The Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1859-1895, February 27, 1868, Image 1

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    u r i c EZiertip ethgerbtr.
.... . ---
„c,, e s ig Rossirgwitio's BLoca, (cm wratria,)
v''' sw, Conirtg STATIC ST. .4stn PARS. •
..--• -
„ a ir N OM, paid ems:tern' In advance.... 42 00
„air no t wild in advance • ' 250
I , u ,s,",ibers,served by carriers, Fifty Cents
044itional. _.
revopies to the same person 4 00
• l ies sent to one address, 10 00
Ten NS " 1,-- --- - •13: ---- ----- ---- —...... .... .z ao
clu b+ rate!! app oray to those who pay In
- Ail mabwription accounts must be settled tin
e, so paper will be sent to any person
n h a e ;i:-miponsibility 44 not known, unless the
o is paid In advance.
it , fol l o wing are our advertng rates, which
,ii) be strict IY adhered to. In reckoning the
ra re. f advert tole meats, an inch Is considered
I: Anything less than an inch Is rated
% ,n fan Mlaare
Is se.:4 se.pi e. 1% e.i le.
1 2•,...5' 2 75 i 5.4.0i:5'.00, 12.00
3.25 j Z.0(0, '1.01412.00i 31.00
4.orm 5.00 11.50115.00 %4O
4.50, 0.00110,00
__tg.txv akar)
, 1.4 . 1 n, ma i gt07.7.,.0* skin
to.glil2oo2o.nbin.nnt gun .
) au.ce sn.oo' sue
1'30.00 35.00 50.00 po.oortsopo
- ro0; T. 7731
I.g)i 2-50
1." - 3.
,41) fin
wt..... 2.g), 1.75
r " "r ,;nttul--' 175:5 ' 5 ' 7
niithii 15.001
nne Feso'• • ..
and Adminiatratone Nottetea it 3
tn dit o n,. and Entrny Notirea enehi
Sotieea. ?get in tended Nonwiriel, and
twfare Niarriages anti - Death's 25 per
to reCular rates; Local Notices,
7,;0,1 In' the pnittes,lsetn. per line of Elzht
{ , r ent inaertion, 12eenta per itne-forkee
.nd ten rents for each Ruhßequent
r4rt ,, r iat Notieea 25 cents per line: Mar
renta; Death' I:Scents each. Adver-,
other week, two-thirda
imerted every
• , me , Pencona hrindin in advertteementor -
I , ,'‘ „1,1 es,tr the period they with them pub
otherwke they will be continued until
rtrrr I ,11!, at the exp-nse of the advertinern.
Jon l'lttNT-INCt,
tt•• hors one of the heat l'ohblnßOdleea In the
amt are prenared to do any kind of
1, 'a or small ortern, at na ronannahle
r ra and In an Coat at vie as nny eatrihi ishment
pr , ln t "..•
mr , mmn i e nt 'nag chnnhi he ndtirekgert td)
Minor and Proprietor.
t3itgintoo notices.
1.1.0 ,, r of t hp-renee, Farrar Hall Raling.
Aitnrrter rit Law, Pencil street, above Prilon
repot, Erle, Pa. norerr,.
GvriTIC;T:. TT. r'InTLVII.
trAri, F:rt. rmintr, IP'a.
i.,m and ntllor hn‘ine.ei attended to with
, MOM., and dispatch.
, :prsrErt. StELDEN MARVIN.
-renoor Attorneva and Counsellors
ror. nfflOe Paracon flock. near North w o o,
e,roor of the Puddle Square, Erie, Pa.
V;fttorfori, Pr.. Hobert Lealie, Proprietor.
f ons awl careful attention
evert to the comfort of gmeota. angf3tls.
oenteri in Pine, Whitesynod, Cherry Ash,
I'lh:int and Oak Lumber, Lath and Shim:len.
ove, State street, North of R. IL Depot,
warner at Law, and Justice of the Peace,
vonston and Claim Agent, Conveyancer and
Vlartnr. °t' ee In Rindernecht'a bionk.amlth•
rin,t rnrnerof Fifth and State streets, Erie, Pa.
E. M. COLE et RON,
B ,,nk Flinders :m(1 flank 'Book Ittamitorturpr.,
prpr Keystone National Bank.
nen t I ct. No. 534 fitalr Strerq, npplcltn T;rnwn•a
Ffntel, rrte, Pa. Oflice horn from 104 A. M. to
1 .2 M., and from I to 5 P. M. 0c10.57-tf.
Whnlomio and Itetntl Deniers In Anthracite,
Bituminous rind iitnekxrnith Coat. Office turner
Poarh and 12th streets, Eric, Pa.
J. ft. m.ALMMAIq. [se36-tf.l 'R. 3. SALTSMAR..
A. KING; -
Msßer, Brewer and Limier in Harm Earley,
Halt, Alen, Lager, &e, Prnprietor of Ale and
laver Breweries and Malt Waretionaes,
nenttst. °Mee to Rosenswelis Block, north
•,de of the Park. Fsle, Pa.
PjeweraNa, P. D. S.,
Dent) t. Office, French street, necrtnfl atom
kit(rTPWA Block, near the corner of the Reed'
ffnaso. • • octlg.
Suction and Commission Nterchrents, and Real
fatale Agents, a'n ittate street (corner Ninth,)
Erie, Pa. Advances marla nn consignments.
Coontry Vendueo attended to In any port of
tha eon n tr.
Tollor an 4 Clothes Cleaner, Union Block,
al.vo Pr. Rennett'g ()Meg% Clothegmade, clenn
ei gni rerraired on short notice. Terms as irEgt.
gonahlo as any.
C, qPIFINc'ETC. annnn Ginsam
Attorney.. at. Inn - , Franklin, Pa. 0f11,6 In
gerr's tzilding. Lihertv street. Pith°le (lily,
Pn.,--office over Romp's Hank. finlmden street.
Collections promptly made in all parts of the
oil regions. ,
Whaleqttle dealers In hard and soft cnal, Erie,
ra. Raving dfmreried of our dock property to
the above named firm, we n peewit-11y ref ire from
the coal trade. recommendtna our soft...agora -sts
eminently worthy of the confidence and patron
are of our old friend% and the ntablie.
oTf7-tf. . sco'rr. rtAxxis & co.
Fl.hinnahle Tailor,rifth street,lletween State
sal Peach, Erie, Pa. Cttstom Work, Repairing,
and Cutting attended to promptly. apl9'6B-tr,
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Tin,
hipsn and Pres ed Warn, Simla Pipe. Atilve
Trimminns die.. Waterford. Erie Co.. PA. Or.
ders by promptly attended to. Jan 9.
