The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, March 05, 1868, Image 1
g r it Ezirefttki .071bierber. . . ~,, iN RosENZWnio's BLOCK. (up STAIR 9,) Orr ,- • consign St4ST.',9r - ossin PAWL ; . - 1 , op iek paid sinferr..Y In advance.....B2 00 s ,, ln n c ot raid in advance, - 2 00 ( ~A. ,•- h sc ribers,serred-byzarrlers, Fifty Cents -:: 111tIon al, 3‘iai to the same Person 4 00 Two - • I les sent tonne tutdress,.. ..... ..... .... -.10 00 Fite_ c. ~• NA'S, ....................................................... 31 00 , '•e n rates apply only to those who pay in Lclutu 'av3neeastrlptlon accounts must be settled an .l -11 1 ,". 11 N o paper will be sent to any person stri l '' esinstbility is not known, unless the e.e , r- I t o is pa d In advance. P APWERTISING RATES. ~ follow i n g are our advert !ging rates, which , gr ictly adhered tO. reckoning the rai /,',, N overtlsements, an Inch Is considered ), tellAt i ,, a ,2,, Anything less than an inch is rated '''; 'squar e: - ---- ~ , ...rtionii 1 stid2an,i3isq.i4 sq..l e. 14 el le •`'" " '----- ---- - "=l — .:' ---J : • --,7 1 „ ... ~ 1,.00 1.14 2.111 , 2.7,3 5.03, 7.oti l'qiii ,t,e': ., ‘,,,,. , 1.50', 2501 3.251 4.001 :AMA! 3/.00 'NO ',..,,k m " . " 2OW 11.00 4.01' 5.00" fi.fil I" AY ''''' .1 . n''',,:,,", k .," . 1, - t..' .- 10 3.74: 4.50 1 (3.(10 , 10.011,14 '. .00, 3023 I. " r 3• 1 ?)Ittle , .. 1 3 .7 5 5•50 j 7,15) 1 0 0 10.00 25.001 45,00 5u 5, , ..11 5.0 1 i 5 • 0 0 10.0n . 12.00 01.06 30 . 00 60.00 po n O,l rI.. A , i nn 12.10 :A lB.oo'-'0..10 30.1X1 00.00, sane ~ ~ 1.002DM 30.00 35.03 00.1:X190.M 150.00 (siO• 4 - ••'/ - ,„, , ,,,, t , T A,r and Administrat ors' . Notices ikl , r ,,. A , ,nr,nrs and tatrity Notices 52 each: :..,.-eist"." tiers, set in Leaded Nonpnriel,_and , ;,,:,; ( 1 - be Marriages and Deaths, 2i per a ddition to regular rates; Local Notices. ' r: tn e':,.',,,,r, 1 M. t be part ies, 15 ctsr per line of Eight f ‘ ,.",t,,,, tor first Insertion, 12 cents per line for nee e6l, old ten cents for each subsequent laser niltorlal Notices 25 cents per ilne;',tar tvp',: - 0 , ~-..t, • . Deaths-in eents each. Adver .,,, tia' 4 a,.,..,.` in-Asrted every other week, two-thirds , , 1 ,sl, ts 0 f.. I .„. 0 ,-, the period they sh em pub , '••• handing luadvertisenten wi th : otherwise they will be continued until 1 „.,,,,,,t oat, at the expense of the advertisers. Jolt PRINTING. ,' •-' n •,, ims e one of the best Jobbing affices In th e ~.,,,, and are prepared to do any kind of ~,, ~ t a me or small orders, at MR reasonable .. ~, and In as good style as any establishment . 0, A count ft'. ,1 i o rnmonteat Inns should be addressed to • 131 , AN.T'N WHITMAN, Editorrtud.Proprietor: A tilusintss iloticts F. e..II‘SPITAI*St:N, Ow P. are, Farrar Hall Ballrllne, Pa. , • ocirel-tf. RITILFT, k rtnrnrr at Law, reach street,- above 'Union ',let, Erie, Pa. nor 67. r;rol3GEii. CrTTY,Ii (;frrtrl. Erie Corinty, Pa. } rhnstnnca attendii.l to with ' .:I , .II,TYFIN MARVIN. „ •,- t ( ~1 1111.PHorn 1 . 9. e . I;1 ,- 1 , zon- Mork. Twat. North We.t tln• Pahlio Sonar... ) rhs. Pa. EAGLE HOTEL, • I 'l_ 11(111Prt TA`,ll.•. PrnnTiOtOr. ,1 • 1 Mon, and elreful nttention r rt of t;tt llCi.[:S" .0 8.1L4 Phi P. Chr•rrc,, , ui I Itk Immbor, Int h shinu.leN. North of 111.1.pnt. . r;L;o. W. fil - Nr•ci , zfiN at and Justlee of 'the Pence, n , l Clain) anent, Conveyaneer and ,r. t•tir.c. In Rlwlerneellt's Montt, contli ,r•i• Fifth an.l State strc•etn, Erie, F. V. VOLT': .t ' 4 ON, rt,ll tore -tn.' Mink Tlnolz nntentror., K.vOnne Natinnal Rank. lin. 0. L. F.T.T.TOTT. N'n. 4oti 4t rent , onrmsit.• Vrl., Pa. nMer , ilourc from fiL.: A. Af.\to R, and from I to 5 IT:r M. KALTSMAN iv?)olp..nlnnn , l RPtnll Dimlnr.9 in Anthrnelte, i . l , and Illaokmnlth Coal, °Mee corner and 12th ,treets, F.rlr, I'a. LTSMA.N. [se.•',/r-t I.] It. J. SALTSMAN. ISIESED Wdzor. Brewer and Dealer In Rope, 13arlev, Irv, T,e_ter. ke. Proprietor of AIP find Breweries and 'Malt Warehouse,. Erie, • iy1214-tr. W. E. N1.“111,1,, '4,nttmt. °Mee In Itogenzweliz'K Mock, north 1.. - t .f the Park, Erie, Pa, IT. Y. PICKERINii, D. T. s., . 14.,:fist. Office, French street, second Atom- Mock, near the corner of the Reed octlS. WINCHELL Q Caw 11 , Ii0I1 and Commission Ntereltants, and Real tat.• gents. .0.; State street scorner l'a. Advances made on consignment, Country Vendues attended to in any part of io• count'. , ' FRANK WINCRELT, apPr-ly. MEI= Tailor :old Clothe , (leaner, Union Mat*, nhovA" fiennett's °Mee. Clothes nude, clean.' el and repaired on hhort notice. Terms ax rea u•nable mr2-1. Turn. c. SPENCER. noar.n Fii mrst.k.-.1. • SPENCER et. SHERMAN, • AtMrnew. at Law, Franklin. Pa. biller in Rerr'a builtitntt, f.itterty• street. Pith°le City, Pa.,—ottiee over KenIVA Hank, Hnlinden street. Colleetiotel promptly made in all parts of the all regiona, • = Wha dealers In hard and soft coal, Erie, ' Having dlspostNl of our dock . property to the above named firm, we necessarily retire from the coal trade, recommending our succ , essors' as ..tainently worthy of the eon th tenet. and patron of nor old.friciut and the public% wrc-tr. silYrr, IL 3; co. = rv.hionable ,treet, between Stnte qnl Praeb, Erie, Pa. en,tont Work, Repairing Cutting attended to promptly,' npI9T,G-tr. P. P. JrIISCIN. JITDSON et WILDER M•mufaetarers and Wnoleqale Ile:filers in Tin, - Japan and Pres e,d Ware, Stove Pipe, Stove Trimmlnag, &e., Waterford, f:rie Co., Pa. 0r .10r% 'lv mall nromptiv attended to. Jan 9. EAGLE HOTEL, simo‘ite Union DPpot, Era,. r a.. Jas. Camp 11. pr“pnetnr. nonce open at till hour,. The .rand table always supplied the choicest , •at the markets alThrd. febl.V49l-Iy. • • LIVEItY AND BOARDING STABLE, of French and Seventh atroPts, Erie, Papratior kJohnqnn proprlntorq, Gorvt horse, ~ trriagrx AlwayA on taind at made - Tate Pr ft. M...A.TINNTRONG •.m, ,,, “ry m Walkor R'hn le- 10,11,0, In Alithrarito and 1.31- , MinL.Cogl , , Wood, Iron 91,, tl C. °lnv.- , i.. of Twelfth and MertlestreeN. inn•k fins .1.1, Erie, Pit. • AKM•tTPAIVO. filelP-tf). .T. PIN 11 AIIIIP.TT, - , otanc Awl s:ttrverms. (Wire No. la Nrihle )tbo oppn arvlithlit. Ur. Ft Arrett's No, ISI West 511 i St. ,Tn I"tVC7-ly", DEN:corrito r • r'nn MUI Erie l'n•, E.l„ rieome Tabor, :•ropriemr, Good neeonimodatbaig and mode, rqt.• eh:ll%v,, I ;I:0. r. 1;EN.3. - 12TT, 31. 1). l'hy•wl.i II and !.:nrgeon. (Mire. F.:ed I'atk rum Flar , rstfrit's flour ,tore.--hoark at the rem- Tv , "t C. W. Irelso, '2,1 door south of the M. hurrh, oit fisssnfras street. ()Mee hours Iron II s. out It 2P. In. mylo'6ol-tf. H. I'. C 1,1178, 1 , ,1er 3]7 kind.. Frirnio• :rneerie., and Vrovioons,Storie Ware, 1111 d 4. le 41,•al rr tn Wines,Liquors, ClLtari, Tobacco, &CA :tio. 3; East Fifth street, Erlrs, Pa. jeGV,r-tr. 1-:..T. FItASEII, M. D.,- Ph3,-slrlnn and Surgeon. (WIN: and ft , sitlenee ELM l'euilt o - ppohlte the Park (1111,, honry from 10 to 12n. m., !to v p. and tot, p., JOHN 11. 