. Fourth—Not content with degradition of the person for the time being invested With the Presidential authority, we charge the said parties with the intention and effort to reduce the position itself to a level with that of King of Great Britain, that is to say to an in ert and empty title. Fifth—Lastly, we charge the said parties with having attempted intimidation of the tribunal before which the official repreienta live of the people's majesty is to be tried. For all and each of which high crimes and misdemeanors we cite the said parties r ind all their abettors to appear before the High Court of the. People on the 3d day of Novem ber next, then to listen to our verdict—Guil ty, or Not. Guilty. - OUR CANDIDATES Wherever our candidates for Auditor and Surveyor General are known, their personal qualities are unequivocally endorsed by the press of both parties. Mr. Royle, from hav ing served two years in the .Legislature, has a reputation more generally familiar than Gen. 'Ent, and of hirrt_the Radical press speak in terms of the most unlimited praise. As a sample, we quote front the Harrisburg State Guard : "Mr. Charles E. Boyle, of Fayette county, the Democratic nominee for Auditor General, is among the extreme men of the faction to which he belongs, though it cannot be denied that he is a man of ability, that he is person ally honest, and if elected Auditor General, would make .13 competent officer." The Meadville Republican, whose editor, Mr. White, was a neighbor and intimate ac quaintance of Mr. Boyle's, thus bears testi mony to his qualifications for the which he has been nominated: "The nomination by the Democracy of Hon. Charles E. Boyle for Auditor Geiaeral, is 'one of the most creditable made by that party in many years. Mr. Boyle is a resident of Fayette county, was formerly editor of the Genius of Liberty, at Uniontown, and for the past two years has been a member of the lower House at Harrisburg. lie is a gentle man of pleasing manners, amiable" and affa ble, and hts record as n legislator has been t ree from any taint of COMIptIATI so far as we have observed it. Ile is really too good a man to be the candidate of a .tuai THE Radicals have made mote history since they have had charge of the govern ment than any other party since the old Rev olutionary chaps who kicked up a row about tea tax. They have had a civil war, a martyr, piled up the biggest National debt ever heard of, and now they are prepared to wind up with impeachment and revolution. They are a lively party now, say what you will, anti-as long as the people will stand the pease, they will give them plenty of ex it iitment for their Mbney. TIIE lIIIPEACDNIENT SCANDAL. The Senate Chamber was crowded from top to bottom on Friday of last week, with men and women, anxious to witness the opening ceremonies of the impeachment trial. At one o'clock, the Chief Justice took the presiding officer's chair, and, after some un important preliminary business . , the managers and members of the House were admitted to seats in the Chamber. The counsel for the President occupied a table on the right of the Chief Justice and opposite to the mana gers, who were seated on the left, Mr. John son,ltimself, not being in attendance. Mr. Stanbery arose and produced a paper, from which he impressively read, amid the pro foundest silence, the following : "In the matter of the impeachment of An drew Johnson, President of the United States, Henry Stanbery. Benjamin R. Curtis, Jere miah S. Black, William M. Everts, and Thos. R. Nelson, of counsel for the respondent, move the court for an allowance of forty days for the preparation of the answer to the articles of impeachment, and in support of the motion - peke the following professional statement : 6,071 • 401 3,146 "The articles are eleven in number, in voicing many questions of law and fact We have, during the limited time and opportuni ty offered us,considered as far as possible the field of investigation which must be explored in the preparation of the answer; and the conclusion at which we have arrived is that, with the utmost diligence, the time we have asked is reasonable and necessary. - The Pre cedents as to time for answer upon impeach ment before the Senate to which we have had opportunity to refer are those of Judge Chase and Judge Peck. "In the case of Judge Chase time was al lowed from the 3d of January until the 11th of February next succeeding, to put in his answer, a period of thirty-two days, - but in this case there was but a single article. "Judge Peck asked fiir time from the 10th - to the 23th. of May, to put in his answer, and it was granted. It appears. that Judge Peck had been long cognizant of the ground laid for his impeachment, and had been present before the committee of the House upon the examination of the witnesses, and had been permitted by the House of Representatives to present to that body an elaborate answer to the charges. .."It is apparent thatthe President Is fairly entitled to more time - than was allowed -in either of the foregoing cases. It is proper to add that the respondents in these cases were lawyers fully capable of preparing their own answers, and that no pressing official duties interfered with their attention to that busi ness. Whereas, the President, not being a lawyer, must rely on his counsel the chargo; involve his acts, relations, and intentions, as -to all which his counsel must be fully ad vised upon consultation with him, step by step, in the preparation of his defence. "It is seldom that a case requires such con stant communication between client and counsel as this, and yet such communication can only be bad at such intervals as are al lowed to the President from the usual hciiirs that must be devoted to his high official du ties. "We further beg leave to suggest- for the consideration of this honorable court, that as counsel, careful as well of their own reputa tion as of the interests of 'their client, in a case of such magnitude as this, so out of the ordinary range of professional experi ence, where so much responsibility is felt, they submit to the candid consideration of the court that they have a right to asic for themselves such. opportunity to discharge their duty as seems to theta to be absolutely necessary. "HaairrY SUMMERY, "Bzniasrm IL CURTIS, "JEREMIAH B. BLACK, "WILLIAM M. Evan's, ' "Tnostas A. R. NELSON, "Counsel for