Opposite Vnlon Depot, Erie, Pa.. Jas. Canal).
bell. proprietor. House open nt all hours. The
tar and tahte always snpplied with the eholeest
that the markets afford. feb3Y6B-Iy.
Corner of French and - Seventh streets . , Erie,
Meaner k Johnson proprietors, Good horses
end carriages always on hand at moderate
prices. jyl2-tf.
- Hurerasons to Walker. & Artnstrong,
sale and Retail Deafen in Anthracite and Bi
tomhinua Coals, Wohd, Iron Ore, &e. Offire S.
W. turner of Twelfth and Myrtle streets. Post
itlice, Lock Box St, Elie, Pa.
11. ARIOITRAN6. tdcl9-tt. .T. 'PILLANS)IB3.
r7f_triN et BARRRTT,
Pennelane and Surgeonm. °Mee No. 10 Noble
Alo,lc. °Men anon &wand night. Dr. Brirrett's
reetance,lgo.ll4 west 6th Pt. nayl6'B7-1p•
Union Mills, MO Co., Pa., George Tabor,
proprietor. ( food aecommodations and male.
17Mf e!arg.e. iny9447-2f.
Gm. C. ntnrstrrr. M. n.,
PllSPlelan And Sturgeon. Of lee, ERaL Park Itit,
cer Ilaventtleh's flour store.—boards at thereat.
Idtlice of C. W. Kelßo, 24 door Routh of the 31.
Y. church. on Resistants street. °Mew hours
, rnm II a, m. until I! p. m. m510438-tf.
11, V. CLAUS,
Dealer In all kinds of Family Groceries and
Pros thlons, Stone Ware, &c., and wholesale deal•
r in Wines.Llquors, Cigars, Tobacco, Cte.. No. 26
Fact Finh street, Erie, Pa. .103137-tf.
F. J. FRASER. M. P.,
RomnPnatnlc• Phsidetan and Finrgean. rnes
and nesidenee 624 Pezeh oPrile the Park
I Thu , e• Office hours from 10 to 1. a. In.. to OP.
Tn., and ?to 8 in.
Civil Engineer 'anti Surveyor. Residence cur.
cm' Sixth street and Fist Avenue, East trip.
John Cronenbenper, at the new brick 'Qum,
fuel' Village, has on hand a large assortment
of rimeerlett, Proehdotut e Wood and Willow
Ware: Wines, Liquors, Began @c ., to which he
lwryectfully calls the attention of the public,
utioled that he can offer as good bargains as
12 4:1 be had in any part of Erie eonnt7,
IF:111E. l'A..
The Bradley Engine!
A New Compound or
• Double Cylinder Engine,
Arad La Warranted togivo
/ion power than a Slagle C• Under Engine
trine the .atne amount of steam.
ENGIMES. on somas t
or au Descrumoaa.
. .
____ .
.. ,
...., . .
, ..•
--. - -- i. Tr-, -- --.- B
VOL. 38.
eroctsito, 'frame, srUlt, err.
The 014 Grocery Stind I
At the well known stead,
"tki o. 24 West, I'a rk;
Groceries, -Provisions,
Gun Capl4...fte!.
Raving thoroughly refitted the shove store and
stocked ft with one or the
Ever brought to Erie, we are now prepared to
supply all the wants of the pnblle
Defy Competition!
Of all the articles usually kept in a first-elan
Groeiryall fresh, and at the
Lowest Market Price !
We Intend to keep an eatabllebnient at which
our customers can always rely upon procuring
what they want, and will warrant our charges
to be as moderate as any store In the city
Give us a trial, and see for yourselves.
Wholesale and Retail '
Successor to F. & St: Settlei:Meeker, now re
eeiving a splendid assortment of
Liquors, Willow, Wooden and Stone Wt
Fruits. Nuts, de. A large stock of
Call and wie lia, at the . -
Grocery Headquarters,
American Block, State At, Erie, Pa.
Whalenle and Retail Grocery Store.
North•Eart Corner Park and French fit..
Would respectfully call theatteution of the com
munity to their large stock of
Groceries and Provisions,
Which tta7 are desirous to fell at
Sugars, Coffees, Teas, Syrups,
la not aurpaaaed In the elty, as they are prepared
to prove to all who wire them a oalLt
They also keep on hand a superior lot of.
for the wholesale trade, to whirls they direct
the attention of the public.
Their motto is, "Quick sales, usual pronta and
full equivalent for the money," aplllll-tf.
1 :4 , 7ke) derai3iMn Z4:4 Dig
Would respectfully 11113120ULICO that they have
opelied a skew at
Fa 421) French St., between 4th and Sth,
ERIE. ?A.,
For the parishese elnd sale of •
Sutter,. Poultry. Milk. £O..
Orders from abroad will receive prompt at.
adieu et the lowest tear tet Mom.
door sor The /dollen pries in dab paid for
le-tf. Pro.
, ,
A IIIO I F AtV N J. G WA d y,
wehr e st b o y o them* Vo h mi t t a in w g
=laity for their liberal Pettotiolte to WW l *
votewilt extend the Wl= to taw We
vote Oar time hereafter to the
PM ' ' '.7P 7M I TZ
With the
of .f. W. Ayres we still hold
our aloe in the same oldplaa, 'll5 State
where 1411 be round at all times ready toe=
to the wants of the comosunity In oar line a.
Ready. Made Coffins I'
Trimmed to order. Metallic and Iron Burial
Shroudor all styles and alma, on hand ; aimpo
and eolith 'Trimmings. Undertakers
will end it to their advantage to buy them 0 1
us. al we authot bo undersold wrath! New York.
TOD PRENTWO of mai kind. la large or
uaatittaa. plain or ex4arat, dose In
bretici adi l/4 lord at moderate Zatosa. at t ens
Otserver os
ell PIAINTIVG of every ktait., to large or
aamilopaattlies.plalace.eelookt. dorm to
aletMleeand at atoderate - prtem at the
Obesairer ottasa....
Dealers In
Agents for the sale of
at prtcPs that
ft unertmaßied
1!E MI
Their aeserteneut of
pro Clootro.
Southard & McCord,
ITT 4G-ockT):§4
Our stock is the lergest ever brought to the cltr,
x.onstating of
C A 8 8 I 31 ER EB,
A complete assortment of Dress Goods, every
kind of article in the Notion Line, and, in short,
a general assortment of everything needed by
Country dealers.
NEW -'l"olEtlrh. FIEVILCV.Ig
Cotratry Dealers are Invited to give us a call.,
We do a strictly wholesale trade. and propose
selling at such prices astern make It to the a&
vantage of merchants in this section to deal in
Erie, instead et sending Eaat.for their goods.