11.1 - I,LAII, Civil Einzinorr and surveyor. Iteßld.nee cor sixth etrrrt and Enht Avenue, Eaht - Erie. AA-C. NEW STORE. Croaenberger, at the new brie): store. Village, has on hand a large .;rrkserlex, Pnivisiona, Wood and Willow ta , -, Wines, Liquor'', Segars, 4c., to which 'lie : , *peettully calls the attention of the public, ' 0 4 , 1-.1 that ho can offer rug guml bargaina as he had ti) ll,llV•natt of Erie county. mrift.". - • • ERIE CITY IRON WORKS, J Rit . I'_i.. mANITFACTURERS OF The Bradley Engine! 1. New Coinpfmnd or • Double Cylinder -Engine, EMEI t . ' 4l ':s-!i. Pl{ -F-1,;,vilt. tri , l t Warranted to gir. nay TO ONE HUNDRED FEE. CENT. Note Power than a Single C• Under Engine Acing the , -anle,tunount a steam. STEAM ENGINES AND BOILERS ! OF ALL STYLES OIL STILLS AND TANKS! Of all DeNerlptlow; SA:W2LtILLS ECM -tr. IIEAD BLOCK& ,!Let ..• • VOL. 38. Oki:merits, lhobuit, Snit The Old Grocery Stand ! CRAIG & MAIN4ALL,', At the well known Oniol, No: 24 West Par k , Groceries, Provisions, PAINTS, OILS, &C. POWDER, COITON-VESE, Gun Cops, Sze. ~having thoroughly refitted the above store and stocked it with one of the FINEST LOT OF GOODS Ever brought to Erie, we ore now prepared to Aupply all the wants of the public Defy :Competition! Teas, ()effects. ' ; CANNED FRUITS,, &C., EMEIG22 A GENERAL ASSORTMENT Of all the- article. usually kept In a first-class - Grocery-1,11 frsh, nnl at.the Lowest Market Flereel We intend to keep an establishment at which our customers enn alwnys rely upon procuring what they want, and will warrant our charge," to be Rq moderate as any ,tore In the city Give us a trial, and see for yourselves EN=l CHEAP GOODS! GROCERY -AND PROVISION STORE, F. SCRLAZDE;CKER, Snceem.or to F. & M. Sehltiudecker, is now illg a splendid assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, WINES, 1.1.1 non:, Willncc•, Wooden and• Stone Ware • - Fruits, Nuts, &c. A large stock of TOBACCO AND _CIGARS, Grocery I-leit'clquartertii, American Black, State St., Erie, Pa my. 117 21 Wholesale and Retail Grocery Store. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCERS. North-East Corner Park and French St., teist4rslnr,) • - Would respectfully call the a t ten tlon of the com.: muntty to their are stock of • Groceries and Provisioas. Which they are desirous to sell at TIM VERY LOWER' POERIBLE PRICES! Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrups, la not attrpaased in the city, as they are prepared to prove to all who give themD call.; They also keep on hand a sir.perlor lot of PURE LIQUORS, for the wholeaale trade, "to which 'they direct the attention of the public. Their motto Im, "Quick sales, smanprofitsand a fail equivalent, for he money." upll'&7-tf. ' 'IWIT-4-U.:177W-41 31:1 4 % WOltp.EN .Sr, Would respeetf o lly ne sAn i mtge a lhat they hare No. 428 Freneh.St., between 4th and .'4tb, ERIE, Ps., For the parebese and eale of ALL KINDS OF COUNTRY PRODUCE, *atter, 'Poultry, 3.111 k, ay., Orders front abroad will receive prompt ai m:Moo at the lowest market Prices. 43r The istm. , best price In Casts 'Said tor Pro dace, - aul6'6B-tf. HAVING sold oar entire stock of Furniture to J. W. Ayres,- we hereby thank the com munity for their liberal patronage to us, hoping they will extend the "time to him. Wo will de vote our time hereatterto the UNDERTAIMNG.BUEDIESS! With the consent of J. W. Ayres we still hold our office in the tame old ;dace, 716 State street, where will be found at all times ready toattend to the wants of the community in our line m trade. Ready Made Colinas `Trimmed to order. Metallic and Iron Burial Otsee, of all styles and sizes, m. r hand; also, Shroud and Carla Trimmings.- 'Undertakers will fi nd it to their advantage trrbur them oi us, as we cannot be undersold west or New York. apr`r67-Iy. MOORE & RIIILEF. JtIBPRINTTIM or every kind, in large or I =WI "quantities, plain or colored, done in the best style, and at moderate prices, at the Observer claire. PrtitilTN'G rd ovefy kind, in largo or =tall quantltiem,plainer colored, done In t bent style, and at Snodernte prices, at th e .01 - mercer odlevr. Dealers fu Agents for the Bale of at priers that _OUR STOCK OF Sugars, Syrups, k nnsurpassed Jal6-3ni 'Wholesale and Retail WINES AND LIQUORS Call and see us, at the F. S. CH L.% tiDE CIC En. P. A. BECKER a: -CO., Their as.gortsnent of TOUACCOS, FISH, &C., NOTICE. pm (Boobs. WiIt ) T , E . SIATeIEI DRY GOODS STORE, 42 STATE STREET, ERIE, Southard • & McCord, JOi3BERS DRY" 43-COCOTOS NOTIONS, lI9SIEIIY, - GLOVES, &C. Our stock is the largest ever brought to the city, - consisting of PRINTS, DELAANES, SiLKS, CLOTHS, CA M 31E E,S • BLEACHED &BROWN SHEtnINGS, A complete nasortrntmt of Itrega Gooda, every kind of article in the Notion Line, and, In abort, a general aaaortment of everything needed' by Country dealerg: TO DE SOLD AT NEW 'VCO I / 1 - 1. PRICES Country Deolers are invited to give us a call. We do a strictly wholesale , trude, and propose selling at such prices us will make it to the ad vantage Of merchants in this section to deal In Erie, Instead of sending Fast for thelrgoods. It. S. SOI*I7IAII% J . In'olt D. TEE OLDEST ESTABLISHED Carpet & Dry Goods Hottse xx. ; N. w. A complete stock of Sheeting's, Prints, Linens, Cloths, Saekinas, Flannels, 1 aul French Poplins, Mohair', Alpacas, Delainego&e. .11so, NVICTIPTI GOOD, GLOVES AND NOTIONS, Call and gel piiee, before purehaSing WARNER BROM., 4, ftprtrir-ISt. No. sir, Mothlt: Frput, Stat 4.. St nl2 t4-14.-VT-E; Dry Goods ! • Dry Goods ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL! The largest and best stock of BROWN AND BLEACHED SHEE3INGS; ,PRINTS, FLANNELS, LINES, Clotho, Cloakings, I L tnes, Alpacas, Leona, Mohan's, Silks, Black and Colarr-d TIMM, Cashmere,llmeha and Paisley Shawls, White Goods, Notions, die. • Goode marked clown to meet the market. 'No trouble to show goods. (Asti anti exataltie. mytltt-ly. • ROSENZWEIG & BRO. G. P. DAVIS & CO., Dealers In nll kinds of GROCERIES, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, AND PROVISIONS, Fifth Street. between State and French, FRIP, PA Having pureltased nor goods before the tale rise in prtees, we feel confident of beingable to give satisfaction both In Priee and quality. Country. Produce, Of ever}• sort, bought and sold. Farmer:sr= always depend on recei% lug the Highest market price for their articles. DEALERS IN TAE ApJoiNnko TOWNS, And on the Lines of Railroad, SUPPLIED WITH FRUIT; VEGETA.IMIN_, &C ' Give IN zi'Call. Remember May & Jackson's Market Depot FIFTH RTREET, For the Holidays ! WATCHES, . - DIAMONDS, Silver & Plated Ware l The larget4 akthortment in town, at prier, that DEFY COMPETITION Do not foll-to call on MANN A:, • No. 2 Read Block Two doors rant" of main entrance Dimolnt ion. 