Respondent. ' "Matto' 13, 1868." The eyes of all in the Chamber Were turned to the managers as Mr. Stanbery took his seat. Mr. Bingham, one of the House managers, arose and developed at once the startling tactics and indecent haste of the prosecution, by announcing that it was ex pected that under the , eighth rule of those adopted by the court the. President must file his answer this day unless otherwise ordered. This assertion created the most intense surprise to :the President's counsel, and, in fact, seemingly to every one who heard it made. He. insisted that if the Presi dent had failed to answer, as in fact he had, according to his construction of the rule; the trial would have to go on just as if a plea of "not guilty" had been entered; and the ac cused having appeared the effect is the same. A lengthy debate then took place between Judge Curtis and Mr. Stanbery on the Pres ident's•side, and Messrs. Wilson and Bing ham on that of the House, involying sub- stantially the same points as above given. Finally, the Senate retired to consult over the matter, and on its return, at 4 o'clock, the Chief Justice said "The motion of respondent's. counsel for forty days' time in which to file their answer has been overruled, and the 23d day of 3farch is fixed for said return." Mr. Bingham then moved that the trial proceed forthwith on said 23d day of March. The motion was lost by . yeas 25, nays 26, as follows: Ye;tB—Messrs. Cameron, Cattell, Chandler, Cole, Conkling, Conness,' Corbett, Drake, Derry, Harlan, Howard, Morgan, Morton, Nye, Patterson, (of New Hampshire) Pome roy, Ramsey, Ross, Stewart, Sumner, Thayer, Tipton, Williams, Wilson, and Yates—M. Nays—Messrs. Anthony, Bayard, Burka levv, Davis, Dixon, Edmunds, Fess.enden, Fowler, Frelinghuysen; Grimes, Henderson, Hendricks, Howe, Johnson, McCreery, 3lor rill (of Maine,) Morrill (of_Vermont,) Norton Patterson (of Tennessee,) Saulsbury, Sher man, Sprague, Trumbull, Van Winkle, Vickers, and Willey-26. bee n t—Mn Doolittle. Not rating—Mr. Wade. Several motions to fix the time for the trial were made ; but one, bffered by Mr. Conk ling, that the triul proceed immediately after the replication be filed by. the House to the President's answer on the 2311 of March, was adopted by a Strict party vote ; yeas, 40; nays, 10. The latter were Messr4. Bayard, Buckalew, Davis, Dixon, 'Hendricks, John son, McCreery, . Norton, Patterson (of Ten nessee,) Saulsbury, and Vickers: On the preliminary motion to fix different dates, none exceeding April G, no votes were taken ; but an hour's discussion took place against such a brief time, by Mr. Curtis for the President, and Butler fhr the Managers —for the shortest notice. The latter's speech was exceedingly partisan, full of low film— such, for instance, as one, "that the Lord destroyed the earth in forty days, and that it would not take any such time to try im peachment." Mr. Nelson, of the President's counsel, handsomely rebuked the partisan ship of Butler, and spoke eloquently of the solemnities of the pending events, which, he said, in no spirit of compliment, were - now passing before the highest tribunal on ,earth. ANOTIIEIt GAG BILL. The famous 3lcAnDe case, involving the constitutionality of the reconstruction laws, was argued before the Supreme Court, last week, and was likely to be decided in a brief period. In order to prevent an opinion of the Court on the subject, a bill was melted through Congress, on Thursday of last week, ,whielt i 9 designed to remove this and all 'similar cases from the jurisdiction of that tribunal. "The bill," says the New York Times, "on its face bore no evidence of im portance. It seemed to be no more than a measure required to relieve Collectors of In ternal Revenue from annoyance ; and so it professed to be. Taking advantage of the absetMe of Democratic members, and with out affording the slightest clue of its object and scope, an amendment was added. re pealing so much of a certain act as provides for an appeal in habeas rows cases from the Circuit Court to the United States Supreme Court. No opposition was offered, because nobody not in the secret understood the game, and the bill us amended passed at once. It was wried to the Senate, where it slipped through with equal celerity. Not until it had escaped the leghilative ordeal was its import. underatood,:or its effect upon the case now undergoing argument in the Court." Mr. Johnson will, no doubt, veto it, but it will be made u law over the veto, in time to squelch the McArdle case. Tire trial of Jefferson Davis, which bad been set down for March 25, bag been pout. paned to April 14 by Judge Underwood. GEORGE U. PZ i rk i nrlVl FOR Pitts. The indications of the day all point to the selection of Hon. Oeo. 11Pendleton, of Ohio, as the probable nominee of the Democratic National Convention for President, with Mayor Ifoffman, of New York, or Senator Doolittle, of Wisconsizi, as Vice . .President. In our recent visit to the Baal we found the feeling in favor of Mr. Pendleton nearly unanimous; and some of his warmest sup porters are gentlemen hailing from localiti e s where it is not genemlly supposed that he has a-great deal of strength: Mr. Belmont, Chair man of the Democratic National Committee, is said to favor his nomination, and the friends of Mr. Pendleton allege 'that over half of the New York delegation are pledged . to sustain him. We may be deceived in up pearances, but if the current of feeling among the leading politicians of the State is a reli able index, there is little chance to go amiss in predicting who Pennsylvania's choice will be in the of July Convention With Grant as the representative of the bondhold ers,Mid Pendleton on a platform declaring in favor of equal taxation,, and the same kind of money for _We' - poor' as for the rich, we have no doubts as to the results of the con test, DE TIOCR.ATIO DOCTRINE. We Inalit on a curtailment of eipenses. We demand a reduction of offices. We protest against any inure stealing. We advocate reduced taxation. We demand one currency for rich and poor. We say disband the large standing army. Call back the exiled states. Abolish-the bureau poor houses.' And let every able marl in the South, black and white; have fair play and plenty of work, and all will go well again as it was be fore-the War. EDITORIAL BREVITIES. G. FlitngOlCT'S beard is. white and he still parts