THE OLDEST Eirrastastrza ,
,carpet & Dry Goods House
A complete stock of Sheetings, Prints,,Llnens,
Cloths, ftackings, Flannel., Irish and" Preach
Poplins, llohalre, Alpacas, Delatne,&c. Also,
000014 S, FICIHRIMPtir,
CaWand get prices before purchasing.
npr3l37-Iy.. No. MB, Marble Fropt„ State St.
Dry Goods ! ~ Dry Goods !
The largest and best stock of
Cloths, Cloakings, Datelines, Alpacas, Leone,
Mohalrs, Silks Black and Colored, Thlblt,
Cashmere,kukt Broc ha and Paisley ..
- Shawls, Whit e cioods, Hoatery,
Notions. Ac..
Goods marked down to meet the market. No
trouble to show goods. Call and examine.
ms2T67-I.v. ROSENZWEIG ar. BRO.
Dealers is all kinds or
Fifth Street, between State and French,
Having pnrchased our goods before the late
rise in prices we feel confident of being able to
give satisfaction both in Price and nnaiity.
Country Produce.
Or every sort, bought and sold. Fanners can
always depend on receiving the highest market
price for their articles.
And on the Lin ee of Railroad,
Give us, a Calf.
-Remember May & Jactamea Market Depot
For the Holidays !
Silver & Plated Ware!
The largest assortment In town, At prices that:
Do not fail to call on
No. 2 Reed Block.
Two doors 'teat of man entrance.
rIHIE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing
1. between the undersigned, In the Planing
/1111, Door, Sash and Blind business, tinder the
Arm name of Jacob Boots & Co., was dissolved
by mutual consent on the 21st day of June, 1847.
The business will be continued by Jacob Boos,
who is authorized to-settle all the accounts of
the late firm. JACOB
- The undersigned, intending to continue the
above business, at the old stand, west side of
Pesch, between 12th and 18th streets, desires to
call the attention of the public to his facilities
for supplying them With anything in his Ilne.
Lumber planed to order, and scroll sawing of
all kinds done. Bash Doors and Blinds tarn
!shed to order. All kinds of Lumber on hand,
together with Shingles and Lath. In fact, eve
rything that is usually dealt in or done at first
class establishments of the kind. Thankful for
past kind favors, I respectfully solicit a con
tinuance of the same.
oel7-Bm s .
JACOB 80012.
V. A. T1M13.7011, k Co..
Country Product., Groceries, Provisions,
WINES, Litwowt,lEQ}A.Es,
Tobacco, Croikery Ware, Fruits, Nabs, &c..,
rio. 814:State e tree t,
West tilde s between Bth and 9th Streets, Erie, Pa.
Cash ixstd for oount.ry produre.
F. A. WP.BER. rtiy24-t4 W. ERHART
JOAN 13ANYA.1111D.
Tea, Cottek a l ms. ingar, E ilv;rt =p u , , Molaases, Flour.
try Produce, Bird Cages, Woo: Willo w g t and
Crockery Ware, Fancy Traveling Baskets, To
bacco and Hagar., Flaking Tackle, &c.
421 Eitaite Fiitreat, Zee, Pa.
Private Pandilee surd Hotels supplied. 6 87 Goods
. myl'-11.
The ;dam ta get
Cigar Lit of TobaaXl ,
nff a n d
South of the Union Depot.
',away, on hand a good assortment of the
above artiste* of every grade, wholesale and re.
tail. Also, Plpes, Pouches, Boxes and Smokers'
Articles of every description. Please favor me
with a call. Don't forget the place,
mr2140-Iy. MN Peach
street/ _ • '
Auditor's Notice.
° E. Cooper, In the Oottrt of Common
VB. Pleas of Erie Co. No. 172 Nov.
Sans'l 31. 1 Fure, Jr. term. 1887. Venditionl Er.
And now, Dec. ISA on motion O. W. Gun
nison, Esq., appointed auditor.
Notice is hereby given to all parties interest.
ed that I will attend to the duties of my ap
pointment on Friday. January 3d, at 2 P. mi, at
my odtce In Eris, No. W State street. •
deel34w. GEO. W. GUNNISON, Audit Or.
Stare for Rent.
TORE now occupied by Southard .1 McCord
on Btato street, for rot. AllOl to '
JaMy. 18 West Fourth Street.
at &duped Ram. by
Ale Areas to the hervoits aturDebilltated
whose sufferings have been protracted from
bidden causes and whose times require prompt
treatment to render existence desirable. If you
are snffering or have suffered from involuntary
diseharkes, what effect dries it produce non
rade general ealth t*Do yon , feel weak.
rated. easily tired? Does b little exertion prai
Aura palpitatkin of the beast? Does yOurllver
or urinary organs, or year kidneys, trial — neatly
get ottt of order? Is your urine sornetimestblelt,
milky. flocks'. or is it ropy on settling? Or does
a thick ileum rise to the LOT Or isa sediment
at the bottom after It has stood awhile? Do you
have spells of short breathing or dyspepsia t
Are your bowels constipated? Do you have
spells of fainting or rushes of blood to thehead?
Is your memory impaired? Is your mind con
stantly dwelling upon this subject? Doyou feel
dull, listless, moping, tired of company, of life?
Do you wish to be left alone, to get away trout
everybody? Does any littlettblng makeyoo
start or jump? Is your aleep broken or restless?
Is the lustre of youreye as brilliant? The bloom
on your cheek anbright ? •Doyon enjoy yourself
In society as well? Do yen pursue your huffiness
with the saute energy? j lb you feel de much
confidence in yourself? Are your spirits dull
and flagging, given to atief melancholy? If so,
do not ley it to your liver, or dyspepsia. /lave
you restless nights? Your back weak, your
knees weak. and have but little appetite, and
you attribute this to dyspepsia or liver copa
-1 plaints? •
Now, reader, silt-abuse, venereal disermes bad
ly cured, and sexual excesses, are all capable of
producing a weakness of the generative organs.
of generation, when in perfect health, =kettle
man. Did you ever think that those bold, dell.
ant, energetic, persevering, successful business
men are always those whose generative organs
are in perfect health! You never hear such
men complain of being nielancholy, of nerlous
net:-St, of palpitation of the heart. They are ties
's afraid they cannot succeed in brutiness; they
dotit become and and diSconiaged; they are al
ways polite and pleamiit in the bonipauy of la
dies, and look you and them right in the face—
none of yottrdowncast looks or any other paean - -
nese about them, Ido not mean those who keep
the organs inflamed by rill:11116qt° excess. These
will not only ruin their bonstitutions, but also
those they do busines with ge for.
