The Business and Railroad Prospects of Colorado. • AbodL tha middle of November last the mareleusts Of Denver City. Colorado. organ* I Lied a Board of 'Trade and elected the.usual STOVE WORKS! compliment of officers: John W. Smith, Esq., is President, and Mr. Henry C. Leach, form- 1 erly or St Louis, Secretary. Since entering upon their duties, the executive and other officers have been untiring in - their efforts to stimulate Interest in the business of their city , both there and throughout the emMtry, and as a trims thereto have compiled statistics ! of the trade of Denver, which are published in the first annual report of their Beare. And though, as stated in their report, "the exhibit represents the least active year in the I history of Denver, covering a period of Indi an war, when the main lines of travel, east and west, . were almost closed by Indians, and immigration virtually prohibited," the statistics disclose a healthy activity in 'busi ness, highly. treditable to the new city. Tho following are the figures taken principally from official returns in the Assessor's office: Gross sales of merchandise, $5,948,000 00 Cash paid for freight, - 2,171,000 00 Pounds of freight received, 17,122,000 00 • Sacks of flour sold, 70,886 00 Cash Value of lumber sold, 850,000 00 , 250 buildings erected, valued at 722,650 00! Cash value of goods manufac tured in Denver; - 88i,000 00 Cash received for passengers by stage lines, - - - 591,801 00 Cash received for express mat ter, - • - Gold shipped by Wells, Fargo & Co., - -_, 1,560,000 00 Gold bought by banks, - 604,000 00 Gold and silver received by the U. S. Branch Mint, - 289,168 70 Average 'cash deposits in banks, 741,000 00 Average loans and discounts by banks, - 398,000 00 Eastern exchange sold by b'ks, 8,304,000 00 I Amout of cash paid over bank counters, • - - 71,870,000 00 ' This amount does not represent the yield I of gold for the Territory, nor even approxi mate to it, as over one-half of the gold pass es to the East in the hands of private parties. ! The principal yield of gold is from the counties of Gilpin, Clear Creek and Summit, and nearly all the gold from those counties is • purchased tit Central City. Such is a statement of the business of a city, isolated from railroad communication and reached only by stages or wagons across the Plains, where insecurity from Indians is - added to the present discomforts of travelers, or slow transp o rtation of freight Yet, de- , spite all these drawbacks, the wealthy mines . adjacent, with the vast freighting trade of , the Plains, have made Denver a well-built, thriving city, with a business such as above reported by her Board of Trades Though attaining her present growth while remote from railroad facilities, the past year has greatly hastened the extension of the nation al Pacific railways, and Denver, with all the rich mining regions of-Colorado, has been correspondingly benefited. The Omaha - Union Pacific, in its western course, at Chey enne, passes within 110 miles of Denver, and the Union Pacific, Eastern Division, though retaisred in its construction, is, to-day, 200 miles nearer Denver. than a year ago. ' This road being almost an air line between St. Louis, Denver and the Colorado mining , regions, its route and progress are vitally in teresting to the former city and Missouri, while scarcely less important to the whole central railway system extending from New York to Colorado. We learn from that com pany that the Union Pacific Ralway, Eastern Division, has reached Coyote Station, 335 miles west of its initial point on the •Missouri ricer, at Kansas City, nnd, with the'opening of spring, will be- rapidly constructed, via Pond Creek or Fort Wallace, as far into Col orado as its bonded subsidy extends. The company are about applying to Congress for further governmental aid. to secure the con struction of their road through New Mexico and Arizona to the Pacific, and in recent is sues of our paper we urged the importance of their obtaining this aid for national and local development. We learn also that the proposed extensibn southward has not caused the company to abandon their line through Colorado to a junction with the Omaha road; but, in their application to Congress, they have included the further issue of govern ment bonds to assist its immediate construc tion. The land grants, already theirs, embrace the most arable soil of Colorado, and that best adapted to speedy agricultural development, while the contiguous extensive pineries and coal fields promise both cross-ties for the rap id construction and fuel for the cheap opera tion of the road. During the past summer Col. W. H. Green wood (the war Topographical Engineer of the Cavalry Corps, Army of the Cumberland) surveyed the entire distance between Fort Wallace (Pond Creek) and Denver, finding an excellent railroad route. From these care ful preliminary surveys, those of definite lo cation will be rapidly made, while the con struction of the road, if unretarded by Indi ans, can go forward' at more than a mile a day. From Denver westward to an intersect " tion with the Omaha road, no topographical difficulties exist, the "Eastern Division" being . chiefly embarrassed to select, from the sever al practicable routes, that•best -calculated to laibserve the mining interests of Colorado, thus promoting the rapid development of these sources of public revenue and improve ment of the national currency. - The wealth of the mines west of Denver, which have fostered and produced the flour ishing towns of Central -City, Golden-City, Blackhawk and