'I , FIE CO-PARTNERBHIP heretofore existing 1 between the underhigned, in the Planing Mill, liner, Sash and Blind buNine , r., under the firm name of Jaeob Hootz ttt Co., wa4 dissolved Lv mutual eon - kr:ft on the 21st duo(' inne 1.867. The busin,o4 will be continued by Jacob riootz, who is authorized to settle all the aceounts of the late firm. JA et ill HOUTZ. _ 4 . I.NTONY :iTRATZINGER The rindersig - ned,intending to continue the above business, at the old stand, west side of Peach, between 12th and 13th streets; desires to .1111 the attention of the public to his facilities for supplying them with anything fn his line. Lumber planed to order, and scroll sawing of all kinds done. Sash, Doors and Blinds furn ished to order. - AU kinds - of Lumber on band, ogether with Shingles and Lath. In fact, eve rything that is usually dealt In or done at first class stablishments of the kind. Thankful for past kind favors, I respectfully solicit a con tinuance of the same. JACOB BOOM V. A. WEIIFIII Oir, CO.. I= Country Produce, Groceries, Provisloi4, LIQUORS, 9}:0.1R9, Tobacco, Crockery Were, Fruits, tints, &c., No. Sl4:9ta to tstreet, Wen side, between Sth anti Ott Streets, Erie, Pa Casa paid for mg:intik prodner. , V. A. WEBER, nly2l-If. - W. ERRART JOAN 33A.NIL-A.1{13, DEALER L' FAMILY GROCERIES Tea, Coffee Sugar, Syrup, Molasses, Flour, Pork, Fish, Hams, Provision% generally, Coun try Produce, Bird Cages, Wood, Willow and Crockery Ware, Fancy Traveling Baskets, To bacco and Segura, Fishing Tackle, &e. 421 Stute Street, Mrle, Pa. Private Families and hotels supplied. Goods delivered. ' inylB'67-tf. , I3ACCO AND IVIGrAARIS. The place to get a choice article of Tobacco,- fhauff and Cigars is at H H. WELSHMAN'S 1318 PEACH ST., South of the Union Depot. Always-on hind a good assortment of the above articles of every grade, wholesale and re tail. Also, Pipes, Pouches, Boxes and Smokers' Articles of every description. Please favor me with a call. Don't forget the place. 1368 Peach atreet.ft mr2l'67-Iy. Auditor's Notice. E. Cooper, In the Court of Common vs. Pleas of Erle"Co. No. 172 Nov. Sam'! Mahan, Jr. term, ISM. Venditioni Ex. And now, Dee....„ ISM, on motion G. W. Gun. raison, Esq., appointed auditor. PER CURIAN. Notice Is hereby given to all parties interest ed that I will attend to the duties of my ap pointment onTriday, January 31, at 2 p. in., at my office in Erie, No. 502 State street: ' deel2.3w. GEO. W. GUNNISON, Auditor. Store for Rent. QTORE now occupied by Southard & McCord, ta• on State street, for rent. Apple to D. Fl. CLARK, • ja2-Iw. - - 59 West Fourth Street. HORSE • 113LA.:411MTS Selling/It•Bedaecd lntel, by tleeL94l. • T.C. BELDEN. ERIE, PA., THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MARCH 5, 1868 Address to the ?terrain and Debilitated whose sufferings have beim protracted from hidden causes and whose cases require prompt treatment to render existence desirable. If you are suffering or have suffered from involuntary discharges, what effect does It produce upon your general health? Do you feel week;debili toted, easily tired? Does a little exertion pro , duce palpitation of the heart? Does your liver or urinary organs, or your kidneys, frequently get out of order? Is your mine sometimes thick, 'lanky, (tacky, or Ls it ropy on settling? Or does a thick Stunt rise to the top? Or is o sollutent, at the bottozii after it his stood awhile?, Do you have 'spells of short: breathing or dyspepsia! Are your bowels constipated? Du you have Spells of fainting or rushes of blood - lo thehend? Is Your memory impaired? Is your mind con stantly dwelling upon this subject? D.iyon feel dull; listless, moping, tired of company , . of life? Do you wish to be left alone, to get away from everybody? Dues any little thing make you start or jump? Is your sleep broken or restless? Is the lustre of your eye as brilliant? The bloom on your cheek as bright? Doyou enjoy yourself in society as well? Do you pursue your business with the same energy? Do you feel as much confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull and nagging, given tofltsof melancholy ? Delo, do not lay it to your liver or dyspepsia. Hive you restless nights? Your back weak, sow knees weak, end have but little appetite e and you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver com plaints Now, reader, sett-ahem, venereal diseases hist ly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capably"( producing a weakness of the generative orga of generation, when in perfect health, make the man. Did you ever think that those bold, defi ant, energetic, persevering, successful business men are always those whose generative organs are in perfect health? YOu never hear such men complain of being melancholy, of nervous ness, of palpitation of the heart. They are net , • r afratd.they cannot succeed in business; they don't become sad and discouraged; they are al. ways polite and pleasant lit the company of la dies, and look you and them right in the fare— none— of your downcast looks or any other mean ness a I ,out them. I do nut mean those who keep the organs inflamed by running to excess. These will not only ruin their eoted nut ions, but also those they do busznes wait or for. How many men from badly cured diseases, front the effects of self..iibuseandesces..cus, have brought *tibout that statE of weakness in those organs that has reduced. the general system so' much as to twiner almost every other disease-- idiocy, lunacy - : paralysis. Spinal affections, sui cide, and almost every other form of disease which humanity is heir tn, and the real cause of the trouble sctireely ever suspeetell, and have .doetorcil for all-but the right one. Diseases of these orgami require the use of a diuretic. lIELMBOLD'a FLUID EXTRACT BUCIIU is the great Diuretic, and is a certain• cure for diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Grav el, Dropsy, Organic . 'Weakness, Female Com plaints, General Debility and all diseases of the Urinary Organs, oritetber existing in mule or female, from whatever cause originating, and no matter of hew long standing. If no treatment Is submitted to Consump tion or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and Blood are supported from these fiources, and the health and happiness, and that of posterity, depends upon proiiipt use of a reliable remedy. llehnbold's Extract Dacha, established up trprds of 18 years, prepared by ift - T. DELMBOLD, Druggist, 504 Broadway; New York, and Ell South 10th Street, Philadelphia. patcE-81.25 per bottle, or '6 bottles for 543..50, delivered to any address. Sold by all Druggists everywhere.. noare7. A Card to the Ladles.— DR. DITPONCO'S GOLDN PERIO.bICAL PALS, In Correcting irregniailties, Removing Ob structlo-na of the Monthly Turns, from whatev er:cause, and always successful as a preventa tive. ' In removing obstruction and restoring nature to Its proper channel, quieting the nerves and bringing back the " rosy color of health " to the cheek of the most delicate, Full and explicit directions accompany each box. Price ttrper box, six boxes $5. Sold by one druggist in every town, village, city and hamlet -throughout the world. Sold in Erie by J. B. CARVER & CO., druggists, sole agents for the city. Ladies by sending them thlongh the Post Office, can have the pills pent (conndentlally)by mall to any pt ofthe country - . freeof postage S. D. 