Bow many men from tatibr cured At/waxes,
from the effects of sell.abuseand excessea, have
brought about that state of treakneas in those
organs that has reduced :this general system so
much as to Induce almoit every other disease.—
idiocy, imam; paralysis. spinal affections, sui
cide, and almost every, other form of &WM°
which humanity is heir to, and the real causoof
the trouble scarcely ever suspected, and have
doctored for all but the right one.
Diseases of these organs require the use of s
BrICKIT >s the great Dinretfc,. and Is a certain
cure thr diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, Gray.
el, Dropsy, Organic Weakness, Female Com
plaints, General Debility and all diseases of the
Urinary - organs, whether existing in male or
female, from whatever cause originating, and
no matter of bow long standing.
If no treatment is submitted to Consump•
tion or Insanity may ensue. Our Flesh and
Blood are supported -trim these sources, and
the health and happiness, and that of posterity,
depends upon prompt use of a reliable remedy..
Helmbold's Ftritet Diem, established
tiards of IS Years, prepared by
H. T. HE'LMSOLD, Druggist,
504 Broadway. New York, and WI South 10th
Street. Philadelphia.
Pates-31M per bottle. or 6 bottles for 116,
delivered to any address. Sold by all Druggists
everywhere, _ tioßB`67.
A Corti to the d tpu—
In Correcting irregtilarities ; Removing Oh•
structions of the Monthly Turns, froni whatev
er cause, and always , sticcesshal u a preventa•
oxz Box is suFFlcirxr
In removing obstruction and restoring nature
to ihs proper channel, quieting the nerves and
bringing baCk the " rosy color of health " to the
cheek of the moat delliate.
Full and explicit directions accompany each
Price El per bog, sis boxes E 4 Bold by one
druggist in every town, village, city and hamlet
throughout the world. Bold in Erie by J. R.
CARVER & CO., druggists, sole agents for the
Ladles by sending them $1 through the Poet
Office, can have the pills sent (coutldentially)by
mall to any part of the country, free of postage
il. P. HOWE, Sole Proprietor,
myfrin-ly. New York. ,
Pbal?ishi . 4 Night Blooming Coro n 0.4,
Pbalames •.Niglis Bleinuisg Vereits.”
Plealopop ••Alight.l:llPoosing Ceram."
Pbolos% •• light 01posibas Coveas.”
Pb*Joa'a "Night 01001011116 eerrail.P,
A meet exquirlie. &Heats, awl Proffraat Perfume,
Nati Ind from the rare aml lbeeutlral flower frog
which it mites its U ;
Yokaulactnivel may by,
- PSIALOS & SON, Sow York,
Errors of Youth«—A gentleman who stiffer•
ed for years from Nervous Debility, Premature
Decay and 41 .the effects of youthful indiscre
tion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity. ,
send free to all whoneed it, the' recipe and di.
rectiona for making the simple remedy by which
he was cured. Sulfatiers wishing to profit by the
advertiser's experietice,can do so by addressing,
in perfect confidence" JOHN D. 00D=,
triylBl7-I.x. r 42 Cedar - Ss, New York.
To Conswmptilves.—The Rev. Edward A.
Wilson will send (free of charge) to all who de
sire It, the prescription with the directions for
making and using the simple remedy by which
he was red of s lung affection and that dread
disease tnosnmptioh. Ills only object is toben-
MR the acllcted, and he hopes every sufferer
will try tills prescription, as It will cost them
nothing, and May prove a blessing. Please ad
No. 165 South Second Street, - '
myl6'67-Iy. Willlamsburgh, N. Ysir
Inforrnatton.—lnformation guaranteed to
produce a luxuriant growth of hair upon a bald
bead or beardless face, also a recipe for the re
tnoval of Pimples. Blotches, Eruptlotus, etc., on
the skin, leaving the same soft, clear and beau
tiful, can be Obtained without chargeby address
ing - TIIO9. P. CHAPMAN; Chemist,
my 1617-17. Ed 3 Broadway, Now York.
No. 701 State St., Br* Pa.,
Dealers In
Stoves, Tin - Ware and Sheer
X 'N NV A. .
A large assortment of
fettie-am. • (
R. ac. avrtsixsoN,
Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers 1n ).
N ICI V' I* I P V.
No. g Federal BL, Allegheny City, Fe.,
Third door from Egnmerudon Bridge,
febl2l7-17. of the The Wiest.
JOHN GEN - :ea • ,, rn l- &SON,
DILA +.• HI.
Clothing and Gent's Fninishing Goads
W. JANES having disposed of his Inter
. set In the lirm of Saltsman & Co.. to R. J.
Liman, the business will be continued by the
and at at the same loca li ties and under
the sante ti as heretofore. The accounts of
the old firm will be settled by es.
R. J
Special floticts.
DR. Dtfl"o"."(CO'S
Plain Talk fini the Thnesi !
Read! Read!! Read!!!
A few months more and the presideritial
campaign will open in all Its vigor, with can
didate* in tie field representing the distinct
ive issues of each political organization, and
committed plainly and unequivocally to their
On both shies active preparations are be
ing made for the struggle, and it will un
doubtedly be - one of the most fiercely eon
tested in the history of the nation. Every
indication of the • times points to the most
stubborn and unscrupulous resistance on the
part of the Radicals against the efforts of the
People to wrest from them the lawless power
which they have seized to uphold their base
purposes. -
The Democratic party begins the campaign
under the most auspicious, circumstances,
with a coiaddence in success, an enthusiasm
,for the cause, and a vigorous self reliance
that has not been experienced in many years.
The late elections show conclusively 'hat a
Past maiority of the nation are ready to es•
pouse our standard if we only prove faithful
to our creed, and continue to stand firmly by
the interests of the country.
But to make victory certain something
more Is necessary than mete dependence up
on the truth of our principles. In the flush
of self-confidence, we are apt to forget what
4 vigilant enemy we have to overcome, and
,what desperate measures he is apt to resort to
to attain his%nds..Political hattlei, like those
Of a more bloody nature; depend Ur their re
sultdmore on the skill,courage, determination
fuld energy of the contesting foes than upon the
sacredness of their cause, or the emvictions of
the participate. The Democracy of America
have always stood forth as devotedly attached
to the Union, the Constitution and the wel
fare of the country as they do to-day, yet
for seven years they 'II have been divested of
power, and It is only when the people are
aroused from their delusion by the imperilled
pontlition of the pu b lic interests, that they
lhavdagain returned to us that confidence
which it would have been well if they had
iieyer parted with. "
The all-important necessity of the day, on
the part of, our political friends is:--trork!
wonx!! WORK!!,
We must be thorhughly organized and pre
pared for the campaign. Every • man must
Consider that he oweia personal duty in the
Matter,-as Indeed he does, for there is no one
do humble, but he is in some way more or less
concerned In the Issues at stake. All the
'districts must be canvassed, so that wo may
know where it will be most adiantageous to
our energies. The young _men must
encouraged to lend ahelping hand. Those
who have been led estray must. be brought
ek to the fold, and Democratic arguments
placedin their reach, that they may know
the distinctive questions which divide par
ties, and no longer be misled by the iviles and
falsehoods of the Opposition. .