Georgetown, has long at tracted the attention of capitalists has made the cost of transporting machinery enormous. The speciment of gold and silver ores from these mines, which we have seen at the office of the Kansas Pacific Railway Company, are or great richness, some of the silver ores from the Georgetown mines yielding from $7OO to 41,200 per ton. Copper abounds in all the auriferous and argentiferous ores of Colorado, but from the comparative, inaccessibility of the lodes and consequent cost of reduction, has not been profitably worked: An idea of the expense of Colorado mining now and heretofore, with the slow and precarious wagon transportation, may be gained from the simple statement that the salt indispens able for mining purposes, though manufac tured in the South Park, costs ten cents per pound And since under all these disadvantages Colorado has sufficiently developed her mines to yield a large proportion of the gold and silver produced in the United States, how al most illimitable will be their productive ca pacity when the Eastern Division of the Pa cific Railroad unlocks her _mineral treasures. And nothing but similar legislation for the Central, to that already accorded the North ern and California Pacific Railroads, is re quired to* assure the construction of this much-needed thoroughfare within a few Months. Capitalists are ready to add their means to the loan of the Government, while an energetic and responsible corporation will prowchte the' great work, affording continu ous and rapid rail transit between Denver or' the mountain cities of Colorado and St. Louis„ Cincinnati. Pittsburgh. Philadelphia, New York and ficiston. The central railway sys tem thus prolonged westward will enjoy a milder climate. whill! he ahsence of inter -ruption from snow •teilFguarantee free coin munication every day in the year., • . 'file northern tier of cid wisely appreci ative of the immense possibilities placed within their reach by the Pacific Railway, arc bending every energy to secure the now -comprehended trade of the plains. Their representatives are active and yealetis guardi ans of their interests in Congress; shall ours be laggard in fiseering our internal commerce and securing for us the traffic naturally our own? Every Congressman from Kansas, - Missouri, Southern Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, East Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Penn sylvania and New York has a special geo graphic,al interest in the extension of this central railway to the mines of Colorado and across the continent to San Francisco, while the entire South are vitally concerned in its construction . since, for years to come, it promises them the only practicable western outlet for-their commerce, as well as their Inostdirect channel of import fromthe whole Pacific coast. • Corr op.lavnso.—On . the question of bow large a sum may be saved from a small sala ry, a lady save In an exchange : .11y income is $8 per week,which I spend in the following manner :---Board and wash ing, $4.25; church contributions, 25 cents; car fare and books, 50 cents.; clothes, $1.50, total, $6.50. The balance, $1.50,1 deposit in the bank." A young man gives los experience thus : "Sly income ii.2o dollars a week. My aver'. age expenses are, for board and room, $7,60; .clothing, $6.00; billiards, $2.50; (I play a poor game ;) $1.50; horse hire, 43 ; literary, True Flag and Police Gazette, 10 cents; washing, 25 cents; church contribu tions, 5 cents ; total, $2:l For the balance I drag - on the old man. My washing bill last year ivas $4O, but us my neces.oiry expenses were so high, I was able to pay only $l3 of it, which gives the average of 25 cents week. 1 would like to marry, but don't see how I can. The ladies are so extravagant,- and have so.many expensive habits, I can't ttupport a wife." SZYSTONE REMOVED. Tibbals, Shirk & Whitehead' (WHOLESALE & RETAIL DE.ALERB.) Manufacturers of STOVES HOLLOW WARE ! 188,078 00 RAVE BEHOVED THEIR FOUNDRY, SALESROOM AND OFFICE, To their few and Commodious Building Twelfth and Sassafrai Sts., ERIE & PITTSBURGH CAR WORKS Our increased facilitiel for Manufacturing wil give ui as large a variety of COAL AND WOOD Cooking and Heating wrco - viEsit As is to be found West of Albany We Manufacture for Coal Coo?iig toves, IRON GATE, IRON GATE SMOKE BURNER, v, tboth plain and extension top,) WHEAT SHEAF, NEW ERA AND AMERICAN ROBE, IRON KING AND LEADER, Low Oven Cook Stoves, for Wood, IMPROVED FOREST OAK, (plain and eitenedod top,) GOLD STAR, NEW AllglEfiT OAK AND Elevated Oven Stoves, ADVANCE, PRINCE & MINNESOTA Parlor Cook Stoves, ECLIPSE ANT) BLACK SWAN. Parlor Stereo' for Wood, BELLE, FAME AND SIGNALS Parlor and °Mee Heating Stoves, ARIZONA, DWARF, GEM, BELLE OF THE LAKE, SIGNAL, PEARL. KEYSTONE, FAME, COTTAGE, 'CASKET, :GLOBE AND SALAMANDER. We would respectfully invite the attention of the public to an expe , ls. o en of our LARGE AND VARIED Assortment of Stoves i Being assured that with our e facilities for manufacturing, we can zt = " 2 indueements to the purchaser es win be entire. ly satisfactory. Celebrated Base Ilhatztlug Oriental Heating Stove Tbe beet in tbaWortd, bac Which We have exclusive nide is the eu7. DdlYl2. A=t CORNER OF Oppmite IZO For Soft Coal. I=l=l For Hard Cosi. NEN'TOR for Caul, We ale* have the T. 8. dk IV. The Elastic Family Michinedoes all kinds of Sewing, thick or thin, without change of ten sion. 