his the middle. is arguing _ in favor of more num erous marriages. If he were the best speci men of the consequence of matrimony, the result would hardly Justify the means. THE New York Tribune speculates as to "the future of the Radical party." Where upon Prentice suggests that any sound preacher can tell it what its "future state" will be without repentance.. A "REtiounticAls" writes to the Cincinnati * Enquirer (DT.): "Tour party has always C said if we Republicans got the power of e goVernment we would overthrow it. I on-, fess things look in that direction now." ONE of the best jokes of -the day, since the demise of A. Ward, is perpetrated by the New York Tribune in• saying that the im peachment matter "is singularly free from partisanship so far as the Republican party is concerned !" ' Jenner township, one of the most Radi cal spots in the grossly Radical county of Somerset, Pennsylvania, were lately mar ried Solomon Boyer (white) to widow 3l'Ket vey, (colored,) and David 'Metz, (colored) to Polly Thomas, (white.) . . Owns has unfortunately bccome a country of taxes. There is a tax here, there, yonder and elsewhere. They go in at the front and back door, and even nt the window. There Is a tax if ono rides, and a' tax If one goes it-foot, and still a tax if one doesnot go at all. A middle : aged gentleman yesterday took a hop over a moist place at the crossing, and was immediately waited upon by an Internal Revenue-officer for a violation of the clause on hops. There was no stamp on either heel, and the result will be an arraignment to-day at the 11. S. Commissioners' Court. IN the 'Pennsylvania Legislattive, a week or more ago, a proposition .to establish im partial suffrage in'the State, i. e., let negroes vote, got only 13 out of 54 Republican votes ! Messrs. Stranaltan, and Rea being among the nays. That is a fair specimen of much of the "Radical" Republicanism of the day, which insists on negro suffrage in the South, where it is more ignorant and irresponsible than anywhere else, but refuses to engraft it upon the policy of its OVVK State at home. GEN. HANCOCK, some tithe since, removed some of the aldermen and• other city officers of New Orleans. lie did so because he de clared that their conduct was so bad that they could not be tole'rated. Nine of these officers were removed. Seven of them were negroes. The other day Grant issued en order commanding Hancock to restore these officers to the places from which he had re moved them ! How do you like that, white soldiers P IT. S. Grant has become the servile tool of the Negro Suffrage fanatics in Con gress. He appoints negroes to office, by his own order. • TiTE Boston Post's Washington correspon dent telegraphed on Sunday night, thus : - "Thb friends of President Johnson are less sanguine of his acquittal this evening than they have been before. The impression is being made upon the minds of the Radicals that unless they convict him' their party is hopelessly lost, and fears are entertained that this impression will insure the conviction of the President beyond peradventure. If the issue be the conviction of Andrew Johnson or the destruction of the Radical party, the Democrats feel satisfied that conviction will follow. Such is the talk to-night in political circles." E are asNfar from real peace to:day as we were when the war was closed. Indeed, the feeling that now prevails between the two sections is less peaceful, more bitter, and more hostile, than it was when -Lee surren deted to Grant. The people feel this to be a fact, and they deplore it as calculated to plungethe country deeper and deeper into trouble and confusion. We are not` coming out of the war with either credit to ourselves or profit to the country. We are simply pro longing its enmities and widening the'breach which the cessation of armed strife ought to have closed. TIIE Republican State Convention of In diana attempted to steal Democratic then der by adopting as the 4th plank in its plat form or * declaration of principles the follow ins= "Fourth—The public debt made necessary by the rebellimr should be honestly paid and all the bonds issued therefor should be paid in legal tenders, commonly called green backs, except Whereby their express terms they provide othenvise t and paid in such quan tities as will make the circulation commensur ate with the commercial wants of the conn try. and so as to avoid too great an inflation of the currency- and an increase in the price of gold." A FEW short years ago the whole power of the government was Surrendered to she Ex ecutive branch. Congress admitted and the people aequieseed in the supreme charac ter of the President. Any dissent from this view was met with the Basiile argument. How changed is everything now ; the Presi dent is treated worse than a scullion. The moment he attempts to exercise his Constitu tional functions be is threatened with -dis grace. The Jacobins of Congress are strong enough if they have the courage to unseat him, and forever prostrate the dignity and value of the Presidential chair. To this, -as they did to the other extreme, they say, all right. TnE remedy for oppressive taxation is to greatly reduce our stainling army -and navy -"abolish the Freedman's Bureau—let the Southern negroes earn their own living, in stead of subsisting at the nation's expense-- the payment of the five-twenty bonds In greenbacks, thus saving to the people an mense amount of interest which. we are now. paying upon them in gold—all of which greatly, impoverish the people—discharge at least one-half the army of office-holders, who are fattening upon the public treasury, and introduce the most rigid economy into all the departments of the Government. This is the plan, and the Only plan,.which will ma terially lighten 'the burthens of the people? and reduce their taxes. A rind. to Annie Dickinson has appeared in Miss 'Bessie Bisbee, of New York, who attempted to lecture in Nashua. N. H., during the campaign in that State, up on the political Issues of the day. A corres pondent writes that, no sooner had she com menced her remarks by saying that "the hope of the future, and almost the only relic of the prosperous past, wasthe greatNatiOnal Dem ocratic party," than a number of Republicans who were in attendance began noisy inter ruptions, cheiring, hissing, and'ereating such a disturbance as to preclude the posskbility of