What we have said before we now refter
[ate, and intend reiterating until we have
waked the Democracy up to a full conscious
ness of its truth, that the, most effective
weapon towards success is, 14e wide distribu
tion of sound and -straightforward toent news
(paperi. . ,
One good journal in a fainily will do more
towards moulding its political convictions
than all other influences, and fifty copies cir
culated in. any locality for six months will
accomplish more efficient service than a doz
en,itostly mass meetings. *
The Democratic party has never displayed
that zeal in supporting its press that it need
ed, and to that cause, as unich as anything
,else, may be attributed its misfortunes during
tbe.last ten years. In all sections of the
country—even in the midst of the strongest
Democratic localities—the. Radical press is
more liberally sustained than• ours, and in
many places the contrast is so great as al
most to amount to a disgrace. •
The time has come for these things to be
changed, and for the Democratic party to
enter upon a new method of warfire. Our
papers ought to be spread broadcast over the
land, and take the place of those which are
now defiling the min& of the young and
filling them with wrong ideas of Republican
liberty. Our public men should avail "them
selves of every opportunity that offers to im
press the importance of these 'views bn the
attention of the masses. Our local leaders
should make a point of, devoting whatever
spare time they can towards strengthening
their county organs by procuring their friends ,
and neighbors' patronage.
The low price of TWO DOLLARS per
year at which the Observer is , now offered,
if paid in advance, ought to ebsure the doub
ling of our subscription list inside of the next
six months. , - •
Rut to place it within the reach of all, we
offer to take air month sulmcriptaon3 at ONE
DOLLAR in advance, with the privilege of
commencing at any period desired, and of
continuing, the paper at the 'same rate for the,
balance of the year if desired.
Xow Is the time to, begin the work, before
the spring operations set in, and while voters
have time to read, and reflect over the facts
presented to them. Let it not be delayed
under the impression that . the matter can be
as well attended to by-and-by. More ad
work can be rendered during the
next two months than can be performed dur
ing the entire balance of the campaign. A.
six months' subscription commencing within
the next two months, wilt continue until
near the close of the,campaign, and havean
immense influence over the mind of the vo
ter who peruses the paper.
We 'earnestly urge this important matter
upon our friends as by all odds the most re
liable means of helping the cause. - ,
Let every one of our present subscribers
see his Democratic neighbor at once, and if
he is not a patron already, induce him to sub
scribe for six months, if he cannot for a
Let those who can afford it, send copies to.
hesitatinz voters, who may be influenced to
support our candidates at the next election:
Let clubs be sstablish6d and procure ten,
twenty or fifty copies for free distribution
wherever therb is likely to be a vote gained.
Let this be the grand preparatory work of
the campaign, and be assured that whenever
other means are necessary there will be found
an abundance of ready helpers for every part
required. •
We intend that, be the result of the con
test what it may, no one shall have the op
portunity to complain that we have failqd to
fulfill our complete duty in the canvass.
The Observer for the twit year will be
more vigorous and outspoken than in any.
previous portion of its career ; will contain
more reading matter; and. It shall be our
constant aim to present such material as will
be productive of the most -beneficial results.
We only ask for such co-operation as lac
have a right to expect, and if the Democra
cy of the North•Weet, are impelled by one;
half our zeal and confidence, we promise
such a verdict in this sections will gladden
the hearts of, our friends throughout thr
State. ' jale-tf. •
I Trish I was a printer,
. I really do indeed ;
It seems to me that printers
Get everything they need—
(Except money.) . •
They get the largest and the best
• Ot everything that grows,
And get free into circuses
And other kindi of shows—
(By giving an equivalent.)
The biggest bug will speak to them,
No matter how they dres.s;
A shabby coat is nothing, •
If they ocrn•a printing press.
'At ladies' fairs they're almost hugged
By.pretty girls who know,
That they wilt crack up everything
The ladies have to show.
And thus they get'a blow-out free
At every party feed, •
And the reason is because they write
And other people read.
(That's what's the matter.)
THE S 0 T.T 7r 11.
Letter from Gor. 8.,F. Perry, of S. C.
The Terrible Paralra/dials of the People
—How the South Costa the Country a
Hundred Mlllloni, Instead of Adding a
Hundred Mllltonetoits Resources.
The following letter, addressed by ex-Gov
ernor Petty, of South Carolina, to Capt. 0.
N. Butler of that State, but now residing in
Baltimore, gives a graphic and deplorable
picture of the present condition and future
prospects of the great Southern s:tctiou of
our country : P.
GIMENSVILLE, S. C., .Tan. 19, , 1868.
0. En.-31y Dear Friend: In
your hitter to my son you say that the North
ern people are not aware of the true condi
tion of the Southern States, and thatyou
wish the to write something on this subject
for publication. I am wi ling, as I always
have been, to do anything; and everything in
my power to enlighten the_ Northern mind
as to the frightful and appalling condition of
the South. But. it does seem tome that I can
say very little not already known through
the public press, to the whole reading com
It is Well known to the world that ten of
the Simithern States have -been stripped of
'every. vistige of republican liberty, and
placed, by the wicked and unconstitutional
legislation of a Radical Congress, under a
military despotism; for partisan purposes. It
is equally well known that negni conven
tions have-been ordered in all these States,
for the purpose of establishing in them negro
supremacy. In order to accomplish this, a
very large portion of the most intelligent,
virtuous and patriotic of the white race have
been disfranchised, and are hereafter to be
governed by their former slaves and unprin
cipled adventurers of the • North ! -These
facts are well known, and their consequences
every intelligent mind may well anticipate.
When slavery was abolished in the South
ern States, if the people had been let alone
in their State legislation and restored to the
trlio,lll, all would have been well. They
would soon have recovered from their ex
hausted and crushed condition, and been
once more a happy and prosperous people.
They wnulii• have added hundreds of mil
lions annually to the 'wealth of the republic
instead of costing it. as they now do; a hun
dred millions every year, through the freed
men's bureau and a standing army. But the
unjust, unconstitutional and suicidal legisla
tion of Congress has paralyzed them forever,
I fear. The negro is no lqnger that indus
trious,useful and civil laborer which he once
was, but an idle drone and pest to society.
Inflated with his new and marvellous politi
cal importance, he has abandoned his - former
industrious habits and spends his time in at
tending public meetings . and loyal league
gathenngs by day and by-night. The whole
race seem disposed to quit their work and
resort to the towns and villages, where they
may eke out an idle and wretched existence
in pilfering and begging.