'Also, Beautiful Embroidering. Tbt Lock Stitch 3tachines for light RBI , heavy tail oring, or leather work. Simple, quiet and easy in oneration. Machines exchanged and to rent. For sale by -S. M. WEIGEL, at Weigel's PianciWare Booms, 1004 State street, Wittich Block.' S' Pianos, Organs, Melodeons and all kinds of Musical Instruments kept for sale. deel2'67-tf. . Erie & Pittsburgh Railroad. ON.A-N B, 1887, trains wtll run tYti.N. road OVEN.mfEoll! lows : LIZAVZ ELITE-fIOrTTIWARD 10:05 A. 31., Pittsburgh Express, stops at all sta tions, and arrives at A. & G. W. R. R. Trans fer at 1:40 p. m., at New Castle at 3:00 p. m., and at Pittsburgh at &00 p. p. 6:00 P. 51., Accommodation, arrives at 7Rtßes. town at 3:03 p. in. &00A,. M., Accommodation from Jamestown, • arrives at A. &G.W.R. R. Transfer at 5:115 a. m" at New Castle at 7:00 a. tn., and Pitts burgh at 10:00 a. in. LEAVE PITTSBUItOII—!..:ORTIMARD. 8:00 A. Id., Erie Ezßresm leaves New Castle at 8:45a. Tn. A. & NV:It. It. Transfer at 10:10 a. m., making close connection with train* for Buffalo and Niagara Ealls,and arrives at Erie at 1:30 p. m. 4:20 P. M., Night Expres, leaves New castle at p. m., A. & CI. W. It. It. Transfer at 9:45 p. m.„ Jamestown at p. and arrives at Erie at 1.15, a. In. Pittsburgh Express south connects at James- town at 1240 p.m. with J. & F.. Express, arriving at Franklin at 2:35 p. m., and Oil City :at 3:40 p. an. Connects at Transfer at 1:40 p. m., with A. & G. W. Mail west, for Warren, Ravena and Cleveland. Erie Express north connects at A. 6: G. W. Transfer at 10:10 a: in., with nail east for Mead ville and Jamestown, and at Jamestown with J. & F. Express for Franklin, arriving at Frank lin at 235 p. m., and Oil City at 310 p. rn. Trains connect at Rochester with trainsi for Wheeling and all points in West Virginia, and at Pittsburgh. connections for Philadelphia, Harrisburg, Baltimore and Washington, via Pennsylvania Central Railroad. Erie Express north connects at Girard with Cleveland dt Erie trains westward for Cleveland, Chicago and all points in the West; at Erie with Philadelphia & Erie Railroad for Corry, Warren, Irvineton, Tidloute, &c., and with Bußalo & Erie Railroad for Buffalo. Dunkirk, Niagara Falls and New York City. J. J. LAWRENCE, decl2ll7-tf Superintendent. AUSTIN Don't advertike so intensely the largest stock of old style goods for tho 'Holidays, but after thirty years' sfillng Watches, Diamonds, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Fancy Goods, &c., in ' Erie, is prepared to show upon this occasion and steady right along hereafter, every day, Just such goods In style and quality most desirable to buy. The old shopkeeper who so long stood guard, have been relieved by New Goods, which urrived last evening from hew York, and at once displaced the Old Fogies, who were very glad to see in testtled Young America with the Latest Styles at the Lowest Prices. Old and new patrons, don't he afraidof an old concern—Austin is up to the times and en deavors to do things in a practical manner. Watches and Jewelry repaired skilfully. Sil ver Ware manufactured as usual. Engraving in every design on Gold and Silver. Give me a - T. M. AUSTIN, At 0 North Park Row. N. 11.—New Goods, Jr., will arrive at Austin's Dec. 21th..1567. decl9-3ne where. B. L. Fahnestock & Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.'. sole agents. "r 40-13 ACCO! iIEYTI C C 40 J. W. TAYLOR, Manufacturer of NAVY, SPUN ROLLS, Bs. lOs And all the other brands of "I' 0 II A CCO: NO. 427 PENN HTREET, FREE GIFTS TO ALIA A Silk Dress Pattern, a Family Sewing Machine, or Gold Watch, P"ItIE.E. °kV CO13"1" • For one or two days' sen - tee In any town or village. Particulars and samples sent free, by addressing, with stamp, B. CLOVE/MAN L.. CO. No. 30 Hanover Mt., Boston, Maas. drela-am. Assignee In Bankruptcy. • TN THE DISTRICT COI:Mot the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, In the matter of Samuel Kahn, hankrupt. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as assignee of Samuel Kahn, of the city of Corry, county of Erie and State of Pennlvania. within said district, who has been a djudged a bankrupt, upon his own petition, by the Distrio Court of said dim- Diet, dated at nle, Jan ZS, A. DON& HENRY H. RIRIXT, 'Assignee, ja-n4w. No. l Peach St., Erie, Pa. Warrant in Bankruptcy. ' 'PHIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE that on the 10th 1 day of January, A. D., 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of Silas R. Grer„ of the- city of Corry, in the county of Erie. State of Pennsylvania, who has been adjudged a bankrupt on his own pe tition ; That the payment of any debts and de livery of any property belonging to such bank rupt to him, and for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of said bankrupt, to prove their-debts and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at Erie, before S. E. WoodrulT,Regbiter, on the 20th day of Februa ry, A. D.,1868, at 10 THOMAS M. A. ROWLEY, ja.Z-tw. C. S. Marshal for said District. FIRST-CLASS PtiNOS! LOUIS BERGE d CO., ' .Manufacturers of FIRST•CLASS AGRAFFE OVERSTRUN. PIANO-FORTES WALREROO3II3, 97 SLIME= EITNICZT. These Pianos are recommended by the most eudnentjudges, and are, forwer, fultnees,elsa- Getty of tooth and durabili ty, unsurpassed by any pianos made In this country. GUARANTEED FOR. FIVE YEARS.. Illustrated Catalogue and Price List gent: by mall ou application. fob/Wee-Iy. . Assignee in Bankruptcy. IN THE DISTRICT COMM of the United States for the Western District of Penn'a. In the matter of the bankruptcy of N. - ia. Fausett, The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment as asaignee of N. H. Fausett, of Union 31111e,-Erie Co., and State of Pennsylva nia, within said District, who has been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition by the Dim trtet Court of said district, dated at Erie, Nov. let, A. D., leg. HENRY M. RIBLET, Assignee, jaM-3w. No. 1:1:4 Peach Bt., Erie. Pa. Administrator's Notice.. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the estate of Mateeth:a Magill, ileeeaced, late of the city of Erie, having been granted to the un dersigned, notice th hereby given to all d to the said estate to make immediate payment, and those having claims agaimn the .ame will present theht, duly authenticated, for settle meat. RICHARD 9.111:1EN. CM= Notice. W. JAIVEB having clliipo.seti of his inter . est in the firm of Holum= a co., to Ullman, the business will be continued by the undeTsigned, at the same localities and under the sametlile as heretofore. The accounts ctf the old firm will be settled by us. - R.. 1. 8.41.T831AN, Ja2ll-2w. • .1. R. itALTfiNIAN. BLANKSI BLANKS ! A complete assort ment of every kind of Blanks needed by Attorneys, Justima t Constables and Business ran. for sale atths Obwvw Waft. ..._- . , . • • MARKS & NEYEIL! NE • W - PRIMO Vor the H a ndkerchief. • o,sf ril The most elegant aeleetion for Men's. Boys . ' and • eldldren'a FALL & WINTER WEAR ! NEW YORK CLOTHING HOUSE, Coatings, Cassimeres, &c., NEW YORK CLOTRTNG HOUSE, Clothint 310de to Order, In a style superior to any heretofore made in thLs vicinity, at the NM TORY CLOTHING HOUSE. Men'S Furnishing Goods, From a Pape ea r, r Co at lla tict per 'ken, at trfinest he Bik Under W NEW TOR II CLOTHING HOUSE, An ItuspecUoit of our really beautiful Stock or Fall and Winter Goods ! P. S.—A Wholenale Department Is connected with this Howe. oelo-3m. J. EICHENLAUB & CO., MAN'tiF.I(!TURF:RB OF • BOOTS & SHOES ! PITTSBURGH, FA RETAIL DEPARTMENT. We have Just finished, and prepared for pub. Ile inspection, aluarn moth stock of Boots,flboes, Gaiters, Rubbers, etc, embracing evet7cleserlP- Ron and variety of kind's, and which for style, quality and finish cannot be surpassed In the market, all of which are offered at late reduced rates. We also pay especial and strict atten tion to For which the aunt Collection of Leathers are kept on hand, and every facility is secured for accommodating customers promptly, and in a style to render perfect satisfaction. Particular attention is also directed to our WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT, Where we manufacture at WhOleeale, Men's Boys'. ladles', Misses' and Children's Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, etc., of every variety and kind. Having lately enlarged our manufactory by the addition of new buildings and improved ma chinery, we are pre to supply the Trade on abort notice and at the lowest marketruiees. Adjoining this department are connected our LEITH - ER AND FINDINGS 100 MS! Embracing French, German and American Calf Skins, of beet and varied brands, Slaughter and Spanish Sole Leather, French and Ameri can Roans of all colors and prices. With our inoreased; facilities we can sell as low as any Eastern manufacturer, and make to order any kind of work wanting by the Trade. Thankful for the past, liberal patronage of the public, we respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. seas-tf. J. EICGENLAGB a co. Gifts for Christmas and New Tears! A snyezb Stock of Pine Gold and Silver WaTho all Warranted to RWI, and roug hlyted, at the Low Each, and Saga - fiction Guaranteed. 100 PAM Gold Hunting Watches,...lMo to 31000 HO Magic Cased Gold Watches...—. to ZOO 100 ladles' Watches; enameled IVO to 300 =Gold Hunting Chronometer do.. 250 to 300 XXI Gold Hunting English Levers—. MO to 250 XXI Gold Hunting Duplex Watches- 150 to 1119 MO Gold Hunting American d 0...-. 100 to .ZO On Silver Hunting Levers.... ......... 60 to 150 600 Silver Hunting Duplexes - 7 to ZO SCO Gold Ladles' Watches 0 0 to 250 1000 Gold Hunting Lepines.....--- 50 to .5 MOO Miscellaneous Silver Watches.— 50 to .100 2500 Hunting Sliver Watches Mto 50 6000 Assorted Watches, all kinds 10 to 76 The above stock will be disposed or on the Popular One Price Plan, giving .Palcall a fine Gold or Solid Watch for slo, w ithout regard to value. Wright Bra. & Co.,y, dis 181 Broadway, Sew York, wish to immediatelpose of the above mag nificent stock. Certificates, naming the articles are placed in pealed envelopes and well mixed. Holders are entitled to the articles named in their certificate, up..oti payment of ten dollars, whether it be n watch worth 81,000 or one worth less. The return of any of our certificates e ti ties you to the articles named thereon, upon payment, irrespective of ita worth, and no article valued less thrin 810 is named on any cer tificate, it will at once be seen that this is no lot tery, but a straight forward legitimate transae non, which may be participated in by the most hist miens. • . A single eertifi6ate will be sent by mall, post paid, upon . recelpt of t. 5 cents, five for 11, eleven for 62, thirty-three and elegant premium for $6, sizty-sia and more valuable premium for $lO, one hundred anti most superb watch for 116. To agents or those wishing employment, this la a rare opportunity. It is a legitimately conduct ed business, dub authorized by the Govern ment, and open to the most careful scrutiny. Watches sent by expreae,with bill for collection on delivery, so that no dissatisfaction can pos sibly occur. Try us. ' Address 1411I011r, BROTHERS 00., Importers. decia-3m. • Ittl Broadway, NOW Tort. -- ----- •,,, Adminthtmtor. BOOKAGENTS WANTED to solicit orders for, DR. WM. SMITH'S DICTIONA RY OiF THE BIBLE. Written by YPof the moat distlardshed Divine* Europe and Anterlat. Illustrated with aver 1Z Steel and Wood En- Ravi CoLapleie In One Large Octavo Vol ume. Retail mm, IWO. We employ no Gene. ral Agents, and can thus el eralndent* meats to agents dealing directly with us. For full particulars and terms, address the Publish. .1. R BURR COt. Hammy. Conn . CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! AT THE No. 4 Nag . r.lnel EMI The CoMplotest dock Of AT THE No. 4 Noble Block :Co. 4 Noble Block. Full LiZINt In No. 4 NOble Block Is respeegully solicited. • MA KS it MEYER.' No. 62S State Street. CUl9TO1!