'HOWE, Sole Proprietor, my9'o7-I.y. New York. NEW PEIIFLICE FOR THE HANDEDICITIEL Plinio:Os "Plight Meowing Cereus.” Pimfoie* Blooming Cereno.” JEWELRY, Phalan's "Night Blooming Versus.'" Phalan's "Aightloomink Comm', i'lanlaien " INiziat I:looming Cerrus.l2 A meet •ign'.ite. delicate, and Fraammt Perfume, Prow the rare and beauttful dower frost it takes Its name. 11.‘aufactnr,1 only try ASK FOR I'ITALON'---TAKE NO OTHER uol 1-tr Error's of I outiu—A gentleman who su (Ter ,v) for year front Nervous Debility, Premature Decay and all the effeetv of youthful indiserez tion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, mend free to all who need•lt, the recipe and di rections for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sniferers wishing to profit by the adv . erl NEWS experience,can do so by addressing, In perfect confidence, .70D157 B. OGDEN, ' myl6'67-Iy. 42 Cedar tit., New York.- To Consumptives.—The Rev. Edward A. Wilson will sendlfree of charge) to all who de sire It, the prescription with the dlreetldns for making and using the Simple remedy by which he wilt red of a lung affection and that drertil disease umsumption. Ins only object is to ben erit the afflicted, and he hopes every sufferer will try this prescription,, as. it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Please ad dress REV. EDWARD A. WILSON, No. lea South Second Street, • Williamnburgh, N. Y. liatormatlon.—lnformation guaranteed to produce a luxuriant growth of hair upont bald bead or beardless face, alio a recipe for the re moval of Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, etc., on the skin, leaving the same soft, clear and beau• tiful, can be obtained without charge by address ing THOS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, Myl6'67-Iy. na Broadway, New York. - HUBBARD BROTHERS, No. 701 State St., Erie, Pa., • Dealers in • Stoves, Tin Ware and Sheet I 11071: 'AVA.IIE. A large assortment of TABLE AND • POCKET CUTLERY, SPOONS, &C. TIN ROOFING DONE TO ORDER. feb33-43m. R. SL W. ar,NELINSION, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TOBACCO, SEGARS, E. I PEA, -&C., 0 Federal St, Allegheny Clty, Pa., Third door from Suspension Bridge, febr.".^67-15% ' Sign of the rah= JOHN G.VNSHEINER & SON, DEALERS ni Clothing and Gent's Furnishing Goods CORNER. OF SEVLICTIUSTREET, • FACIE. PA., the business WW be continued by the undersigned, at, the same localities and under the same title as heretofore. The accounts of ,the old firm will be settled by us. MAII ..7. mALTS R J. B. AdtLTECIIA IN. ja2't-4cr 'ssPectal Riticto. FOR FEMALES ONE BOX IS Fitt FICIEN'T 1 0 111 — XLON & MON, New York. 2WW ',RE OF COUNTERFEIT; Notice. Plain Talk for the Times ! Read ! Read if Read !!!. THE ALL•IMPORTANT DUTY of EVERY DEMOCRAT ! A few months more and — the Presidential stinnpaign will open in all its vigor, with can /Mates in the field representing the distinct ive Issues . of each political organization, and Committed plainly and unequivocally to their interests. ' On both sides active preparations are be ing made for the struggle, and ft will un doubtedly be one of the most fiercely con tested in the history of the nation. Every indication of the times points to the most stnbliorn and unscrupulous resistance on the part of the Radicals against the effortsof the people to wrest from them the lawless power which they have seized to uphold their base purposes. . ' - The Democratic party begins the campaign under the most auspicious circumstances, with a 'corohlenee in 4uccess, en enthusiasm for the cause, and a virrous self reliance that has not been experienced in many years. The late elections show conclusively that a Vast majority of the nation are ready to es pouse our standard if we only prove faithful •• creed, and continue to stand firmly by the interests of the country. But to • make victory certain something more is necessary than mere dependence up on the truth of our principles. In •the Hush of self-confidence, we are apt to forget what ilgilant enemy we have to overcome, and what desperate measures he is apt to resort to to attain his ends. Political battles, like those of amore bloody 'nature, depend for their re sults more on the skill,courage, determination and energy of die contesting foes than upon the :-acreditess of their cause,or the convictions of the patticipats. Thu Democracy of America have always stood forth as devotedly attached to the Union, the Constitution and the wel fare of the country as they do to-day, yet for seven years they have been divested of power, and it is only when the peapfe are aroused from their trelusion by the imperilled condition of the public interests, that 'they have again returned to• that cemfidence which it would have been well' if they had never parted with.. . • The all-important necessity of the day, on the part of our political friends is—work ! WORK ! ! WORK !!! . We must be thoroughly organiied and pre pared for the campaign. Every man must consider that he owes a personal duty in the matter, as indeed he does, for there is no one so humble, but he is in some-way more or less concerned in . the issues of stake. All the Ustrictsmust be canvassed, so that we may know where it will be most advantageous to employ our energies. The young men must be encouraged to lend a helping hand. Those who have been led estray mutt be brought back to the fold, and Democratic argtunents placed irt,their reach, that they may know the distinctive questions which divide-par ties, and no longertbe misled - by the wileiand falsehoods of the-Opposition. What we have said before we now reiter ate, and intend reiterating until we have waked the Democracy up to a 11111 conscious ness of its 'truth, that. the, most effective weapon towards success is Me wide dirtribtz- Uor4 of sound and plroigldfortconi . loe,d'oein:4- papers. , tine good journal in a fainily wlll do more towards moulding its political Convictions than all other intlucnces, and fifty copies cir culated in any locality for,six months will accomplish more efficient service than a doz en costly mass meetings. The Democratic party has never displayed that zeal in supporting its press' that it need ed, and to that cause, as much ns anything' else, may be attributed its misfortunes during the last ten years. ' In all' sections of the country—even in the midst of the strongest Democratic localities—the Radical press is more liberally sustained titan ours, and in many places the contrast is so great as al most to amount to a disgrace. • The time has come for these things tcibe changed, sad , for the Democratic party to enter upon a new method of warfare. Our papers ought to be spread broadcast offer the land, and take the place of those .which are now defiling the minds of the young and filling them with wrong ideas of Republican liberty. Our public men should avail them selves of ever• opportunity that offers to im press the importance of these views on the ;mention of the masses. Our local leaders should make a point of devoting whatever spare time they can towards strengthening their county organs by procuring their friends , and neighbors' patronage. The low price of TWO DOLLARS per year at which the Observer is now offered, if paid