the speaker proceedieg. Miss Bisbee stood calmly until the noise subsided suffi ciently to enable her voice to be heard, but as soon as shy again attempted to speak the interruptions we r e renewed, and it became evidoot that the Republican were determined to break up the meeting. She was forced to desist and leave the stage when ()Illy half through her remarks, and was escorted to a place of safety by the police, who inflamed her that she might consider herself fortunate in having escaped mobbing. r Has. Joni T. HOPTIUN, in his speech at the meeting held in the city of New York on the night of the 28th of r y*uary to sus tain the President, made al„polut that should challenge the attention of all capitalists and bondholders—indeed, of everybody who has occasion to use motte4 'film point he made was this: "Men all through the emptily, rich and poor. are to-day discussing thequestion, how the National debt .is to be. paid, whether in gold or currency. Let me tell them, and let me say to the bunkers and. bUsiness men of New York., that unless they frown down this , first attempt of Congress to eject a President without a cause, they had better ask them selves the question what security they haVe go to the great - future that it will be paid at all. Tax New York Commercial, a Republican journal, declares that the annual stealings from the Government would more than sup port its legitimate expenses, and leaves mar gin toward the payment of the interest of the - National debt. If there were more economy in public • affairs, there would 'be less talk about the repudiation of the public debt. people are everywhere beginning to feel ...Ke effects of corruption in the shape of di minished business adtivity and scarcity of employment. At least die signs of the times indicate the termination of the reign of cor ruption—only the reform'must emanate from without, not from within,--by the people and not by Congress. THE Baltimore Gazette Ls out of patience with the .:o,Torthern people because, they ac cept the impeachment business - with. calm ness. It says : "If the people hope to save the Constitution and theiii rights, now is the time to speak. If they wßuld but start into action in every town andihamlet in the land, And make known their will, the promoters of this fraudulent and disgniceful impeachment scheme would shrink in terror from its fur- }her prosecution. If it is permitted to be :come an accomplished fact, then may we bid farewell to, the idea of recovering, for years to come, our, Constitutional rights and fiber- ITS Ls the Virginia Convention, March 4th, in a debate on the franchise; a Conservative proposed to except paupers from the right of suffrage. 'Whereupon a mulatto delegate from Richmond protested and declared that there were ninety thouiand of these paupers in the Radical party In Virginia, who would thereby be cut off from the privilege of "woi s in." The entire strength of what is calle6" the Radical Party in the Southern States is found in precisely this class of man ufactured voters, who ere mainly dependent upon the public treasury for their support. SENATOR JOHN SifE4.VAN, of Ohio, is among the fierce impeachers. But when the President first gave the - fellow Stanton .to understand that his room in the Cabinet would be better than his r ompany, then Mr. Senator Sherman was astonished at Stan ton's shameless conduct - in persisting in stay- ut until he was I 'lticked'ont." He spoke as ollows "No man possessing the least sensibility or self-respect, could remain one moment in the Cabinet after being notified - that the Presi dent desired him ,to leave,—nor could any man properly remain in 'the Cabinet whose opinions do not accord with those of the President and his associates." Tm Washington correspondent of the N. Y. Herald says : , "Talking of &ant, the, stories of the Anti- Slavery Standard and New York Indepen dent about his social 'habits and certain alleged "unste4dy" exhibitions in the .public streets, have occasioned quite a noise here. The same subject had been talked of some weeks ago privately, but its introduction into print has startled the Washington communi ty. Itim informed that Ben. Butler is on the war path again, and that he is actually engaged in gathering affidavits relative to Grant's before mentioned alleged 'unsteady exhibitions."' • ! "DAN SICKLES" recently spoke his piece at Manchester, N. 11, and to quiet some loud talk among the ladies in the gallery, the chairman banged away_:,npon the desk, de claring that "if the ladies want to hear they must keep quiet."' TO which one of the ladies replied, in a clear; ringing voice,'"We didn't come to hear, we came to see the mur derer." ' Poor Dan was as white as a sheet, and his speech was felt by his friends to be a failure. He talked us though the ghost of a murdered nian hang before his eyes. HORACE GREELEY said at a meeting of the Congressional Temperance Society, that "more men lost their lives during the war on account of drunken officers in command than were lost by rebel bullets." Horace has been saying some very severe things of Gen. Grant lately. THE estimated cost of the army for the coming year is seventy-seven millions of dor lars, nearly as much as the whole expenses 'of the government before the war.. Is it any wonder that we have heavy taxes ? 'How much longer will the people put up with Radical extravagance? GRANT'S father tells the Ledger that Ulysses once worked for four years on a farm given him by his wife's father, and at the end of the time was poorer than when he began. Uncle Sam's farm does not need that treat-_ men t. - THE -Macon (Ga.) Journal defines the first (Radical) commandment to be "Love office with all thy soul, and• heart, and strength, and the nigger as thyself; on these hang all the law and profits." JUDGE CHAP-VAN, of the Criminal Court, Indianapolis, has sentenced Lewis Washing ton, a colored preachel, to fen years in the •Penitentiary, and a fine of $5,000, for marrying a white woman to a colored man. Tua Tribune speaks of."the force of Gen. end Butler's hand" as having beenfelt in the South during the rebellion. - His band was not particularly forcible, but what it lacked in force, it made up in nimbleness. Cuter Artifice CEASE: is credited at Wash ington with saying that it would bee strange thing to 'impeach a man fur a difference of political opinions. - Ax article