• WOUIE No. SWoot.Boventh WHOLESALE -9 lIALWS A 'le. , rxquiiito, Delicate, and Fre Etnt.PriName, Distilled from the Rare F. :Id Beautiful Flower from which_ it takea its name: ;;:ii;..,tvava mt.- by pita LON it SON NEW 'SCOW!: BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS, AIM FOR PHALON'B—TAKE NO MOE& Sold by Druggitta criseranY• • BANS NOTICkI. Keystone National Mani, oF• WAVLE. CAPITAL $250,000. DIRECrORS ; selden Marvin, JTowohn W. 14111 b le. Mau Marvin, Baster n, O. No O 1 OE 'NOBLE. Fred. JNO. J. TOWN. Cash. The above bank Ia now doing Inutinese In Ha new building, • L : I Satisfactory paper discounted. , Money re calved on deposit. Collections made and pro. reeds accounted for with promptnesa. Drafts, Specie and Bank Notes bought and sold. A of public patronage solicited. - Important Notice. PAIRVIzw STATIoN, Sept. 18, 1887. The Subscriber would respectfully inform the Farmers of Fairview and vicinity, that be is prepared to pay, THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE for all kinds or Farm Produce deliVered at Fairview Station. Also, keeps on .hand for sale BITUMINOUS AND ANTHRACITE COAL, as cheap as can be had elsewhere. Also, has the agency of Hasegood, Young & Co.'s Superior Cast Steel Plows, Sulkey Culttvaters, Wal la ce & Jones' Self-Dumping Wheel Flay Rake,&c. And has a superior lot of full blood and gr ade SUFFOLK AND CHESTER WHITE PIGS! A. STONE. NEW F'KELAI. Having associated with•me on the Ist of Janua ry Andrew Mayer, in the BOOT & SHOE BUSINESS, The firm will be known ea C. Englebart t Co.. and the business will be carried on am hereto fose at No. 18 West Park, Erie, Pa. C. ENGLEHART: Something. New. Buy Silver Tipped Shoes for your children. A majority of the children wear holes in the toes of their shoes in a verS, few days; then the shoes are soon worthless, and a new pair mast be bought. a • The only way to prevent this great of money is to buy shoes protected by sli ver tips. They never wear out at the toe, and make a pair of shoes last three times as long as without Tips. Leather Caps have been worn to some extent, but, they have proved worthless. Sliver Tips have a neat and substantial appear ance, and do away entirely with the disagree able right of dirty stockings and protruding toes. We have constantly' on hand the only as oortment of Silver Tipped Shoes to be found in the city. including fine Sewed shoes, 13almomls, Youth,,' Boots, dre., which we offer, together with a large and fashionable assortment of Ladies' and lients' Flne and Heavy goods, at the,lowest cn"h prletm. mrli U7-tf. C. ENGLE:HART di CO. • - .FAMILY OASES Of Si large vials, meroero same; •ontalnlng a apeelfie lb f iirdlniary al./mile a Wally U' subject to, and a book of dl. -elections ..... .•. 510 00 ]mailer Faintly nndTrriTCll-115Ccf"."4 With . $11055 ..Silcciil-•-• for Le tr•th C • ..-r • • - - Lz Fre,vlstic. WHO. MADE YOUR COAT? It tits so nice I guess I tuu.t gu aud gnt our how nro till charges", Why, don't yon know. he Fwll4 C.HEAPER than any othi)r Merehan.t Tailor in ;town, has the . . BEST ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, IM=MMI WARRANTS 1118 GAB .1:4 : TO FIT! Nol le that sof Of couree2lt le : go to hie Store, No. 626 State S eet, . And give him a chance, to make you mai, and you will never buy any - where eke. Je27117-0. BARNU - g DRUGS, NEMOURS,- FANCY 000D3, PERFUMERY TOILET SOAPS, HAIR ' 0 I L , ;POWDER PUFFS, - • BRUSHES. .0' COLOGNE, Linseed Onic Turpentines., Varnthli. Hydtome. tern of all kinds, PATENT 2dEDIMnFES, PURE LIQUORS FOR MEDICAL PITRPIXON, lgondOn Porter and Scotch Ale. Prescriptions carefully dispensed. All - Articles sold by me are warranted to be precisely as rep. resented. trouble to show goods. Remem ber the name and place, BARNUNIL 1317 Peach Street, South of the Depot. aprllll7-1y Authorized Capital $500,000. ' CAPITAL PAID smo,ooo. THE SECOND NATIONAL BANE opened for business on ' MONDAY, DECEMBER 11711, 1664,. In the banking offlee previously occupied by the Merchant's Benk,'Brown's Building, notch-eard corner of State street and public Park. WM. L. 14(3Yrr, Prost. WM. C. CURRY, Cash. • rdimcrona: WM. L, SCfri.T, of firm of J. Hearn .t Co:, Coal Dealers. JO'. MVARTER, of firm of' Seiden, Bliss & McCarter, Builders, GEO. J. MOUTON, Coal Dealer. W..'. BROWN. Agent Buffalo ,k Erie R. It. JOHN I. BUIRIENS, of firm of flemeus,caugh ey & Burgess. Wholesale Grocers. O. E. CliorCH, of firm of croucii ro., Flour Merchants. M. It. BARR, of firm of Barr, Johnson 4: Sea man,Btove Mannfactnrym F. F. FARRAR, of firm of Gray & Farrar, Wholesale Grocers. J. DREISIBAKER, Grocer, der6L VII/IN ITU' WEI Reduced 30 Per Cent. ,In Price! , AT • DEORAdIe & TAILOR'S 87 and 89Znonny._ _CS Okada Street, and .. 