The consequences are. that our fields and
plantations are uncultivated, 'the country
pauperized, at, the point of starvation, and
filled with every grade of crime. , Not a ila)
passes over our heatis'that we de not hear of
some thett, housnburning, robbery, rape or
murder. I wlltl mention one or two instances
out of thousands which might be enumerat
ed: Five negro men, last week; in Darling
ton district, went, armed with guns, to a
country store, robbed the store; killed the
clerk, shot a woman in the house, and went
to the dwelling of the owner and killed him.
A short times since a parcel of negroes Placed
obstructions on the South Carolina Rail
road,--which threw off a train of cars in the
night.tithe. Again, at another point on the
same road, a number of negroes fired into
the train, and came very near killing several
passengers. Last fall,-at Pickens court, sev--
en or eight uegroes were convicted of-mur
der, and seventeen or eighteen others sent to
the penitentiary. Highway robbery, an of
fence which was scarcely ever heard of in
South Carolina for years past, has become a
very common crime in the neighborhood of
towns and villages. Thefts and burglary are
of constant occurrence. In the country it is
almost impossible to raise hogs, sheep or cat
tle.—A gentleman told • me the other day
that he had lost the last one of his sheep,
forty in number, all stolen-by the negroes.
Another gentleman, who had been Governor
of the State, informelpe that he had eighty
five hogs to kill last Tall, and that they were
all stolen by the negroes except seven.
The support of 8Q many prisoners and con
victs in our jails and penitentiary is becom
ing alarming. We shall not long he able to
feed them; nor will the prisons contain them.
The country is so much impoverished that it
is difficult for the negroes to get employment,
if they really wish to do so. The failure of
the cotton crop throughout the United States,
with the government tax and low price of
the staple, has rendered it impossible for the
planters to continue their busines the pre
sent year. 'The difficulty, too, in 'getting the
negroes to work during the past' year has
discouraged and disgusted a great many. A.
large cotton crop was planted last spring,
and a great effort was made by the planters
to retrieve their fortunes and give employ
ment to the negroes, but universal failure and
bankruptcy have ensued. am not able to
state the - tailing off of the cotton crop this
year, but the rice crop has alien front one
hundred and thirty or forty thotisand tierces
to twelve thousand tierces.
The present year every one will have to
devote his attention to the raising of a pro
vision crop. He will not require so man.);
laborers, and would not be able to feed them
If he did. The negroes have nothing to live
on the present year, and are unable to make
crops by themselves. They will have to steal
or starve. This greatly discourages fanning
In the Southern states at this time. If you
make a good crop of provisions, you bare no
security that it will not be stolen or burnt up
by the negroes.
In regard to the political condition of the
Southern States I am in deep despair, ; and,
have no hope except in thereturning sense of
justice oh the part of the Northern people.
The idea of placing the government of these
States in the hands of negroes is preposter
:oust,- Absurd. None of them have property,
.and not one in five hundred can read or
write. In the recent election for members
of a convention many of the negroes bad for
gotten their names, and scarcely one in a
hundred could tell after the election for
whom be voted. They were controlled
blindly by the loyal leagues. The tickets
were printed in Charleston, with a likeness
'of President Lincoln on them. There never
has been before such a wide field opened for
the demagogues and unprincipled aspirants
to office. The negro is the most credulous
being in the world, and most easily imposed
on by vile wretches who are disposed - to pan
der to his Ignorance and passion. Emissa
ries fain the North, white and black, have
come-here and prejudiced him against the
white race. lie has been told that unties he
voted the Radical ticket he would be placed
back in slavery, and that if he voted that
ticket be . would hare lands and mules given
him. In some instances the negroes actually
brought with them bridles to take their mules
home with.
By ntilitary order in South. Carolina, ne-
grocs are to sit on juries. In some of the dis
tricts of this State the negro population is so
much. larger than the white that they will
compose almost the entire juries. tf n ve it
will' be possible to administer justice, with
such Jones, in complicated cases, is more than
I can tell. lam equally at a loss to know
how the offices of the State ale to 'be filled.
- The "iron-clad oath" excludes from office all
who are competent,and worthy. 'Phis diffb
culty was foreseen by General Sick les,anti he
requested of Conat ea the removal of the oath.
OPTICfaI llerte has fret , 11 1 - , •
same thing in Wanda. It will lye imposat-
ble for the negroes and the worthless whites
to fill some of these offices, or give the secur
ity required by law.
Property of all kinds, and especially real
estate, has depreciated in value one-half or
two-thirds during the past year. No one is
- disposed to purchase anything, and foreign
capital has been driven• out or deterred from
coming he orinvestment. Property sold
by the Sheriff brings nothing. The Marshal
of this State told me the other day that ho
sold a plantation, well Improved, containing
two thousand acres, in Horry district, at pair'
lic auction, to the highest bidder for five dol=
lars per acre. Mules brought only five dol
lars apiece.
A great many persons are moving from the
lower country, where there are so many ne
groes, and that section of the State is des
fined to become a wilderness. The same
thing must occur in manv'portions of Missis
sippi and other States. A gentleman just re
turned front Mississippi tells me that lands,
which rented last year for fourteen dollars
per acre, were now offered at twodollsrs per
acre, and no one would take them.
Unless there is a reaction at the North,
and better legislation for the Southern States,
they will be an incubus to the Union. utterly
destructive to the whole republic. The pre
sent military force will have to be kept up to
maintain peace between the two races, and
there is no certainty of their ability to do this
long. I have for some time thought that
when the negro government wentinto opera.
tion it n ould be impossible to preserve the
peace of the country. A war of races must
ensue, and it will he the most terrific war of
extermination that ever desolated the face
of the earth in any age or country.
I am, with great respect and esteem, yours,
truly, &e., B. F. Penny.
From the Albany Argue.]
The amount of money asked for by the
Republican party, to carry ou the Federal
government the coming year, is as follows:
For the War Department, exclu
sive of bounties and pensions, $95,000,000
For the Navy Department, 36,000,000
For civil service, • - 51,000,000
There can be no tloubt,that the actual ¢e•
mends and expenditures of the government
under existing legislation will greatly exceed
even this enormous sum. For whoever
heard of a.Congiess in these days that did
not pass a series of deficiency bills? The
expenditures invariably exceed greatly the
The whole expenditures of the government
for the same service in 1860 (the last year of
Mr. Buchanan's administration) were :
For civil list, - - - $6,077,000
For the War Department, 11,563,000
For the Navy Department, 11,514,008
DitTerenee between the estimates
for 1868 and actual experldl
tures for the same items in
Thus it is demonstrated that the ordinary ex
penditures of the government under Radical
rule is more than live times as great as it was
under the much-abused administnition or Bu
The following shows the entire expendi
tures of the Federal Government, exclusive
of the public debt, from the foundation of the
Government to the close of the last British
war :-
From Mardi 4, 1789, to Dec.