in the Cincinnati Gazette (Rad ical) opens with this sensible remark: "It is time the Republican party in Congress had somebody capable of leading then." THE Black and Tan Constitutional Con vention of Arkansas have provided in the Constitution they have framed, that "all per sons who shall vote against it shall be dis franchised." Tiun. STEvENs has been dying a long time, and Prentice thinks there can be noth ing unkind in' wishing 'him out of his mis ery. . HENRY WARD BRECRER is writing a life of Christ on speculation. The first specula tion on the Savior's life was made by Judas. Ex-Gov. Jour; Braisst, of California, is editor-in-chief of a new, Democratic paper called the State Capital Reporter', recently started in Sacramento. Apmrripw that the President has no right to abuse Congress, by whit right does Con gress claim to abuse -the President, as it has dote, with the.most fiendish malignity, al most daily (luring the past two years ? This point was well put to the Rurnii; a few days ago, when Butler's accusation was before the Mouse, by Mr-Getz, s of Pennsylvania. While Butler was In the midst of a furious tirade against the President, Mr. (lets succeeded in obtaining the door, and asked the -following question of the Speaker - ",..Would it be itt order to inquire whether the attacks of_ the President upon Congress, have been half as scandalous and -indecent as - the attacks of Congress upon the Pesi dent ?" • - - Tnity somehow can't get into -our-wey of doing things over in England. An English war contractor has, been sentenced -to five years penal servitude for . merely attempting to swindle the government in supplies for the Abyssinian army. If that fellow had lived in this country, end not only "attempted," but succeeded in swindling the government, the Radicals would have sent him to Congress. Tur. N. Y. Evening Post, (Radical) gives its friends in Congress this broad hint as to their fate if they eontinue in the course they are pursuing: "It may look very well in a man who is approaching *a precipice to my out, 'No step backward,' but to those who see where he is going it looks very foolish." WADE:O defenders, who voted for making him a judge in a case where he l/1.9 a supreme• interest, all say for Ohio, "Each State is en titled to two, Senators under the Constitu tion." Where then are the twenty Senators from the ten Southern States Tux year 1868 will exhibit two wonderfdl events—the trial of Jelfersiin Davis for in sisting that the Southern States were out of the - Union, and the trial, of Andrew Johnson for insisting that they are in the onion, - Tire point to be aimed at is the greatest posible abatement of taxation compatible with the requirements of the Government. Let every dollar that in not Wanted for cur rent expenses be stricken off the load borne by the country in the shape of taxes. Tug "Mission" in St. Patrick's church came to a time on Monday evening, having been attended with remarkable success. During its progress fifteen converts were secured., two - hundred and fifty communi cated with 'the church for the first time; twenty-five hundred communicated in all, and seventy-five enrolled themselves it:tithe temperance society. A gold watch, estimated to be worth $225. was stolen from Major - Waddell, of this city, about a year ago: The culprit was con science smitten under the preaching of Fath er David, one of the parish priests at St. Patrick's church, and on Monday the watch was returned to the Major, to his astonish went and unbounded delight. Oun young friend, Mr. Geo. Zorn, haSze .cently-removed his boot and shoe store to a better locality; where ha is prepared to.rneet all the wants of the public. His stock is one' of the best in the city, and a .more pleasimat or reliable person to deal with cannot be found. . Tetz new. Bishop of this 'Catholic diocese: is expected to he here in a few weeks, and' 'will certainly officiate on Easter. • ARMED. HATCH—Mr.AD—On the 'loth inst., at the . residence of Harvey Jones, by Rev. S. A. Brewster, Mr. Charles E. Hatch, of Corry, to Joanna C. Mead, formerly of the same place. ' • EUGENIA HAIR RESTORETI.—Tie cheapest and best. Mammoth bottles way 75, cents. The Eugenia flair Restorer eclipses all known discoveries for •the rapidity with which it restores gray and itidcal hair to 'its original color, promotes l rapid and healthy growth, prevents and strops it when falling off; and is a Most luxuriant'hair dressing for the human hair andhead, rendering it soil, silky and lustrous. Sold by S. Dickinson tir, Son, sole agents in Erie. - (.16c12-Iy. • Alb) abbutintmento tipAilvertsements, taseense insertion, mutt be handed, in by 8 o'cluck on Wednesday after noon. All advertisements will be continued at the expense or thu. advertises, unless ordered for a specified, time. • • - Justice or the Peace. JERMA.Mi LEO announces himself as an independent candidate for Justice of the ete in the East Ward, and pledges himself, if elected, to pectoral the duties to the best of his ability. mhl9-Iw* Constable. CIF.ORGE MIL offers himself tui:an l independ- Uf ent candidate for re-election to Ithe of of Constable, and pledges himself If elected to perform the duties faithfully. tolll2-2w. , Justice of the Peace. - TORN FERBlRltoffers himself SR Re:Wald/0e si fur the office of Justice of the Peace tA) the voters of the East Ward. If elected, he pledges to faithfully perform the duties of the office. mhl2-2w., ' Not ice. it TY WIFE CAROLINE E. FARGO, has left . AL my bed board, without Just cause or provocation, and this Is to notify all persona not to harbor or trust her on my account as . will pay no debts contracted by -her after Vnis, date. THOMAS J. FARCO.A. ntrs4lw. • Administrators' Notice. - 1 Ki TEES OF ADMINISTRATION Gutawes -14 tate of Ellin Wolf, dee'd, late of 111.3) Cratk tp„ having been granted to the undaraigned notice is hereby given to all indeband to the same to make Immediate payment, atallthoss having claims against said estate will present them, duly authenticated for settlement. - . FRA I NKIJN ISAAC WOLF. Adm !Dist ralors. Mil Creek, March 19, 11%9.