130 and llB Salter Sheet, . (Entrance Le Bottum) WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. • Our Stock eonalita of sli grades, styles and kinds of FURDIMME and - SEWN% of our own maim which we guarantee. saO r n Monoa Stork e a n n t d li o e . ki ds nA n the u a. MU AT A LOC& PESLEY'S National Claim Agency ! Office In Omar Hill Bitlllding, Erle, Pa. SOLDIERS' Tommy AU elaimants for extra bounty allowed by lets sets of Ltmgreas t can have the same promptly collected by sending their discharges to me, the receipt of which will be promptly acknowledg• ed and instructions returned. INCREASE OF PENSIONS. op per month forth° total loss of use of either =fru:A Instead of %Wie month seamen for each Also, other increases. ADDITIONAL FOR VOL OFFICERS of ILK As Three months pay proper for all in service March 3d, and discharged after April 9th, Claims cashed. Claims for arrears of pay, and penslons, and bounty, promptly collected. Unequalled facil ities for closing and completing claims. Allow ance to prisoners of war collected. Only agency In North-Western Pennsylvania where years of experience in the U. M. Treasury Can be found. Thankful for the very liberal patronage be stowed in the past, we hope by increased rape. nonce and unremitting attention to patrons, to secure their continued favor. . °lice in Farrar Hall Bu.Uding. Address K. TODD PERLEY, Lock Box 101. Erie, Pa. aur66-tf. NEW pxFerx.l Jatnes P. Crook, having taken in his ,on, Jas. E., as a partner, on the Ist dav of April. I&tt, un der the firm name of James P. Crook ek Son, de sires toltace a settlement of his old Recounts. Ail persons knowing themaelves indebted "to him ate regnefited to call and settle without de lay. P. ('ROOK 4." SON Floakm; in ROUC4-1-: &, PLANED L,U:.7.13ER. r, 1,01.1,' I , 1.1.1.N1)8. \lu•ihl:a4•. 1.10 i hholt MittOLing 011 BOA% c.t.n Fourth it4,11 - 11:11 Et ti.. I'a. We r. npf.l.t fully call thi atteniion of ti pnb lic to our facilities for clotng work in the bent of style, promptly and un rea.mahle term.. Hav ing fitted up entirely ilea* shops,. with superior machinery, we heel confident of giving satisfac tion. Orders from abroad will receive prompt attention. JAMES P. CROOK s SON. GERMAN SAYINGS INSTIITTION, Co'rner Itahth land fsitate kits.. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE. This Institution is now open for the transac tion of business. 01110 E HOURS 9 A. M. to 4P:31. 14*Tuitmors : 9 A. M. to 8 P. M. Biz Per Cent. Interest will be Given by this Institution to Regular Depositors. 'DIRECTORS: J. Eichenlanb, P. A. Becker, F. P. Liebe', F. Schneider, Jobn blenshelmer. OFFICERS: John Genahehner President Matthew Schlaudecker, Treasurer F. Schneider, .Secretary my2'67-Iy. 10.5. atAiri.l. SMILIIIMITIIP lIIONCEOP.IIIIIO XPECIIIPICIP. PRORD. MY THE MOOT MIMI litl=ea ea ars MOM ; myla— itailabla flay .n the only I r l= =4ly aboard rya.y smo—sa sample UM aria. 0111Sult la alai tbaor; ark barman" ea to be treatras daaser. sad ea ardiaat ea to WI &rap nalabra, flay IWO raised es barbed imoistatlalls tress sil. sad d-vUI elms nadir istisibetiss, OM' • 1. curet 11•Iniva. Ossiness, Is&manaleas.. IS 9, Wernp t EssurPerrir, Werwasils. 111 I. , Er* I& er 'NUNN ef less& NI 4, . Mary tan elf silithes or *sat 25 Dlisentary. Oritdia Mess (Ws.. 111 Cholisra•Blorbus, Vasiday 1$ t. Comets, Cads, Brostlitis la 9 Wiesirslas. Tostbsebs, Ineadta. - II 9, 115atliselinli Erliilin=lrenllll * IS. Dyspepsia. Mesa 8 IS 11. Su raised. es IsUtal Paricen.... * 19 toe pir Perk& ss S 9 Creep* Eilh ig e VI 211,, Sall Ellusisisa, Srep 111 /9, Rhsausatlisis, salsas Use- IS 14, Few* & Afilli CARD rem, Agen 110 11, Piles. bliad or as 0. 00011010E0y, sad sore& walk Eris 59 /9. Esilarrd, awls se ebtonlis lethisnss 59 Ilk Wkoopluveika lierilimathrsibe in AI, Astk 10 Ilk Ear Dt enlists= t=esrise Ds Ilk lierofela, es *sods. Nunn& 9 0 k E*5511111 WEST. Pkydsal Weakaan NI - Dropsy. sad nasty Siiristioss a Ilk Seavklatnesa, Meltzer fro nags. be 11. ' IL Ithlikvulsease, Omni . 11l U. !litmus *sanity. Sainlnal Earalsodealia, 'sestinas:: Un- - sk • isolignetilb. Cuter d al 1 9 " Urinary is eaknoss. wetting bed. OS 11. , " Painful Periods, with It - N 111_ ~..• Ito Cirri ngs at elisago of life Pam- L O l 1 1 2 , - Epilepsy. Sponse Skeins' Inses.l.ol/ ss. • bud's - helms, ulcerated San Mut* 11l : . Co:r.prtr.,7, utlice stO. Depf.g., flag. • D r. r 1, fllWy SrblliMT(ll,. t .rsotmlly or 13) ic;..t,fiaCi..kalc, for sa MOO 101 61e11115. FOU BALI: ttst y VtAtiisiS. WM. NICK A: - SiN and WIIJUNS MEE= CHE.IP CASH STORE. . 1I I v IN,Ii'IG-, Corner of Bth and Mate Ste.. DIALER IN Grooeriee and PrOViigioxiiit, Wood, Willow and Stone Ware, And everything Chit is 'mustily kept In a First Class Finally Grocery. ALL GOODS SOLD CHEAP FOR CASH. The beat brands of Erie County *lour, . Always on Hand. Call mid examine prices. gig' Goods delivered free in any part of the city or South Erie. onS-tf. P In WA 34 Z4Al=lOl/A * IN a; 11111 E UNDERSIGNED having purchased the I. well known Livery Stand heretofore occu pied by Wm..J. Sterrett, desires to inform his friends and the public that he will continue the business, and invites their patronage. THE STOCK will be largely increased and Im proved—new conveyances have been procured and some of the beet livery horsesin the perm try. •I am determined so to condui t the estab bailment as to give satisfaction. Those who want to obtain the services of a good team will find me ready at all times to accommodate them at reasonable prices. Recollect the place, Stetrett'a Old Stand, Fifth street,. rear of the Reed House. Jes'6• THOS. LENNON. NEW WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CROCKERY STORE; 511 STATE STREET. ISJAC ROSENWEIG, SEN., Has opened a new store of the above deserip lion,at his old stand,neur the South West corner of State street and the Park, where he invites his old customers and the public generally to give him a call. Constantly on hand a gene ra/ assortment of Crockery, Glass, China and Silver Ware, Bed Room Sets, Dinner and Tea Seta, Knives, Forks, Tea Spoons, Looking Glasses, Lampe, Globes, Chimneys, .Sce. FANCY GOODS OF ALL KINDS'. Embracing some of the moat beautiftil ever brought to this market. Those who wish to buy at a bargain will find it to their interest to call. He guarantees to sell n)'PER CENT. BELOW any other house in the city. my24'67:ly. MATCHES, DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, SILVER, WARE, • ' And a great variety of , E . A. N.CY GOODS, Al' Au sT N'S, Paragon Building, 28 N. Park Place;-Trio, Nee ..10..r ii Mk Ilk. • , tot and fie.h. fonalt:.