31; 1789, - - $1.910,509.53
1792 - 1,877,903.68
1793 i -
1795 •
1798 " -
. , 6,480,168.72
- 7,411,369.97
- 4,981.669.90
- 4,002,824.24
1801 -
1803 - -
1805 -
11407 -
1809 • •
1811 - •
1813 -..-
- • - 28,062,396.92
Thus it is seen that the entire expenditures
of -our Government from the foundation
thtreof to the Ist of January, ISIS, including
the expenses of the last British :war, does not
equal by over $11,000,000 what is now re
quired for the mere ordinary expenses of the
Government for the present year under Rad
ical rule.
It will be seen by looking at the foregoing
table, that the whole aggregate expenditures
of the government during the three years
(1812, 1813 and 18141 of our last great strug
gle with Great Britain, in which we met and
grappled in the death struggle on land and
sea with the greatest power on earth, amount
ed only to $76,030,502, which is $105,960,498
less than it now costs to run the government
in time of profound peace for one year under
Radical rule ; and - that, too, without counting
the frauds and robberies perpetrated under
our revenue system, and which may be esti
mated at least at $50,000,000 more, that nev
er reaches the Treasury, but every dollar of
which is wrung from the pockets of the toil
ing millions.
But it may be urged that these comparisons
are not fair, and are calculated to mislead, as
the population was much less in the early
days'of the Republic than now, and the ex
penditures necessarily less than now. Admit
all that can be fairly claimed from this fact,
and yet it does not weaken the startling char
acter of the facts.
The following shows the expense of the
general government, exclusive of the public
debt, and the population shown by the cen
sus during each decennial year, from the
foundation of the Government to the year
_ .
Populn- Rate per
Year. Expenses. t ion. Inhab'nt
& 1791 $1,919,589.52 3,929.827 $ .48
1800 4,981,669.90 5,205,925 90
1810 5,311.085.28 7,239,814 73
1820 13,13.4,530.57 9,638,131 1.38
1830 13,229,533.33 12,860,050 1.03
1840 24,139,920.11 17,069,458 1.41
1&10 , 137,185,990.09 24,091,878 1.60
rt will be seen from this table that, while
during Washington's administration the ex
penses of the Government amounted to but
48 cents per capita, in 1840, the last year 'of
Van 13uren's administration, to hat $1.41 per
capita. and in 1850 but to $1.60 per capita,
they now, in time of profound peace, under
Radical rule, estimating our population at
30,000000, arnout to $6 per capita, or about
$4O annually for each head of a family, for
what are called the ordinary expenditures of
the Government. _
These figures are sufficient to demonstrate
the corruption and extravagance of the Re
publican party. The people . have but one
remedy in order to rid - themselves of these
enormous and increasing burdens, and that
is to vote the Radicals out of power. The
,work has been gloriously commenced, and
The indications are that it will progress, and
that nearly every State will repudiate the
leaders of a corrupt and extravag,aut party.
youth, Franklin went to London, entered a
printing office, and inquired if he cmild not
get - employment. _
"Where are you from ?" asked the fore
"knerica," was the reply.
"Mi." said the fireman, "from America!
A lad from America seeking employment as
a printer? Well, do you really under-
stand the art of printing? Can yon really
set tYpe ?" .
Fratittlin'stepped up to one of the cases,
and in a very brief space of time Set 9p the
following passage from the first chanter of
John :
"Nathaniel said unto him, can any good
thing ,come out of Nazareth? Philip saint
unto him, come and see." •
It wits done so quickly, so accurately, and
contained a delicate reproof, - sn appropriate
and powerful, that it at once gave him clime:
ter and standing with all the dike.
JesT 31.4JUILED.—A. few, weeks after a late
marriage, a husband had some peculiar
thoughts when putting on his last clean shirt . ,
RS be saw no appearance of a washing. He
thereupon rose earlier than usual one morn -
ing and kindled afire. When putting on the
kettle he made a noise on purpose to arouse
his wife, She immediately peeped over the
blankets and then exclaimed, "My dear,what
are you &Anglo He deliberately responded,
"I've put on my last clean - shitt, and I'm go.:
ing to wash one now for. myself." "Very
w ol" 'lr. “yon trtl twtter
Bnowsr—"Wi ate boy is that, dance
jones..;-..dt aI , latlrfrofrhte by :autism"
Brown—"Wha4 'dation Jones—"A ;
that's all."
T EE corre c t Mu 'met to tbeentleman . who
.state the song; " My- did 1 mem r moot
l ' i celt wourd titi,- "Because pone Wife was
Foo, i t th"
art a lltil 'o beer, madam,' Am a
"Tn. -
Quaker k ' < La Tasblons tble belle at an evening
party. ,% . - ir,' exeiai lied - the dismayed one.
Aiptilders, I mean." laughingly
;: e A pA bo itedrraso ut h t e h . e, : : .
bending that he Sprang
from a Thigh family, Yt. 1, ' Said a by s t sm d:
Of te,le same
or, "I have seen sam n family so
high - that their feet conk: not touch the
ground." .
NO. 40,
Mr- PULLUP, corning I.'''at" very iste."Pret•
ty full,"l'lnds The vraiMng .ser7, .suPPery, and
he exclaims: "V
-v-very s. 11 raMTI wh-when
ever water freezes it' allus 41 *zeit with the
slippery side up. Singular!"
stivsnivr. lady from Ole Ct. 'ettuttooking
for a coach, addressed a cabman' z u rrxy, sir,
are you engaged ?" ."OCh! bless veer party
soul, ma'am, I've been married tit "se seven
years, and have nine children !"
A-causTy old bachelor, not liking th e land
lady's daughter habit of appropriating 'Shalt
oil, filled-the bottle with liquid glue the day
before a ball to which the girl was
She staid at home.
A. souNo girl who had beconie tired of
single blessedness,wrote to her true swain us
follows: "Deer Gim cum rite off efyou are
cumming at awL Ed Collins is insistin that I
must bar him and hugs and kisses me kontin--
arty that I can't hold out much longer bnt
will bare 2 have him."
LErres. has been safely delivered to the
person to whom it was addressed in lowa,
which had, beside the usual superscription,
these words: "There is a ten dollar bill fold
ed in this letter, and it' you want it worse
than my mother, take it."
Isquisirrvv. little Miss-311, where do
poor people go to when they die? Aristo
cratic 31a—To Heaven, I hope, my dear, the
greater portion of them. Inquisitive little
Miss—To Heaven, ma! Why, where do they
get their money from to'pay for the pews?