-13r Florence C. Pattison, by In the Court of her next friend John Clam - common Pleas of ens, Erie ro., No. 109 vs Nov. Term. 18(7. John N. Patterson, Libel In Divorce. And now, March 11th, 1 , the subixena and alias subpoila having been returned N. IL I. the above named respondent la hereby notified to be and appear In Donn. on the 4th Monday In May next, 1868, to answer the complaint In thls A. F. SWAN, Sheriff. To John N. Pattlson, Respondent: You Are hereby notified that deposltlcin of witnesses will be taken before E. gm:what:Hen, Esq., or other competent authority, at the office ,of Jas. C. & F. F. Marshall, In the city of Erie, on the 10th day of April, 1813li, commencing at 10 o'clock, a. tn., of said day, to be rend on the hearing of the above stated MAP. JAMES C. & F. F. MAILSI - LALt, mlll9-3w. . Atty'x for Llbellant. F.nim aurAnni.v: wonic.s. M. A. DUNNING, No. 1016 Peach Street, between 10th end. 11th, Brie, Pa: Monuments, Tombstones, Marble • r►nd ' Slate Mantles, &c. I have on hand a large assortment of atoria mentos Mid headstones of various tdyles, Ins American and Italian marble, sad a corps of the best workmen In the State. All orders will. be promptly attended to and Satisfatbkon gnat% anteed.. .My work is ,warranted Unsurpassed. and I cannot he undersold by any one. Orders and inspectlon of stock and prices solicited. • It Vaal HALL'S vanwusIGILJAN HAIR - AVENRKZR. ' The basis of Its remedial properties is a vege• table compound. IT WILL RDiTORE GRAY • HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. It vial keep the hate tram falling out. It cleanses the *miliaria makes the hair soft, lustrous and silken. It is a splendid hair dressing. It. F. HALL & CO., Nashua, N. H., Froprletors. For sale by all druggists. mhIS-Int. GEORGE ZUTtN, bEALJI 1 BOOTS AND SHOES, CZ State Street; Erie, Pa • Having lately removed my stock Into more commodious and pleasanter qoatters. I am pre pared to offer new inducements to my • costa mere. I have on hand a well sehetad stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, which I offer very low. Custom Work attended to mhl9-30: .0.6) abbtrtiotmento. Y. M. Christian Association. - ' • • SEVENTH ANNUAL •COURSE OF LECTURES. Mists Anna E. Dickinson Will deliver the ninth lecture of the course at Tuesday Evening, March 24th. -SUBJECT—"WOMAN AND IDIoTti." Lecture to commence at 8 o'slock. Tickets Fifty Cents. The wilco( tickets will commence at 9 o'clock on Monday morning, at the rooms of the City Library Y. M. C. A., in .Walther's Block. NO EMMA CRAW TS. E you BEsEnvEn &FA • By order of the Lecture Committee. inhl9-Iw, Y. M. C. A. 0. IL 111 4._ GEORGE BFX'Kfi MRS. F.W. LANDER, Formerly 3llior jean M. Davenport, In three only, moat poaltlvely, of her Grand Tragic Impenionatlona, supported by MR. J. H. TAYLOR, AND HER OWN SUPERB COMPANY THURSDAY EVENING MARCH 19TH, ELIZABETH, fitrEßE OP ENGLAND.- FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH 20TH, SATURDAY EVENING, *ARCH 21ST Each great Tragedy will be produced entire with rich and historically correct cOstornes and properties. Admission, 75c; Reserved seats, $1; Gallery, 60e. Reserved seats for sale at Messrs. Ensign Sc Ck).'s book store. mhl9-Iw. COUNTRY 'MERCHANTS, I,AITCY.IInri. Farmers and Others, AST . 1r...3,, BEESWAX, BEANS, BUTTER, CHEESE, EGGS, FLOUR :AND MEAL, FLAX. COTTON, FUEB AND SKINS. DRIED AND' GREEN FRUITS, PROVISIONS. JOSIAH CARPENTER, - Gen'l Commission Merchant 442, 444 and 448 Washington St., And receive his weekly Priee-Corront of Pro duce and Groceries, t!ie most complete Price Current published In the United States. SEND FOR A PRICE CURRENT Marking Platen and Cards Furnished Free Liberal AAlTancea 3fade on Consigaments Flmt class references given when reguireiL • LOW PRICED AND GOOD. THE EMERSON PIANO ! To meet Ihe wants of the' great number of -persons who desire to possess a natio but do not reel able to go to the expense of the costli est make, and yet have only a good sttrstant tat one. They arc most substantially built, on the mintiest acoustic principles, the wood is the best quality, properly seasoned;, the tune rich and powenul 7 they stand well In tone and wear —well in every particular. This I know front 'actual experience. All personsilesiring • A GOOD PIANO! R.061d examine the “Emerson" before purchas • lag any other kind. . Liberal discount to clergymen, teachers, and cash customers. For sale at S. N. WEIGEL'S PIANO WARE.IZOOMS, lON STATE STREET, WIWI= BLOCH, =TB, PENNA. -..mhiu-sr.. • * - 1 I , Con of Penn and St. Clair Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA., The Largest, Cheapest and Most Successful Practical Business 'College IN THE UNITED STATES. Fifteen Thousand Students From Thlrty - ;Throe States in Ten Years. • FOP. LARGE QUARTO CIRCULAR, Contaiining full Ittformailon, Outline of Connie of Study, samples of Cowley's , Premium Penmanship, TJEJW of the College Building , De artygzlity of Pittsburgh, t etc., address r33ll'l ^ ii at COWLEV. Pittsburgh, Pa. TUST OPENED A new and well "selected stock of Stoves, Tin, Jniannell, Ilrittanin and PORCELA-1;;; WARE, CISTERN AND WELL PUMPS,' House Furnishing Goods Generally PATTERSON & .AVERY, We also leave a large and well arranged sluip, with all th e modern improvements for manu facturing ti a ware of every description, and with a corps'. of competent workmen. under tho supervision of Mr.o Avery (who has bad many years expert enceln city work). Wean , folly pro pared to do, Job work of all kinds with neatness and ingrate] 11. Are well : posted In setting hot air furnaces, ro, 2flng, etc. WI and sue as and ex amine our ii tuck, Dutch arge in Bankruptcy. IN THE 1 )ISTRICT COURT of the United States i or. the Western Disu Het of Pcnn• sylvania. E 4 unuel Kahn, a bankrupt under the Act of Con`, eini of March .5.1, MU, having ap plied for a iC =tierce from all his debts and oth er claims pr ovable under sold Act, by enter of Bald Court, I %take is hereby given Wail creditors who have pi vved their debts, and other persons interested, tow appear on the 16th day of April, bifs, at E lm. c, A. IL, behire K. E. Woodmti; Register, at his odic° in the city of Q•le., Penna., to show cause, if any they have, why a discharge should not be granted to the maid bankrupt, And further, no. tice-is hereby given that the second and third meetings of credttors Of said bankrupt, required by the 27th and Otth Seething of said Act,wilt be had before the said Reenter at the same time and place. • M. C. McCANDLESS, Clerk of 11..5. District, Court for said District.. mhl9-2w. GEORGE 7SiIL'S. FAIRUAU ''''''''''''''' ' The great tragedienne, MARY, Gm= OP SCOTS. CO'SSION