•_goo 1;,•1,1, lui ila• nest inolll . lll, it a \ get .kt 11011 ill price. The all Het% :11.44 purvlatsed :it lower rates of gold than re tw,:t tt , l tletelinitted toavold .Ilostu.s In Tutor.-, small prollm and 'cash transac. Sons shall benefit alike customer anti dealer. Thirty years established In Erle, lit the same brdrietts, may he home guarantee thnt.nn great amount of misrepresentation will be employed, but just enough Old Fogy and Young America spirit to warrant safe tranauctiens and good bargains. SILVER SPOONS OF COIN SILVER, For sale or made to order. Watches and all kinds of time keepers and Jewelry carefully re pat led and . T warranted. Give me . a call. myrlll74t Lai PRINTING of every kind, In large or small quantities. plata or colors% done in best style. and at moderate prices. at take Moamar Moe. Hoop Skirt & Corset Depot! AT Trig New York Hoop Skirt Manufactory, 10019131 CAME tilr. Neat, Light,_ Fashionable and Cheap. A. F. COHEN t IMO. respectfully Inf.'?rm the ladles of Erie and surrounding country that they have on hand a large assortment rif Hoop Skirts, of all sizes and styles, of our own male, and manufactured of the hest flexible steel and material, which we will guarantee equal to any In the market. Having had considerable expe. rlence in the business, we are confident of our ability to give entire satisfaction to all those who may favor us with a call. If any of our make will break within one year„ they will be repalred, - affd no charges made. Old Skirts repaire4, altered and shaped as new. New Skirts made to order at the shortest notice.. A splendid and large stock of all kinds of Corsets and Corset Steels constantly kept on band. Country merchants supplied at the very 101 l est rates. A. F. COHEN le BHA,. Ja2-tf. No.looB State street, Erie, Ida. N E W BOOK BINDERY AIrD Blank Book Manufactory We world•mapecttully announce to the public that we have opened a 13CICOIE and are prepared to do work in any branch of the busineea. . BLANK .BOOKS: Oen]] kinds, on hand and made to order, and ruled to any pattern desired. MAGAZINES Ll'iD OLD BOOKS, Bound and repaired in the beat style BINDERY OVER Keyntabe NW:tonal liaak_, Cormier - State bad Bth Streets, B-ria, Pa. .anS-am E. M. COLE h SON. THE. TJNI)I4:7,I2SIG-INTE.I3, liming purchased the interest of the ?deem Vincents in the FLOUR AND FEED BUSINESS Of the late firm, would respectfully solicit a continuance of favor from the friends and pa trons of the house, and the public in general, pledging himself that ho will at all times try to sell good and reliable Flour, Feed and Grain! At the lowest price for cash in hand. From my long experience in this branch of the trade, I truss I know what the public demand, and that I am prepared to meet that "want. Returning my thanks to the public for their liberal patronage to me in the past, I hope by strict attention to my business and their wants, to merit a continuance of their patronage in the future. frti:soliksoselteaelloK•lirmeao334l AND GRAIN BUSINE.4B, Will be continued, In all its departments, at the ERIE MILLS, PARADE STREET, • _ and tile Store, . EAST PARK ROW, Between Brown's Hotel and Reed House, ' Where the public will finds good stock always for sale, with competent and polite men on hand to supply their wants. H. B. HAVERST/CR. EAGLE FOUNDRY, Peach Street, above the Buffalo Road, ERIE, PA I I 17.5" & CO., MANUFACTURERS OF P.‘ 111.01 t, COOK AND OFFICE STOVES TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE, THE CELEBRATED CURTIS PLOWS And all klnde. of Iron (')lr.tlngs Every Stove sold by us is warranted to give satisfaction. Kettles, Sleigh Shoes, Sad Irons, ege., hand and manufactured to older. Plows and Plow Points of superior make and durabili ty always on hand. A call and a fait trial of our articles is all we ask. curNtZ-11. HENRY. BRYANT & CO. J. W. AYREs , • Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Furniture ! Having purchased the entire stock of tore of Messrs. Moore it Riblet, I respectfully ask my old customers and the public generally to give me a call at the old stand, NO. 715 STATE STREET,. Before purchasing elsewhere. I have a large assortment of Parlor, Chamber and Bed Boom Sets S - ALSO, BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, TABLES, WARDROBES, DESKS, • • And, in fact everything in the line of Furniture. I am prepared tomantrfacturetoorder any style that may be called for. Remember, No. 7115 State street, east aide, between Seventh and Eighth atreets. ap%157-tf. JOHN W. AYRES. al 1L St .1 C STOVE: Prices at a large discount below manafa ~ ctnr• ens' prices. Every instrument warranted for live years. Alio, the hest Sewing Machines constantly on hand. Every Machine warranted for three years. No. Sl5 State street, Erie, Pa. jan'2-tf. Z. CLOTHING ! HATS Arc CAPS ! AYD Gents' Furnishing Goods ! Come.aud see our FALL AND WINTER JUST OPENED._ RYAS & LM.F., No. 10 MK ROW. L. H. CIIV.VALIF:II. DESIGNER & DECORATIVE ARTIST 1 Nottetit, Meanest, and •Beet ffign ' Palnting West of New York City. Parlors. nails. Churches, &u.. Frescoed in the neatest style of the art. General Dedgrting. Drafting of Models for the Patent Mee and every description of Orna mental Painting executed promptly. Rooms in Farrar Hall. NIX wend floor - • 11011744 Mary J. Crowther,by her In the Court of nLoomext* ErieCou friend. Edward D. Commonnty Pima of vv. No. 10 Feb. Term. Ludah Crowther. Uft. riCE Is befall` elite Uetiniony In the above ease will be taken et my edlee. the ugh of North EN" on January 11th. Ink at 10 o'clock a. m., by virtue of appointment from .the Court of Commies Pleas. . AWL IL I. ILAKMOND, Commtstioner. WV.W. 1111CrSk. THE LATEST PURL s mut to any Addiesa on Ikerl'm 6r AddrOSAlng 0. J. Nvir.I.ARD 310,11 C DEALER, No.' 1113 Broadway. "If I Cog by H uld opnkinsH t ow . Could l' ; „ 50n...,.... "Coss Ober Jordan"; by Ir, To 1 .;;;• , "Kim Me fa of Old, Alothre ; nun,' "- ...flunking of (Jul Friends"; wiD "Welting Ist 11 for 'flow"; "Stars tu Promise"; tad sal by ; lid ,. "I leusant Mensoric y j. }t . . "There's Knocking at the. Is.ant comic song by •- "laatvektilat Fall in so; "A stweetltirier Rte. is My Holler "Angel of Ile..tity"; by It. }.. Mud, "C. dtage Rose"; sung by "ftueeztn Song": b 114,‘ sot "In Ibis Beaulltul Land of yly Pohl, by lioldeo ...... "Me t Me, Darling, on To•nlglit"; - "Write' 'Me a 3 ng of My Father"; by 'I Could Not Help but May";... 'l'm Limning at the Garden Gate' 'Friends e Loved In Former yea; In t. a Meatiow" . ballad by IL Out.: 'Come to My Hurt Ye Faded Fl se.,Y Keeler 'Sweet Good Nitglit"; , by H. I'. ... 'My Beautiful ; by 11. P. D a ni a 'Katy tires song and chorus by , p 'Home of My I outh"; bane . Banks . 'Fat beriWe Wa, clam at the Wmtivt;;,, sung and CtiOntr by Kee1er........ . 'Memories of th Past"• by met n 'lt seems but tui Other 'Day'; bk J. a as 'Years Atm"; by J. It. Thomas... 'Clara K an , e: .obg by H01der..... 'Jesus, env:lour of My Soul'; winren, l tenor and alto voices, with eberui, Sherwin 'Like Noah's Weary Dove'; aural-e,,, coniraktonz!d chorus 'Softly Now the I.4ght of Day"; An," r.oloa or sop, ano, ' tenor, with chorus_ 'Be Joylul t e Lord'' by /I.l'. Ceat Thy Burden on the Lour; alaa prano ud tenor, by Ilaatore 'Savior, Source 01 ry Te Benin"' B flat, by Baffle)" 'lt Ina Goo'd Thing to Give Tbankg soprano .nd. - ... .... . .... _ the Lord, 0 My Piaui'; holm fir no and teuor A new tie,nool lkwk, "ISine Morning"; by Henry '1 ueker ..... ith.rem Ot den. 0. .1. RD. \o. 543 Broadway. y co.' wrra,AnD, Whaleesle Agent for the City Matt lira, . York for the celebratF4 VOS/E" PIANO FORt Are speaking find clam,: falle4)to . beco . me theLEApING PI, er Introduced. Dealer:, will befit Lowest Wholesale Rate. and qu ant Lion. Large illustrated price list girt Likenesa from photographs, eentitoar4 on appAcation. Addremi 0. J.'} ILLAX . Wholesale Agent 543 Broatla-py,N,, . r F. D. it 11. UNRIVALLY-Dk_ AMERICAN. ORGAN 0. J: Willard, Wholesale Apt The Caries' are the LARGEST IN THE MARKET New and beauti ul In design add —are made amin the best of twat with great care, having a smoot, quality . of tone, yet deer and nacho. bitted in high y t ollshed Black W. Rosewood Own, with double bends blow pedals, ewella, etc. All bait mold atop, with which tit, Most beautdii can be produced. Scud for Illustrated r giving full particulars. Addreao 0..1. WILLARD, - Jal7-tf. 543Broadasy.N.1 I , OICI MOUE BALD EIEXDti NO MORE GRAY LOOP. Dr., Leon's Electric Hair Benne is pronounced by all who have _- very best preparation for the hair. Live cure Mr baldness, eradicates humors, stops the hair frora tai speedily matures gay lucks to thell and luxuriance. It operates on the secretions gitaidw with new Ilte and whams. dead, fader or gray hair c will always back, by a few applications, to it abundance, vitality and color. It makes the hair soft, glossy, tram cant to the touch and. easy to errs p. wiry and intractable locks become mi+iat." and disposed to remain In any neared As a Hair Dressing at has no equaL si are enormous. and It is a unlyena m ltscoi:. old and young of both sexes. Sold" by A Druggists throughout Re ['ix States. ddress ail orders to ZIEGLER & bMITH, Sole PruPlltim • 137 liorth Third St., Ylultide!;ll GOOD NEWS FOR MOTHER% Mothers, are you oppresved with snxitZ your little ones? Are your gambrels and au broken by their cries? Du you awake U 3 morning unrefreshed and apprebenth procure bottl h ave Dr. more Infant fatal and you will n weary haul watching and anxiety. DR. LEON•S INFANT REMEDY Has stood the teat of years. Thousand' oft: , es and - mother, bear witness that it toot ) to give relief if need in season. It is smuts sure and speedy cure for con e.eramps sad pn and is invaluable far all complaints tneulests teething. Mold by Druggists throughout the taw States. Address all orders to • ZIEGLER & SMITH, Sole Propprittalt• 137 North Third ht., 1 lailitdelPl+ SILVER'S WASH NoWPERI Saves time, labor and money—makefil's everywhere.em,aaidt. 31Aodnadma,s ul y a evmaLte manufacturers. ZIEGLER dc SMITH. S ole Proprietors. /37 North Third St., IttiladelP r i ord " noel-dm. . I.k.RE VI/44, Coal of aL kltidi coastal:illy on hand , s• - lowest figures. Nut. Bituminous, from $.2.50 to s3,l°' Large Lamp, do., from $4.50 to NA Aud all other Coale In proportion' og sr Dealers supplied by the r 4 001146 . Mend roductlims.