• ‘Qi bomet, IitURSDAY, MARCH.I2. IRK DEMOCRATIC STATE TWEET. AUDITOII GENUAL, CHAS. E. BOYLE, of Fayette Co. smarm canottax., W. IL ENT, of Columbia Co. NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC ILIONVgIN.- TION. The National Democratic Committee, by virtue of the authority conferred. upon them by the last National Democratic Convention, at a meeting held this day at Washington, D. C., voted to hold the next Convention for the purpose of nominating candidates fort President and Vice-President of the United States, on the 4th day_ of July, 188E4 at 12 o'clock M., in the city of New York. The basis of representation, as fixed by the last National Democratic Convention, is double the ,number of Senators and Repre sentatives in Congress of each State under the last apportionment. • Each State is invited to send delegates ac cordingly. . R Lyman, George 11. Paul, Josiah Minot, D. 0. Finch, H. B. Smith, - Isaac E. Eaton, Wm. M. Converse, Thomas Mimes, Gideon Bradford, William Malftlan, W.G. Steel, " Will. Aiken, W. A. Galbraith, Absalom H. Chappell, Johm A. Nicholson, George A. Houston, Odid:Bowlei Joseph A. Boiler, Jamee Guthrie, A. - B. Greenwood, L EL Trimble, John W. Liftwick, Runts P. Rannei.,, Thomas Sweeny, W. E. Niblack, John Patrick, Wilber F. !Rotel', James W. McCorkle, W. L, Bancroft, W. L. Sharkey, f Lewis V. Bogy John Hancock, John H. McHinny. ACOEST BELMONT, Chairmin. FREDERIC 0. PRECCE, Elem-etary. WAsursorow, Feb. 22,1868. Tun RadicaLS tate Convention met in Phil adelphia on Wedneiday, and re-nominated Ilartrauft and Campbell for Auditor and Bur veyor General; endorsed Grant for Presi dent unanimously ; presented Curtin for Vice President by a vote of 109 in his favor to 22 for all others. The resolutions dodge negro suffrage entirely ; call for impeachment, and pledge the support of, the party to Con gress ; oppose paying off the bonds In green backs ; and Instruct the delegates to vote as a unit at CiticaErn. PROGRESS OP THE IMPEACHMENT TRIAL. The Impeachment Rump have - ao far com pleted their preliminary arrangements as to organize their "high court" and fix upon next Friday, the 13th, as-the day for the ar raignment of the President. As the course of truelove never did run smooth, these conspi rators met with some unexpected difficulties in organizing a court under the forms of de cency out of the political tatter-demalions of which it is composed. The Chief Justice, put upon his go./-tf. HATFs S KEPLER. LATEST &-BEST! I fIE GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION Button Hole, OTerseaming EMI SEWING CME! Ir warranted to execute in the beet man ner every variety of Sewing Hemming, Felling, lording , rucking, Braiding, Gath ering, Quilting, Oversearni Embroider ing on the edge, and in a4d ng. ition makes beautiful Button and Eyeleti Holes in all fabrics. IT 11A.14 NO EQUAL: Being absolutely the best Family Machine In the World, and Intrinsically the Cheap. eat. for it is two Machine* combined In one by a simple and beautiful mechanical ar rangement. Circulars with tau particulars and sam ples of work done on this machine, can be had on application at the SALES-ROO3lB OF THE COMPAtii*, South-West Corner of Eleventh sad Chestnut Efts., . PHILADELPHIA. Instructions given on the Machine gra tuitously to all purchasers. A.GENirt3 WANTED To Sell this Machine C. R. hinglibury, 4 1 25 State Street St., Erie, Agent for Erie, Warren and Crawford counties. Ja CIEEM Bay State Iron `Yorks ! Nt:1131.4E Founders. Machinists and Roil. er Makers, Works Corner Peach sad 34 Sts., Erie, Pa. Having made extensive additions to our ma chinery. we are prepared to till all orders promptly for Stationery, Marino and Portable Engines, Of all sizes, either with single or cut-tiff valves STEAM PUMPS, SAW MILL WORK, BOIL- F.R$, STILLS, TANKS, LTC. Also, all kinds of Heavy and Light Casting. P.trticular attention given to Building and Ma cii nery Castings. FORRALE.-,atearres Circular- Mill Rigs and Head Blocks, which are the best in use. John son's Rotary Pumps, Gas Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods, Babbitt Metal, etc.. Jobbing solicited at reduced prices. All work warranted. Our motto is, 017STOXB88MUST B SUITED We are bound tet bell es low art the lowest.— Please call and examine, febli-t1; NOBLE & HALL. , Warrant in Bankruptcy. plus Is TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 11 th dAY of Feb., itklit, a Warrant In Bankruptcy was Issued out of the District Court of the Uni ted States, for the Western District at Penn's, against the estate of Patti Cromwell, of Corry, in the County of Erie, in said district, ad judged a bankrupton his own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any pro hisc:W.oging to saehbankrupt. to him or for. use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law; and that a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their debts. and to etioose one or more aasigneedt of his estate, will be held'at a Court of Bankrupt cy, to be holden at the once of the Register, in the city of Erie, before 8. E. Woodruff, Es q.. Register in bankruptcy for said district, on the lath day of April at 10 o'cloek„ A. 31. rhomAA nowaar. • U. B. MarshaL Messenger. By 0. P. Davis, Dept. C. 8. Itnek %vista Wanted VOR DIL WILL , R3IITITB Dictionary at I the Bible. Written by 70 of the most dis tinguished Divines in Europe and Atneries Il lustrated with over 1Z Steel and Wood Bouray.. in one large Octavo volume. Price mow. The only edition published in America. con densed by Dr. smith's own' hand. W. employ So owns Agents and OM* extra Inducements to agehtadesUnS with us Band for descriptive . clients^ and me J. a WILS lIIIIT AXI, inant it. atr64v. Jilin abbectisemtnts. Burton & Griffith's Cornet HARD TIMES! HARD TOM! Prices Have Come Dovio BURTON . & GRIFFITIPS, 1324 Peaeb Street, Corner lemi. For particulars net. Small FM:-. 