YOLK GRAIN, WOOL, GAME, POUL- TRY - , NAVAL STORES If 0 I'S , OINGSENG, FEATHERS, HEMP. OILS, LARD, TALLOW, TOBACCO, SORGHtTM, MOLASSES, ETC., NEW YORK CITY ESTABLISHED MAY 1, 186() DM '5.17 French St., Erie, Pa. Arta Abbertifitmento. Farms for Sala. E OFFER for salsa number of good Farms In different parte of thecounty at mate- Oa reduction from former prices. Buyers should not fall to see our list before purchasing. FIRMT FARM—Is 39 acres, 5 miles west of the city, fair buildings, orchard of grafted fruit, all kinds w al nut f soil all the best of gravel and black soil. We think we are safe In saying that no better small place can be found in the count y. - BuYera can Kato more Illinleu• lan; from J. A. French, 521 French atreet,a form er owner, or John H. Carter. the present owner. MECOND FARM—Is the David Russell place, and formerly a part of theThos. McKee proper ty; 74 acres, about ten acres timber which has not been culled; 2 story new franie,dwelling house, new barn. Fences good. Price, (11,000,• about S2,)s) In baud. Moil—all of the best sand and gravel. We believe the above farms In point of soil, character of the neighborhaxl, schools, church es, &c., eke., offer attractions seldom found in this county, and more, they are cheap. n4p4iwizis iN BUILDING Lars. B Buildinit Lots, Price 0. _ " • 6 6i sap . 3 " " SM. In Out Lots and DO, north east corner Buffalo and Chestnut streets. This desirable property Is about ID rods front the depot, dry gravel soll,kood water. A number of line Dwellings and a large store have been built on the block this season, and quite a number more will be built the coming year. We think them to be .the best invest ments In asmallWay now.offerlng. ' Tams PI fa hathtbalanee on time. " COTTAGE HOUSE, Modern Style, Complete Finish, all the Mod ern conveniences, situate on Myrtle, between. Ninth nna Tenth streets—the Hr. WhWain pro perty-5i City Lot. FOR SALE. At great reduetton, a number of Private Res- Menees,nt ;miens mach , reduced, Nov is the tint° tell get banains. - FOR. SALE. A number of Lots on Third and Fourth street; between Holland and Gerruah. Terms $5O to Slue In hand, tadence on six Feats' time. Pt.3O-tf. HAYES & KEPLER. LATEST & BEST! rHE GREAT AMERICAN 'COMBINATION Button Hole, Overneaming SEWING MACHINE ! Is warranted to execute in thebest man ner every variety of, Sewing, Hemming, Oortling, Tucking, Braiding, -Gath ering, quilting, Overseamlng, Embroider ing on the edge, and in addition makes beautiful Button and Eyelet Holes in all fabrics. . IT lIA.S NO EQUA.I., Mug absolutely the best Family Machine In the World, and Intrinsically the Cheap r itis two )104hines combined lrkone by a simple and , beautiful Mechanical ar. rangement. Circulars with full particulars and sam ples of work done on this machine, can be had on application at the SALES-ROOMS OF THE COMPANY. South-West Corner of Eleventh and ' ' Chestnut Ste., Instructions given on the Machine gra tultoumly to aLI purchaser , . ,/ AGTNTt IVA. 7. i 7r. 11. Tb Sell Wm Machine C. R. Kingsbury, SEEII4 425 State Street St., Erie, .1g I%t for Erie, Warren and Crawford countlev. I=l Bay State Iron Works NOBLE & HALL, Founders. Machinists and Boil er Makers, Works Corner Peach and 3d Ms., Erie, Pa. Having made extensive addition% to our ma chinery, we are prepared to till all orders promptly for Stationery, Marine and Portable Engines, Of all sizes, either With mingle or cut-off valves STEAM PUMPS, SAW MILL WORK, BOIL- Also, all kinds of Heavy and Light-Casting. Particular attention given to Building and Ma chinery (hating's. FOR SALE.--Stearn's Circular Mill Rigs and Head Blocks, which are the best in use. John son's Rotary Pumps, Gas Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods, Babbitt Metal, etc. Jobbing solicited at reduced prices. All work warranted. Our motto Is, We are bound to sell aY Inn a. the loare.y.t.— Please call and examine, febl3-tr. 1011.1 E CITA' PLUMBING WORKS! No. 1224 State St. Particular attention given to the introduction of Water, Steam and Gait Pipes into Hotels, Storey and Dwelling Bonnet; ; also, the tilting up of Copper Heaters, -Bath' Tubs, Showers, %, ash Stands and other Work, by experienced wpritruen and on reasonable term... Constantly on hand and for sale a full line of Plumber's Materials, Copper Heaters, Bath Tubs, Water Closets, Wash Basins, Showers Pampa, Brass Work ' Wrought Iron Gas and Water Pipe, Galvanized Water Pipe Iron Fit tings. Also, a large stock of Gas Fixtures, Chande liers, Pendants, 'Dnxckets, Hall Lights, Drop Lights, Atand Lights, Cigar Lighters,-Shades, Globe's, Rubber Hobe, etc, Onlers from the country promptly attend ed to. „ GEO. L. lIIIBBARD, ft.1)27-3tn City Lot For Sale. lIIHE UNDERSIGNED, Executors of the es -1 tate of Magdalena Hoffman, dec d. will offer at public sale, on the premises, on Saturday, March 21st, 1511, at 2 o'clock, p„ in., the following described property: All that certain piece or parcel of laud, situated in the city of Erie, Pa., being part of out-lot No, as originally laid out In the Ist section of the town of krie, bound ed as follows: beglunlng on the south line of Ritner street, '24) feet west of the west line of Sassafras street ,• thence westwardly by said Rimer street 41 feet; thence soutbwardly by the t line of land formerly owned byJohn Homer 135 feet, to the south line of said out-lot 374; thence eastwardly by sold south line.of said out-lot 41 feet; thence northwardlyparallel with the west line 135 feet. to the place of begin ning—having a front of 41 feet, and being in depth 135 feet, and being the same piece of land conveyed by Geo. Kellogg and wife to Philip Dippo by deed bearing date June 22, 1853, and conveyed by said Dippo and wife to Philip Hoff man,by deed dated May 15, and conveyed by Philip IlotTman and wife to John Sanner. Terms made known on day of sale. febt7-01.. PETER SCHAA.P. Warrant in Bankruptcy. r 1 1 1118 IS 'TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 17th I day of February, A. D.. 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy- was issued against the estate of IL Ff. Frisbee, of Union Mills. in the man y of Erie, and State of -Pennsylvania, who has been zulJudged a bankrupt on Ills own pe tition ; That the payment of any debts and de livery of any property belonging to such bank rupt to him, and for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law; that a narsding of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts ruid to chorey ono or more Assignees of his estate, wilt be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Erie, before S. E. Woodruff, Register, on the Stith day of April, A. D., MS, ut 10 o'clock, A. lit. THOMAS A. ROWLEY, U. S. Marshal for said District, Ma.ttenger. By G. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. Marshal. feh'27-4w. Warrant in Bankruptcy. TIES IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the Oth day of March, A.D., MN, a warrant In bank ruptcy was issued out of the • District Court of the United States for the Western District of Penn'a, against the estate of David 11. Chapin, of Le Bumf township, in the ronnty of Erie and State of Pennsylvania. who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own petition ; that the pay ment of any debts and delivery of any pover ty belonging to 'melt bankrupt. to him and for his use, and the transfer of any property by him are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditor - of. the said bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more as/ dances will be held at a Court of Rankruptt,, , v, to be holden at the office of the Register, In Eric, Pa., before S. E. Woodruff, Din., Register, on the 3lith day of April. A. D., Ite, at 10 o'clock, A. M. THOMAS A. nowLEy. P . S. Marshal, Messenger. By G. P. Davis, Dept. U. S. Marshal. Book A nte Wanted FOR DR. WILL SMITII'S Dictionary of the Bible. Written by 70 of the most ilk. titmulahed Divines In Europe and America. ll lustmted with over LB Steel and Wood I..Mgniv• ings. In one lame Octavo volume. Price V,50. The only edition published In America, eon. densed by Dr. Smith's own hand. We employ no General Agents and offer extra inducements to agents dealing with us. Send for descriptive circulars, and see our terms. J. B. BURR & Publishers', Hartford, Ct. mrs-4w Burton & Griffith's Corner. Prices have Conic boviv BURTON & GRIFFITJp For parllealarn 1:111., , come in and see our • MD PHILADELPHIA 13M283 NOBLE it HALL. Proprietor jarb3 2bbertistments HARD TIMESI lIARD. TIMEs 1324 I'ettelt Street, t'ortier I;tb Reduced Pelee% on Tear; feba-if. IFNTABLIPiIi ED ix isti. HALL •& WARFEL, WHOLIFIIA LE: AND RETA II D 11.17 Gr- IS Ts! 630 State St,, Erie. Pa., And Importer, of French Window. Glas The public are respectfully Inforinel tha• Stock of FIIENQII WINDOW GLASS, Imported 1,,,,(us directly from the Mali ufsio.. , , In France 14 the largest and most exttr, tu, to be found *est of New York city, It c.: both single Ind double thickness, of ne, 7,.. ry size. 'fl; superior strength, _eleuttr,,, c, beauty of French Maas to admitted by a ~. prices moil but little more than,,.. glans. , cJO:ERICAN GLASS. We also keep constantly on hand a varied supply of American Glass, , lirsi guy., both single and double thickne4, n tt ,;; every size. Dealers and consumers In am Glace will promote their interest 1w our stock and prices of French and alner^n; Glass, before ordering from New Nock „ where. Paints, Oils and Varnishes. White Lead of various qualities, Itt ih ,„l raw and boiled; Spirits Turpentine, Varn,L.;, Colored Paints, both dry and In oll,lind1,1: 11 every other article in the Painting Line r. , z, Lowest Market Pric , ., In large or small T 1... ties. DYE WOODS. Our Stock of Dye Woexl% and I. ht .f. 3 Complete, which we are selling, at;. ~ retail. - PATENT All the popular :11tqlielnes of tile day...:,r est cash prices. Drugs, Chemicals & Mlle, Our supply of above anklet t. oven., Tr. 2:d are prepared at all times to Purply :be laza both of the retail and Jobbing trade. 011.'4. \lliale OH „ Lard 011, Tanners' 011, Linseed 011, Both raw and b.tled, Castor (.11 And all kinds of Esventla! :0111, 7z) larec small lots. . We express our thanks for the liberal rah:• age received during the last twenty-three cna and now 'invite the attention of cnu.uae>> our Wholesale and Retail Departnwhis.s: are welt supplied with Staple Nab tt are selling at lowest rash pr:re•. oc:111,7-6M. CLIMAX ! C,LINIX! Page's Climax Salve, a Family blessing for 25sents. It• heals without a scar.' family should be without it. We warrant it' to cure Scrofula Sores, Salt Rheum. Chilblains, Tetter, Pimples, and all Eruption. of the Skin. For Sue Breast or Nipples, Cuts, Sprains, Bruises. Burns, Scalds, chapped Hinds &e., it makes a perfect cure. - ;It has been used over fifteen years, without one failure. It has no parallel—basine per• fectly eradicated disease and healed after all other remedies had failed._ It is a compound of Arpin with many other Extracts ac Balsams; - and put up. in Iwo boxes for the same price than AI other Ointment. Bold Dy Drugyistn eVirprhere. White 'Proprietors, 121• Liberty btreet. New York Farm for Sale. ripHE UNDERSIGNED offers fur 5.i1,.1. , !.":'; 'l. - .able farm, on the. Kuhl road. Creek township; one mile south of the thou road, .and eight miles from En,. tains flfty-five acres and eighty perch. , . proved and In the highest state ‘if The laud is equal to the very best in that •,; of the county. The buildings coriiiin , ..?•', ry frame house with 1 1 5 story kitchen a cellar under the whole; w ,.. 4)01l butt" house; 2 barns, each 30x4.1 feet; n , L , d long with Stable at the end; and nil the sec ry outbuildings. A first class well of which never fails, is at the kitchen is an orchard with 140 apple tree.. and bearing; and an abundance 01 other kind of fruit grown In this ilea:Lt. , ' The only reason why I wish to set; going West to embark in another Terms made known by apply ng in i"` premises, or to lion. Elijah liaidott..Y: • at-Law, Erie, Pa. ' .1. A. SA WITI dees-tf. Post Office Add ri o. Fro P- JARECKI & METZ 1123 State St., Erie, Pa.. Mannfacturem and Dealers In all 1:d.,1 13rtAss wortwa. Gas, - Steam and Lead Me. CISTERN. FORCE & WELL 11:30. s T . Sheet Braga- and Bras* %tire We :Oho mantitaeNre . • LIMITNEW RODS, SUCKER °'• t4. /3"1040,1 Casotifilgs. • Ana the Celebrated Four Cup Ball valve! Genenaly used to the oil ty4l,, Ittrs-am Excentor'ts Not I In'TEItS TFATAMENTAIt I " ' 'I/ MUNI to the etilmeriber, :nu the., c • - Samuel F :, lloottnin, late of Erie, dee 0 1 , 18 herobY given to all persons indebted estate to Make immeiinito payment , hav Lug clninlN against the name are to preNent them, Milet tI ca .);,r meat. JANE uooDU " febl3-6w: 171 N 043 Fo.A,L:, CCM