in adrance, ought to ensure the doub ling of our subscription list - inside of the next six months. • But to place it within the reach of all, we offer to take Rix month solmen'ptionx at ONE DOLL.III in arir;eiger, with the privilege of commencing many period desired, and of Continuing tlfe paper at the same rate for the balance of the year if desired. Now is the time to begin the work, before the spring operations set in, and while voters have time to read, and reflect over the facts presented to them. Let it not be delayed under the iinpressipn that the matter can be as well attended to by-and-by. More ad vantageous work can be rendered during the next two months than can be performed dur ing the entire.balance of the campaign. A six months' subscription commencing within the next two months, will continue until near the chin of the campaign, and 'myelin immense'influenee over the mind of the vo ter who peruses the paper. We earnestly urge this Important matter upon our friends as by all odds the most re liable means of helping the cause. Let every one of our present .subscribers see his Democratic neighbor at once, and if he is not a patron already, induce him to sub scribe for six months, if he cannot fora year. - _ , Let those who can afford it, send copies to hesitating voters, who may be influenced to iupport our candidates at the next election. Let be established and procure ten, twenty or fifty copies for free distribution wherever there is likely to be a vote gained. Let "this be.the grand preparatory work of the campaign, and be assured that whenever other mean* are necessary there will be found as abundance of ready helpers for every part requira We intend that, be the result of the:con test what it may, no one shall have . the op portunity to complain that we have failed to fulfill our complete duty in the cmvass. Tim Observer for the next year will be more vigorous and outspoken than in any previous portion sr its career;. will contain more reading matter ; and it, shall be our Constant aim to present-such material as Will be productive of the most beneficial results. We only ask for such co-operation as Nit have a right to expect, and if the Democra cy of the North-West are impelled by one halt our zeal and confidence, we promise such a verdict in this section as will gladden the hetirts of our friends thro....4hont. the State. - • - - Old Thad's Lamcat.. Old Thad. he lies upon his bed, And thus he doth lament: My days on earth or nearly o'er, My hours are nearly spent. - What have I done through all my life, That's worthy to commend, Except to fight the buckshot war Unto the bitter end. "That was the time they said of me, I tieted very bra - ve, When I passed through thehaettlrindow, 3ly precious lite to save., `3ly conscience troubles me, raid one, As we hid. behind some logs • - `Out with such stuff,' said I to him, `Throw conscience to the dogs,' The Democrats were in the right,— I 'knew it at the time. • Therefore I thought it best to quit, Fighting on that line. r The Rebs, von know, I lOve theni - niuch, How much it's hard to tell, . I only wish to put them in A prison, down in h—l. I've served the d-1 all my life, It's sad to think upon, But no httek out, so near the end, die with harness on.' Where eari - I go? now that's the rub, I'm sorry I was born, For Satan will not take me in, . • When Gabriel blows his horn: So I mast start a shop myself, Outside the d—l's yard, With Butler and some other thieves, To act as picket guard. The Procees of• Impeachment. The people are deeply Interested at this time in the manner of proceeding in case of the impeachment of the President of, the United States. The subject has been already much discussed by the press r but we are sur• prised in our-conversations to - discover what an amount of ,popular ignorance has been accumulated in the matter. For instance, there is a very general impression -among people who claim to be well informed that "impeachment" and "conviction" are synony mous. Therefore we - shall outline the pro cess. The Constitution Li very brief in its refer ences to this subject. The . first provision is in parngraph 5, section 2,, article 1, as fol lows :* "The House of Representatives shall choose their speaker and other officers, and shall have the sole power of impeachment." Nest, in paragraphs 6 and 7, of.section of the same article, we have the, powers of the Senate therein thus laid down : "The Senate shall have the sole power to try all impeachments. When sitting for thin purpose, theynhall be on oath or affir mation. When the President of the United States is tried, the ehlefjustice shall preside ; 'arid no person shall be convicted without the coneurrence of two-thirds of the members present. • "Judgment in cases of impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from of. flee, and distthalification to bold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States ; but the party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to indict ment; trial, judgment and punishment, ac cording to law." Paragraph Paraoaph I, st-etion 4, article 2, provides "The President V Presidentand all crtil : officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and convic tion of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors." This is the sum-total of the language of the Constitution relating to impeachment. It is not to be expected, of course, that it will be regarded in the least by Congress,, which-has been acting entirely' outside of the Constitu tion, still our readers will be pleased to have the fundamental law of the matter placed be fore them. • The above extracts front the 'Constitution give the merest skeleton of the process of ha peaeluent. In regard to the present case, the records of the• Senate present no parallel, Indeed, the only ease in which the Senate of the United States has been called on to ex ercise its functions as a .judicial tribunal was in the case of West H. Humphrey, a judge in one of the United States Courts in Tennes see. • This ease was tried during the Thirty seventh Congress, and- is recognized as the precedent under - the American law. It is the general opinion ,of the Most prominent lawyers of the House that a very similar rule of procedure'will again be adopted, except that tile trial of the President,'in accordance with the Constitution of the United States, requires the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States tee preside. The following following is the mode of preceeding: The House of Representatives having passed the resolution of impeachment, a com mittee was appointed on the part of the House who appeared before the bar of the Senate and announced to that body the fact that the House of Representatives have passed a resolution of Impeachment and would in due time exhibit particular articles of impeachment. A select committee on the part of the -Senate was . appointed by the Chair to,hear the report of the committee of , the House upon the subject The commitee on the part of the Senate then reported- to that body, and