As exchange says: "Babies resemble wheat
in many respects. First—neither are good
for much until they arrive at maturity. Sec
ond—both are bred in the house,and are also
the flower of the family. Third—both are to
be cradled. Fourth—both are generally
threshed before they are done with.
Tun lowa Voter tells the. following good
religious anecdote : "At a prayer meeting
recently, some fourteen miles from Pella, in
this county, a Brother Hoskins in his prayer
petitioned the Lord to 'bless brother N.'—the
pastor—'and to make him a better man'
'Amen! and brother Hoskins, too,' responded
the pastor with unction."
TUE last poetical effort .of Halleck was a
little epigrammic quatrain, which he handed
to Mr. Fred. S. Cozzens one day: '
"AU -honor to woman, the sweetheart, the
The delight of the fireside, by night and by
Who never does anything wrong in her life,
Except-when permitted to have her own
AN Irish girl called on a clergyman and
inquired his price for "marrying anybody."
He replied. "two dollars," and Biddy depart
ed. She called a few evenings after and re
marked that she had come to• be married.
"Very well," said the minister, but seeing
that she was alone, ventured to Inquire :
"Where is the man r An expression ot dis
appointmentpasied over Biddy's features as
she ejaculated : "And don't you flud.the man
for two dollars r'
TILE happiest man in this world is the man
of moderate desires. Wealth is an enviable
thing; so is distinction; so is poweri; so is
learning--so are all combined. But he who
enjoys each or all of these, and va,uly de
sires more, is not happy. He is not happy.
He is not contented, and discontents infeli
city. On the contrary, he who has flute, yet
-Wahts less, is rich—for he has -more; than he
needs; whether it be houses or honors, pub
lic fame or private enjoyments, the result is
still tire same.
A ntacoN, who was naturally a high tem
pered man, had been used to bear his oxen
over the head, as all his neighbors did. It
was observed that when he became a Chris
tian, his cattle were remarkably docile. A
friend inquired into the secret. 'Why," said
the deacon, "formerly, when my oxen were
a little contrary, I flew into a passion, and
beat them unmercifully. This made the
matter worse. Now, when they don't behave
well. I go behind the load, sit down, and sing
I Old Hundred. I don't.know how it is, but
the. psalm tune has a surprising' effect on my
- 1,710,070.26
4,.350,E . 358" .04
• 6,357,234.62
- . 084,572.89
. 5 :111 082.28
- 5,592:60186
AN exchange furnishes the following valu
able hint of a novel remedy for intruding bo
vines: "A certain quadruped had a sweet
tooth for our hay stack and did much dam
age, throwing down the seven rail fence and
roosting in our hay. We bought a box of
cayenne pepper, took a nice lock of hay,
placed it outside, 'baptized' it with pepper,
and watched. The animal came along: and
pitched into the hay, when suddenly she took
the hint and with nose at 4,5 degrees and tail
at 90 degrees her soul went .'marching on'
at the rate of 2:40. That cow'has wit come
ROCHESTER. N. Y., has an EnoeliArden
case. Two young men, one of whom was
parried, were intimate friends. The married
one went to the war, exacting a pron3isefrom
the other that, in case ho should fill, his
friend should marry the widow. The report
mime that be was killed, and after a due pe
riod of mourning, the promised marriage
took place and a child was born. At last the
first husband returned and claimed his wife.
His successor objected, and ;he matter went
into Court. The decision has just been ten
dered in favor of the first husband.
ME= was once to be a meeting of the'
flowers, and the judge was to award the prize
to the one pronounced the most beautiful.
"Who shall have the prize?". said the rose,
stalking forth in all the consciousness of
beauty. "Who shall have the prize?' said
the other flowers, advancing, each with con
scious pride, and each imagining it would be
herself. "I will take a peep-at those beau
ties," thought the violet, not presuming to at
tend the meeting; "I will see them as they.
pass." But as she raised her lowly head to
peep out of her hiding place,- she was ob
served by the judge, who immediately pro
nounced her the moat beautiful, because the
most modest.
- Rom NEVER . Losv—In one of our subur
ban cities lived an old maid, - over seventy
years old, who never gave up the Idea but
she should get an offer before she died, She
applied last year for admission into the Old
Ladies Home, and was received after paving
the usual fee, and what little money she had,
over into the matron's hands for s'tfe keep
ing. One morning she called the matron and
total her there•was one, thing that troubled
her mind very much, and she would like her,
assistance. "With the greatest pleasure, pr.w
what is it ?" - "Well, it is This : If I shoulil
have an offer of marriage and accept it, could
I get, my money back when Ileave?" "By
all means,
madam." "Oh, then I'm perfectly
contented!" exclaimed the old maid.
GEN. STEMAIETS, who achieved so brilliant
a-reputation at the battles of Skatitz and Sa
(lowa, married lately, although he is sEcty
two years old,. and has snow-white hair, a
beautiful young lady of eighteen, Miss Von
Krosick. When -Abe old genera) and his
young bride were, the other day, at the Cas
tle of Hohenzollern, a committee of students
waited on him. One of the young men said_
to him that "they would have formerly con-
gratulated him on his .victories, but would
now wish him joy of the defeat be had suf
fered at the hand of so lovely an utiversriry,"
(pointing to the bride.) The general smiled
and replied: "Yes, gentlemen. it was easier
to stand an iron battery than such a one as
. now standsnt my Side."
AT Adam's Express offs e,
directed to the United States Hotel, Atlantic
City, was a box of larchwood, field almost
as pasteboard, thus tenderly inscribed:
ExruEss aot:Nr.
This packet contains a duck of a bonnet,
Expressman, I pray you place nothing upon
'Tis made of a ribbon. a straw and a feather,
The whore with a postage stamp fastened to,
gather. •
It's owner, a damsel, Is youthfill and fair:
Bat, like Flora McFlimsey, lms nothing to
Beware, then, Expressman, I warn von take
And forward-this bonnet with care and with
speed. . - - •
". Dm AND GDILS.—A, few Sabbaths since
Eda was allowed to go to Sabbath School,
her first time, and thereshe learned the start
ling intelligence that she was made of dust.
Little Edit's-mind .was fillip impressed with
the importance of the great truth, as was
evinced by her fervent reference to the sub-
Jett, in the shape of questions unanswerable.
One miming, however. she •propounded a
stunner. which brought down the house. In
tently. watching her mother sweeping, as if to
learn the art she must finally practice; say
ing not a word, her eyes rested on the little
heap of dirt accumulated by her mother's
'broom. , Just as the dirt was to he s w e pt into
rn stre..t. the philnsopher h•trst forth with
VTII sive the dust to
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