15" r, t come fo rind ism our Reduced Prietw on T ea . feb6-1C ESTABLISHED IN Ist t, EMI HALL & WARFEL, WHOLDSALE AN') RF.'TAIi II ItU Gr' 4GI IS T 630 Stale SL, Erie, PA„ French Window Glass, The public are respectfully inforrno that oz Stock of FREN . CII WINDOW GLASS Imported by us directlyirom the manufacture , " in France t the largest and most eZtettere to be found west of New York city. It eUntnia" both single and double thickness, of near!) . Pio. ry size. The superior strength. cleahnua beauty : id of glaag Is admit ted by all (hi prices are but little more than for durum" glass. AMERICAN : GLASS. • ; ;t< We also keep constantly on hand a larg to; varied supply of American Glaga4uut ; both single and double thickitesa, of near:;. every site. Dealers and &tumblers in want tc Glass 'will promote their interest by exantintre our stock and prices of French and Muslim, Glaas, before orda‘ring from New York or 1.1%, where. Paints, Oils andNatnishes, White Lead of various qualitim Linseel(n, raw and boiled, elpirita Turpentine, Vandal,. Colored Paints, both dry and In oil, every other article in the Painting Line at 14 Lowed Market Price, in larger small ctut. ties. 'DYE -WOODS. Our Stock of Ilye Woods and Pie atarl,, complete, which' e are nelllng at wholes:Cm! PATENT MEDICINES. All the popular Medletnea of the day, at tail est cash priced. Dings, CheinWals & Glues, Our supply of above articles la extens.%e,m; are prepared at an times to supply - the wit 4 both of the retail and Jobbing trsde, Whale 011, Lard Oil. Tanners• Oil. . Sweet (V. And all kiads of Essential Oils, in lance u. ,a Small lots. We express our thanks for the tlberal pitz , age received during the last twenty-threepat and now invite the attention of consents* our Wholesale and Retail Departments.lai Are well supplied with Staple Goods, vt:sllts are selling at lowest cash prices. 0c24'87-enz. CLIMAX ! CLIMAX!! Pages Climax Salve, a Family blessing for 25 cents. It heals without a scar. ' family should be without it. We warrant it to cure Scrofula Sores, Salt Rheum, Chilblaiav Tetter, Pimples, and all Eruptioro of the Skin. For Sore Breast a Nipples, Cuts, Sprains, Braise` Burns, Scalds, Chapped M!nd , &C., it makes a perfect enre. It has been used over flfte years, without one failure. It has no paraltel—having per fectly eradicated disease al healed after all other remedies lad railed. It is a compound of Alvin with many other Extracts sad Balsams, and put up in 14 1 boxes for the same price thou! other Ointment, gold by Druggists everywhere. Whits DWI. Proyriators, strm.l . 4. , ' yolk =I Farm for Sale. TR 'DERBItINED &Ara for salts ho farm, on tits Kuhl reed, in lb. Eablte .7 % Creek township , one ratio Rou th of the Cel."` %lon mad, and MOS miles from Erie. ilk tains fitt-tiee amen eighty perC ult L'— proved a n d in tile hi and ghest state of hes.lga The land is equal to the very best in theye ° of the county: The buildings corosnse ry frame house with I% story kitchen andfl cellar under the whole; wood* house Wit; house; It barna, each 31:45 feet ; a shed lone with stable at the end; and all the y outbuildings. A first class well of soft vs which never fails, la at the kitchen door. 11 '. is an Orchard with 110 apple free... aMr s ', ' f; and bearing; and an abundance et slueg , „:„i other kind of fruit grown in this , The only reason why I wish to sell Is tbe going Nl.'est to embark in another occuill, Terms mails known by applying to r"" 1 . premises, or to lion. Elijah Pabidit. at-Law, Erie, Pa. J. .1. s TFI.I. dec.l-tf. Post Office Attdre,.. • HALL'S MEWL MO HAIR - 2ZENEWIB. la the only infallible Hair Preparaile n Rediterthe Gray Eau. to Oriel: and Pramotlas Its its Grow Gtf • F e nd . ; It Is the cheapest preparation e'er r tr.• the public, as one bottle will last wars" complieh more than three bottle' of ArY prepration. Our Renewer le not a Nye; it it'll the akin as others.l r It will keep the hair from fall i n g s cleanses the &sip and makes the S LCSTROLTS AND SILKEN.- a to Our TreatitlB'ol3 the Hair sent free . ri ot R. P. HALL CO.. Nashua. - N. 11 - Pr fl.6-:T.. For sale by all drnsgists. Executor's Notice. 1 , ; y ETTERH TFSTAMENTARY harini,:j 1J glinted to the subscriber. on the,,74,44 Samuel E. Goodwin. late of Erie, deC" . l . al is hereby given to all persons Intiebtol an d estate to make immediate payment, antVeigi hawing ehrinus regains' the same et: ~r 610 4:1i. re Present them, duly anthentictite n • •:' Went. JANI N GOO W n " febl?-aw. - teePl, 1 - ; LAlkpi BL ANKS! aiofeyeryfdo i.,,, so ... Laney% Justlees Constables for 11•1•0 the bbserwer aloe. znas.4ir =EI And Importers of OZLS. Linseed Oil. Both raw amid boiled Ciator 011, Neat Foot 04