their action was communicat ed by the Secretary of the Senate to the House of Representatives. I The. Speaker then appointed a board of five managers to conduct the impeachment, designing the, name of each and the name and office of the accused. The House then directed the man agers to carry to the Senate the articles of impeachment agreed upon and exhibited in the maintenance of their cause. The action of the House waa presented and 'read by the Secretary of the, Senate. A time is then appointed by resolution of the Senate, "That the Senate will resolve itself- into a Court of impeachment," the Chief • Justice presiding. The oath was , administered. to each Senator that in all things appertaining to the trial of the impeachment he will do impartial justice, according to law. The Senate now being resolved into a ltigh Court of Impeachment, the Board of Diana gets of the House of Representatives were received, who formally presented the articles of impeachment in the name of theinselves and all-the people of the United States. The Board of Managers of the House were then introduced to the bar. of the court, and the Siageant-at-Arms made proclamation : "All - persons are commanded to keep silence, on pain, of itnprisontnent e w idle the grand quest of the nation is exhibiting to the Sen ate of the United States• articles of-impeach ment against," &c. Proper order on the sub: ject of impeachrnent.was taken by the court, of which due notice was given to the House of Representatives. The managers of the' impeachment on the, part of the HoUse then retired. A summons is then issued to the party accused to answer' the articles of im peachment, fixing the day returnable, which is served by the bergeant-at-Arms, or deputy, ' properly appointed, at least ten days before the return thereof. The court then adjourns until the day fixed for the return of the an swer. Ilium that day the Senateresolves in to a court of impeachment, and notifies the House of Representatives of the facts. The House resolves into a Committee of the Whole, and with the Chairman, proceeds in a body to the, Senate chamber, tid is an nounced at the bar and admitted. Although the House is. in the exereisa of its highest judical powers, the form in which it appears displaces its high functions in the Speaker, the Sergeant-al-Artns, and the emblem of its authority, the mace. The Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate then hands in the return, which is read by the Secretary. The Seargeant-at- Arms or his deputy takes the oath as to the correctness of the return. Arrangements are then made for the- summoning of witnesses. Upon the completion of' the troll the Secre tary of the Senate reads each article upon which the roll is called, each Senator an swered "guilty," or "not guilty." two-thirds, being required in each case. The decision being given, the, court orders, and decrees, and adjourns, without naming a day. The sentence of the Court of Impeachment, is then communicated to the• party, and, if guilty, from the moment of conviction the functions of the President' depart from the person of the party so convicted, and the Vice President ascends to the Chief Magis tracy of thenation, possessed of all its powers and prerogatives. A WEALTITY aristocrat beifig on his death bed, called his black servant and said "Sam, you have been a very faithful and honest fel low, and I have made a provision in my will that when you die you shall have the honor to be buried in the same tondk.4vith me." "Ah, massy t" said the negro, "poor old Sam want no Stich honor; money suit him much' better; besides de debil come, scratching for you in de dark, and instead of masse, may be he carry off Sam in a mistake." Female Beauty in Varian?' countries. The ladies of Arabia stain their fingers and toes reil, their eyebrows black, - and their lips blue. In-Persia they paint a black streak around their eyes, and ornament their faces with various figures. The Japanese women gild their teeth, and those of the Indians• paint them red. The pearl of the tooth must be dyed black to be beautiful in Guxu rat. The Hottentot women paint the entire body in compartments of red and black. In Greenland the women color their faces with blue and yellow, and they frequently tattoo their bodies by saturating threads In soot, inserting them beneath the skin, and then drawing theni through. Ilindob families, when they wish to appear particularly love ly, smear themselves with a mixture of saf fron, tumeric and grease. In nearly all the islands in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, the women, as well as the men, tattoo a great variety of figures on the face, the lips, tongue, and the whole body.- In New Holland, they cut themselves with shells, and, keeping the wounds open a long time, form scars in the flesh, which they deem highly ornamental. And another singular mutilation is made among them by taking off, in fancy, the little finger of the left hand at the second joint. In ancient Persia, an aquiline nose'svas often thought worthy of the crown ; but the Sumatran mother carefully flattens the nose of her daughter. Among some of the sav age tribes in Oregon, and also in Sumatra and Araean, continual pressure is applied to the skull in order to flatten it, and thus give it a new beauty. The modern Persians have a strong evasion to red hair ; Turks, on the contrary, are warm admirers of it. . In China, small, round eyes are liked, and the girls are continually plucking their Cye brows,.that ther may be, thin arid long. Rut the great beauty of a Chinese lady is m her feet, which, in her childhood is so compressed by bandages, as effectually to prevent any further increase In sire. The four smaller toes are bent under the foot, to the sole of .which they firmly adhere and the poor girl - not only endures much pain, bdt becomes a cripple thr life. Another mark of beauty con sists in finger nails so long that casings and bamboo are necessary to preserve them from injury.. An African beauty must have small eves, thick liPs, large flat nose, and a skin beautifully black. In New Guinea the nose is perforated,-and a large piece of wood or bone inserted. In the northwest coast of America an incision, more than two inches in length, is made in the lower lip,-and then filled with a wodden plug. In Guinea the lips are pierced with thorns, the heads being inside the mouth, and the points resting on the chin. Twombley!s Mistake. Mr. Thomas Twombley had drank but six glossa of brandy and water, when ,being a man of discretion, he returned home at the seasonable hour of 1, A. M., and went sober ly to bed. Mrs. Thomas Twombley was too well accustomed to the comings and goings of said Thomas to be much disturbed by the trifling noise he made on retiring ; but when she discovered that he had his boots on, she requested aim to more them or keep his feet out of the bed. "My dear," said Mr. Twombley, in an apol ogetic tone, "skuse me ! How I came to for get the boots, I can't conceive, for I'm jest as sober as ever I was in all my life !" Mr. Twombley sat on the side of the bed, and made an effort to pull off his right boot. The• attempt was successful, though it brought him to the floor. On regaining his feet, Mr. Twombley-thought he saw the door open-. As he was sure he shut the door on coming in, he was astontshed, and dark as it was in the room, he ,couldn't be mistaken, he felt certain. Mr. Twombley staggered to wards the door to shut it; when, to his still greater surprise, he 'tw a figure approach trOm beyond. Mr. Twombley stopped ; the figure stopped. Tombley advanced again, and the figure did the same. Twomley raised his right hand, and the figure raised its left. "Who's there ?" roared Twombley, begin ning to be frightened. The object made no reply. Twombley raised his boot in a men- Aiming, attitude—the figure defied him by shaking a similar object. "By the Lot-!" cried Twombley, "I'll find out who you are, 3-ou sneaking cuss !" lle hurled the boot full at the head of his myste rious object, when—crash! went•the looking glass which Twombley had mistaken for the door. Was it You that said So I Was it you, John, or Jim, or George, it matters not about the name? Are you the man who proclaimed, a few years ago, that whenever the Republican party favored ne gro suffrage yon would leave the party - and vote and act with the opposition? Are you the man who charged your neigh bor with lying, because he claimed that the Republican party would eventually make that the issue ; and called your God to witness, if it ever did, that you wouldend your con nection with it forever? Yes, you arc. Your neighbors and friends believed you sincere. By that line of argument you induced some of them to-vote with you. The time you re ferred to has arrived. What do you pro pose to do? If your love of mum"- pre dominates over your political prejudice, the time - has come when you will prove the sin cerity of your wordQ, by noble and tnagnani mous action., Come, then, and go with us. All those in favor of a white man's government. .All those opposed to negroes sitting on juries and their election to office. All those opposed to a standing army in time of peace. • All those tipposed to an increase of the na tional debt in time of Peace. All those in favor of a speedy re-union of the States, on terms of finality. All those in favor of the Constitution of the United States, as signed by tteome Wash ington. All those in favor of an honest and econ omical administration of the government will vote the Democratic ticket. If you want less bonds and less interest in the hands of the rich, and more greenbacks in the hands of the laboring men, vote the Democratic ticket. What they Said. We asked a girl what she wanted most, and she replied, a lover. We asked a wife what she wanted most, and she said, kind words from my husband, We asked a boy what he wanted, and he said, a sweetheart and a happy home. We asked a miser what he wanted, and he - replied, gold, more gold. We 'asked a gadding woman what she wanted, and she replied, dress and more news .to tell my neighbors We asked a mother what she wanted, and she replied, my Millings to love -me. We asked an affianced what •she wanted, and she said, my chosen one M he true to me. We asked an old man'what he wanted, and he Enid , a decent burial. - We asked a working man what he wanted, and be replied, light' taxation, and a chance to make• a comfortable home for my loved ones. We asked a New England man what he wanted, anti he replied, Legislation and tar iffs to make me rich at the expense of the South and West. _ asked a coward who dared not tight, but speculated during the war, what he wanted, and he said, gold intere4 on my bonds—support at the expense of . working men. We asked a soldier what he wanted, and he said, peace, now that the war is over. We asked a political pulpit preacher what he wanted most to make him happy, and he said, political influence: We asked God what He wanted, and He said,—Peace on earth and good will towards all men. MISUNDERSTOOD TIM TENT.-A worthy deacon hired a journeyman farmer from a neighboring town for the summer, and in duced him—although he was unaccustomed to church-going—,:to accompany the family to church, on the first Sabbath of his stay. Upon their return to the deacon's house, he asked his hired man how lie liked the preach ing.-- He replied: "I don't like to hear any minister preach politics." "I am very sure you beard no politics to-day," said the dea con. "I am as sure that I did," said the man. "Mention the passage," said the deacon. "I will. He said, 'lf the Democrats scarcely are saved, where' will the Republicans ap pear?' " "Alt." said the deacon, "yon arc mistaken. These were the words—'lf the righteous scarcely are saved, how will the ungodly and wicked appear ?'" "'(), yes," said the man, The might have used those words, but , I . knew deuced well what he meant !" .PATruck was in charge of a ferry bolt. A lady passenger being frightened by the waves asked bins "if people were ever lost by these boats ?" He gave the encouraging re ply: "Not often, ma'am ; we generally dud them afterward by dragging the river." ME ITEMS OF ALL ScIRTR. . te p d p l e ie r p n oh be ly spoAkles • h t rou h. his e o u se Tim author of a novel just out, wishing to say that her heroine opened , her mouth, thus expresses-herself: -"The pretty coral door-keepers of her words .gaye way, and a low, mocking•laugh ran out froin them." A ct.mtrt down East having one morning— in church proclaimed the bans of matrimony between a. "gall" and her "feller,'. was fol- lowed by the clergyman reading a hymn of, Watts', beg inning thus : "Mistaken souls who • dream of Heaven." NO. 41 TIM Hancock Courier says that widower in that town was married a few days ago at a church,making a "big spitirge" with a brass band. After the interesting ceremony the trand.struck up thmold and familiar air, "My wife's dead and I've got another one." Ap propriate. Though Kingdoms, States and Empires fall, And Dynasties decay— Though cities crumble into dust. • And Natitinsilie 'away ; Though - gorgeoustowns and lialacea In heaps of ruin lie, Which once were grandest of the grand, • Yet Truth Will never 'die ! So says the poet, and perhaps he is cur rent, but it takes such everlasting long naps sometimes that it might almost as well be dead. Vain, lady, Take ! The moon is "high, twinklin stars are 'Retain, while, now and then, across the sky, a tneteor are streamin I Take, Sally, cake, and look on me—awake Squire Nubbin's daughter ! Ii I'll haye you, and-you'll have the—(by gosh! who threw that water!) I ITEAIU:O a . good. thing one evening at a party. A Mass Joy . was present, and in the course of .the evening some one used the quotation: thing of beauty is tt joy for; ever," when she exclaimed, "Oh I'm glad I'm not a beauty,for I should not want to be a Joy forever." TUE Springfield (Mass.) Republican, states the case of a young man who obtained a marriage license from a city clerk, bargain ing for the right to return it if the lady should notsay . ``yes!Jo X1143_ PORIIIOII. In abont a week-be returned H With•thei•eMark,"lt was no go ; but giVe me another, I guess I've got a sure thing this time." Drama u recent performance of "Romeo and Juliet," at Marblehead, Mass., the fair Juliet's question in the soliloquy before tak ing the sleeping draught, "What if this mix ture does not work well?" was answered by an urchin in the pit—" Then take a dose of pills." The effect upon the audience can be imagined. CoszryattEs.—People say that they shell peas when they unshell them ; they husk corn when they tinhusk it; that they dust . the furniture when;hey undast it, or take the dust from it ; that they akin a calf when they unskin it; and that they scale fish when they unscale them. Many men say that they' are going to weed their gardens, when their gardens are weedy enough already. Ally business is more respectable than what is termed loafing. A young man had better sell damns by the'pailfut, than hang round public resorts, murdering time and his reputation. Very few need beidle anywhere and at any time, who have a faculty for work. Four-sevenths of mankind, however, take to laziness and the sunny side of things, as na turally as dunners to impudence or teamsters to profanity. THE Lehigh Valley Daily News relates a. good story of a young darkey in Allentown, who was sent to get something to smoke the meat in his employer's smoke _house. The darkey went out and invested the money in cigars, and seated himself in the smoke house under the meat, lighted a cigar and pulled away. He had dispo,ed of sixteen cigars in this way before the blunder was discovered by the family. Arrmt listening to him id' All Souls' church, Henry Ward Beecher shook hands with Robert Collyer, and said:. "It you preach in that way the deacons of Plymouth church will not hesitate to let you info their pulpit." Owllyer reApontled : Pit' they have stood you, Mr. Beecher, these ten years, they would gladly stand by me this time." - To THINK that the more a man eats, the fatter and stronger he becomes. To believe that the more hours children study at school the taster they learn. To conclude that it exercise is good Mr the health, the. more vio lent and exhausting it is the more good is done.. To imagine that every hour taken from sleep is an hour gained. To act on the presumption that the smallest room in the house is large enough to sleep in. A Goon-Siam KlSS.—Alwap; send your little child to bed happy. Whatever cares may trouble your mind, give the child a warm good-night kiss ns it Ames to its pillow. The memory of this, in the stormy years which may be in store for the little One, will be like Bethlehem's star to the bewildered shep hetds ; and welling up in the heart will rise the thought, "my father and my mother loved me." Lips parched with fever will become dewy again at this thrill of useful memories. Kiss your little child before it goes to sleep. PAT'S idea of sympathyls a good one. He had long been trying to get Bridget to give hima parting kiss. - Finally, as a last resort, he turned away, saying, "Good bye, Biddy ! Sure and ye haven't any sympathy for me at all, at "Sympathy is it t. nu what d'ye mane by that, Patrick'" "Come here, Biddy; and I'll be Oiler telling ye ! When I love ye so that I'd like to bite a piece right out of your swate cheek, and yo fate as .if ye'd like to have me to (10 so—that's sympathy, be jabbers!" "Ali, Patrick! you know my wakenms ! Take a piece but• be sure and lave it, so that ye can take it again whin ye come!" - Jrooi Garrruin, on Thu b&fich. of-New York, appointed a crier whose want of sense was more than made up by the size of hi= voice.,A- youo”: barrister, with more fun than leal lore in him. - Was fond of playing otT jokes on him. So one day tie judge ordered the crier to call Jabcz Logue. The barrister, stepping behind the crier, whispered, "Epilogue," in his ear. "Epi logue r shouted the crier. "3fono-logue I" said the lawyer. "Mono-logue !" ' cried the crier. • "Pro-logue." And the crier still cried "Pro-logue." •!Dia-logue." And the perti nacious crier shouted "Dia-logue !" at the top of his voice. Discouraged at hearing no response from the Logue family, the crier turned and said to the Court, sitting in mute astonishment at the stupid crier's calls : "i've calledall the Logs in town, and never one is here to speak for himself!". • POPCLAII FALLACIRS.—That you can• re ceive one dollar a day, spend two and get rich. That' the than who don't pay for his break fast, can raise the money to go into a circus. That to do a man one favot, and then re fuse him another, won't make him twice as mad as if You had refused him the first. That when a friend presents you a hound it will cost you nothing. That when you bay on credit, knowing very well you will not pay, it is not stealing. Taht next year's taxes will be li o rdtter. That every other ,man is to die except you. That if you have a good cause in love, war or law, pitch in, you are hound to win. That you can play draw poker and lose just so much and no more. That there is one way, known only to yourself, to bleak a faro bank. ' That when you buy a horse, he will he certain to turn out as represented. That if you always say what you think, you will win. the regard of the entire coin. tnunity. entice Voting in_ Alabama. As to the'reCellt voting :leoTß,..lonaellL of the World writes: "Something like' a third of the entire vote east in the State was re ceived on no better evidence than affidavits of Registry in other counties, and, for my own part I saw several administered. This was the process : Enter Timbuctoo. "What's your name?" "Pomp." "Pomp what ?" "Pomp Jones, salt." "Shoe your ticket," and a great paw would reach out a ragged sleeve, and thrust a dirty scrap . under the Judge's nose. No such name as given would be found upon the list, and then would. come the balance of the formula. I quote from toe printed ilocliment "I, —, do solemnly swear that lam duly registered as a qualified voter in the county of —, in this State ; that I now reside in this county,'and that I have not voted at this election, so help me God." Pomp, or Cud; or Cudjo would shallow it all, meekly taking:olr his hat as he was bid den, holding up his hand, and nodding like a toy mandann at every other word in the oath_. In would go his vote; and now take. him out and, him what"solemnly" meant, or "qualified," or "reside," and Pomp's big mouth would open and his eyes would stret, and nine, in ten would tell you,".Fore God ch , mas'r, I unno nufiln 'bout all dis yer, but dcy tole us we mus' conic and put de ting in de box ar dey would fine its or put us in de 'ail." Et:GENIA ILuR ItstrroaEß.—The cheapest and best. 3fanunoth bottles only 75 cents. The Enzenia • Bair Restorer eclipses all known discoveries for the rapidity with which it restores gray and thdcd hair to its original color, promotes its rapid and healthy` growth, precepts and stops it when falling off, and is a most luxuriant hair dressing for the human hair and head, rendering it Soft, 'silky and Ttigro' us: — Stildiry - S. - Dickinson Son, sole agents in Erie. • decl2-11%